THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY" , SEPTEMBER 20. .ftto TWELVE PAGER. TT OH SAM : One sfnn small J' linkf , "tillable for t'\pus < pr.t S . I. I ) , feolutnon. . 71-20 1XJN 1 V.tV , oil broke , for win V , t . lT" Solomon , birliijf Valley Stok 1 nnn , Uinnhn , Neb "TTirmSAI.r-C tintf-i-d. Michlnp , the C'Ut . J- Iron enfe nnd nil fixtures w ltd small stock of rrocr rlcs nt n t nnrnln. " , I' . Hammond. llooin 0 lrlioiiKiin St 77S8 Foil f * UiV-County rlah : * In town for rover , gllilofdf liontltu nd iror. A pipnt Invur tion For Mill pirttcumrs wilto to II.V. . Hun. tro * , Uw rn-imm street , Omaha , Nib. 7'r ) lc < i VM : Ptirnituro nndi 0.10 ol fir-room JL1 timi-o limp mi pnrt. Cnll U02 North I7th trcottro Mocks from lied Cnr Hoe. _ Wl HOI SKs t.ots I Rims.l.nniinonoy ( loanoif llctnU nth nnd Douglas slreoH. rgl J7MMC SAI.IJ Two No 1 , second h'ltiO , canopy ' topsurrejs , nl n two irooJ , eoconJ Imnd phaetons , nt UtH Dodge stroitt _ SVi. SAI.l : Uioiip. iron columns nnd uln- JLJ ( lowciptRUlfahl' ) for front on brick lin lid- liiH1. For particular * npply nt thlsoillro. H1 WANT ! : ! ) HIU.P. iAN riuA : rfood girl at N.V. . torllth nnd > Uilcniro. 741 2' ) * AV ANTI Ii A coon. Mrs. Warren Swlt/lrr , 2MIHI Mnrj'savo. 7f.J AVWANTED WANTED An oldcnx or mlrldlo-nifod person to take c ire ot child. Apply MW S. 1 Ith st. 73H 21 * WANTTlD \ ( . ooifcompotent trlrFfor trorcr Id houbeworU Mm. C.A. KlngC'r , ll'l ' N IMh. 7 < 11 25 \\7ANTi:77-AtS03 : North'-'list , n rlillo do ironornl lioit'ovvoik must ba u ( rood plain took and luundie's. 75) 23 * "IX'AN'IKD Younir inly nppiontioo to Ifnrn TI fancy work , must come with HIP best of refr rcncon. Apply r.t 'iltl n. Kith at. JIU 2r \\7ANTIJD ! Jiljo'iil gills for irenornl hnii'o- T vtnrli. ( lood pliicps nnd ( roorl WIIKOS. Oiihnliu employment Ilnroiiu , 110 u. in street. ( 'rounso Illocl : . 7472. ) WAVIT.U-dooil Klrl for small fatnllv. 1013 ChleiiKost. ,111-Si * WANTHD Airhlfoi general housework , at Iliuy. IdthPt 7J027 * WASTii : ) ( llrla for lintum work , first and Bocond work , nl i ( rood foiiinU1 cook , heat of vvnirts , ciillUmnlm Kmplov incut lluroiui , 119 Noi tli 10th ht , 7M ANTlID-OiiCRood dlnlmf inotn irirl. In W stitute ; Hotel , cor. 13th nnd Capitol nvo. r.ui-26 * W ANTI'.l ) bhlrt makers nt Hnrrl < on's.lI12 Fiiriiiiiii. ( )7it2B ) * W AN'I'lrl for Ken- cinl lioueooik , 1417 Cuss htieet. ' * OIL'S _ _ I Fomnlo cook nt Mlllor's rcatnur- unt , 1001 N lUtlist. 010 W .M'l l ) roninlocookforlioardliiK1 house , German pieforred 414 S. lltli st. st.l,3028 l,3028 _ _ \ \ TANni : ) Two dlnlnir room Klrls nt Dnn- ii Imum'MestJiuriint , inij ruinam st. COB iiW PANI'iil ( llrl for"BOiioriiT housework , a _ 1711 St Mnr > 'H nvo _ _ _ _ _ _ 'M ' _ \ /ANl ii : > - A ulrl for ( ffUPinl liousowoikj i > pel iiuinpiit situation. Inquire nt 211 S. 6t , near rnrnnin _ O12 > \x rAN'l'in-airls nt Occidental Immedlntely. VV AN'l'KINurse iriil. Ajiply 8 c oor. SOth W nnd bt. Mmy's nvc. TILS 2' . ANTin ; A cook for small fnrally , Inanlio BOO south MthsU _ < VU w IAIsTI.D A ( ? lrl for trouoinl houpcwoik nppljnt _ oncont UI1N. Ititli. 41.1 a * for rcnornl hoii o woik _ 143fl S. 13th Bt. , J. ICeiuliS. \\rAV ; l'ii ; > ( Jill for tronornl houso-work IT ( joiinnn or Irish iirclorrol. Tl'l'ly ' lor- cst nvo , 3d huuso from st Mary's nv o. _ Wl 2J * _ _ W ANTUli ( lood girl for Bcnornl liousouork _ nt 1 1 1 r > Jones fct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ' 7 1 W"j\NTii : > ( llrl for jroiiprnl hoiiMmoik In Kmnll fnmily. .Mrs. U has 1' . Hall. 1511 Sherman nvo. Oil W.TNTfi : ) nnd7o8 to work for us nflholr o\\n homos. $7 to ? 10 per vtcokcnn bo qnlotly iniido No ptiolo. painting ; no canvnss- ing. ror full particulars , iilcnso mliliess nt once , Ciosccnt Ait Co. , 1U Co lit nil st. Hilton , .MaSB. . Hoxr.KU. _ iQ.'Qll * llriidcooknt ttio rnmous ros- VV tnnrnnt. 319 S llth at. 7S'J * tlfTANTii ) Z't yoiiiiKIndloi nnil RPIIIB to T t lunrn teles rnphy. ProspoclB for position1) jrhen coinpoUint.irooil. Address WJ. L ) . loom l.Crounsoblofk llitli Ht , Omiiba. 02 WAN FKD Cuipontrrs , nt Omnhn View school house , or apply to S. Y. SUtvonson , 1817 Cues Htrcot. 777 SO * _ \\7ANTI5D An oxpoilenccd joiing man of TT ncntnddioss for ndv ortMm ? imont nnd to tnko t'lmrtro of iiilvoitlsliifr depnitnient of tt'o Capital City Courier MuutKlve llrst clnss references. Addioss , stating oxpi'ilcnoo , refer ences , etc. Ii Wos'cl , Jr. , Lincoln , N'ob. 77027 \\7ANTr.I ) Acrnts nnd dealers In every town ' T In Nohriiskn nndVi stern Ion a to hnndlo the Union Bowinir Miichlno. Address , -OJ , No. Kilh St. , Omaha , Nob. 774 0 IVANTKU Clirar Rnlcsman to sell the city T tiude. r.rllehLnngetndtcr , 517 South 13th street. 7740' _ " \\rANTBD Tnw clerk , ncrmnn or Swede TI profeired. Address II. Siindstc'dt. Wnhoo. ) A Rood derrick Imnd , ono necus- TT toiiud to Bottlnif iron. 1'nxton & Vlorllnir iJon Works , U. 1' . tracks nnd S. llth st. O'JO W ANTI5D A peed sober barber , Immodl- ntcly. Address Asa Dlxon , llhilr. Neb , Ww 74' ' ) So * w IANTKO-1Q carpenters at 1515 rninnm st. _ Pottt iC _ < ibh. ( jU , ! M 1X7AN nil ) Installment canvnSHurs to cull ut TT rM1 rninnin st. nnd see what wo have to offer. U. I1. . Lee , .ManiiKcr. ! 175 WANTHD YOIIIIK mini to do olllco work nl Valentine's bhoithnnd Institute lor tuition. 700 25 WAM'in : 'Jshoemnkeisfor help on spcond woik , Solomon ( Irenbcrir , No. 110 N. lUtli et. 722-45' rTlHKIiugi'st Mfp Co In tlio world want men -L to soil their uooilu on enlnry or commission InnlltownH In Nolna'kii. No capital or oxporl- once tictossiuy. lleforonco lomihcd. Aildross , M , box 2(17 ( , Onialia , oi-M , box 547 , Lincoln , Neb. W ' . Olllco hey who can write n fnlr hanil.mill . iiltuinl Mi-lolly to biulnoss. AU-'itlmr oxperlemo and expected , OM , lice olllco. 7JU WANTIID Hey to til to cure ofhorso and dollffht \ \ 01 Unbent house. Inrjnlro Hllij I'nrnam St. , Dr. Jones. 71 > 'J fl * "l\"ANTii : ) Hey to run Gordon pi ess. Chase i. IMdy , 111 ! 3. lilth st. 7BO % _ "YV'ANTKD-iiOmon for now railroad work , T T 1 1,75 per day.blilp 7 o'clock Monday moi n Inif ! cnll to-day nnd ( rot join tickets , Moore's Kinploymcnt Ajfoncy , I0i eouth 10th Pt. , near Union Ue-pot , 755 M * W ANTHD-Hrldi-ororpontPM. l.utor Aifoncy , 1JW rarnnm. 71J WAVrr.ilrtiMtlnstillnnorsnrcorncoiiion ntriainoat Cornice Winks , 1'iuiiiont Nob. 710 2'J WSRTini-A'Ncrri'rTfcrliitloiiOiorlT tolro to llawlln" , W ) < i Knrlnfoimillion , cul OruddriES II. T , Clarke Drug Co. , Uninlin , Neb 71623 AV ANTii-Ial'in'is : for Hnllroud Work. U 8. AllbilKlit's Lnbur Agoncy,1308 i'lirimm \\tANTKii At once , one punts maker uiu one coat imiito , tlood pay uuil steady work , K. 0. Saw ) er , V'ulrniont , NeU. U7i U WANTIU ) A Eiiloeinnn to linroiluoo u ueiy snoclnlty ninonir tuulospoopleund inechiin let , .Addicts with lororuncea anJ past export 4t > 7 \\rANTl.I ) A tow more aonts to Introduce > our Automatic Musical lusfrumeuts. on Inslulliiionta.n'i.'ui can pluy them ltfiou musical InttriicllL * . the best pn > Imr , oailes celling uov oily ev er known. f.5 to $ 41) ) a M uob cuii bo rcnlUo I , U. H. Lee , Mutineer , L.M7 1'ar num street , up etulra. ibti " \ \ 7ANTlUOonernlmrenls. . flood salary , o" < T 50o on the dollar to whologalo my { roods Jtiiro clmuoo to iiuiku uionoy. No cainpulltlon. Strictly buahiCMs. None but tuiblncbb men tioix apply. AUdroBswiih etainp K. M Weaver. In rlUimpolls , Ind. 7116 o a BITUATIOM WAUTED. WANTF.O-SituiUloii in fiunlljr an eeamstres and to assist with children , by a > oui lady Adilrcas Mlsa Helen Moireil. L'onnol lllullj , Iowa. 77 Cu > TXT'ANTKD Bltnfttlon In a good pcrmnnen T ? biu-lnuas In Ibis oily , by un oxpurionm A business nun who , K suited , could huvo prlv f' kue of purcUttsltnf lutoivdl. Address for lei rtnyi , Q.V , ot \ \ . O. Tuiniiloton A Co. . Itoom T BUdJBjjOnittlin Nut'l. lUuk , 77U S7 WANTEiT A position to learn to do teucTT Uousuwoik by a colored man. Inquire WL V. Twenty-lUlrd uroot , 681-S8 * \ " \ \NTn > ro itioii n > ' iclv with cool ! .Tirii hnn I mimtnl cntlou ; niilrc-5 Miss A lln tj , touuciniiulj , liu " \\rANTi D-l'o ltlon of rcupnn llllty ! by a > \ ) OIIHK ninnwho hn limlsovfrnl 3 em'sex- icrlcnooln booklcephir ( nnd manuri-cttirliiff ; thoromrhl ) iiiulor taiuls innnnirotnrnt of help , not parllouliir ns to Ihlsulty. strlctlj tomporalo Mltn u f ( n nci- hero ami New V'ork , arMrcss o 61 , lice olllco. ViT . ' ( ! \\'AN11:11 : PI'untion hv n jotimr ( Jermnn. \ \ oil her to work In n More oi tnko cnro of rreouhouse and lioiscs. Address , O 4" lice iinco. 7210 * WAV112I ) Ily n jounir tnnn of o\unciicr | nnd ifoodc'inrncter nnd ti-mpcrntL. ha" " lt , | io itlon In a 11 lull dry pnoilfto'c , known as tlr t eln'ssuloiiiinn nnd t holiest of inferences Ivcn , mlrlro 8 11 "J Ileo ollice. 5fifl ! ! * MI3CErI.AKEOU3 i J ANIO-julr-klv tnuitlit by the f-itnoun 1'nr- i ' doe Ilrnthors. 'Iho only exports tn ttio o t A perfect tune frunrnntcnd ovcrj ks nii. .inly pupil' boiicltpd. Studio , 1117 Cues st. sM l\rANTI'P A ( rood sl7orl preonil Imnd flro i ' proof ale , tnii t bo In ( food condition. > ( MiPs , bliitimr * l'c und prlco , Cooper .V Me- 3ef. OIUIK II Illuirs. 7H7J7 IVANTUD-I'artlnl lioiud. A I piano , luirlinr nr liiuguiiKe , lesions hi pa ) incut. Aililrcss OJ8 , UcoollifO. 013 C * -I03 f Pt fiontdcsiinblofor a rc l ' ilenco. Aldies ( , irlvln teims , ( l S7 , lice nice. 18li'i ) ll'ANTI'.I ) NicOy fiirnhlioj rooin.wlthnut bonnl , liy n Imcholor ; mitral loont.on , ilononnt surroimdlugs ; state terms. Adnro < U M , lleoollleo. OT''lj' IVANTKD ViomS to fi tinturiiNliPd rooms i' In niodoin haii'C , In llrst-eluss locality. \ilihcrs until October IU , J. A. UiihlUi,5J7 I'aili vc. 7ttl 2'i * WANTI5U Hi thico ifontlomon ono IIIIKO and oiio sin ill loom. ( Vmrnlly luontid. \ etntlnir teims nnd location , O r. ( . lice olllco. 7bVS WAN'ir.D Two uofiiriilshed 1001114 oi mnll coltniro , pouth nnd onst , IT. I" . pus < umrcr opot , num nnil wife ; can give lotoiuica Ad- [ re sfiO ) , llcoollloo. 7.1720 * " \ \ 7ANTniIxit ) t vviint tolmy ono or two ' ' IOIH ; must bu line lots and nt n liiu iiln Al o want ono or tuoncirj * in irood locution. \diIt04S\V.S I1 , . Mlllaul hotel. 7iii * > " \V"AN"1T.I ) To bin a duijr sloio or ilml a to- < < cation to 'tint iinmv In Uniiiha oi some lirifleslein town. Address W. S. I' . , Mil- mil hold 730 Ml * \\'ANTUTT nvorVono tTotiiiiiliid our i\ovr \ ' spcclaltlos , sold on fmtnlimcnn , cnnvnss- ers viintoil.irood pay , call loienoon , mom 1 , ! OI Don K I as t. ii" ! gfl "V\7"ATs'Tii : > Tin oo per = oiis to Icmn book > V Itcopinjr , good eitiliuious. J. II Smith , BKlCluciuost. 718L'U' \\'ANTI JO AshiKloueiitlcnmn l hps n loom TT nnliiinioliod or fuini hcit In lmu o vtltli nodcin liiipioveinonts. AddiLbS. stating f mis , O 47 , lice oilli.0. UJ AfANTKIi Information of I' . H. Ottnvvny , T T vholuft Iiwln , In , Iuh SOih , .VobriK-ka necatchol locution foi hiudvrni o store Anv .iierson ulving relluhlo Information will tin lib erally luwniilLil. Address II. Ottawny. Klik- nan , town. 1)72 II * WANni ) To lent by a piompt , permanent nnil ciuoful tun int with sniiill l\nub n lousooi flat of 4 or/irooms / , nottoo tar from iu incsa. Address with lowest rent , O 4"i llee olllee. C-.J M * l'ANni-ItoailcrsntC03 : ) N 17th st , Num- ' her limited. 042 WA Tii ) Slinrlo ircntloinnn < lc iioi loom nnd board , ptlvato Inmlly prolorio < liiinst 10 Ilrat-chi33btito ! terms. Addiuss OW Ilco ollicc. Cli WANTin All wanting to lenin short-hand and typo wrilhur to ntlond Vulc'iitiuo's Mioil-lmuil Institute , Imposition liullillni , ' . . ) uinhn. We can furnish siilllclont eniplovmont lo younjr men and lioys to pay their bo ud whllo In attendnnco. 5)5 Oct 20 Wj\Nni : > 1 wntit to rout n { rood 7 or 8 room IIOIIFO In ( rood locution. riiinil > ol tour jiciEons. Nochlldrcu Address 51 , M. , liopof- lice. 314 WVNTHU i\onlnjj : employment. booltKccn- hllf or othorv Isu. Address , It. 0. JlcCluro , Lnnd Dopnrtmcnc U P. It. U. Co. 10'J Teams. T. JIui ruy. 016 ron KEsra- HOUSES a ri ) I.OTS. Foil ItlINT Nine room house , moiloi n con- \onlcMicc8 , Mil Douprllis. J-iiquIro next : leer , posscbBlon October 15. WANl'KDTO HUNT A house of Ii or 0 rooms locnto 1 S. or St. Mm > 'a nvo. , bo- ti\ocn 1'nrknvo. nnd IBth st. Kent not to o\- cccd'SO , Addioss U. U. Curlier , 1UIU Vlr Inm nv o. 7S3 , yfi Poll ItKNT it-room oottnio , Ilnrnoy near JOth. 5.TJ per month. S. A. blomnn , 15W Fnrnam st 63 T > oTt iciN ; I' A stora , Kood locality for dry I Booils , boola und shoes. Inquire 141" S. inthst. CP8 Poll IIKNT Now 0-room house , 1 mile from 1' . O. .city water , ote. 1) . 0. 1'attoraou , Omnlin Nnt'l bnnlc , 740 iUlUKVr ThoQerimmM. 13. ohur h Dulld- F mif , on the southousl corner Twelfth nnd Jnrkson streets , for nnr lojnUmuto buainosj. It. ( iPntter-'Oii , Vllli niic Dousliis. _ < 31 _ TjlOll I.UAS U Wolinve eleven acres on tJ. I' . J ? It. H. trnck , 800 fcot fiont ; will lease all or part for Uvo years. Bedford X Souor. 0-7 EEHT KOOMB. FOH KENT Ono furnished front room. Doubln , Teinis inodointe. Inqulio nt 1110 I'm mini 8t. 7W , 2b * " | jOH HUNT-Desk loom with use of 517 South Uth sticct. FOIt Ui.NT-Choiip n store ' 'OUO.wlth garni col- lirsiiml livlnir npniimontsot loiuTomfoitu- llo looms on Cumiii x fiti cot near Div Islon. In- iiulro I ) , 1) , Snieaton , vIth T. M. & Co , , lllli nnd Hniney , _ 78JU'S _ HKNT I unfurnished rooms for house- FOIt hcoilnir | , 707 south 14th fet. 7H1. 8 FOIt Itr.NT A hirjo , plpammt , well furnished looni.Hiiltnblo for one or tno tontlomun , terms rcnsonnblo , " 11 South "Sth st. 1'nr- num. KJ ur > YOUNO J111N Doslrhw nlcoly lurnisned room with nso of hiith nnd nt w coiner ot i.0th nnd Webster. Itomil ran bo hud close by. OflJ-octO T7 < Oll ItKST Octoncr I , 4 chnmbois , convon- JU lent lor housekeeping , to n man mid wlfu vrlthoiit chllilion , illUM , 17th : the furnltuio enn bo bought cheap. Cnu o of clnuijfo , death. 703 'I71OII lllINT rnrnlshcd roomsfor nciitlomen 1Iteforonoos lequlrotl. Inqulio 1.1US Cam. OOJ 5 FOU HUNT r.lOn'iintly furnlshotl wnrm 1001113 for the winter , with hoard All convent- encoD. Also bomd for parlies rooming near. as UoilKo , "Xt iTKNT Nlcoly fuinlsliud front loom v > Ith nleove , nil modem convonloncos , tor three Koiitlumon , four blooka directly south Iroin opera houao , apply at once , U1Q Jonoa tt. TOH HUNT Nlcoly fuinlslied rooms at 71 J.1 S. 15th btrcct , between Jouea nnd I.oavon- orth sis. 090 25' TT1OK UlINT Nowlv furnished front rooniH , JL1 a. S. 10th , cor lathand Ilmnoy ( M.I 2J TTIOll ItUNT Nicely lurmahod front room , JLlth or without private bonrd , lor two j ouotc Kuullomcn ; room $10 per inoiith , P01 a. iMhstT 083 2Ji > _ _ _ "TTIOll HUNT 3 furnished rooms for Rontlo- JJ men , SOJS Fnuiniu. Oid 2 FOR Ki.NT-A : lint In dnslrablo location , which can bo completed about Oct. 15. Can bo IPIISoil tor low rental by a party trllllnirto advance t'JOa Address O 15 , lice olllco. 15' , ) TTtou UK NT IMoasant furnUhed rooms , JL ? south front brick tint , bonrd cnu bo had licit dnur. Apply at 1110 Chicago at. t > IJ F IOH Hl'.NT With board , a furnished room , 1710 Cuss 6t. 007 : 'H * F OK HKhr iiouit : ! furnlehed rooms at 1017 Chicago , bet. 10th and 17th tts. 701 M' 171OH HUNT KleKantly fiiiulfhcO fiont room , JL' bplcudld locution , K.'S Virginia uvo. 7Ji M FOHlUNT ; To largo furnlMied rooms , srns , buth and board , inagultlicnt v Jews , central petition. I'll 8. Ibth. 1 * Oil lti.N'T : A pleasant furnished front loom { 8 per mouth , apply 7 > 4 North Uth it , J 100-25 * FOU KENT a couple of nicely furnished rooms suitable for man and wife orfor } oung men. Hoard can Lo bad lu Uouso If Uo- blrod , Address O & . ' , Ueo ollice , 7 3 o S4 T71OH ltlN'T iicgnntly furnished rooms vtitb Jfirstclass board nt HOT Jones St. . tout blocks g , of Farnnui , all modern conveniences. 7UKTJ' HIOKHUNT-yurnlshod rooms , 1001 llowix.-d. J1 _ bit 01 _ T710H HKST I'uruljbod rooms for llfht house X' keeping in Iloemoj-'g block cor Ultfhth and Howuid. SU FOIt HUNT ] uriusliel rooms 51D I'lca nnt * " 4n FOB SALB-HOUSE3-I.OT3. Ii'OIl PAI.Uor wl'i ' trn lo for proccTlc * . ttnrul mnll hoii ( ainl lot within two liloih * of streetcar line. Addicts or call nt JlOPouth 1'th street. _ _ " 3 , C < 1. ' pn Dr.MnritVTSninl rt public tn Don't let JL tlioclocttoncno tcmcnt tnko > our entire at tention. but plvj. oniPof 50x11 time niul inonoy to the purelmso ofiOHl e tnto Tic ! o \ \ 111 brlntf 3011 ( pilck nnd protltftble leturns. I.ooh nt them.Vomo toady nt niiytiineto show our "l > nrirnln " ( . 'nil nnrt bo conv meed CSJfeof on Capital avenue , with peed live-room briit ho i o , well , eKcrn nud good outlmllil- Imr * . otilv . . . . $ WnO Sn\ISO , iiiljolnlniralmvelot . S.VW Tno oholce lot * In Arllnpton . 1 , < VI WxllS , conn i In lliin'r-om 1'lnce . I,0ft0 luuxlifi. South Iron ! " fliornburp" . Ml ' , I' V. J-initir < iiddltlnii , ooriior , . fi.lM ) O , ( orn < r , "Procpeit 1'liico , ' . 1'MJ O , IIOIHC , 4 looms nnd stnb can llnm- llfinst . . . 2fOO & 0\l.i ( , bou < o niul biin In Hawthorne . 1,703 ( holcc mt In all n 1 IUlon . 0xl > rornpr , line hou p , etc . 6,100 , cn t tiont lot * In Mllij Place . . . . 5,100 40 nriig near Innd that was just sold nt $ line pornrro oncy tpnn . 1''WJ ' ' fiurolllcu Is 15JJ rariiam t 'IVIophono N'o. 6.M. J. 1. . I'lcisoniCo. F HI SAM' 20 no.-ci iiiilnirbnn land nt n lur- - irnln. Al oliii lno sand H'SlilriKo propcity in all pnrt of the clt.v. I.lst jour proptrn- vvlthuo.V. . tl.'lompktou iV.Co. , Hoonis 7 nnil b , UmaliaXat'l Ilink. 7U 27 TV 0. MIHIVI H , Honl I'.stnto IJ.irgalu V rmiiiproved piopcitj. 2 ticiiitltiil oornei lots In Iliuifcom Pliiw.iyi'tlM iiet oicn. part Iront . . $ 0,010 I'ull lot In tllmotiaiigh I'lnco 1,701 Slots In'Inlioi I'lnoe , each J.tOO 111" 'A ) ft en Lonvonwiirlli ft SJtiM 23J-I nil lot , just 1 mllu from 1' . O.iionr Ciclictmi collujo . . . l.flio I.nt iUa20 ! , o front , Siiumlois st -HM > : i lots in Kllbi I'liuo UOU 2lots , lOK-Uo fiont , Hnn < eom 1'lico. . . fi.WO 4t\iui It on Jackson , near loth B.-IX ) I'ull lot on lOlh , noir Douglas ll.diHI Lot on Hamilton t . t'V ) "lots , coiltor , Wo't Cumlntr lrOI Lot on Hurt , nnai cur Hut' l.'OJ Coed lot , I'url.i r's ndd 1,40) Cot nor lot milUthiindHnrncy liit 0 Undivided h ilf Intoiustlu "i 1nciosl 1 2 miles south lor . . . . . . . . n.dCO Lots on en'j let ins ili"8lulvcr I'lnco" ' 1'lcnss nut , Hill , Wet Cuiniuir nndUst Mile. Impiovod 1'iopoity. Full lot , hirjro 2 ton-houso nud barn that icntstor ? ' ) - < ! iO per month , on Divenport nuiir 1 Itli S 7,000 1'ull lot , good houses , on Uavciipoit , nc.irl.Jth 8,000 22 tt'i't I lout , Inrt'o house , on larniuu , noiii IMh . . . . 8,500 4 llvo-ionmcd cottuircs , cMirn , etc. , on ensv let ms , on " 51 h und 1'nrkor ste. , ciitli , 2,00) Kitip ro-lilpiiio on 2.M nnd I'limnm. . . . 14UU ) llou e nnd cottiurc on N. ICth fct , on monthly payments " ,033 IlvnutUiil cottiw In Walnut Mill , KJ ciish.bnluiicc lonj : time . , 2,103 SO tiot couth fiont In 1'aikoi sudditli cottiiKO l.03 I'ull lot , Mioii ofl on JMth , iifiir Clar'c . . . 5tV10 Nice llilok hoiiip "ih nnd ( up. nvo . . . . S.,0 ! ) I'ull lot P. fiont llnnsi om I'lnco : i , > 00 Nicelottngo full lot on w. Cumlnir . . l.COJ "ottmrefl loomo , and lot , 171 h nunr Call- forma . . . 3,000 Full lot , nlcocottnirc s nont on Charles st. noiu 2iith . . . . . -,000 Hair lot nnd lioii'c neiir IBtli and Ca < s. . 8.'HU Houses ami lotslncvcrv mldltlon to thoclty. Call nnl see us lii'foro bujlm ? oliuivhcio. \V. (1. Sliriveropp post olllco. 617 SAM : on IXCHANOI-NO. sa-203 Foil ncros in Ncninli i county , Nebraska. Wo uiiaiiiiitio that lor soil , location. Iruit , etocJc , ami iiirilcultiual purposei , this faun is criu-.l to any west of the Mlssouil liver. To trade lor little or hoiso . No. 51 liifl iicics ono nnd ono halt miles fiom stntlon on Missouri 1'iuillc inlliond , In Ncmnlia count } , Nob.cll improved. To trade lei mil \\iuc. No. W ICO n-ios In Ncmnha county , five jnlltsfiom station on I ) . \ M. railroad , \7oll Inipiovcd. To tindo lor troneral mer- . No 51 K3 neiesln Xemnlm coiintv , Nel ) , In Ocrman I'ttlomcnt , near hiitlieinn ehuieli. I'llio liouse mid oichard As KOOI ! as nnvbodv 3 fmm To trade for stock rnneli in southwest Missouri. Xo 51 IRQ ncics In Jlutlor ctuntj , Kmis-na. Totinde foi sheep. No. 5"j .f-'O ncics In C'lia'o county , Kns. To trade f01 herd of uiaio ponies lor biccdunr. No Ml 1TO ncics. In Nemiihn county , Neb , two miles liomcounty scat. Well Impiovcd. To 11 udo lor < Uui ) stool ; . No 57 l'5'Jncios In firoenwood county , Kns 1'ino Impiovemciits on the Innd. To t ratio lor liaulunro stock. No , 5S l.OUO acica unimproved l.ind foi ex- cimiiKO for ( -onurul nioioh.indl-c. Addrcfia StOHcll , Kelliunr X Co , Auburn , No. To Whom It IMny Ciiiicorii : NOriCUIa lipiooyiflvon that the city ot Omn- hnwill lecelvo bid- until 4 p.m. of Mon day , October 4th , A. 1) . It-Si ) , at the olllco ot tlio city clciK , for each oi the tollowlni ; j-nrcclsol land , tolt : A strlpol land described ns follows : llcffln- hiK at tlioN.V. . coiner ot block 200 and inn- nlnir toutli If- feet , thence west 0 fpct , tlicnco 1101 tli it- : feet , thence ciet201cot : to the place ol ' A strip of Innd described ns-follows : llosln- nliitfiit the S. W. corner ot blo-'k 2iWnndiun- nlnsr noi th 1'U f"et , thPiico west 20 tcet , thence bouth UJ Icet.theneocn'.t 2U loot to the place Ot . Ahtilpof land dc cilbod ns follows : liopic- niitirnt the N.I' , coiner of block 2b"i mid runnliii ? south l.r. tcct.thcneo ca t 20 foot , thence noi tli 1 12 loot , thence we t 2'J ' feet to the plnco of be- . . Ahtrlpof land described as follows : lloirln- niiiK-at thoS. K. comer ol l > U > cica > " > mid unmlru , ' noitli lK ! ! feet , thent o o-tst 2J feet , thence so-itli . > J Rot , thence west 2d loot to the place ot bg. . A stilpof land do'crlbcd ns follows : nln C nt the VV , comet ol blocic 4 , t to lit l'on clot nldltion to city of Omiiha , nnil lunnlni ; south 1.1- lent , tlipneo west 2Jtcctt thence noi tn IWleot , tlicnco oabt 0 toet to the place of bo- Afctrlp of land dPcrrlhed ns follows : Ilcirln- ninj nt the S W. coiner ot block 4 , L'leilll 1'on- clui ndilitlon to the dltj cl Omaha , nnd running noith UJ feet , thence west UMcct , tliunco south IWfcot , tUcncoeilit 2dlcct to the place of be- . A stilpof Innd dcscilbed na follows : H nlnif Ht the NV roi nor ot blojk IB , Ciedlt 1'o.iclcr nddlllon to tin ) city of Omaha , nnd i un- nliiHT south 1JJ loot , thence west 2J toot , tlicnco noi th 1 U leut , tlic'iicu oabf.t ) leut totho | ) lacoof , Aftrlpof land descilbcdas follows : nlnirat the SV corner of block 1ft , Ciodlt Tender - dor nldltion to the city ol Omaha , and iiiiinlnt ; north I.fJ teet , thence woM 20 feel , thcncrj south lil ! lot't , lhcncooiibt20 loot to the plnco ot boA - A tilpoC land dc'crlbed ns follows : Ilo7ln- nlnsr at the N. W coinei ot block 22 , Credit Tender - dor addition to llioe.t ) of Oinnlm , and iiitinlnj , ' foulh ii- : feet , thence west 20 leof , thonc-e north 1U. leot , tlioiKO oust 20 tcct to the ( ilaco of be- A strip of Innd do-crlbed ns followslleifln - nlnyrnt tlioH. W. corner of block 2Ciollt 1'on- clernddltlon to thooln of Oinnlm , and luiinlntr north IJ2 feet , thence west 201eet , thence t.outh l.)2 ) leet , thence oust 20 feet to the place of be- Attilp of Innd descilbed ns follows : Itrcln- nliiKiitthoN W. corn or of block : uf 10 lit Ton- clor I'Odltlon ' to thoclt } ofOmnhn , and iiinnlnjf south IS ! lect. thence wott 2U tict. tlicnco noi th lWfoctthenseo.iBt 20 loot to thu place of bculnnlnir , A stilpof hind dcscillied iis follows : Ilouln- nlnsr nt the S.V corner of hinck.H , Ciedlt Ton- clcr a lilltlon to thu city i f Onitihn , nnd running north IK fcot , thence we > t2J fcot , thence eoutli 1J2 fort , thence oust 20 tcet to thu pluco of bo- . Aetrlpof land do'crlbed na follows : nliig1 nt the S. 1' . eoi nor of block 37 , Ciedlt Ton- clcr addition to the city ol Oiimlm , nnd luiiiilnif north Io2 leot , thence oimt2u Icet , tlicnco bouth lljfcct , thence west 23 leet to the pliicoofbe- No bids to bo consldoicd nt n rnto below the npimiUod value ' 1 ho city council reserves the right to i eject any or till bids. J. II. SOUTHAHD , City Cleik. Soplcmber21th , lH v [ . e.'xlUt Proposals for Dtstrlot Saving Bonds. CITV TiiiUhuiini's uuo.i i OMAHA , NbD. . Sept. lith , 1M ) . f Si\LCU ; 1'ioposuls will bu locelvod ut tills olllco until Boiti'mhor2bth,18bO , nt 12 noon.for the purolia'o of f7lOlHor Dlstilot I'avlmr llonds of the city of Umnha. Bald liomli me datort Oc tober Ibt , IBM ) , nud will be duo In one , two.thuo , four , livesix , EOVoneight undnlno jours from tliolrdnto , an ciiunlamount bocommirdue each year ; BIO In sums of the hundredilullius ouch , and boar lulorobt fiom thtlt ilnlont the into of six per centum per annum , p.iviiblo unniinlly. 'Iho pilnclpiil and Intoiest are both p.ijabloiit the olllco of Kountzo Ilros. In Now Voilt. bald bomU are Issue 1 under the charter poworof giild city , and will bu ilelhorod to pur- cha oib , on niijuiunt therefor at the City Trcus- uiy In Omnhn , on October Gth , IfSU. IIkla will bouddrebsod to the uiiilerfltrncil nnd marked "Proposals for District 1'iuliiir HonJs , " and must state tlio full name and uddiuai ot the bidder , the amount of bald bends desired ( mi oqunl amount duo each jear from ono to nine jonrsl nnd the pi lee proposed to bo P'licl. 'J horlk'ht U losorvod lo reject any nnd nil bids. s7diit TUUMAN HOCK , City Treasurer THE CHICAGO MAIL ( iluiljr oOHlonl will be eent lo nnr I' , h or Canada dm months for II 00. iOMAlUllbilhav- . ( iLMI.UMBN'hl . .jplemcnu wliu each Umle Hura D un in 2 loitlHys. Aik yuurdrugidat tint II. Sent to adtlrt-x . any * fur fe 1 .SO. liliLYDOa M'P'rf. CO. , Springfield , 0. Messrs. Kuhn & Co , , Agents. PtTt'nr\ lt4O7rI > l1 PlPI'MfO SATURDAY lIARIvti HCIRES , Tha7oek Closes With Speculative Arti cles Nearly All Depressed. HUTCH" SELLS V/HEAT FREELY \ml Cnuics t'rlcci tti Take n Down- wnul Turn Corn n tl INirk Also Grrttlitnlly Wr.tkcii tn 1'ilcc Cjuotatlani. ON CHICAGO'CHAXOK. Cmcvoo , Sept , 25. [ Spoclal Telegram lethe the Itr.i : . ] Cables hail n depressing Inllui'nco on the early market" , On cut ! ) November w heat sold at o'Hc. ' The opening was Uc bettoi than this , but within u voiy few mill- utos the market hail fallen to 7.Vfr. The 10- celptbveiolMoaisof , 004 of coin and 140 of oats. Theio was a ntodoiato tiadc. Xo\ ember oorn was ' 4c lower , nt iKi'&e. The same option in pork opened nt S.7t ! ' ) anil fell lucklOc. l.atei wheat icenvercd l < > c , selling nt7"iVc. Prom 7V.jO Novombc'i slowly picked ui ) to 7 , " > ? 1o , but did not sta.v theio and old off slow 1 > to 7.l > ( iO. Trailing was voiy llfjlit and almost evei ) body disposed to sell it. Coin fell to 3s , ' e ami Mm umber peru to It is n question whether theio was moio wheat sold than bomht ; , .lolin McCoimlck and KenneU it Co. picked up about all they could find lajing arounii loose up to about noon , when they hauled oil quietly and lot the luarKot shift for Itself. iJelnir without much suppoit after they v\ont out of It , pi ices natmally went down a little. Tlio lloor talk Is that the bulk of these purchases woio on ' hort'1 account. Ono of the most liboial solleiswas "Ilntch. " llo let KO of some laifje lots , and lu lact accommodated pretty much evoiybodv who wanted to buy wheat. His sales had moie elToct than the piucli.ises did , or pi lees would not lm\e cone down so stc.ullly. The elospwnsslownudheavy , Bt75\n7r ( > 1 c lor Xovomboi vvhont. Can was wiiod muly in the il.iv the SI. Louis bulls were veiy uneasy , und tint auybie.ik In pilcos liom would moot vvitli a icsponsUo decline there , lloloro tlu < close Nove/mbei corn iiadtnllcn lo > > > tfc. Theie was llbeial soiling hv about the same intciosts who were poundfnir whoat. 1'oils , too , became IIIMVV , though It was nut \eiyllDeiallysohl. N'ovemboi tell to SO. 1 % but iciovoitd a llttlo boloio the linal close. Xovcmbci closi'd nil aiottud ns follows : AV , 75'fit7V ' jc ; coin , us oiiis o ; oils , iM'.o ; potkrt'.i.Vi'ofjt'.i.rM ' ; laid , f0.07' ' (30.10. ( Cruit , ! i p. M. November puts on closed at 7.Vsc ; calls , 7ic. ! Xov ember puts on coin , BS c ; calls , ys c. CHICAGO IjIVi : STOCK. Cuirvno , Sept. 25. [ Spcclnl Teleginm to the Hi. r. ] CA'i n.i : . The receipts this week lia\e been over 51,000 and included a larjo piopoitlon of f'ood iiotvv cattle. Hailyin Iho week the best heavy eattln were in good demand , but In the latter portion they have been In ll lit request , nud today tlieio wciu twentj to twenty-live cars of good heavy o\- poit cattle tliat were loft over without u bid. Some tidy fat bteeia sold fail ly well but the demand was ovtiuinely indllleiont. Uti.vcis would not buy common and heavy cattle o\.eept at consldei.iblv icdticed i.ites. Sliipp'luRSteeis. ISiO to 1WO Ibs. , So 00 ; 1200 toiaW ) Ib3 , 6.20 > ( JJ.CO ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , SI.OO. 'Ihei.aiuoeatllu iceeiiits today weic about l.iWOthioiigliTexaus and 1,000 westeins. The maiket In ageneial way was quiet anil lite- less. A bale or two was made at lOe decline , but moio than halt of the receipts went over unsold. Winteied Te < : ans and ten itoiy cat tle : Ml Wyoming Tcvis. 10JS Ibs , S'i IS ; b7 Dakota , 1201 Ibs , $ : ) .15 ; CO cows , 1014 Ibs , S2.70 : ir > 3Coloia < loTe\ans , 1020 His , 53.00 ; S7JOrcjon , iar < Ibs , 53.30 ; 10S Coloindo , liiSO His S-i-W. Jloos Itecoipts wcroit,000 : , makinc for the week 1L , ( JOO , against 1W.OOO last week. The maiket was lairly active and pi ices about tlio b.ime as lei a div or two past on best , with a blight down turn on common , l-'or the past lilteen clajs theio has been a slow , steady declliip. On the llth ot September best heavy sold witliln a i.ango of S5.105.22 . ' 1 lie same quality would sell to-day nt about { M.tOjf 1.ST ) , makliiR nn even declinn of a fctiaiulit37 c in exactly litteon days. On moio common and niassy stock the decline will icach about 40c , and on Homo .stiictly ns- sortedhoitb the decline is considerably less. Below aiotlie closing juices foi tlio week : rnlrloKOoilllcht mixed , SI.KOt'M.IO ; coed to choice mi\.cil. S4.40.J4.GOj ( fair to good heavy inKcit , S4.40M1.SS ; Rood to clioico heavy niKcd , S4.5 * @ 4.70 ; clioico absoited lijrht , S4 'iOfidt.C.'i ; lair to good lieavv mi\ed. S4.y. ' > ( i § 4.50 : laii to coed heavy packiiiR , g4.SCl.-xi ( ) ; ( rood to choice , Sl.SO l.Oi ; rotiHh and mixed , : packiiiK nnd shipping , 'r > 0 to 35'J Ibs , , < * ! S0e4 ( ? > " : light weights , 5-3.00@1.05 ; skips. S'i-IOS.a.50. K1NANOIA.U New York. Sept. 2 > JONEY On call actlvo at 4 ( iS per cent , closing at5 per cent asked. I'HIJIE JtKIlCANTlLB I'APint 4@5 J'CI cent. 6Tinri.NO : EXCIIVNOI : Qnlct and un- chantied at S1.8J for blxty day bills , and § 4.51)5 lor demand. ( lOVKitNJihXTS Govcinmcnt bonds wcio quiet but btionir. S i OCKS Stocks displa > cd less activity tlmn on any previous d.iy this wook. The olU'ctof the pro ] > uscd reduction In the tate of interest on thn lust morUngo bonds ot the Atlnnt cAs I'.teliiccompany was shown to-d.iy by the strength of thn stock and Incomes , both of which vvuio actlvo nnd stronj ? . Tlieio was n simrt of I percent in I'ullman I'al.ico car , nndSnn Kr.incibco stocks continued to advance. At the opening piices woie small liactlons lower In the majority of c.iscs , but theio was nn actlvo tiadintr , and the heavi ness coon disappc-atcd undci the strouu'th ot AVostcin Union , Hoadni.uiid ! New KiiKl.uul. hater tlu > mnrket sieged olfsnull ttnctions , Mi'.cial vvt'.ikueas biilng shown in I'aciiio Mall. In tlioatternoon tlio mtikct bou.uuu compaiativolv quiet , but pi lees impioved slowlv until tlio last liom , when It bccnmo steady and so closed. STOCKS Otf WA-TjT. STIllSltT. $ cent bonds. . 10JV C. & N. W 118 U. b.4k's Illjji mefeiied. . . 142J < ; New X. V. 0 1'aclilctl'Hof'in. 120 Oieion Trail. . . . Ccnlial I'.icilic. . 481 , i'aollio Mall to\ . IM ) . As K topiuforrcd. . . . . 1 ( > 0 1' . I' . 0 c. n. llock Island. . . 1) . L. Je\\ J3SJdSt. L. ikS. K. . . 1) . &K U ! M jirett'iied. , Kile sis-y p. , M , , ' - " piefeiicd . . motciied. Illinois Central St. I' . 1. , tt. toV / t in of en ed , , . Texas ' acillc. . . haUoSlioro Union ' .icllie. . . ; \ . \VSl.L.f \ P. . . . , prefoned , . . Mo , 1'ncllic . Western Union. Noi thorn I'.ic. . . 0. . K. cVN . pieierred. , . Clilcncii , Sept. ii , Klonr-Quint nnd unchanged ; winter vUioat Hour , Sl.ova 4.10 ; fiimtlu-rn , Si.Wf34,00WibconBl , : 4.10 ; Michigan soft irtrlni : wheat , 8d.fX ) ( . < $ 4.10 ; Minnesota b.ikeru , ! : patents , S4.JOC : < 44.bO ; low srados , 51,75'ii7S ; t ve Hour , quilt at S V-io b.50 in bariuls , and s'J.Od 'J.uo in sacks. . Wheat Weak and easjer. oloslns ciielow yesteulav : cash , TCJa'c ; October , T c\ \ o vcmbor , 757-lCo ; May , b3'e. Corn \Vealc \ and h * avy anil about % o be low joitonl iy's closini ; ; casi5ii | o ; Octobci , arc : November. 81 ll-lOo ; May. 4ift-KV. Oats Dull , heavy and weaker ; cash , 253-lCc : October , S5 > fe ; November , 'M ci May , : > l'c. Uailey Dull at Me. Itye-Dull nt 4Sc. Timothv I'rlme , Sl.fO. WliihKy 51.17. 1'ork Uiibottleu ana weak ; opnncd easy at It'Qi'J'ic decline , declined ICVZl c moio , lalei lecoveicd &St7ic , closing quiet ; oasli and October , S'J.&O ; November , S0.5J' ' < @ 0.65. 1.aril Demand fair , easier ; cash , S7.M : October , S0.15 ( < lfln ; ; Kovembcr , S0.07K < i ail ) . lliilk.Miats-Short ribs , S7.00 ; bhouldeis , 50.00 aO.10 : short clear , . liiittei Firm ; cieamery , 14 < i 25c ; dairy , Chee > e I'ull cream clieddars , Hit * . 11 til' ' c. young America1' , SiMlilS , 71odt' ) c K'issr > j tii' > < < , e. Hides lieavv grocn iHcd. 7J < e llslit , SVe ; bull 1ildo , hfiic . o'fe ; drv Baited , lift ? ) 1 > : dry Hint , LKjltc ; c.ilf skins , deacon" . 5de each. 'fallow No. l country , 8.'il ( o ; cake , SJic ; No. 2,3c. Kecolnts. Shipment * . ''3 ' . 12,000 10.0X ) Whrat.bu . fil.twj 17,000 Corn.t ) . 117.000 417.0LX ) ) at .ou . 1.15,000 ' 'WOO { > e , Oil . S.OOJ ! WK ) Unrln.DU . 45.00J 62,000 Now York , Sept. 4o. Vlitat KocolpK : . : ,00i ) ; o\port , lor,0Xl ( : spot 40i He nndoi > - lens hC' c lowci , closlim . ( oadj vvitliollKnt ecoveiv ; uiiLMnded ted. WifMiVc : No. S led. Ve * ; No. 'J rod , Ml ( uMJ-je In elevator and s-V G'ae ' ; No. l led , l"0c " ; Mo. 2 red , Oetolier. rliHine at I'je. Coin hpot decllnea l < rttVe , nnd options jMH4e , ploMiiRsU'itly ; reeeiptM. > ' .tOfK , ; e\- virlsS.OOO ; iiner.iued.HVMiV ; No. 2 , V i MOSeln clev.itoi , lOJ U e nlloat ; Octo- ) i , closing nt li'i'sC. i Oats Simile Io\vet \ , nnd fnlrlv active ; rei i eelpH , 107.CO ) ; e\poits 100 : inKcil western , v T-JdCile ; v\liiU' westetn , o'Q-JDe. J'etrolcnm Stonls. I'u'i s I'll m and falrlv active ; western . I'ork Hull nnd weaker ; old incsi , $10.50 ; new inesn. < ll.0ocini.5i ) . Laid 2K I points lower and uio.leiately ac tive ; vveslein steam spot iiuoled ut50.70. Huttcr Kit in nnd unehanced. Chee e ( imut and Him. hept. 25 Wheat Went n sludo lower ; No. 1 haul , e.ish. ri ; > nc ; Xo\cnil er,71c ; Deeemliei , 7J' < Tt ! ! No. - noith- nn , cash , 07c ; November , t' Xo ; Decembci , 'Oo. 'Oo.I'lonr null ; patents , SI. 25 ? 1.40 ; bak- crV , si'JlQta JO. Heccipts-Wheat , 17J.OOO Int. , 21,000 , bu. ; Hour , 23,000 bbls. Cincinnati. Sept. 2\ Wheat 1 leavy ; No. 2 ted , 7.i ( ! 7Gc ; icceiots. O.OUO ; shipment : ) , 0,000. Coin -Heavy and lower ; now mixed , 40Q Oats Quiet und stead v ; No.'J mixed , 27fc. K\e-Ouiot \ ; . Tork null nt sio.oo. Lutd-DullatSil.75. U'lilsky-Firm ntS1.12. Milwaukee , Sopt. ! W. Wheat Steadier ; casliand Oclobor , 7J c ; No\ember , 7ljgc. Corn Stuadj ; No. - , liO' c. Oats Jstoady ; No. ' - ' , ' - " > n UK-Sealeo ; No. 1 , M'fe. Hailoj Lower ; No. 2 , fiiic. 1'iovisioiis Lovvei ; poik , October , PO.r.1) . Now Orleans , Sept. SJ5. Coin Flimcr but nut quotablj hlghci. Hog Piodiicts Dull ami a shade lower. roik-81050. Hulk Me.its Shouldeis , S0.2 ; long clear nnd clear libs , S7.1'J } . tjlvcriiool , Sept. S"i. Wheat Dull ; holders olTer treely ; now No. ! i winter , Ga 7d ; Kloui bupply good but dull at Ss Id. Corn Supply sooil ; spot , September , dull at Is4d ; October and Novembci , steady I'olcilo , Sept. EJ. Wheat Weak and low oi ; e.ish , "Oij'c. Corn Nominal. Oats Neglcc led. Kansas City , Sept. 23. Wheat Dull and weak : No. ' . ' , led , cash and October , ClJi'c bid ; November , O-i' c. Coin Lower : No. a , cash , POVO O' . Oclobei , "ayt < f bid ; Novemboi , :3lc : bid. Oats Nominal ; cash , .Mould. LIVE STOCK. CliIcnKo , Sept. 25. The Drovci's Journal repoitsns follows : TCaltle Itecoipts , 1,000 ; dull ; shipping steers. S..40i ! < n.OO : stockers und feeders , S .CO@3.40 : cows , bulls and inKed , Sl.yo fi .1.10 ; bulls , fiU ) ( r § ii.OO ; tliiougn Texas o.Utlo , 10o lovvei and dull ; oows , § 1.75 ( 2.10 ; stecis , W.70@J.15 : western lamieis. dull anil lOc lowei ; na tives and halr-bteuls , S.10c ; ! < f.i.liO ; cows , SJ.40c i/J.7r > ; wintoicd Texnns , § , ' . ! > 0 < ii.40 : ; Colorado , Oiegon. S3.0 ! ! ; Coloiado Texans , 31.00 ; Wyoming Texnns , : ! . llo s KecHpts. lil.OJO : oulct. but fie lower ; rough and mixed , @I.OO ; pack- iusanilslilppliiff , S4.'iOfil.b3 ' ( ! ; light , S3.COJJ ) 1.05 ; skips , Sji.40/(3 ! ( / f)0. Sheep Receipts. 400 ; steady ; natives. S2.00 @ > : ( .73 ; Texaus , § 2.00 .00 ; lambs. § 3.50 ® 4.70. City , Sept. 25. Cattle Uecelpts , 2,000 ; bliipincnts. 2,000 ; geiiotal tone ol tlio maiket was slow and vveik ; cows and butchers' stuff iXglOc lovvei ; btockets and feeders in Kood demand at linn prices. Hogs Itcceipts , il.OOO ; blilimionts , 2.000 ; market opened Kttong nnd a shade lilghei , closing weak and a sluulo lovvei ; Rood to choice , S4.00M4.70 ; common to medium , St. Liouls. Sept. 2 > . Cattle Ilccoipls , 200 ; shipments. 103 ; stoiitv ; good to clioico shipping natives , SI.OJ@I.'JO ; common butchcis' steers , SU.iU ' lions Receipts , 1OUO : shipments , 000 ; active and linn ; biitchcib' and choice heavy , OMAHA LilVB STOOIl. Saturday livcnlntr , Sept. 25. CAITM : The ficsh iccelpts vvcio quite liberal , while there wore a good many lett over nom the day pievlmis. Tlieio vveio plenty ot fccdcis on the market but no buycis lei them. The ynuls ai lull ot westuin cows and ery llttlo sale fortlium. Them Is a good demand lor coin fcdsteois but them me very low comluic in. Hoes The lecelnts w ro llhernl for the clobo ot the week. Taking all together this was tlie worst dav the lion m.iiKut IMS been in a longtime. Theio wcru veiy few bujcis on thu maiket and thov only wanted a vciy few. The meat bulk of thelioys had to bo held over without iceulvinir even homnch as a bid. The market w ns at least ftc lower than yesterday's close. Ono load ot choice as- borted hogs were sold at 9 1.40. SIIIIP : There wcio none In nnd nothing doing lu tlio mmkct. iincini'is. Cattle . 2,200 I'rovnlllmj Sliovvlntjtho pr valllnrpilu3j ; paid for llvo stock on tills market , . Clioico steers , KttOto 1WO Ibs . S4.21@l.rjO Choice steers , 1100 to iOJ : ! Ibs . .75 ( * 4.2 Medium steuis , 12-V ) to Itr.J Iba. . . K.C.Oiriil.15 Fat little hteers , 1050 to HSJlbj . . . . 3.8)2I.U ( ) ( ! oed luudeis . ! i.Oi ) ( W ( Siiod loclioicj corn-fed cows . 2.4)001.21 ) Knit to medium glass cows . 2.00r < r3.r ( ( Jood to choice nulls . 1..WJ3.00 Llttht and medium no1 ' . " . 4ir ! < < : 1.20 ( iood lo clioico heavy l'gs ) . 4.2.W84.40 ( iiiod to cholco mixed lie s . l.l.'iSfil/J.'j ( lood toclioieu Bhecp KnlrtOKooil shuop . U.7r.r.m ( : ! ) Common sheep . l.0rj 2.50 Ilcprcscntntivo Males1. HOGS. No. Av. Silk. I'r. No. Av. Shk. 1'r. MJ..271 1IX ) S4.25 ffi . . .2CII 100 gl.Wi M.iOS : ilfiO 4.2. " ) 5'1..2bO 41) ) 4.i7 ! 01. . . .201 2bJ 4.2. 50. . . .270 120 4.S7K ( ! | . . . . ! 0 " 00 4.81 57..2J5 ICO 4.10 C-1..U12 ICO 4.C5 _ Shipments , Sliowlnc the niimlwr of cattle , lions and sheep shl ppctl liom tlio yatds to-day : CAIII.H. No. Cars Ut. Dest. ! ,7 . C. B tQ . Chicago 0 . N.V . Chicago 0 . 11. I . Chicago linos. No. Cars Ut. Dcst. 11 . , . H. 1 . Boston 4 . . .N W . Chicago All silos of stock in this nnrltet arc made percvvt. llvo weight unless otherwise stated. Dead ho--s sell at Xo per 11) lor all weights , "Skins , " 01 hogs welshing less thin 10) Ibs no value. I're nant sows niu dockuu 40 Ibs and i'ags bo Iba. _ Notes , Ho , ; market lint. No caltlo sales. Corn fed cattle wanted. Hogs dull and lower. A , ( Jiiirovv , Dtinbar , Neb. , wasn visitor at the yards , There were about n.ODO head of cattle In thu v arils to-day , Judge J. 0. Hnrnoy , Crete , was a visitor at thu jaids to-day. W , Wejant , jr. , Oermautownas herewith with a of ho s. Twenty more cars of tiio Snydcr cattio were received to-day , Virgin A ; XfUon , I'tica , weio both herewith with two loads of hogs. Luke Viirlit-ca , Long 1'lne , was here with seventeen load * of cuttle , Hrnden & Lontz , Hock Creek , had three loads of cattle at thu yards. M. U. I'nvno. I'.a l Nclir.ibka City , v\as In with lourcirs of giadeil cows Mr.liipple.of \ Whlpple * Hay , Cheyenne - onne , was In with n train of ( .alllu .1. Hl.ilr , Hitter Ctoek , In I seven loid * of cattle on the mirket and one load of her es. Alex. Laveit.v , Ashhnd , a wellknown poli tician , was loouinc mound \ardslo-dnv. . 1'rattiV 1'cuis Cattio company , Lusk , hid 71'ihcadot cattio at tlio j.mK Jlr. Teirls came In with tlioiu. The Swan Laud and Cattle co-upany wcio on the maiket witli sixteen can of cattle , shipped from i\nek 1'ieek. AiidiMiou Cat tle company were In with two cars from tno sauio placo. On the maiket with hoes : Ostctibur t 1'riKhVnhoo ; Doi ej ltriw.iV Co. Wcston ; Clnik , lleaton v : Co.Ve t < m ; Hneklej .V lto , Stronixbiiii ; : Ullss ( V Ullss , iM-lmvlir ; 1 * S. 1'owell , rulleilon ; I' . S.uider < , Scotia ; NeKon V \ ouiit : , OiKland ; C. S. Muoie , llastlnssj Hoovei iv. Kepler , DoirhrMer : .las. Danlev , Ashland ; Sclioileld * 'I Inr , U'av- env : Kiiher \\aguer \ , York ; \ i. Holm- baum , \Vnco. O.MAHA WIlUlilO : * VIjlJ MAUICIU'S Oenornl 1'roitnoe. bituulav nvenluir , Sept. 25. T/ic/oloiflii / ? ( ( jirlrr nio mr ivmicHof * tif p > ( fut' , ( tsvoMiw tlic ntur/.ft / f - ifriTito | / jimfitf lo/if on rmll * rcp/Yvt / nicjii'Iccs < / tt ( tclitili nuttltlf mlcri nrc flUul , K HIS ThiMiiaiUi't was vety active during thei'iiily put of the week , lleeeipts bliuo ji'stctdii ) have been mole llbeial and pi ices itu not ipille ns Htm. 17e Is nboiit ontsldo li.'tiies oblalnnblo lor btiktly fiesli , candled stock. llfiTrn The demand for llrst class table buttei continues \orv brisk , while lower uiades ate dull and neglected. I'uiu etcam- ety a id diliy meets with toady s.ilo at 11110- tatlons. KiL-sli cieameiy. 22u8iip ; fiesh daily , lsii20e ( ; choice cciuntij rolls , ls (2Ue ; choleo counti.t solid packed , 17n ( IN ; ; good coimtiv roll , lGiD17c ( ; tali eounliy solid ) iacked , lloi ! lie ; common. iXji'Jo. : ram1 } lull cienm cheddai' . lie ; f nney full cteaiu Hits , tv\o In box , ll'ao ; laucy lull cream jounir Americas , loin In liox , l.'c ; fanej Swiss. l.ric ; choice , lie ; biick , 12'ul8o ' ( ; LlmtiuitM2e rot'i.inv Tlio maiket Is well studied with liui el lekens and sales aio ( lugging. Theio liiivobcen a lew consignments nl diessod chickens In the maikct which met with rather slow sale , ovvnm lo the warm weathei. Llvo Chicken * , old , per doS2.f > Xn J.M ) ; yptlng chickens , § 2.Ri2.25 ( ( ; iliicks./iOi'.7ft ; ttirkojs , S7.OlKrjii.oo : Koeso , tOOJcusOO. Dressed -Chickens , choice , pei Ib , 10e ; tali to treed , ( ffi'.ie ; ducks , choice , lie ; geese , lie ; tin koj s , I'JMlUc. ( ! AMI. Tlio weather has again tinned wnim nnd thog.iiuc tiadu Is somewhat weak. Uood bound pinliio chickens hold about their own , while dueks mo cxtiemely dull mm low. 1'iospccts tavof a verv bilskttadeln pialtlo chickens nt hl"her ligmes as boon as cold weathei sets iu. 1'iaiiie chickens , S-.OO Ca..M per do/en : ( jnall , S 1.25 1.50 ; sniiie , plover , etc. , Sl.00iai.25 ; ducks , ( .Mnlliud ) , S1.50C1.75 ; ducks , ( Teal ) , SI ( Xu 1.25 ; ducks , mixed. 75crO l.OO : geese , S2.Mc ) i.r.J . : deer. saddles , pel Ib. , HCr T-'c ; cleei , C.IKMSSCS , per Ib. , 7riHo ; antelope , saddles , HC r.'c ; antelope - lope , caicnbsus , " ( tfi'e ' ; elk , saddles , lOijJUe ; elk. caic.isses , fltii)7cjack ) ; labbits , pel do/ . , 5fi.504.00 : ; small , pel do ? . , 2ri. Ovsnis. : : Thocxceediuglv warm weather of the past few d.ijs has had the effect ot cutting down the ovbtei tiade. It Is us good as could bo expected at this season of the M'.u. 1'ilces lemain Iho Millions last week. The following are thopilccbat which eountiy oidersmo Idled : -Mediums , S ( > ? \ stnndiud , ! ioc ; selects , Kle1 cxtia selects , 45c. I'oi vions Thcie is vcij llttlo demand for potatoes just at piesuut , dealers lieing mostly btipplied by local faimcis and me not icady jet to lay iu their winter stock. The out look , howevei , fin the mouth ofOutobeiib qltlto lavoiablu. From 1.10 to 200 c.u loads ot polatoeb will be needed to supply the local trade ; nnd no doubt a good many morocnis to go to points where the cion is aliuostn total talluie. They mcsclllug in a bin-ill way at fiOcniBc jier bushel. O.VIO.NSJ Kucelpls mo moio llbeial and market not ( jultc as him ns a week ago. Onioiib , lancy , In bulk , per bushel , SI. 10 5 1.25 ; good , per bushel , 'JJotjji l.00 ; choice , fiom stole , per bbl. , ii.25. : Swiir : : Porvrons Choice home gt own , per Ib , , 2e ; Jeisuy , pci bbl. , Sl.50. CAIIII.VOI : Theie Is a tail demand forcholce cabb igo at SOfti 75e per doheads. . APPMS-Michigan : , laucy catiiur , per bbl , S2.5.ti.OO : ; Michigan , as oiled varieties , live- bairel lots , per bbi 3-.50 ; Michigan , assorted valictlos , ton-bauol lots , pel bill S2.40 ; Mis- sonil. iholcoi'.itiiig , per bill 8250Cri2.75 ; Mis- semi , assoited vaiieties , live and teu-baiiel lots , pel bbl Si'JOcirUW ) . CiiAjJiittiiniiis Capo Cod. fancy , per bbl S .r.O ; Jeisoy , choice , 37.50 ; Wisconsin , S7.25. BANANAS Choleo stock has been scatco lately ; pci bunch , S'-.OJC < J3.CO. CAI.H'OIIMA I'KAKS "Vlcai poais , per box , LKMONS Choice , " 60 si/e , per boSS.SO ; fancy bat Maioiis , : ! 00 si/e , pei boxSIO.OO. . OitANons A consignment of Jamaica oranges aiilvod in tno maiket tills week. They aio good blight stock. Jamaica , per boxSO..W : per bbl. , S 12.50. UTAH KIILITS The receipts of Ulah fiuits have not bcun heavy thu past week. 1'c.ais , 40 Ib boxes Si.00i : ( ( 3.2.1 ; Peaches , 20 Ib boxes , Sl.l C' )1.7.ri ) : i'luins , ; 51.00 ( < < > 1.25. lloMi : Ciitowx ( in vi'is : 1'ricos aio higher , and still hU'lier piices me anticipated ns the season draws to a close and the supply di minishes. The following are the prices nt which outside eiders for clioico stock nic Idled : Shipping stock , per Ib. , 4 c ; 10 Ib. baskets. lOc. MICIMOAK TIACIII : : The snpplv on tlio maiket Is llglu and bcttei piices mo being obtained. I'lm shipments nro gradually 1 ail ing oil. The following aio tlio piices at which outside oideis aie Idled : .Baskets accenting to sl/o , 75itS1.00 ( ; ciatos.-1 baskets , S3.0U © Aim ovs A few uro still coming In. but the demand is linht and tlioy aio slow sale. CF.M.IIY Kalama7oo , pei do40C 45c. MAI-I.I : Si'OAU. fatilctly pine. flO-lh boxes , Ific per pound ; strictly puic , lO-Ib tin palls , lie pci pound ; choleo 6s bilcks , 25-lb boxes , 12c per pound ; choice penny cakes , tiSlb boxes , ISV c nor pound. llo.vnv Neluaska , choice , wlilto clover , lltaiOc. ; Ncbiaskii , dark,12Ml4c. ; Cnllfoinin , 1-lb sections , Lie , ; Callloinlalb mimes , 12irJ12j ( < rc. HTANS The market is aimost cleaned up. Niio clean beans in fair icquost , 11. 1 * . Navy. S1.70@1.7.1 ; 11. 1' . Medium , S1..WS9 I.ri1cliolco ; clean country. Sl. 1 ( < < l.rjO ; good clean country , OOW i.00 ; infciioi , 00rr 75o. 1'iiovisioXh lliiin , sugar-cuiod. loMUlKc ; boneless , 5'J-lb boxes , ll c ; plcnlu ham. l bieaklast bacon , , tiKe ; shonldei.s , himni-curci hc ; clear hide bicon , JiQ'.i' ' c ; diy hatted sides , b'fc ' ; diied beet ( hams ) , ifiu ; lined beet fiegiuar ) , 12a laid , 10-lb eauii , I'.ili- h-ink's , b)4e ; 10 , Sand SJ-lbpallb , Kalrbank's , 8li'roc > ( JitAi.v Coin , Me ; new oats , 25c ; rye , 40o ; wlicat , No. 2 , < MC. Ki.uint AND Mir.r.fiTttri'g \ \ Inter wheat flour , best quality patent , Sfe.bO ; second iiual- ltv.S2.40048i.i-0 ; best quality spring Hour , ) ) itcnt. S-.7.rbiiii ; : , , 'Ate per cwt ; chopped feed , tOc per cwt ; whlto coin meal. % I.OO ; .vellovvcoin meal , TOc per cwt ; scieonlng , fiiic per cwt ; hominy , 8iW ) per ewt ; fhoitn. 5"o per cwt ; gialuun , tfl.OO ; liay , In bales , % ( l.00@ 7.00 per ton. _ Gi-ocors' Jjlut. I'lcici.KsMedium , in hois , $0.50 ; do In half bbls , SII.75 ; hiuall , in bbls , ST.rx ) ; do In haltbbls , 51.25 ; ghcikins , in bbls , SS.50 : do In halt bbls. & 1.75. hvnui' No. 70 , 1-gailon Kegs , 51.22 ; Now Orleans , ! ( ! iOc pei gallon ; Maple Symp. H barrel , stilctly pine , 7i pur gallon : 1 gallon cans , fO.'J'i pei do/ . ; / * $ gallon can 53.2' > per , a doz-.duni leans , StiOAits I'ovvdcrcd , 7Kc ; cutloaf. ; granulated , 0 4c ; conlcctloners' A , OVc ; standaril extia C , G o' ' ojaxtiaO , f > 2 @ 5. c ; medlttin yellow. bMdi&Jic. ; ? tf inch , I0/c ; U Inch , Ditini ) Kiiuirs No. 1 quarter apples , 3W@ 4c ; In evapoiateii boxes , u C'i o ; blackuor lies , boxes. liV9iipeacnes ( \ , eastcin , 4fi ? fi c ; peaches , uvapoiated , lri17c : Salt Lake , none In iiinvlicf inspbeirlos , now , IS fBlOo ; cuirunts , 7 > iti75 e ; piunes , cas , SXiiO ; strawberries , 3 Ib. per case. 82.10 ; rasphciricb , 31b mir ease , 2.10 ; California pears , per case , 'S4Wj apiloots , per case , H.Mi ; peaches , per case , 85.80 ; vvliltu cherries , per case , SJ.OJ ; plums , pei case , S3.75 ; blno- burrlej , per case , 51.S5 ; egg plums , ! lb , per case. & 2.50 ; pineapples , ? i Ib , per case. 3.20 G5.50 ; 1 Ib inackeii-1. par doz , ai.20 ; 1 Ib sal- moil pur Ant , S1.W41.60 ; 3 Ib gooscberles , per case , & 1.75 ; 2 Ib stilng beans , per case , S1.70'Jlb ; lima beeiiH , per cas . 31.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat P < 'QS. per cabO. W403 ; Ib enily June peas , per case , ? 2.7.V , b Ib touutnos. per case. S2.1l ( < } 'i 2 : 2lbcorn , per ca i , gl.u : :3 : Ib corn beef , vcrdoz , SUO iW. COFPKI flU < e : filr , . 'Wl'i' : prime. 1 ' , u3eeliolcc. : K i.l3'.c ; fnno.v l yellow , . ) Cj RO\- 'inmeiit Java. JO < : < < f inteiior Java , 10'jinl ' J'e ' ; M > phi , 2'nJle : Atlmcklo'i roasted , u c : MeLmiihllir XXX \ toasted , Dllworlirs , IV ( ; Hoil Cioss. ii.i4c. < s Kirk's fcavon imperml. s'J. fO ; < li k's satinet , ? : 0 ( . ) ; Kirk's stand ud , S1.01 ; xlrk's while Itiisslan , iMX ) ; KiikN Whlto : an. ? n.W ) : Home , SS.S,1) ; Waslibuaid. S.UO. \ \ hlte Cloud , S' . ! r . M.\Tmr < I'er eaddlo , ' 'V ; round , per ; a .e , Sl.OO ; sipiatecasiM , Sl.iO ; mule * CAN-nv Mixed , nV.Tl'Io . ! MIcK. cn\rKt ns ( Jarueau's sod.i , butter anil licule , 5'te ; eicams , s' c , ginger snaps , S > , o ; cllv < .oda , ? ' , c. 1'iiinn ' I'm irs-N'o 1 quuter apples 4o ; In evaporated boxes. mi ( f.i oUilae les , boxes , ( ( ; poaches , oaMorn , 4i4 < > ko poaches , evaporated , lVut17c5 Salt , nkti nnno in market : laspbouics , new , 1 rtinc ; currants , 7'i7le ' ( ! ; umnes , new , P8 'V/a ( toncrnl \Vnoi. Medium. I'yMS * pei Ib ; line lieavv , rjfiilV ; light , lliU7e ( ; co.iiso , r15e ; buny wool , yr8v till. Him s ( itoeu bntihor . n'Mii"i' : green etned , iC 'jo ; di\ Hint , HOJlftc ; dry sail , iiMOo ( ; dauumed lihtes twn-thlrds prii-o. 1 allow . "c. ( iionso. prime white , "e ; yellow , .V : luown , 1 | 0. Sheep IVlls. 2'i(87 ( > e. Li vim it-i'ilmy slatighloi solo leather , 1.0001 Trench calf , Sl..Vitl ; Moiooco boot leu , lOnlt.V : Moiocoooil pebble , 2S&tt\ ' . toppings nud lin linefitld'Hio. . UI.AVY n vititwitK - Iron , rate , S2,2o ; ow sli'ivl spool it exst , lo ; oiuolb lustcol , Go ; east tools do , 12m IS1va ou spokes' per , il.75 ( : i.iW ; hubs , nor set 5 ? 1.25 ; lellocs , bnvved dry , Si. 10 ; tongues , each , 75o , i < x les. each. 75e ; MIIUIIO nuts , uei Ib. "CiUle : cell chain , per Ib , Oil2c ! ; malleablo. tiwv : Inm wedges , ( > o : , He ; h.\iiovv \ looth , 4o ; Fining steel , "yZS1 ; lluidon's lioisoshoos , t4.40 ; Hutdeii's mule shoes. S5. f ) Dnrbep vvlie , in ear lots. &I.IM per 100 Ibs. unit Nails , rates , 10 to 60 , ! ? 2 50 : steel nails , S2.fi5 ; Sliot-il.CA ; buckshol. 51.S1 : urloulal powder , kegs S-'f-O : do , hall kogy , S'J.00 ; lo , nunilei kegs , 31.50 ; blasting , kegs , S- . ! ! " ! 'use. poi 10 toot , t.5c. Lead It.u. 310. I'AIVIH IN Oti. - \ \ iiieeau. Omaha , 1 * . r o ; white lead , St. Lc-iN , pine. S775 ; Mai- elllos green , t to 5 It ) IMIIS. 2.- ; 1 touch /Inc. : roen heal , Uc ; French /Inc led seal , llo ; [ 'lonch zine lu v.unlsli asst , 20c : l < ioncli zinc , 75c ; veimillion , Amei loan. ISc1 , Indian led , lOc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian led , Conic- son's 2 > fie : Venetian led , Ami'tlc.iu. IHc ; led lead , 7' c ; olitomo jellow , genuine , siuo ; Sjianisli I . _ _ . . . . . . . \ AitMsiii.s Hairels , tier gallon : I'tniil- lure , extra , SI. 10 ; fuinltuio , No. 1 , SI. 00 ; coach extitt , S1.40 ; ooach , No. 1 , Sl.'i ) : Da- mar , extra , SI. 75 ; .input , 70o ; nsphaltum. extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil lluisn , 51.50. .SIM HITS Cologne spliil-s. IfeS proof , SI. 10 : lo lot prool , 51.17 ; spiills , second uuality. 101 prool , Pl.lil : do ISs pioof. Sl.lAlco - ml. l inoof , 82.1poi ( v\lue gallon. Itodis * tilled whiskies , Sl.ojlai..VJ. OIii. blended , S1.50il2 ( 00 ; Kentucky bouibons , J.2.iXtr.oO ) ( , ; ! CentuckyntiII > ' > nnsylvaniai.vcs , % .2.00Qi.riO ( ; ( loldon Sheaf bouibon and rve whiskies Sl.r > WJ.00. Iliaudics , lmpoiloil,5 " . < Mes.50 ( ; lomestlc. Sl.iO.oJ. : ( Cius , impoited , ? 4 50 ( riiioO : ( louiestTe , I..VH * . ) . Ohamp-ignes , impoited , poi oaso. S'is.ooia'SJ.tH ) ; American. ] iei case. S10.)0 ( ) iin oo. Duvl'AiNW White load. So : French zinc , I''c ; I'mis whiting. 2kc ; wliillnt' , glklois' , J'fe ; whiting , com'l ' , l o , laiiniblack , Ger- nnustovvu , 12o ; lampblack , ( iidiuary , K.1 ; I'nissian bluo,5'c : ultiamaiino , I'-c ; Vandyke. ) rown , be : umber , burnt , lc ; umber , law , lc ; sienna , burnt. 4c' blonnn. raw , Ie ; Tails iicon. goiiuine , 'J. > c ; rans crcen. ooiumou. 22c ; cliiomo rioon. Is. "i . . 20c : clnomo grcon , K , I2c ; vermillion , r.imlisli , In oil 70o ; raw xiul burnt umbor. 1 Ib cans , r-'c : law nnd : minl sienna , 1'ie ; Vandyke , blown , Hie ; ic- lined lampblack , 12ecoach black nnd ivoiy black , lOe : die blaclc. lOc ; riussl.iu blue , 40c ; ullrauiuiinnbluo , ISc ; ciiromo green , L. , M. it D. , Ifio ; blind und snuttcr uiecn. L. . M. AD. , IGo ; I'aiisgicen , ISc ; Indian ud , ir-c - ; VeiielKin it'll. I'c ' ; Tiibcan. 22c : Amcilcnn veimillion. L. it IX , 2tc ) ; yellow oelnc , Do ; L. M. iv : O. 1) . . Ibc ; good ooluo , Kic : patent dryer , be ; giaiuing color , liglitoak , daikoak , wlanut. iheslnut and nsb. 12u DnUfiS A. N't ) UHr.Mir'At.s Acid , oarbolic , " 2c : acid , tmtailc , ri.'c ; balsam copaiba , per lt > , l"c : balk , , per Ib. lOc ; calomel , ierlb-'o ) : clduchouiilia. per o40c ; chloio- loim , per V > . 60 c : Dover's povvdeis. pr Ib , 51.25 ; epsom salts , per Hi , iij c ; glvccrine , iniic , per Ib. ibo : lead , ncctato , per Ib. 21c ; ill , castor. No. 1 , pei gal. , 81.50 ; oil , castoi , No. 2 , per cal. , 81.40 ; oil. olive.pcr gal.S1.40 ; oil nrlirannum , 5c ( ) : opium , St.0 : ; quinine , 1' . i\ : \\r. and It. its. , per o70e ; polisslum iodide , iict Hi , S8.00 : balicin , pero40c ; Hiil- iihato moipnine , per oS2.t5 : ; sulphur , per Ib , le ; stij-chnino , ieroz , $1.15. Fish. Mow HSU , HIV Iff Jl' UOQr llhls 1'la ICtB UJ 10J UO 50 41) I ID lion's S't.No I I.'h 7 00 4 00 .1 tf > 'J ( ) ' 1 70 < jj i/uo ( iibM I'liiu-j r. IKIII no a 731 iv > i : n no M I/K HM Sh'ro K'eyiS Win ( H ! J 75,1 , Dr. 1 ! W ] DO 15 I.AIU : llrtll. Kts 10 ua 55 74 05 nun. HllBlif Illllf llhls Tails or Kiln xfvr Ml 100 40 I 12 10 Norwegian KKK HrJl'lIgH 14 > 00,0 80 3 80.3 10 1 01 00 Ilollnnd her- rintrs , new. CO Dry IjiimDor. HOAIIDS. No. 1 Coin. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10 ft 817.60 No.'J " 12 , 11 and 1(1 ( ft H.7" No. 3 " " 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft 1U.GO No.4 " ' 12 , n nnd 10 ft 12.00 IHMKNS1ONS AMI 'lIMllhllS. T' 12 ft 11 ft 10 ft 18 11 201t2Jft'24ft ' Ixl 111.60 ID&J 17.00 IB.O'J si.03'2I.OO IMI. in ru II ) M 10 fii ) , 17.0U is oj s-.fjo 2..oo in fij Iii.ri0li7.uoiu m 2ixi 21.00' 2\IO . . IBS' ) 1(1 ( fiJ 10 ft ) 17.110 IH OJ 22.TO 22,60 'xU . inn 111.,1 ; ! ) M H ) 17.0' ' ) 1 M ) 22.01 2-.00 4x1 8\S in , MI 10 no in no 17.001 B.OJ 20 oo 20.01) ) . . No. -l.tOincli , is ami U ft. , No. ii1 , A : 0 Inch , 12 and It ft. , imuili. . . H.OO BIDINfi. A 12 , 11 A-IGft.,81MX ) U . Slfi,00 15 12 , IKVlOlt. , y,0(0 ( I ) . 11.00 rr.ii.i.vo AND I'AinirtdV. 1st com. , Hlu White riiin railllion . . .S-WOO 2d " " " " " ' SJ.WI 2d Com. : X In. Norway 1'lno Ceiling ! . . . 1100 ri.ooiu.NG. A flinch , wlillo pine , 20 (3 ( . 520.00 C Olncli , " " JM I ) . 21.60 iioAitns. A 12 Inch , s.l B. 4i0 ! . 8i'.00 ! H12incl ) " " 421) . , . 2II.0 No. 1 , com. 12 in. , H. 1 s. , 10 , IB A ' . ' 0 ft . . 21.00 No. . ! > . i. 11 i. u i No. 12tll ft 17.00 10 ft 10.00 Island Sil. clear , Uf incli , s. as . S5C.OO Ud , clear , 1 Inch , H. ii H. . , , , . 45.00 : id. clear , 1J1'xj ' , 2 in . 47.60 JJ ( .elect , 1 fncli , s. 2 B . , . 20.00 Hbolect , 1M , Ih.'Jin . UO.OO nunLAI - . No , 1 , plaln.Snnd 10 inch . . . . . . 817.50 No. B , iilain,8and 10 Inch . 15.0 : S , l.ATtl. XX clear. S3 10 ; A bUinilaid , SL',60 ; > , 'o. 1 , . 5 ; l.ath , 5-2.U5. 1'oBrs Wlilto Cedar , 0 In. , s , 12c ; 8 In , Li MI : . KTO. Qulncy vvhltu Hum ( best ) 60c : CciiK'iit ( Akion ) SI. in. Hair , 3RMlchU can plaster , i'.TS. B.ish , 60u. liliuds , COc , Doora , 6'Jc. Mouldlnch , 60 To Boo la to Adiulro , Lots In that bountiful addition "Unim- inorcy park" now on sale , Kvery lot iu tlio vvliolo addition u bciuity. Coinu nnd buy n lot in tlio grove or orchiud. Wo vvill soil you u lot for $ SOO on very easy' terms. Street cms vvill pass through the park within ' . ) ( ) divjs. Now is your cinuico to in\c = t und seouru a niuo homo. Only a limited amount of lots will bu bold ut this pneo. Fiu > t come , lirf > t hervcd. K. T. rTiibONfeto. : , B. 12. cor. IStlt ana Douglui.