Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Ma--1 Conreotioiu Held in Dufirat Sec-
of Kebrwka.
t ) . mf-crats D noURce Knllroaii Can
didates at > lcC < lk Van \Vyct ,
Thuyer ami l ) > rcjr UiKlwr-
by Collfcx Cotinty
Thirtieth Dhtrlct D mocrnt
' - , Xrt > . . Sept . f Special Tel-
tlw BE. ] Tlw * natorial coo en-
N ThiitwUi diirtrtct ot > br flka nwt
city to-dar. McPhrrson , of Furna5 ,
i i le cnnlrtnan and E. C. irDoanell , of
' i , low , seerwtary. Th committee OB
'nn-t appointed rroorteil U ) following ,
'i ' * er unanimously adooted by th con-
[ i as the platform 01 Uie patty in this
1 1 t.rpa ! , The democratic parly , ever holil-
in _ " in. i re.arding H Hiht aC the people as
i a i ii-jiint to thow * of eorporatioo" . * nd
1.x K 1.4 uwin Mm attempt to force upon the
71:1 i rniKlidate tor tne t te seoitte wlixwi
n j nation was made in the mter < " * ts of the
rn . i.l * a inimical to the prosperity of this
i ri r Ml ill -tuct and the senate ; therelore
U"L - wl. That we deem it our duty to call
t' < > ntion of tile v ters t this
ti > tto the fact thnt the monopolies are
every exertion to secure control u our
lusiflatur" ; that the fci-
. .e ot rsiilr"ini and anti-nilrooil only I-HI' . therefore the republican rulci > niMi tion -einblfd al JlcCook ,
NL' ) . ' epieiiibi'r 'J. anil thnt the canilidate at
t.i' ri : ixid "ecurud the nomination.
I. * u veil , Thnt we are opposed to all
n , itt < polie , to the election of any cainlWattis
t ii inciifice wlnw nomination was or hall
be sHfuri-d iu the interest of an V corooration ,
rr fii , imrtintr anv camliilate who m not one
of tne people , wfm is plMiswl to. or in any
w i1. ci utnillril bj or counecteil with a niono-
Col > or jther corporation , whose interests we
cliev'p beantiitnnistlc t ( the well beln
c tintate the w elfare , craspcnty and ail-
van-'t-incntof the people.
L'-ol.iiil. we hereby undorse the ad-
m n stntlmi ot ( jrovcr Clelami. . tne na
tion u ami tt.ite ( 'latfurm , nnil will at all
tt : . ( H give our " - arrestrapport to secure the
eierti. u of tlio entire democratic t'Plcet in
the t.i'pdi'itrit tandeiiiintybi'lievlni { that by
tl.e eii-i tiuu ol the ( k'lnorritic1 caji.hdntfs the
he < t riterents o the people will and only can
be r n 'in'tcil.
Ii > c S.V. . btllaeboner , of Red Willow ,
an 1 amtiel rate , of Ilayiw , were named as
cas-iii-i.iu-s for senator. The latter's name
wav indrawn and the former iiomiiiati.-il
bv a. cl.uniticin. A central committee was
ti i n i .1 i-ted with Major II. T. U allace chnir-
man. and J. A. Corded secretary , and the
cc a cation
County Kepubllcaos.
FUEJIO.VT. > eb. , bept.5. . [ .Special Tele-
pram to the DEE j The Uod.e county con
vention met hfre this afternoon and had a
harm miotu session. IJr. Lt J. Abbott , for
many jears a tirm friend of Senator Van
A\jck was nominated for state senator by a
ote of 5j to 19. J. 11. ilontffomery nnd
James Booth wore nomlnattd for representa
tives. The former is a strong Van \V > ck
man. Booth promises to vote for Van
AV\ck under coutin fncies. Congress
man Dorsey's record at U'a-ihinston was
i ndor < ! U and his renonnnation reeoin-
mended. A resolution was abe passed en-
dorsinsi the candidacy of A. E. Cla t'inlon
for atitc superintendent. The delegates to
the contention are as follows : A. B. Elwood.
C. D Mnrr. L. J. Abbott , Ho s l * Haumiond.
L. D Klchartls It. D. fcchnelder. A. 31.
Spooner. J. I. . Baker. J. P. Eaton , C. Cusack.
Dr Abbott will make the liveliest canvass
ever seen In Dod e county.
A'anVycJc , Dorscy and Tliaycr.
Sciii.vt.Kn , Xeb. , Sept. 2.5. ( .Soecial Tele-
cram to the BKE. ] The republicans of Col-
fax county met at 2 p. m. to-day in mass con
vention to select delegates to the stite and
congressional conventions. The following
ddei.'atea were selected to the state conven
tion C E S limner. 3f. F. John on , IL C.
Ilusscll , J. A , Grlmison , William Stone ,
James A. JIcHurphy , V. \ VGraves. . Con-
Rre-iHlonni : 1 \ V.VelIs , H. F. Arnold , John
Lanacln'V. . J.Valllnir , Charles Jlentzer ,
O. U. Hoisted , Rnbcrt Chiicoot Ue-olutions
were adopteil endoisin Van Wyck and Dor-
si > y ami tavorlnsr the candidacy ot General
Thayer for goeruor. .
Cherry County Republicans.
V.vr.BNTiE , feb. , Sept 25. [ Special
Telegram to thu HIKE. ] The republican
county convention was held here to
day , and the following ticket was
nominated : County commissioner , ij.
D. Il.irnes ; county attorney , J.V'e ly
Tucker ; delegates to the state convention ,
J. A. Brewer , C. n. Cornell , L. D. Barnes ;
conurcsslnnal , E. Ii. ( Jillespie , J. W. Tucker ,
.1. II. Tike , repriyentattve , A. K. Neeland ,
JL.-L. Davis , W. E. Jenkins. The delecitei
were not instnirteil , but are supposed to be ,
two ot the state committee for Van Wyck ,
two of the concessional against The con
vention voted down Pcndinija representative
tn the senatorial convention , as the county
was nut allowed the proper representation.
Cherry County Democrat * ) .
TALKS-TINE , Neb.Sept. 2.1 ; . fSpecial Tele-
cram to the UF.isJ-The democratic county con
vention met here to-day and placed their
ticket In the Held , as follows : J. II , Shore
county commissioner ; Colonel B , F. Fitch ,
attorney ; deli ates to the state convention ,
V. K. O. Fink , J. 11. Wood. II. R. BIsheo ;
congressional , A. E. Thatcher , Ira Bulware ,
J. (5. ( Little , .lud e J. 1 * . Wood was endorsed
by the convention forrcprescntatlvc.
Sudden Death ur Oakland.
OAKLAND , Xeb. , Sept , i" . [ Special to the
BKK.J Oakland was jrreatly shocked this
morning b the now" ) that .Adolph ifohhagu
liad been found dead near his son-in-law's
Blauvhtoi house. It Is thoiiKht ho died from
tUu eiret-Ls ot heart disease. When found he
was oiithe road. lie had started to feed
homo stoi-k. Ilia ngo was about CO years.
lie hail b.'on stayiiisr lor awiiilo with hln son-
iii-law , w ho Is in thu nit-at market busluuss
Solid fop Thayer nnd
SCOTIA , Xel > . , Sept. 25. i Special Tolesrara
to thtoliKi&j The Greeli'y county republican
convention to-day sent the following dele-
pates to Lincoln : j.ewls Herbert , W. U.
Weeks and S. Wllcox. To the congressional
cciincutlun nt Fremont : James Luwln , IL
\ . j awyer and J. M. Marsh. The deUatv s
cie soild for Thaer nr.d Dorsey.
With Aliductlon.
Coi.t'Miirs , Xob. , Sept. 25 , [ .Special Tele-
cniu to the llEK.l C'olumbus comes to the
fiont livstay with an abduction sensation ,
bher 11 Hanson , of Xew ton county. Kan. ,
sivouded by Deputy blierltf Xew man , of this
county , to-dayariested Feullnniid llbniiliis , ' ,
a iirn > purons farmur living six miloh south
west ofthlsoltv , c.n the chaise of abduutluR
a-id biuijtuu' to Hi.- , pl.u'o his grand wni , who
ie * l.'il with his pureutH iu sfce tlrsl uieu-
tloi nl ,
roucty _ _ _ _ _ _
Far Van Wyck nnil Thayer.
Alit.l.NnroN , Xeb. , Sept , iX i Special Tul-
cTam to thu BKK.I ThodoKigatlon logo to
ti cr nit ) coiivf nthm at Ulair Is Instructed
fiT l''uvr and fora rciireauiitatlvu for Van
\\jck. \
A ni-akcnuiii Kllletl.
W * nee , Xolv , bept. a. f. Special Tulesrani
tf II e 111 u1 To-nlg ! t ns a biakeman on the
? < ' rtlestorn rallmad was eouj.lmsj cars ho
n shthUjfepUivUmfrosjof t'io switch and
was t wiffiSr ylliw L tra. a. His body was
RcvwfcwiW WHttJVaiia'he died In a few uiin-
xttwMK * oren rli suiumoned a j < ry a U
is ifawfcAliH ? aa'tUQUCitovLTtte irmasus.
- - = -
-MMW MfJ * For Trial ,
- iRllio United States
: ill lili IIJMI > li' ' < MOfHl < four mei. ben nt
w e heW iu Sl.-MO
[ trial * ffUitoi > fW * * ( KtiHCn iheclurgo
moa-ualou cijcar-
GOT. LarrabceN Quarantine i\ij ! in' t
Sick Sucker State Stock.
la. . SpL i'S.-OOT. Larrabee
foilowine prix-lnnaation
Whereas. It had com * to my knowledge
that pIf > nr on uinoniA exists among the eat-
tl * of 111 i no A now therefore.
I. Wiiimm LnrratK-e. it j vrnor of th > tate
ol Iowa , ijo iHTrtv forbid the Importation
Into till * tati > from'IIIttmls of any cattte. an
te tii * m l oi-comptin i ri by certiikut * of
ttM stet * Tetwinnry anrwn of ln Hnte , ttort
S M canto ff tiw from cmitwrtons dbw s
I ipp I to ail giwxi citizen * to aml t in pro-
tt-'tin ? t.his - > tat atnlnst tn * > mtrmlnctiim of
Uint fewtitl cattle plea ami fr p * < UUT do I
dfrert tiv * tme wto-rinary snmton a a
lwrHtconstsb' ' * ' and oth r p " B omwrs
and boardof L-ealtti tlirotuchont tJw t t to
"e tliat th is nrocla .nation is otoered.
Stoned by the coveruor and Attested by the
secretary of tate ,
A Prohibition Shoot In.Hatch. .
DE Moist , * . ipt JS.-i5pwial Teleamm
to th : QBB.J A.di patchfrom Xow London
sayL : t yesterday afternoon U orge Iar-
Iter cn'.f red madman's music store somewhat
under the Influcne * ] of liquor , evidently bent
on A qoarrei. Mr. Gladman ordered Parker
< ' a teams the tore and this li refuswd to do.
In a shott cuffle which followed. Uladman
sucreeiled In pushing Parker out of the door
nnd then tired a shot la the air , thinking the
ame woi-ld scare Parker away , Parker left ,
went down town , borrowed a revoivr and
on his returning met Uladman at th * > door
- > nd drew hia w olvir , etidently
: cnt on muruvr. Olailman , who is a
strong man , clinched Parker and In
tnt tniitzl o compltrtely mastered Parker
II to .ret his revolver azalnat tlw tetter's
breast. Thf revulver contained but one
cbnrze which failed to : o off. By this time
I'arker Imd ttred several shots , but one bull
akin. : effect ( tlmlmnn was 'hot In the
lead but the wound was not considered fatal.
I'lK-1 uter is a inosic dealer and has n wife
three chtldrnn. Parker t ? an unmarried
man. It ij rumored that both men were in
toxicated to suuie extent
A. Xewspupcr Victorious.
McCiBKooR , la. , fcept 25. [ fcnecial Tele
gram to the BKK.J The libel suit of ilike
ilorrison , a saloonkeeper at Xorth Me-
Ore or , aeainst the publishers of the ile-
Gresor 3few , resulted In a verdict of the
jury for the defendants. The case has at-
troctcd much attention In Xorthern Iowa for
tim reason that the "uloonkeeppr clalnw
fe.VX 0 damages to his character , and he was
backed b > the liquor league , and it's attorney
prosecuted the ca-e. The evrn accused the
plaintilfof being a .rambler and keeping a
camblin hou tf. and wuen called upon sua-
tained the charges.
Cut In T-WO by the Car .
DrBr < ifE.Ii.Sppt i1 ? . ! Spcclnl Telegram
to the BEE. ] Morris Spillane , an intoxicated
laborer , late of AclUey. formerly ot Dnbuque ,
was cut in two bv a freight train at Dubuquu
Last nicht. The coroner5- jury was unable to
determine whether it was suicide or accident
The Ha-e Ball ItecortL
Xew Yortt . 01100 1 3
Kansa-s City . 010200 3
( Tie came , darkness. ) B.iitj hits Xew
York 7 , Kansas CltyJ. Errors Xew York
% ICansas. Cit > 3. Pitchers Keefe and Weid-
tnan. Umpire Powers.
AT C ci5SATi
Cincinnati . 012000200 5
Brooklyn . S 1310010 * s
Base hits Cincinnati 11 , Brooklyn 12.
Errors Cincinnati 3 , Brooklyn 5. U uipire
FlU-burg - 310000100 5
Athletics . 000001000 1
Base hitPittsburs 5 , Athletics T. Errors
Pitt-bun : 4 , Athletics A Pitchers Galvtu
and Hart. Umpire Kelley ,
St. Louis. . . . . . 000010000 1
Washington . . . 300000000 3
Base hits St. Louis 5 , Washington T. Er
rors fet LouN b , Washington i Pitchers
bhaw and Boyle. Umpire Pearce.
LoniSMlle . 20C0320 7
Metropolitan . OOOU010 1
Bate hits Louisville 5 , Metropolitan 2.
Errors Louisville L , Metropolitans L Um
pire York.
Philadelphia. . . 2 5
Chicago . 0
Base Hits Chicaso 3 , Philadelphia 10.
Errors-Chic.-ujo 7 , Philadelphia 3. Pitcu-
era Ferpison and McCormick. Umnire
Boston . 000000002 2
Detroit . 1
Ba e hits Boston , 5 , Detroit 7. Errors-
Boston , Detroit G. Umpire Quest
Brluhton Beach Ilacca.
BRIGIITOX BEACU , Sept 20. Three-quar
ters mile : Bonnie Prince won , Bellnnger
second. Epicure third. Time 1:17.
Three-quarters mile : Leather Stocking
won , CaUo second , bpinnette third. Time
1:1" : % .
be\en furlonjrs : Kinsr Arthur won. Bur-
KoniasU-T aecoud , Fers Kyle third. Time
l.r.p > , .
Seven furlongs : Jce M urray won , Jim
Brmman second , Annie Martin third. Time
Three inartpn mile : Suitor won , Willie
Palmer second , George C. third. Time
l:17 i.
Onn mile : Franz won , Joe Mitchell second
end , May W. third. Time 1 : K-
Jerome Park Mcctlnjr.
JnitOME PAKIC , Sept ! i5. Three-quarters
mile : Saxony won , Jim DoujiIasH second ,
Eollan third. Time l:173i.
Three-quarters mile : Tireiui won , Bellcvl-
doc oecond , Santa Ulta third. Time 1:17. :
One and three-quarters miles : The Bard
won , Elkwood second , Moiilo McCarthy's
Last third. Xo time was taken.
Ono and one-quarters miles : Electric won ,
Wyckham second. Buckstoue thliu. Time
Seven furlonirs : Pegasus won. Witch second
end , Petticoat third. Time 1 ; : K.
Handicap steeplechase , full eouisii : Buckin
won , Disturbance second. Time 5aj. :
Quaker City Races.
Pim.ADEi.iMiu , Sept. 23. At thn Gentle
men's Dilvlnij parlt the tirst day's races
were :
Three-quarters inlln , Plousrhboy won.Count
Luna second , Monarch of the Oaks third.
Time l0jj. :
One mile : Belle B. won , Myrtle second ,
Sinter third. Time 1 :
. ,
Hardies , one and one quarter miles :
nrook won , Burcoimuter steond. No tlmo
taken. Itachcstor liniuhed nrst , butwasdls
qualiuod for fouling Itiihlibrooit.
TliDiisand * of Dollars of p.iina c by
Wacliout In 3IicltI nn.
BjeruoiT. Swt 25.The Free Press Ie l
City swHiJal MJ-JJ : A terrific thunderstorm
eomua-ucwl at i o'clock y t rtiay af U-rnoon
and lai > tad until 8 p. w. Carl Uipher Gabel's
barn wa § > tru k by lltrhtntu ; : and consumed ,
together wiOi tbe n uuu'n croj s Involving a
lot * of S2tt . The Grand Kaplds & In
diana railroad Uad a bad wailiout half a
mile iiontt of the depot and tlie track Is
uniiyruiiiKsd for btilf a milu between Reed
Ciiy and CWJRI. Oa the Horsey river the
flwxl oarnwl aw-ay owtryOung. GingcrWi's
ii m , u.uth of here , was wasluil
out at 9 o'elnek and the rusli ot water cleared
Hie way. iiorrt * A Jlartln'i nmi P. & J. Blt-
n s diiui * at tills j > lap , and tlm dam at
lUrwy b > ale zone The Flint < k Pere M.\r-
quulte railroudita a number of washouu
ca and w t of iusre. Their bridge about
two uiiUw e st lias twen moved out of posi
tion btwdwi damage to the ttono work from
wttliiiK f.uud rso ( . At Copleys , HuhtiilnK
8L' Vl" a H * * w.hM * Ml ° " a klllinir a
child and iMdly injuring iu mother , namns
unknown. TU ! iu this sw-tiun ia i , tl-
inaiud at SI MI > AI. Trains wll be dvlaed
Svrai tlay * . '
Sir 1'eri.onH SuJfonntcd.
OFASGOW. Sept. 34-gix person * , includ-
t' rcoO'asuowniagUtratej ' , were fatally
f 'v ' . ' 41 V 'ay w'-'k ' liewlnz monster
, , 1 ° , Fl ne 8'd" ' uarrieit S v o tons
were u r < l in Uo blast.
Scan < kl Mongers 817 Cleretaad'a
Eome Didn't Cost Him Aajtbiag.
The Presidents Many Vacation * A
Wa te of Ink and Paper Clmrlot-
tonN UutI Situation Other
t.Va liington.
Country Sent.
Sept 36. [ Sp dal to U
Scsndal mongers are turning tht'ir
attention swlii to President Cleveland , and
r anetfrtin that hid home In Pretty Proy-
pt-ct cost him nothing. The provocation tor
tnia M the sUtenient that he has repaired Uw
retreat at a grent expend.
"I gue5 the presl < i nt wUl not bo oat i
great tlenl , " ssid a cenUenian this tnnrnln ? ,
"even If h does flx tft tarm up in yood
shftfw. The place didn't cost him anything
at UK outset , yon know. ' '
Iliad heard thh statennsnt before , but Jl l
not belitiveit wto true. So I tohl the zen-
"Well , " he replied. "I am not ? oin > r Into
nay details about it. but I think I could con
vince you if I would tell you all t know. I
would tike to see the man who reeivetl any
money from the president for Pretty Pros-
" \Vho do you thiafc cave it to the presi
dent' " '
"A syndicate of real estxte speculators. "
w. the quick reply , "t know a number ot
gentlemen \ > ho have m.ide money out of the
affair , and some others who did not , but who
expected to by getting onto the tail of these
men's kite. The fact that the 'purchfco' by
the president did not pan out well was owinx
to the leaking of a man in the scheme , tie
gave it away , and those of tin. aristocracy
who expected to buy did not tie so , because
they thought the president would not live
out there. The housi1 it If a r.ittlo-trap of a
thin ? wa * not put izi repair , and the spec
went from bad to uorse. Finally the repair *
\ere bemin. But , do you know the presi
dent is not lajtnt ; a\vakii o' nl 'its thinking
about the repairs' ' "
"You do not mean that somebody else than
the president 13 paying for the repairs ? "
The man snuled as he replied , stowly and
significantly : "I'm not savin ? a word ,
am 1' " '
A jeatleman who LS preparing to take the
stump in Indiana during thi > liupending
campaign ts compiling , amonz otlier tuins ,
a otateinent showing the number of days
President Cleveland has spent since the 4th
of March , 1 > M ) , awuy from the white hou-e
anu where they have biven spent He claims ,
a nc lit thu o t-publi"ued statement that thL >
aiimiui'-tnition is an exceptionally industri
ous one. tliat Mr. Cleveland lias tinen more
time since he became president tl'an any
other chief execute e ever took within the
same period immediately following his in
duction into otlice. Tht trips down the
rher , the runs over into the woods ot Vir-
smia , the visits to Xew YorJt \ at
tend the Decoration day exerci > . etc , the
receut bout in the Adirondack , all are toid
about in this compilation.uth particularity.
There are a number of visiw and runs out of
thu city , "uch as attendin. ; balls for chanty in
Baltimore and > ew Yon : , that I cannot re
call. It ii enoiuh thattlie compilation will
be amuain-j asiell as artrumeiitati.e.
Strangers to the capitol durms the session
of congress otten ask what is wanted with
the car loads of bills they see around the doc
ument room- . About one thousand ei ht
hundred copies of all bills introduced in
either the hou e or senate are [ tinted by a
continuing order , and very frequently there
are special orders for thousands of additional
copies. Usually , nfty copies are suilicient
for a private bill , while 5CO Is enough if tne
bill is of a general character , bo tnere are
thousands of these billi fwng to the waste
baskets every day , and wa on loadb at the
clo-e of con rt s. Bills are printed on a hue
quality ot book paper , heavy calendared , and
tne wastage is not inconsiderable. Acci
dentally I discovered the use these bills are
uuallv put to. They are used In the markets
to cover butter. The keeper of a splendid
stall in the largest market says nearly all the
butter sold at retail here is covered vuth this
paper ; mat it is the best that can be found ,
unless the ontimal stock is bougnt , and that
i1.0 expansive.
' if the earthquake would only cease the
visitation of the ni ht of Aiuu > t 31 would
tike the form of a blessing to Charleston , but
unless they do cease , and pretty soon , too , It
will assume thejform of a curse , " said a fen-
tleman who had just returned from this earth
quake region or South Carolina. The people
ple , he stated , are becoming alarmed there in
a very serious way , and , ire quietly arransin ?
to permanently leave the city of Charleston.
Only the roieate view of the condition of
aiTairs is being sent out to the country now ,
as the transient newspaper correspondents
hava all lelt , and the dispatches are daily
prepared by men who have lent ; lived in
Charleston and who have families and prop
erty there and business interests to
be subserved , and it is a matter of
dollars and cents to them to restore conlidenro
us thoroughly and as soon as possible..No
one wants to live Dcrmanently in a place , "
continued this centleman , "and anticipate a
moment-try revolution of the tiustiuctive
earthquakes. One can stand it for a few
days , blithe wants a rest once in a while. I
lound a secret wish in almost every mind to
li-.ive Charleston. Keally , I doubt if there
arc 5,00(1 ( cuople there who would not sell out
their real estate at one-half what they asked
for It a month a o and gladly leave. But
there ha feeling that their only salvation
lies in staying till cunudence b restored and
then getaway. "
"Aro improvements being made as fast as
reported , " was askeit
"Mucli is bains ; dona to clear away the rub
bish , but I can assure you little H dointr of a
permanent character. Una tiling struck me
as buiii } ; similucant , and that was in all the
Ulk I heard about reouildin ? not a word was
utteicd about any structure of value. All
was of cheap or temporary character. Only
substantial structures will restoru that con-
lidence necessary to maku something of
Charleston. "
"What Is the trouble ? "
"The natives believe that the earthquakes
have become an infirmity and tlut it is un
safe to live there. Much lias been said about
the 'br.tvery of the Charleston people. ' All
that I could see that was of bravery was In
their staying in the city. They fear
the effect of shakes ax much as anybody ,
as I learned by running races with some of
thu men who hurried out of bulUllnirs when
thera were shakes. They ounht to know
peoplu out ot thu city and especially strang
ers In the city , expect them to set an ex
ample of indilforpuce. . bo lung &s those
then ) who have seen all nin away from thu
recurring shocks and talk about a chroniu
case of earthquake * . Uiev need not look for a
return of coniidencu. Theru is no inoru ml.--
bntble place to spend a day riuht now tliau In
A scries of placards bearing thu announce
ment , " .Xo Admittance , " has been issued and
placed on tu ! * outsidti of e\ery door in thu
treasury department , at which in-nnlu who
have business there swear. Herutotoro thu
public has never been excluded from the
moms of dorks in any dopnrtmimt , and no
trouble has e\er been reported rom it Extra
ordinary preparations luivo boon niado in the
war deivirtmon howevoj- rooulvo vlsltort
and persons calling on oiUcialbut > lnuU. Kaon
clerk U furuNied with a lot of cards on
which is printed thd name , door anil
miuilx > r of nutm In niilcii &tn be found
employes In tha Uupartiueut TUUH , if
a man calls in a room fora clerk ur ntlle r
in some other room he in haudeit a onrd bt > ar-
iug tbu name , rank , door and num
ber of olUon of tlm cersoa wausvd. It is
often rcmarkeil. in speaking ot Uui arrnnge-
mcuUof Uiesntno deiKirtuiauU forU.o ac-
cumuuKlatian of thu public , "lluw
uiev't m oiUcial life.1'
Residents \V.ishnitton | iwva l > een ro-
nilndiM inora forcibly during tne past sum
mer than ever before of the extravsuraucu of
the Chinese diplomat located in tnU city.
wlwn there l nauanhlnir coed
at Uie theaters and ttiat is almost ni huy
tlia Chintr lesation havd a bos. They dnvo
the handsomest earrlagxvi , occupy Urn trand
, llvo tint bi > t and tuoat
gively of an > body , ar.d ail is paid tor by Uia
jjovenimeut uioy repixseut U HSUIS a
odd that the celestial uuunro should put on so
ityii'w ep 'i-T i\t w i s < nu a
i iain t tl'eir enmtstion.
Cl > MMI ! rs ATK I < me.
Indian ( ommi ionpr AfXm wajtw
t Ilertwtt Weh-tr pr-i iii > nt ot the Indian
Right. * v nf ilaUon. ! bt-rniiw ; ne e iays a ! -
fen " o ( Aafent-1 M * < tillicnddi's nmna mrnt
of the Pine Ridte ! ittair > . "The < > & ! > p.jiot
rai * d bv Mr. Welch , which bus not already
bven explodwL'1 * &yi Indian Coitimtaloapr
AtkinsIt tha t Ihe cn MM hit taken at th *
ij ncT w s onferwl by McOilliruddv wlido
to * waaaeent. fh n a. * n matter ot fact the
wor < ! of the Imlltn office h w that while
Me < Jllllotidrjy { Alfred to be n t nt by bcln <
Sn-tpendwl frmn mtico > iay IT the cpn < n WM
not ( H-thnwl tintiiaie followInztlar M.IT lHth.
TMt wn < the Mn > on whn.-li thf letter % a5
* tlttn at the kMfinn olMce In Wa-fhintrtou.
It Ls tme It wn a ldre i > l to Mr-
( tillictiddy .v a nt at line Kid > > .
aa the ofllce. at that tune , wu
not aw re that MeOillict My had btM n \t-
pin l l th < lay bci re by the in rrtor , who
had been sent out from thl * ijfflct1. Whili
bad betm drawins ratiom forever
over ' .iJiH ) lndmn- > the een-w. then ordered
and DOW jn t nwplt'tei ! bT Mc tliniddv | | >
successor , show * le * < than 3,000 Indians in
existence at that olflre. "
rommio- ion r Atkins hiw ? ant t'fclded to
pro wute the ousknl .went "I Imre never
-uld a word to ca t rprlcctlon upon the integ
rity of McinllicuiJdy , " ay Atkins.
PKA ( r FOR Afll/itX V ,
Governor Xculiclc , of Arizons.was at the In-
tenor detmrtment today. In < * on vcr ntlon ho
said : * * rhe capture of ( leronlmo and his
bnnd of Inflowetnthruats iii 'ain p < 'iiec and
prosperity to Arizona. Our people will now
KO to work in the wnrance of pence and
safety to develop the tern tot r , ana I want to
sny right here that too mucn crnUitcHnnotbe
aiven to SecreUrj Lamarand liisdeiiartmeiit
for the enpture of those Indians , lie has
persisted in demandinc that they hould be
Imn tt'il down , and our people feel deeply
cniteful to him. His name Is a household
w ord in Arizona.
. . .
The postoftice at Butchburv , Cas county ,
was discontinued to-day. The * . D. Bnbhttt
ww : appointed po-tma. < ter at Ame' < , Uotlge
county , vice BenJ. C. Fay and Ben C. Fre
mont , declined. The president appointed
tha following named postmasters : Normal ,
IH.t\V. C. bcanlaml , vice A. H. Tavlor re-
lned : ; Montevideo , Minn. . Mr . Ella L.
Kempe , renppoiuted ; Whit Cheer , la. , Kieh-
anl Burlre , vice B. L. Brainard , suspended ;
Afton , la. , Alice II. Graves , vice C. K.
Inshaniimpended. .
Down the Force.
W.v ntMTo > > . feept il. On the first of
October nearly SCO mechanic.- * will bo dis-
charsed from the Wa-hington , navy yard as a
result of the recently ivued order of fcccre-
tary Whitney , turning over the entire yard
to the ordnance bureau. Nearly all ot the
heavy plan twill be removed to other yards
and the buildings vacated will be used to
accommodate impioved machinery for the
fabrication of heavy ordnance. It is believed
that the machmerv equipment of the depart
ment will be sent to the Boston navy yarua.
WrccJc of Trains.
SpnnroriEU } , O. , Sept. ij. A pa.s < = t > nier
train on the Indiana , Bloomtngtou & Wes
tern railraid collided w ith a freisht train
near Liura. The engine and bajrase car
were completely smashed , and Fireman
Flllon instantly killetl. A do en freight
cars were badly wiecked. A number of
Knights Templar returning from St. l ouis
were on the train , but it b thought none of
theiu have been injured.
Pleuro-l'netiiiioma in Ohio.
CLEVELAND , Sept 25. A disputch from
Akron says that pleuro-pneumonia has been
discovered on a farm in Northern tow nslup ,
bummiS county. Thirteen cattle have
already died. The disease is believed to have
been imported from Iowa. Precautions have
been taiceu to prevent lt > spread.
Nebraska ami Iowa AVeathcr.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair , higher , fol
lowed by lower temperature.
Uu-hins : the Gloss Inilnitry.
Prrr'-BLito , Pa. , Sept 25 By way of
atoning for the long dispute over the waire
scale in the window glass industry , there Is
icreat activity displaced among the various
factories in Pitubunr. D. O. Cunningham
& Co . 's factory has a fire In and will com
mence blowing next Tuesday night Thorn-
sen A Co. anil Abel Smith A Co. will also
blow m on Tuesday ni ht. Phillips & Co.
will resumeone weekfrom to-mttht Fire !
also in at S. M. Mckees A ; Co.'s , Chambers &
Co.'s , Thomas U'l htmau A ; Co. s and Wolf ,
Howard it Co.'s , and an early stirt is oMured
111 the entire Pittsbura district Secretary
Oracle , of the w indow glass w orkers asaocia-
tion. has received advices from other points
in the western district indicating the same
measures of activity.
Nevada Republicans Nominate.
NEVADA , bept 35. The republican state
convention to-tiay nominated C. C. Stephen
son for governor , H. C. Davis for lieutenant
governoi , T. 0. Edwards for the bupreme
( Seer e Lufty was nomlnauHl for treasurer ,
J. W. Dormer , secretary ot state , and J. T.
Hallock comptroller.
Milton Noble' * Successful Season.
The Milton Nobles season closed last
eveninsj with "The Phusiiii , " a piay that
is in the twelfth year of its success , and
which has been seen heru so often that it
requires no eulogy. SuiHce to say that
the actors were up to their usual standard
of excellence. At the matinee , "Love
and Law" was repeated to a good houau.
The next attraction the Florences ,
who are always sure of a rousing rucrp-
tion hare. Monday evening "Uur Gov
ernor'1 will be Riven. Tuesday evurunf ;
a new play , "Tho Flirt , " will bo present
ed for the tirst time in Omaha.
For the hut week the business manager
ot Mr and MrV. . J.ilorenco has been
ilidtribntmt : tiny silvered hatclietsaiiiony
their friends and admirers ot souvenir * of
something to come. That something will
come on next Monday night , when the
comedian and bu chnrmin wife will ap
pear al Boyil's ouera housu m tlio society
comedy , "Our Governor , or , lliii Little
Hatchet. " Mr. Florence , as 1'into Per
kins , turns out a close blood relative of
the immortal Kli. A rnoru amusing liar
never trod tha sUce. The dialojrue l
bright ami witty , unit the character as
original anil cluan cut as that in the "Al-
mi lity Dollar. " Mr. Florence never re
peats or copins hluiii'If. Pinto L'urkins 11
a roll entirely di U net from all his former
creations , am ! one that la far more amut-
iiitf. The "Almighty Uoilar" will be presented -
sentod Tue.siiay evvninj' and a new pluy
enlled "Tho Flirt" on Wwlne Uiy niaht.
The sale of soata enod thU morning.
Mr.Vr. . S. ( Iilbt-rfa brilliant comedy of
"Engnswl , " winult will be pruiuntud In
this city October T and 3 by tlie dramatic
company of the MailUou biju.-iru tlioatr ,
Now Vork , was receirud , in that oity ,
upon the occasion of iu ruvival , with a
tnmiilt ot laughtur mid with cordial ail-
miration. To thosu parson * who look
bi'iieuth tha surUce. ' 'Engaged" in llni
strongest of ilr ullbort's plays. It
suems at lirst 4 'lt ' > to be a ilroll bur-
lus < iuo , but in r lity it ij adeap wttir
upon tlio frailties uf hum an nat.iru. It
displays both the prillianey and tlio <
vunty of the aullior'a vit witli eonspie-
nous dwtiiu-tnuBt and stromr oflect. it
ivxoites the luu tU > r of CHrelw-w spoctii-
tors , and it sUruulateo relluetion in
thoughtful minila. "Kngageil'1 will have
Die advantage of u thoroughly appro
priate anil competent eat. The par-
formane will bu marked by fine ability
iu almost every detail of iu acting * Iu
revival m New York , Boston and Chicago
by the Madison Square company rewired
tnu approbation of Uie entire newnpap r
preas of each city. The sbfeolnto sincerity
uf the actors who parUeiputM in the p r-
formonca extracUjJ from ilr. Gilbert's
lines every bit of piquant tlayor of hi8
trenchant humor. The great aucc 84a # ,
"Saiats ami Sinners" and "So&led In-
structious , ' ' will also proaonUxi dur
ing the engagement. The Madison
Square company ia now recognised as
tha strongest dramatic organisation in
.America , and tneir performances b m
wul no dount b attended by large and
cultured audiences.
1209 FARfllM STREET.
I/o viatic fee m for r < ttl rjwult thttt nrc ttrrtrimilflily , iff eontmiHCa
lo-mori'oiv u K' ) ' ( 'S uf the tjmitr t bni'i/Hin > < < < trrr atleinitleit tn
Ihks city , 2'o-inomnr , Momtni/ the day to buy crockery.
i i'ict't ire qitnte brtoirttiv /wa'f if below Ihe mttilitfttelttVevst
t for IfamUed Ten Cups' and Saucei'3.
( > : citcli for Dinitrr I'litte- * .
4c ' < K'/i for lircnlifmt J'lates.
He ciiiii for Pit ; I'luti' * .
Of t'fic/i for n In rye Scnlli > i > Ihtkt'r.
7c. lie , IScto 'iiic for Utrye ticitllup reyctable tlishe * vioi'lh twice
tllC HHHlt'/ .
AV , We , 1'ie , lie. ISc to , ? . ! V , for Platters that arc aold at double
the ; > ! ( < .
AV. ? . Uc , tfic to 33c. for Pitchers that are usually sold at
twice the money.
Jieincinber all the above are of the /h"t qnnlitilunrunleeil. .
TOUO It UO It' , JloyD.LT , ire place OH < alr , * OO barrel * of ijlitss-
ifare , all first quality , at trenirntlon * reduction * from unal prices *
4f each for Goblet * irortli lOc ; lOc each for finely einjravcd Goolcla
worth 2lt :
JOi' each for colored Saure ili hct worth ? . "tc ; lOc ? < ich for finely en-
yrnveil llntter di lic * iritfi coi } , ' { ? for four piece j//fi < s net , * , colored ,
worth $1.OO : ' i.'te for lanji' line twtiice dl. + liei.
To cap the cliinajwe offer for tn- morrow only JOO ll'ntev Set. * , con-
* Mi > nj of two Onart Pitt-hcr * , tijcteen Tumbler * and Tray in blue ,
canary or amber color * , at the remnrhaMe low price of
Tn all department * of our * tore we are offering ( jrrut banjafn * in.
order to reduce our itock preparatory for our HOLID.i V GOOI\t
which will be in all retpeeti the lartje t. ] inet and mo-t complete stock
ever sliowu , here. Itemember the mile beyin * to-morrow and don't fail
to visit the popular
1209 FAENTAM ST. ,
" . ii. We * take our reputation on our prices and guarantee every
thing a. * advertised.
The Tragedian ant * How He Appear *
and Tal lc 4.
D. E. Bandmann , the celebrated trage
dian , was met by a. BEE reporter yester
day morning m the rotunda of the Paxton -
ton hotel. He was on hia way cast after
a trip o the moun tains. He passed
through here about two weeks ago when
westward bound , stopping o\et only
long enough to rest from the fatigue of
the trip.
It b > nearly three vears since Mr. Band
mann played in this city. He wa then
induced to enter upon an eng-igement of
two night.s under : m irresponsible local
manager during fair week , on which oe-
casion be played Richard III and ILim-
let. Since that time Mr Bandmann hu :
lo-t somewhat in tlesh , and his curly
locks are more thickly wired with silver.
He looks a little careworn also , so much
so indeed that one seenis likely to forget
that be i * the man who m his prime carried
bhakspearo into corners of the earth
where he liad never been introduced by
actors from abroad. Although still a
hearty man , the faet that he is no longer
the man he was some time ago in the
dramatic world is plainly apparent , and
this knowledge fails not to arouse that
reirret which H always occasioned by the
advance of years and the impairment of
Mr. Bandmann somn time ago pub
lished a work entitled Seventy Thousand
Miles With tahakipciiru , in which he tie-
tails the experience he enjoyed in hin pro-
fcsnioual tout throughout the world , in
which , with UM several companies , long
before the world enjoyed iu present fa
cilities for traveling , ne gained thu his-
triomc reputation which liad preceded
him to these shores.
Thu work was originally published In
a large and expensive form , but has
lately been reduced in size and price for
popular reading. It mav be tound in all
the trains and is decidedly interesting.
Mr. liatidinann ww ; particularly anxi
ous to know how Unialiu was prosper
ing , andexpretised adcsire to inyentiiomo
money in the purchase of real estate , did
he not believe that the rates now com
manded were entirely too high to Justify
speculative investment. Notwltnutnnd-
ing this belief , he afterwards allowed
himself to be led to Inspect some inside
business property , one parcel of which n
few days ago sold for $15,000 , for which
$1HOOU 1.1 to-day demanded. It Li not
known , however , thai he purchased any
of Omaha'a realty.
In speaking of bi.s work Mr. Bandmann
took occasion to refer to its
many excellencies , and spoke with
feeling of the interest , with which
du waa aanunsd every page of it would
b read. Jle felt equally intare ted In re
ferring to the success which had attended
hid eilorM in training men and women to
Ixj net/iri. "J have done a jrreat deal for
thu dramatic school , " he said , "becauso I
have trained company afu-r company
and all of their members have bon ex-
wllont actor * . You remember , Ixxwse
J5 ! UiiJct ( , the little lady w&o clwn d
( Jinaliana here two yuan ago. Sl e w
still with me , but Miss Gala , wnom I also
trained , and of whom I know I mad * in
excellent actre * ) , is now doing Jwutlns
busings for Lawrence Harrett. I taugut
| ier how to act and she broke her contr t
with nm to enter into an engagement
with Harrett. "
There was a tone of sadaass in tae sfcl
gentleman's voice * s he gav * exprssuw
to thw professional a t of iBgratilMM * ,
and as it was noticwl , the reoortar wul *
him good day. The tragedian wit i * t
evening to open his season 12 Rie&uo&d ,
Va. _
The trertnan Ilay.
This evening the Bnureis , Pali a d
Schmirz Gwman theatrical eompcay.
"ire Uaeir third performance in UM opera
Bouse , presenting Uie ever popolar pwee ,
"Uoa CsJ ar de Bazan. "
The Coming Chess * Tourney.
XKW YoRir , Sept 25. A niwtuii ftf lite
promoters of the international aic s tatir& ) ' .
to be bdd in this dry next prin ? . was held
pointed to make Uw neees&ary &TT :
t < .rtno tourney. Tiie przes wd
, ud uie tot prize is SI.AU.
Stray Leaves I'roiu a Iteporter'rt
Nottllook. .
Among the arrests made yesterday was
that of n young man well known in
Omaha , who , for bis own sake and that
of hw family , will oe styled John Doe.
He was charged with being dead drunk.
The circumstances which led to his being
arrested are somewhat curious. Early
yesterday morning he went into a Doug
las street barber to get his mustache an
elegant , silky specimen dyed a dark
brown. The barber .ussigned to the ta-c !
was a irreeu , ignorant fellow , who knew
very little about the delicate operation of
djiug a mustache. He hapoened to see
a bottle of iodine on the shelf , and , sap-
posing from its dark brow n color that it
was the proper dye , applied it to the
mustache of the man in the chair. In a
moment the mustache was irretrieva
bly ruined. It had assumed a color
which can best be described as a
dirty , mottled red. The poor fellow
looked in the mirror took in the situation ,
and with one wild volley of oaths , jump
ed from the chair. Instead of assaulting
the barber , however , hi ; reached down m
his pocket , mid pulling out a pint flask of
whiskey , swallowed the liquor at one
gulp , perhaps with the intention of com
mitting suicide. At any rate iii ten min
utes , ho wa.s lying on the lloor , helplessly
drunk. The proprietor summoned the
patrol wagon and John Doe promptly
carted oil' to Jail , to oil' the etlects of
Ins remarkable dose. Unfortunately , the
burb > r who was responsible for ihe whole
trouble was allowed to go free.
Superintendent James , of the public
schools , complains that his teachers are
much annoyed by bad boys
who gather about the buildings
at all hours of the day and ' 'raiiis Cain"
in the manner which is peculiarly that of
the Oniiih.i small boy. They hoot -mil
throw Ktnnos through the window-sand
a. ault the scholars going to and from
work. Supt. James yesterday invoked
police protection , nnd .Marshal L'um-
nungH has made arrangement * to arroi-t
thu youngster * who persist tu these evil
The finances of thu fair association
have not yet been figured up , but enough
is known to warrant the afoiiranee that
the deficit U little or nothing The mem
bers of the association * y that ha nj ; es
tablished the fact ttiat nil Umaho. fair can
be nuido a success with reiuoeabty oed
weather , they propose to make ihe v at
next year one of ninny splendid la ; ur s
Andrew Ander-on Has hted a * wt ta
the district court to > * eur * th * err rtaii
ot a deed mad to him by ife * MIT for
pruperty at th * cotiwr rf t' & * > *
Twenty-tSsird reeU-s Tk * doerf btud fcy
him calU for : h * do * : Jo * f s patn < rf
the ground ? MTUM * Kjrj a * -riiffc 'i * :
i was < x > aw-eipiiJi m UN > cxr Ajd J
army h ad | irterf * ! *
day. SeM | Mtki > r ST. or * *
hvry of pabtie * ! .MNU at fan Conor i
d Alee , w ib * & * s.l yt r l ; " 4 > oo f > r
tain bUls of Urfuif , pavnumt < m wttxA
was made by Major U Ii i u Jj , < juw
terw t3tr C. S. ruiy , asduburMagquar
t mt i r at I'oruaud. Ung tm. The
bo rd will mat * full r | x > rt on tw ! n . .
of saeh delays and 6s UM re paiuib a. * ;
Odd Ffllow * Adjourn.
? wnJ toHpe ol Oddvc
did not eia > until mirfn. Jit toJ > - - . < .
ta eoior lib inomiar. After trai L * . |
JMUiD MllHl pU03- * * > ) "l. . n < i U r. 4. ,
tlk ! kxal ktd it. xovufuaf iua v > r
wUUJi u f
A Coed Werk Pioi .h l
XKW YoKk-Spt s t r s e-
retary t * Aawrican coiu.i. 'i r * a the ,
BirUioUt suiae 6f iibrr a" - f tovt
tte isui da uf ijtU.i r . ; . . ue-
. \d < ertt * m nt un < irttti hd < , t cnn pf r
lln < > tor iho fl t ni > rtH > n. ' cnt for mob ib-
in er onaA 11 Ifl * IIB * per month
Su 4l > * Tti tnent taken 'or tps
fur m Srst inwrtion. JVB
counted to th ! ln : lh y must run
llrsly itml mint Of paid In &itrao * . AH mlver
tttH-menfei mut b bfln.tod hi b for 1 o chx-k
p. m . and under no elirumnnHCW wiU lh b
or ilt * < > nilii iwl by xsephono.
m th4 olumn * ir l Mr-
IHB tb nn weM 'ir < r < l m cure or THE B
B ill oN1 * " * k f ii ctwok to * n. blr them to yvt
their ! tt r , 84 m ill b d.-HT. rm
on i riw nt tion of choc * . Ml i n rr to
N nnr' ' r 1 m < in * own
FXi H V\uF. W , it it an I C. .
br i < Inn H for h ir ' * ir h i n It * "
rn-kH nTt < r * THX | c-ytte or So i Ail-
I " 131 > 'NB-i ' > * t H VSi E -cr n nn < l
I JJ Atture * in ir MnJ locution fni < Kush
* I hy , ! I * i > Uth St. 7 . ' 7 M
I7H > K t of u s tnnl-
L ni * oil
rif ! Of H MhiH to rotm * fr. n t > n * .
.Vili < n > . < > I' ) BI-I ; < > < 'IT
\ \ * - \ pnrner In a JTW.I t r a * i > < *
ii rai.nit < t * from $1.M ) wS'xxno in.
T - < t and t > willing to mien I to > > m < - r. rk
.V.l < tfS"M O 33. Be < HDc . Tri W
"jrnR s\l RDruff * n In M < owti north
Jrt. . t.'rn Nebraska , nintltv tvt ( . - < * 1 r < * -
sonn for -H-I itifr. Apply to F U nu-n , wtv > lo-
snte ilrujT. < iout nty. In. it ,
. , Sfeoclc rn.-h nn < l
- iitnpK.nny n town property , or wt t-r cp-
e-ut * , nt n l riun. Pwrton long nun .llrv
quick , Ham & , ro. , BnMi-tc. ; uii r *
1J1OK vVt L-13 room hotel on corn-r l 1 1J
JL1 . IWHT . $ Tml . h i
spnn of worSm ; hur fs taken M jm t i uyment ,
time nvpn on bntanre to mlt , Ai.l-i--i T W
lbos 15 South liend , N b
LK-A welt sUoll hw'i1itf\ , ml
tlnuepv , Imatptl in om > of t > , itt
ton in m Uie tUo : , AU < lre .i O tii , Bei < o to \
T.OIJ1 K-A Dairy of .W ciwj. n. arn "nil
J1 fro b with nil a puitpn ncc , lin fu.i n. her o
power coin nu.i . , .lullvwry toain niul ii'in mil
a jfiml milh route. Tenm MUy Iinni' Luite
ppi ! nn. Enquire of Sam'l J. Iow ! , "ttico
ITS. tth. xi
F OK 3 ILK -Implement stoi-e tin. ; hlii * .m th
bop. cnmh > neil or "ui'iinito'l. in i > ne . > f the
liveliei't towns m N'ebrnMkt. Kor furtln-r pur-
ticulurs mlilrc < u L. D , post box 1U4 Ui < . - n. r ,
N oh. _ N1 1 1) ) I *
I UJS SALK duo of thiolilvnt em ii I tiled
grociry bntmpits in thi * city , Hi n pry
liirtfo , w eil-pnym trnU . Will eTOhanjo for
Omaha ri-ul etwru or piirt cn h nnil halniii"o ) -
cureil notr < . tiood rwiauni dvcn for ml In if
Add rest 1413 Jones " 47
_ _ _ _ _
Tp OH < AI.KOr trnilo tor oiimhv , pr..i,1.rtyT
JTUt > bi-st ! oi'uu > d ilvi-ry basiii'-m ti'hit.elc
In thf city Lrma Ica'p of burn ut chcnp ri-nt.
Mivnc > ltio JMaFiiriinm _ HI
"I Olt SAI.K Kl t-oliisi nu-nt miirupt with
-L nice flxturcn , nil oomplcto uoixl trmli"
bout ot rcmons for > i lliii tall or i ire to
< _ * > JIV MA on , 1R1 ITo nr < l nn
Hot > K' * l.ot < irarmx uma * nmnoy lonnod.
riginlH. Vitli and Uo iglm nlru-ts illil
rouio > .
TTICKN l"P A Olach nn-t wiite 1 yr irolil
i cow.atthe cor. of Hlih ami Unit. . ! . on
mlo ! north of Ittuor's blielt yunL 1-innx.K.
ro v. su s i u is a *
reST Liidloa Jupiino-a li-nthcr ciir I nnil
- * i > oc Hot book. Flailor plouao rot. in tn uou
olllcc. ! . - ,
JCK1' A duo Shephenl Snv , name Mit. . >
j Ubural ro urcl for his rennii to i antloM
In.use. ii. s. itho.les. "ii *
IObT ( ) n fc ( > W'ir l SU , bet. ' H Ti1. | > i M K
J cliuich mid So. Ul 3. n ludj't I.JU.M l-r oy
waisu Fiiulor Juuvc at Z and if. t r. wnrd.
, JJ ' 'T
Josl' Pocket uiktruinont CIIHC , u r n < > .ir tlio
A pnKtolIko Uonrd otlcriil ir lull nt too
lice oilluu. _ UK )
rovr A line rvd knit ahout < \ a clocic
-t Siitiirdny l.uuvo ut thin
ollico uml got ruurd. . j'H
OAUD1M3 Ooudday buuiil ,
pOAUD And l t. utJi : N IJtu St.
J > 818
J3RHSi > NAL Oon't buy .1 himzliu lump on
weekly IMJIIIPIIM until > uu Kot prlfOH ut
J | OI | > 'H Lhinii.Hue , Mtli and Lu unpurt. You
can auvo from Ulty to OD hundred pur runt.
"JJEHSONAI , It the pu'i ' on who p kix ! ufH
J vc'Nt In trent of the Kupiibliuun oflle Kil- nil ! rotuin tlio MIIUII to Jls N. 'Jth Ht , bo
will bo run ui dud. A. T Hohni-s.
] 3K"K-7 > CAl.-Mrs Ii il. Post. cjtp.-Henccd
Jnur _ c , n is cor-JCuu jinil Pjitru invn SOHa *
W A NTin : Pupils lor Gt-rman an I l.ntin ,
pninitiiklnif earn , coinpuimu'V , * uc
nddrc-B" M 1'J Ili.-o olllm dfi i
i" > L.IsUN Vi.Seal anil uastttilwvui Uun
suitH S7 L. O. J.iilBH ACe , Anii
Cluthlun , 13DO Kurnain ? u Hail ordcrn ! ln
JiKlt- < N VI. uulk-fl or jrenu sucuilly or
niiiiriuioniully mulliicit , Ji irjn ci II" [ XM-
denci * with ln opi omtn hut KII ! uM iidJusui the
f'orrexpiindin ffurt-nu , Wilhor N l > . l-'rlutly
conlHlontluL lii.uiuao J cunt 3U.uip ft * n ply.
Till ! &
] _ ) hli"-'I N'\ 1. Mrs Dr Sillimo V. W arrnil
cliun iiymt. Mi-illrnl unit but > m < - s MHum
Itciom .N'a J , li'l Nurlli Mb gtUmuii.i Nfl > .
jJ7u > < > S A 1. ) lr L Inuiimn u-iunir of
pulutinir unu mu lc' . 1011 Dutun * > _ ! ' * )
1"jBK nN\L I'luniPnnit violin tin < lit pri-
rutely lint run ion nf Hr i ordur l'r f"nor
Wiebin , caieJIax Mo\i > r. _ _ iuui * _ _ _
< SAI. I'o buv rout eniuto ( r > i > rro
money , or ( fi-t nil n'lMiai t uf ilt.o , J < > Iti
the oUltu f It. C I'mtiTMin , luih and U'K ioJ.
. ' I'npcroiiiitain * nwany 3V )
MAnilMO.N'lM Iroui uilcnii gcntle-
mon w tinting c * rr'8iMiinJfnl-j f i i.t * iiiontti ?
for 10 cenu . ai ! - 8 , HUiiiir ; HJIWI. ' M
rutlo t. , t btcuvo , 111. * * * 3d *
r pHlTTi7i rr7 CA U Gi < . \ PI I , 0 * ffnii r
Jtt oiil. room * 7 wl il. I run btnk. of ) U
TENtKJK vl'll \ "anil" fj-iSwrTunif " " < ' .Ool
Itoouu 7 nn.l 3 , Iron back. "
anr r > * | wlio
l.UI rnMr fl
fl'KKiJ * . x i icvtiru iete 9 j Mni E iraior
' p. rw n tju/'nr or Do , ? ! < a. .N irirtt. .
FdKKCVr jjat KMBO l sioai..r _ A
Heir * i
r or. KK.N
J" Mbt U
ti f
: T n. . * * *
- * 4h
, H * 9&s
r 4n # . > * * * . - * 4
-ifKf t * t < * .
" -t * * * .n ii. tlri.f , 4 , 2 , f