Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1886, Image 1

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Parliament finishes Its Labors for the
Season and Is Proroguecli
Prophesy of "A Member of Parliament"
of Trouble Next Session.
DisfranchSscmont of tlio Irish or Oivil War
the Alternative of Compromise.
Bir Oharlca Will Lsarn the Business nnd
Bo a Sub-Editor.
What tlio Wide-Tamed Dressmakers Have
Invented for Winter Wear.
The Situation in Itulfi'irln ' Another
Imhor Strike In Itcluliuu llay-
rpulh'H Cicrnmu
Cremation Many
Prom a Commoner.
Housi : or COMMONS LimtAU\Wr. srMivs-
TIU : , Sept. ti-i.-lXovv York Heiald Cable-
Special to the lii ! : . | Wo have just cone
thioimh tboveiy dull pciloimanco ol pro
roguing paillament till till when. Tliat Is
the momentous question. Ilic nominal date
tells ns nothing. All feel that at any mo
ment the state of lieland may bo such that
In the estimation of the goveinment theio
will be no altei native but to cill us tosethei
again foi what would bo to all the sad and
repulsive business of pissing n coeieion bill.
1 think there arc some consei vatlves who
wouldstand out of thalbiisiness.uid 1 hope It
will not be deemed nceessaij to attempt It.
The ordlnaiy law surely ought to be siiflicient
to meet most emeiieneic3. Tlio fccvcicst
coercion blllsaiealw.iybpassedbv Iibcialgov-
cinments. Conservatives gone-tally would Ilka
to leave this ( Its isrccablu vvoikto Ilarcomt ,
who performed It with so much /cst In lss2 ,
The govern men taic not llkly to put theii lol-
lovveis thiongh this ouleal unless dlsoidci
In lickind becomes most dangeions and
nlaimlng , foi the piesent ministers aio ulad
to get away , althongli they must feel thcli
difficulties bul begiiinlnt. , not ending.
Salisbury , Smith and otheis have ahc.idy
vanished , while Chnichlll goes abioad next
Sititrday. Very few members attended the
last ceremony to-day. Theio aio probably
not a couple of doicn members In London
outofC70. The sccretaues and nndci-secie-
tnrlcs aio llko school boys going home theli
facosradlant with smllos , langhiiifT nml Jok
ing w Itli each other. Their aspect Is In gieat
contiast with theii gloomy looks dining the
List few weeks. Let thorn enjoy theii ropilove.
The application ot the Parnclllto rack
and tlnimbsciew will a aln bo repeated soon
onoituh. For the moment tlm Painellltcs
liavo disappeared. J\CD Tannoi has bliakcn
the dust of the Iiouso contemptuously fiom
his feet. 1 thought on Wednesday night tliat
howouldo have scalped the speaker , but
friends pcistiailed him to go quietly home ,
though evidently ho was much disgusted at
not hav Ing washed his spear in blood. The
moiodlgnlllcd leadeis made a silent o\lt.
Painell has not been visible binco Tuesday.
llo spieads himself In deopci myisteiy ovciy
session , but it his face Is not been In the
house his hand is felt and this answcis the
B.imo purpose.
A BIOIIM nisnvv i.vo.
There Is no use disguising the fact that a
storm Isnhcady blowing foi Urn next .session.
Fat her Tab y'H impilsonmcnt has excited im-
nieiiso Inititlon among the hlsh members
and will form the subject of many an excit
ing addiess In Ireland. Knglish membcis
look at the ease In this light : If IwoKnglish-
men quariel , ono uses threatening language
aud the other complains , the dofendanl is
called upon to find smetles to keep the
peace. Ho docs so and goes home.
Father Fatiy says , "No , I will not give
Binotles ; ! will go to pilson Ilrnt , " and ho
goes. Theietoio Knglish membcis have
failed to sco the jusllco of Iilsh complaints
In the matter , foi r.ilhoi 1'yhy only had to
give bill and walk olf. Hut nothing Is the
bimo In li eland as In England. Sexton has
she n that for Fohy to glvo ball
would bo llko lepioichlng himself.
Evidently this Is the K'Jneral IiNh leellng ,
jot how could the house of commons consti
tute ItfClf Into a court ot appeals ? The
whole subject Is MII rounded by dlllleultlos.
All feel that It his most unfoitunately oc-
cm red Just now , foi F.ithei Tnliy rein ilns in
pikson , and his name will ilng Uom one end
of Ireland to Iho other.
PU.IO.N'S Fiinv KI
Dillon's hpeech demanding the priest's us-
lease was fall ol lire and national elofjiienco.
Ills face , tlnown Into lellef by his jijt black
Hair , his camcst manner , tlnllllng tones ,
nnlmatlon and lerv cut appeals , all pioilurcd
agieatlmpiosslon. When Ids own feellnu's
aie bth led no momberof the Painolllto paity
can suipass Dillon In moving the foot
ings of an audience. Ho spoke
nt great length on Tuesday and vciy lato.
IJut the house listened Intently to every
word. In my judgment U was by fai the
ablest nnd most powoiful speech delivered on
the Irish Bldo this season. Now that the
curtain has fallen no thoughtful man can
think lightly of the circumstances under
which It will most llkclv iLso again. Thcio
can not bo a settlement of the Iilsh difficulty
between now and January , Will
there over bo ono ? some people
ask in despair , Ono llilng Is certain , tlmt the
conscivatlvo and liberal union Is a majority
tint cannot bo got over , Alt theories about a
division of tlio two sections by Intornil quar-
nils , that aio said to ho gradually melting
nvvay thomajouty , aiopmo dieamsot deln-
fclon. The countiy said at the list election ,
"No disunion , no separation. " Its word
must bo law ,
Until nil shies look that raidlnal fact In the
face no piogrosscan bo madotowaul a set
tlement. Admit It , nnd what follows ? .Somo
responsible compromise will piobably bo
found In the way of extending largo mcasuios
oflocal t'ov eminent lo liol.uid giving to
lilshmen absolute control OUT their own
Illalrs. i-stabllbliliig a peasant pioprlctaty ,
mid developing the fisheries , nmuufac-
tnroi tuirt general Industries of
Ireland. Is nil this nothing ?
ft. Will prery thine bo mjcctul except a parlia
ment on College Utecn ? If so , parliament
bOIng constituted us it U , futowull to all
liopfls of ucaccful settlement. In thntciso
dark vvhlspcra arc now often heaid ami may
X > e only too borrovvfully piophetlc , that the
end may bo reached by one of two roads the
dlsfranchlscmcnt of Irolind or civil war.
No man of any en o cm look upon either
alternative without dismay.
Tin : I'AitTV M\IU : n .
As for the loaders of the putles , few have
perceptibly Improved their position during
the past soison , o\ccpt Churchill , who has
show n great command of temper , much tact
readiness of rcpirtee and debating skill.
Ills Industry Is o gieat that he has some
times sat In thn house eleven hours out of
twelve1. He Is nevei absent for a single day.
Matthews only spoke otirc. It was a
fairly elfeetlvo , controversial speech , but
common place In style and laneuiire ,
and vvnsdellveicd In the Old llailey lawyoi
manner. Motley his somewhat Improved ,
but he still depends far too much on notes.
( iladstono I refrain fiom eiltlclsing. but his
own best friendrf will tell you that there Is n
falling olT In his powers , physical and Intel
lectual. This was ominously conspicuous
this week when ho spoke on the
Iilsh , ldo. bexton delivered a
inoio tcHlnic speech than any of his
comi.ides but none equalled Dil
lon's. Minor membeis ol the nutv de
voted themselves not without success to the
woik of Imiiisslug and exasperating the
CUIIMTV itlve-s.
So ends the diama for this autumn. I
cannot close these letteis on
this session without an ac-
knowhigemenl of the wonderful accuracy
with whieh they liavo been tialismltted to
you. 1 have seldom noticed a mistake1 In .1
single woid. This Is n linimpli ol tele
graphic skill.
A Ml.MtllT. Of 1'AltI.IAMI.NT ,
sin cnAiiriis
Mnny lliitnorrt Ahont Ills Intentions
Donlcil The Truth Tnld.
LONDON' , bept. Ur . fXevv Voik lloiald
Cable Special to the Hi.n.-An ] interview
vvlthan intlmatofilendot Sir Charles Dllke
enables me to set at lest imny conflicting
and olten absuul Illinois now cmronl 10-
gardlng the kilter's Intentions and pios-
"In the Hist place , " Slid this gentleman ,
"I am absolutely certain thalSIi Chailcs does
not intend to leave England perma
nently to make a homo or a
cue'cr In any other country. Eng
land Is his home , and hero bo will
remain in any event. Itnmor again cuirent
to the contraiy notwithstanding , II Isnolhls
intention to establish and control a London
new-paper , lie is too active a man to llvo
an Idle life , theiofoio ho means when it h
feasible , to take u sub-editoiial position on
some London papci , and thoioughly acquaint
himself vvltli all the Ins and outs of
journalistic woik. No ; not as a lepoilcr.
'lhat is hardly nccessaiy , since an
assistant editors position will give him all
thepiacticil knowledge nccessaiy. I don't
suppose ho would remain lone at such work ,
bul II would give him active employment foi
aycarortwo. 'llicn If a political careerwcro
still foibiddcn him , he could drop journal
ism and pick up something ol'-o. You
bee , a man accustomed to haul
woik , as Sli Chailcs Dilko is
must have something to keep him busy. Of
couiso we all expect to see him again in par
liament. ilc will , however , make no at
tempt to ro entei political life until the pub
lic are convinced he Is woithyof theli con
fidence. Then , I have no doubt , l.c w ill con
tinue his career.
"I do not need to tell j on that , as an old
fiiend , know ing all the particulars of tlio
case and much moral evidence which it was
not possible to place before tlie jmy , I think
Sir Charles entirely worthy of public confi
dence. Furthcimoie , a rather intimate ac
quaintance w Itli Chelsea com luces mo thalthc
bulk of the Chelsea voters share my opinion.
Sii Chailcs is still the stiongcst candidate
the liberals could select , and the only av.illa-
blo ono Iho consei vallvcs tear. A conserva
tive constituency , 1 think that under the
most vavor.iblo chcumstanccs the llbcials
would have lost ChcNea at the last election
A gieal nunibei of Hie unionlst-libcials made
this ccitaln , even if the lonrangomcnt of the
old boiough had not made Ilprobablc.
"You are perfectly correct. It is not for
money nor for career that Sir Cliailes thinks
of cnteiini ? jomnallsm. It will blmplyglvo
him a hcopo foi Itis energies until public
opinion icverscsltseullct and enables him
to lesumo his caiccr. "
Although I am not permitted to use my
Inioiijianl'B name , lamcertaln that Ills posi
tion toward bli Charles Dilko gm-anteo his
statement and make his denials ot cuiicnt
rumoia entiicly trustworthy.
AVhut Jho Modlntos llnvo I'roparcd
I or Wonr ICoturnlntt (7aioty.
I'Aiii" , Sept. ! W. [ Now Yoik Ileiald Cable
to the . 1'ails Is
Special Unn.l now res
plendent in her brlirhtc'at autumn attire. In
the cool , crisp weather swainis of holiday
makcisarotlocklni ; homo fiom seaside nnd
mountiln , and once moio tall silk hats and
formal fiock coats , rol n siipicmoon the
boulevaids and the Camps lllysees , while the
the Place do 1'Opcia Isbillliant with hiin-
diedsof olllceisioturnlng fiom the manwu-
vres. They sip coffee on the balcony of ( Jen-
eial IJottlangijr's now famous inllltiry club ,
about which ciowds gather In the evening ,
bhoiitinc , "Vivo IJoulangor , " and newsboys
aio bolllns couplets sot to the iiuiiic of old
( iiilllc melodies with the letialn , "llonncur
an Yalllant ( "
I'.uislans aio agltited by the ciavc ques
tion : bhill buvv oin this wlntei ? 1
have consulted Wotth , Ducho aud.Moilnon
the subject of the fashions for this winter ,
They aio to bu richer than over , but Mmple.
Velvets , costly satin , furs and brocades w ill
relgu triumphant at bills and receptions.
Foi out-dooi wear the ridiculous talloi suits
will bo gradually dlscir.ilcd. Cloth cotolo
and heavy silks will bo the inlo for walking
costumes. .Mantles and shawls will bo
quiet In tone , but sumptuous. Historical will continue to hold the Hoot , preference -
once being given for Ch.ulos X , Louis XIV
and Louis XVaato peilod. The fashionable
colois will bo the old and faded tints which
delkhted our gie.itjreat'raiidiiiothois. ; .
1'alo hellotiopc , salmon pink , falnl oiai. o
puce , and the palest pistaciiogieen , all will
buimtoh w oin , especially foi house diesses
nud tea gowns.
To-dr.y ono of the oracles showed mo his
latest creation. "This , " said ho , "Is destln-
edtoailoin ono of the leaders of Now 1'ork
society , " Looking , I siw nn exquisite tea
gown of palo ciovctto satin , embossed with dev Ices In trold and silver , The fiont
Is open , showing some point d'Alencon dra
pery , bpanglcd with gold biwU. Kotuul the
walsl is nury crevetto sash. The
whole gown is trimmed with cievottc , os-
tilch nnd niainbout feather : ) .
I next saw what U doscrlbsd as a plain
cairiajo dress oulcied by the same lady ,
Imagine a dainty costumu of the ilchest
moss velvet , the bklrt draped on 0110 sldo
vvltli laigo folds of uncut velvet , all eni-
broldeiod vvltli vailous shades of moss
colored beads , llavlngdaz/led niowlthlhls
rhef d'ojuvro , the oracle led mo to a palo jcl-
low satin and tulle ball diess , the fiont cm-
brohk-red with silver , the train , short , cov-
oicd with jcllon tulln , striped with crepe ,
the boilico yellow , llko the skirt , cut Diana
fashion , 0110 shoulder tiiuimcU wim silver ,
the other with simple tulle. This costume
nKo goes to New York.
A niiin.u. nowv.
In the same room the drcssnnker's bind-
maidens wore putting the finishing touch tea
a dress for a y 011115 American bride , compo -
po ed of rich , wliltn faille , draped In front
and slashed open , showing largo folds ot
white crepe. It Is trimmed with oi.ingo
blossoms riinnln ? vvedgcways from
ton to bottom of ttio skirt. The train
Is over two yards lotnr. The bodice Is undo
high , with a gailand of oraiuo blossoms
crossing fiom shoulder to shoulder. The in-
dl pen able veil Is tlneo yards long , of Urns-
sells lice , trimmed with narrow Donnellies
0 fvalcnricnnu and caught up In the middle
of the skill by oiango blossoms.
noun i on \ . sriNsir.n.
Wealthy splnsteis on "the down hill ot
life" might take a hint fiom this ball diess ,
ordciod by a hdy ot unccitaln ace in Kifth
avenue : Tlm dies * Is undo of pink d.umsk ;
the front draped with btick Chantllly ,
caught up heio and there with jilnlc , led and
yellow loses. The train Is cut along with a
bodice of pink dimask , open bid ; and limit ,
andtiimmed with black lace. The sleeves
are ti.uispiront.
rnr iitivn IV.IACM'TI.
Imitation leopird skin jaekots will be much
inn altei this w Intel , especially by lanies
not in society. Anothei more delicate crea
tion Isbticred'orgo velvet , mantle tilmmed ,
with beetle-wing embroldciy. Jet and bl xck
Chantllly pompadourcostumes will hold their
own. There Is little difference between this
yuai'sand the last yeaiS materials. Ilovvcvci ,
the present are richer.
\ insTomcvr , nr.vivvr , .
One of the most stilklng histoilc revivals
1 siw was a Louis XIV visiting or cairiago
dress ol old gold s illn waist and skill , with
a % eiy deep band , Inlf a yard at least ,
of dark veloms frappc , coveicd
with an antique dcsiirn In led ,
blue and old gold btlll moiofacln itlng was
an absolute Imitation of a Clnrles IX. comt
dros A long covvn of jwlo sheet moon
shine satin , caught up very high on the side ,
dlsclosiniran nmlei petticoat of Cachon vel
vet , tiimmeel with a broad bordci of gold
A ! = un\o rosTtMir.
Lastly , 1 w as show n copies of two rav ish-
ing diesses and a carnage mantle made for
Lily Lin.'trv. The hist was a luncheon
dress , a bowildeilngcomposition of palo pis-
taehe cloth , w oin shoit. tilmmed lound the
neck with sable and down the trout
with dark blown pissemontoric oinamcnK
'Iho next was a walking dress of Hie pilest
pink cloth , trimmed with oxidi/ed mill steel
jiossomuntcilo , tied round tlio waist by a
laded blue sash. The mantle of hellotiopo
fancy velvet in a peculiar snaky design was
very long. ICound the tlnoat was a deep
Louis XIU gold cmbioideiedcollai. Culfs to
matcli completed this mat vol.
The Great Sent : I Vstivals I'opulnrlty
of Ci cintclori Various Items. IN , Sept. ' . [ Special Cablegram to
the Hi i : ] The woik ol Germanising the
Polish provinces is being pushed loiwaid
rapidly. Nineteen new districts are being
toimcd. No schoolmaster Is appointed un
less ho has completely mistered the Geimrur.
lingnage. AtSfort , on the shoio of Stain-
bcrg Jake , wheio the body of the late King
Ludw ig was lound , a cioss has been elected ,
encircling which Is a beautiful wreath of
Alpine Howeis. This splendid wreath was
sent by Uavailans in America and la now
picservcd In the chapel of the Chateau 15cig.
The Uayrcutb festival was only a qualfled !
success. The expenses were aboul three
hundiod thousand marks , while the loceipts
vvero Ihreo bundled and eighteen thousand ,
but the conditions were exceptional , 'ilio
piesonce of AbboLls/t gave onpecial eclat to
tlio occasion , and a majority of the stipei-
nnmarles accepted only n snllicicnl sum to
cover their tiavcllnp expenses and hotel
bills , while some of the peifoinruis , like-
ilatcin.i and Sucher , icfused to accept any
money whatever. Such libciallly can scarcely
bo expected to continue and it is doubtful
whcthci the festival will bo repeated in Ib37 ,
notw itlistaiiding the fact that a commltteo
of sixty has bsen foimed lo insure its con
It Is probable that the next festival will beheld
held in lbt > 3 , when "l\usifal , " "Tilstnu'
and "Xolde" " "
and the "Melsterslnsci" will
bo pei formed. Within the past lew years
iV-OO tiees have been planted In the streets
oflkilln. This means of beautifying the
city has engaged the special attention of the
authoiities and the work is btlll being car
ried on wherever possible.
Karl Oppenhelmcr , a Spanish subject em
ployed In a well-known cato in this city , has
been ouieied by the authoiities to quit Uei-
lln within twenty-four hours. It Is notkiiowii
what offense ho has been guilty of.
I'OI'IJI.AIIII\ cnr.M.vnox iy aimiv Y ,
The popularity of ciematlon in Germany
as a means of disposing of the dead Is steadily
incieaslng , and cromatouc's aio shoitly to
bo eiccted at Handling , Daimstadt and
Xurlch. I'lovlous to this time Gotlia was the
only town In Germany whcio cromitlon was
possible. Germin , Austilan and Swiss cio-
niatlon societies will hold a second coinriess nt
Gotlia on Monday next , and an International
congress , to which ropiesentatlves of all
countilcs will bo Invited , will meet In Builln
In ISbS.
The death of i'rofessor Kail Damn at
Karlninho Is announced. Ho was 74
y ears of ago. Professor Damn took an ac-
tlvo&haioin the stingglofoi Hbeity In Ger
many In ISIS , Ho was a member of the
Fiankfoit parliament of Iblb , and joined the
Gciman lopubllcau pai ty. After tlio dissolu
tion of paillament Herr Damn returned to
his native country , lladon , and took n lead
ing pait in the liisiiriectlou In progress
there , nnd later became president of
the diet established by the icvolutlon.
After the snpmcsslon ot the movement In
Uaden by Prussian tioops Damn lied to
S\\itzeiland , and fiom thcio made his way
to London , where ho settled as a teachci.
Liter ho emigrated to Australia , mauled a
Geiman lady , nnd started a boarding school ,
which ho conducted until ho icccivcd amnesty
fiom the government of JJulen , when ho le-
turned to his native country , ro entered the
public scivicc , iccclvIng the appointment lethe
the directorship of a college.
A niMAi.K JIEXIIV nr.nair ,
Lilly Lcssmann , operatlo singer , has In-
augniatedncrusadoinltheUeilln newspapers ,
for the benefit ot dumb animals , particularly
dogs , hoibps and cats , for which shedemands
protection. She calls attention to thopialse-
worthy efforts of Homy Uergh in New York ,
and urges hut German leaders to follow his
AN ot'rn v or wAi/r/rs.
A now opera will bo piodiiced shortly in
the Herlln oponi house , which has for us sub
ject "Gei man MaicheIt Is icpleto with
Vienna vvalt/evs , and Introduces a giand mil
itary and spcctacukii tableau. The conclud-
! ' . ' . ? , J'Oftlon of the musicale progrnmnifl is
"ilio Paris March"as
Kntrj , plavedwheu the
Germans euluied Paris in IbiJ.
The comedian , Adolnh Link , lias startnd
for Now . oik to fullill an eiignBcment at tlio
btndt theater.
Mr. Chapman Coleman , first secretary of
the United States legation at Heilln. sailed
for Now lorkou tlio bteamo' ' Fulua to day
fiom Bremen.
The Powerful nml Popttkr Bpoalcor Opens
the Pennsylvania Campaign ,
Masterly Ht"mino uT thn Hrpiitiltcnn
I'.irtj's Hecont I nlluro of the
l'i eseiit Administration Tlio
Ilic Duties or thn Hour.
l\\K \
bept. 2ft. 'ilio republicans
opened the cnbrrnatoilat campaign lieio to-
nlglitwitli n toichlUht inrado and an iiu-
mcn'-o mass meeting at Music hall. About
ono thousand men were In the pioccsslon ,
which traversed thiongh the piindini
sttects , and then escorted the speakers
to the meeting hall , which his
a selling capacity of O.OJJ. It was filled
loin : befoio 8 o'clock , and when the speaking
began theio was not standing loom. Among
those w ho addiessed the meeting were ( Jen-
oral Heaver , cntnltditu for governor ; Uencr-d
( Hbournc and General John A. Logan.
The latter did not aimo until UUO :
p. m , ami at 10 o'clock was introduced
to the audience by President William Mot-
calf , steel nnnntactuiei of this eitv. The
appeaiaiuo ot ( ieneial Loiran created un
bounded enthusiasm , and for live minutes lie
was unable to spoilt tor thoelieeilng , When
order had been iiMoiod he said :
All thought and action follow certain lines
fiom ti.iining. and attei a time these lines
become set and aio only changed w Itli gtcat
dltllcnltv. Wnerc no cliange is attempted ,
we h ivo but to follow the line of the p ist to
disunoi the dluetion Hi it will ho pursued In
the fntnte. bo with thohisloiiesof paities ;
vvhcie their nlatfoims icmaln the same , wo
can onlj juilite ot their luturo usetulnoss by
what thci have accomplished In the past.
The p-uty now in power in tills land has
wiitten its history. After nearly twentv-Iivo
vearsot supiemacv , naity was relieved
In 1SOI , and lo-div hat ono meabino enactid
in accord w 1th Its hnanelal police lemalns on
the statute hooks , to-vv It : the independent
tieasin.v sjstem. Its linauclal dogmas m.iin-
tallied then nnd advocated now , have all
been abandoned by the countij. Tlio pet
doetilno ot this domoc'iatie puty , vvhicli it
still f.imtlcallv clln s to state sovcici.n'iy '
went djvvn in a w.u vv.u'ed bv the sonthein
half of tlio puty , lucked bv the sympathy
and assistance ot tlieli noithetn allies. At
tliociosi'ot this disastioiib nde , wlien the
republican paity
CAMI TO Tin : itFsrun
of our goveinment , lauldly lulllnz into a
state ot ( lisMlution. they lound that
the tunnel xl and tailtl policy ol tlieir de-
leated opponents Ind brought tlio counts to
its lowest level , without credit at Iiome 01
abroad. C"itdnl > theio is : naualit In this
record of demociatic control to Tnspiio the
hope tint its niesent course In the manage
ment of the government will Impiove.
The lepiimlcan paitywas deteitoJ In the
last election foi the icason tint the demo
cratic mity had foi twenty peisistentlv
made all mannei of iintounded chaises ot de
linquency ii | theadnnnistiation ol the allaiis
ot the govcinnlont until the cry was i.iiscd by
agieat many pfojilo foi a change tor the pm-
pose ot aseettaijiiiii : tiio tintli or falsity o
tlie accusatioiii The democratic ) ) .nty en
tered upon their senreh with an eainest zeal ,
Inspiied by jealous malice and a longing de-
slroto fasten upon the lopublican pirty the
same character ot coiruptlou in the admln-
istiatlon ot the goveinment as had maikcd
theli ow n iv inu * . After niost mlnnto and
lialnstaklnirexaminatiolt of every transaction
ot the Koveinmont for tlftx last Ivvcnty-llvo
jeais. the old domociatio phity , disappointed
aud dishcii tuned , snaillngly admit that tlie
iccoidot tlie republican piity. for pin ity and
olliclal imegritv , is the marvel of tlio woild.
ContiolIIng tins government dm ing a time
when the most stupendous collections and
dlsbuisiiients of money vvero made of any
time dining Us history , no man can point to
abinglo < * ase where tiio govoinment was de-
tiauded tliat the defaulter was not pinsued ,
and tlio cases of actual loss to tlm govein
ment aio so inio thai they can bo enumerated
on the lingeis ot my hand. The peicontago
ot loss dimngtho lepnblicin admlnisliation
will defy comp.iilf.oii vvltli tlio history of ; any
goveuimcuton eaith. *
When the republican paity assumed con
trol ot the goveiinnent , vvo established a BJ stem -
tem of cnrienoy that avoided nil the evils ex
perienced under Hie democratic theinj. The
national banking system , tlio child of the 10-
imblican piity , is constantly threitonedby
demosiatic onpooitlon and should bo lestoied
to thocaioof thearty ) of its invention. The
iminenco capital Invested In the banks and
the % ast amount of tholr loans and assets
would icndei any radical chnngo in the s\h-
lem Inimical to the consei vatlvo business in-
teieste ot the whole country. AVe lind tlio
dtmociatlc party leadyatall times to sel/o
upon any quack system ot finance for the
paymontortho public debt , that promises
destruction to otn ciedlt and our honor In
thofutuie. At tlio same tlmo it blttoily op
poses ev cry adv anced btcp taken by our party
and when wo made our emiency equal to
coin wo had lo overcome tholr blttei opposi
tion. bo theli oi ] | )3lllon extended to all
thogieatnioasuiespionoood by thoicnubll-
can patty ,
They hav o evei ojiposed our tariff system ,
and 1 dosiio to discuss this tarilt question in
a plain , common-sense , and buslness-liko
nnnncr. Ipiomlso tondvanco no theoiles ,
but simply lecail to you minds hlstoiicai
fact , mm leave them to justify my t.u ill con
victions. lama tarlft nnn irom ptinciplo ,
and what led to my convictions 1 propose
hi Icily toiIUonss.
Immediately after the formation of our
pie-eat goveinment , and , IB the second act of
the lederalcongiess , a tariff hill was passed
and signed by lieotgo Washington , which de-
claied in Its pieamblo that biich a measure
vvasi "" tor tlio "discharge of the
debts ot the United States , and tlm encoui-
agemenl and piotection of inaiiiitactiiros. "
IJy a study of the commercial history of our
country , ! ilnd this political measuio followed
bv an unnsnal business activity , and a
lapld incicaso in the number of our manu-
I'lloi to the i evolution , yon will remember.
It had been the policy of Kimland to
of the colonies , and that this was ono of the
leading causes of the wai for Independence.
Thosoiar-seoliigstatesindu tlio ir.imeis of
onrcoiibtltntlon and orgnnl/ers ot our uov-
ernment icadlly pGicoTml the necessity foi
fostering our in intifacturers and protecting
our labor , In order to m.Jo ( Ihocountry solt-
sustainlng. This system worked so wall that
at the next congress the 'luw ' was extended.
The niospcrity of the people continued , and
In IbU they were enabled to sustain ) them
selves In the war waged vvltli Ihuland , and
win tlio victory. Immediately lollowlng this
war thoLngllsh mutclianU attempted , by n
concerted plan , to glut tlm American market
with manufactured goods nnd force tlio sus
pension of out niamitncturoiH. oven at atom-
poiiirylo s to themselves , that their haivust
might ho ( ho richer when their competition
In this country hud beciVbinken down. The
bchemo failed , owing to the piompt action of
coiiL'iess in enacting Iho uillf law of 1810 ,
which Ibieally tlio basis of our American
system of piotection. ( Apaln , rofenlng to
our commercial hlstorr , I find this period
maiked bv the IncieasQU jnospeiity ot tlie
people. TiiU was followed In 1W1 and lb2 j
by laws extending the scope of the tailft acts
already on the btiunto books.
Uut now came a division In the previous
almost unanimous sentiment of the country
In lofeionco to piotcctlon.
The south , fosturliiit slavery , had devoted
nil her energies to making that tr.iflie profit
able , and had not keptpieo with the north
In advancing htu manufactures. She saw
with jealous eye tlio iiulejiendent position
attained by the north thiougl ) hut vailed In-
dustires , and Instead of
reason for their bluggard paeo , the leaders ot
the south
Bi.iznn UI-OK TUB
as the cause of tlieir condition. Such a
clamor came fiom the south for frtotrado
that thu tariff intn consented to acompio-
inlse and passed the act of 1 U3 , which mod
ified the existing law , ' 1'ljls action was
l by thoeiaft of Hie bouthern leaders
Inc'onsollJatiu' ' their ixoplo tiix > n the Iwo
doctri'ies of fcUUo's ilthta nnd ficotiade.
Hut as all coinpromliOt , l-avo c\crpiu\uu ,
this one was a failure , and whllo it gave n ,
sct-lnck to our tapldly Increasing lntee < ts
of the north , was not satisfactory to the
southeiners , who oenlv | ) u-belled In South
Caiollna. lint pto-ldont .Jackson eon
quelled this dlstuituneo , and the free-
trade advocates claimed to be satisfied
with the Clay commomlso of 1s- * ! , which
was n sqmro biefc llown fiom the ml-
\anced piHltlon occupied bv the tarilf men ,
and proved a costlv blunder. Our liidu ttles
weio from that tlmo on the w ne. and the
commeiclat dlstressof KIT Is tiaeeiblo to this
compromise. 'I ho advocates of free ttado ,
ha\in seemed full power , throiuh the aldct
the kindled doctilnes of state's liglitsand
sliveiv. In 1MO passed the tieetndoaet of
that year , and then followed biich financial
junlcand depression as this coun
try had never experleined. The furnaces of
I'ennsylv uil.i ceased to bum , the rich moiin-
t.ilnsi weio no longer mined , and the giow-
ingnianutactuios of the state worepiMlwcd.
Infant Indnstiy , thil requited tlio watchful
cuoof a piotectlng government , was inth-
lessly destroyed bv the adoption of this free-
tnulo heix-sy. Hut In Ml lh lemibllcin
pul.I'lino into powei , honing upon Its vic
torious humor the magic Insciiption of the
gloilons ttinltv ,
. t VI I \ , riJI I DOM. VN'I ) VI10TITTIOX.
With tills eiy had the vlctoiv of
been wim. and light noblv did the puty pie
ceed to impiess the o doetilnes upon tlm
policy of the goveinment. llj the genius ol
the paitv tlie tailff actnl 1NJ1
was passed , and out sleeping eneiglos weio
at once aioiiscd , and the dlveislliod Indns-
tnesol tliecountiy w eio once moie cherished
and fosteicd.
Whatn contrast did our condition piesent
to that of the conlcderaev dtirlm : the four
nnd a hilt veusof strngu'Ie. In opposition
to oin policy of protection , tlio contedeiato
constitution deflated in Mellon S : "Congress
shall have power to hij and collect taxes ,
duties , Imports , anil excises , lei levenuu
necessary to n.iy the debts , piovldo foi tlio
common defense , and cairy on the eovein-
ment of the Confedeiato btatos ; but no
bounty hhall bo gianted outol the tieisiny ,
1101 shall any duty or tax on Impoitattons
fiom forelirn nations bo laid to piomoto 01
tostei any branch of Indnstiy. " blneo then
the democratic platforms have lollowed in
theoiy and almost in wouls tlio eonfed-
eritoconstUution on this subject. Ity tins
policy , which they would have loiced upon
the government , they were lelt In aneilectlv
dependent condition , so tar as nunnlacturod
aitlcles weiecoiiceined , and they hid abso-
luleh but few m.inutactnies until the block
ade was established , Tlm union blockade
served the purpose ol a piohlbltoiy tat 111 and
1 010 'd the eneigles ol the southern peonlo to
boexeited in the dhettlonot manutactiiilug.
Un Ilio othei hand , the noith dining tlio vv.u ,
and the whole country since , nmlei the wise
policy of the American piotootlvo taulf , has
m ule lapid stiides along the road of piosper-
itv in the dliectlon of peacoand plenty . And
in spite ol the vast destruction ot piopeily
and slninkago in values consequent upon a
Kieat w , ir , our aecumul itlons in this connti v
have moio thaw ticbled since iscxj , when the
airgtoiatlon or wc.iltli fiom the tlio time the
I'ilgiims lust landed was S1IUUUOOQOUO.
bmely we must look lorsoiiR > ciise foi this
\astincreasoovei and bevond the natural
ciowthot the country. Will any onosiy
tl'.itpimi lo IbliO onr ] ) coilo weie not as in
telligent , weio not as eneiiretic as now1/
Certainly not. lint the genius and eneigy of
tlio Amcricui people needed to bo dliected :
theii one-time teebloelloi Is requited piotee-
tion , and the statesmanship ot tlio iejuibllc.ui
jurty gave that dhection and pioteclloi , .
Andtodayyoui polls nmv be closed to the
woild , and you may bo denied communion
with all mankind , and yet the Ameiican
people can live in comtoit , ease , and cle-
K.iuce. Itmavbo well for your peonlo to In-
qulio as to the bcnehts they have iccelvcd
undei the
i'itoricTixo : c.vitn or TIIU rAiurr
since IbGl.
In I'cnnsvlvania the iHimbci of monufac-
tm ing establishments in 1830 was ; in
lSM.31 ) , ' . > i'i. Capital invested in l&CO. j , 11)0- ) ,
UV3 , ' 04 ; In 18S ) . 174,4 ! T. ( ) ' ) . ) . Hands employed
in 150 , 24i : ; jn ibso , .iST.lia. Wages inid
in 1600 , SOMW.IGS ; in IbbO. S13-1.0" , : ! . Val
ue of pioilucts in IbOO , S"JO,1'J1,1S8 ; In 18H ) .
§ 744,74'5,0n. Numbers of acres in taiinsand
values in ISfiO , 17ir. ( ,110 acres : valued at
50GJ,059,70r ; in IbSO , ' 0,000,45.5 ncios : valued
at5H7V'bO,4lO. In connection with thn dis
cussion of tlio Intel ests of join state I deslio
also to show what the juotectivo taiiff lias
done for mv own state ot Illinois. Wo nave
ton manufactiiilng counties which piodiice ninety-two non-minufactiir-
ing counties which piodiice 874,000,000. The value of 1 ind in the manufactniinit
counties Is S4U'0 ' vei acie , and
the non-iiiaiinfactinlng counties is
S3. ' . These liJiurcs are only pro
duced to show Ilio Increase in the value of
l.u m lands neat nnntifactinini : tow ns.w hero
a homo mat kct Is furnished the taimei toi his
jiroduct1- . Under our system of piotection ,
taimpindnctsaro to day higliei , wlnle manu.-
factmed goods arc low ci than in ibOi ) . Tlm
wages ot laboi arc Increased , w hllo the eostot
manutactuicd articles Is diminished , and
oni anninl accumulations amount to 85 pei
cent , of the jnotlts of tlio whole world , and
our jieoplo aio In the best possible condition.
Contiast tills lesiiltof the twenty -lour
ol republican stewaidshlp with tlie mi > erablo
recoidof the demociatic party up to 1N.O ,
when out tieasmy was nearly bankiupland
thocommciclal Inteicsts ot the countiy weie
nt the lowest ebb. The goveinment was
toict'd to botrovv money at an uxoibitant late
of interest , and distiess pievalled oveiy-
wheie. What benefits li no acciued to the
wliolocountn arorcall/ed only by the con
templation ot thc'bO ligincs.
IIESUMS or IIIK rnoiieTivr. : &YSTI.V.
In IbV ) the capital Invested in manutac-
tuins in ( ho United States did not amount to
one thlid of what Ib at present invested. The
advance of wages iioin IbOO to IBbO Is ir.O poi
cent ; Incieaso In number ol hands cmploved.
10b per cent. The excess In tlio amount of
wages piht at piesent above tlio amount they
wouldiecetvoattho i.itu niid In inijy isovei
one hundied and sixty million dollais. The
value of jnoperty accumiilatud In the United
btateup to IbtVJ , including slaves , was S14-
OJ'J.OOO.OJO. ' in ibiO the aggiegated valuoof
piopeity wasSH.OOO.OOJ.OO' huiiu'an Inciu.i&u
of srJO.OOO.OJO.OU ) in twenty yeais. In twenty
yeaisof lejiuiillean rule tlieso develop
ments have ticen biouglit about iindoi the
icpuhlicaii-Ameiican jiollcy , In contiadls-
llncllon to tliedcmociatiCrKngllbli lieotiado
01 "tautl for icvenuo only. " Whether wo
can sa\ this vast giowfh , accumulation , and
development Is altogether attnbiitablo to the
lopublican path 01 not , it Is evident that
llioli system of linaiiconnd tholr tailll pol
icy give oncoin.igemonl to the peoulo at
homo and ahrmdlor investment nnd the ot-
eiclf.0 of their gicatest eneiclea.oiit of which
giew an Inspiration Hint led the people with
gigantic stiides 10 the attainment of the
gieatness , power , wealth and glory ot this
gieat icpubhc. if the people aio irolnir to
outer upon the domoeiatie-Kngllsh policy
heicaltet as hettei than the immbllenn-
nmurlcan jiolley , would It not bo will for
thorn to ellect aiul ask themselves the ques
tion whether under demociatle inlo this
countrv has over advanced on any line vvhat-
cvei.olther In wealth , Intelligence 01 indi
vidual national power , as eompaied with
thusocnnililoiia ; under lepubllcaii admlnis-
tratlony At the end of thoiepubliean mlo
wo lound ovoiywhero In this land peace ,
happiness , and.'piosnciity , and shall wo
ah union a policy tliat has bioudit thls.ihoutV
Will the faimeis demand tlmt out maniifac-
turcs bo shut down , and theli liome-maiket
dojlioyod' ? Will the operatives of this
countiy bo BO
as by theli votes to help lutaln In now or a
paity tliat attempted to dcstioy the business
of their employ eroV With the hlstoilos and
accomplishments of these two paities con-
Hasted , why hesitate In deciding which shall
control oin state and national goveinment ,
What Is there In tlio men or methods of the
democratic party to liidplro conlidenco or
tutstV Who believes that a congieaslonal
session will cvei close wltliont an attempt
being made by the democutlc party todu-
stioy out tailff sybtemV And shall the
Si,000OOO.OCO : invested in manufactures , and
the S,7W,003 of opeiatlves. bo loft tothe mercy
of the tariff tlnKuiH of the democratic patty ?
It has been liuiiucntly assorted by the dum-
ociiitlo pirty that om eommercu buffered un
der republican inle. That has been pioved
over and over again to bo absolutely untrue.
Our cxpoi ts since IbOl hav o amounted to ov ei
fcr,000OCO,000 , or one-third moro under
twenty-four yearn of republican lido than
the exports had heretofore aggiceatcd.
Thedemociaey iKiioiantly confounded our
commcreo with onrcairylng tiado , undhavu
ilemoiistratcd their ability or ) al ; of ability
to incraiso that trade by theli coinsoHlnco
they have controlled the national admtulslia-
tion. Ono of the lliot acts o ! this adiuinistia-
tiou was to crush aud deatioy thuumt man
who lind undo It possible for Amcrlein
plnt ; to compcto with the world. N'ot atls-
lied with the stinging blow , n demoeialle
postmaster geneiat Impudently lolu od to
j > iy the mall subsidy voted by concurs for
the transportation ot malls In Ameriein
ships , nnd allowed our malls to bo rained in
foreign bottoms. The denioei itlc pitty lids
hidcontiol of this goveinment dining one
session of eonmess , and witnnv falily jndw
of It bv Us winks , i hat p.utv came Into
power on the ptoniNo to iidmlnlsler this cov-
einment moie ( connmlcallv than tin1 lemib-
Mean paity had , mil to collect abuses that
had crept Inlo the public eivlee.
win ni mi m i\iin : xrr
ofpeonomv. nnd whit abuses have been cor
rected. This JIMI eongiess appiopriilul
millions ot doihns ni'iio than the ieiubllean |
piity has apmopilalod foi sevenl v oils , and
then Iney did notappiopilatewitlnn millions
of what tlio deimuntie estlmito callen lor.
Wo were piomNed a n.ivv.but no slen nns
been taken for the lulllllment of that prom
ise , but the time of the session was ) enl In
an Ingloiions attempt todestiov out protec
tive tariff.
The eonntrv has been seaiched for men to
lepiosoiit us alnoid , whoso only object a few
veils ago w is to destiov this goveinment.
We have been hanassed with pettv quaiiels
with fotelgn nations , and the uilmiuMia-
tliiii has lulled to show any nei\oln demand-
liU'tlio ilulits of Ameiloin eltl7en . Tills
eonstitnles the lecoid ot the piesent admin-
Istiation , andlllsn lair average of demo-
cr.isk btitesinaiislilp nnd ability , is theio
anvtlilng in Ihis showiin : that tends lo con
vince tlie mind of tlie wisdom of continuing
tills partv In powei ?
Thlsiidmlnistiallon lefii'ed lo npurnvo the
few weie passed to lelleve tlie pool
soldleis vho weie unable to make the tech-
nicil piool leqiihed bv the deputmciit. as
man.v ol them aie not , but who havoiccclvcd
injiules , severe and tiouhlesomo ; Injinles
iuiddlso.i < soc 3iittaetcd in them my. \et , be-
cuisethe in oof did not come up to the stand-
mil , thoadminlstiatlon savs he cannot allow
clnnlty tobtep In the way ot duty , 'ihlslsa
voiy stiaime position toi thoadminlstiatlon
to lake. Is tlieie no such thlngas chiiitv In
a goveinment ? Istheeold inlo to be applied
to ovorv hum in being who Is nnfoitunate
and cannot make the exact ev idence lequh ed
by the statutes , 01 Is It a tact tint thoyovern-
ment should leach out the hand ot clmitv
and assist the pool unfortunate men who
piesorved It as a natioiii' Will the ndmlnis-
ttatlonsiy that ehailly did not stop In the
vvav of dutv when thousindsot dollais were
nppiopuitcd lei the lellel ol the sulleiers
tioin tlio floods of tlio Mississippi and Ohio
liveis ?
ws mi r.r Ar. . v.w
maklnc it Incumuont on the goveinment to
do this'.1 Was it not an act ot chanty ? Will
he say that while ho extended ehaiity to u
peison who failed topeilonn his duty in tlio
sen Root his countiy , and clilmed to nut a
cliaiHableconstinctlon uiion his act , wlllho
siv he cm not do that when u jxioi unloitu-
nato soldlui askslho smielavoi extended to
him. Is this the iiolicv of this admlnslra-
tlon ? \ \ Idely doeit dllfei liom the senti
ments ot Mi. Lincoln , when lie expiesscd
the noble thoiuht , "With mallco tow aid
none : with ehaiity foi all. " Thochailty
tint this idminiotiation seems to extend , Is
e'xtumle'd to the who weie the enemies of
the countiy , ami not thoao wnoweiuits
fi lends.
vVlmt will Pennsylvania do ? Will she
elect hei state ticket 01 will she do as once
beloie , let tills l.uge lepnUieui majoiitybo
liltteied away to nothing. General Ueaver ,
who Is join candidate lor goveinor. Is an
able man , a gentleman , and an honest man ,
and ceitalnly It Is not to his dlscidit that ho
was a and gallant soldloi , and lost ono
of his limbs while leading the I'ennsvhania
bovs to victoiy against the e who woietiying
to destroy tins goveinment. llo now
matches loith on twoeiutche' ; . Is to bo
despised , or Is It to his ciedit ? I theio no
longer sompatliy , no lonnui giatltudc In the
bie.iits of the American people ? I balievo
theio is , and that the gratitude of the people
ot Pcnnsvlv.inla A 111 assert Itself In the .No
vember elections , and place as uhlel magis
trate of the Riont state ono of the noblest
! > 0iis , Ucneial Ce.r.or.
In a llfi ChiciiKO CCMIV ontinn Corrupt
Tnctios or Jlelojuitpi.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 2.1. The Cook County
United Labor convention hadanc.xccedlngly
stoimy session listing ne.nly fem hours
this altcinoon and nccomjilrxlipd nothing.
A dcteimined effort was inndo on the pait of
the oulsideis to ciptmo the con
tention , and the attempt cilled foith
an equally determined elfoit to prevent
Its success. It was only possible in Ilio lour
houis' session to elect a temporary chanman
and get Ihiough a motion to adjourn. Two
horns weio consumed In the lollcall lortem-
poiary chaiunan , Charles 0. DKon being
llnally declaiod eloeted. Thcio weio 741 del-
ocates In the hall , rully Hvo hundred per
sons to whom no tickets had been regularly
Issued , oceuled seats Intended tor delegates ,
Seveial of the delegates , ills abseiled , weio
pirtles to a scheme to eaptino the conven
tion. 11 Is declined that each of these men
nltui golns in ihcmsolVcs , cilled the tickets
ot ns manv othei delerates as possible
nnd then going out dlstilbuted the cauls
amonc mitsldei s. This piocess w as rnpe.ucd
until yoo bpmions delegate's woie Inshlo and
nttemptliu tocauy all viva voce votes their
own way.
The convention was declared adjourned ,
subject to the call of the tempoi.ny chaliman.
Ho will piobibly reassemble the convention
Tuesday. The follow ing persons vvero ofll-
rlallv admitted as spectators ; Captain W.
] ' . IJIack and Mr. .Solomon , two ot tlm lavv-
jerfi wlio comiueted the delenso of the
amuehlslbti" . W. P. Ulack , Mis. 1'aisons
and Mis. Ames.
' 1 lie committee ot twenty-one , tiom whom
the call toitholiboi convention emanated ,
met to nlghl and decided that It had povvci
to bir out of the convention all delegates
consldcicd by the commltteo to bo
antagonistic to Ilia nomination of
a full , Independent ticket , 01
union , Xo. 14 , KnUlits ol Lab > r , local assem
blies 1MO ami ( iUr , ami btitioiiary engi
neers No , ii. ! . vveio theieupon depiived
of any lopiesujitatlon whatevei. The ic-piu-
Funtallon of tlm Typogiaphlcal Union , htieet
cu dilveis nnd hod c.uileiwas i educed
about two Ihhds. This action Is
claimed bv the committee to lellevo
the movement of dele-nates , who weio
nmlei the contiol of politicians In tlio two
leadiui ; political piitles , The delegate * who
were shut out , asseiton the othei hand thai
this action places thnconvcntlon In the hands
of the socialists mid ladlcal elumuutot the
Knlghtd of Laboi.
All A-inorlcan OfTcn I'roposod ICulcrH
October ! ! Klecliou D.iy ,
boi'iA. So . ii'i. [ Now Yoik Herald Ca-
b'o ' Special to the J5ui.J : Mumbeis of the
Xruicoll paity aio dUcnsslng picpiiallons for
the iccoptlon ofjeiioial K' it being
now clear that the niiiltaiy will not take
pait , the projected demoiutiatlon promises to
bo a great fhibco.
SOFIA , bept. 25. it Is stated that when
Prlnco Aloxandoi was still In power .Mr ,
Mackay , the American millionaire , offered to
advance a lauo loan to the Bulgarian gov
Thunsnortlon Is nmdo In political circles
that the giand bobiaulo will elect King
Charles of Koummiia Piinco of linlgaiia ,
in lewaid for Iloumanla'rt recent trlondly
attitude. The election of Kinc Chirlus will ,
It Is thought , boagiecabo ! to beivla becauBo
it will bo calculated to icallie the loimatlon
of u lialknn fedeiatlon. It Is luithei nsseited
that If the powers do not accept King
Allko Pasha , or ono of the Orleans , 01 as a final rosoit , the UusKlan gen-
eial. Ignntleir , will bo pioposed. The htato
ot the sle-j ( will bu raised on thed of
Octubei HO that the elections may bu held.
IH'iu I.VOTOK , la. , Sept. 25. The demo
cratic county convention held .In tills city
this afteinoon was the I.u0' , most h.union-
Ions and enthusiastic for yens. A Ktrun ; ;
county tkket was noiiunaled and a te'ohi-
tion , iiluik'ln _ ' an Incu-ascd inaji rlty lot Hall
for congioss In this county , was passed by n
rising vote ,
Justin McCarthy , Author , Lecturer and
Nationalist , Arrives in Now York
What the Oic-nt Irish Commoner Haste
to Sny on Ki'cont Kvcittn In
Kngtaml and the I'rob *
nblo Outcome.
MrCnrtlij In Ainorlen.
Nrw YOIIK , Sept..Justin .McCarthy ,
whomrlvod hero this nftoinoon on thn
White btar steamer Htlttatilo , was met down
the hay bv a committee of i oeoptlon on the
lovenue cutter. The cnmmlttu eiceted Mc
Carthy coullalh. who was pleased to meet
them. The cammltttv consisted of Colonel
Cavanatigh , Williim Lane O'Xolll and \VII-
llamU. Clniko. McCarthy Is a mlddlo si/ed
man with tloild complexion and sandy gray
boaid. llo slid that ho oamoovciItli Mr.
and Mis. Caniiholl | 1'iaede , and had n delight-
luljomnoy. I lo talked freely , nnd said In
leuaid to the defeat of Gladstone's homo ntlo
mcMsmothatlio was qnlto mopued for It
and was Miipiisod that thoio was not n
gioatoi majoilty against It. The people
vvcto now anxious to see what Chamberlain
will do. Ho did not th'nk ' tlmt JlmtliiKton
had can led ns many with him as It
thought hoonld do , and ho believed It
would ho found that the secessionists would
fallnway faun thoinnksot Sall'-buiy ' when
they lonnd that they hid locelvcd no ap
pointments. It eviction was pressed in ho-
land ho thought thuiu might bo individual
distmbanoos heto .mil thuie , but theio would
bo no organised political tumbles , because
tholiish pcoplo utidoistood luo position of
ntfalis perfectly. As to the snppiusslon of
the \atioiu ! league , th'it ' could inner
take place , bceitise ! t was an Ung-
lish as well as an It Mi Institution ,
and would icqnlio an act ol piili.uncnt to
biinu this to ji.iv * , which would boa\ery
dinicult nci'oiuplMimont , ns thoiinmbeiod
elu'hty six home ntlers and would bo smeto
haven peat miny uidicils with them. Iheio boon something s-\ld nbonl an oiunnl/ctt
attempt on lielialt o ! the Iiish people-to avoid
p.iyiiigtheii lent. He did not behovo tliat
auythliuol the kind would oeeni. Of oomso
In some eases ti Imposslblo foi the peop'o
to pij then lent , as they weio
\Mtliont moans. In speaking iihont tlm
.ippointment of a eommi-slon to inmiiio
as to the tenuie .ind pmeliaso of land in lio-
l.ind , mentioned In the one-en's speech to-
d.u , lie said was olio ot the m my ways
the tones h.ul of evading the question , and
thatltonli meantadela\ cn.iblo them to
foimulato some delinito plan lei dealing
with the lush question , llo spoke ol Ilia
lecont deloat In Deiiv , and said the case
would come up lei he.nlng betmo Justice
0 Iiilcn , who was an oncmto the eaiiso of
homo nde. he having been defeated bv , i
fiienil ol I'm nt'Il's In a contest at Knnis. "
As toliisietuin to Kuiopc , McCuthy said
lie intended to bo tnck foi the opening of.
iMillament on thodtli of iVbruaij. Ho had
not como heioon nnj political mission of any
kind , hut to give polltlial Icotines foi his
on pin po-e. Ho had como as a lilciary
man rather thin a politician , and Intended
to kctuioon "Tlml nglish House of Parlia
ment , " "The lilsh National Cause , " "Eng
lish Politics , " and ono 01 two otliei subjects ,
and endeavor to gi\o tlio Ameilcan people a
1air\lewot things on the other sldo. The
IrMi people , lie added , lelt per
fectly satisfied with the del eat
ot Gladstone's me.isnio , and seemed
disposed to call It \ictoiyratlicrlhandc- - , foi when they commenced the light
eight years ago they h.ul hut eight or nlno
homo inleis while when they walked with
( iladstono to the house ol commons last
Muieh they hud Ml. llo bclio\ed that if the
piesent government e.inicd out Loid
Cainavon's jl.ui they would bo
In power toi a long time. Lord
Itandolph Chnichlll would , ho believed ,
bo educated to homo inlu. Ho wasnvoiy
clevei voung man , and a ttoop thinker ,
although but a school boj in many ol his
ways. McCailhy bpoko of the admliation
which ( iladstono and I'ainoll had foi cicli
other , And said Painell believed implicitly in
( iladstono's power to give the isibh peonlo
what they sought If holivod.
Treasurer < TlilnkN Ihu IIoiul
C.illri Will Cause \VUliiIraivalH. .
Ni vv YOIIK , Sept. SpocIalTelcgtam [ to
the Hi.i : . ] A Washington special to the Snn
says : Ticasmei Joulan , leteiring ycsteiday
to the alleged lineal of hoveral national
banks to vvllhdraw fiom the national foank-
Inghjslom , bald : "Vou can lest aviiucd no
hink will cany enl that thicat. 1'iist , be
cause the situation ( o them Is not at all htiln-
gent , and the > aio In no danger of being
dilven to thowall , 01 even ciamped by tlieso
bond calls. Kecondl } , because theio aiono
slate law snnik'i which these banks can re-
oigani/opiolilibly. It any ot the states had
laws under which they might issue emiency
theio might lo ) bomo temptation to them to
get out of the sv tein. although 1 doubt I
theli elicnlatlon would ho accepted geneially.
1 am inullneil to bcllcvo that these lianks
would not lei a good deal lese their Hiatus as
national banks lot the len.-on that much of.
their business would go to the lumainlngna-
tional bankh. ' 1 Ids would lie especially the
case wltli small doposltois , whoso busplclons
nio easily aroused and to whom the woiU
"national" In a bink'.s tltlo IMS always
Keemedagicat piotection lei the small In-
veitmonta. Again , money now commands
ri and C per cent , and banks cannot alloid to
lethe theii circulation when It Is as v.dn.ihlo
as tint. 'Ihcio novel was n tlmo when the
binks weio making as much money as now.
II money weio aa cheap as it was some
months ago , thcio might bo fcome sense In
these lepoita , but It is nont > enso to talk ol It
now. "
It Is rumored at tlm ticasury depaitment
that the loirod substltutlim ol olhei bonds
foi the called i ! tier cents , will nut bo piiihcd
vci > rapidly and that plenty of llmowlil bo
civ en binks to make the change. Called
bonds deposited by banks will bo the last to
bo taken ill ) foi liquidation , and no bank will
bo crippled bj these calls.
Sept. 25. f.New Yoilc Herald
rablo-Spcclal to the ltii : | A stiiko
has commeneid at Mnntlgny on the
.Sambio , ami alMaiclnelle , In the samu pin-
vince , simllai to tlmt at thaileiol , vvhkh was
madu thohconoof pillage and IncondmrlMn
lastiMaich , The ] iiesent btilkeis , Imitating
the demaniK already loinnilated by a mass
meeting of laboieih holoio the commission of
liiqulr ) on the laboi question , exact ! . .00 c.
a day , which would constitute a In-
cieaso on the piesent wages. It Is not yet
ilullnltcJy known wholhei thin stiiko wilt be
come geneial , hut foaisaio enteitalned that
it w 111 assiimo akirmln
A Itatlier hi fii y ItuHer ,
SIMS Uak. , faept. 2. " > . -AH the miners ot
the ollH.'ln 1'acltie Coal company btinclc
to-daj on account of YJto President Unllet'H
oidei that cmploj en should sign acontiactto
foi felt all pu > duo , on violation of any uf.
thoromjiany inlos. The btrlkcm aie prom *
Ihi-d aid fiomTembdllne , and It Is thought
the dilUtnlties al tliiit point nmv boiLpeatcd
Joli for a TJOI ( I.
VIKNSA , Sept. ! ir . Theio Is good author-
Hyior tlio sl.iti ment that Loid ldIet > lMg'i ,
Itnllsli fondgn hecietai v , U ti \ Ini ; to effect a
ieaijroichment ) between Kbrvla , Uulgailn ,
( iicecc and Tuikey , and hopes that Austria
will I ivoi BUI h an alliance , ilui tdim.ition of
whu'h is cunsiiUrel pii'-bible owing lo the ne-
ic ily if tun It u alii t a common Inva-
dn. It' t' o 1,1 1 the enl > Eciio'i ' d'IIle 'lty
wM U" lolmlU'tiMtte to jotu ihu ailuilci\