Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1886, Image 1

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    jf k _ , " 1 TPfc
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The Chicago Plonro-Pnoumonia Oases Both
ering the State Commission.
A Visit to the Stock Viirdi OpIn'.oiiN
I'ro ntul Con Distillery Shrill
Must lo Itiirnoil Ktlth of
tllO I'llCIMllA.
The ttlnitKhlcr Will Oo On.
CIIICAIIO , Sept , 121. ( Special Teluaram to
the Hm : . ] Tim proposed slam-liter of nil ani
mals In ph'iiiH-pnruinoiiln affected dlstltleilcs
mid fauns is to be strictly cnnlcil out In spite
ot protests from Inlcicstcd parties , wim at
tempt to deny contagion. Chairman Pear-
Ron , ot tlnj live stock commission , salil to
il ny :
"We Intend to have every one of UHMH
hlaiightcicd , nnd wo will make separate hi-
Hpectlon of tlio I n n 153 of each of the annuals.
Those whos'i lungs show signs of pleiuo will
lie burned up , hub others will be sold for licof
for ivlmtcvcr Is bid for Ilium. 1 susp-ct tlmt
Wisconsin , Iowa and Michigan will imaian-
line our cattle ns soon as thi'lr vetetlnurlans ,
who were down here to satisfy themselves of
tlio nutmeof this disease and its pievalonce ,
iiialte their reports. This will piobably occur
within n week. "
Tlio visit or thu commission to tlio stock
yaidsthis morning excited a good dual of
couniiunt , as itis ; thought they had cumo to
examine for contagious plenro among the
cattle kept thuie. The commission Is decld-
udly unpopular among cattle tiiun , soinu of
whom piolcss to believe that the Investigation
Is In i utility a scheme to secure an nppioprin-
tlon to the boaid fiom the state. When It
wns Known that a < | iiaiantlne was expected
there \\as some wild talk about seeming an
Injunction against thu .state autlioiitics to
piuvent any such bur to free shiiunent , hut
nobody seemed smeas to what would be. the
lcstcouise to pursue. Jt was thu general
opinion that any icstrlrtlvo measures would
result In immense. Injuiy to tins trade in
.Mr. Irus t'oy made a statement of the eat-
tlemen'H sldo of the matter to a lepoitcr. lie
h.vld : "We had hoped that the commission
would make no attempt to plncc beet from
distillery cattle on tlio market , but they do
lint heein to bo willing to urn lit our leanest.
The lysiilt may bo very disastrous , ns castein
dealers arc always willing to accept an op-
imiliinlty ot stopping hlpment ot dressed
beef fiom Chicago , nnd they will sptead n re-
pint tlie beef fiom cattle with pleuro Is belli. ;
told here , of to our disadvantage. The
iiiiaiautlne , of course , will hint us.
1 think wo have enough trouble on our hands
without that. "
The tioublo with the commission Is , tlmt
t io npmopiiailon b > the leglslntuio Is inade
quate to innKo good the losses. Theie would
nilse , In all piobabllltv , cl.iims which thu
Mate would have to make good. Suppose
this to be so , the commissioners bay that the
next legislatino would blame them tor not
ical 7.mir all they possibly could on tin :
hl.iughtuied animals. The commission is
thus placed In a somewhat itcllcnto position ,
and are uncertain how to proceed , being
placed , as it weie , between two lues.
The commission visited the Chicago distil-
lerv on Illai'kliawk btiect nnd killed a cow
whoso limes wens lotind to bo cle.irly and
fcliongly marked with tlio l.ital disease. This
finds an extra bnidcn to the r.hoady gieat
task of tin ) llvo stock commission. Tin ;
CU ) hu.ul ot cattle at tlio Chicago dis
tillery weie supposed to bo nil right ,
although they were quarantined on Tuesday.
ns a matter of precaution. The owners of
tliec.itric ( rntlii'ied In larwo numbers , nml
wcto Inclined to oppose the vuleilimriiins In
their work. The cattle at this distillery are
all line , Inrgo animals , valued at liom 50 to
SM ) each.
Dr. DeWolf says every bonid , post and
bhlngle , down to tlio minutest sliver fiom the
cow-sheds ot the Phicnlx distillery , must tic
burned to the t'louiul. That , ho says , is the
only Mittslncloiy ttimlgation lor that place ,
The other distillmles aienot no bad. and can
bo disinfected easily.
An evening paper , which has been Invest- !
gating , says that tlio "Kngllsh language If
short of woids which can tie put in pi I in
describing the liightful tilth ot tlio Pliomi.x
cow-sheds. "
At the confcienro betwocn the mcmbeis ol
thu llvo stock commission and the olllcials ol
tlm Stock Yards company tills moiniiiir , Mr.
1'earson said tothostock vard representative'
that the commissioners had decided to kll
nil the cattle now In the Pluenix and
Shtilloldt dlstillcilos , nliout two thousand
head ; that on post-mortem examination nl
deceased cattle would be cremated , and nl
healthy cattle sold to tlio highest bidder
The stock yaids company lepllei
that millions of dollnis would IK
lost to the packing interest ot Chicago it tin
report went out to the world tlmt beef from
the Intccted distilleries , whether healthy 01
not , was being shipped trom Chicago. Mr ,
J'caison then informed thn gentleman thai
the state only had jl'.i.COl with which to compensate
pensato the owners of healthy cattle , and II
nonnot the he.ilthy beef was iitil/ed ! the
stale would bo at nil cxpenso of al
least double that amount. He sug
gcstcd to the stock yaids men thai
ttiuy buy up the healthy beel
unit help the commlsjlnncis out of theli
dilemnui. He said the commission would , ol
course , exlmustthottppiopiiation alteady In
hand. No decisive aiiawci to tlio piopositloii
was gl\en.
Tlmcommlssioneis this afternoon held r
ennteroneo with Dr. Snlmnn , United Slatei
\eterlnaiian , Dr. Casewell.stato veteilnniian
and veteiinailans from Wisconsin ,
nnd lown. Dr. Salmon Mid ho had been In
tclcgianh communication with United
States Commissioner Column , of tlio depait-
inont ot agiicultuie , who had nuihoil/ed r
continuance ot tlio < iuuantlnc : at thu oxnunsc
of thu national goveinment until It should
bo decided what disposition to make ot thu
enica8 es. Dr. Salmon bald that ho wa >
mithoil/cd to doublu thu ( iiiaiantlne lurcc
iiowoxlRtlng , which would cost to the gov
ei nment about SS7 per day. Tlio < | iiiraiitliu
loico would then consist of tvvciuv-ninu do
mules , tvvo during thu day nnd four duiinp
thunlghint each of thu four dlstllieile.s am :
livoatlliu lliuvoy laim. Thu commissloi
decided to detail nil extra force.
Kxooptlntr 4UO head of cattle owned by tin
Falib.mks Canning company , of which Nul
bun Morris iHprcsldunt , thu maloilty of tin
3,000 animals nndcniuarantinuhclong to inci
depending on their two or tluuo eows for t
living. When the news ot tlio extension ol
thuutmranllnu i cached them to-nlghl tlioj
were thnioughly aroused. They sa >
that the state will bo obliged to destioy nl
tint beef , and as only healthy c.iltlo will bt
appraised the ( | iiar.intlnu extension Is a con
bjilrncy tospieadlhodlfe.isoas far as poisl
mo along tluuiuarantined cattle befoiu tin
bhuiuhtei takes < .
1)11. S.Vl.MO.N'8 IlP.I'OllT.
WARiiixmoN , Sept , SI. ConimlRsloiiP
Column , of the dep.ntment of agrlcnltuie
\YhohuntDr. Salmon , of thu buieau of unl
mat Industiy. to Chicago tonceitain If tin
dbeaso that has broken out theru Is iilemo
inieumonla , iecol\ed by telegraph to day th
following rcpoit :
Thuru Is no doubt that the cattle dNens. .
hero Is iileuio-pnunmonla. The aiithoiitle
llml much ditllculty in dealing with It , n
875000 v 01 th ofcatllu aio to bo slntiglitviei
nnd less than S.MI.COO aio a\allablo In tin i appropriation , Thu ilep.ulmeiit canno
pay for the diseased eattloheio because tin
btnte Inw teiinlie.s their slaughter without ( Ui
comion | > ation of ovnitis , lor dlslnfectlii ) ;
nnd nlMi to iimko an Inspection of iho sus
1) cteddlHiict. DIIJOII approve of what
ImxedoiH-V 'Iho btnlo commissioner ib nov
iinunging the details of thu slaughter.
CpiuiuUblonvr Colmaii bent tliu followlni
H'ldy :
Tt'logiam n celved nnd > our action np
jirovotl. You iiro also umlioriml to take nir
bteps tUi'iued necebsary to still fmlher eon
111 mi our dlairnpsU and fully estubtUh tha
thuilIbCiuo Is plciiio-piu'iimunia.
Dlsuasn AIIIOIIK Hogs.
WASIIINQTONSent. . Jl.-l < ate Intprmatloi
received at the agricultural depat aeiit re
gnidlnt' the eondUlon of hogs , la that li
Illinois and Indiana cholera pit-vails gen
prally. iu the former state hcavj lossvs ai
cportrd In several counties. In Ohio nnd
Michigan the condition of nnlmals Is fair.
n some parts of Wisconsin farmers nro
afraid to keep hogs on account of cholera ,
nnd icporLs fiom Iowa are of n similar clrir-
nctor In some cases. Cholein , pliikoi * and
I'ensles mo ro | > ortcd ftoin Missouri nnd Nc-
) raska. Tlio condition Is considerably be-
ow thu n\cinge. Kansas and KeiitucKy hogs
nre general I j In good eondltion.
flip Sovcrolun Oraml Ij
.Mucli liniiorlatil
HOSTOV , Sept. 21. The snveiclgn crand
edge of Odd Fellows continiic'l ' Its session
his morning. The committee on the state of
theordortcpnrtrd It would bo fnexpcdlent to
establish a liome for orphins of Odd Follows
inder the caie of the soveielgn grand
odge. The leport was adopted. The specitU
order for lodgoheadiiuai tors of the sovereign
grand lodge wns taken up. Past ( .hand Slro
Nicholson moved that nominations be inado
nnd an Infoimnl ballot bo taken to cloloi-
mine thu feeling of the grand hulito on the
subject , which was adoiitod. The nomina
tions weio Columbus , ( ) . ; Washington , I ) .
< \ : Ht , Louis , I'lilladelphia , Indl.inaiiolis.
Clilcago nnd Ualtlmore. On the sixth ballot
Columbus received n majority of the votes ,
with Chicago next In number.
In secret session tills afternoon the
ritual for Hebeknh degree lodges was
adopted , but no lorm ot Hour movement ,
that being left to each led < c to detetinlno tor
Itsclt , so long as thu Is adhered to. Thu
.glowing Inteiest in this blanch
of the older demanded this
action , which will bo received with
giuat satisfaction tlnoughoiit the cotintrj.
( irnnd Situ Uaiuy being 111 , Deputy ( irand
She White pteshled at the evening session.
The action of the gland she and seeietaiy in
granting n chatter tor n lodge nt Itegla , on
the Island ot Cuba , was approved ; also for si
Itubekah device lodge at McAllister , t.
T. Thu constitution of tlio gland
lodge nt Denmark was approved ; also
the by-laws of the 1'oljneslnn encampment of
the Sandwich Islands. The leportof Lieu
tenant ( iuncral Underwood was thun taken
up. It wasoidered that the works on tac
tics ns piopaicd under thu snpci vision of the
lieutenant general shall be bold by the chltsl
of supplies ns supplies , and the moneys
leeched coveted Into the huadiiiuiteis fund
until further otdeicd. Cantons andcheva-
lleis , 01 other oideis of nitilaichs militant ,
nio pioldbltcd from publishing nnd selling
foims , plates , books , etc. , of this natniu ot
those sold bj the chiet ot supplies under IHMI-
nlty of paj ing a ro > ally. It Is the desiio ol the
grand lodge that no pronounced chanires he
made In ( lift itnlloims of patilaichs militant ;
that the lieutenant general .shall have the
power to make .such minor alterations , addi
tions , etc. , as ina > bo neccssaiv to complete
and sj tematl/u thu unlloim ; but It
is the intention ot the Sov-
cieign ( .rand Lodge not to alter thu
unltorm adopted at its last session. The unl-
toim of ] ) atilarchs militant is denominated
legalia , nnd as bitch can be woin by che\a-
lieis when visiting lodges ami encampments
of the oider. The grand lodge will adjouin
Tli ( * ncautlcH of Democratic Itcfonn
IIH I'l-aotiocd In a I'cnltctitl.-try.
Coi.fjiiii's O. , Sept. 2-1 ISpccial Tele-
giam to the 15iu : . ] Fuilher investigation ol
the penitentiary under the Iloadly ndmlnls-
tiation ie\eals darker deuds than hasyctbc'en
exposed. One employe is said to liavo pio-
cureil the rele.isool a female pi boner on pa
role tlmt lie might Install her as his mistier
in town. Anothei olllcial will bo suiely con
victed ol lorgory and another will be .sent to
the penitentiary for belling goods madu in
the pi ison at reduced prices nnd failing to
nccount for the receipts. Ux-Jovernoi
iloadly's biothei-in-law , Samuel Pony , la
implicated in many of thu transactions. Pai-
ties In chnigo ol the Investigation claim that
nearly o\ery oftldal of the Iloadly icsiiiio
will bo indicted by the grand juiy , now hear
ing the testimony ot the convicts. Suveial
ot ( ho accused parties have left town.hut have
been tracked to biding places by detectives
nnd will IKI brought Hack when ncccbsarv. It
Is proved conclusively tlmt tlio election
tally sheet toigerv wa committed In
the neison by. I no. Francis , a Dayton con
vict In for manslaughter , llocontossed the
cilmo nnd furnished the names ot piomlnunt
democratic politicians who instigated tlio
ciime. Fiancls also states that lie was pioni'
Ised release lor his work and was to lenu
the prison In a hack and go to Windsor.
Canada , ho would bo counted an Cscanuil
convict , but would never Ins hunted. The
iilan lulled as thu cousniratois weio afi.ih
lie would bo caught. Ho was bctr.ucd and
so ho sipieals. The disclosures are u.xcitlnu
every pu t ot the state.
I3vcii o for Russian Interference.
LO.VDON . Sept. 84. Tlio IJulgnilan govern'
incut lias been Informed that a hostile de
iiionstintionnttlie Knsslnn agency in Bolii :
a.-alnst ( ienural Kanlbars will furnish an excuse >
cuse foi ICnsslan Intcileiunce.
SOPIA. Sept. 1M.-H is stated that
tlm Ititsslan ultimatum , of which ( leu-
ui al Kaulbai.s is thu bearer , domamh
thu Immedlato lalslng of thu state ol
slego In Bulgaria , the liberation of nil pollt
leal prisonurs. nnd the Indefinite postponu-
nient ot tlio elections for members of the na
tional assembly. However , there are no
signs ot tllnchlng on the p.ut of the regency ,
On tliucontiaiy , the nntl-Husslan feeling in
ci oases daily.
The Coining Ilcvolution.
PAUIS , Sept. 21 Senor Xoiilla , the leader
of tlm Spanish tcvolutionlsts , in an Inter-
viuw imbllshed In thu Figaro , says tlmt last
Sunday's uprising In Spain was piematuie ,
nnd ho declnius that in the icvolt that will
tnko ploco at tlio piopur time many of tht
goneialsln thu Spanish ni'iiy will support
thu revolutlonlbts. Spain lias demanded
tiom Franco the oxpnlsion ot ItuiXoiilht. .
Thu Kiunch cabinet has discussed the de
mand and scpaiated without being able In
nrtlvont n pioper conclusion. It was le-
solved to submit tlio matter to President
( irevy.
LONDON , Sept. " - ! . Loid Iloseberry , speakIng -
Ing nt Llnllthgow to-night , said that he
thought that no gic.iter calamity could bctall
the count ! y than the continual mining ol
innvlnchd Hfcby thu absorption of the besl
labor Into great cities , especially London ,
llu feared that when the eiioimous mass ol
people In the metropolis should become un
mnnaceablu the nuthoillleb would llnd it toe
Into to deal with the pioblcm.
A ChniiKO In AniltnHsdors.
CONSTANT ixoi-i.i : , Sept. 'it. Jt has been
llnally Sir William White , nov\
liritibli minister nt HuchntuU , will succcei
SirlMwanl Thointon as lirltlsh embassa
dor lioie. Sir William White Ib considered u
strong diplomat , wull versed In easien
all'nlrs , nnd nblu to couuteuict the Itusshu
Intilgui'b with thepoito.
Slinuorlal Colitiiui llnveilod.
VIKNNA , Sept. a I. The column erected t (
the memory of Admit ulliarou Von Tegelhol' '
nt Iho entianco to Prater was unveiled to
day by Emperor Fiancls Joseph In the presence
enco of nil enormous assembly ,
Tlio Captured AdnniH.
llALii'AX'i hept , 21. Chief Justice McDon
ald today g.ivo Ids decision on n motion
inado by Meaijer , eouiibol for the Unltet
States , to Imvu ovldencu for tlio defcns-o li
tlio schooner Admits case taken beloiu i
commissioner in the United States. Th.
chiet justice's decision Ib that tl.ociptain o
tlio vessel must coma to Halifax to be t\am
hied , but tlmt the crew may gllo their evi
di-uco bcfoie a commlbsloiier in lioston ,
.NEW YOIIK , Sept , 24. The total number o
business failures occurring thiougliout tin
Untied Slates nnd Canada dining the las
seven days Is 1ST.
lll-psoN. N. Y. . Sept. 24-Kllsha Qlfford
jr. , stock bioker of tills city , made an assign
ii'eiH to Wm. Hosteck , with creditors prefer
qices to the amount ot $40,000. The full Ha
biUtkb and aisets nro not jet tnowu.
The DemocrnttcOonrention Nominates Him
For Congress on the Piist Ballot
Asliby Itecclvrs Only Sixteen Votes
nnd Itrnwn One Tlio Vote l y
Count le The Platform
Aa Adopted ,
Omnlin'n Cnndulute fJots There.
FALLS CIT , Xeh. . Sept. 21. [ Special Tele-
Riam to the llr.r.l The democrats of the
First congicsslonnl district of Ncbiaskamet
In this city nt 7)0 : : ) p. m. , nnd placed In
nomination for congicss John A. McShntie ,
of Omaha , a gentleman who , It has been tor
some time conceded , would receive that
honor. Nuiily all the delegates came In
on theaftetnoon passeiigei tialn , only n few
coming In the moining , Xo wire palling
nor cat hauling was lesorled to. The con-
\eiition was called to older at 7:30 : by C. W.
Pool , and J. 0. P. Hlldcbrand , editor of tlio
Pawnee Piess , was chosen temporal y chnir-
nmn , nnd 11. U. Davis of the Fulls City News ,
temporary secretary.
A committee of live on ciedenttfils wns ap
pointed by the chair , consisting ot the lollovv-
Ing : Charles Ogdcn , of Douglas ; Whltmore ,
of Lancaster ; Lowe , of Pawnee. ; Woodcock.
of ( iago , and Hackney , ot N'eniaha ,
While the committee on ciedontlals was at
work , Captain W. II. Ashbj , of Oaau county ,
made a neat speech.
The chair appointed a committee on icsolu-
lions , consisting of one member from each
countiy , ns follows : Lancaster , A. J. Saw
yer ; Nemaha , 11. Kellegar ; Cass , J. N" .
Block ; Doiulas , C. 11. 15rown ; Cane , W. II.
Ashby ; Johnson , Mr. Chamberlain ; Oloe ,
Saipy , J. II. Langdon ; Saundcis , C. L. Mills.
Mr. ManniiiLKicliaulson ; , H. S. Malony ;
While the committee on resolutions were
at woik , a recess of littecn minutes was
taken. When the convention was called to
older a''idn they biibmitted the following set
of icsolutlons :
Itesolvcd , That the administration of
drover Cleveland has the coullal and em
phatic approval ot the democrats of
this distilct for the ability and
fidelity with which ho has ic-
deumed nil the pledges made to the Ameri
can people in the latedemociatic platfoim of
l&M , theiebv greatly piomoting the piospei-
ity ot our indiistiies and the purity and elll-
ch'tiey ot tetoim in tins civil beivice.
Itesolved , That tlio demociats of this dist
rict aic in favor ot a law
ot congie's lei the regulation of
inter-state commeice , essentially the same ns
the Iicauan bill , so called , and emphatically
opposed to the senate Cullom bill as in thu
inteicst of monopoly and opposed to the In
tel ests ot the people.
Itesolved , Tliat we sympathise with the
Inboilng classes to impiova their
condition , nnd urge sack legislation
ns will advance it. Wo denounce
the system ot the contiact piison labor that
come ? in competition witli the honest woik-
Ingmeii. All piison made goods should be
so bianded vvlinn put on bale. Wo demand when the time ot a convict In the state
m Neil exphes , lie shall be Iranspoited to the
nlaco wheio convicted.
Kesohed , That wo demand the reduction
ol thu pie-out op | > ies lvo taiilT , nnd that at
least lumber , coal and bait be placed upon thu
free list.
Itesolved , That wo favor a national cur
rency consisting of coin , gi.'jnbacks and
national bulk notes cotueitablo into coin at
the option ol tlio holder , and we aio opposed
to thu coinage of silver.
The platform as above was adopted with
the exception of the clause iclating to na
tional bank notes , which wns stricken out.
The convention thun proceeded to the
nomination ot a candidate foi congiess. T.
J.Moiimty , of Douglas , placed In nomina
tion Hon. John A. MeSliane , of Omaha.
The nomination was seconded by W.
H. Killegar , ol Xemalia county. J. 11. Dun
can , ot ( iiige , pliecil the name of Captain \V.
11. Abhby , ot Wynioie , befoio the conven
tion.On motion It was decidfl.l tlmt the Jhst bal
lot should bu u toimal one. and it lesultcd as
follovvH :
Cass , 12 for McShano ; Douglas. 42 lor Mc-
Shane : ( ! agcrl4 lor Captain Asliby and 1 f : > r
C. H. Hiown ; Johnson , 7 lor McSlmnc ; Lan
caster , 14 lei McShunc ; Xemalm , 8 for Me-
Shane ; Otoe , 13 for ilcSlmne , 1 for
Ashby ; Pawnee , 5 for McSlmno ; Hiclmid-
son , 1" torMcShane , 1 foi Ashby : S.irpy , 4
for McSlmno ; baiindeis , 1'J for MeShane.
Thus the vote resulted in I'-fl tor McShano ,
10 lor Ashby nnd 1 lei C. H. Blown.
It was moved by A. Abbott , ot Klclmrd on ,
that the nomination ol McSlmno Uu made
unanimous by acclamation. Cairled.
Tlio clmir appointed as n committee to no
tify McShano ot ills nomination , Harden of
Lancaster. Blown of Douglas , nnd
liobeit Clegg ol ! lEIclmidson. Short
speeches were made after the
nomination ot McSlmno by Brown of Doug-
Ins , Mnlonuy of Itlclmrdson , Ashby of ( iage ,
and Sawyer of Lancaster. Mr. McSlmnc was
not picsent
The consolidated Falls City nnd Salem
bands were piesent and f mulshed good
music thioughout the nflcinoon and oven-
A Superior Fair Court No\vs ,
OAKLAND. Neb. , Sept 21. [ Special to the
Bi'.i : . ] The Unit county fair , which closed
yo5tiiday , has been pronounced a decided
success In every respect. The exhibit of line
stock was nuvcr hotter , and the exhibit of
fruit and farm products was never equaled
in this put ; of the stato. Piumliiins will bo
paid In full. A now set of olllccis for the so
ciety were elected , the piesent ones having
served tluce yeais to tlio entire satisfaction
of nil , and the president nnd secretary aio to
bo congintiihitcd tor their good woik In
making tlio fair in this county equal to any
In thu stato.
Co-lit convenes Tuesday , thoSSth of this
month , with forty-llvo civil suits mid lour
criminal. The most important civil casu Is
thu onu against thu county tieasurcr , which
has been attracting bo much attention among
NeliraHkn nnd lovvu Weather.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Local tains ,
followed by fair weather ; ne.uly stationary
tempe ratine.
Deputy Treasurer Groves wont cast
over the Q , lust evening.
Gcorgo W , Holdrego ami Charles J.
Green of tlio H. & M- , went to Lincoln
lust evening in the former's special car.
Miss Addle M. Hall , of NVnlbacli Bros. ,
Grand laluml , wus in the city last week ,
ami left ycstorJay morning over the
Union Pacific.
County Clerk Nccdliam anil vrifo re
turned from Kt. Louis yeat < ml'iyi ' whore
they Inul been attending the Knights
Templar conclave.
George A. Joslyn wont to Chicago last
evening on a trip of business nnd pleas
ure the former iu regard to matters con
nected with hla now hotel , corner of
Tenth and Farnam , and the latter to
meet his wife and other relatives coming
westward. _
School Notes.
The Lake school will bo opened on
Monday for the term , the four room au
dition ( o the building having been com
The board of education on Thursday
closed contracts for the construction of
n tvvo room addition to the Long street
school nnd n now two room building for
temporary use in Omaha View , both to
bo completed and ready for occupancy
three weeks from the uato of contract.
The buildiuca will cost about f 1,200 each.
The Unnndlnn U'nathor Prophet Car
ries Terror Into South Onrollnn.
Nnvv YOIIK , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele-
KMin to the BR'E.J A Now York special
from Charleston says : Wlpglns' prediction
has done more to unnerve the people ot
Charleston than all the seismic disturbances
that have occurred since September 1. It Is
useless to saj tlicro can bo no foundation for
the prediction. Uvcn men who know the
niter absurdity of It , but who have been
through the e.iithqtiake , were unneived at
rending It. Women and children are uttcily
pioslrated. 'Iho News and Courier tried to
show Wiggins' prophesy to bo without foun
dation , but there Is no use to attempt to nrguo
with men. women ntul children who Imvo
been living on the brink ota crater for nearly
n month. Until September 20 Is passed there
will bo no rest In this afillcted cltv. Many
men sent their families to .Savannah , New
Orleans , Macnn and othci cities , In the hope
of being able to attend to their business.
Their state of mind cannot bo described. The
.situation , tuning the Wiggins prophesy nnd
Its results , Is rather checifiil to-day. The
opinion among the moro Intelligent classes Is
that the Canadian charlatan should bo
snulled out. "
An Iowa I2nrth < | iinlcc.
Dr.s MOIMIS , In. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele-
giaui to the Hr.K.- ] dispatch fiom Win-
Held , Henry county , siys : "Five distinct
shocks of earthiiiakrt | Were felt hero about 11
o'clock last night. No special damage wns
done. "
_ _ _ _
Mild titmice * .
CiiAiiLnsio.s , Sept 24. There was a slight
shock nt Suiumervillo last evening , nnd pos
sibly two dining the night. Tlieiu was none
in Chaileston.
Knights Tcmplnr Finish llimlnosq
Moot atV < ifdilni > lon tu 1HKO.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Sept. 24. So far as public
business Is conccincd , the twenty-thlid triun-
nlal conclave of the Knights Templar was
llnlsiicd yeateiday , nnd the closing recep
tions held last night. The vailous he.ul-
( limitcis nre being stripped of decorations
this niornins. nnd every departing train is
ciovvded with knights and their lilends.
Thousands who remained spent thu day
viewing the sights of the city and enjoying
ste.imtioat excursions on the river. To
night thu local commanderies and remaining
\isltors will hold a reception , and a tew
minor paiiulcs will be given and the city
At tlio session of the Knights Templar
gland encampment this morning the most
eminent sriand master made the following
appointments : Hev. d. ( ! . Webster , Nuw
Yoik , grand prelate ; John 1 { . Paison , Mis
souri , grand stamhud bearei ; Nicholas A'nn-
sllclc , lEhode Island , grand swoul bearer ;
Nicholas P. Buckle , Indiana , giand win den ;
Ldwin F. Warien , Nebia-skn , grand chap
lain of guaid. The installation ot olllccis
and the icpoil of the committee on the tlmo
and place of holding the next grand encamp
ment was postponed.
The nltei noon session of the grand en
campment hi ought tho- business of the body
to a close. On leassemblimr alter dinner the
discussion ol the ritual , whtch hail consumed
most ol the morning session , was resumed
and occupied the attention ol the cne.imp-
inent the lai jei p.ut . of tl > w afternoon. The
colebiated 'Michigan question" was decided ,
the action ol the slate commandeiy
being almost unanimously sustained.
After tliu ritual was " disposed ot
the appointive officers woje installed and the
matter of thu time and place lor holding thu
next tilennhil conclave was taken up. Was\i- \
Ington , Louisville nnd'Ciuolnnati wero" tlio
leading applicants lor tUe honor of entertain
ing the knights , anil aitur nonslduranlo de
liberation WnshhlKtonnva's fixed upon as the
place and the second vvcok hi October , IbS'J ,
as the time.
Keel CIoud'H Nine ItuckH Down , to Alum
Leajjiic Guinea.
ALMA , Neb. , Sept 24. iSpcchil Telegram
to the UKi.J-The : lied Cloud bisu ball club
came to Alma to-day , but did not have" the
sand to play after arilvlng , so went home
without a game. An elfort was inado to get
them to stay over and play to-iuonow for
SlOO a .side , but it had no effect.
AT PiiiL.VDr.Lt'iiiA
Washington . 0 00000101 2
Philadelphia . 0 0020010 0- ! (
Base hitb Washington 8. Philadelphia 0.
Knors Washington 5 , Philadelphia 5 , Um-
plie Fiilmer.
Ar Pirrsnrito
Pittsburg . 00010125 1 10
Chicago . o o o o o o o : < o a
Exhibition unine. Base hits Pitisbiirg 14 ,
Cliicaco ( i. Pitchers ilonis nnd Claikson.
Boston . ' 1 0430000 8
New Yoik . 00100340 8
Base hits Boston. 18 , New Yoik 9. KIIOIS
Boston 8. Now X"'k 4. Pitchers Stem-
myr and Welch. Umpire Pearce.
iToclcoy Glut ) llaccH.
GitAvr.snND.Sopt. 24. Three-fourths inilo :
Mamie Hunt won. Bill Steriitt second , 13 rait
third. Tlme-l:10. :
Milo and onoolghtli : Frank Ward won ,
Arctlno second , Ada I ) , thhd. Tlmo 1 :55J : .
Mile and one-fourth : Blue Wing won ,
Uonfallon second , Favor third. Tlmo 3:10. :
Mile : Gleaner won , Pericles second , Mag-
gieJ. thhd. Tlmo 1:42 : > / .
Mlle and one-sixteenth : Haiofoot won ,
Santa Claus second , Bess thhd. Tlmo
liOK. :
Mifo nnd one-eighth : Brougliton won , Tilot
second , Knor third. Time 1:5 :
Thrce-Ycnr-Ohl llccord ISroIccn.
S'rocicTo > f , Cal. , Sept. 24. In the tliieo-
ycar-old dotting race , in vvhlch Valensln ,
A lea /air and Temjiest ntaitcd , Iho font Ih heat
was made bv Valenslrt in 'J:13 : , being tlio
fastest loin Hi heat threo-j ear-old time on
Iho Itaco U Ofl * .
LYNX , Mass. , Hppt. Si. A messao Just re
ceived from Maiblehcad , says : Ills olllclally
announced theru will lit ) no lace between the
Mayllowernnd the Galatea to-day ,
Ilurr Jlost's I'npsr Iustto Supported
oi > Die.
Nuw Yomc , Sept. 2i. , iSpncIaI Toloiram
to the Bii : : . ] Wlion Anarchist Most wrote
the lucondlao' articles for thu Frelhelt , the
newspaper pild well and Most lived In high
style. Hut during ills hrcbent enforced so
journ in the ponltontlarV the articles written
by John Miller have bcqii HO tame that the
clrculatiou'lias falleij from 6,000 , to barely 300
copies. The olllco was , eslcuod yostoulay
with creditors. Miller went to the peniten
tiary and had a serloij- ) talk with Most.
Miller returned to his ollleo , sat pondering
over his desk , and wroU | a column edltoiial
under the heading : "Sliall the Fielholt JJo
Supported'i1" The article nrifed tlmt an
archists should not give capitalists n chance
to boast that the publication of the paper
wns suspended for lack of support , but by
smoking onn cigar loss or thinking a glass of
beer less save the live cent piece necessary
for the puichase of the paper. The article
closes with the tlueat that unless tlio ciiciila-
tlon speedily increases tlio paper will be sus-
pcndcd ami the anaichUu abandoned to
tbelr late.
The Telephone Case.
CINCINNATI , Sept , at , Joseph K , McDon
ald , closed the argument this morning in the
American Bell telephone case , for the com
pany , In the United States court. All the
speeches were reported in short hand , and
will bo [ Hinted for the use of the court. At
the close of the argument the coutt said ( hat
whllo It hail a distinct ihiprcsslon of tlio
points involved , it wished all the papeis to bu
laid before it In order that a deliberate levlew
of the case may bo made.
A Fnnnly of Six Persons Massacred by Rob
bers ntOuba , Mo.
Ono of the Supposed .Murderers Ar-
rewtcd Men Drowned hi n Colli
sion nt Son Slimy Crimes
mid CitRiinttlcs.
liloody Crime In Mlmourl.
CfiiA , Mo. , Sept. 21. iSpeclal Telegram to
the HKK.Malcolm | Logan nnd family , con
sisting of wife , thrco clilldien and adopted
Kill , seven years old , were murdeied on their
farm six miles east of hero at an early hour
Wednesdny morning. The Hist dlseoveiy of
the honlblo crime was inndo yesterday mom
Ing when a neighbor saw a trail of blood
leading to the House , which he followed.
The first object hu found on enteilng the
residence was the body of the adopted Kill
lying In the hall. She had been killed with
n hatchet. The lenr portion of the hnu i )
was binned down and In the inlns weie
found the chniied remains of Mrs. Logan
and tlnee children. Tlio lathers body was
missing. The trail of blood was again fol
lowed und n mile and a half tnun tlio house
Logan's body was totind. Ho also
has been killed with a hatchet. 'Iho body
was drugged to tlio latlroad track and placed
on the rails. Logan had recently received
8liOO ! forsomopioperty and robbery Is sup
posed to be the motive lor tlio cilme. No
clue heic to the nundeier.
ST. Loris. Sept. 'J I. [ Special Telegram to
the Bni.l : P. r. Wallace , a inllroad man ,
was aircsted here list night at a late Hour on
suspicion ol being the iiiinderer of the Lopan
family nt Cubi. lie stiunuousiv denies his
guilt. It Is claimed he ll.igited tlio train near
the ceno ol the murder and cnme direct to
this city.
Hartford's Great Dcl'nultor.
llAiiTroiiD , Conn. , Sept. 21. George M ,
Baitholomnw was heard trom to-day In Mont
real. Several lettcis weio tecehed fjoin him ,
As far ns can be learned the missives con
tained no facts of public Interest. Friends ol
Baitliolomew heio say tlmt under the great
pressuic that wnson hlinnt the tlniH of. his
Illght ho would have died had Iu :
stnjcd hcie. llo made the utmost
e\ci lions to protect those whose
funds he had taken. As tlio matter Is
studied over It is found that ho gave tin
Chatter Oak Life Insurance company
fclSO.l'OO ' bonds , which he said weie vvoith 7U
cents on the dollar , and gave the llolyoke
water Power company sccuiitv for ail the
money he had received tiom it , and
also seemed other ciedllors ns lai
ns he could , where lie had wiongfullv appio-
piiated funds , although the seeiultuja were
not leallv negotiable. The condition ot the
Union Miinutueluting company has not yet
been fully asccitalncd , hut It is believed the
concern owes about SiJ ! < ) ,00 > , which would
wipe out the slock but leave notes \\oith
a latgo p.ut of their face value.
Most of these have his endorsement. It \ *
known to his filends that he only took &wO
with him. Isaac W. Biooks , of Teuliigton ,
who has been appointed iccelvur ot tin
Charter Oak Life Insuinnce company , gnvi
bonds iu 8-50,000 to day and uunlilicd.
Fatal Sllnc
WATCH low N , N. Y. , Sept. U4. A teiiibk
accident occtii red at the ii on mines nt Jays-
vllle , St. Lavviunco county , at 0 o'clock > es-
teulay niornhu. A charge of dynamite had
boon llicd nnd Fireman William Apple mill
tvvo workmen , Felix Uasse and Kiank Black-
bum. descended to obsei ve the icsiilts ot thu
blast. They had seaicelv onluied the mine ,
however1 , when a lock tell , instantly kllllnu
Basso and Blackburn. A depression in the
lock .sived the life of Apple , but ho wns
badly injinod.
IJnd City Olllcials Arrested.
CINCINNATI , Sept 24. Clmiles Doll , mem
ber ot the late board ot public works , ami
Charles S. Itlackbuin. its clerk , were ar
rested this 'noon upon a ehargo of embc//.le-
mentof S15.000 of the city's funds. There
aie Illinois of other anests to bo made
soon. These charges aie based upon dis
coveries made by e.xpeit accountants who aic
examining the books of the Into board. Ma
jor James C. Morgnn , who was a member ot
a foi mer bonid , has also been nneatcd upon
similar charges.
A Knight Tcmplnr Killed.
ST. Louis , Sept. 24. A. C. Stoiy , of Nn-
perville , II ! . , n knight templar In attendance
upon the conclave in this city , was killed
this morning by being inn over by a pajsen-
gei tiain near this city.
Schooners Collide.
ST. JOHNS. N. F. , Sept. 21. In the Bay of
St. John this moining the British schoonei
Summerset collided witli the schooner Mary
Ann , cutttlng her In two. There were thir
ty-seven pcisons aboaid the Ill-fated ciaft.
four of whom weio drowned. The otlieis
saved themselves by clinging to the main
rail of tlio Summerset anil weie picked out ol
the water by her boats. The Mary Ann sank
within tvvo minutes titter the collision.
Wholesale Jail .Delivery.
IOWA Cirv , In. , Sept. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEH.J All of tlio prisoners con-
lined In tlio county jail at this place escaped
lust night by digging their way out. They
Included some desperate characters , nnd the
public nio not paiticulaily unconcerned to
know that the rascals nio at huge.
M'RtcrloiiH Shootin/ ; ,
ljsMoi.Nis ; In. , Sept. 21. Ibpeclnl Tele-
cram to the BKH.J-John Shone , a wealth )
farmer Hvltisr lour miles noitheast ol
Pomuroy , Callioun county , was shot nnd
instantly killed by n shot tired through the
window while seated nt Iho table with his
wile and hired man last night. Full paitlcu-
lars not yet obtained ,
Tlnpifit ami Mnrdorer Hunt ; .
MACON , On. , , 21. Funk S. Humph
reys was hanged lo-day at Millcdgovillo foi
murder and the rape of tvvo ladles , Carrh
Ital lies and Kiln Hnmpliroysdils kinswomen ) ,
on Match 4. Ho confessed his guilt to the
sherilf last night , but made no statement on
the scaffold ,
A JMiHplacod Switch.
Br.iiLiN , Sept. 24. A train laacn with Ger
man sohllets homo lioinStrasboiug and Alsace
saco , after having completed their tluec
years' servco , collided with another neai
Beilln to-day , Tlneo hohlieis weio killed
and twt > iity wounded , The collision wat
caused by the misplacing of a switch.
AVorlcliiB Kor Ifls Mfo.
OTTAWA , Sept. 24. Counsel for the
prisoner Sproulo , who has been sentenced
to bo hanged on October 1 , Intend making
another effort to save him fiom the gallows
on the sttciii'th of a report tlmt helms bcconu
Insane. _
Fatal Flru Damp ,
BKHI.IN , Sept. 24. A dispatch fiom Ksscn
announces that nil explosion of tire damp oc
curred in a coal pit near Schalko to-day , and
forty-live persons were killed and sixteen In
jurcJ , eight of tlio latter being In a pincarl
ous condition.
A nia/.e at Toronto ,
TOHONTO , .Out. , Sept. 24. The bulldliia
occupied by Davidson & Hay , wholesale
gioccrs ana liquor dealers , burned this ninrn-
lug. The stock , valued at Sl' O.OOO , was ;
tqlal loas. They were Insuied for § 70,000.
Bogus Butter Vendors Arroetcd.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 24. Four retail grocers
vverenriebtod to-day on warrants Issued al
the Instance of Deputy Food Commlsblouei
Ucgluiu , charging them with jiu ofleusc
under the law which prov Ides that Imitation
butter shall not bo sold without having put
up n notice that Imitation butter Is for sale.
An aualj sis showed smnples bought nttlio
dllfeieiit places to contain fiom ' . 'to ' Viper
cent of leil butter. This Is Iho first prosecu
tion attempted undei the law.
romh'tod of
Drill oui : , la. , Sept. SI. [ Special Tele
gram to the lli.r . ) In the distilct court this
morning. MUIIIIT PlllTer , charged with tiinr-
deling old Pntilck llairlngloii with a stick
of cord wood , was convicted of tiiaiH.unh- :
Hcnrlnc and Lightning.
VIKNNA , Sept. ! M Lightning to-day
struck and set llro to the Italian balk Xlcol.i
while she was being laden with ben/.lno al
Tleumc. Light men puilshed In the llames.
Itablil llenson'H Ijectiiro at the Jewish
Hynntiosriio Iiast Night.
The services sit ttio .rowlsli biiitdrnsue
were atteiuled bv an appreciative audi
ence. It was hold in the schoolrooms of
of the building , ns the workmen did not
linish thn decoration of the interior of the
littiUliiif ; until late last evening. Hulovv
woylvo the substance of Itabbl lloiison's
This boms the last Sabbath of thn
Jewish year 5010 , ho commented upon the
word "hist , " ns applied in human u Hairs.
Man , presuming too much upon Ills-
vigor , wealth nnd moiitiU attainments ,
thn voice of poverty is unheard , tlio
shrilled hands of penury nro outstretched ,
but presumptuous mini turns n.sido with
disgist mm contempt , lorgetting the
words of the Psalmist , "That mo pusscth
awuy ere we perceive it. " Whilst it is
true that the xc i'-nlm may bo
attributed to Mose.s , written us it is
jn a pensive strain , noverthelesss its
its words nre felt in harmony with the
sentiments of the thoughtful clement of
every generation. Those words nre still
the Key-note to the hiimtin henrt. We
might endeavor to hide the facts of our
ultimate departure from this sublunar
world , yet llioro passes not a day when
wo do not see the fraility of mini.
Often has this melancholy tact been
presented to our consideration ; daily is
our attention arrested , but wo banish
such thoughts from our mind simply bo-
cuuso they tusich us our own itisigniti-
ounce. Were it that banishing thoughts
would turn aside the evil ; couTd want of
reduction make our body immortal , then
might wo be justified in living oblivious
of our end. Hut not thinking , not earing ,
not heeding , render ns not exempt from
change nnd grief nnd the iinupptvlionded
evil will nevertheless come nnd fulfill its
A thousand instances cross upon the
mind us uxumples tlmt could verify I hat
there is no stahility in life , no certainty
iu vvorldiy possessions ; whilst wo rejoice
wo arc hastening unto death , unit the delights -
lights wo crave for pass away like the
vision ot the nignt. A man must have
lived without any reflection , nnd no little
purpose , whoso recolloclioo is not stored
with many illustrations of this truism ,
Tuke for example the Midden horrlblo
death of Airs. Titcomb , ti ludy who re
sided but n few doors from this very tem
ple. " Here Hubhi Benson spoke foot-
inglyof the imfortiimitu woman's death.
A child a parents' joy was consumed
in the devouring Humes on last Weducs-
The city of ( Jhnrlnston. Hero the audi-
cncu was deeply nlVucted , when Kabbi
llonson , in a tremulous voice , said : Tlio
best iears of my life I Imvo been in the
south. It was there that I married the
choice of my heart and it was there tlmt
my dear children were born. Many n
time have I neon in tliisuiifoitunnto eitv ,
nnd iimuy u time liavo I hud occasion to
ndniiro the truly benevolent and pious
feoliiur of our co-religionists , most of
whom are descendants from Spanish
nnd Portugese families , who , on account
of religions persecution , emigrated to
tliis country as early as 1(100. ( Tliuru are
reminiscences in their synngogiios show
ing that during Washington's : i [ minis
tration they were already an organized
bony , as President Washington had con
tributed to the building of their lioiiso of
worship , mid now , how lonely sits the
mistress of alloiti ? Ilow ninny' are suf
fering there to-day ? Heio the Kabbi
gave a graphic description of the
mi-jery mid sullerings of the
inhabitants , which had a great ofl'cet on
the audience. Now , if I would havugoni )
to those jieople and wiiil : "Proimro , O
men to iltiy , for to morrow you die , " why
1 would bu laughed tit. I would hayo
been called an alarmist , n croaking
raven , ever crying "nevermoro" . If I
would have gone to tlio woman who wus
burned , and said : "Mndnmo , prepare for
eternity , for to-morrow you will appear
before the Creator , " J would Irivo been
jeered at , And yet , on this last Sabbath
of the year I cannot help but halting
upon the most momentous term in the
vocabulary of thu human term , "Itibt , "
Hero Kabbi Benson dwelt upon tlio "re
gret of remorse" mid tlio anguish which
tlmt feeling causes.
If man would only think that there
must bo mi uiul to Hielr miblmtar u.xist
cnco miieh of the fculings of remorse
would bo stivod.
The husband's heart would not bu las-
ceratod wit lithe of hurry
ing Ins wife to an untimely gnivo ; no
would imiKo home happier , bo more
tender and forbearing. The parent
would not curse the day when Ins oil'-
spring lirst saw the light of dtiy , as that
oilspnng'H pernicious ways can bo
traced to the neglect of proper
moral nnd horn draining.
The Kabbi spoke nt length upon the
duties of respective relationship. His
lecture was listened to with profound at
tention and had conslduranlo olliiet. This
ib but a faint nttunipl to givu a synopsis.
It is to be regretted that Ktibbl llonson
had no notes ol this instructive discourse :
as a perusal of it in extenso would bu of
bunnlitto many.
During the past vvcok the Hebrews bent
a draft to Charleston for the icllof of the
The Jewish new year commonciis nt
70 ; ! ! o'clock next \Vedncbday uynning , t
wliluh hour imposing services will bu
Inspector Whitloek issued building
permits yestordny as follows :
Itudolph Koch , one-story addition to
dwelling , cornet Filth nndValiiut
fctteolH . S 123
Chris llaitiiiaii , tvvo-stoiy brick , . ' 'M
Fainam . 1,000
A. V. Larimer , one and ojio-half.story
liatao , Tvvcnt ) ninth , near heaven-
woith . 125
John P. Liindiiulst , one-story fianio
addition to cottage , Poiter , between
Tliirtv-louitliundThlity.lllth . 150
Tlios. Gilllin , ono-ftniy ttaiiie. colta/e.
Mason , bdwecn Tliiity-bucoiid nnd
Tliiity-thha . . . 1)7) ) )
Five penults ngcregatins . * } aao ,
A naholu a n.jttlo.
Yesterday afternoon Anna Kvcrctt , a
colored woman vvho lives jit 1813 Lcav-
onvvorth street , was emptying thu straw
from a bed she had bonglil from l\lr.s. \
Wilson , a neighbor , when she foiim ! in
tlio btravv a glass fruit jar ii " * ! < b.iei ! w-ero
the remains of a premature birth The
find was turned over to tin1 ou'O'iu. MM.
\Vilson has left the city.
Eoform in Its Various Shades intlicNntionnl
How tlio Civil Korvlre llules Arc
Uviulcd An KMI l-'or tlio Na
tion nl Cninimlgit
and 1'ostnl AlValfn.
A Ucpurlincut Cloi
W.vsin.stuo.v , Sept. 34. ISpceml to Ilia
Ur.n. ] A clerk In tlio pototllpe deiiilnient | ,
who attends to the appointment books , said
todn.In . talking nboiit the clmngos under
this ndnilnlstiation :
"Up to this 11 tni thuip Imvo not been 111010
changes thun onllnnillv after anew piesl-
dent comes In. ( iiirlield did not make ns
many changes as did ( iiiiut. Haves' six
montlisbiotiglit iimnyoiy many , nuw em
ployes to lids setvlco Hayes , however ,
began al the outset to inako his tm enco in
the white house a necessity , notwithstaiid-
Ing he pledged In advance ngnlnst a second
teim. "
"Do > on mean , " \ourcoiiuspundent ,
"that thine luuo not been imue than the
usual number ot new men put Into the mail
beivleo since Mr. Cleveland came inV
" 1 baldly mean that , " it-piled the e.xiiei-
lenced cletK , "lor maiiv have icsk'iied , and
ill spe.iklnarof changes , i u > rer to temovals
only. It Is not generally known , but thu
numberof people wholinvo gone out of the
mnll.seivlcf I speak ot postal cletks and
caiilers-on their own motion , by icslgnn-
tlon , Is vei > lingo : 1 should say over one-
hall , possibly one-ihltd It.ivo leslgned. "
"Why so laigoa percent , of lesiKiiations'i1"
"Thoy dnutitlcss thought they would bo
disehaiged. Most of them , It has been ns-
coitallied , weie nctivo paitisans , although I
do not believe one-fourth of them would Imvo
been removed. The most effective way of
disposing of an ncllvo pailisaii Is to get him
Into olllco in the opposite paity and keep him
theie. "
I'ltooun'm OK inn : > iiM ,
Civil seivleo commissioner Kdgeitonox-
piesscd tlio bellel the other daj ton conhden-
tlal trlend that the retorm whicn lie repio-
Bcnts Is being executed more and moio ufll-
ciently ns time passes , lie said :
"The appointments madu tlnouuh the
commission aie fairly made , and contrary
statements aio false. "
Mr. IMgciton doubtless spoke the truth.
Evasions Imvo been icpoited to have oceui led
nt tlipcomiiihsloiiersqnnileiti , but investiga
tion has not pjovod an > thing ,
Theie is one eharactei of evasion , however ,
that has been successtully woiked bv heads
of departments and will nndntihledl.v lOsult
in a conmesslonal Imiulry. Hut the e'ommls-
bioncr.s cannot bo held acconntiible. It is tlio
appointment ot men 01 the selection to a
iilaceol a man who has not been examined
lor appointment , although an applicant lor
examination. This Is a matter between tlio
nppolnteoand the head of the derailment or
bm can.
When an deslies to appoint a man
01 woman to a place be has the applicant
speedily examined nnd then continues to call
for the names of applicants tor tlio grade In
which Is the one lie deslies until tlmt nnmu
comes to him ; then it is finished. Republi
cans who fax or civil seivleo lofoim and dem
ocrats who want to bieak It down have. His
said , n number of Instances wlieie designa
tions lor appointment weie made befoiotlio
name caniebeloiu tint commission lor exam
ination. This thing Is to loim an Issue in
the campaign tvvo jears hence.
rosiornrr. riiAMir.s.
A postolllco wns established to-day at Ca- !
lenii , Hayes county , nnd Samuel W. Sleeth
appointed postmaster : nlso at Ine/ , Holt
comity , Maiy A. Adams -tippbluteil post
Tlio name of the postofllco nt Sumcisut ,
Nub. , has been changed to Luslls , Million
Hughes , poslnmster.
The time schedule of the Star mail rottto
fiom Kloliriiin to Yankto'i has been changed
as lollovvs. to take elfect October 1 : L-txve
NIobiaia Jlondays , Wednesdays and FtlilnjB
at 1p.m. ; aiilvo at Addlson by 7 p. in.
Leave Addison Mondajs , Wednesdays nnd
Fildavs and ( i n. m. ; aiiivo at Niobiaia by 1U
m. Leave Addisoii Tuesdiu.s , Tbii'sdavs
and SaturdajsnKi n. m. ; ariivo \anlton ;
by 12 m. i.eavo Vankton Tuesdays , Thurs-
dnys and Satuidays at 1 p. in. ; airive at Addison -
dison by 7 p. m.
iiui'r.u.o niii'R r.irrs TO I.AMMI.
Secietnry Lanmr has a white elephant on
his hands. Oneol Jiull'alo Hill's cowbojH ,
who anlved heieto-da > on his way to Texas
piesonted thu sccietaiy , wltfi Colonel Cody's
compliments , a line bionelio pony. Thu sec-
letaiy was lecontly presented vvilh a Imnd-
Koino hombreio , so tlmt Ids outlil for tlm bor
der Is nearly complete. llUbtlVh Illl Is plOIld
ol the gilts , but has no place to keep them ,
ami Is anxious to have somebody help him
let Lro ot thum
Miiii'Aitv MA'rrr.ns.
Colonel Danfoith , of Pueblo , Col , , is hero
trying to liavu the postolliees at Pueblo and
South Pueblo coiiBolldatid.
Fltst LloiitenantWIIIIani 0. Muhlnlrig ,
Second iiiluntiy , Foil Omaha , has ueen
gi anted six months sick leave.
First Lieutenant Charles li. Thompson , ad
jutant Fifth infantry. FortKeouh , Mont. ,
gets three months sick leave.
Dr. fieorgo L. Mlllei , of Omnlm , Is at the
Khhitt. Hi : was at tlio Intcilor and postolllcu
depaitments this altcrnooii.
The Treaty With Culm.
WAsiiiNfnoN , Sept. 21. Consul (
Williams nt Havana , In reply to an Inquiry
11 om the secretiuyof btateconliimstliuicport
tlmt ( lie government hashiist.ilneil thu Cuban
authoiltles in their luftisal to carry out the
tieaty airanged , us it is understood in this
countiy , making mti'ual concessions to
Ameiicnn and Spanish vessels finding be
tween Cuba nnd tills connliy. This will
mobably lead to coiicspondeiico between
this country and thu Spanish niithoiltles to
iisceittiln what the letter means nnd tilil-
inalcly to the annulment ol tiiunir.iiigcmunt
or conclusion ot n new ono.
Tlio ICcMiioval of Iho ApnohcH.
WASIII-VOI-ON , .Sept. iil , The acting scc-
riitaiy of war icuelvod u dispatch fiom tlio
Indian ngent nl San Cailos au'vncy stating
tlmt tlio lemovalot Iho Warm SpiliigHnnd
Chiiicahmi Indians Is n c.iusu of iejolr-in < .r to
the Indians lelt theiu whoaiu lelhived < lf
tlieii leais ot attack nnd nro ailouled belter
oipoitunltles ] lor attuning hnbltM ol linlits-
Tlio ISiiwy I'reHldent.
WAKIIIXOIO.V , Sept , 'JI , The pies'Uei ' t
wns kept pretty busy to-day icc lvln3r via'-
tori nnd attending cinionl business.
No Treaty Wlili Onnadn.
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept , 21. A WnshliiKtou
special to the Post bays : "Tlio treaty vvilh
Canada , which came In a dispatch of the 2d : : ,
has no foundation. In tact , so far as the al
leged facts am stated , It had he.en submitted
to Pies dent Cleveland and Scciotniy laj- !
aid and agreed upon , Xo negotiations for > wltlitiicut liiltaln on the p.ut of
thu United Stales IIIIH been onteied upon
blnce thu eonventlon which was lulu beore )
the hoiuto lit Its hist session , nnd wns lelt un
acted on. It Is within the limits of possibility.
Assistant Secretary of Statu PoitormyH , that
tint pie > pects tor the suggested convention
iimcndaton of the tiealy ol 1Mb may have
been lei vvaided bj Iho liiitish colonial otllcu
to the Canadian ministry tor Miirgcstlun.
Hut no ciedenco Is attncheil to the statement
imipoillnir to give the text ol Us niovlsioiiH.
The fnithei htatenii nt that a iiiodliication of
tlio details had been tclegiaphed In ci | > hui by .
Sir John McDonald to the liritlsh minister
liein Is puiely Inmginaiy and untrue. Tint *
liulisli umbiissailoi does not recclvu Inslinr-
tions or suggestions tiom colonial mitliui-
lies. "
A HtrlUo Off.
Nnw VOJMC , Sept. 21. Tlio cluiliUii : ( iit >
leu' btilkoluis coino loan nnd. The nuioter
clolliin'cattci.s liavo taken back as many
union niiMi as they liavo employment for , itf-
thu same tlmu iflu In. to dischaige thunoiir
union viou : men they cmiilo > ed duilu'4 the