Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE'CttlAHA DAILY -BEE : FBIDAY , ' SEPTEMBER' 24. ' 1SS6 ; SPECIAL NOTIOBS Advertisements under this lioid , 10 cents p r line for the first Insertion , * cents for ouch Sub- cttjuent in'trl on. find 11 'a a line per month No Bd\crtiftment taken for low thin 36 cents lortho flrft in ertion Beten words will bo counted 1o the line : they mn t run eonfecu- llvclr and must be pntd In advance All adt er tleemonls rnu t bo hnndod in before S o clock l > , m .tind under no olrcumManees "ill the ; bo t&t > en or discontinued bj teloi'hone. Purl It * nd crti'lnir In tlic i < orutnns find hnv- Inptbo answers aidro ed In cnro of Tur. HER frill pkno n k ft * ft chock loanable them to pet their letter * , as none will bn delivered exec pt on pic ontntl.n ( or ehcvlc. All answers to ad- Tortl tmenW thoiild bo r-nclosfl In envelopes. UCWirt. $ noono totrmii Sum * f.VM and upwards , Ixmest rate * , lloinis , 15th and Dougla tg 008 o F. Dn\i &Co. Heal Instate nnd Loan Aircnts 1501 I'Arnam it. 0(1-1 ( M'o real ustnto nnd chut- toll. T ) I * Tliomns. Cll M' ONiV ' : to lnpt If } ou hn\o peed note to fell call on J. II. 1'nrrotto , nth and Chi- [ M M 10 l.OAS-ltnums of ? JOJO nnd 11 pw unison llr t cla ruiil esuito wcnrity. 51iri Knrnnin "L 01 ! M ONBV to lomi on ctinttol nnd reftl e tnto ; fnlrrnto Intoreit. J. II. I'nrrolte , ICtti nnd 4W MO.N KV ! . < > ANii : > nt C I * . Ueoa X. Co' Ionn olllc" , on furnlturr. pliinoi , linr. o8ifnRnns , ( inrfonnl ] iropcrty nf nil kltnU , nnd nil other iir- tlclrsof vuluc.vlthout rnmo\nl. 311 S 13th , oxerIllnnhnni'srommlsslon store. All bual- nessetrlclly confidential. Cii ; T ( MS Loans Lonni Itonl estate loans. Collntnral loans. Chattel loans. I/one time lonn . Sliort time loans. Money nlwnyg on hand to loan on any np- lirovod security. Invminont pcciirilles hoiiKlit and sold. Cull at the olllco of the Oinahn Klnnnelal ex- chnniro , second floor of the Ilarkor block , s. w. c < ir. of llftccntli nnd Karniun sts. Corbctt Mnnniror. 7A3 ' i1 : ( > l.tA N At lowest rates of Inter- JJL c'tonfarmHiindirapro'.edclty proporty. r. .1 Dny \ lo. , room A , Crou o blook , S. 11 corner Cn pltal nmuo and ICth street I'TMl ' fi GTAMiH l'iil : CiNT ! money to loan on t farms nnd city property. L V. Hntnmmid , Knoin 3 , lf > J2 Douglas St. , Unialia. _ 709 driOO OH ( > ToTonn on Omnlm cits property nt n P per cent Interest , a. W. lny. over 1312 Griil : ( "INT Monej to emu J.J. Mnhonuy , VM FBI nam. OTJ * G I'KIl CKNT money to lonn. It. C 1'attefeon" 13th nnd Douglas. GO ) " T , and 8 jicrTrnt money lo lonn Morlcairc' ' ? tnkun In cxilmiiRO for roil c tato. Central IntPMtnont Co , Uoom 7 , llurKorlllook , .or 15th imd FnrnMii 020 " \\7 K have thonp money on longtime. , in any T > qunntlty.toloiinon Inside propcrtj.or farm land. Marshall A. Lobeck , 1511 Farnninst _ VroNllY TO i.OANAt loWcr rntesthnn any- Dl. wlioro el > o In the clty.onf urnitnro , pianos , organs , horses , wnirons , or stock of nny kind. Itumombcr , nt lower rates than nny ether loan company in thn city. City Loan i JlorOcniro Co. , room 15 , UQl rnriiata st , opposlta Parton hotel. _ _ _ C03 _ fUI osm'to loan by the undersigned , who has J.TI. the only properly organized loan njrenoy In Omaha I < ni > ne of $10 to 11,000 mndo on fur niture , plnnos , oricnns , horcea , wnpons , mnehln- cr > , &a , Mlthout romoxnl No delays. All biiFlncss strletly confldontlnl Loans M ) made that nny part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the eo = t pro rnta. Advances madoon fine watches nnd diamonds 1'craons fhoiild carefully consider who thovaro dcnllnc with , as many now concerns nro dally eomlnir Into existence. Should you need money , call nnd RPO me. W. K Croft , Room 4 , Wlthncll llulldlnp , IMh nnd Hnrnoy. Pfl G PEll CENT Money to loan. Stnwnrt A. Co , Hoom.'l , Iron bank , 12th and Fnrnam CO" CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES-If you have tl O to f-0i ) unil nnt ponnanent , luciatlve busl- noRS In any other city , call and see us or ad- dioss Cox Chemical Co. 5fi2 23 .01 SAI.i : 12 room hotel on corner lot ICO . xlf ) ft , near depot. S2.0JO , 5700 cash , n peed ppan of working bo gs tuk n"us i pnrt piijinent , time given on bnlunco to suit. Address. T. W J' . box .ISJnoiith jlond , Xob. 650 5' ' TJ1OI5 SAI.i ; A well establish ] bakoo and J-1 confectionery , located in one of the best towns in the stale. Addioss O 40 , Hoc , ofllcs. U5027 * I .ion SAl.n A Dairy of 30 cows , ncarl > nil ' froli\vlth all appurtenance. Including her powercoin mill , delivers team and ngon nnd ngood milk route. Terms easy Immediate possession. Knqulro of Sam'l J. Howoll. ollico 217 P. llth. 2tR ) TjlOH SALE or Exchange for Oinahn leal JL' estate , dnnr store In suburbs of Omaha. Call or address 111BN 10th street , 463-2J' "Tj > OIl SALE Implement store urn ! blacksmith _ l ; nliop , combined or separated , In one of the m ollest towns in Nebraska. For further par ticulars address L. D , post box 101 , lleomor , Nob. _ ix'3 at * F Oil SATK One of the olrtnst established _ grocery business in the city , with n very large , well paj Ing trnde. Will oichnnge for Omnlm rcnlcstato or part cash nndbalanco eo- cured notes. Good reasons rhen forsflllna. Aildrees 141S JOIIOB. _ W7 TTlOltSAI.B-Or trade for Omaha property. JL1 The best located liTory business , with stock In the city. Long lease of burn at cheap rent. Mnnullros,15li ) Fnrimm 441 SAI.B-Flrat-class moat mnrKot with 4nice fixtures , all complete ; good trnde ; best of reasons for selling Call or write to Goo. W. Mnsson. 1021 Howard. _ ftl5 HOUSKS Lots.l'nnns.uinds money loaned flotnls. IDth and Douglas streets. 016 X.OST. T OST Pocket instrument case , nt or near the JU postolllco Howard offered if loft nt the Ileo otlica cso IOSOMMl STOLEN-A bay mare 7yrsold J heavy miino on left Ride , slight saddle marks A suitable toward will bo given for 10- turiiof sinit to Goo. M. Dollolt , N W tor Hum Illon nnd 2S sts. 012 ' 1 * LOST From cor. 31st and Loa\enworth , two datk brown horses , one branded U. 8..other lm tore FlioulJerrowurd ollcrcdfor leturn , J H. Siietmann. 57J 23 * L OM-opt. 2Uth , 2 parcels , 1 Hook of Irisl Rates , rindor williilcaso return to board Ing house , Ittnor'rilrlckjuril. Liberal row aid 6'J7 23 T OST A line icil knit shawl , about 0o'clock .IJ Saturday eveningEept. 11. Lea\o nt this ollico nnd got reward. 2111 TOST Sept. 15th , on Uth ot , between Jones J nnd Howard , nn alligator pocket-book con talningBllviiriind currency. Finder will bo re ivuidod by lta\ing sumo at Ileo oUico. 570 23' SOAEDIUQ. BOARDI.NQ Good day board , 1C10 Callforntn 447 Old' T > OAHU-And lodelngs , utaiJ N. IDth tl. CIS PIIISONAD : Ladles wishing for good girl tan be supplied at short notice by calllnt , ( it lit ) N , , Omahu Employment Iluroau Owl 24 I -MiB. B. M. I'oit , oxperloncod JL nurse , n. o. cor. King nnd Patrick a.u. . Wd 2s " \\rANTKD-PupUs for German und Lutln ii iialiittaklng euro , ( .omiiotency , success nddrcgs M 1'J Ileo ullico. _ iwi O [ j "PEHSONAL Nual nnd last ) nil wool business -L bulls , (7. L. O. Jones it Co , American CJothlunr , 13)9 Farnam tt. Mall orders tilled. _ DMNfl I ; > EiSONAL-Wantod ! private tutomhlp-Mn Die , Al : languages. EnjriUb Biibjects. Thor- ovrhnues , etllcioncy. M 1'J lloo ottice. _ J _ _ 818 06- 1)I.K > O.VAI , _ Mrs L I. Tliomus , teacher o pnintlng Biut music. 1811 Din ennort st. OiU 'A ' ] ) EUSlNAL-Piano arid violin 'tiue'lit'pri JL Mitel ) ; Instruction of tirst order : Professo V lfhlecaieMitxMoynr. _ t > 34 Qj- ' 'l3EIl.aONAI < Mr * . Dr Knnrus V. Warren -L clatnojuut. Medical tUiu buslnou Medium lioom .No. 3 , 121 Nort icth st , Omaha , Neb. _ _ 619 I. To buy real estate , to borrow J money , or get un tibt-trutt of title , po to the office of R. U Patterson , 13th und Douglas. 4J2 T710H ItUNT-Squaro Piano monthtr. J ? Hotpe. 1 020 I r YOU want a stenographer , address G , W _ linker , room * land 8 , Iron bank , DS323 ATlTnroNl.vT. paper contains ueanr-'JO dvertlsementi from ladles and gentlemen Ukinlng corre ponilont . Bent 3 months for 1 cent * . Address. Helpiiig Hund.7iJLu alloSt Chlenvo. Ill _ SEN ) ) your calljf r pb to b repaired to G W llakor , room * T ana t , Iron banlc. 5tv 24 IMIP UJKAL CAMOItArit , O. W. rinVor , JL _ Reont rooms 7 and f. I r ntjank _ 5'3125 SJTENOOUAPHV nna TypewritiniT school O 1 looms 7 and 8 , Iron bank 0 , W , llakor Jl'MM want n loMtton. address O.V > , ro'ims'iindR. Iron bank. rPKKKS , Kosr' .shrub .eto , planted free for - jK > r"on < buying of Do igia Co , Nurseries. C.O , Howard. Prop..P. O boxSJO. tsS7-n2 ! * " iTOU UKNT-Fqunro Piano , ft monthlr. A _ Hospo 15131 > oiiel . 621 rplli : STK-MMmM'H - G. W linker. JL agent , room * 7 nnd s. iron bank. M1-a ! _ FOK If lV > T Organs JJ per month. tlo po , Dougla-- 622 _ _ Jfi - _ "TTtOHSALH The ciitcut pony , harness and J ? curt in the ( Ity all in good order. Inquire ntllHN iBth t. ronm 4.Ci-oun < p lllock. (17 ( ! .K Furniture 10 room house lor lent. Inquire Potter & Cobb , 1315 Puriinm 675 2 - Inou sIF ( jontlo family horse. C jenrs old 1 for flSicnvh ; cnn lie eon nt ( I. H Filch- ctt's re'ldencp , cor Mt Pleasant and Park avo. [ rv , _ _ ' SALE A lut ot fine Household Hoods on IT'OK terms , .IL Croft , room 4 Wlthnell iltlg. C542S FOll SAI.K-A 2 seatol family cnrrlaje. peed ns new. A bargain. 1020 South 22d su C4H 23 FOll SAI.B-Ono billiard table , nearly now , largo sire , w lib cue4 and all complete , ? 150. A M. Akpli.wlthJxlholni j ( Brlckson. OJ 24 _ FOU SAI.k-Jco In car load lots. Address ( illbort Ilros. , Council Illulls KJ 1 Foil SALi : At prhnlc sale complete trt of household gOodi nnd furniture for eight roe me. Call nt 1910 Webster street , FOR "JA1.I ! Furnlturo andl eno ol sir-room Jiouso , tltnoon pnrt. Cnll 1202 North 27th Mreojj two blocksjjrom Red Car lino. _ _ HOUSES - Lots.l-armsTLands money loanedT llcmls Kith nnd Douglas streets 023 FOll SAI.K Two No. 1 , second hind , cnnopy top Surreys : nlso two peed , second hnnd phaetons , nt 1401 Dodge street 235. FOU SALi : Cnenp. iron columns ind win dow cnpsKultablQ for fronton brick build ing. Forpnrtloulars apply at thin otlico 811 HELP. W IANTKD One peed dlnlnir t oem Birl. In- Etltutu Hotel , cor. loth ntid Capitol nxo. CTI-Sb * \\7AM in A ( flrl for Inundrj work , nt the V T Commercial hotel , cor. Hth and Lcaven- MortliFtroet. 07324 * "XlTANTHD-C'ompetent pecoml lrl In family > T ot 2. Apply : ir-\S' 11. McCoi-a , 201 S.lSth. _ \\7ANTr.l ) Shirt mukors at Harrison's 1112 Farnnni G702S * V\TANTKO A nurse for one child. Apply ' i Mrs. II. J. \ \ indsor , 2210 Honard , iiem 22d St. d77 23 WAN rii > Immediately , peed plrl for cn- oral liouso-\\orlc , 1417 Cass street 5.V1 2'i \XCANTED Two peed ( rirls 1 cook , 1 liouso Kirl Knqliiro 1723 Dodpe. 6.T22I WANTED ronmlo cook ut Miller's rostaur- nut , 1001 N IClhst. QIC WAr TKI > Female cook for bonrdlusr house , Gorman prolcrred 414 S 14th s-t. st.t3028 * \\7ANTKD Flr-tnnil second cook nt once ; must ha\orcfcrcnco. Summit restuur- nntIO > 8 14th. 113 2 ; ) VITANTUD Two dlnlnp room girls at Dun- i > bauni'srostiiurunt , lull Fnrniiu st. COTi \\TAN"1 KD-Competent ulrl foruenornl hou o- > work , wa os $4 AO , woman to holpwasli.ln- quire nt MlOJKiiUlas st , Mis M. Gould. H'tS 23 * \T7ANTiD A Blrl at " 04 South 21st \ > C01 23 * vi'AXTKIl Ladles nnd trentlcmen to solicit orders for ourStundnrd Book nnd Iliblo on the Installment plan. .1. 11 Palmer A. Co. , 10111 Hnrnoj st , Oinalin. 034 2or W AM KD airl lor general housouork , n 1711 St Mnr8a\o. Ml A ( rlrl for pont'rnl bou = e oik. * * pornmnont situntlon. Imiuiro nt-'llS 2Td Et , near Farnam. bsj 2' \T'ANTKU-Glrls nt Occidental Inunedjntely. A'O WANTED ITirst class cook and housekeep or. Good pay. 222o Dodge. (140 ( \\A > "FKI > First nnd second cook at once ; i' must have reference. Summit restaurant - ant , 105 S 14th. ' ' ( M 23 \-\7 ANTKD-A Swedish girl , 312 N. 23d. > V fi75 23 * WANTKD A cook tor small family , Imiulio TiOG Bouth 13th St. Gl'J WANTIJU A g-lrl for Bonoial housework apply lit once at 1415 N. IStlu 443 25 * \\TAVriD ; Olrl for eononil house work * 14MS.13thst..J. ICcndls. 5 7--7 * \X7ANTKI > ( ! 1rl for Ronernl house-work ' German or Irish preferred. JApply 1'or- cst eve , odhouwj fioruot Mari'siuo. O'Jl 25 * WANTKll A nurse for small chlldron Mrs. Wan on Swlt/lcr , 2J04 St. Mary's uionuo. 454 WANTii > Good eirl forgoncral housework nt 141r JoncsBt 1171 WANTKI ) 2dlnlnff room plrls.l dishwasher. Miller's reataurant , 10J1 N. 10th street. 949 1 \TA7f iru Olrl for ROD fit hi housework in t V small family. Mrs. Thos F. Hall. 1541 Sherman nvo. 913 Ladles to woik for m at their own homes. $7 to $10 per week can bo quietly made No photo , painting ; no cimv ass- ing. For full particulars , plenso address at oneo. Crescent Art Co. , 10 Central Bt. lloston , Mass. , Iloi5170. UO.'Oll * W'ANTED A Fir for ; renornl Iiousowork at 1524 Sherman nve,3d house north of Onico Bt. M4 A"\7ANTl.t > Head cook at the Inmous rcs- > V tnurnnt. 319 S llth et. 789 WA > TK1 > 2.5 younff Indies and Rents to learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentirood. Address W. J. D. nom l.Crounsoblonk 10th nt , Omaha. 02 ' WJLNTEU MALE HELP. " \\7ANTKD-A good derrick hand , ono IICOUB- ii tomed to betting iron. Paxton A. Viorllng I ion Works , , U. P. trucks and S. llth gt. CM WASTED 10 carpenters at 1515 Farnam st Potter & Cobb. ( lflJ-20 " \\7AN1 ED First-class harbor at Pax I on bar- ) her shop. C3.-23 \\7ANfl5f ) Kvoriono to oxainlno our new ii Bpcclaltles , said on Installments , canvass ers w iiniod , good ] iiy , cull forenoon , roe ml , l.MtDouglaspt. S l 24' "V\7ANTED Agents. Wo mint energetic sales- IT men mid salesladies to leprosent the Na tional Library ABioclation , oA'pcrlencud book agents prelctred. Wo ha > o agents making from $20 00 to $100 00 per iek ; the business Is much ploiisuiitor tlian book cunnosing. . For terras addroi" Ntitlonul Llbrur ) Association , 108 State 6t , Chicago. 677 23 WANTUD-Tallor , 30J S. llth st. , imnie- dlattly. 483 23 * \VANIUD Installment canvassers to cull at 11 1J07 Farnun st. nnd sue what we hare to offer. C. U. Leo , Manager , 1175 ANTED A purchaser for a hardware stock and trade in a goo J location. Jluslness good. L. W. Whitney , Uurnott , Nob. 10824' ANTKli Man A reliable , encrgotlo 1/usl- / ness mnn , to net as general a ont fou too i United Btatu Dealers' 1'roloctho As'ocinOon/ and Mercantile Agency ( incorporated ) main ottloeU Tribune Uulldlng , New York In Uoutfi las anil adjoining counties ; tuo right paru- can ruttlbo $2JM > to i3JOOQ per annum and Derma- nont position. Call upon or address MulycrltK-r uttho 1'ii.xton liousoon Friday ttnd Suturday. W. I1.K1U ort.jlaniiger. OfT 24 * Tf ANTli-Sho cler8 , Court House njock. ANTKIi Two flrst-olass innttress maters , Apply B o corner 12th and Jackson to mor row morning at 7 o'clock ready to go to MQ ; ! . ; uUo a strong , uith o boy about 18 j ear : "id. 658 gj UfAJ Tii > At ones , one pants maker und ono coat > jf tr oood nay and steady work. E. C , t > awyr , Fairmont , Neb. 87J 25 " \ TNTEl ) H)0 ) men , wnen In Lincoln to take * i their meals at the Depot Ilotol , opi > oslto the 11 S. M. pa > song > r depot , Lincoln , Neb. Goo. Mti > erlo. pruprlotor , UJ3 23 * WANTED A salesman to introduce a new epodulty among tradespeople and mochan- io& , Addre > s with leforouces und past experi- - Iloz O-20 lioo onica. eiH-o , - , 4S7 " \\TANTUD A few more airents to introduce 11 our Automatic Musical Instruments , on installments Anono can play them without musical Instruction , the boat paying , easiest selling not olty oter known. t2a to $40 a week etui bo rettlUo-1 , O E. Lee , Manager , LX > 7 Far- nam streetup stain. 4St ) \Tr.VNTKU-25 men for Bla Hills extension. 11 E. S , Albright Labor Agency , IJOo Farnam. , 640 " \T7ANTEn GcneralaBeutfi. Good salary , or ii 60o on the dollar to wholesale my goods. Hare chauou to innkb money. No competition. Mrlcto budlnet.4. None but business men need * Pldy Addrchswith stamp F.JI Weaker. In- dlUDipolls , Ind. 7VC O 2 SITUATIOH WANTED. S \TA > 'TI.1 > loungman 21 years ofnirodo. i.i lres position in otlico or store ; H good Milo man anil ncoountatit nnd understands bookkeeping. If 3011 need urJi n man cnd ad dress to u 42 lire olfiee and ho Mill titll on you Kll 23 * Ape lt on by n competent sten- ozrapher , one j eats experience. Amnl o iractloal bookKDoper. Address F , bet 57S , icarncy. Nob. MO S3 * In family to do work 1 1 about hon c and barn , bv young Scandi navian ( load reference Acquainted In the city. Address O 41 , llooofflro.02738' \\rANTKD-Ily n yoUng man of experience i i and good cnnracter and temperate haMt , a position In a retail dry good to-o , known ns n nrstclRM calo man nnd the host of rotcrences E ren , addre e O 29 Ileo ollice. 500 25 " \\7'A ' ' TiTrAlio"itTorrto learn to do general ii hou e ork byacolorod man. InnnlroMU N" . T cut J third street. 58i-2j " \\TASTID fly n roflnod middle ngcd eastern i i Indy n po ltlon in hou ° c keeper In tlr't cla s hotel or gentleman i fnmlly where or- > nnt nro kept Hefrrenceo given and required. Addre O 1tleeolllfe. . _ 44B 2H MlSCELtAITEOUB WAITTB. \\7A-sTKD-Informatlon of V. . H. Ottnway , ii who left Irwln , la.July 20lh , for Nebrn'kii in earch of location for haidware store Any person glMiig rellnblo Information will bo lib- ernllj rewarded. Address H. Ottawny. Kirk- man , Iowa. 672 0 * WANTHD To rent by n prompt , permanent and careful tenant with small famll > n house or flat of 4 or 1 > rooms , not too fnr from buolnesB. Aadrcss with lowest rent , ' ( i 4 > Ike ollleo. Oil SI * WA > TKI > Aplaeofora boy 4 yonn old ; also , room for father Inquire after 8 p. m. llcn on Fisn Co , Ml Jones. "ANTEO-ltoardersatCOa N 17th st. Num ber llmltod. G42 "XVANTliD llootn and board In private fnm- ii HyatoncobyJ young ladles , rcloianccs exchanged , AddrCKS O K9 , lice olllcn. fUO-23 * WANTKU Single gentleman desires room nnd board , prhnto fnmlly profcrrodmii < it bo flrst-tlasi , state terms Address O36 Hie onicc. 012 \\7AJ Tii > All wonting to learn Hhort-hand ' nnd tjK ) rltlivir to attend Vnlnntlno'3 Short-linnd Instltuto. KxpoBltton b'.illllnir ' , Uinnha.Vo can furnl-li gultlcleiit emploj mcnt to jounir men and boys to pn > theirlioai-d while in attendance. 5Q" > Oct 20 " \\TANTt5D-If jou BI-O a rustler nnd Mant i i > eriniinont tiuslne's you cm enrn $1 00 to ? j00 dally Imndllnc' our eood * , o\eryfannlj bujs thorn , Lox Chemical ( o , 1DJLupitol \o , | 5S.1 23 " \\TANTED To rent hoiHe , troni 5 to 7 rooms , i i en t cf 21th nml south of Cunimg st. Wlmt ha\eyouf State location nnd price Addre-s O 20 , cai e Bee otlico. 62J 2J * " \\"ANTii ) Smnll cottaRp or part of hou > o In ' ' peed neighborhood. Address II D. 52U Plensunt St. 537 2fi * l\7ANTEn-1.000 Jtirds of dirt. 12th and ' Nicholas streets Shaw i. Held 431)22" ) TX7ANTI.I > Position In a bunk by n youn ? > man Will pl\o best roforonci'3. Aildrcss , H , lock box 20 , Auilubon , lown 857.1 * WAVTKU I-wnnt to rent n ( rood * or 8room hou o in pooj location. Knmll ) ol four porKnis. Noeliildrcn Address M , OS , llee of fice. 311 WXNTKI ) E onlns employment. ImokKcep- tnir or otlioi w iso Address , It C. McClurc , Land Department U P. It. H. Co. 109 W IAMEU Teams , T. Murray. 0:8 BEH-T-HOUSEB ASD LOTS. TjlOll SALE Corner lot , south "front , Lowe's Jfirst aildltion , u bargain , $550 , easy terms Inquire lit once 1515Fnrnum st. bi"23 Tmoil INT : A rare chance to get one of the JL' best soon room flats , stenm bent and bath room by bin inir the furniture , nil new Ad dress "O J8 ' Uoo oHlce. CK 2i Foil Ri : > T G room cottage , Harney near 20th. f33 per month. S. A. Slomnn. 151J Fnrimm st . 663 FOlt JtKN r A store , peed locality foi dry poods , boots and Bhoes. Inquire 1412 S. 13th st. ( jf3 POH ItKNT NowO-roora house. 1 mile from P.O. .city water , etc. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nafl bank. 740 FOUItr.NT The German M. E. churih'nulldi inir , on the southeast corner-Twelfth and JnckBim streets , for nnrl07ttlinuto buslnes * . 1L C. Puttergon. 13th and Douglas 431 TTOIl LEASK Wo have eleven aoros on O. P. JIL K. track , 800 feet front ; will lease nil or partforllvovoars. Bedford 4 Souor. 1U7 EEtJT-BOOMS. FOR KENT A largo , pleasant , well furnished room.suitable for one or tuo gentlemen , terms reasonable,211 South 23th bt. near Far nam. GOO 25 , KENT One largo and one small voom FOll with closets B iltnbln for light housekuop- ing , or will rent roe us separate with board. 241. ! Harnoy fiOl 2J 'I71OH KiXT Furnished rooms for gentlemen L. References required. Inquire 15UH Cass. 601 25 * EOIl HEM-Furnished rooms to families or single gentlemen , nt 2117 Harnoy Bt. 61 ! { * TTlOll HENT Nicely furnished front room J- with ullC7ca'.l iiniuern convonlenoes , lor throe pontlomon , four blocks directly south from opera bouse , apply at once , 1415 Jones st. Ml Tjl Il KENT Nicely furnished rooms with or -1 ? without board. 5 0 Pleasant st , 664 24 * FOR RENT Newly furnlsneil suite of front room ; ) , water , gas and bath , 1015 Capitol avenue 512-24 * FOR KKNT-Front parlor , with bonra , for gentleman ; references required. 1724 Douglas st. 52124. WOK RBNT-Nlcely furnished rooms nt 71 ! ) J ? B. 15th street , between Jones und Leaen - worth Bts. ffW 25 * FOB UKNT Nowlv furnished front rooms , 3.J2 S. ICth. cor 18th and Hanicy CS3 2J J :7-OK : Ui.VT-Ncely | furnished room. 1014 ' California Bt. C 5 23 TTTIOK KKNT Nicely furnished front room , -1 ? with or without private board , for two joung gentlemen ; room (10 per montli , hot S. 15th st tat 25 * Ifl Jll HUNT 1 largo unfurnished room with 1 closet , ttoi S 2-M st. b7ii2J * FOItlSKNT T o largo front rooms , fur nished or unfurnished , G17 Pleasant street W4 24 * FOll HUNT Unfurnished basement and front parlor. i01ri Dodge su Oil 21 * T7KK HKVT 3 furnished rooms for gnntlo- JLJ men 20is Farnam OJt ) 24 * F Oil HUNT FurnbliDd bed room with use of parlor. $8 per month. 1511 California st. 6-5 23 * WANTKll To rent for onoyear. Good 0 or "room cottage , well located. Three In family. Address O 40 , Dee ollico. G-I'J 23 * OH KENT Nicely furnished room. Ill B. 14th Bt Up atntrg HM 24 * _ FOU llKNTr-FuriiUhod room on ground Ooor $12 per month suitable tor i Konilo- uian , 1S03 Cosa struct. BZ 2 | * OK UKNT A flat in desirable location , which can bo completed about Oct. 15. Can bo leased tor low rental by a party wIllliiK'to advance * m Address O IS , Doe ottlco. 4 VJ OK IIENT Kleirantly furnished parlor suitable for two and first-class table Itoaid fX)2 ) a. IVth. _ 4iM 2:1 : * \7OUNG MEX Deslrlnif nicely l"urnss.l | JL room with use of bath and 1 23 , u-all nt s w corner ot Webster. Iloarjl Can be bud close by. M.-octB O.Srt 11I5NT Pleasant furnished rooms , JL1 south front brick tlat , board can be haJ noitdnor. Apply at 141B Chicago st. P42 ITIOU HKNT Furnished rooms , 1601 Howard 4 : _ _ 4 04 "ITlOlt HEST Furnished rooms for llfht house X' koopmir In Ilocmor's blacU cor Ulghtli and Howaid. _ b4 _ Poll UUN r I urnUbed rooms. 61'J Pleasant 7MO2 F OH IlKNT Newly furnished room,2iI ! StT Mary's ae. 702 FOU ItEKT FurnUhod itooina with KM and bath ar.d good board , 5-1 Pleasant. 4C6-24 * Tmoit SAI.K Parlor f/odroom und kitchen J- furniture cnrpou.rango aud beatlmrttores , nil nearly new , a eentle horse Hie years old , all at a bargain , giving up housekeoplnir , 251 i Douglas st , | to _ _ Poll UK NT A few office apacos for rent , one with front window on irround tloor. Koqulro of J . S. itlchardson , 1003 r arnam ft. 430-Sopt-M KAL ESTATK HARGAINS-7 beautiful west fruit lots , in Plain view add. , $700 each for the bunch. J , L. lUco 4 ; Co. , over Commer cial liaulc. 074 27 BniCKPriKJOU oornerof Fnrnnm and 2Sth St. , Is " 0 feet 1mm Hedick's grove. Srcuro n l > it tlicrc bclcrq prices fdinnin _ 174 23 ' 5\mp rl"fl7 rarnam . _ _ _ A 1FK.NTION1CITLKMF.N tto ) of tlie beTi -cV stocic fari ' , rn F.a'tern Neb , within IB mile of theOitiiUn tr ck jnrd * for cole chrap. Nenrh 000 aernfl w > i > l wateied.plentj of timber , corral room etc 0 er20iacu In paMureat pro ent with nnintrandHnceof plendid haj In FtHcK. Addrtn K ) K. Maxne \ lo , Heal Bstato AKcnts , Omaha , oV V > .Q Comptou. T cum eh , > , eb OSI-O-I' \\f O SHIllVtll. Itool Sstato llargaliV ' rnlmrlrtve 1 property 2 lienutlftil corner lots In llnn com i'lacoMx1lftotfT acn. oa t front. . $ 0t ( > 0 Full lot In Himctiriugli Place l.TiW E lot In Tabor Plft'f ( , ench LOW 311 50ft on UM cnworth st 2 CXi-h-ull lot , JnH frhille from P. O. , near CrolBton collate- l.WO UitrtSil.M , o Iront Saundcrs Bt 2,4V ) Mot-111 Kllbv 11 > ' 0. . . l.SU Slolo , 10 > r.4iottont , llanecora Plflce . 4I\WI ftonJHckon. nenrlOth . . . Full lot on I0th , tienr Uoiifftn * . . Lot on Ilnmllton M KM Slots , corner , Weft CumltiR- 1.00) lKt on Hurt , noarcar line 1.W ( iooillot , Pnrlters add 1.409 Coiner lot on H'thnnd llnrney. . . . 10aK ) Fn.llviJodlmir Interest In 6 1-2 ncrosl 1-2 miles south for n.flOO Lot * on ea'j terms in "Shrlxer Pltiee Pleas * ant 11111 , We t Cumlnp and We t Side. Improved Propcrtj. Full lot , largo 2 itory homo and barn that rents for Jci''iO per month , on Dnvonport noirlSth . . .f T,030 Full lot , 2 good houses on Dntonport , . 4- . - 8,000 22 feet front , largo hou e , on larnatn , near 18th P.500 4 tlM-roomod cottapos , cistern , etc. , on eafj term" , on 2ith nnd Parker sti , each 2.001 Fine rwldenco OH2.U and Farii m. 14,000 Hou o and cottage on N. IGthst , on monthly pnMiicnts . . . . . 2,003 Iluautlful cottage In Walnut Hill , K ! cnMi.bfilntieo long time . . . 2,103 80 feet south front In Parker's ndd , vlth cottage . 1,703 Full lot , : ihou es on 20th , near Clark . fWO Nice llrlek house2Jth nnd Cap. n\o . . S3OTil Full lot c. front Ilanscom Place . . .Vi"0 Nice cottngo full lot on w. Cum Ing 1,000 Cottnucfl rooms nnd lot , 17th near c" " * forma . . 3,000 Full lot , nleocottago s Iront on Charles Bt-nearath 2,0X1 Half lot and tioii o near 15th and Cn 3'KIJ llou oi nd lot lncvcrj addition to the city. Call und < * eo u bc'oro tiuying ol owhcio. W O. SlirUcropp postolllco 011 : \ , KSTATI : IIAKGAINS-in i-n feet RI\I 1 on t front on S. ICth St. . will make ( I busi ness lots enl > tT lO , splendid biirgnln. J L. HIc'OiV Co , o\er Commcicml Hank. 074 27 . . ItAKOAlXS-IIcnutlful lotm Han- SIM.CIA1. scnm Place fnr $200 ljs than thej are sell- Insfor In samoplock. 2 acres lor sale in HrooUIno ndd , only SlT > Oi ) . \ eij chonp. lliirjrnln noiutlful lots In Demise s addition , one a corner , both south Ironts onlj,40fl. . Splendid corner and inside lot on Howard st , nenr27th st. , S4OtX ) foi botli. Mnuninccnt lot on Hntnllton st . oouth fiont , 51.500 ; cheap Stockdalo .V Mitchell , 1510 Dodge street Ml 2"i \L F. TATF.nAUOAIN Corner on Hamilton EKL ilton street , with ' > room cottnice. Hoom to build 2 others. Onlj f 4,010 One third cn h. J. L. Itlco i. Co. , oor CommerclHl liann. 0402i SAI.i : Fine lot , Kilhj place , nt $1,210. Foil U. UUUM A , Co. ctrsl DOLLAKS Is not much to pay fora lot. No It Isn't and \cl this Is what thej nro selling foi in Hill-dalu on > erj easy terms. Coino and see this ground 474 23 Ames , 1507 Farnnm 3t Soli SAM : Ilc * > t cornerTir"PlalnvTevrfor f tOO , only ? 25'j ' cash J. II Kens A. Co OWI.INO Oltiiviotsf'M lOporcentcnsh and 5 per month Marshall A : Lobeck , Agents , 150t t iMflnl ! street : 043 f KPSCHANCnis taken In bujinpr lots now -I-J thano\cr before. bocau e Omaha Is not an experiment A } as in HUMmc costing t-'OU now will bo worthl $400 in 18 months'.time. 474 23 i { U A mcs , 1507 1'arn nm. _ T5EAL ESTATE plAnGAlV.-llenutlful cor- IX ner lot 1nthuifc"s2d.f ! 1,503. One third ca-h. Positlxo bargain , tl. L Hico & Co.ovcrCom- morcial bank. 040 25 ESTArJrVietUlGAIN-2 beautiful lots REAL - , ClilMli ! St. , $700 each Fine bar gains .7. L lUco i Co. , room G , over Com- ineichtl National llniik. 075 171OH SALE Atii'bargiiln on oa-y terms,2 J lots inS aMilngton square , each SJ.OOJ. The best corner In Hunscom Place , 100x110 , Hou'ponndloTBOsUO.cor. 19th nnd Paul street , " ' ' "i'uOT'Farnani street , Marshall & Lobeok. 335 r.brATJJ IJAllGAlNFine lot ofi EEAL Douplas -nrt-oP-0\IA ! Choice InslJe prop. orly. Special bivrgnins.If taken soon J. li. Hico A. Co.over Uommerclul bunk. G40 23 \ , icsiAin isAKUAlN's o fine oust Kij\i fionl lotsinThornburg add. , S2.tOO for the bunch. J. L. Itlco A. Co. , o\cr Commercial HanK 071 27 bargains In Hunscom Place prop- Jorty cSoo them. F. D Tanner A. Co . 1U15 How aid st. ( ilS'-M "TjOltSALE 10 room house , Gcoigla avn. : Jj closets , basements , well , all complete , $4,500. 12 room , Idaho st , ; closet , pantry , cel lar , bath room , speaking tube ? , shrubbery , trees nice > ard , bum , cariiage house , two largociaterns , city water , all complete , f U.700. 4 loom house ; eoutli front , pantry , closets , largo bay window , cMorn , collar , good outhouses - houses , easy terms , $2,230. 4 room house ; pantry , closets , bay window peed cellar , we 11 and outhouses , M.-ry cheap , $1.600. 5roomcotta2t27xruaov7 ; , cioscts , cellar , wellcistern.fruit trees , n bargain , $2,1)50 ) , or with four lots , easy terms JiiO. . SlotsPlain xlow , can double your money , 2 lots. W. A. Itodlck addition , 51.2M. 8 lots. Tabor place , for one week. ? M3 G lots , Kllby place , w 111 increase 20 pur cent before - fore snow falls. Delimit ul lot , Creston place. Falrmoiilplace : An iino-tmont in thesn will double yonr mono } In one year. Patrick addition : Ix > ts on easy terms nnd low prices. If you have houses to rent or sell or lots to sell li t them with mo Ida n strictly commis sion business and will look after your interest. 3 lots , Ambler Place , the nest baigaln in the addition. J. H. Pan otto , lothund Cliicayo. 217 EEAL Esl'ATB BAKQAIN bplendtd busl ness corner on Suunders st.C3 ft. fiont , $ . ' ,0)0. ' -icu-h ; this Is cheap. J. L. Hico i. Co. , over Commercial bank. C7127 OKAIi KbTATK IIAIIUAIN Ucnutlful Jot IV on Hamilton street , just on giado , with 4 room house , good barn , well nnd cistern , only f.,700 ; half cash. J. L. Itlco A , Co. , o\cr Com mercial bank. 040 21 Foit hALi : Two tine lots , one a coinur. J. I. Itodlck'ssub-dUlslon , 4,00) . J. II Ihni i Co. 502 2J /-I KEGOHY A IIADLKY , VJT ItoalKstntoA-ItontnlAgouts , 1312 DouKlus Screet Hero arc a few of the bargains wo otlcr. If > ou don't tee whntjou want come and see us and w o wld show j on others Unoot tlio best cornerson Douglas . . f31,003 Fine corner on Dodirii renting now for (3,000 per year , lot ulxl.U 30 013 One of the best oornorn on Cumin ? St. w tin 3 cottages , lot fi8xl3J 13,500 Cornoron Cumlnir , 28toij Inline . Lot 132xU2 on ChlciUfO stwitu U bouses renting (120 per month . 11,000 Coinei ucruloton Suunders et . . . . 5,5X1 Lot e2Vix2M ) , V-room lioili-o fronting 17th Bt 4 room liouso fronting Ibth st. 2 cis terns 150 buls. ouch , burn shade tioes , fruit trees , etc , A bargain . . 6,000 S story , 8 room bouse on 20th st near Su Mary's luowitti city water , and all modern Improvements 0.230 Houfo7 room fro'itting 15th fit In S. B. Itogor's addlot pcx40 ! ; chonp , . 3r/W llouto o roami oudLf rent on Poppleton a\o..Iot 63x11,3 : tUunp. , , . . 3,00) FineS room cottage unlit lor a good homo and that Is what It is 2,500 Sana Broom oflTHpBs In all parts of the city on monthly payments < ] i ; T > vacant lots In uhYplirts iif tivo-City. Hanscom PlftpeLJ itatuhoriio. OmnhoJrkrlTl Itodford , -urcliarintiTi , Arlington , Kilby Place , o rt'miro do. Plulu\low , j Park , bjirlngdalo , ro View. Croston. 3 ! lots in II , _ _ rne , only a little oter u inilotrom post Jel. lmt can bo fold for tft" > J * n } ! ) : cheapest 'io property In the market , Telephone K rjmo and sea us. titl TO EALlisTA BAUQAIN-Fullacroln Park place. enl > ' \\lllmukoOgoodlote. J. L.KICO& . Co , -nf'aniinerciul batik. C74 27 REAL r.STATfc BAUGAJN'-Klegant resi dence lot In Washington square ou pa\od street. Positive bargain , f 2,500. J. L. Itice It t o. , oor Cora in erciu ! ' bank ; 01 B 25 POJl SALliLot In Courtlandt place. south front. 84,500. J. a EtansA Co. 5JJ'2U L'FOItK YOU 1IIJV In\o8tlrtlgato the merits of lots In Amos' Place You can see it anytime - time and without expense and seeing It Is to belioio that it offers you a enfo chance to double ) our money. 474-23 _ Ames. 1507 FaragmstH BUV NOTHING Without seeing It-bee Hillsdale and you will buy If you want a good lot for Jim and can only tpuro a llttlo money at a time , 47423 _ Amos , 1507 Farnam st. H . .s money loaned llemlj , Jitb and Douglas street * . tilt T5B\L ESTATK properly bought pays you -Iv moro Interest tnanjou can got in any bank. If jou doubt this come and too the improve ment in Ames Plaoy and prices asked. Ames. 1507 Farcam. 1J1NK I.OT In Marlon place onb $ * KV. I1 Itun ! Mmon I iiniiiiif * lt $ - , * M. Lot 44xW on J * . Utli M , near Jnokson , only I7,0M Two lot * In Plntnviow nt fTOJnnd JTSfl Ixito on IX > naIn , Podgct Pt Maryl nro nnd Jnckton st , hi clew proximity to lm ine * < portion tion of clt t price * that arc a bntraln F. D Tanner A Co 11L O r.\jrBSTATK llAUOAlN-t < ot on HftttillTon A trret , Ju t on crndf. Jl.VW ; linlf c . h. J 1 * Illce A Co . oxer Oommerclal Iwnk. 046 3S V > FS1I PHLIlVSblif ren estate tul > % cry JA jitlier dnj _ Sre H. 881 IrMill VIi : Ntop 5 room hou < nnd * corner ' lota In Walnut Hill ; H ca h biL to ulU CalMnrtln HO llth t. 5 " -TvUN AM ST-PiU til nnd t arTrnrklald to ] Hedlrk' 0rove , make It the ehonpe't rt denco propoitv In Oinnhn See It nml reinpin- l > er 1 , M. Jl.fclJ and } l,7iK ) per lot , onc-thlid CB-h , bujsit. 44 M Ame . 1107 Igrman TpOJl s.VI.r. Fine double crirnor , Omnhn ' Men. $ I-X ) , another in Clarendon , S2iK > J , Ircnl. .1.11 Kvnn .Vl\j. fy a ? Foils vi , K Uou e , flroom , elty wnter find pa . 1 lallo I rein P O , 1 block from st cir , price $ JM i , small | Hmonts balance inuntlih. Imiutre roomtl mi t J Unmtin Nat I b nK _ Ol'l FOIt - < Ar.-rnpliButiriil lot ln HnrrOak , ? iOTOtoi iiibioi line lots Clark Place , 5700 each J. 11. I an XCo _ _ tf < 3 23 POIKMjV- have sixteen low In Haw thorne addition that wo will cll : be t nnd cheapest In ldo propoi tj In Omaha , lleitford fs Souer _ 041 _ CTUKinCAUt-aeKU laid to lle.llek's . nroxr , O the newest mid cheapest residence lot < in town. 474 23 Ame' , 1507 Fnrnam st. I > AVKD STUKIfTto lleijlck's Grove , lots $1,503 to f 1,700 , one-third cash. 474 2J Amos , 1597 Fnrnam. EACH and all of the 23ost Hide ots wro high and benutlful.full sire , and on month ly pavinonts , f JO. It. C. Patterson , 13th and Douglils. Sl'i B17TTEH HOrsnS oun not bo found In North Omaha than Amc Place ctlir . l jta sell on easy terms. The location Is unsurpassed. See this ground before you doclilo 474.2J Ames , 1507 Farnnm. "nwil 8Al < lOr eTctjargo. liouso nnd lot , JC Ifth anil Nlohol.n ; house nnd lot lath and Dorcas.Vm L Monroe , fith and Douglas 851 FOK SALI : Two lnind otno east front lots , Wi-nF.nd.tVOJcaeh. J II 12\-nn & Co _ J f. 2 2n FOK SAli-Lots : 7 nnd P. U3xI53 feet , In block t , Mr it addition to Smith Omaha. Cation Fred Lemon , cat o Fiinni'r * . ' hou o , or ndilrosstlcorgo Llndc , P. O. bov407 , Kapld Oily lit L toi RF.AI , KSTATH \UOA1N rinr t piece "of trnckairo on U. P Hy . Inside being nor 't acre , at a bargain. .1 , L. Kite \ Co , ox er Com- uiereliil bunk ' 17427 SALiUr : exchiisc , bUor ICunrio liirin , , lOiiiili" ' southwo-.t ot Omnhn Tnijulro on iircmlsc' * or address M. M Parrlsh , Papillion , Nob. 520 O 2 * RUniCIC'S 011OV13 I5tlionearo t irsldenco property for palp nt fl.W ) ) to Sl,7iW n lot. Farnam tt Is pa\od to this addition , and street car track laid to It. 474 2-1 Amo , 1507 Farnam. A > ir.S FLACK , most popular location In N'otth -rV Omaha. See thcso lots bolero buInir. . 47123 Ames , 1507 Fiirnnm. H dlJ-is LotsFarmsLinnsmoney loaned , llcmls , 15th and Douclns streets. 010 T710H SALK At u bargaincorner lot 72x142 , -t ? paved sti et , near bu luess , f3,000 , Stewart A. Co. , room J , Iron Until ; . 190 MINUTES Walk fiom IJojd's opera 10 I hoii'o brings j-ou lo Hodlck's Grovo.-w hero Sorono-thlrd ca h j on cnn buy a lot nt Jl.VHI to 1 .7UO , while within n block lots sell at 875 tel ? l ( a front foot. Think of this nnd secure a Itodlck's Gro\olot 474 21 Ames , 1507 Fnrimm. Foil S VLK A line building lot on Virginia n\o. , we-t trout. SI.210 , only $15) cash re. quired S-othls. J . Evans A. Co S'li 23 MONTHS-Krom now will find EIGHTEEN North Omaha lots selling lor 50 per cent moie than present prices The best judges of Heal Kftnto values ndmlt this Comonnd see lots in Ames Place look ut the Improvements made there and pet u location at pre-ent prices. 474-211 Amos , 15071 urnain St. 2 good houses , onu 9 4 BAKGAIN lot R.lvJ10 , fronting on both 17th nnd 1Mb 61s : cellar , wells , cisterns. Darn , etc. , f0,000 Gregor > A. Hadlej , 111. Douglas st. 39 S . ESTATE liAUOAIN 3 fine lots cor- EF.AL ! .0th und LaKe sts . on cable line , can bo aold by us this -nook ut * 7W)0 ) , 4 ca h. No.flncr bnrgaln In the market J.L. Ulco & Co. , over Cojiimoiclal bank 07427 S5.OOO people nnd piuod streets inuko Omuba propel t > the best investment. You cnn buy a lot 10 minutes walk from Uojd's opot-i house for $1,500 to 81,700 , ono-thlid cash. Ihls Is in Hedick's Grove rth street car track und paod streets , with EidownlKclcnrtoit 471 23 Ames , 1507 Fnrnnm. . J > TATB 1IAI5.A1 > --Finest coni.n KKAl. in Marsh's add. , high nnd slightly on grade : Io sthiin one mile from pohtolhco ; $ J,250 , hnlf cash J.L Ititoi-Co , o\or Lommcicial bank. 674 27 T710UsALi : A liarg-ain LotCOxlt . 2 blocks -D from post-office. T-SO.OOO , half cash. Mnr- shall i LobocK , 110'J Fnrnam street. 213 Foil SALi : Lot In Himebaugh place ! ,70a. J. B. Evans A Co XZ'XS J7IOH Si.r.-ir0uso nnd two full lots in Wnl- jl nul Hill , Ji.lOJ. WO ) ciibh , balance $ JO per montli , 5 r iivs , cast front , corner. Lot in Plainvicw. tB50 , only 1 J cash. A lot on Miami street , only $825. Lots in Shrior Place , SJJ3 , f-5 cash , balance $3 per month. HoiiFontul lot in Omaha View , 1,500. 100 feet on Plcroe etroot , corner , JJ.30D. llofore > ou buy call nnd sco H W" . Huntress , 1303 Fainam Bt. _ List > our houses and lots with mo. CM Ismoctlnar wonderful success HILLSDALE beoausn It Is a splendid location , well built up ami soiling for (2)0 a lot on very easy pay ments 474-23 Ames , 1507 Farnnm Bt. OK SALli Lot in Drexel'B suli division of F B. E. Rogers , fl.150. J. B. Evans i , Co. 59231 rp\VO east front lots in blocks 2 nnd 4 , Hnw- L thorno , $ S5) each , Hbout one-half cnsh. F. D. Tnnnor A. Co 04s 24 j H Jc BULB V'S Dig real estate an every other day. See It. 2a4 T > HAL ESTATE HAHGAIN Lot in Jluwos' l\j ndd , just otf Bnundors Bt , onlj 900 ; pos itl\e bit gain. J.L. Rico 4. Co , ovurCommer cial bank. 07427 HOUSES mo building nil over Hillscialo , nnd why ? llcciiusouO buys 11 lot there , the location is line nnd terms \ory eiicy. It costs you nothing to see Hills Inlc , ami a little money iu\osted there will double ItectC. 474 23 Ames. 1317 Farnam St. TT10II 8ALE--34 acres of bottom Innd , all JU fenced , within200 ft of depot , 14 acres In strawberries , balance In tnmo ginis , Fiiitnblo for mnrktt or small fruit garden ; ? 1 80 } , C5r > 0 cash , balance to suit. A bargain. Address T. W 1" . boi 11 , South llond , Nob. 519 JJ " | 7ltK hAI.U One of the best pieces of prop- JL1 orty in North Omaha , onri block fiom paved bticot. An eight room house , neaily new , Oin be had cheap , if taken nt onco. O. F Davis & Co 150i Piirnum street. 937 T BAVENWOHTH BT 11. It. trackage , one or JL ; moro lots or an aero , at a great bargain. See J. W. Logan , at Loavunworth Iluslnest Place , or Q. . W. Ilaker , Room 7 Iron Hank building. 844 THE CHIGAGa SH0RT LINE OF run THE BEST B.OUTE < roia MM acil COUNCIL BLUffS ot THCES TWO TRAINS DAILY DI5TWF.ES OMAHA COUNCIL DLUFF3 Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St Paul , iliuueuolis ] ) , Collar Rapids , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Hock IslandFreeport , llockford , Elf'in , Madison , Jancsville , lieloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Northeast and Bouthouit For through tickets call ou the Ticket Aea at 1401 Farnam ttrett ( in Paxton liotob.or a Union Pacidu Depot Pullman Bloeuor * and the Onett Dining Carl in the world are run on the main lines of tuo CHICAOO , MII/WAUKBI & Sr. PAUL , IUIMTAV , and etory attention is paid to pastengor * by oourtuunsemploytsof tbeoompauy. It , General Manager. J. . Ti'UKbii , Asslttant Houeral Manager. A V. U CAiipfc&TKii , General Passenger Ticket Agent GEO. HKArrono , Assisttnt General Pajioa- ger and Ticket Agent J. T. CLAUK , General Superintendent. W. R. GIBSON & CO. , REAL ESTATE Uooni f , Willinrll fillucU , Corner - nor ir SIi anil Slnrnej M * . , lla o n titontllil ll t ul banjnlin in t-IH property Tlio follow inB arc n few onlj : IH House and I it on \ Irtrinln inc. , hou oft' rooin priit-l : M : $1.Micnsh ! 14 * > HoiiM nudlqt In Idle * lid , only 2,1M ; on ORv twm [ 31-Loton Ltikostrwt.ln PnulwHi's add .Muth Iront , lietniMTi 22ml nnd ith ( meets Terri ri , WlfSi > ldln n fcwdnr * . ISA II ) fine lots in Plalinlew. \ \ ill jell at n bur- gum Id Lot In Patrick nVlltion nt \ < TV low mlep . IC1 1 aero In GM ! > . ulillllon , clo r < to SAIIII ier ctroct. HereX vmiothlinr thnl will pnv n nlir IKrcent on luvpjtiiipiit Onlj tlOW down , Inilntifo 1,8 nil 18 j pars. liii-ln 11 V. Smith i nddltlon , M lot , JWrllO , haute of 4 largo room' , nil for Jl.00 ! 4 ca h , hnlnncotosult , mntithu or tcnrl > . 172 House nnd lot on Sherninn a\oti'io , lot " > 2x 1U It old onn , uillsull Tor M.5IO ; HeaMi , balance to Milt Ii0t tn Ainbler Place. 1 3 Lot In IlurrOiik , f LOW ; SiTileaMi , balance to ult ! front on llmwoni PuiK. lflO-Hou ontid lot in Tliottuill addition , < " ! foot uldo mid rmix thrvntli fiom 2-lnl to 24th street ; price only $4.000i ; onsli. This Isabar cnin LotlnllnWhorno , ? tV ( : * { Laidi , 7 Ixrt In Cortmtidt Piano. 03x1 JV price R5,1W ( ; f-,0jacn h , baliinoo In & jcnrs nt ft per cent 13lnterc .t 2s lot * In Wlloox's ndJItlon for fl.OJn ; VS en h. Hcroisu bawnln , If } \\nutnnln- - vpstment. 117 Ixits In Hoyrt'eadditional n hirtrnln. \\ohn\o some of tliucnou ( Allots In Ilnnscom Vlnco. 11UHo o nnd 4 lot on N ISth Bt , honeo \ Itli 11 rooms , nil modern ImproM-niwit * : prlco 5,1'KKlrjljcash ) ) , Imlinco to sull. Thl lin bnrirnln. 171 2 lots In Kountzo's < th Pup Add. Onoa corner. ftlxltO , the ether ( VJxMO. Very line lot * . 1'rlcn fin both f ) ,5X1 : on form * to stilt. lOtt S lots In Thornburg's ndd , for f 000 oaoh , M cneh. Speclnl attention frlvcn to nil propcity ll-tod with iisoiu'oiiiiiils liin. l rl Flna properly on Ooorjlix Aoworth ( Ti.ntXl.totrtulolor Improved land In York or Hownr cdiintlos. Nelirnika CHICAGO RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only road to tnVe for DCS Moines , Mar- Bhalltown.fedar Ilanlds , Clinton , Dixie. Chica go. M llwaiilteo and nil points east. To the pee pie of Nebraska. Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Not adn , Oregon , Washington and Cali fornia. It offers supoi lor advantages not pofsl- blobj nny ether line Among a few of the numerous points of su periority enjoyed bv the patrons of this ro d between Omiihn and Chicago , are its two trains 8 day of DAY COACHES which are the Bnest that bumnn art nnd ingenuity can create. Its PALACK SLEEPING CAKS , which are models of comfort and elegance Its PAKLOK DHAW- ING KOOM CAHS , unsurpassed bv any , and its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS , the equal of which cannot bo found o'sowhero. At Council IlluQs the trnlnsof the I'nlon Paol flo Ilv. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection v ith those of all eastern lines For Detroit , ColnmbiiR. Indianapolis. Clncln natl. Niagara Falls. Buffalo , Pittoburp. Toronto , Montreal , llopton , Now Yoik , Philadelphia ! , Hal- tlmor , Washington and all points in the east , ask the ticket agent for tickets via the "NOUTHWKSTEHN. " If you wish the beet accommodations. All ticket nironti ! < ell tickets riatbls line M. HDGH1TT. Jt. B HAIH , Gcfieral Mannpcr. Gen Puss. Agent. CHICAGO. Tiicso waters contain Iron , Potassium , Lime , Soda , Magnesia , Chloride of bodnim and Sul phur , nnd lire a iKsitlvo cure for all diseases arising from un iirpuroMiitoof the blood Acer- talu specific for llheumatism , Daily Stage and Mail Line to and from Fort Steele. Good Physician in Attendance W. IT. CADWKLL. WHO II UNACQMINTCD WITH THE GEOOHPHV OF THI1 COtlNTRV WILL SEC fir tXAMININQ THIS NAP THAT THE GHIOAGO.RDCK ISLAND 8. PACIFIC RAILWAY fr reaion of 111 central position null rlo relation to nil prmcllml llni-n ' art ml \ \ nt at Initial unrt Icr. tniiml point * , comtttuloi Ihe man lmortant mitt roritlnontnl link In that ITtem ot through tranfl on tatlon vriilrh Jnrliri nnd laclUutf * irate ) aud irarfa tittween clllp. of the Alliiiitlo und 1'arlrto Oca.In u nlio tlietarorltB and bout route to and from polnti i a t. > nrthiai.t nnrt hutiihount , and corresponding ! point * Wu t , orUl fll mid boutl , tt. . The Croat Rock Island Route Ouirnntfm lu patronn ttiat in of unuiQ iwnoii , na trie un nn > a e luzurlriof Ui r MeiiKr Equipment. blepnttt tlm Jateat diAlKn. aiyrvum Vu'oTj i urnlnir C.n In * rFilrhrll _ raUI-looked m .l. n.el. r lT e t n. lletw 4ld kan.atr | idAtcHUin lu-o ul o run tlie " - Itrlolug | tJialr Car . The Famous Albert Loa Route u > ait run lu th walennif | .la - . ruininc . pkliirtf jue locallllc. . tn I liunllnir and tlk luiil.ut ] UMa and Mlnntnla. It j. < I ) < o the JiSSSi'nSWt ! ! * w"1"lt neil1' " "a" " k-aa-IV111"1"r " 1"h' < -'T LINK. TlaR nca anil Kan. * i IUi'wt ! > L UrMu.lBiul Cottnrll iliutriTJCuailtcilri lliuiiea | , ll iilut I'aul and liitcrwwlUu ) [ > oinu > or ri < tiill l Infomiallon < i ! | . ni'u lollrrl. obtain > * .u well lu Uckm , at Ul | , rlnUwl | rickei onice , in tlie United 8UU * anl C a4a , or biS - i tfnwAlnu H. R. OADLE , E. ST. JOHN , l'r t c. Ovu J U'K'r , Oen'l Tin t J'u Star Line Carrying the llclgiurn Royal anJ t'nltod Slatoi Between flntvjern & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. I ALL AND Bilon from ICO to Jrs. Gxourilon trip from I11U to JUv , boroud Cubiu , tmtwara { 15 ; prepaid , ? 45 : cxtursiun t'A ) . btocnij o ucuuzo nt low ralol. Peter Wrl-ht k txme. Genara Agents , U Ilrondwuy , Now York. licnry PuiiJt , UU J'niuituiat , ; Puulten A Co. ICi Farnam t ; D. 0. irtnuua , IJ l 1 uiuum t Eailway Time Table OMAHA ThofolkiwincMtiip- of nrtuM nnl Io- imrturoof trains by C ntrnl Smmlnrd T mo nt ihokM-M ilcpnK TtaliK of the f.S" 1 * MX O.nrrUo nn1 < lopnrt from tnotr depot , c rtior" > f llthBTM Wib tcrMrpp | : trnltn on the It kM C. II AU mid K r. t. ,1 A O II from the II. \M ilejxit all othcis from the t nion I'M-lUa de | > ot. nitlpOK THUS * MrldRO trnln will Ipni o 1 1 * . depot nt T5 H7.r - : WJ - . .4J8. . -1110-01 t 11 UU n. nut 111 0 - 1 1 -1 HO t 003.00 114 OJ-6 IKo * - .13 ' ' 'lrf > nre Ir n ror/'orOm liMit7'i ; H' IV tit ) V I * Illi - 10R ! 11. IT n m 1 17 * 1J ' 3 TO 3 H7-4 87 6 : 7 M , T.t8 JJ' 11 * 3 p in I/OIUP llroxdway 10 X < p. in : AriroOmnlm 11 W ! . > Oinnhn 10 00 p. mr. . llrondwny in Sfi In ellei'i AuBii t > th until further no tice. TlnsHnddltloiiftl topro pnt trHln # moo. . .1V MOU81 , U 1' A. CONNKCTIVfi MNl ; Arrlvnl nnd departure of trains from the TraufurDi < l'Ot at Council lllutls. CltlOAOO , HOCK 1 < ! HM ) * PA11MO. 117:1SA. : M. I l ) 1f. * . M. IIOllSA M. 1I&-TO I1 , M. C8:40l\ : I 117-0)1' . M. CIllClOO * NOIlTHWrSTMt APir : > A. M. I AflilSA. M. A C)40t ) M. 1 A * ; ) r. M. CIIICAOO , nunt.t.vnioM ft qtnscv. A D.U A. M. i Ann A. M. 11 6IJ IM. . II .SJ P. M. A 7-00 P. M. * ST. PAVU ASMS A.M. 1 AB-l'iA. M AC:4Uf. : M. I A7.0JP. M kA > > us ciTv , sr. tor. \ coUM'it. nt. rr9. AlOtWA. v. I DOB : : i. M. C b.U p. M. I A & : Jo r. it. WUIKII , ST. LOUIS k 1'VCUlli A 3.00P.M. i AO:3Jl\ : , cirr * Jfnpnrt. " WIUTllWAlll ) Airho. A. M. I p. M. MiSSOIHU PACfFlC . M. . . DaKvprots 025d ; Night Utpros * . . . . K. a , sr. .i A. c. H. SISb : Via I'latKmouth 7OOJ Depart NOilTHXVAKD. "A M I' . M. C , , ST. P. , M ft O. I A. M. 11' . M. B.lja Sioux City Kiprts * . | A:45a : 5.4"ic Oakland Aoooininpd nIO _ Wa 21)I' "ny'ATfD _ J"ArrlvoT p. M. I O. . It. CJ. , A. M. 1 r. M. W 21) U ( Ml Via PlattMuuuth ' P:2tl : | 7:10 : NOTl ! A , tiiilni dally ; 11 , diilh- except Suu < dayC ; , dallj except S.iturdn > ; D , daily oxoopt Mpndiiv STOCK VAHDTKAIX9 will Icnve U P. depot , Uinnha , nt * 0-40 7SX SKl-O.Odn ; m ; S:00-3.0T : isOS-Sii'i UU p. m nPaclflo Express , 8:20 p. m. ; Denver he , 10,55 n. m ; Local Rx.n:0 : > p. m I/em o stock 3 anls for Omaha at * 7Ki : 3:10 : :30 : 11 .15rum ; 3ao-a : : ' - .3S-0.05 * 8'S n. m. Atlantic Kx .le SJ. O. 7:1' . a m. ; Chicago Kx. , le B. O C:07 : p m ; Local Kx , lo S. 0.10:51 : am.j Mo. Pao Hx. , lo. S0. . 6:47 : p. tn. ; 2d M. P. Kx. , C.09a.m KxcoutSunday i-FULLY WARRANTED- ! ( Joe J. AnnlirilBt. 2203 Ciimlng st. 1) . H. lion man , 1SI7 Fnrnnm st , John Hii9slo,2li7 ! Cuming sU Herinan Kiinde , ! ' ) South 10th st O Lunge , 313 bouth l.lth Pt. \V. F. Moct7t 1 , 1RJ1 Howard St. M. L. Van Scoton , 1110 Doduro it , C.V. . Sleeper. 507 South 13th Bt. TOE CHAMPION FITTER. This njBtcm ln'ontlrcly new nnd In so ulnirilc thnt we will Kunruntro ( o touch joule draft mat-CFtrullr In a few liour 1 < urnn rttnft nil the tmUenn Hint Is tueJoil forthn fiunlbMiB H cuts nil gurmcnts worn Ly Ind es Eitlemcntmd children. Ijidlo and yentlcnion. It will coft * ea holhlnit until you hare lonrnvd. then you Tii want the ntlcr. \\c clmlloneo roratiut'ttsn. llm movt oxi > crlonccd itrcs miiKijr " 2tiillort iicknowlodeo tin mporlorltr. H'.alnveiilloii ! < if Mnrtnmo Walker , u well known Kionchinoillitc It ! ' rnpldlr und tiooil ngents innke ninncr. Wo wunt nntclasi agents til tnko hold nf thcbtiKlncM with lit. Wo lite to ruitka mifner nnd ullOMr othura to < lo BO nlso , so wo olfor llborttl crine Tor lurtho' Infnnniitlnn cull or uditrctx , MU > > MAIIY ICASTIlIIKiR.nvn ARCnt , Itoom&S I'acltlo House , Countll MluITs. lown , P. BOYEB & CO. DEALUHS IN Hal'sSafesVauifsTimelocks ! and Jaii Work. 1020 rurnam Street , Oniaba. Neb. Ollicc , 1411 l-s Kcsldeiicc. QOlh nnd Cullfornlu. CHAS. LEE . . , AAD XVAGON STOCK. AI-BO AGENT FOR noom\G And WOOD CAItI KTIt-VG SW , Corner 9th and Douglas S o. s. 1'r/rri.s A : \Vholeealo and lletall Pbnctone , Ilntr los and Hood Wagons. 2 } per cent sared In buying of us. , 1308-1310-1JI2 , Irard Bt , Onmha. Neb , llrunoh at Counell llluffaluwa MERCHANTS' National Bank Northwest corner Furnain and llth Street * Paid up Capital , - " - $20f-,000 Surplus Fund - - 60,000 FllANK MUIU'IIV , BAML. 15 HOOF KB , I'roslJont- Vke-1'i-esidont. DKN Ii. WOOD , LUTIIUUDUAKli , Cashier , Atet-C'asliior. Accounts solicited and prompt attention fflvcn lo all Imslmnst'iitriiHcd lolls cnrn. 1'ar tlio per cent on time deposits. 'C " KENDELSSOHH & FISHER TECTS D. L. SHAKE , Snerlnlcnnt OMAHA SAVINGS BANK OonKEnI3tll BTRlKfS. Capital Stock . , . $160,000 Liability of Stockholders . . , . 300,000 fbf only regular * u\injr bunk In the state. Five percent Interest paid ondojx ) lu. LOANS MADE ONJEAL ESTATE. onccnsi UuyC. Barton , rrtildout ; J , J. Drown , Vlo Pretldent ; U M . Dennett , Managing Di- rertojJoUuK. WUbur C-sUlor.