Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1886, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 1U1 > AY , SEPTEMBER 24 1886 ,
Dclhcicd by cnrrlci in nnjpnrt of tlio city nt
tnctity tents per week.
n. W. TII.TOX , - Mniingcr.
New York Plumbing Co.
New fall fjoods at Keller's.
Itichmomi furnaces Cooper & McOcc.
The very be't cabinets at ! ) n do/en at
( torliam's.
Onn io/.en ! c.vbini'ts and a largo panel
for $2.50 at Schmidt's gallery.
"Kvcrnil and Ktilnlia1' by Kd. Wright
nt BtiBlireirr him Crockwell's.
C. it. Haiiinc ! ! and Louise Stephens , of
Council IHufTs , were licensed to wed.
A runaway team yesterday .smashed
into a butcher shop on lower Main street.
To-day the school board will open the
bids for the addition ordered to the Clark
street school house.
Tlio hchool board seems to bo able to
show more for the amount of money ex
pended than the city can.
The now wheat crop Is just beginning
to move. It is reported to be better in
( | iiality than It was last year.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Jackson mourn the
loss of their four-year-old FOIL The body
was yesterday taken to Dcnlson for in-
The managers of the Herald nlllrm that
Clark dik not write the a1 tielc ascribed to
I him by tne BiiKof yesterday , and they
disclaim any responsibility for his actions
in regard to the salvation aimy.
The little favorite , Miss Maude Howe ,
with her carefully selected company of
artists , will pluy a season of six nights In
the opera house next week , commencing
Mommy. Matinee Saturday nftcrnoo'n.
The bridge over the creek at Uunn's
place , on the Crescent City road , is in a.
dangerous condition , and after investiga
tion , the council have decided lhat it will
be necessary to build a new ono there.
C. L. li.immcl and Miss Louise O.
Stcphan were on Wednesday evening
united in marriage at the home of the
bride on South i irst street by the Kov.
E. 1) . McCreary , pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church , in the presence of
immediate relatives. The newly wedded
couple were the recinients of a number
of handsome presents , amoii < ; which
were a house and lot on Fourth avenue
by the groom's mother and a pair of soli
taire diamond car-rings by the bride's
brother of Omaha.
The Crawford County Bulletin says :
"The prisoners made an attempt to es-
cane from the county jail a few days
flincn. With saws made of an old case
knife and a watch siring | they severed
ono of the bars of their cells , with tlio
intention of cutting out a squiiro and
crawling through into the corridor , when
the removal of u few brick would give
them liberty. They sawed through a bar
in twenty-four liouVs. They were for
tunately detected. The "guarantee" of
the company that furnished the&e chilled
stool cages ought to bo pasted up in the
j.dl to prevent the prisoners from sawing
them to pieces. "
Quite a little sensation was caused yes
terday morning about -1 o'clock by the
appearance of a woman rapping at the
door of a retail establishment on Broad
way , and shouting for her husband to
come out and go home with her. "I'm
after you , you rascal. I'll show you that
yon can't stay out all night bumming.
Open that door and let mo in. 1 know
who you've got in there with you. I'll
Elioofboth of you. Como quick , open
this door. I'll teach jou a lesson if 1 lay
my hands on you , " she shouted , but there
was no from the inside , and she
finally went off to the hotel , where she
remained quiet.
Yesterday afternoon a tailor employed
in ono of the shops in that vicinity picked
up a vest in the alloy in the rear of II.
Kiseman & Co's. store. Just as ho was
walking on" with it , a painter who was at
work on the building mentioned , shouted ,
'Have yon got my vest ? " "Y-e-a-s , " re
plied the tailor and on demand ho re
stored the garment to its owner. Shortly
after the tailor was arrested for larceny
on complaint of the painter and taken be
fore Judge Aylesworth. Ho claimed
that he thought the vest was an aban
doned one thrown out by some one , and
that he would pick it up as he could use
it for a press cloth. His employer agree
ing to produce him in court in the morning -
ing the Judge released him until that
Those of the clerks employed at the
transfer in the freight department , who
reside m > town , have been in the habit
lately of walking along the track to the
Broadway depot rather than wait until
0:20 : for the dummy train. Naturally
enough , there has been some fast walking
to rcacli Broadway before the train did ,
and of course the walkers boasted of their
achievements , until a sort of record has
been made up for each ouu. The fastest 3t t
time up to last night was lifteen minutes ,
but last evening Ed Coglo.y says ho made
the distance in thirteen mmutc.i , and did j
it hoiHistlv. The only reason no record
is' allowed in this ease is that he was
alone and timed himself , So for the
present he will remain the liftcen-minuto
Cooper & McCiee mill stoves.
Hard and t-ofl coal , wood , lime , cement ,
oto . Council mulls Fuel Co. No , 531) )
Broaday. Telephone No. 130.
First class regular dinner i-'n con ts.lU to 3
o'olocK. I'luiiiilxchop house , 505 B'way.
J'orKonnl 1'arauraiilin.
II. E. Itoot has ro turn od from his visit
to Kalama/oo.
A. U. Collier and wife , of Sioux Falls I ,
nro at the 1'acllio.
James Wallace is homo from Nebraska
visiting his parcnta. I
11. N. Withnell , of Omaha , was a Blulls
Visitor yesterday.
O. II. Dyer , of Glenwood , was in the
city yesterday.
W. F. Spear , of Manning , was at the
Paeillo yesterday.
Nick O'Brien returned last evening
from DCS Moincs ,
James A. Jackson lett yesterday morn I-
ing for Chicago ,
T. F. Gillian , of Dubuque , was nPaoillo
house guest yesterday.
Charles L. Steen and wlfo am spending
the week at the Kovero house ,
K. M.Vcstowot \ ! , of Lincoln , Neb , ,
was in the city yesterday.
Milton Nobles and wife , of Brooklyn > ,
N. Y , , are at the Ogdun house.
1) . T. Parker , superintcndendent oi ,
Well * , Fargo & Co Is In the city. . .
This evening Mrs. O. W. Crofts will
entertain the Congregational social.
W. H. Hoyt , Charles F Chtiso and M.
Walker , of Atlantic , are quartered at the
licohtelo ,
The names of every porion who hus re
gistered has been posted for the inspection
of the public.
Frvd Nugent , of the St. Joe News , is
homo : his wife and family , lit
will return this morning ,
Mrs. Joseph I A wan returned this morn'
ing from Oiney , 111. , where she wont tc
be In attendance upon her sick father.
The case of J White against Sadie Bee
mar for alleged assault when ho was c
troap.iaocr was distillled yesterday before
fore Justice Frolnoy.
A Prominent Miller Expresses His Views
On Freight Bates and Roads.
IlHnton'M Hide With a Crnz.v Pas-
fiOHROr Tlio Hliei'lfT Arrives
AVItli Leo Other Ilnppcu-
In tlio
" " "ii Transportation.
Yestordav ti HKI : man Imtl a talk with
one ot the pro limnt millers of tlio city ,
u . i > iy about tlio crops of the
year , tlio nilllur nnswcrcil :
"Yus , tlie wlmat is a little better till ?
your , l\d the \vhcnt crop here ' § not n
Maple ; less nnil less of it is raised cvrry
year. A fo\v years ago it was all corn ,
but the fanners arc raising less of that
each year , and going more and more Into
cattle and hogs.1
"Yon have to send away foryour wheat
then ? "
"Yes , It is nil shipped in , ' or nearly all ;
\vo can USD iomo of the homo wheat by
mixing it. "
"Do you ship in any of the D.'ikotahard
wheat that they claim so much for at
Minneapolis and St. Paul ! "
"No , not much ; we can got just as
good wheat from tlio Klkhorn Valley , in
Nebraska.Vo make just as coed Hour
ns HIM Wasbimio mills , and wo get just as
good prices for it. "
"Then you probably arn interested In
floelnir u road built from Omaha out into
the Elkhorn Valley country f"
"Well , 1 should say so ; not only wo arc
but every wholesaler in Council Bluffs
and Omaha. I toll you the North western
and the 11. & M. arc just sapping those
two cities. " "Why.11 said the miller ,
waxing warm. "dealers can go
out to Lincoln and buy goous
cheaper than the merchants in Coun
cil Bluffs or Omaha can allbrd to
soil thorn. And all beeau o of the diifur-
once In freight rales. They give a lower
rate to Lincoln and Kearney from Chicago
cage than to Council Bluffs or Omaha. "
' 'How "
is that ?
"Why , you sec what they ship through
to those points docs not have to go into
thu pool. Then , too , if it is shipped out
there when it is resold it must bo ro-
snipped oycr tlieir roads to some other
point , and thu local freight tarill'is high ,
and they get their money back that way.
In order to hold this local business they
give a ijniet rebate to the wholesale mer
chants , that is to be forfeited if the busi
ness is directed into other channels. "
They explain it all on the "long haul"
theory. ' 1 hen , too , in shipping back the
same discrimination is apparent. Those
roads will load wheat or Hour at Lincoln
or Kearney and carry it to Dos Moincs
for half the money they will from here.
Why , they give tlinm a rate there of 10
cents , whiluthoy charge us 20 cents. The
same thing is true in all branches of busi
ness.Tingaling , a-linir , wont the telephone
"Well , wo did ship them live cars day be
fore yesterday. " Silence -
"Oh , well , we will ship them live moro
to-morrow , then , good bye , " and tlio BIB
man loft.
Ed IJrluton's Ornzy
Ed lirinton thought lifo wasn't worth
living on Wednesday evening when ho
was compelled to take a crazy man from
the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy dummy
train. The crnzy man got oft" thc-Q train
and. after si/ing up Ed Urinton for a few
minutes , finally grabbed Urinton and told
him to got on his express wagon and
drive him to the dummy depot as there
wore fourteen men after him , and if they
cuught him they would kill him and Brin-
ton also ; that he was the postmaster at
Hastings , Nob. , and consequently was en
titled to protection by the entire people
of the United States. Ho had fire in his
cyo and lirinton saw it. Brintou did not
want to go to the dummy depot as ho
wished to go to his homo , put his team up
and get iiis supper , but after surveying
the cra/y man several times from head
to foot lie concluded his lifo would be
safer if ho complied with the man's
wishes. The two men bat side by side on
the express wagon , and lirinton made
his mules "get there , " expecting ovary
minute would bo his last. Finally the
dummy depot was reached , when tlio
man asked lirinton how much ho wanted
for his services. The charges were paid
and Hrinton breathed easier , but the poor
mules wen ; iinabln to hurry homo , and
quietly walked to the barn , while Brmton
whipped the cold perspiration from his
The ShcriJTArrlves With
A telegram was received yesttirday an
nouncing the fact that Shurilf Heel had
arrived safe at New Albany , Ind , , with
his prisoner , James Leo Ojiinn , with
( whom ho left on Monday evening last.
The hack drivers and the friends ol
"Leo , " as ho is known here , are propar-
ing to send Indiana a statement in regard -
gard to his good character , etc. . diirini ;
his residence in this city the past live
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Smiiro. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Sou that your books arc made by Moro-
house & Co , , room 1 , Everett block.
Perfectly satisfactory accommodations
at $2.00 a day at the Pacific house. Give
it a trial ami bo convinced ,
The Canning Company.
The now canning company in this city
is doing a largo business. The corn
season is over , and considerable quanti
ties wore put up. Just now scores of
wagon loads ot tomatoes are being de
livered to the factory every day. Next
year the company propose to increase
their facilities ono half. This enterprise
is a valuable one to the city , and all
should lend it moral support as well us
linancial aid. Among the improvements
that should bo and probably will bo
adopted another season is the providing
of some way for olfuctiially and immedi
ately disposing of the refuse , the present
method not proving satisfactory. The
stench now arising from what is thrown
out is now said to be puworlul , pungent ,
and penetrating , and to bo a source of
annoyance to thoreMdontsin that locality
for several blocks around. It Is a matter
of time to properly put uny largu new
enterprise in working order , and it is
hoped that another season there may bo
no cause for complaint.
Klo trio door bolls , burglar tilarms.and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at tlio Now York IMumbing Co ,
1'acifio house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
Highest prices paid for county , town
city nnd school bonds. Odell Bros. &
Co. , No. 103 I'earl street , Council BlulFs ,
The idea that the "limits of the city of
Council Bluffs embraces too much terri
tory scorns to bo gaining ground. Tlio
city is called upon to repair country
- roads build bridges nto that
vrt V4 < , & /h t \ U IU jV0 , * JW , illM should
properly bo done by the county.
TlirlllliiK Story of n Mclit In the
I'earl l nin of the 15 < iclcy
> l < ) iuitnin.a.
For tlirco or four years tlioro lived In
Lomlvillc a little lilnck-cycillItick-hnircil
woiniin , Allies Mnyhnin. She WHS n
willow who Imtl one child , n little irirl.
Mrs. lnyllllm ninilon living by peddling.
Her little stock in trndo consisted of
stockings , gloves , linnilkcrchloN.liultutid ,
thread , iind other knick-knacks. Her
face wus fniniliur to almost every wonmn
in the Carbonate cani | ) . When linsiness
was dull Mrs. Mayham would sling her
little pack over lier shoulder and pay u
visit to nclgliboiing uamps , wiieio .she
frequently reaped quite a harvest from
wives of the miners.
Karly lust flpriii she took r. trip to
AsDeii , about sixty miles west of Lead-
ville Her rdtcntion was next directed
'J CrcJited Bntte , another camp or town ,
ibout forty miles still further west. Bo-
ween the two places there is a ran'jro of
ligh and rtig < : cd mountains. Mrs. May-
mm travelled all day and stayed over
liclit at the cabin of a ranchman , who
vltli his family had settled on the eastern
ido of the mountain range. The next
lay she resumed her journey and hoped
ly nightfall to reach Her destination.
The worst of the road still lay before
icr. She had to cross the bleak range
jver which there was only a dim trail
vhich none but the hardiest mountain-
ers had trodden. This trail lay over
what is known as I'earl Pass , one ol the
nest dillicnlt nnd dangerous passes in the
tocky mountains. It lies at an altitude
if 12,000 feet above the level of the sea
nid 1,000 feet above the point at which
egetation ceases to grow. On this bleak
ml desolate pass nothing can bo seen
nit bold sxmi precipitous mountains , with
nggcd peaks piercing the clouds that
onstantly hover around them. No Hv-
ng creature breaks the monotony of this
wful solitude. The trail , however , was
oniparativcly plain , and Mrs. Mayham ,
vho had been in the mountain until she
ould follow a trail almost as well as a
nan , felt conlldcnt that she could make
he trip.
The courageous little woman trudged
.long , climbing by slow degrees the cir-
uitous path that gradually led to the
ummit of the mountain. About a o'clock
n the afternoon she found herself at the
ery lop of I'oarl Pass. .No slim of vegc-
ation appeared to cheer the lonely pros-
> ect. The wind whistled and howled
ver the unbroken solitude. Tired and
ootsore.sho pushed forward. The clouds
) egan to thicken around her , and in a
o\v minutes the snow began to fall. Tlio
wind blow in eddying gusts around her ,
uul it was not long before she realized
he terrible truth that the dim trail would
eon be covered up. To miss itm a snow
tonn is almost certain death. A single
misstep might plunge her down hundreds
of font and dash her to pieces on the
agped rocks btlow.
The way was soon entirely obscured.
Hie frightened woman paused to think.
I'o proceed was certain destruction , nnd
o remain would be equally fatal. She
could not retrace her steps , for the snow
lad hid from view the serpentine trail so
completely that the most experienced
> rospeeto'r could not follow it. She did
lot dare to go forward for fear of losing
icr way. and she could not lie down , as
she would freeze to death and be wrapped
n a winding sheet of snow. She decided
to walk backward and forward along a
certain beat for a distance of about thirty
'eet ' , where she know the trail lay , and
by this means keep up the circulation ,
ind at the same time not wander from
the trail.
It was drawing toward twilight , and
: hc snow fell so thick and fast that it al
most blinded her ; but she continued to
walk up and down the beat she had liiid
out , following in her own tracks , and in
[ his way she prevented the falling snow
from hiding them from view. Back- and
forth , back and forth , hour after
hour , on that storm-swept moun
tain she traced and retraced her
weary wav. Darkness came on and still
the snow fell and the wind howled. The
plucky little woman held her beaten
. Her clothes were wet with snow ,
Kith. soggy skirts huner about her chilled
and weary limbs. The hours of that
lonely nignt dragged slowly on , and each
succeeding hour found her steadily keep
ing up the measured tread from one end
of the little path to the other. She know
the necessity of eeonomizlnghor strength
so that she would not become exhausted
and be compelled to lie down and sleep
the sleep of death She realized that in
constant motion lay her only hope of ever
seeing daylight again. All through the
long and dreary hours of that'seemingly
endless night she kept up her pace , until
the snow was banked up on each side of
the little track. Several times her cour
age nearly failed her , and she was on the
point of lying down anil resigning herself
to her fate , when the recollection of her
little orphan irirl inspired her anew and
gave her renewed strength and courage.
Her strength was gradually being ex
hausted. Unless help came within n
few hours at most human nature would
have to yield.
At last the gray dawn of morning began
to break over the mountains. It tound
the heroic little woman still treading the
path. The clouds broke away and the
snowy peaks glittered like minarets in
the bright sunliirlit. She continued her
weary walk till about 10 o'clock , when a
mail carrier on siiowshous came over the
nass from'Crested Butteand rescued her.
Ho placed her on his Jong , Norwegian
snowshoes , fastened her iect to the run
ners with leather thongs , and , bidding
her put her arms around his neck for sup
port' , ho soon landed her in safety at a
cabin on the western slope of thu moun
tain. A sled was improlshed , and she
was taken to Crested Butte.
For weeks she lay in a burning fever.
It was a hard struggle between lifo and
death. A strong constitution , however ,
pulled her throuch , and she dually re
covered. A subscription paper was
passed around among the miners , and
$500 was raised , with which she started a
little store in Crested Butte , whore she Is
to-day doing a good business.
Four Days.
Only four days remain for us to sell
boots and shoes In Council Blufl's. Now ,
will you hurry.
Good Xlyo.
Having sold our retail boot nnd shoo
business to Messrs. Sargent & Pusey ,
who will begin to take account of stock
next Tuesday , wo take pleasure in an
nouncing that until that time our friends
nnd customers can buy goods of ns at
low prices. /i , T. LINUSUV & Co.
Just received , Ladles' linn shoes , best
makes. Prices low. d'eo. Blaxim , 807
If you want n good furnace and ono
that will be as durable as your house , got
a "Richmond" at Cooper & MeUeo's ,
John Mallcoct , of Walnut , was in the
city yesterday and mircinsed u largo bill
of goods from the Council Bluffs Candy
Hats regardless of cost. Closing otil
hat stock of I" , E. Stubbs , comprising
Knox's , Stetson's and other line brands
E , B , Williams ,
No. 600 Broadway ,
The Odorless Sanitary Co. , of Omaha ,
cleans cesspools , cisterns , etc. , with the
odorless pump. Otllee , No. 1002 Farnam
street , Omaha. Orders for Council Bluffs
may bo left at 11. Eisuman & Co.'g.
All the comforts of high-priced hotels
at the Pacilii ! house , and a saving of 50o
to $1 a day. Try it.
Hats regard less ol tost. Closing out
hat stock of V. 1-1 Siiibbs , comprising
Kno\'s , Stetson's anil other line brands ,
E. B. Williams ,
No. M)0 ) Broadway.
12 Cabinet Photograph * $ : ) . Quality
the finest. Sherraden , 017 Broadway.
Fresh oysters in every stvle at the
Plicvnix Chop House , > 'o. WJ.i Broadway.
The Hiclir.iond combines the four es
sentials of a good fttrnaco , simplicity ,
capacity , durnbililv nnd cconomj' . fjeo
them tit Cooper X : McGeo's , II i'.nin.
Oncrr. Sionse barber shop and bath
room. Everything lirst class , E. M. Mar
New Stock , Fresh Goods ,
CO"CT3STCirj BXj'CriE JF'S , la ,
Special advertisements , such ns test , Foun
To Txnn , Yor Stile , To Ilont , T nnts , Ilourdlnir ,
etc. , will holnsorted in this column at thu low
ratoof TEN CENTS PKK LINE fortho ttrstlnsop
tlon and Vivo Cents Per Line for each subso.iuom
insertion. Leave advcrlisomcn 'i t our oflico
No. 13 1'enl street , Broadway , Council
DluffB. _
WANTED A ( ? Oed jrirl to do f-'OtienU lioiwo
work'Ap ply at lutf Fourth street , Coun
cil Uluirs.
Wi TTO pooa wallers. Apply nt
the Ilochtcle hotel , Council Illulls.
'Jo llllii Vacancy in thoOMicoof Major
of the City'of Council Illulls.
fly virtue of the authority In mo vested by
statute and the oidlmmcesol the city of Council
ItlullB , ordering u special election in the cltvof
CoiinoH Uluirs on the 1th day of October , UJBO ,
to elect u major to III ! the vacancy In the iinex-
plrud term ol the Jato John w. Chapman ,
mayor , by wnoso death n vjoancy liuvlng oo-
eiined In tlio oillce of mayor , and the under-
s Knuil having been duly appointed to Illl suld
ollleo In the manner UK piovldcd by law , nnd
having qunlllled to bo act tint 1 a special elec
tion could bo lmrl , as provided by law and the
resolutions of the oily ceune llUlng the dtito
ot fiiiil elecllon , on the day above named.
Now , therefore , I , J. F. K\miH. mayor of slid
city , do hereby proclaim nnd call the attention
of thoiiualllled electors of sulii city to lake no-
tlco that on the paid
4 I'll DAY OF OCTOIIint , IBM ) ,
n special election will bo had for the purpose of
electing n mayor of said city , to Illl the unox-
plrodtorm in the oflico of major of the said
John W. Chapman , defeated , tald uno\plrod
term tuimlmitlnir on the llrst Monday In March ,
llx-S.or untllasncce-sor is elected und ( juallllcd ,
us is provided by law In sncli case" .
And the iiuahtlo I electors uro hereby further
notlflfd that tlio polls will bo opened In each
wanl nt II o'clock A. M. and elooo at ( I o'clock P.
M. , unless the mild polls ate comlnuoJ open until
I ) o'clock P. M. or B ild day. In manner mu > lorm
us piovidod by law , nnd that the voting in each
ot Mild wards , n'ld the Judges undcleikb thuioot'
ehnll bo in the lollon-lni ? named places :
Flret Wni-d Swiin'H packing house , W4 Unst
JuilKeH r/nwls Hammer. H. SliooinnUer and
B II. ( Jur.llncr ; clerks , li. T. Iliyunt nnd Kobcrt
Hccond Ward Dohanoy'8 llvory etnblo , 17
llrynnt stiect.
Judges Chile. Fox. WhlttJesuy and Thco.
Gnlttar ; clerks , lid Mott und Htclnkopf.
Third Ward Hnttonhnuet'BcnrilajfO luctory ,
Ilanoroft etrc-ct.
Ju-lgo3-oo. ! P. Smith , W. A. Kllla nnd K.
Itofcncnms ; clerks , A. Dalrymplo und 0. Oil-
Fourth Ward Ovorholtzcr'fl ollleo , First ave
nue , botweouMttln nnd I'oarl eti cots.
JudgosIt. ) . Wulto. J. M.Bhca nnd John B.
Klnkle ; clerks , F , H. 1'V11 ! } ? and I'M 1 Howman.
In testimony ; whereof I urtvo hereunto vet my
ndnfllc ally on thle the ! } ut ( lay of Eoptom-
bor. IHEfl. , , .J. r. BVANB , Maym-
Of the cy ] | : 9 CouncIl'DliHTs
Nos. 1510-1C31 Douglas st , Omaha and
No 23-1 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Pulnleji Dentistry. No humbug ! Cl , Vitalized
Air. Kllitr ml Choroforra , with tlieir ilckcnlnv effect
uroldcd bjr the moat wonderful anueKlietlc , purlfr-
log the HooU nnd building up Ibe tluu .
Onmlia Dental Aasoclutiou , Solo 1'rop'rs.
Gold CrowiiB , Ookl I'lato nnd Conllnuoui
Qum TectUutpcllolly. Uf t tottU0 ; torintr
price f H.
On December it 1st , ) n'o.rlmn , the ptirlncrshtnofOrcntt , r-ffnch tf > l'ir/- ;
iior , knotrn as the Council liln/'s Carpet Co.c.rnl. ' < :3 by limitation , and
on that date there will be
2V > ( jet ready for this clutnyc we offer our entire stock of
Citizens of Council llu/'s < tii < l viclnlf i/wlll find ( t to their Interest * to
call and cxnuiinc oiii'tfooilntnul prices. Tltts / . the flrst onnortnntty
crcrojlerctlln this city to obtain , the above yoortsfrom a full , fresh oloch'- .
at , tJtcopeninf/ a tmstnwn itcanon.
Country merchants will find many bargains Inj callinienrtji. .
Farming lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas nnd Arkansas , ranging
from $1.25 to $1'J per acre. School and stuto lands In Minnesota on . ' { 0 years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , given by
I' . P. Laustrui ) , No. 555 Broadway , Council Blull's , Iowa.
Brick buildings o any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreetCoiinil
htherlnlsnpaln milking Its annual rlsltn-
tin. .Ten years' trlnlof JJH. T1IOS. .IBl'I'IUtlS'
II EH hi ) Y for that lutnl mi'lady hns donion-
t ru ed the fact that It is lurnllibloits u prevent-
he niul cum. If you penult jour t-bildirn to
dlo with diphtheria , "Their blood bo upon your
head. " For sale only nt the ollleo , No.i''l Bonth
8th street , Council Illulfs , la. , or Bent by express
on icoclpt of price. $ - .
C. II. lllaRoaloo , of No. 1410 Campbell Btroot ,
Omaha , who iccoiitly lost n beautiful and in-
torcstliiK' daughter , aired abuut 15 yoiu-8 , by
diphtheria , under tlio treatment of ono of the
best physicians InOiimhu , urltos to Dr. Jetlerls ,
of this city : "Your icmedy for diphtheriacomo
too lateour dear daughter \\aa dyhiK when it
was received. I nm s'UMled that her llfocould
have boon s.ivcd. Another one of our children
who hud the dlphthei-In , her throut was lillotl
up with tlio putrid ulccrution , no UBCC ! your
medicine and in twelve horns tlio disease was
completely subdued. In the futuio wo will
Itocp your muiliolna nt all times In our house.
Wo feel that it snvcd the life of ono of our
children. Wo are very thankful to yon , and
only route ! that wo did not call on you sooner. "
From the Council HlullH Dully Herald :
Mrs. K. M. ( Juraril , wife of Knjrlnoer Gerard ,
of the Union I'aulflc. this city , ha ? been u Krciit
BUirorerfor many yeifis , with what was sup
posed to bo cancer of the throat. It was to bad
that the wus thicatent-d with Man ntton. Her
KonornI health wus completely broken down.
Pho could only swallo\v liquid lood. nnd oven
that her stomach could not digest or nsslmllato.
Physicians of Council Illulls and Omalm
attended her lor three yearn nnd KUVC no
relief. Dr. Jolterls.o : ' thU city , was called. In
lour weckH * timohu cured her tlnoat , and com
pletely restored her ffonoral health. Had Mrs.
Uenird not obtained relief coon eho would hnvo
died from blood poli-on , the saniocondltlon tliut
destroyed the lifo of ( Ion. Ornnt.
From the Council lllnirs Dally Oloho :
M. A. JlcPIke , editor of tlio CumbriaKbens. (
burtr , Pu. > Froeinnii , has boon the persona
friend of the editor of the Globe for moro than
twenty years , and 13 known wherever ho Is
known "s ono of thobost men Itvlnpr. Ho is also
an Intimiito friend of Mr. Clatk of the Non
pareil. Ho has been unt'ottmuito In the fact
that his Inmlly wus ravaged with diphtheria ,
and Kieutly distressed. Mr. Clark luuinir heard
of his calamity sent linn fromo of Dr. Jolleris'
Diphtheria Cure , it was need at onoe , and the
lives of the rest of Ills children saved. Letters
from Mr. Mcl'lko arc unbounded in tholr ex
pressions of aratltudo for llndhitf some means
of avcrlinu the loss of his whole urronp of little
nnd tender ones Fivoof Mr. Mcrlkn'schlldren
out of eight died from diphtheria before he had
an oiipoltunlty ot uclnir Dr. Joirurls' remedy ,
Dyspeptic , why live In inltory and dlo in dls-
pair with cancitr of the stonmdi ? Dr. Thomas
Jotforia cures every cuso of indigestion nnd
constipation In u very short time. Host of ret-
oronues given. Dyppotialu is the cause of
ninety per cent of all dlecaecd conditions.
Pilco f ! > fortwo weeks ti eminent.
Dr. Jefforis' diphtheria medicine Is Infallible
for fill kinds of fcoro throats. Indlsponslblo In
putrid euro tin oat , in mallKiiunt Rvarlo tfoMir ,
changing It In IH lion rs to t lie i-linple foi in , I nl al-
liblo euro lor nil Inllammiitory , ulcorntlvu.put-
rid , cancerous ulconillon of the womb und all
catarrhal conditions.
Full printed Instructions how to use the inoill-
cine ? sent with thorn. No doctor required.
Dr. .lolTcrlB1 remedies con only bo obtained a
his ollleo. No.Kl South Elshtli street , f.'ouno
liluIlB , Jovui.orsent ny oxproas on receipt
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Sliugtirt
Justice of the Peace
Ofllce over American EXPICBS Company.
An excellent educational inbtltutlon , furnish
d with all the modern Improvements , con-
ucted by the SISTEKfl OF CHAHITY.U. V , M
Forterra of TO months , ? 7S.
Terms begin Ilrst Monday In September anJ
Crst Monday In February. For cataloffues twl-
Bt. Francis Academy , Council lulls ,
Bednction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc.
, , ,
At W.S Homer & Co's. No. 23 Main st.
Council BluO's ,
lu tbo city can bo obtained by patronizing the
WO Broadway V ® ya.Council DlulTs
GEO , W. SCH1NDELE , Prop ,
None but oxpr-rienccd hnnds employed.
Out of town orders by mail or express so
licited , : md all work warranted.
Crest on House ,
The only hotel in Council Illulfs having
re Esoa/pe
And ail modern Impiovomcnls.
215 , 17 and 1U Main Gt.
MAX MOUN , Prop.
IV . 5O9 & 511 M
Daily receipts of new goods.Hate
Cans , Clothing , nnd a full line of Dry
Goods , all of the latest styles. Call and
got prices before purchasing elsowhor
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Opposite Dummy Depot.
f *
sx ) s
Horses anO'nniJcs kojt constantly on
liand , for sale at retail or In car londs.Or-
dcrs jiromptly Hllctl by contract on short
notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTEH & lioLUY , IVopriutors.
Tclcphono No. 114.
Formerly of Kell Sale Stables , corner
1st ave , and 4th street.
Souruals , County and
IlanKVnvli ol' till liiiulH uSpco
In ley.
Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mall Orders
Room 1 Everet Block , Council Binds ,
Standard Papers Used , All styles of bind
ing m Magazines and
a n. National riaik , M. K. Smith fc Co. ,
Citizens' Hank. , Weils & Co. ,
tlrbt Knllonal Hunk. ( t H. Insurance Co. ,
fllcor & I'usoy.UunWurs.C. II , tJavlnze Ilank.
18 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , In. , and
1209 S. irti8t.noomlOOnmha.N'eb. !
Hanufiicturor'o Agent for the
Tents , Awniii's. ( Hoofing Slutc , Man
tels , Plato und Window Glass , Show-
Cases. Elevators ( liaml and Jiy-
dratill &c.
II. RICE , M. D. ,
Or other Tumor * removed uillmti
, i,0 knife ordnuvJnif of blooj.
Ov r Ihuty jeara iniicticiilcxerlciic-c
No. 11 I'curl St , Council lltuira.
Iiy Consultation M >
Agricultural Implements ,
Cniilmrrs.rto.rta. Coitnoil niniT * , town.
MII'KO tlio Original mid Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill A Press ,
COItN PIIKM.KIIS AN'I ) rKKD ( t'TTr.ll" .
No ? . IfOl , 15J ) , IMS nnd I/M / ; South Mnlii Street ,
_ Council IliiiffJ. [ own ,
IUA II ) HHADLKV * < _ ' (
Mnnuf'ra iin 1. Jobber * of
Agricultural Implements.Wagons , Buggies ,
CRrrlftfrp . nnd all kind * of Farm Mnolilnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council llluff * ,
_ [ _ AXK JM .VW.KS.
K.o. OI.IUION , T , tl.nnmii.i * , (3 ( o.K Wiu < inr.
1'ies.ATreas. V.-Vrm&Mui. 800 AComuol.
Council BluTs Handle Factory ,
. . ( ItKMrpnnitroU
Manufacturers of A-Op , 1'lck , Sloduo nnd Small
_ Handles , of UVITJdescription. .
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curt Hln Klituroa , UphoNturr ( looJs ,
Etc. No. 05 llromlwar Council f -
i' & MOOKK ,
Wholesale Jobbers In Iho
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nog. 28.\Ialn and 27 I'earl Sis. Council IllulTn ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchaats.
No. lll'e.trl St , Comic. ! ! II 1H.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
ts' Sundries. Kto. No. 13 Midi ) St , nnd
No. 21I'enrl St. , Council Iliulfg.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Gcnural Commission. No. BIJ llrondway ,
Council Illutrs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
NOB. 1(1 ( mid 18 IVail St. , Council
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 416 Di-ond-
way , Council
llnnn'nctnrors of and Wholpsnlo Donlord In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. G25 Main St. . Council HluJd , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and
Nos. UH nnd 3U Hro ilway , Council IlluCfg.
HRAVY yf.tHPir ftK.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council Illndrt , town.
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , yolts , Orcnso nnd 1'ura Council
UIL , &
Wholesale Donlors In
Illuminating & Lubricating 01U
E3TO. , E3TO.
, Council Illiilfs. Towiv
JMUltEll I'lLltfO KTC.
A. OVERTON < te CO. ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling ,
* nd HrldifO ilatorlul Snoclnltloa.Wholoaalo Lum
ber ot all Kinds. Olllco No. 11 Mala tit. ,
Counnll lllulla Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
tor Bt. GottlinnVs Herb Illttora. No. U
JliilnSU Counc-ll llluirg.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Kit UV Main St. . Council H'.ufft.
I i BiniWfial HI U y
Office No. S25 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
u to P. u. in.
a to fi p. in.
7 to it p. in.
Room wo. o.
B9& OL BW n rj = 3D > p1 " \ ,
Kstnldlshcd 1K7
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , oo-iifht nnd soM , at letull and
tn lots. lJir u quantities to tclejl fioin
Ncral pah H of tlnutli Ivors , fclnglo or double.
Council Binds ,
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Iloueo.SIirnand Ucoont Ivo 1'uiutor. Vupler
Wii.lio ( Wnll Orniinioiits.
Ni/ 1 iu but butt Jvna IH < \ 'o > i u i