THE ILY e SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FEIDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1SSG. NUMBER 88 THE SAD SONG OF SOLOMON Lillian Eusscll'a ' Late Husband Sings Be hind too Bow Street Bars. JAILED ON A CHARGE OF BIGAMY Jinlgni In Asks For Turkish Interven tion In Ciiflc ofHusNlnn Occupation \VnrllUe News l < 'rom ' llcrllii Otlicr Foreign Nows. Itlc.imoiiB Kdwnrd Solomon. LONDON , Sept. 2.V-New [ York Herald Cable Special to the BF.I : . ] L'dward Solo mon , Ilka nn unfoitunato chaiactcr In his opcia of " Hlllco Taylor , " Is at bay. I found lilin , mctaphoilcally , singing this afternoon behind the. How slieet bars n new "Miserere. " Ills return was welcomed by n police war rant. This Is how n legal opera opened for thu compowr , much married llku anclcn Solomon , whosebacicil libretto has paitly nerved In oratories. In lb t the modern Solomon omen was nun led hero to Jane Isaacs , who BltiRsIn music halls as Lily Clrey. She was matrimonially referred to in mv cable dis patch of September 7. She U'cenlly received a communication from her husband's solicitors relating to tholr domestic dillicultlus , Her solicitor replied , and approached his solicitors with a view to serve Solomon with a copy ot a peti tion for divorce. It was arranged that ho thould be served , with th < > understanding that she should vote In fa4 , or of her husband's olferat a meetlni : of his credllois under a bankruutcy petition. This bho agieed to , nnd an appointment was madu for this morn- Ing. At noon ho was at her .solicitor's olllcu nt thu appointed time. The wife's solicitor arrived shortly afterward. Solomon was secreted In a room until all the preliminary arrangements had been nude between the legal gentlemen engaged. He was then introduced and was served with the petition nn agreed. MISS. SOLOMON'S cour n'r.TAT. Without the slightest nppichenslon of the Into awaiting him , Solomon Invited her solicitor to luncheon. They went through Turlington gardeds , near tlio Bristol hotel. Detective Drew thereupon stepped up and , touching Solomon on the shoulder , Inquired Ills name. The solicitor answered In Indig nant terms , thereupon ttic detective blew n whistle nnd Mrs. Solomon appeared. She said : "Uc Is my husband. I uivo him Into custody on the charge of bigamy. " Both Solomon and his solicitors protested , requesting that they be shown a wanant , but they were Informed that a warrant was tin- nec.'ssaiy. Them , crestfallen , thu alleged bigamist was marched otf to Bow street , whcroTor some hours ho had an opportunity of considuiIiiK his position In solitude. iy TIIK I'ltlSON Cr.M , . In the cell wheic I met him he said : "This Is nmostciuel nlfalr. i didn't know the woman was In existence not having seen her for ten ycai.s. This Is a case of consplincy , which 1 will show up clearly. I suppose the court room will bo packed , as usual , when a matrimonial sensation Is going on. 1 believe that a technical point -j\liether any ceio- niony In Ameilc.1 would bu legal licie. I be lieve It has bcijn held that a marriage con tracted lu America does not stand good In r.iik'l.ind by solicitors. I will say nothing more. Lillian Knssell Is In California now. " "What was your wlfo when you married lier ? " "She was on the Music hall stage. 1 didn't know that she was nllvo or that there was such a person. " TIIK WOSr.CUTINO I..VDV. In the court I found Lily Grey , a tall , fair young woman and a Jewess. She , was with her mother , who had as determined a look as Mrs. Leonard has been described In the dra matic papers to possess. The mother proveu the marriage. Mr. T. W. lluckloy , who prosecuted for thu family , said that the wit nesses were on their way from Now York to prove the second ceremony , and asked fern n remand , which was given for n week. Mr. Lo Breton , barrister , a brother to Mrs. Langtry. appeared for Solomon , and nskcd for ball , which was allowed In ? 5Q by each of two sureties , which has not yet been furnished. Mr. Lo Iheton expressed surprise at the action of the magistrate , be cause If any bigamy had been committed II wat only the place of the second marriage which had jurisdiction , nnd the English wit nesses should go to America to piovo thu first ceremony nml not these from thu latter country to come heic. AITaJra In Sofia. SoriA , Sept. 'A [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the ] { IR. : ] Tlio Itusslau military nttache.Captaln Saclmrolf , Is maklnc the greatest elforts , direct and Indlieet , to Induce Bulgarian otllccrs to pieparo an en thusiastic reception for General Kanlbars , who Is to reach heio on Saturday. The Bul garian government , on the other hand , In tends to forbid any demonstration of so un- udtialacharactoir The government has sent MadJId Pasha , Turkish delegate , to Constantinople to nsk Turkey to Intervene If Uussln occupies Bul garia. The Itusslan agent has withdrawn from deposit here thu entire funds of the agency hero , amounting to upwaids of one million francs. It HincIlH Llko Gunpowder. , Kept. Si. The Vosslcho Xeltum : says that General Gourkl has ordered eacli bilado In Warsaw and Lhonlaio hold itsell In readiness to start for the south on a dav'f notice. Also , that each biigado hqs been in stnictcd to have four cannons ready foi transportation. Huntlnc Down the rtct > ds. MAimii ) , Sept. 23-General A'lllaeampa , leader of last Snnd\y's Insurrection , was found concealed In a mill near Mobll/os and nnested. A fugitive rebel lieutenant wa identified and arrested as he was In the act ol jnuchaslnsr a railroad ticket at Camposuboo , Brtvcnty.threo Insurgents who liave been hunted down In dltferent sections of the kingdom by loyal troops , arrived as prisoners in Madrid this morning. llolillnu tlio Port. OAIIIO , Sept. 53. Emm Boy , who Is a Ger man , and whoso real namu Is Chmltiler , will : 8,000 Egyptians Is holding Wad > iy , fortj miles south of Gondokoio , ajulnst the hosilk elder. Ho unamtly asks that piovistons be sent to him If possible. The Sleek Old Sultan. COXSTANTI.\OI'I.E , Sept. la. Tne sultan to-day gave an audience to the Duke ol Edinbuish and 1'rluro Gcorgo of Wales. He rrcelvcd Ids visitors most cordially , and con ferred nixm both thu decoration ot the iiu peilal order of Osinatile It Is reported thai the czarewltcu is about to vb It thu sultan , Cholera Atnoujj ho Sold ( ere. UUUAI-KST , Sept , ! O. The cholera ha ! broken out among the soldiers In the Ccntiai bJvirnu'ks hero und a general flight from the city of wealthy Inlsabltaut lms > begun. Look Out tor Storing , For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair Wilei weather. Tim conditions ore favorable foi the formation of sovoiu local storms lo-nigin nd on the 24th In northern Illinois , | oi\ ; toutnern Mlnncbota , eastern Dakota am , Vorlufiu Nebraska. AN ANTMVICTION Alc.xnndcrSnlllvnn l-'ftrorsnn Obstruc tive U'nrln Ireland. CHICAGO , Sent. 23. ( Special TcleRram to , the Hir. : . ] Deferring to newspaper d'S- patche- * from London tint coercive measures for Ireland are Imminent nnd that parlia ment is to pass n now set of resolutions to shut elf obstructive debate , Mr. Alexander SuIlUnn , ex-preildciit of the Irish national league , said this evoiilne that the war of ob struction would be fought In Ireland , not In pnillamcnt , during the coinliu season. Sal- I btiry confessed that obstruction nude the life of a member of paillauient who was on the , government's side a most mis erable one. Henceforth the people must try to make the lives of tlio landlords or representatives of absent landlords as miserable as possible. In his Judgment the league in this country ought to devote Its best clforu to raising hinds to en able tenants to take advantage of usery tech nicality In tcslsttng u\ctlon ! ami to support those who are e\icted. The parliamentary fund he sal-1. Is now laigo enough to enable Mr. I'.T-iell to meet the expenses of at leri t two general election1. When that fund need ] turther suppoit it will ho foithcoming. In the meantime every dollar sent fiom this country should bo sent to aid people In Ite- I.uid in their struggle for their home * . Mr. bidlUan thought meetings of nil leagues should be called and an autl-uvlctlon cam paign ought to be inauitiuated. r xoiuns. Outrageous AVords of Two Loyn lists nt a Uunquct. OTTAWA , Canada , hept. U'l. ISpeclalTele- grain totho Bnr. . ] Tlio tuio mission of the Irish loyal and patriotic delegates Dr. Kane nnd Mr. Smith , became known here last night. At a large banquet of a party of po litical wire-pullers , given to the so-called Irish loyalists ] ) r. Kane praised the domin ion government for having put down the northwest rebellion and for hanging Louis Kiel. "Iieland , " ho said , "was struggling with such a rebellion , and It v > as lor Britain to put down 1'arnell and the I'arnellltes. " Mr. Smith , however , outdid hl compan ion. The local liberal paper , the Free Pie s , had criticised fairly their mission. Smith blackguarded its editor and snceringly pointed to the renresentatlve of the uaper , who sat at the table , angered because ho could Bet a jouinallst , who was coolly reading the paper. Enragea ho kept up this tirade ot abuse , and stated that he could not expect anythinc belter from the reform party. He abused the French population , told stories and ranted In a most inglorious manner about the rogue generals of home rule. The tory leaders here have found that thcv have made a great mistake , and liberal stock has pone up over this hoisting of King Wil liam's tlag over a hundicdfolU. The banquet lasted until an early hour this morning. /V / Tory Vacation. LONDON , Sept. SJ. Salisbury will go to the continent Friday , and Cliambeilaln Satur day. The latter will be accompanied by his brother iiichard , who will icuuin with him until Christmas. Tlio Treaty With Knglnml. OTTAWA , Can. , Sept. 23. Nothing H yet known In olllcial circles heic regarding the alleged now treaty between England and the United States. A rumor has been atloat , however , that auangcments have been com pleted for the Issue of the joint commission to settle the fishery question. The minister ot fustlcc , in speaking of the matter , sau < : " 1 have not heard of It , and my only regret is that matters have not readied tlio state de scribed. The question is still In statu quo. " niSSATlsriKI ) K.VXICEUS. Protest Asninst the Callina ; of the Three 1'crCcRt. Bonds. WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. Inquiry was nmdo at the treasury department to-day in regard to the published statement that na tional banks .are being greatly disturbed by calling In the three per cent , bonds which form the prlucipal basis of their circulation. It was learned that several of these Institu tions have given notice of withdrawal from the system and others are trying to havn their called bonds returned as a basis for cir culation , preferlng to forego the Inteiest al together rather than risk buying tlio four and four and one-half per cents , at tlio present high premiums. It has been held by the treasury department that wnen the bonds cease to bear Intelest they become unavail able ns a basis for circulation. This ruling , however , has lately been contested bv some banks and the question has been referred to the attorney general for his opinion. Until this decision Is rendered the department must , of course , adliuro to Its practice. In many OT-e-t. however , banks whose bonds havoh. ; called are deferring their replacement , ex pecting , apparently , a decision allowing thosn bonds to remain. In the meantime the comptroller of the currency , treasmer and register are so busily engaged with replace ments and withdrawals that it Is not consid ered likelv the department will bo very exact ing with the banks that have failed to .surren der their called bonds. A letter was lecel ved to-day from H leading financier of Now York suggesting that , as an exchange of bonds will lock up a good dcalot money lust at this time when it is In great need In moving crops , etc. , it would not bo well for the cov- cinment to foice the banks beyond a reason able degree of diligence In substituting other bonds for the calU d Us. It Is understood thu question will bu loll open until tlio return of Attoiney General Garland , who Is expected back about the lust of the ui'inth. EX-PIIKSIDHNT AHTIIUH. Condition of His Health-Ills Keturn to Now York. Nuw Yontc , Sept. 2:1. : Kx-Presldent Arthur has decided to leave New London. Ho will return to Now \ oik on Monday and occupy his house on Lexington avenue this winter. Sherman W. Knevols spent Sunday with him at New London. lie says that the gen eral's health does not show any Improve ment , neither can lie Iwcousldciod any worse than when ho left New York. Ho Is cer tainly somewhat thinner and is en n lined to Ills chair the greater part of the time , hut his appearance would not lead n stranger to think him an extremely filckinaii. His skin Is fresh and rosy , as he no longer sutfeis from insomnia. His appn- tltu Is only occasionally capricious , nnd hu is bright and cheerful. Ho takes a lively Inter est , not only in Ids own personal affairs , but In all public ( ] iiestlons ot the day. It Is not expected that lip can engage acthely In busi ness this winter. The Odd Follows. BOSTON , Sept. . SI. The convention of the soNeri'lfe'ii grand lodge I. O. 0. F. was called to order at 10 o'clock this morning , Grand Sim Garrison In the chair. The appeal of Samuel Daniels from the action of the grand lodge of Illinois was dismissed. The grand lodgu refused to make any change In the law regarding dismissals eoitlfleatcs. and lefiisnd to adopt a receipt curd to bo used In place of thucaids now In use. The legislative com mittee recommended n special committee bo appointed to prepare nnd rcpoit at the next session a badw to bo worn in ttio state grand bodlts and lodges. The Sliver Crcok Disaster. BUFFALO , N. Y. , Sept. 33 , The coroner's Jury has tendered two verdicts In tlio inves tigation of the railroad disaster at Silver Creek , on the New York , Chicago * St. Louis ( Nickel I'late ) railroad , bets\cen au excur sion and n local trelcht train. Atter showIng - Ing ihu manner nt the death of the \lctlms thu fury found the collision caused by the neglect of Conductor HarrUon und Engineer Brewer , of the excursion train , to obey or ders given them by the train dispatcher. Four of the Jury disagree with the above and Und that the accident was caused by a mls- iinilci tnndliigof llagoulurs ghen by Flag man licit ! . Harrison , conductor , and liiowcr wen ) arrustiMl after ( he verdict was rendered , charged with manslaughter. UlICALOS DISEASLD U\Yb ) \ , Qoiernor Oglcsby and Many Officials In spect the Animals. ALL ORDERED SLAUGHTERED. TntJy Two Thousand Cattle In footed Other Distilleries to Ho i\nin- I tied nnd I'lcnrn-t'nctimo- nia Stamped Out. Disease In Distilleries. CHICAGO , Sept. a ? . ( Special Telegram to thu UIK. ) ( ifivei nor Dick Oslcsby , wearing a critical look bun I ml liU "specs , " headed the parly of plouio pneumonia experts that took the ic ular dally excursion out tothol'liicnlx distillery this morning to Inspect the cattle there tor traces of the dreaded disease. The governor was accompanied by Dr. Salmon , state \cterlnarlan ; Attorney General Hunt , who came up to discuss the le a ! aspect of the matter ; Dr. Itauch , secretary of the state board of health , who saw In the excursion a good opportunity of Investigating the quality of milk extracteil fiom cows fed on swill and quarteied In bad-smelling sheds , and by Dr. ISobeitson , president of the Iowa state boaul of health ; Dr. Do Wolf , Vetcilnarian Cas- well , Dr. W. O. Baker of Champaign , 111. , Mr. Pearson and Mr. MeCliesney of the state live stock commission. Pearson's streak of economy , which led him to make i o of the North Side street cars to get to the distillery jestciday , vanished this moining In the presence of so much authority , and ho hired tin ee hacks to carry the distinguished visit or ? . The party left the Giand Pa cific at 11 o'clock and got to the distillery a llttlo before noon. A half hour was consumed by the go\ernor In nibbing his rleht ear against the cow's ribs to detect the presence of some tlaw in the lungs , and In scraping small spots of swill from his fall overcoat , and then the crowd adjourned to sco a sick cow despatched by Dr. Baker. The governor shuddered as the animal kicked In her last struggle for life and cast her fast-glaring eye on him lu mute appeal. But when the doctor dragged thu ungsoutand sliced thorn up , the governor pa/ed on the moist chunks with the Inteiest of an old expert in animal diseases. All thu doctors agiced that the animal had a splen did case ot plemo , and Dr. Uobuitson took n slice of the light lung away with him to show the Iowa people what kind of a breathing apparatus the Illinois cattle have. After this examination the excursionists dioyo over to the Shufeldt distillery to make an inspection tlii'ip The visit of Dr. Rauch Is looked upon with suspicion by milkmen , as It is feared he will make n report to thu boaid lecommunding the stoppage of the sale ot milk I mm dis tillery cows. Dr. Kauch took possession of the I'lucnlx about twelve yeans azo , ns he savs , because of the filthy condition of the stables. He would not say to-day whether the stables aio any cleaner now than they were at the tiuio men tioned. Ho also lofused to tell what ho in tended to do with refeienco to the milk ques tion. Tlio milkmen aic still protesting - oiously against the condemning ot the nni- maK Ono of them this morning objected to the doctors "making any experiments" with his cows , and ho looked with stloomy disfavor on the governor in his act of testing the les- pliatlon of thu brutes. He was told that ho would be paid for all the cows killed and his wi.xth subsided. Another milkman last night got his cow out of quarantiuo and , eluding tlio sheriff , swam it across tlio river behind a boat. But the cow was unable to land on the other side , and after repeated efforts to get a foothold on the dock , sank back into a watery giave , leaving the owner to mourn her loss. Tlio state live stock commission held a long meeting with closed doois this attcrnoon and evening , and discussed the disposition of the cattle aflllcted with pletiro-pneumonia In Chicago distilleries. Governor Oglesby , Attorney General Hunt and Dr. Kauch , ot the state board of health , took part in thopio- coedlngs. Veterinarians Salman. Casewall. Hughes , Baker , Murray , Atkinson , and the Iowa state veterlnailan were present. J. 13. Sherman , president of the live stock ex- chanire , Elmer Washburn and the exchange attorney , Mr. Coy , also attended the session. The latter three gentlemen admitted that whether tlio sickness was contagious plcuro- pneumonia , as the veterinarians had all de cided , or something else , it was unquestiona bly a dangerous disease und one that should bo exterminated at all ha/ards. They agreed with the board and veterinarians that the only safe thing to do would bo to destroy all the animals that had been exposed or were ntfected. It was proposed that a post mortem examination on napfi animal should be held , and these found to be healthy should fco 8 M for beef. The representatives from stock yards strenuously opposed his proposition. They said they would not allow the exposed cattle to bo placed on the maiket either on hoof or as beef. The live stock interests of the west weio too great and widespread to be so jeep ardised. Humors would soon be cast abroad that diseased meat was ollercd for sale in Chicago. The eastein and foielgn trade would surely suffer. Canneis would not daio handle beef , as a largo part of their trade was with foielgn countries and they would not take the risk of having edicts Is sued by other nations pioliibitlng the Im- poitatlon of American canned beef. Tim sale ot healthy caicasses mlcht also give nn oppor tunity for the disease to spread and become a standing irenace to the gieat cattle inter ests ot the During the discussion it was developed that should the cattle now under quai- antino bo slaughtered and either actuated or sent to rondel Ing establishments , ( lie expense would probably reach S10J.OOO. An addi tional S50.0X ) would bo icqulred to replace the sheds If burned. To cover this outlay of MSO.uoo there Is only available an appropria tion ot Sf'J.OOO. Governor Oglesby stated the sum In hand could bo exhausted and hu felt confident the balance could be depended on from thu next It was finally decided that nllthecattlo now quarantined in the l'hu > nlx nnd Shu feldt distilleries , numbering ' . ' ,000 head , should bo slauglitcied. Tno-hQaid was In doubt whether ( hero wcroanycasvsDf-plcurO' pneumonia in thu Chicago and Kmplro dis tilleries , but It was determined that it , on ex amination by thu mt-mhers to-monow , thcie shall prove to bo a single case of the disease | u either , all the animals exposed will bo slaughtered. When the Conference closed Chairman IVaison said : "I'ost moitem examinations will bu held on the animals slaughtered and well cattle will bo appraised. It is estimated the a\erago appraised value will bo Sin a head. It is not acculcd whether the car- passes ot well cattle will bo sold in tlio mar kets or rendering establishments. Dr. Sal * moil nssmes us that the national govern ment will contribute toward compensating the owners. Congress will bt obliged , how ever , to pass a law permlttlnu such appro priation fiom the government except for slaughtering animals in states having no au thority to slaughter them. " Polled With Hailstones. MADISON , \\'ls. , Sept. 2.5. A heavy hall storm passed over this city and surrounding country caily this morning , riddling tobacco leaves In many fields which remained unhar- vested. Some of the hailstones picked up at the Washburn observatory measured five Inches in clicnmference. Shade trees' were badly damaged. Hundreds of birds were killed , and about' eight thousand panes of glass wcio smashed , chiefly In ereenhouscj ana photograph studios. The stoim'a approach preach WES heralded by heavy , rumbling sounds and tntensu heat , and fears of a tor nado were so general that hundreds of fami lies fled to the cellars. MiuyAVKEK , Sept , 'J3. A terrific thunder storm , accompanied with hall , swept over this city about 7:80 this morning. Uaiu fell very heavy , and during Its prevalence the heavens were almost as dark as night. The house of Itobt. S. Arthur was badly wrecked by a thunderbolt , and Mrs. Arthur dangerously injured. S M1OUTY An A cod IlARcnl Skips the Country Ono Million Dollars Ahead. Ilnrtford'a Mighty Swindler. IlAiiTPoni ) , Conn. , Sept. 23. [ Special Tel egram to the Bun. ] Great excitement pre vails here over the rtifeaverlos regarding the affairs of the Charter Oak Life Insurance company. Since the re-organization of the company when It was In trouble some years ago with Gco. M. Bartholomew 50,000,000 had been paid back to policy-holders. Mr. Bartholomew Informed the directors that his accounts wcro short 5127,000 and on this account the appointment of a receiver was applied for. Other deiienciea In his accounts are lepoitcd , hut no statement Is yctnbtaln- able. Bartholomew left the city Saturday aftcinoon and Is reported to bo In Montreal Jlo has boon in business hero for fifty years. Ho was ono of the city's most lestiected citizens and was connected with Its most important business cnterpilscs. The present condition of affairs Is creating the greatest sensation over known hero In business circles. He was a very large borrower and had the highest credit. At one time ho indorsed tor Hut Charter Oak company totho extent of § 500,000 to carry it over a hard place when no one else was ready to help it. lie has been considered very successful In its manaL'ciiiL'iit until this condition of affairs developed. Among other positions which Bartholomew held ncio wcio the following : Director < if the Amcilcan National bank. Harttord ; Steam Boiler and Inspection nml Insurance company : Oilental Flie Insurance company ; llol > uke Water Power company , of which hu was piosldsnt : It ait foul Slltc company and Union Manufac turing company. Bartholomew was also director in the insane retreat and In the llaitford hospital , and treasurer of the Watklnson library. Ho was vlce- pies'dent of State Savings bank and member of the corporation of Trinity college. He Is indebted to the llolyoko water power com pany , t > ut Insldeissav tuo company Is fully piotected. Among some of the silk com pany's paper , with His Indorsement Is ? : > GO.- 000 , and of the Union company 5150CCO , al ready Known. His own Individual paper is out and also the paper of his son's indorsed by himself for a considerable sum , but the amounts arc not vet known. Bartholomew is seventy jeais old nml has been In business in Hart- torn slncn Ib3'2. He was supposed to have largo property though it was not in sight. Ills business judgment was much sought and hu rcndoied main valuable servlco gratui tously. Some banks refused his paper because of his reticent mauner.nut It Is estimated that held lu Hartford and much else where. Ills put , at over S1,000OJO , but no one knows thu exact amount. Ho will bo Lo tlirown Into Insolvency to-day , thus re moving the attachment , and prior claims. So far as teamed , SiifiO.OOO ot the Hiutford silk , S'-'OO.OOO of Union , S'MO.OOOof the Scliuylcr Klcctilc Light , a considerable amount ot Carter Oak , ami S100.000 ot Holyokc Water Power company's papci have come to light in uianj dilfcient scUoirs of llio country. It is fcarect all the local affairs In which he held positions of trust will also suffer heavily. Ni.w YOP.K , Sept 21 The Post's special fiom Harttord , Conn. , siys : "It is now stated on good aothortity that George M. Baitholomow lias been lubb'ing the companies In which he Is interested for several years. The first Intimation 'that this was a a fact was the statement made by a fiiend ot T. K. Pumkett. to tire effect that Bartholo- inen was the cause oMds downfall. When Plunkett's father died , the son was lott STO.UCO. He invested It with Bartholomew. It all went. PlunUott , theiefoio , In duced Bartholomew to put l.Is name to n lunro amount , and when thus secured ItO turned about and left tlio latter in the. lurch. The auditor ot the Charter Oak Life Company Is severely crit icised for allowing 51-T.OOO of the fund * to bo lost. Many ulty banKy-nolil Bartholo mew's paper , iu.-auliMs said amounting to S' The Schuylcr Electric Light company will probably lose neaily two hundred thousand dollai.s , and will decide at a meeting to-day what action is to bo taken In the future. Bartholomew's son I on the vcrgo of bank ruptcy anil will suspend to day. Pielimlnary proceedings were taken this morning in thu probate court on motion ot the Phoenix National hank , which has a claim of 510,000 , to put Georiro M. Bartholo mew in Insolvency. Tim court fixed next Wednesday lor action. Tills is done to dis solve prefcicnccs and attachments. DKSTRUOTltK I-itGIITMNG. Oil Wells and Tanks nt Lima , O. , Struck nnd Burned. LIMA , 0. , Sept. 31 This morning at 7 o'clock the city was startled by a terrific clap of thunder. In a few' minutes black clouds of smok'o wcro seen rolling up from one of the oil wells on the BrethcrtQii land. The fire nt once communicated with the { auk and in a few minutes all was on lire. At the same time the gas In a tank 300 yards west Ignited the wells. All the machinery , tanks and about twenty-four hundred Inrrcls of oil were consumed. At 1 o'clock the derrick ol of the gas works oil well was stiuck , con suming the entire structure , machinery and tanks and 1,200 barrels of oil. This well is adjoining the gas orks , which at ono time weio in great danger , but the gas works and all the machinery connected therewith weio saved. Thu railroad bildgo was on liio sev eral times. cau ed by the oil running down , but was sivcd without much damage. About that time high columns of black smoke were seen southward fiom tlio city. Five wells are reported struck by lightning Ho lo No. 2. Shockoy , McLaln , Uolmcs and Bowman. Bain has been , falling in torrents. Tlio tlinn- dei nnd lightning exceeded anything ot the kind known here. The loss to oil men thus far Is estimated ut g25.000. Hvploslon ol'Glnnt Powder. SAN FUANCISCO , Sept. 23. A tenifie explosion - plosion at the giant iwwder woiks near West Berkley Is just reported. A hundred pound' of gun cotton and nitroglycerine exploded nt the works. Two Chinamen wcio killed. The damage to property Is slight. An Incendiary F vs. Sinr.nvviLi.K. : 111. , Sept. 2H. A dlsastious Hie In thobuslncns pait of the city bioku out at 2 o'clock this uioriilni ; , and obtained full headway before any ( ire company arrived. The file was finally got under control aftet burning several stores. The total loss is about 55,000 , insurance about the same. The tire Is believed to .bo the work of an Incen diary , and W.'B. .Leothan Is in custody , charged \ > Ith the crime. Diislnecs 'Failures. NEW YOIIK , Sept. i 23.-Clmrles A. W. Ileinmann , petroleum ] broker , made an as signment to-day to Stephen K. Reynolds , with preferences amouptilig to 53,600. J , M. Mooie&Co. , bioker" , j lso assigned to-day to It. Cassluy , with Si : ! 000 preferences. As signee Cassldy thonglit the liabilities and assets of the nrm would be about even. Ho also stated the failure \j-as caused by unsuc cessful speculations. ' NKW YOIIK , SI/PU / 2 ? , Charles A. W. Her man , Importer and iU-iicr ! in chemicals and drugs nt No. 10 Cedar street , made an assign ment to-day. The liabilities are supposed to beo\erSliaooo. Crushed uyia'l''alllnc Wall. Qt'ixcv , 111. , Sept. 2 . [ Special Telegram to the BKK. ) A horrfblo accident occurred in this city yesterday afternoon , by which two men were lustafitly killed , and three others injured , ono oCtltem probably fatally , bo'no time ago thu Center mill burned , ami the brick walls were loft standing , A party of colored men were 'tearing down the old walls yesterday , when Mr. Hodnoy Lambert , a wealthy and prominent clti/en and well known business man , In company with his aged father , went tctho burned mill on busi ness. While standing Tifir ono of the wall ; where the colored men were working , the wall suddenly tell. Mr , Kodney Lumber ! and a colored man , named Douglas 'ivere burled beneath thu fallen wall" ana both in Btautly killed. A colqicd man named Bassctl was also fatally iujuivd , aud another coloieil man end Mr. Lambert , sr. , were badli In jured. t M MT rPI HP pnnnTii t Tinr\ i\N \ OLD CAME FRUSTRATED , Three "Agents" Attempt to Have Forged Checks Oashed nnd Tail. ONE OF THE SHARPS CAPTURED A MnrxnalUmvn Man Kilted I5y n Chestnut Itcports of Successful Country ralrs Ncxva of Ne braska nnd town. "WholcsHlo Forgers Foiled. WAIIOO , Neb. , Sept. y\ [ Special to the Bii.J : : To-day three unknown , well-dressed parties , claiming to represent the Mutual Beuclit Insurance company , attempted to dispose to the banks of a largo lot of notes on the substantial farmers of the county. N. Kosengron , whose name was attached to ono of the notes , was In town and was seen and promptly pronounced the note a forgery. A scheme was laid to bag all thrco of the scoundrels but they not wind of It and en deavored to escape. Two of them succeeded in reaching a biurgy they had hitched In the outskirts of town nnd dro\c lapldly In thu dliectlon of North Band , while the third was captured and is now in custody awaiting a preliminary examination. A POSMI Is scour- lug the country In pursuit of the fleeing foigcrs. The one In custody refuses to talk. llneo Fair Attractions. Pi. vrTMtotTir. Neb. , Sept. 23. [ Special Tclegiam to the UKB.JThe third day ot the Cass county fair was an unqualified success. The crand army posts had charge of the day ami thu veterans and their families were out In force and enjoyed a pork and bean picnic In thogio\e wlthl'n the fair grounds. Fully 5,000 people were In attendance. The races were the finest ever witnessed at a county fair , Kitt B. winning the ' -M5 trot in three straight heats. Time-2:4 > f , 2:41 : , 2:44f. : Honesty won the free for alt pace. Time-2.r : % U:30 : > , ' , 2:4 . Madison won thorunninc race , mile heats. Time 1:53. : 1:51 : Jf , i:5ljf. : Tlio speed programme to-morrow will at tract the attention of all admirers of .this sport. The free for all trot will bo hotly con tested. Professor Fisk will give two balloon ascen sions , onu in the toienoon and one lu thu afternoon. Vim AVycIc at Oakland. OAKLAND , Neb. . Sept 23. iSpeclal Tele gram to the BKK.J Senator Van Wjck and lady aiilved on the north bound train at 11 o'clock this moining and were met by the Tekamah band and escorted to the Cential hotel by A. P. Job , president of the agricul tural society , where they were pleasantly en tertained until 1 o'clock. The senator was then escorted to the fair pounds , wheie awaited fully 5,000 people. His arrival was gieeted with shouts and cheers , tlio cordiality with which lie was iCLehed fully demon strating that he is tlio people's choice. For one hour ami a half hu held tlio attention of tlio vast audience. The signs of approbation of what ho said were on cveiy countenance. Dming his masteily speech hu was applauded many times , and thiee cheers weie given him at the close. Thp. Fair at Broken Ilo\v. HIIOKEX Bow , Neb. , Sept. 2J. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : . j Another day of the falrlms seen a very largo crowd , every avail able accommodation in the city being taken up byylsitois. .TJiQ racesweio _ _ partic.ulaily line. andTflsoTlTe music , /which Is , furnished. by the Broken-Boy ' cornet balurt1On6 of 'tlio prominent members of the band is a lady. To-moriow will bo closing day , and tlio at tractions will bo unusually fine. So far the success of the lair has surpassed the expecta tions of the most sauuuluc of our citizens. Tcnipcrnnco Talk nnd Work. Cor.UMiius , Neb. , Sept. 2 : ) . [ Special Tele gram to the BEI : . | Temperance woikcrs are creating cousideiable enthusiasm in this city lately. The eloquent lecturer , C. J. Hall , closed a series ot largely attended lectmes last nlclit. * The district convention , W. C. T. U. , closed a three days' session last night. A largo delegation luprescntlm : seven coun ties was present. It adjourned to meet In David City in December next. Water's Great Fnir. WiniMNf : WATEII , Neb. , Sept. 23. - [ Special cial Tolegiain to the BF.J : . ] The Weeping Water fair Is the best ever held In the county. Six thousand people wcio on the grounds tc-tktiv. T\\o thousand entiles have been made. The exhfbTF Of fiult and farm pro ducts exceeds the state fair. Exciting chariot and othei races are held each day. General Ilnwkoyc Itnlly. DBS MOIXDS. la. , Sept. 2.5. [ Special Tele- ( rraarto the Br.K.J The republican campaign was opened to-day with largo and enthusias tic meetings In every congressional district of the state. Ex-Governor Gear spoke on na tional Issues ut K.iinicld. EvGoveinor Klrkwood was1 given a gieat reception at Das'enport , wheie the Klrkwood club of 200 solid business men escorted him to tlio hall. He created great enthusiasm and was follow ed by ex- Senator Bills. Colonel Henderson electiilied the re publicans of the Second dlstilct at Waverly , and Secretary of State Jackson spoke In the evening amid great enthusiasm. A lint * rally was held at Klkader , where CongiC'js- man Fuller suoko for the Fourth district. Hon. Daniel Kerr Bpokn to an enthusiastic audience at Cedar Itaplds. lion. John A. Donnell , republican candidate for conurcss in the Sixth dlstilct , cxroscd the hypociisy of Weaver's iccoid , and made a captivat ing speecli at Ottumwa. Major Conger spoke for the Seventh at Wlntcrsett. beuator Wilson and Colonel Hepburn made powerful speeches to 2,000 people at Bcdtoid. in the Eighth dlstilct , Malor Lynmn and Attorney General Baker addiesscd a lousing meeting at Stuart for the Ninth. Governor Larrabi'O discussed the Issues and Mayor Holmes btlried up Cleveland's veto of the Des Molnes river laud bill at a splendid meetIng - Ing at Webster City in the Tenth district. while Congressman Strublu and John Dicn- nan iccuived a treat ovation at the Eleventh district meeting at Sioux City. Republicans everywhere are jubilant. Killed by a Clirntnnt. MA.HSIIAI/I row.v , la. , Sept. tfJ , ISpt-clal Tclesiam to the BKK. ] A team dilven by hamiiel Purcell , an old resident , 71 jears of age , became frlchtoned at a pirado of Me- Fadden's "Undo Tom's Cabin" company , yesterday afternoon , throw him out , the wagon falling on him , Injuring him fatally , Ho died during the night. The manager and members of the company were anestnl on a suit for damages , but haying nothing but donkeys , dogs and stage pioneity were 10- Icused and will give a benefit performance Tuesday night. Purcell leaves a family. The Laglo Grove defeated the Marshall ball club In thu third gaunt of the r-erles. IS to 8. Minerva l-armem' fair this afternoon Is be ing addi eased by Dollher , i'ivo thousand people are piesent , A Urnkoiniiu Hun Over. NEW UAMITO.V , la. , Sept. 2J.--Speclal [ Telepram to the BEE. ] Andiew Peterson , brakeman on the Minnesota & Northwestern railroad , was run over at this place to-day , His leg was crushed and heiecelved other personal Injuries. DubiKjiio DdtH. Dt'ncquE , la. , bept. 2J. ( Special Tele gram to the BIK. ] Lawrcuco Mai S ton's Dally News company played at the opera house last nlsht. The three principal mem bers quit to-day. The company U con EC- qi-ontly unable to fill an eniiasjemunl at Wa terloo to-night. The manager and other actors ut noon attempted to force the * ecede to if join , One of the < oeedcrs drew a re- volvernnd the nnnascr loft searching for a a pot Iceman. The steamers and barges thus far have failed to move the i'io'nl onelno whlcli fell into the river from tlio bridge last week. Young Tony I'lllTer's trial for tlio murder of old Patrick Harrington last . ! nl > is protnoss- Ing. Piilfer's telatlvcs remain away from the com t room. Conviction Kanllcipatcd. Klopcincnt nnd Marriage. Cr.nvn UAIMIX , la. , Sept. 23. [ Special Telegram to the Ur.t : . ] The sixteenoarold daughter of Lovl Ladd , of Traer , has eloped with n dentist of Dysart , and they wcro mauled. The girl Is of a line family. Fire at Ottuimvn. Orrt'MWV , la. , Sept. 'i' ) . [ Special Tele gram to the l Ki.l : A largo b rn on the county faun binned last night , and a lareo amount of hay and o.\ts were consumed. It was Insured for Sli7S. : Thc.Hns-0 Hall Uccord. AT Dr.Tt'.oiT Detroit . 0 0303 0 r. Chicago . 0 0001 1 2 Game called at the end of MMU Inning. Base lilts-Detroit 7. Chicago n. Pitch ers Baldwlunnd Claiksou. Kuors Detroit i ; , Chicago U. Umplie Powers. AT BAI.TIMOIIK Baltimore . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 : t Cincinnati . o o 0 0 3 o o- : i Seven Inning * on account of narliiicss. Base hits llidtlmoie 2 , Cincinnati 4. Kuors Baltimore 2 , Cincinnati I. Pltchcis- Klhov and Pechlney. AT NEW YOIIK Metropolitan . 0-12 Louisville . 0 1 0 C 0 2-3 Base hits Louisvillu 4 , Metropolitan 12. Eriors Louisville 2 , UmpireValentine. . AT N'r.w YOIIK Brooklyn . o o t 0 0 0 l o o2 Pittsburg . 2 0030120- 8 Base hits Hiooklyn 0 , Plltslmru 0. Errors Brooklj n 5 , Pittsburg 1. Umphe Kelly. AT PmiAuit.i'iiiA Athletics . 0 2 4 0 0 0 ! 0-1. St. Louis. . , . 2 0000031-0 Base lilts-Athletics 12 , bt , Louis r. . Errois - -Athletics- . St. Louis 7. Pitch-ers- Matthuwsaud Hudson. Umpire Yoik. Ar ST. Louis St , Louis . 0 00000 1 10-2 Kansas City . 2 00000 100-3 Base hlts-Sr. Louis 5 , Kansas City 10. Eirors St. Louis 5 , Kansas City 3. Pltchcis1 Keiby and Whitney. Umpiie Quest. Ar Pnii. VDEI.PIIIA Philadelphia . 0 10000101 3 Washington . 0 10000000 1 Base hits-Philadelphia 0 , Washington 4. Errors-Philadelphia 1 , Washington S. Um piie Fulmer. AT Uosro.v To-dixy's game between New York and Boston postponed on account of rain. Jockey Cluh Ilncen. ) , Sept. 2.J. Three-quarters mile : Climax won , Burck st.oiul. Time 1:17. : 1:17.One One and one-eighth miles : Pcttlcoit won , Ilermitaso second , Pasta , third. Time l:5S3-G. : Three-quarters mile : Bessie June won , Montiosu second , Matins third. Time 1:17. : One and oneiit.ii tor miles : Ferona won , Aretino second , O'Fallon thlid. Time > ; . One and one-eighth miles : Baruiim won , Eikwood second , .Millie third. Time l : . " > TJf. Three-quaiti'in'mllo : Hopeful won , King Ailhur Sicond , Fiollc thlid. Tlmo 1:57X. : Coney Island BKIGHTON- u n , Sept. 23. Three-quar ters mlle : Bclluna won , Itutax second , Tem- ploCioss thlid. Time 1:15".J. Seven furlongs : Aglncourt won , Amber sccondrW-.rrcnLowis tlHrd. Thpjs- H. * Sevoi\-jiilr \ ; > n ? ! : < . vWandFro&.won/'Buil- field Srcqndriitilatlon ( ) : thlid. Tlmo 1 : 5. One mile : Ilotbox won. Big Head second , Blue Pctei thiid. Time l:4S f. Ono mlle : LU/io Walton won. Baser second end , Glendon tliiid. Tlmo l:4SJf. : Seven finlougs : Jim Douguss won , Treasmer second , Commodoio thlid. Time Dakota Kopulilic.inB. ST. PAUL. Sept. 23. The Pioneci Pi ess' Yaukton , Dale. , special says : Delegate Gifford - ford was icnomlnated by acclamation in tlio republican tcrrltoiial convention this after noon. Gilgsby , of Mlnnehaha , made tlio nomination , whlclfWas seconded by Allen , ot Cass , nnd Fowler , ot rcnnington. The plat form dechues unwavering suppoit ot the pilnclplesof the icpubllcau paity , demands en behalf of botli Indians and citizens immediate ! reduction ot all Indian icsorvations In the territory , denounces the failure of the democratic house to pass the Dawes' bill for the openIng - Ing to settlers ot a portion of the Sioux res ervation , ehatecteil/ing Commissioner Sparks as grosely of the character ot the people ot thu northwest , and his statement that ( K ) per cent of the public land entiles weie fraiirtulunt. Is Insnii'Ou by Icno- tanco ami mallco ; denounces Picsldunt Cleveland's veto of tlio pension bills , ox- juesscs. sympathy with Ii eland , and declar ing for division and admission of South Da kota. Central and Northern Dakota men tried to have u resolution requiring the ques tion of division and admission submitted tea a vote of thi ! people , but thu resolution was passed as above. IT niUJl'PEI ) . The Elevator of the Oinnlia National Hunk Jumps u Story. Last oveniiifr , about 5:30 : o'clock , the elevator in thu Omahn National Imuk , when making a descent from the top story , dropped from the second to the lirst floor. There wore thrco tolfgniph operators in it .it tlio time ; , two of them being ladles , Mi < u Tlmln and Miss Rhodes , the third being Air. James C'luto. The elevator has been in a poor condi tion for several days back , and , this mornin < r , was known to act badly , ruis- in" its' loads only with dllllcnlty beeanso of its leaky condition. The cause of the drop , it is presumed , was the leaking of the water on a sudden which allowed the cab to fall , crushing in tiio floor and shaking up the occupants to n rather alarming extent. None of thorn , how ever , was seriously injured. On a Lonjj Journey. There passed through the city yester day a little iSwcdo girl from her native- country on a journey to the homo of a rich uncle in ( iunnison , Colo. She was only nine years of age , was without money and had boon hulpod from Nc\v York by a gentleman named Christian- sun. nor name is Hilda Jlilbrock , and tlio fact of lior being deformed nmdo her look like the smallest traveler who ever took such a journey comparatively speak ing alone , nt FY rt Jjeavemvorth. The division competition olo-ed at Fort Leavcnworth with the following results of tlio twelve for the division team : The I'iutto got 3 , Texas 2 , Dakota a , Missouri 4 , each department getting its proportion except Dakota , it using ono which Mis souri got. For the army team the follow ing was the quota from each department ; Dakota 2 , Texas 1. PJatto 3 , and Missouri 1 , aud the following gained ; Dakota 0 , Texas 1 , Platte ! . ami Missouri 2. The PJatto came head of thu list. For the di vision team are Liuutunant KCIT , No , 1 , tliirt.v-oni ) points ahead of anyone , Lhm- tenant Torrny and Sergeant .Stuyuns. For left marksmen shooting nuxt yi < ar will bo at UoKovtio. Our boys Imvo Uono well. KNIGHTS IN GRAND PARADE St. Lonia Treated to an Imposing Spcct ( iclo By the Templars. A HOT TIME FOR THE M RCH. The Ornnd nncniiiitncnt Selects Us OfllcoM nnd Trntmnot4 Much Huslnc * * Ad Inurnment to Ho Had To-dny , The Kti lcl t Tpinjilnr Conclave. ST. Lorts , Sept. 13Tho crowds to see tlio pand parade , which was postponed lioiu Tuestlay. anil which takes place to-day , were on the stiects rally , but weio much smaller than nuy previous day this week. The mornIng - Ing broke clwu and warm. Last night's and tills moinlng tialns carried a\\ay many knights and visitors , although the exodus was not sutlleientlj lai.oto diminish the crowds very much which thronged the line of march. The weather was very hot for the parudr , with only n slight brec/e. All members of thecommander-ln-chlef's t > tan" were on hand and but few changes In the ordinal pro- Rrnntino were inado necM aiy. The rank and HIo comprised loss knights than would have formed in line had the j > iratio occnned when Hist adveitl i'd , hut neatly pvoryi commandery announce ! to paitlclpatc was I luprcscntu'd. Some slight ehanu's had boon made In the aheady ptofuso decorations , and ' these damaged by bad weather Tuesday liau been lesloied. Tlmdilfciunt command- eiiesweio prompt In their movements , ami i lepoited at thelriondozvous bufoio thu hour announced. At It o'clock the procession slatted. Scores of stands hud been erected on vacant lots and in fiont ot buildings who e fionts WMO some distance fiuin llio street line , and I thi'so weie ciowded. Tlio procession was I headed by n platoon of mounted police , and presented an imposing appearance. < Tiie lirst tu the olghth divisions , Inclusive , were madu up from eastern , Eouthcin and middle state cnmuiandcilcs. Ninth di\islon , commanded by C. II. Den ning , Cairo. 111. : Apollo No. 1 , Chicago : Bi'lvldeic No. 'J , Alton. 111. ; Kllwood No 0 , Sprlnglleld , 111. ; Dcuumaioir No. t > , Decatur , 111. : Ottawa No. lu , Ottawa , III. : Cairo No. Cniio 111. Goiin Xo. 14 111. 111. 1J * . , * - * . , Vj , I LI ; ! > . . „ ! . T. . - . . . . I 111 , . Oliicy 111.1 . , . „ V x ; . . _ _ It > kj I * 1 r _ . . Tenth division , commanded by K. C , Stacker , Illinois : .St. Kernard. Chlcauu , III. ; ( iodficy do Boiillou. No. 44 , Mattoon , ill. ; Althstene. No. 4' . . Danville. III. : Delta. No. 4i Clavton , III. : Tnncred , Xo. ft'J , Uelloville , 111. ; Constantine , Xo. 51 , Lincoln , 111. ; Siloam , Oak 1'aiK , III. ; Klaksa , No. 65 Qiilncy , 111. Twelfth division , conmnudcd bv M. B. Di'indcll , Wisconsin : Clnppmvn No. b , Knu Olaire , Wls. : combined comm.induiies of and Mississippi. Tlihteontli division , Lommanded by Win. A McGrow , giand commander of iowa : St. . . i * t iiiii/t t iirii t i i ii.Miiiv ; > A.I v u't vi ill vJ\tLj To-n.ght the Knights divided their time br- t\\n > n uatchlni ; the tiades display and at tending receptions held by various com- manduili" ) . The tiaites display \\as gotten up on a magniliceiit scale , but its elttctcs somewhat mailed by the penerul Illumina tion of the stiects along the Hue of mnich. To-mouow will bo thu last day of the con clave piopoivtMenibersiof the grand nncamji- mentsay they will Miielv finish the business bcfoio them during the day. and some of the moro sanguine piedict adjournment after the limning session. Alicady many knights aio . leaving the city , and the exodus to-monow will boeiy notlcable. At ihei knights' grand rncampmcnt mett- Ing jestoiday , the icport of the committee on ciedentlals was i efei red ; back to tlio coin- in I tree tor coirectlons. The lugiots of the Charleston commandi'iy wore lead and the attention of the commltteo of llnancc called to the deplorable condition of theli brethren In that city. The report of the committee on juiisprudunco icgaidlim coitain amemlmenta was read and spread upon the minutes. The amendment to stilko out of thu vow of olllce the wmds "and eodo ot stat utes" was lost. The proposition to change tlio quallilcatlonB for membership In the order of knighthood laid upon the tnblo. Tlio amendment to change the clause ot the constitution empowering the crand encamp ment to designate the time and place of thu next encampment by substituting "Tho encampment shall be held in the City of Washington. I ) . C. , In the month of Decem ber , at such time In said month as the grand master may dictate , " was voted down "by a largo majority , us also the iiioposltlon to abolish the parade and make the grand en campments puiely business. The grand encampment met long after the time announced for their assembly till * monilng , but transacted but little business. The election of t > nicers was thcilrst business In order. Sir Knight Cliarica Jt'iome , of New York City , was clcfted eminent grand mas ter. and Kir Knight John 1' . S. Cabin , oif Lebanon. 1'a. , was elected to till the Vacancy caused by the foimei's promotion. Itoheit Enoch Withers , most eminent grand master , was mcsent , but his health simply allowed him to sin lender the Insignia of ollice with out making n ictlrlng speech. A recess was then taken to penult thu members to take part In the paiade. At the afternoon fpssion Knight Hiigli Mc- Cuidy of Coiunna , Midi. , was made grand tronciallsslmo ; Sir Knight Wiurcn Laruo Tnomas , LouUville , grand captain I'cnernl ; Kir Knight II. H. Llojd , San Francisco , se nior waiden ; Sir Knl nt 11. II. Stoddard , Texas , junior \\aiden ; Sir Knight II. W. Lyons , Connecticut , irtand tieasurcr : Sir Knight W. B. Isaacs , Wisconsin , giand ro- coidcr. The appointed olllcirsii ; be an nounced to-morrow bj Grand Master Itoomo elect , lu many cases contests were noted for the various olllci's , and nuineioiis ballots were ncwisaiy to uui\e at nn election. All the standing committees innorted and thulr reports \\eio appiovcd. The committees on ritual nnd location of permanent encampment lepoit to-monow. An Oinnlin Woman D ( stropped. CnicAfio , Kept , ax [ Special Telegnim to the Urr..J "I'll stay right hero 'till Ulna my husband , if I novrr sue Omaha again , " cried a good looking young woman , who i-at In thollairlson succt police station today , and ho bun led her face In tier handkerchief and talked between sobs. Thestoiy she re lated to the police was that she with her hus band , Geort'o Henry , left their faun , thrco miles west of Omaha , last Thursday , nnd came to Chicago to 1,0 on the "Big Boston" exclusion. ( Jeorgo put his wife on the ex cursion train Saturdaj anil then went out of thu Deaiboin station , When hu n-turuedtho train and his wlfu had both gone. Slib got otf this side of Still v\ ell nnd waited until Sunday , when she ii'culved a dlxpatch telling her to come to Chicago and lici husuand would meet her at the tialn. bho aiilved heiuKunday night nnd has been searching for her truant George over since. Her money has now run out and hho will lm\e to lemala at the station until her husband Is JouiicJ. It end y Tor os , Sept. 23. The president was not very busy ii--day. lie iccclvcd a few callers , among them i'crl r , nsalntant secretary of state , accompanied by Jf v. Henry W , White , of London , chaplain to the queen , General Btuui , acting secretary of war , and Senator Hansom. The usual Thuisdav cabinet meeting was omitted , and Instead the pieshlunt diovu to his rountiy residence , accompanied by Mis. Cleveland and Mis , KoUom. Acting Secretary Fair * child called at the White liouso diiiing tlio pri'sldcnt's absence. Tlio president will ri > sumo the routine of his otllchtl and social duties to-moirow uioinlng. These will lu- cluduniecc'ption to thu general public in the aileriioon at 1 o'clock for the purpoao of allow 111 ; ; stranrcih in the city to pay their ifspii't > - . oniciall ltors will be receive