THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 23. 1880. 5 SPECIAL NOTICES AdrertKcmonts under IhH lie d , 10 cunts per V line lor the first ln crtion , 7 cents Tor cncli sJb- tcqucml Insertion , nnil $1.60 n tlno ) > cr month No ndvcrliecinont taken for less thnn 2fi cents for tlio tlrst Insortion. Boven words will bo counted to the line : they mutt tun coni-ecu- tlvoly nnd mint bo pnld in mlrnnee. All ndvcr tlsomcnts must bo bunded in before 2 o'clock p.m.nnd undrr no circumstances will thej betaken taken or dl continunl tjy telephone. I'nrtlc. * adicrll lng In tbofu columns nnd hav ing Ihomiswcri addressed In cnro of Tun HF.B Trill vltw-e a k for n chock Inrnnblo them to net tliolr letters , ns none will bo delivered except on riro'cntntlon of chrck. AH MISWOM to Ml * vcrtlfremenls should ho em-loncd In envelopes. $ : i ( ) , ( ) ( ( ) to loan. Sums $ .V and upward * , , Lowest rates. Ilemls , 15th nnd Douglas sis. \ONI : i T < > To\N-0 F. bnvi7J ! Co. Itcnl ill Kstntc and Loan Agents 1505 Farnnin ft. " \I ONiv TO LOAN On real estate nnd clmt- -I'l tel . I ) . U Thotnns. ( Ill 1\1 ONI'.V to Invest If joil Imvo ( rood notes to J'l soil call on J. II. Parrotto , 1'jth und Chi- cnijo. fiOO MONKY Tl I.OAN-lnsums Of $2,00 nnd upwards on tlrst clais real estate security. 1'ottor.V Cobli , 1515 Knrnam HU 012 MONEY to loan on chattel and real relate ; fair rnto Interest. J. II. Parrotto , 10th nnd Ch Icnxo. 4i''J ' MO.NKY LOANii : ut 0. K. Heed & Co's.'Lonil oMlcs , on furniture , pianos , horsi'a.wiiRona , liorannul property rif all kinds , nnd nil other ar ticles nt value , without removal. 31 8 13th , over IHnRlmm'sComml'slon store , All busi ness strictly conlhlontlnl. 013 T.OANS Loans Lee tii. Heal estate loans. Colliitnral loans. CtiMtol loans. r -f longtime loans. Short time loans. Money nluays on hand lo lonn on nny ap proved security. InvvstmuntRi'curitlea bought nnd sold. Call nt the olllco of the Omnha Klnnni'inl ox- chntiKo , second floor of the llarkor block , s. w. onr , of Klftoonth nnd Kartmm sts. Corhett MnnuKcr. 753 LOAN At lowest rates of Inter- L est on farms nnd Improved city property. I'.J.Day .V Co , , room fi , Crouso block , S. E. corner Cnpllal nvoniio and Ifltli stroot. DTt-0.0 07 ANDH IT.K CJKNT money to loan on < fnrmsnnd city ptoporty. L. P. Hammond , lloom ! 1,1522 Douglas St. , Omaha. 704 lriOO)0 ( ) ( ) To loan on Omalm city property ntfl T > percent Interest. G.V. . Day. ever 1313 ' 1)13 ) I'KK UliNTMonoto onn. J. J. Mnhonoy , 1 1WW Knrnnm. BW 1'KK CKST money to loan. ICO Patterson , 13th and Douglas. eoa " , and H percent money to loan. Mortua cs G"7 taken In uxchaiiKO for real estate. Cunt nil Investment Co , , lloom T , DarkerUlockcor loth WKhavo cheap money on long time , in nny quantityto loan on Insldoolty proporty.or farmland. Slarslmll &Lobcck , 1011 Farnnin Bt MONKY TO l7bANAT lower ratosthan nny- where elpo In the city , on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , or Block of nny kind , llemombor , nt lower rates than nny other loan company in the city. City Lonn x Mortgngo Co. . room 15,1101 Farnnm st , opposite Paiton hotel. _ MK MONKY to loan by the undersigned , who has the only properly oiganl/ed loan ngoncy In Omnhn Ixnin * of $10 to $1,000 made on fur- nlturo. plano , organs , horses , wagons , machin ery , 4o. , without removal. No delays. All bURlncus htrletly conlldentlul I < ouns fo mndo that any part con bo paid nt nny time , rivch pny- mcnt reducing the rot pro rntn. Advances made on flno wntches nnd diamonds. Persons phonlcl carefully consider who thor are drallng with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into oxl'trnce. Should you need monor , call and POO me. W. K Croft , lloom 4 , Withnrll Ilulldlng , Kith nnd Hniiipy. 0(1 ( CPEH CKNT Monov lo loan. Btewnrt & Co. , Iloomn. Iron bank , 12th nmlFninnm. C07 BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINr.SSCHANCr.S-If you have S100 to $209 nnd \ \ nnt permanent , lucrative busi ness In nuy other city , cull und see us or nd- dress Cox Chemical Co. fift ! 2,1 T71OK SALIJ 12 room hotel on corner lot 100 J-1 xlPO ft , near depot , 2,000 , f700 cnsh , n good spnn.of working horses Inken as part payment , t line given on bnlanro lo suit. Address. T. W F , box 15 South IJoml , Neb. C50 0 * TTIOIt WAI.U A well rstuollslmd uuKorv and confectionery , located In one of the' liest towns in the stale. Addioss O 10 , Hoc olllos. (15(1 ( ( 27 * ITiOIl SAI.K A Dairy of : 1 cows , nearly all J1 frosh.wlth all appurtenance , Includlnxhor'n power , com mill , delivery team and wajron nnd n ( rood milk louto. Terms en y. Imme < lliitu possession. Kmjulro ot Sam'l J. IIowoll , olllco . ' 17 S. 14th. _ -J8- ) FOIl SAl.12 or E.TchaiiKO for Onmlin real estate , ( Irmr store In suburljs of Oinnlm. Call or address 1118 N. 10th street. 40'-Jt ) : ) FOU SAI.K Implement store niul blacksmith Fhop , combined or separatoil , In ono of the liveliest townn In Nebraska. 1'or further par ticulars nddiesa Ij. D. , post box 101 , Iloomer , Noli. fcftl ai * _ HAIjK Ono of the oldest established Kroccry business In the city , with n. very largo , well-payliDT Irado. Will otoliiuiKe for Omaha ronl estate or part cnsh nnd balance se cured notes , tlood reasons ctvon for snllln K. Address Hlfi Jones. _ wi TTlOKS.VT.K-Or trade for Omaha property. J- The best located livery business , with stock In the city. Lontr lenso of barn at ohoiip rent. Mnynullros. , 1S1U Knriinin. _ 411 EOIt SAI.K First-class moat market with nice fixtures , nil complete ; Rood trade ; best of reasons for selling. Call or wrlto to Geo. W , Mnsson , 1IK1 ! Howard. 015 HOUSKS I.ots.yarms.l.nnds money loaned. Ilomls , IMh und IJoiiKlns stroels. CIS I.O3T. IOST 1'ockot instrument ease , at or nenr tlio * postolllco. Howard offered If loft nt the lleo o 111 ce. _ UHO T OST Oil STOLKN A bay mare Tyrsold , J-J heavy mime on left aide , slluht suddlo marks. A sultnblo reward will bo idvoti for re turn of Bame to Goo. M. Dollolt , NV cor Hum- llton nnil'M His. 1)1 ) a 2J T OST From cor. 31st anil I.enveiiworth , two JLJdark brown borses.ono branded U , S. , other I IB soi o shoulder , reward offered for return , J. 11. Hpolmiiiin. _ B7si * L osT-Sopt , ath ) , 2 parcels , 1 I look"of Irish Ibices. Kinder will please return to board- lug1 house , Ittnor'f llrluk yard. Liberal roward. fi'J7 SI * _ OST A line ro * knit shawl , about 0 o'clock j Saturday ovcnlnir , Sept. 11. I.ouvo at thU ofllco nnd uot reward. sui T OHT Pojil. intb , on l&th St. . bolween Jones j-j nnd Howard , nn alligator pocket-book con- talnliiK silver and uiirrunoy. Finder will bo rewarded - warded by leaving sumo nt lieu olllco. 670 I'n * "OOAIiniNG Good day board , 1010 California T5OA11U And loUffliiK , utXS N. l&th St. 013 ) iitSON.\l : , Unties wlshlntr for irood KlrU ean bo supplied at short notice bv calling ntood ) N. Idlh , Omaha Employment lluroau : oed hand. _ IM at P KKSO.NAI.-Mn , . U M. Post , oiporloncoi nurse , n. o. cor. Kinic nud Patrluk avo. DOS 2b WANTIID-l'upds for ( li-rmnn and Latin , paliiitaklnir care , compotenoy , succegs ; nddres Jl 11) ) lloo olllco. 8J5 O 6 * _ PEUPOXAI. Nent aiid tasty nll-woolTiusTno a Bulls , $7. L. O. Jones & Co. , American CJotliluru , 13X1 Furnaui st. Mall orders tilled. UMNfl IlltSOKAI < Wniiiisl private tutorship Mil- lc , AI : laniniaxos , Kntrilsh subjects , Thor- ouirhness , clllclenoy. M IV ) lloo olllco. 1118 O 6 * . Mrs. L I-.Thomas , teacher of and IUU-.IQ , ion javenport si. MX L-l'Inno and violin tausht pfi vatclyj Instruction of Urst order ; l'rotes or Wlehle , euro M Moyiir. j J'fi ? " "pEU8 < ) NALMrs. . ifr. Nannie T'T Vurnm Julnlrvoyant. . Medical nnd business Medium Uoom No. 3,121 North 10th et , Omaha , Neb. olD PKKSONAI buy real estate , to borrov money , or Kut an Hlwtnict of title , jro to the olllco of It. U , I'utlur&on , 13th and Douirlas. tCJ I ! > 7/OKHHNT-Siuaro Haoo moutulr. A U _ Jllospe. 1813pouitlas. IF YOU want a stenographer , address OV. . ' ' linker , rooms T and f , Iruu bank. its S3 'i MATUI lONIAT.-lMper containsTiearD-JOO" lidvertUoincnts from hulles and guntloracn - ntliig- terre [ K > ndents. Sent a months for 10 . 4 rcnl * . Addn < ss , Helping Hand , 70 La Sallo St. , go. 111. S K N'Dour i-alljrruph to bo repaired to G. W , lt UTrooiuii7uuJ 8 , Irou bank. 6'MSl 1DKAL CAUOHAPH , O , W. UnVer , L necnt , rooitis 7 nhd . " . Iron bank 5)1 So UTiNOOIiAl'll\ : Typewriting oohooT VJ HooinS T nnd 8 , Iron bank. 0 , W. linker. 1BO J'P or wnnt n t-o > ltlon , address 0. W. linker , moms 7 and8. Iron bank. 6 W-23 fpHiiS : : , llo es-fhriihs"clcTplaTrteTtroo for . * . poisons buying of lo ) > iflns ( Co. Nuuerles. C.O. Howord , I'ron. . ! ' . O. boxjrO. W-nlS' 17IOK KKNT-Fquaro Piano , $1 monthly. A JHospo , 1513 Douitla * . Ml rpin : sriNOJK ; ( vi'H - 0. \vl linker , JL agent , rooms 7 nnd R , Iron bank. 653-ZI 171OKKKNT Organs , * 2 per month. ilo pe , X1 1613 Doutrlas. G22 foil BAJ.E "ITIHK SAI.K The cilto t pony , harness nnd J-1 ci.rt in thcolty , nil m irond order Inrjtino nt lll ! N. lull St. , room 1 , Crounce Illock. bS7 SAM' Furniture 10 room hou o for - rent. Inquire Totter & Cobb , 1515 rnrnnm si. | 07,1 SU * _ _ _ FOU SAIilI ( Jentlo family horso. (1 ( yonri.old for f 12.1 cash : cnn bo oen at O. 11 Filch * clt's ro < ldonco , cor Ml. I'lciisnnt nnd 1'urk nvo. 05.J ; Uil SA Li : A iWt I 1 easy terms. IL Crolt , room 4 Wlthntll bldg. . Ct < 28 _ _ SAI.n-A a oi-ntod family carrlazo. FOK Koodnsnew. A bargain. lU.'Jaoulh ' "d st. 043 18 iron HAlli-Ono billiard table , ninriy now. JL lar e sl/o , with euo < and all complete , SIM. A. M. Akcn.wltli IMIiolm \ Krlckaon. ( UJ21 F OK HA I , K tee In car load lots. Address ( illliert llros. , Council UlulTs. Ml 1 IflOK S.U.T : At prlvalo sale complete pot ot household ( roixU and furniture for elyht rooms. Call ut 19IU Webster street. Ti09 FOK SAI.H Furmturo nmli cn e ol sU-room hon o. limp on part. Call 1203 North 27lh st reel , two blocks from Hod Car lino. b'J3 OlTs'K.1 Ixits.FBrms.LntKls-monoy loaned" Ilcmls 15th nnd Douglns stroola. C2J 17 * . OK SAMI Two No. 1 , second html , canopy 1 top Surreys : nlio two Rood , second hand phaetons , lUUU'J Dodge street. _ 2J5. " 1T1OK 8AI.K Onenp. iron columns and win- X dow caps suitable for front on lirlck build- Ing. For pnrllcularn apply ntlhlsomco. 811 ANTUn A Klrl for laundry work.nt the Commercial hotel , cor. Dili uud I.onven- worth street. 073 21 * " \\7ANTKI ) Competent second Rlrl In family V > of 2. Apply Mrs. W.1I. MeCord , E01 S.lHUi. _ fi7U ANTKD-Shlrt mnkors nt Harrison's. 1112 Farnam. 070 2a * _ _ ANTKU-A nur o for ono child. Apply Mrs. H. J. Windsor. 2210 Howard , near 22d 81. 07783 * _ _ WANTKD Immodlaloly , ( rood gflrl for gen- oral houfooik , 1117 Cuss slioct. 653 25 * " \VANTUD Two good Klrls 1 cook , 1 house > V Blrl. Kmiulre 172l ; Iodio. tira 2'1 WANTr.D Female cook at Miller's rostnur- ant , 1001 N. IBth Bt. fl6 ! _ WANTMl ) Female cook for board Itur hou * > o , ticrmun preferred. 411 S. lltli M. M.CD 28 * \VANTIJI ) Flr l nnd second cook at once ; i nni.t ! have roferonee. Summit restaur ant. nth. 11:1 : si " \\T.\NTiil : Two dlnlnsr room Klrls at Dun- M liuum'j restaurant , liill Fnriiniii Ft ( ! 0 , " > \\7ANTT.D-Competnnt ( ilrl lor general hou o- ' ' woik , wanes ? l.rii ) , \\oman to help washIn quire tit 2C.1B . DoiiKlai st , Mrs. M. ( loiild. 5M 2,1 * \-\'ANTiii : A sirl nt (01 ( South 21st. > > C01 2T \VANTii : > Ladles and ucntlemon to solicit ' orders for ourStitlidtinl llook nnd llihlo nn the Installment plan. J. 11 1'almor .V Co. , 101 ! ) Hurnoy ft. , Omaha. OS I 2.V WANTIII ) Girl for doncral housework , a 1711 St Mao'save. < l A\7ANTii-A : irlrl for ( 'oneinl Uoiisework. ' permanent situation. Inquire at 211 S. 2.'d Et , near rnrnnm. ( > S2 2.i \\rANTinj Girls at Occidental Immediately. > > fiSJ " \TfANTr.D First class cook and housekeop- V > or. Good pay , -2233 Uodjjo. till ) UANTI3l > Klr t nnd second cook nt once ; must have loforenco. Summit rcsluur- nnt , ID' ) S Hth. OKI 23 WANTED A Swedish girl , 312 N. 2nd. 575 2I1 * WANTin-A cook for small family , Inquire Mil soulli 13th st. 01 ! ) "IT ANTIJII A fflrl for Konornl liqiisewoik npply nt once ntHluN. ISth. Girl for ( 'onoral house woik . 13th St. , J. KondlS. 627-37 * WANTKD Girl for Konoral houso-work. German or Irish preferred. JApply For est uvo. , o'd house from St. Mary's nvo. nvo.C'Jl 23 * " \X7ANTii > A nur o for small olilldron. Mrs. TT Warren SwIUler , 2304 St. Mary's nvonuo. 4.11 _ _ WANTHIi Good girl for general housework _ _ ntI11i ! Jones st. 1171 _ WANTi : 2dlnlnif rooniKlrls , 1 dishwasher. Miller's restaurant , 10J1 N. 10th street. tilO WANTICl ) Girl for ironoml housework In small family. Mrs. Thos ] ' . Hull. 1511 Sherman avo. 913 W ANTUli LiuIlcH to work for us at their own homes. $7 to $10 per week can bo quietly made. No ptiblo. pnliitlnK : no canvass- lujr. 1'or full particulars , plea'it aildicss at once. Ciosceut Ait Co. , 11) ) Central st. Ilo.-ton , Mass. . lloxr.170. 'JOiOll * WANTKD-Aclr for ronornl housownrk at 1521 Sherman uvo..iil house north of draco St. 801 ANTKU Head cook at tlio Famous 'res- tiuiranU : )13 ) H Ilth 8t. 789 WANTKIt 2i yiiunR ladles and Binl8 to learn telegraphy , rrospocts for positions when competent , Kood. AddroasW.J. O. room l.Crounno blonlt lillh st. Umiiha. lU'i MALE JIELP. \JCTANTKD-First-cluss barber at 1'axton bar- I her shop. W--il * VVANTKI ) Kvcryonu to oxamlno our newT T ) spoclnltlPB , sold on Installments , canvas * . ors wame.l.KOOd paycall forenoon , room 1 , IIMI DoiiKlns nl. 581 21' ANTED Auents.Vo wnnt energetic salesmen - men and salesladies to roiiroteut the Na tional Library Association , orporleiiceil book ugiMits preferred , Wo Imvo ii oiiu inuklnR from $20.00 to f 100.00 per week ! thotuslness Is mueti pleasanterthan book canvassing. Fortorms address Nutlonnl Library Association , 1U8 Htnto st , Chlcavo. 577 33 WANTKli-Tallor , W S. lltli ot. , Imme diately. 4a > ANTKI ) < Inetnllmont canvatsors to call at 1:1)7 Fnmum st. and see what wo Imvo to oiler. C. E. Lee , Manager. 1175 WANTED A purchaser fora hard ware stock and trade In iiKood location. Iluslness Kood. L.Y. . Whitney , llurnett , Neb. 188 at * ANTKii Man A lehablo , onertrotlo busl- ness m in , to net as general nont for tno I'nltod State Dealers' I'rotoctlvo Association nud .Mercantiletiinoy ( incorporated ) main otlieoM Tribune IliilUIInK , New York In Douic las ami iiillolnlnir counties ; tno right party can renll/o fJ.i ( ) ) to f il.OJU peruniiinu und perma nent ( Misltion. Call upon or address Subscriber nttho 1'axton housooii Friday nud Saturday W. H. Kllvort. ulunnirar. (157 ( 21 * WANTUU Sliuvelars , Court House Dlook. uua ai * WANTKD Two llret-olufs mattress maKers , Apply s o corner 12th nnd Jackson tomorrow - row inornlnirnt T o'clock toady to KO to nork ; nlio a etroiitf , active boy about 18 joars old. &KIJM \i/ANTii : ) At ouco.ono pants nfokcr and * ' ono coat make , ( lood pay uud steady work. E. atawyertalnnoiU , 2j W'ANTKD-COO men , wnon in Lincoln to lake ' i their meals nl the Depot Hotel , opposite the R. ii M. passenger depot , Lincoln. Neb. Goo , Muyorlo. proprietor. tU 7f WANTED A salesman to introduce a new specially nmony li-ndpspeoplonnd mechnn- IRS. Address with references und past experi ence , Ilex O-20,1)oo ) olllce. 4b7 YirANTKD A few more agents to Introduce ii our Automatic Muslcul Instruments , on Installments. Anyone can play them without musical instruction , the bett paying , easiest Belling novelty ever known. ( A to (10 n week can bo reallie-1. 13. K. Leu , Manager , 1207 Far- JIHIU street , up stairs. t $ $ ANTKI > 25 men fqrDlaoK HillseztenslonT K. 8. Albright Labor Agency , 1308 Furnain. 610 TXTANTBD General agents. Good salaryor 11 60o on thi. dollar lo wholesale uiy goods , llaro ohanco to make money. No uouipctllion. Strictly business. None but business men need apply. Address with stamp F. M Weaver. In- dlaumpolis , Ind. 71X ! O 2 8ITOATIOW " \\7'ANTii ) Youmr man 21 years ot ne do- i Mre position In ofHco or store : Is good i Ble inan mid accountant and understands bookk < orln ? . lf-ou ncod sti"h n man end nd dress to u 12 tlco olllco and ho will call on you _ H13 ! "l\7ASTiii : A po lt on by n compclent slcn- ' osrnpher , one year's experience. Am nl o prarllcnl liookKccpor. Address F , box Or.1 , Kenrm-y , Nob. 6'0 2.1 * | \\7AVTiiT posltlon In family To do work ' * about house nnd barn , by yoiini ; Scandi navian ( lood reloronce. Acquainted In the city. Addre'sOll , Ucuofllro. M7-S1 * i i lly n young man of oxpenenco ' T nnil iroodennrnclcr and tempernto hnMta , n po'ltlon In n retail dry ( rooils lo-o , known ns ' n tlr t clH < * nlcinnn nnil the best of references ffcii ! , nddress 1) 2a line olllco. Mfl i'i * | " \\7"ANTii ) A po lt innln lohrn to ilrTVeneral ' t housowotk liyncolorelman. InqnlroUU N. Twonlj--l hliil si reel. r > "l-2. > ' "l"\TANTii : > lly a ronncilmUlillo HKOil ea lern I 1'idy a position as IIOIKO keeper In llr t rln s hotel or Rcntlomnn's fiunlly whore ser- vantsnio koi > t. llnfc'renceo given and required. Aildro . lg. llpnnlllrn. < 4'I-.T MIBOBLIiAnEOUS WANTS. " \ V.NTiilnfnrmnllon : of K. It. Ollnuny , > > who left Irwln , la .July 20th , fur Ni > brn hu In search ot locution for hutdwaro store Anv person giving tollable Inforniatlon will bo lib erally lewunled. Address II. Ollnway. Kirk- man , Iowa. 072 li * " \\rANrKl > To rent by n prompt , permanent ii andrnreful tenant with smnli family n home or flut of 4 or ft rooms , not too far from business. Audrcss with low.ost rent , I ) 45 Due olllce. 051 25 * 'ANTKII A place fern boy 4 yours old ! nl o , room ior father. Inquire alter 0 p. Ilenson Flsn Co. , 1)11 ) Jonos. O.US3 * r-ANTKD-IlonrdorsatCOS N 17lh st Ntim- > her limited. G V\'ANTio : Hoom and hoard In private fatn- IT lly nt once by 3 younw ladlereforcMiccs o.XclmiiKod , Addre s Oi,9 , lleo olllce. OJO-23 * W A NTi : Simile gentleman doslros room and board , private family preferredmust bo flrst-clasi , state terms. Addi eas O 30 lleo olllce. (112 ( \\7ANTKI > All wnntnift to learn hort-hand ' nnd typo-wrltlnir tn attend Vnlnntlno'a Short-hand Inttltuto. Kxposltion bnlldlnir , Omaha. Wo can furnish suillclent employment to younp : men mid boys to pay their board M hlli > in attendance. C05 Oct 20 " \VANTK1) ) If you are n rmtlor nnd want prrtimnont hualnossyou can earn $ 'LOO to ? . "illfl dally hnudllnir our froodi. every family buys them , Cox Chomlcal Co. , ini2 Capitol nvo , 50:1 : 23 WANTED To rent house , from 5 to 7 rooms , east cf 24th nnd south ot Cumtng st. Whnt hnvo you ? Suite locution nnd prlcu. AildrcbS O 28 , care flee olllco. 522 1 * \\7ANTlJIl Small eottairi > or i > nrt of houie In i > Kood ncigliborhooil. Address II 1) , 628 Pleasant St. 537 2g * _ 7ANTRI-l.f0) ) yanli of < llrt. 12th and 1 Nicholas streets. Shaw & Held. 430 Si * WANTi : Po ltlon In a bank by n yonni ? man. Will ( five best references. Address , 11 , lockjjoz a ) , Andubon , Iowa. ai7-i ; * WAN'I'KD 1 want to rent n orood 7 or Broom house In irrmil location. 1'iimlly ot lour pei > ons. No children Address 31 , 6' * , lice of- lice. 3H WVNTKD I'vcnlnieniplovment. hookKcoi > - iiiff or othoi wise. . Aiidress , K. C. McClure , Land Dupartininc U. 1' . H. It. Co. 1U9 \ y.VNTio Teams. T. Murray. co TOE UEHT-HOUBE3 AKJJ LOTS. Poll IIKNT A rare elmneo to iret one of the bet seven room flat ! " , steam heat nnd bath room hy buylmr tlm fiunituie.all new Ad dress "OIS'rHeooincc. , ' ' . ' I TTloTs llli.NT l-tonm cott m-o. Harney near -L1 anil. . ? yO per month. S. A. Sloman. 15W Karnam st tOJ Oil "itKNT A store , wood loc.illty frii- ( Try eoods , boots and Bhoes. Inquire 14IUS. inthst. lisa jAOIt Kivr : Now O-i no m house , 1 mllo' from J . P. O. , cltv water , oto. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nnt'l bunk , _ 740 - ' . . - iniild"- YTloilKl-lM'-Tho German M. U. chur-h - Jinir , on the fiouthonsi corner Twelfth nnd Jackson street * , forunv lojitlmato business. It. C I'attoi > on , lllth iinillnuvlas. _ j'll _ " ITOIl IiBASlJ"oliiivo"blovon acre1' on I' . P. H. U. track. BOO feet front : will lease all or partforllvo vearfl. Bedford A ; Souor. 027 FOU KEHT BOOMS. FOU HKNT A-lorso , pleasant , well furnished room , suitable for one or two Kciitlemen , terms rua onablo11 South oth st. iicur I'ar- nnni. QUO y . I7 Oll HUNT Ono larje nnd ono small room with closets , suitable for light homokeop- Ins''or will rent rooms separate with board. 2112Ilainuy. CO ! 23 POK IIKNT Ftirjilslid rooms for gentlemen liclorencos required. Imiulro 1Y)8 Cnss. UP ! ) 25' FOH HKNT-Ftirnlshcd rooms to families or single gentlemen , ntSHT Ilarnuy St. Gil 21 * FOH HUNT Nicely furnished front room with alcove , all modern conveniences , for three gentlemen , four blocks directly south Iron ) opera house , apply nt once , 1115 Jones ht. ilOH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with or 1 without board , oiil Pleasant st. 50424 * FOK HKNT-Nowly furnlsiiod sulto of front rooms , water , gns and bath , 1015 Capitol avenue. 512-21. * T710H IUSNT-Front parlor , with bonru , for -L ? gentloninn ; references required. 17-M Douglas St. 52121 , I7 < OK HUNT Nicely furnished rooms nt 71'J JL' S. 15th slrect , between Jones and Lcavon- worth sis. WJO 25 * KKNT Nowlv furnished front rooms , Poll 3.J2 B.intli , cor. Kith nnd Harnoy. 083 - ' . ) iron KKNT Nicely lurnlshod room. 10U -I California St. 685 23 OK KKNT Nicely furnished front room , with or without private bonrd , for two young gentlemen ; room $10 per month , 01 3. 15th st . tai 25 * TTHJll'UENT 1 largo unfurnished loom with JO closet , WM S.2.'dst. C7823 * FOK KUNT Two largo front rooms , fur nished or unfurnished , 517 Pleasant stroot. K14 21 * TJloit HUNT Unfurnished basement and front JL ? parlor. IC15 Dodge st 01121 * T71OK KKNT 3 furnished rooms for gnntlo- JO men , 20J Furiiam. C20 - < i * 7M > K KKNT Furnished bed room with use F of parlor. ( M per month. 1511 California bt. ca 23 * WANTKIl To rent for onoyonr. Good 0 or 7 room collage , well local oil. Three in family. Address O4U. Hoe olllco. Ii2i ) 2J * FOK KUNT Nicely furnished room , 111 8. lllhst Upstntrs. UJH 21 * OK KKNT Furnhhpd room on ground floor (12 per month suitable for 2 gonilo- man , 1MJ Cuss slruol. ( U3-2I * F"OK KKNT A Hat In desirable location , which can bo completed about Oet 15. Can bo leased lor low rental by a party wllllngto advance 131)0. ) Address O 15 , lloo olllco , 45'J FOK KKST-Elegantly futnlshed parlor siillublofor two and flr < jl-clas table l > oaid fi02 _ s-JUth. 4U1-Z1 * YOUNG MKN Doilrlng- nicely tiirmsnod roomwltluno of bnth nnd gas.cnllntH w corner ot Wobster. Hoard can bu had cluso by. Mi-octa T7IOK KKNT Pleasant furnished roonis , -L1 south front brick Hat , board can bo had next door. Apply at 141(1Ohlc.iyo ( t. 913 FOK KKNT-FurnlshoJ roouu , 1001 Howard. ti74 04 1710H HE.S'T Furnlshe I rooms forlUlit house -L.1 keeping In lleomur'a block cor Kighth and liowurci. 811 171 OK KKNT I urnUliod rooms. 51U Pleasant -A-1 7IJ4O.2 FOK KKNT Newly furnished roomSMI St Mary's nvc. 702 FOH Itr.N'T KurnUhoil Hooms with gas nnd bath nnd good board , 62) ) Plcueant 406-21 * "TOOK HAI.K-pnrlor M > droom ami kltchon" X1 furnlturocarpots.rnngo and tioatlngstovoi , all nearly now , a gentle horsa five year * old , all at a bargain , giving up housekeeping , 25H Douglas st 635 FOK KKNT A few olllco spaces for rent , ono with front window on ground floor. Kmjulreof J. S. lllohardson , 1509 Farnam t 434-Sopt-25 EAI , K8TATK I1AKOAINS-7 bountiful west froit lots , In I'lulnvlew add , , (700 uuch Jortbubuucu. J. L. lllce * Co. , over Commer cial bank. C71 27 T > 1HCK SCHOOL , oornrrof Farnara and S8th -U st. , Is UU > feet from Ittvllct's grove. Secure a lot there betore prices tdvunco. 171 23 AIUOJ , 1507 Farnam st. ATTK.VTIi.N C.VTT Ir.V-Ono of the best * . .ti.i5 Inrms in Kn tarn N'pb. , wltl.n24 in-lo < of the Omaha clock j arils for sale cheap. NearlvtHJii acres neil nntered.plonly of timber , corral room.itc lUerSOincrea In pasture nt present with n nbumlnrico of splendid hay In ctnck. Addre (1 ( Ii Maine .V Co , Ilnnl K tnto AcPnts. Omaha , or W. II Comptoii. Trcumst-h , Neb. C.M-0-1 * TG 8HH1VFH , Heal Kjtnto V I'minproveil property. 2 botutlful corner lots In IInn com Plnco , 5 ! > tl"l feet ojcn. ent front . . . $ C.OOO Full lot In Hlmr-bnugh VIAto 1.70H 2 lots In Tnbor I'laco , t > aeU , . l.WO ni , Vft ) on l.oavoawdrth st 2.5 > 0 2m-l nil lot , just 1 mllofrVjm P. O.ncnr Crelgton college , l.fifO Lot iEzl ) 0o IrontSnunlfcrsst 2,6:0 3 lot * . In Kllby Phu'o 1.SJO Bints , 10)x.42o front , Hnn com Placo. . . ri,5)0 ) Mtn ) tton.liiokson. near luth 6,3(10 ( Full lot on 10th , near Douglas 11,000 Lot on Hamilton < t 1)50 ) 2 lot * , corner , Wo t Ciimlng 1X ( ) ) Lot on Hurt , nniir car line l.-.DJ C.ood lot , Parker's mid IKM COIIHT lot on ilMhnnd llnrney 10.UOO I'mUrMed half Interest In 5 l-'J acres 1 1-2 miles south for . . . ri.fiOO Lol on c.i < ytorms in "Shrivcr Plnco" Pleass nnt Hill , West Cunilng and West Side. Improved Property. Full lot , largo 2 tory house nnd hnrn that rents for $ fl $ . ' > 0 per month , on Davenport noiirinth f 7,000 Full lot , 2 good houseen Ihuctiport , near 12th 8,000 23 feet Iront , largo house , on rnrnnni , iicni-Htli S.WO 4 tlvr-roomod cottages , cIMern , etc. , on eny term ? , on 25th nnd Pnrker sis. , each . . 2.003 Fine ro'idenco on Sid nnd Farn m 14OuO House nnd cottngooh N , IGthst , on monthly payments 2.003 Ueautlful cottngo In Walnut Hill , 1-n cnsh.balnnci'lonfftlmo 3,103 60 feel Boulh front In Parker's odd. , with cottage . 1.70) ) Full loti : houses on 20th , nenr Clark. . . . 6,000 Nice llrlck hnuwoiTith nmlf'np. live 13,0X1 Full lot e. front llanscom Place V 00 Nlco collage full lot on w. Cumlng 1,000 Cottnuofl rooms , nnd lot , 17th near Cali fornia 3,000 Full lot , nlcocottago B. trout on Charles st. nonraith 2,0 Half lot and house nenr 15th nnd Cnss . 3l ) J Hoii es nnd lots In every addition to the city. Call and see us before Inlying elsewhere. W. G. Shrlveropp po < t olllco. 617 KAI. KSTATTf ilAl7AINS--13l ; 1-3 loot oatt front on S. 10th st. , will make 0 busi ness lots , oulj $7,5)0 ) ; splendid bargain. .1. L. lllcc & Co..over Commercial llMik. 074 27 PKC1AL KAIH5A1NS Ilcautifill lot in H in- scorn Place for $203 Uss than they are sell ing for In same plock. 2 acres lor sale In llrookllno ndd. , only $1,509. Very cheap. Ilargaln 2 noiutlful lots In Donlso-s addition , one a corner , both couth 1 routs , only $2,100. Spler.dld corner nnd ln Ido lot on Howard St. , near27th st , $1,0'0 for both. Magnlllccnt lot on Hamilton st. , south fiont. $1,500 ; cheap. Stockdalo i Mitchell , 1510 Dodge street. 511 25 HAL ESTATE HAKQA1N. Corner on Ham- llton street , with 5 room cottage. Hoom to build 2 others. Only $1,000. One-third cash. J. L. Illco & Co. , ever Commercial hank. MB 2j oil SALK-FIno lot , Kllby place , nt $1,200. J. II , Kvans & Co. t'J3 23 DOLLAHS Is not much to pay for n lot. No It Isn't , nnd vet this Is what they nio . : for In Illllidnlo on very easy terms. Como nnd sco this ground. 471.2J Ames , 1507 Fnrnam St. . . . SAI.K Dost corner In Plnlnvlow for JL * ? 00 , only S25 ! ) cash. ,1. 11. Kvans At To BO\VI.INOKKKNlots$150. lOporcentensh and $5 per month. Marshall It Lobcck , Agents , 150'J rnrnnm street. Ol'J ' buying lots now -J than over before , becnnso Omaha Is not an e.xperlment. A lot In IIIlNdiilo costing f200 now via be orth $100 In IS months' time. 474 23 x\mcs , 1507 Farnum. _ T > EAIj KSTATi : HAltGAINT.-Iemitlful ! cor- LX nor lot In Slilnn's2d. $1COO. One-third e-a h. Positl\e bargain. J. L. Hico & Co. , oor Com mercial bank. 010 25 KAL"ESTALK HAiiG.viN-2 beautiful lots on west Uiimlng St. , $700 eaoh Flno bar gains. J. L. Illco Sc Co. , room 0 , ever Com mercial National Hank. 675 "IJ OH SAI.K At a bargain on easy torms,2 -t ? lotsln Wnsliinirton square , each SJ.03) . The best corner In llanscom Plnco , 100x150 , $5.000. House and lot 30xl40cor. 19th and Paul street , $2,400. 1500 Farnam street. Marshall & Lohcck. 335 F.AL HSr-ATK DAItGAIN.-FIno lot on E Douglns street , tUlxKU. Choice ln ldo j > rop- orly. Special bargains if taken soon. .1. ti. Hico A : Co.over Cuinmerclal bunk. 0411 25 " 11 KAI. . KSI'ATK ItAItGAINS II line oust JL1 front lots In Thornburg add. , J2.POO for the bunch. J. L. Illco ic Co. , over Commercial Hank. R7I 27 rnilHKn raie bargains In Hnnscom Place prop- JL crty.nSoothcm. F. D. Tanner & Co. . 111)5 ) Howard St. CIS21 " 17OHSALK 10 room house , Georgia nvo. ; closets. buscmonU , well , all complete , 12 room house , Idaho st , ; clo'ot , pantry , cel lar , bath room , gpeakliiK tubes , Hlirubhory , trees , ynrd , h.un , carrlaitu house , two largo cisterns , city water , all complete , S'l.'OJ. ' 4 room IIOMO ; south Iront , pintry , closets , InrBO bay window , cistern , collar , trooa out houses , easy terms f50. . 4 room house ; pantry , closets , bay window collar , wo 11 and ontliouto ? , very cheap , , . 5 roomcottHRo ; bay window , closets , collar , well , cistern , fruit trees , n banmlu , f .CDO , or with lour lots , easy terms , 12.250. n lots , Plain view , can double your rnonoy , 2 lots. W. A. UotUok addition , $ IM1. 3 lot" , Taher place , for one week , $030. a lot * , Kllhy place , will ineroaso 20 per cent be fore snow foils. Ueautlful lot , Creston place. Fairmont place : An Investment In these will double yonr money in ono Patrick addition : Ixits on easy terms and low prices. ir you have houses to rent or sell or lots to soil IKt them with me. I do a strictly commis sion business and will look after your interest. ; i lota , Ambler Phioe , the nest liii : gain In the addition. J. II. Parrotto , Ifilh and I'lilemro. 217 EEAb ESTATE IIAUOAIN Splondlil busl- ncas corner on Saumlers st. , W-ft. front , fVnoi cash ; thM Is cheap. J. Ii. Itlco .V Co. , over Commercial bank. 074 27 KKAL KSTATE I > AHGAIN-IiOAUtlCul lot on Hnmtlton street , just on irrndo. with 4 room house , Kood barn , well and cistern , only f-,70n ; Imlf cash. J , IItlco & Co. , ever Com mercial hunk. MI'J 25 T71OK SAM5 Two Hno lots , ono a cornor. .1. -L1 1. llodick'H BUb-dlvision , tt , ' , J. II. lOvnus It Co. _ 6'JJ 2:1 : GHEGOHV & IIAULKY , Heal I'.stute & Itontal Ap-enti , 1,112 Uouclns Street. Hero arc afow of the burgulm * wo offer. If you don't sea what you want como and see us and \ > u will show you othon Onoot the Lest corners on Douglas . $31,00) Kino corner on Dodnu rentluj ; now for $3 , OJ jier your , lot ( JilxlK . 30.0 Ono of tlio best corners on Cuinlng at. with 3 oottairos , lot W\l i . 13,500 Cornoron Cumins , 3 story frnmo . . . 12,000 Lot KU.xl : ) . ' on Clilcaeo st. with 3 houses rontinff 8120 per month . 11,000 Corner aero lot on SnunUors ft . 6,500 hot tilix-iO.U-room hoiibo fronting 17th at. ' 4 room house frontlmr 18th et. 2 els- terns 150 bals. oach. harn Bhiulo trees , fruit troei , ctu. A barvaln . 0,009 2 story , 8 room house on 20th st near St. Mary's nvo with city water , and nil modern Improvements . . . . 0.25Q HoubO" room fronting 16tU t In 8. K. Honor's add , lot 0(1x140 ( ; olipnp . 3,500 Hoiii-u 11 roonu.sontli front on Ponplcton nro. , lot fUxliW ; cheap ? r. . 3,003 rinoJj room cottnKo unlit lor n Rood home und that U what it H1 . 2 , WO 6 ana tl room ootMeos In nlHiiirlnof the city on monthly payments cheap vacant lots in all parts ot'rtlio city. Hunt-coin Plaeo , Hayihorno , Omaha Vlow. llo.lforil , Orchard Hill , . Arlington , Kilby Place , ' , o rthniro. Jerome Paik.J Klrkwood , West Side , t Plnlnviow , Pruyn Park ! ' Sprln rdiilo , l.aKe Vlur. ' . Crcston. 83 lots in Hawthorne , only a Httlo over n mlle from postolllco , that < /j | i bo fold for 115) to f'J.VJ : chonpest Inslno pioptrty In thumarknt. Tclophoiio K5I. Como aijfl BOO us. _ CM BKAI , K8TATB llAHOA'lN-Kullncroln ' Park place , only $3OOi will lml6 ( 0 jiood lots. J , Ullice Co. , overCoinuici'Ujl ' bank. C74 27 OKAI , ESTATE BAWlAIN-Kloffnnt rcsl- J V iloncelot In Washington square on pnvnd street. Positive bnwaln , $2,500. J. U Itlco & Co. , over Commercial' bunk. 04 25 _ Foil HAI K Lot In Courtlnndt placo. south _ front. 14.500. J. ft. Evans & Co. & 91ZI TJKKOIIH YOU IiUY-lnvostl tlrata | the merits JJ of Jotf In Ames' Placo. You cnn KCO It any time and without o.vpenno and eoclnv It Is to bollevo that It oilers you a Safe chance to eloubUi your money. _ 474-23 _ Ames. 1607 Kura g m st.n B UY XOTHINO Without noelnir ft-Hoo Hllbdalo and you will buy If you want u good lot for fftXl and can only epare a little monor at a time. 474 U _ Amos , 1507 Farnftm at. HOUSK4 Ix > UFnrm9l < a mis money loaned Hernia , 16th and Douglas street * . 014 RBAL ESTATE properly bought pays you more interest than you can set In noy bank. If you doubt thin como und oo the Improve ment in Ames Plnco arid prices asked. Aue * . 1607 Furnnru. 17 < IXE LOT | rt Marlon place only ts J. ' nu ( nes lo\o Cnmlnest , $ i , Lot 4UC8 on S. 13th et , near Jackson , only $7,0X1 , Two lot * In rinlnrlow nt $70J nnd t7.V ) . Ixiti on Don clui > , Dodiro ft Mnrjt nvo anil Jnckxon t , In clo o proximity to business portion tion of city at prices that nio a bargain F.I ) . Tanner * Co. CIS 24 _ REAL KSTATK ItAHOAlM-l.ot on Hamilton street , Ju t on urndo , Jl.'jOJ ; hnlf cn h. J. L. Hico .V Co. , over Commercial bank. GIO 23 KtSH * sr.LHY'Sbiff reix Tstato lid every _ _ _ _ otlicrdny. Sco It. _ _ _ 28t "ITIOKSAI.r ViooS-room hou e nnd 2 corner JL1 lots In Walnut Hllli U oasli b.iL to suit. Cat Martin 110 S 14th su 04 % _ fVAliXAM ; ST-T > nvo < t nnd car tivick laid lo J Hollck's ( Jrovo , make it the chonpoH re h ilenco propiirty In Omnlia. See It nnd romcm- bor l/i(0. ( $1.000 nnd $1,703 per lot , one-third cash , buys It. _ 474 23 _ Amof , 1507 Fnmum. TTlOJv s.\rK Vine double corner , Omaha L view , $ l iOO ; nnothonn Clarendon , $2iOU , both cn < t front. .1. II. Kvnns ACo. . 6'.t ! ill FOKSALIJ House , n roonn. city water and pta , I mlle from P. O. , I block from M cars , iirlco f i.oiM , small payment" , balance monthly. inquire rooms 1 and 2 Omaha Nnt'l bMiK. V1B _ ijlOU H.VV.IVivo beautiful lota In Uurrllnk , JL ? $1.000 to ll DJ. Thioo line lots Chirk Plni'o , $700 onch.J. II. Krans & Co. r.i-.n Fous.viiii Wo bavo sixteen lot * In llnw- tborno addition thnt wo will sell ; host nnd chenpbst Inside property In Omaha. Uedford , V Souor C4T laid to Ilo lick's the nowoH nnd cheapest residence lotsTTTr town. 474 2.1 Amos , 1607 1'arimm st. P AVmTsTUEKTto itoTlck'rarovo , loTs $1,503 to $1,700 , one-third cash. 474 2J Amos , 1507 rnrnnm. nnd nil of the 28 West Hldo ots nro EACH liluh and hcHUtlful.full slro. nnd on month ly payments , $250. It. a Patterson , 13lh nnd DoUBhis. _ _ _ 515 BETTER HOUSES can not bo found In North Omaha than Ames Place oilers. 1/oti sell on cnsy terms. Tlio location Is unsurpassed. See this ground before you decide. 474.23 Ames , 1507 Farnnin. Foil SALE Or oxcanrKai HOUBO anil iot7 16th and Nicholas ; homo and lot loth and Dorcas. Win L. Monroe , ilth und Donwlds. V53 FOH SAt.i : Two handsome oast-front lots , West Und , $ lbOO oach. J. 11. Kvnns .V Co. _ | _ tiitt SI | 7Mll SA.I.I : Lota 7 nnd 8 , 120x150 foot , In X' block 3 , first addition to South Omnhn. Call on Kred Lemon , cnro Fnrmt'is' house , or address Uoorifo Llndo , P. O. box407 , Hapld City RKATi r.STATH IlAHOAIN-Klccst piece of truckage on U. P. lly . insldn belntr over 'i acre , nt a haixulu. J. L. Itlco & Co. , over Com- merclnl bank. _ 07427 FOU SALn-Urexchnn o , Ml or louacio furm , well Improved , 10 miles southwest of Omaha Inquire on promises or uddross M. M. Parrlah , Piipillion , Nob. 523 O 2- TjnniCK'S GHOVE f s the nearest icsldenco JL * * property for sale at ? l,50i ) to 91,700 n lot. Fnrnam St. Is pnvod to this nddltlon , nud street car track laid to It. _ 474 2.1 _ Anioa , 1507 Fnrnam. AM V.5 PLACE , most popular location In North Omaha. Sco thcao lots before buying. 474 23 AtniH , 1507 Knrnnm. Ho US US Lots , Fnrms , Lands money ( oanod. Ilcmls , 15th nnd Douglas streets. nio F OK SALE Ata bargain , corner lot 72vl42. payed street , near business , $3,000 , Stownrt & Co. , room 3 , Iron Hank. _ 100 1/\ MINUTES Walk from lloyd's onorn J Vhoiibo brings you to Itodlck's Orovo.whcro $ orono-thlrd ca h you cnn buy a lot at $1M)0 to 1 ,7'X ) , while within n block lots sell at ? 75 to $103 a front foot * Think of tblj und secure a Itodlck'x Grtno lot. Ames 1507 rnrnnm. _ 4742 _ _ , _ roiFs vr.i : A flno hulldmi * lot on VlrKtnlii nvo , , wast tront. fl,2V ) , only $153 cash re. ( Uilrod. SoethU. .1. 11. Kvans .V Co. 5'.U 21 BIOHTEKN MONTHS-Krom now will"llml North Omaha lols solliiiK for 50 pot- cent moro than present prices. The host jndjrcs of Heal Instate values admit iliK Comennd seolots In Ames Place look nttho Improvements mauo there nnd got n location nt irt-c ont prices. _ 174-2.1 _ Amos. 15U71 armiin St. BAHOAIN 2 Kooil houses , one U room" , one 4 1001113,011 lot rcix2"iO , fronting on both 17th nndlbthsta ; collar , wells , clstorns , barn , etc. , ? t,000. ! Gregory Ac Hudloy , 1IU : DoiiBlas st. _ _ _ _ _ _ 3D3 _ _ ' . ESTATE HAltOAIX 3 tlno lots cor- EI'.AL 20th nnd Lake sts. . on cable line , can ho sold by us this wcolc at $7,503't \ cash. No liner bargain in the market. J.L. Hico & Co. , over Commercial hank. 074 27 Sfl.ono people nnd paved streets mnko Omaha property the best Investment. You cnn buy n lot 10 minutes wnlk from Itoyd's opurii house for $1,59 ! ) to fl,0 , one-third cnsh. This Is In Itcdiek's Giovo with street cur track uud pavoil streets , with gidownlic clear to It. _ 471-i _ _ ' ' " Knrnnm. - ' - KAI , KSTATK IIAISAll4i ! = 'Klnirttlornor : in Marsh's add. , hlKh and slightly on trrado : less than one mile from postollico ; $3.250 , half cash. J. L. Hico & Co , over Commeiclal bunk. _ 671 27 Poll SAl.i : A bargain. Lottiixii2 ! : , a blocks from postolllco. $20,000 , half cash. Mar- ahall _ & LoboeK ' , irxj. ) Fiirnam street. _ - ! ! ' Foil SA'M : Lotln Iliinobuugh place , $1,7007 J. U. Kvans & Co. 5JI223 _ 'ITIOIl SALE House and two full lots In Wal- JL1 nut Hill , $2KIJ , $00)eash ) , b.lnnco $20 per month , 5 room , cast Iront , corner. Lotln Pl'ilnvlew. fftTiO , only ! , ! cash. A lot on Miami street , only $ S25. Lots In Shrlver Place , $325 , $25 cash , balnnco $5 per month. House nnd lot In Oinnlm Vlow , $1,5)0. KM loot on Pierce street , corner , $3'JO ) . Ilofoioyoii buy call nnd sco II. W. Huntress , 130J Knrnnm st. _ List your houses and lots with me. _ 653 HILLSDALH Is moctlnir wonderful success l > ocau < > it ia a tplondld location , well built up and sollliiff for S200 a lot on very easy pay- meiilH. 474-2'l _ _ _ _ _ _ Amo , 1507 " Knrnam St. H.VM : LotFnUrexora "sub-division of Foil Klloffcrs , $1.150. J. 0. Evans & Co. _ f.323J rp\VO cnat front lots in blocks 2 nnd 4 , Hnw- L thorno , $850 each , nbout one-half casli. K D. Tanner & Co. _ _ _ 61824 IDtJoH A ; BKLUV'S nljf real nstato ua every J-V other day. See It. _ 2S4 ESTATE IIAUHAlN-Lot in Hawos1 REAL , just , otr Ruundors St. , only $900 ; pos- hlvo b.iik'tiln. J , L. Itico A : Co. , ever Commer cial bank. 07427 TTOUSESniobulldliiir nil over Hillsuulp , nnd JJL why ? llocauso $ J < X ) buys n lot there , the location Is flno anil terms very easy. It costs you nothing to see HilNdnlc , and n little money Invostfd there will double Itself. 474.23 Ames. 15 17 Fnrnam St. TCOll SALE 34 acras of bottom land , all -L. toncod , within 200 ft of depot , Hi acres In strawberries , balance In tame HIIIH. uultublo tor market or small fruit tfarden ; fl.HX ) , { VW cash , Imlanco to ? ult. A bargain. Address T. W. FoxTi , South Iloind , Nob. : Ono of ThoTjosTpiocoa of -L crty In North Omaha , ono block from pavoj street. An eight room house , nearly new. Cnn he hud cheap , If taken at once. O. F. Davla ACo. . 150 i Fimiain street. _ 0.17 LEAVE.WOIITH ST. H. U. trnokafro , ono or moro lots or nnnorn , at nifreat bargain. flee JV. . Lornn , at LaAVunworth Iluslnesj Place , or O. . W. Jlaker , Uoom 7 Iron Hank Building- . 611 THE" CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OF THE ChlcapMilwaiikee&StraulBli , , THE BEST ROUTE hen OMAHA vA COUHCIL BLUFFS ol TWO TRAINS DAILY HBTWF.KN OMAHA COUNCIL DLUFFd Clilcajfo , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'aul , Mlnucaiiulis , Ccihir Clinton , Diibuquo , Davenport , Hock Iglanil.Freepoi't , Kockford , Elpin , Hailisoii , Janosvillo , Ueloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Northeast and Southeast For through tickets call on the Ticket Avon at HOI Farnam struct ( la 1'iuton Hotel ) , or a Union 1'aclno Dopot. Vullmau Hluouuri and the Unest Dining Cars In tlio world are run on the main line * of tbo Ciiiaioo , iliLwii-Kii & ST. I'AUI , lUiLWAr , nnd every attention Is paid to paasearors by courteous employes of the company. It. .Mn.i.Eii , Uentral MomiKer. J. F. TIICKKU , AisUtant General Manager. A. V. H. CAUfKNTCii , Qeaeral Passenger and Ticket Agent Gen. B. HxArrouu , Assistant General Fasten- Kur and Ticket Agent J. T. CLAKK , Guueral Suporlutouaont. W. R. GIBSON & CO lEonin r , AVItlincll JUIock , Cor ner lAtli mid Hartley Mi. , Have a st'lemlldlljlot bargain * . tnelty property The followln * tire a fen only : III llon onnil lot on Vlr lnln n\o. , house of 9 inomv prlco f.1,751 ; tl.OOJciMh. H.VIlou o and lot In Idlowlld , only . ' ,103 ; on cn y terms. 131 hot on l.ako street , In l'nul on's mid. .south front , l > et * * cn SJnil nnd 24lh streets , for $1 , )0 ) If gold In n tow ilnj . 12.--IO line lots in 1'lnliivlow. Will sell nt n bar- gain. 1ft l/l In Patrick's addition nt very low price * . 101 1 iicro In ( IKe's nililltlon , clo e tn Siumitor * street Hero Is something Unit will puy 11 big JUT cent on lnv < tment Only 81.0JO down , Imlanco 1nnd 3 voirs. 19J-IH K. V. Smith1 * , nd.lltlon , ' < lot , aUUO , house of 4 largo room * . , nil for tl.900 ; ' 4 cash , Imlnneo to suit , monthly orenrly. . 172House nnd lot on Sherman nven'io , lot MX 13J. If sold eon , will soil for MrVrO ; S cash , balancolosull. ixits In Ambler I'lnco , isLet In HurrOak , tlOX ) ! MSOcnsh , bnlnneo to inlt ; front on llnincom 1'nrk. 103 House and lot In ThornoH'a addition , 41 feet wide nnd runs through from 2.1rd to 21th stioot ; prlco only (4,000 ; li cash. Thlslsnbar gam. 13 I.otln Hawthorne , $1,000 : Hinsh. 7 lAitliiCortlandl l'lato.U3tUJ : prlco M.&OOs fsZ.OJdcuih , biilanoo In & jonrs nt 0 percent 13lntoresl. 2-B lols In Wlleox's nddltlon for fl.flOJ : t cash. 1 tore Is ix bargain , If you want im In vestment. 137 Lota In lloyd'a nddltlon nt n bargnln. Wo bnvosomeof the choicest lots In Hnnscom 1'livce. -lloueonnd 4 lot on N. IPth st , , house with 11 rooms , nil modern Improvements ; prlco J.V > 00 ; $ 1,500 cosh , bnlnneo to suit. This It n bnrirnln. 174 2 low In Kountzo's 4th Sup. Add. Ono a corner , GilxMO , the other OOxl to. Very line Ion. Price for both f 1,1 JO : on terms to suit. ion 2 lota InThornbiirK's add. , for fOOJcncli ; * cash. Special attention given to all property listed with usoncominlsMlon. 120 Kln propoitjr on ( loorRlu Ave , worth W,0 X ) , to trade for Imiirovoil Inn t' In Vork or Hownr cniiutloj , Nobrnskn. CHICAGO AND UI3STE3. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only rona to talio for DCS Holnos , 5far- Rlmlltotrn. Cedar Katilils. Clinton , Dixie. Clilea- KO.MIIwaukoo tilid nil points cast. To tlio peo. plo of Nebraska , Colorado , WyomliiR , l.'tab , IdahoNevada , Orcffon , WashlnRton and Cali fornia , It offers snnoi lor advantages not posal- llo ) by any other lino. Among a few of the uumorous points of sn- rerloilty enjoyed by tlio patrons of this road between Omaha and Chloniro , are Its two trains ndayof DAV COACH US wliloh aiothotlnost that human art and mpomilty can create. Its 1'AI.ACE SI.RRI'lNa CAHS , which are models of comfort and olrtfiuico Its 1'Altr.OU DUAW- ING HOOM CAltS , nn8Uipas iilliv any , audits widely celebrated 1'AI ATIAL DINING fAHS , the equal of which cannot bo found olaowhorn. At Council HlntTs Iho trains of the Hnlon Taol- fie Hr. connect In t'nioti Depot with the = o of the Clilciw > Northwestern Ky. In Chlcapo the trains-of this line make close connection with those of all eastern Ilnc ° . For Detroit , Columbus. Jndlanapoti . Clncln null , Nlftu-arrt Kails , ItnlTnlo , I'lttclmrir , Toronto , Montreal , Iloston , No\r Vork , I'hfliulolpliln , Hal- tlmoro , WashliiRton and all f olnts in the cast , ask the ticket aecnt for ticket * * via the "NOUTHWr.STEHN. " If yon wlah the licit accommodations. All ticket lurontHSoll tickets via this lino. M. HUOH1T1' . H. S. IIAIH , General JlannRer. Gen. Pass. CHICAGO. SAHATO A Hot Springs Hotel SARATOGA , WYOMING. Thcso waters contain Iron. Potassium , I.I mo , Soda , Magnesia , Chloride of Sodium ami Sul phur , nnd tire a positive euro lor all diseases mishit ; liom an Irrpuio state of the blood.Acor- tain apeclllo for ItheuimUism. Daily Stage and Mail Line to and from Fort Steele. Good Physician in Attendance W. JL CAD WELL. Real Mstato Trnnarors. Tlio following transfers wore filed Sopt. 21 , with tiiu county clerk : N B Apple anil wife to IV T Uralmni , Omaha , lot 1 , Ai > plo's pruposcil subdivision of lot -15. Giso's add. , w d SOOO. ( > H H OK ITS and wlfo to the School District , city of Omalm , lot IS , bloclc 10 , Omaha Vlow , w il-5'J.V ) . L W Illll ( single ) to the School District , oily of Oiimlia. loin 17 , 19 and 0 , bloclc 10 , Omaha Vluw , w d-3.U50. A U Dunham and wife to Egbert K French , lot : i. Mock C , Ambler Vlace. w d Sl.bOU. J D Murphy to Charles Uorbctt , lot L block 5 , bliuH'sUd add , w d-15400. Do Vor Slioles und wlfo to J K Crad , Omalm , west > of lot HO , Illmcbaneh Place , S4.rxx ) . Joltn J Murphy to W U Nelson nnd C JI Cliamplln , lot t ) , block 1,1'atrick'rf nuU , w d - " * > ! , lot ) . Jenny L Dryant nnd liuslinnd to W F Bechcl , lot 14 , ( irinins d : Isaac's add. , w d SI. SI.W W F IJpchel nnd wife toF U Hrynnt , lot 1-1 , Grllllns i\c \ Isaac's add. , w d * J1. Edward il Stlckney mill \vllo to j H I'rles- snn. Omaha , north -fJ feet of lots 11 and 13 , Strickland's ttubdivtalon of Shiiiu's 2d add. , w d-8UOO. K bert K French and wife to A It Dunham , lot 11. block 10 , Central Park , w d)00. . F M Handing and others to George K llort- rand , lots a and : i , block 1 , PJaluviow , w d 31,100. G K Hertrnnd to \ , V Jlorso and T C JJrtin- ner , lota - and U , block 1,1'Ialnviuw , w d Sl.iiOO. William Cohnrn and wlfo to Lucy K WrlL'ht , lot 7 , Cobttrn subdivision ot block 11 , W < Ht Omalm. w d-37SO. .James ( ileiritath and wlfo to William E WrlKht , lots 4-i to & 1 inclusive. Windsor Place , w d-tf3.fi00- Jamuji ( i ili' cntli and wife to O W Niiwera , lot 4T , Windsor Place , w d SSK > 0. Nel * U Kelson und K Fafrtlehl to C I ) Woodworth , north no fent of lot 1 nnd all of lot : i , block A. Shinn'ri add. , w il si. : V ) . Chailes Uoblsnn and wlfntoJ W Thomns , Omalia , lot IS , block 11 , Heed's 1st add. , w d ( ieoiKaH Keys anil wife toJ A McSlnno , south yt ol lot' ; , block U , .Shitll'ti add. , S' ; . J V Manhlnnev to Liz./.ln H .SamsonOmaha lot 10 , block .1 , O'Xell'ri subdivision of block * 1,2 and a , howe's 3d adil.w d 31(100. ( Klma A Canati and nlher to Lcavltt linvn- ham , Omaha , lot 4 , bloclc 10 , Shlnn'ti 1st odd , , wd-33,7 George U Finiloy and wife to George I ) Campbell , 10 Icet of houth end of lot 1. block 10. $ Waterloo , w d-SO-il , Luulndn Hyde and husband to Fannlo McOanloy , Omaha , lot 6 , block 10 , Paiker's add , w il-81,5WO. ( Henry Slonfelt ami wife to F W WessolU , all of west 8(1 ( feet of lot 0 , block ITS , Omaha , wd-55,7W. United I'rcsbytcrlnns. The United Presbyterian Presbytery of this city will roeet in Omaha next Mon day evening. The United Presbyterian Synod , comprising delegates from sill Die churches in Nobrnsku , Colorado and Dakota , will inout on the oveniny follow- TEEPHONE 314 , HARRISON , AMBLER IOOLLEY DEALKIIS IX Estate Rooms 20 nnd 30 , Omahn National Bank Bullilliiir. Onialiiv , Nebraska. Do Strictly a Cmmission Buisnes List Vonr Property FOK SALL 80 For S.ito Lnl.t in Ambler I'lnro , ono of tlio finest mltlitioiiH to Omili\ : : , only a miles from court house tnut tx little ever { mlle wtat of llntiscom 1'urk. iMln ffMO to JfilOO ouch. Kusy tornis. 18'J ' Kor Sale 'J-.slory liottso , 7-roomn , cellur , city water , stable , full lot in llanscom place on 1'ark avc. , ? 5ooo ; ? lox ) cash , balaURO to suit. 187 Fine east front on Virginia nvo. , $ t,7r > 0 ; $1,000 cnsli , balance in 3 years. 182 For sale at : i bargain. 5 aorea for $1,000 ; half cash. 1(51 ( For sale at a bargain , corner lot 1IJ3 foot on South Kith st. , Ill ) fuot ileop , with largo house , $20,01)0 ) ; half onsh. 158 2-Rtory store building with lot 80x laOnii PiiilShoritlan at. , $1,500. t4 ! t line lots on 1'ark avo. , $ a,000 each. Cheap , 100 Lot fiOxl-10 foot in Dunont Tlnco. $050j $200 cash. Cheap. 70-Lot in Arbor I'laco , $150 ; $150 cash , balance to suit. 112 0 full soctionsof land in Cheyenne Co. , Nub. , at $1 per aoi'c , worth $0. bo sold soon. 131 For sale or exchange for Om.ilm pronortv. 100 acres 13 miles from Pilcor Nob.a.OOO 120 For Sale ( Sootl business property on ( " "timing .st. , $5,000. 103 For Sale or exchange , tor house and lot or vacant lot , 100 acres ? 1,000. 68 For Palo Good house and two lots In linn- scorn Place , J'i.OOO. I-'orSnlo On Oeorffla avenue , no'ir Judge Dun- dy's , east front , 10 room house , barn ; nl modern Improvements , $7r > )0. 55 For Sale House nlid lot on Pierce street : 2-slory house , 8 room.s.gooit well and cistern , $3,000. Foil SAM : Splendid corner in Hans- coin L'laco , 180x100. will make 4 good lots. A great bargain , $1,000. 7 For Sale llonio 5 rooms S 18th st. cis tern , cellar ; monthly payments$3.501) ) . 3 For Sale House anil lot on Georgia avo. , near Wolworth , house of 7-rooms , ovur.ythintr in first clasi condition , a barcain. $3,800. 44 For Sale House and lot on N. 18th st. house 9 rooms , good barn , lot 05r 185 , $5,000. 41-1 Fine lot on Hurnoy St. , 41x171 , $4,030 , for 8 days. 408 Fine east Iront lot , llanscom Place , ! ) -roctn house , modern improvements , $3,750. A bargain. 405 Lot in Shmn's addition , $1.-IOO. 404 House and lot Slum's ncld. , house of 7 rooms , $3,500. 403 Splendid lot in Hnnscom Place $1,200. A great bargain. 402 Lot and half in lli > nscom Place , flno location , $3,300. 401 A new 2-storv house , 8 rooms , llans com Place , $5,0M ( ) . 400 New house , 0 rooms , Virginia avo. $3.000. 3l ! ) ! Two ( me east front lots in E. V Smith's add. . $2,000 enon. -Lot'mxlBa on 20th , near Harnoy st , with 2 houses. $3,830. Special bargain. 800 Lot on Lake struct , $2,500. 305 Lot in Pelham Placo. $900. A bar gain. 302 Fine lot , south front , in llanscom Place , $2.500. 31)1 ) Two lots with donblo house of 10 rooms ; Shinn's add. , $3,500. A great bnrunm. 388 Lot anArmstrongs add. . $2,000. 880 Lot USxlOO in nount/u's ' 2nd add. , now 2-storv house of 8 roonin , $2,500. 0.30 Three lots in Omalm View , $350. Cheap. C35 Fine lot on St. Alary'd avenue at n bargain. 364 House nnd lot on South 10th street. only $3.500. 873 2 } acres only $250 per noro. 870 Lot in llanscom I'laco , east front , only $1,000. 878 Fine aero property on Saumlers at , 877 5 acres with ( j-room house , Saund- crs street , $5,000. 310 Corner lot , now house of 5 rooms Lake St. . $3,000. 3-10 7-room house and lot on near LeavenTforth St.1,000. . 348 East front lot , Hanscom Place , $000 , 310 Lot in Cortlandt Place , $0,000 305 Lot 30x140. Lake's add. , house of G rooms , only $2,300 ; $300 cash , balance $25 per month. 313 Lot in Thornburg , $550. 230 Lot on College Htreet , just south of Leavenworth. liousu of 4 rooms , good barn$2,200$50c'a8hbnla ; ( ) nro monthly 820 Lot on Utiano st. , llanscom Place $1,000. 212 Hoiibo and lot on Popploton avo. , llanscom Place , $ -1,000. 202 Lot on Catharine fit. , $2,000. 1U5 Lot opposite , ) ndgi ) I > undy'aif3 ,500 100 House and lot in Isenitio'a add itiott $2,500 ; $200 cash , balance $25 uer mo , 147 Corner , 2 lots in Hansuom 1'Jnco house of 0 rooms , good barn , $5,000. CO 5 lots on Saundurs at. , $1,100 euuli. A great bargain. 415 House and lot in Ambler Place , 8 roonih , good burn , $1,000 , 418-Corner , 2 lots , Arlington , $1,550 for both. A bargain , 420 House and lot m Lowe's addition $1,150 ; $500 cash , balanno to mm. 422 5 eait front lots in Hoyd's addition $2,500 for all ; ) cash , balance to unit , 421 Corner lot in Leavenworth Terrace , south und i-.nsl front , $000 ; $200 cudh , balance to 4211 1,01 22x00 feet on Kith Uncut , near Howard , $ ( J,500. A great bargain for a few ( lavs. 420 Lot in subdivision of J. I. lledlck'a addition , east front , $2,500. 427 HOUKU : uul lot on K. 17th at. , houuo 8 rooms , barn. A great bargain nt $3,000j i cash. If you want to soil list your property with ua. Parties wanting to purchase should call on Harrison , Ambler & Wooiley , Room 20Omaha , Natlona Ml ]