THE OJIAJIA. DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. SEPTEMBEE 23 , 1880. THE FOLLY OF FOOLS Criminal Blunder by Misguided Friends of Nebraska's Senior Senator. THEY NOMINATE CHURCH HOWE. The Oily-Tongued Trickster's ' Successful Bargain With Otoo's ' Delegation. A FATAL BLOW TO VAN WYCK. Two Horses Which Cannot bo Ridden in the Campaign. THE WORK OF THE CONVENTION. The Man From Nernaha Nominated on the First Formal Ballot. A SUBSERVIENT TOOL REMOVED. O. U Gore Invited to Step Down and Out oftlio Kullrond Com- mltmlon Patnl Shooting at nilllnrd , A Hopiiljllcnn Waterloo. Ur.vriiiCK , Neb. , Sept. 21 [ Special Tele- giam to the UKIJ. ] The fool friends of Senator Van Wvck. who repicscntud Oleo county In tlio congressional convention have donn moro toward the dufeat of the senator In ono hour than all his political enemies have accomplished In Six years. They and they alone are responslblu lor Church Howe's nomination , and the consequences that are Rtirc to follow this criminal blunder will , In my opinion , prove fatal to Van Wyck In tin ) senatorial race. Van Wyck can't ildu two horses In this campaign. If ho supports the Infamous mountebank , whom hu has Indited- ly foisted upon the party , ho will stultify him self and disgust his staunch friends. If ho bolts Howe ho will bo pilloried by his personal anil political ene mies. The fact that Otoo county , with Paul Schmlnkc , the senator's confidential friend , at the head of the delegation , nom inated Church Howe , will bo cited by that oily-longiicd trickster as proof that Van Wyck Is his bosom f rlond and a man of his own stripu. This Is by no means the worst feature. Thesenator ; himself will , of course , plead the baby act. Ho did not attend thu Otoo county convention In pcison , and Is not hero to-night to advlso his delegation. 1 know that thu senator wrotu a very pointed letter to Scliinlnkc yesterday inglng him to place Otoc with the opposition to Howe , but Bchmlnkc was either unable to contiol the course of the delegation , or he ipganled the rcimust as a meio blind to pacify the antl- Jlowo lendcis. At 5 p. in. , when the Otoe delegation ar- lived at thu depot , the anll-IIowo caucus , In session at Knights of Pythias hall , had seventy delegates piesont , exclusive of Sarpy and Otoo counties , which had a total of. eighteen delegates , and would , If added , have given the opposition nine votes to spare. Without the { Sarpy delegation , Otoo county was In a posi tion to defeat Howe , and Paul Schinlnko at first assured mo that at least eichtof his dele gation should votu with the anti-Howe uion. This assurance proved a tope ot sand. Schminko and the Otoc delegates went Into the Jlowo caucus and made a bargain with the wily schemer for a part of the Somalia delegation to Iho legislature , which ho had already promised to Paddock and Cobb. Howe's nomination Is hailed with delight by the democrats , and his defeat by from 3,500 to 0,000 In the district Is confidently pre dicted. E. Work of the Convention. BKATIUCK , Neb. , Sept. 2i fSpecIal Tcle- giam to the UBK.J Kverythlng to-day has been Riven up to tlio convention. Tim after noon trains biought In the majority of the delegates , who made their headquarters thi ) Llndalo house. Tlio Weaver headquar ters were at thu Grand Cential , whllo Howe and Council put up at the Kandall. The Pawnee tilty band was on hand to enliven the occasion. The convention was hold at the Jopora house , which was crowded to suffocation , many not being able to get In. The convention was called to order at 7:30 o'clock byT. P. Konnnrd. Captain G , 31. Humphrey , ot Pawnee City , was elected temporary chahman , and M. A. Hartlgan. of ( 'ass , and Matt Seeloy , of Lanoasterst > crotary.and the organisation was made permanent. Nominationsforcongioss- man were made as follows : JarvisS. Chinch , of Noinnhii , nominated Chinch Howe , see ended by C. K. Mcdoon , ot Lancaster , and N. T. McGinn , of Case. H. I ) . Kstabrook , of Douglas , nominated William J. Council , of Omaha. Samuel Chapman , of Cass , nomi nated Oilando Tcft , of Cass. Thu Informal ballot resulted as follows : Howe 01 Connell -10 T Tt J Tin ) lirst founal ballot resul cd : Howe Ul Connell 40 Ti'ft 23 Hov.'o'n nomination was made unanimous. Spcecho s weru madu by JIowu , J. M. Thurs ! ton MiulU. J. Con mill. D. U , Courtnay , of Lincastcrvns nlccted rhlarman of the con- KrubSional committee. Judge Weaver was not nominated and did not respond when his namu WKH called for a speech. Tlio con vention took n votu on pirsldcntlal nomlna- tlyns , which resulted In tlio unanimous choice ut Jnmes U. Ulalnc. V. II. ( ioro Removed. .y , Neb. , Sept. 24 JSpeclal Telo- rtrnm to the iKK.J ! Secretary of SUte Kagcon to-day adkca of C. II. Hero his resignation ns one ; of the fectct.irlos of the railroad com- mission. Mr. Ceio declined to resign , and to-morrow Mr. Roiigen will proceed to ap point n man to the position , and In that way IjrliiK about * removal. This U a .stop Scc- relaiy KO KOII has had in view for some tlmo , : .nd tlu > teruoval of Mr. ( ieio , who has l > en fcno'f it ui ono of the most subservient tools , nil ) , causu a great deal of jon to tlio pcoplo In the \ \ hi ) l2AV hoped to xco some good comn "out from the commission. Tlio fact of this iraoviUiasnotuptoto : , night , become known la political circles here , and It will causa n irttttlai ; of dry bonei In the camp of the State Journal's followers in removing the extr f aim r from thii editorial head of the coir tn. fierietary Itoggen has * host or ftimdn lu Ltnrvlu wtm will read the newt ot Ms btep lu tnln dlr ctlort with mtl.-h natlsfuc- tlcn nd will ASte * Uiat thentej ) has not tmen takin soon ououch. 'the seorvtarr , now- CTM. linn h d the tantur nu jar consideration for vtatime. . nd JIM acted aftc-r duo con- eMeriktlon that Uio step IB laVtn for tti getv- cral ii > oiL Mr , Hoxsou hM P-ndoreU the piuliron ui * ir.AA vromln nt lu Ui : state for f e .rs mt rbot * iinuwn lotozrity and prlo- IplMot > ift ) * > t iBillng * with th tienpu tti nib. i > ctT ) ptofenioinil life ulll. If he aiMpfr , ojinmtnd him nt one * to the pooplc .if thA suto. who will uut fni ! to he.irillr en- dorurt Mr. lt tK u'B selection. Tlm genii- man In qiic.itlon hfts lakrn the aucntlon of c- cep' iic > ) under advisement until to-irorrow. nnd consciiueully hli nauio IH withheld until tt.ul time. It the pouUiua U declined the vacancy will ht once bo filled by another ap plicant , Clny County's Hopiilllcnn Convention CI..VY C'ENTr.n , Neb. , Sept. 2J [ Special to the HKI ; . ! In the 0 lay county republican convention yesterday tlio business of the greatest Interest was the nomination of a candidate for the state senatorshlp. L. (5. lltird , of llar\ard , and It. ( ! . Urown , of Sut- Ion. wcro tlio aspirants. There ncro four can didates forruprespiilallvu , They were : Chris tie , of IMgar , Hortlss , of Spring Uanch , llan- dull , of Falrlicld , and Newton , ot Lynn pro duct. The second and third ballots , rcspcc- ti\ely , nominated William S. Handall , of FairlH-Id , and William Nowton. of Lynn , and the nominations wcro made unanimous. When nominations lor state senator were called It. U. Hrown was named on behalf of the Sutton delegation , and Dr. Hose , ot Har vard , put tlio name ot L. O. Hurd In nomina tion. 'I ho Informal ballot showed that of eighty-four notes cist Hurd received foity , Hrown forty , and blank lour. The lirst for mal ballot resulted In the nomination of Hrown by n vote of-13 to ! W. Mr , Dlnsmorc. of Sutton , was on hand with his iuberliatorlal boom , but tlm gentle man's enthusiasm was grievously dampened by the stentoiian "no" that rolled iu > against the notion to allow him to select the dele gates to the state convention. Theio was no distinct expression of the sense ot thu convention on the ( iimstlon of United States senator. The nominees for the legislature are all unpledged , but It Is un- deistood that Mr. Newton , being the I ar HILTS' candidate , favors the re-election of the senator. Thu other two are dotibunl. Delegates tn the congressional convention , us a maticr ot course , will bu for Lalid. Tlio delegates to the state convention are : A. K. Marsh , J. O. Merrill , K. K. Howard , A. P. Itaiidall , 1) . M. Xettleton. W. S. Prickett , C. 1) . Mooie , W. P. Shockoy and C. J. Alar- tin. CuHtcr County'H Great Pnii * . UltoKKN 13ow , Nftb. , Sept. 53. [ Special Telegram to the UIK. : | The Custer county fair opened hero to-day under hlnhly favorable - able ausnlees. The town Is full oC people nnd hundreds aie coming from the suriound- Ing country. Tlio weather is favorable. Fifteen hundred pcoplo wuro on the grounds this afternoon , and to-morrow nnd Friday a great tlmo Is anticipated. Tentsand wagons dot the grounds , and the suiroundlng coun try looks like a military encampment. Great prepaiatlons ate being made foi the last day , which Is coming with a grand cele bration , barbecue , Ilreworks and a general blowout. Excursion tinins are to run from Lincoln , Hastings , Grand Island and Intui- vening points. A cieat throng Is expected , and the fattest calf will bu sacriliccd. Theio will bo a grand tlmu In general. It is pro posed to make It tlio greatest event of thu season ol this part of the state. The rall- load has recently reached here , and Ilrokun Jew ! is booming. It Is proposed to keep thu ball rolling as long ns there is shot in tlio locker. Elder Burton Denounced. YORK , Neb. , Sept. 2-2. [ Special to tlio 15ii : : . ] The Burton scandal has culminated this week In the publication of statements and resolutions by the official board of the Christian church. This document will ap pear in the city pappus hcio to-morrow , and will undoubtedly ctoatu another epoch of In tense excitement , liurton's Irleuds havu been attempting to blacken the reputation of those who had the couiago to expose his In famous conduct , and tlio church authorities weio lorced to take action and dunouticu him as ho has so richly deserved. The threatened libel suit against the UKI : and the Yoik Democrat lor publishing the lirst expose of the matter is now supposed to bo de clared oil. Hurt County's Fair. OAKLAND , Nub. , Sept. 23. [ Special Tele gram to the Uir..j : The Hint County fair hcio opened ycstuulay. Fully three thousand pcoplo were on the xiounds to-d.iy. The best blooded stock over exhibited In this county is now on exhibition. The usual number of lulllansaio in attendance. Last night was made hideous by their yelling and shouting , 'io-morrow will bo the biz dav. Van Wyck will address the public at 1 o'clock. ThoTo- kamah band will be heiu to escort the senator to the giounds and furnish music for tliu oc casion. He will luvo a col dial icceptlon. Cold Day For 1'mil. Lour CITY , Neb. , Sept. 23 , [ t-pcclalTele- cramtotho BnE. ] Thu representative con vention met to-day at this placo. S. L. Can non , of Cngtcr , was nominated to represent the Fiftieth distiict. Ho docs not commit himself for Van Wyck or anti-Van Wyck for fear of creating dissenstlons In the mugwump element. The mugwumps have sold themselves soul and body to the antl-Van Wyck men In order to sc3iiro posi tions on the different delegations. W. H. Conyer by icsolutlon was endorsed for statu senator and his record as representative heaitlly approved. Not a delegate In the convention was found for Jim Paul. Duke Simpson AVants a Ctiniifjo. NnmiASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 22. I Special Telegram to the UKK.J The district court adjourned tills evening until Friday mom- liig. Duke Simpson who , It Is said , would plead guilty If given a light sentence , which District Attorney Strode refuses lo allow , now asks for a change ot venue , which mo tion will bo argued when the court con vcncs. Ho will not bo tiled this term at all events , as the petit Jury were discharged this after noon , all ttio criminal cases going over until the November term. C S8 County'H Fair. PJ.ATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept 23. [ Special Telegram to the BIK : , " | School children's day nt the Cass county fair was an uiiquali- lied success. Fully S.OOO people were In at- tundanco. The programme as announced was carried out. High winds prevented the balloon ascension , which will take place to morrow , Grand Aimy day. In the pony running lace Hlondy won In two straight heats. Tlmo 5T K and M. In the three nilnutn trot Kitty 1 . won the third , fouitli niul lifth heats. Time B:4 : % 'J:47 : , 'J-v : % The races for to-monow will ba unusiufly line. Anything to neat Van \VycIc. HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. 22. [ Special to thoU U i.J : Hero is a cample of lepubllcan ring ruin In this county : The Ulalno township delegation to the county convention yester day were duly elected , were straight republi cans , but being anti-monopoly republicans and strong supporters of Van Wyck , they were voted out of the convention. The ring , after teaming the fact that these men wcro lopubllcan anti-monopolists , got two or three he.-ulf togther in Ulalnu township and fixed a delegation to tholr own notion. This delega tion was headed in the convention by the chairman of thu Klaiuo township lopublic.ui committee , the very man who signed thu ciedontlals ot thu regulr.ily elected delegates , Inspltoof this , nnd In spitu of ( ho protests of tiuo represent- nlivesot the republicans , this delega tion was floated. The ali'alr has caused a fed- Incof wido-spicad dissatisfaction , ami has lost to the party the support of a lanru num ber of its boat voters. Unprovoked Shooting , PArir.uoN , Nob. , Sept. 23 , [ Special Tele- cran : to | ho lies. ] At 5 o'clock this morning Walter Durham , superintendent of badges under Mallory < k dishing , the Oinulm rall- ioad contractors , was shot nnd fatally Injured liy C. MlUinan , a paloon-keeper at IHlUrd. The tallowing are the particular * a < related by an j-o-\ylta M : Durham was engaged on U. A M. bridge work near M'.Httrd , and ywteiiUy aitct- noon , accompanied by sovtmU of his men , he went to Jill lard to take the train fur j'.ipllllon. The train was Jute nnd the mm went to MIUmnn'Hsaloon toxeth drink. Mllliunn iiad n iptc : ngalnst WlllUm Cole , a member of Durham's party , * ud ordorf d him tom the alcon. Coin went out , n hen Dur ham , who thought Mlttru&n WM jolclng. tald ta a jocular way ; "Comn , DOVK. ! t'i Co : uii drink our li < i r. " They went Into tl > ulimn , when Mltti.-iundMwa big r volvor and thuut II in Colo's tac . Dm ham still thought Ml'.tin an W4i JoklD nd jump'xl In front of Cole , when the saloon keeper tirod. Tlir. ball Etruclf pi > or Diirluui lu the throat , and ( n au Instnnthls face was covered with blood. After the shooting Mlttnian threw hH rovohcr Across the room and went outsldo the houso. Ho was soon arrested and Is now under a heavy cuard. Doctor Klonmnan , of I'apllliou , was called ami iro- ) nounccd the wound fatal , Tlm community Is very much exercised , and If Durham dies a lynching bee Is not Improbable. Durham came here n short tlmo airo from Fort Dodze , la. favorite amonz his men , and their threats of vengence nre loud. I/nlrd Ucnoinlnntcd , HASTINOS , N'l-b. , Sept. 22. iSpeclftl Tele gram lo the Hir..j : The republicans of the Second congressional dlstiirt met In conven tion In this city this afternoon. Ono bun dled and cishty-ono delegates wcro piescnt from twonty-llvo counties. ( ? core U. Hast ings , of Saline county , was made chairman , and W. E. Bower , of Butler , secretary. 'Hie name of James Laird was placed before the convention by J. S. Olllwni , of Red Cloud , In n masterly speech. Thu nomination of Mr. Laird vv. is made by acclamation without a dissenting vote. Second Dny of Snrpy's Fnlr. PAPIM.ION , Neb. . Sent , ffi [ Special Tele- cram lo thu Br.H.J The second day of the Sarpy county talr was a decided success. All Interest centers In the races for Friday , "Omaha " when fiom day , n largo delegation Omaha is uxpectod. Little President , May Claiko and Kthan Allen , fiom the Adam Thompson stables , nnd Tom ( iray's Fannlo Mace , all Omaha horses , will participate In Filday's races. _ Strong For Vnii Wyolc. Nonroi.K , Neb. , Sept. : M.-Si [ > celal Tele- pram to the Ur.K. ] The republican primary lor Norfolk precinct to-day resulted in the selection of Van Wyck delegates to tlio county convention , which meets in llattlu Creek Saturday. The Indications arc that thu count } w III bo strongly lor Van Wyck. For Thaycr nnd VniiVyolr. . Pr.ATTK , Neb. , Sept. ' . [ Special Telegram - gram to the UKI.J : The Lincoln county re publican convention held to-day Instiuctud deleg.ite.s to the state convention for Tlmyer nnd endorsed Van Wyek. Minnesota ST. PAUI , , Minn. , Sept. 23 , The republi can state convention met this morning to nominate n full stale ticket. AfterassembllnK A. C. Wedge , of Albert Lea , was choMm for tcmpoiary cliaiiman by acclamation , and J. Bookwalter lor tem porary secictary. J. J. McGaiijjhoy , chair man of the joint committee representing tlm Knights of Labor , Farmers' Alliance , Pat rons of Husbandry and the tiades and labor assemblies ot St. Paul and Minnesota , made a brief address setting foitli tlio demands of the various organi/.atlons lor a reduction of freight rates ; ! enactment ot a law prevent ing the sccuiing ot pioperty by tax title ; for bidding the issuancu or acceptance ol freu passes on i all roads ; denouncing convict labor ; favonng a graduated income tax , and the appointment of a state board of grain Inspectors ; demanding that women shall rc- colvo the same wages as men for the same work ; that the nubile lands bu no longer given to coiporations , but bu held for actual settlement ; favoring arbitration In dlflei- ences between capital and labor , and pas sage of laws compelling largo corpoiatlons to pay employes In lawful money. Hon. Ignatius Donnelley addressed the convention , asking It to declare against thu injustice of compelling the people ot Minnesota seta to pay a high rate of Interest on watered raihoad stocks. K\-Sonatoi Wln- dom introduced liuv. S. K. Smitli , of St. I'.uil , to prcicnt thu views ot thu anti-saloon ling of thu paity. Dr. Smith urged thu con vention to deelaio that u law bu enacted to restrain the liquor tialllc within the smallest possible limits. Tim resolutions thus pre sented weie rvtcirod to thu committee on res olution" . After the appointment ot the usual committees the convention adjourned to" p. m. The convention proccoded to ballot lorgov- einer. Fiist ballot : Maglll , 1 ( ; Gilmaii , 101 ; Gibbs , ! W. xs'eceisaiy to choice. 183. Pending the counting ot the no\t ballot the resolutions were read and adopted , of which tlio following i ? the sub'itancn : In behalf of the farmers , the warehouses and railroad law should bo amended tosucine an open and freu maiket for thu products of the soil ; that the railioads , whcio It can bo lesally done , should bo rustiained fiom holding free lands except lor taxation ; theiudiictlon of interest to 8 per cent , and the enloicciucnt ot Jho usury law ; the bulldini : of a soldiers' home : endorses the resolution passed at the Gianil Army encampment at San Francisco favoring pensions to disabled soldiers ; that tl e republican party pledges itself to secure a l.xw piohibltliii the lurthur usu of watered stock ; la vors legislation to i enow thu free coinage - ago ot silver : favors the revision ot thu tariff so that taxation on the necessaries of lite may bo reduced , and Is strong for civil ser vice refonn. Masill was nominated for governor on the fourth ballot. The ballot for lieutenant governor lesulted : A. K. llieo , 247 ; 11. A. Castle , 10 , ? . The nomination was made unanimous. North Carolina Itcpiilillcnnfl. < m , N. C. , Sept. 22. The republican fitato convention met heiu to-day , rcpiesunt- Ing fifty-four ot thu ninety-six counties In the stato. It nominated a full ticket for supreme premo and oupoi lor com ts , adopted a plat- ioim which eiidoiscs the Blair bill , denounces the democrats for their failure to pass It , op poses convict labor , undoiscs protective tar iff , nnd condemns the democratic party for broken promises and pledges. .Dakota PolltlCH. ST. PAUL , Sept. 2J. Tlm latest dispatches from Yankton this afternoon Indicate thu nomination of Mr. Gifford for delegate to congress fiom Dakota , It being unduistood that a compromise lias been alluded with the opposition to this cITcct , giving thu chahman of tin ) territorial central committe to General - oral Allen. It Is also reasonably certain that thu plattorm will declare lor division. An Appeal For Anarchists. CHICAGO , Sept. 22. In a column and a half letter to the Dally News to-day Mrs. Hlnck. wife of Captain W. P. Black , senior counsel for the condemned anarchists , makes a plea to the public for the lives of the eight mon. The letter prophesies a reign of terror In the near lutiiro and advises tliu people of Chicago to purchase temporary peace with the lives of the anarchists. Colored Mission AVorlc. CUICAOO , Sept. 23. The Baptist General association of the western states and ter ritories bewail Its annual session hero to-day. Delegates are present from col ored Baptist chuiches , Sunday schools and mlsbionaiy societies throughout the west and southwest. Thu object of the association Is the lilting up of col ored liaptist missionaries lor Afilcan fields. .Many of the deiezates not having arrived the sessions to-day were devoted ex clusively to devotional uxurclses. To-morrow the report of the executivu committee will bu heaid and general business takun up , cndlnu with thu election of olllcers for tliu ensuing year. Ffunl llallroad Wrnck. KANSAS CITY , Sept 23. Two freight trains on the Missouri Pacific railroad col lided this morning thirty miles east of this city. The two trains met on a curvu and both were ditched. George Cowles and John Light , of Sedalla. engineers of thu trains vvoio killed and thu two Ilremon In jured. Ttio wreck took tire and about ten cars wcro burned with their contents. Seven vrero loaded with lioirs , cattle and bheop. which were burned or maimed , and many of the carcasses were burned. Passenger trains Wf ri > delayed several hours. Canadian Steamer Again Seized. OWBX SOUND , Ont , Sept. 2U. The steamer Frances Smith , of Owen S&und , has strain been seliod by the American authorities at Sautt do St. Marie , on account of some in formality as to the security of 315,000 on tormerseizures at St. Ignacu. Midi. , for Im proper reporting at that point. Celebrating Emancipation. CIIKYIUTNK. Wyo. , Bept , 22. [ Special Tel- ecram to tbo UEK.J Emancipation day was markwt by the colored people with a grand parade. The fathering was addressed by several speakers. In a lareo hall In the BACK AT THE WHITE HOUSE , The Presidential Party Reach Home From Sojourning ih the Wilderness. EVERYBODY WELL AND HEARTY. Cleveland Donuunucil liy the Unrth- iitnlc | Sufferers Nc\vs In .Military Circles UK * Ciumu or ainn- Discovered. Homo , Sweet Homo. WASIII.NHTON , Sept. 2J. I Special Tele gram to the l > ii : : . ] I'loMilonl Cleveland re turned homo lo-iilRlitatO o'clock. lie came on the congressional limited front New York , his ] iilvilocar : being attached to tlio train through the kindness of tlio IVnnsjl- vnnln rnllrnail. Sinclair , Ills valet , mm .Al bert , tlio coachman , wore at tlio depot anil re- cctvcil the party. There was the private car- ilftRu and the li\ton wagon fur the trunks , thu stulfcd deer , the lisli baskets , the tackle. thu balsam pillows ami nil thu othn trap pings of vacation. President and Mrs. Clo\o- Iftiid s iirrUal was oxiieoteil , and hrnco there was quite n lance cio\\d at the depot to see them , hut as usual , .Mr. Cleveland did not give thu public much chance to look OUM him , lor he hastily walked to his carriage and ho and Ids wife and Mrs. Knlsom wcro drlvon home. Notwithstanding the temarks of Col onel liolo , thu president has Kalncd llesli , and as thu cloctilc light felt upon Ills facu It Mio\\cd that It vuis ell-tanned and healthy looking. Colonel Laiuont and Jlis. Iiatnoiit and their t\u > little children , toitcthci with Mis. l-'ohoiu , tnado tip the patty. As It was late when the paity arrived at the white house , and they \seio pretty well tired out , nothing was done but eat supper. To-moirow the president will take up the runs of his otllco and thu hum drum II fo ( it a president will begin again. He will find nil thu correspondents and papeis In excellent order while lid has been insay. The mall has been natui ally much smaller than usual , but still thcie was quite a huge amount received dally. As usual the cranks never let up on It. Two letters came to-day ironi Troy , Ohio , both addressed to the "con servator of the constitution at the whltu house , Washington , D. U.1' They came In largo envelopes , with twelve cents onstage , n special delivery stamp , and ono also icgis- tered. The pile of important letters await ing thu president's uyu docs not amount to lilty , and they will be soon disposed of. Ex actly what ho and .Mis. Cleveland will say in regaid to the "Impiovenients" In the In terior no one can siy. The bluu room was looked at to-night , of course , because M > much has been written about It , but It did not show its hidcousncss by gaslight. TIIKY AlIU. JtKMKMIii ! : : (1KOVKH. 'William Kalk , a piomineiit bubinoss man from Charleston , S. C. , sueakiiiKOf the dls- tiess In his city on account ol thu earth quakes , says : "Onu thing * eems to have been pretty well demonstiated by the u'cent calamity , and that Is our president was not equal to the exigencies of the situation. Itas received lor Queen Victoria to set him thu example winch common humanity should have dictated , and while our people did not paiticulaily de.slro peciinlarv aid , they thoinrht the pre.-ident ol thu United Status might have telcKiaphed hissynipathv lor their aflllction. South Caiolinians will not lortret this slight in a liuirv , I can tell j on , and it would not surprliu me to see a Cleveland delegation < leleatod at the prima- i les before the ulu c'liiventioii in IfcbS. Uur ] > eople will pay off their score in this man ner , and although a llfe-lonir dcmociat my- ; > elt , jou may bo suns Cleveland will never sect my vote for re-election. This sentiment is growing all over the south , and no excuses made at this late day will palliate or condone either the carelessness or forffutfulness ot the stilckon people of Chailcston by one who should havu been tlio liiat to extend con dolence. " MATTlillS. Hospital Steward C. O. Schott has been or- deied to dutvat Foil McDowell , Aiizoua , and Hobpltal Steward llciman Wilkemlinl to Kort Slitnuy , Neb. ( icueial Slier dan is busily engaged on his annual lepoit , which will bo completed be fore hu leaves hen next week lor tort Lc.iv- cnwoith , to be present at thu closing ot the aimv litlu contest. Captain William S. Starling , ordnance coips , repoited September 12 lor duly as clilet ordnance ollieer of the Department of the 1'latte , and has been assigned to the com mand of thu Cheyenne oidnanco depot in ad dition. Aimy furloughs authori'/cd : Private John Kncubiihlur , troop K. Second cavalry , Fort Lowell , Arizona , six months , to go abroad ; 1'rlvato Paikur Buloid. company K , Twenty- fouitli inf'intry , Fort Keno , Indian territory , tin co months , with pel mission to apply for three niontlis1 extension. Aimy leaves gianted : Captaln'Stunner II. Lincoln , Tenth Infantry , Fort hjon , Colo. , two months trom October 1 ; Lieutenant Charles A. L. Tiotten , Fouith unlllery , Fort Adams , U. 1. , until bunteuibui ! ? J ; .Lieutenant Woodbrldgo Geary , Nineteenth Inlantry , Foil Claik , Texas , ono month extension. IJavld L. Uralnar < lof Orocly Arctic expe dition tame , has ic-enlisted in thu signal corps and has boon appointed a sergeant. Acting Adjutant General Helton has l.ssued an order to cairy into effect the pun Won of congress , appio veil August 4 last , for cloth ing and a ( foliation of Sf > In money for each prisoner released from conlincment tinder sentence executed at military posts after dis- chaige from the military service , and an nouncing that thccommandaiit of tlm mili tary prison at Fort Loavenworth , Kan. , is chained with the disbursement of thu funds appropiiatcd. The clothing will bo similar to that furnished at thu Leaven wort li prison , and will bo procuicd In the same manner. Commanding ollit'crs of posts where ! theio aru pi boners to bo benu- lilted by the provision will Immediately Bond to thu commandant of thu Lea veil wet th prison a list of the names ot prlsonuis who will piobably bu idleasod at their respective posts in tliu period between this datu and January 1 , 1687 , and bon'inuliii : October 1 , 18. ) , will send a similar list In the lirst week of every ijuartur tor a period coveted by thu next succeeding quarter. The proper meas- urumunt lor coat , , trousers and sUes lor hat , shoes and socks lor each prisoner win be furnished with the list of names. Tlio commandant will then cause the clothing to bu madu up or procuicdand properly marked , by package or otherwise , with the iiainu of the prisoner for whom It is intended , and turn It over to thu quartermaster's depart ment lor delivery at its destination. The property will bo accounted for In the same manner as that Issued to men released irom prison , and will not bu takun up on property rctnins airjmst. to which sent. 1'ho donations will bo paid by check , which will bo forwarded wltli ft voucher , upon which payment is to bo receipted to thu ofllcurlio has the custody .of the prisoner for whom the che < iK la drawn , and as boon as payment shall Imvu been made , tlm ii'ceipted voucher iwill bu returned to the commander of Ihoiprison , Donations will continue to bo pali ) at Atcattas Island and at Fort Snelllng from monuy received for prison laver , and will notbu paid trom funds appropriated exeunt when theio blull bo no enmities Hum which to pay It. WHAT MADfi MANNING HICK. "It Is a wonder Mat Secretary Manning was notnoibonuil todoath , " bald a plumber to the liUK coriOMtondont this evening. "Wu have been at1 work , " ho continued , "takiiiL'tlioplnmblflioiitof Mr. Manning's private olllci * , and | have discovered that hu sat all of last winter i near a closet Immedi ately over , and luaulug to thu main sewer , which emitted constantly a ueadly gas. In the winter , when the door ana windows were shut , the air was most oppressive , and sometimes In the coldest weather Manning was forced to open tlio windows. Ilu was urged not to sit in there , but it was thu only place in which he could tmd absolute privacy. It was Impossible to avoid seeing visitors It ho remained In the main room. Ills physi cians urouounco his disease blood noUon from sewer eas and nay that ft was brought on beyond doubt by hid sitting In that little room.1 TO KDUCATE THK SAVAGES. Tlio capture ot Ueronlmo and his band of bloodthirsty Apaches , It is stated In congres sional circles , will lead to a movement this winter to xorco the remainder of the savages now "out In the cola' to bo educated. If the Jilalr educational bill 4s pushed again It is nrouoscd that n provision shall | > e interpol ated compelling all Indians who receive as sistance from the government na well as tlio-o running wild to be educated. "Vi.tiild Uus scheme carry. " said a Texan this afternoon , "It will result in n peed dprd of employment for Ilio cowboys on the fron tier , as about 10 per cent of the Indians will have to be lassoed , and It will require a eiblo at each olio's neck lo keep him In school. < 5TIIlj A W.l'UilUrAN. . . It was Mated In print n few dajsajro Ihat cx-.Minlster John W. Foster , who took a spec ! \ \ mission tn Spain and who has served the lanerumcnt In Mexico , and who icpio- scntsasan attorney the latter In this city now. was a democrat and that his MTUPO nndri the pii'M'itt iuliuinl tratlon had won him over fnmi the ranks. One ot his intimate fru-iuU was asked tn day If this was true , and he inpllrd : " ( ieneial Foster Isoneot the most enthusiastic republicans I Know of. True , ho Is not as Mronir a piott-c- tionlst as some men , as ho negotiated the rending ttcatlcs between this Country and hp.iin and Mevlco. but he Is a ri' | > ublli'an. I iiniU'rvtalid hu will go to Indiana In a few days tnnik In the campalitn and try to septut' the rcH-tcctinii of Senator Harrison. ' William 1) . Fnrrislias been commissioned postmaster at Cedar Bluffs. Neb. , and James k M.-ars at White Cloud , la. Thf following postal orders have brcn Issued atreofinc the Iowa service : Collepo bprlimsto Clarlnda. icsclnd order of AiiL'tist ai discontinuing tins M-rvIco and order of Si'ptemi > i't Sextendliii-tlio tlinu ; teduce sci- \lce Soptcinbei 27 to threu trips a week. Albla to DCS Molnos , Wabasli , St. Louis vt Pacific railway,08 miles ; ctirlall service on this route so as to make It roinincnco nt Harveyvllle , In. , dcciuasliiK distance SSI miles. Tin : PENSION I1UUI2AU. JMnilo by Coiiiiiilssloner lilnolc's Anniinl l > cport. W VSIMNOTON , Sept. UJ. Commissioner of Pensions Ulack has tiled with the secretary of tlio intPilor his icjmrt of the operations of the pension burot'u for thu fiscal year eiidod June 80 , issn. From the teport U appears that on June 30 that theio wcro JW'i.T' * ! pen- aloncis on thu rolls , composed of 'JOKSTJ army Invalids , 80,103 nimy widows , minor children and dependant relatives ; 2,10. ) navv invalids , 1,877 navy widows , minor children , etc. ; l.KJO stirvhois of the war of 1812 , showing a loss during the year of MOO of tills class. Tlio amount paid for pensions during tin-year was Sftl.7 thodlirci- cncu in thu amount paid and the annual value icprosuiitlni ; the ) acciued and arrcaiacu pensions paid during the year. Ono bun dled and sixty thousand four hundred and sixteen rcitlllcates oC all kinds. Including 70,9bU Increase cer- tillcatps Issued to widows and de pendents under the act of March 10 , ISNi , were Issued during the past > ear , which , the report says , shown a vast in crease in the woik of thu otllce. This is especially true of thu special ex amination division , which , tlio com missioner says , have saved the gov ernment over S.1,000,000. Tlio amount of oxpcnditmcs for stationary , printing and binding has been diminished by Sii,0U : lor tin1 past year. Of the appiopihtions pro vided lor expenses of the oflice , S0,9Ti'J : ! has been covered back Into the treasuary. Tlm clcilcal lorce during the year was diminished by 100. Tlio Odd Kcllow * . DliosroN. Sept. 22. Tlio Sovereign Grand Lodge , 1. O. O. F. , was called to older tlno morning. Representative Itowe , of Dakota , presented a resolution providing foi obituary not ices of members to be handled separate and piintedin thu Iteviscd Jouinal. Representa tive Cailln , of Illinois , presented a protest from Excelsior canton , of Chicago , airainst thu action of Lieutenant General Under wood in postponing tlio drill which was to have taken place to-day , demanding that the dilll pioceed , and if no other canton ap peared foi the dilll , that thu pil/ubu awaided to Excelsior canton. Past Gtand Siiu Dtiiham lalsed the point of oulor that the protest was onto ! older in this body. Thogiand she sustained the point. On mo tion ot Representative Cov , or .Maine , icpre- M'iitatlves and their ladies weio i ( 'quested to meet in Odd Fellows' hall. Reports , as they appealed on the join nal , were taken up and a iinmbur of appeal cases passed upon or laid over until to-monow. Thugiand lodt'e then adjiiuined until 9 o'clock to-morum moiii- injr.Tlio Tlio large procession of Odd Fellows began atp. . in , The procession was the larsrcst ot thu kind u\er seen In Boston. Awarded. CnicAoo , Sept. 2J. CommKhioneis Ulanch- ard and Kichardson , aibltratois for the Pcorla committee of the Central Trallie asso ciation , have sent out their awaid of per centages in the through pool ol lines running east Irom Teoila. The new award is as follows : They Couldn't Ajjrco. CUICAOO , Sujit. 22. The managers of the northwestern lined to-day , aflei v.xiuly en- deavoiliiR to icach mi agrcciuuiit , ailjouincd their mcittiiig until October 11 mid pasted a lesdlutloii that their present asrcoruent re lative to thu maintenance of rates should continue in foicu until November 1. A President antl Money Gone. llAirrroiu ) , Conn. , Sept. Si The nisiii- anco commissioner made an Application this nioiiiing to acjaln plnco thn Cli.irlor Oak In surance company In the hands of a receiver. The accounts ot ( Sco. il. Haitliolomcw , pros- Idunt ol the company. Is said to bu bhoit § 157,030 , and ho has disappeared. Martin Irons tn St. Sr. Louis , Sept. 2J Martin lions , loader of the great strike last spring on the Uould system , was brought hero from Kansas City to-day lo stand trliil on the chargu o ( com plicity in tliu wiro-Uijiplujr nllalr , 31 r. Xllilon'H AVI 1 1. WlHTB Pl.AlNH , N. Y. , Sept. 2i. ThO0 ] | - bate of the will of the Into Samuel J. Tildnn was again this morning adjourned for ono week in coiiRoniienco of the absence of Mrs. Ciuollne 11. J'olltlo.s In llnox County. GHKIUIITOX , Nob. , Sept. IS. [ Corres pondence of the IJin. : ] The caucuses wore hold In this ( Knox ) "Bounty tO'd.ty ; the nnti-Viui Wyck forces wore out with plenty of nionoy , whisky and democrats , to cnpturo the caucuses , but failu'l lu sovurul prceinctsj the county convention will ) ) rohiibly stund 11 for Van Wyck and It ) n niiiHt him , Tlio republican anti-Van Wyck politi cians bought mon openly to work ag.tinbt Van \ \ yck dele ate . Sonntor Van Wyck 1ms doiio inoiv for this county than over a senator or con- grcbHinau nas done before , and this la Iho returns for it. A largo majority of the republicans are for Van Wyck , but thu corrupt politicians are u amst him and will UHO every moans to dotuht the will of thu pcoplo , Our county treasurer , Win. Saundcr.s , and his brother-in-law , ( ioo. A. itrooUs , have spent a week trying to defeat a Van Wyck delegation to the county convention - tion , This county has uinctt-oii precincts and only twenty-nine ili > lv.rato.u jchomo put tip ho as to purchase a few delegates if defeated at tlio caucuses , and thuroliy control tlio convention by fair means or foul. foul.Vac Uonda say.s Ilio fiohomlans are for Van Wyck , but ho is afj.iliiat linn , co it is fair to presume they will bu a itinst him at the election. WhUUy and monuy run the so-called republican party ! u ikis county. The republican convttr.lion ivill bj held here next Saturday"it ! ! : ! : . Tlio democrats lield their ca i > iii.cs to- dayandwill hold their convu lioi : ne.xt Tucbday , tliu Slbl. Tlio vote in this ( Crci hton ) product stood 09 votes for Van Wyok nn-1 &d against him , including democrats nnd noii-rcaldunts of tlio precinct , F/'ory Van Wyck man will designate lit * vivfvr- enp.o for liim at the polls , so that uvrry- ono will know whom thu people mind on that question , T'hu prominent sun-Van Wyck men here in tlna county ur Gturifo A. lirooks , William Saunnrr * , county treasurer , and S , Drupor , who was lo- featcd two yearo a o by a tli-flionrat fnr representative to the legislature in this county with 500 ropiililicrtii majority. Suuli is politic in Kuox f.oiiuty. A FOnOIJU CAt'HT. Don Molnos Oillelnls Cftpluro n Knn una Oily Criminal. PEI MOINK . In. , Sept , W. [ Special Telo- Rrnm lethe Ilii.l : : A telegram was received from Kansas City Monday nuking the author ities to Koepn. sharp lookout for K. M. I'oa- cockM \ was wanted In Kansas City for fonjlng n nolo for 8M on a local bank and who was supposed to bo In or near DPS Mollies. TwoofllrpM wcro detailed to look tlionialtci up , nnd alter some tuaiii ( > u\eiliig thev learned Irom his lstor that ho wns about ten miles \\pst of Wnukee. Thpy went to Wniikci < this mornlni ; and , taking a cai- ilaffe , imlo out to where their ninn was stay- luic. A low qtlPStlons developed the fact tuat In- had COUP to Dos Molnus , and retutii- iiitrlollns cltj Ihey touml their man at a hnu'c < ui lliib stieel , near I'lijlitcoiilli. Ho was t.iki'ii Into r loiv ! and turui'd o\ei to Ilio Kansas Cltolllclal , who was in Drmnorntlc I'oslnumtcr ( Jono Wrong. Si'inir I.AKI : , In. , Sept. 2J. [ Special Tclc- Brnin to the Hrv..J H spomsnow to bo IJIMI- trally conceded that the postmaster at this place , Mr. A. ! ' . Heath , has nbu'onilctl with n several hundred dollars shortage. Ho dis appeared on the sili , nnd to-day a postolllcn Inspector arrived and began an examination of his accounts , Heath wns editor of a deiu- ocinllc paper lieu1 , htaiti'd after Clo\oliud came Into oillce , and b > Its help lie obtained tliu imstolllco. His Domlsiucn , who will ha\i < to iiiaku up his shortage , ha\o put It In Ivm- imiary clmiuu of two republicans , o\ldciitl\ liuliig nnwillliiR to experiment witli any more democrats. H ciiii Ion , low CITY , 1ft. , Sept , UJ. [ Special Tel cxram to the Bui : . ] 1'lm reunion of thu Twenty-second low.i Infantry began hero to-day. The weather was line and the \et eransworo In the of spirits and lonowcd old aciiualntanccs and rccitled old limes Two hitndied and twenty-live members of the regiment nio present. Sail Death by INilsonlnjr. Sioux Cm , la. , Sept 2i. f Special Tele gram to the Ur.K. ] The two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Tutnisi died this afternoon fiom theetreots of strjchnlno poisoning. Some cheese had boon saturated with the poison to dcstioy rats about the home. The little one had found some pieces and ate enough to cause death. Found Demi In a Creek. Dr.s Moi.vr.s , la. , Sept. 2J. fSpecIal Tele- giam to the liKi : . | ,1. Khtne , who runs n huckster wagon at Ford , \Viiiien countywas iound dead in a .small creek southeast of that place this afternoon. Ills wairon was piled on toi ) of him , and tliu horses , neatly dead , were found near by. Nominated l 'or Judge. IOWA CITY , la. , Sent , 22. ( Special Tele gram to the HKI : . | The republican judicial convention met liciojto-day and nominated foi fudge ol the Eighth judicial distiict lion. U. Hodges , olthiscity. A Cnr.dldatc Declines. DuiifQUi : , la. , Sept. 2i Judge.I. C. Cook , nominated by the democrats lor cougiess In the Thhd distiiet. has declined. AX KDITOK ABDICATES. Sndilcii Disappearance ol' the Kile- hoi-n Handler's Quill-Driver. Ki.KiioitN , STATION , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Coirespondence of the UIE. : ] The citi zens of this pl.ico are wondering over the strange disappearance of the editor of tlio Klkiiorn Uoonior. Several weeks ago Mr. Fr.tnlt Crawford came to tliis place , Milkitcd the patroii'.go of some four hundred citi/.cns in IClkhorn and vicinity to a paper wlneli lie . * eon started , living it the above modest name. Air. Crav.'fordS subsequent history is interest ing and somewhat amusing withal. In this new lield ho met with that varying degree of cordiality usually shown the proprietor of an editorial sanctum. The citizen * were all pleased with the project ami freely subscribed for tlio paper. As Air. Crawford was n poor but an ( ? ) man , business mon gave him small siims , paid liberally for advertisements , whacked up for tlio press the use of which they contributed to the prospec tive paper. All felt that a newspaper would be a aid to tl'o place a long need .supplied ; and all bid ilgod-npued on its mission of good. 15ut itwas destined to a short life at the hand ot this meteoric editor , l-'our issues , interspersed with a number of skips , a sudden collapse , and an abdicated editor is the essence of its history alli\cd to the inoii'ueablo pagn of time. I5ut where is tlio editor ? None Knows. At last a note is found in some cranny of the sanctum which reads as follows : "Io lo Omaha ; let them guess * * * when the liooniui * Is to coma out. " Wo know many bad men go to Omaha or to Canada , but as the devil produced the above note wo infer that the editor lias gone to the d . But the people of Klkliorn arc of one accord that to what ever place he may have gone the inhabit ants thereof uro very welcome to him. Investigation shows ho left several out standing bills beer , board , etc. , etc. We have it from reliable source that his boarding master made Ins board bill very easy because the editor , when ever stimulated , would frequently dine ul the moat shop on raw meat. The eitUons to day , after all hope was given up , attached the press and closed the ollicc. - - - HAVJNQ-A-BOTttE-Op _ _ - - - 4- A jA nnKSKiM. ( N.J.iMiMrAiiv AOADKMV ' Oil.a J. VTlllOIIT , II. S. , A. M , , l'rlnclp l. The 1 Int. His OrUlniil nml Only nlnrcli Dint l rut up hv mrn nhn h n n rirnnlrm hnonlrdgp j-r Ihr iBiimlry rrnff lon. It tfqiuro na rnoVlne , ti Jil'i ! n fr"7 llalll"n I ' " ! > mm Ml.K-rln * , , , wiil'c ' > Ironing An I cl < hl > , u , ruff * mt rollnrn lint 4iIK" ' , ' " "V1111 ' " 'I'11" ' r h" * w fntiw ! which , rvffttwjy iiti , , kPp , thfm cMn ) tw ) , , R , ? " " " ' " < thillh MmoJ. O. " 1,1" .NelT " " ' oan. , li iS 0 * ) ( t * - n r < x r > fg WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. ' , State Agents FOHTHB Omaha , Neb. ( GOLD MEDAL , PABTs , 1873 , BAKER'S Warranted abnoltitrly jmro COCIKI , from wlilch the cjci-in of Olliuu been rcmol. l. Hhti t/iret timei the ttrtngtA of Cocoa mlinl with BUrclinonroot orHugar , mid H therefore far ruorc icouoml. cal , ccitmy leu Man vne mil a cup. It la ddlcloua , noiirlslilnp , etrcnRtlifnlnK , c.-ully illgeMcil , am ] mlralralloJaptnt for lutalUU oa well M for ] > rriionii In health. Sold bjr tlroccru ticrjnhtrc. W. BAKER SCO , , Dorchester , Mass , , tbRkgfllu tbff IpeCUl trrftttnfDt Of CH | | IIC MTOLI1 8 IM aod IIIOOD Ui i4 u Ih nmnr olheriirilrUQ InSi. Loull. ftf city ( iftrtriBhow nnJiillold re.UrnUkbow Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflec- tlons ol Throat , Skin o r Bones , Blood Poisoning , bid Sores and Ulcers , are irottj with .nririUiM cueefif , on Itutti l UIQe principle * Sthlr t'rUtlrlr , Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , wMeh vroii.c iomo or tbi Mlovlcc cftteU : nertouin i , delllltr , dluinMi or light KTcnlontotbc uelotrof Iiuilei , eonfmloi or Id"n * . do. , rcnderlnz HarrUno Improper or unhappy , ui > trrcritaU7 curt 1. rim hlftiSnpKgcijon ( r ° e abitfj , cent Ictcaltil cnre > oi < \ frcutoan ; fttU-ni Con.ututl m&tof- lieeor by mall fi * Inritod KIII ! st-letlf e.Dfll ntlil. A Positive Written Guarantee skfu lu evorrco. f&ble CMC. McillciD ? .eat eierjFhtreijr 3311 crLiprpnl , SUiARRIACE GUIDE , 2CO TAOES , riWE PLATES ctectnt c th unJ pllt wotUirful p r plctaro * , Iructo l\T \ . nlri > iont > ruilc wing Buljceti tf'io t ifij ntiry.Athoiiot. v\iy \ mat. . ' l , wuajmn- bred , jhrtlra ! d 'Sty i'flt t or-tiii"\ ! - < iil t iN pbja. iolocor r rmjrtu01 u i CHIT m < - 11 tin Hi cr conau > 'tc < * 't ' rr- ' i lltitit FOSITlYEifir tliomoist obtlimloc so In fourUav * orls J- Allan'tSolubleMedicatedBoueies. ' . No rinilToni tlo { " of cubolx. coimlnn nr oil ol Eiinilnlnooil Unit uro rciliiln to piO'luco ' uy pop- 6lu livilf-ti\lnir ( tlio contlrtKS of tlio stosumjU , J'ilcol.50. Solliv \ ivll druifjfliits or ni.illcJ on rc-colpt of price. Tor furt'iur pirti'-ulnn font ' torclrculnr. P. O. Box 11II. * * " T. C. -A.Cj'IJ ) .2iT CO. , 21,329,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars iroro Bblppcd diiriug thn pant tno loirsMtbot't n ihiiiu- nic'rfn oiiromplnv. Noothur houco in tliu world rnn ti nth- fully umkKHueh a alio wUii. . Ono c unt ( ill nli i only ) milled in inch ton u , SOLD BY LEADING DHUCCISTS. n.W.TANSILL& C0..5i3 Slate SI Chlcmc. tVhoso VIT.Af.ri V in tvn\v \ * . Hr ! n I fJXIl A UhTMt or I'OHtr I'lU.M A I' II ! ! lltroiluc , l IICI r. All t > ekinlrTloilCli nil dntn tlr cnn-KM. TIII.A'I JHI : elvlni ; tie- ' * , iiBill > mihBtx eLMi . cr. Ma. 17a Pullon Slracl. N vt Yoik. Or lln < Mquor JIalill , C'urod liy A lliiliti'M' It cnii liexhcn Inn tup of rort'uo or leu w 111out tliu kmiAiAilioof thn | > erv > n lukin U , liuijjoluuly nnrnilen , ami Mill efTVct n iicrtiuintnl r.nd | ir ilf cui . uli lir ! ttio pallunt lift mcdarnKarlnkuruc tu airuiiullc wrick. It 1m 1 Ucn xlvtn In Uicm- naf CHICI , miilln tvciy ln tar.i-oi iprfi'd ruro Ml. It ncirr lull * Ilia ij'.Ucnioucu pil with thn Kpfclii : It Iifcomm an uller iniWiilDiIlty | ( or llju liquor upi ! lllo tot > > l t rou SA/.B JIY yoi.uo\vi.vo nuuoais'isi KI'IIN < fe CO. , Cur. XDlh itixl l.vj ln. . unJ ISlli > V OuniluR St , , Oiimliu , Ncli.i A. U. FOdTKlt cV ItllO. . Council llluiV , Joirn. CnllorHrlli for pnnitililat cunlalnlnx liimilrrdii > ' U.'llmonUI ? iruiiiUiiibci wooien mid tt-oav.f parfocl miixtlluto ' < " MntlicrN mllX. Jnv.JuitiU iu Cholorn Infiiniiim nj ToeshlrK' " pr-CUt uiI foil for fJ > - ptlb , Coi tirr.ptiy . Convoln3" ni . P ji.'avt i ts'r.'Li in u Wmilnu r > l ntfc . lltyjlrtt t.i rp kn Our / ' jofc Th C ! f * ntiU rendlnar ot lnfurt , > , ' -"U-a ft . , oonnyj.H A oo luiiuo , Jv'HM ' C , GREEK SCHOOL OF SCIKNCK , ( .If MVV J Kits XV , NK V JI-HUHT. Hti/u'nr fivir y-jtr rPitn t , i fsllo * t | , forth * ulictna ijur > n < in I't.v.uiiur. mo Jjr " ? iv > < r , Milllion.Jllri iiJ t'Ofllff II iif i > l ! BiKintxr , Iniliiillnir boiulo < lm uiul pt > ! i' i4l ituulti , niiilk-Jll'uinf | Xlt'culclt/ lh t i. foil zr diuli * Iniiruvlluntft lltxlicr xuit.em ti i ( Ji.trbUt , Pfrl"f ! r. IMi/fki.'t 11 < tfji > i r ' > ri'mmio' > , n.-i Kelt , lull r-r I Ul. ! liM r-r > l i- . l .Hiuful CIIAS. co.vo run r. K. I.O.MJ , C0NOYER , LONG & . HARRIS , Real Estate , 1408 DODGE STREET , OMAHA , NEBRASKA.