Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Forfeit if not Havana Filter.
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aroxt. a
This Clw "III PTOT ti r frttMilf A nil wll I b eitnv.
liTtlr dititlicil fn tvetr town tor lite driliti who will
tprcclitc lit mtrlli n a fuih 1 1 according/ ! .
Wttn D1NGQART BROS , Solo Agcau ,
130 ? Ulh Avenue.
XUGl'X'.A.XXi .A.11
I ) . W.Srxxc , Lcfljo A Morroll ,
( J. F. Hoodmnn. T.V. . Spalford A. Co
J. A Fuller A. Co. , M. Purr.
Cheney , VOlcoii , M. II. Powell ,
Kulm .V Co. . . _ Hum Fnriixwnrth ,
I'rnnH Unrrott * .Co. , llUKlics iSchmldt ,
Jtuiiua lorsitlio.
Hardware , Stoves and Tinware
Jobbing promptly attended to. They mkko i
cpoclulty at all kinds of tools. The Art Jewel
Jlaio ll'inicr , the Ornphlo Itantrcs. and Ilarb
od Wlro. Host of goods nnd louest prices.
I > AUI.SIN : & MI LLU it ,
( .15 North 10th street.
211 South Thlrteenta Street.
Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs ,
At tlio old stand 1407Furnam st. Order ;
by tulogr.iDli solicited and promptly at
tended to. Tclophouo No. i3'J5.
Ah kinds of bedJIng plants for sain.
3 blocks Noith ofL. U. Wlllluins' rusldonco.
Dealers In
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
Fruits , Cluats , Tobaccos , Ktc. Countr K lluttcr a tp
clultjr. KXI Huwurd Btrcot.
11 , IICKCKT ,
And l > CNiiivr. (
only ono In tlio world eoneratlnx
acontlnuous Elttlrio d ? Vagnttta
ay - cvrrfnt. bclcntlfle , I'owcrfin. liumLlc.
. , . _ /Comfortnhlo and FUccilro. Avoid fraud * ,
JW ovi > rliooiciinil. , ( licnilfit imp foi pamphlet.
Ai.eo ni.uci'iEio HII.TH : nut iiihUAbtN.
C\fn ! Kl ITT. ( Dolly Kclltlon ) will bo malloil I
" .VJV JUAAW liny iiddress. pustiiKOircttld.f | ) (
cCO Rn Pur nnnuiu. Host intirkut find Hoard <
CD C.UU Trnilo reporti of any Western dalljr. Fro ,
IHtn.'lU liournuhonitot tlio mornlnK impura. Tills
asclicupUHii lirst clusi TV t'ukly. hund ixmtuKoatamp
po-tal noto. i o tnl order , orrenltorod lutier. 'Ill
ClIICAliU JIA1U 118 Otli-ur. , ClilcuiiO , 111.
Olllt-c , 1411 1.2 Farnuin ,
ICeHltlenve. UOtli and Calirornlu.
AM > WA 0.STOCK. .
S.W. Corner 9th and Douglas !
o. s. 1'iyr i is A : cu.t
Wholcsalo nnd Hot all
fbaetona , llutrtfloa nnd Hood Wagons. 2J pe
ct'iit saved In buylnir of us.
10.iai2 , UanlSl. , Otiiatm , Nob.
llranoh at Counoll
Itootn 17 , Arllogtoa lllock ,
(1st ( llullJIug West of 1' . O. )
Tclvpbono No. 8
to 9 , and 11:30 to 13 a , a.
2 to 4 , nnd I to 8 p. m ,
Bunduji : to 1 [ > . m.
Fine , Heavy and ledta
Innl Wnnring Suits , § 5 , 80 and 88 ;
worth double the money.
Good Business Suits ,
80 , 810 , $12 to § 13.6'0 ; worth one-
third moro.
Fine Dress Suits ,
For 816 , 810 , 817.50 to § 19.
Onr Tailor-made WKDDTXG and
1111XUE AL11KUT suits $2O ,
O$2 i to .fiXS. furmcr i rtcc ,
: i5 to $4G.
for men youths and children , $2 ,
$ U , $4 , $ r , $ n , $7 , $8 , $1) , $10 ,
$ XO , $25 and $30.
7fii' , $ , $2.OO , . $ V , $ S. ll'ortlt
double the money.
COATS , $15 , $ lG.fiO , $17.-,0 ,
$ VO to $ X-J , $30 , $ X310 , $4Z
and $ OO.
The best Underwear , White and
Colored Sltirts at great reduction.
Our llats , of latest styles , from 00
to $ llcss than usual price.
Our English made Shoes , of the best
grade , at low prices.
California and Oreyon City Clothing
Flannels , llanlels , JJucldny and
liuclt Gloves.
This is the largest nnd best assorted
stock ever brought to this state.
The Mammoth Clothier
1001 Pnrnnm St. , Cor. 10th.
No pains arc
to make
these meats
that can bo
People of
arc highly
with them.
If your Orncur or Mnrketmnn do not keep
them. icuU direct to Armuur .t Co. . Clilcuvo-
DUilllcil for
Medicinal U c. *
DK. EDW. Ii. WAI.MNO , Sur
gcon lu Clilff , Natloiml Quarc
of NJ.writf :
"Mv attentloa van rallrd tc
rour KejiUme MultMil key tj
ir. Lalor , Drngglit , of Trillion
and I lime uied a few liuttlri
vrlth fir bttUr cfTect tlian any <
hare liad. I ain rfconiincnilfni
jour article la my practice , auc
nnil U ery atUUcturj. "
07 Thi Ornnln * bM th * 8I nalur *
Ttc-ilalls ct BeUli , n iiit i.iui.
( Role Afenli for ILtU.B )
316.318 and 820 Race St. , Philadelphia. Fa.
jt wro - str
r i
and 1'rlces . Hold
futalocuo on application. by
< Ullue best r rrliMp. Mill Icier * uml Dealers.
Cable AiV/tts. COO-C1N ,
Genl. Insurance Agents
Mcrchnnt'8 Notional UUIIK lluildlnif , Cor , Far
auni and Uthcts. , room I uii-stalru.
Ttilonhono No. U75 Omaha , Nourtukti.
Phoenix. London , KiiKhind (5,723,174.1 :
Klreraun's.Nouurk , N. J. . ,
uion's Fails , uioiruVuiia.N. V
( Jlnird , I'hlladolphla , I'i
Wcgtulicster. Now York , N. Y
John U mi'.orlf Mutual l.lfo Jloaion . ' ,751,71U.B
c. s A VAGI : ,
And I'rtictlfal Tinner nnd Sheet
Iron Worker.
Hoofing and Guttcrlny a specialty. ? JO 1311
unilLcuvuiiMortb tts , Oiuulia.
Notice-Dissolution of Partnership.
Tlioflrmof linker * llnrtry , innnufiicturcr
of cigars , lilU DoiiKlus St. . was this day dlegolv
od by mutual consent , II. U. llurtry. iilono wi
l tiy anil illfcUurk'O all dobttiiiiiU UulillliliB , uu
receive till muneysi pajalilo to tUu salil latuflrni
11. IX llnrtry will continue tlio mmiuftictuio o
cigar * ut tbti old ktund , 1210 IHmirlus tL
Aid to Be Asked Prom Irish-Americans For
Evicted Tenants ,
The Speaker of the Commons I2n-
rnjjcs Jr. Tnnncr , Who licavcs
the House Parliament to
1)0 ) ProroKiiPtl Saturday.
An Appeal to AincrlCH.
LONDON , Sept. 2.1. 4 n. in. ( Now York
Ilernltl Cnblc-Speclnl to the ] Jii.J : : The
Dnlly Nousglvps the following paragraph :
" \Vo \ understand Mr.l'arnrll Intcmls to innki ?
n special nppcnl to Irishmen In the United
States to assist the tenants \\lio may bo
evicted dining the comiiiB winter to hold
out against the landlords. "
The eviction cases which ha\o resulted In
the Imprisonment of Father Kahey occupied
a larne poitlnn of tlm expired parliament In
the speeches i > y Messrs. Dillon , Sexton ,
Clancy and six other lilsh members. In
the course oC Dr. Tnimci's speech ho said :
"I was struck In the course of the dcb.ito
\\Ithtliomannerln which the BO\ eminent
allowed themselves to bo swayed by land-
lonlism. as they had always donu In the
treatment of Irish alTalrs.1'
The speaker then ordered him to be morn
Dr. Tanner then , refmliiK to the Imprison
ment of Father Fahey , said the effect of It
would bo to stimulate the actions of the land
lords In the south of Ireland In evicting the
tenants , lluwas pioccedlng to lefertothc
question of rack-rentliiR evictions In the
south of Ireland when the speaker observed :
"The question of the landlords In the south
of Ireland has nothing to do with the Impris
onment of Father Fahcy , and as I have al
ready called the honorable member twice to
older , I must now ask htm to icsiime his
scat. "
lint Tanner Immediately arose to continue
the discussion , when most of the coubciva-
tivcs loft the IIOIKO in a body.
The honorable member who was three
times called to order in the early part of his
speech , protested as a nationalist and a protestant -
testant against the impihonmcnt of Father
Kahey. The honoiablo member \\aspioceed-
Ing to refer to the subject of the giant fnt
the .Belfast Hojnl hospital , when the
speaker ruled that any general discussion
on that matter would be out of order , as the
approiumtlon bill contained nothing in refer
ence to the hospital. Dr. Tanner then ic-
sumcd his seat amid seine laughter , and im
mediately afterward ho toso and , putting on
his hat , exclaimed :
' ' 1 shall leave this house. 1 am dlsxustcd
with it. It Is evident that an Irish gcntlo
man cannot get a hearing In this house of
commons , " and walked toward the door.
The sneaker called out sternly , as did other
mcmbeis , "Order , older , " but Dr. Tnnuci
hurriedly parsed out of the house , turning ,
as ho did so , toward the conservative benches ,
gesticulating with the remark , "Yes , I say
that. "
As parliament will bo prorogued on Satur
day afternoon , no further notice will be
taken of the matter. It is clear that tin
eviction , Father Fahey and Belfast will coiv
thine to be the absorbing lilsh topics.
IN 11113 COMMON'S.
Foreign HclntloiiH Discussed and the
HOIIHO Adjourns.
LONDON , Sept. 2i In the house of com-
nions to-day Crenier ( ) drew attention
to the fact that the foreign af
fairs of the government had been lefi
some months unchecked by parliament. Ih
was therefoic anxious in icgard to wlial
might be done by the government , llo dep
recated intervention in the Hulg.uian nllalr ,
Loul Chuichlll said ho did not think the
majoilty of the house or people would indorbt
Crcmcr. A discussion of that sorl
now must bo of a very academic
character. Ho deprecated premature discus
sion. The Uulgaiian situation might at anj
moment become ciitical and the crisis mlghi
be wcciuitatcdif the subject was prematurely
Sir Wilford Lnwson ( radical ) said he was
not quite satisfied with Lord Kandolph' . '
answer. Jlo asked the govi'inment to declare
it would not care It the Jtnssiaiis got Con
Labouchero complained that pnrlhimen
had no voice in regard to the liabilities ant
obligations incuircd by the country.
The appropiiatlon bill was linally adoptee
and tlm house adjoinned until Satuiday
when it will be piorogucd.
The Itnllnn Faster Challenged.
PAIIIS , Sept 22. A committee of I'.uisiar
doctors has challenged Sucri to fast lortj
days In a French hospital 'or a stake of 5HX ,
francs , on condition that ho loveals the be
crct , for which a patent Is guatantccd.
Operators CIinrRGtl With AotH of DiH
hoiicHty and Swindling ; .
CinrAao , Sept. Si An Inkling of one o :
the greatest scandals the board of trade ha1
experienced since the famous lard case leaicei
out to-day. It involves one of the most
prominent commission linns on the bean ;
and Is at present only known In full to r
committee which Is Investigating the charge !
and countercharges. The alleged swindling ;
was carried on by parties who each In
turn abk that the other bo expelled. The mail :
points are that Dickinson , who was conll
dcntlal man for JlcCeoch , Kveringham A
Co. , during the big lard deal which resulted
In their failure , then conlldontial man foi
their successors , Crlttendcn & Harvey , am
still later for W. H. Horvoy & Co. , has lilec
with the directors charges of swln
dling against W. It. Harvey and Franl
Crlttcnden. The latter , as receive
for the firm of W. H. Harvey Co. , hai
tiled counter clmigcs against Dickinson o
dishonest practices. Kara ask Hint tin
others bo expelled from the board. Harve ;
& Co. failed August 4 , and Crittcnden , a foi
mcr partner of the lirm , was appointed re
celver to scttlo up the linn's alTalrs. In look
Ing over the books Crittcnden found eve
one hundred thousand bushels ot when
chin L'cd to the account of twi
or three firms , the largest customers
whoso business Dickinson was In the habl
of looking after. They denied they hai
i-lven Dickinson orders to purchasestulf. Ill
waBbrouehtbofoiotho receiver and , It Is naid
confessed in the presence of four witness ?
hehad mailo trades tor himself and chaigei
them to the customers' accounts. Dickinsoi
was asked to HIM render his membeihhlu ti
partly liquidate his Indebtedness , but this h
refused to do. Threats of having him ux
polled from the board failed to move him
and charges of dishonest conduct were ac
cordlngly tiled with thu directors. Dickinsoi
Immediately filed elaborate charges o
swindling practices Indulged in by hot !
llaney and Crittemtcn , and specified Iiull
vldual cases , gUini : names , dates am
figures where customers had been grossl
imposed upon , and referring the director
tothobnokbof the concern for verification
The books wore brought before the director
and Messrs Hateley , Alooroand Wright wer
appointed members of a committee to In vet
tfratothocharge.sot ( both parties. Thoallegei
victims include many prominent buslnes
men throimhout the country as wellasiarc
local bpuculatom and members ot the board
The amounts Involved on either side are no
known even approximately , but arc Euld t
reach a very laive total.
Their Salaries Non K t.
WASHINGTON , Sept 2i In reply to a r <
quest from tliu war department foranoplnlo
as to whether the salaries of Mississippi rlu
commissioners can bo paid out of the npprx
prlatlon for the impravetnent of the rivei
congress having failed to make specific aj
proprlatlon to pay them , the acting attorne
general finds many of the duties of iho con
mission are permanent and decide
hat salaries of monitor * of thu commission
from cl\lt life can no mote be mid out of the
appropriation tlmn can the salary of the sec
retary of war or those ofllccrs of the geodetic
fctmeyor of the cnclnyor corns of thonrmy
who are mcmbets of the commlsMoii , The
commission dc lrcs to laoet and bczln work
at once , but under this decision Its mcmbois
wilt have to servo without rccoxcrlnctheir
salaries until provision for tliclr piyinriit
shall bo made b > the next rongiess. and It Is
a qucMlon whether tlicy will be able and wili
ng to do so.
The Chicago Nine Atoned In Detroit
mid the Unijtlrp Threatened.
DKTIIOIT , Sept. 2S. As the Chicago nlno
weic driving along Bradystrrettiom Heciea-
tlon park this afternoon a j-oun ; scamp aged
about eighteen threwastono into the ocoml
carriage , hitting one of Iho players. Kelly
immediately took atter the fellow but was hit
In a man In the crowd , whom he thereupon
punned , being loined by Hums , The rimul
. losed in on him and umbrellas were
brandished threateningly , Hums rcrelvlne
oncblow on the head , dislocating his thumb
in striking his assailant. For a time n serious
disturbance seemed Imminent. Other play
ers came up and the ciowd soon quieted
ilovui. Most of the erovul had no Ide.i ot the
enu p of the trouble , and denounced the
throwing Into thecntrla e as soon as It was
known. Umpire Powers gave such great dis
satisfaction to-day that he felt compelled to
comedown from the grounds In a cab with
two policemen. However , tin Chlcagos won
Iho game on Its merits , and the many mis
takes he made would not have changed the
result. Thoscoio tor the six Innings Is ns
follows :
Detroit 0 2000 1 ! i
Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 fi
H.iso lilts-Detroit 7. Chlcaco 10. Pitch
ers Twltchell and Flynn. Kirors Detiolt
, Chlcaco 3. Umplie Powers.
Haltlmoie 0 000001 1
Cincinnati 00140 ! i-ll
U.iso hits H.dtlmoio 7 , Cincinnati 11.
Pitchcis McGinnis mid Mnlhine. Krrors
Baltimore 7 , Cincinnati V. Umpiie Me-
( Jimltl.
Ai Niw : YOIIK
Brooklyn 0 n 0 1 fi 1 0 1 11
Louisville o o 0 o i o ( J 2 : t
Base hits Broolclvn II , Louisville 4.
Pitchers Tool ? and Mocker. Knors Brook
lyn : i , Louisvillei ) . Umplie Kelly.
Metropolitan . . . .0 00000000-0
Pittsbuig 0 2 0 1 0 0 : i 1 * 7
Base hits Metiopolltan 1 , Pittsbuiu' 10.
Pitchers Lynch and Aloiris. Lrrors Met
ropolitan 0 , Pittbburg 1. Umpire Val
T I'Hii.AnEM'iiiA
Athletics 010000020 ! 5
St. Louis 1 0200008 * 0
Base hits Athletics 8. St. Louis 11. Pitch
ers Foutz and Atkinson. Kirors Athletics
2 , St. Louis 7. Umoire Yoik.
Boston 2 0202300 1 10
JN'ow York 0 3
Base hits Boston 15 , Xcw Yoik 14. Kr-
rots Boston ! > . New Yoik 11) ) . Umplie
AT PniA.AnEi.rniA
Washington 0 00000000 0
l'hlladel | > hla..0. 31,00030 * 7
Base hits Washington I , Philadelphia I.
Pitchers Fur on and Shaw. Knors
Washington 4 , Philadelphia 1. Umpire
Fuliucr. '
AT ST. Louis
St. Louis 2 * 5
Kansas City 0 0 ( ) ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plteheis Kealy and Weulmaii. Umpiie
Jockey Club Races.
( ) , Sejir. 22. Five fuilongs :
Burcli won , Piincess second , Kdltor tliird.
Ti me-l:0l : % .
One and one-eighth miles ; Climax won ,
Frank Ward second , Inspector B. third.
Time 1:5 : : %
Three-quarters mlle : Fieedom won , Ful
ton second , Jesie thhd. Time 1:17. :
One and one-eighth miles : King of Nor
folk won. Favor second , Unrnum thlid.
Tinio l.W : > tf.
Ono and one-elchth miles : Pericles won ,
Una B. second , Best thiiu. Time ld"X :
Ono and one-sIxteeiiTli miles Uiougiiton
won , Frankleli. becond , Boaz tliird. Tlmo
-1:50. :
All Quiet at ClinrlcKton.
CiiAiii.EsroN , Sept. 2i Charleston passed
a quiet night , with no shocks or alaims.
Theio was slight shocks at Summcrvltle at 3
a. m.
Tiic Gr.iiiKcr and HH | Cane.
Gliicn o Herald : A Knuiger-lo
chap , with Hoico Greolcy whisKers
iintl : x loii j-cllow ulster , dropped into
Tom Foloy's billiurd room one day last
week. In his hand ho carried : i bipcano.
Some of the boys were there , playing : v
very pretty game of three-ball caroms ,
and the cmnjrcr watched them with un
disguised interest.
"That don't 'pour to bo n very linrd
ganio _ to play , " ho said , after a time ,
walking up to the table ; "I'm an older
man tlmn you bo , j'ouiif ; fellers , but I be-
lipve 1 kin boat you at this hero game of
billynrds. I played onc-t when J was a
young chap like you , S'posin1 you let
mo inin' , I'll rolla game with you. "
The boys , seeing some furi ahead ,
didn't object.
"Gnt your stick and como along , old
man , " they said. Hut the granger didn't
scorn to want a cue. llo put his cano on
the table , hitched up the long blccvns of
ulster , mid exclaimed :
" 1 guess this is good enough slick for
mo. "
"Hut you can't play billiards with a
cano. "
"I can't oh ? You think I can't , do
you ? I'll just bet you the drinks that I
kin beat any one of you , an' I'll use tills
cane , too. I'm no fool if I am from the
country. "
Of course the boys took him up. They
had lots of fun , too , and a big crowd col
lected. And the crowd had a good deal
of fun. The boys made billiards with
their usual skill , but the granger couldn't
make anything but grotesque miscMos
and laughable fiascos with Ins awkward
Suddenly , however , a change came
upon the scone. The granger bhovcd his
hand down into some secret recess of his
ulitter and pulled out a short piece of
wood. On the smaller end was a one-
tip , round and soft. Thu piece of wood
was screwed upon the i/round end of the
cano , and in another iiuinuto the boys
were sitting down watyljing the granger
make a "run. " Ho stopped Initonco.nnd
oil his second inning ended the game
with lifty bltick buttoium his hiring.
"Yes , I know the clmf | > all the time. "
said Tom Foley , "but I thought I would
jet him have some fun villi the uoys. Ho
is a traveling man fojv Now York , an
export amateur , and tuu > is his way of
having snort when ho isiaway from home
and gets rather lon somo. llo will ,
probably , visit every billiard hall in town
to-night. I never knew , him to try to
win money with his plito little game ,
A Now Klcvn'or.
Messrs. Markol & SjWjobo have taken
out their old clevator'system which for
water alone cost thorn 'about $200 per
month , and substituted it with the latest
Hnlo invention. This system compre
hends a couple of cylinders and a couple
of tanks , ono of the latter being in the
basement , and the other on the roof , and
each containing 2,000 , gallons. The watet
llowa from that on top as the elevator is
used into that below , and is then pumped
to the top again. There is no waste
therefore , except from evaporation , and
this will require n replenishing of not
moro than thirty or forty gallons
er month The now system lias
besides a number of other ini'
provements. It furnishes a governor te
the elevator which practically guards
against a fall of the same. It is nlsc
moro rapid , and In every way au im
provement upon its expensive pred
ecessor. It will be in readiness for use
to-morrow ,
nrnxifo TV pnnxTPif nti tTT'
The Old Frame Building nt the Transfer
Totally Destroyed ,
The Tentli Anniversary nf the Wed
ding of Mr. ntid Mr * . Admits ItrliigM
n ticnulno Surpilso The
llcrald'M Inconsistency.
Lnst evening Miss Olurn Uobbington
gave a "rainbow party" in honor of her
friend , Miss HmNon , of Tcrrc Haute , Intl.
It was a highly cnjojable affair.
On the lirst of the month Mr. E. L.
Smith will open a non-board insurance
olllcu. In oilier words ho will represent
companies that are not members of the
Underwriters union.
Clmrlos Docrllingor was before Justice
Frainoy on Iho charge of nssnult. The
complaint was made bv Charles Hi'imcs ,
but t MOID being no evidence to substan
tiate the charge Mr. Doerllinger was dis
The democratic county convention is
called to meet In this city Friday , Octo
ber 8 , at 10 o'clock a. in. Candi
dates tor the olliccs of clerks , county
attornev , county icrordcr , two Eupervi-
-ors ami coroner to 1111 vacancy are to
bo nominated.
Hotel Destroyed by Klre.
At 1:80 : o'clock yesterday afternoon the
frame building at the transfer , known as
the Emigrant house , was discovered lobe
on lire by Superintendent Newton , of the
bridge and building department of the
Union 1'acilic road. Mr. Newton had left
the building about live minutes previous ,
and on returning for something he dis
covered the fire. He immedialely gave
the alarm , which , wns responded to by
Hie Union Pacific lire company and all
the hands employed at the freight trans
The Union Pacific hosts reel made good
time from the pump house to the lire ,
but before they could get a stream on
tlioiiames shot hiirlt in the nir and thu
whole north side of the building was in
flames. Three streams were bent into
the lire by the company's firemen , and
one of the van ! engines , which has a
pump sitlaclied , came over from Omaha
for service.
The blowing of the whistles nt the
transfer wore hoard by Charles Nichol
son , driver of No. 1 hose carl , and ho
wjlh four oilier men made for the lire
without waiting to receive tiic alarm.
No alarm was sent up town , and No. 1
was the only apparatus from life city that
wont to the lire , and they stretched ono
line of hose.
After the lire had been raging for some
time the walls fell in and the roof came
down with a crash. The building is a
total wreck , much to the joy of many to
whom it has been nu eyesore.
While the lire was still burning at the
west end of the pile , Captain J. J. Hath
away , of the bridge crow , sot his men at
work removing the debris and piling the
lumber , etc. , to the northeast of the
The origin of the lire is not known , but
it is generally supposed to have been
caused by a spark from a passing en
gine. It is reported that about
1150 : ! o'clock yesterday morning
the platform on tlm south' side of Iho
building was noticed by some ono to bo
on lire , but that it was evtinguibhcd. or
at least was thought to be , ami as the last
Arc was from in under the building , it is
very probable that the lirst lire discovered
was not thoroughly extinguished , and
kept eating its way along under the
building until the whole structure was on
lire under the lloor.
The building was owned by Messrs.
Markel & Swobc , of Omaha , and was
erected in 1877 , having been brought
over from Omaha in sections in that year ,
and put up on the prairie about live hun
dred foot west of the passenger transfer
depot. It was , up to within the past
year , used as an "emigrant house" by
the emigrants who arrived from the east ,
it being then necessary for them to lay
over at the transfer nearly a day before
they could leave for Hie west via the
Union Pacific , but since the Union Pa
cific have been sending their emigrants
attuclied lo lirst-class passenger trains
leaving this city twice a day , the emi
grant house has boon closed and has
only been occupied by live laundry girls
and four men connected with the Union
Pacilic hotel at the depot , for sleeping
The loss falls mostly on the girls ,
whoso clothes were up stairs in their
rooms. One girl lost a now hut , hoven
dresses , a cloak , two pair of shoes anil
all her underwear , except what she
had on , while her room mate lost all she
had in the world , except ono dress , which
some one managed to get out of the lire.
The building was insured , but the
amount ot insurance and loss is not
known on this side of the river.
A Tinned Woodman ,
Ou last evening there was a regular
meeting of Ila/.ol camp , Modern Wood
men of America , of which the genial E.
E. Adams , of the DosUin boot and shoo
store , is a member and in which ho holds
the oilico of banker. The business of tli3
mooting was taken up in its regular
order , but for some reason unaccounta
ble to this oflicer it seemed as if there was
an unprecedented desire for despatch ot
business during the evening , and the
society completed all the business that
seemed to como before it at an earlier
hour than usual , when lion W. A. Myn-
stcr entertained the members present with
an interesting address on the subject of
natural History , during the close of which
he was inlcrruplcd by about ono hundred
ladies and gentlemen that came march
ing into the hall , laden with packages ,
consisting of tinware , etc , J. J.
Slowiirt was then called upon to
explain the cause of tno intrusion.
Ho responded in a nout spoecli
in behalf ot the many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E , Adams , that this was the occa
sion of the celebration of the tenth mini-
versarv of their maniago , and closed by
extending to them a hearty welcome and
the best wltihos for their future , and that
each recurring anniversary may bo cele
brations of merry lives joined by a simi
larity of tastes and strengthened by the
true sympathy of souls ,
The recipients were taken by over
whelming surprise when Mr. Adams ex
plained that under the circumstances he
feared , thai if ho undertook to deliver an
address ho would como out "at the little
end of the horn , " which remark seemed
the moro appropriate from the fact that
included in the load of presents tliei'u
was a tin horn about six feet long , and
therefore applied to Neighbor Mynbter
to respond in Ins behalf.
This gentleman delivered the address
accepting the presents , and expressed
moro fully the appreciation of the pres
ence of so many.friends of the couple for
whom ho was sneaking. After congrat
ulations , the tables wore spread with such
delicacies that none but the peer of mod
ern woodman ladiea can provide. Uy
this time Hanker Adams had sullicicnlly
recovered himself that he added to the
"menu" a portion of the stock of a con-
fectiomuy store's candies and best llu-
vanas , after which all present joined in
social entertainment , consisting of music ,
card-playing and appropriate toasts until
the "wee btna1 " hours , wiion they ad
journed , rejoicing that "all was well"
with Mr. and Mrs. Adams and the mem
bers of lluzol camp.
. . . . . . , .
.MomtieMinlvprtimCot * Meml'or .New urli iti * l of.
tiin > .i gpfinilM lmif t < nt't h ncranil tlilcif <
Mcrctiantu Knhkiit ; ' llynid Ji Trnrtc
S , S , FLOYD & GO , ,
lliokcrs In
Grain , Provisions , Pclrolciini
For Future Delivery
mil ( > / > r i O/Jlce at
tO ! ) A\n HI S. J.'ith STliKKT ,
October 1st.
Jfi W Mirth Kith Street ,
Paid iu Capital , - - - - $100,000
UEO. K. nAHKtIU , President.
KUlir. U UAUL1CI1S , Vlcc-l'i osliloiit.
l'.U JOHNSON , Cashier.
v , ( iio. : 12. HAIIKKII ,
ItoiiT. U OAitucns WM. Sr.ivi.iis ,
A pcncral tmnkltm business transacted.
Interest allow cit on t mo deposit * .
Omaha , Nebraska.
Capital . $500,000
Surplus . 100,000
Herman Kountzo , 1'rcaldont.
John A. CrolKhton , Vice President. Davis , Cashier.
_ W. IL Moequler. Ass't Cashlar
WM'A.PANTON , 1'rcs. L.U.Wir.MAMS.Vlco-l'ies.
Union TrustCo
215 S. 13tli St. , Omnlia , Nob.
School , County and Municipal Bonds
HOIIT. L. O uii.icns , V II. JOHNSON.
Socictnry. Trpwwuror.
National Bank
S , W. Cor. Farnam & 12th 3tj.
Capital , - ,
Surplus , - 18,750
C.W. HAMILTON President ,
H. T. UAULOW. C.ishlor.
C.Mll. . HAMILTON , Aait. t'oshlor
H. M. Cnldwoll , J. W. Hiuulltou , B. F Smith
irr. llarloiv Will Hamilton
COIlNEIllStll AJDTOllai\.9 STtlEETi
Capital Stock $150,000
Liability of Stockholders . . . . 300,000
Thponly rcffiihir savings hank In the stato. Flvo
per cent interest paid on deposits.
GuyC. Unrton , Prosldoni ; J. J. Ilrown , Vlco
President ; L. M . Ilunnctt , Manaiim ; 1)1-
roptor-Inlm E. WUImr Casblor.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplub 30,000
II. W. Yatcs , President.
A. E. Tou/nlin , v'irc Prcsltltjiit.
W. II. S. HtiKlios , Casliicr.
\V. V. Jlorsc , John S. Colling
Il.W.Ytites , Lewis S. Heed.
A. E. Tou/.tilln.
Cor 12th and Furntini Sts
A General Iiankin < ; Htisincss Transacted.
Chicago , III. NowYorkClty.
Stocks ,
Bonds ,
Jiotifjlit and soJtl for Investment oroii
Private wires anil Instantaneous
bcrvlce to
Jlcinbcrs Now York Stock Kxcluuifje.
ifcinbcrsNcw Vork Cotton Kxclmugo.
Mcmljord Cliicngo Hoard of Tniilc.
Jfcniljcrs New York I'roiluco Kxeliaiifjc
Oiniiliii Corrusnomlonts MoU'Imrtnr
Jfollitis , Onia'iiii Natioitiil liank
\ > iti ! minimum capital and risk
Ifoxv Chicago' * HucccattfUl Aleit Trade
( I. e. Innuranco acalnit Inm )
for from one to litr duyn lu-KotlaU'il with Inttruc-
tluui liuw to opcrHte , Adurc fur Hook.
ITAIII.i : O1CAI V rXC'lIAIiGi : ,
OT ClnrU titrevl. t.'ulcuiro.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
DflUnQOf Cotintlua , Cltlfs and others ol
DUnUO hlRh L'rudo liouuht and fcoM Kabtum
oilico LH Uuvonthlro St. . liostun. Concsjiond.
cnco Bolldtud.
On Wheat , Coin , Oats , Vork , I.urd and It. li ,
Btocke , forlxinir and Short Time. Hund lorl'nti
Cltcular. H. ] > . HAUT & Cd. , l&i Wiibhlucton
ct. , Chlcuvo , III. Itolurunco : American Kx
V/livOinalni ) Xtttlonnl JSnnl , ,
1 a ml y.
Bargain No. 1.
Lot with nrvr 0 room hnti p ; city wntor mitt
pn < : nleo \ lew , f S WO. t I0i cash , tmliim-o f-.l it
inonlli. Onlj onoiullu from iiostolllcv , InpooJ
Bargain No. 2-
Fine lot on Vlrwluln A\ciiuo , $1,000.
Bargain No. 3.
Two flno lots tioar 27th mid Webster ; cnch
f ! , ' ) .
Bargains No. 4.
West Sldu lots nrnrcnnnliiK factory nml do-
Bargain No. 5.
Two of the llncst ncros lit West Oinnlm for
Bargain No. 6.
An ncro 0110 Mock from Canning factory , fOOO
Bargain No. 7.
Ifi Wiiililniclon llllllots for $2,000. Tlio best
In the luldltion.
Bargain No. 8.
20ncro on West Dodiro M.,4 mill's from court
house. This \\ill plat Into 101 lots.nnd 1 will
Eoll It for f 7,000.
Bargain No. 9.
5 ntros In Ilonlluld , for platting , fl.W.
Bargains No. 10.
Patterson I'urlt Acre * , SitAO.
I'nttci-MMi Park Acres $ > < > ( > .
Patterson I'ark Acre * , gilfiO ,
Patterson Parlt AITCH , S5OO.
IjOts In Lincoln Place.
Lots In IIIIlNldc . ! 2.
Lots in Sliimi'.s add , Ao. 1.
Lots in rolsom Place.
Lot si ii West Side.
Lots In Itcdford Place.
Houses to Rent and Improved
Farms for Sale or Exchange for
oily property. Gall and see
Dissolution Notice.
VJTVTIOR Is hereby irivcn that thn Hrm of
-L\ Deal & IlchiotiH , dohiK hiiBlnuss nl lO ponth
101 li Bt. Omaha , la this day dissolved. Johns ,
llual will contlnuo the businoBs ut the old fetaml
nnd lll lollcot all bills duo the lirm and pay
nil hold against H. JOHN K. lliAL. :
A. II. lir.HItr.NB
Omaha , Sept. 18,18M. Sopt.JMd III *
Proposals for District Pavinff Bonds.
CmTitcvsuni H'H Omen ,
OMAHA , NEB. . Sent. 17th , issa. i
SRALED Proposals will ho rt'coUi'd lit tills
oilico until SoitL | > mlic > r2Rlh.t8HI , at 12 noon.for
the purohn o of fTI.UUJol Diatilot 1'avlnt ; Hands
ol thoclty of Omaha. Said bonds mo dated Oo-
tolior 1st , 18MI , and will he duo In ono , tuo.thruo ,
lour , ll\esix , fcevon.olsht and nlno JCUFB Ironi
llielrclaU' , nil iMiinl | luiioinit , hfcominif duo each
year ; aio In sums of Iho hiindioddollais each ,
and hoar Inteiest fioin thclrdato at tlio ruto o
six per centum per annum , payablu annually.
'Iho iirlneipiil and Intui cst aio both pa ) ablaut
the oilico of Kuunt/o liros. In Now Yoik.
Said bonds are Issued under the charter
po nrof i > ald city , and will bo dclhorod to pur-
clia'orp , on payment thorofor nt the City Treas
ury In Omaha , on October tlth , 1HWI.
Illdslll Imadihcfsoil to the umiersltfnod ami
nuukoil " 1'roposals for District 1'iivlnir llonds , "
and must state the full name and addiesj of the
bidder , thu amount of ni'il ' bonds iloilrcil ( an
c'liuul amount duo eaeh year fiom ono to nlno
j ears ) and I ho pi leu pi oprsod to be pil : < l.
'J he rUht is rosorx od to reject any nnil all bids.
Bl'dSt TitUMAs IIUCK , City Treasurer
Proposals for Purchase of PavingBonds. .
CITV TiiBAHimiii's : Ornon , I
OMAHA. NKII . Sept. 17th. 1880. f
SFAI.EI ) 1'ioposals will bo locolved at tills
ollleo until rioulumhorHtli , I8 l , at 12 noon ,
for the puichafo of S.VJKW ( of 1'uvliiK Honda of
the city ot Omaha. Sakl bonds w II become duo
and payablu In 20 > uurH fiom Oulnhcr 1M , 18WI ,
are In Bums of fl.lO1) ) each anil boar Interest
from October Ht , 1BK ! , at tlio ratu ol llvo per
centum per annum , payablu from'annunly. ! at
the ollltu ot Koiint/o Krotherv , Now Vork ,
upon presentation of coupons nttac'liod. The
principal will nlo bo p i.vablo at the Kama place.
Bald bonds mo it-guoil under thu ehtuter
power of said city , after thuuleetlon ( Inly hell
atithorl/lnfT their "Issuo for the purpofo of pny-
Inir the cost of paving , ie-pavliiK or macadam-
l/liw the Intersections f MrcutH and Hpneos op
posite alloys In Iho city , " at which election over
nlno-tenthsnf the votes cast \\eroln favor of
said Issue , Tho-u bonds will be dullvoiod to
iiinclinourH , on payment thoiofor , at the Cltjr
Treasury In Omaha , on Octoburltth , IHXO.
Illds nill bo aildresaeil to the tindcrsViU'd and
maiked " 1'ioposiiU tor I'inliii , ' Monds. " and
must Htatu the name ami address of thoblldor ,
tlio amount of raid bonds deslru.l and thu prleo
to bo p ild.
The i lf ( lit Is resorvcd to reject any and all bids
sl'dSt TIHIMAN HIICK , City Treasurer.
Proposals for Curbing1 and fluttering
CITY Tui ! AhiniEit'HOrncR , )
OMAIII , NKII. , Kept. 17lh , ISHfl. f
SKA1.KI ) I'ronosnlK will lo ) reeohod at tills
oilico until Heptvmher 2Mh , IK-tt , at 112 noon ,
for tha purchase of 1IUX ( ] of ' nrblnw and nut-
terlnif bonds of thoclty of Omaha , Kald bondH
will bu dated October 1st , 1HHII , ami will Loduula
one , two tlii-oi ) , four , the , HX ! , KIMJII , eight anil
nlno yearH troin their datu , an oiiual amount
becoming duo each jcur : are In minis of ono
hundred dollars eauh.excejit iilno , which nru for
llvo hiindiod dollaiA each , and bear Interest
from their data at the ratu of nix per centum
pur annum , payablu annually. The principal
and IntoicHt nut both pa > able lit the oilico of
Kount/o Ilios , In Now Yoik.
Hald bonds are Usneil under the chai tor power
of Kald city , anil will bo delivered to pnrchaserg ,
on payment thuielor at the eily treasury In
Omaha , on October Otli , 1BNI ,
Illds will he aililiossiMl to the iindorfilirnod and
inarkeiC'l'iupo als lor Cnrhlnir ami ( lutteilmr
lionds , " anil miiHt t-tulo thu lull iiiiino and ad-
dreHsol the bidder , the amount ol mild bonda
dcHlied din ( iinil ntnount duo euuh jii'ir from
ono to nlno years ) and the prlco proposed to bo
The rl ht Is rncrcd to rdjuut any and till Mil * .
BlTdrt TUKMAN HIICK , CltyTieusurur.
Master'u Sale.
In tlu > Circuit Com I of thu United States for the
nistik-t ofNobiuslfit.
Mitt-y II. Lovojoy
> In bliuncory.
DnvltlS. Moo to ot til.
PUIILIC nollcu U borohr Klvi'ii that In purmi.
nncuiiiid byvlituuof a decree nnteied In
thutibovo caiifeu.oti tha.'hdilay ol' lli-eembor.
IKS. , , I , iillh : h. lllerbower , Hpeelnl Mnhti.T lit
chancery In wild court , will , ( in thu IMh day
ot October , IHN ) , ut thu hour of IU o'clock in
Ilio loienodn ol thu Mild day , at Iho noith
door of tlm United Htntcs com I house nnd poht
oilico bulldliiK , In thu city ot Omiihu , Douulaii
county , Btata and dlutrltt ol Nebraska , iellat
auction thu lollon'Jng debcilljeil piopeily , to-
wit :
Kllunted In Iho county of Douiflns.Hatoof Nu-
brisliii , and boh K ( x > l No. buvenloon (17) ( ) la
lllobk No. ( IU ) ten , in Konnlre an < l Itntli'sndill.
tlon lo thu city of Omaha , as plutltd nnd le-
corded. Kl.l.Irt 1. lllluinowKll ,
bpcc'al MiiKtor In Chancery ,
Oio. U. IUKB , Hollcltor lor Comiilplimiit.
sin iu-
Sl.MritOVI'.l ) KAItMS , llutlor Co. , Knns. ,
lor sale ; fyi nlcu city lots. I' I Dorado , Hans. ,
f Ursula. Kach turn' u wull iidnptol to fcrulu
iindBtf.ek : rich soil ; all plow or pastiiro land dm
Haute ) . Title perfect , with tvatiunty doud , The
lots uresmootli. nleu DulMliuf lots , only ' / tnllu
north of 1' . O. I'rlco , I75 to J371. Tcuatiors.
clinks , anrono who wlslies a uf nropuity Hint
will double In 1 year , nhould buy lots In I'l Dor-
ndo ; population , ixji ; the pii'.ttlost city In Kui- :
u8T , 'rin cash. Addrol 0. W. C o , Kldoi * .