THE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY EVENING , SEPTEMBER 2'J , 1880. NUMBER 87 THE KING OE THIEVES Hartford Oomcs to the Front With an Aged and Venerable Swindler. HE SCOOPS UP TWO MILLIONS , And Hurries off to Canada to Avoid the Bursting of Nutmeg Wrath , A MAN KILLED BY A CHESTNUT. Gossip About Manning , Bayard , and the Margarine Men. FURIOUS STORMS AND FIRES. Proceedings of the Encampment and Parade of the Knights in St , Louis. THE VERY LATEST NEWS. Jlnkoto. ItcpnMlcnnti Dccturo for 1)1 vlnlon nnd GlfTord Fatal Acci dental yulncy General NCWH ; MnrkclH , lite. PcHtolllco Change * . WASHINGTONSent. . Bl. [ Special Tele gram to the BEI : . ] A postollico was estab lished to-day at Folsomdale , Kearney comity ami Wm. ( J. Cole appointed postmaster ; at Vankee , Keith county , Hamilton M. German appointed postmaster. Killed by a Chestnut. JIAUSIIAI.TTOW.V , la. , Sept. ' > , ISpwIal Telegram to the HKK.J A team driven by Samuel Purcell , an old loshlcut , 71 years of age , became frightened at a parade ot Jlc- Fadilen's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company , ycbtcnlny afternoon , threw him out , the WAgon falling on him , injuring him fatally. Ho died during the night. The manager and members of the company were arrested on a suit for damages , but having nothing but donkeys , dogs and stage propeity were re leased and will give a beiieht performance Tuesday night. I'urcell leaves a family. The hnglo drove defeated the .Marshall ball club in the third game of the scries. 18 to S. Minerva tanners' fair this afternoon Is be ing addressed by Dolllver. Five thousand Deopleaio present. 1)018. Duiii'Qt'K , la. , Sept. a'J. ( Special Tele gram to the HKK-1 Lawrence > farston's Dally News company played at the opera house last nlirlit. Thu thiee principal mem bers quit to-day. The company Is consequently quently unable to fill an engagement at Wa terloo to-night , The manager and other actors at noon attempted to force the seecdcrs to rejoin. One of the Beceders drew a re volver and the manager left searching for a ttiiollceuiati. The steamers and barges thus far have failed to move the vioul engine which fell into the river from tint bridge last week. Young Tony 1'lilTer's trial for the murder of old Patrick Harrington last July Is progress- luff. I'llU'er's relatives remain away from the court room. Conviction anticipated , Crushed by a Pnllliifr Wall. Qui.VoY , 111. , Sept.3. . [ Special Telegram to the HUE. ] A horrible accident occurred In tills city ( yesterday afternoon , by which two men were Instantly killed , anil three others Injured , ono of tho'm probably fatally. Some time ago the Center mill burned , and the brick walls were lott standing. A party of colored men were tearing down thu old walls yesterday , when Mr. Itoilney Lambert , a wealthy and prominent citizen anil well known business man , In company with Ids nicd ; father , went to the burned mill on busi ness. While standing near one of the walls where the colored men were working , the wall suddenly fell. Mr" Itoilney Lambert nnd a colored man named Douglas weio burled beneath the tnllen wall , unit both in stall 1 1 v killed. A colored man named Itassett was afbo fatally Injured , and another colored man nnd Mr. Lambert , sr. , were badly In jured. IIAUTFO IVD'S MIGHTY SWINDMSIl. An ASCI ! Unseat SklpH tlio Country Ono Million Jollai-n Ahoail. HAirrronn , Conn. , Sept. 2 : ! . [ Special Tel egram to the UIK. : ] trcat ! excitement pre vails hero over the discoveries regarding the affairs of the Charter Oak Llfo Insurance company. Since the rc-organlzatlon of the company when It was In trouble some years ago with Ceo. I. Bartholomew SO.OOO.OOC hail "been paid back to policy , holders. Mr , Dnrtholoincw Informed the directors that his accounts were bliorl fl'2-,000 ' and on this account the appointment of a receiver was applied for , Other dulleiiclcs In his accounts art repotted , but no statement is yetabtaln- ,4 able. Bartholomew Ictt the city Saturday afternoon and Is reported to bo In Montreal. Jlo has been In business hero for fifty years. llo was ono of the . city's mosl I'osnoeted citizens nnd was connected with Its most Important business enterprises , The present condition of nltnlrs Is creating the greatest sensation over known hero In business circles. llo was a very large borrowei and had the highest credit. At onetime IK Indorsed tor the Charter Oak company to tin extent of SWH.OOO to carry It over a linn ! plnco when no ono else was ready to help it , llo has bpnii considered very successful In It ? innnngoment until this condition of affaire developed. Among other positions whlcli Bartholomew held hero were the following Director of the American National bank Haitian ! ; Steam Holler and Inspection am Insurance company ; Oriental Kite Insurance company ; llolyoko AVnter Power company of whlcli ho was presldsnt ; llartfon SIlK compiny and Union Manufac turing company. Bartholomew wa < also director In the Insane rctren and In the Hartford hospital , nnd treasuiei of the Watklnson library , llo was vice president of State Savins bank and membei of Iho corporation of Trinity college. Hols Indebted to thoHolyoko wntcr power com pany , but Insiders say the company Is full ) protected. Among some of the silk com jinny's pni > er , with his indorsement Is saw , ( XXI , and of tlm Union company SlW.ono. n\ \ ready known. His own Indlvldna paper Is out and also the pai.e of his son's imloiKi'il by himself fen n considerable sum , but the amount urn not vet known. Bartholomew Is soventi years old ami has been In business in Hart lorn since 1S8-J. Ho was supposed to havi largo properly though It was not in sight Ills business judgment was much sought am liu rendered many valuable service grain ! tously. Some banks refused his paper beeaitsi of his reticent manner.lnit It Is estimated tha JjSOO.OOOislicm in Hartford and much else where. It Is put at pver 81,000,000 , but in ono knows the exnct amount , lie will b < bo thrown Into Insolvency to-day , thus re moving the attachment , and prior claims. S < tMas learned , etfGO.txtt of the Haitfordsllk J-'OO.POO of Union. S-iOO.OOOof Iho Scliuyic J'.lectrlc Light , a considerable amount o Carter Oak , and SlW.OOOof Holyoke Wall- 1'owor company's papcrhavo conic to II U li infuiy dllferunt sections of the country. I Is. feamt all the local nlfalrs In which ho heli p < .siUous of trust will nlso sutler heavily. NEW VOIIK , Seiit23. 'Hio Post's spccla from Hartford , Conn. , says : "It Is nov ftntcil on good nutliortltv that Ueorco Al , V. Haitluilomew hnsbeen intiblngtho comnanle ir * iti wliL-h ho Is Interested for several years 'I'm ' lirst Inttnmtlon that thlswasanfac was the statement uiudo by a frieui off. K. Pliinkett. to the effect that Hartholo- men wat tlio cause of ! di downfall. When I'lunkett's fattier died , the son was left prw.ojo. lie luveiled It with Haitholomew. It all went. Plunkelt , thcrefoie , In duced liartliolomew to put Mi name to a Innrc amount , and when thus secured he turned about and left the latter In the lurch. The auditor of the Charter OaU Llfo Commny Is severely crit icised for allowing Sl'JT.WJ of the tumls to be lo t. Many city hanks held It.irtholo- innw's paper , In all it Is said amounting to S' , ) . TinKchuylcr Klertrln Llitht company will probably lose nearly two hundred thousand dollars , and will decide at a iiieetlni ; to-day what action Is to bo taken In the future , ll.irthoiomcw'.s son Is on the venco of bank ruptcy and will suspend to-day. CAHKM3TTAUC. The I'rolmhlc llctlrcmcutorMniinlitu Tlio notriiK iluilcr ljuw. WASIIIXOTO.V , Sept. U3. [ Sin'cial Tolo- KT.IIII to the HKK.J It Is reported In ollicinl circles that a ( 'real dual of political and personal Influence Is belim wielded upon Secretary Manning to Induce him to t'hanirc his determination to retire from the cabinet and to remain. He ha ? , It Is stated , firmly totil the president that ho positively does not want to continue In the treasury depart ment because he believes his health will not nermlt It , but the pieslilent has as sured him that he can take a rest whenever he desired , and that he can be relieved of inch of the routine work. A belief prevails liat MannliiR will bo persuaded to ictiirn Cll ! . A oed deal of woklit was put upon the eport circulated the other ilay to the elfect hat Secretary Havard was contemplating xchaiiitini : his position us head of the < lo- inrtineiit of state lor the trearury portfolio , t Is notorious here that Mr. Jiayunt has not injoyed the olllce he now occupies , but ills tot on account of the lively character of iomo of his olliclal acts as many suppose. It t because he Has been kept at so many rou- : lne matters. Ho never did much routine ivork before he took the plaeo ! w now tills , mil the ollieo has had more of It during his 'neumlieiicy ' than In twice the tlmo Immedl- itely before Ins advent there. This h.\s been lie result ot the large number of chancc-i in he foreign service under this adminijtri- ion. ion.For For a year the employes of the state de partment have been at work most of their elme instructing ministcis nud consuls. Of course , this carried with It many new inter pretations , which were made lanrely by the secretary , and the assistants would naturally defer as much to the new superior as possible. This made the nfllco duties unuMially ardu ous and has caused the secretary to wish a thousand times that ho wiis a senator again. It is predicted by n friend of Mr. Itayard hat therc.wtll be a new man at the head o hat department before the end of this term ot President Cleveland , llo says Mr. Uayard ' .a . tired of It. OI.KOM uin.viuxR M\xupACTtTiuiis n writing to their attorneys liere about their wants at the treasury department otacrvo that their business has not diminished bv the operation of the new law regxilatlng It. They report a diminution of the number of dealers nnd makers , but say the number o consum ers has not grown less. It is said by the lawyers who arc looking after the business of the oleo men that what is necessary to decrease the manufacture of the article Is an amendment to the law re- uliiiiK hotel keepers to mak known io fact that they use It. They say that the great hulk of the article is sold to keepers of public hostelries. Evidently this move Is contemplated bv the manufac- tuiers , and It will be heartily supported by the statesmen who do not keep house in Washington. If there Is not an amendment ot the character indicated , it is believed that there will be a boycott of the hotels which do not show conclusively that they use only pure butter. It looks as though the worst had not como to the oleo men. The law has hardly had a chauco to make an effect , cither. Templar Conclave. ST. Louis , Sept , 23. The crowds to seethe grand parade , which was postponed from Tuesday , and which takes place to-day , were on the streets early , but were much smaller than any previous day this week. The mornIng - Ing broke clear and warm. Last night's and this morningtialns carried away many knights and visitors , although the exodus was not sufllciently large to diminish the crowds very much which tiironccd the line of march. At the knights' grand encampment meet ing yesterday , the report of tlie committee on creilentlals was referred to back to the com mittee for corrections. The regrets of the Charleston commanilery were toad and the attention of the committee of finance called to the deplorable condition of their brethren In that city. The report of the committed on jurisprudence regarding certain amendments was scad and spread upon the minutes. The amendment to strike out ot the vow of olllco the words "and code of stat utes" was lost. Tlio proposition to change the qualifications for membership In the order of knighthood was laid upon the table. The amendment to ch.ingo the clause of the constitution empowering the grand encamp ment to designate tlie time and place ol tint next encampment by substituting "Thu encampment shall be held In the City ol Washington , 1) . C. , In the month of Decem ber , at such tlmo In said month as the L'raml master may dictate , " was voted down "by a large majority , as also the proposition tc abolish the parade nnd make the grand en campments purely business. The weather was very hot for tlio parade , with only a slight breeze. All members ot the comiimiidcr-In-chlef's staff were on hand and but few changes In the original pro gramme were made necessary. The rankaml lilo comprised less knights than would have formed in line had the parade occuired when first advertised , but nearly every commanilery announced to participate was represented. Some slight changes had been made In the already profuse decorations , anil those damaged by bad weather Tuesday hint been restored. The different command erles were prompt In their movements , anil reported at their rendezvous before the lioin announced. Dakota Io | > iillloniiH. ST. PAUL , Sept. S3. The Pioneer Press Ynnkton , Dak. , special says : Delegate ( ilf ford was icnomlnated by acclamation In tin republican territorial convention this after noon. ( ii-Igsby , of Mlnnohalia , madu tin nomination , which was seconded by Allen , o Cass , and Fowler , of Pennlngton. Tlie plat form declares unwavering- support of tin principles of the republican party , demand ; on behalf of both Indians and cltlzoni Imme.llato reduction of all Indlai reservations In the territory , denounce ! thu failure of the democratic liousi to pass the Dawes' bill , for the open Ing to settlers of a portion of the Sioux res ervatlon , characterizing Commlsjlonc Sparks as closely Ignorant of the characte ; of tlm people of the northwest , and hi : statement that 00 per cent of the public lam entries weio fraudulent. Is Inspired by iu-no ranee and malice ; denounces Pivsidun Cleveland's veto of the pension bills , ex presses sympathy with Ireland , and deel.u Ing for division and admission of South 1)\ ) kota , Contra ! and Northern Dakota mei tried to have a resolution requiring the qucs tlon of division and admission suDmltted ti a vote of the people , but the resolution wa passed us above. Iluutlns : Dawn ttio Ucliels. MAIUIIH , Sept. S3. ( Icnernl VHlacampa leader of In-t Sunday's Insurrection , wn found concealed In a mill near Mobllzos am arrested. A fugitive rebel lieutenant wa Identified and arrested as ho was In the act o purchasing a railroad ticket at C inpo uboo Soventy-tlueo Insurgents who liavo beet hunted down In different sections of th kingdom by loyal troops , arrived as ptlsoiier In Madrid this mornliib' . Terrific Storm. MII.WAUKKK , Sept. aw A terrllift thumlc storm , accompanied with hall , swept over till city about 7:30 : this mqrnlng. Ualn fell ver heavy , nnd during its prevalence the heaven were almost as dark as night. The house o Ko'jt.S. Arthur was badly wrecked by thunderbolt , ami Mrs. Arthur dangcrousl injured. . The Otoe and Sarpy County Dale-gates Ba- twy their Frisath and Join Howe. JOHN CLARKE AND HIS PA. 'SoliwInkcN Treaotiery anil Deceit The lleatrloo Opera Homo I'ncknil With the Hood lums ot'llio N'cmalm Pi-AUiI. BKATUICK , Neb. , Sept. 21 [ Editorial Correspondence of the BKK. " | The con test which has just culminated in the ominationof Church Howe will bo ono f the most memorable of its kind in tint olitinal history of Nebraska. The com- at in itself was comparatively insiguili- : ant were it not for its far-reaching ionsequenees. The outcome involved ot only the candidates engaged , ut the success or defeat of Se.nator Van iVyek and the Douglas county candidate or irovurr.or , Henry T Clarke , besides mashing slates for several minor candl- ales. The bragadoclo with which llmrcli Howe entered the campaign and he blare of trumpets with which he pro- laimed himself victorious in his transit 'roni county to county , doubtless had its jfl'eot upon timid and time-serving politi- uitis , but the well informed rivals of lowe in the field were not deceived as to lis strength. When the three * op- osing candidates , Weaver , Council and Toft , canvassed the .situation in the third story of the C5rand Central last night , they felt perfectly at case. They counted from seventy to seventy-five fol lowers who were determined to beat the jonunon enemy , and they had assurances .hat the Sarpy county delegation , and at .east nine or ten of the Otoe delegation , ivotild join the field against Howe , which ivoiild have given the field a clean majority and several votes to snare. _ A .riplo alliance , offensive and defensive , ivas agreed upon with the understanding hat one of the three candidates in .he field should have the entire vote of the opposition whenever it could " ) o safely pooled. The Douglas delnga- .ion met in the Knights of Pythias hall in .he morning and organized for the fray. Everv delegate present was outspoken in favor of standing by Council as long as there was any chance of his nomination. About 11 a. m. they were joined by the Jass and Sauuders county delegates , who appeared if anything more determined to .lown Howe than this Douglas county .non. . When they wore reinforced later n the afternoon by the Hichardson dele gation and half of Johnson county dele gation the roll was called and every dele- 'ate prerent was pledged in writing lo light it out on that line if it took all night. The kev of the position was held by Sarpy and Otoo counties. The live delegates of Sarpy were mot by Church Howe on their arrival last night and quartered by him at his headquarters in the Randall. They were as follows : Harry Clarke , the son of Henry T. Clarke , of Omaha ; Arthur Spearman , A. II. Empy , Henry Gursch and J. D. Knell. Clarke , who headed the delegation , was inter viewed by Messrs. Urny and Colpet/.or , who served with him in the last legisla ture. He was somewhat boozy and showed a disposition to resent as an in sult the invitation to join the opponents of Howe who , he said , was as honest ami reputable as anybody. He. was kept pretty much in the same condition of half drunkenness throughout the entire day. Young Spearman declared that he was for Howe because the Missouri Pacific , through Howe , had done him a good many favors in the shape of passes and rebates. Empy was entirely under the inlluence ot Clark , while Gusch and Sncll professed that they were grangers anil had nothing in common with Howe. Still they declined to go into tlio-anti-Howe caucus and in spite of the promises of John Clarke for his "pa , " they cast their votes with Howe and liis gang from first to last. last.The The Otoe county delegates arrived late in the afternoon and Schminkc , who is recognized as Van Wyck's lieutenant , pledged at least eight of the delegation to the anti-Howe forces. In spite of this there was much uneasiness caused by a re port that the delegation had caucussed by themselves and agreed to support Howe solidly. I implored Schminko and other Otoe delegates , in the interests of Van Wyck , to stand with his friends and to help defeat the Nemaha fraud whose nomination was sure to bring disaster to Van Wyck by placing him and Ins friends in a false position. Schminke himself renewed his promises while others of the delegation , who professed to bo special friends of Van Wyck , declared they knew what they were doing and oven insolently scouted the idea that Van Wyck had any further need of sup port from this quarter. Just as Howe s brass band had reached the opera house 1 overheard Schminke in . the street pledge to Church Howe the whole Otoe delegation. For the first time then I became - came convinced that there was treachery and sell out in the camp of Van Wyck's Otoo delegation , and the outcome con firmed the conclusion. Church Howe had made grand propava- tions for his boom. Having carried the Cui'io county primaries by the help of the Holly water works gang and Kilpatrick's railroad graders he followed up his method by packing the opera house with n lot of hired hoodlums who were all provided in advance witli a lot of admission tickets. The brass band blow themselves black in the face , the fellows who carried the transparency with "No Hosowater in Ours" were shouting themselves when the convention was called to order by Tom Kennard , whoso bland smile re minded mo of the olden days when Tom was coparcener with Bill Stout in the state real estate distribution at Lincoln. Tom gave way as temporary chairman to the notorious railroad capper , Humphrey , who , in inking the gavel , bawled his profound thanks to the convention for the honor. By the vote which elected Humphrey , the last hope of the coalition against Howe was gone. The proceed ings that followed were a roaring farce , Nominating speeches were made to gn through the form. Henry Estabrook's great effort for Council was a surprise , ' 1 huso who listened say they could not tell to the end whether Henry was going to nominate Howe or Council. Ik slobbered all over his deat friend Howe , and then endeil by apologizing for Hosowater , who didn't need any apology at his hands. As soon as Howe was nominated lie nulled out A printed spjech which ho said waste to bo his platform in the campaign , [ Great cheui's by the hoodlum ] I ! ! J Mr. Broderick , of Douglas county , offered some resolutions on the labor question but thoywcrn promptly laid under tin table. The fooling in the Douglas , Ca 3 am ! tSaumlero county delegations was verj bitter. The blanui for the defection in Otoe was generally put upon Van Wycl ; and the conduct of Sarpy was generally regarded us the forerunner of Mr Clarke's defeat in the state convention On all hands out < ndo of the corrupt co terie that championed Ho'.vo ( hero was a general feeling that this wa ? a very sad day for the republican party and a very black eye for VanWyckL E. It. ON CHICAGO 'OlIAXOli. CHICAGO , Sept. 2i [ Special Telegram to tlic UKK.J There was more curiosity this morning to know whether Armour was ready to advance porK aain than to know what wheat was col in : to do. There were 20.000 hogs at the yanls nnd the market there was slow. But October pork was tlrm early and went upon any little provocation. It Is not "tailors" left. believed that there arc any They were so unuicrr.Ifuliy tlii.mped nnd drafted nnd lashed around that the last ono of them cave up and let eo before thcpilco touched S'J.r.7,1 . If the October option went up now the old IOIIRS would look with lorn- luu eyes , but would get none ot the profits. The shortage is now as blR about as the "bull" Interest was two weeks ago. October pork started at S10.0TK. Cables were a little conlllctliii , ' . Liverpool coming In firmer. That ami a decrease of 720,000 bushel * In the amount of wheat ajloat more than olTsctthe bear tactics of llutchlnson's broker on the early curb , and wheat at first advanced a lit tle. November was down to 77c on the curb. It was up to IT c soon after the opening on ho floor. The receipts of corn arc now finally actu ally falling otr. This sent the November 'ptlon ' of this pralu totO < e. Shortly after the opening the markets nil : > ecamo weak because of the Kreat flood of icar news. From New York there was a re port that the banks there wcrocallinR In their cans on wheat. Investigation showed that .here was one small New York bank which illdcall some wheat loans , but this was the result of a general call ami not because wheat was not a satisfactory security. There was a dispatch that there was a wheat blockade at Minneapolis and that loaded cars were struiic along tor nine tulles out. Still another dispatch said there was a glut at Duluth. There wcie ± iJOOO.buslicls of wheat received at the latter place. The report * had their Inthicucc. although It is a fact that both Duluth and Mlniienpollshave a capacity 1'or 5,000.000 bushels mure wheat than they jiow hold. Wheat broke J/c on this kind of talk , so that November sold at 7CHe , and corn and per weakened out of sympathy. October pork drooped to SH.GO and October corn to : w6 c Pork was weakened by the sale of about 10,000 barrels by llamlU it Congdon , who gave up the name ofY. S. "ivoringham. Charters were : Corn , 3SC.OOO bit ; wheat , 10,000 ; tlaxi7.000. : The t o'clock close was : November wheat , fi ? < e : November corn , -lO ci October pork , ll.77Jtf. The short afternoon board was dull with very few changes. November wheat closed at 70J4'e ; November corn at 40b'c ; October uork at 89.SO. Cumi. 8 i > . M. November wheat , 7CJ.(05 70T < c ; puts , Tfl'tftW'Sffc ' : calls , 77X < ft77Wc. November corn , puts , -lO c ; calls , 40)jc. Oil Tanks Fired byLightning. , LIMA , O. , Sept. 2:3. : The Calilron & Mad ison oil well was sttuck by lightning at 7 this morning and the fire communicated to two 520-barrcl tanks , which burst ami the oil spread over the southern portion of the city , endangering thousands of dollars lars worth of property , Nicholson's largo tank , across the street from the above firm's well wqs 'also struck and twenty-five hundred burrelslof oil consumed. There Is Imminent danger ovtho tire spread ing ami endangering the < vhle city.-At noon the lire was still raging ancvit"wnsbeyond the power of the department to check its progiess. Jfrs. Henderson.'standInn in the doorway of her homo near the first well , was struck by the bolt and killed ; liable welt No. 2 ignited , but further damage was averted by tearing down tke rigging. ArroHted tot * nijniny. LONDON , Sept. 23. Edward Solomon , an American composer and husband of Lillian Imsscil , was arrested In this city to-day on tlio charge of bigamy preferred by his first wife , Lilly < ! rey , who avers that ho was never legally separated from her. A BelTant Rioter Sentenced. LONDON , Sept. 23. Nairncy was sentenced yesterday , at Belfast , to one year's imprison ment at hard labor for rioting anil assaulting police in that city. A Tory Vacation. LONDON , Sept. 23. Salisbury will go to the continent Friday , and Chamberlain Satur day. The latter will bo accompanied by bis brother Itlchard , who will remain with him until Christmas. Kxplosion of Giant Powder. SANFu.vxaisco , Sept. 23. A terrific ex plosion at the giant powder works near West IScrkloy Is Just reported. No particulars re ceived yet. Afternoon Markets. CIIICAOO , Sept. ! . Hogs Itecctpts , 24,000 ; active and r @iOc- lower : light , S3.75ft 4.00 ; roueh packing , : ( ) ; mixed and heavy packing and shipping , S4.40@4.K ! ) . Cattle Receipts , 11,000 : slow but steady ; common. S3.wiM4.25 ; choice , S4.7.X2.v. > ,5 : butchers , Sl.'iXS.i..i' } ; stockcrs , S2.2.X23.50. CHICAGO. Sept. 83. Wheat Weak and lower ; cash , 74'c : ! ! ; October , 74o ; November , 7V < e ; May. Sic. Corn Weak and lower ; cash , . " 7/c ! ; Octo ber , : i7J c : November. aii&Tc ; Mav , 4 ; ! c. o.its Weak ; cash , O5' ' c ; October , ttWc : May , 31J < e. Kye 4SKc. JJarlev 57c. Flax Seed Sl.OS. Timothy Prime , 5.80@I.6T. ! Whisky 81.17. Pork Weak ; eash , S'J.CO ; October , SJMMJf ; November , SH.07K. Laid Stcadv ; cash , S7.20 ; October , 50.10 ; November , S0.0. > . Notes. To-morrow evening Knbbl Benson will lecturoin the Jewish synagogue , on the "Charleston Disaster. " The regulai t-crvices of the S3Tnagoguo-will commence at 7:30 : o'clock , and will be largely attended. Thpt interior ol thu temple has recently .boon . most beau llfully frescoed and presents an interest ing and attractive appearance. The no\\ famous choir of the synagogue will alsc render a delightful programme of vocn music which will also bo' worthy of ap precintion. This comparatively no\\ temple of worship is in a.innst flourishing condition and an Inspection of the dia gram of the interior shows that oven seat has been secured bytho interostei congregation. At a recent mooting of'fho ' local lodge 'Bnai 'Brith association Jt was de.cidei to give a Simchath Torah , on the 21st o next month when a grands ball will b < held for thu benefit ofthd orphan nsyliin at Cleveland , Ohio. The ! managemen of the afl'iiir is in the hands of Messrs Isaac Oborfolder , Bcnj. Newman , Frci Adler , Max Meyer and M. Hellmaii. Jlo AVns Touched In n Tender Spot San Francisco Chronicle : One of tin most pathetio sights 1 have seen In a lorn time I saw the other afternoon. An old ish man stood on the corner of a fctreot with pycs cast down and a look of aeon ; on hie face. He was sighing heavily a" lie poked a thick st'.clc ' into cracks am breaks in the tiaphaltum. which was ter ribly open to such poking. Ho seemei to be heartrbrokcn. 1'was studying thi picture when a friend came up. "What's the mattery" - "Look at that poor old follow , " 1 said " 'Hint ! Don't yon know mm ? That' old - , the millionaire. I'd.owns thu hlocK , and bo's got to put down a nev pammmt. ' GATHERED ABOUT THE CITY. What Mittman , the Millard Shooter Haste to Say- NOTES ON RAILROAD MATTERS. Pollen Court District Court { News A AVeilihtiff Anniversary Amuse * meiit Notes ( .icnernl Liocnl. Mlttinnii'.s Story. This morning's HIK : contained n tele graphic reference lo the shooting of Durham at Millard last night. Tliis uorning Deputy ShorilV Urebo went to ho scene , ami taking C. Mittinan , the nan wlio did the shooting , into custody , rouglit him to this city anil had him oeked ii ] > ! n the county jail. Ho was Ihoro icon by a KKK reporter this morning. Mlttman , is a largo , heavy German , ivitli : > mild round set of features , trim- il with moustache and goatee. Ho nude no trouble in giving his version of ho story , which is plausible and ovl- lently worthy of credence , because he bears upon ono of his eyes a fearful [ iroof of having bpun beaten in the affray. " 1 keep a saloon at Millard , " ho said tvliero I nave resided for nboul thirteen months. 1 used formerly to live in Omaha. Last night about five o'clock Durham and Cole came into my place. They wanted me to give them a Irink. Now Durham had boon to my place several times and 1 had given him credit , but 1 had notgot paid , and linado no my mind not to give him nor any of liis friends anything on credit. Because. , vhy should t do it ? You trust a railroad nborcr and there is nobody to pay for tun if lie skips away , because the con- ractors . ay thov will not be responsible 'or any debts run by laborers , bo I told . 'nil that I onlv spoke once. and that I mil told him 'before ho could not get Irink without money. "Last week 1 went lo Omaha and bofoio roing I told my daughter not to give Durham nor anv other person drink with out paying for it. While I was gone Durham anil Cole went to my saloon , jisked for drink , and my daughter , who was seventeen years of ago , tolit them what 1 had told her , and refused to give them liquor. They then said tlmy would help themselves and were going behind the bar wh'Mi my wife intcrforcilnnd they went away. " "Now , last night , they came around again , after what they had done before , and again annoyed mo about drinks , which i always refused. They became angrv , and Durham finally asked me for "M cents to pay his way to Papillion , because both ho and Cole are working on the It. & M. grade right near t'lis ' place. 1 tolil him I would not give him the twenty-live cents , and both of tiiem became angry. My daughter screamed anil urged me to tro into the bacji room because she says who heard them say they would kill mo. 1 was leaning on the end of the counter nt the time , my back being toward the end of the bar. Cole got behind mo , put his arms around my neck and pnlloir mc-'down on the lloor and then Durham stamped mo in my eye , as you sue , with the heel of his boot. I struggled upward and was. pushed out into the dining room , when Durham _ - ham attempted to get behind the bar to seize. a bottle of whisky. Sly wife headed him oft' and he struck her a powerful blow on the forehead , and she has a big lump there now. I was now struggling with Cole , and forced myself out and caught hold of a sodawater box , Illicit with bottles , which I held on to and pulled myself uv behind the bar and grasped my re volver. Durham then came at me with a knife and both of them forced mo in the corner , and in raising my hand to ward oft' his knife blows , the revolver went olt'nnd shot him through the throat. 1 was in a dangerous corner and the next instant I felt that Du nun's knife would have killed mo. " HAIL H1ATTKKS. Excursionists Into Neuraslca Other NOICH. Jt has been many a day since Omaha has witnessed such an influx of home- seekers sound for western Nebraska as occurred this morning. The occasion was the harvest excursion , at reduced rates , for the benefit of those who want to locate in the west. The Hock Island nnilNorthwcstorn trains together brought in about eight hundred people , while the " " in several hundred "Q" brought more who were taken west on the B. & M" . from Oreapolis in a train ot twenty-one cars. The Hock Island and Northwestern pas- seniors wore transferred to the Union Pacific overland No. U , which was hold ono hour and a half wailing for the Northwestern train. This train had been unavoidably delayed in Iowa. Most of those passengers were bound for points in interior and western Ne braska , and the majority of them will doubtless locate in the state. Another "harvest excursion'1 will occur before the approach of winter. Al , V. Bnnton , of the Salt Lake olllco of the Union I'acilio , is in the city on his return from St. Louis , whither ho ac companied the Knights Templar ex cursion. I'hil Warrack , chief clerk in the general - oral freight ollico oi the Union Pacific , lias gone to New York. As a cpnsotjuonco of the wreck on the Missouri 1'acillc below Kansas City , last night's Omaha trnin on that road , dnu here at about 0 o'clock , did not arrive until 1W : ! o'clock this morning. It was compelled to go by way of Sciluiia and Lexington in order to reach Kansas City , thus throwing it out of several hours ot its schedule. Andy Harden of the Chicago , Minne apolis & St. Paul road returned this morning from the Odd Fellows' meeting at Boston , It S. Hair , general western passengoi agent of the Chicago & Northwestern road , who is well known in this locality , and several times in the past two years visited tills city , has tendered his reslg- nation , to tukoetlcct on the first of Octo ber. His successor will bo K , P. Wilson of Chicago , who has for some time hack been pool commissioner nt that place. J. A. Murray , traveling agent for the Chicago & Northwestern , returned ( hit morning from Huston , whore lie went Ir escort a number of Nebraska delegates to the Odd Fellows' gathering at thai place. Ho reports that "his roiul carried twenty excursion trains from Chicago ti Boston , and every one of them wat crowded. Tiles. Holan , who for about a year back has had charge of the switch and tele graph station on the Union Pacific road , immediately this side of the bridge , has been transferred to the position of nlghl operator and ticket agent nt the Broad waydupot in Council Ilhill's. He succeed ; Mr. Kuiger , who conies to this side of tin river. A. C , Campbell , superintendent of tin western division of the 11. & M. nt McCook , came into town this morning. The business in the Union PncUlc depot telegraph ofllce has so increased of late that is has been found necessary to put another operator there , in connec tion with Mr. T. McCarthy , who has long bern worked continuously at the key. The new man is .John F. Kr-app , who has already appeared in those columns as an inventor of an clectrica contrivance. ' A Dcmocrntlo Hull. Immediately after the democratic con vention yesterday there was a meeting of the county central committee held. There was not a full attendance. Some of the members who had been at the convention , and had scon the cut-ami- dried style in which 110 packing-house star-chamber business was carried out , refused to nttoiul. There was a quorum present , however , and anion < * other things done was to call the primaries for the county convention , on the filland the convention on the tith. It was Inter discovered that as the state convention would be hold on the 7th , many of those in attendance upon it would not bo iible to work at the primarily cm the following dav. This morning. Chairman McSliano called a special meeting of the committee , to bo held at his ollicu tills afternoon at ' , ' o'clock , when the date of the primaries was changed lo the lltli and that of the convention to the 1'Jth. A Slipping Holler. This afternoon at three o'clock half a dozen men were engaged in lowering from a truck to the sidewalk , a large boiler to be used in heating the Nebraska National Bank building. The truck was backed up near the Twelfth street entrance to the basement. Tins boiler was a heavy one and got away from the men and slipped with such velocity that two men who were standing by as spectators narrowly escaped being crushed to death. The fancy barber polo of K. Stein , whoso shop is in the basement of the building , was broken from its fastening , and the fancy cathedral-glass lantern crushed into a thousand fragments. A ItlornitiK Klre. The fire department was called out this morning to extinguish a lire in a two- story frame structure , on the northwest corner of Fourteenth and Cuss streets , owned by diaries Jensen. The blaze was extinguished with some dillieiilty. but not until the interior was prott'1 well burned out. The loss on the building was sffiOO or siOO ( , not covered by insur ance. S. Kosmond occupied the structure - turo with a lint ; of peddlers'1 supplies , valued at150. . His loss was almost to tal and his insurance nothing. There is no theory as to the cause of tlio lire. Imto City News. A female squatter on the bottoms threw a rock at of a force of B. & M. men who were moving her shanty this after noon. She was arrested by Constable Mcalio , but a mob of men get upon him and compelled him to release her. A crazy man was arrested by the police this afternoon on the bottoms , and taken to the county jail. Ho was suffering from the hallucination that some ono was trying to kill him. Iniiicnant Second "Warders. The residents of the city in the vicinity of tiio Castellar school are indignant be cause while in possession of a school , they are not enabled to use it for half of their children. Asa consequence they propose to indlgnatc to-morrow evening at Cosmopolitan hall on South Thirteenth and see it they can not do something to keep their children from walking two miles to the Leavenworlh school in winter time. The Metropolitan Club. Tiie Metropolitan Club has elected of ficers for the ensuing year as follows : President S. Oborfelder. Vice President Adolph Meyer. Treasurer Dave Kaufman. Secretary J. Eichman. The first party will occur on October 13 , in the Metropolitan hotel. JH13U. HUSIII3Y III this city , September aid , at 2:30 : a. in. , Lottie May , daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. M. W. liiishcy , aged 2 yu.irs and 10 months. Funeral will take place to-morrow at 2 p.m. from the family residence on Eleventh stieet , between Davenport and Chicago streets. Interment at the Holy Sepulchre. A Quarrelling Couplo. Jerry Uuck and Dora Buck , husband and wife , were arrested to-day for light ing , lioth were locked up , but Mrs. Buck , after a few moment's confinement , was taken ill and was released. Hutty Wedding Hccoptlnn. September 83 , 181(5 ( , on Sugar Creek , Logan county , 111. on the old honiestcail , Abraham Lucas and Susannah Need de termined to unite their fortunes for bet ter or worse , and last evening about ono hundred of their friends and relatives assembled to celebrate the fortieth anni versary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas bear their ago well and although their hair has become somewhat tinged with gray still they would hardly bethought thought over fifty ami in the prime ot llfo , whilst sixty or morn winters and as many summers luxvo passed over their heads. After the company had assembled the presentation speech was made by Uev. r. W. Savidge in a few fitting and well chosen words and then the evening was given np to social The presents were numerous and costly , ot which the following is a partial lift : Mr. and Mrs. Manger , sugar bowl In silver stand ; Dr. Saville , water set ; the Sownrd.street M. K. church , of which Mr. and MI-H. Lucas are netivo member.- ! , large cake Iw.sLct in silver stand , red plush easy chair , pickle dishes , shopping bag , and $ . " ; in goll ; Miuul and llossio Wright. elcg\ut ; decorated lamp and fix tures ; Mr. and Mrs. i ; . P. Diets ; , toilet bottle ; B. C. Smith , sh-ovo buttons ; Mollie Lucas , gold collar button ; Hddie Lucas , silver butterdishes ; Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Thompson , atitouraph album , in which the names of" all those present were written ; Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Heed , vase ; Mr. and Mrs. ( J. W. Lucas , Mrs. Sadie Wc'.iver.aud Miss Mollie Lucas , izold headed cano and .black silk dress ; Mrs. J. II. Presson , 'toilet bottle ; C. B. Smith , cup * and sauces ; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Tluunas , fruit dHliiladstone ! : , Burr and Clarke , hand painted water set ; Mrs. K. K. French , lamp ; Mr. and Mrs. Bliss , fruit dish ; C. W. Coin , salt cellars ; Mollie Lui-as , toilet set ; Mrs. A. A. An derson and sons , pitcher : Mr. and Mrs. Bishou" , table linen ; L. K. Lucas , elegant plush sofa ; ,1. W. Hoirinanbook , of prom ises ; Mr. and Mrs. F , T. Sl.inroek , books : Mr. and Mrs. Coons , book ; Air. and Mrs. DcBolt , book ; Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Wright , glasses. Speeches were made and a general good time had. An original poem was read by ono of the ladies present. Personal I' lid E. llowell leaves for Chicago to night. Mrs. K. D. Pratt , of Fort Maccriac , is visiting her father , W. W. Copeland. Professor Brnnor went to Waterloo this morning to visit the school at that point. Mrs. Dr. Benbam left for Fort Do Cliesuo this morning , to join her bus- band. Mrs. J. Iliirto and Mrs. William llarto have returned from an extended visit in Cheyenne , Wyo. II. C. Hitchborn , formerly with J. A. Fuller & Co. , but now in business in Da kota , is hi the city. Senator Van Wyck and wife , who were at the Paxton yesterday and fast night , left this morning for the south. Dr. Lee is in Handolpli , N , Y. , with liis family , but expects to return shortly. Ills assistant , Dr. Max. Rich , reached liomc ast Saturday. If you buy himbor anywhere ) without first getting Hoaglunds prices yon will lose money' Two Candidates for Congress. MILWAUKKI : , WIs. , Scjit 23. The demo crats of the I'ointh district to-day nominated Jno. lllacic , of .Milwaukee , for concrcss. At Klkhorn the republicans iciiomlnatctl L. C , Caswoll , ot Foil Atkinson for Congress. Cliff Hedfield , the eighteen-year-old son of Joseph KedlielU , last evening fell oil' Ids father's house at the corner of Tenth anil Bancroft streets , and broke his arm. E. T. ALLEN , M. D. si > 'iti.iisT : , Eye , Ear , l os@ & Tfwoail Ituum ' . ) WlIlliuiH IliUMIng. Cor. Kith nail Doily c , Omiilm. Neb. Hours , B to 12 a. m.iMo ; ItuulTtoS p , in. < - A.m : lly tlio now and t-clrntlllc tioitnumt non-ln votfiioninoiitf tlinjpront f-iiecinlisfi of ( ho oust , whoso tnutlioils Dr. Allen la fully prepared to employ. Terms SU.OO per treatment orMto $ M per cu so. tilusscs accurately prescribed , 5 to ? li. ! J7 L" WILKIE , .Manufuctiiror of Paper Boxes , 100 S. 1-lth Hi. Omaha , Neb. Orders by mail solicited and will re ceive prompt attention. 1213 Farnain st , , Omalia. Weekly and Monthly Payments , FURNITURE , STOTES AND CARPETS Curtains , Drapery , Building , Tinware , llollowiiro , Grimituww , Silver ware , Crockery , Lamps , Hefrigorafow , Uuby Carrin-jes Toilet Sets , Ten anil Dinner Sets , Hanging Lampd , Pictures of nil kinds , iuuhulhig fine line of Stcol EngruvingH , nil nt bottom prices. WROUGHT STEEL RANGES , For Hotels , fiestnunwtj ami Hoarding Houses , nearly as cheap as co-u nion cast iron ranges , and worth four times as miu-h HILL & YOUNG. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest slock. ; Prices the IOWCM , K , ri.ix : i scIullyAll ' work war ed. Lorner Dou la.b and ItWU blrcjvts , thua. .