Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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TIPTTPT * t Pnt 1\t/ A\T tPTT 4 ATPn
The Depression of tlie Past Few Days Pol-
lowed by Activity.
Corn n Trifle IIlKlicr Dealing * In Pork
Very tileht ruul Alumni Tcnlurc-
less Ucncrnl Market
CHICAGO , hept. 21. iSpeclnl TcloRrntn to
the Iip.K.1 Tlio fccllnic that tlic heavy re
ceipts nt primary points , wlilcli for * ome time .
Imvo had no depressing an olfcot on tlio mar
ket , hftvobccn fully discounted , led to good
buying both hist night and tills morning.
Cnbles wore dull enough to suit tlio rankest
bear In tlio trade , but at the present low
range of prices speculators possessed of any
degree of caution arc not inclined to rely on
tlio figure * tlio foreign buyer sends
out. October wheat opened at 7r c
find for the first half hour kept within a
email fraction of tlmt point. Corn and provisions -
visions showed little change at tlio start.
When the exports of wheat were posted the
figures were encournglnc to tlio bull side ,
since the foreign shipments of yesterday
from tlireo setvbord points footed up about
810,000 bushels. This furnished some stim
ulus to buyers , and the October option nd-
Tnnced to 75 > i' , holding pretty lirmly at about
that figure nil Hie fore part of the dnv. In
Addition to imirlmxe * to cover "shorts , " them
was considerable buying by ln\c.stors who
thought a reasonable advance Is likely to fol
low the Increased foreign demand nnd the
era of low prices tlmt have so long prevailed.
Armour \VIIH a liberal seller of short ribs ,
but some parties In the ti-.ide thought he was
merely trying to woik prices off for the pur
pose ot getting a fresh hold on tlmt product.
Trade In pork \\ns very light mid without
any noticeable features.
Corn scored an advance of ) { c , and for a
time held with fair firmness , llutchiiisou
bonghtroiiHlilciiihlu , but the Improvement In
wheat probably helneil it most. .May corn
did not share In the advance ot the other fu
tures , keeuing at about Its closing price of
The tonoof the afternoon market wns steady
nt fillghtlv lower figures than UIOMJ prevail
ing at the 1 o'clock close- . The final liirnres ,
liowoior , showed a not advance for the day
on wheat. The closing prices were 7ftUi * for
October wheat : October corn , H'.ljfjc ; October
pork , 810,00 ; November , SD.UO ; October lard ,
86.25 ; Novnmbcr , S0.15.
Conn. : J p. m. November wheat , 77J.Cc ;
puts , 70j < c ; calls , 7JJ < c ; November puts on
corn , 40j c ; calls , -fo ; e.
CincAno. Sept , 21. [ Special Telccram to
the UKK.I CA/m.n The receipts of cat
tle to-day were 7,800 , making 18.000 for the
week , axalnst 10,000 for the same time last
week. The iccelpts were neatly halt Tcxans
and rnnuers , which would leavn only about
4,000 natives of all descriptions for halo. Yet
theru seomcd to bo a sufllcicnt number for
the wants of trade. Under ordinary demand
prices would liavo advanced on this lluht
run , but the heavy supply of good Texans
and prune rangers filled the gap and held
natives down to last week's prices. Ship
ping steers , M50 to 1500 Ibs , Sl.aX25.20 ; 1200
to 1350 bs. , $4.ffi > @l.85 ; 0 > 0 to 1200 Ibs. , SIUO
@ 4.10. Native butchers' stock was selling at for old cows an < I S2.75@t.25 : lor
good cows and hellers. There were about
220 cars of Texans and iangel's amonz the
fiesh receipts this morning. Southern Te.x-
nns were selling at S2.25@2.7ft for cows am'
52.00@:5.25 : lor steers. Northern range Tox-
nns weie selling at S2.ftOji2.75 ( for cows am
S3.25@i.50 : for steers. Noitlicrn rangers : 201
Montana Texans , 1015 Ibs , Slt.OO ; 21 Nebraska
Texans , 84'J lb . Sai5 ; 110 Colorado Texans ,
174 Ibs , 53.10 ; 2.-il Wyoming , 11171bs , S3.15.
Jdmiorsof sick cattio hoio and there , am
the alarm spread on account of the raid by
the state sanitary authorities on thu sickly
nnd inlbciablo old cows fed In the ( listillmlrs
has somiiwliat filghtoned country buyers am
they aiu holding. There has not been a case
of any Illness ot whatever iiatuic amoni : the
40,000 to.r > 0XX ( ) cattle that arrive weekly at tlio
stock yards , not even a casn of Texas fever ,
nnd with one exception young cattio sent to
the country fiom Chicago the past summer
are reported robust , hearty and strong.
Uuyers need not be alarmed over the repoits
going out of Chicago concerning sick rattle ,
as the cases aio con lined to the poisoned aril
mats , malnlv old and decionlt cows , tlmt arc
ImprihOiicdln filthy distilleries'and compelled
to live on rcfubc. Then , again , these dis
tilleiics aio many miles from the slock yards ,
nnd between which tlieid is little or no com
until Icatlon.
lloHs Tlio receipts weio 20,000 , against the
same number week , making 41,000 for
the week , against : WCO ( ) at the same time last
week. Thu demand was fair and prices
rather easier than Mond.iv , but not quotablv
lower , yet as compared with last week , 15
"do lower. The season has set In tlio dow
turn , and if the history of thu tiade repeats
itself , as Is usual , prices are liable to dro ]
net haps n dollar per bundled before the 1st of
lceeniber. ) Hough and common are selling
at tf-UO&I.CO ; fair to good mixed , ? 4.7. > @ .85.
and bust heavy at iKL7.XiiH.70 ; rouuh and
mixed. S4.10 ® 1.70 ; packing and slilppintr ,
2.W to : MO Ibs , i5l.70 ( < r > .o.v , light weights , S&'JC
( 1.75 ; skips , ) ( ! : j.T5.
New Yorlr. Sept , 21. MOMKT On cal
quiet atKgO percent , closing at 4@5 per cent
I'lllMlt AIK11CAN1H.E I'AI'UU 4@5 lie :
cent ,
riTi'.ni.iNO EXCIIANOI : Quiet but strady
nt 84.81V forslxty day bills , and SI.SIKto
( lovKtiNUhNrs ( lovcrnment bonds wer
dull but HtrotiL' .
STOCKS Stocks exhibited much less nctlv
Ity than yosttitilay , and especially between
thohouisof tl and 2 o'clock. The opening
was firm to strong , first pilces showing ad
vances of } < @ ' per cent , except Union 1'a
clflo , wlilcli was up 1 per cunt. After the firs' '
half hour theiu was a marked decieaso In th
nmnunt of biisini'ss done , and the market a
tlmus became actually dull and iirlccs slowly
yielded until utter 1 p. m. Thu stliiiiilnt
elvun by tin ; strength ot coal slocks then ral
lied , lu many casua the lilcnest prices ye
reached were Hindu in thu last hour.
Clilcuuo , Sept. 21. Flour-Quiet , steady
ami unchanged ; winter \\hfat flour , S4.iv (
4,10 ; soutbfrn , 83. V4.ooWlsconsin ; , S4.0M
4.10 ; Mlchlgun soft sprinc wheat , jfu.50oi
.10 ; Minnesota b.ikeis , jrH.S'JjM.ill ' ; patnnts ,
* 4.i05H.O'J : : low grades , 81.75i,75 ; lye flour ,
quiet nt S 'iiai.'iO In barrels. Mid tH.OOM
S.20 lu > acks.
* u -j'niiiiri niui 5ju iimnur iimu yi-MLr >
day ; t-ash.ns g ; October , : iUJic ; May , 45 8-lOc.
Oats Stroimeritnd HQJi'c above j-i tur >
81 J y i l ; cash < , t. . , ii Q-iWc ; October , 20 MOo : t May ,
at 4S < o.
llarloy hasy at 57J/C.
'limotiiv I'niiie. S1
I'ori : Closed about tlinsamfna yesterday ;
cash. Oetober , 810.005jli > .lXoveiu- ;
ber , 8U.WhsS9.tB.
l.nrd-Sieady and SJSc hlsher ; cash ,
87.W ; October , 50.22 00.25 ; November ;
Hulk \Iw\ts-Shoiildcrs , SC.iaVa ( < 5.2. ' ) ! short
clear. S7.10@7.75 : short rllw , SO.PO.
Htitler No material change ; creamery ,
l.WJIc : rlalry , Ui&Kc.
ylice e Active ; full cream Cheddars ,
fl.tW. lOJ/failc ; young Americas ,
' : skims ,
. - - .
llnlcs-lfpavv green salted , 7 c light , 8Wc ;
bull hides , hfdes , BVC ; dry salted. 11 ®
12c ; dry nint , HVjUc ; c.\lf skins , ? ? 10Kc ;
deacons , 50c eachl
Tallow No. 1 country , 3j @ 3J c ; cake ,
3 > fc ; No. 8 , Sc.
AJ'Tin.NooN' : HOAUD-Wlieit IrrcRidar ;
October , * Mfc : May , M ! c. Corn Irregular ;
October. : i Mfic : May , 45VC. Oats Un-
ch.inued. Pork hreKiilai : October , S10.02K ;
November , 81UK ) . Lard Uiichanircd.
Ki'celnt * . bliiiiinoiit' .
Flour , bblfl 1.1,000 ) ,000
Wheat , bu S1.000 W.tVX )
Corn.D J.1I5.0UO 250XX ! ( )
Ityc , on 4,000 f > , ooo
Uarlev. bit . 85,000 51,000
New York. Sept. 21. Whrat Receipts ,
; No. 2 red. October , closln rat bOJ
w.tfc-5 iiiKiin mil uiil } Iliuuciuiri iivtou ,
ecelpts , fi' . , COJ ; exports , 41,000 : mixed
western , 'Wi.'Hc ; while \ > estern , ai@40c.
1'ctroloum Steiidy ; United closed ntiHKc.
Kirirs Firm and in falrdenmnd ; western ,
lrork Dull ; old mess , S10.ftO@10.C5 ; new
ness , 11.Q5@11.75.
Lnrd lusher and fairly active ; western
iteatn , spot. 87.10.
Huttcr Firmer and demand fair.
Cheese Stronger but trading quiet
Milwaukee. Sept. \Vheat-Stroncer ;
: ash , r { ? < fcj October , 745ic ; Nmcmbcr ,
Harley Steady ; No. 2 , "Me.
Provisions Lower ; pork , October , S
It ) c Firmer ; No. 2 , Me.
Pork Quiet at SlO.ftO.
Laid Dull and weaker at SO.M ) .
Whisky Active and turn at 81.12 ,
Mliincapullf ) . Sept. 21. Wheat Hathcr
quiet ; No. 1 haul , October , KC hluher ; sam-
] ilu lots In good demand ; No. 1 hard , cash ,
and September , We ; October , 73c ; Novem
ber , 74' ' c ; December , 7Cc : No. 1 north
ern , cash , 70c ; October. 71c ; November. 72c ;
December. 73 > < c ; No. 2 northern , cash , Obc ;
October , n c ; Novmuber,70c.
Flour Steadv ; patents , 84.2. " > ® 4.40 ; bak-
cis' , SU.2.r.03 . 4U.
Keceipts Wheat , 142XX ( ) bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 33,000 bn. ; flour , 19,000
St. LiouU. Sept 21. Wheat Strong ami
higher ; No. 2 led , cash , 75(2.754'c ( ; Octo
ber , . „
Coin Firm ; No. 2 mixed , cash , a gci
November , S' c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 25J { < 8
i c ; October , UOc.
Kye Fiimer at48 c.
Whisky Steadv nt 51.12. ?
1'ork Weak at SIO.25@10.50.
Laid Eaty lit SO ! ! 5.
Huttcr Firm nnd unchanged ; creamery.
21@i'c ; dairy , 100c. !
ArrniixooN Ho.vun Wheat A shade
easier. Corn jtfc lower. Oats ] c lower.
Now Orleans , Sept. 21. Corn bttonger ;
mixed , & @ 40r.
O.its Quiet nnd weak nt3 : ? c.
ling Products Dull , \\eak and lower.
1'ork S10.7.X'M0.37M.
Laid Heline'd tierce. S7.12K-
Hulk Meats Shoulders , S0.40 ; long clear
and clour ribs , S7.12) .
Ijlvorpool , Sept 21. Wheat In poor
demand ; new No. 3 winter , dull ut Os
7d ; bpiiii ! : , dull ntfisS d.
Fiom In poor deinand nnd dull at 7s 4d.
Corn In poor demand ; spot and Sep
tember , dull at 4s 4tl ; October and November
easy nt 4sy : < ' fd.
Toledo , s'epU 21. Wheat Fiimer ; cush
Corn Dull ; cash , 4lc.
Oats Neglected.
Kansas City , Sept. 21. Wheat Quie
and firmer ; No. 2 , red , cash , G2 , ! c bid ;
October , 0-t c ; November , 04c bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , : ! lc bid ; Octo
ber , : i2c : Movcjmbur , : ) < c bid.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2
, Sept. 21. The Drovei's Jouina
rciioits as follows :
Cattle Keceipts , 8,000 ; stronger for good
shipping steers , S3.40@3.20 ; etockers
ami feeders , 2.00@3.40 ; cows , bulls am'
mi\Ml , S1.2.X&5.00 ; bulk , y > , W 2.r 0 : tliiongl
Texas cattio shade lower ; cows , S2.'J5'a2.70
steers , § 2.80@'i.:50csiein : ; runners , .r @lOi
lower ; natives and halt breeds , 8 .00 .75
cowsSA5i@.00 ( : ) ; wintmed ToxnnaOOvj ? ? : ( J.4.i ,
Sales : .Montana , & : t50i-.75 ( ! ) ; iMoiitana-Tex
, saw
"lion's Kcci'lpts. 20ODO'slowaiid ; 5o lower
ioti h and mixed , Sl.l1.70 ( ; packing ant
nhipplnir. i.TO&'j.OS ; light , SS.tOWl.'iS ' ; bkips
" "Sheep iecelpts.2,000stcadynatIvc { ; ; < . , S2.oa
: t.75 ; western. Si.OuMO : ; Texans , Ji.CO J
y.OJ ; lambs. 83.33@4.7fl.
iCniiuiis City , Sept. 21.-Cattio Keceipts
4,000 ; steady lor Hlnppeia and butchcra
fei'dets in bettct Inquiry ; natlvo shipuiiiK
steets , SH.85ffiM. . ' ; feeders , S2.H. > (723.75 ( ; cows
S1.50@i.75 ; Texas steers , § 3.75@3.00.
Hogs Keceipts , 0,000 ; a shade easier
choice 5f4.70ig4.5 ; mixed packers , ! < r
Ht. liOtiiB. Sept. 21-Caftle Keeelpts
3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; steady on gooi
cattle , easier on common ; good to choiec
shipping. S--tO ( < Jl..KJ ' : common to fair , Si.7 : (
@ 4.iO : ; buieliers'steers , si.50@4.00 : ; cows anil
heifers , S2.U5@,50 : ) ; Tcxnns and Indiniib , S'J.00
lloirs Keceipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
fairly active and steady ; butchers nnd best
lieavy.84.85Q5.05 ; mixed packing , S4.40nJl.bO ;
Tuesday JCvonltiL' , Sept. 21. t
OATTI.I : Tlio receipts were not larue , bu
taken with those loft over from the day bu-
foio , It made a very good showing. The ru-
reipts woe for tint most part range cattle.
The nun lid was very dull aiiil.asHlo fiom tlio
halo of a bunch of corn-fed steers , was
nothing doing. There were a good many
stiangers In looking for feeders but they did
not appear qtiito ready to buy ,
llocih ( iood , heavy hogs sold fahly well
to-day , at pi Ices about steady with yestor.
day's closing figure nnd theru woiu none left
over. Ll''hi lions and common mixed heirs
were in very poor reouest nml there were a
few loads left over. There was considerable
sorting done to-day and thoio weio very fuw
loads sold without a low being thrown out.
One load or veiy choice hogs brought 84.00.
Siiimi' Two bunches of sheen \veic sold nt
Cattlu 700
llogb , , 2400
I'roviilllnir Prleoj.
Showing tlio prevailing prices paid for Hvo
stock on this mai kct.
Cliolco steers , 1S.V ) to 1500 lbs..84.2. * @ .5f )
Cholco sttHirs , lieu to ISO } Ibs iVKKjjj * . >
Medium steers , 13.W to IHMlbs , . . ! ] .00c < 4l5
KatlittlestecrH , 1051 to 1150Ibi . . . . K.8'i.OO ) (
Coon fcediiis , , . . , . . , . . a.00cj. ( : :
( ! oed to choice corn-fi'd cows B.tHJW- ! : ! ' ;
Falrto muilium grass cows 2.00r < c..ttt
( iood to choice bulls. . , . , 1.505W.OO
Light and medium nogt > , . . , , 4. 00 4.40
( iowl lociiolce nuavy K > gs 4.45M4.v >
Coed to ciiolco mlxiul hus 4.H5iiJ4.45 (
( iooil to choice sheep. , , aoofevio
Kalrtogood sheup , 2.75Qii.oo :
Common sheep ,
Hale ! ) .
COKX-rKl ) HTKiiS. : !
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
a 1130 S3.75 IB 1310 54.2.5
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
71 iou ioi > . . . , , ios sii'ii
No. Av. Hhk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr ,
10. . , . ! M 40 $4.40 fi9.ftii hOSI.40
ft.26JsO 4.45 01.,24ft 4.4.1
< a.-W ) ICO 4.45 01..278 00 4.4'J
ftS.24'J 4.45 T3.'J-i7 tO 4.45
&y..V5l ( 40 4.45 57..S.-)4 200 4.4.ri
( tl..3T."i 200 4.47i } iV.l.,248 ) 4.50
71. . . - ' < 2 120 4.50 K.fliJ \ 'iSO 4.50
07 . . , 'JI 100 4W 55..2U H 4.50
OJ. . .2Xi iXX ) 4..V ) 57 . . .2S4 fcO 4.50
CO..S17 200 4.50 57..24S > 4.50
SO. . . 4.5d f > 4 . . , i > l 40 4.50
CQ. . . SOO 200 4.55 43 , . . . Q 4.W
W..300 I'M 4.55 OO..VS5 40 4.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. > o. Av. Shk. Pr.
1. . .270 40 83.75 2..875 ICO S4.00
3..313 40 4.00 2..240 40 4.00
3..340 W 4,10 1..350 4.10
7..201 IM 4.15 12..KB 40 4.15
2..225 4.15 0. . . .2M H ) 4.2. .
5..37S 4.25 1..S30 4.85
3..350 4.30 1..S30 135
Flnncc oi' Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices paid
or mixed loads of hoz-jon this market dnr-
nRtho past so von d.iys , ntid for thu same
I mo last j ear :
September September
Tuesday. 14tli. . . 4.45 < < t4.M
Wednesday , ! . " . 4.50 (54.75 ( 3.50 03.70
Tlinrsdnv , 10th. 4.45 ( < i4.W
< atunlay , 18th. 4.11 @ 4..V >
Monday , 80th. . . "
Tuesday. 21st. . * M OHCO" I 3.4 @ 3.50
Showing the number of cittlo , hoes nnd
sheep shipped from tlio yards to-day :
No. Cars UU Dest
5 . C.H.&Q . Uoston
Iiivo Block Sales.
Showing the number of cattle , hogs nnd
sheep purchased by the leading buyers on
to-day's market
} . 11. Hammond & Co . CO
Uobcit Price . 108
MctiUlieA Sitter . 71
lotal . "iTO
Co . 745
( i. H. Hammond &Co . . . 5 2
Squires ib Co . 212
Clark Hros . 140
T. K. Samters . M
Harris .t Fisher . fil
A II sales ot stock in this market nro made
per cwt Hvo weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead IHKS sell at 'Xa per lb for nil \\elglus ,
"Skins , " or hogs wek-lilns less than 103 Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows uro dockeJ 40 Ib3
nnd stags 80 Ibs. _ _
Notes ,
Cattle market dull.
Common mixed hogs nnd light hogs sell
There were a few sheep sold on to-day's
An object of Interest was n steer weighing
2.5M ) Iba.
K. H. Gamine ) , Tcknniih , was here looking
alter feeders.
H. Ford , Mnrqiiultc , was here and sold a
load of hogs.
A. Blair , Hitler Creek , was here with six
loads ot cattle.
K. A. Templeton , Tckamah , was a visitor
at the stock vat ( Is.
Eight loads of cattln were leceivad fiom W
E. Miller , Uieen Kiver.
Wm. D.iiley , Peru , Neb. , was lima and sold
71 head of corn-fed steers.
O. H. Hammond & Co. killed 3,003 hogs
last week , and 1.800 cattle.
The Hoyu Uros. Cattle company had sixteen
loads of eattlu at the yards.
John Widup , a heavy farmer and feeder of
York county , was in looklnir after feeders.
.1. Adams , Louisville , was hero with a ery
choice load of hogs which topped the
Dr. Harris , formcily Union Pacl lie surgeon
at Laiamie. and a heavy cattio ninn , was in
to-day looking over the market
A year ago tq-diy there were only two
loads of hogs sold on thu Omaha market
There lias been some Impiovuinent since
J. 11. Mnitln , L. T. Martin and Al Powers
liavo opened a commission ollico in the stock
exchange bulldmir , under thu firm name of
Martin Hros. Al Powell , of well and
la\orably known in this vicinitv , wheiu ho
lias bought and sold lives took for a need
many years , wlille thu Martin Bios , aiu old
Chicago live stock men.
On the market with hogs : J. V. Werdcr-
u'leen , Oakland ; Nelson M Young , Oakland ;
J. Speilman , Tekaimih ; Ostenburg it Fresh ,
Wahoo ; Clark , Ilcnton & Co. , Weston ; J. F.
Lower , Stiomsburg ; .J. W. Ulil , Stromsburg ;
Morse , Kogcisit Co. , Nortli Hend ; Dowling
it Pnrcell. North Bend ; Hawks & llllev.
Albion : F. C. J lawks , Cedar Kaplds ; E. D.
Welker. St. Edwards ; J. K. Hall , St. Ed
wards : D. Desmond. Hiirnett ; O. E. Willard ,
Columbus ; F. banders , Scotia ; D. A. Hale ,
Madison ; M. Killncr , Madison : Noitli Loup
Cattlu company , Elba ; J. A. Kelioe , Plattc
Center ; Asking it Co. , Oakland ; Crowull
L. & , ( } . company , Bancroft : Hank of Ewing ,
Ewinc ; W. Hags. Valparaiso : J. L. .lack-
son , Cortland ; Spelts & K , Ulysses ; U. H.
Warren it Co. , Urufton ; J. W. Jones , Amo-
ra ; Walker it D. , Oanlson ; Hlaek it Jergcn-
son , Mimlen ; P. Unitt , Sewaid ; Fishei it
Wagner , York.
Goiioral Prolluoo.
Tuesday Evmilinr. Sept. 21.
'tficfollnu'lnr.i prices ure jnr round loti of
produce , < is sold on tlie nutrfccJ to-dun. Tlie
ilttotntloHi on frutti ivpreicnt the prices at
wtilclt milKlilt : orders nrc tilled.
JJuTiKii The receipts liavo been slightly
moiu libeiai thu week , but the gain has
been in tlie poor grades. Choice butler Is us
scarcu as ever and is bringing good prices.
Choice dahy butter , sweet and unitoini color ,
packed in neat and new packages , is selling
at I5@t0c. A very smalf Quantity of extra
fancy is coming In wlilcli commands lb ( 5JOe.
Choice creamciy butter Is selling at 21ai2c. )
Shinpaiscan not be too careful In handling
their butter. Small neat packages sell the
best , but care should bo taken to have only
one grade and color In a package , tor when
good butter is packed with poor , it necessl
tatus the whole being sold as poor butter.
Enas The receipts nro very light and tlio
maikct linn at 16@l7c.
POUI.TUY The nun kot Is not quite as firm
as last week. The receipts aiu not largo and
allchoicu stock mover \ery leadlly. Hoth
old fowls and spring chicken aio in demand.
A few ducks aru coming in but the demand Is
light nnd there is no settled price. Old fowls ,
choice , per doz. SJ.50J.75 ; fancy , SH.OO.
Spring chicken , large. 558.50ft-i.75 ( ) ; tancyS2.00
iui.50 ) ; medium , 82.00'.2.5'J ; small , not
wanted. Ducks , S2.25@2.50. Turkeys , not
( iAMn Tlio warm weather of the past
few days has seriously nlTectcd the gaino
trade. Consignments arrived mostly in
bad order and were a total loss. In some
Instances a few good birds were picked out
and sold at low liguics. Just a soon as cold
weather sets In there will bun brisk demand
for pralrlft chicken nt coed pay lug prices.
ducks , 'mixed. 1.25@1.50.
POTATOES The maiket keeps up as the
receipts have been light nnd mostly In small
lots. Very fuw car lots have beun received
thus far this season. Heavy receipts ot car
lots would have a tendency to weaken prices.
Duilng tlio past tew days choice stock sold as
high as 05c but In a small way. Cholco ship
ping stock , per bu , ftOXgiOc ( ,
CAiiiiAnii-Homo giown Is selling In a
small way at G5$7r ( > c per doi.
AITI.KS There Is a gicat deal of common
slock In thu market and It Is moving slowly.
Choice shipping stock is not so plenty. There
atu a fuw southern Jonathnnsand Uellfioweis
In. Fancy stand or eating apples are scarce.
Common stock , S8.00ii * J.8o. Choice shipping
stock , per bbl , S2.50i ( 2.73. Fancy stand stock ,
8' ' , 75.
HoMiMiitowjf GnAPi's The market Is still
well supplied with choice stock , but It is not
as abundant as last week. Prices are very
linn. The following aio the pi Ices at which
outside orders for choice stock are tilled :
Shliiplnu' stock , per ! b , 80-lb boxes. 4c ; 10-ib
baskets. 35e ,
Pol1 COIIN 2@2 } c per lb.
WILD PI.UJIS Very few coming In , and
peed stock will bring 8t83 per half-bushel
CiiAn AITLKS There is a good demana ,
but shipments are very light and n'Obtly not
In shipping condition. Firm stock will
brim ; 81.00 uer bushel.
llo.viv-Nebraska : , choice , whlto clover ,
UGflCc. : Nebraska , dark , I'J Uc. ; California.
1-Jb sections , l.ic. ; California , strained , 2-lb
sectlws. WKCM4C.
Ovpirus Trade Is Improving. During
tlio fair week there was a good demand from
the hotels nnd restaurants nnd now tlio
local loccilcs are commencing to handle
them quite largely. Moio orders aru comlnir
in from the country than ever before nt this
reason of the year. Tne dealers of this city
ant In IxUler condition than on any previous
\carlo ; upnly the outside trade. Tlie fol
lowing nro the prices at which country orders
nr tilled : Mediums , 30c ; standard , S5c ;
select40c ; oxira selects. 45e.
MELONS-The season for heavy shipments
is over , but them is still a very fair Undo in
watermelons. Muscatlne , per 100 ,
Lt MOXI 'I lie fieuftnrt is not as strong
owing to the cooldruathqr. . 1'rlccs remain
the same as last week : S' .75V MO.OO.
OHANOKS There nro a few Honduras In
the market which nrc sweel nnd good size.
Honduras. porbotS S.OO.
CALIKOIINIA KitriTo The arrivals of Cali
fornia finlls ate very light and onlv crapes
me coining. The season Is practically over.
Urapcs , Muscats. SI. CO ; Tokays , S175.
CocoA.Vt TS COcoatints , l > cr hundred
Sfi.OO ; less than bundled , per hundred , 80.50.
I'TAU Fut'lT" Utah peaches nnd pears
nit ! plenty and are meeting with very good
sales. Pears. 00-lbboxes , , ? 4.2 , ' > Q4.50 ; peaches ,
20-lb boxes. SI. 75.
MAi'i.iSroAtiUrfcks : , per lb , 1 % ; penny
cakes , per lb , 15c.i
MAIM.I : Svnt'i1 Hulk , 13 to 17 gallon kees ,
per pal. . M.oo ; gallon cans , per gal. , $1,05 :
naif-gallon can ? , per gal. , 81.10.
NUTS Pecans , large , polished , lie. ; pecans ,
medium , ft ; . : Knglish walnuts , 14& ; almonds
Tarragona , 20c : almonds , Lnnguedoc , 17e :
Hra7lls , I8c ; Illberts. 14c : peanuts , hand
picked , fancy. Virginia , 8) ) < c ; peanuts , hand
picked , choice. Virginia , 7' < c ; peanuts
roasted. 2c exti a per lb.
Pins' FKKT , Titii-i : . KTr. Plcs' feet , per
J -bbl. , 84.75 : do. , Kbbl32.50 ; do. , per kit ,
31.00. Lambs' tonirucs' perbbl , SS.a'S : do ,
per kit , S2.50 ; do. , quart jars , tier doS5.U5 , ;
do. , pint lars. per case. 2 doren. SC.25. Tripe ,
per K-bbl. , 54.00 ; do , , perbbl , SiOO ; do. ,
pel kit , l c.
The market is almost cleaned up.
Nice clean beans In fair request H. P.
Navy. 81.70@l.o ; H. P. Medium. S1.50C *
l.r > 5cliolco ; clean country. Sl.U51.50 : itood
clean countrv , W Sl.OO : Inferior , OOCi . 'ic. '
( JitAtx Com , 2Uc ; old oats , 28c ; new oats
2R27c ( ; rye , 40c : wheat , No. 2 , .V > c.
Fi.oun AMI MH.I.STI'KKS Winter wheat
flour , best quality itatcnt.Se.89 ; second rtual-
Itv. 82.40f < t8iN ) ; best qimlity spring wheat
Hour , patent , Sjbran.MJcpcrcntjehoppcd
feed , Kc ) per ethltu ; corn meal , Sl.OO ;
j ellow coi n meal , Wo pi-r cwi ; bcreenlng , fioc
per cwt ; liominy , 82.00 pur cwt ; slioits , .Vic
per cwt ; crnliam , Sl.CO ; itay , In bales , SO.OO ®
7.00 per ton. _
Groccrn * TilHt.
Picia.r.s .Medium , in hols , 50.50 ; do In
half bbls , S3.75 ; small , in bbls , 37.50 ; do in
half bbls , Si.W ; gherkins , in bbls , S3.50 ; do
In halt bbls. S4.M.
hYiiuv .No. 70 , 4-gaiion kegs , 81.22 ; New
Orleans , 3S40c tier tsallon ; Maple Syrup , itf
barrel , stiictly pine , 7uc per gallon ; I gallon
cans , S'J.25 per dof. ; 3s gallon can S5.25 pcr.e
doz : quart cans , tf'l.uu. '
btiOAns i'owdered , 7Xc ; cut loaf , 7ii7'/p ( ;
granulated. 0 40 ; contectloners' A. O c ;
standard exti-a C. 0 < r'fc ' ; extra C , 55Xc ;
medium yellow. B' ftto'Vc.
CANNiii ) Uooiis Oysters , stnndaid. per
ens , si. : : > 0 ; stiawberrles , 2 lb. per case. $2.10 ;
runbcrrles , 2 lb per case , S2.10 ; California
pears , wr case , 84,50 ; am loots , per case ,
4.0 ! ; peaches , per case , S. > .3i ) ; wliltu cheiries ,
per case. S5.00 ; plums , per case , 83.75 : blue
berries , per case , Sl.S'i ; egg plum0 , v' ib , pur
case. 52.50 ; pineapples , a lb , per case , S3.20
@ 5.50 ; 1 lb mackerel , per doz. 81.20 ; 1 lb sal
mon per doz , 81.55 1.00 ; u lb gooseberios ,
per case , Sl.75 ; 2 lb string beans , per case ,
81.70:2 : lb lima bccus , per case. 31.60 : 2 lb
manowtat pi > as. i > er case. S2.402 ; lb eaily
Juno peas , per case , 82.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes.
per case. S2.15@2.25 : 2 lb corn , per case , Sl..W
( a2.10:2 : lb corn bi'cf. perdoz. 31.70 2.00.
KOI K H lnch.OJ/c9tf ; inch , lO'i'c ; X Inch ,
DIIIHD Fitt'iTS No. 1 quarter apples ,
4c ; in cvapoiated boxes. Uk@'JJ o ; blackber
ries' , boxes. OJiftauj c ; peaches , eiistmn. 4J < M
5J < c ; peaclies , ex'aporatcd , 15)t@17c ) : Salt
Lake , none in maykef insjiberrles , new , 18
ramie ; currents , 71i@7Ke ; prunes , new ,
STAHCIT Mirror gloss , 1 lb , 5fc ; Miiror
v > OKKKKis lyiumury Rittuu * * . iniy7 i * ti
Il ( ftl2c ; prime , ry < cui ) c ; choice , l 3i@ittc ;
? ? ? ? > B' ' nw'Jl.a" ' ? . " 1 .14-.0' ! '
ornnient Java , 20A20c ; inteiior Java. \ ( > y
Kirk's satinet Sa.OO ; Kirk's standard. S.
Kiik's whlto Kusslaii , 84.00 : Kirk's White
Cno. 8(5.50 ( : Dome. 83.1x5 ; Washboaui. 83.10.
Wlifto Cloud , SS.75.
MATRIIKS Per.utdmo , 2Sc ; round , per
case , 81.00 ; squarO" cases , 81.70 ; inulo square ,
81.20. I
CANDY Mixed , ; , o i3c ; stlcn , 8Hfl' ; c
CKACKKIW Garncnu's soda , butter and
picnic , 5 c ; cieams , 6)ic ; ginger snaps ,
citv soda. 7 > c.
Diuisn FIIUITSNo 1 quarter npples.
4c ; in ( ivaoorated boxes. lX@0 ) o ; black
lifs , boxes , 8K@ ' ! ; peaches , easturn , 4
53 e peaches , eviiporatcd , l5J @ 17c ; bait
Lake none in market : raspbeines , now. 18
@ifc ; cuirants , 7 | @ 7Me ; uiunes , new , 4y ;
Gcncrhl iMnrkets.
WOOL Medium. 17@l8c per lb ; tine heavy ,
l'l5c ' : light , 14 l7c ; coarse , 12@l5o ; hurry
wo'ol , " @ 3c olf.
HII > IS : ( .ii'cn butcher , 0 > @ 7c ; green
It I'ilfttllt * 4 * fcJIiV * ( ' * ltF'k *
LKATIIP.U i'rimo slaughter M > lo leather ,
S2c ; prime oak bole leather. ! fG@Wc. : Upper
leather per toot. 20@3 > c ; hem , kip , T.VgSdc ;
oak kip , K"05e ; Fit-ucli kij ) , Sl.00ftfl.20 ;
hem , calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak calf , S1.00f1.23 ;
French calf , Sl.'iiMl.bO ; Morocco boot lee ,
: Aa:5 : > c : Moiocco oil pebble , 28jt32c. toppings
HKAVY Ji.vitmvAiii : iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low stonl special cast , 4c ; cruclb lesteoi , Co ;
rast tools do , 12 ( < ? lSc ; wauon spokes' per sot ,
81.75(23.00 ( ; hubs , per set , bl.25 ; fellow ,
sawed dry , S1.40 ; tommies , each , 75cr avii's.
each. 75o : square nuts , ner lb. 7llc : cell
chain , per lb , C@l2c ; malleable. 0@bc : iron
wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oc ; hat row fceth , 4c :
eprlnc steel , 7@Sc ; Uurden's horsesitocs.
84.40 ; Bunion's mule shoes. 85.40. Harbep
wire , in car lots. 84.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , S2.50 ; steel nails , > ;
Shot S1.U5 ; buckshot , S1.85 : oriental
powder , kojs , 52.NJ : do , half kects , S2.00 ;
do , ouarter kcra. 81.50 ; blasting , kei8 , S3.3" >
fuse. PCI 10 tect , < V c. Lead Uar. Sl < > .
PAINTS IN On , M luecau. Omaha , P. P
} < c ; white lead , St. Lculs , pure. S7.75 ; Mnr-
cllles gi 'on. 1 to 5 ID cans. 2c ; Kiench zinc ,
jireen seal , I2c ; French zinc red seal , lie ;
French zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 76c ; vermlllion , American , 18c ; Indian
red , lOc ; roue pink. I4c ; Venetian red , Cm '
son's , 2 > jc : Venetian rod , American , ! } - . _ .
red lead , 7Kc ; cliiome yellow , cennlne. 8Uo ;
chiomo vellow , K. 12c : oclnc. loclmle , . "
ochre , French , 2c : ochre , American , 1J <
Winter's mineral , 8c ; l < t-hltli ; brown , 21. .
Spanish brown , 2Ko : 1'rlncc's mineral , -c.
VAHNISIIKH Hairels , perpdlon : Kurnl-
turo , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 81.00 ;
coach extra , $1.40 ; roach , No. 1 , S1.80 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsn ,
. . . 168 proof , 31.10 :
do 101 prool , 81.17 ; spirits , second duality.
101 proof , 51.10 : do Itto proof , 51.15. Alco
hol. Its pioof , per wine Knllon. Jtedis-
tllled wtilskles , 81.00fd1.50. ! Oln , blended ,
S1.50 ( < 48.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , fe3.00f < i ,00 ;
Kentucky nndPennHylvanluryes , 82.00 < a 5.riO ;
( iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye \vhi-kies ,
81.nOS.oo. ( Hrandles , , imported6.008.50 ;
domustlc. S1.HO@S.OO. 'Gins ' , imnoiled , 8450
© 0.00 ; domcbtlc , 1.8.Vi.OO. ! ChainpaKnos.
liniwited , per case. g''it'.OOigSS.OO ' ; American ,
per case. 8lO.OOCin.OO.i
DnvI'AiNis White lead. c ; Kronen zinc ,
12c ; I'arls whiting , 8Uo ; whltlnir , itllders ,
2Jfc ; whltliiK , coniM. l > fe , lampblack , Gor-
munstown. 12c ; lampblack , ( udiiKiry. He ;
Prussian blueme ; ultrAnmrine , li-cvandyke. ;
brown , Sc : umber , bum I , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ;
sienna , burnt , 4e : sli'nna , raw , 4o ; Paris
pieen. ( jenulun. aso : ilans creen. common.
- ae : chromo preenj-N. "V. . 20c : chrome green ,
K , 1-c ; veniilllioiii Knilish ; , In oil 70c ; raw
and burnt umber1 1L cans , r c ; raw and
burnt sienna , l'JcTandyke , brown , 13c ; relined -
lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and ivory
black , Hie : drop black. lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40c ; ultramaiineblue , 18c ; ciirome ( rrecn , 1 . ,
M. & ! > . , 10u ; blind and Miutter irrecn. L. . M.
AD , , irxs ; PariscrecnjlSc ; Indian led , Ibc ;
Ycnutlan H'd. Oe : Tuscan. 22c ; Amcilcaii
veimillion , lj. it D , , 20o : yellow ochre , tic ; h.
M , & O , 1) . , Ibc ; good ochre , lOc : patent
diyor , Be ; KramliiK color , Jluht oak , dark oak ,
wlaiuit , chestnut and ash. 12c
DntTos AND ( JUKMICAI.S Acid , carbolic ,
82c : acid , tartaric , ft'Aj ; balsam copaiba , per
U > , 4"c : baik. sassafras , per lb. lOc : calomel ,
perlb72c ; chlnchonluia. perez , 40c ; chioro-
jorm , per tt , 40 c ; Dover's powders , per n > ,
81.25 ; cpsom salts , per lb , 8J < c ; glycerlno ,
puie , per lb. 18c : lead , acetate , per a. 2'--
oil , cantor , No. 1. per gal. , S1.50 ; oil , cast , . . ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , ollye.per Eal.,81,40 ;
oil orliriinnum , 50c ; opium. 83.KO ; qulnino ,
P. & W. and K. & S. , per oz , 70c ; potassium
Iodide , per lb , ? H.OO : salloln , pero40o ; stil-
iiliato monihlne , per oz. 82.40 ; sulphur , per
lb. 4c ; strychnine , per oz. 81.25.
n EiiuiNnB.
Mow inrrFrr u'Uor iitmi'ii KH
WJOJ 100 W 50 4U I 13 10
Bon's 8't.No l i/biroo'i ' no a s 2 o i"0 | 5
L'KO Ulb'd Fuuoy , & 00 U 002 75 1 65 I 30 60 45
LV U'U blt'ro Fey 5 U > i3 UJ.i 75,1 65 1 a ) | U a
I.AKK ri.xit.
NSW FISH. ' If - llt > l\Or Ill7lglMiKt9
100 TO | M 10 12 I 10
No , 1 White Fish. . . . ; ooen.i : : W3 101 PO
amllv Wlilto FUli , . . 3 60 8 IRS Ml 60 C2 PONi
No. 1 Trout I CO t 05 : Ul ! 93 , 7 < CS
" rl' , r llbl9 < i'r bl.P ll or Kits
p ] ( H y-fco 40 j2 10
Norwffrlnn I I I I
00,7 60 6 80,3 80,3 ! 10 I Oi
Holland tier-
firms , now. 90
Drr Liumbor.
niMRNlnN ! > AND TIMllKllP.
| w ftl4 ] MJ18 ft B ft' ' ftJ22 ft 24 ft
10.50 1(1.80 ( 10.60 17.00 18.00 21.0(1'1.00 (
2X0 1H.BO 10W 10 M 17.00 I8.03 .002.IH ; )
2X8 in. Jl0.3Ull .50,17.00.18lW1SI.Od21. )
IxlO . . . . IB 60 law IBiW'n.oo'is.ooVise22 ' ' wi
2x12. . . . in.s i ianUi | Wii7.oo IH.OO SS.OOAIXI ,
T 4-8x8 i .jo IBMlo5 ! < i | 17.00 is.uoauooiJOoxi
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 18 , 14 and 10 ft S17.N )
No.3 " is. 14 nnd 10 ft 14.75
No. 3 " " 18,14 and 10 ft 13.50
No.4. " " 12.14 and 10 ft 12.00
No. 1 , 4 A 0 Inch , 12 nnd 14 ft , ruush. . .517.00
No. 2 , 4 & 0Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rouizh. . . 14.00
811)1 NO.
A 12 , 14 A-lOft. , aiOOO 0 515,00
H,12 , 14 & 10 tt. , 2,000 D 11.00
1st com. , J/ln White Pine Partition..SW.QQ
'M " " " " " . . . . 27.50
Sd Com. ? 8' In. Norway Pine Ceilln ? . . . . 14.00
ri.ooniNf ( .
.flinch , whlto pine , 1M C S70.TO
COInch , " " ! M 1) -.21.50
A 13 Inch. 8.1s. 4(1 ( C S."AOO
H 12 inch " " 4VSD 2:1.50 :
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. , 10 , 18 A 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2 , " ' " " " . . . la.W
No. 2 , " " " 12A14ft , 17.00
" " " 10 It 10.00
1st niul 2d. clear , l"f Inch , s. 3s . S.V.OO
; id , clear , 1 Inch , 8.u s . -tf.ou
: i l. clunr , l > f , Ikj , 2 In . 47.W
J3 select , 1 Inch. s. a s . 2 ! .00
Fllll' I.A1' .
No. l. plaln,8aiil ( 10 incii . Sl".r.o
No. 2 , iilana : and 10 Inch . 15.M )
Bni.vnt.r.s , I.A-III.
XX clear. S3.10 : A btanitanl , S'J.f > 0 ; No. 1 ,
$ ! . : ; Lath. P2.M.
Posf White Cedar , 0 In. , > s , 12c ; 8 in.
qrs. , U'5C. '
IJIMK. KTP. Qtilncv white lliim ( hcst ) SOc :
Ceinunt ( Akion ) Hair , SSc. Michl-
irnn plnstci , S2.73. Sash , 50e Ullntls , GOc.
Doors , 50c. MouldliiKS , M
Chicago , 111. Now York City.
Stocks ,
Sought anil sold for Investment or on
, Marjln.
Private wires and instantaneous
service to
Members New York Stock Exchange.
Members New York Cotton Exchange.
Members Chicago Board of Trade.
Members New York Produce Exchange
- E.V. . FINCH , General
Tru\ cling Agent , Itoom lUl'tixton House.
S. W , Cor. Farnam & 12th 3ts ,
Capital , - $250,000
Surplus , - 18,750
C.W. HAMILTON Prouldont
JI.T. UAKLOW.OiHliler.
C. \ > ILL II.VMII/IMN , AssL Cnahlor
TT. M. Caldwoll. J. W. Hamilton. aF Smith
M7T. Uarlowr Wl umflton
Artists' Material.
A. ITOSPE , , TR. ,
Artists' JfntcrlalR , I'lunos and Organs ,
1513 Douslim Ftrcct , Omr.lm.
Agricultural Implements.
Wbolemlu Iiralrr In
Affricnltnral Iniiileiiiciits , Wiigons ,
Carrl e8 nnd lliiKKlrit. Joncn ptrcc't , beivrcen 1'tlj '
unit IDtli.Oninlia , Neb.
Agricultural Implements ,
WaKen , Carrluijoi , nuKKloi , Etc. , Wbolesnlo , Otiaha.
Wliolesulc Dcalcn ID
Agricultural Imiileincnts ,
tVojons an < 11ujigles. KOI , 903 , V05 nnd 107 , JODCI t
Butter and Eggs.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
RefrlKerutnr and Packing Homo , llth anil Ixsaven-
vrurtli BU U , 1' . It. II. Tiack , unmlni.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools anil Supplies ,
iaueage Cuilagj of nil klndi olwujsla Hock. 1114
Jonc > l. ,
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
BHllderB'irnrdwnre& Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' Tooli and llutralo Sralui. 1IW Doualin 11. ,
Oiunlin , Neb.
Johhers of Hardware nnd Nails ,
Tinware , Bhret Iron , Ko. ! .AcciiU for Howe Bern 18 ,
and MlMml I'uwiJtrL'ii.OmahaNth.
Wholcsdlo Hardware.
Wcttcm acentt ( or Jefferson Steel Null * . Auitlo
1'owdcrCo , tulrbanlm htunclard hralet. Corner
lUtb and llnrncr , ( Imalia ,
Building Material.
Dealer In All Hindi of
Building- Material at Wlidlcanlfl.
IStb. Street mid Union 1'aclllo 7rack , Omoba.
Boots and Shoes.
SEW El )
Xlinufactvrcr * find WholcMtlo tcalfr > In
Hoots nnd Shoes ,
Complete itock of Iliitbtir ( lood l ay on hand
! * 8. irtliil. , ( Irunln , Neb A T. Aiiftln.
.lobhcrs of Hoots nml Shors.
1411 Fatnam it , Oinntin , Nch. MnnuCnrlur ; , Snmroot
rtreel , IloMon.
Apt. for Anlicuscr-Ihish Urowins Ass'n
l nrniut . Kmist. llndntlurr nil
KTOIiK ,0 JLElt ,
Lnjjer Ilppr llrowers ,
1571 North I'lh "Irrol. Omnlin. Nfb.
Coffee. Spices. Etc.
CLAItKE ItltOS. 0 CO. ,
Omaha CofTeo niul Spice Mills
Tej .OoTc ( * , Fplcc * . nnklni I'owdpr , KhT
trncu. Ijiundrr liluo. ink , Kic. lill-in llurnrj
btrt'ot.OniHbii , Neb.
GATES , COLE .I1 JllljES ,
Home Colli-o ami Siilco Mills M'f'u Co.
Ci > rcenoi < ler iiiu1 Splt-o Orlndcn , M nnf ciur < T
fit Ituklna I'd dcr. H.irotlnit KtlrHrt. . Illnliip. Kta
Trionc rit" otojrl-B > purkimclloiiiolllpnil KonHi'U
OilTci' . HUJ Uonnril i > t. , Omnbn. Ni'ti
.loliu Epenctcr , 1'i'op.
Manufiicturer of ( Ulrnnlied Iron anil Cornlco. PM
DiHUctind 103 mul U4 N. 10th t. . ( Irothu.Nct ) .
Manufartnrerii ot
> Ornninontiil ( Inlvnnlzcil Cornices ,
Dormer Vi HuloivK , Klnils.MpinllcSkjllglitclr. 3108 ,
12t i n. , Omahn.
C. Specht , Prop.
GMTimlicrt Iron Cnrntcp * . etc. Biiect'flnirroTed lat
ent Mi'tiillc Mtjlliht. USj nml 511) M. I''tli M.Omnli * ,
OX Air A CAllPET CO. ,
Jobber * of
Carpets , Cnrfnins , Oil Cloths ,
Mnolcutnd , JlJttliiud , Kt" . lilt Douglm atrt'ut.
Wholesale Cnrpcts , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Ciirtuln Condv KIC. KM ] 'a main Street ,
( Hnnlm , Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
ir. .
Agent for tlio SSunufucturcrs nnd lmport riof
Crockery , (5 lass ware ,
Lumps , CliUiuiejn , etc. Omcc , 317 Suutli 13th it
Oiiinha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Johhlnpf.
Ilnttcr , KZ ( ? > riil I'roduce. ContlRnmeott eollcltpd.
llcadqunrtcrt for hlnnowaro , llcrrr lloive nnd
tirniio lli : ! > kc'i. 1)11 DoilBC Krect , Omntm.
Commission Merchants.
Fniltn , Troiliito and I'roylflono , Onmhn , Neb.
Coal and Lime.
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Offlco and yard , H'.lli nnd Nicholas n B. , Omaha , Nob.
Yard Telephone , tfli.
OEO. i. uAii/.mi. Pros. C. F. OOODMAN , V. Pret.
J. A. SONIIKI1I.AXD , Bee. and TrenB.
J01)bcrs of Hard and Soft Coal.
203 South Thirteenth Street , Omahn , Neb.
J. , T. JO1LNSOX d ) CO. ,
Mannfacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Blilppcrr of Coal and Coke. Conicnt , 1'lunlcr ,
1 Jmc , llulr , Klro Brick , Drain , Tlio and better 1'lpc.
Oflice. ration note ) . Kar.uim tl. , ( JorUm , Kvl > .
Tolepnono bll.
F. f . FAY < CCO. ,
jraiiufacttiriug Confectioners ,
Jobbers of IVuttB.NtltB nnd Cleuie. 1211 Furnam St. .
Storapfo and Commission Merchant.
Specialties niittoKgr . Cheese , Poullrr. dame ,
Ojrelers , Hie. , Ktc. H2-outU ! Hlh ( rt'Ct.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butler , Clinic , Krultn , etc. 220 8. l th t
Oimilta , Noli ,
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Foreign nnd Domestic Fruits. Torre-
spondeiica sollrltvd. Warehouse nnd olllcc. 11UN.
Thirteenth Ft. , Omahn , Noli. TelPptuiriH 77.'i.
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Geo. Iluikc , Manacer.
Union Stock Yards , 8. Oninhn. 'i'elepliono 632.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipments of unr nnd all kinds of Stock solicited.
Union Stock Yards , Oiauhn , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
rAx jJrarJEjf iTco. ,
Johbers of Clffara , Tobacco ,
Ouna and Ammunition , 215 to 223 S. lltli et. , 1020 to
lilit Kunium it. , OuiHlm.Nob ,
Manitfactnrers of Fine Cicrars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In I.caf Tobaccos , Nos. 108
ami tl'J ' N , llth street , ( > nnUu.
Dry Goods.
CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fimiialiitiff Goods & Notions
\M1 \ and 1UU Douvlns , cor. llth Ht. , Omiiha , Neb.
Distillers ,
Ulttlllcra of I.lqunrs , Alcohol nnd Spirits. 1m port cm
and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors ,
CO. ami JLEU < D CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Fine Wines and TJquon.
bolornanufiioturersof Kennedy's Katt India Ult-
ters nnd IHimcu'lo Mqunis. 1112 lUrnej Ut.
Drugs , Paints. Etc.
Lai-gent Dnifir , I'aint , Oil & Glass Jlonso
Wstof Chlcueo. Coippleto J.I tie of DruKKists Bun-
dries , 1114 lliirnnr it.Omaha ,
Wholesale Diarists.
And Dealcre In l'nlntOil nml Window ( linnOmaha ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A , It.ilAitEii.rrci. J.W.Ilrnrnnn.Roc.ATfoai
H. J. CliifoK. V.l'rei.
Office 213 H. lull it. , Omaha , Neb. Machinery and
buppllci for ManufaoiutlnE Cement Drnln Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers nnd Contractors ,
dtci , Vlidiuls , Itoof Trusces , Btuun I'.lo DrMni ,
JIluK , ( ) kuud I'lno Urlilte Lumbrr. lilliet. , near
tniporters and wholesale dealers In
Italian Produce ,
. Domeitloand Cullfornla Krults and Commli' '
tloa Merchants. 1UIS. llth st. Only exclusive
Irult lioueo In Omulm.
"Wholesale Dralrrs In Furniture.
r'unum n , , Onintn , Neb.
Furniture , lieuMlng , , Upholstery ,
Ulrrcn , etc. UW.HUS m\A U'10 rartiarn ' ! . , Om h .
Groceries ,
Wholesale * Groceries and Provisions ,
No tffi.ttt7.7Mii mUl 1 ! lOtliSt.Omnhn , N b.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1.1th niul I.patenwoflti t . , Om hP .
? r. Cr. mtOA re if ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron nuil Steel ,
WfiRmi Stock , Ilnrdwnro Lumber , etc. 1X0
n'uU.'ll llarncy tt Omaha.
Wholesale Iron anil Steel ,
Wauon anil Onrrlapr1 Wo < M Stock. Henry Hardware ,
htc. 1417 niul ISiu l.Pntcnwurth i > l. , Onmrta , N h ,
Stoves , Uansrt" ) , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , < lrntr . llr Mio ( < Hl 1521 and ISM Karntn
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought nnd C t Iron IHillJIni ; Work. Iron Htnlrs ,
ttftlltiiir. ItOHnit nml ( llrtlcra , Monm KiiKliiff1. nraim .
Work , lidipml Coiintlrr , Mncblne and Illnrknollti
Woty. DfflcnnndWorlii.t' . V , 117 nniltniifticrl.
Wholesale .Jewelers and Music Dealers.
Dmitri In PIlTiTwaro , Diamond * , Watches riork * .
Joweler'aTooljaiid MntiTinK etc. nil nml 103 litn
M. , cur. IVnluo , umaha , Nclt ,
Dealer in Lninlier. Lutli , Lime , Sanh ,
IXwrK , Kto. YanlCorner 7th nml Douglas ; Corner
Hill nml Dmitlnt.
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 8. luhftrcctOraahti , Noli. l.Cnlputrer. Mnn
C. N. niETX ,
131 h anil Cnllfornla Pin-eta , Omnlia , Neb ,
Fit ED W. Git AY ,
Lninlier , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.titli and lioiiKln * tif. , Omiiliii , Ni'b.
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1103 Fnrnnm direct , Omaha.
Hardwood LumLc ; ,
Wood Carpets and 1'arquot Flooilng. Vth and Douglas
Omah .
Wholesale Lnntlier , Etc.
luporled and Amerlrnn l'ortl nd Cement. Hint *
ABentforMllHiiukeo Ilrdmnlle Cement and llest
OulncjrVlilU' I.ln'O.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. llojd , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1213and 1215 llarncr gtrcct , Omaha , Nob.
Arc the only Direct Importers of
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Ncbniika. ChlcuRO prices duplicated without add-
Initfrelrlit. 1415 Kurnani btrcct , Oniuhii.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing- Goods ,
tin nnd ; IT > 8. Tenth St. , Omnlm.
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing ?
KKXand ! 1003 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Tnnts , Shirts , IHc. 1103 utnl 1104 DouKhm Street ,
Omahn , Neb.
Job Printers , lilunk Book Makers ,
And Book Uludcrs. lOii und 10S Suntli KourteenUi
street. Omaha , Neb ,
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Type , Prcso * and Printers'Supplies. 003
boutli Twelfth Htrcel.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
tlanufuctiircrs , Packers und Dcnlcis In
Pickles & Strictly Ptiro Apple Vinegar
ilaklne Powder. FliiTorlnB Kxtrnrls , Tutilo Huuce ,
Kronen MU | M I Wneh UluliiK , ( Irocorf1 Hccclaltlcs
Holu tiKCtits tor Voik htnto Hind Itetliicd Apple Ol
der , 140 < J J.cmenworth nt , . Omuha.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufacturers of Klro and llurwlur Proof SBfca , Vault
Doors , Jiill Wotk.rihuticrs and Wire Work. Cor.
HtliumlJuckmm Sis. , , NJb ,
Apents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and llurn ar Proof Hnfj , Tlmo l cl < . Vaults
und Jail Vfnrt , 10i ) l < ' r/ / street Onialia , Nob.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. AitlSJiROWf ! CO. ,
WbolopHto Manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , lilinds and Jtionldinrrs ,
llruncli onico,13h and Uiird tts. , Omulm , Neb ,
G. LYMAN ' ,
Sash , Door , IHinds , Moulditifrs ,
Bullcllnu' Purer , ute. 1001 Foulli Thirteenth Htroct ,
Omaha , Neb. A complete stock uf Itulldora'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Wouldinn.htnlrWorknnd Intrrlor Hnrd Wood Klnlsli
Just opened. N , K. ror. fllhnnd Lcuvouworthfits.
Onmha , Neb.
Pumps ,
WholeHiile PiinipH , Pipe , Fittings- ,
Btoutnund Water rluuullui. lli > njqiiirtcr : > fir Matt
KuJstCu'e ( Jnud.i. 1111 1'urnuiii tllnuh .NcU.
A. L. STltANG CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes iiuil
8t am , Water. Hallway and ifllllnii Suppllei. ICto.
WO. Wiund WJKarnam St. , Uiuiihn , Neb.
IlnllHcloT wind Mllli ] cieam and Wi-ter fiupi.llef ,
PluublnK ( Joe-Is , lioltlnit. llojp. U18 niul ICO rur-
uum st. , Omulm. H. 1C. 1-cHon , Muuuuur.
If. / / . MARHOFF ,
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllnr.l lintel IllockOmaha.
Wagons and Carriages.
The Leading Ourrlngo Factory ,
( l ! TAiuimn.i ) 1KJ )
1433 and till UoOiia tlrcet , Omaha.
mite Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
20tli ttrCDtund V I > . Hy , , Omni : * ,