THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 , 1886. STAYING THE TYRANT'S ' HAND , Paracll's ' Plea for Stoppage of Evictions , and Reduction of Rents. GLADSTONE FAVOHS THE BILL. Hpliltcil Debate In I'nrlfatnciit on Irish Tctmnt "Wrongs Affairs in URII mnrk London l'roH3 I'lOklllRS. rill-noil's I mini Itlll. Fept. 20. In the house of com- toii , I'arncll , In mo\ Ins the second leading of liH land bill , said the icrotit election eon- > ejcd a mandate to'tlio hotfso of commons that It should show Itself willing nnd nblo to piuUde for thn wants of Ireland , equally M ifitweioan Irish parliament ( ehoeis ) . It was uieless to talk about the lateness of the yesslon. The house Is only six weeks old , a majoiltyof now members w r < i yo ting , , . ami not cr-workud , and they did not rc- quite a holiday. A stntts of urtfene.y exists In iclcii'iicu to relations between Inndloids and tenants In Ireland. I'afnell lioicoxplalncd the pioviblons of the bill. The Ihsl clause he said was the most Important because tt dealt with tlm most urgent subject. It enacted that any statutory tenant whoso rent was llxed prior to the last day of the year 181 , iniiht npply for an abatement in accordance \\Ithtliuprovislonsotllioblll. The bill waste to bua tenipoinry measure with the exception of the second clause , Intended to piovldo for ' what ho hoped would be only a temporary emergency. It was Intended to meet the de pression in prices. Hut ho could not tell now whether the depression would bo llkoly to continue. The depression communced In 1SS5 , and continued unabated since. "There aie no signs of recovery. " said 1'arnoll , "in deed , the signs for the future aio urowlng worse. But 1 ask Hie house to take action with iczaid to rents falltim duo next N ovum * bcr. Until the house IH able to take action on the report of the royal commission v > u will abstain entirely from prejudicing the Kovernment proposals. But ; \e do know that .since the bulk of Judicial rents ha\c been llxed , there has been a gieat depression. Tli potato blight has spread to an alarming oxtout. Thuroloro it behooves the house to apply a temporary remi'dy now , and wait for thu loyal eommlsslon'H leport for tho.i'ov- erniuent to tnkoactlon thereon , which will bo Impossible bofoio November. 1S87 , supposing the housi' adjourned the middle of Kchniaiy. A similar delay occurred in the consldeiation ot land act ot IbSl. and the auearsact ot IbSJ. Thcrotorc , unless the house accedes to my proposal , tenants and lainllouls will re main hi statii quo tora year. ( Cheers. ) Our opponents will prub.iblj ui o that it will bo exceedingly ttllllcult for a laud couit to asceitaln whether the tenants are really unable to pay rents , but there was * n similar illlllculty to overcomeln connection with the arrears actof 18Si. The court hatls- lied Itself within Ilvo months of the inability of two hundred thousand tenants to pay their rents. ( Chceis. ) Similar quickness and expedition will tollo\v my bill , and the ' work will bo finished within three months. I propose further , that tenants shall deposit half the amount of this rent , leaving thu court to determine how much ot the remain ing Milt the tenant shall pay , and how much the landlord shall lose. Under thu arrears net the tenant deposited only one-third of his rent , the landlord losini : one-third and the state ndVRtiVliiK the remaining third. The - "only practical ( inference I make is , that tno state shall not bo a loser. In regard to the suspension of evictions my bill again closely follows the lines of the aneaisnct , which act worked justly and satisfactory for all par- tics. The cost of evictions frequently exceed the amount of lent due , theretoie it ID neces sary to suspend evictions to save tenants ad ditional costs. ( Cheers. ) As regards the lease-holders' clause it will probably be ob jected to on the ground Unit It ought not have a place In a temporary bill , lint lease-holders have been waiting long enough , too long In , fact , and I would npt bo u pi\rty \ to the horrible rible Injustica of their punctual oxciusidn " from tile bonelits of the net qf 18S2. " ( Checis. ) PnrnplI quoted at length fiom statistics to provo that the fulling prices were not oxas- Delated. The speaker disputed the accuracy of HIrMlohaol Illcks-Beaeh'soviction hgures. He mild the quarteromllng the piesent month would show a hither average of evictions "than unx quarter since ItfSl. Jf the govoinmnnt , armed with tills bill should stay evictions in 'Kerry it would -do morn to restore peace than all the Oenrial Bullers put together. ( Cheers. ) Ho claimed that the bill was es sentially moderate and calculated to mill matters smoothly through tno winter. 1'ar- inoll concluded by earnestly entreating the iiouso to allow the second record of the bill , which lie said would benefit the landlords themselves. The working of the land act showed tneio wore almost as few just men among the landlords ns had been found in Sodom and ( Jouiorrah. ( Cheers , "oh , " and laughter. ) If It had r.ot been tor the land lords you might possibly conciliate the Irish people. The landlords you placed there as your ( stewards pioycd f aho to thoirtrust and oppiessed their tenants , who have the ut most confidence that as an act of justice par liament will not permit the bill to be'lost. ' 1'ainell's speech occupied ono hour and twenty minutes in delivery. At tlio conclusion of Parnell's speech Mr. .John George Gibson , member for Liverpool. arose , and on behalf of the government , sam that niter the declaration already made , It would be impossible to undertake any now constructive legislation this session. He de clared that I'arneU's mensuro was ono which no Kovornment could accept , and contended Unit thOHtatoof tannin'- ' Ireland did not tihow any necessity for the bill. Gladstone , who was loudly cheered , said that ho was hurry to llml , in the course of the debate , no signs approximating an agree ment between the two siduof the house. The tonu of the speeches from the govern ment side was that of uncompromising on- position to any measure of the relief of tlie the hlsli tenants. Whether that at titude was justlllcd ought to de cide their vote on the second scndliu : of the hill. How was It that of the numerous members reprcbenting farmIng - Ing constituencies in Ireland , not ono was Inclined to move a rejection of the bill. Ho supposed that none , however , fenunt tholr alllani'o to tliogov- crnmont , could bu induced to do MI ( cheers ) . The issue of tlm couimhMon afforded suf- liclunlgiound tor parliament to relieve thu tenants who , upon examination , should bo found unable to pay tholt louts , nnd ttio fact ot the issue of the commission , implied that thciooiosucli tenants whom the uoyrrn mini thoieby piomUed toielleve. . IJut such relief was to bo glvon only after a long Inquiry nnd utter the forming ami passing ot tno neces- sery bill , all of which would Involve much delay. In thu meantime a taw existed under , , willed the pvnnltlua of eviction might be in- llicted upon a largo body ot men who , the Kovcinnient admitted were not unwilling but were unable to pay tholr runts. It wnulil bo " monstrous Injustice on the part of parlia ment to allow such land to bo put In motion. ( loud cheorH. ) Therefore no should support thu bill , although ho himself would have framed itdltreremly , .Mr. Matthews , homo secretary. In ndvlsin ? thu bouse to reject the bill , denied that the appointment ot tlm commission implied an admission that rents worn too high. Ho bald tlrat I'm noil's bill waf an Invitation to all iQiiniithlu JroJaiul to strlUu against the pay ment of rents , Tfio diibatuwas adjourned on motion of Sir. Moiloy. _ _ AWAIUS IN DUN.MAH1C. Tlio Hncont Itlotii nnil tlio Homlt- Mliilstcr Anderson's lloolci * . COIMIXKAQUX , Sept , 20. | Now York Her ald cableMpeml to tlio Bun. ] 1 ha > o just iclurncil from Hroendwsler , n small place \vhcro tlio recent riots took placo. liioondur- elerims an aspect starllliigly like that of an Amctlcan to\\u. ltshouMme * pic < ul village like , owr n larj ; i area. Its vupulatiun U about two thousand. Only uhon theyoarly fair Is bel.1 dcet the Halving little community allow jv Katherlnu of some 12,000 people , who deal ex- lotulvely in rattle and horses. I found the railway station mmmrd with g ndariuoi , iuuk ndnu ! ; everywhere mvinbi-rs of this much hated military corpi eould be seen , and the niadilr.i ; of their sword * * , SDUH and car- 1 blow livftrJ.Tho troops mnrrhed with the pris oner * to the forta , .ronjly bullU Quol ! looking paaiJint ot all tc are Imlng taken w y from peaceful occupations and fiom Uiirf wlIej ! , au.i { < ect il ol ImpllcRt.on l.'i Ueec _ fl : riots. Their fact-3 were darls ami Bloomy , for nobody knows when they will return , If Hir y return at all. It Is their dc- partuie trom thclrliomcs , from recent scenes , with their wocpliiR families , from their wl\cs nnd children , that throws such deep shadows over their faces. "Itleht , about , inarch , " sounds the command , nnd n few mo ments later TIIKV A.IIK IN riiisoy or on tholr way to prisons In the neighboring town of Hjoorlng to await their trial. Many more arrests will follow. 1 turned to an old peasant and expressed sorrow over the pros- cut stnto of things. "Well , well , " ho said , "it Is rather hard linos. It Is very much like the time when tlio prlsonen were hero In 1MI , during the war , only it was better then , for we did not feel the military pressure so haul because It was an enemy , but wo shall see which party will bo the strongest In the long. Themlnlstois will soon got tired of tins kind of work.when they llml they do not gain an Inch of giouud by it. " To judge from tlto tooling which rules supreme In this part of the country among the population , the old man may be right. It grows clearer to everybody that the leactlonary measures of the ministers only ser\o to swell the op- positions. Several wavorer's now openly de clare themselves against the government , after having scon the fruits of the creation ot the mhtlstry'sliavorltocorps of gendarmes the only hired soldlcis In Denmark. Largo public liberal meetings were to have been held In the northern part of Jutland , with pVomlncnt members of prullament , llko Count llolstcln and otheis , ns speakeis , but the government has Honnmor.y TJIKSE MKHTIVOS which nevertheless have tukon place pri vately under police supervision. The reactionary napcis continuo to spur the government on to strong measures against the opposition. Ono paper , the JXigbladet , which has warm connections witn tlio min istry , Mid that tlio. riots In Uroondorslcr.woro planned beforehand , and formed part of an Intended Insurrection. Lirgo mass meetings have boon held during the last few days in dlirerent parts of the county , both of liberals and of conservatives. Some of tlm minis ters , It is stated , have been present at thct.0 . meetings , and their speeches point stiongly In tlio direction of a continuation of the pres ent policy. On the other side , the liberal leaders assert that they Will not letlie an inch from tlio picsent positions. The lead ing members of the folketlng or lower house hold dally consultation as to the tactics to bo pursued alter the opening of rigsdag , which Istotakoplncoon thu Itli of October , lint nothing as yet has leaked out as to their plans. In fact , 1 do not think they have ar- ilved at tiny ( Infiniteresults. . TICK UXITKD SPATll * MINISTHIl at Copenhagen , has jivt finished a tiansla- tlon Into English ofn wprk by the Danish author , Dr. Goorgp Brands , entitled "Esviys on Eminent Authors ot tlio Nineteenth Cen tury. " which will bo published at Christmas by T. V. Crowell .fc Co , of Hoston. Mass. The book will bo turnlshed with numerous poi- tiaits. Minister Andeison's "Norse Mythol ogy" has now been tianslatcd into Kiench , German , Norwegian , Italian and Knsslan. Ho deserves praise for tlio clever manner in which he at last brought tlm Danish govern ment to submit to arbitration , as already mentioned In n previous dispatch , the thirty years old outstanding ease of the United States against the Danish covein- mcnt , for tiring upon thu lienjamin Franklin in 1K5C. There was gieatsatisfaction in leadIng - Ing liberal circles here at the solution. The Hoialdwastho only paper able to publish the news , which had hitherto been kept per fectly secret. _ The Madrid IJcvolutlon. MAPitii ) , Sept. 21. All the olllcers impli cated in yesterday's attempt at revolution have boon condemned to death. A band of rebels at Ocana , in the province of Toledo , killedtluyr commanding officer and then returned - , turned to Alleglanic and prayed formeicy. Common soldiers who took pait Ln the upris ing Sjenerallyiepetit thplr follyto-"day , and blame their oiliceis for Ieadrn ! thorn , astray. Soldiers everywhere are j'iehlintr to the au thorities. In the piovlnco of Toledo two bands of lebels , however , still hold out. They are trying to reach the Guaiiarraiua moun tains , and n foiee ot loyal troops have been sent in puisult of them. The city Is quiet to day. A "Wholesale Swindler. Nnw Voj'.ic , Sept. 21. Charles lloano Paramele , of the California Vintage com pany , called at police court and added his testimony to the mass already in possession of tlie detectives to convict C. "W. Foster , tlio imprisoned "banker" of 42 Broadway , who is chanred with swindling to an unpre cedented extent Among the voluminous coircspondcnco found in Ills ofllco was a list ot addresses of persons , which ho tried In effectually to conceal when arrested. The police belieVe it Is a list of his victims. In tlio list are the following : Frank Uretteher , Dumont , la. ; Nellie Freeman , Noith 1'latte , Hcb. ; I'hlllip Calz & Co. , Attdnson , Neb. , nnd numerous others. The police sent woul to all tlm persons for Information regarding Foster. Fostorwns arraigned at the Jeffer son Market police court this morning and held in S'AOOO for examination. Especial Interest attaches to this case from a legal point of view , from tlm fact that It Is the second case to come under bcntion ' 50 of the penal code , which was used io convict Feid Waid. Tlio Telephone Suit. OixcrN.VATi , Sept. 31. In the Bell tele phone casa in the United States court to-day J. J. Storrow , for the Bell company , con cluded his aigument , which was directed to establish the fact that the company had no such representation in Ohio as to warrant the government in bringing the company into court lieio. Ho was followed by Grosvenor and lxwry , oC Ts'ew Yoik , lenresontiiig the government , who ar-'iu-d that the piusoiico of Instalments and wires In Ohio operated by licenses of the Bell Telephone company ga\o the noce.ssary jurisdiction over the company In Ohio , although its otlico is In another state. Anron Burr's Correspondence. IloNiiouT , X. Y. , 8 pt. 21 , The Freeman will publish to night the contents of a bundle of letteis from Aaron Burr to Peter Von Gaa-sboick , of Klncston , N. Y. Ouo of the letters tlnows light upon thu notable contest fortliu presidency between Burr and Jeiferdon In ibOl. Noliraslca nnd loxvn Wcnthnr. For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Generally fair weather ; slightly cooler. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula Is probably rnoro general than any other disease. It Is Insidious lu character , and luanUcjts Itself In nmnlngsores , pustular eruption ? , bolls , BxvclllRgg , enlarged Joints , abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Ilood'sSarsap.-irim expels all trace of KpioJula finm tlio blood , IcavlnB It pure , eurlclicd , and Jiealtlix , \vaase\crelyafl1lctca with scrofula , and over a ycarliail t\\-orun = lngsorcs on my neck. Took flvo bottles Hood's E.irsiparlto : ! , and am cured. " 0 , U , IxiVBJOV , Jewell , Mass. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous sore * for * e * en years , spring and fall , Jlooj'a S.iuapaiUla cured l.In. Salt Rheum IsnnBfth niost ' .l s recabloilse. ! > 5es caused bylnipuroblocfi. U I wadlly oure.l | > y Hood's Barsaj'arllla , tbo great l-l.-xid piirtrcr. WIUI.IJH Bples , Elyris , O. , Buffered crsatly from erysipelas id k.Ut rlitiun , ciuied by li.i.iUiiiK tobacco. At times lila luuds wouM crack open aiul bleed , lie tiled nrlcus prep aration ) without aid ; flnily : ! tcok Hood's Sir- s.tpwlto , mid now sayi j " I am entirely well. " "My son liad salt rheuuj oa bis h ida and on tl.o calre.1 of Id ) lee ? . I'e took Hood's tjars3p.--.rIlU and is entirely cured. " J. JJ , Stautoii , Mt , Vernon , Hood's IOO Do&os One Dollar PU1SON IIAKOAMTIUS. Vlllnlnoiis Adniln'.sirntlon or Dctlio- criitH lu Ohlo'n 1'cnltpntlnry. CoM'Miitrs , O. , Sept. 21. fsppclnl Teio- gram Io the UKI : . J Tlio results ot the retwb- llcan niltnlnlstratioii in the Ohio penitentiary 1ms been to unearth , with the alii of. convict testimony , remarkable disclosures concernIng - Ing the vllIMno.ts conduct of the olllclnls. It has boon developed thnt the democratic forgery ot last October election tnlly sheets was done by a prisoner who was Induced In do so by the democratic politicians In conhol of prison departments. This and much more Is to be brought before the grand jury now In Cession. Atnoni ; other fnots It Is alleged that sy-toniatloiU'nllnir of tiunltentlnry Droiliiflts was carried on by olllcials and emiiloycs. Wn'oii loads ot duals , bUnkets , fnrnituip , shoos , and other salnbln com- modltlcs innnuf.ictuird In the nrhondie nctually stolfti with the aid ot ihoconUi-ts who iDcplved n shuro of the proceeds. Tlioy havft told all this voluntarily , hoplnq , of couisp , in lie Knvaidcd by naulon orimioli1. Other sensational dlsdosuna nie that the piisoneisor their Iriomls with the means , were black mulled Into | mtuhasin } ; ln\oi- , They were lolliwcd of haul tasks tmly on liaymeiitof iiionoy to overseers iiml deputy olilclals. One prisoner gave a h6rsLnriotlmr , n illninond inn , both now owned by ox-olll- clals of tlm lloadly regime. Wealthy prison * ai8 gladly boiuht thulr wnv tosnnp poslton ! | In itho hospital and dining loom. Tills tobbcrv I ? proved by tlie prisoners and corroborated by oiilihlo evidence. ' Another atrocity was committed by the physlcUn.who sklnnwl thu bodies of lourprli SOIIVN now claimed for burial by the mends nnd had their hides tanned into leatheivlilclt was then made into canes mid other articles ns curlonsltlea. Homo nro owned hero nnil been chemically proved to bo of human skin. JJesldes this disgusting disclosure , stories mo ( oh ) of Vtomcn of loose morals boliii ; nllo\\ed to come Into the cells of prisoners who had money to piy for the tnvor. All this'nnd much inoro thre.itens before long to mnUe convicts of men who once ruled the prison. THE nUlLiDKUS' T)1SPUXES. No Scltlonicnt Itcaohod ot the Union Dllllculty In Oil I cam ) . CitiOAtio , Sept. Ul. Mnny people of va rious classes visited tlio builders and-tiaders' exchange to-day and anxiously Inquired the piobahillttcs in rcgiud to the trouble between the stone eontrnctbrs nnd cutters and brick layers and stoin' masons. The nii'etingof the Stone Contiactors association , announced for this afternoon , was expected to bo nn exciting - citing ono. It was umliMstond the incmbeis would submit n basis of an aiicement ; on be half of themsclu's nnd the cutters to the stone masons' anil brlcklayeis' unions , cover ing the responsibility ot each chtsi and their lel.ition to each other. If the settlement was rojcctcd n long and bitter lock out \vas > threatened. The meeting , however , was comparatively free tiom thu stormy scenes anticipated , what action \ > as l.iken being In the natute of a pompom-incut. There was an apparent tendencv to adjust the matter amicably If possible. AtUsr con siderable dlMJinslon the association mutely instructed its executive to invite committees fiom tlio master masons' association , stone cutter's union , and bticklaveis and stone ma- bon's unions to a confeienco to .see whether the dltllcultv could not be amicably settled. The committees will probably meet Saturday. Fuither action was con- liiiea to the adoption of a le.solution requesting the joiiiueymen stone cuttei.s to work for no linn ot contractors thnt does not join the association by the last Hiiiluy of tnis month. This evening the olllccrs of the lour organisations involved la the btnntglu were decidedly reticent and would not dis cuss the result of the disagreement. Tiio strike or lockout would , they thought , extend to the other blanches of skilled labor. Itas estimated that o\er 11,000 men would bo affected. A DETKHMINED MOD. Colorado I'ync'lioi-H Tnlcc a Prisoner Foni n l ijihtin-i ShcrlfT. DiiNvnii , Colo. , Sept. 21. A Montropo 'special to tiio Ne\\.s'Says'Karly : thhiJtbining' a mob of armed nicnuttacked tlio county jail with sledges and crowbnis aird'Befote the slu'.ritr , who lives near the jail , whs alarmed they succeeded in torcing entiancu to the building , trom which tnoy took Jj. K. Symmers , wlio was held for killing John Berkley on the id ! of lastJItly. When thu Sheillt icachcd the scene with a posse the mob fired upon him. Tlio ftro was returned. Over 100 rounds were exchanged without any liaini beiiitr none. Finally the hheiill lorccd tlio mob Into the mountains whcic they separated , going in every direction , one paity taking Symmes over the west side of Uncompah-rio mountain where It is supposed ho was hung and bulled. Citizens have been searching all day lor the. dead body ot the ptlsoner and have been unable to find any trace of him. The UHSC Bull Record. AT Dnrnoic Chicago . 0 002 4 Detroit . 1 1 0 0 3 Four inuiniis , rain. Base lilts Detroit 3 , Chicago 5. Errors Detroit i , Chicago 7. Pitchers Baldwin and Flynu. Umpire Powers. AT UAi/njioun Baltimore. . 0 0100000 1 Cincinnati . 1 0000000 1 Eight innings. Game called on account of daikucbS. I'itcheis Kilroy and Smith. Base hits Baltimore 2 , Cincinnati 1. Ei- loia Cincinnati 1. Umpiie McQuald. ArNuw YxmK IS'ew York . 1 021500 0 9 I'hiladelphla . 8 0020 000 4 Base lilts Xuw Yoilc 8 , Philadelphia 0. Pitchers Keofe and Daily. Enoro Xow York 2 , Philadelphia 4. Umpire I'eaice. AT I'iiir < Ai > Kii'iiiA Athletics . 010000000 1 St. Louis . 1 0010320 * 0 Base hits -Athletics 0. St. Louis 10. Er rors Athletics 1 , St. Louis 5. Uniolro Yoik. AT > TIW YOIIK JloUopolltan . . . .a 2010000 G 10 Louisville . 0 0 0 0 C 2 0 0 1 ; i B-iso hits Metropolitan 15 , Loulsvlllo 0. Pitchers Kennedy and ( Uishman. Errors Motrojiolltan ! ! , Ijoulsyfllo 2. Umplio Val entine. Brooklyn . .0 5083000 0 10 Pittsbtug . 3 00102000-0 Base lilts Brooklyn 14 , Plttsburg 10. Pitchers Porter nndMouiH. . Errors- Brooklyn T , Pltlsbuiir 5. U mplre Kelly. AT BOSTON Boston . 0 ii Washington . i 1 1 0 o 0 0 1 * 4 Ba-u hits Washington 8 , Boston S. 1'itclioi.s O'Day nnd Stemmyor. Errois WnstiiiiKtou 10 , Boston 0. Umphe-.Mur- ran. ran.AT ST. Louis St. Louis . 0 S 000020 0-5 Kansas (31 ty. . 0 0000 , 0000 0 Base hlS-St , LoulH 11 , Kansas City 4. Pitchers lloylo and Whitiloy. Errors St. I ouls 4. Kansas Ulty 3. Umpire-Quest Ilouiovod i'nr Political Reasons. WAsiuxoro.v , Sept. 21. Just before the adjournment of congrpad the senate judiciary committee made n repot t , which wbs adopted by the senate , in the ease of Wade McAllis ter , jr. , who was removed from tlm Qfljco of judge of Alaska by the president. After n lull Investigation tlm committee lound tlio jiulKO had always been n faithful and uillclunt officer ; that there was nothing in the easn calculated to place discredit upon him' dither as an olllulal or man , and tint his romoud was foriiolltica ! ic.isons. It was the inten tion of the committee to have removed thu injunction ot smwy from the leport , hut in the hut ry of Urn closing hours ot the session this was forsotte.ii and the facts have- only just como to liulit. Onntrallr.liit ; Ijiitlinrun Edncntlon , CHICAGO , Sept. Ut. The board of educa tion of thu general synod of the livangellt'al Lutheran Church of the United States began its meeting hero this evening. Thu boaid 10- solved to roeommend to the general synod the necessity ot concentrating the theological dep.utmonts of the several colleges embrac ing tliddltffrent nationalities of tlio church , It w.w resolved thut Chicago Is thu best loca tion for such a western theological somluury. Tlioy Can Build the Road. CHICAGO , Sept. 2I. Judge Morau to-day dlssohed the Injunction obtained by A. C , Story restraining the laying of O. T. Yorko's cable road on North Clark street. The court said that , in his opinion , the injunction should not have been cruutod without a uotic-e to defondftuU because no damage could bo suitalned by the complainant , rcdreJi for which tie could not obtain by law , AN UNEVENTFUL SESSION , . ! . " The Proceedings'of ' Last Night's ' Mooting ot THE DEMOCJAf-C ; | PRIMARIES. A New Booing Club The October Sliootlnu ToUrnnincnt A 1 torso Tlilof CftUf ht , Brevities ntul Other The Cttunt'tl Sloe ting. The atlomlnnca'n't the couneil meeting was "lightly efTeptod by the doinoonitk- prim.'iries. The t-pfonners were nil lute and Mr. Goodrich failed to show up at all , Mr. Goodman was also absent. The meeting wa.s called to order at 8)0 : ! ) o'clock. ' The mayor's communication approving tlio ordinances adopted tit the last moot- inir of the council was read and plnccd on file. The mayor vetoed the ordinance rcsu- IntinR the location and operation of med ical colleges on tlio m-otind thut the coun cil has no authority to regulate tlio con trol of medical colleges. The mayor's Tote was sustained , The bond nnd contract of J. E. lllloy for the pavitlj ; of Thirteenth street and 'tlio contract of Fov & Co. for the con struction of the North Omaha sewer and the contract of Stuht ! c Ilamol for the grading of Harney street were approved. Tlio appointment of Henry Vosa a member of , the board of public works , vice T. C. Brimer , lorm expired , was ap proved. Tlio contract of Murphy , Croightou & Co. for the paving of Twenty-fourth street was approved. Tlio conlractof A. H. Uolo for the grad ing of Chicago street was approved. . . A number of estimates for work done tniclur grading and sewer contracts were approved and allowed. The application for a leave of absence for twenty days by Joseph Vnndovoort , foreman of Ivo. 4 engine house , was re ferred to the committee on fire and water works and the chief of tlio lire depart ment. Leave of absence for live days was granted to J. J. Galligan , chief of the lire department. The request of C. K. Mayno , asking for an increase of the rent for the city hall , was referred to tlio committee on public property and improvements. . The bids for the purchase of the prop erty inadu vacant by the opening ot Twenty-eighth avenue wnro referred to the muvor and city clerk , with instruc tions to execute deeds to the bidders whoso bids were in accordance with the report Of appraisers. The request of .residents of LowO's ad dition , asking that ; Aluir's dairy bo de clared a nuisance , was referred to the city marshal. The petition of ilosirtouts of Eighteenth street , askmir thai' tlllit street bo paved with xjcdar block,1' whs. referred to the committee on pajPirlgs curbing and gut- t'5 5 . Vo The petition of thfl property owners , asking for tlm construction of n sewer on Williams streotvfrom , Touth to Four teenth streets , wis gfinteu. L'ho petition of 03. C. Stone and others , asking for tlio establish mont-of thp width ot Seventh strefsft ftom Lenvenworth to Marcv , was rofo.pvodoto the First ward delegation. . ' , ! A pettflon asklnst for tlio opening of Cherry street , was referred to the delega- , lion from the J irat wf' , By.jivagpor , InsjLrjlgtipg. the city att'or- , noy to prepare " : Ifj pr.Uiuanco croat'uiE the , otlico of meaj/ana uiilk inspector. Adopted. Hy Schrocder That the owner of the house standing aUhuinturhcction of Fifth and .Titttcs street bo allowed $7rf to enable him to move it out of tlie road of the sewer now being constructed. Adopted. By Kasper That tlio salary of Mr. Donivan , the viaduct inspector , be in creased to $125 nur month. Adopted. Bv Lowry That the democratic party be allowed the use of the council cham ber on Wednesday , September 23 , for the purpose of holding a convention. Adopted.UKTOKTS UKTOKTS OF COMMITTEES. Grades and grading Recommending payment of ( Jalluhan's bill for dirt fur nished the city. Adopted. Same Recommending that the report of the freeholders oii the changing of the grade of Sixth street bo not acccptod. Adopted. Police Recommending the removal of Patrick Murpuy from the police force ; the suspension of Patrick llorrigan for one month without pay and the reinstat ing of Mikp Dem psoy without pay for tlie time suspended. Adopted. OlllM.VANOES. Special ordinance making appropria tion from sewer fund for the payment of the sewer in District No. 27. Passed. Creating sewer district No. 3."j and. ordering tiio construction of sewers in samo. S'jwarage. Granting to 11. J. Moynihan the right to organi/o and control a proveutitive night watch. I'olice. Ucclariii } ' tbp necessity of opening and widening i'acilio btreet. Grades and grading. Establishing tlie grade of Seventeenth street from Mason street to tlio lower Union Pacific tracks. Grades and grad ing. Declaring the necessity of changing the grade of California street , fromTweii- ty-seeond to Twenty-third street. Grades and grading. Ordering the grading of Eighth street , from Leavonwortli street to the alloy next north. 1'usbcd. Creating sownr district Mo. 33 nnd do- lininir its boundaries , to bu William street , from Tenth street to Thirteenth street. Passed. Establishing paving districts 107 and 108. Paving , curbing and guttering. Ordering the paying of paving dis tricts 80 , 83 , 83 and fc ! , Passed , Creating .sower District No. 31 and ordering the coiiklruqtum of bowers in said dibtriot. fiowej. Declaring the jrcft&fuity of extending Twenty-ninth avcnftojto I'tirnam street. Passed. J' The councilthjitj "ncqourned , PEMOUUA.J''lCUl ' > UIMAKIES. A Very Quiet ? i\A. siml IdgM Vote The democrationVinmrics passed oil' smoothly last n)5litjniul ) ) ; thu result was a surprise to nobody , With the excep tion of in the Sfitt'oi'ij ward there were 'no factional Jj fiu , | Thu number ot votes polled wa4 > Miiall , and shows up pitiably comparj/U ; jJw'Uh' the largo vote cast at tlio ropuvucA | ) primaries last Fri day evening. ' wi FIH3T WATU ) , The polls won : held in thu an'iex to thu Union L'acilio hotel , owned Iiydomocnvtia " aide post of the ward , Thomas Ciisoy. Tlio judges were L. 11 , McCowin and Henry Ehronpfort , while thu clerks were Messrs. Peter Casey and A. O , Rued. All of those had but littleto do. There Waa but ono ticket ! n tlio Held , and that in tlm main consisted of war horses who have fought the battles of the democracy of the ward for na many as fifteen yenn. As a reward of this they have , for about thq same length ot time , been rewarded by being placed upon thu tickets as delegates to the conventions of the party , Tliusu irentlemon wera as follows : P. Desmond , W. H. Spauldiiig , Owen Slayen , Thos. Casey , Clias. Kauil'man , Win. Vf. Lynch. They wept the field with a great deal of unanimity. Their fitness for the jilaco and their popularity were unques tioned , so much so that when the polls rlo ed , and the judges had \orilicd the tallies of the clerks , tln o gentlemen Were found to have each received 112 votes. This voting was at less than nn average of ono per minute. There was no excitement , and the judge * and dorks had ample time between votes to partake of the ho3iitnblo oig.irs of fnenils who Called to chart" nnd be funny. sr.rnxuVAKII. . The polls of this part of the city wore opened in the rear of Louis lluimrod's , on tlio corner of Thirleenth and Juukson streets , lloio the seene was one of great est interest to sonio of the people , and considerable excitement to many more. ' This was occasioned by thp paitls'an feel ing which sent two tickets into tlie Held. Dim of these was called the "Brown ticket , " nnd contained the following names' Lotui lluimrod , Andy Murphy , I'M Bionuau , Jul. Nagl , Kd Atorinnty , Philip Andres. Tom FittnoiTis. ! It was also styled the niiti-Boyd. It was not supported by tlio numerous and airirnw- < hu force ot peddlers which was utilised by the opposing forces. It was backed upL however , by tlie n-doubtable Louis Ilennrod , wlio stood near tlio polls win dow and strongly remonstrated against the voting of Individuals whom lie know to bo not entitled to that privilege be- CUUSG of non-rosideiicc or repealing. On 0110 occasion an individual had the temer ity to attempt to Vote a second limd , but before ho could nccompiish his work ho was jerked away from the window by tno indignant Louis. The idea of this ticket seemed to be to show Boyd that certain influences in tlio ward were to bo feared , and ns if in anticipation of this fact Boyii men were on hand in great numbers to help to crlisli the opposition. Tlio num ber of votes polled by _ this ticket was seventy-four , Moroarity , however , receiving twenty-three morn than any other name on the ticket. The "Boyd ticket" contained the following names ! (3eo. ( V. Hinus , J. Cummins , J. Douully , Sr. , II. 1) . Shull , J. F. Murphy , Louis Mo- Coy , P. Gnrvov. At the close of the polls , this ticket had received 28-1 votes. The judges were H. S. Sautter and J F. Mtirpny. The clerks wore J. T. O'Con nor and J. L. Lewis. Tlllltl ) WAKII. The weight of democratio dullness hung around this precinct , and that was very dull dullness indeed. When a democratic primary is lively , it is so bucauso of the healthy activity of Irietion and competi tion. Hero , however , there was neither Olio nor the other. There was not oven enough regular activity to keep the judges employed half the time. As a consequence one of them found leisure to stop out occasionally upon the walk to enjoy the luxury of a needed stretch. As in llio First ward , several of tlio names upon the ticket were the o of glorious old war horses.wlio have many and many a time led their friends to victory and de " feat. Yesterday's inactivity , "however , did not suit , and it was more a relief to them when the polls closed than it would have been if there had been half a doxcn doughty Richmonds in the field. Tlio delegates chosen wcro : P. Ford , Julius Meyer , Andy Moynihan , Joseph Teahon , Charles NeCor , II. Par- rish. Aug. UtolY. The polls were held in the Limhilo , tlio successor of thn Niacara housn , from which Councilman Ford lately retired. The judges were Captain Jones and John Moynihan , and John S. Farmer acted as clerk. When the clock otruck seven the judges bundled up the cigar box containing the ballots , made out the credentials and announced to tlio two or.thruo bystanders that 203 votes had been polled. rouimi VAKi ) , In this ward tliorc was but ono ticket and as n natural consequence ono was ; elected without any trouble. But .lUtJo scratching was indulged In. The "delegates elected were Charles II. Brown , George W. Duncan , C. S. Goodrich - rich- , } . C < Pontxijl , J. J. O'Connor , C. S. Montgomery , C. B. Rustiu. Only 137 votes were cast , ril'TII WAKW. In this ward the same general quiet prevailed. The delegates elected were Thomas II. Dailoy , J. O. Gorov , C. J. Sir.ythe , John M. Rice. B. McGinn , James Balm and A. N. Fcrirusoji. The iiuinbci of votes polled was 280. SIXTH WAllt ) . The number of votes east in this ward was C8 , a phenomenally small showing. The delegates elected wore Mel Wil liams , P. M. Lee , C. A. Leary , C. V. Gal lagher , A. F. WoIiT , John Morris , W. S. Yclkur. _ --31 THIS OCTOBER SHOOT. The Gun Club's Clinllcneo for the Tournament. An. increasing interest is being taken in the coming club shoot between the Omaha Gun club and tlio "Owls. " A largo and enthusiastic meeting of the gnn club was held last evening , at which the secretary was instructed to issue n chal lenge to the Omaha Sportsmen's club for a club hunt , same to bo shot club against club , the losing side to pay the expenses of a banquet , tlio game to bo counted ac cording to the revised count adopted by the Omaha Gun club , A committee of three , consisting of Mossrs. G. F. Bruck- er , Gcorgo E. Kay aiulT. H. Cotter , was appointed to confer witli a like commit tee from the challenged club to set the dates and arrange the details connected with thu limit. The following is the revised count of game adopted by tlie Omaha Gun club , which will bo used in deciding the points of the contestants in the coming tourna ment : Snipe-Lnast Sandpiper , Tiltup , Pec toral , Killdeer , Small Yellow-leg and Plialiopo. 1 each ; Redbreast 2 , Sera Rail 2. Virginia Rail , Clapper Rail 0 , Largo Yullow-leg 3 , Golden Plover 3 E > qni- maux Curlew ! , Bartraman Sandpiper 3 , .lack Suipo 3 , Iludsonian Godwit , Mar ble Godwit 4 , Arosut 4 , Sicklu-bill Curlew fi , Glossy Ibis 8 , Woodcock 7 , Geese Canada 12 , llutehsons 8 , Snow 8 , White Fronts. Crane \Vorping \ 20. Sandhill 15. Herons-Bluo 10 , White 12 , Night 12 , Pelican 1.7. Swans Trumpeter 30 , American 33 no Ducks Greun-winged Teal , Blno-wing- od Teal , Shovpler nnd Bisll'alo-houd , 4 each ; Avidgcon , Gad wall , Wood , Pintail , Scout ) , Ringneck and Ruddy , G each ; Hooded Merganser 4 , Goldonoye 0 , Red head 0 , BiifT-bronstod Mergainor 7 , Mal lard 7 , Dudky 8 , Canvuabaek 8 , Rooky Mounta.n Ganatt 8 , "Eagles-Bald 25 , golden 25. OMiscolluncous Corinordut , black loon , northern diver , hnwKS and owls , 10 each ; pinnateo gronso and sharp tail 1 each ; sago lion 0 , pigeon 2 , milled grotibo 1 , wild turkoy25 , iiuail ! 1. Quadrupeds Grey sqlrrol 3 , fox squir rel 3 , rabbit 3 , jack rabbit 0 , badger 15 , coon 15 , fox 3D , wolf 25. mink 20 , otter25 , beaver 25 , weasel 15 , wild cat 23 , antelope 75 , deer 100 , oik 150 , butlalo 200 , Rooky mountain sheep 250. Another Social Cluli. A new social club was formed bv a number of young men who met at the Millard hotel last night. The oiUcor.i elected were Clias , BoindoriY , president , John Meisner , vico-presidont , Geo. Sternsdorn' , secretary , and William Iew- hall , treasurer. It U the intention of the club Ujglvoi series of parties this win ter , probably at the Millard hotel , The 11,11110 of tlm club hits not yet buun de termined upon. The Cullo I . .I nc. Work was commenced yesterday by the Cable company on their proposed line on Twentieth street. Ground was broken on that street north of Cumlngs and a largo force of men placed nt work digging tor the necessary work that is to bo done under the surface. AGAIN HA Dli V B Cltni-Jesinn mill Other I'lnoes SufTer I'ront n Hovoro Shook , CitAin.rsTo.v , S. 0. , Sept 21. - Therovero three shocks of oarthqmko hero la t night nnd eaily this imnnlnp , a shock nt fieo ; a. in , bcln i ; quite sharp and causing houses to rattle uncomfoitably. There was no peueial nl.limbut n Rood tunny porous ran out of their houses into tlio streets and remained thero. At .Summon 11 Ic then ? were throe Knocks between 4 : anil 0JO : ! this inorninct , IhiMo being a lather violent one nt5 : ' . ' ( ) , as hoie. A loud detonation slmllni to tluMo- port of a heavy Rim , was heard at the begin- nlnij of tlm seveio shook ht-re , and there wi-ie detonations or evploslons with two of the shoeks nt Suininenille. There was no uiM.iUui ; the character of the disturbance that neouired nt aqumter past no'ehick this nioinlnir. Most of itu ju'iiplo In the clt ) wno nsloen at the time , but the shook was sulhelent'j ' slromi to awaken them. The featuuvs of tlio phen omenon nnil the atmospheric conditions were somewhat peculiar The weather on Sun day nnd Monday nluhts was wnim and sultry. Aftei 10 o'clock at nleht the wind seemed to li.-uodieil outentliely. On Moll- daj , night llio Indications ot n chance In thn weather were npiiaiunt. i'u'ipienl Hashes of sheut llglitnini ; were seen In the north and occasional 'mils of thunder were heard. Tito sky o\ei Charleston all this time was entirely clear and the moon shone brightly. Shortly after midnight the wind set In rather biiskly from the east nnd clouds bcunii to gather In the sky. It was iltteeu minutes mist 5 o'clock when the shook ar- rl\ed. This was about the somest that liml been felt In Uhaile-iton lor over two weeks. The other vibrations that many people allowed they have felt weio child's-play compared with the shook this niornlnu' . Houses were very peueptlhly shaken and in many houses the plastering was thrown down. ' 1 lie shock is variously estimated to have lasted irom tliieu to ten seconds. A man who was on the street on Ids' way to his place of business states that the enith moved violently and that the sound was llko the explosion of a thousand pounds of dynamite under giouud. The worbl. leaturo of the shock wai the additional Injui.v to thu medical college , of which u largo partoC the wall fell In. It is now a gaping ruin and .Vpinrontlyniust coino down to Iho baiement. The shock to-day Is repelled - polled also felt nt Summcrvlllu , Snmter , Blackville , Ur.uigcbury , Now berry , Auiiusta nnd Savannah , \vitliin tlnco minutes after tlio shock there woie n good many people on the Hliuett. nUhough compar atively few ot them weie women and child- ion. O\cr.'I,5SO foims of application for i pilot"on account of injuiy by thoe.utliqtiaU1 to houses and other property ha\o been ISSIUM ! nnd neatly 700 applications tully tilled out have been recelU'd. These applications come horn every class and community. Money for a Charleston Church. SAIIATOOA , N. V.Sept. 21. Attho session ot the Unitarian confeicnceln this city to night over 81,100 was raised to help icbuihl tlie Chnrleston chinch deslioyed bytheie- eente.uthnuakc , Sovcroitjn Grnml Iwoclso I locts Ofll- ccea nnd Tmiisact lUi.slncsH. BOSTONSept. . SI. In the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows to-da < r Representative Underwood , of Kentucky , from the commlt- tcoot patriarch militant dcgice , picbcntuil an exlmustivo report which was rofencd to tne tiiinnce committee. The hour for special order having arrived the grand lodge elected the following officers fortho next two yeais : Gmnd sfro , John II. White , New Yoik ; deputy giand she , ,1. C. Underwood , Kentucky ; grand secretary , T. A. Ross , NewJeiMiy ; grand treasurer , A. Shopaul , I'cnxsylvnnla. Representative Gibson , of Coloiado , pio- senlci ] an Invitation to the grand lodge to hold ( ho session of. 18S7 in Denver. The invi tation was accepted. The constitutional amendments wcio then taken up. An amendment to aitiolo 1 , sec tion 4 on me matter of appeals to the sovereign eign giand lodge , tlie decision appealed liom to stand until icveised by the sovereign eign Rinml lodge , and giving every member of a ledge the right to appeal , was lost. An amendment to aiticlo 12. by strik ing out tlio word "annual" and Inserting tlio word "biennial , " ho that the giand lodge shall meet biennially was Indelinitcly post- jmned. An amendment to admit persons over eighteen years of ago to the order , and leaving the question ot ace to local legisla tion in Austialia , New Zealand and other countries not in the continent of North Ameilca , was lost by a vote ot 07 to 77. An amendment providing for a reduction ot lepicsentntion was indciinitoly postponed. An amendment lor giving siato gi and bodies tlio power to eon- htruu tht ) intent nnd meaning of the lu\b ; adopted by them tor tlio government of theh suboidiiutes , and providing that tholr decis ion shall bu hnal and conclusive , was indenn- itely postponed. An amendment leaving the qualification of ago and color to local legisla tion was also iiulelinilely postponed. A committee was appointed to take Into consideiatlon the change In vi-sitlng cauls of Bay City lodge 1) . of It. of Michigan and Washington ledge D. of. K. of Boston. "Groat Donda of Croat Men. " Before n lanro audience at thn First M. . church last evening , Bishop Fowler delivered his lecture on the "Groat Deeds of Great Men. " It was an able uflbrt , dealing with the central figures of history and the qualities that constitute leader ship. Great men do not perform great deed's alone. They must have good as sistants. Napoleon had to have a Noy to help him to greatness. The great vic tories for which individuals have been honored have been won by the Mipurb greatness of the men whoso names never appear in public reports , The individual who commences in an empty handed fight under adverse circumstances and makes a place and a living tor himself in the world is gi eater than hu who con quers a city. Thu achievements of a few of tlio notud munol history won- reform ! to and the elements tint coiiEtltuted the greatness of these men defined The lec ture occupied two hours in delivering and commanded the complete attention ot the audience. _ _ EVERYBODftvSU&JECHO'0- tVhoao VITA I.I J'V l Miliif.HnilnllUAISIII RXII Al'hl Ml or Fo sr I'll JillIA . UIII i. \ \ \ Ji H" ' ! /.rr'd * I r'l iSJ.lJ'iu.u.SliI ? ? ' lJ ir . - . „ „ _ _ UUt > .lUi it ii . * ll > fruti.i pruupUr rt.icl U. TUKAUlK . , k , . ) llh > U < u > jm.i ' < > ct < > ' < * II > ' - iM ta-k. fhf l'lr t , Ihn drfclniil nnil Only ntnrrli tlmt U IMIIIIII liy men \\lio linio n jirnrilrnl l > f llin Intiiulrv rti > fp li'ti. It rcqiilri'i m conklne , XPI nttiolroQ Jrom ilcMna nntl llntn from MlUflilim whtls Ironnik' , n I Kltps shl'U. cnirt anil niltMa tli l llnnp i n.i VPtutttul 11 llh ttier lm e wlifn new , which , orr'tbo y Vtirnii ! k. cm thorn elfin twtcn M lonj. llftvnro of lmll tiot ! . SP th tthctinnio J. O. Ill liINOKU A 111IOS. Now llnvcu , Conu , Is oa tMty IWlkMC Si" 1 i V ft Or l.H. H-lwmow WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOR THIS Omaha , Neb. GOLD MEDAL , PATHS , 1873. BAKER'S YVnmntpJ Cocort , tram which Ihaosctinof Oil lina been rrmornl. HlmnMiY * time i Me sirimjth of Cocot mixed with Starr ! ] , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnil Mtlii'reforo far raoro economi cal , costing Itn than out toil a cap. It Is delicious , nourishing , atrcngtlicnln ? , riully digested , and admirably ndiptrd for Invalids u % \c-U ta for iKroous In lunllli. Bold by ( Irticirii OTcrirnticro. W. BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass , O17 St. linrIosStR . IoulsMo. Arcgul&ritrft < tui.t of I .o Uvtileal COU IQR , h btn tonne CDifi dla lheire [ ftl IrtttmtBtof CHvovte , NKKTOCI , Ktim &Qd Bt.eou UIBIAIIB tlitq ftnr th r rhrileUn Inm. LouJt. M cl7 rrerl iboir &nd nil old ra.Uflnt. Kcov Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice * lions ol Throat , Skin or Doncs , Blood Poisoning , eld Sores and Ulcers , ire tr tc < i vith .Dr.niiijd uccf .i , an Uleit icknUfio prlDClplet. Htfelr. I'rlrktelf. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , which rr.dnc. m or tt > > rollowlnr .O.tln ceriouinvi. d.bllHr , dlmn.ii of iltbt ana Jcfcctln ratmorr , ploplci on th lies , phtikiitiJoor. Tcriloo lotU. loc ljof f.tnilo , osttuilt. ofldi.i. w. , rendarlnff Uarrlit A impropvr or unhappy , u * JwrnnBentlr eurcl. ! 'impbltl < SS p t < O cm tb ibore. ion ! infratrdcDTelep * , frie to any ddreii. Conialt tloaatof Baoor bf Ta\\l \ rrfe.latlted auil at'lctlf ecnaj.atltl. A Positive Written Guarantee iinn in eter rablo ct o. Oledlelnt nt ? rj wbtri bj cull or i 20O PAOE3 , riNE PLATES , eV tnt e.olh &n4 Rill binding. ftUdfor 3Oo. In | > QilitaorcnrrcDej. ( Over Uflj vonJcrnit rxaplcurti , ttv ( oil ft ; rtlelftotilti foltowlag ubjtctft wlio may SQ rrr , whcnai , wtiy , manhood , wom&a * bood.iihjtlfat d r r , iTt > Mi ofeilih 3j ki > Jieeiq , the fhfi. lolegy otrrprediietlon , and nmny nor * . Tliot > marrlet or contomplitfns mirrtatr * ehtttM rr 1 It , l"r * l r ( . TansllPs Punch Cigars sroro elilppod during thn riant two yoars. witnout n drum mer m our employ. No other IIOIIHO in thft world can truu > fiillytunkn suoti n aliowlili ; . Ono nuout ( dealer only ) wanted In ouch town. SOtD BY LEADING DRUCCI3TS. n.W.TAriSILL&CO.,55 Slain St.Chlc3i < v DR. IMPEY , N.W. Cor. 14fch and Dougliw Sfc. Practice llniiteil to Disenscg of the EYE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT. Glauses fitted for all forma of rtofectlva Vialou. Artilioinl Eyoa InaorteiL WIRE GAUZE OVEH DOOR LATEST IMPHOVCMENTOMTH * : It produces Practical Ee ult in sting never before attained IB an ? Coosing Apparatus , and will In tlmtnll ITS ooi Inkr < l or Jointed , < ! lioulJ JriSli iilr Xreoly n.lniUt ( a Io the onn. Till. ! , duni n b , ll cBrdlnKtliuclnsoovi'inloor hMBlufnriuMwl.tii I > tutplltulluufor Itiuloor toiitiilnlm 11 elieulot nir Gouie ntnrlyun liirpnin tlio iloor itself , TlirouBh this Gauze Door the air freely Circulatoa , farllltitluu tbo | irocesn of cooklnir.Bnil rroduilnc fooJ U nnmi > nlli > l i" " ' " * u ; irlUonund nctuallr cookej lth | M I con uioj > tlon ot fuel than In no oven llh n clo u I door. of rosnt. Itmnkca anrnormoua navlnal" thowclgiit It nlBO producco larjrer Loavoa of Broad , rwiulros lean nUinllon from tlio cook , oii'l ' promote thi lloollh nf tlie fumilT by Uia UWtflluli QUAJLITU cy SUE tova cuom.t > in IT. OPINION OP AN EXPEHT * Mn . MAH I' ' . tVM.cil1Tw h rl > nine tUiJ.epnnnir. JowaStrtollnhBniltr.MiHi Mxd lH ratii JudBiuenS it tbat lh ot li at thii Hulled , luroniiMrmtwIth , cillljrN. ji not ouly moru oaunlly hmlo.l In ov ry part-f rout M JJellot "rap-but ni n ro .ilt nf il mpnrlor vnnlilutlon . w lli r lnU1l lli.rrix1l.r.l ri liiB. Innii .wiiler Jluvnr.Bnfl u Jjritfr | iroi itloii uf IUIif ' " j'Tc * 1 II ml , l o. thntth icnn < iinii.tlaii otfu l IntUli ' iuu a tauuth Ic itUuiiiiuyptliur/of .aim ) woik.1' IIHO FOR ILlUSfRATtaCIHCUUSSAJiD PBItt LIST EXCELSIOR MAKF'G COM ST.LOUIS. CHABTEE OAK BTOVE3 and BANOES nro COLD IK NEBRASKA aa tollowi ; MII.TOK ROGERS &EONS . OMMIA. I' . KENNBY , . : OomioM. DALLAS ft I.KTSON , . . . .ICAitiNC * . H. C. IIIIKWCK. . . . HAV bcKiisCS. II.AIKD&CO , . NhBKAiKxCnv. W. V. TJJMI'l.ITtON , . NruoK. SIUKIHIVANT&SON ATKIHSOK. I n . j. KA&S& CO. , . . . . . CIIADKOM. KKAUSI.I.UOKUR &WEI.CH , . .COWMDUI. Ol.lJS IIHOS . LBOA . TANNI5I.I. ft SWKKNfV , . I'AiiiBOky. GiTri.i : : & r.Unil. . . , . . . . . . .JRANKUK , N J. JOHNSON , . . . fJr. Tii IltNU. J f McCAKrT.UTV . O'Nnut ' Cirv. irilA7.I.EWOOD , , . . , . Osre-ilA. I S HUKK ,1'tAiTsnuurii. ' . .SrimuiiB. A' . IT.AKSOM , , j O. OUf.FN. q",1. " " , " ' ' " ' " T'M > ruAfcE'ft" ! M lU MA & _ _ A Tlie I Mail ; trlfhl outtrirlx Gliicacjo Inn. biul rollntlt l < uilr Novripuptr , r.lU'-rt lit V i wilt Hal tun inii Clinlou A.iloow.lun , will l < aIn No\vspapor In lli U i. 'it C u. For t'lal'or 12 lu Ht an. TUtut ; U Kunnthl , S2.5O tl ; ; & luonllit , III . ,1 innutU , v&o. Siiia la in pi , Per uoi . , f'ItPi ' a4 ( ouur , J IB AUi Y , Annum. ' tIL 4r4 irll SIK. A.