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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1886)
r I SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 22 , 1880. NUMBER SO ANOTHER BLOW AT IRELAND. Paracll's Bill Votftd Dawn in the Honsc of Commons Last Evening. 202 FOR AND 207 AGAINST. The ( iladNionlnnq .Support tlic I'.ir- ncHllCM mill the Unionists the Gov- ernniPiit Itlottuu Renewed tti Helfnst Oilier Foreign. I'nrticll'H Hill Defeated. LONDON , Sept. 31. In the commons to-day Chaplin , conservative , opposed Paincll'A 1)111. ) lie taunted Gladstone and Mnrleyvlth again using the argument of fe-r. I'nrnell's bill was the most Impudent bill ever sub- niltted to parliament , It involves n reduc tion of ra percent for an Indeiinlte period. [ Cheoi. .l Loid llartltiRton regretted lie was unable to support Gladstone' * ) conclusions. Ho said that tlicru was little doubt tlmt the time liad arrived for a full Inquiry Inio Hie agrarian question In Ireland , and the government was nbont to Institute such Inquiry. Yet pending this Investigation Glad stone was prepared to take action on Parnell's bill In a way which only last August he ( Gladstone ) argued would be un fair. [ Cheer * . ] Sir Michael Hicks-Beach declared the bllf , If passed. would not lx > . received In the south nnd west of Ireland as a temporary measure. fCheers.j Hut tlin government would not htiy n place by dolne injustice by blackmail. In conclusion ho said the di cus- sion of I'.u null's proposals was the act of gioss Injustice to the lilsh landlords. A division was then taken on the measure and it was defeated by a vote of 2S > 7 to 202 , All the Gladstonlan's supported an Par- nellites. The unionists voted with the gov ernment. _ HIOTING KEXEWEO. All Alnngtlic rdiic In moody BUM-AST , Sept. 21. f New York Herald Cable Social to tha IJr.K. ] Tlie city has been divided all day Into two hostllo camps of contending forces that outnumber the po lice and the military. In American parlance. there is "lighting all along the line. " Cor dons of the military hold all the prominent and Intersecting squares. Iraoons eseoited a Catholic funeral this afternoon when Father Magee bogged for a peaceful Qri'turn. Tills was not heeded , for even the guarded mourners at one point stoned the military barracks in passing. The spect itors , following this lead , were chanrod with lixod bayonets by the lilackVatcli and Stirtey soldiers. Never theless , the stoners boldly Hung missiles as theyrtin. In the midst of thjs , in Alfred street , women tiom the windows and curbs encouraged the iloters and fairly bhriek > > d abuse at the constables and military. At last , when around St. Peter's chapel and In Mllfonl street especially , the mob was driven to cover , iiisslles came from the roofs and windows , airing which Colonel Longhboum was badly -rotind"d. It looked at one time as if JIIPf.KS WOUl.t ) HAVE TO UK UHKO. . 'o raport mlniitoly the riotous scenes , con- - Imlng nearly twelve hours , would bo only . -cpeat descriptions lieretoforo sent. t midnight there is nuietude , but It Is a'hcr HIP hush of fatigue and of night weart- : css than a quietude of feeltngor cassation of csontnient , and the authorities are appre hensive of what another day may bring forth. Affairs in Solln. * SOFIA , Sspt. 21. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BKK. | Stambuloir most cm- phalicallv denies the truth of the assertion that In an after dinner speech lie had hinted at a conquest of Saionica in Macedonia. Austria has followed the precedent of Ger many and Russia relative to the suspension of proceedings against the conspirators. Ittissla demands the InveMiir.itlon be post poned until the present excited feelings In Bulgaria shall have cooled down. Germany Is awaiting the arrival of General Kaulbars , whosn presence at Sotia Is expected within a week. The resents have signed a ukase , fixing the elections of the grand assembly for October 10. The regents will arrange with General Kaulbars on his arrival when the assembly shall meet. The nicotine \vil probably take place shortly. Tlic Situation Simplifying : . , Sept. 22 , 4 a. m. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the HKK. ] The corespondent of the London Times , in a long dispatch tills morning , claiming that his views are obtained from olllclal circles , and reciting them ac length , arrived at the follow ing conclusion : It Is plain , at least , that the situation In the east has giown much more simple and less alarming , and that , above all things , Germany must not now be accused of being an obsequious niid unconditional sup- poiter of Itussla , which her unexplained action at first led the people to belluvo she had become. IHUTISH SOCIAL I'OISTS. Gleaning * Croin tno Weekly Press ol the III ; : 'Metropolis. Loxnox , Sept. 20. [ New 'York Herald entile Special to the Bir : l The "Comt Journal" dropj two tearful pnragrauhsovprtho alleged extravagance of. Mr.s , Wm. Astor's gorgeous perambulator for her grand child nnd W. 1C Vanderbllt's wheiry with silver JUtlngs. It names the approaching Ameri can exhibition "The Ynnkcrcs. " Life opines that American ladles make their way Into boclety * more easily In Lon don than In Paris. The London clubs , how ever are mure exclusive than the drawing rooms and thu feeling prevails among the American visitors tlmt they have been shab bily tieated In this respect. The husbands nnd brothers ) of the "Belles AmerlcalneV of the season complain that while the women have been favored the men have received the cold shoulder In club-land. But by the laws ot our clubs the number of honorary members Is restricted , whereas the general tulo of the United Statc.tuie such that a club 1s always free to add to the number of its honorary members. Ameilcan newspapers are now suggesting loprUals. Visitors fiom the other side have iucieased to such an extent Indeed that It surprises me somebody has not already started a llrst sate American club In our me- tropolU. Life , however , forgets that the St. George club has Americans in Its directorate , with glacial rales and forty bedrooms for St. Jonathan. St. Stephen's Itevlew has a colored cartoon - teen supplement with Lord Handolph Cluircli.lll as a jockey , riding Ormande. as a lory gift to iu readers , but adds this homo rule Joke : "Do queen's writs urn In Ire land',1" suggested au Inquiring traveller at a lah'e d'hote , In Dublin ; "oomo times , but ballllfs always. " Vanity Fair's leader Is a plea for the prince of W lc heir to marry , nn English wife , under parliamentary permission. It gives a cartoon of Lord Ellenberg , which might pass Jor Major George W , McLean. In this para- Cmpb , Vanity Fair reflects Ideas pretty gen- CMllr rlfj i } > Jolia Hull clubs. Tuc lui.iU of the International yacht race pretty clearly shows that the trans-Atlantic skimming INhes are faster than our sea-going boats ; hat Is all. The Mayllnvver won so easily as o leave little doubt that she could , under Ike circumstances , sail away from our'fast est yachts , Irix and Marjori Included , hut If he race had to ba sailed In Kuzland , and the American yachts had to cross the Atlantic , the result might hav is boon different. Pace snot everything. The Mnyllowcr has pace , but I Mmnld not like to cross the Atlantic In ler. Our yachts are soawnrthy vessels , the Yankee cockles are not ; that Is nil the differ ence. The other current society journals aic as dull as the now play called "Harvest. " Unrfnrc In the Nc\v _ Hnlirldei. Loxno.v , Sept. 21. The Australian tmill Lulnusiiewsof aconlllet bjtweon the German uunbont iMbntro- ! and the natives of the "Vow Hebrides. It appears the Alintron opened lire on tlio natives In revoiue for the murder of Klein and Cnllon. Twcntv wore killed and maiiv wounded. The crow of the Albatross then landed , where upon the natives decamped to Pentecost , Poland , win-re the Upnlo's mate was mill- di-rcd. Tinleimans p.-rsned them nud openi-d llio with gatllnz KMIIS , which did terrible execution. Several villages wcie burned by the Get mans The Uultrnrlnti Conipiratorc. SOFIA , Sept. 21. co.nmltteenopointed to examine into and repent upon the circum stances of the recent coup d'etit have con cluded their Investigations. They pronounce KaravelolT , NIckarolI and Scank ill jointly criminally responsible for the affair and re commend that all three be suspended from parliament immediately. The sobj.inge at the ne\t met-tlng will decide what further steps. If any , shall bo taken against thotluco declared eonsplrat-irs. Gladstone Writes .a Letter. LONDON , Sept. 21. Gladstone publishes a letter denj Ing the persistently repeated ie- port that he Is about to join the Catholic church. He says : "Tho statement that I intend to become a I'omnn Catholic is a ic- vlval of a miserable falsehood reproduced from time to time without a shadow of evi dence fora basis , and is unworthy of notice until it assumes a character very dlffcient from its calumnious intention. " Pcrdicaris In Prison. TANOIBIJS , Sept. 21. The diplomatic here held several meetings to discuss the case ot Don Pcrdicaris , a resident American citi zen , who had been imprisoned by Ameiican Consul Matthews. Pcrdicaris alleges tint his imprisonment Is without iust cause and was ordered forrevenac forotllcial investiga tion or the consulate , brought about by his charges against it. Land Commission Appointed. LONDON , Sept. 21. SI Michael Hicks- Beach , chief secretary for Iicliind , stated that the government commission to intuit c into the working of the land act of l si would ( -insist ( of Eail Cowper. chairman , Karl Milltovvn. Sir James Caird , Judge Q. Ha-'au and George Cottrell. A Blooly : Mc-xicnn GUAYMAS , Mex. , Sept. 21. Keports have reached hero of a serious fight on the 14tli between Mexican troops and Yniui * . Tlie Mexicans lot twenty killed and forty wounded , and tlie Ynqnis sixty-two killed. The Cholera FJccord. HOME , Sept. 21. During the twenty-four hours ending yesterday , thirteen deaths from cholera were reported throughout Italy , and thlrty-Svc now eases roparJed. Tncolilnl Kecnvcrlnij. ItojiK , Sept. 21. Cardinal Jacobin ! , papal secretary of stntc-who has been critically ill for several days , is now better. Spinners to Strike. LONDON , Sept. 21. Ninety thousand cat- ton splniTS in Uurnby liave resolved to stiike against a reduction of wages. IX FEOTED A X13IA LS. Chicago Atarmrd Over Jlcr Diseased llnrscH nnd Cnttlt * . C inc.vno , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram to the UCK.J Live Stock Commissioner Mc- Chesney was in consultation with Sheriff HandieU this morning with n view to estab lishing a permanent quarantine on the . " ,000 head of cattle iu the Chicago distilleries and on Harvey's farm. I'lio sheriff Informed tlie commissioner that ho would aid as far as pos sible with his present force , but that ho would not employ any extra men until authorized to do so by the county board. Commissioner McChesney feels somewhat discouraged with the work before him. The state only pro vided 510,000for , the use of the livestock cominlslonerfortwoycirs , aiid only SJ.OOO of that amount now remains. The United States veterinarian , Mr. Solomon , Is on the way from Wushlngton to Chicago. Ho is au exert In stock diseases , and Ids advice has been sought In this important mat ter. The authoilties , Including Case- well and Ills assistants , | Dr. Do Wolf and Commissioner McChesnoy , have been at the Shufeldt distillery sheds all day , where a thorough examination is being made. Some sick cows have already been found , but they will defer thoslatisrlder ot them until the arrival of the United States vetcilnnrhiii. Commissioner DeWolf said to-day : "This plcuro-pncuinonla tliieatens the stock and agricultural Inteiest.s of the whole countiy. The thing Is cooped now and It should bo kept ht-ie and the coops burned If necessary. It now looks as If it would bo Snecessaiy to slaughter all the caitle at the distilleries In Chicago , and that , too , under the immediate MII > CI vision of tliii btato veterinarian and his ex | > crt assistants. Such animals as are found untainted with the disease could bo disposed of for beef and those touched In the slightest degieo sold at once to the rendering estab lishments. Late last night n niessaze trom the health board was received at the Kast Chicago Ave line station , demanding police survelllanco IK ) placed ut once upon the Schubert and Pmi'iiix distilleries on the.Voith Branch , and prevent the movement of eattlo therefrom. Captain fc'clwack was a trlllo staggered at the demand and nt once communicated with Chief P.lM-n > oll. A toplv giving the captain discretion in the premises was received al most immediately , A study of the situation convinced Captain Schauck that the police liad no light to Interfeie , ana ho refused to detail the guard demanded by the health department unless they covered the quarantined ground with their deputies. He didn't wish to render himself liable for damages , which might bo claimed for the detention of ( lie stock. Commissioner McChesney and State Veterinarian Casvvell have discovered a case of glanders In n horse. Them were unmistakable symptoms of the fatal disease. The owners were or dered to kill the horse at once , and the barn In which It was kept will bo thoroughly dis- enfected. Commissioner McChesney savs thu city Is full of Klandcrod horses , und tlmt over efulity have been slaughtered this sear. Knergetlc efforts will at once be made bj the commissioner to stamp out the disease It possible. Mayor Bowman's Murderer. ST. Loui , Sept. 21. Sheriff Koplquet , of East St. Louis , locelved from Sheriff Taylor , of Tipton county , Tennessee , where Arthur Artubiitlinot , confessed murderer of the late ex-Mayor Bowman Is coulined , a letter urg ing him to make a careful and complete. ie- vlew of his prisoner's confession , and ex pressing the opinion that Art'ibuthnot ' is really the murderer. An Inveatization in F.ast SU Louts relative to him while there shows he was known to several residents of tlmt p'aceand Is a tough character , and tnelr aa-tcnptlon of his t > oi > onal appearance tallies exndiy with that glvvuot the prisoner at Cuun tou. THEIR PLUMES BEDRAGLED , A Lively Rain Storm Takes the Starch Out of the Knights. THE GREAT PARADE POSTPONED. Universal Hegroi nt tlic Unfortunate Occurrence Tlie CJrantl Knciunp- inent Meets nnil Transacts Ilui- ncss Tlic OITlocrs' 1sports. ! The Triennial Conclave. Sr. Louis , Sept. 21. In consequence of the severe storm \\hlcii set in early tins morning - ing it was docKki 1 to abandon the grand > 1 of tlie ICui .ilits Templar set down for tills forenoon. St. Louis li id nrinvctl nnrs'elf In holiday garb for the llrst day of tlie twenty-third triennial conclave ot tno Knights Templnr ot the cttv , Its business men and private citizens vied with each other in decorating their buildings and rcs- ; dcnci'5 , and the icsiilt was most pleasing along llio linool the piopo eit maieh or th'o parade. Tlie fiout of the business and municipal buildln-'s were lilddeu with their decorations of tla s tK'inn. ; nnpropri- ate ii criptioiis emblems and mottoes and \aiioiis cnliired bunting draped in graeefu 1 and fantastic manners. Tno most liowy Ueciiratious weie those about and i pen the cuttit house. Tills bullilhi ocouplt-s an en tire Mpiare , all round winch WIT. ' placed at distant points poles twenty feet hi h trimmed and connected with each other by garlands of woven pvenrieons. Kacli polo beai u shield upon which Is painted the grand seal of some M.ite ortenitory. Iti-hlnd the shields and falllim I nun tlie top of tlie poles to the ground are long craceful tri-eol.iretl pennants. At each entrance to the building stands two im mense pyramidal pillais ot ever.'iccns crowned with Masonic emblems. Directly over each entrauc- are semi-circular sun bursts constructed of evergreens , Hags and buntiiu' . Tlie building nrcsentcd a brilliant appearance , All business houses were tastefully dimmed. Washington avenue and Olive stieet were cay witli llutturini : bunting. Pine , Clu-itmit and Market streets had their share of Hags , while less popular tho/ou h- farcs had Hags on eveiy window which gave tlie streets n gala appearance. Flags and pennants were so thick on some stieets that vlt-wintr them in porsiective | overv breeze seemed to set tlie walls in motion. 'Immedi ately in front of tlie main entrance to the ex position tjullilinir , a reviewing stand had b"eii erected , and it , too , was elaborately decorated. The stand was about fifty feet square nnd was envoied with a canopy of iM-.ivas , from the center of which Honied n larse Unite I Stit'- ' . 11 u , ' . Entirely around it had been placed national llairs and Kniclst Templar emblems , while from its corners depended stieamers of many colored bunt- 11IU' . When the Knlchts Templars awoke this morning the clear skv ot last , cveninir liad become overcast with clouds and a damp , northeast wind was blowing at considerable velocity. At 8 o'colek a steady rain set in. As early as 5:00 n. in. squads , companies and ciinimamlfiies , many of them accompanied by bauds of music , could have- been seen hurriedly inarclilnc to. tlu-ir re.ndezvous. Those who started thither early in ihc morn- Ini : were more loitunate than their br-itheia wlio at HiO ; : were strolling to the apuolntcd places with ( Irooiiiiir plumes and dripping uniforms. Earlv tliis nidi nine tiaius weie all on time and depos ited many e unmamlerlcs who had come to tut- conclave tiou : points near St. Louis , nnd they pioctvded i.iiuicdiatcly to tlieir positions. At half past eight tins nrst cun iliiectiiu cnmmaiulcrie ? to form was tired , and tlio side streets leading into nnin thorough- inivs wcie alive with knights wno weie to pnitioipntc In tlio par.ule , hurrying to their positions and soon after wards were all reauy to oln tiieir divisious. As time | ) a < sed on the rain tell heavier and heavier , until tinstrecls liad become sopping v\et. At 'J o'clock the prospects for a clearing up wuc not nt all bright. A few minutes Intel J. It. Pair-ous. cumninndur-in-chlef of thiicomiiianderies , issii'-d an order abandon ing tlio lurade. which order was cnmmunl- catoil to tiio faithful kiiiglits who had been standing in tlic lain ready to match , and theiebv broke ranls , gieatly disappointed at not being able to parade , out weio willing to get In out of the wtt. - Said Comiiiaii-U'r-In-Chlef Parsons : ' 'The disappointment is itieater than I can ex- piess. The airansciiu'iits were perfect to the minutest details , \Vu Had impicssed Into our service for tlio occasion tlie very best military talent in this section , and were as- suiedof somethini : over'.20,000 men being in line at the strike of the apiiointed hour , and liad tlie state of the weather permitted the iiai.ule would have been the finest ever known. As it was , however , nothing was left but to abandon it and thus cut out one of tno most prominent public features of the conclave. " Ninety local coinmanderlcs only were held at tlieir headquarters to form an cscoit to the grand encampment in case the weather would allow even that small display. To tens of thousands of spectators who had begun to ciovvd the streets along the proposed loute of the pioccsslon thodNappointmcnt wasnlmost as griMt as to the Kniirhts themselves. The decorations were drabbled and torn , wfiilo the heavy wind which accompanied the rain toro many fiom their bcaiings , and by 10 o'clock tlio spectacle was anything but beau tiful and enliveuinir. In uvt-ry quaiter stores doorways and eveiy place otl'erine tlie slightest shelter from the dilving wind and rain weio cio\\dcd with wet , bi-draggk-d and thoroughly disgusted men , women and childicn. The hotel lobbies nnd various licadriuailers were tlnongcd with Knights and their friends , bitterly bewailing the misfortune of tlio morning. Xot only was the abandonment of the parade made ncccs- siry , but the continuance of tlie storm icn- dend a repetition of frlumllv calls with which yesterday was occupied impossible. Numerous reviewing btands erected alonj tlio route of tlio moposed piocesslon , which early began to fill with sight-beers , presi > nted a deserted and lonesome appearance , and speculators who had pounted on handsome lelurns on their Investment * in constructing them , as they suw the prospective profits van ish , voiced their disappointment in accents stionger than those emplou-d by the knights. The only people benefited by the storm weie the keepeis of down-town ii'sorts , whoso places rapidly tilled with those who could tiiiil no other way of passing time , and the bticct car and other transfer people whoso services werolngicat demand. At the time set for the departure of mem bers of the grand encampment from tlioir renderous for Kncatupment hall , It was deemed inadvisable to furnish any escoit , and the local coinmanderles which bad been held in le.ullness to act in that capacity , were permitted to disperse , and the managers of the encampment were taken to the hall in carriages. The grand encampment bejan Its session at 1S : ! , presided over by Chailcs Itoomeof Now York city , H. K. 1) . (5. ( the absence of Robert Enoch \ \ ithcrs , M. K. G. M. , v\ho v\as too 111 to leave his room at tlio hotel. In opening the public meeting Mayor Francis delivered an a-ldres of wel come on behalf of tlio city , which was icplled toby Deputy GiandMaster Koome. On behalf oftlinMUsouri grand cotninandery an ad dress of welcome was prenented by Joseph S. Urowne , grand commander , and also re sponded to by Depntv Grand Master Koome. On tlie conclusion of these preliminaries at 1 o'clock the encampment went Into secret session to listen to addresses and reports of officers. In tlio executive session the first business was the readliit'of the report of Grand Mas ter Withers. The report only covered that period from his appointment InlS to June 1 , Ito5 , at which tuna his acceptance or the consul generalship to Hong HOIIK necessi tated the delegation ot tlio powers of the grand master to V. E. Charles Itooine , deputy grand master. After reciting routine pro- ceedings. reference is made , under the dis cussion of foieign relations , to questions at Issue with tno great priory ot Canada , which was finally referred to n special committfco appointed to-day. The report states that Joseph II. Drummond lias prepared a < liest ! of tlie decisions of tlie L-ran a master as approved and modified by the grand encampment , und the decisions of thogiand encampment In Ito3 and Ito4 , thirteen commandcries were constituted , cJiletly In tlie northwestern states and terri tories , Dakota coming In for the largest share. The country is congratulated on the of tlie Washington wouuiueut , while the fact Is deplored fiat o few contri butions have been received for the monument to Onrileld , Tha grand master recom mends the substitution of the pa t grand master lor the deputy grand mister on tlie printing committee , and the employment f a private secretary for the grandmaster. He also recommends that the bonds of the crand tieasurcr nnd grand recorder bo reduced to tlie amount of 510,000 each. The report clones \vitli gc'ioral felicitations ontho projicis of the order. Following the report of Grnim Master Wither * , General Uuotnc , of New York , dei- ; titv and acting grand masicr , submitted a re- poit of ills .stewardship extending from May U , Iss- . up to the present time. Hfforo pioeeedln ? to the details of his re- poit. General Iloome noted the cli-ntn of twenty four inembcia of the crand encampment since their last meeting nnd the Institution of eleven now commandcries. The report then proceeds to discuss the Cauida question mentioned in Grand Master Withers' leport. and Insists upon It that the Scntcli cneimpmcnt ante dates HIP .sovereign priory , and ttiat they are , theretorc , not b'iniiil lo be govcriuil bv ft. lie ivconitneiiiH that the piescnt on- cauipment make no elfoit to try to bring about a - eltlemcnt of that question , The deputy grand n.aster reports the fol lowing decisions made by him duriu : his term of olllce : On appeal a body cannot as sume original Jurisdiction. In the c.t'eof Anderson dud. ) cominaiulery , chartered by the grandcommandery. against the protest f Miiiiclocommandery. the acting master holds that on appeal the actmn of the ernnd cotn- mnnilny may be presented and that the latter should cause conclaves of the new coiinu.itul- cry pending tlio action of the grand eucamt > - mi'iit. A similar dechion was londerc'l In the case ( it Charlotte ( Mich. I coniinniul > 'ry , which was chartered without the consent of Lansing. N'o. 31 , the nearest coiniimndcry. Tlie a-ting giauu master also holds that the ctimm.indery has the rl-'ht lc receive uinl act upon tlie report of the committee to wliic'a had been referred tlte question of tlio formation of a now commaudcrv , after Us dispensation had been returned , and until the guiud encampment Im I decided to grant or lefiisp its chatter. ! _ 'poll ' tlio question of then-vision of the rituaItucacting crand master suy.s : A copy of the lepoit of the committee on ritual lias been furuHied me. While it w.mld bo man ifestly Improper to indulge In nny detailed criticism in this place , I am free testate state my surprise that It should be 'In ' most respects not altered nt all. The mere chiinze of words without any change in the Intcut and meaning of phrase , 1 do not consider ot siilllclent impiiitance to anest the adoption of tlie .standard form and the lemoval of this question from debate , and I trust that you will devote your time only to such matters In regard to which an honest difference of opinion may exist. The acting grand master recommends that mattci.s state and local be lett to tlio grand commaiidi'ries and not to the grand encamp ment. Tills 13 the point of conflict between the members of tlio latter body , and if they shall decide it , Um grand master predicts that Its present session will be OIIH of the most Important in the history of American Temp- lais- . laisThe The report of Grand HecordcrT. S. Parvln * is rathervoluminous. It opens with a dis cussion of tlie prlntiUK'picstion and censures tno crand cominanderies for failures tn repoit and tlie printing committee for a lack of energy In tint matter of pi luting and distributing Important documents , noti fication of meetings' , etc. ' I5v icason of the failure to i'-sue proper summons cerlalu amendments , etc. . to the code It could nut bo acted upon at tlio hu > t conclave , and this fact is commented.noon In a haip manner. The craud ivcoider defends himself airaiust in- forunl charges of neglect ot duty Sii failing t < iissuethi'sesummniisholdiuitliathel50iilv authorized to issue such summons when so or- di-redby the grand master and recommends that the question at' . , atuhotltv in this con nection delinitiJly.Kcltled. . The grand re corder also malcestUjfoIlowin'recommenda ; - tions : That all coiiMiiiderles holding their chatters dltect trom ! uogrand encampment be rcquiied lo elect their otllcers at the plated conclave in Ma > ' ; tliat'tlie ptmduncampmotit adopt some unitormidrill and printmir a new edition of the constitution. Grand Treasurer Jbtin W. Simons , of New York , submitted : i report for tlio ye.trp In83 to lb:6. in connection with the grand iccord- er'siepnrt. Tlie receipts weio S S-il ; dis bursements S9.V > 7 ; balance new account. 510,501. The revenues of the grand encamp ment have been steadily increasiii' ' , as have also the members of the .subordinate com- manderles. From Ibng experience and ob servation , and'from a close analysis of tlie sources of income , the treasurer ventures the prediction tlmt the Income of the grand en campment will be sullicient to meet all ex penses and leave besides a liberal'margin of increase. Piovions to the reading of reports , the reading of tlie minutes of the last mcctliu was dispensed with and a reso lution was adopted permitting knights to at tend the meetings of the encampment even when not In full uniform , as required by the rules. It was decided after to-d ivto hold two sessions daily , from 10 a. ui. to I p. m. , and from .1 to < p. in. The following committees wens appointed : Unllnished Business II. C. Cooke , Kan sas , chairman ; D. S. Glldden. Dakota : Fred H. Waldron , Connecticut ; C. C. Isaacs , Mar > land.Jo.seph ; S. Browne , Missouri. On DoliiL'S of Grand Officers H. L. Pal mer , Wisconsin , chairman ; James S. Homer , Louisiana ; E. W. Patrick , Indiana : C. C. Dantorth , New Hampshiie , and George Scott , New Jersey. On Finance James Sorley , Tevas. chair man ; II. T. Graves. California ; licor o S. Taylor , Vermont : Harry BirkettMinnesota ; John G. Halter , Tennessee. On Dispensations and Ninv Commaudelries Joseph II. Hi'iucnbur. : , Wisconsin , ci'air- ' maii : William S. Luvvnmco , Michigan : C. E. Stanley , Ohio ; G. H. Burnhani , Massachu setts and Khodo Island , and J. L. Baird , Wyoming. On Credentials-John S. White , Illinois , chairman ; Peyton S. Uolcs , Virginia ; G. W. Wulgrove , Now York. OiiGiicvanci'saniJ Appeals W. P. Inncs , Michigan , onairman ; ( ' . K. Meyer , Pennsyl vania : W. B. Isaacs. Virginia ; J. 0. Saaw , Maine : Xorman T. Cassette , Illinois. On Templar Juri.spiiirtenco James II. llonkliis , Ponnsyhiania , chairman ; A. T. C. Pierson. Minnesota ; J. S. Adams. Arkansas ; Knoch T. Carton , Ohio : 11. W. Kotheit , Iowa. On Location of Next Conclave W. G. Moon- . District of'Columbia , chalimun ; Pater Forrester , New York ; C. C. Hutuliin- soli , Massachusetts and Ithodo Island ; George Davis , West Virginia ; Thomas Ball- nntyne. Georgia. On Necrology Hush McCurdy , Michigan , chairman , and Soulhgate. After referring the leports of dlsiilct com manders to the committee on doings of grand olllecrs , the encampment adjourned until 1 < ) o'clock to-morrow. Considerable annoyance was caused by the noise of the machinery iu the exposition and it was decided to get'a ' new hall for future meetings , unless thu , machinery could bo btonped during sessions. In conjunction with tlio meeting of the grand encampment will be that of .Uie.0rdtr , of the Eastern Star. Local chapters have miule great preparations for the cnteitalnmen.tof tlio grand chapter which meets to-inorrpvy night. The nobles of Moolah temple , 'the nobility of the Mystic Shrlno of St. Lou's , 'will ' , In conjunction with Mcdinah tcuuiilc. of Chicago , anafat the last least off the fold year , tlie day of arrival at Mecca. About'o'clockrthft ! SKV began to clear , and by nlL'litfall the weatlier had acquired all those desirable qualities which were bo con spicuously absent In tlto morning. There was not a set prograpitua for the night , but all the commandories kept open houses , and the inarcnlng to and , froot oauds and com- mauderlea was ineeAaiit. Late this utlernoon It was determined to give the grand parade Thursday moinlng , starting at 11 o'clock and following the gen eral older prescribed tor the parade to-Day. The meeting to consider the question of abandoning the great encampment was post poned until Thuisday , Committees of the grand 'encampment are holding meetings to-night , but none oC the prurectllugs have EO far boon given out. * To-morrow will be an Insorestlng day of tlio conclave. The entire day will be put Irrat the fair giounds and the evening will beclventoau illumination of the sums anil to receptions ut the dif ferent headquarters , The great event of the evening was the re ception given by Ascalon coiiuuandery of tills city , to the general encampment and vis iting knights , at the Merchants' exchange. At 11 o'clock the enjoyment was at its hnight nnd at that hour there were present at least 9,000 persona' about halt of whom vver" JIM PAUL'S ' LATEST D3DCE , Ho Pollowj Ohnrch Howe's ' Example ncd Hedges Inr nn Office. THE KID CAUSES A CONFERENCE. Other Political Movement * Through out ( he State Two 1-Vdttlit Train * Wreokeil nt York A Farmer's Arm Tlircslicd OH * . liatcst Slovc. Lot'r Cirv. Neb. , Sept. SI. ( Special Tele gram to thu Ur.ii.j Would-be-Governor Paul thinks he has played a sharp uame. The Issue of the Hen which gave J. N . Paul cau c for a visit to Lnup City to consult with A. P. Ciillen respecting the vll t ot tlio latter to Cora Lewis to obtain under false pretense a false aflld.ivit , has caused , strange to say , an adjournment of the scnatoiial con vention for District Sil , from Sep tember 2J ta Oftolur 4. The object of tills is siippasjd to bo to nominate J. N. Paul for senator for this district If he is defeated for governor. Sherman county Is Indignant nt this new game and objects to giving up the nomination for semtor which justly belongs tn this enmity. Asii.vMEi ) or ins citinr. DAXKiiuoo , Nei . , Sept. .H [ Special Tel egram to the But : . ) Mr. A. P. Culley , cash ier of the Loup Cliy bank , who has gained an unpleasant mtorietj in connection with Jim Paul , stopped oil the train hero this nftci noon on his way to St. Paul and engaged a team ostensibly to go a few miles Into ttio country but In reality to go to St. Paul In stead of going direct on train , as heevHentlv wished to enter the town quietly to get fresh orders from Paul In relation to y < - - > tetdav's expose in tlio UKK of his collection with Paul. Ho looks guilty and has little to say. Trains Collide. 1 onic , Neb. , Sept , ' 'I. [ Special Telegram to the HEK.J An extra ficl-'ht train hound west collided with ficight train No. 44 in the yards heie this nftcinonn. Forty-four was loading Height at the depot platform when the extra , under charge of Conductor Shinier , pulled In. At the east end of the yard is a very heavy grade , and when tlio train at tempted to stop at the water tank it became uncontrollable and dashed down the grade tit lightning speed. The gang on " 44" at tempted to their Haiti , but before It could DC got under motion tlieenaiiio of the extra , with twenty-one loads of dead frciclit behind , struck her. The pilot of eacii engine was demolished and a number of drawheads driven in. All bauds escaped unhuit , and tlie result of the collision istvvobadlv dc- morallzi'd engines. All trains weie delayed about four hours. No blame has been at- taclied to any one. Newsy flml ot From Pnplllion.'ii.uo.v , Neb. , Sept.Jl. . [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.J Perry liolton , the en gineer whose carelessness caused the fatal collision near G'lmoro last Wednesday niu'ht , was bBforo County Judce Hancock tills uftci- noon for preliminary examination. Superin tendent Dei r.iuc' ' and a dozen Omaha con ductors and bra'cemnn were present at thu trial. Boltoii was found a lit subject for in vestigation in a district court and was held for trial. - - * - - - - < / < " - - - - - Jamu Robinson , " -'Douglas county , was arrested to-night , by Maistmll Callavvay , on suspicion of having .stolen a horse and buggy in Omaha Sunday uljlit. He is hold await ing the arrival ot the Omaha olllccrs. Freddie , the oldest son of Juilge Martin LaiiL'doii , toll from the top of a house to-day and fractured his skull. His injuries ate thought to bo fatal. Nebraska City Nciro. NnnnASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.J Court convened this morning after an adjournment of one week. I ) . W. Simpson was arraigned on au indict ment charging him with embezzlement and forgery and was reimndsjd lo jail. He will bo tried next term. Mis. Shellcnberger was arraigned. The Shellenberger trial is to come olT to-morrow morning. Yesterday afternoon George M. Hozau , head cook at the Grand Paclhc , toulc lauda num , with suicidal Intent. The cause was , one of the waiter girls In the dining room re fused to wed him. T'IO nntter was' kept se cret but leaked out t onlay. He is Jn a fair way to recovery. Tenderly Ijnltl Away. GIIAXD IM.AXD , Keb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram to the BGE.J The funeral services of Mrs. Ina Hello Jenney , wife of Frank E. Wlnkelman , conductor on the Union Pacific railway , took place here to-day at 2 a m. from St. Stephen's church , Itev. K. Warren , pastor , otllclatinu- . When the last look was taken by the husband and rela tives the sccno touched every heart , and the great audtcnco was melted Into tears. Thirty carriages , loaded with sympallii/.Iiig friends , followed her to the grave , where two brothers and tour cousins ot the husband acted as pall-bearers and laid heravvuyto await the resurrection morn. The Conuresslonul Convention , Bn.vrmci : , Neb. , Sept. 21 [ Special Tele gram to the Bin : . ] The congressional con vention is all the talk in the hotel lobbies to night. Church Howe Is here , with head- quaitcrs at Uio Kandall house. The Douglas county delegation was the nrst to arrive. Some more are expected on the train to night The convention meets at 7SO : tomorrow row evening. A mass convention Is called to meet Sep tember : to nominate a legislative ticket in the interest ot Senator Van Wyck. This ticket , when nominated , will poll a heavy vote. _ A Van Wyo'.c Majority. Fnr.sioxT , Neb. . Sept 21. [ Special Tele gram to the Biu.J The republican primaries of Fremont were held to-night. There was n largo attendance at each ward , though no special fight * . There has bein no open war for or against Senator Van Wyck , but that was generally accepted as the Issue. Out of twenty-two delegates In thp city seventeen are Van Wvck men. The county convention will bo held SatimUy , and thu probabilities are that the Van Wyckers will have a good majority. In o Yoiiu , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special Telegram to the BKK.J John Stewait , a prominent farmer of this county , caught his arm In the cylinder of a threshing machine while feed ing yesterday afternoon. The flesh was torn from the arm to the elbow , A Miniature Volcano. Coi.i'Miifs , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tule- gram to the BIE.I : A queer case of spon taneous combustion has come to light on the farm of 11. M. Wlnslow. a mile northwest of the city. A largo stack of millet Icnited , and tlin Is now In its litty-niiith day of activity. A Dud ovorslnht. Cof.fitiiL'S , Neb. , S''j't. 21. [ Special Irle- groui to the BEK. ] Two weeks siua Judge I'ost's little daughter , while riding , fell from her horse and us was then supposed badly pprained her wrist. To-day It was illhcov- ered to have been fraetuted and had pailly knit crosswise. The boun liad to DO again broken and tot. Casa County'H Fair. Pi.-VrrsuouTii , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram to the UP.K.J The Cass county fair opened to-day under an auspicious sky and with every department oycrll iwlng. The I ay race for to morrow closed whit four cu- . The best horses in ( he state are Ma- bled on the grounds. Including Consul , Hilly Ford. Magnolia Maid , .lack Kapld , Honesty and Kitty H. KlctinrdPon County Democrats. FAM-S CITY. Neb. , Sept. .l.-Sni-clnl [ Tel- ezram to the Uit : : . ) 1'lm democratic county convention was held In this city this after noon and the following ticket was placed in the Held : Senator , U. S. Maloucy , jr. . of Hum- bnldt ; representatives , M. A. V each of Stella , John Gnynor of Hutu , and Fulton IV tors of Uavada : count v attorney , Kdwlu Falloon of Falls City ; county commissioner , M. it. Wil son of llumboldt. The following delegates were chosen to attend the state and eongies- slanal convention ? : State convention H. Marlon , J. Facron , S. P. Gest , U. S. Molotiev , sr. , L. A. Kjan , J. Kanoly , 11. CDvK K. Clegu , W. II. Crook , A. Pace. M. Xe.ich , Fulton , J. K. Sliranger , S. Feiiton. Conirre-'Sionnl convention Tlionm limn- nen , P. H. Ja en. Charles Liuce. Alov , Ktiiini ) , .loll i Gavnor , G. Gils Nullzcl , K. II. Malony. sr. . J. "A. Abbott , lii-nj'iuiln M- Diiniiu h. C. Lincoln , M. 15. Kvan and , \v . H. I'ligle * . The citiiressoml | delecites were nut Institictcd as to vvhoai .hey sh-uild uiiport In tlio convention , which meets In Hiiscltv on Friday , but it Is m-m-rally supposed - posed that MeSliane Is their cliolce. Van AVyok Mon Dvolmloil. H.vsTixn.s. N'eb. , Jsept. 21. ( special Telegram - gram to tlie UKK. ] At the republican county con volition to-day James H. Ha'rtwell was nominated for state senator and A. V. Cole and II. C. Mtnnl\ for representative * , tin- pledged , but nil nrobatdv against Van \ \ yck. Tin- delegates lit the spite cnnventiou weie iininsliMcted. Thrro Van Wjek delegates trom libiue township. Orroutlolil IlnilljScorclicil. . (5iiiivrni.i ( : : : ) , Neb. , Sept. Si. Fire to-night de.stio > cd the best business portion of the town. Loss , * 40,000. An Vnkitown DIspiiHO Kaulnj ; In tlio Vluinitj oT Allison , In. Dr.s MoiXKs , la. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele- cram to the 15ii.l : : A fearful epidemic is raging on the West Fork bottoms , n few miles west of Allison , Duller county. The disease resembles bloody tlux at ttrst , but after a time assumes the form of acute dysen tery. Since Ancnst 29 , nine deaths have oc- ciurcd , and at this wilting three are not ex pected to live and scored are down with the dread disease. It seems to be the most fatal with persons ovei lifty years of nee and youni : children. Quite a number of the old settlers have died with it. It many more are taken down it will mium- outside aid to nnrso them , as all the available help is now in use. Whether tlio disease Is coutauioiis or otherwise is a question , sonic holdini ; that it is , while otheis are of a contrary opinion. Poor water and close pioxlinity to the liver is bclitved to be the piiuclpal cause. The Union Pacific's Iowa Taxes. DnsMoixis , la. , Sept. 'J ! . [ Special Telc- ciain to the BIE. ] A delegation from Council Bluff : . , Including the ma ) or , repre sentatives of the board of supervisors , and Mi.G.F. Wiiglit , attorney for the Union Pacific road , called upon tlie executive council at tlie satisfactory capltol to-day to make factory arrangements for assessing the piopcrty of tlio load in Iowa. They agreed upon a basis of 54W,003 as the full assess ment for the state , county and municipal tax , which was accepted by thu representa tive of tliuroitl-ns > natfcila4toiy and ratified by the executive council. ' Killed 'By F.-illiriK Slate. Di : Moi.\is : , In. , Sept. 21. [ SpceialTele- gramto the Bii : : . | Mr. Gus Nelson , a Swede working in a Sclmstapool cnal mine south of this city , was instantly killed this morning by falling slate In the room in which he was working. At the time of his death he was in a loom thirty feet wide which Is ten feet wider than the regulation and MI more dan gerous. The siuto that fell on him was n mass 4 feet 8 inches so.uarc. 4 Inches thick and weighing about six hundred pounds. Mnrslialltown's Mui-Minl Arrested. MAISSIIAI.I.TOWX , la. . Sept , 21. [ Special Telegram to the Hii : . I City Marshal Satla , of Marshalltown , was arrested and taken to tlio town of Legrand , accused of fulling to enforce the prohibition law. The case wab continued to the OOta. It created great amusement hero. The E-igie Grove defeated the Marshall- town ball club yesteiday , seventeen to four. Games will be played to-day and to-morrow. HE WAS A MODEL MAN. W. E. Gould's Haul from the Dauke nt Portland. PoiiTi.Axn , Me. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele- cram to the BKK.J It is now thought that the defalcation of W. K. Gould will reach 5145,000 , but the directors think the bank will not lose 557,000. Gould , who is litty-two years old , was cashier of the First National bank , vice-president of the National Dniikeis' association , also of the Portland Tutst company , and trustee of the Marino Savings bank. It Is said lie commenced om- beizlini : ten years ago. He has not been asked to give a bond for many years. All of his original bondsmen , save his father-in- law , Neal Dow , aie dead , and Dow can onlv be held for S20KKI ( of the original § .10,000 , if at all. About t n days ago Gould went to Now York. During his absence n clerk discovered seeming crookedness in his iilhurs the dhectors summoned uxpeit eleilis and found a § .19,000 shorta re. Instead of seeming Gould's arrcsl , tlio dliectors sent a telegram summoning him homo to advise conci-rnln tlio Investment of funds. After reaching home , nnd while the. invesiigatlon was going on , the cashier was kept In ignor ance that he had reached the end of his rope , and the knowledge which c.ime to him grad ually was a teriiblo shock. General Dow asslsti-d at tlio Invesiigatlon. Gould will beheld held till thd comptroller proceeds against him. The bank ollielals have no criminal chargeiuilu&t him. President Llbby Bays every dollar of ( lie stolen money was lost In Wall street , Gould was a prominent chinch member and conducted affairs of Sunday schools , Manning nnd tlio Austrian Mission. BUKKAI.O , N. Y. , Sept. 2l.-lSpccial Tele gram to the Bii.J : : Secretary Manning was In the city last evening , en loutu to Albany. Ho seemed muili Improved bv the vacation , but to judge from his appearances Is hardly able yet. for hard work In the cabinet or tieasury. His nephew , who accompanied "him , stated he was to meet Pieshlent Cleve land at Albany Wednesday morning for'con- hiillatlon. In answer to a question as to wimttiuth there wasin the tumor that the Ecciftuiy had heon otfcied the Austrian mission , thu nephew ro.illed no niiuli oifcr has ever been made , and should Haw In ; It would not be for H moment cntcituined. Tim consultation ut Albany will probably decidii the secretary's future cnurso , Mannini ; it- cards the Aiibtrlan htory as a false nimu. . and Is not pleased that it has gone abioad. Tlio President Itoturntn ? . PAUL SMITH'S Adirondack Mountains. Now Yoik , Sept. 21. The president , ac companied by Mrs. Cleveland , .Mis , FoUoin and Mrs. and Colonel Lamoiit , arrived lieio last night on tlie ictiirii tilp to Washington. Yesterday's Journey was made through the woods In covered cairlago and by row boats oicr > cvcu lake * between thU place and anac Inn. To day the party will drive to I'.uil Smith's station on the North Adiran- b ckttr i-ays ; "Thepiusldfiitlal p'ntystopped at the Foquet house for supper. Thu ( inci dent had no conference with Governor Hill. Colour ! W. ( i. It ice , Governor Hill's piivate hccrctary , culled upon .Scciotary l/iiimnt ai d prrsented tiieKOVernor"hr : ipwU to tuo iu- Uou'bCUicf cmutitc. A CHILLY FALL FOR CHAIRMEN Over Half the Oomaittco Heads of the Last Oongro BS Fail of Ecnoiainntioii. THE ADMINISTRATION BLAME. L'oiiinilsslotirr of Pcimlnns lilack IIP.IVC.H For tlioVo t on Putillu lJnlne s Pntcntt to West ern Inventors. Tailed to Got Tliorc. ' WAIIUXOTON , Si-pi. .M. ( Special Tclo cnim totho Hir : . ] UP to tin- present time twenty-live chalrinen of committees of the house have either been ik-foaled for rcnouil- nation or fiiili-d to stand for future hnnois. In addition four other noinlnatlous ate looked upnn as doubtful. Tlie total commit tees of the house is iitty- even , and w th the defeat of the four doubtful one ? , added to the list of those already relegated to the past , w III make twenty-nine , or oneovoi one-half In tin-total number. About the same percent age of the entire democratic representation , as Is shown In the list of chairmen , have also suffered defeat at the hands of their constitu ents. This means that the llfHeth congioss will have possibly less than one half the present democratic members , piovldcd none are defeated at the polls. The reasons as signed for setting these members aside arn said to rolloct geiiou-ly on the policy of the administration. This boars cvoiy resemb lance of truth trom the fact that those who wore not rcnomlnate.l have been pronounced In favor of the picaidcnt and indoisod his policy. TIM : xr.w i.imT.ti-MiiiKT IXVII.OPI : : : . The lirst order Irolu the Omaha postollico fur the combination lettoi-sheet envelopes was foriVWO , which Is siid at the postollico department to bo unusually large. nt.ACK mnr.vD ron TIII : WEST. General BlacK , the commissioner of pen sions , loaves the city to-night for the west on public business. During his absence ho will visit the soldiers' homes , at Dayton , Mil waukee and Lcavenwoith. Ho will also visit and Inspect several of the western pen sion agencies. Tno commissioner has been engaged since his retuin from San Francisco In the preparation of his annual report and estimates. ArrniMri ) TIIK DECISION. The secretary of tlie Intel lor to-day atllrmcd the decision of the land oillcc in tlin Nlobrar.i district and the commissioner of the general land ofiice in the case ot Amanda It. Miller , of Nebraska , who offeiod unsatisfactory commutation pioot for the southwest qiiaitor of tint southeast qututer of section ' < " > , township 29. north ot tango (5 ( west. Shi- will consequently bo compelled to furnish tinther proof. AIIMY M.vrmts. Army loaves have boon gianted as follows : Post Chaplain G'orgt ) W. Collier. Foit Totte.n , Dak. , one mouth ; Captain John W. BIKUI , Fifteenth Infantry. Fort Kandall.D.ik. , one month fiom .September 21 ; Lieutenant Colonel Joseph ( i. TitTord , Seventh cavalry , Foit Mcaih' . Dak. , one month , with permis sion to apply for lifleen daj 'extension ; Flist Lieutenant Itiolnid II. It. Lotighs- boiougli , Twentv-lifth infantry. Fort Meade , cloven days ; First Lieutenant William 11. Miller , I'e'imental numtoniiastcr , First cavalry , sick leave until October 10 ; Captain Washington i. Sanborn. Tvventy-lifth intan- trn , Fort Sl.sscton. Dak. , ono month ; Lieutenant Clrarles F. Paiker , Second aitll- Icry , Atlanta , until Septcmber2S ; Lieutenant Isaac N. Lewis , Atlanta , lorty-tluee clays fiom October 15 : First Lieutenant Luther S. Ames. Second infantry , F .rt Omaha , two months : Colonel John C. Tlb- bali. First infantry. Foit Monroe , until Sep tember 80 ; Captain J. A. Olmstcad , Ninth cavalry , Foit Diichesiie , Utah , one month , from October 10 ; Lieutenant Chailes Coch- lan , Seventh infantry , Foit L i-.iluio , fifty days ; Captain Henry B. Freeman , Seventh Infantry. Fort Laram o , lifteen davs ; Fiist Lieutenant W. U. Aborcrombie , Second in fantry , Fort Omaha , ono month , from OetoJ her 1 ; Lieutenant Walter W. Flslcc. nssistan smgeon. Fort Apache , Arizona , two montl s. Tlie following order has been receivid from the war department : By direction ul tlie ptcsident and In accordance with seo.tlon 1SU5. revised statutes , First Lieutenant En rich II. Crowtler , Eighth cavalry , is detailed as professor of military science and tactics at the University of Missuini , Columbia , Mo. , to heive the remainder of the term for which he was originally detailed at the Insti tution. Upon the arrival of his troop at Its station In the Department of Texas ho will repair to Columbia and report in person to the president of the unlveislty In person. There will be no more quarterly station lists of medical olllecrs of tlio army , as the last appropriation bill knocked out the pro vision for the surgeon general's private printing olllce. ciiANnis : IN TJIK PK.XSION orrin : . John P. Graiitham , ot Iowa , a St.OiK ) clcik In the pension olllce. has resigned because of failing health , and Mis. Allco 11. Lymaii , of Wisconsin , has been promoted fiom SI-103 to 51,000 in the .same bureau. AIIMITTKI ) TO I'KACTICB. Wm. W. Thomas' , of Cuiigdon , la. , has been admitted to practice bofont the interior department , and James L'-dwIelc and Collin J. Elliott , oC Broken Bow , Neb. , have also been admitted to practice before tlio deuuit- mcnt of tlio Interior. PATK.NTS TO WIISTKIIX INVT.NTOIIS. Patents were issued as follows to-day : George i > . Brown , Hod Oak. In. , cornstalk : cutter attachment ; J. M. Buckley , Sioux City , la. , spatk ariesler ; John E. Caioy , as- sUnor of one-halt to A. J. Will anil L. Moats , Eagle Grove , neck yoke center : Clms. C. Oilman , Eldora , la. , mansard roof appa ratus porous caithwnru pioduct , with strengthening cores ; Charles , ) . Hagcr , Beatrice - rice , Ncli. . machine tor making cleats ; Wm. llausecl , Nevada , la. , electric motor and gen erator : John Lonhart , Fremont , In. , plow ; Isaac Mitchell , Woodbine , In. , car'colliding ; James H. Philpot , ItisingCity. Neb. , sweat pad for horse collars ; KobertG. Ping , Audn- hon. la. , feed trough ; F II , Itvbacck , River side , In. , corn planter ; Joseph Tomlinson , Ely , la. , bridge. SUnOWlfK AND HIS IIE1-O1IT. Although Siiccial Envoy Scduwick io fuses even to tee a newspaper re pie * sentatlvc , much less express any opinion 10- gardlnzlus recent visit to Mexico , It IH hinted at the state deiiaatment that Ids report fully sustains the tliu position Seciet.irv Davard assumed in the Cutting atlulr , vU : That Mex ice had no 'bt to Impiison Cutting and that the United States was In duty bound to de mand his it-lease. 1-OSlOKI'ICK ClfANOKS. ! The pnstofllco. at LI way , lied Willow county , Is discontinued. Michael Conloy was to-day appointed postmaster at Jiliyiiu , Custcr county , vlco Jiimos H , McKnorr. i i-iii'.l. | J. ll. Wind , of California , llarrlroa c i.ini hi. , vlco A. N. Fountain , removed , Wild a HiiHli. Sept. 21. Commissioner .inikH of the general land otllco has pre- inrL-il u btal'jiiiont allowing disposals of pub- ! ' l.ui'U foi the llscal year ondlng June . ' ! 0 Pl tiom which It npjiears tlmt the total in mbci of 1'iilrics were .27,47-J. embiaclnK : v i TM-jf - i.'Ml.Wl acres. The amount of iu liit-y i eu'ivcd for tills hind was ST.'U-SbW. A Hud linnUor. UAIIANMC , Mich. , Sept. 21. The absence fiom town of Jeioino lirown , of tlio linn of Leu A Hrown , private bankeis , has created oxclteincnt tlirotighout this vicinity , Leo riKseits that his irimc. which appcarx on & ( XOX ) ) worth of the linn 's paper , is a forgery. Thu liabilities of the institution arc p , i cu at SCO ( XX ) , with no a- ! ! . nil the liiin'h prop- city having IM-CII tHsii'i . . I ( if. Uiown h sui > - jKiied to be In Canada Nominated I o ' * < iiircv . MII.WAUKKK , Wis. , . * . . 1 1. Jl. AtO.-hk ihli to-day the dcmocruls yj' Hit Kixth dlctrlct nominated Aiulrow lluben , of OahVoali , Jo ? COIIL'IL'liS. MIIWAIKJK , U'ls. , Sej.t 81. At Ku Claire the democrat * nf thu KVMh , ilay nounnated Juwes IScickctt , ol Ulc < J Lal.c , fur c oi.'i