Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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District Oourt Ko-CDnvenoP Yesterday's -
OourtlOullings ,
Tlie FlroniPn Mtiqt Pr.ictIce Police
Matters Odds mill Knds I
IjruinlcH Hill Matters
Gcncrnl 1/oeal.
Tlio session of the tllssrint court for
l crconioiipctl yesterday morning
es Neville itml Wakely upon tlio with
bench 'i'lie jury was culled ns follows :
O'lmrles O Connor , Thee Vnti AlsL ,
August 1'r.ilt , Henry Elmmfortilliam
M'liuli. Morris Sullivan , Charles Clulds ,
1'etcr Wiiiliind , .1. 11. Lolmmti , INitw
Slunclt , ( r. V. Point-son , M. Mangold ,
John lltitnnioll , H-tward U. Krllinir , Kil-
wixrd Ain'.cow , Jiunes Hwing , O A.oe ,
W. H Potter , Louis Ilniniro'l , John
Bimir-on , M M. Cnrran , Charles Hell-
wig , J J , Nobi'.s , I' . E Her.
Van Alii wiu-jcxeiisuil for ypstcnlayMnn
gold and llur wore also e.seu.sud lor tlio
HUino time ? Louis Heimrod was u.\iui ! > ed
till September : : ? . O. V. 1'oJerson did
not appear because ho was not served.
Tlio judges then listi-nud to a largo
number of motions as the docket wts :
culled. To day the business of the
court will get into a condition to enable
the judges to begin with tliu disposition
of many of the eases.
The following cases have been set for a
hearing befoio Judge Xcvillo to-day :
IIcndtixYM Mills elal , Hortoii &C'o. vs
Tros iii et al. , St. Louis Holt iiiidIron |
company vs Uinili.iNull n > ul Iron coin-
pan v , Union I'ncllio radway company vs
Omaha , IHulloek & Uo. vd MetBros ,
brewinir comjiany , 1'agu ct al vs Steele ut
al , Kvug v. Nugetet al , Locke vs Miller
ct al.
ThiS bailifl'4 were sworn in. They rt'-o '
J. N. Phillips , Ilenrj Uiube , Louis Grebe
and Frani , lionhuer.
Heavy Daman's.
Yesterday afternoon Deputy United
States Marshal Allen served
papers on Messrs. ' William
Gronowog and John Schoontgen ,
the Council Bluffs grocers , in an action
for damages brought against them by
Karl Ley , of Stanton , Neb. The plain
tiff , in his petition , states that the de
fendants , in December , 18811. had him ar
rested on an alleged false charge of ob
taining $700 worth of goods under falto
pretenses. Mr. Lay was tried and ac
quitted. Ho .seeks damages in tlio sum
of $10,000.
Hulni ; on Xotra.
Yostorday.'Chas. P. Kellogg & ( Jo. , of
Chie.igo , commenced suit in the United
States court against Jas. Hliss , a mur-
chint of Madison ! Neb. , on notes , to re
cover an amount of § l,6bi ) . 15 , It is un
derstood that the matter will be com
promised and that the linn will be s > u-
cnred by one of tlio Madison banks.
Wants a ItUoroo.
Frank Colley , who was married to Ada
Colloy in ' 83 in Clay eounty.m tlrs state ,
now sues for a divorce from her in the
district court , on tlio i-hargo of. adultery.
It is claimed she is now living in adulter
ous relations with a man named MeCor-
miek , in Cupid , Frontier county.
Stole a huddle.
Fretl Roth and Charles Tuttlo. two
young thieves , were sent to the county
jail by Judge Stonborg yesterday after
noon , for stealing a Raddle from a man
named Cotton.
A Specimen of tlio Canadian
niovltli Ueliuivcsuiid Ifri
Yesterday morning a number of Ind
ians attracted attention attholUmon Paei-
Hc.Jwho seemed possessed ot a great deal
more of the benelits and appearances of
civili/ation than many of their race who
pass through this city. Tliero wore four
women anil three men. The latter wore
ijlad in black witli broad straw hats of
I'.ho 'same color. Tlio women looked at
first like bereaved females , but a closer
inspection of their countenances revealed
features which did not scorn in tlio least
disturbed by sorrow. Around their ncoks
vhoy displayed the usual love of tlio
Judian female for decoration , and each
of them wore a necklace of three and
.sometimes four strings of golden beads.
Accompanying them was a distinguished-
looking Indian name 1 Joseph Larondo.
lie was nearly six feet high , of broad
and massive frame , an elegant
carnage , and with a sot of
intelligent and swarthy features. He was
dressed as would be an intelligent man
ot while on the road , tlio whole
covered with an aniplo linen dusterwhich
well displayed liin lingo proportions.
Tlio names of the other men. who scorned
to bo employes , were Soso Taiorakwisin
and Peter Staey. Tlio women were Mrs-
LOIIII L'iroiidii , Mrs. Anon Tioaron , Mr.s
Ouwaii Wattinnas andMrd.AUat Karien- ,
liihon. They worn all members of tlio
Iroquois tribe and canto horn from Mon
treal. All o.\ceit ) Larondo loft for Kan
sas City wliero tliey iiro to look for beads ,
while tliu man mentioned went to St.
Paul whom ho is to hcarch for beaver
skins , to bo used in connection with tlio
beads in fancy work done by tlm v. onion.
How it Narrowly IChi-apcd Joln Dam-
nun Biindny Night.
Sunday ovoningat tlio Union Paoillo de
pot , what might have boon a serious ac
cident , was nvortod only by a hair's
breadth. Train No. 1 had jiibt pulled
into the depot , and passengers had com
menced to go on board. One ot liarku-
low's mon had already run a truck loaded
with two chests , 0110 of which rusted on
the inclined end , which was run m > to
tlio stops of tliu plntlorm. While the
truck was in this position , tlio train
etnrtcd up about lifty fuel , twisting tlio
truck slowly around , so that it would
bavo been caught by the bottom
of the car and smashed with its
load. Ono employe attempted to pull
it out from danger and rolled among
I the hoses , mid another at the risk of bo-
U 4CJi4- ' shod to death caught hold of its
upnus-od handle to keep it from being
drawn further in toward themovingcars.
It was fortunate that the latter wore of
ihe sumo width. If they had not had not
boon the truck and trunks would have
boon crushed and with the crowded con-
4itlon loss of Ufa must have unsnoil.
rhlnUmr the train was leaving , Freight
Agent Murdoch of the Union Pitcllio
jumped on tlio platform of one of the
t cars and narrowly escaped being struck
by the Iwii'Jlo of one of the dangerous
I trucks.
Vi rfTeot of Clilel"Gulllnau'w Now
Otiltn * to tlio Plranica ,
Yesterday Chiet Uallignn of the lire
jopnrtmnnt Issued an order com-
\olling the members of every lire com
pany in the glty to practice hitdilnjj
their teams between UU3 : and 10 o'clock
on every morning of the week excopl
Wednesday , Saturday and Sunday. This
is in conformity , witli the practice wlticli
obtains iu Chicago ami all othur largt
citlo1 ! . There they have a number of
assistant marshals whose duty it is to
sec that these practice hours are kept nu ,
which they do by visiting the d'liorcnt '
companies in their respective brigades nt
the time nt which the work should bo
in progress. As a consequence , the
men have , in most cases , become o nro-
licicnt that their hitching is done almost
with tlio celerity of electricity. This
morning the Omaha firemen for the first
time undertook their half hour of regular
practice and kept It tip with a great deal
of interest ami enthusiasm. At tlio house
of No. 2 , on Tenth street , the practice at
tracted a largo attendance Jof pa sers-by
and other curious people , who watched
the business for minutes a a time. Kaeli
of tlio members of the company took
turns in hitching alone , while at times
two men undertook the work. Some ot
tliosu who hitched singly did tlio work in
seven second" , while certain pairs ac
complished tlm hitching in about three
and one-half seconds.
V-'tiero nolicintan Catliollot are Soon
to Worship.
Tlio Bohemian Catholics of this city ,
who have long been worshipping in a
frame .structure on South ThiiU'untlt
street , opposite ono of tlio Bohemian
halls in vicinity , have at length de
cided to abandon their old church and
erect a now one. The former was a
frame structure , reclaimed , soinn years
ago , from other uses than those of
prayer , and turned into a house of wor-
bhip. Tlie grading of the street left it be
low the sidewalk , and the increase of tlio
congiegation rendered it too small to bo
longer titm/.ca. As : x consequence , the
now building has been under
taken and work will be com
menced immediately at tlio corner of
Fourteenth and Lane streets. It will bo
M\8j ) feet ami accommodate about 800
persons. Jt will bo of frame and is to
cost about $3.000 The plans have boon
drawn by ( Moves liros. , architects , and
show an ornate' and serviceable struct
ure , ; which will bo one of tlio prettiest
churches in tlio city. Tne present inten
tion is to finish the church before the approach
preach of winter.
I'ollco Court.
Thomas McDonald , Mike McDonald
and J'unos Collins , a trio of youthful
toughs , were arraigned in police court
yesterday morning for lighting. They had
been arrested Sunday evening by Ollicor
Pat Ilincliey. Their offense had been ag
gravated by an assault which they com
mitted upon a citi/.en named Clayton ,
who was assisting Ilinchoy in making tlio
arrests. They were llncd$35 and costs
apiece and sentenced to ton days in tlio
county iail.
Out ot seven drunks , four were fined
ami committed to jail because they had
no money. Two were discharged. Jos.
Cole was lined ? 5 and costs for liglitinsr
and ho. too , was committed. Six negroes
were lined $15 &nd costs for gambling on
Sunday. None of them could pay and
they wore sent to jail. William Now man ,
who was convicted of disorderly conduct
paid the only line , ? 3 and costs , into
police court.
John Thompson , ono of Iliggin' ' em
ployes , was lined ? flO and costs in police
court yesterday afternoon for an assault
committed upon Gyron a month erse
so ago.
Tlio trial of Win. Bates , charged with
obtaining money under false pretences
by nioitgagingl'Jlia Mitchell's property ,
was called in Judge Stcnberg's court yes
terday afternoon and continued ono
Judge Stornbcrg goes to .Beatrice to
day to attend tlio congressional conven
tion. Justices Andoi > on itud Berka aio
in St. Louis attending the triennial con
claves of the Knights Templar. This
leaves Lee Ilelsloy the only qualified jus
tice of the peace in the city , and will
preside over police court in the absence.
of Judge Stonborg.
> -
Army Gossip.
Assistant Adjutant General Breck has
gene cast on a few weeks furlough.
Two companies of the Sixth Infantry
frtationcd at Fort Douglas have been
ordered out to repair the road between
Price a station on the Denver &
Hio Grande and the now Fort Du Ohcsno ,
Major Bush has charge of tliu work.
Capt. Kintrman writes from Yellow
stone Park that a force of ISO men are
busy repairing roads and bridges in the
national gardens.
Company D , of the Sixth infantry
which lias been co-operating with tlio
two companies of cavalry from Missouri ,
in protecting the settlers of south eastern
Utali from Indian incursions , has boon
ordoied from its station on Monte/.uma
Creek into winter quarters at tort Doug
Sportlnjj Tips.
The Gate Citys received a sound drub
bing Sunday at the hands of tlio Ath
letics , who defeated thorn by a score of 8
to 2. Tlie former cluu had three of tlio
Union Pacific players , Strode , Anderson
and Dwyor.
A shooting contest took place vaster-
day at Jimmy I'aulkncr's ulace west of
tlio city , in which Mors. . Ed
Leedor , Joe Howies. John Mc
Donald , Sr. , George Pettv , William
Nightingale and Kirby tool ; place. Kach
mini shot at ton birds and Nightingale.
making the highest score , was declared
winner. An intorcuting sparring main
between two well-known local middleweights -
weights closed the day'ti sport.
DIokovor'H Uematnn.
The remains of Mrs. Mary Diokovor
were on Sunday forwarded to Indianapo
lis tor interment. They were convoyed
to the B , & M , depot whore they were
placed on board the afternoon train ,
They were accompanied bv the husband
and son of the deceased. Air. Diokovor
was u member of the Plaster's ' Union ,
and I lie pall bearers consisted of the fol
lowing brother mcnmers of that
association : S. S. Hnrchlicld , J. 15
CoSam'l Emerson. Tlios. Burns and
Hird Sehotto.
F , B. Woodruff , who for several years
back has boon acting ns ono of tlio more
industrious and reliable of the baggage
men of the Union Pacific , lias been drawn
away from the juggling of trunks and
assigned to duty as brnkoman with Con
ductor G nines on the transfer passenger
trains between this city and Council
liluffs. Ho is an excellent man for the
position and worthy of the promotion ,
A Kunawny Husband.
Mrs , Minerva Harrison , a resident of
this city , lias notilicd Marshal Cumminga
to bo on ho lookout for her runaway
husband ho deserted her a few day
ago. lie is supposed to be now hiding in
1 loroiK'o or thereabouts , and took with
him all Mrs. Harrison's and his own
money , besides a liorso nnd wagon , cow
mul two dogs. Mrs , Harrison is slek and
has a siok child. She savs that she would
like to lay hands upon Mr II. for the
brief space of about two minutes. Mr ,
Harrison , if he were able , would then be
at liberty to run away again.
Threatened to Shoot.
Yesterday morning an obslrcpcrous
squatterwho unlawfully occupies a part of
John F Coots planing mill property on the
bottoms , threatened to shoot Mr. Coots
and homo ot Ids men because they at
tempted to remove him. He refuses to
K-a\e iho i ropr-ty and wilt probably bo
called into tuurl to answer for hid
The Tftlc of the Market Basket
Cucumbers sell for IS cents a dozen.
P.irslcy is sold at 5 cents a ounch.
Hadishes two bunches for a nlcklo.
Onions -10 cents a peck. Turnips 3
bunches for a nicklc. Potatoes , SO cents
a pock. String beans and wax beans sell
1 iiuartsforSiteonts , Lima beans SO cents
a peck. Green corn is worth 18 }
cents a do/on. Carrots sell for three
bunches for a dimn. Bi'ots are selling
three bunches for 10 cents. Tomatoes To
cents a oiishol. Cab1) igo 10 cents ; x head.
Hubbard squashes are worth 10 to 15
cents. Green mangoes sell for 12 } cents a
dozen. Homo grown sweet potatoes
bring 0 pounds for a quarter ; genuine
Jersey ! pounds for n quarter.
Peaches sell from Hi ) to tocenlspcr dozen.
Michigan poaches from 75 cents to 00
conls a basket. I'nmisscll for IS } cents a
pound , and Bartlett pears 15 cents a
pound. Watermelons are in the market
at prices ranging from 10 to 85 cents
apiece. Muskmelons arc worth from u
up to 15 cents.
itodi oranges sell for 00 cents a
a do/.on , and Mesinns ( ! " > .
Lemons bring from -10 to 00 cents , ( he
outside price being for very choice
ones. Bananas nro worth from 25 to ij )
cents a do/en. Rose Peru grapes sell for
15 cents a pound ; California white grapes
15 cents n pound , and Concord 5 cents
n pound.
White fish ami trout are soiling for 15
rents a pound. Salmon steak * are worth
5 cents a pound.
Fresh perch are still in tlio market
and f-oll al 1SJ cents a pound. Kresii
cattish also on hand , selling at 15 cents a
pound. Buffalo < s worth , fresh
caught , 10 cunts a pound. Pickerel are
now in the market , fresh , ami sell at ) SJ
cents a pound. Fresh mackerel are
worth 15 cunts apiece , rresh pike sidl
for 15 cents a pound , as do also black
bass. Cropple and perch retail for 12J
conU per pound ; blue-lisli are worth 85
conls a pound.
Fresh cod and haddock : sell for 15
cents ; flounders 13 } cents : eels SO conls ;
liallibut S5 cents ; lobsters 25 cents n
.Soft shell crabs are worth per
Frogs' lens sell at 80 cents per do/on.
S.ilt codlish tongues sell for 15 cents a
The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 cents ,
rumps and upper part of round steak at
IS } . Roasting ribs , linn and juicy can
bo bought troni 10 to IS } cents.
Sweet oreads can bo purchased at
25 cents n pair. Corn beef is boiling
at from 5 to 10 cents , according to
cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had for
12 } cents , mutton chops 12J to 15 cents ,
ham is worth it cents in hulk , 20 cents
sliecd. Pork , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage ,
10 to 12 } cents.
Spring lamb is one of tlio delicacies of
the season. The hind ( juartors brim :
§ 1.50 oiuh , the fore quarters 125.
Prairie ohickcns arc worth T5 cents a pair ;
teal duck 20 cents each ; wood duck 25
cents each ; mallard duck in cunts each ,
nurrni : AND r.uas.
Butter from 1/i / to 20 cents a pound , the
latter price is for tlio best creainoiy.
Kggs briiig 10 cents a doon.
Synopsis of Hcv. W. J. llarslia's
Sornum Yesterday.
The following is tiio synopsis of Rev.
AV. J. llarslia's sermon at the Dodge
street church Sunday morning The
text was John 11:21. : "He that hath my
commandments and keepeth them , lie it
is that lovctli me ; and ho that lovcth mo
shall be loved of my Father , and I will
love him and "ill manifest mvsolf to
him. "
Sometimes at saa a whirlwind passes
along over the waters showing a straight
track of white foam sweeping into the
very face of the wind. Thus a Christian
man may go against the strongest earthly
force , his confident tread making a stir
upon the sea of life and the sunshine of
God settling upon his head. In the text
such a man is described , and in describ
ing him ho has presented to us two great
thoughts : There are commands of Christ
of absolute authority , and keeping them
develops relations of mutual love.
\Vlioro shall wo find tlio command
ments of Christ ? There is no decalogue
in the New Testament. But they are all
summari/od in that saying which , more
frequently than any other , is on his life :
"Follow me. ' If we want to know our
duty we have but to do as ho did. Speak
as lie spoke , live as lie lived , and wo are
safe. There can bo no perplexity pre
sented to us in which tins will not be a
full and snnieiont guide , ilonce Christ
could say with absolute authority : "For-
give your enemies. Bo perfect as your
Father in heaven is perfect. Let your
light shine before men. " He did all this
himself and he could command it and
did command it in his all-inchibivo pro-
cent "Follow me. " *
The second thought is , by doing this
we will develop relations ot mutual Jove.
Wo will love him , i > s he says , because if
we study his character to know our duty
wo cannot help loving him. "Tlie Father
will love us , " because lie delights to POO
us conforming our lives to tlio life of
Christ. And the Saviour will complete
tlio circle by loving ns also , because he
will see us trying to become like himself.
I'lio church is a poor , ragged brida taken
into the homo of God , ana as God sees
the shy creature drawing all her joy and
duty by looking at tlio bridegroom , llo
cannot help loving her as Christ io\cs
her and as she loves Christ ,
llalj Notes ,
L. II , Korty has gene to St. Louis.
S. T. Smith and T. L Kimball , of the
Union Paclllc , are with tlio presidential
party In Denver.
H , G. Kail , soliciting agent of tlio
Union Pacilio , spent Sunday in Omaha.
K. H Snow , of the iron oral superin
tendent's olitco , Union Pacilio head
quarters , has returned from a visit to his
old homo in Portland , Me , , bringing witli
him his wife.
The WorklnK of the Now Itulo Tor
Union I'aclllo Train Men ,
In conversation with a railroad man yes
tcrday morning a Hut : reported learn-
L'itlmt ; there was little surprise among the
men along the line that so many acci
dents had happened of late upon the
Union Pacilio. The former ascribed it
not to tlio carelessness of the employes ,
nor yet to the inability of the officers ,
but rather to the rule which was recently
put In force of paying the mon by tlio
mile , The rule , of course , was first in
troduced ns an experiment. Some
of the muii then rebelled atrainst
it , upder a misapprehension that
it would not enable them to earn as much
as they had been earning under tlio old
rule , They have been disabused of this
idea , now , because many of them liiul
tlmt , under the Infest change mentioned ,
they may earn much more nowin a month
than formerly while under regular pay.
JJut , they claim , it is all owing to extra
pay for extra work. This so satisitos
Homo ot the men thai if they are asked to
wt .lk their cars or drive tin engine fet
louyur periods thuu u '
work , they nro plowed to dose
so because ! of the extra pity. Under the
now rule , if a man runs to Grand Island
and has been hold up on the track for
four or live hours , tlnw working perhaps
fourteen hours , should ho told on his
arrival to turn around , without rest , and
take a train back to Omaha , although
that might keep him on the ! as niueh
as twenty-eight hours * he would yet be
compelled to return. There have been
instances of this kind , it IH claimod.wliorc
men have been in tlm cab for twenty-
four hours , ami It is stated that it Is use
less to cxpect.i'iider these circumstances ,
that they can do well the work required
of t'.iom.
Strny Leaven From a. Heportcr's
A good story is told of an Omaha man ,
who spent n few days in Chicago last
week. The gentleman referred to is
Dennis Cunningham , who , with F. J.
McShano , went to Chicago to see tlio
sights. While in that city they wont out
on an excursion steamer for a ritlo on tiio
lake. Lunch time came , ami both gen
tlemen scldown to the table in the cabin ,
ready to devour almost anything sol be
fore thorn. Mr. McShaue gave his order ,
and tlio colored waiters then politely
asked Mr. Cunningham what lie would
like. Mr. C. pondered a moment , and
then said , "Give mo half a do/.on lob
sters. "
"Whatl" gasped tlio winter , ' 'Yo' wauls
a half do/.on lobstahs' ' "
"That's what 1 said1 replied Mi. C.
pompously , "I guess you lieaid me. "
The waiter appeared to bo a trillc
dazed , but ho nevertheless wont out pre
pared to till the order. Pretty soon lie
returned. Ho was staggering under tlio
weight of a platter about live feet long ,
on which lay > sprawling lobsters , eacli
a foot or inoio in leiii'lii. The waiter
proudly placed them before Mr. C. witli
the sententious remark , "Dalt's yo' lob-
stahs. salil"
"How much are they ? " that gentleman
linally managed to inquire.
G "Three dollahs and a half , " was the re
Mr. Cunningham thought a moment ,
and said : "I guess I won't eat them all to
day. Uring me a halt of one. " Tlio
\\aitor obeyed. Mr. C. will never
order six Chicago lobsters again.
A young and well known physician of
this city was placed in a rather embar
rassing predicament tlio other morning.
He had borrowed a box of poker chips
from a well known down town resort ,
and invited a few friends to a quiet little
jrnmo of draw in his private apartments ,
i'ho no.\t morning ho placed the chips in
his overeoat pocket , intending to return
them. Unfortunately there was a hole in
the pocket , and just as tlio doctor readied
the corner of Fifteenth and Douglas , the
box slipped through. In a moment the
pavement was strewn with a hundred
red , white and blue poker chips Every
body stared , but nobody seemed to know
from whoso pocket tlio chips had fallen.
The doctor , with remnrkablu presence of
mind , walked straight on , turning neither
to the right or loft until ho got about a
halt block away , when ho paid a small
boy25 cents logo back and pick up the
Tacts Which Prevent Its Immediate
Tlio Union Pacific is soiling the old
buildings upon tlio tract on which it pro
poses to erect its now freight depot.
Several of these have been disposed of at
wondrously low prices , and now but tlio
John Green mill remains to bo c.irtcd
away. George Duncan , hns nn ice house
on tno southeast corner of Jackson and
Ninth streets , just where the company
proposes to commence to build its offices ,
which he hns neglected to remove
for spine time past although long ago
notilicd to that effect. It will soon have
to go , however , and when it does , tliu
work on the office pn < 't of the. depot will
bo bejriin. With regard to Wakelield's
lumberyard , the company will not bo
able to build over that for some tune ,
though Mr. Wakoliold will move to his
now place west of the city as soon as a
sewer which is now in course of erection
is completed. His lease ends next Feb
ruary , but ho will have loft before that
time , when the square will practically bo
at the disposal of the Union Pacilio.
Ijocul Liaconlcs.
David Ilradslmw "It is a shame tlmt a
city .should allow these public drinking
fountains to remain open while there is
so much glanders in the city. That dis
ease is spreading rapidly in the city and
1 bolicvo it is because horses are allowed
to drink out of these public fountains
wliero glandorcd animals also are allowed
to drink. I bolicvo that these fountains
ought to bo closed , at least until the dis-
ca c is checked. The face is that the au
thorities are not tnKing sufficient precau
tion to prevent the spread of the dis
ease. "
W. J. Council "I'd prefer not to say
anything at present about my prospects
for securing tlio republican nomination
at the congressional convention. In
three days the agony will bo over. My
delegation , 1 am sure , will stick by mete
to the last.
Morris Warner Press Agent Itanium's
show ' . 'I am very much 'mashed' on
your paved streets. Unit Sixtoenth.strcot
drive is tlio emml of anything I have seen
in the west. Your pavomont.s constitute
the best advertisement abroad that you
could havo. "
n Chimney.
Edward K Powers , of Boston , Mass. , is
in the city , and Sunday started a new
phase of the mania for performing per-
Ions feats. Sunday ho made the ascent
of Iho tall smelting works' chimney ,
climbing clear to the top and poruliing
on tlio sides of the aperture. Hereafter ,
instead ot jumping from the Brooklyn
bridge , the would-be hero must climb a
tall chimney.
Absolutely Pure.
TUls pow < Ier never varloi. A mnrvel of pur-
ty.strcniftU und wluilrjoinoncss. More econ
omical than tha ordinary kiiuUuud cnnnt no
sold iaoomputltlon with tlio multluule of low
toetshort weight nlum or nliopaiuo powder * .
Boldomy In cans , ito r Ah lUisiNQ VOWIJEH Co
The Nebraska Clothing Company finds even their large store not
roomy enough to accommodate their immense stock , and in some lines
the surplus is extraordinarily large , so the quantities mentioned below
must be reduced by about Oct. 1st , in order to make room for other
goods constantly arriving. They are as follows:120 : all wool inens1 cas-
simere suits , at $6. 125 niens' suits , strictly all worsted , hi black and
brown , at $7 ; sold by other dealers for more money. 250 dozen
mens' all wool scarlet hose , 15c ioer pair. 150 dozen fancy dress shirts ,
including collars and cuffs , 35c each. 100 dozen mens' nice suspenders ,
15cworth double the money. We call special attention to our all wool
Norfolk childrens' suitsfrom 5 to 12 years , at $2.95. Reinemborgoods
are at strictly one price , and marked in plain figures , with
Gor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
ron TUB TiirATMrNT or
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. WcPflENAWJYTProprietor.
Sl.tceu xuars' Hospital Mill I'rivato 1-racUce
\Vohnvo the facilities , nppnmtu nnd uninllei
for tiCBiccc ! fiil treatment of c\cry foim of dl .
i a e requiring cither medical or tiirgicnl treatment ,
nnd 1m ito nil to come and investigate fur tin tiviclv LI
oi'corrcjpnnd ' vitliui. J.ii ) ( ; cvprrlciico In front-
In ' cnses by letter enables us to treat many cuacn
tcii'iiliflcnlfv without seeln ; them
WRITB FOK PIKCULAK on Deformities end
firace" , Club Foot , Ciir\.ituri of llic .Spitm
DIPEABCS OP WOVKN. Tiles , Tumors , Cancer * ,
rntarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Klcctticlty , Parnl-
) i , Kpilciisj- , Kidney , Ejc , liar , bkin , Blood and
all Bir : iciil opmilion" .
llatterlei , Inhalers IJrncM , Tru8 r , and
nil Kinds of Medical nnd Surgical App' * , man
ufactured and for nlo
The only reliable nVdlcal Institute making
Private , Special Nervous Diseases
7 r A Sl'Kl IAI.TY.
from hatecrcaii c produced , successfully treated.
\\'c cm mnmc Syphilitic poltoii from the sjetcm
\\itlioiitiiHTCiiry ,
New rc toratl\c treatment for ] OM \ltalpower. .
Cull and consult us or pend nimn nnd post-nflicc
nddress plainly \\rittcn-cnclofo Btamp , and ue
\iill Bend you , In plain wrapper , our
HKUISAL WfAKNcas , SrEtiMATomuttcA , Ijiroiisv
cr , SvriiiM" , OoNCimmnA , GLEET , VAnicocmr ,
UUISAIIY OnoANs , or tend history of jour case for
un opinion.
1'crsonn unable to \ Ult us may lie treated nt Iliclr
homes , by correcpondence Jlcdicinctnnd Instrn-
mi-nti tent by mail or express SECUUHLY 1'ACK-
ED FHOJI ODilEUVATION. no marks to indicate
contents or render , One personal intcrilcw pro
fcircd If comcnient. Fifty rooms for the. accom
modation of patients. Hoard nnd Attendance lit
reasonable piiccs. Address ail Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Cor. 13th St. and Caaitol Ave. . OMAHA. NED.
Abant tronty years fo , I illtcoTfr-d a llttlo pora on my check , and thi do-Ion pro-
cocnccd it ciiccr. 1 linvc trl.'il a uaciixzr of I'h5" lrlaij > . but \\illiou : rccculnc any perma
nent benefit. Among the number wore ono or two specialists. The tnciliclno tncy applied
va like fire to the tore , cancing intense jjrua. I caw a statement In the papers telling what
S S. S. had done Tor others eioil&rlf aQlctcd. I procured come .it once. Retard I hoa nsed
the Eccond bottle the neighbors could uotlco tlial. r\f cancer vrsia healing ay. Jly ROD -ral
health had been baa for two or Hires yeara I liaan _ hacljliij ; cmicn nna epit blood contlu-
tialljr. 1 hid a ECYCTO pun in my trcjtt. After ( eking i\z. \ bottica of S.'S. P. mjr cojyn Uft
me rnd I grew sloiitir than 1 lua bfQrt for t7Cfil jeijrs. My cafccr lus licaM ovfr all lut
u little f | > ut about theelasof u Unit dlop. cRtl it id idptdly dleiipcurifcg , I ouUl adUso
emy one will oucir to ehe $ . S. S. n-falr trial. W-i (
MM. NASOY J. iicCOXAUOnEr , Asha Grove , TtaecMOo Co. , led.
Feb 1C , 1SGO. V f. ,
Swift'u Specific is cnllrelr voplr..ilr , and coons to csrocaTcn fir forcing out the Impa
rities Iioia tUu bluoi 'i.-Jat.u u i Itioo 1 unil Shin I'.xaisi milk I fi o.
SHU HWiFT SlT-tlP-i. t O. , 3 , / Httls , Ga.
LlKJi Sluuii uUffllilloolJM
OHO. BOHKE , jf9r.
KKFEHKNCES : .Merchants' rtml Fanners' Uanlc , David City , \eb. ; Koirifv National
UnnfcKearney , Nob. ; Columbus St.itoFanners' Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Unnk. NoitU
Mntti' . Ni'b. ; Onuih.v National Hank , Oinah.i. sTftti .
' ' attached for two-thirds value of atook
\V111 \ par customers' draft with bill of ladmu'
all of the city. Lands for snlo i
1'roportj of every tlrscriplion for sale in parts
every comity in Nep'nisicn. ' '
Of Titles of Douglas county kopt. Altp : ? of the city state or county , or any other
information desiruil , furnished Ireo of clutrgn upon upp.ication.
The cool weather is now upon us and it is the
duty of every man to take care of his health.
This cannot be done unless he has the proper
Underwear to keep him warm , and if he would r
see a line that will SURPRISE him as to
Price , Quality , Texture and Quantity ,
Pie should visit the
New York and Omaha dotting CoH
Who can show the most complete line of Underwear - |
derwear in the city. A small idea can be form
ed by examining our show windows where can
be seen a few of our medium class goods.
ygrgnpEre :