Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 21. 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES Adx'CTtl'cmcnts under this he d. 10 cents per line lor the first Insertion , < cents for each Biib- gequent in ort.on. nnd Jl.SO a line per month No ivlvcrtidomont taken for lf s thnn 56 centi for the Hrst insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line : thny must run consecu tively nnd must bo paid In ndvancc. All ndvcr tlfemcnts must bo handed In bpforo 2 o'clock pm.und under no clrcum tances wili thcj betaken taken or dlsconllnued by telephone. 1'nrtlts advertising In the o lolumns nnd hiv- ImrthonnsweMHi'drcs'cil In cnro of THE linn will plrnso a k tot n check tornnblo them to get their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All miswers to nd- vertlwrnents should be enclosed In envelooe . Snn.oori to loin. Sums J5)3 and upwards , . Lowest rate * . Demi ? , 15th ntid Douglas sts. _ _ J _ 003 _ -\f O.Nin T ( LOAN O F. Davis fc Co. ftcnl 111 Ujtato and Loan Agents iWi Farnam st MONIJV Til LOAN On real estate and chut- tcls. D ' . .Thomas. fill _ _ MONI'Y to Invest If you bnvc peed notes to poll call on J. 11. rnrrotte , lth and Chi- c.-qgo. SOU _ _ ONIY TO LOANin sums of f2oo and upwards on tlr"t class real cstato security. I'otterM Cobb , 1515 Farnam Kt _ 012 MONEY to loan on chattel and real nstnto : fnlrralo Interest J. H. Pariotte , ICth and Chicago. 4UO lTxiY I.OAMMJ at C P. Heed & Co's.f-oan olllcs , on furniture , pianos , horsps.vriigiina , liurEonal property of all kinds , and all other ar- tlclo > oCvnlun. without removal. 31 ! ) S Itth , over lllngham'9 Commission store. All bust- ncssstrictly confldoiitlnl. _ OKI TOANS Loans Loans. Heal citato loans. Collateral loans. CtinUello.uis. Ixingtlme loans. Short time loans. Money always ! on hand to lonn on nny ap proved security. Investment securities bought nnd sold. Call at the olllco of tbo Omaha rinnnclnl ex change , second lloor ot the llnrkor block , s. w. cor. of Fifteenth and Farnam sts. _ CorhettMnniiRer. _ _ _ _ 753 _ "Tl fONKV TO LOAN At lowest rates of Inter- OTJu rrton farms and Improved city property. F. .1. Day A : Co. , room "i , ( "rouso blouk , S. H. eqrnorOapltjil avenue nnd Ifith street T TAMIK riic : ci : > T monev to loan on O 5 farmland city property. L. P. Hammond , ( loom it , IKS Douglas St. , Omaha. 70S ijJ&OO.OO ) To lonn on'Oinalm city property nt U P per cent. Interest. G. W. Day , over IIM2 Pouglnsst. 013 n Pint ur.ST Money to oan. .1. J-Mahonoy , 1501 Farnam. WJ I'KK OKNT money to luan. U. C Patter on , 6 13th and Douglas. C03 07 , nnd 8 percent nioncj to loan Mortgages < taken In exchange for real estate. Central Investment Co , Itooui 7 , llatkcrUlocki.or luth nnd rarnun 029 "IXfKhavo cheap money on long time , in any V > quantlty.toloaiion inside city propcrty.or torin land. MoribnU & Lobeck. 1511 Farnnm st Hbf KY TO LOAX At lower rate thnn any where clwj in the chy. on furniture , pianos , orpins , horses , wnifons. or ftock of any kind. Uninember , at IOWIT rates than anv other loari cxjinpany m the city. City Loan & Mortgngo Co. . room 15 , HOI Fnrnam st , opposite Poiton hotot 005 MOHKYtolonn by the undersigned , who has thn only properly onranbod loan agency in Omaha. Lonns ot J10 to $1,000 made on fur- nltuio , pianos , organ ? , horses , wagons , machin ery , Ac. , without removal. Jfo delays. AH bustncM strictly confidential. Loans FO made that any part can bo paid nt any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rota. Advances mode on flno watches and diamonds. Persons Bhould carefully consider who thov are dealing with , ns many new concerns nro dally coming Into existence. Should you need money , call nnd sco mo. W. IL Croft. Room \Vithnell Iluildlnir , Ifith and Hnrnc CO CKNT Money to loan. Stewart i Co. , 6. Hoom 3. Iron bank. Kth nnill'arnnm. C07 BUSINESS CKAHCES. FOIt SAf < E Or exchange for good stock-of gioceriosin first class location , 240 acres nice land in eastern Nob. , would pay difference It nny.VG. . Temploton & Co , rooms 7 nnd 8 , Omafm Nfltl bank. MO 31 Foil JiAE < K Interest in Harbor shop , cheap If taken nt once , centinlly located , good trade. Address 0.27. lleo ollice. ' S.V4-21 * TT1OU .SAL.I : 12 room Tintol on corner lot 100 - 1xlSO ft , near depot. $2.000 , 5700 ciish , a good epan lit working horses taken ns part payment , time given on balance to suit. Addiess. T.V 1\ box 15 South Ilond , Nob. 550-5 * J.iou SALI : "A Dalry df 33 cows , nearly nil 1 frohwlth all nppuitcnanco. including horse milldelivery team and wagon and u good milk route. Terms easy. Immediate possession. Enquire of Satn'l J. Ilowetl , otFico 217 S. 14th. 289 TjlOll SALI3 or Exchange for Omaha real Jcstatn ! , drug store in suburbs ot Omaha. Call or address 1118 N. 16th street. 483-2J * FOH SALE Implement Btoro- and blacksmith shop , combined or separated , In ono of tlio Jivelost ) townuiu Nebraska. For further par ticulars address L. D. , post bos 101 , Boomer , Nob.- EC3 03 * KAtir One of the oldest established FOH grocery business In thu city , with n very largo , woif-pnylnjr trade. Wilt eichnnso for Omnha reul estate or part ca h nnd balance se cured note * . Good reasons eivcn fbrsnlllnij ; Address 1415 Jonea. UU7 FOK.SAI.K Or trade for Omaha property. The best located livery business , with stoolc in the city. I/onzlrasoof burn at cheap rent. Maynollros.,1519 Farnnm 411 TjUm SAM : An nld and vie ! ! established -I ? grocery buslneas , address L 10 , lleo ollice. \ * 105-S-21 T7voit ; S.vr.n First-class mont innntet with Jnloo fixtures , all complete : need trndo ; test ot rcnpons for lelllnp. Cnll orwrito to Goo. W. MHKEOII , 1CJ1 llowaiil. filS H IotsFarm , l4inds money loaned. ' mill nnd Douglas stiouH. 010 ovsra. TAKIIN UP A black nnd white 3 year old con * , at the cor , of 20th and llrl.itol , one mlle north of lttnor'8 brink yard. I'runtt K. Tt\ . gi S 4 11 13 2.ri _ I.OST. _ _ IOST Small pearl locket and iieck-obaln of > plated Kdld , Locket had a Bnntloman's pic ture mid lock of dark hair. Itnturn to 411 3. 11th midget rmviud. Sol 21 * T , O5T Txidy's ( fold vrntch , Sunday , Sept. 19th , 4-i on IWth St. , St. Mary's avoiiuo or Fnrnam Btrcets. Under will bo rewarded by leaving nt thJsolllco. _ _ f U x-0 * TOST A void liioast iiln , on H. 10th Etreot J A rovTniil will ho puld for the rolurn ot the Bnma ut t'rocery , corner of llioUory nnd 10th. Btreot. 47D-3I. _ STHAYni ) Sept , 14 , brown colt. 4 months old. I.thcrU : rewind for information whom ha is.J. _ .VnrRliall , 3 > aS.SMat. _ _ 41J LOST Monday , Uth , blaolt onyi bar pin In- lalil with pearls In shape of sheaf ot oata , In Nottli Omaliat return to city marshal and trot lownrd. list iil * IOST A line rod halt chtivtl , r.'iout 8 o'clock J SnUmUiy ovcnltur. J.eave at this olllcu ana policwanl. Sal BOAUDIXa Good day board , 1010 California 447 QIC'- _ _ BtAtI ! > - - N. 35th at. filS IJKJtSONAJ. JtassaifB trcutuier.t liy ; m riunci"i nurse. Torins rotuotiab'o. j .n .j onlrra mom 10 , n. o. ror. Uth nnd Dottleilra. . lleo. Pobt , n , u. cor illnir struct ami Patrick avo. rANTEll-Piip.U for Qcrr-ian and Latin , - ' - - care , eowpotpncy , enc " ' " " - _ "i O r.UFOKAL Koai an 1 tnety all-vruol buslnou lulls , ST. U O. Joues .t Co. , American ' , isoj Farnam at. Mall onlrri tided. IDKIlSONAIWanted private fitorshlp-Mu- * - si" , Al ; lanjuajfca. JnRiiih ifib ; ls. Tbor- , ei'cluiiny. : M 1'Jltua oilie. . e , csrMax Meyar. 831 O S * TpEUSONAI.-lr . Tr Kuniiie V. Wnrreu J. rialrvoyant. Mpdicul end hiulnou Medium Hoom No. a , 121 Noith ICth it , Otualm , Neb , _ _ fit _ r boy borroir A money , nrct-tftn ub&lruct of title. p > tht olllct of It. C. I'ntterson , Wtb and U V I'Kco $ montusy. A Jioiyc , 6.-0 . Paper contains noi riy2JO advertisement * from ladic s nnd gentlemen wnntlng eorrrspondants. Pent 3 month * for 10 CPhts. Address , Helping Hand , 70 LaPnlle St . Chicago , 111 W-.V \ \ r.t.NTiiTo9pU -A well oMMillsbcil and IT pnjln ? butt r nnd cirtr lm inw nt n ( rood point. Apply by letter to O 10 , lice o'S Omahn. Noli. 42J-21 STKNOOUAl'in nnd Tyjietrritincr chooL llooms 7 and ? , Iron bank. U , W. Halter. 1BO rpltl'.F.S , Ito p , hrub .ctc . plantpd free tor . . pr on buylnirof Uo'iBla * Co. Nuiserles. C.n. llowiird. Prop. . ! ' . O. botJW. hnlS * 11 KKNT-Pqunro Piano , S tnontnlv. A IIospQ 151S Douglas. C21 71OU It KNT Organs , fs per monta. rio pe , 3 1513 Uoufrlns. 022 TOIl SAXZ ! j < OH SAI.K riean Ptock Grocorlc * & Crock- J1 cry : invoice auout $2VM. Dost town In J < etir.tsUn lo do protltalile , cash trmlo. Will takupart rnsh , balaneo iinlncumbored Nebrn - Xn Heal K lat - . Address nt once V. care of 12J Soutli 10th St. , Lincoln. Neb. M8-2J * Foil PAI.K Hor'o and bupiry , apuly at tn- bies.s w corner Uth and Chlcnvo < ts. SI7 227' T nit SAI.r. Span mnllnor e .clienp , suitable Jfor delivery uiiifon. Inquire room 1 and 2 , Omnha National Hank. 4fo 31 TTUJRSAtiB-Ono milch covr , 1707 Cnss. Jj 8BJ 21 17 > 0lt PALlT-A Slono rnph at 70J Nrorth lath J strcet. Sn--O. ' 17\OHSALB-rurnlturo \ of 10 room boarding -LA bouse , house for rent , l.VW JneJi onft _ , FOR SAMJ IIand omoqunro piano , nearly now , for Ios4 than half price , ferca h or installinoiit * ; 411 > , 14th. 313 20 TCTOK SAf.lT-CiuT raph , In good order. ? J5. J Address M Malice. 807-ia' FOK SAI.n Ice In cnr load lots. Address Gilbert llros. . Council lllulls 831 1 FOIL SALI * Furniture andl cn o ot six-room house , , time on part. Call 1203 North 27th street , tno blocks from lied Cnr lino. 693 HTillSKS Lots.VarmsJjinrts money loaned" BomH 15th and Douglas streets. G23 FOH SALi : Two No. 1 , second html , canopy top Surrojs : also two peed , second hand phaetons , at 1 < oy lode ( street 235. FOIt SAU5 Cnenp. iron column ? nnd win dow caps suitable for front on brick build- Ina. For partloulari apply at this otlice. S13 WAJITED rEMAI.13 HELP. 17ANTKO Ono or Uvotlck nmkoivvlth mil- > chines. Apply nt807 N. 17 st. nttor C. n. m. 4I1-2. ! * V ANTHI ) \ first class ghl. Good jmy. IJodKO. WAXTIMl A girl for general housework nppl > at once at 1415 X 13th. 443-25 * WANTi : ! ) Kxpcrlvnced ladv booKkccpor and Cashier In nllr > t-cln < ; s retail siore. Best ot reference required , nddresa O " > , lleo. 51S2I WANTi : 3 peed chambermaids , 012 Douglas. \VANTED Girl for general house work > > 1450 S. 14th st. , J. Keudia. G27-25 * WANTKD At once.a good cook , two In fain. Ily , at No. 2210 Dodge Etr. C23 'ANTED 2 dining room girls at Danlmum's rcstuurant , 1511 Farnnm st. 513 22 I/ANTED A peed woman dlstiwiishor nt i Danbaum'a restaurant , 1511 Farnam st. KO-22 \\"ANTT ! U Lady bookkeeper , tor part or whelp of her time- Address H. C T. . 10-fl S. 20th street. G05-JO' WANTKD Oue girl for ci'neral housework , nnd one good cook. Apply at The Fair. 500 South 13th st 010 21 WA > TKI > April ] to do housework In a turn- llynf two. Imiulro at 1010 Center st- tOf,20 * WANTED A nurse for small children. Mr . Warreu Svvltzler , 25M St. Mary's avenue. WANTKD 3 or 4 lady canvassers , call at cor IBth and Davenport. 3j.'l 20 * "VVTANTED Ono hundred sirls for city , good W place * and good wajcs. Omaha fimnloy- ment Uurenu , 119 N , Ifitlixt 3. > 8 \ * ANTEDOirl"forffcnoral liousutrork at 033 Virginia uvo. 42722 * \NTKn Good girl for gcnaml housework lit 1415 Jones St. 371 w A XTii > 2dlnlnir room gliM.l dishwasher. Miller's restaurant , UUt N. 10th street.MO MO WANTKD GUI for coneinl housework In small family. Mis. Tlios F. Hull. 1541 Sherman nvo. 913 WAN TKJ > Ladlca to work for matt heir own homes. ST to S10 per week can bo quietly mado. No pnoto. painting : no canvass ing. For full particulars , plonso nddress at om . Crosccnt Art Co. , 10 Central St. lloston , Mass. , nox5170. aU'Oll * WAXa-llU-Femaro cook at City Hotel. 53S 20 1 i'ANTiil , ) Good girl for general noiibovronk 11 Inquire 1T23 Dodge. KO 21 WANTED A woman cnpabFe of doing : flrst class woik by hand or machine , apply W. Harrison , care of S , P. Morse & Co. K i 20 T\rANTED Girls for all kinds of work at ii Omaha Employment Bureau , 113 north ICth at , n35 WANTKD A elr for Koneral housework at JiU4 Sherman nvcJld house north of Grace St.8 )4 ll > Head rook at the Famous res- tnunint , 313 S llth St. 783 . w .ANTIJU Girl forpcnoral housowork.Gor- manprofcrrod. No. 1U1S Capitol avonuo. B82 WAXTKti-GlrlntlOi SJith dt. forgenoral housework In omnll family 405 W.VNTiu : 2j young ladles and gents to learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentgood. Address W J. D. room l.CrouiiRoblofk ICth st , Omnhn. 025 WAUTEU MALU \\T ANTUD 10 carpenters. Apply nt once to V > Potter & Cobb , 1515 Faruam St. M3-21 WANTED A Carringcsmith helper. Apply A.J. Simpson , 14IW Dodge. 55721 WANTKD Immediately , 40 shovclora to wo'k on grade , Wnges , J2. Apply at out ou > Io. Paclllc , two miles northwest of Papilllon. Peter Hanson. MJS-21 * WANTKD Carpenters on Michigan street and Catherine. 5012U' A ( rood Gorman boy to lenrn the > t narbor business. Imiulro of LM Knut- man , South Omaha. 45020 A-7AXni > 2 good salesmen on salary or ft commission. A , JVooJ , JI01 Dodtrest _ 4-12l ANTED VJrst class younir man , fully com- pctoiitto keep books , must know how , bo must also be stilctly lonipcrau. % with the best of rofcrenco uccoinpunylnc unsnur , luidruss O8 , this olllco. _ 428 WANTIU1 Ton carpenters. Apply at I2tii nnd Nicholas. Shaw & Field. 47JJ-21 * WANTED A BUlostnan to introduce a new Bpuclrtlty nmonir tmdeapconlonnd mechan ics. Address with refercneea uid past cxporl- ence. Cox O-Jl , lleo office. 4tt7 V\7"ANT11D A few more arenU to introduce I our Automatic iluaicul Instruments , ou Installment * . Anyouo oan play them without mmical instrtietton , the bast payinir , oasirat Eolllntr novelty over knovrii $ to f 11 R voek can bo realize 1. C , U. Lee , Manager , 1207 Far- iiam street , up stairs. 4S8 ANTKD TaUor , S33 3. llth St. , imme diately. ] 483Jl * _ _ WANTKD A peed tailor to work ; peed wau-CJ and steady work. Joi P.'poA Albion , lioono county , Neb , * st 20 1ANTKU "X few good ucents , call at nor 13th and Davenport. Itoom 20 , 35J 20 * Iiistallmnnt canvassers to call at 1.M7 Fnrnnm Et , and hie wluit vro have to oiler. C , K. I-ot , Minister. u75 TxTATiTiru A purchaser for a liardwaromoct ii nndtraxlo in ajool lorulon. lUiaiuuni pood. I. MV Vi'iiltnor.lluruett , .Neb. 104 21 WANTKU-AJewr.ctlvu youn meu of ? cod cliartclcrnnci rt'Mrfs 10 ffi > to fowa. J. M. Frtmch & Co. , room 18 , llJSUmaii llinck. i for Black IliN'oiHfisIon. E. S. Albrlelit Labor AKnncy , 1 > W Farnam. 64) " 1 VTANTnu A-f irony boy ut A. tor-oil 8. 13th 81 r t. A rArapetent Rnd rollnble enles- but'lu liuouf tiaplo iroodi lei tUo Onmlio gnHH > iT nnd butcher tr d ; nddroM li. A.J.ocl.0AUo. . , lil 31onrou _ C. Chicairo. L24 21 WAKTJIU 10 flrtt-class c.itiiontem , corner 24tU uud JV > Jio tu ; ftUo ono first-class slalrbnlMcr. \VTANTKI-G Qfrn' agents. Good salary , or IT fXX > on the li lur to wholesale my goo Jj. Harnchnr.o to iraku roonoy f > "o compeiltiou. fitrtctiy busineris. .Nono but ! nu.lncf6 men need Dly | AdJtfMviilh etaispF. M Wcnver. In- led U < U t 61TUATIOH WASTED. _ \ \ fNTii : IJyn rortned middle nRpd eastern 'i lady n position n hou o keeper In Hrst eld ! ' hotel or Rentleman's familj where * er- \nnts nro kept ilcfprenceo given and required. Adilros * , < 1U' , Bceofilcu. _ 4H33 * \\AXTP.D Ily a younir man of twenty-two , ' ituallon asrepoitcr on a lea llnir daily , rofcrtnics furnished , address O 21 Dee ofllcc. Mi - U * " \\rANTiD 1'osltlon by n competent bool > ' keeper , pooil rercronco * ( riven. Addro" . O. N' Iiollieek care ot Bovlns Cnurehlll , 13O ! Douglas st. 655- ' ; * "I \rANTnn-PHuatlon wanted bynn oxperl ' CIICIH ! iHtolVoopper and nceoun'nntlest references nddrc I ) 2. , lice otlico. t ) - ! "VA AXTKI ) A position ns clerk or office num. ' by a youns man of peed character and nblllty. Itefercneo given. Address W. T. Me- Cusruo Hros , Omnha , Noh. 50.J 20 17ANTKD 3d or 4th floor for manulncturlmr Adnre sO3' , lleeoltlpe. f > 00-21 * y'AXTHD A R-entleman vvlshos a room Ina ' pr'vate family whi-ro there are no other roomers Address , staling terms , O ! , lleo otllce. . S-2 * " \TANTIH Tn rent house , from to 7 rooms , T > ea t cf 24th nnd south nf Cumin ? > t. What have you ? State location nnd price. Address 0M , cilie Bee otlico. 623 1 * _ "I7 ANTI2D To buy a good drlvlns horse on monthly payments. Apply 120 1 Fnrnnm. 6JO 21 * "lyANTHD Small cottaito or part of house In * > peed neighborhood. Address It 1) . 62(5 ( , I'lcnsnnt : III1I . fJlT " ' rANTKl ) Store room nnd pnntry f Omaha Club. CIS 20 * WANTKD A comfortably turnl lie < l loom by ayntinu Kontloman , nddrois O ) . Clco olTlee , stiituis orlc-o per month. ffJ4 21 * \VANTKI1 Newspaper : republican paper nt fomo county scat In Nob- , Iowa or Kan ; . dn = crlbo o.TIc" , ( five lowe t cn h price and Bend copy of paper. HOT 512 , Mlauilsburg , Ohio.It It T\7"AJfTKD A suite of 2 or 3 unfurnished Tl rooms for physician's oOice , between llth nnd Ifltli tts. andDodifo- and llnrney. Address " 0.21lcootllco. ] . 511 \\7AMTnn-SO , ) yards of onrth , at Pl.P.irk Avo. , John Grant. 613SO' vV ANTED An unfurnished room. Address O. 1 , Hoe offlco. 4T2-2U \7ANTKU Fine vcst-mnMng. nt 1011 Dnvon- port. 4ISE2 " \\TANTED A cottage of 7 or 8 rooms , hath , IT etc. A < ? drr3sO'J , care of Reo , 42521 * " " " T\7ANTE7)-lOoT "dlrtfTiith and > Nicholas streets Shaw & Field. 430 22" "V\7ANTii : > Position In a bank by n young ii man. Will give best references. Address , It , lock box 20 , Audubon , Iowa. 357-2:1 : * TVTATf rii > I want to rent n peed 7 or room * T lioiuo in ( rood location. Famllv ot lour persons. No children Address M , 02 , lleo of fice. 314 WANTED Two unfurnished looms over or ncnr a dry ( roods Moro centrally located suitable for dressmaking parlors bv n reliable tenant. Address , Dress Maker , No. COO N. 10th at. 52D-21 * " \\7AifTKl > Tofflve away some ISOJyardsof if oartb pdod tii at 044 South Seventeenth street. A liberal bonus will bo given to the man who takes it. < ! o. examine , the pile nnd Fend your bid to r. J. Fitzmorris.lleo otlico. 2CO WVNTEI Evcninn employment. bookBce [ > - inj ? or ottierwisu. Address , IL C. McCluio , Land Department U. P. It. IL Co. 109 y7"A > TEI-'rcnms. T.Murray. TOR BEES HOUSES AKD I.OT3. FOK IlENT House of n rooms , modern Im provements , 3 blocks frompoatollico. Iu- o.ulre 17J3 Dodge. 44 FOit KINT One-half brick store , 22xM ) , in Grand Mand. Gouts furnishing ; goods Of millinery preferred. Good opening for a live man. Correspond with Ivnapp Bros. , boots and shoes , G rand Island , Nob. 2 , " > 2 25 Pull ICCXT A3-roomhouso and a G-room house , 1004 N20th street. Apply toll. F. Martin.318 S Ijthstrcot 124 Foil HUNT -S-room cottjijo. llarney near tDtli. $33 per month. S. A. Sloman. 1512 Karnani Bt S03 F oil ttBNT Gopd V-room house monem Improvcmentg. Inquire 1J1H l irnam , 710 Ol KKNT A store. oed locality for dry goods , boots and shoes. Imjuira 1412 S. 13th st. Gs8 "I7KMI KKNT Now 0-room house , 1 mile from X1 P.O. . .citynr.vter , etc. 1 > . C. Patterson , Omaha Nat'l bank , 740 TTIOUKKNT The German.VI. E. church ouild- J- ing , on the southeast , corner Tcvolfth and Jackson streets , for an v legitimate business. It. C. Patterson. 13th andJJouuIas. m flOH LEASE We have eleven acres on O. P. It K , trackSOO foot front : will lease all or port for live vears. Belford AiSouer. 0-7 BEHT E.0011S. TjlOll KENT The party who took the foiirnn- -L furnished rooms at 2u20 St. Mary'tj avo. will not rciiuiro the game. Thcr aru lor rent. 5U21 * TTlOit HKNT Two rooms furnished for light JLJ housekeeping , 1117 Howard st. 541 21 * FOR RENT Ncwlyfurnlsiiert suite of front rooms , water , gas and bath , 1015 Capitol avenue. 512-21. * F OH IlKXT-A lint In desirable location , vrhioh cnn be comjileted about Oct 15. Can be l a ort f or low rental by n party wllllnirto advance $300. " Address.O 15 , Boo oflico. 459 THOU UKNT Eiegantiy furnished parlor JL ; auitablofor two and flrat-class table board K02 B. IQUu 484-23 * F R UKNT Nicely furnished front parlor bedroom , 1615 IJodgo. . 4KJ'21 ' TjlOK KKNT Nicely furnishwl front room , - - . with or without private board , lor two younp gentlemen : room $10 per month. 01 S. IStb st 491 20 * FOH HF.NT Pleasant furnished rooms at 019 noithl'Jth street 4Ui 22 T OU ItKNT IMrnlshed rooms. 2 03 Doduo -U street. 320 20 _ FOR KKNT Furnished Rooms with KM and bath andKocd board , 5-1 Pleasant 40i-21 ! * TT1OH HK.S'T Fumlsliod parlor and cnnnoetlng' -L bedroom , with use of piano ; 411 N. 14th. 313 20 OH HKNT-Front parlor , with boaia , for Kontloman ; references required. 1724 Douglas bt & 21 20 , Foil UKNT-Nico furnished room.vvlth board ? best loeatlon. l'J03 I'm mini st. 3Jt 21 * Tnoil KKNT With board , furnished rooms , -U 1711 * Cuss st. 40331 * T710K KF.NT-Two nicely furnished rooms , J SJiil Farnam st. 3S7 21 * _ , OR KENT Hrst class furnished room and JDJmnnl ! 1314 Capitol aye , THOU K11NT Nieclyfurnished room. 2511 Stt JJ Mary's avo. 234 _ FOK RENT Furnished front parlor or parlor and bed room. Apply at 003 North Kill bt. 218 FOR 1C KMT Nicely furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen , modern conveniences , oil ) N. 17th it 175 MEN IXMlrln'ir nicely furnisnod J- room with use of bath and was , cell at s w corner ot Webster. Hoard can bo had close by. iXK-oetfl TTlOIt icuxr Pleasant furnished rooms , -U' south front brick Hot , board can bo ImJ next door. Apply at 1416 Chicago Bt. 013 "rntii : HUNT FurnHheJ rooms , 1COI HownTdT * ] 74 04 " 171011 HENT Fiirnlsholroonnforllffht house X' keeping In Hoemor's block cor Kighth and Huwanl. KM "pHU IUIXT tuniliiioi rooms , 61l > PleasanF " OR IlKNT Kowly furnished room,2111 St. ' Mnry's avg. 70 ! TTIOH 8ALK Parlor tadrooni nnd kttt-bon Jfurnitur carpet9ranfoand heatinzstoves , all nearly now. a gentle horse Uvo years old. all at a b.vr in , ( rlvius up housekeeping , 2514 Douglas st , 825 POK itRNT A few oltloe spaces for rent , on with , front window on ground Moor , rnquireof J , B. ILciumtion , l&O ) Farnam ( t. 4M Sopt-25 BAI.B-HOO3B3-IOT3. C OK NAI.i ; New 9 room liouso , furnace , -I1 Krntv , h't-t. city vmter , cistern , cellar , burn , etc. corner lot > OxlS3 it. tluo location , tfl.liU ) . Jlila U a bnrjraln. lletldonceaud business property In all parts of ill * city. SO acres suburlnu property , well situated for tub dlvk ! HIT.will DO sola ut u great bargain ; iniift be told tlitivvuulc. A rare chance for in vestor to double his money Ina few months. \V. O.Tscaplotnn i Co. , rooms 7nnj 8 , Umaba Nntl bank. 515 ai _ ffnoLF.AKS ( \ \ la not much to pay for a lot. * -vJU NO K Isn't , and ; yrt this Is wUut they are toiling for In IlillsJalo on very easy terms. Como imd see Ibis ground. . < ; ! . ! Ames , 1 7 Farnam St. " \\7I5 nre now ' T In lots at f env ? nworth Hu lne > s riace , at the crossing ot. I/eavcnvTorlli sttuet and the Holt Line IU IIT11 ; < S' lcst advantage * for wsro- linu rs on theUfAtV. A splf ndlit plixco for n livery nnd few ! ff n\'lo \ > r n ( rrocery storo. or any lnislnc s roinlrlntt trnckure , call and sro J. V" . lUler. room 7 Iron bank or J.v * . Lo an on promises. " ' ' VA-Sl K A barn : apply atl > arnfh1irf' l- u denco.iHsmS'st , K0S1 * . _ ) . - - iij - ITIIICKSCHUOt/.iconierof Fnrnam and SSth J- t. , 1 BOO frrt from Hodk-A'oprore. Srcuro n lot there bcJoro nrleo pdvanco. 174 13 ' BSBaAmcj , 1:07 rarnnmst. _ _ TVT1CM HOSir.rOtU thst.nearSt , Mary'fTa'oT i- > 2 stoi y hoiiso S room . all modern conve nience ! ! can bo tiolijrht cheap. Gregory A Had- ley , 1312 Douglas sr , liM _ _ " \\TII liavo for ( iTrt omo ppcml Imnrnin * on i ln ldc re hlcncp ami l > tl lnf 4 lot : also lots with ianll en41i payments , balnnoo on in- otiillmcnts from i" > to $ CJ per month. M. O. HiKfln > , 130G DoUKlos sU Vri ) . 273 Frr sale , by M. I. . lllnrln , 11TO 1 > Douula Jt. : A I room cottn e in Omiiht Views well , cellar , hall , closet * , full lot , south rront. Jl.nm. $103 cash , bnlanco SI3.03 per innnth. Will runt lor ilo per montb. \T < ) . 270.-Kor M , III < in , 15)1 JIougla , u now Iflroom liouso.oii licit Uno railroad , with all the modern Improvement * , cellar , clitrrn , well ; pool , now barn : at n bur- Kiiln , or Mllle.xclinngo for other good Omaha pn > perty ; _ OHSAIjR Ily St. I * HlirKliis , 150-3 DotlirliM St. , S acre tract vrlth housn. turn. shed" . shade trees. $1 0 , f750 rash , balance f 10 per month. A bargain , must bo-told at onco. _ < ) . SB For sale , by M. U HlvRlns , 1MJ Douslnt st. : . S cottavca In Walnut Hill , ciich 4 rooms , closet , vrcll , and fence ; ouch lot r. HIM ft. fl.HWoacIi. S Jcnah on each , baL pjrmontu , each Foil SArK-lly > l. FJ. HlKtrlns , 1HW rioURlaa St. , a now 0-room house Shinn's -d add. , with city water , cistern , splendid cellar , bath room , sewerage , now barn , carriage house , lar ro coal house , south front , cheap and on easy terms. OU SAr.t : Hy M. L. Hlmlns. 1503 Doiiffias St. , 2 choice lots in Shinn' * 1st add. Moth front north and sonth. each 00x123 ft. A bar gain nt piivnto sale. Terms " easy. _ FOll SALF HyM L. Hlggins. 1500 Douirlna st. a choice ro ldonce , corner lot , east front , Slilnn's add : sa.TOO. on private terms 1C sold by the 15th , after which out of the market. ' Tmoit SAI.K Hy M L. Hlgplns , ISOSDoiigiaa J2 st.aS-roomcott'igo onSiiuiiilors * t , $1.400 : 5300 cn h , balance easy pa.vments. GooJ barn , well , cistern and collar. Positively n bnrgnln. N'6. SOT For sale , by M. L. Higein ; . I.WI Douglas St. : A new 8 room cottngu. cast front , lot 00x123 : flnushndo trees picket fcnco and other desirable improvements , in Shlnn's odd , ou easy terms. SjO. 20H. For sale , by M. L. Hlpglns. 150 J _ > Doujfliisst J 0 room house , in Uodlck > 2d addition : closets , pantry , cistern , barn slmdo trc ( and fnnco. $3,003. Easy terms , for ten dnys only. 142 B OWLING 5UiiN : lots , * o1) . 10 pcrcpntcimh and So per month. Marshall i ; Lobotk , r amain street. DH LKSSCHANCEl ! taken In buylnsr lot.i now thanorer before. ticc'iuc Omaha Is not nn experiment. A lot In HilUduic coating SJOJ now will bo worth J400 In IS mouths' time. 474 23 Ames , 1507 Fiiniam. EKAirESTA.U3 HAUOAIN-2 beautirul lots on west Cumin ? St. , $700 each Vine har- FalrH. .1. I Hlco St Co. , room 0 , over Com mercial National Dank. 07 < i FOH SALE At a bargain , corner lot 72xlli , paved str et , near business , f3'JOO ' , Stewart Sc Co. , room 3 , Iron liunk. 190 MINUTES Wulk from Ilojd's onorn hou a brings jou to Itodick's ttrovo.whoro Soroao-thlrd cn--h 3 ou can buy a lot at 1.500 to Ii.TnO , while wifWr/'i block lota sell at jrito $ OJ n front rpot > ffhlnk of this and secure n KoaieK' * GrovMot. 474 23 Ames , 1507 Farnam. ' - - front lot on prndod street Sl'LKNDIlV-Vast- in Nelson'sjidd pear CummK'st.for- , only ? oOO , ca R.linJiiico 1U and a jenr's time. 1' . 1) . Tanner &to.7 4'J7-21 3IONTIIS-Krom now will find EIOHTKEN North Omaha lots selling for 50 percent moio tlian prespntrnces. Ulio best judges of Heal Estate vaUjesadtult ihK Come and seolots In AmesTlaco look at the Improvements mnuo there and get a location nt present prices. 474-23 , - ; Ames 1M71 arnam St. t HOUSBH-Loi"aTnisUaniis | toancd. Herois Jittt hud Douglas streets. 018 . 1.4t4.a < 'Brn'islaijiU jnonejrioaned rtnd Douglas fetrtotA * - < BIO REL ESTATE properly bought pays you moro lntorc-trmnyou ; ; ) can gut In uny bank. If jou doubt.this coiflo and see the improvo- inont In Ames Place lied prices asked. Ames. 1507 Farnam. FINE Soutti front ros'donco , lot near Hans- coin Park ? 850. Will UKO n good horse in part payment. F. D. Tanner Sc Oo. 4W-21 1/lOIta.Vl.K Houao , U roomscity vator anit -L ! gas , 1 mile from P. O. , 1 block from stcnr" , price J2.UOJ , small payment ? , balance monthly. Inquire rooms 1 mid 2 Omaha Nnt'l bink. 04 ? HOUSES aio building all over HilUualc , nnd why ? liecauso 92U1 buys a lot there , the location is fine and terms very easy. It costs yon nothing to see HHUdulc , and a llttlo money invested there will double itself. 474.23 Ames , 1577 Faniam St TTIonSALK Wo have sUtoon lots In Ilaw- JLthorno addition that wo will sell : best and cheapest inside property in Omaha. Ucdford & Souor 043 QTHfcET CAIltracK is laid to Itedick's Grove , O the newest and cheapest residence lota in town. 474 23 Amos , 1507 Fnrnnm st. T7oH & BELm'S nlarretU pstato ad every v other day. See it. 234 I71OHSALE Fmocornor In Shull'a addition. JG only $1,550. J. I ) . Evans & Co. 3CO 17 AMT PLACE , most popular location In North Omaha. See tbcso lota before buyintr. 474.23 Amos , 1507 Fnniam. FOH SALE House and full lot in Omaha View Sl.OOn , ftoo cosh bnlanco 112.50 per monthgood well , south front. House and two full lota in Wnlnut Hill , (2,100. $800 cash , balance $20 per month House and full lot on Hamilton st. $2,109. f ITocnsh , balance J2J per month. 100x128 feet In HillMde No. 1 $3,000. South front , facesTouzoIln's lloservo. Lots on easy payments. IJotoro you buy sco It W. HuntroBJ , 13jf Farnam street. ULUt your houses and lots with him. "TJAOH SALE 34 acres of bottom land , all JJ lencod , within 200 ft , of depot , IK acres In atrawjerri ! < 3 , balance in tame ginss. suitable for market or sumll fruit garden ; Sl.-sflO , ? , VO cash , balance to fuit. A bariraln. Address T. W. F .box 15 , South Itond , Nell. SlOaj * TjlOU HALK Oho of the best pieces of prop- Jerty in North Omaha , onn block- from payed street. An ight room IIOUSP , nearly now. Can bo had cheap , if taken nt once. O. F. Davis \ Co. l.VJ'i I'lirnam gtrcou un TWO Jine gouth front loU in Omaha View near Hind St. , JQTiO each , If sold tuli week. Gregory i Hadley , 1312 Dougl'is sr. 310 Q5O ( o people and paved streets mnko OOmaha property the best investment. You cnn buy n lot 10 minutes walk from lioyd's opera house for 11,500 to 81,7 < 0. one-third cash. This Is in Kodlck'e Grove with street cnr track and paved streets , with sidewalk clear to it. 474 23 Ames. lfl)7 ) Farnam. BAHG AIN 2 good houses , one il rooms , one 4 rooms , on Ipt tHpiV ) , fronting ou both I'th and Ibth atl ; collar.wells. olitHras , barn , etc. , f 0,000. Gregory & . jladley , l.'in Douglas st. LJJ. , iroa TTlbU SALE At a bargain on easy torma,3 -L lots In Wosli'fngtou wuaro. | each ft.OO ) . The best corner jn Hunscom Place , 100x150 , . . - d ) . House and lot SQiHO.cnr , 13th and Paul street , ' ' 'isoa'parnnm street ; Marshall & I-obock. 3P5 PAVED STUECTto Itodlck's Grove , I , to (1,700 , omMtalrd cosh , 474 2a Ameg. 1507 Farnain. _ OliSAliU lA'rwiyn house , Guonrm "iTvnTT closets , ifytynf nts , well , nil complete , S4 * jOii , 12ioomhouE4lIaiaet ( | ( , ; closet , pnntry. col- lar , bath roomt , ! iflitiiUluh' tubod , shrubbery , trees , ntco yanl , . b.irn , carriage house , tvto largo clMorna , < jiysnUer. all complete , $1,700. 4 loom houscu outh front , p4ntry , closota , larjjo bay wlnilfVl lstern , cellar , food out houses , easy tennV fi O , 4 room housorvruirury , cloiets , bay VTlndovr Rood cellnrweU and outlioutoj , very cheap , $ l ( 0d. 6 room cottnee ; bay wlndovy , closets , collar , well , cittern , fruit trees , a bnrimln , ti.CM. or with four lot * , cosy terms , t.SXL 'J lots , Plain viuw , can double your money , 2 lots , W. A. Uodlck addition , ei , 3) . 3 lots , Tabor place , for ono week , f 930 , fi lots , Kllby place , will increase 20 percent before - fore snow falls. licaiitlf ul lot , Crcston place. Fairmont place ; An investment In tlicso will dnuWoyonr money In one year. Patrick udaltlon : Lota on oojy terms and lovf prk-cs. If you bavo housed to rent or sell or lots to Bellllstthera with me. Ida a strictly commis sion business and will Ionic after your Iniurcbt 3 lot * , Ambler Place , the bust bargain Iu lha addition. J , II. I'arrotto , 16th and Chicago. 217 HILLSDALE la ineetinir wonderful success beoau&n It i * a kplon Jid looutioa. well built up und selling for J200a lot ou very easy pay- - 414-23 Ame . 1M7 Farnam at BISDO > COMSTOCK , Ti.ur.inco , llenl Estate mid Lfv.n Agent * . Socoiiil * tory Mcrdmnl * ' National bank build ing , would cnll Attciitioii to the toU.miiK list of proper ! } ' whlehthoy odor for sale. Full lot on Park avonuftiVxlHi , containing two hnnd oinr , large cottauo * . n bnrn and nbundnnco of mnll fruit , f I2U1 : will divide , . Pfven-room house , North 19th , noir Lake , U > t on Illondo trcot , one-half block west of Pniuuler * , south hnn o , fruit trees , etc. , f3,70) ) ; houjo nnd one-halt lot , Harripy trpetCiipitol Itlll additionpast-front lot.BOtHJ. S , > .j u Twenty the lots In Mlby Placp at from $ * VW to f l.iiOU. Twenty-flvolotMn Dwlght i Ljinnn's addition from J6.V ) to JSW. Five room cottage and b.irn , lull lot. nlxK7.ln Marlon Plnco. only two blocks ironi the street cars , fl.fO : ? 50 > ca h. Two good Ion In Patrick's second n Iditkm nt $ lJNio each. A corner In lltirr Onlc. 7S I37 , Ju t smith of llansrom Plnco , r.,00i.i : 3700 cash. A bargain in acre proper ! } . Fifteen acres three mllpswo t from the po'to'IH'e , botwi-en Leavenwotth nnd Dudgo streets , adjoining a ropuhir ivldlllon where lots are selling fioiu J3V1 to SMI' ' , for n fcvr dnyjit $ ! ' W | or iuTeono- ; thlrd eneh : will divide. Tills Is nn opportunity ssldom offered to purchnu nero propeityso VTclllocated for plnilini ; at uch a low prici ) . Lots In nil the popular additions to thocltv. Give u * ncall and examine our list If > ou dPSlro So purchnso. X > 1 KV8H A PELHYrsl > lir rei citato ad every other day. flee It. 291 FOllSALK Nice 5 room house nnd 2 corner lot * In Walnut Hill ; < 4 casli baL to suit. CalMartin HO.S Uth SU CU TT AHNA > T sf'avpd nnil car track laid to J1 llo'lick's ' Q rare , make It tlio cheapest ro < - doncopioportv In Unmlia. See It. ami remem- lior lAo. $1,000 nuil 51,70 per lot , onc-thiid cash. Iniys It. 474 23 Ame" , 1507 Fnrmnn. trSlNF.S3 I.OT-n ( Cumin * it. near 21st st MTi o , n bargain for u few days only. F. D. Tnnnur & Co. 4U7-21 _ HEGOUY .t HA1 > LEYI3I2 Douglass ? allots in Hawthorm1 , only a lltlloovcr a inllo from | x > stotllco , thiit can lie soldfor JiKO to $ SJU ; cheapest Inslno property in tlio market. " UEGOHV * HADLKY , Itcnl litnto & Itontal Agouto , 1H12 Douglu * Street. Hero nrc n row of the unrimln * wo oiler. It you don't see what you vumt come nnd see ua nnil wo will show 3 on other * One of thu best cornermen Douglas . J30.00J I'lno corner on Dodeo rontint ? now for $3 , XH per year , lot ( Wxl32 . 30.030 Ono of the beet corners on Cumins sU with 3 cottages , lot UftKU . 13.500 Corner on Cumliijr , 2 story Iramo . . . . 12iU ) ) .Lot ItfJxl IJ on Chicago st. with J houses renting J1.20J per month . :0,000 Corner acie lot on Saundorsbt . 6MX > Lot CI'jV.'M , U-room hoii e fronting Kth st 4 room house frontline Ibth t 2 cls- tcriH l.V ) ( nils , euch , liurn Bliiule noes , fruit trees , etc1. A bnrcnln . . . . 0,003 2torv. 8 room house on 20th st ne'ir ' St. Miiry's ave with city water , pus , nnil nil moJern Improvements . . . 0.250 Splendid lot on Slwiimn nvc. fifixl31.2 houses fronting Uith st nnd 1 f routine 17tht. . , barn , wells , citi > rn , fcc . . 7,000 House 7 room fronting 15th st in S. I' . Roger's mid , lot fiflx MO : cheap . . 13,500 House Grooins.soiith front on Popnluton HVO. , lotGJxlBS ; chcnp . 3,003 FineS room cottage Inilit tor a good homo and that Is what It Is . 2,800 5 nnn (1 ( room oottHges In nil parts ot the city on monthly p.vvments : chcnp va cant lots In nil pnrts of thn city. Hanscotn 1'lnec , Hawthorne. Omnha Vie'v , llLMlford , Orchnnl Hill , Arlington , Kilby I'luco , C-'rthago. Jerome Pnrk , Klrk oed , West Pule , Plain view. Prii } n Park , bpringdalc , Lake View , Crcaton. Como anil see us Telephone 854. liW VOT JIUV lnvc tl tlpitc the merits BI7FOKH of lot in Ames' Plnco. You cnn ee it uny- time anil without oxcnsu and seelnz It Is to believe thiit it offers you a sulo chnncoto doubles your money. 474-23 Ames. l.Tfl" Fnrn-m at.1 ! OH SAl.i : Lease and furniture of n 11 roomed house , 019 N.lfttibt. 4o7-23 XOTHIXr Without feeing it-Seo BITV Illllsdiilonndyon will buy If you wmitu Ifnoil lot for SAiO and can only spate a little money tit u time. 474-23 Amos , 1507 Fiunam st. Lot two Mocks from red cnr BAHOA1NS 5J25cash. Two Hno lots on Cicorsia avo. , near Leavon- worth forS2.WO each. Lot In Claris Plnco. fronting Hnnscom Park $1 , OJO. Five lots 42'5xlfO ' ft. each on soiitli Slth sL , nil for J:1,00) : ) about S cosh. i' . D. Tanner Ac Co. , 1015 Howard st. 4W-21 FOIt 3 ALH-Or cxchnnge. SO or ICO ano fnrm , n ell Improved , 10 mile * southwest of Oinulm Inriulro on piemisos or address 31. M. Pnrrioh , Papilllon , Nob. 323 U 2 R AUK DAUGA1N Tliroo bedroom Miit . par lor , dlniiiR room and kitchen outfits , till complete , will sell tlio lot very cheap. Apply at L13t Uhurlos St. 33321 * T7"EAVEW\VORTir ST. It It. trackaso , ono or J-J moro lots or nnncro , at u grout bargain. Sec J.V. . Lofran , nt Loavbiiworth llusiness Plnco , or Q.V. . Uukor , Hoom 7 Iron Hank building. Bit bit SAT.E A bargain. Lot 6exl".2 , 2 blocks from pobtofllco. $ 0,000. half cash. JIar- shall & LobecK , 1.W1 Farnam street. 213 \ nnd nil of tbo 23 West Side ots uro EACH high nnd beautifulfull si7O , nnd on month ly payments , $200. U. C. Patterson , 13th nnd Douglas. SIS TDETTEU HOUSKS can not bo found In North JOmnhu than Ames Place olTcr . Lots sell on ousy terms. The location la unsurpassed. See this ground bcforo you docMo. 474.23 Ames , 1507 Fnrnnm. EOll SALi : Or oxcbarg-o. House and jot. 18th nnd Nicholas ; house and lot Itth nnd Dorcas. Win L. Monroe , flth and nou Ias. Uil C10H"sAlI ! LoTs 7 nnd 8. 120x15 061. in JL ? block n , first addition to Soutli Omaha. Gallon Fred Lomon. care I'nrmi'rs' Bouso , or address George Linda , P. 0. box 407. Ilnpid City D. T 787 RKDIC1CS GUOVK Is the neuron residence property for Nile ntvn \ to 51,700 a lot. Furnain St , H p.ivua to this addition , and struct car track laid to IL 474 23 Amos , 1507 Farnam. MAUL , Successors to J. Q.Jacob UNDERTAKER S , AND EMBAL.MERS. At the old stand , 1407 FarunmSt Ordars b tclrgrnph solicited and promptly BttendoJ to. 1 clephone No.2J."i TjAflTrnrTrTj euro without modi- POSITIYliberVK" 0 Ono box will cure the most obtina case In fourda/a ofluj.i. Allan1 sSolubleWlBdicatadBou s No nauseous doses of cubebs , copalii'X of Eondalwood that ore certain to produce dyspen- eta lydo trovlngtho coatings of the stomaoh , PrieoSUM. Sold bjr all druggists or mailed on receipt of price. For further particulars sent ten-circular. P.O. Bor I'm.ITTnTJ 3" . c. jSwOJij iuiNr co. , 11111\ , u u * " tSJohnst. . Now York. tues-tli-gtulyuiJc Red Star Line Carrying1 the Bol tum Iloyal and United Statoj ery baturday Between Mwerp & Hew York 10 THE RHIHB , GERMANL ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRfflCB , PALL AND WINTEU. Salon from (60 to 875. Excursion trip from $110 to $ lij , Second Cubm , outwaru tU ; prepaid , 445 ; eicurslun. t'JO. Bteoranassa u at low ratoa. Peter Wright & Sous , Qouor * A rent s. K II roadway. New Yore. Henry I'urUt , Ult > Funmm su : PAUben .t Cu . 1423 Furuaiu M ; D. O. Fruc'jaan , J'J iiurniun tt P. BOYEB & OO. Hali'sSaFes.VauitsJimelocks and Jail Work. 1020 1'urnam Street. Omaha. Neb. Ollice , 1411 I-2Fui-imm. Residence. BOtii uud Cullfurula. Tlic Olnclcri of tlic Alp- * . t'rofes'sor lltliu lias mtiilo a csircful sur vey of tlii ? Alpine glaciers , and reckons tliom at 1,1. VJ. ot which SJU arc each loiiccr than 7.0) tnctcrs ( moro than 4 ( Inilit ) . ! retu'li territory incltnli'.s III of tlmm , Italian 73 , Swisi-171 and Austrian 405. The total superficial ari-a of those placiers inabe s-et dovvn at betwcon a.WO and 1.000 c kilotiu tors , or bo- tvvcpn six and su\cu tinus the area of the Isle of Man. Thti area of the Swiss Rla- cioM is laid down in Iho olUoliil survey * at 1,831) ) < iiunre kllometor * , the bulk of the rcmaluilur falls to Austria. Tlie lonjiest of nil is the Aletseh fjlaeicr , which js ever twontj-four kilometers ( about lif- tecn infleH ) in letijilh. As tt > Inn lliiek- nu > s of the glaciers , no reliable data are forthcoming. It may bo veniombereit that AKa < ! > i , in the series of investii .i- lions and measurements which ho. car ried out on the Aar glaciers over forty years ago , e\eavatod lo a dupth of " 00 mctcr , ( ovcr 8.VJ feet ) and Inu' ' not fjot lethe the bottom. He estimated tlio depth of the Aar clacler at a uoint a little below tlio junction of the Ktnster-Aar and tlio Lautei'-Aar glaciers at 400 meters , or about 1,510 feet. An Asreenlile tJnest. Harper's Weekly : The Into Wilson ( J. Hunt at a reception one evening heard a young man express a desire for a drink of wlnsky. "It's the won > t liquid , my friend , ' 'said he , "you can take Intoyonr stomach , and I will Drove it to you. " Ho then obtained a piece of raw beef and mil It in a glass of whisky. In half an hour or so he. took the piceo out and asked his friend to foci of it. It waa al most as tough as leather Hot Springs Hotel SARATOGA , WYOMING , Tlieso water oontain liT n , Potn sitnn , Limn , Poda , .Mniriiesta , Chloride ol odlum nnd Sul phur , und uro a positive euro tor all diseases nitshiff 1 1 DIM nn iir purotnioof the blood. A cer tain BxciHo | for Itbeuiimtism. Daily Stage and Mail Line to and from Fort Steele. Good Physician in Attendance ir. IT. C A DWELL. \\itli minimum capital and risk ITowCblcuBO'iSaccuiinil Men Trade "PUTS AND CALLS" (1. ( c. Insurance nmlnut loss ! for from one to slxtr di\T noiotlatpd with Instruc tions how to oppraic. AclJref a lor HOOK. OUAI.V EXCHANGE , 1)7 CUirU Street , CIilcucu. MAIaT Di tllli < < l for airdiriuul Vxe , TJii BEST TOHIG1 UNEQlUlEDfcrCONSUMPTIO * , WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTSjmESTION , DH. KOVf \VAIMXO. . Fur G m In Chi f , .Vnlfuual Utiarc of N" . J. , writes : "Mr nllciilfna wiw calloi te } oirKrBlou < Malt \ > lii > kc > li } ' , 'r Lalor , Drnggi-t , of Trenton Hint I lutrn usrU n ftn * buttle ! with forbettri effect thiin ftiiy Z UA > luul. T run rccoiitineiidin .votir nrticla in jnv piniticu , anc fit tl It very Hitisl ictory. " BEWA22 cr miTAijt : . CT7Tlic Cfanlr hai the ' KLSNt'Q & WEftBELSQtt , 318. 318 aal 320 Race St PbUadelnhia. Pa. Delicious Flavor. No pains arc spared to uiako these meats that caii bo People of EPICUREAN TASTES are highly pleased with them. Ifjroiir Orncir orSrnrlictmnn ilunol Uerit Uiem , send direct In.Vrniour.c Co. . Clitcuyu- " " 'FiwSfuSf ' substitute lor Mother's nilTk ' era Intantum nod Toothing. A pre'.dlfiroatwiYoo'Vfor'oVs * and Foodlug of Infants , nuUlml iroo. OUOOAXa A CO , , Boatoa. LCan Or Iit > I.l < ( uor iluliit , Cured U > AUiiiIiiislvriiix- . Jl.ilneCtuldcii KpctiUn. It an lieKivnn la a cup of c'ltrinor ten without llje Uiio * lmcof ) tbo pvnon tHiinjj It , ii-iUulutcly IIIUUIICM , mid ullt cLVct n > > ruiuiiclc2l iM.T.1y cute , wliel'ifr ( he patient l a nibceratacriikeri ) ! vu wculikllu recU. It lia * beru KlVfn Iu Hiou- W.idjuf c.isei , and in every r.c3A > ierC'tcura bu falloK-ed. It IIOTCIinlla T.\3 ryitcra orc liupieitnalcd till 1:10 : .Sjuicsfe , It becomes.aa ulUt Impoiflttlllty for the liquor uppctlto toeil i FOll HAJ.R Iir rOLLO\V1NO nnUOOlHTS : KHUN < b CO. , Cor. 1,1th and Jcnsla , and ISlh iv fnniinc i < rii. . Oraa'au , : < eb. ' i. ii , iwyenii .v IIRV. . Caunril ItliUU. Ir.vra. Caller writs for lamp'ilet ' rcr.iamlu' l.uudr da c * ESTABLISHED USED IN AIL , . . PARIS OF THE , , ; WCRLB ABBSASElfa .vL -.v- PritMon npplleftt'in ficidby THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE or HIE Chicap.Mitaaokee&St.PaoIR1 . . } THE BEST ROUTE < nn OMAN asi COHICIL BLUFFS il THEE EjftJST. TWO TRAINS tnil.Y IIKTWUUN OMAHA L-QLNi.lI. UIA.FF3 Cliieneo , AM > Milwaukee , St. rani , MhnipniKil Cedar Hnpltls , Clinton , Dubinin ? , Davenport , Hock Isltuul.Ki'conoi't , Kockfortl , Elffin , MniUson , JnnosvlHo , Uelolt , Winonn , Ln Crosse , And all other 'mportnut point * Kast , Northeast unit Southeast. For tlirouirh tickets cult on tlio Ticket Alton nt 1401 rnrniini street ( In 1'aitou HotcU.ora I'nlon Pai'ltta Depot I'ullninii Meet > i'i-s and the fltu t Dining Curs In thu woild urn tun on tlui nmin llnrnofUio CHICAGO. Mll.WAl'KKK Si ST. I'.Utl , ItUbWir , nnd ovtiry attention Is paid to p. > svsngors by courteous employes ot Iho company. It Mu.i.Kii , ( lenrral Mamurpr. J , V. TitUKun , Assistant Gftncral Manager. A V. II. CAUi'CNTKii , GonornI Passong-ar nn > l Ticknt A cn I. ( H'O. li. IlKAFFonn , Assistant General Fiuson- get nn.l Ticket Agent J. T. CL uuc , Ooucnil Superintendent. | t'puM.romhlnal. I "only ono la thn we ACMnllmicmft 'H < ? r j/nannu nt. Stirotltlc.rowrrrui. Dm ablet r Comfortable nnd Frt"erilT . Avoid fmodh OTOIMI ooooirwl. Prn < l 4 iniprorrnrnplilct. Fl.ECJTKIO lllit.T * Toll llmKAHKV HORNE. iMvcHtnp. mi W/IDA.VI / JOT. . Cmctca. Notlcc. QTATEOF NUtlUASKA. Dougln * County-ss. VJ At a county court , held at thu itiuiity court room. In and lor mild county , Sept. l.'ltTi. A. I ) . ISsii. Pi-esunt.j. II. McCulIoch , county Judge , in the mutter of the ostnto of Gco K. Hub- bnril , di'ceiisod. On rondliiK and nilng the i > etlllon of An- nioM. llnblianlv\idow. prnyingtlnit a eortalu Inftrnnicnt now on Illo in this court and pur porting to h ( < the In't mil nnd ! < lament nf ( ivo. K. Huhbnid. deceased , bo proved , probnt- t'll and iillnvreil a such Unlcicd , thnt Oct. Uth , A.D. IKKI.nt lOoVIock a. m. , b < > iwMKiiiul for hearing wild petition , when all perwnis Interested Iu Mild IIIUIHT may npppnr nt n county court to bo held. In and for pnld count ) , unit show pau o why the prayer of said petitioner should not l ) | ( rnute < l ; and that notice of the pendency of sivld petition nnd the hearing thvri'of , bo given to all persons In- teteMed in said matter , by publishing avopy of thliorder In the Omaha Dally lieu , a nou paper printiHl In snjil county , once c-ncli week torthroo successive v > eeks prior to said day ot hearing ; J. H. McCtir.i.ocu , County Judgu. 81421-23 ; -FULLY WARRANTED- ; iAWJwyC" ! * ThelSCobbet Geo. J. Armbrust , 2 0J Cumins t. II. H. lloiMnan , 1S17 1'arnamst. John Hus io,2l ! 7 Ciimlnir st. Herman Kundo , Ol'.l South 10th. st O. I.unirq.-JlS South tsth st. \V. F. Stocrzi 1 , 1IU1 Howard st. M. It. Ton Scotun , 151(1 ( Dod o St. C. W. Sleopor. 507 South 13th St. CHICAGO AND RAILWAY. Omaha , Conncil Bluffs And CMcago. The only road to ftSo for Dea Jfolnes. Mar- tlialllovrn , ( eiar naulds , Clinton , JJIxle. Chlca- BO.MIlnaukua and all points cast To the people ple of Nobra'ka , Colorado , WyonUnjf , Rtnh , Idaho. Nevada , Oreifon , Wachlnston nnd Cali fornia , Itolfprssiipotlor advantaircs notpa&li- ble by nny other llne. AmonR a few of the numerous points of su periority nnjoyrd by Iho patroni of this road between Omnhannd Chlcntro , are Its two tniiai ndnvof DAY COACHES which am the finest tunt human art and lurnnuity oan create. It ? PALACI ? SLCKl'ING CA11R. rfhlch nrn modnlj of comfort and elp-ranco Its PAKLORDItAW- 1NG HOOM CAlLSnnournu < iodbr any. and its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAItS , thu e < iual of which cannot bn found e'aowbere. At Council BlulTs thn tralnsof the Union Pad f o Iir. ponnoct in I'nion Dnpnt with those of the Chirairo & Northwestern Ity. In Chlcneo the trains of this line nmUo elate counection with those of all eastern line" . For Drtrnit , Colunibus. ] ndlimnpoll < . CIncn- ( nati. Nlavnra Fnllp. nulfnlo. I'lttshurr. Toronto , Montreal. I.'opton , Nn\r York , Phlludelphli , Hal- timor * U'nshlnrton and nil roluls In the cact , njk thu ticUctnucnl for tickotH via the "NOH riIWn-TKIIN. " If yon wish the ho-t oirrmodatlons. . All tlAot nctmlH > uli tlclvu.'s via this HIIH. W. HUGHITI' . H. 3 UAIIl. General Manager. Gen Pass , At'cnt , CHICAGO. V.MO II UIUCQ IMtrttO WITH THJ OtOCtM-Ht OF 1 1 ccuurmr vin CEE at EXAH'KIKO THI MAP THAT THP I'r reoxou at Iu mtrl poiltlnu atul UOM rulallouto nil priui-li\l | linn > \ t uil Wlt alllnllil ami lcr falntl | Mni . rumtltuln Hie uiui-t ImpurldU nl T Jill liwifuliluUIn lint r iriu it UirjUKli lmiui Ln tnUou trjil li liirlhn u : l flhl tn | | TH ) : id trnn l tMtwuoa cilia * of Uio Alliuillj iiud Pacific f'oA t . It i al t III * r irarf t * mit lipvt roulc to ali'lmm i * in'j lujuit. V > rlitiA.t nnti h"iiji | < iLtt , nntt currp LJbiiuU3ii VVlljl , > onll Mt Ullcl fc.lHtllwi-JIt , The Croat Rock lulnnd Route * Oncvrnnieni ll | atron tiiit nt iirnmil icni. fill . C.init < .l Lj K.IIJ. uirmuulilr rnU , uft.1 Min-ifiin trxek * ut . * mtuui"u ri * l r ll. * iib ik , l.allriHilltci.itrirtiniMl UrMiwt rt'lln ' imrje aiiifu-i | Mrf rtMlt B liur > * u iili i-uij | . , li II , Itia t Kit It * | irlianiT < .rMtrlu liiitrr riil t n.nd irbi > l. " uul tint tMtUuyaitf.91 n litcb uuTruu Ui I , . ' tl Jrin > lliiii r > iliil > traJD > Cltor .tta-Siil , * .t 1' ' " * " " I ' " " 'l ' nwaiwlliirf WinniTn , r inl r l Ihty lVJi . HacnJ'liflit fullaikU " " HM | bn Tof ile d jrfa. iil n-iiimw" wntos r.irs UK Mi , .wViJ rif.l.ji l.i irv.y i < -n ltoiwi'lii . .i n < l Xmiuii liTmiilAiiliiiuii B I il.o run did Uciihriitwl UilBii > I'iiiir l' r . The Famous Albert Lea Wouto 1 * ll illrj t l f "i > rtt Jtio l t n < n CTit > itn anrl V.ln'nmx'l.-ilSl J'au . . , . ( : i < un < HlMi.Ar n > iu > a ' "t lllniip.Ml.fu-fcl pI.t. In ll ! Trro. | . .Ji a llrl.ikU I--T.II- . , . < > , lni , 1T , , , | . w , jjpr.4 TfJ4u ivi * iun to t ! * w f itr ; ttii fm ummt-r it * torn.rldyrr * . ! , ! , 10 , liO - * . .1 > f I.Ui wS 0&S& ara\Mlt | . . . . aw.t and * H I. fit- , { * 3 > ivi i fAvjmffjSSift " liUfaai * * KU.i umUu r I'r .UwllHl latuimitlba . .t kl.f md ro 4 rt , cl % iJ ! ! , u wj'i . , il.-k.u. .1 htt > rlnW ( rr kri J § . " * J UiM - il l J4 CioLiuU , ut lf/ il. H. CABLE. K. KT. JOHM , IVji' ; S Oj.4- ; U-i-r , lin.I'il A pfc Jrt