Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : IVErtDAT. SEPTEMBER 21. 18801 THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. TUESDAY MOKN'ING. SKIT. 21. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Drlhucd by ttirrltr In nny pnrtof ttio city nt t unity tents IICT week. IMV.Tii.TON , Manager. R , No. 4.1 NlUIIT itITll : ) ) NO. 21. MINOIl MUNT10.N. No\v Vork PhimliitiK Co. Now full poods t Koltor's. Cooper it Mcfici * sell stoves. 1'hn very lo t uiibiiiutH at i3 n dozen nt Uorhnni's. Unn I'O/.PII ' c.t bluets niul n largo panel for i3 50 ut Schmidt's pillcry. Theodore Hrowu ami Carrie Herbert , both of thli o ty , wcro yesterday nmrnuil by JiiRiico SclmiY. . John Murray , .John Mtillioliund and Conrud Millur were ycstunlny linud ? 7.GO ench for bulnj ; drunk. A bniTK.V belonging to 1'olicnniaii Hen- drlcks was yesterday run into by a team L'luif to Kd Hiiiiloii , and Itiukily only slightly damaged. Itogiihr communication of IllufT City hedge No. 71 , A. 1' . and A. M. , tlilsTnes- d'iy uveiimjr , September 21. Visiting brethren coniiully invited. A. J. Drown , secretary. Thu city weighniastnr has boon doing so much business lately that ho concluded to got his scales , at tfit ; citv buililiiiir , In Unit-class order and accordingly has just completed tliu job. Wanted 1,000 families to take Amer ican Hound Washers on two weeks' trial. After a fair trial , if yon don't think them worth tr.oro than they cost , return them to Cooper i\s \ AIclSuo , Mo. 41 Alain street. The sociable of the Congregational church will be hold this week 1-riday evening , at this residence of Key. G.v. . Crofts , 7'M Sixth street. Airs. Crofts will bo : issl ted in the entertainment by Mrs. ISIxby , Airs , ilndil and Airs. Churchill. All are cordially invited. Stump , who was arrested for burglary in Crawford county , and who applied for release on a writ of habeas corpus , bad his case examined by Jndiro Aylesworlh , but was not released. Ho has gone back to jiiil and will have to stay there await ing trial. Kov. 11 Hcichcnbaeh , pastor of thu Scandinavian Itaptlhl elinrcb in this city , will bo away from home for about a month , on a tour out through Nebraska and Kansas , Ho will travel in the inter est of his church , and will endeavor to collect sulllcient funds to pay * oil' the in debtedness on the line now church build ing recently completed on Seventh ave nue. During his absence Rev. C. Jensen , of Kearney , Neb. , will remain in charge. Air. Jensen was formerly pastor of this church , and has many friends hero. Mayor Evans and Supervisor Graham went to Des Aloiuesyeiterday morning to settle up the mixed matter of the double assessment of the Union Pacific railroad property in Council Bluffs , an explana tion of which was iriven in the Bii : of September 8. The city assessed the prop erty in question at $100,000 , while the state board assess the same property at the regular rate per mile , making it only ? 'ji7OUO. : The company obeets to paying a double assessment , and the city objects to this lower one. The two gentlemen who have gonn were appointed a com- initteu to meet the state board , and see if the matter could not bo arranged more to the satisfaction of all parties. Some young fellows went out to lUg Lake to hunt tor ducks Sunday morning. After hunting tor quite a while thov found one , and one ot the parly shot it , The duck plumped into the lake and the shooter started tor it. Hu boldly waded in and when the water came nearly to his chin swam for it , but before ho reached his pri/.o a bold bad man in a boat picked it up and sailed away over the main with it. Wlion In- reached shorn they hunted some more , and linallv found a sunflower. Being determined to shoot something , the swimmer blazed away at the sunflower , when up lumped a man and declared that it was a delib erate attempt at murder. The man declares ho will swear out an informa tion against the shooter. A good many readers of the Bir are contemplating a trip to St. Louis during the great exposition , and there are numerous inquiries as to dates , etc. On Tuesday , October 5 , will occur the grand parade of the Veiled Prophets. The St. Louis flambeau battalion , the largest organization of the kind in the world , will take part. The great St. Louis fair will open October . The Wabaah , St. Louis & Pacilio railway has put rates down to the lowest notch , so no one need stay away on the score of expense. A handsome little pamphlet , giving the en tire programme and full particulars as to rates , eto , , has been issued by the \Va- \ bash , and can be obtained by applying tp any ticket agent of that company. Air. J. J.J. Mitchell , the agent in Council Blulls , will take pleasure in giving any informa tion in hl.s possession. Hats regardless of cost. Closing out hatotookof K. E , Stubbs , comprising Knox's , Stetson's and other line brands. E. B. Williams , _ No. GOO Broadway. Opera house barber shop and bath room. Everything Ural. class , K , Al.AIav- Yin. _ Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement , etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. No. fiaa Uronday. Telephone No. 1 Sii. First class regular dinner S5oonts.l2to3 o'clock , i-luimix chop house , 005 B'way. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E , L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. 13 Cabinet Photographs $1) ) , Quality the lineal. Shorradon , U17 Broadway. Wont With tlio Excursion. On Sunday afternoon Airs. Young and Mrs. Joyce , two sisters residing with their husbands ncr.r Eighth btri-ot and Sixteenth avenue , took the Milwaukee train as it backed down to the transfer , expecting to make a short visit and come up again on the Kansas City train later in the evening. After finishing their vlblt they returned to the transfer and seeing a train there they got on board to come up town to the Alain street depot. Imagine their Mirprlso when thov learned that they were on the Council Bluffs and St. Louis road Knights Templars' special train and were being curried towards St. LoulR , with their children and husbands nt homo anxiously awaiting their return. jllio train was stopped at Minoola where they wore compelled to remain all night , and yesterday afternoon returned to this city much to the delight of their families , who wore hunting high and low for them. Hats regardless ot cost. Closing out hat stock of F , E. Stubbs , comprising Knox's. Stetson's and other tine brands. 15. B. Williams , No. 600 Broadway. Highest prices paid for county , town city and school bonds. O.lell Bros , is Co. , No , 103 Ponrl street , Council Binds , Iowa. _ Fresh oysters in every style nt the Pha'uix Chop House , No , 605 Broadway. ' -'Everad and Eulalia" by Ed. . Wright tt Bushroll's and Crookwcll's. THE OLD SAYING PROVES TRUE James Lee , n Hack Driver , Arrested for n llnrdtr Committed Six Years Ago. THE CRIME A COLD-BLOODED ONE The Case of Dr. Cross to Ho Cnllcil Up Asnin To-Ony nt Olnmooil On the Wrong Train- littilTs News. CIIAItGKD WITH AN AWFUti UtIMU. Jnini's l/cc , a Hack Driver , Arrcstcil I'or a Murder Committed Six Years Ago. About four months ago Sheriff Perry Heel received a communication from New Albany , Ind. , in which It was stated that one .J nines L. Quitui , who was thought to bo In this city under the name of James Lee , was wanted at New Albany for a cold-blooded murder com mitted tln-rc in 1830. With the communication was a picture of tin1 fugitive from justiqc taken a num ber of years ago , in fact several years be fore the murder was committed. The sheriff took his deputy , James O'Ncil , into his confidence and the two worked together on the case' tor nwhite , nnd'iiot being successful in their search 'for the man they took Policeman Nick CTHrieii Into the case , at the suggestion of Deputy Sheriff O'Nell ' , thinking that O'Hrien would be more apt to recognise their man by the picture. About a month after the sheriff re ceived the description of Quinn , City Alarshal Uiianella also received a letter from the authorities in Indiana Inclosing another picture and relating the circum stances connected with the murder. The police force of the city were kept in entire ignorance of the case , O'Brien being the only one on the force who knew anything of the matter , and all ho know was tluit the sheriff had requested him to arreit "Jim Lee , " who hail been a driver of one of William Martin's hacks for about four .yeans , whom O'Brien know and the .sheriff did not. On Sunday morning as Policeman O'Brien ami a representative of the BIK : were standing oii Broadway near Pearl street , Lee was noticed coining along and Ollieer O'Brien walked up to him and escorted him to the county jail , vhcro ho was locked up. None of his friends , not even his wife , were made aware of his arrest until Sunday night about 10 o'clock. The objoct'of this secrecy was that the sherilf wished , if possible , to obtain from Leo Quinn a cdnfession of the crime before permitting anv outside influence to bo brought to bear on him. Lee denied the crime , but finally ad mitted that lie was the man wanted , after which Sheriff Heel sent for his wife , who was closeted with him until long after midnight. Lee having agreed to go with the sheriff without requisition papers , the arre.-t was , at the request of the sherilf , not made public yesterday morning , as th < ! sheriff was afraid that Leo would become - come angry and recede from the arrange ment , thereby making unnecessary trouble. About , four years ago Quinn , under the name of James Lee , married Aliss Christie Alartin , sister of William Martin , the hack owner , for whom ho drove. They have had no children , and several months ago Quinn disappeared , and his wife , not knowing his whereabouts and remembering that ho claimed to have formerly lived at New -Albany , Ind. , wrote to the ollicora there inquiring if ho had gone back. Answar came that they thought ho was , ami requested her to forward his picture. She did this , and they at once Lee as the man Quinn , who was wanted there for murder , and im mediately notified Sheriff Keel , with the result .is given above. Yesterday Airs. Leo repaired to the iail , and was legally married to her hus band under his real name of Quinn by Justice Schurz. and last evening accom panied her husband and the sherilf on their trip to Indiana. The authorities of Now Albany say that on August 1 , 1880 , over six years ago , James Lee Quinn brutally murdered Win. Sharp , with whom ho was at work threshing. That they had a quarrel and sharp words while at work , and that subsequently Quinn met Sharp in the barn and beat him to death with a club , pounding his head to a jolly , and scatter ing his brains about the barn , and that ho then loft town , and they never heard of him again until this summer , when his wite wrote for information concern ing him Since Leo has lived here he has been recogni/.ed by the police as a hard , and he has been in a number of scrapes. Quinn admits that ho had a qliarrel with Sharp , but says it was entirely confined to wonts , and that he did not meet him after they left the threshing machine. Ho says that Sharp went to work in the barn , and he believes that he fell through a hole in the hay loft and fractured Inn skull on an iron rod ho struck in falling. That Sharp did not die immediately , but lived for several dajs. Quinn says ho remained in town for six days waiting for Ins trial , and that then , by the advice of his folks , ho skipped out. Ho ex presses hlmsolt as satisfied that they can prove nothing against him , as he says they have no witnespos except a young boy , a son of Air. Sharp , and that he saw nothing except the quarrel at the ma chine. _ All the comforts of high-priced hotels at the Pacific house , and a saving of OOo to $1 a day. Try it. See that your books are made by Alore- house & Co. , room 1 , Everett blocs. Perfectly satisfactory accommodations at $3,00 a day at the Pacific house , ( Jive it a trial aim bo convinced , The CroHs Case. Lust winter , through the strenuous efforts of his attorneys , Dr. Cross , who was under sentence of death for the mur der of Dr. A. B. AIoKaiio , of this city , was granted a now trial. Ifo was tried and senti'iiced in Mills county , the case hay ing been fakon there from hero on' u change of venue , An appeal was taken to the supreme court , and it is said that court stretched u point in order to reverse the cast ) and send it back for a now trial on the ground of errors committed by the court. His bail wan fixed at § 20,00' ) , for which amount lis failed to find sureties , consequently ho has remained in prison. To-day his case is to bo calk-d up at Klcnwood , but what disposition will be made of it can not bo told. In the former trlal'N. Al. Hubbard.of the firm of Wright , Baldwin & Haldane , a ml J. Y , Stone wore attorneys for E. 1) . Cross , ami A. J , Baker , A. B. Thornoll , Sapp A : Piisoy , and 1) ) . B.Dailoy attorneys tor ( ho state. Messrs Hubbard and Wright Baldwin and Haldano are no longer in the case , which will hereafter bo defended byj , Y. Stone and A. V , Larrimer. The attorneys for the state have been requested to con sent to a continuance , but they are ready for trial and dt'clino , so the defense will probably make either a motion for con tinuance , or for n change of venue. Elctno < ! oor bells , burglitr alarms.and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the No\\ York Plumbing Co. Pacilio bouse recently renovatc-i. Cool rooms , money saved ; comforts -ruined. I'rrsonnl ' 1'arucrnptis. Airs. M. Esti'i-idge , of Hed Oak , is in the city. John P. Burke , of Wahoo , Neb. , is in the city. Professor Lipfort Is the uroml father of a now boy. Thomas Smith , of llarlan , was in the city yi-stcrday. Herbert Brown , of Ottuma. was at the Pacific yc.stci day. C. A. Suter and wife , of Missouri Val ley , are in the city. D. O. Stuart , of Harlan , was an Ogdcn house guest yesterday. J. Ilo'cnbergcr. of Avooa , was yester day stopping at the Pacific E. it , Fonda and wife loft last evening for a month's trip to the Pacilie slope. Airs. A. AIcMadden and daughter , of Diinlap , were at the Pacilie yesterday. William Ilavi-rstoek. of ,1 nines & Hay cr tock , went west to buy a stock of dry goods. A. E. Buchanan , division superinten dent of the Council IIhi Us & St. Louis railway , was In the city yesterday , A. hi'elor , one of the proprietors of the Council Bluffs Herald , has returni'd from Des AIoliH-s , where ho has been run ning the Capital City hotel for over a year. It is Mr 'heeler's intention to remain in this city. TJio Bin : acknowledges a call last even- ing.from Air. W. E. Thresher , editor of the Macedonian , and loader of the Alace- ( Ionian band. , AIiss.AL ( ilcason , the fashionable dress maker o'n Pearl street , has just returned from her nip to Chicago , where she has been for some time studying the latest styks and most improved modes. Airs. W. J. Scoles , the milliner , left evening for the east to purchase new goods. Dr. Ilatton. the greenback and Knights * of Labor candidate for congress , was in town yesterday. The doctor is a pleas ant gentleman , but is hardly likely to bean an AL C this year , though he thinks it may be a close call if the knights will support him heartily. The next best thing to a Richmond fur nace is a Hadiant Homo base-burner. Sold by Cooper & AlcGce. Richmond ranges tor hard coal at Cooper & Alc(5eo's. ( Garland cook stoves are the best made. Get one of Cooper & AloUec. Thn Macedonian Cry. The Macedonians sen ! in a fine hand last evening to accompany the delega tion of old settlers that go from this city this morning to attend the reunion out there. The Alaccdonians are live folks and were represented by a good band. The old settlers hero had already en gaged the German American band , so they will have plenty of music. Quito a number have promised to go , among whom arc J. Al. Phillips and daughter , J. P. CaMidy , wife and daughter , F. L. Aleyer and wife , John Bennett , George Bobblngton , Frank Guittar , C. A. Beebe , David UcVol , W 11. Al. Puseyand family , John P. Weaver , Spell Millaid , E. Thornton and wife , Airs. L. Davenport , Airs. John Bohn , C. Al. Alaynard , Spencer Smith and others. J. 1 $ . Atkins and wife , O. P. Wiekliam and wife , I ) . B. Clarke and family , Ora Clarke and wife , John Keller , J. B. Borcn , William Garner , John Johnson , John Clausen , Airs. Al Knonhcr , Sam Blackmer and wife , M. D. Hanlin and wife. W. D. Ilardm , P. C. DeVol , D. D. Bloomer , William Spetman , C. Slraub , John 11. Plumer , David Abel , O. AV. Gordon , Al. D. and wife , Charles liaughan , John Dohany , H. P. Warren. MaHoulc. Harmony Chapter No. 25 , O. E. S , , are making great preparations for their ball and binquet , to bo given at Masonic Temple Friday evening , October 29. It is their desire to make this entertainment one of the lincst of its kind ever given in the city. Last evening the Alacedonia band favored the Bni : oflico with a screnado.ns they did the other newspaper ollices. Clark of the Herald , was so excited on the subject of the Salvation Army that he imagined that a company had come to capture him , and in order to conciliate them he commenced a speech of thanks , when some one had to explain to him the mistake It is strange what an effect the Salvation Army has over some people. C. S. Clark yesteraay went before Jus tice Frainoy and filed an information against the Salvation army for being a nuisance. Frainoy accepted the intor- million bill did not issue a warrant. THE BIG BRIDGE. The Great Structure nctwocu Now York and Rrooklyu lO.vnrnlnetl Kvcry AVoek. The elevated railroad structures seem to have been , and doubtless were , built in as solid and durable a manner as was possible under their system , says the New York Sun. It is , however , observable that the repairs upon them , nccessVt itcd by the severe wear and tear to which they are subjected , appears to bo unceas ing , and it is by no moans a violent sup position that a short relaxation of the vigilent watch and promptly applied care entorccd by the management of the roads might render them very perilous highways of travel. Consideration of tins possibility an extremely remote one , it is to bo hoped suggests the idea that i t may be rather a vital question how far a like watchfulness prevails for the pro tection of the great East river bridge. Superintendent Martin , in a recent con versation on the subject said : "A constant and more careful super vision is maintained over every part of the bridge , though , apart from the rail road , which is not properly a part of the structure , no signs of wear are apparent , and wo hope none will be for a hundred years to come Every Monday morning two expert mechanicsgoovcrtliorailroad track from end to end , oiling the sheaves on which the trading cable runs and ex amining the bolts and lastenings of the railroad If anything should got out out of order during the. week It would be noticed by the conductors on the cars , who are all the time on the look out , and would bo immediately reported by them at the station when they came in , where upon a man would bo sent out at once to rectify anything that was out of order , Every day the machinery which drives the cable is thoroughly inspected in every part , and should anything in the mean time get out of order ft would bo re ported promptly to Chief Engineer Hart , who would take instant measures for making all perfect and secure again. Every week there Is a carefm examla- tion made of everything pertaining to the structure below the line of the tops of the cars , and once a month the four sad dles on the top of each tower , supporting tiie bridge cables , are scriitini/.cu. There is never anything wrong with them , or anything to do to them except to keep paintcil well , and it IE not likeiy that any thing will come to them fora century to come. There can be no movement ot the saddles unless on occasions of extraor dinary great invgulaiity in the loading ot the biiilgo. When tliose occur they shift position so as to distribute the strain equally over the structure , and when the strain is removed they go back into place , On out * occasion of the DoLong nmenil there was an enormous pressure on the New York span , and the saddles moved three-eighths of an inch , but the moment that thu weight on the bridge was shifted over to this end. where the conditions of support are different from those of the new York span , they moved back Into place. "lu addltlou to those established occa sions of inspection. nti'J tfic careful pro vision maiio for coyt'iing posihlities ! meantime by moans of tliii employes at work in the several < lopartmeuts < , who are all matle to feel a si-nVe of responsi bility and c.M'rclMs a constant watchful- iH-ss , every person In any way connected with the bridge , whenever crossing it or upon if , is expected to be ulwavson the lookout for ain thing that may bo wrong , or that may even seem lo him to be irreg ular or questionable about the condi'ion oi the structure , In oven the most minute particular. Whntovor 1 discovered is in stantly reported to inn , , ami I immedi ately attend to it in any way the occasion demands. Nothing gets io ? o nny whore , excepting about the railroad , where1 , of course , there is constant strain and fric tion. The nuts on the ends of the pins that go through tiio trusses were at tirst occasionally found loose--just started a llttli'fiom tlieir proper condition of ab solute tightness but nothing of that sort has opeiired for sometime. Everyman employed in any responsible place about the bridge feels as if It was in his per sonal charge , and keeps sharp watch for its good condition and for any possible improvement in its protection. NEW GOODS BARGAINS IN CURTAIN GOODS , ETC , New Stoci Fresh Goods , LOW PRICES. DQN'T FOR8ET THE PUGE. NO , 401 BROADWAY , , la , SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , suuh as Lost , Foun To Loan , For Sale , To Itont , V nnts , Hoarding , etc. , vrill tiolnsortoJ In this column ut the low rutoof TEN CUNTS Pfilt LINE for the nrstlnsor tlonund FlvoCcntal'crl.lnolorcach pubso.iuont Insertion. Leuvo udvurlholnen 1 tut our ollluo No. 12 1'oal street , nuar llroailway. Council lilulls. WANTS. - In retail or wholesale WANTRD-Posltlon business by 11 pharmacist oC llltoun yours ovpc'ricnco .Aclthosfl. I'nnnnaclst , No. y a lllutls St. , Council llluirn. WANTED A Koocl Rlrl to < lo KOnernl house work. Apply ut 1UJ Fouith btroet , Coun- ell lllillfB. WANTED situation by n mlllorot 20 youis oxpcrlpnco : oltlipr roller or blur system. , lice ollke , Council Illulfa. OiahaDentalAssociation Dr HAUGHA1UT , , Manager , .Nos. 1510-15'Jl Douglas st , Omaha and No 231 Broadway , Council Blulls. rainless Dcntlntry. No humbiixl flu , Vitalized Air , Kthcraml Clioroforrn , wl'H ( ht'lr ilcticalni ; nlfrct molded hy thu inoft wonilrrfld nA t tliutlc , purlTy. IIIK thelilaoduad LalMliu u | > tUutlnuea. Omaha Dental Absoclnfimii Solo Prop'M. Gold Crovroj , d'old 1'Iuti luuI'MVintlnuous ' ( lum Teeth , ii ejiuclnlly. Host teeth fj ; ( urmur prlto I I'ruot. . ' WEWSPAPEO ADVERTISING Pays Best WHEil PHOPEOLY DOIIE. WC AIM TO AND DO CIVCITO ALLCUSTOMCRC , LOWEST PRICES'-PROMPT TnAMEACTIONO" . JUDICIOUS SELECTIONS."CON8PICUOUS POOI- TIONS--CXPEniENCEO ASSISTANCE. UNBI- ACED OPINIONS AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE. AovcnTitcuiNTi DttioNco. Pnoori SHOWN AND CTIMTC or COST IN * n\r \ NCWIHPCH * . FuRNIIHtD TO ncSPONHPlt PARTIES TREE or CHARGE. The H. P. Hubbard Co. , j Succtuon to H P HUBBARD , j Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts , ! Eittbluhcd 1671 , Incoiportted 1685. j Now Haven , Conn. j B ZOO Pac CATAIOBUC or LIADINO , wipArtiti , " SCHT Fnet on ArrucATiox. i O ; Uefcntbrt'illut * pi'n.rhno of Orniff , / ' rur/i / iCe iior. knoirn < i HIP Council IlltiC Co , , w ircs limitation ; , on lltnt dale there will be 7V > f/rf > ( / / / / ' < this rlnniitc we offer vtir entire sluclt of CARPETS , CURTAINS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTINGS , BUGS , WINDOW SHADES , DRAPERIES OF ALL /A"/S A XI ) , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT PlttVEH THAT H'JLL SELL THEM. Citterns of Council Miiffmnnl t'lclnltifii'itl find it to lln-lr interrsl * to rail tnd e.riniine our fioodmtnil / r.s. Thin in the flivl oniHHiiintty ci'cruflcretUn this cltn to obtain the above yooiltt from afullfrrti stork. at tlirojH'nlnv of < i iHmlnexs actinon. ConntriHU'ivhnntM mill /hid mrw1 / 1 > nri ( < ili. * hicnlllnti earl/ } . MAIL OltDEltS FILLED ritOMVTLY AX1) CAltEFULLY. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET 4Qi Broadway , Oouncil Bluffs. GRAND EXCURSION THIS WEEK ! Farming lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Tcxtm , Knnsas and Arkansas , riuijrli from $1.25 to ? 13 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on . ' { 0 years tlmcG jier cent interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , R-iven by P. I' . Liuistrnp , No. 053 Broadway , Council Muffs , Iowa , j Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and salisEacUon guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Little Gisitib trucks , best in the world. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street.Counil Bluffj. MURDER ! ! niplitherlii Isiiinilii maklm , ' Its annual visita tion. Ten years' trial of llt. THOS. .1 KIWUtliV KKMHDY lor that fatal im'liidy hits clcnion- btratetl the fact that it Is inlnlliblo as u prevent ive and euro. If you permit your rliildiiMi to dlo with diphtheria. "Tmilr hlooil bo upon your head. " For sale only at the oflico. No. 1 South Bib street , Council Hmirs , la , , or sent by express on receipt of price. ? - . C. H. llluuodlco , of No. 1410 Cnmpbcll Bticot , Omaha , who locontly lost bcautllul and in teresting daughter , ajred about ] ! > years , by diphtheria , under the treatment of one of the best physicians In Omaha , u rites to Dr. Jcffcris , of this city : "Your remedy lor diphthciiacanio too late , our dear daughter was ilyinir when It was received. ] nm satblled that her llfoeould have been SHVtd. Another onoof our children who had the diphtheria , her throat was tilled up with the putrid uluorntion , wo used your medicine and In twelve hours the dlsunso WHS completely subdued. In the iuturo wo will koepyotir medicine nt nil times In our house. \Vu loel that it f-uvcil the Ilfu of one of our children. Wo mo veiy thankful to you , and only rciriot that we did not cull on you sooner. " From the Council Illullh Dully Herald : Mrs. IJ. M. ( Jerard , wito ot Knjrlneer Gerard , of the Union 1'aeillc , this city , has been u Kreat fiufferorfor many years , with what was sup posed to boennt'or of the tluoat. It was so bad that t-ho wa ? threatened % vltli starvation. Her nencral health was completely broken down. She eould only 8Hiillo.v liquid food , and oven that her fitomaeh could not illU'bt or assimilate. 1'hyalcians of Council lllufts and Omaha intended her for three years mid Kiive no relief. Dr. Jefforls , of this city , was called. In Jour weeks' tjinoue cured her throat , and com pletely roolored her general ho'ilth. Had Mrs. uerard not obtained loUol Boon she xtould have died trom blood poison , the same condition that destiojod the llloo ! Con. Urnnt. From the Council IllutTs Daily Olobo : Jl. A. Mcl'lke , editor of the Cambria ( Kbcna burp , I'u. ) Freeman , has been the pureona- friend of the editor of the Globe tor moro than twenty youi 8. llni1 ) s known wherever bo Is known us one of the best man livliifr. Ho i * uHo mi Intimate fiicnd of Mr. Chirk of the Non- paioll. Ho hns been imfoitunato In the 1 act that his family was ravaged with diphtheria , undKiently distressed. Mr. Clark havlnif hoard of hfs calamity fiont him omo of Dr. .lelferls' Dlplilhc.'ilii Cure , It was UFdii at once , and the ll\us of the ie t of his chlldion saved. Letters from Mr. Mel'lko uio unbounded In their ov- presslona of gratitude for finding1 some means of uvortimr the loss of his whole jjroun of llttlo mid tender ones. Flvo of Mr. Jlel'Iko'BChlldron out of eight died from diphtheria bcioro ho had an opportunity of tiding Dr. Jolferls' remedy. l - ' Dyspeptic , why hvo In misery and dlo in ills- pair with eunei-r of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas Jcirorift cures every en HO of Indigestion and constipation In n very short time , lluet of ref erences Kivon. Dyspepsia is the CIUIMI of ninety per cent of nil diseased conditions. Price M for two w eulis treatment. Dr. .lefferls' diphtheria medicine Is Infallible for all Kinds of xoro throats. InUlsponslblo In putild hoio throat , in malignant szarlo ifovor , I'hunglni ; It In ( H hourx to the simple form. Infal lible euro for all Intlamnmtorv , nlceratlvo , put- ild , cancerous iilrcrntlon of the womb anil all eatan 1ml conditions , Full printed Instructions how to life the medi cines sent with them. No doctor roqulicd. Dr. Jcfferls' remedies can only bo obtained a his oflico , No.ffil Hoiitli Kl htn street , ( 'ouno Illulls , Jowa.orsont J > y express on receipt drico. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , OOTJJSTCIIj BIjXTiniPS Practlcos in the State and Federal courts Itooms 7 and 8 Shugart Blo'sk. KT. SOHUS.Z , Justice of the Peace Olllco ever American ixprof : > s Company. OUR UNPROTECTED FRONTIERS AND HOW THEY ARE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUNCIL JILUJ'FS , IOWA , Ancxccllont oducntlonal institution , furnish yd with ull the modern impiovonients , fon- uo to4 by tbo SISTBUS OV OUAIUTV , Ii. V. M For toi m of U ye months , 875. Terms beirin first Monday in September J Orst Mouduy In rebrnury , For catalogues wi- rcss SIHTIUl tiUI'lilllUlt St. Francis Academy , Council lull * , Reduction in Prices , IN7 China , ( lasswe , Etc. , AtV.S Ilcmer & Co's. No , SUMain st. Council BluUb , In tlioclty cun be obtained by pntuml/.lii tbc HomeSteami GlOBrondwny Y j681jCouncil | Ululls GEO , W. SCllHTDELE , 1'rop , None but oxporlcnrod hand's employed. Out town orders by mull or express solicited , ami all work warranted. Creston House , The only hole ! In Council IllutTs Imvlnsr F j r © Esoape J\nd nil modern Improvements. 215,21' und ! ilO Main St. MAX MOllK , Prop. F. I. SPETMAllBRO XO. 50J ) A ; 51 J IWAS.ST. . Daily receipts of new goods.lints Caus , Clothing , and a full line of Dry Goods , all of thu latest stylus. Call anil got prices before purchasing utaowhur Star Sale Uos and Mule Yards. . BROADWAY , COUNCIL HLUl-'FS , Opposite Dummy Depot. a 0 : _ - _ - - " > - > Homes und" Mules Kept constantly on bun for sale nt letuil or In car loads. Orders prouidlly lilted by contract on Blurt notice. Ktocksold ou commlsslou. SHLU ULIl i. JiOLEY. Proprlotora. ( ! cplini Mo. 1H. cuiMily ol KJ1.I. P/J.1. STAIU.US , cornet MO , i no * tl Hicit. 9oiiruttlN. County and ICuiili Work of nil Ifiinls uSpcc * hilly. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOMOUSE & CO. Itooin 1 Kvovnt lilock , Council Hlnfls , Standard Papers Used. All htylos of bind ing in Mayti/inus and BLANK BOOKS. ( ! . II. National Hank , M. ) ' . 8 nlth i' Co. , Cllkonn1 HnnU , Demo , Wollj Ar Co. , klret Nailomil Hank , O. II. Initirniiua ( Vi. , tOror A 1'iii-oy.llMikcirs.O. H , HavliigB llnnW. _ B7 L. WILL5SHS , 18 X. Jluln St. , Council Bluffs , la. , ami iiU'J S. intli St. . Kouin 10 , Oniulm , Nub. Maiiufacluier'b/ircntfarthn CAL1GRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awning * . Koofliifr Slate , Man tels , Plato anrt Window Ulass , Hhow- Cases. Klevatoi-d ( hand and liy- dritult < fee. _ R. RICE , OT. B.5 rrnr > nne 'if ' OtlUT T'UllOM rOIHOVCd wlttlOU IfOnCCrit thu knife orutiitrliuot bloo I. OVer Iliuiy yvniH prnctici'1 fxcrlcnco. No II rciirliil , ( Uiuuc I lilults. | 3f U6usultulloi ficv. AND JOBBING ES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , .iilH fLTt DEERE , WELLS As CO. , Agricultural Implements , Cni-i luces. 1 to . I to council lllnlK town. KEYSTONE \NTFATt'RlN ( CO" Mnko tliDOrliniRl ntnl Co-nplpio Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press , COIIN SIIKI.I.KItS AND t'RRI ) ( H'TTKIt" . NP . IMI.liU , IWininl 1.M7 Aiulh Mtiln Slrcot , _ Council Il.tilT * , Inwn. im 11) IIUAMLKY & CO. ! Miitiur'nnn 1 Job'iin ' ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , " " I PJ. " < ! nil Mali nf I'arm Mnulilnorr. W lo 1113 South Mnln Street , Council lllulT % Inirn AXK v. T. It. , Hco.tVWiuiiur. s.ArriMH. . Scc.\C < iiin ul. Council BluTs Handl ) Factory , . ( ItuMrpnratpiU Mnnufnctiirer of. \ xtiI'lck , Sle.lco nnd SraMt llnnillt" . of every ili" > n-lttl | ( > n. CAlll'EIV. COUNCIL HLUKFS UAKI'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , 0)1 ) Cloths. Curtnln Futures , UpholMrry ( looJi , tto. Na 103 llronitwny Council llluirs , lixrn. I'l < : ilK < KY ) & MOOUK , Wliok'tnln .lobbi'm In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOB. ESMnla nuJ 27 t'tmrl Sis. Council Ulutta , Iowa. SNYDKll & LHAMAN , WIlOll'Klllo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No lU'oul St. . Co.llictl MluiN. HAHLK , HAAS .V : CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' suiirtrin . Ktc. No. 12 Main St , imJ No. HI 1'onrl St. , Council Illiilln. Htl'IT * . O. W. 1HITTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. fill Ihamlway , Council III u ITS. W1KT & DUQUKTl'K , WholtMiilo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. _ Nos. 1(1 ( mid 18 Pc-.ul ? U , Coiuic-il llluir * . Koc//f/ . L. KIUSCI1T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Uonlors. No. 110 llroiul- way , Council IllulTs UAItXKSS , KTC. HECKMAN , STKOHBH11N & CO. , Unnu'ncturcrsoCaiiil Wholcsalo floaters In Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. Kio Main .St. . Council lllutrj , Iowa. HATS ,'S. KTC. METCALF BUOTIIKRS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 313 and 3I ( HrouJwuy , Cou'ioll MlnlfA. JIKAVY KEELIXE & FELT , Whole < ale Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council llutr ) . Town. HS AM'tMI \ \ J ) . H. MeDANKLD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'oltP.Riuiuioimd furs Council HluffH Iowa. COUNCIL 15LUKFS OIL CO. , Wliolus.Uo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricitia Oils ETO. , ETO. F.TIicoilnro , Atreiit , Council IllutTs. Town. LUMllKlt I'lLlKO KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling , A.BI ! llrklk-o Material SH | > clultli"JWholosao ! Lum ber oi all Kinds. Ofllco No. 13J Main St. , Council Hlutru. lawn. LIQUUKS. JOHN UNDER , Whole-Sato Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. Colthsrrt's Ht-rli Illttcra. No. IJ MnlnSu Council Illulla. SCHNEIDER & UKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wiaes and Liquow , XilWU Hllill ft. . Ci.illicd It'.ltfi. ' LATE OF ST. LOUIS. ( Mice No. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ) iMo in. : ; in. lloniB , f florin , in. ) p | 10 it | l , 111. Koom No. C. "OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BUJl'TS , IA , Horses and Mules For all purposes. co-iFht and sold , at totnll and In lots. J.aiyu iiunntlttud lo n'lurl ' from Bcveral imlisof tlnouilvore , BliiKleordoulilo. MASON WISE , Council lilulla. P. C7MILLEK , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. WALL PAPER , LATEST DKSiCiNB. MANUFACTU31EB OF PAINTS. llduee , Slpn nnd Rccoiu Ivo I'filmcr. | ' ( i | > la Muclie Wall Ojnarjor.ts- . None but : luiit ow asoltiort.