Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Uoodlo and Gag Law Carry tha Lancaster
Republican Convention.
A Slrone t'iuht OverTjccUInttvc
Nominations Settled Arltltrnrily
IJy the Cli.-xli-mnn Who AVero
Chosen Capital City News.
Hoodie was trumps in tin * Linca : tor
county convention. Church Ilowo was
on the ground two days anil nights prior
to the convention , and judging Irom the
way he worked the delegate * it would
pcem ho worked with an anger. Ilowo
was seconded In his work by Tom Ken-
nard , and during the two hour ) that the
convention was waiting for the crcdcn
tials Howe ar.d Kcnnard bobbed over the
iloor of tlio convention. Although Ken-
nard was beaten at the primaries he sat
In the convention by proxy. The con
vention was called In older nt ! J p. m at
Temple Hall , and M. U. Cheeny was se
lected as chairman , with I' , F. Bcghtol
secretary and Henry Witlman assistant
secretary. The committee ou credentials ,
with John McClay chairman , wrestled
for two hours over the Fourth
ward double header and reported
against the Courtnay delegation.
Mayor Burr , assisted [ by the chairman ,
npplied thu gag rule , and the report was
adopted without giving the ininoiity a
hearing. A committee of live on
resolutions was appointed , and the
Uin'crcnt resolutions referred to them.
Under the call the convention pro
ceeded to the .selection of twenty-three
delegates to the state convention. There
were Hyu dill'erent tickets in the field , but
it did not appear that they were for any
one in particular , and it was u struggle
umongthem to sit in the state convention.
After nn hour's count and figuring the
following were declared elected delegates
totnchtato convention : A. S. Williams ,
AV. J. Uyrnm , L. W. Billingsley. C. O.
Whccdon. Tom Hurling , C. E. Magoon.
S. R. Jacoby , Chas. Severine , John
Tromniu , K. S. Cooluv. Will Liruun ,
J. H. Ihirloy , K. U. Oakley , .M. J. John
son , ( J. I' , Beals , John 11. Clark , E. K.
During the count for state delegates a
ballot was taken for congressional dele-
delegates. There were two tickets in the
Hold , one headed for Field , the other in
the interest of Church Howe. Th < > counts
showed the Howe delegation selected by
u vote of ll'J to G5. f no following are
the congressional delegatesO. . W.
Tierce. I' . F. Beghtol , C. J Nobcs , Alvn
Sinitn.J. Trompin , T. 11. Cook , W. J.
Johnson , J. W. Worl , S. Abbott , D. W.
Kills , Chas. Soverine , C. E. Magoon , D.
F. Smith , .J. H. Blair , A. Kennard. S. J.
Cochrane , J. C. Johnston , N. C. Abbott.
J. D. Knight , J. K. Honeywell , T. P.
Kennard , J. L. McConnell , A. C. Casa.
The following delegates were elected
to the Second judicial tlistrict convention
by acclamation. The delegates were in
structed for .I iidge Hay ward if he boa
e.tiuliilate. Thu delegation , it is stated ,
however , wcru selected in the interest ol
Mr. WarrenW. . J. Iloiistin , M. 15.
Cheony , J W Deweese. John Burns , A.
J. Cornish , Wm. Ellis. A. L. Parsons , S.
S. tJrillin , J. M. Wallingforil , U. Huns-
ton , Leslie Ivcs , T. M. Porter , Chai lie
Crow.E. N. Cobb , T. M. Cook , J. T.
Mofve.-son. B. F. Hawaii , C. \ \ . Pierce , S.
O. Warner , Frank Boehnier , Win. Oiler ,
O. .1 Martin , W. J Lamb.
Under thu call the convention pro
ceeded to nominate six members of the
legislature , and the following named
were placed before the convention : J. L.
Caldwell , Bernard Dolan , Jerome Sharp ,
John H. Wright , A. U. ialbot , D. G.
Courtnay ( endorsed by trades unions ) ,
Charles L. Hall , J. Al. Raymond , .John
F. F. Barnes. Mr. .7. L. Caldwell was
noinjiiatod by acclamation nnd thu other
live , selected by ballot , werot ( Jeorge W.
Eggleson , of Bennett , Hermon Liesweld ,
of Saltitlo ; John Dickinson , of Wavoriy
In selecting the last two representa
tives two ballots were taken , in which no
changes were made , the last ballot stand
ing 7U for Schamn , 72 for Wright and 51
for Raymond. The chair then , in the
greatest uproar , put motion. ! through
uotumatinir Schump and Raymond by ac
clamation. It was another illustration of
the iriig rule.
S. \ \ . Jmrnham anil R. E. Moore were
nominated for slate se.uators by acclama
Resolutions endorsing Cobb for United
State * senator were included in there-
poit of the committcu on re-olutions , and
the following resolutions were adopted
on the labor anil temperance questions :
Resolved , That while it is not adinis-
able to keep convict criminals in tlio
penitentiary in idleness , and their hiDer
should , as iur as possible , bo made to
roimbursu the state for the oxnenso of
their prosecution nnd their stipuort while
under sentence , wa favor their employ
ment only in such industries as will not
bring their labor in competition with thu
skilled labor of tuis state , and that articles -
, cles of convict manufacture bo branded
as bitch.
The republicans of Lancaster county
nro in favor of such regulation and
limitation to the liquor trallic as can be
unforced in tha interests of temperance ,
nnd that wo bolieyo the present local op
tion and high license law IK just and
r oiiultablu , leaving every county to prohibit -
hibit the sale of liquors where the senti
ment of thu majority is for prohibition.
A cotnir oriMox OK INTUKKST
ThpStattt Journal still insists that the
failure of the Knevals land bill in thu
lower house of congress was ovyinjj. to
the fact that Senator Van Wyck insisted
that its protection be extended to subse
quent purchafccrs. There was an opin
ion lilcd the llrstof the month Inbiiprume
court that seems directly to boar upon the
rights of subsequent purchasers under
the act and which holds that present
owners of lands in that catalogue have
no redress upon the parties giving to
them , the latter purchasers' warranty
deeds , and the results would be under the
supreme court opinion that a man buying
lands of original settlers and now com
pelled by the federal courts to repur
chase of the St. Joe aud Denver ro.ul
have no redress and are compelled to pay
twice without redress upon the par-
tics selling to them mitt would
have no assistance in double payment
from thu general government without
thu Van Wyck amendment , including
them with tne original purchasers en
titled to relief , should become a law ,
Jutlgu Cobb , on. the 8th lust , tiled an
opinion in which Judge Maxwell con
curred In the case of Real and Real
against Hollister , holding that HolIUter.
ono of these subsequent purchasers ol
land in Filhnoru coutitv from thu Heals ,
could not maintain a suit In his cove
nants of warranty.
Jndgu Cobb in this opinion says : "The
deed now under consideration , I think ,
purports to convey the hind absolutely ,
not only thu legal but the equitable titfu
. to the whole quarter section. As it failed
to convey RUth title , the covenant foi
title being broken , failed to run with the
land nml so did not pass from Michael
Real to the plaintiff in the court below
nnd not hoiuj * a cause of action accruing
to him the finding of the district conn
thereon in nis favor was erroneous. "
Jt would scein that Judge Cobb's opin
ion ! is about a direct endorsement of Sena
tor Van Wyck's position. If relief cannot
bn obtained in tlio courts , why should
not tlio general government reimburse
the purchaser who has to pay twice is
the question that naturally suggests itself ,
at least to the * \tont of the amount that
the patentee ot the govcrnmunt would be
entitled ' to protection. If in this ca e
i-Ited of Hollister's reimbursement is made
to tiu > original patentee only and as the
supiemo court decide * , the subsequent
purchaser has no other redrvs. Then
the original patentee only receives money
back from the general government and
ho can also , so says Justice Cobb , retain
the purchase money paid by his grantee.
Attorneys in cases of this diameter will
receive this opinion with much interest.
In the district court Mary A. Marshall
asks a divorce from her husband. Francis
Marshall , alleging that since 1S8-1 the de
fendant has failed lo support her or her
three children in anv way that at va
rious times he had cruelly and mali
ciously beaten her , injuring her and
putting her in great distress in mind and
body ; and further , that ho has beaten
nnd abused the children , anil being a
man of vicious habits ho is wholly unlit
to care for them , and she therefore prays
for a divorce and thu custody of tlio
Beatu Schnarr also sues for divorce
from her husband , August Schnarr. The
petition recites that they were married in
Germany In 1800 , that from 1875 to 1831
her husband continually ill-treated and
abused her ; that on the Utitli day of Sep
tember 1831 , ho by foreo and violence
drove her from their home , since which
time she has lived separata and alone
from him. Her further allegation is that
ho is an habitual drunkard and wholly
unable lo contribute to her support.
A divorce case that calls up prominent
people of an earlv day in state anil ter
ritorial all'airs.has been filed in thedistriet
t-ourt , the parties bcim * WatioE. Gospcr ,
who sues for divorce from her husband ,
John J. ( Sosper , once secretary of state.
The petition recites that they were mar
ried in 1807 , anil that she was deserted
by her husband on the Mth of February ,
IbSO , anil has been since that time ,
therefore the plea is entered on the
grounds of tlcicrtiou , to bo hoard at the
ne\t term of court.
SheriirMelick was notified yesterday
by the linn of llickoy & Stevens that on
Fritlay night hist a team of mules wore
stolen from their place of business at O
and Sixteenth streets , and cards were at
once issued and mailed to apprehend
the thieves if possible. Just why thorp
was so much delay in notifying the olli-
cers is not stated , but certain it is that
there would he much better chances for
catching the thieves if notice of loss was
given at once.
In police court yesterday nine cases of
drunk and disorderly were disposed of ,
and the case against Tlmrman was set
tled without prosecution. The court
work was pushed with alacrity for there
was enough political talk on the streets
yesterday to attract the entire com
munity. Justice Brown has closed his
court for a vacation and has gone cast
ou a trip , while County Judge Parker has
just returned from a visit to Indiana.
The following school bonds were regis
tered in the ollice of the auditor yester
day : District 71 , Thayer county , $100 ;
district 31. Stanton county , * a.500 ; dis
trict oO , t'liclpa county , $ i ) . > 0 ; district UU ,
Grccley county , SJJ'5 ; district 1 , Knox
county , § 3C7J. ( These arc 7 per cent
regular ten 3'car bontls.
Major Franklin , oi the secretary o
state's ollicc , was called to Livingston ,
Ky. , yesterday by the sudden illness oC
Mrs. Franklin , who is visiting there.
C. N. Cnindall has sued the Western
Manufacturing company , and the papers
seem to show that Crandull's claim is for
a share in the urotus in addition to sal
ary , the latter being paid and the share
not. He asks for $ -,000.
Geo. W. Shepherd , Bloomington ; F. A
Scoville , Valparaiso ; J. T. Clark , II. T ,
Clarke. Omaha ; C. D. Clapp , Eimwood
II. D. Polk , Pluttsmouth ; C. A. Hereford
Beatrice , were JJcbraskans in Lincoli
The only safe cough medicine for chil
drc is Red Star Cough Cure. No opiates
25 cents.
A HiirU Foucht IC.ittle Results Tor the
Old Man.
1NEUGI1. Neb. , Sept. i0. ! [ Correspond
cnce of the ULE. ] The railrogues
court house ring , bankers , money loancn
and the Union Pacific railroad surveyo
wore routea horse , foot ami drugoqns.
First Round Graves , the unmitigatet
fraud and bulldozer , called the convun
tion to order. The rmgsters then an
nouneed doiible-hoadcrs from a sullicien' '
number of preeincts to defeat the Van
Wvckor.s in the temporary organisations ,
thus blood was awarded the rail-
rogue tricksters.
Second Round The Van Wycks had
made a combination which , when the
Iloor was obtained , swept the convention
like a cyclone , viz : First , more resolu
tions were jws ed , at once demanding
that the nominee for representative
shall pledge himself tosupport ; for United
States senator tlm man who shall receive
at the polls in Antelope county , in No
vember , the largest vote for tfrat ollico.
And also to submit to tlio people the
question of amending the constitution ,
etc. , as pr.iyetl for by the sober element
of the republican pnrty. Van Wjck will
obtain that vote , and thus otn : reprcseii-
tativo is pledged lo support the "ohl
man'1 of the people. Second round for
the Van Wycks. After this , the Van
Wyck club of Center precinct had a
walkawaj. Thoysecuretf the following
results from the convention , viz. : 1.
Representative. 3. Clerk ofthu district
court , a. County commissioners. 4.
County attorney. 5. Delegation to the
stato. 0. Congressional , , nnd 7 , ono Uelo-
gatu to the senatorial convention. More
over : the ruilroguora wro knocked
senseless , antt did not conm to
until Sunday morning. Our statu
delegation will labor to cleot
General Thayer for governor and n
secretary of state and auditor , who
will appoint railroad commissioners
that will give the people a show fur their
white alloyp.
Van Wyek , Tlmycr , Anti-monopoly and I
Prohibit Is the war cry of old Antilopo >
county thenceforth , now and forever. So
mote it bo S niAiciiT RKrtnaia\x.
A Ilontttiful I'roscnt.
Tha Virgin Salt Co. . of Now Haven ,
Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every
family arc making this grand oiler : A
Crazy Patchwork Klonk , enameled in
twelve beautiful colors , and containing
thu latest Fancy Stitches , ou a large Lith
ographed Caid having a beautiful gold
mounted Ideal Portrait in the center ,
given away with every 10-cont package
of Virgin bait. Virgin Salt has no equal
for household purposes. It is the clean *
O3t , purest nnd whitest Salt ever seen or
used. Remember that n. large package
costs only 10 cents , with the above pres
ent. Ask your grocer for it.
Ho Was a JtixJel Man.
POIITI.ANU , ME. , Sept. 20 , Ucneral Neal
Daw's smi-iii-law , WIllLiin K. Gould ,
cashier of tlie First National bank of Port
land , M alleged to be a defaulter to tlioaiiiount
of SbT.OOQ , ami his family anil immediate
rrlaiiriis nre almost wild over the tllsunicc.
Thebaiik Isliotatfecteil by the loss. Uould
was looked u * > oii as a tnixtel man. Recently
hu built a otXX ( > rrMileuco and in
dulged In other luxuries of living , but us far
as known Could neu > r speculated , nml
stiutiitrd nil forms of anibUug. ( iouhl hns
l > e > n arrested In a clul suit the ac
tion ut thu coiiiptroiler of currency.
M3S ! V. Raclcot , French dressmaker ,
arrived Saturday morning from Mufftro-
: xl , Canada.
How They Acquired Their Fortunes Some
by Hard Work , Others bj Lnck.
Karly Kxpcrloncci nml Political Aspl-
rations of Millionaire Clark For
tune1 ; of Our. llaitscr , Sam
llroaUwnttr ntitl
Tommy Cruso.
Chicago News : Heccnt advices from
Montana have not been very encouraging
to those contemplating cmigation to the
big territory. It has been alleged by
men who were in n position to know that
Iho present low prices quoted for silver
and copper have knocked "the bottom
out" of Biitte City and other mining
camp * , and persons interested in stock
raising have learned that some of Mon-
tan nis cattle kings arc seeking pv-luros
now for their herds. "Don't believe nil
you hear about Montana or any other
remote territory until yon have thoroughly
roughly investigated the reports and tlis-
coveied the motives which prompt thi'ir
circulation , " said a hotel visitor yester
day. "While it is true that Montana is
not as prosperous as it was several years
ago , it Is still the most inviting of Iho
Roeicy mountain territories. It retains
nil the elements upon which itn advance
ment was built , and the causes for the
present depression in business of all sorts
can bo removed. Unite City is no longer
ho booming camp it was a couple of
[ cars ago , but it retains the principal
Victors of its phenomenal progress
mineral and men. Two or three of
Unite's big mines have been closed , but
not permanently.
"The Anaconda company , employing
it least 11,500 men , suspended operations
jocauso it found that it could not pay
high wages for the o\tniction of silver
: uid copper ores while the market price
for metals remained at its present
: ow standard. The workmen would not
accept a reduction in wages , and the
company followed the only course left
open to it. ltd example was followed by
several smaller concerns , and Bntte was
placed under the cloud winch is now rest
ing upon. it. But the men who built
Uutte are not of the temperament to re
main inactive while there is work to be
done. It is safe to presume that ways
nnd means for n resumption of work
throughout the camp are being discussed ,
and it is safer to predict that before the
end of the year the problem of
Butte's prostration will be resolved and
the cause removed. There are millions
and millionaires yet to be matlo iu Mon
tana. "
"Montana has been rather proliilc of
'mushroom millionaires , ' has it not ? "
"Not exactly prolific , but it has manu
factured several of them. The wealthy
men of Montana are. without exception ,
self-made , but they arc not us numerous
as is generally supposed. Montana's
millionaires can be counted upon the
fingers of ono hind , and none of them
jumped from poverty to alllucnco iu a
day or in a year. Their ascension to
ereat wealih has been slow.
"Tho wealthiest man in Montana is W.
A. Clark of Butte. It is estimated that
ho can clean up from four to live mill
ions , and he is constantly increasing the
pile. Ho hits taken every dollar of it out
of the ground. Twenty-four years ago
he accompanied his parents from Vir
ginia to the wilderness. He was then a
mere lad , but the accumulative trait was
strongly marked in his character. He
began his battle with the world as clerk
in a store at Deer Lodge , then the only
town in the territory. This store sold
everything In the line of minor's sup
plies , and in a short time yonng Clark
became acquainted with every gold-
hunter in the territory. The miners in-
trusted their surplus gold to his kiophig ,
asking for no better security than hi.s
word of honor that it would bo produced
when they wanted it. At thu end of a
few years Clark wus conducting a store
of his o'wn.and his popularity soon drove
his rivals into obscurity. In partnership
with Ed Larabio , he started the first
bank in the territory , and it stands and
nourishes at Deer Lodge to-day. His
constant dealings with miners and
handling of ores and metals { rave Mr.
Clark a practical knowledge of mines
and mineral tliat was more valuable than
a course of fctudy in mineralogy would
have been. The funds intrusted to his
banks ho invested wisely and well , and
the succes-s of feomc of his ventures sur
prised and disgusted many of the
veloans in mining who had backed
their judgment and lost in speculations
that held fortn greater promises
than young Chirk obtained. When
quartz-mining was commenced at Butte
he. was ono of thu first men on tin
ground , and as soon as ho had satisfied
himself that Butte had : i future a branch
of his bank was established in the camp.
Ho purchased prospect holes and cornel
lots , and all his purchases subsequently
proved to bo trumps. Now ho owiib
HO i no of the beat-paying mines in the
district , and the real estate in his control
is the most desirable in the city. Every
important business enterprise in Butte
owes its birth anil maintenance to some
extent to W. A. Clark , and his linger is
in every mining , mercantile , political , or
.charitable pie baked in western Montana
Ho is about forty-five years of ago and
has been married several years. Ii
politics ho is a democrat , and a turn
worker. Ho spent last winter in Wasli
ing ton urging : upon the ndministratioi
ami congress Montana's claims to state
hood , and it is intimated that he has thu
senatorial l > ee in bib bonnet. He is chair
man of the territorial democratic com
mittcc , and just now is conducting one o
the hardest battles his party ever had ii
the territory.
"Mr. Clark's career is , with variations ,
that of a majority of the men who have
grown rich in Montana. Governor Hnu-
ser is said to bo wortfi a couple of mil
lions , nnd it has taken a quarter of a
ccuturv'.s hard work to muku them for
him. Ho is a leading spirit in all the
important business enterprises of the
cast sUIti , and is looked up to as a parent
by the old-timers of the entire territory.
"iSam BriKidwntcr of Helena is another
veteran of the frontier. HIH pile is sued
up at a million and n half. Railroads are
tlio hobby which Sam Is riding , and hu i *
ridinir it to win. When the tirst locomo
tive of the Union Pacific snorted in Butte
some eight or ten years ago Sam was
among thu pioneers who Hocked from all
purls of the territory to stare t.t it , and it
u said that hu fell iu love with it then and
there. When hu returned to Helena ho
began to draw railroads ou paper , ami
now ho has three of them in full swjng ,
locomotives and all , and more building.
"For iinuiy years Tommy Cruse delved
and diiK in Montana's soil in a vain
bearch tor n mine. At last ho found one.
It was the Drum Lummon , near Helena ,
mill after working it until it was ureseut-
nblo to u\ticrt inspection Lo sold it for
$ lr > 0OJO ; , to an English syndicate.
Tommy pocketed his mouey.reliri'd from
actual labor , married a handsome and
accomplished schoolma'am. and in his
bhtioth year settled down to the enjoy
ment of life ,
D"A. J Davis is president of the second
national bank of liutto. It is s.iid that he
has reached the four-million mark , but
nobody can estimate with any degree of
certainty what ho is worth. Mr. Davis
is tlm moat taciturn man in Montana.
"Jim Murray of liutto owns the entire
town site , and will soon bo classed with
the millionaires , lie is a bachelor , and
Don't You L ear Tliem Bellow ? They Squeal , while the
Two Orphans Laugh.
Is what makes Omaha Clothiers pull their left ear and inquire , how do they do it ?
Yankees know how to make goods.
At our own factory in Maine we are now turning out FINE CLOTHINGAn example and
one that tells :
A brothci'-tn-htw Importc'l In Jiln on'it ii2 / cnur * ofIur iror tctl. They rosf its Ji'J "Zcr yard.
tfVr/.T * ft / . //rm/.s / to cut out the ttcei'tttie man's t > nit , cloth cotn jVT
y'lictrhninlnHfor same unit cost ft
nanir , 't.ffO
CtiitintKtint oi'fivcclnti trork In factory /
( i j > ci" cent united for ahtiiviiiyaint hnnilllinj to Omulm T.c
Total coal $ J"J.-ii
We are selling-them for $18 , at Jobbers price. That is what makes Omaha Cloth
iers Bellow and Tremble at the Knees.
has more friends than any man in the
district. The mayor of liutto is II. L
Frank , a Hebrew Ho is a wholesale
liquor dealer , and has an interest in all
the leading saloons of the citv. He isaii-
other millionaire prospective.
"There are scores of other men in
Montana whose wealth will some day be
represented by seven figures. They are
developing mines in the hills or breeding
cattle on the plains. So long as there
are p"ecious on-s beneath Montana's sur
face and rich bunch-grass above it , just
so long will men accumulate wealth , lint
their riches will not be attained by tlic
mushroom process. Hard work and a
plenitude of money are required to
develop u orospect holn into a mine , and
calves do not become full-grown steers in
n single night. "
A. Desperates State of Affairs Between
Two Ambitious Towns.
The county i > eat lights which have oc
curred in Dakota and other parts of the
west have all been eclipsed by that which
is now in progress in a western Kansas
county which is to be culled Stevens ,
writes aliardcn City , Kan..correspondent
of the New York Sun. The district is
very sparsely settled and the disturbance
prows out of the ambitious schemes of
rival town builders. Some time 'ago a
party of men went to the geographical
centre of whatf'was to bo the new county
and laid out n city which they called
ilngoton. In the course of a few months
they induced other settlers to come in ,
and , on the strjjngJU of the claim that
the place was to be the county seat , the
prospects of cho town seemed most en-
couracing. When Ilugoton had arrived at
the dignity of 125 houses , coumingsheds
and structures of eyery description , and a
population of , f00 ! , souls , including so-
journers.a cloud appeared on its horizon.
A rival party of town builders , led by
Colonel S.N. Wood , perceiving the future
greatness of 'Slovens county , also deter
mined to securn the county seat. They
pitched their tents al a point about seven
mile * away from Hugolon , and , by dint
of hard work , soon had four or live build
ings up , with others under way , and
signs ot "Lots for Sale" greeted the pil
grim for miles in every direction , lliis
city was christened Woodsdalo. With
its founders the chief aim was to gain
time , whereas with the owners of Hugo-
ton the one great hope was that th'jy
might organize the county scat before the
rival town could get on its pins. To this
end thr Huaroton schemers s t to work
preparing a census , and to the amaze
ment of the Woodsdalo people were able
to show that tliti district already possessed
a population suQicieiitly largo to justify
its organization as a county. As Colonel
WpoPs party sought delay , they secured
evidence that the Hugolon census was
bogus and made preparations to carry
the light to the state capital. At a meet
ing of his followers about two weeks ago
Wood spoke out at great lengtti and ac
cused tup Ilugoton boomers of perjury
in swearing to their reports as to the pop
ulation. He also stilted that lie would
secure an injunction and fight the organ
isation in the supreme conrt , where it
would take three ye.irs to cot a decision.
IJy that time Woodsdaln would be ready
for a now contest.
This prospect of delay and perhaps de
feat maddened the people ot Ilugoton ,
and they caused warrants to issue tor the
arrest of Wood and three or four of his
chief supporters on the charge of libel ,
the complaint based on the allegation
that the Hugotou census was fraudulent.
As the nearest magistrate was eleven
miles away the prisoners and tiieir ac
cusers repaired to his residence , where
the former were admitted to bail. Just
as Wood and ids friunds were preparing
to return homo they were seized by a
party of twelve men from Ilugoton , all
armed with Winchesters , made to get
into a covered wagon , and then were
rapidv ! driven toward the south , thomcn
from fiiigoton riding on horseback at
the sides and in the rear of the wagon.
The kidnappers made no secret of their
plans. They did not intend to harm their
captives , but they did propose to take
thorn away ironi Stevens county , and
keep them away until an organization
had been completed and the county seat
located. Just at nightfall the strange
party entered No Man's land , and there
ut about midnight , ) the first camp wis :
niudo. The amtuctors had plenty of pro
visions , and al ( were- made as comfort
able ab the biUijiUon would admit. Tlie
next day the jourt ey south was resumed ,
and thus matters Continued for several
days and until tlm Texas pan-handle
was reached , V'l8ro ' the Ilugoton men
announced that tu f would remain un
til Stevens coiintv , was organized and
their town was made tha scat ,
It was hero oil'tha ' L'oldwatcr that a
rescuing party froth Woodsdalo , number
ing forty men , all well armed and
mounted , found them , When news of
the abduction muched Wood's friends
they wrro furionH , and they lost no tuna
in making pursuits Their superiority in
numbers enabled them to dictate terms
to the Ilugoton fellows , and after a brief
parley , in which-the alternative of capit
ulation or death was presented to them ,
the kidnappers surrendered , starting for
home in much the same btyle that Wood
and his friends had left in. The abduc
tors were disarmed , and were "brought
buck to Kansas under an armed escort
commanded by Colonel Wood in person.
Tie rations villages through which the
cavalcade passed wuro uproarious in
their demonstrations , and at several of
them Hags were run up , and Wood made
speeches. Going through Hugoton for
tlm purpose of himii'ialing the people ,
the colonel enjoyed the greatest triumph
of nis life. The forty \ > inchesti'rs were
too formidable tp bo attacked , and all
that the citizens cuuld do was to grin and
boar it.
Taking the prisoners before the same
justice > v ho had heard the cube against
him , Colonel Wood had the satisfaction
ot seeing them all bound over for trial 011
charges of conspiracy and abduction.
Excitement runs high , and it would bo
hard to tell at tins sta c of the proceed
ings where the count } seat will go.
Uniton's IIair- Grower
All who ore ItAI.U , nit who nro becnmluc
15AL.U. all who do not want to bo Inlil , all
who nro troubled with D.VVDKUFF , or
1101HMJ of the scalp ; should lisa Hmiton's
llnlrGnmer. Eioim' I'KH CP.NT of those
usliift it have grown hair. It never falls to
stop the luilr Irnia tailing. Throush sickness
and fevers the linir sometimes trills oil In a
short time , niul although the pei on tiuy
havereiiiiilnril bdd ; for years. If yoiiuso liuti-
tou's Hair Grower according to directions
you are " > uro of a growth of Imlr. In hun
dreds of cme.s vro have produced a coed
proth of Hair on those who have been bald
nnd clazed for years we have ully substan
tiated the following facts :
We Rrow Hair In 80 cases out of 100 , no
matter how Ionic bald.
Unlike other preparations It contains no
supar of lead , or vecetablo or mineral
Itlsasppoiiic for fallins hair , dandruff ,
nnd Itching of the scalp.
The Hnlr Grower Is a hair food , and Its
ompositlon is almost exactly like the oil
which supplies the lialr with Its vitality.
When the skin is very tough and imnl , and
the folllco Is apparently emvttullv closed ,
the single strength will sometimes fail to
reach tno papilla : in saeh caes the double or
triple strength should bo used In connection
with the single , using them alternately.
Price , sluirlo strength , 8t,0 , ) : double
strength , S2.00 ; triple strength. 33.00. If
your druggists have not ijot It wo will send It
prepared on receipt of mico. , _ . , .
„ „ „
Cleveland. O.
Sold by C. 1 * . Goodman and Kuhn Ac Co.
1Mb ami Douglas. 13th atiil CuminsJ
No Name Tor It.
J. Armory Knov ; We were traveling
by r.iil from Liverpool to Louden. In
the compartment were the Pathfinder ,
the Other Pirate , the Man from Chicago ,
an Englishman who was a stranger to us- ,
and myself The stranger was loss ex
clusive than arc most Englishmen. He
actually spoke to us without an introduc
tion. Pointing out of the window , he said :
"Thawt'stho Avon. "
"What isJ'Vaid the Man from Chicago.
"Why thawt , don't ye know the
river. "
"Call that a river ? "
" \Vhy , yaas , what would \ou call it ? "
"O , wo wouldn't call it all. In Amer
ica we wouldn't give a little gutter like
that a name. "
"Aw. "
Long pause , during which the Briton
seemed to be reaching around ome-
whcro after his intellect.
"I liavo never been in your country ,
ye know , but from what I nave hivird , 1
presume your rivers and mountains arc
quite extensive. "
"Quito. "
"I've just heard you say you'd been ni >
Hen Lomond. Now wouldn't you call
thawt a mountain in your country ? "
"Good gracious no. Wouldn't think of
it. "
"Aw. "
"No , wouldn't call that a mountain. "
"And aw might 1 ask what you would
call it , yo knowr'
"That ? "
' Van * . Hun Lomond. "
"We'd call that a wart. "
"Aw. "
An Important Arrest.
The of a suspicious character
upon his general appearance , move
ments or comuaniouship , without wait
ing till he has robbed a traveler , lired a
house or murdered a fellow-man , is an
mportant function of a shrewd detect
ive. Even more important is the arrest
of a disease which if not checked wi'l '
blight and destroy a human life. The
frequent cough , loss of appetite , general
languor or debility , pallia skin and bodily
ily aches aud pains announce the np-
Pfoach of pulmonary consumption ,
which is promptly arrested and perma
nently cured by Dr. Piorce's "Golden
Medical Discovery. " Sold by druggists.
ITow to Become a Centenarian.
Dr. Hurggraevo , n learned professor of
the university of Ghent , Inw just pub
lished a remarkable work in which ho
endeavors to prove that anybody who
will take the trouble to follow his instruc
tions may become , a centenarian. His
system is merely a system of renovation ,
nnd is simplicityitself. . The great pana
cea for til ! ills which ho professes to have
discovered is salt , the rational use of
which , ho says , is a turn preserver of life.
Ho nflirms that good health is not a mat
ter of chance or constitution. The laws
which regulate human life are calm and
regular phenomena , and all we have , to
do is to take cars that they shall develop
themselves without obstruction. Accord
ing to his thcorv , salt Is the great rcgu
laming asont. If the blood is too rich ,
salt will clarify it : if the blood bo too
poor , salt will strengthen and furnish it
with the necessary elements. Dr. Hurg-
gruovo quotes several examples in sup
port of the sovereign virtue which he at
tributes to salt. Formerly , in Holland
the greatest punishment which existed fore
o fiend ing soldiers was to give them mi-
Halted bread. After a few month * of this
regime the culprits invariably died. In
Saxony , ut the end of the lust century a
terrible epidemic reigned solely through
the want of salt. The Dutch savant fur
thermore assures us that salt is an infal
lible cure for consumption and cholera.
[ The Uus.sian peasants once baved them-
helves from a plague by putting salt in
milk. ] Ho estimates that the quantity
of salt which every adult in ordinary
health should consume daily is two-thirds
of an ounce. In conclusion , he asserts
that if the world would only take to suit ,
centenarians would become almost us.
common as new-born babes.
The merits of St. Jacobs Oil , as a
housthold remedy , arc unquestioned.
They filart to Form n Klalo Assemblj
of That Society.
Sunday morning a number of mem
bers of the Knights of Labor went to
Lincoln as delegates from the suveru
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From.
Tlft4 Mill
roCH lly otn , sufOHti'l reliable. Tlior hire been
tostcil In Uiouvmds of ciisei nnd no can ponlllrcljr
njcrt thntlii alienees where the liver , aplcen. kid-
i > y und bowelsnrc Involved. I > n Iui.M\s'3 I'Alis
cn > at once the bo t , quickest nnil cheapest : nml
icy Intro muilc pcrnmnoiit cure , hi thoii'uiiiiij or
nsc.i irlierc mctllUnu 1-u bocn used wttbuut nnr
UB odor . 11 t * n
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The larff est otock. i'rteea tlio lowest. Flue ropilrln ? nspoclilty. All vrocfc wasrauteJ. Corn a r
Douglas nnd tJtli street. Omaha.
assemblies in this district for the pnrno c
of organizing a state assembly of that
association. Heretofore , in Nebraska ,
: here has boon but a district assembly ,
mil there are a number of local assem
blies which do not belong lo that of the
tlistrict. The state assembly proposed
will unify all of these , ami it is thought
conduce "to : v more satisfactory manage
ment of the order in our midst. Several
other members left for the sauio place
to-duv , where they will be met by other
members from the. different assemblies
throughout thestate. The meting will
continue for two days.
Robert E. Lively left last night for Cin
cinnati to attend the coinontinn of the
National Hrickmakerj' association in ses
bion in that city.
Prepared wHhBtrfctTesard lo Purity , 6tronfjthsn4
lle&ltbfaln aa. Dr.l'rito'BUaklnsPowiJorcontains
iUuicts , VoolUa , Lemon , etc. , tlaToiduUcioaaly.
Uoccnlly llulie. Kowljr t'uruUUoJ
The Tremont ,
J. C. VmonRALIli : EON , I'roprlotora.
Cor. nh and I'fta , Lincoln , Nob.
RateitUJOpertUjr. Street car * from liuuiD to any
part or ttit o"J-
Architect ,
omroiv-31.Ulnnd < 2. llt'-liitnU HlocU , Lincoln ,
Neb. Blovaturanlltii struct.
lircuderol HrotMurof
QALLUWATUATTI. * . BnnHrlliJ.ivUArrf.1
Live Stock Auctioneer
Huloi mtuic in nil parts of tlio U. H. at fair
rated. Ioom3 , tutu Itluvk , Unt-vln , NelM
Oollovray uud Sliurt IIuiu bulls lor salu.
Farm Loans and Insurance.
Correspondence In rp anl to loam
Itootu i.ltlcbarJi Ulatk. Uni'oln.
H/iversIcle Short Horns
Of Hrlttly pnru llati'S mi I HiilcsTaipndc.utIu. |
llunl nuinlit'fs Hliout W hund.
ruinllk'a rcprfiunliil. t'ULert * . Citixxi ,
Acombs. Itcnlc . Itoj'j of Slinrons. Moss lu ! > a > ,
Kniatitly DtioliPBio4 , Hnt Crook Voiin , ' Maryi ,
l'liylliM' , I ouiiiu unit Trim Ixiv i-n.
liulU IHrb.iiil 1 1'uit ) llult-i rnliort , I 1'uru
Oati t ( rnji : * , I Itosoof SU.noti. I Younif M ry ,
1 1'uio Criilok Mutiik nnd oilii'is i'omn n id
llisix > ( . > tthn lur I. Address , UHAS. M , 11UA.N-
SON. Mnootn , Nob. _
When in Liucolu slpp ut
National Hotel ,
Aud cm A iioaJ oiuujJi for-'ic.
Iffolniiins Stoinaci Pad
Ab orbtull ImpnrltliM ( rum llm blnaJ.
liiTlKoratus nml TlUtlltL the nliula system.
I ifcrniKl Stonuicli Pud
Citron IlllIou DO'H. Inillco tlnn , Jutinillcc.
DltrrhnoM , .Mulnrla , blci llcj.l clie.
IlhcumatHm , ctu.
F Ivor ami Stomach Pn.
Itcsnlntos the Stomach utvl lloiroli , Improro
the Ainietlte. eiirrwM Ainllilllntlon ,
licuutllles the Ountulexlo-r. utc.
IToliuau's Uvcr uudiitoiiiucli Pa
rrercuts ' 'PI Sckno ! . Clioleri , Smnlltior.
" Ycllow\ Typhus TjrpliolJ imJ
lllliusKovori ! > .
AMi nnUGUISrS-Orfciitonrocclp ot
Price a.
I'JO William St. , X. Y.
When you got up in tlio morning with
tonjruo heavily coated , u disajirneblo
taste 11. the nionth , skin hot and ilrv' ,
eyes burning , head ncht ! ) r with a dnil
neavy psiin , : ind in short foolm * ? as if
you wore "all broke up , " you should nt
oncn tufce Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver nml
Kidney L'illets. 5 cents per vial
A JU ! lr. rrrmwirtt
nmol , UoMlttr , > 'iv
. > o iuacktry. In *
rtl puttjln | J'root * . Doolc on lf L
K1UK UKU. 00. I . f
Edited br b'RANK IIATTOM
nmt C. A. HNOn'DRN. tlio
brightest and bout rtmlr ' In tfia
wo > t. 4 pnei > 4 rpRnliirlr , ire-
n nuontlrM-pace l < uci.ftItTBr <
H paer.i on ' aturday. "UI bo
sent to nnr nddreit lntue _ LlnltwtjJuiics _ or Canatla
FlUhT-CI. .
Jl _ I I IJJ J VAJ X pOlii nt iii. in u it vi vitum. us
rnzlnuircd lottrr. AiMrezs TUB CHICAGO HALL.
. . Ulilcngo. 111.
Sail way Tims Table
The following Is Hio tlniu of a nival andtlo-
parturo of trnina by Stutiilurd Tune ut
tlio locil iIopoN. Trains ot tlio C. , St. P. , It Is
I ) , nrrlvn mnl < | pmrt | from tholr depot , corner of
14th nml WclHtnrfitroQU : tiiilm on the II. ft M.
C. II. .VQ and K. C. , St. J. & p II. from the U.
&M clupot all otliuia from tUo Union 1'aclllu
dol'ot' '
iiitmai : TII.UNS.
Ilrlilro ; trains will leave U , I1 , depot ntB:3T- :
nTa.8:00a:4a : : : 8:50 : | ) : > l ll : u lu m. : IJ ,
issj li'iO a.-OO a SM 111:00 r > : iu-5.Ti > 0:10-
7:00-11:10 p. m.
Leave Transror for Oinalm in 7:12 : IMU : 9n : ;
' . .i:13HlirtSloaT.llsn : ) IL m.lJ7-Sia-2:3T :
3.10-3a7 : :37 : 5:50 : 8 : U 7M : : : 7:5 > -8:5'J-
llWp. m.
Ltiuvo llrniilvray 10 35 p. m ; ArlvoOmuhn
111)0. ) f.v. Omnlm 10 00 p. m. ; Ar. Ilronilway
HI " > In olTcct August Sltli until further nor
tlca. Tins U lulOiUoiml to pruAtmt train Bcrvtco.
J. W. MO11SR , G. T. A
Arrivnl mul tlcpartnra or tr-ilni from , tlio
TruusforDoiiot atCotiuell
ciiiCAiio , HOCK iHi.ANUt rAcma
117:15 A. M. I DOISA.M. :
113:15 : A. u. H3 : . i\iu
CU(9f. ; M. I TUp. u.
A -.1:15 : A.M. I A 0:15 : A.M.
A tiiUi > u. I
A0 ! 5.M. . I A 0:15 : A. ir.
II 6:1 : J Iu. . II u:2) : ) i * . u. .
I A 7:00 p. M.
cmcano , Mjt-WAUKhB * ST. I-ADU
A 9:15 : A.M. I A'J:15A. : M
A 0:40 p. > i. I A7Uf.u : (
KINHJS ( mrr , ST. JOK t coi'tidi. nt.urwt.
AWWA. u. I D6 : : A. M.
A 3:001' : , vi. I A3OJl' . M ,
CITV it rACiric.
A7U-iAu. : I AOn.'iA. u.
| % u.
D p < uri. WKSTWAIU ) , Arnra ,
. . .llunvur Kiru | > 6. . . . . . . . J 6T\ :
. . . .Local Uxprei * . , . . , Mtati
U. & M. IN Mill.
6:10 .Mall nuil Kxprosf. . . . . I 6li
lni ) rt. SOU VII \VAIin. Arrive.
A. M. j r. N. jMissijuiu ( IVkl'llIU ' A. H. ( p. M. *
. ' . "I : Kin V.Nlint i'.xprii ! 1 ! . . . . 6UU.
(1C. ( C. . HT. J .V C. 11.
0:2 > Jal 8:151) : ) . Vm i'lutninoiith. T:00d 713
l ) | 'Brt NOIfl'llW.Utl ) . Arrive.
A. M. . i : a. l li. faT. I'T M. I O. i A. M. i : * T
8l5ii : . .I Bloux City Kt prill > | BJSo
. I fiiV--OuUlauil | Ac unnuoj'n liliUOn
l ) | iart. "BASTWAIH ) Amvo. "
A.M. * r. > i. j c. . a & g. A. u. . Iu. .
i riaii Mioiiiii ' a .MI 7.ID
NOTK A.t.iiiiwJnllyi II. duly r-n-cpt dun.
1)117 ) ; C , dally oxcvptSatunliiy ; D.'luily
will luuve 0 l . dap < ) t , Oamlin , ar'tl-O 7:3a- : >
i 'I'ucillu Uxirua ] < , ' : & ) | i. m ; Denver ' . .
it. in ; LQLUI Kx , . ' < rtl ) D. in
li.v\thto-k ( yard * for Umi'.lia l7ft _ > H liV- .
' ' '
'AtUntlofT , 'lo'J. O. T-lirt m. ; ftil-Huo Kr. .
le B. O SV : n.m : I > cal Kx , la f , O. JO jl . .
Ho. I'to , Kx .lfc.S-O.jU JLn , ; S'l M. 1' .
C.Ma. m <
Kxccpt Suaao/t