Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Dnll Monday Trading Among Speculators
on Chicago's Boanl of Trade.
Po.-lt Takes n I.ltllo Siitirt ( if
CcntB n BniTclVIicat nntl
Coluht'll Ijnwor ? , trlvjt
ON rino.uo ; ciiAX D.
CinrAno , Scut. ' - > 0. [ Special T.Mt-gram to
tlin Hr.n.J It finite frequently happens that
vlicii Iliitcliliiscin pi'U out on the curb uarlv
nnd linnirs ! \ > \ty : at niiee < < , tliitt tlia niaiket
it-acts before tliodav Inincr. Intleeil , Hutch-
iiifoii r.ot lililrt'iiiu'lilly ucls out nntl ni.ikcs
nn cnrlj hen Isti < lutii"2islritlon foi tliuery
1 iirpo > eof crc.itlne n cliunji stntttnptioliit lot
imtclin < GS on the Hour , lleioltl nil the Uc-
ltdier wheat at 74'c ( , Hint atiyhodyouhl tale
hefore thcnpcnliiff. Ills siUn inii l ha\o nt-
KreKntcil MW.OO'J btiblivls. When coin un.9
lenclieit lie v\a < n sollurln the same way nt
BSJ/e for October.
This inatlo the resiilar openlnK wry wcnk ,
lint It uis : not tniitur tin * curb , nnd aftct the
tlrit timlu was vciy Illtlo better. October
wheat began at "H c and went to 74 { c.
October coin was dull ntMKe. K.irlyusti-
iniiU'H on Hie vlsllilo were- that wJu-at wwild
show nn Increase or about 2Wi,030 bushels.
AVht-n thu fltftircsvcie made imbllcat noon ,
the visible Incn n"od 'J.CTO.OOO bushel' ; , and
tills biokti wheat down to thoopuntin : inraln ,
About nil tlmt e.ould be said In fnVorot nn
ntlvanro was that \\astooinitphboar
coniimny to inaki1 selling safe. Cables wcte
not encouraging and Indeed tlicro was no
oilier nous that wns. Unt his tratleis didn't
rare to sell with OUTV Tout , Ulclc and llanv
In the Dltfcelllni ? . There were no Ms opera
tions on either bide. The e.liance * aie that
the blcshotts. with the e\eeitlon | of Hnlch-
Insiiii , covoii'dltliln n hull hour of the an
nouncement of the visible supply lijrures ,
whieh hail milled and \\as back \\hero It as
li'ifoii ' ! It wm lno\Mi : Unit the inciL.'iso was to
be io hii e.
Oeloliei imik ilioppeil to S9.0TH nnd then
advnneed .7)p ) per b.urel Innvciy few niln-
ntcs. Novemhei- pork \\ont in the same line
JioniSi'.S5 ' to ? Ut.OTho "titilei" " bail , it
WIIH thought , bi'en cotlen ildof nnd tlilsmndu
thu cni\\l ( \ery IICIMIIIS indeed.
The elo'-u nt 1 o'clockas T-IJs'e for Oetobcr
wheat. : N - < ( : i'i'c lot October coin. tf'J.ou ' tor
( leiobertxnk , and srt.UU toi October Inttl.
September l.ird sold at S" . : ) . Them was a
eollapse In laid nnd ribs to-day , October
laid thoppliifr to 51. WK and October
ribs to rfli.lfl. It Is snltl both Aunoiir
nnd Cuthiliy weio solleis. In corn Keam Is
Bald to have been seller. Clmitcis tu-ilny
\\eio : Wheat , 100,000 bu. : corn , W7 , 000llax ; ,
0.K,0. (
The hort afieinoon board waiilnll. U heat
cd at TIVc for Oclobci. Oi-to'ier coin at
e. October pork nt 50.DO , October laid at
. .
Ul'lilt , 3 ii. in AVheat ( .trouper : October ,
7fT ! ( 7i ; < i' ; pulH. 74-he ) : call.Tnjjfc. . Corn
lor puts , ; calh , 40jje.
Cnic'Aoo. Sept 20. [ Special Tcleirian. to
the Jlii.l : CATII.K Tliileecipw of na
tives were not largo and best cattle were
wanted at steady latcs , Thuio weic so many
western rangois , however , that , tilled the
places of native cattle that common to me
dium kinds weie extremely huidto sell at lOc
decline , and theio were some that were nol
wanted at that. Smooth fat natives sold at
about former rates , but. fat cattle
tlo showing roughness were hard to
Fell at lower rates. The Kan
sas City maiket was weaker and London
dull at last week's decline. Shipping steers
KJ50 to 1500 Ibs , 84.aVjJ. . ; 0 ; 12Jto ) 1.J50 Ibs. ,
-US@I.C5 ; Ittfllo 1200 Ibs. , S3.40@UO. In
ranuo cattle it was the opinion of one go
man that canning Te.xans and choice , fat
lots weio steady , while lair to medium kinds
were r > ( < viOc lower. Opinions dilleied , how
ever , and qno or two buyers for Instance
thought prices 10 < ! lower all round. Fair to
medium western cattle , however , weio in
liberal supply and they generally sold 5W10c
lower than tlio bet pi Ices ot last week. I ho
receipts to dav were about H.OOO wlnterec
TOXIIIIR , natives and hall-bntvds , and iiboni
] , M)0 ) tluoiigh Toxans.
lloov The receipts for the day were
25,000. Trade was slow at the start , am
piices tnlly lOo lower than the close Satur
day. Itough and mixed sold at S4.f-4 ! ( ( ? 00
and fair to'uood at $4.704.s.O. with best heavy
at S4.Wxa.WO : lluht sorts , S.7.X ! ! < K75. The
Yorker and Ualtimoie sort ( eipial to prime
butcher pigs ) , sold at SI.UO.fl..iS : lough am
jiiixed , SJ.OOit.70iacklnirand ( : shipping , 250
toiaoihs. 54.75(35.05 : light weights , 130 to
170 Ibs , $3.95&l.bO ( ; skips , S-)0g.i.75. (
Nmv York. Sept. 20. Movitv On nal
active atI.t5 ( per rent , closing at 5 per cent.
HTKUUNO JCxcn.vxnr Quiet but steady
nlS4.M foi sixty day bills , uud 31.8.4' ; "
( lovKi.M'Mi.XTS Goveinmcnt bonds wcu
dull but stromr.
i iS'iofKS The stock niailti-t was DXtiemel ;
iictlvp , sales being the larwst ot any day fo
several months. I'urch.iMng was , toafargi
extent , entiiely new buying , ami althoitgl
theo ) weio heavy ieall/ng : s.iies during Hi
t day , the demand was so gieat that miukccl
advances weio mmhiover the whole INt. The
opening was stiong at advances over the
eloilng ligtire.s of Satin day , latiglng fiom H
to 1 per cent , L'ickawaniia ' ailvunccd sharply
In Iho afternoon , accompanied byVestein
Union and Omiilin , tint a lueak in I'acillc
Mall tlieeked ( lit ! gonoMl advance lor 11 slioit
time , thmicli It atlurwauN ii-coveied hand-
Romcly. Theio w.ts again heavy helling in
the last hour , which c.uiM-d reactions In some
Htouks ami held others down to the piices
tilieiuty attained. Tim mat Ket closed bin elv
Him. 'The most notable advances are West
ern Union 2.V percent , Luekawanna S , ' per
cent , und Te.van 1'relllc 1 > j per cent ,
* > pent bonds. . 10'Ji C. iV : X. W . . . 118 ° ! ?
II. H. 4U's 1H % | pioleiied
Nowl'a. 1 SN. " -
Ontiall'.iclllc. .
0.4V ; A
luvferrcd. . . . 1 * . 0.
c. n. Jtq i 7 Itbck Island. . . .
J ) . h.\V ol * Jj. % V o. O If r . . . .
D. &n u iirefericd. . .
0. , .M. A-St. I' . . . 115 } , '
pieteired. . . proferiod. . .
Illinois Central. St. I' . iVO ,
' II. 1-W 1SMI pu-ferred , . . 114
fe Texas I'acllk- . . .
.akoShort ! Union I'acillc. . .
W. , St. L. * J' . .
Mich. Cential. . . . .
Mo. 1'aclllo stern Ifnlon.
rtorthein I'ac. . .
picferred. . .
Clilunco , Sept. 20. Klour Dull and
inslcr ulili no | mi > oitant rhangc ; winter -
torhfat Hour , 34.U.(3-I.10 ( ; snutli-
rrn , SUKJii4.00 : ; WUconsln , 5-I.Oa'c 1.10 ;
Michigan t > ut sprliiL' wheat , $ .5 < X < }
i.H ) ; .MiniiL'Milii b.ikois , $ : ) .MXt4.10 ( ; natonK
Bl. : J. .Oi ) ; low vrailus , 31.7ft-i.75 ; rjollonr.
nnift at S.W5j4a.f > 0 In Uirrols. and 8 .OOjJ
f.'M In sacks.
Wheat -1'alrly caiior : opened weaker , % ( < $
) { o lowpr , closed H'r above Saturday ; cash ,
3'Kjt7i ' : c : October , THKc ; Mny.Blwnr
Corn Advani-t-tl JfitJXo t oponlni ; , and
ittur IhicluatlnKclnu'tl hleady about Uiusniuo
nsSntnrd.tyc.i li , .t7W > { ! i8c : Octol-cr , : to fo
May. ltc.
Oats btcaillcr , nuigcil nliout Kc nbovo
V" Saturday ; cash , -'S'i'c ' ; October , So ; May ,
f I
\Vbi > K.v-t.l7.
] 'orkOM'iii" | [ ® 7Kc fpHuwpd
l.ant-.Mmleratelv active , KXrfiUc lower ;
tash , 57.W'Ootobvr.58 ) 12@ai5 ; Novt-iabpr ,
Meats Nominally unchain : eU ;
ihoulders , 5a.l3K(36.35 ( ; short clear ,
1.10 ; short ribs , Jo.'A
iJnttci Easier ; creamery , l-W-JK ! ; dairy ,
, x J 10i * .
e Acllvo. firm ; full en am cbcddars ,
10'4 rfltoj yoiuiR Americas
S , .V < 4fc.
Jlides Heavv gteen salted , 7Kc Haht.
mil hides hftU'M. ft'ic ' ; drv salted
1'ic ; dry Hint , rttt t4e ; calf skins ,
leatons SO1 * each.
Tnllow No. i cjuntiy , 3 > i@l c ; cake ,
BJfc ; No. 2 , 3c.
Ant.nxoov HoAnn Whcit Firmer ;
October. 7IVe : May , si'Vc. ' Corn Irreunlai ;
Irtobcr , : isVo : May , 4JC. Oats Irregular ;
Jctohpt , 'J.W ; Majil : ' .HO. I'otk Firmct ;
> ctobrr , MM ' < ; November , S.S7U. ! ' l.aitl-
liit' iilai.Oc'tobei , tO.W : May , $ r..te'i. '
Itecplnts blnpuiPtits.
Flour. h M . 1-J.o 0 15.0H )
Whcnl.bti74.iHW - W.t-OO
Ccni.ti . .vi.tfio 2iiiooj
Oats , nu . Kii.iKM lin.o.H )
| { ye , on . : . .oo ) 3x , (
Darlev.Uit . 6'.UNJ 70,000
ISi'W Yoi-li. Sept. --Wheat Itccclpl" ,
KHtXXI ; c\poits UT.icil ; cash Meady ; options
i 'li.ulo lowoi , but afterwaids illicit .stronger
ind iuKanced JjfttV" * , closliiK II nu : im-
eni < lpl rcil. 7.s.nKc ! ; No , 3 red ,
No. 2 red. S ! in elevator , MV , f- ° - ' ' No.
1 led , 'JOc ; No. 'J red , O.'tobi'rclntiunt85Ue.
Corn Spot linn and motleiately active ;
options openeil li'n ' . , ( better and closed w ith
the advance paillv lust ; icrolpts. c.i,0 0 ;
expotts I'-'GtKX ) ; nnu'iaded. 4C.4si e ; No. 2 ,
In clevatoi and alloat , October clou-
iu' at 4s\c.
Unts Higher and less active : receipts ,
12stOJ ; nxiMiits , none ; mixed western , li'Jts
34t-5 white western , ! il@4Uc.
. Petroleum Firm ; Uiilted closed at f 4c.
.KL'IW Finn and fairly active ; western ,
I'oik Dull and easier ; old mess , SlO.fiO ® ; ? l I.25@ll.75.
. J.anl Lower , heavy nnd Inegular ; western
steam. spot. S7.00.
lliittcr Firm and domaml fair.
Cheese Quiet but firm.
Mliwnukoc , Sept. 20. - WhoatFim ! ;
cash , "Dke ; October , 74'.je ; Novcmbei , 7
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , : > sp.
Oats Lower ; No. 2 , i' .
lyp ! Scarce ; No. 1 ,
Hailey Higher ; No. 2 , fi7Kc.
Provisions Lower ; pink , October , Sfl.fKX
Cfnclnnntl. Sept 20. Wheat Kasler
and lower ; No. 2 red , 7C@70J c ; receipts ,
12.000 ; shipments , in.OCM.
Corn Steady with lair demand ; No. 2
mixed , 41c.
O.Us Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. 27c.
Itye-Kasy ; No. 2 , Kl c.
Pork- Neglected at S10.50.
hard Heavy at Sfi.s'j.
Whisky Actlvo unit linn at SI. 12.
MiniipnitolN. Sent. --Wheat onened
v\eak anil closed ste.idy at a decline of V4
below S.itunhiyN quotations : No. 1 haul ,
e.isli , 72i-5 Septembci , ? .V ; October , 7JVfo ;
November , 74e ; December , 75'ic ; No. 1
noi them , cash , GS J ; September , (5"c ( ; October ,
' ' November , 70e ; December , 71J < c.
' - ? ) ; ) ts5Y.25tS4.40'bakers' ; ,
'JteVcijW Wheat , 2.52,000 bu , , lit.OOObu. ; Hour , 20,000
St. lotils. Sept. 20. Wheat Firm ami
higher ; Xo. 2 icd , cash , 74V , ( jj7'lc ! ; Novem-
bt'i ,
Coni-Stcadv : No. 2 niKcd , cash , 85 ? e ;
November , 3ife. < ! .
Oats Firm : No. 2 mixed , cash , 2Gc ;
Novem her. 20' c.
Hvc Stcadv at 4 e.
Whisky Finn at SU2.
J'oik Kas > at 510.5'J.
Laid Steady at SOfiO/gn.Ofl. /
lintter CJulet and steady ; cie.imcry , 21 @
ArTKii.vooN HOAISD Wheat Kaby and a
shade lower.
Coin Weal : at io oc lower.
Now Orleans , Sept. 2C. Corn Stiong
and hither : mixed , 4rauv. (
O.Us Quiet ami we.ik at : > . ' ! Je.
Hog I'loducts Dull , weak and lower.
Pork-null , weak and $11.03.
Laid KeHncd tierce. S7.2. ' > .
Hulk Jle.Us Shouldeis , $0.50 ; Ions clear
and clear ribs , S7.50.
Ijlvorpool , Sent. 20. Wheat In poor
demand ; new No. 2 winter , dull at Cs
Ud : sprlmr , dtillatCsOil.
Flour In poor demand , dull at 8s 4d ,
Coin In poor demand ; spot dull atIs
I'ljd ; September dull at 4s 4U ; October and
November. 4s3 > < fd.
rolctlo , Sept 20. Wheat Firm ; cash ,
Corn Uull ; cash , 41 ?
Oats Steady ; cash , i
Kaunas City , Sept 20. Wheat Firmer ;
.No. 2. red. cash and September ,
October , ( Vie ; November , Ol c.
Corn Cash dull ; futiues higher ; No. 2
cash. Die bid : October , Xi&j'UUc ; Movembcr ,
: c bid.
Oats No quotations.
GlilctiKO. Sept. 20. The Drover's Journal
iciiint.s as follows :
Cattle Itecclpls. 10,000 ; slow shade lower ;
packing and slilpimr. ) Si.-I0i63.10 : ( ; stockers
and feeders , fe2.iG ( < $ : ! . : ! 5 ; eovv.s. bulls and
mixed , Sl.r.O'ifcXav.linllc , S2.15 < i2.7.r. : tlnoiurh
Texas cattle shade lower ; cowsS'-.25 2.5 ;
steers , S'.7.i.5 : ; ! ; wesietn langois fiiOc (
lowei : nativL-s and halt lueeds , Si.oOTi'Ou ( ' ( ;
cow sfe2.5L' ( : : , ! iO ; wintered Toxan.sSi,75w.5 : ! ( ) .
Sales. 1.07D Ibs MontanaTexans sold at SJ.I5 : ;
1.175 Ib Iakotas. AfiTj ; l,047lbl.ikotaTexans ) ,
5..20 ! : OS7 Ibs Wvomliu Tuxans S..00v ! < y.5 ;
1,10. ) Ibs Wyoinlncs. SUS1 * ? .
Hogs lteci'Ipts.25OUO ; slow , 5@I03 lower ;
Jambs 5WX4.7B. : )
The Diovei-sMouniars special cablegram
from liondon denott-s a weak market at last
week's decline , best Auici lean iteeis selling
at U@ll > fe peril ) .
KUIIKIIH City. Sept. -Cattlo Uroelpts ,
1,000 ; bliipmeiit.s none : quiet but steady :
fpi-dcis , $ :5.iiiri : : cows , &l.50@i70 ; grass
Texas steers , &J..WQJ7S.
Hon' Itei-elpts ,000 ; weak and Sc
low er tor mixed ; .1(3 ( lOc lower lor common t (
cholcoat fr4.C5 ( , l.tO ; mixed [ ackcre , S4.'X > I < $
'sL liottls' . Sent. 20.- Cattle Receipts
GOO : shipments. 1,00 : ) ; btroir.-tr lur gooi
natives ; good to eholeo shipnmg. S4.4U (
4.0J ; common to fair , : t.75 4.5 : ! ; luitehers'
steel s. & .l,5'i 4.20 ; cows nnd hclH'is , 53.25 ®
3,50 ; Tcxans and Indiana , sa..riO@-J.ri5.
llnu'fc Receipts , il.OOO ; shlpmontH , GOO
opi-ned ste.idy. closing we.ik at 5c
lower ; tmlchets and best heavy , 54.Mig
S.10 ; mled : pack'.ng , 54.40iil.M ; light , 54.25
Alonday Kvcnlmr , Sejit. ' . ' 0.
CATTMC Tin * iceelpts wen- the Inures
that ilioy have been tot some time , but theio
was not much doing on the market.
lions Tim receipts weio light , as usual 01
Monday. Thu mai Ket opened about steady
but declined when Iho u-poiia were iccclvu
from ea'itPin maikuls
Siiijup Thi'io weic i Ijwgood sheep li
to-day but nothing doing.
Cattle . 'J.--00
Hogs. . . , . ' .ciO
Sheep . tM > 0
I'rovnlllni ; I'rliios.
Showing the provalling i'rhws paid for llvo
stock on tills market.
Choice stciirs , ISM to 1500 Ibs. . 34.55 ® I.GO
Choice steer.s liouto liBJlbw . : i.7nwi.2.
Medium steois , 1250 toll ! Iln. . . 3.GOy4.l.
Fat lit t to steers , 10M to 11501b < . . . . 3.8W4.0.
( ! oed to clioicu corn-fed cows . 2.noji.2. ( : !
Fab to moillum gr.iss cows . ' . ' . ( UiT..o.
( iood to pliolco build . l.r > 0.W.OO .
l.luhtand mcumm ii'i'i * . , 4/KU4.4i :
( iooil toch'ilcu heavy l'.i o . . . . . 4,4" > fa-l.v ;
Good to choice mixed liuw'i . 4i.'XU'4.45 :
Coed to choice sheep. . . . . IJ.OiiiVfil/jr.
Fit'rlouood ' sheeji. , . 2.75C i.00 :
Common slui . , . (
noprosciitiitivo bnlcs.
No. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. I'r
7 100J S2.00 33 IWSi f2.t > l
No. Av. Silk , I'r. No. Av. Shit. I'r.
. " 5..110 120 54.80 .M..32U 40 S4.Hi
70..215 80 4.40 S2..2W 120 4.50
07..20S 40 4.40 ! ! . , , , iiflO UXJ 4..MI
r,7..2rai I20 ! 4.40 5U..270 120 4..V.
n . , . . ' -.y fcOM7Jf 02..245 4..V.
. . . .214 4.50 51..SCO 200 4.55
07. . . 215 120 4.50 * l.2A 2W 4.C2 > ;
No , Av. Silk. I'r. .No. Av. Shk. I'r.
. ' . . . .210 120 84.00 8..875 $4.10
5..2SJ W 4.00 6..3JS 200 4.30
1 . .KiO 40 4.10
Ilnngoor I'rlces.
'he-staiut lowtxt prices suld
* b.Ob'4 ou this market dur-
past , seven days , and for the same '
line ln it _ > t.'ar ;
ScptemGer" "September
londay , 4th 4.M @ 4.C0
'ne lay. 14th. . . 4.4-1 ( rt .S5 .
Vcdncsday. lf . 4.50 ( < T .75 3.10 < gS.7J
'huisdny , ifilli. 4.41 ( < ? 4.00
Saturday , ISth 4.41 ( < fl..V ,
tomlav. SOtli. . . 4io : ( ft4.r. . '
Shipment- * .
Showing the number of cattle , boss and
sheep shipped fiom the vauls to-day :
No. Cora Ht. Dost.
I U. I Chicago
2 C. U. A-Q Chlcai'O
0 N W Ul.lcago
S'o. Can Ut. Dcst.
H N. W t'ldrnifo
5 C. It. . .1Q Chicago
Allsalei ot stock in this mirkct are made
K-r cwt llvo weight unless otherwise stated.
) ead hoes sell at Vc pet Ib for all weimtts
'Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 103 Ibs
10 value. Piegnant sows are dockuJ 4i ) Ibj
> ( es.
A good many sheep in.
Heavy inn ol tango cattle.
Dog matket dull and lower.
Clav & Finest , Rock Cieck , hart CSO head of
cattle at thoiariK
G. H. Hammond A : Co. received fifteen
oaiN of fat cattle.
C. C. Nelson , Sidney , was on the maikct
vlth four loads of stock.
Mr. E. L. Kimmlns , of Denver , was herewith
with tw'o ' cais of sheep.
The Swon Land t Cattle company were In
vlth twenty loads of cattle.
The. Johnston Cattle company , Edear , had
eight cars of cattlu In to-day.
The Ogalalla i.and and Cattle company
lad : :74 : ot cattle at the yaids.
Mr. K. C. Green , manatrcr of the L. 7. Cat-
le company , was hero with eight cais of cat-
J. Lansing , Falnield , had In five cars of
cattle , and J , K. Holmes , of the same place ,
me car.
M. N. Fitch , HUT , Col. , hail two cars of
sheep at thu yards , consigned to Hauls &
On thu market with hogs : Stowait &
l-'iedoilck , Fulleiton ; A. MahalVey , Oscoola ;
Smith , Ingals Co. , Inland ; ) j. Anderson A :
Co , Me.ul ; H. H. Kalkncr , ( Jothenburir ;
Sliields , Chanmans ; ItlissA ; Ullss , Sclmyler ;
I ) . Andeison , Columbus ; C. D. Mooto , Hast
ings. _
Genorul I'rnitiioo. .
Mondav livening. Sept. 20.
T/ic/ooi'tii / ! ! ( ! ; jirlccs mo jnr roiimt lota of
, juM/iit'C / , nil mill on the inurhct to-ilnu. The
.yifutfitfoMv nn frnlti rcnrcicnt tlici > rlccs al
tr/iff/i / / nntiMe nnJcru tire Hllc < l.
lli-rn.u-The receipts ba\o been slightly
moie libeial the past week , but the gain has
been In the poor grades. Choice butler is as
scarce as over ami is bringing good prices.
Choice dairj butter , sweet and uniform color ,
packed In anil new packages , is selling
at I5@10c. A very small quantity ot extra
fancy is coming In which commands ltoc. ( .
Choice cieameij buttir Is selling at 21 at We.
.Shinpoiscan not be too caiefnl In handling
theii butter. Small neat packages sell the
best , but care should be taken to have only
one grade and color in a package , tor when
good butler Is packed with poor , It necessi
tates the whole being sold us poor butter.
Unas The u-eolpts arc veiy light and the
maikct liim at lG@17e.
I'OUI.TIIV The market Is not quite as firm
as l.nt week. The icceipts aio not large ami
all choice stock mover verv leadlly. Uoth
old fowls and spring chicken aie In demand.
A few ducks aie coming in but the demaml is
light and theio Is no settled pi ice. Old low-Is ,
choice , per doS2.r > 0 ( < i2.75 ; fancy , Sil.OO.
Spi ing chicken , I.ini'j2.50@1.75 ; tancyS2.03
iiZU.50 ; medium , S. . 00 ft 2.58 ; small , not
wanted. Ducks , S2.25@2.50. Tin keys , not
GAMH The warm weather of the past
few d.iys has seriously alfeeted the
ttadc. Consignments airived mostly in
bad order and weie a total loss. In some
instances u few good birds weio picked out
and sold at low Hume ? . J list n soon as cold
weather sets in there will bo a brisk demand
ducks , mixed.1.2r @ 1.50.
I'OTATOES The market keeps up as the
receipts have been light and mostly In small
lots. Very few car lots have been received
thus far this season. Heavy receipts ot car
lots would ha\o a tendency to weaken prices.
During the few days choice stock sold as
high as Kic but In a small way. Choice ship
ping stock , perbii , 5 „ . . .
CAiiitAdi : Homo giovvn is selling in n
small way at CSffl'Sc per do/ .
I'm1 Conx 2iU2 } < fc per Ib.
WH.II Pi.t'.vis Veiy few coming in , and
good stock will Ijiing 61.25 pur half-bushel
CKAB An-r.r.s Theio is a good demand ,
but shipments are very light and mostly not
In shipping condition. Finn stock will
btlng 81.00 tier bushel.
APCI.IIS Theio Is agieatdeal of common
stock in the market nnd It is moving slowly.
Choice shipping stock Is not so plenty. There
aio a few southern Jonathansand licllllowers
in. Fancy stand or eating aimles are scarce.
Common stock , S2.00fr72.25. Choice shipping
stock , per bbl , fr2.50iJ2. ( " " > . Fancy stand stock ,
iloMR-ciitowN GUAPKS The marketlsstill
well supplied with choice stock , but it Is not
as abundant as last week. 1'ilces are very
Jinn. The following nro the piices at which
outside orders for choice stock are tilled :
Shipping stock , per Ib , 20-lu.boxes. 4c ; 10-ib
baskets. 3.V. BK ?
Jloxwv .Nebraska , choice , whlto clover ,
Inside. : Nebraska , ilark , 12l4c. ; California ,
1-lbMCi'tioiis , I5e. ; C.tlifoinla , stiainetl , 2-lb
sections , 12j ( jM4c. < ,
Ovri'i.i Tiailo Is Improving. During
thu fair week there was a good demand iroin
the hotels and icstaiir.tnts and now the
local fiocciics are commencing to handle
them quite largelv. More ordets aio comliiL'
In fiom the couniiy than ovorbofoieat this
season ot the year. Tne dealers of this city
aiu in better condition than on any inevlous
vcai to supply the outside tiade. The fol
lowing aio the pilce.sat which coimtiy ordci.s
ate Idled : Mediums : KC ) ; standaid , 35c ;
selects , 40c ; o\tra selects , -I.V.
Mni.oxh The season tor heavy shipments
Is over , but them Is still n veiy lair tiadn In
water melons , Miiscatine , per 100 , SlS.Oftg
20.00 ; smaller sI/iM. 515.00@10.10.
Lr.noxh The dem.ind is not as stiong
owing to the cooler weather. 1'ilces icmain
tlio same as last week : 5 > U.75 10 on.
OicAXnr.s Theroaio a fovv Honduras In
the mm ket which are sweet ami good sUc ,
Honduias , per box,5 H.OO.
CALiron.NiA Finals The anivals of Cali
fornia fiultsnro very light and onlv irr.ipes
aio coming. The season is piaetically over ,
( ir.ipcs , Muscats. S1.50 ; Tokays , S175.
CocoANuis-Cocoanuts , per hundred
SO.iO ; less than bundled , per hundred , 30.50.
UTAH Fuiar.i Utah pcaehes and pears
aio plenty and uio meeting with veiy good
sale-s 1'eais , ro-lb boxes , S4.25ff4,50 ( ; peaches ,
SO-lli boxes. SI.75.
MAi.ihi'OAnililcks ! : , per Ib , 12 } ; penny
cakes , pur Hi , 15c.
MAI-I.I : SHUP Unlk , 13 to 17 gallon keirs ,
per pal. . SI.00 ; gallon per gal. , $1.05 :
halt-gallon cans , per gal. , SI.10.
NUTS Pecans , largv , polished , lie. ; pecans ,
medium , He. ; Iviiullsh vuilnnts. 14c , ; almonds ,
Tariagomt , 20s : aliuoniU , J.angui'doc , I7c ;
DiuziU , I'.e ; lllbcits , lie ; pe.intits. hand
plckeil , fancy. Viiginla , s.Vi'a ; peanuts baud
plulcd , choice. Virginia , 7'-e : pe.muts
toasted , 2c extra per Ib.
PHIS' Fiir : : , THICK , KTC. I'lsh * feet , per
K-lilil , S4.75 ; do.bbl. . , SJ.50 ; do. , per kit ,
Sl.OO. Lambs' tonuiies' pel Jbbl J , & 3.25 ; do ,
per kit , S2.50 ; do. , quart Jan. , PCI do * . , 85.25 ;
do. , pint Jurs. per case , 2 do/en. ? 0.25. Tripe ,
per Mild. , SJ4.00 ; do , , perbbl , 52.00 ; tlo. ,
per Kit , lHc. )
UKANS The ui.iiKot Is ainiost cleaned up.
Nlrc clean lioans In fair H. r.
Navy. Sl.70C1.75 ; H. I' . Medium. S1.50y $
l. < Vji-li ; ire clean country. 51.25W1.50 ; vrood
ele.ui countr > , VO ( < ( $ lKi ( ; Inferior , t u,75c.
( iitAix Corn-"Je ; old oats , 2hc ; new oats ,
SW. c ; rye , 40c ; wheat , No. 2 , We.
Fi.oun ANI > Mn.i sru 'hh Winter wheat
iluur. best quality patent , Se.b'J ' ; second niuil-
Itv. g2,40.'igi.M . ) ; best quality spring wheat
Hour , iwitcnt , Si.75bran,5 ; < Jc percwtchop ; ] > eil
feed , Mc ) per cvvt : whlto coin meal , Sl.OO ;
j allow corn meal. We per cvvt ; sereenlng , COe
l > er cwt : hominy , S-.OO iier cwt ; shorts , .V > c
per cwt ; L' , Sl.r-0 ; hay , In bales , SO.OO ®
7.00 per ton. . _
Grocer * ' I.l t.
PicKM'.s-Medinm. In boK 8fi-r-0 ; do In
halt bbls , S3. ; * ; small. In bills. $7.50 ; do in
halt bbls , 51.'M ; gherkins. In bbls , 88.50 ; ao
in h.ilt bbls. S4.75.
ftYKUiNo.70 , 4-gaiion , 51.22 ; New
Orleans , R > iic ! per gallon ; Maple Syrup. %
bariel , btilcUy putu , 7c per gallon ; 1 gallon
eansSP2 - > vcr do ? . ; ' gallon can $5.25 ner.s
dnz : quart cans , S-i.t'J.
St o Aits L'ovv ill-red , 7 0 ; cut loaf , 7 ( < 7'4c ' ;
pramdated. 0 4c ; , contcctioiiers1 A. O'tc ;
standard extra C.'Mr ' , c ; extra C , . @Wc ;
inedlmn jellow , 5V'J" > ? &c.
CANXII ; ) Moons Oysters , standatd , per
ens S-'l.RO ; stiawberrles , 2 Ib , per case. S3.IO ;
raspberries , 2 Ib pvr ease , S2.10 ; California
peai' , PPr case , S4.50 ; apricots , jxjr case ,
t4.10 : peaches , per case , 35.30 ; white cherries ,
per c.Tse , S-'i.SK ) ; plums i > cr case , SH.75 : blue
berries , per case , Sl.v > > , cKg vluni ! , 2 Ib , tier
a e , 52.50iidneapiiloV'J lt > , W * e , 83.20
15.50 ; 1 Ibmaekerel. per do ? . S1.20 ; 1 Ib salmon -
mon per dnz , Sl.r y < i 1.00 ; J Ib jcooseberles ,
pel casp , si.73 : 'J Jb stiinR beans , per case ,
1.70 : 'Jib lima boons , per case. Sl.flO21b :
mariowfat IIORS , i r ra < e. S2402 ; Ib caily
Juno peas , per paso. S'i.7."i ; 3 Ib tomatoes.
per cae , S2.15@Ul : 2 Ib corn , per r.T-e , Sl.'JQ
( < i'J.10y : Ib corn beef. | > erdo ; . 31.7U 'J.PO.
topi : ' < Inch.OJic ; Inch , lo 'c ; ' ; Inch ,
bmr.n FnciTs No. 1 quarter apples , 5
Ic ; in evaporated boxes , 'J'-pCai' ' c ; blaekber
rles , boxes , ' .ii ( ( ni34c ; jieaelies. ea tein , 46 < s ( ?
ft' ' c ; peaches , cvapoiatcd , lo' Ql'c : Salt
Lake , none In mavket' laspberrles , new. 18
f < llnccinrents ; T' C' Jic ; pi lines , new , 43
STAiirn Mirror closs 1 Ib , 5'e : Mirror
, 3 Ib , flUc ; Mliror ulo-s , ( lib , 0 > { c ;
( iraves corn , t Ib , fie ; Klncsfoid's corn , 1
Ib , 7o ; Klnpsford's Klosi , i ib , 7c ; Kings-
ord's K'OSS. ' 0 Hi , 7' e ; Klnssford's pure , 31b.
* ( d Kinirstotil'8 bulk , 4c.
Coi'FEKs-OidlnaryKiartes.ll@llkc : fair ,
UKCKc ; prime , WWls'fcj cholee _ fa iac ;
fancy pn
soc ; "
10U.C , _ , _ _
Dilworth's. 10'rc : Ited ( Jioss. UJJfc.
sioAVs Kirk's Savon imperial. * 'J.rO ;
Ktik's satinet. 83.00 : Kirk's standard. : un ;
Kirk's white Husslaii , S4.00 ; KUU's White
Cap. SO.W : Dome. SS.M ; Washboard. 53.10.
White Cloud , 83.75.
AIATCIIKS i'cr eaddlc , ' - c ; round , per
case , 51.00 ; bquniocnses , SI.70 ; mule squnie ,
CANDY Mixed , OKffll2c ; stlcK , 8K3) ) c ,
CiiACKr.ns ( larneau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , fii c ; cicams , bH'ci singer snaps , 8 > c ;
cltv soda , 7i < c.
LwiKi ) Knt'iTSNol quarter apples. a @
4c ; In e > aporated boxes. KalJfc ( ! ; blackbei-
rie * . , boxes , 8 © ' . ! ; peaches , eastern , 4 f@
5JtP peaches , evaporated , ir ' ( cJ17c ; bait
I.uko ntiuo in market : rnsnbeirles , new. is
( < 8l'ccunants ! ' ; , 7 @ 7Kc ; uruned , new , 4Y
WOOL Medium. 17@lic ? per Ib ; line heavv ,
ItifcetCe ; lit'lit , 14M17c ; , I'JftJlfic ; buiry
wool , s@ " > c oil.
Iliii ) > ( Jrecn butehers fl ) < jc 7e ; green
cuied , Hfnto c ; dry Hint , il@iie : ; dry salt ,
n@10c ; damau'ed hides two-thiri'.s price.
fallow He. ( irease , prime white. : ie : jellow ,
Je ; blown , IJia , Sheep I'elts. ytOt'ftc.
I > iArinu : : I'rlme slaughter sole leather ,
320' prime oak sole leather , 8G@kc. : Upper
leather per toot. 'JJa'J"c ( ; hem , kip , Tflfes * ;
oak kip , W ( 7l e : Fietieh kip , Sl.OOC' ' 1.20 ;
hem , calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak call , Sl.OOfat.U.'i ' ;
French calf , Sl.'i l.M ) ; Moioeco boot letr ,
JiOjtlUe : Morocco oil pebble , SS iMc. toppings
nnd linings. OOgWc. , . , .
HIAVY HAitnwAiiK iron , rate , S2.a > ;
low ste i special past , 4c ; cruclb lesteel , Co ;
east tools do , 13y18c ; waon spokes' per sat ,
S1.7.1S3.00 ( ; hubs , per set , Sl..T : felloes ,
sawed dry , 51.40 ; tongues , cacn , 750 ; avjes.
each. 75c : sipiaro nuts , uer Ib. 7 1le : eoll
chain , per Ib , < Xct2c ; malleable. oqiSc : Iron
wedges , oc : erowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , le :
spiimr steel , 7@Sc : Burden's horseshoes.
E4.40 ; Uuiden's mute , shoes. S5.40. IJ.ubep
wire , in ear lots , 64.00 per 100 Ibs. rout
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , S2.50 ; steel nails , S'J.fiT :
Shot Sl.ii.1 > ; buckshot , Sl.bS : oriental
powder , kess 8S..X ) : do , balf Keu's , S2.00 ;
do. niiiiitcrKcss.5l.305 blasting , kegs , 5 .3 >
fue. . net 10 teet. . ' . Lead Bar. 3U > . ,
I'AINTS IN On , VHuccau. Omaha , 1' . r
} < c : white lead , St. Lc-iis , pure. S7.75 : Mar1 1
ellles green. 1 to 5'li ' elms. 2e ; Kienclivlnc ,
Krecii seal , lUc ; 'l-'ieiieh ' zinc iert seal , lie ;
French zinc. Invainisli asst , 20a : Kicncii
zinc,75c ; vcimlllton , 'Amcilcan ' , 18c ; Indian
retl , lOc ; lose nlntt. He ; Venetian red , COOK-
son's , % e : Venetian red , American , l c ;
led lead , 7J c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 'Joe ;
chiomo yellow , K. I'Jc : ochre , roclio le , lie ;
ocluc , French , Sc : ochre , American , iKc ;
Winter's inini' SKc ; Leltlgh brown , 2' ' < jc ;
Spanish brown. 2Ke : I'riiice's mineral. c.
V Aiixisiins Barrels , per gallon : Futnl-
tnre , extra , 31.10 ; fnrniture , No. 1 , SI. 00 ;
coacll extra , S1.40 ; roach. No. 1 , S1.20 : Ua-
inar , extra , S1.7BJ ? Japan , 70c ; nspluiltum.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hnrd od finlsn ,
bnniTS Cologne spirits. 168 proof , 81.14 :
do 101 proot , 81.15 ; .spirits , second duality.
101 proof , 81.14 : do 18S proof , 81.13. Alco
hol. IbS proof , S-.1'- per wine gallon. Kedis-
tilled whiskies , SLOOffll.60. Gin. blended ,
Sl.SOjiS.OO ( ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00Wfi.OO ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania lyes , S'iOO@ .r)0 ;
Coldcn Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies ,
S1.50@ ° .00. BmiuUes , Imported , } 3.00@&fX ) ;
domestic. 51.30 ® J. 00. ( Sins , imnoitetl , S450
© 0.00 ; domestic , 1.25(23.00. ( ChamiaKncs ) ,
hiipoi ted , per case. 8 8.00@a.OO : ; Auiprlcan.
per case. S10.00@lfi.00.
PitYl'AiN'.ii Whlto lead , c : Kronen zinc ,
12C ; 1'aris whitlnp. 2Kc ; whUlnir , gliders' ,
2J/c ; whiting , coiii'l , 1K , InmpblncK , Ger-
maiistown. 12c : lampblack , ordinary. 8c ;
Prussian blue,55a : ullramarlne , iSc ; vnndyko ,
brown , Sc : umber , burjit , 4c ; umber , law , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c : Paris
green , genuine. 2. ' > c : rans ureen. r.oininnn.
± 2e : chiomo I'leen. N , "V. . 20c : chiomo green ,
K , 12c ; veimlllion , Kii ! > Iish , in oil 70c ; raw
and buint umber. 1 Ib cans. i"c : raw and
burnt sienna , 1'ic ; Vandyke , brown , I3c ; relined -
lined lampblack , 12c ; coach blank and ivoiy
black , Hie : drop blaclt. lOc : Prussian blue ,
40o ; ultramaiineb'ue ' , 18c ; ciiromo preen , ij. ,
M. & D. , lic ( ; blind and shutter urecn. L. . . M.
& D. , ICe ; I'aris irreen , Ibc ; Indian red , l&c ;
Venetian red. Oc ; Tuscan. 22c : Ameilcan
vci million , L. & ! ) . , 20c : yellow ochio , tic ; L.
M. & O. IX. 18c ; good ochre , lOc : patent
dryer , 8c ; giainlug color , light oak , dark oak ,
ulanut. cliestnutand ash. 12o
JJnuoKAKD UviuncAi.s Acid , carbolic ,
32c : acid , tarlarlc , S'Jc ; balsam cooalba , per
lli , 4l < c : bark , sassafras , per Hi. lOo : calomel ,
pcrlb72c : chinchoiilaia. pero40c ; eliloro-
fin in , per Ifo , 40 c ; Dover's powders , j > er H > ,
81.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , tt c ; glycerine ,
put e , per lli. 18c : lead , acetate , per HI. 21c ;
oil , cator. . No. 1 , per gal. , 81.5'J ' ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 : oil , ollve.per gal.,31.40 ;
oil orluannum , 50c : opium SD.x : ) ; riuinnie ,
P. t W. and K. AS. , per at , 70o ; potassium
Iodide , per tti , S3.00 : sallcin , pero40o ; sul-
pliate inoiphlne. pei o . 82.40 ; sulphur , per
Ib. 4c : stijclinmc. pero-s , Sl.'JT.
Hen'sS't.No 1 I/bi7 UO t 003 i2 0"i 1
I/KO ( ilb'd Fanuyln ( H ) : | 002 75 1 K5 1 33 50
I/g H' < 1 bh'ro F'cy 5 00,1) ) a75,1 , 65 1 30 60
lit libls ( , lr IllilB l > 'lf > K18
100 TO 60 40 , 12
No , 1 White I'lsh oo o : io : t EO : i 101 01
Family Whlto Fish. . . 3 ft'J 3 1.12(1.- M , K >
No. ITioiit 4 05 2 05,1 05 74
IMl'dllTI'l ) Flhll.
iHrUIIf Dlils.Q'rlltilal'alUor Kits
200 | log L w ] io 10 | la 1U
Norvvcylan I . _ | i _ _ | _ I , . ,
KKK OOJ Wp B3 3 80,3 , 10 1 04
Holland her-
rlnps , new.
IIIML.Sh > O.Na. ANf TIMllbllH.
8x4 , . . IOM tLW'is.oo ' s
| U.DJ'l ' . .5U.lT.OlH.Oja..002- !
jio.iuiu.rxj ( , 17.00 i .oaai.o3''
8x10 . Ill ) M 10.5V 1U.50 IT.Uli 18.00 , W.U'iJW )
. 111.5 JflJift ID/fl 17.00 1S.OO a..OO.aAOO
x . . . . . IH.50l'J.5U ) | 8.5'jl7.00 ' | 18.03O 00 M 00
" " "
No. 1 Com. s. 1. si ' 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft . 817.50
No. 2 " 12. 14 and 10 U . 14.75
No.3 " ' ill 14 and 10 ft . 13.50
No. 4 " " l2J4andlOU . 13.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Ineh.'ia aiid 1 1 ft. , rough. . ,817.01
No. 2 , 4 it 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.00
A 12 , 14 iVrlCft , . 21000 0 . 815/X )
Bl2. ; i4\ ! I ) . 11.00
1st com. , % ln Whlto 1'lno Partition , . . .833.00
2d " " " " " . . . . 2.rx )
2 < I Com , % In. Norway Pine Cclllntr. , . . 14.00
A Cinch , white nine , 2il 0 . 529.00
ooincli , " " : H u . 21.50
A 12 Inch , s.1 1. 41)0. ) . . , . , . . .830.00
HVJInch " ' ' ) .
'M'JI . 2.1.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 S. , 10. ISA 20 ft , . . 21.00
No. 2 , ' ' " " 18.50
No. 2 , " ' 12 A : 14 ft . 17.00
' " " 10ft . 10.00
1st and 2u. clear , Ik inch , s. 3 a . 50.00
Sd , clear , 1 Inch. s.-J s. . . , . . 45.00
tl. flear , H4. 1 j , U lu . 47M )
B t > elect , 1 inch , s. 3 g.i . 29.00
H select , ! > < 14,3 In SC..OO
No. 1 , plftln.Snnd 10 tncl S17..10
No. 2 , plain.8 and 10 Inch 15.M )
81I1.NOI.KS , I.A1II.
XX clear. S3.5"0 " : A Mantlard , $2.50 ; No. 1 ,
POSTS White Cedar. 0 In. , ) < s , 12c ; 8 In.
qrs. , It'jC.
LiMr. . Krr. Qnlncy white lime ( best > SOc :
Cement fAkron ) SI. * ' " . Hair , 35 ? . Michi
gan plaster , S2.75. Sash , 50c. Ullnds , 50c.
Doors , 50c. MniildliiKS , CO
MOSCR Frlslty L'rrMMintPN n
Sou The Itoninntlu i :
of tlin Deception.
A dispatch from West Chester , Chester
comity. Pa , gives particulars of u
story which has tiboul it : i lingo of tliu
famous Tichborne claimant ronmnco.
Tvventy-livo years ago Jesse ( ilusgo
was u young mnn , son of ti well-to do
Quaker family. Ho enlisted in u I'oim-
svlvauia regiment wlni'li was sent south ,
llo wrote utrectioimto letters to liis par-
cuts nnd sweetheart but utter the vvtir
wns over hu was missing. Years na seil
ami no tidings ctuno of him. lie wns
mourned for ns dead and his sweetheart
married another. Last fall a imui who
said ho was the wanderer returned to the
( Jlusgo homestead. The identity wns
complete. Ho was received witli open
arms ami all relatives and friends
freely admitted him into thuir families as
Jusso ( tlasgo.
Tiling ? went on this way for nearly n
year. Ho was unsteady In his ways ,
which was not like Jesse Ghisgo , but this
was attributed to ills wandering life. Ho
told many incidents of Ids younger dr.ys ,
nnd was perfectly familiar witli the fain
lly history. Finally the bubble burst ,
nnd the supposed Jc'-so Glasgo was ex
posed. It lias boon discovered that his
name is Moses Frisby ; tlmt lie served
witli ( Slasgo in the war ; that they after
wards went to Now Orleans and Hrovvns-
ville , Tex. , together , anil , that learning
some incidents of ( ila go's life , ho
palmed himself on"as the long lost sou
Ho is now in West Chester jail on the
charge of obtaining huge sums of money
under false pretenses.
J. howls Thomas , of Noith Penn , Pa. ,
rccogni/.cd the fraud as u former ac
quaintance. What first aroused suspicion
was the fact that ( ilasgo wore a .No. 0
shoo and the protendc-il a No. 8 } . Ho
also admitted tlmt the real Jesse Ulnsgo
lived in llrownsvilel , Tex A telegram
from there sas's Jcs < - Glasgo , formerly
of Chester county , Pa. , lives there.
There promises to be a happy re-uuion
with the long lost son , after all.
Chlcat-o , 111. New York City.
Bonds ,
Cotton ,
IloiigJit andsohJfor Investment oroti
Private wires nnd instantaneous
service to
Jlcinbers New York Stock Exchange.
Members New York Cotton Exchange.
Members Chicago Hoard of Trade.
Members New York Produce Exchange
Hr.rnr.-iEisTno HV E.V. . FINCH , rjunoral
Traveling Agent , Kooin 10 1'axton UOUEO.
S. W. Cor. Farnam & 12th Sti ,
Capital , - ,
Surplus , - 18,750
C.W. HAMILTON President ,
II. T. UAKI.OW , Cashlor.
0.MLI. . ) IA.Mir/rtN , AS3U Coshlor
niiEC-rous :
H. M. CHlduoll. .1. W. Hamilton , B.F Smith
M"T. ! IJarlow Will Hamilton
Artists' Material.
Artists' MnterlalH , Piuuos ami Organs ,
1511 Doudliig fr'trect , Oniahn.
Agricultural Implements.
Wliolotnlo Douler In
Agricultural ImiilomcntH , Wagons ,
Carrluk-ca nud llurelcn. JnnuB utreot , tetwocn 9tb
BlHl lUUl.Oliiuuo.Keb
Agricultural Implements ,
Wat'ons.rarrlMci , Ilug lcs , Ktc. , WbolosaU , Omaha.
Wlioletule Dealers In
Agriculuiral Implements ,
IVaeoninnd IluKHlet. WW-1.i03 ! nnd'.07 , Jonei at
Butter and Eggs.
Buyers of Butter and Egffs.
Refrigerator nm1 I'atktntf House , lltli nnd Leaven
worth fit. , U. P. It. II. Track , Uniatm.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools und Supplies ,
Jauiugo Catlnei of all kind * nlwuys In ( lock.
Junciit.ltnuba. )
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
llecliuckV Tool * mid lluffulo Kcnlen. UOJ ! > < uigln t
Omaha , Nrb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
TinwareHieft Iron. K.'c. Airenu fi.r How bcaloi
ami Jllanil l'o Jer ( i. . Omalm.Neb.
" \Vliolesalo \ Hardware.
Western it.cntf fcir Jefferion Fieri Nulls. Anttlo
roudert'u , rulrtanVn Mmidard t-cultt. Corner
It'tb and HumeJamUn. .
Building Material ,
Dealer In All Klndiof
BuiltUiiff Material at Wliolesuie.
IStb Street and Union 1'aclne Track , Omaha.
Boots and Shoes ,
Manufacturer ! ) \VlHlrnlcl ) > c.\lcr In
Hoots ntul Shoes ,
Complete Mock of llubber tlooils always onhnDrt
. ' . ' . ! y. Hill i > I..Urinlin. Ncli A T. Au < tln. Agent.
FT , r. MOItSE t ? CO.
lolilipiy of Hoots mid Shorn.
1111 K rn ni ft , Onmlm , Ncli Vnnufnclo r. Summer
Apt. for Aiilii'iisci'-lMisli Hrewiusr Ass'ti
Special Utamtv rnust.tltidneliernml Krlineor.
'STOltZ .0 ILEK ,
lire \vers ,
UJI North I'th strrrl , Onmtm , Xeb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Onuilin Coffee ami Spioo Mill ? .
'c , OolToO'.S-pIco" lliikliiL' 1'ondir , HtvorltuICf
tr ( tf , IjuinQir I'luf. ' Ink. Kn Illl Ibllnrncr
MtPOt.Omiilin , hob.
lonio Coffee mid Sniro Mill * M'f'n Co.
Cofrpe Homier ! nnd Splro tlrlmlpr * , Man'ifftiimpr *
f IUkln Pander. KhrnrliiK K trnol . lllulnv' . Lin.
'r * tme cure of o IT 1-Tb rackHK * llom lllcnd Hoisted
lotTce. ltl Ilnnanl ft. , Omuhx. Net
Joint Kponetcr , Prop.
Manufncturcr of Rtlrnnliod Iron ml Tornlro. U23
Dodtcand IKI nd 105 N , IQIIi H . llinnlm.Ntt ) .
Mnnufarturein of
Onininentnl Gnlvnuized Cornices ,
Dormer Wloduns , Klnnlf. Molntlcf-VjIlRlU.cU- .
l.'l'i M .Dnialin.
C. Speclit , Prop.
I Iron Cornlrp" . etc. Brii'Ct'KtmprOTCil 1-nt-
MM nndMU S IL'lliH .Oiimha ,
Jtibtor * of
Carjipts , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Uiio'eum , Mattlnn. KW 1511 Douglas street.
Wlioli-snlo Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
, Cnruiln lm ! K Ktc. 1123 Katnani Street ,
Omului , Neb.
Crockery and Notions ,
ir. L.
Acont fur tlioMiiniifnctnrcrs nnd linportenot
Croekcry , Klassware ,
Lamps , Chlmnojt , etc. Ofllcc , 317 Boiilh 13th it.
Commission and Storage.
Commission niul .lobbinpr.
Bntter. llgrHnnd Prodiiec. Consignments solicited.
UcaUmi.iilciH for blnncware , Ilcrrj HOT. K and
( ir.ipo llHfkc.f. KU ) > o.lioMri'Ct ; , ( > mnli .
Commission Merchants.
rrnltn , Produce and PruUrimu , Oninlia , Nrb.
Coal and Lime.
lc tiers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
OfDcc nnd yard , nnd NMiuljs 81 * . , Omalia , Nob.
} nrd Telephone , ivs.
Oro. j. I.M.ACHI , l'ro < . O. r.ClooiiMAX , V. Tret.
J. A. HUNDEHI.ANl ) , Sec. nnd Trca > .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
ariPnuth Thirteenth Street , Oranhn , Ncl .
j. , T. JOHNSON c co. ,
Mrumfuetui'ci'8 of Illinois White Linio.
And Shippers of Coil nntl Co'e. Cement , Plaster.
IJmc , Hnlr. Hro Brick. Drnln , Tllo unit Sewer I'lpo.
Jfllcc , IMxton Hotol. Kitrnnm ft. , ( Jm.itm , Neb.
F F. FAY tO CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of I'Yults.Nuts ' and Clmus. 12111'arnam St. .
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Bpcditlej ! HirtcTRiie' . C'liceio. Poultrr.
O ) ter . Kir . Klc. Il2f-oilli ! 14th street.
Prodnco Coiiiiuission Jlcrcliantn ,
Poultry , liuttcr , Game. I'liilts. etc. ? $ B. Uthst.
Oninlm. Neb ,
General Commission SlerclmntR ,
And Jobbers of foreign nml Dumcstle Fruits , forro-
8iKndencc nnllrited. WiinMiiMiffo nnd olllco , 110 N *
VlilrtctmtU M . Oinnlin , Noli. Tclcplinnc 77.'i.
Live Stock Commission.
M. ItUIiKE ,0 RONS ,
Live Stock Commission.
Ono. nurke , Manavor.
Union Stock Vnrdn , S , omnho. Teleiibnne W2.
Live Stock ConimisBioii Morcliauts ,
Bbipmentn of IIDY uil nil kinds of Block aollcltad.
l.'nlon Stock YnnM , Olimhu , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
I\TAX \ MEYER ,0 CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
dunt arid Ammunition , 215 lo'AI K. Hllut. , 1020 to
Uil riirnam > t.On > tlin.Ncl ) .
Maiiutacturera of l-'ino Cigars ,
And Wliolckiilo Dc.iler * In l.ent Tubnccu > , NOB. 108
and 110 N. llth etrurt , O nubu.
Pry Goods.
M. E. SMITH C CO , ,
Dry Goods , FuriiisliitiR : Goods A , Notions
1133 and 1101 l oiiKl .rcir , lllli Ht..Omnha.V ( > b.
Dlitlllcra of I.lqunri , Alcohol and Spirit" . Importer !
and Jubt > cr > of Wlnraand l.iquort ,
CO. and ILER U CO. ,
ImportPn and Jotihersof Fine Wines and Llqnnrg
bolu manufnoturcranf Kennedy'o Kant Indlii lilt *
ten and I > umr 'le Liquor * , 111) llsnioy Ht.
Drugs , Paints , Elc ,
Large * ! Drug , I'niut , Oil & UlaRH House
Weitof Ctilc KO. Complete Line of DrugKliti Bun *
drlci. HU llarnoj tt .Oinalu ,
Wholesale Druggist1) .
An Dealers In raint , Ollinnd Window tlla
Drain Tito , Etc.
A. It.BAi'xiMV" . J.\V.nBiironii.Sec.'Cr
U. J. 0 nso , VM'rei. nnd Hupt.
Offlca 219 S Nth at , Omnlu , Kcb. Mnchlnorr and
tiupplloor llnnufncturlnit LVmrpt Drain 'lilt.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers nnd Contractors ,
Brldzei , Vlidncti. Ilnnfrruirra , Sttnro IMe Dritlnr
f Mug , OaK ami IMio Ilrl'lve ' I.umlu > r. li'.Uil. , near
I'jrfifJtn , Oninlm , S
r. nocuo ( o co. ,
Importers snd wVileitileileulvr * la
Italian I'roiluef.
I'ortlsu. Dciino'lluHiid C'ilifurul.i 1'ri.iln and CoinmU.
tlon Merthiinl * . ltHhlltli > l. On i exiluilvu
Irult nu nu 111011111111 ,
Wholeuule Ticatcrs in Ftiniitnro.
} ° ariMiuit. . Oiii > l > , Neb ,
M xiu f'
, Furniture. Jlfi'Mlnpr ' , Upholstery ,
lllrror * . etc. 1 * . l.MJund I 13 Kirrnm l ( Mu un
Groceries ,
Wliolosalc ( trocorlpg and Vrovisioni ,
No < tCOitfg.WOnmlUlS 10th bt. Omnhn. Neb.
Meconft' nuAnr.c co. ,
Wliolcsalo Qrocpvs ,
Ittli and 1 r-ironwortli t . , Onmhi.
jr. , ;
Heavy Hardware , Iron niul Steel ,
Spring ; , Wne n StooX , llnnlwnrn Lnmtrr , etc. ISM
anil nil Harm r M Omnlm.
' ? ( : iiiiiON ,
Iron nntl Steel ,
Wmnnand t' rrl HVVwxl Htoci , HP TT Hardware
Kir 131 * find 12lli l.furrnwonh ft. , DniHlm , N b.
Itanart-s , Knrnnccs , Tiica ,
antlet , Orntpr , lltios ( , ( K > df Inland 1.0 Tamnm
Stic t.
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Vroimlit n'lrt C t Iron llullillni ; WotV , Iron Stnln ,
llHlllni. , llcnim nnd tilrdi > r . t-'enm Kiiflnri. Htnn
Wurk.itiiieriil PiMiiidry , Mnclilno niul Illnrkunilln
\Vin > Ofllreaiul VVntV , t- IHjr amllTtliMicrt ,
( ' /rTf.sox
Wholesale .Jewok'i'9 and Music Dealers.
) o lpr In Sllrvrtiaro. hlnmomli.Vatehr , Clock * ,
JeweleriTooliiand Mutorlnln , cto. Ill nnd 10.1 lilb
M. , cor. l > oJic , iinmh i , .NoI' .
[ ) calor in IiUiulior , Imtlt , Llino , Sash ,
) oomKto. YanUCornorTth nnil Domains ! Corntr
I'thanit ' l > iui.'ln .
AVholcsiile Lumber ,
81IS.llthntrcclOmihKKcb. r.Cnlpetrcr ,
c. y. DIETZ ,
ISth and CallfornlnMrcrtt , Otnntis , Kcb.
I'lfED If. fill A 1' ,
Lunibor , Liuic , Coinonl , Etc. , I'Ho.
Cor. Clh iind IIOUK ! i < etc , Omaha , Neb.
JIO. I < ! L
T. W. jrAIirJiYLUMJIElt CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
OR1CO , HKI Fnrnnm trcctOnahn.
Jlnnlwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpcts und 1'nrrncl Flooring , lull and Uouglni
Wlioli'Milo Ijiimlier , Ktc.
jBip < irted nnd Amulrxn I'orllnnd Comrnt , Stnt
Ak'Cnt furMllAankPc llydratitlp Cctncntund licit
yulnty WlillPl.ln'o
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
I/rultod. Jolin K. Bojd , Huporlnttndont.
Millinery and Notions.
I. O nJlJiFELDEIl .C CO. ,
Inii'orlcrs nd Jobbon of
Jliiliupry and Notions ,
isnandljrillnrncir Street , Omutm , Neb.
c. s. GOomtrciT o co. ,
Are the only Direct Importers of
Gorninn & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In NcbiHikn. Clilcnco i > rlco3 dui'llcntcd ' without add'
liiKfrclt'lit. 14151'lirnani ttrcctOrouhu.
\Vliolpsalu Dcnlcrn In
Notions and rurniphing1 Goods ,
4,1 , Mini Kl'i 8. Tenth Ht. , Oranlia.
Jobbcri In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishhiff
1TO and 1W F.irnam t. , Ouinlia , Nob.
Mnnnfactnrers of Overalls ,
Je.tns I'antu. Elilrtf , itc. ! 1K ( nnd 1101 Doiigiiin Street ,
OMiiih i , .S''b.
Job Printers , Blunk Book Mnker
And Dock lllnilcri. 101 and KW Suulh rouUccntb
Ktroet. Oruuh i. Neb.
Auxiliary PubliHiiers.
Dealers In Typu. l'rc M > und l-rlnlcrs' Siippllo . iff !
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Manufurturcra , raokriaund liculcr ] In
Pickles & Strictly Pnro Apple Vincqrnr
lUlcliR 1'nnder , 1'liiTorlrc KitrncK , T.ililo Sauce ,
I'roiH'h MiKtu" ' xvtiah illuliiK , liruccre' M-es' : : ' . ' . ! : ; *
t-o'o i > k < 'nt < fur VniX Mute Hiuul llolincd Apple Ol
der. IUUI.Qittintuith tt. . ( Itinih.i ,
Safes' , Etc.
Onuilin Safe Works.
Manufaelf.ieroif rirentid llnrulnrl'inofSafes , VnuH
Uotiri.Jnll Norl.Hint ns niidliu Work. Cor ,
JUlul ; < IJjU'Uuiihl , < > H'lm..N.tJ ' ) ,
Agents for Hall'B Safe & Lock CO.H'
Flro und Ilunr'ar Proof B.if js , Tliuo 1C' < > , VaulU
nnd Jail Work. 1'HI ' 1'iirimm Htri-ot Oiuaha , eb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholesale Mnnurnclurcit of
Sash , Doors , Jiliuds and Mouldings ,
Ilranch office , 12th and Iiard ili.OnuliiiNeb.
Rash , Door , Blinds , Mouldings ,
Building Panttr. etc. I'JUl l-oulh 1'tilrtncntlt Ktreet ,
Umabu.Nrb. A complct" ituckct Jlulldura'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blint/s ,
Moulding.FUirV.'orVmid Interior Hard Wixid ! 'lnl U
Juit opened. N , K.f.or. 6Ui nnil l.e M-u oilb8t .
Unmba , Ncl ) .
Pumps ,
crn7R CHILL' f > mrp co ,
" \VhoioHiilo \ I'umpH , 1'ipo , Fittings ,
Steam und Water'lke. llpmlquarlcra f r Mail
roiiiL'n't ( iou < li. liliraruuiu i.nuatia. Not ) .
, I'ipos nud Engines ,
SUam , Wutrr , llallwar end Mllllnu huprllo. Eta.
M. tajuiidSftl larnuiu t , . Oninlm , Nfli.
MltlM piram ami Wfcter Pupullci ,
l > lunibnr ! Urn J > , Ilolllnv. lloio. VW ami I'M ( tf
cam > t. , ( Hiuth-i. h. II. KulKin , Unuuevr ,
' ' > ' >
II. Jf. MA RIIOFl < \
Wliolosale Trunks ,
tllllarl Hotel Illui V , Omnlia.
= = = 3
Wagons anil Carrvges.
i. r./T/i//'A'OArr /
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
14KI and 1111 Dixl c Direct , ( > ui lia.
Whitn LeatL
Strictly 1'inflVhlto \ I.eud.
20tli I' > ' lly.,0iu < l .