THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MOITDAY , SEPTEMBER 20. 1886. J THJi ! BB1S , COUNCIL'BLUFFS. MONDA YJMOHN IXO. SKl'T. 20. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. nclltritd ! ) } cniricr In t.nypnrtof the city at luililj cents | ior week. II. W. TII.TOK , TKl.r.l'HONESt nrfiM'i'sOmcr ! , No. ti Nioiir IDITOII ; i'o. 2) . MINOH ni Now York Pltiinlin ! Co. Now fall jiootls ut Ueltur's. IJIcliuioiiilfiiniiici's , t'oojior & McOcc. The very bc t eitbjiuts nt $3 n dozen at Gorlinm's. Onn < ! ozon cabinets nml a lurgo panel for $2 50 nt Schmidt's uallory. Thojtollco plokwl up Roll' Stock for beinjr drunk. Thin morning he will bo al lowed to lull who "dniEK'jd" him. pl ho KIchniond lire Alarm company will be lii In a few days to run their lines pre paratory to putting In the now lire alarm. W. L. Drown was arrested yesterday for laieeny from Walker's fruit stand , on Jtrondway. lie will have a hearing this morning. Charles K. Decker , of New York , now uctH as day cook at tlio 1'lioenix chop house , while "Dick" Dickerts is on as night cook John Murray , John Mtilhollnml and Conrad Miller wen > last night placed In jail for being drunk. Their total posses- ion was 15 cents. Jho Salvation Army caused , during their services last evening , nloiit one J hundred and tlfty people to enter Do- linny's old opera house , mostly through curiosity. They will hold forth every evening. Saturday the shenfTof Crawford county brought down u prisoner named Stump , who is charged with burglary. Stump was to be released on a wnto of habeas corpus , and \yill appear before Judge Aylc-s worth this morning. The services at St. Paul's Church yes terday wcro rendered more impressive by the beautiful rendition bv Mrs , J. I' . Dillon , of tlm solo of "The Evolution" from tlio famous oratoiio of "Eli" com posed by Michael Ca > > ta. Mrs. Dillon is possessed of voice of great power and sweetness , which gives evidence of care ful and thorough cultivation. At this season of thn year it is quite the custom for the country editor to urge the Mibbcribcrs to his valuable weekly to "bring in those townships * ' or "please bring us that load of wood. " Hut here is an exhibition chock that is refreshing. The editor of the Fremont County Her- aid , is cither very angry , or else he is working a scheme to live on the fat of the land this winter. He bays : "Bring us in samples of what yon rai.sed this yonr. Wo want to tell the world and tno rest of mankind what a prolific soil this is samples of honey , butter , cheese , sorjrhum , Hour , meal , po tatoes , apples , grapes , turko.ys , chickens , little pigs in a wont anything good to cat , fit to brag on and suitable to write about , and we will give them a lilting , rattling send oil' . " The Salvation Army has dcoided to make Council IMuH's a regular station , niul have placed Stall' Captain A. T. Smith in command , with Cadet Hutchin- BOII second. Other oflicers aau expected to arrive to-d-iy from Kansas City. They have already begun the work of enlisting recruits. Jt is generally understood that the city authorities will afford them the same protection and allow them equal privileges with itinerant soap swindlers and qtuiek Indian doctors who put sonic salt and sawdust in a bottle of water and sell it for CO cents. These parties are permitted to give a minstrel show on the streets to raise a crowd for the purpose of swindling them , and are protected from injury from their sometimes exas perated victims. And as Jong as the Sal vationists do nothing \\orso they are to bo granted the liberty. Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , comcnt , etc. Council Binds Fuel Co. No. 031) ) Broaday. Telephone No. 1 83. First class regular dinner 25 cents. 12 to 3 o'clock , i'hccnix house 11' chop , COS way. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. 12 Cabinet Photographs $8. Quality the finest. Sherradon , U17 Broadway. I'crsonnl I'imijjriiplis. S. T. Smith is in off the road. P. A. Schelor , of St. Paul , is an Ogden guest. J. G. Howe , of Chicago , is at the Ogden. OJ. O. Kelly , of Hillsdale , la. , is at the Pacific. W. II. H. Colby.of Fort Dodge , is at the Pacific. Peter Ehlis , of Mindcn , was in the city yesterday. \V. P. Christy , of Des Moines , is at the Bechlello. Alex. Malmroso , of Motcalf Bros. , IB in off the road. W. G. Hichardnon , of Nebraska City , is at the Ogden IIOIIFO , Jake ErnstdorJ last evening went to Logan to visit his family. Webb T. Dart , the famous Colfax water bottler , is nt the Beehtele. J. 11. Laing , advance agent for Maude Howe , is ai the Pacific liouso. M. E. Dawson , of Washington , la. , ia one of the 1C. T. cxeuryionlRts. Joel Katon , loft yesterday morniii" over the C. , H. I. As P. for Chicago. S. A. Harrison , a prominent railroad constructor of MilwauKee , is at the Ogden. Mrs. J. W. Woightman and bister have gone to St. Louis to bo absent about a month. Misses Anna and Mary Cnsaek , of Mis souri Vnlloj , tire the guests of Mis * ? Mollic Mallony. W. J. Set-Ivor , of Doni.son , wr.s an Ogden house guest yesterday before leaving fet tit. Louis. Thomas Wheeler , of Dunlapva ninong those who loft last evening foi Bt. Louis. "Dave" Bowman , formerly clorknt the Ogden house , but now of Chicago , is an Ogden house guest. "Joe" Kim/ now goestoMarshalltown In. , from which place ho will travel for u wholi'B.ilo grocery house. K , C. Harris , manager of the Ilussell Manufacturing company of this city , yo > torday returned from Lincoln , Neb. C. C , Norton , formerly ono of the pro prictors of the Hoyero house , but now ol Uriuut Island , was in the city yes torihiy , P. H. Henry nnit wife , of Chamberlain. 1) . T. , who have been visiting Mr , and Mrs. J. M. Lane , loft last evening foi Chicago. Charles Bofink , of Jefferson , was t Bluffs visitor yesterday before taking tin Wabash with the Knights Templars foi t. Louis. Mrs , Dr. Siir.ons , of Loadvlllo. Col. who not so long ago was universally ad inired as Miss liortha Mueller , of thii city , is in town for n visit of a couple o weeks. _ _ The Richmond combines the four es ccntials of n good furnace , simplicity capacity , durability and economy. Sec them at Cooper & McGoo's , If yon wan ta good furnace and om that will bo as durable as your house , gel n "Hichmoiut" nt Cooper &McUco's. SERVING COD UNDER PROTEST Her. Cr-jfta Preaches an Able Sermon at the Congregational Church , KNIGHTSTEMPLAR FOR ST. LOUIS Tito Council IlluiTN Delegation Leave on n Special Train 'ilio Hotel Sulieinc Itcvlvcil llliifl'-i News. 'SKUVixcj ' con UNDi'ii rnoTKsr. " Sermon by Hev. O. W. Crofts , at tlio CoiiKrcKntlonal Cllllrcb. Sunday morning Kev. G. W. Crofts reached a sermon on the subject of 'Serving God Under Protest. " His t "ct was II Cor. , ix , 0-7. "But this 1 ay : he which sowcth sparingly shall also reap sparingly ; and he that soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. "Every man as he purposcth in his heart , so let him give ; not grudgingly or jf necessity , for Go > l loveth a cheerful giver. " He said that what first suggested this subject was the roninrk made by a brother minister in response to one of my own that it pained mo to go into n house of worship that was inconvenient , uncom- 'ortable and unsatisfactorily adorned. Sain ho : "Well , the fact is , a great deal that is done in the name of rcl Igion is done miler protest. " What ho said was not only true as a fact , -but the painful sequel of so much that H hindering and discour aging in the cause of Christ. Itsuggestcd the unpleasant thought that in very many instances and in so many ways men consecrated themselves to Christ , ind gave of their means , not because : heir hearts wont out after Christ as one they really desired to serve , not because ihey esteemed it a privilege to bo PO- laborers with Christ in the advancement of his kingdom , but because they felt compelled to do this in soiuo way that this .service was not of free happy choice , but of sad and rcgrettul compulsion. That when they were called iipon to do something for their own or others spiritual welfare tlmy did it as if saying , " 1 enter my protest against my own personal service or sacrifice. " Now , th'-ro can be no doubt of the truthfulness of this charge brought against us. Much of the work done in the name of Christ is done under protest. It is not all of this character. There are times in the experience of oaeli one when it is a pleasure to perform the ( service re quired. There are many liberal souls in the kingdom , who esteem it a pleasure to do what they can , and who crave a larger ability. There have been generous souls that God has touched with tlio linger of liis love that have poured out their liba tions upon his altar as from an over burdened heart they have come like the gushing stream from ono of jiature's fountains of life and purity. And while these have made the world richer they have never made themselves poorer. "Did you over , " said a colored preacher , "know of a church dying on account of its giving ? If you have toll mo where it Is buried ; and I will go there by the soft light of the moon , and I will lift my hands towards heaven , over that grave anil say : 'Blessed am do dead dat die m do Lord. ' " Liberality digs but few graves in this world. If 'it over should make a grave it would be an honoi able one. Liberal ity starves few churches , and shrivels up few souls , said one who know. "Give and it shall bo given to you. Pressed down , shaken together ami running over shall men pour into your bosom. " So , as wo look at the record already made : as wo look at the work done , at the churches built in the heart of the metropolis and out on tlio plains , on the heights of civilization and the depths of barbarism , as wo look at the college founded , at the presses send ing forth the mighty tides of Christian literature , as wo look at the benevolent institutions established and maintained bv Christian enterprise and liberality we know that there must bo in the world some who have done their work , not under protest , but with a willing spirit and a generous hand. But at the same time not onb-toiitli part of what ought to bit done has been done. The demand lias always been greater than the supply , and all because there has been a withholding on the part of God's people of that in fluence and the means necessary for the rapid prosecution of the work placed in their hands. As much labor as the church is devoting , and as much money as it is expending in its various enter prises nt home and abroad , it is but a fraction of what it might and ought to do. The church would resent with pain and indignation the logical inference of its own acts. We cannot blame the world if , in its judgment , it applies the rule of the Master , "By their fruits ye shall know them. " Indeed , this doing things under protest , and what comes ot it , is an intensely vital question. It is not because the world opposes the church that it is not a greater force and making greater progress , but rather because the church to so largo an extent allows its forces to lie dormant. It is because what it does it does so largely under protest. If instead of apathy or protests there was all along the line of Christ's vast army a hearty and spontaneous rising up and going forward , there would be little attention paid to the caviller. 1 admit that the church docs much in the way of elevating society , much in the way of spir itual and moral reform , much in the moulding of character and making good citizens as well as saints. Bi t what I say is , Unit itmight do a great deal more. It might do its work HO cheerfully and willingly that the efi'ect would be toil times as great and goqd. Now , whoa the world says that the church has but little interest in what it protcssoj to believe of the utmost importance , how ave wo to answer the charge ? Wo all know that where ono man or ono woman is hcartih * engaged in the ap propriate work of the church there are ten hangers on. That where there is ono hearty , live consecrated soul there are ten wno are careless and unconcerned. This we know to bo a painful fact , ami how are we going to successfully meet the charge of the worltl when it is brought against us ? Shall wo say that men feel a deeper interest in these tlilngsthun is ap. paiont ? Wo may say this very truly , but the apolocy tloea not go for much in the argument. It is not by feeling but by fruits that we are known. And then , I apprehend that if u man's feelings and convictions are as strong us they should be , ho will not rejt until an effort is made in that which most harmonizes with them , But feeling , unaccompanied by action , is a pool thing. Good wishes of themselves never made an ) * advancement in this world. They have never built a church nor n school house ; they have never comforted the mourner , healed the sick , clothed the naked , nor fed tlio hungry. Says Jesus : "Blessed are those servants whom His Lord , when He coineth , shall find so doing. " Doing , not feeling , is to bo taken as an evidence of merit and loyalty , and as a basis of re ward. Wo want not loss feeling , but more doing. The church needs to move , not merely by a representative few , not bv proxy ; not by its officers ; not through some consecrated souls who are already uoing all in their power , but it should move en masse , as ono mighty army , not failing to close up the r.uike when ono falls , keeping the army solid and ever moving on to the destruction of tlio works of the enemy. It is sad and painful that the church is wank while the elomcnts of pow er arc hin r dormant nil around it. It i = id that it niu to\i > r bo calling for rt-sUlnncn , and ojii-n calljiu ; in va-.n. O , shall it al ways bo Mild tnai n r"at great i pal that js < [ ono In the name ol religion is Jo no iiiiticr protest. If so , Hum 3011 may over look for a weak nnu tlUcouragcd minis try ; for mcngro means with which to canyon the \\ork of the Lord ; for few conversions out of the weakened Inllu- cnco of religion a it Hews upon the world through n half hearted following of L/'hrist. If zeal without knowledge is bad , knowledge without zeal is worse. Mary , who broke the alabaster box of ointment anil poured the contents on the head of her Savior , did not do it under piotcst , but from u loving , grateful licait. Jndas was tlie ono \\lio protested. And Christ , who broke his heart to perfume the world , did so willingly. Now for the remedy First. Let each feel his individual re sponsibility. Second. Let each feel how much Jesus has done for him , how inueli Christ has suffered in his behalf ; whatbcnetitsChriht lias brought him , how blessed the service of Christ is , what joy and peace it gives lierc , and what glory in the world to come. Lot him lake a wide view of the work ot redemption ami metlilnks ho will then account no cllort too great in return. Third Let the church Invoke the bap tism of the Holy Ghost. We need to be nllvo by the Spirit that quickcncth. Shoe Dealers. Buy vour rubber boots , shoes imcl nrtlcs of us and save eastern freight. H. 1' . Llndsoy & Co. , No. 20'J ' Fourteenth street , Omaha. m Hats regardless ot cost. Closing out lint stock of V , E. Slubbs , comprising Knox'S , Stetson's and other fine brands. E. H. Williams , No. 500 Broadway. Opera house barber shop and bath room. Everything lirstclas > s , E.M.Mar vin. Sir Knights onfor St. Louts. At 7.30 o'clock last evening the KnighU Templar special train loft for St. Louis over the Council Bluffs k St. Louis rail way , where the Sir Knights are to attend the triennial conclave. Attached to the train was a snccialcar , which was occupied by Higbt Eminent Sir William A. McGrow , of Sioux City , grand commander of Iowa , and his stall' , with special cars from Sioux City , Fre mont , Web. , Omaha and Council HI nil's , the train being made up of Pullman sleeping cars , which the Knights will oc cupy during their stay in St. Louis. Tlio train was in charge of Conductor Sir Knight Bell , as was the engineer , who was also a Knight Templar. They will arrive in St. Louis about S ) o'clock this morning. Among the Sir Knights of Ivanhqc cpinmandcry and their friends from this city on the train were , Ed Mott , Wade Cary , L. B. Cralts and wife. Mrs. Mcr. riam , of Sioux City ; G. H. Jackson , J. It- Snyder and wife , S. T. King , of Logan ; S. C. Osborn. of Glenwood ; W. J. Scri- ver , of Denison ; Charles Duquette , Thomas Wheeler , of Dunlap , ami J. P. Fall , ot Silver City. At Maryvillo , Mo. , another Pullman was ridded to the train. The railroad tickets issued by the Council I ? I lifts & St. Louis company wcro embellished by the ensignia of the order. All the special trains run into St. Louis over the Wabash system , carrying Sir Knights , are run by conductors and engineers who arc members of the oriler and who were selected for this special service. Dry Goods Dealers. Ladies wine , satin , electric and black gossamers can be bought of us in Omaha as cheap as in Chicago. Z. T. Lindsey & Co. , No. 209 Fourteenth street. See that vour books are made by More- house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Hats regardless of co t. Closing put hat otock of F. E. Stubbs , comprising Knox's , Stetson's and other tine brands. E. B. Williams , No. 508 Broadway. Highest prices paid for county , town city and school bonds. Odcll Bros. As Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Blnd's , Iowa , Frightful Accident. The following account of a very sad accident which occurred in Waupnn , Wis. , may interest some of the readers ot the BIE in Council Bluffs , the Mr. Hooker referred to being a near relative of Mr. P. M. Pryor , of this city : A very sad accident occurred at Wan- pun Tuesday afternoon which resulted in the death ot Mrs. Dacoy and two little children , daughters of well known resi dents of Waupnn , Sarah Hooker , a 5-year-old daughter of C. E. Hooker , of the Wauptin Times , and Edith Jones , youngest daughter of Charles Jones , with Mrs. Dacoy , an attendant * wore run over by train No , 4 while they wore at tempting to cross tlio railroad bridge. All three wore Instantly killed , the engi neer being unable to prevent the shock ing aecident. The remains , badly mangled , were at once convoyed to the different homes , where many sympa thizing friends have called. The acci dent causes deep sorrow at Waupun. Fresh oysters in every style nt the Phojnix Chop House , No. 503 Broadway. "Everad and Eulaha" by Ed. Wright at Biibhrell's and Crockwell's. A Gruml New JJotnl. The hotel .scheme has not died out yet , and really it begins to assume definite shape. J. J. Brown , who already has given substantial evidence of his faith in Council Blufi's by the erection of largo blocks , now proposes to purchase tlio property on which stands the old Cath olic church bounded by Willow avoiino , Main and Pearl streets , paying therefor the sum of $24,000 , and on it to erect n largo and elegant hotel to cost $100,000 , if other parties will take stock in the enterprise to the amount of $20,000. , It is reliably reported that three wealthy gentlemen of this city have agreed to take ? r > ,000 each , if the remaining § 5,00(1 , ( is taken. Elo trie doorbells , burglar alarmsand every form of domestic electrical appli ances nt tlio No ft York Plumbing Co. Clothing Dealers. Our stock of rubber and oiled Is com plete. Eastern prices duplicated , / , , T , LmdKoy A : Co. , No. 200 Fourteenth street , Omaha. SPECULATION m GR&IN with minimum rapilal and risk How Chlciiljo'i Siicce rul Men Trade "PUTS AND CALLS" ( I. o. Insurance aKalnut loss ) for from one to elxtr duy neitoll.itod "lib Instruc tion ! bow to operate , Addron for Uook. KQUITAHI.K OHAIV KX01I.VNQE , OT ClurU Htrcct. Chlcuao. BANKING. Account ! of Itankeri.Merctianti and otbcsolicited. . Collections Trooiptlr Made. S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers , ( Bucccnori lo Prciton. Keun & Co. ) 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO. lluucl | > a,7t. It. , I.ucal and other Itoutlb Ueud for X.Ut . QCx THE CHICAGO MAIL CJ t f \ 7 ( dailr edition ) will l > ° "ent tc ur addruti In the U. 8. or Canada 4 tuonuis for 85C , AadrosTUB OU1CAUO MAIL. 118 CUi-ar * r ' NEW GOODS -BARGAINS IN CURTAIN GOODS , ETC , THE DEPOT FOR Hew Stock Fresh Goods , , LOW PRICES. FORSET THE PUGE. NO , 401 BROADWAY , , la , MURDER ! ! Dlphthtrlu Isnwuln mnklinr Its nntuml vlsltn- Hon. Ten ycsirs' triulof UH.'JItOS. JUl'l'LHIS' HKMKDV lor that fiitnl mi'huly hni ilomon- btratcil the luet that It is inliilllblous u iiroont - iNonndcuin. If you permit jonr cmKlumto die with illplitheiiH , "TJielr IJIood bo upon your bond. " For snlo only nf-tho'olllec ' , No. SI South bill streetCouncil ItUilTd , In. ; or Boat by uxpiusa on receipt ot price , sa. C. H. lllakoVco. of JTo. 1410 Cninpboll sticot , Oinahii , who locuntly lnjt rt bcniitllut nml 111- tcieatlnir ilntighti'iujrpd about lli years , by ( llphthoiiii , uiulor the trontlriuiit of ono of the bet pUyslciuns In Omaha , wt'ites Id Dr. .lelfcris , ot this city : "Vouricmoily nirdlnhtliciiicnino too Ute , our dear daiiKhtor was Ujlnjr when it vas iccolveil. 1 ntn sitSlled that her llfocnulil Imvo been saved. Another quo of otirchitdrcn who hnd the dlplithctla , hcf tbrontwas filled up with the pntiid ulooratloii , wo used jour incillclno and in twelve houis tlio dKrnso was completely subdued. In the future wo will keep your medicine nt nil times inourbouso. Wo fool that it suvcd the life of one ot our children. Wo nrooiy thnhlvful to you , mid only reprct thnt wo < lia not call on you sooner. " From the Council IllutlH Dally Herald : Mrs. E. M. Clouuil , wlfo of Kntrlaoor Qornnl , of the Union I'liclllc , this city , hns been a great sufferer for ninny jenrs , with what was sup posed to bo cancer of the throat. It was so bad that hho was thi ontcned with Mart iitlan. Her Kcncrnl licnlth was completely uiolton down , fho could only snallow ll < iuld lood , and o\on that her stomach could not invest or assimilate. Physicians of Council Itluffs and Omaha attended her for tlneo years and pa\e no relief. Dr. Jolforisof this cltj- , was called. In four weeks' time ho cured hertluoat , nnd cnm- iiletnly roMorcd her Kcncral hoilth. Had Mrs. Qornrd not obtained icllol soon she would bavo died from blocd poison , the bin no condition that dcstiojcd the llfo of Gon. Grant. From the Council Hluffs flnlly Qlobo : M. A. McPiko , editor of tlio CambriaKbrn ( j burtr , Pa. ) Hrooirmn , has been the jieisonul Iriondof the editor ot the Globe lor more than twantyyoiUB. nnd Is known wheiovor bo Is knowiuisono ofthobe t men living. Ho Unl-o an Intlmntu friend of Mr. Clink ot the Non pareil. Ho has been unlott.inato in the fact that his family was rnviiffcd with diphtheria , and sricntly dlMtopscd. Mr. ClaikhaUnir heard of his calamity Bent him HOUIO of Dr. Jclforls' Dlphlheila Cure , it was iiFod at once , and the Ilvos of the test of bis children saved. Letters from Mr. Msl'ilio nro unbounded In their ox- prcsolons of aratltudo for lltulliif , ' poino moans of avcrtinz the loss of hla whale niouii of little and tender ones Kivoot Mr. McPiko's children nut of eight died from diphtheria before ho had an oppoi Utility of iiflnir Dr. JolTorls' romody. IlYXI'KI'SIAl moPKl'SIVl Dyspoptlo , why livoln mlrorynnd dlo in dls- pair with cancttr of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas Jollons cures every cusu of Indigestion and constipation In a voiy short time , llcst of rol- eroncus t'lvon. Dyspepsia is tlio cauro of ninety per cent of nil dif > oa od conditions. Prlco $5 for two weeks treatment. Dr. Jeffcris' diphtheria medicine Is inlnlllblo for nil kinds of soio throats. Indlsiiensiblo In putrid t-oro tin oar. In mnliirnant scarlo ifover , cluiugliItln ! lion r.s to tlio i-linplo form. Infal lible euro lor nil Inflammatory , ulcorativo.put- ild , cnncorous ulceration or the womb nnd all catiuilml conditions. Full printed Instructions how to HBO tlio incdl- cines bent with them. No doctor loqulrrd. Dr .Ictforis' lomo lies can only bo obtained a hlsofllcc. No , ai : houth Ki'htli street , ( 'ouno Jtlulls , ] owitorsont ny o.viucss on receipt drleo. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUNCIL BLUFFS , JOIVA. Ah excellent educational Institution , furnish il with nil the modern Improvements , eon- no ted by the SlSTiJHS OF CU.VIUT V.U. V. M J'ortoim of five months , $75. Termsbc in Hist Monday in September nnil first Monday In 1'ebniaiy. I'oi cataloKiios nd- ross B1STKU 8UH5UIOU St. Francis Acudemy. Council lulfa , OmaliaDentalAssociation Di , HAUGWOOT , Manapt , Nos. 1510-15'il Douglas st , Omaha and No 234 Uroadway , Council DentlttrNo Iiumbugl Oai , VltnlUeil Air , Ktlicrand Clioroforni , with tUelr lckcnlini-lTiCl > oldcd t > r tliomont wonderful unauitlietlc , purify. IDU ttio blood uad Lml'dinu up tbo tissue * . Oiiialia Dental Ansociation , Solo 1'rou'rs , Guld Crown i , Cola I'luto und Contlnuaui Gum Teeth , a tpeclully. Ucm tc ctU K ; former price t cr tut. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reduction in Prices , IN China , ( lassware , Etc. , At W.S.IIcnicr & < V > ' 8 , No.28 Main st. Council Bluu's , On DecemberJut , proximo , ilir parlnrtvhtp ofOmitt , I-'rcnrJi P Trcy- nor , kiioini as flic Council Itlufff Carpet Cotc.rph'cs by Iliiilltttltni , and on dial date thenu'ill ' be To get reatly for this change we offer our entire stock of CARPETS , CURTAINS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING-S , RUGS , WINDOW SHADES , DRAPERIES OF ALL KINDS , AND OTIIKR HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT rillCKS THAT WILL SELL THKAF. Citizen * of Council lilu/fK and vicinity will flml It to their Intcrcsls to call and cr < tmine ourf/ooils and prices. 27the / first opportunity cverojleredin thin city to obtain the above gooilifroin a full , frcah stock , at the opening of a buslncsHncaNon. Country -merchants will Jlttd many bargains by calling early. MAIL OltDEItK FILLED niOMPTLYAND CAltEFULLY. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET The World's ITurorlic , Unit took the ! , Mr.D over all Foreign and Moinestlc < pJiii er Ales at Jiie New Orleans exposition. A most , delightful bcverajrfi ' cither hot or cold wvmthor. BottlcJ tlivcc nt the snrhifirg in Witukcslia , Wis. , and made of tlio llnest freshly imported Jamaica Ginger Koot , the juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian Mineral Spring Water and Loaf Suarar. Eminent medical authority lias pronounced it "tho most perfect example of an aromatic Non-Alcoholic stomach stimulant , -\vliilo \ as a boverag-o it is simply delicious. " The Ideal Arcadian lemon Hectar , Mmlo from tlio pure , spnikllnjr Arcncllmi wntcr , combined wltli Trult Juleps rntlt Aclcli nnd htigitr. Coniplcto in itself. Tor family use , picnics , etc. Hclrcslilnp-nml liitfhlj bcnotlclul ; Excellent for the sick room. For In Council Blulls liy II. T. Palmer , A. M. beartlsley , .Joo Driussbach , Ed. Daniels , II. A. Baird , J. W. Kleob , C. Dectken , 'J'aylor & Calcf , 1) . G. Morgan & Co. , S , T McAtco , Louie & Mctz cr , Tibbits v\ \ : Ward P.V. . Spetinaii , John Short & Son. Co K , . . , . . iiiiM * n if. i uiivituuut \J II. * lllii. iMJWIIIuy " \V. \ Spnttord & Co. , Goo. Dltzon , Schmidt & Moollcr. $2.50 Per Doz. or 25C Per Bottle. WHOLESALE AGE1TTS : WIRT & DUQUETTEL , KIRSCHT & CO , , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 21. T. Clarke Drug Co. , Stcpticiifilte Vocfjel < C Dinning , Metjcf c wfiolcaalc fancy grocers , Omaha. C Enan K&B Kwa mua 4 immnrrf rv G-BAISTD EXCURSJ.OlSr THIS WEEK ! Brick buildings of nny Icintl raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world. 808 Eighth Avenue nnd Eighth StrectCounil Blufis. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , OOTJISrCIIj BIjTJir'Ii'S Practicus in the State mul Federal courts Rooms 7 and 8 Slmgart Itltnlc. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Olllee over Amorlcnn lUpross Company. OUR UNPROTECTED FRONTIERS AND HOW THEY ARE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. Ledgers , JouriiaU , County nnd Itaiili Work ol't II KiiuU uSpcc- lally. Prompt Attention to Mall Orders MOREHODSE & CO. Room 1 Evcrct Ulock , Council Ulufla , Standard 1'apors Used. All styles of bind ing in Magazines nml BLANK BOOKS. O. n. National Hunk , M. H. Bnilth U Co. , Citizens' Hank , Dociru. Welli & Co. , hirst Nutlomil Dank , ( ! . II. Insurance Cxi. , fllcor k rusuy.Uunkura.O. II. auvliug Hunk. R. L. 1H N. Main St. , Council Ulun"8 , la. , and 201) ) S. 16th St. , Hooin 10 , Onuilni , Nub. Manufuttuior'B Ascnt for the CALIGRAP1I TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , A-wniiiffH , IlnofliiB HIate , Man- tolH , I'lato and Window Ulasa , Show cases. Elevators ( hand und liy- drauli &c. _ R. BICE , M. D. , / _ , , - Or other Tumor * romo\cd wUliqj l > uficers , j,0 knlfo ordruwlnir of bloo 1 , Over thirty team practical uxcrlcnco No. 11 I'carlBl. , Council UlulTu. \ T CouBUltutlon ficv. ' hi the city cnn bo obtained by imtionUInt' the Council iilutra GJSO , W. SCHIXDELK , J'rop , None but experienced hands employed. Out town orders by mall or express solicited , and nil work wnmintcid , _ "Crestbn House , Tno only hotel In Council Hluffs Imvlmj And all modem ImpioxomenUi. U1D , 17 anil111 Main 81. MAX MOHN , Prop. FnOPEfMAiN &BRO wo. ao MAWST. Daily receipts of new goods.IIats Cans , CIothiiiK , and a full line of Dry Goods , all of tliu latest styles. Call and get prices before luircliut-ing elhowher Star Sale Stables and Mule lards , J3UOAWVAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ojiutltu | Dummy Uvpot. pa- _ Horses w d Mules kept constantly on him for ealo tit retail or in cur loadn. Orders promdtly nllod by contract onsh rt Botlce. Htock sold on commission. BHLU 'Jl It ii liOI bY. 1'ropilctort hJH , r-AI.i:8TAULU8 : , corum i.tin. . it unit. AND JOBBING or : ? COUNCIL BLUFFS. * MUSH t I.Tl HAL IW't.KMUtM'A , DEEKE , WELLS is CO. , Who1rlo Agricultural Irnptals , Ba&lsi rnrilnKt i , ite : .rto I'oimoil tlltiiN , lown. KEYSTON'E MAXiTAOTKING COT Mn'to ' the Urlfflnnl mid Complcto Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press , COIIN SIIUU.KHS AND I'l'.Kn n'TTI'.ll" . lM > 5. liWtt mi , 1.W , nml 1517 doiilli Mnln Plrcot , Council Hindu , lima. 1UMD UUADLKV , Vs I'O. , Mnniir'isnn t JoblxMs of agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies , ril'lfi ! ? nn. < > "I ! kln'u ' "f * ' " ' " Miwhlnorr. t 1100 to lllfl bouth Mnln Street , Council liliKTi , lOlTR. ' . ' ! ' < T . . | . ' . Wmmtr. i'n. ; l'iis..VTrei ; > s. V.-Pro * A . SPCCaiinsol. . Council BluTs Handle Factory , . , . , ( lUfMrporntoil. ) Mnnufncturcr-ior Axle , Pick. Slediro nn < l 8m\U llnndloo , of crerj-diocilptlon. CAlll'KTS. COUNCIL Bl.UFI'S CAKPBT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clotlip , Curtain fixture * , ITphoUtnrr flood * . Etc. No. < 05 Itronilway Council llliilTf , Io < vn. CMAii * , 7i .imi. f.'Tr. PEUEC.OY & MOOUE , WholcMiti' .lobbcis In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOB. "SMnlu mul 27 1'carl Sts. Council ton u. SNYDEH LEAMAN , Fruit and Produce Commission Mercaiats. No 141'unil Pt , Council 'lluir ' * . IlAltLE , HAAS A : CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , s' Fmidilcp. Kta. No. ! 2 Mitln St , unJ No. 11'cnrl . , Council IllulN /1'- / . 0. W. UIJTTS , Wholesale California Fruit * a Specialty General CommUslon. No. fil' Hrouilwnj- , _ Council lllufK _ WIKT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. id and 18 1'carl Pt. , Cotni"ll lllulTs. GltOCKHlK * . L. KlUSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wliolesnlo Liquor Dcnlcrg. No. 41C Uroail- wny. Council Illuffj. HAItNKSS , KTC. 15ECKMAN , STKOIIHEHN & CO. , JInnii'noturers of ruH WholesaleDoalora In Leather , Harness , Saddlei'y , Etc. No.K5 _ Mnln St. . Council niuirj , lown. r HATS , CAPS , ETC. rL METCALF BROTH BUS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. -L- NOP. 3 < 3 nn < l 311 Ilroadway , Council lllnlM KEEL1NE AJ FELT , Wholesale- Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Hliiffgtown. _ _ _ , AJruui \ D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sals of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Polls , Qiciiiouna lrurj Council llluirs Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholcs'ilo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricitia * Oils E3TO. , E3TO. B.Theodoro , Aifout , Council Hluirs. lomx. LUMllKll 1'ILINO K'fC. A. OVERTON A : CO. , Hard Wood , Soutaera Lumbar , Plllag , And IJrlduo Matoiinl Spoclnltloa.WUolosnln Luia- bor or nlJ Kinds. Dillcu No. 133 Main St. , Council lllutra. lowiu JOHN L1NDEU. WhnleflHlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liqnors. Afcnt for St. Gotllmrd'g Herb Illttins. No. U MiiluSt. Council Ululla. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , XuUWMaln St. . CtiiCll U'Mjt. ' LATE OF ST. LOUIS , Olfico No. S2B Broadway , Council Bluffs. 1 11 to U 11,111. Hours , } Z to 6 p. in. ) 7 lob p.m. ; teem No. 0. "OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL HLUFFS , I A. Horses and Mules Forall purposes. no'lBht nnJ sold , at lotall and In lot * . IMTUO ( juuntlttos to i-clort from l pulmor llnoUrhors , elnylooicloubl'j. ' . MASON WISE , Couiiuil Blull'tj. P. C. MILLER , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. WALL LATKST DKSIONB. MANUFACTUHER OF PAINTS. House , 8lKii und Decorative I'uliitor. Jlntlio Wall Ornamcnti ! , Nona but Uostjiuntlg cinjilo ) uU aid | cUarsua a aw tttt otli " *