Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1886, Image 1

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Social Heriral in Paris After a Summer oi
Australia's Grcnt Sculler Gives lilt
Opinion of Jtnulnn A Mule
Uiot In Ilolfnst HappenIngs -
Ings at Ilcrlin.
Points From Pnvl * .
PAIIIR. Sept. lt-lXew York Herald Ca
ble Spiel , 1 to llio Ilnr. . | Tlio festive aspoel
of Long Champs on the Omlniim day shown
that the Parisians arc beginning to Hnd theli
way back to the bouleviuds , which aio lonk
Ing their best just now In the sunshine ol the
Indian summer. Our countrymen nm
country w onion have literally Invaded 1'arli
'this summer. Even now , at the fag end ol
the tourist season , they meet you al every
A "noss" ACTOII "iwncii. "
M. Conqiiolin and the Comedie Francalsi
are at loirgorlieids. For years the great come
dian had piactically ' 'bossed" the theater
Ills will was law , at whicli coming authors
quailed. He undo actors and unmade no
tresses. Hut Jules Clarotle. the meson1
malinger of tlio Krancalse , objects to "boss
Ing. " Some tlmo ngo ho took tin
liberty of fulling out with Conquelli
about Mile. Dudlay. Mllo. Dudlay becniiio :
Bocletalro , and Conquelln definitely delerm
Ined to quit the Krancalsc. Unliapplly , no
rontcnt with announcing his Intentions , IK
allowed the impiesslon to get abroad that ho
alter leaving tlio House Moliere , meant t (
play at a lival Parisian theatic. Xovv , bv tin
Miles of the Comedie Franealse , soclotairci
who leave the theatre alter twenty years
membeishlp aio entitled to a ictiring pen
slon and their aecuiinilated share of the ycailj
piotlts. This , howevnr , Is coudllloiial
The lellring member pledges himself not t <
reappear on llio stage within thlity leagues o
Paris. Moienvor , It seems tube understood
falling health and ago only aio rocognl/ci
motives for retiring. Conquelln leaves ot
the 1st of December , and claims a ictlrhif
pension of 0MO francs and UOO.OOO francs ni
Ms share of the profits. The Comedio Fran
calse refuses to acknowledge the claim on tin
ground that Coiiquclin Is in the Hush o
health and notoiiously Intends to play it
Palis. This lias made the gieat man nncry
and lie Intends to bilng the case befoio tin
tilbuual do coiumeice.
A xiw istVAr , .
Coiiquelln's 111 temper Ins not been o < -
nelly lessened by the brilliant debut of M ,
Georges Herr the other night at the Fran
caise In "Los , Plldeuis. " M. Bcrr , who latch
made such a sensation at the Conservaloriuu
as a pupil of Got , and Is already icgarded ai
the heir appaient to Conquellii's ' position
played Ills twit as I'lntlmo with thoeaseaiu
jo ; of an accomplished comedian. Conquo-
liu could haidlyjiav-e done better.
tmvill , bUIClDi : AND SCANDAL.
The week lias been foitlle in crime , suicide
niid scandal. The other moinlng n stiont
smell of binning was noticed by the lodirei ;
In a house in tlio Rue Leibnitz. Breaking
open ( lie door of the loom Irom whicli the
fiinell piocecdcd they found tholr landloid , r
Bt'X.igenailan named Molsny. stietclied oul
dead with a.jian of lighted cluucoil beside
him. On a'tablo was a letter explaining his
suicide. "Fora long time past. " it said , "my
tenants have not paid tholr rents. I screwed
adltyp money out ot incm by letnoving theh
doors and windows , butsinco tills abnormally
weather began even this pioved useless. 1
am mined and have resolved to asphyxiate
myself. My death will be on my tenants' '
licads. "
: op mo VMV.
Digamy Is on the Increase In i-'ianee , Is a dilllciilt offense to commit.
owing to the formalities with which Frencl
law hedges about man lano. Within a weoV
tin eo tuals for bigamy have como before tin
nnuts. The most curious case was that of r
rattle dealer named Glutard , whoso liisl
wife described him as a gioss , prolll ate
In ute , while his second wife boio witness
that ho was amiable and good natured tin
very man to make a woman happy , lie wal
condemned to eight years' linid labor.
A few days ago a young man was arrested
on the Boulevard dcs Itullcns in the act o :
stealing throe volumes of classics jointly val
ncd at about a dollar. A touching scent
occuried at the police station when Uio barer
was brought In. "For pity's sake let mo go , '
said the thief , burbling Into tcais. "Us in )
first offence ; I haven't oaten for days ; 1113
family have disowned me. " Hut the lav
knows no distinction of persons. Bnioi
though ho was , he had to go to pilson.
As a companion to this ailstocratlc scanda
Vto had the casn of an amoioiis biiionofs , win
fell In love with a handsome omnibus diivei
The baroness' husband is an eldoily savan
\vlio , It appears , devotes the most of his day ;
and nights to scientific ngilculture. Tlio join
was a married man , but could not resist th
flntleilng advances of the baroness. Tin
loumnco had lusted over a year when , 01
"Wednesday afteinoon , the Jehu was anestct
for trying to force his waylntolds innioiata'
mansion , near the Aie do Tilomplio. "I enl ;
want to stop her wilting threatening letter
to my wife , " hu exclaimed as ho was ejected
ThunlTalr has made a teulblo stir , but. ti
avoid a gieator scandal , It Is believed thi
baion will not appeal to the divorce court ,
MaMcrs literary and dramatic are sill
stagnant , but within the next few days w
nru promised several diamatlc novelties
among tliem Mr. Moieuu's comedy drumn
"Geifaht , " announced for piodiictlon at tin
ATaudevlllo on Monday. There will bo a re
vlval of Hamlet at the Frant-aiso a littl
later. Noriuotho poets and novelists Idle
though publishing nothing. Francois Coppc
for Instance , Is haul at woik on a new orien
tnl drama , the plot of which is modhuval am
Is laid In the Halkans. HU fellow aeadem
Iclan , Sully Piudhomme , Is finishing a loni
philosophical poem , the title of which bus no
yet been icvealed.
Paul Houigctt , who has been resting In th
Vosgos , is writing n dramatic novel , dos
tliirJ , lie hep , to ecllpso tlio rather sain
clous notoriety of lits last psychologica
$ ludy "Un Cilmed' Amour , "
Lecomto do Llsgo is putting ( ho Una
touches to an addtess which ho Is to dollvo
at Ids coming lecoptlon by the academy , am
Is ulsoeng-Jgcdoii u lyiiopoem. "La 1'olon
lude. "
Andre Theurlet Is in Ids rustle retreat a
Anniry , wrllliu a volume of Cliilstma
Btorles entitled. "Cottes Pour losJeiuu e
Pour lea Vieur. "
Laslly , Alphonsw Daiidut , who has bcoi
loing thiouirh a cure at Laiiialuii , Is bus
wllh another Parisian story entitled , "L'lui
nioitello , " In wliicli ho will luno much to sa
about Uio venerable acadoiin which may ud
exactly UellstU tlio "Immoitals. "
The Hill Passes the Second Iteadlm
in the Kolalisiuu.
Hunt IK , Sept. 18. [ Sinxsial Cablegi-am t
thoHKi.J : lu the relchstatj yesterday tin
social democrats propot > ect a question to th
government In tcfercnco toHulparla. It wag
finally dropited. The house then took up the
bill providing for n now commercial treaty
with Spain. After a speech bv Minister Von
li.iltohcr the bill passed the second reading
without tiouble. Hcrr Von Haltchci said
that exports from Germany weio now much
sought aftci in foreign markets , and that the
exports for issj amounted to 'J.bOO.coO.OOfl
maiks , a greater sum than had been icnched
in any previous year. Tlie piescnt commer
cial policy of the government was loss one
of protection than the macticil policy alining
at thedevelopment of specific Industries.
The fifty-ninth convention nf Gciman nalu-
lallsts opened today , Prof. A Ireliow presid
ing. Herr Lucamus welcomed the assem
blage on behalf ot tliemlnlsterotlnslriictloii.
lieu 1-orcKenbeek sprko ) tor the municipal
authoiltics , and Heir Ivlelneil for the mil-
voislty. The ) pilnclpal fcatuicot the session
was a lecture by Winner Siemens on the
"Giowtli of Nattnal History. " The conven
tion will lastbls days1. The meeting will be
held In the circus building , wtHi fi,000 mem
bers present , including about fifty Ameii-
cans , among whom aio Dr- . James Falk , K ,
Gutmaiin , K. Stieglic/ and Leo Dtinglespiel ,
of New Yoik ; Hlgelow , of Washington ;
William Welch , of Haltlmoio ; Sommeiilcld ,
ot Cincinnati ; Pcele , of Milwaukee , and
Wotbcl , of Detroit. Signer Osmund Kauir-
man , a well known lawyer of New York , Is
attending the convention.
AII roil nn : CIIAIHISTOX : qurnnr.ii9.
Subset iptlon lists for tno sulferers by tin
iccent earthquakoat Charleston have been
opened at all Ameiloin consulates In Ger
many. Liberal contributions are How ing In. .
wiTxr.s-tivci MiurAitv JIAX < ILV : KS.
Emperor William was present at the con
clusion of the iiimy mauuMivrcs to day on tin
lielghts cast of Neiumerslielm. In taklni !
leave of the assembled olilccis ho o.xpicssetl
bis satlslacllon at the elllcloney of the t loops.
While returning to Straasburg the emperoi
was giected with fervent cheers by Immense
crowds gathered along the route.
Emperor William has sanctioned the op
pointnient of Count Herbert Bismarck a :
secietary of state with plenary povvms te
lepicscnt the chancellor in the foicign dc-
Un Suyn Ho Can Beat Hanlan and
ISSUCH a ChalluiiKo.
Lo.voox , Sept. 10. [ N'ew Yoik Herald
Cable Special to tlio HIK. ] Beach
publishes a long letter In this morning's
Spoilsman , answciing Haitian's letters in
thoTiuf , Field anil Farm. Beach when
writing It was apparently unaware that Han
lan had staked. In the couiso OL his Icttei
ho says :
"I am leaving for Sidney October 14 , a facl
whicli I aid sine Hanlan ib aware of , or he
would not have Issued the challenge. I am
going back to the country from which , when
Hanlan left , lie icceived a testimonial ol
neaily ouo thousand pounds ami
as much jeweliy as ho conlil
cairv , and yet when ho arrived home lie dis-
tnctly stated that ho did not get a fair chance
of winning , after acknowledging that he
was beaten laiily when on the other bide ot
the globe. I simply mention tills to show
who issued the challenge.
"On my arrival in England I received r
challenge from Hanlan. I accentcel am :
waited patiently , but have heard no moro till
now , when I arn going away. Now , I do not
wish to speak ot the man 1 have beaten , bill
there are soiuo In London who aio alsc
anxious tor a nice with him. 1 tell you , people
plo of the Thames an-i Tyne , that whoever
may beat mo I can beat Hanlan , tuiu ho
knows that
In lofercnce to his not beliiff In condition
when the sweopstalces were iowo.1,1 say thai
ho knew 1 was coming to England just as
well as did Ross , Teenier , Gaudafir and Leo
Why did lie not get himself well and come
t. > England to uphold the good opinion o
his many friends In England. If Hanlan is
still anxious for a match witli me , I will lav
him 1,000 to . 800 , and row him a race on the
Paramatta whenever ho Is so disposed.
"In conclusion , 1 am sorry that the people
of tills country bavo not had an opportunity
of seeing Hanlan and me low , but I think
you will admit that 1 have done everything
in my power to brin about a match. "
Policemen Unnecessarily Fli'o on r
Crowd , " \Voiindlnji IMuuy.
Hnr.FAST , Sept. iiO , 2 a , m. [ Now Yorl
Herald Cable Special to the Cr.i : . ] Polict
stupidity , not to say malice , has a few hours
ago just come near raising a big riot at one ol
the barracks In tlio Catholic quaitcr , which
had been allowed to bo almost denuded ol
men. Two drunken men fought In trout ol
the bauacks and their sober comrade at
tempted to separate or get them away , but
the nolso Immediately attiactcd a ciowd.
bomo policemen rushed out and at
tempted to aucst the three mon.
Not waiting for an explanation , they tried
to inn them in. The eiovvd attempted r
rescue , when , without warning , a tew con
stables inside fired on the dowd round altci
round. This unnecessary and inconsideiate
action tuined the crowd Into a mob , whicli
furiously attacked the baiiacks. Within n
few minutes heavy reinforcements anlvei ]
and the violence was stopped. Pilosts aie
now urging the people to go home. 1'iobably
twenty persons vvoio wounded by bullets , bill
I cannot hoar of any killed.
Trial or the Robela.
SOPIA , Sept. 10-fNow Yoik H'crald Cable
Special to the I3ii.J-M. : NlkolalolF , tin
war minister , says that the examination ol
tlioso concerned In the recent plot will be
honestly conducted. If civilians are found
Implicated they will bo tiled and punished by
cxllu or Imprisonment , no matter what rank
they hold. In no case will death bo tlio pun
Saturday' * * Uaco us Yet Undecided
The liouts Leaving.
Nr.wi'oirr , Scut. If ) , Many yachts have
left the harbor , and tlio rest will co to-mor
row. The yachtsmen are disgusted with
Saturday's race and anxious to gel
homo. The icsult of yesterday's dilfting
race Is as yet unknown , Commodore Grevey
was seen on board the Electra to-day and
asked for tlio time of the finish of flic
yachts. The time taken by the yacht Is as 11
passed Itrcntond reef tight ship and was as
follows ; Stranger , 8 h. , 50 mn ! , , 25 sec. ;
Cinderella , 0 h. , 41 mln , , 15 tec. ; Qitana , 0 h. ,
61 mln. , 84 sec. ; Thetis , 0 h. , 67 mill. , 85 sec. ;
Galatoaj 10 h. , 53 mln , , SO sec. ; Mayflower , 10
h.,62 min.lO eo , it would seem from this
that the Galatea finished before iho May
flower , but such was not so. The Commo
dore said tlio Mayflower passed the light
bhlp one length ahead of the Galatea and the
discrepancy in time U duo to the difference
intimoof the watcher used on the different
yachts. Comuiodoio Perry could not say
\v hetlicr the race could be given to tlio May-
flow er or Galatea , though the fact that the
former finished a length ahead of the Galatea ,
and was haiUicapcd uesldes , would seem to
Icavo no question. Ho also could not tell
w bother it vv otild bo decided that tlio St ranger
won. Ho said that he could not decide these
questions. They were for the icgratta committee
mittee- pass upon , mid as the committee
have already gone back to New York the
race cau only be decided by them.
A Rumor That Secretary Bayard is to Be
Given the Treasury Portfolio ,
The Employci of the Government
1'Hiitlnj : Olllco LXpccttng to Ho
Decapitated I'l'-cslilontinl
Timber Talked Of.
Haynrd Tor Secretary of The Treasury.
WASIHVQTO.V , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele-
giam to the Hi.i.J : Ueports aio in circula
tion about a lecastof the cabinet , In which
Secretary Havatd Is set down for tliu treas
ury poittollo. Haynrd was chaii man ot tin
senate committee on llnancc when the demo
crats had that bodv and would make a much
bolter secretary of the treasury IhanhemaUes
of state.
MAXxixn TO in/rim : ocTonnn l.
It Is stated upon an authoilty which If
guaranteed to bo tellable that on or a llltli
after October 1 Maiiiiing's resignation as sec
ictaivof thoticasury will bo formally ac
cepted by the president , and that ho would
have willingly leslgncd befoio ho left Wash
ington , leellng sure that ho would novel
again bo able to resume the active duties ol
his olllco. Hut the president did not vvUh tin
step taken then , foi two leasons ; l-'iist , hi
had quite enough to do at tlio tlmo without
having to look out for a now seoiotary of thn
treasury. Second , Manning left Albany and
came here at some personal inconvenience ,
to say nothini : of expense , and the piesldenl
deslied. or was willing , that ho should re
main In olllce until he got even pccuniuiily ,
although ho did no work for six months.
The published leport that Secietuiy Man
ning will probably be appointed to tlui
Austrian mission occasions considerable talk
hero in political circles , and linds many be
lievers. A local paper publishes an Inter
view with a gentleman who , It says , stands
high in authority , and who is familiar with
the policy ot tlio administration , in which he
Is reported as saying : "Mr. Manning would
bo of extraoidlnary service to this govern
ment In the settlement of tlio silver question
by Ills picsence in Austria. He would fin-
nlsh information to the government thai
would bo ot Incalculable value. With Mr.
Manning tlio Austilan mission would be the
most Important of all our missions ubioul.
Aiibtiiais the best point In Kutopo Iiom
which to watch European finance1' , and just
at this time it is of seiious impoitance that
we have some such man as Manning tlieie.
From that point lie could have moio influ
ence upon the action ot congiess upon the
silver question than liu could at the head ol
the ticasuty depaitmcnt. Tliu administia-
tion has not yet given up the
idea of suspending silver coinage.
Atistiiahasa single silver standard and tin
ndiiiliilbtiatlon believes that to have a carettil
ohsurvei at the eouitof Vienna would ope-
late to settle more quickly the silver question
in this cotintiy. Another featuio ot the
case , one which would make the duties ol
tlio cilice less tiymg to Mr. Manning anil
highly agioeablo to his wife , is tiio coidial
leception which Is assuicd him at the court
of Austiia. Uosidcs , to send a cabinet olhcci
to that couit alter the Keilej allalr , will binil
the friendship betwee.n this countiy and
Austiia most closely. Austiia felt It to be an
Insult , or at least a slight , to have Keilci
sent them attei ho had boon rejected bv
Italy. To send a cabinet minister there will
bo accepted as a high honor and toKcn ol
tilendshlp. "
A solemn stillness inevails in the govern-
inent piloting olllce during these days ot un
ccitalntv. The nervous appichension of removal -
moval which was engendered In the bosoms
ot the employes of this gieat establishment
when the appointment of Benedict was an
nounced has daily become more and more in
tensified. Yesterday afteinoon when tin
public printer walked through the bullilinj.
and closely Inspected the woik and workmer ,
the climax was leached. Those who wen
conscious that their services could well bi
dispensed with felt that the Inspection was
but a prelude to their sudden decapitation ,
On the otlinr hand , those who have doiu
their duty faithfully and well proudly ex
plained their work , feeling assured that theh
well known efficiency would be clearly ap
parent to their ap\Y chief.
It is announced In a local pacer to-day thai
Julius Gutheridgo , tor two jears the Wasn-
Ington correspondent or the Chicago News ,
has been tendcied the position of city edltoi
of the Omaha Republican by Mr. Rounds ,
and that he may accept It.
The follow Ing notice was posted in the
government minting oillco on Sutmday ;
"Persons employed in the public printing
ollico aud bindery who desire to bid the ex-
public printer , S. P. Rounds , good-bye , will
have nn oupoitunlty of so doing at the Ebbll
house parlois , on Monday , September 20. at
7 o'clock p. m. All are cordially invited tc
attend. "
In a piomliicnt editorial sliowli'g ' the rea
sons why Mr. ISlaine cannot liona to secure n
icnomlnation , today's Capital says : ' -The
Iowa delegation lias always been solid for
liinlue. It was instructed for him In 1870 ,
in ISbO and in 1SS1. At the next convention
the state will have a candidate
of her own In Senator Allison.
The big republican majoiltles como from the
vvcbtand northwest , and thobo states now de
mand that the candidate .shall be selected
fiom that section. This feeling Is the strong
est In the section wheio the Plumed Knight
has always had the strongest suppoit , Lo
gan's f i lends aio at woik In Michigan and
Kansas , and ho expects to get botli delega
tions which , with that from Illinois , will
give him a formidable position , and his bit
terness toward Ulaino will load him to prefei
any other candidate. The wisest politicians
in the land think that Allison Istnocomlnu
man , and tlio election in Maine has not
altered their opinion.
The ItlnniiinR Koport nollovcil.
AI.IIANV , N. Y. , Sept 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the lleo.l The report that Secietary
Manning will resign the tieasury poit folia
early In October and that ho will Immediately
be appointed minister to Austria , la believed
by many of his Intimate friends In Albany.
For many weeks they have not believed that
ho would resume the treasury portfolio.
Sometime ago Manning stated that should
ho icslgn from the treasury ho would not
again enter the Commercial bank. Dr. Lin
coln , his physician , advised him last month
that occupation of some kind was the hcsi
possible cure for his ailment , and Manning
has chafed under the Idleness enfoiccd upon
him for several months. The foreign mis
sion will give the needed occupation.
An Insane Motlior Drowns Her Daugh
ter nml Commits Bulclclo.
HnooKLYN , N. Y. , Sept. 10.-Special | Tele
gram to the UHE.J A terrible tragedy oc
curred at the residence of William II , Hub'
boll , nt No , 433 Monroe street , yesterday.
The house Is occupied by Mr. Hubbell , his
wife Annlo and their two children , Charles
and Ethel , aged cluht and six respectively.
Jir. Hubbell wont to work as usual yesterday
monuns. 0i ] uU return last night he found
In the vestibule a : : io from his wife stating
her Intention of committing" Ki'cltle. ' Hasten
ing up stairs ho discovered his wife lunging
by n close line on the bath loom door. Look
ing further he discovered , tno bocy | of Kthel
jo the bath tub submerged In water , where
thp mother bad evidently ijeld It until it was
drowned. A physician was sent for and
after examining the bodies said they had evi
dently been dead five or six hours. Mis. II. ,
who was thlity-tlve years of age , has been an
invalid for some time , but was not supposed
to be Insane. After the husband's departuie
eho sent the llttlo boy to his grandmother's
) u OretoPoiut ,
They Nominate. .Delegates ntul lOn
dorse Clnrko and Vnu Wyck.
Srm.NonuU ) , Neb. , S"pt U ) . [ Special Tel
cgram to the URK * ! The republicans ol
Sarpy cotinly met In convention at this place
and elected tholr delegates to the stale , con
grcsslonal and Senatorial conventions , The
delegates go unlnstroctcd , but It Is mulct
stood they will stand by it. T. Clarke foi
governor , with a loaning towards Hovvo al
between Howe and Werner forcongiessmcn ,
and inclined to favor Henry Eaby for iloal
senator. After passing the following rc < so
lutlons the convention adjourned without
nominating their county ticket , o.xcepl
James P. ( Irene as county attorney , to nieei
again at tlio call of the central committee :
Tlicicptiblican inrtv of Sarpy counly In
convention asscmbloil , hercbv lo-alllim the principles of that pirty , vvhlcli
have heietoforo guided and contiolled It'
poltcr and mcasuies , and declares the light
and piIvlleiruol citizens to express them
selves by means of the ballot upon question"
of grave and Impottant legislation , and that
when a largo number of the inli.ibltaiits ol
this state shall request of the legislatuie the
right to vote upon a piohlbltory amendment
to the constitution , It Is the duty ot the
legislature to so submit said question.
Resolved , That wo reeognbo in our honorable -
able tellowclti/en , Charles H. Van \Vyok ,
ouo who Is eminently qualllicd for the posi
tion which hu now holds as United State ;
senator tiom Nebraska , and commend the
stand which ho has taken against all vviong-
ful discriminations and usurpations of cor-
poiatlve power.
Resolved , I'luit wo recognize In the lion ,
II. T. Cltulc , one who Is well fitted by loiii :
resilience in N 'biaska and a lilo correspond
ing with tlio advancement of our state , and
in-lively engaged in lliecommeiclal Interests
oft'ietvvo Important cities ot Omaha and
Lincoln , to be a wiutliy and proper candidate
foi governor of this state and hereby com
mend him to the favorable consideration of
the state at l.uge. _
Purnas County Democrats.
Ativi'Aiioi : , Xeb. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEn.l The democratic countj
convention of I'uriias county met yesterday
and nominated J. T. McCIure. of Oxfoid , 101
county attorney ; Thomas Andrews , of Cam
bridge , lepieseiilatlvo ; M. E. McCatroll foi
county commissioner. Peace and harmony
picvalled , and among the resolutions adopter
by the convention It was resolved that "We
urge the election of a United States sonatoi
from our own innks , but should It be Impos
sible to elect a democrat , we recommend the
return ot Hon. C. H. Van Wyck to tin
United States senate. " T. U. McPherson. ol
Arapahoc , is stioii'ly talked of as state sen
ator lioni thisdistiict by the dcmociats.
Snumlcrs County Dcrnonrats.
WAHOO , Xeb. , Sept 10. [ Special to The
Uii : : . ] The democrats of Saunders countj
met in county convention at the court house
Satmday afternoon. .Nominations were as
follows : State Senator , J. K. Vandoiuark ,
of Valpaiaiso : repiesoutatlves , W. U. lient-
ley , of Ashland ; Thomas Shimouek am
Ch.ules Hauisoncolinty attorney. . ) . R. ( ! il
keson ; couutv commissioner , M. C. Fisher
Tlio ticket , with one. o $ two exception. * , ib i
very weak one. Dglcjjates were chosen ti
tlio stata and congressional conventions.
They weie not instinetted. H is understooi
the delegates to the congressional conventioi
favor the nomination ofJolui A. McShane
of Omaha. "
Died or Hfs Injuries.
HIIATUICK , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
cgram to theft HEHJ John Mulligan , tin
foundry man , who w'as shot Friday night
died to-day. An jvquest , .has bcouicim
mcnccd , which wii rbu ifnislied to-morr6w
Ilo made a sworn statement relating to tin
shooting allalr , which has not jet been made
public. His icmains aie being cared for bj
the Catholic Church 'soclotv , who have tele
gianhed to lolatives in Rock Island , Ills
Several men are under auest who weromixei
up in the unfortunate affair.
Ue.iiricc Knights Templar.
BUATHICK , Neb. , Sept. 19. [ hpecial Tele
gram to the Uui : . ] A laigo number of tin
members of Mt , Herman comraandery will
their wives left hero to-day in a special Pull
man car to attend the conclave at St. Louis
Rumored Engagement of Albert Vic
tor to an American Ijndy.
PiTrsuuna , Pa. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKIS.J A local paper has beer
investigating the report published rathoi
widely on the strength of a London spccla
to the effect that the Prince and Princess o
Wales had decided that tliolr son , Prince Al
bert Victor , heir presumptive to the Engltsl
throne , should marry an American wife. The
icasons given for this decision were the op
position of the English populace to any more
Gorman alliances , the scarcity of reignInj
Protestant families in Europe , and the blttei
opposition to Catholics being connected wltl
the English government. In addition to tills
it was also stated that a imulta
union of England and Amerlc :
was some tlmo since suggested by
Lord Beaconsfield , There was a mystuiy. .
however. In connection with the Ameijcan
lady said to have been selected ns the prince' . '
bride , but a Pittsburg gentleman , just re
tinned fiom New Ypuc city , Is authoilty toi
tlio Information that the lady in the case is
MissJounio Chambeilaln , of Cleveland , whc
cieatcd such a sensation on both continents ,
and ho savs while In Now Yoik the lepoil
was piivately circulated in the. highest social
circles that sue and Albei t Victor became en
gaged while she was In Euiopu last winter ,
A leportcr , who was sent to Cleveland to in
vestigate , telegraphs that the same iniiioi
prevails among the .society people of thai
city , but that Miss C , Is now In Scotland , and
that her father disclaims any knowledge
whatever ot iho allalr.
Ghuroh Korvlci's In ilip Open Air-
llaln Does Dnmaiio ,
CitAW.KbTON , S. . > p. Sept. 19. This has
been a dlUVrent da 'from last Sunday. By
reason of the condition of the work of open
ing thoroughofares , which a week ago was In
full blast , communications are pretty well
restore , telegraph" lines are In operation and
the telephone exchange is working nearly
everywhere. Tho'vyoist ' feature of the day
was a heavy rain this morning which In
jured the contents ! of exposed dwellings
and made the remaining campers out par
tlcularly iincomforiajjlc. Hut the dlscom
lort and loss wero-nothin ? InJ coniparlsor
with what would hayfc been the olfect of ti
down-pour ten days ago. Tlie feature of tlu
day on last Sunday vynS tlio open air worship.
The Marinei'd chureuil.had service on one ol
the ships In the Uarlior. Tlio Presbyterian
and Hugcnot church , services weio on the
battery. The congregation of Grace church
worshiped In the Sunday school building
and tlm Second Presbyterian congregation
in the residence o 3t ; . , rlgjs. ! ;
ThrcoPcorlp Fatalities ,
I'KOIUA , III , , Sept. } 9. The body of Slebn
Relners , a middle-aged German , was found
hanging to a tree near this city yesteiday.
It had evidently been hanging there soycial
days. The body of Dr. Edward H , llollf , of
Poorla , was found floating in the river at
Havana this eveulug. He is supposed to
have committed sUIclde. D. J. Calllgan ,
formerly a member of tlio boaul of canal
eommlsbloneis and a prominent local poli
tician , disilat ills home this moinlng.
Omaha Still Thirteenth.
U03TON , Sept. 10. [ Special TefeCTam tg
tlio BEE. ] From special dispatches to the
Post fiom Uio manaeu of the leading
clearing houses of the Vuited States , Omaha
elands thirteenth In tliu lltt with clearings
amounting to S4,3&.blO ; increase. 70.5 per
The Old War Qovoraor Ahead in the Sccoiu
Iowa Oongrc3sioual District ,
R Probability Hint Ilo Will
Succeed .Hall Ic
Slrcct Uullroiul
Other town N'cxva.
Tlio VlRlit In tlip.Sooonil District.
Uis MOI.NKS , Sept , m-ISp-clal to
the HIE. : ] Great Interest thtouih ? tin
state Is beins taken in tlio Second eongres'
slonnl district , where three men are riinnlnc
for congress , among them the old war KOV-
einor , Sam Klikwood. At the stilt the dis
trict had O.OtX ) democratic majority , a pjr
feetly hopeless ease utidet otdinary olictim
stinccs to any icpublictn aspirant.W \ the
face of thlnirs looks ipilto dilTeient now.
Judjjo Hayes , the dumosintic candiilato , Is sc
lepulslvo to the better class of citizens , both
dcmociats and republicans that an hide
pendent movement , stilted first by tin
Knights of Labor , nominated a ort of an in
dependent democrat , Mr. O'Moaru , aud wuen
the lepubllcan convention was called U dl
vided , three ot the counties icsolviiii ; to bill ) '
poit him ami the other three puttlni ; ui > i
straight republican the old governor. Si
tlieic Is now n tilaiiular tight. O'Mcnin ,
who , as mifjlit bu expected , Is
nn Iilslimnn , Is drawing away hun
dreds ot lilsh democrats , and his candldaej
pro\okes somethlns of a race nnucronibm be
tween tlio Irish and the ( ioniums who an
sujipoithii ; Hayes. ( JovOiuor Kirk wood hat
rallied u larjn element of republicans whc
have been lukewarm for the past lew yeaii
on account of prohibition , but are vurj
filcndly tohlm , ashc has always been all
cense man. Theioaro some of the old timer1
who weie wnim filendsand adililrers of hi-
durlnj ; the war , but h.ue had their politic ;
somewhat demoiallzed since , who have coim
out for him , and , stianuo as It may seem , inei :
who have looled the situation over , say thai
Kirkwood's chances are now tlio best of tin
tin co , The old man now soventy-tlireo If
making \eiy enthusla-tlc cainasb , and Is t
gloat power on the btiuui ) . lie lias lor n inn
ning-nnte old llliani Pi lee , ot Davenport , foi
many years congie sinan and later commis
sionerot Indian allaiis. Price also is pasi
seventy years ot age , but lie has hitched ui
his teim and proposes to diivo over nverj
township in Muscatlno county , wheie tlu
proliibitionists aie strongest against Klik'
wood , and work tor the old man. 1'iice him
belt is an oilKlnil piohibllionist irom waj
b.ick , while Klilvwood is as stroin : an antf-
proliibitionist tiom an equally lemote period
lUit he says It is no time lor republicans tc
fuse with democrats for any icason , and si
he is labeling witli the piohib.tlonists cspc
aially to stand by the old man and the ok
UAH H I'KOM'l'.Crs IN' Till : I'lIIST.
It seems to be thu geneial opinion that ex
Goveinor Gear , tliu tcpiiblican candidate lei
coilgiess in tlie l-'iist disliicl , will be elected
tbouirh his dlsti let is close. "Old Business , "
as lie was called during his term as coveiuor
lias a pOrsbteut way of "getting theio" Ilia1
will piobibly piove his salvation. Mr. Hall ,
the democtatic incumbent , who isa eandldatt
for re-election , lias not enough ot the tamtl
iaiity that pleiibes the b > ys , and is a little In
clined to keen tlmm at a distance. So tliuj
are not shouting for film now as they wei <
two" years ftio ? t r- , ' , - , <
_ TJIJ : sinrcivrisAU/wAvrjoiiT.
Tlie tieet lallwav war Mint 1ms been blum
bfrlng lor months has bioken out with gieai
vigor and lierccness. As in many cities. on <
company had enjoyed undisturbed privilege !
so long that it had como to thinic It ownei
tlie town. Afevv months ago a bioad gungi
company issued a charter and commenced t <
lay its track , bat was met witli obstruction al
every point by the old nanow guage com
pany. Jt was , however , permitted to use
some streets in u part of the citi
less travelled aud less desliable , bu
when it tried to como to tlio bus !
ness part ot the city , it was again check
mated. The council , however , at last gavi
permission to botli companies to occupy
Fouith street past the hotels and to tlio de
pots , oxpccting that but one tlio one hrst 01
the ground would use thu privilege. Tha
night , whllo the old company was sleeping
the sleep ot the just , the new company gath
cred a large force ot men , and at 1 o'clock ir
tlio morning began track-laying , and hi
bicakfast time had taken the contested torn
tory and shut the old company out. Now tin
fight has been transform ! to the cotnts , ant
Injunction suits are of common occuirence
The outcome , whatever It is , cannot fall to b (
ot benefit to tlie public ,
nns Moixns'io eio INTO TJIB MW i.nAGt'i :
Dos Moines has become sulliclently interested
osted in base ball to take steps toward loim
Ing , or rather entering , a new nortliwcsteri
league the coming season. Some ol the lead
in J : young business men ot the city are push ! n t
the enterprise , and the prospect is good for :
floutlshmg league , with a good club In thii
city as one of the attractions. It Is
pioposcd to have rcpiesontcd In tin
league several cities in Wisconsin am
Minnesota among them Milwaukeco. Min
neapolis , and St. Paul some blx or eight it
all. Mr. Chatles Bryant , of Charleston , S. C.
lormer manager ot the Southern league , h
working up the scheme In the northwest , am
considerable enthusiasm Ib manifested by tin
people of this city. There aio many person !
hero who enjoy a good game of ball and boim
nave gone oven to Chicago M see a game. Bu
JJ10 miles away Is most too far for o game
however good , to attract DesMoIncs people
Hut it IB believed that they would suppon
libeially n good club heio It it was in t
llomlshlng league. Should the Nuithvvcstcir
league , as pioposed , fall to materhdl/e , there
has been boino talk of a luairuo to take n
Oinahn , St. Joe , Lincoln. Sioux City , St. .
Paul , and DCS Monies , with possibly ona 01
two additional cities. These towns aio noise
so larnpait but that the trip could be niiuU
between them without tlio loss of much time
and It Is thought that in ail of thorn siilllciuni
liHcicstin tlio national game would be taker
to give It a good snppoit.
Hi'i'KitsTiiioN OK Tin : cor.oitnn n.von.
Yesterday a team al Inched to u butchui'ii
wagon dashed down Walnut street at a lockless -
loss pace , and , suddenly tinning Into Sixth ,
lan over a little boy who was classing tlie
street , 'lucre was nothing HO very unusual
about the incident , which occasionally occurs
In a crowded city , but In this case the chile !
was a little coloiod boy. Ho was picked uji
( screaming with pain and I rich t , and a doc
tor who was near bv attempted to nxanilnt
his Injuries. The little fellow's ankle was
tinned to one side us If a bono had been fine-
lured , but he started to walk elf on tlio in-
juied foot , crying that his father had tohi
him to come straight homo A man attempted
to cany him Into thodoctoi's olllce adjoin-
inir , but ho scieamed with terror even inoit
than pain , almost going into a spasm at the
approach of the doctor. It was a touching
Bight , but It showed tlio superstition of tlu
colored laco. There are many colored men
in tills town who liavon mortal teiror of r
p'lysieian , and think that the medicine man
is constantly lying in wait to carry them oil
to tlio dissecting loom. One young coloieil
man In u bin her shop in town is so atraiil
that he will leave the room when n well
known physician enters. A few days ago ,
v.'illla in the barber shop , this doctor acci-
dently pulled Imm his pocket a little vial ol
chloroform winch droppstl I'Jion ' tlio llooi
and broke. The darkoy muelled thn odor and
ran In tenor to tno street , thoroughly con
vinced that the doctor had come to chloro
form him and cairy him elf and dlsseot him.
It will take many yea is of contact witli
white people perhaps a generation , to re
move some of the most firmly fixed super
stitions Iiom the colored lace.
How El Coyote AVnH Killed.
GALVESTOX , Tox. , Sopt. 19. A special to
the News from Eiglo Pass says ; An authen
tic dispatch has Just been tecelved at Piearas
Negrns which elves a different account of the
manner In which Kl Coyote , the revolution
ist , aud a portion ot his band met their
death. The dispatch states that Kl Coyote
and seven of his iolow | < is were captured at
Monterey , uuil were shot by older of General
Visitors Art-lvlnt ; unit OnPnlinr
vlcciof tlio Triennial Conclave.
RT. Loui . Set { , 10.-La t evening the
local Knlirlit Templar * wont into quaiters
at the union depot to act as a reception com
mittee and osrort to the arriving UnlchK
lip to them rival of tiains thlaevi-nlng , how
pver , they hail little to do , but few comman-
deiles putting In an app'arance In a body.
Kvorv train , thouh , broimht Its quota of
visitors to the twoutv-thlrd triennial conclave -
clave , and H w.ts estimated that bv 5 o'clock
fully 2.0J1 kniglns were already In the cltv ,
and larco additions to this number wcio
made when the evening trains discharged
their cargoes. Desnlto the thionlcnliu
vveatlior a vast amount of woik in tlio way
of decorating thn stioets and bulhilng-t was
douo duiiiig the day , but many
ot the li'ipr and more perish iblo dis
plays will not bo espo iMl until
Tuesday moiniii In order to pieserve them
from the element' ! . The event of the day In
the matter of nrnvnlt the nppeaiauce of
the California deli ut'on ' , who came In on
thiiloen cais wilh their ladles. They num-
beied full ) 701) ) . Tliev woie accompanied bv
the I'irbt fnfantry uud Second attlliorv bands
and a grUxl.v ben cub. which iittiacted moro
attention than thn bauds.
At'JtfOthls altoinooii tlio lii-st number of
the week's piogrammo was given In the du-
\otlomil eveielbos held at the oxmisiilou
music lull. An iinuicit' < cnudtcucciiuuibeilig !
7,001) ) people , Iiu-luding tullv 'A'O' ' '
knights , was In ntteiidanee , and liundieds
weie tinned away. The set vices weie from
the iltual and were eoiidiu led by A'oiv liiul-
noiitSu li. Gooue C. Iletts aud pielito of
the encampment , assisted by Itight Eminent
Dr. John 1) . VlnMI , ami inleispeised with
an uniisuallv line mus'c'il progiamme , in
wlitch scveial local societies participated ,
foimlng a choius of neatly 00) ) voices , under
the direction of Plot. Kirmont 1'roehlicli.
The actual woik of tlie conclave will not
Desrin until Tucsdav , The day to-moitow
will bodinoted to the loccption ot vlsitoii ,
a majoiity of whom aio expected
to arnvo befoio to-nionow night. In
the evening the city will bo
illuminated and the vailous local comman-
deiies will hold i"ceplloiiH at their lespectivo
hoaaquaitets. The meetings of tlio grand
encampment will bu held in the small hall of
the exposition building which has been np-
piopiiulely docoiatod withembleins and ban
ners for the occasion. Tlio state setting
has been especially pienaied , the scenes
being liKloiical and emblematical of the
Masonic older. The committee having in
chaigo theaiiangements and conduct ot the
conclave held Its linnl nicotine this afternoon
and nt Its conclusion announced everything
complete and woiklnu without tlio slklitest
fi lutlon. iNothing Is now needed to make
the conclave a success but good weather , and
the outlook Is excellent at the picsent time.
Reports of the AVCIMJJO Yield in AVcst-
crn State' ) .
CHICAOO , Sept. IS ) . Tlio following crop
ifcvlow will appeir in this week's issue of tlio
Faimei'b Keview : The corn crop ismatuiing
lapidly , "and couespoudents this week In
dicate iippioxinintely tlio probable yield per
acio in Imsliels. 1'rosts oecuired in Illinois.
Wise uisin , Iowa and Nebraska during the
week and some injury is lepoited to late
giain In low ground , but In craln no general
injiny oecuried , owing to the matuilty of
grain. In twenty-ono counties in Illinois
the average range ? Iiom ten to forty bushels , apparent average of about twenty-
live bushels to the acic. Tlio lowest average
IsieportQd fiom Jlenry county , where the
probable ylojtUsiplaccd at ejV'bytsho.lsi ' Awhile
La S.dle , L-fvvronca and lo KnllTrepoit the
piobablOj avei-rtKO at thlity-livo bushels
In Clay.- KayolloMacoupin , Mncon
Hock Island and Warren is lopmted
nt fiom tvyenty-'ivo to thlilv bushels , in
Adams , Cairoil , Rvjette , Marshal and Mc-
Leon tlio average Is placed at liom twenty to
tivonty-tw o bushels.
The ireneial average is indicated In Iowa.
In Palo , Alto , Polk and Allamakeo counties
theaveraito is indicated at Irom lilteon to
twenty bushels. In HancockWapcllo , lleiuy
and Shelby counties the averx o runs from
to bushels. In Cal-
twentv-livo thlity-hvo . -
hoini the aveiago is placed at forty bushels.
In seventeen counties the general average is
placed at twenty-six bushels.
Tno avuiagts in Minnesota In fourteen
counties Is placed at twenty-eight bushels.
In Missouri twelve counties renort a gen
eral nvciaitc of twenty-nine bushels.
In Kansas reports fiom twelve counties re
duce tlio avcraie to twenty-two bushels.
In Ohio the avenge of counties repoiting
this week place the general average at thirty-
two bushels.
In Wisconsin the average crop Is twenty-
six bushels.
In Mlssonii the geneial average Is placed
at twenty-four bushels.
Iteports from Nebraska Indienlo an un
usually yield In some counties. In
Cedar , Morilek , Platte and Hitchcock icports
indicate thn yield will range irom forty to
sixti bushels.
Keports fiom Michigan indicate a'yield
langlng lioni twenty to seventy-live bushels
to the aeio.
Ueports of hog cholera are a little more nn-
moious , but not in sullleient numbers to oc
casion any special concern. In Adams
county , Illinois , one-half the ho.s are 10-
ported to have died fiom choleia. In Favotto
and McLean counties , Illinois , choleia is m-
ported to havn caused some loss. The dis
ease is also repotted in Johnson. Calhoun ,
Hamilton and Shelby counties of Iowa , and
in Adams , Handolph and Itusli counties , In-
d ana. Xcaily every one of the remaining
counties icportlng this weel ; indicate that tlio
run is .somewhat lighter this jeai than usual ,
but that hozs me healthy.
A 11A OK WAJl.
Fatal FIIit flcivvcon IriBliand Italian
PiTTsnuito , Sept. 10 , Four Mlle run , In
tlio fouitccnth waid , was Him scene of a
bloody lace ilot at noon to-day , In which two
of the paitlclpants received fatal injinfes.
Tlie light was the result of bad feeling exist
ing among the Iilsh and Italian hiboicrs
who have their abode in that ncitthboihood.
On Satmday night while Joseph Veinaid ,
on Italian , was on Ms way home , ho was at
tacked by a gang oi Irishmen. There WHO
lx In the party and it is bald they weie under
the leadership of two biotheis named
Day. Veinaid was tonlbly beaten , mil
managed to oscano to his home. No iuoi < )
tinublooccun ted until noon today , when a
gang of twenty lilshmcn called at
veinaid's house and demanded
admittance , A number of Italian
boarders weio In tliu house at the. tlmo and
the doors were ouirkly barred. The assail
ants. however , battcicd the doors down and
rushed Into the houso. A tree flulit followed ,
In the jiiogross of which "Paddy" It. Occo ,
an Italian , had his skull ciiisucd with a
chair , and Patilck Constantine , un lilshman ,
was shot in tlio abdomen. The flight of the
prostrate men seemed to trk'hleii thootluns
and a goneial stampede took place , so that
bv the tlmo the policoarrlvod all had escaped.
Mini wounded men were removed to the hos
pital , where Constantine died a fuw houis
later. Occo Is still living , but his lecovery
is consideioi ) doubttnl. Five of the Italians
worn unestcd this afternoon but the Irish
men tire still at liberty. It Is believed the
latter intended to drive the Italians from the
Gontl-ftyo Wilderness ,
PnosrccT llousii , N. V. , S ( > pt. 10. To
day , the last Sunday spent by the president's
party In the Adlioniiue'v-s.Jiasbp.i'n anything
but ajiecabie. It rained tiom oaMy nioinlng
till night , and Ihcie was nothing for ilieui to
do but remain within doors. In all ptobabllity
llio paity wll | spend to-moiTow night at Paul
Smith's and muko the etai t out nt the wlldei-
ness from that point on TuesJay. ' 1 ho i all-
load station is only seven miles from Paul's ,
and the Vermont Central will them lalolho :
party In charge and conduct them as fai as
House's Point , \vhero connection Is nude
with the Dulawaio and Hudson Canal com
pany's lino. The iiaity will bo coiiveveii
thence to Albany. The name special 'MI HI
In ought them into the Adirun - ! " ,11 ry
hew out.
Highest Prices of the Year Recorded in tb
Past Sovou Days.
The Ucndlnjj Compromise tlio OrontCRO
Sensation of tlic Punt TvvrUo
Mont tin on tha Street
Who Accomplished It.
Anton ; ? tlio Hulls < uul JJonrn.
Nuvvouic , Sept. ! ! > . [ SpeelalTelogiam to
the Bir : | Again theio Is a stoiy oC
tlio highest inailvot of the year to
toll , Last week , nllliough prices weiu
higher tlmii they liml Dion dining
1SM1 , they had not quite leached theliguio
touched during the Xovombor liso last jeai.
Thesoligincs weie sponged outoailv in the
\\ock , nnil now thochalk inaiU Iscoiisideiably
above tlio best of either of the past two yon in.
App.ueiitlv wo have at last sooni-ed a loniu'n-
tlon for a bull movement slinilai to thnl which
lolloped the West Shoio settlement last MIIII
uicr. Tlmt was picecded by n pcilod of dull
ness mid wcalviiesss , mid the Use dining
the < o negotiations was quite rapid , followed
by consideiuble teaclion , alter which tlicio
was n strong and steady advance which cul
minated In November. The Heading com-
jnonilso was tlio u-siilt of negotiation , but It
comes at a tiuio when tlio nmiKut shows a
gicat deal of iwtuial strength , and the shoit
intoiost has almost dlsappc.uod , tiadois being
almost entirely on onosido. And jot It 1ms
boon a vorv healthy and by no
means fovpush cio will. Although Heading -
ing has gene up 7 per cent , within
two or tluco davs , tlio joyful bulls looked tor
a luitlior tiihanco of 2 or : ! per cent.
The lesult was a heavy liquidation anil
closing out ol speculative puichnses for tlw
tcnu. The suggestion of the compiomlsc ,
which has resulted In the withdrawal of.
Picsldont Gowon from what piotnisos to bo
his last light for the cjntiol of Heading , bus
biought to tlio liont two ilsing joimg mon
men who o names were not known beyond
a limited cliolo until within the past year , b-it
who have takun advantage of the piogiess of
events and pushed themselves to the 1'iont
with vlgoious foice , which has now given
them a prestige ot power , biought them Into
Intimate connection with pent , men of
sticnuth and protound lespeet foi their
genius as oiganl/ois.
The letter to Gowcn , foi mlng the basis of
the settlement which has created the giealest
sensation ot the jear on the stoiK ou-lwuge ,
has given an entliely now phase to the llnuii- situation , and at a stioko put out of tlio
way the most bilious obstacles , which con
servative Imposteis have seen In tla i paths ,
Is signed by Allied bully and Ed-
waul Lautcibach. There was a stoiy , when
Mr. Sully's name lust apne.ued In eonnec-
turn with the snppoil.ivcnMi. Gowcn against
thi ! Die.xel Mouan syndicate , that Mr. Sully
had had a falling out with Mr. Coibln. De
velopments show how stupid was the Idea.
Mr. bully is a young lawyci of the Indiana ,
Mloomington & Weslein lailronu , ot whleb
Mi. Cuilmi Is piesidcnt. Edwaid Luutei-
b.u-h appears foi the llrat time In connection
\vltli Heading. To him pcilmps moro than
to any other one man Is duo the diuwniina-
llon shown by tlio Tidrd Avenue Kailiotid
company In icsisting the stiikeis , in tlio
holding out at a loss to the company of
oer SlOO.OOO , until they wuio dually enabled
to beltle the question ot jurisdiction whether
thej or then employes to inn the load.
In Paclllc Mall Lauleibnch has been a stead
ily growing power. His advice and his foico
ha\o had much to do with the vigoioits stand
that company madn In lefuslng to , cany the
United btates mails for a longer time , and In
persisting In their demand lor n propel sub
sidy fiom the liiil lines between the Atlantic
and P.icllic coasts , In older that Its stockholders -
holders miilit be piotected. If tlio tiutli wcio
known , It would ho lound that Lauterbaeli
hail much to do with discovering the nice
little hole tlnoitch which Oowen mlL'lit
fwapo without loss of all his feathers , anifat
thohamo time Sully anil Corfoln bii admitted
into tlio svndiuato , whicli was already lull ,
without their aid. 1'rolits weio inado by
Stilly and his tilonds , who uio welcouio
quests in any ofliees on the atieet.
Theio were not many beais In thoniaikct
anjway. Hven Addlsou Cammaclc harf
tinned bull on coal blocks , and the bull
oueratoib wire caieful not to penult any decline -
cline , and in ordei that tlioy might have free
swine they distributed tlio point judiciously
and nobody wont shoi t. The steady incii'at > o
In Camillas continues Hut leatuieot the mni-
k t at a time when pconlo thought Ic
would have ontliely dlsappeaied , because at
this time last year lates had been fully
restored and the business ot ihojvar hail
been very heavy. Union Pacific makes a
lunch better icport than was
foreshadowed by its balance in statements ot
Paulinas and expenses , and tlio prospects for
the last half ot thn year aie veiy much
brl.'htcr. Tlio buoyancy of tlio market IH
well Illustrated by the leadlness wltn which
outside speculations arc advanced whenever
they aio brought to the front , and the liim-
ness with which they bland whenever they
continue In action. The bank statement
hhnws oiilv the most tiillhiK changes , but
theru has been already a turn In tlio dilft ot
money in tills dlieclion , and wo may expect
continued ease for some time to come.
I'rcsldcnt Adams' Hintcmnat Kor the
Six nioutliH I'Jiidlntr In Juiic.
JJosroN" , > . Pichlilout Adams' ' at.tto-
mentol the oiintatlons of the Union 1'aeliio
HJ stem lor the six months endini ; Juno ' ' > )
hho\v , as compaied with the coucspoinllili ;
period of 1SS3 :
ISbO. 1&S5 ,
sur.oT.oss.os Sii.'
Kxiienses . 8lJ-l7rrill.Hl 7IU'JW < i. 5
.SuiphlS . 8lilWi20 ( ! : i ,
Total Incomu. . . 4,70toirj.40 , y ,
Kxpiiinlltuios. . . a.OVJ.710.63 U,7til,01b.S7
Less U , H. 1C-
quliements. . . 22Xl.OO ( ) SI,2 ; .U
.Suipllis . $7bU,3J7.8 *
Di'llplt . lar.l'Jl.W
Tlie Incicabo In opei atliiK t'xpcnscs Is due to
extensive renewals and repairs , The total
Indebtedness of thn company now Is SI-IT , -
70 .r/JOf)7 ) , a decicaso of 377.4-JL07.
Mr. Adams Rays In conclusion : Ihn company -
pany will , at tlmuiidof two and a half u"irs ,
enilliiK Um-embrS. ISsfi , havodlscliaib' ' .l lln
floaMDi ; debt In full , while at HID same ilmo It
will have dceieaspil Its tiindcd debts , m > r
diminished the amount of its Investments In
Been i Itv ol , bunch or auxlllai v rnlliond
Ilncusn tlio Bulllvaii-
Jlnarld CciiitOHI.
Pirrsnimcj , Pu. , Sojit , 10. The Sullivan-
lleaildiflil / lnt niiiht was the principal
topic of conversation In snot ting circles to
day. It was thnueneul opinion that .Sulli
van had "The U'onder" whipped befoio ft
blow bad been btiuck , No matter how confi
dent llcaiid had been befoio the Ikht , he lost
heart as BOOH as ho faced the champion , mill
was vluually ( ideated. liMilil Intended
to wind his man , but .SuDUnii
hnd made up his mind to knock him out ! > "
fine the police rould Intel line and ho nearly
Eiicceeiled In ( loinso. . Another tound would
have fettled lleqild beyond a shadow ( if a
doubt , The champion left lor the east this
inoiniiu to o-diupli'tu his anan oiueuts lor
his trip to the Vacllts sUijii- ,
U'linel F.-icloi y ISiirnoil.
KANKAKKK , III. , Sept. It ) . The r-orrl-s
whrel factory bin nod today , Turul lobs ,
Ss,03l : ( ; well fnsmisd.
anil Iowa \Vuntlior ,
l'ir ' l'ia ka aud : I'.ur ,
t v.UlOf ,