Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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, under thi t-e d. Hi cent * per
line lor th * Srt ln * > rtion,7 outs for o c& sub-
eequtnt m ert on. nod J1.50 line pr month
' No a l\ert Moment taken for IP S than SB etrats
for 1 he flr t in * rt'on. Serrn words will b
cotintc-i to U P lln * > : they u t run c n wti-
lively nnd mut b < * paid in advance. All adver
tlftmc'its n t be handed tn before 2 o'clock nd > r no olreum t ne wili th yb
takrn cr dlwuaHtinwJ hjteiovlioms. .
r rtlt ndvrt' lnfr In the v ohimtnnd tnv-
Injrtho an w ( > r 'dresiwd in faro of TH BEK
will rl * > c a k f' * n chf-ck io. n blr them to et
their tatter * , M none will bi dHiven-d rxo pt
on presentation or check. All &n wen to ad-
ould be f < nc'o ' d
(13IMM > ( ) to loan. ? iiirn < * ll and npwArds ,
P Lowr-st nuv * . * , lith and * ts.
\I ONKTOT.OV0 T. Daft * A Co. Heal
.ill K tate and Loan A rents 1505 Farnam st.
[ ONKV TO LOAN On ro ) eitnto and ohat-
I tt-K D U Thomas. nil
MOMY"TO LOAN-in nms of ta/ut and
upwariH on flr t olu r al o ttU cBiinty.
Putter & ( nub , l.Mr Farnam . 612
MOMv I.OAJ I li atC. F. Heml A.Co'.Loim
01110,00 furniture , pmno , her * * , wairoiis ,
jicriMinal property of all kinds nnd all other ) ir-
tlrle ) fiaim1 , without removal. 819 S 11th ,
o cr Illnplnxm's Commission store. All busi
ness 'trictly conOdontlnl. C1H
T CANS I < 0iins-Louns.
ltnalr tatelonns.
Chattel loanK
, Lnnir titno lonns
Short tlmo loans.
> foney always on hand to loan on nny ap
proved security.
InveMmrnt ix-curltlea boiichunnd - < olil.
Cnll at Uid olllco of the Oinaliu Flnancl.u er-
chnnirc , fcond lloor of the lliirker block , s. w ,
cor. of Fifteenth nnd Farnam sts.
C'orbctt Unr.iiscr. 7M
TO LOAN At lowest rates of Inter-
e ton f.irm nnd Improved city property.
F , J. Dav A. Co. , room ft , Crou-o block. S. K.
corner ( Jtpllnlnvenmi and ICtli street
07 ANI ) H I'KU CKNT money to loan oil
fnrm and olty property. L. P. Hammund ,
Itoom a , Il J Uouglaa st. , Omaha. _ 7CH
tJZMJwi-sfa lojfn on Omutitt city property nt 8
P . V T ernt. Interest. O. W. Day. over 1314
IoUfn ; ! st. _ M3
TsT Money to oan. J.J. Mahoney ,
IWt KBrtmm. _ Kn _
0 1'Klt OK > r miirfcy to loan. K. 0
] 3th nnd
. and 8 percent mnnejMo loan
, taken In exchanpo for ronl e tate. Contrnl
investment Co . Iloom 7 , llarkcr Block , ( .or 15th
nnd Fnrr.f.m. id
. TT7Ehavo cheap money on lone time , m any
T > loon on ln = ldocityproi > ertyor
lann land. Marshall i Lobeck , 1311 Farnam * t.
_ _ 6U2
MONKY TO LOAN At lower rnte thannny-
wlic-re pl o in the city , on furniture , pianos
orgTins , horses , wnpons or stock of any kind ,
llntnembcr , at lower ratci than unr other loan
'company in th city. City Loan V Mortpnpo
Co. . room 15,1404 Farnam st , opposlts Parton
hotel. < 50. _
MONKY to lo'an by the tindcrslpnort , who has
the only properly orniini/oii loan npency
in Omaha. Loans of f 10 to $1,000 made on fur
niture , pianos orpnns hordes , wnrons. machin
ery , Sc. , without removal. Ko delays. AJ1
mislne" * ftrlrtly ronfldential. Lonn to made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment rrduclnc the cost pro rat.T. Advances
made on flno wntchfs nnd diamond" . Person *
Ihoiild cnrcfully consider who thevaro deallnsr
with , as many new concerns are dally comlnc
into I'll'tcnco. Should you need mpnoT , can
and see me. W. R. Croft , Room \rithnell
nulldlnc , llth and Hnrney. 00
f\ PER CENT Mnev ) to loan. Stewart A : Co. ,
} -Moom3. { Iron bank. Uth nnd Farnam. C07
WANTKD To buy a pooil photoirniph pnl-
lerr In n town of not tess than n,00i ) popu-
tlon , will pnyjcash Address , J. A. Hayden ,
] Jncoln. > 'ob. . J42-17 *
_ _
TTlOit SALK tlarhor shop centndly located ,
J coo < l resvron for selling. Addre-rf , O. ! > leo !
TTiOIl fl.VLE A Dairy of M- cows , nearly nil
J1 f rojh.wltli all appurtenance , including horse
pen milt , delivery team nnd wapon nnd
aKOoil milk routu. Term * er.y. Immediate
possu-'slou. EnciuiroioT9nm'l J. Howoil. olBco
l7S.14tli. 289
toil M/\r.E A peed restaurant business
r.nqnlre P07 N , JUth at. 223 17 *
W "ANTED A partner to po into n coed pay-
Inpr biifiness : exuerlenco not necessary ;
only few hundred dollars re < iuired. Address
O 1 , Bee onicp. 3.i2 IS-
SALE implement store and blacksmith
1 shop , combined or eoparated , in ono of the
liveliest towns in Nebraska. For further par
ticulars addrccs L. D. , post box 104 , Boomer ,
Neb. W3 OT
S.VI.n One of the oldest c tablishe < l
srocpry business In the city , with n very
Jarpo. well-payltiif trade. Will cxchanro for
Otnatia real etate or part cash and balance secured -
cured notes Good reasons elvcn for soiling.
Address 1415 Jones. I7
TTlOlt SA.I.E Or trade for Omaha property.
JC The best located livery business , with stock
Jn the city. Lonir lease of burn nt cheap rent
llayno Bros , 1519 Furnam. 441
\ SALE An old and well established
grocery business , addruss L 10 , Bee office.
1H5-S-21 *
T71OK SALI ! First-class moat marKet with
-E nice nxturca. all complete : coed trade ;
best of reasons' for selling. Call or write to
Geo. W. MHFMIII. 1021 Howard. 15
H' t'SKS Lots.Fnrras.Lands money loaned.
Beml * . l.Mli and Douclas streetft. C16
rilAKKN VP-At 1.1th nnd Bancroft Bt
JL black horse , 1 white feet , white etrlp
lace , 7 yours old , wciifht 11UJ pounds. Mardis
T OST A ladles' white silk neck handkerchief
JLjcuibroidttrod In colors Xoavo tic Bee otllce.
4 l 17 *
STHA.Yr.n-Trom cor. 22d-nnd narke-sts. . a
Ib/ht bay m ro with halter , white star in
forehead. Return to ILJacobborgor. 3D 17 *
STRAVnn-Supt. 14. brown colt. 4 months old.
Liberal rownrd for Informution where ho
is. J. W. .Marshall , 2iaS.3dst. 413
LOST Small jrroon parrot , one crippled foot.
Rvturti to 120U JuckMjn st. and get reward.
41217 *
I OST An order book , will be liberally re-
J wnrdod if returned to Brotiuan i Sullivan ,
612 S. 13til Bt , 402 IS *
IO.ST-Momlay , 14th. black onyx bar pin jn-
-I laid with ponrlu In shape of sheaf uf outs ,
in North Omulm ; return to city mars 1ml and
Ki't reward. 3St si *
LOST From 9th st , south ot Buncraft , a
buckskin mare pony , white strip in face.
Branded on both sides. Wart on breast , fOX ) for
return. . _ Xnnir. _ _ 3.VH7 *
STOLKN From Florence Sept. 12 , n while
muro and lUnt Racine wamin , mare with
white biila noso. Last gi > on driving about 1
rulles north of Florence , Sheriff offers S.1J re
ward for recovery ot property. Juniej H. De-
laad. _ S44-1U
I OST A fine rj > l knl shawl , "dliout 8 o'clock
J Saturday otuint , " . Leave at tlila ofllco and
COt reward. 2UI
BOARDING Good day board , 1618 California
447 016 *
CLASS table board for pentleraan nnd
wife , or single irentlemon. in private , fam
ily ; 114 North 16th St. , bet Dodu and Capitol
B OAU1J K 15th Jt.
TnOKSAI.K-Ortr.idn. Horse , PBe ton and
.L hanuxs , tor iroo.1 lot not far irom town , at
H Alimunw.fin.S. liith L , Uou Culifornl * nnd
\\i-lj tca-alroutu. 2a ) 18
"V\r.vNTiD-Pup.U : for German and Latin ,
I iHUuttuklnr care , cotnputunoy , succesj ;
rddrcss 11 1'J jleo otHcu. 8J8 U 5
T > B11SONAI , Neat and taaty nll-wool bu lne s
J. ulU. $7. L. O. Jones i Co , American
t Icthiern , 1XW Farnam st. Mail orders nllni.
te' A V A
" 1 > KHhO\AI Wanted private tutor MiMu. .
J. sic. At , lanifuayei. lintriish subjects. Thor-
ourhness , etUcit-ucy. il 1'J Uwi ollico.
. t ) 8 O6
"O'-K ONAt , Mrs L. UTbamue. teaober of
J-pftinjlny nna music. 1811 Davenport subU 3)
iSEESONAL Piano nnd rlolinTtaught pn-
A vatelyj iiutructionof first order ; Proft-
H leoie. care Mar Meyer , KB Of
pEHSONAL-Slrs. Dr Kuiinia V. Warren
adoinoyant. . Medical nJ butinef8 Medium
Kaem bo. 8. Ul North Utli et , Omaha. Neb.
C19 _ _
buy real estate to n > rrow
O. money , or gel an nburstt cf tit.e , p. tn
VUaolCcoPl IL C Patterton , l.'tuu-JUo c jj ,
i .
17IOltltEXT i i isre rmwi W tnontnly. A
-L1 H § rw.
TT A well p tihl hrt snd
' ' ( mylnc butter rd eag t > 9imat a rtx > < l
pornt. Apply bj hstt r to O In , ! > * o ce ,
timahn. Nr-li. 424-81
rpuTnTHNR Ot NTH.\(7TO ( ? ami BniM4M
JL 1 hare the best sfnirf quarry tn the suite ,
only 14 mtk sfrom ( lingua. 1.1-4 miles Irom n.
i M. It K. : will | pa. c it for a t rtn of years : dl-
mon ion nnd biililn ? st ne of all kind * in
nburHlnmw. Pnr pnrrk'nlMrs call at 14th and
DunglM. oftc * John M. tmrk. W. A Owyer.
414 IP *
< < TEXOOR.\M\ ! Typewriting etiooL
V ! Kooms 7 nd } , Iron bank. OW. Bauer.
rpRKEsTHoSo-itirutHetc. . plam l Iree for
.1 r < r on bnylnroT Do : rm Co. N r prfe .
C.o. Howard. Prop. . P. O. botaaO. 7-nH *
ion HUNT Square PMDO , J > moathlv. A
oit UKNT Orynns , S ! per month. lo pe ,
FOK SALR-One milch oow , 1787 Cws.
3 Jl
iron SALE -Furnlt'jrp ol 11 room Iwsrdlng
JL1 bouse ; houw for rent , IfM Jnck onst.
8S * 30
S VLK Hand om 'S'i are piano , nearly
-L1 now , foe less than half price , fr m U or
installments : 411 N.uth. 312 an
F "l > llLK C-alljrniph , in gcoJ order. Si5.
Andres * > i sa , Ueo. . oar-in'
F ) ll ! ALi : Ice In car lend lots. Address
Gilbert Ilros , Council lllulfs. t2 i 1
POU SALK and lease of hotel.
Address llydcr liouio , Stromsburp. Keb.
107 19
oil s.VI.n Furnrturo amll ca o ot sJi-room
hotlso. time on part. Call 12tt ! North C7th
street , two blocks from Hcd Car line. WO
H tl'.sES Lots.rarmsI.anilsmoney loaned ,
llemls 15th and Domrlaj Btreets C3
IT > OIl SALK Two No. 1 , second h-indcanopy
1 top Surreys : also two good , second hand
phaetons , ntI4UJ Dodco street - ' > ' > .
"Ij OK S.VLK Cm < Hp. iron columns nndvln -
-I ? dow caps suitable for front on brick build-
liip. For pnrtictilif apply nt this oUlce. P15
AXTIJ1J A air\ for ireneral hon nwork ,
apply ut once at 1413 N. lt-tlu 443-1"
'ANTED V ( rood nAilc. washer and froner
at 1724 Davcmmrt su 43M3'
A.XTKD A nnr o for ? mall ehlldrcn Mrs.
Warien Switzler , 2504 St. Muiy's avonuc.
"I V"AXTii ) Expenrncoil skirt trimmer , no
* ' other need npplr at Mrs. Itojs , 300 Ad-
derson blocK , rooms i and 2. 434 IB *
V\ ANTED Experienced cook , mnst furnish
> reference , ifV. . cor. 21tt and Cass 33U 1 *
ANTED Girl for bou o work.
Call alter li o'clock 1211 Duvcnport st.
4 IMS *
W ANTKO 3 or,4 lady Ciinrasscr , call at cor
16th nnd Davenport. . " > 1 2o *
AA7 ANTED-A pirl In family of three. S113
California st. SCI 17
\\rANTED A frond zlrl for penernl house
work. Incjulro of O. L. Erickson. opp.
posfofflce. 311 It )
\\7 ANTED One hundred pirU for citv , ( rood
T places ami peed wares. Omuhu Employ
ment IJureuu , 119 N. ICth st. aV )
\VANTKD-At 2141 , S. E corner St. Miuy's
T > nve. and22dst.a pocd-corapctentRlrlto
do peneral housework ; mu t be n > rood cook ,
washer anil Ironer ; German or Iris'.i preferred.
U72 Its'
t\ " ANTED Girl for general housework at
n CM Virginia nve. 427 22 *
. Good Hrl for general housework
it at 1415 Jones st. . 371
\VANTKD Buttonhole makers at the Omaha
> shirt factory. 305 M. 16th st. 333 17
WANTKD A pirl for jroneral housework ,
two In faintly wnjes H , apply Mrs. H. J
Windsor 2210 Howard St. near 22m. 417-17 *
\ \ 7-VNTED-Good ffirl In smal family. Inquire -
> quire 2313 Cumlng. 2M 19 *
W .V > TKU A girl to do peneral houseworK
must -be a good 'coot , 1513 Webster.
- - - - - - 157
WANT1JI > Sillnln < r roomt'lrls. 1 dishwasher.
Miller's restaurant ,10Ji N. 16th street.
\7ANTKU Girl for pcneral houwwork in
> > small raculy. Mrs. Thos F. Hall. 1341
Sherman ave. 943
WANTED Ijullej to work for us at their
own homes. J7 to $10 per week can bo
qulotlv mado. No pnoto. palnttnv ; no euinvass-
Imr. For full particulars , please address at
once. Crescent Art Co. , 1'J Central st. Hoston ,
Mass. . linr.5170. .HKO11 *
WANTKD A sir for cenerul liouaework at
J5"4 thcrmuu nve U house north of Grace
St. SC4
\ \ 7.'TK1 > Head cook at the Famous res-
V tnunint. 319 S llth et. 79
w ANTKU Girl for general hoiijowork.Ger-
mun preferred. No. 1313 Capitol avenue.
\\T.\JfTKl ) Girlnt 104 d L5th st. forireneral
> T hou eworfc In small family 403
WANTED 2S y u tin IT liiilics and cnts to
iearn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competentrood. Address W. J. D. room
l.Crounscbhvk IGth St. Omaha. G25
W ANTED A butcher ut 018 8.10th at. to-day.
V\TANTED Capable j'ouns man whoisec-
' qualntel with the city and understands
the care of horses , for delivery work. F. II
Sanbora i Co. 451 17 *
boy. Apply at Geo. A.
T Hoaaland's ollice. _ 40017 *
WANTKD A rood Gorman boy to leurn the
ourber business. Inquire of .Ed Kauf
man , South Omaha. 43020
\T7AXTEn Shorclers , court house block ,
V > McKlnney & Hall 455 18'
\TrANTKD-51ive No 1-liion for n salable nr-
V > tlelo. Good pay for active men , UJ22 Capl-
itol ave.
'ANTr.U Etpedcnied cunJy salesman
for the road. Apply 1211 L'arnam.
, . . . 43617
YI''ANTKU Candy-maser. 1211 Farnam.
> > 4U317
" \TTAXTKD 2 peed rnlosmen on salary or
11 commhslon. A. J. Wood , UOi Dodve st.
"V\7"ANTED First clas < young man , fully competent -
' potent to keep books , must know how ho
must also be strictly temperate , with the best
of reference accompanying answer , uddross
O d , this olllco. 4is
TV'ANTnu Flrit-closs tailor by the week ,
IT Jlfl. Inquire 310 llroadway , Council Blutfs ,
Iowa. 423-lb *
WANTKU A bright boy between Wand 17
yeftMoM at the Cantleld Manufacturing
Co. , car. llth und Douglas , up-stalra. Apply ut
once. 422-17
" \\7"ANTED A fetrmen with reference to in.
T troduco a Urst-clasa sixjcmlvy. entirely
new hero : noco = B Ulaa ; blrfsunx-eilu other
T ; 83 to JH ) per week can b realized by
any youutror miad'o ' aed man willmz todevoto
0 to 8 houw a day. M. O. Co. , 1207 Karnamst. _
WANTED A ( rood live man well acquainted
with trade in Nebraska , Dakota anil
Womlnxto tinndlestaple line of syrups and
prerervea on liberal commission. Jlunt make
territory retiilnrly and have vood referunce.
Address St. Joseph Sugur Prciorvinir Co. . St.
Joseph , Mo. 331.17
7ANTED One or two tick makers with ma
chines. Apply at W7 N. 17 st after 6 p. m.
WANTED A few good aronts , call at cor
16th andDavanport. Uoom 2J. 33i 1 *
"VVTANTED Vounif men out or employment
or earninir tes * tnun $ JO per WCOK will
find it to their Interest to call and invostiirato u
bu Inesd-jvst bum ? gtnrtod hero ; roforoncei
necessary. (3 , K. Luc , Muiiagur , 120T Funmm.
_ _ _ ; I [ 378
"VIT ANTKU Anainbifrono Dutoher to work
i ' in n thop. tnUDl bun ( roodcutter and liu- :
eage maker.Vo will i > uy good
employment * kvferu * reiuired.
Ma ) bury , Ihntor ACe , NelitrU , Neb. 312 Its'
UTANTED Insullmcjit canvassers to call at
' 12UT tMrnani tt. nnj \raatwo have to
oiler. C. E. Lce.Manaycr , 375
\ \J"ANTEiJ A purchaserfora hanltrare stock
T > utid trade InugtxjJ lo.-anoa. Hustnoas
food. LV. . VVhitnor , Burnett , .Neb. lG < 2i *
\\TANTEn-ri f ff aotlve yountr raon or peed
it ohni-iislerunirtdUrssAtojro to Iowa. J ,
M. t'renca i Co. , room it ) , Uuslunaj Illock.
37S 20-
"YVMNTF.W A flj-it elMi boakkoepcr : one
> T with itucluainlnnce iriih Omaha poopio pro
forrcd. M us t Hare jfuo-l refevcm-ei. Address
1T VNTKii 2 oii inakors Ht ; il S lth sr.
' O ' pr c JMI < Fraait Vudiuka. UJ 18
" < " on tht .t > ! ' .ar a
Mar1 chanc1 to mnk nonet No comjwtltton.
S rk-tjy J > u ne NOB * but tmMe * won ne l
ntipir. Artlross w ti itarnpV. M VMver. In-
g. Ind. 7M O 2
_ _
\\A > fKfi - I.atxirer for railroad work E.
> > S. ! t Labor Agc-ney , 1TO8 rarnm.
\\rAXTF.n-TVwnion by flrjt und
i oook in lioti-l or rn ta .rant : flrt Ger
man , fw itid co un-d. Good refcr nif . Ad-
dre OI4. ! { < ofltcp. 41 ! 17 *
\\ANTKD 5ttiratinn In Het'raAa. lown or
I i folnrndo liy eTtwiien11
type-wrlt operator , j > od eiual to
AIr-4 _ 08. _ lice ofHrg.HMfl *
WANTED By n re-fin d middle need ea tfrn
Ivty a pojttkm * s h u o k t | > r in flr t
cl hotel or rPtifemin' * family where er
rant are kspt Kf reiiees ( riven and re unred.
AdUre * * , tJ 1 * . B w otftct ? . 44lff *
\\AVTRn ro ltli > nn3 hookkeftH-r or office
' ' work nf any klni , by competent yiine
married maniiliry not so much an obj et
us permanent pnce. ) Good references. Ad-
dres * M " ! . flt'eorace. " * * IS *
" \\ANTED Situation , by a younc iMy cxpe-
' rl ncwl In court reporting and m nu-
en is work. Address O g. llee olllre. 4I K *
Y\TAST"KD po t-nn ltr rftiill or hnfe n'p '
' 1 bnsln I'ro-i nt ooeuiiatton , trnvelirff
for Ohio bnu-o B st of references. Address
OUco oiDrr lyt-l' '
Gormnn coik
woul.l likr n i ositlon In an Englljli fam
ily , aildn-8 M 71 , Bno oIHce. 3t1 17 *
T\TVTTi To-itlon ns copyisi oir booi-
T > loepor by a younff lady. Address M. 61 ,
Ucoofllce. _ - . 3X lir
\\TANTHD PoMtlon. A fl--Jt clni' baker
' ' TTOUI I liKoto tnko charge of it shop. Ad
dress M M. Bee oTIou 3 s 17
WANTEH- ftranscr , fnerulle s nnd pennl-
le , soekintr employment in Omftha , de
sires board until he onn eet ivorfc HI wear-
Itic appnrol must bo the euaniDti-o until nork
can bo obtained. Address M at , llctj Of.lcc.
WANTKO Two or throe nnf urnlsheil rooms
for llaht lioiiM-kecpInj in dcslmMe local-
Ity. A ldrcsa M t * * , Beeolico. _ ( ' 3tO li ) *
IANTKU Fine vcst maHlnp , ot 1611 D vcn-
I \ port. -443SJ
WANT to purchtijo controiling1 or whole In-
teit' t In binAinjf busini > ; momi irrow-
Ins Nebraska town ( county f it iirefi'treili or
desire inlormnti in of loi-iility where coed
blinking m tltutim ! 1 needed. Addn"D. . 11.
linker , 1 < 7 LaSUlp St. . rh'caao. 111. 47 ! 1 ! >
"lyANTED A cnttaetot 7 or * room * , bath ,
> > etc. Atfdros * O'J , care of Uco , 42Ti 21 *
VANTKn 1.000 yards -of dlrf. 12th nnd
> > Nicholas streets. Show & Field. 43)22-
\\"A > TKH IJoanlmsr bo s with outfit for " 0
' ' men for trnckluMni ? train. Albnirht's
Labor Apency. 1303 Faruum. 419
T\7ANTii > To rent by Oct. 1st. hou'Oo to 7
' rooms convenient to business. K E. Sun-
born , 1TK ) St. Marys. 414-ia *
Position In a bank by n youn ?
man. Will irivo 1 est rffcrences. Address ,
K , lock box 20. Audubon , Iowa. 3i7-il'
"V V ANTKO I want to rent a peed 7 or Sroom
> housoln peed location. 1'nmIIy or four
persons. No children. Addrass II , & . ' . IJoe of-
fico. . 314
"V\7' NTE" ArentJ "Mlinu hunlwarc. drtiirs
* ' or groceries tohiindlcn side line otf com
mission. Address , Airent , cure Lord i Thomas ,
rtiioo r , . : nris
W.V-XTEI ) To ifivo away some 1501 ynnls of
earth piled up at 644 South Seventeenth
street. A liberal bonus will bo piven to the
man who takes it. Go , examine , the pile and
send your bid to r. J. Fitzmorris.Hoe offii-o.
WVNTED Evening employment , bookitcert-
inir or otherwise. Address , It. C. JlcClure ,
I indDepartmtnt n. P. 1C It-Co. 1C9
\tr ATKU Teams. T.Murray.
roB arra-T KotrsES AJTD
Ay opportunity to ? nt H Brst-cla'a lint con
venient to buslne'8 center , atabarptiln ,
will bo ffiveu any person willlnp to advenco
J200. For particulars address O 13 , Bee oliiee.
TTlOIl KiNT Suven room bou'O modern im-
- ip'ovemcnts , 2I3J Davenport St. 444-17 *
FOR 11ENT House of 9 room * , modern Im
provements , 3 bloclw froinpostoflice. In-
qulrel7j3 Dodge. . 4i'J
Foil ItKVT Hafcment for housekeeping in-
quire at 1414 Chicago at. 23
Fore KliNT 9-nom bonw > three blocks
from the p3stolHcj ; also furniture for ulc.
CallatlSia Pod go st. 4J1-13-
FOIl RENT House on Dodge st. Inquire
2513 Dodge st. 30017-
FOR BENT Choice rosldonce , a rooms , nil
modern Improvementsdesirable location.
Enquire United states Nat'l banit. 410 18
FOR RKNT-5-room cottnce , 1213 Irene it ,
bet. Hamilton and < li.ules. Applv O.-uiiliu
shirt factory. SJj N. ICth st. 34313
For. IlKNT-Onohalf brick store , 2JrS9. In
Grand Islnnd. n < > nts furnbhlnir poods or
millinery preferred , flood openinlf for a ll\o
man. Corrusnond with Knapp Bros. , boots and
s hoes Grand island. Nob. 2Ti225
Fi ll IlKNT Al-roomhouso : and a 6-room
house , 1004 N20th street. Apply to M. F.
Martin.3163 ISthstrcct 124
71011IIRXT Several flr t class C-room cot-
I tages. S.T. Peteroncocl5tn Jt Douiflas. 110
Foil ltK > T a-room eottaao. Harney near
JO til. fyj per month. S. A. Sloinan. 3512
Farnam st 61
"Tjioit HUNT ( toad 9-roora house moncrn
JImprovomcnts. . Inquire 1JT13 Farnam. 7iO
I7 Olt KKNT A store , ( rood locality for dry
poods , boots and Eboes. Inqulro 1412 S.
inth st. tteit
poll UKNT Now 6-room house. 1 mile from
P. O. , clty water , et . i > r C. I'ottnrson ,
ymahaNurijianJc. 740
Poll KK.NT The German M. E. church oulld-
mi' , on the southeast corner Twelfth and
Jackson streets , for onrJeyitlmato business. R.
C. Patterson. 13th anj Douitliis. 431
LEASE Wo have eleven acres on P. P.
It R. track.SOO feet front : will lease all or
part f or fl voyeurs. Bedford .V 5o.ier 027
FOR Itr.NT Nicely furaishpd room SIH
California struct. _ 4 4.V19
T710R HKNT-Front parlor , with board , for
-I ? gentleman ; references required. 17 1
Douglas et. ' 451 IS ,
FOU KKNT S newly fumx-hed rooms 1117
_ Hartley. _ 4S2 17 *
HENT Kour basement rooms for housekeeping -
_ keeping 1712 Jackson st. _ . 4'11 1U
FOR RENT- Four unfurnlsheil "rooms for
housekeeping for small family , 202 St.
Mary's nvo. _ 42319 *
K1IN r Furnished rooms : every homo
comfort , first-cloaa board. 2010 Webster.
43r li ) *
Foil HUNT Nice furn'ihcd roomwitn"bonrd ;
boat location. 13JI Faniam hU _ 'MlI'
T7IOR RENT With board , furnistied rooms ,
Jj 171flCa sst. _ 403 21 *
TTVJ R RENT Two nicely furnished rooms ,
-C 202 J Farnam 6t 3s7 21 *
TjTOir'RIJNT First class furnished room and
-I ? board. 1314 Capitol aye. Zi 22 *
FOK JliNT : 2 rooms for llht honsukecplni , ' .
completely furnished ; aho laro front
room tor2 tri'ntlemen. En'julru at Exposition
C'itfar &nd News depot , cor ISlli and Capitol
ave. _ 404.
Foil HKNT-omco room or ngont' * . hcadquHr-
ters in Exposition building. Enquire at
room 1 , Expomtion Car and News depot , cor.
15th and Capitol avo. 40J
"nioit HKN'T Larwo corner room , east and
J- south front , well furnlEbcd. i-uirable for 2 or
4 irentlemi-u , ( Jdd Bellows' block , 14th and
Dodso. 407 1' *
T710R RENT Pleasant fcrnUbod rooms at Gil )
-U _ perth I9tlijtn > et. _ 43j 22
TT10R RENT Front parlor and furnUnod bed-
-U room , 1815 Dodge ,
ois RENT Furnished rooms. 220J
_ fitrect. _
TTtOH RENT-Desk room , room 2 , Tremor ,
JL ? block opposite P. O. 379.17 "
FOR RENT Two or three Lariru. pleasant
front rooms , turnUhcd , wlihout board , to
ffutitleman and wife. Address. 31 TO , Bee orucu.
_ a < a n
T710 R RENT Nicely turnbhod rooms. 1C13
J 331 1U
FOirHENT I'unilttitc ) parlor and wjnneotini
0 Jrooni. with use of piano ; 111 N. lltb.
FOK UKNT Blejrantly furnUhel roo.ns with
flrdt rlajj boarJ , at Peauody Huuse , UW
Joncj. .All moJern ccmronlwnoai. 143 17 *
Iron llENT-FurnUheil roi mi 2203 Douglas.
aa ) ia
_ _
K OH JCKNTK 10th su one or two Ken-
i. tlemeu Bait of roocii- Modern conven
iences. 261 ls
_ _
FOR RENT -Newly furnished suite of trbnt
rooos , water , guj and bath.lilS Capitol
avenue uu IT *
OU KtNT-NlcelyruruUhod room. 2511 iu
ilary" * are. 2jj
FOIt HENTfTo ( ronli" sio.i , lar.e , wtll
nl hed fnlitremtn. wuhiirfe ck'Sf * : JtJ
month tor onc4 J7U Callforil * ? U 134 18 *
FOR RBNT-f Jrni'ned front parkr or parlor
and bed rvbii. Apply at d6 < North , lYlh st ,
TJioit HBNT N jfly furiulicJ room * . SSJ 9.
H leth.oor. Iflt
FHU KKXT-Si * Ivfurnl'hel room for 1 or
t pentlealtin.Tlodern convenience * , 40) ) N.
17th St. 175
_ _
\TorXft MKy * rij irinr nte > ty fnrnf nod
I. mom with u > of hst'i and m .eiill at w
corner ot Webftsr. Boat-dean be hud cl < > * by.
T ? < room ,
-I ? outh frunt brJr-K tlat > Ixmrl can be hal
I7 hej room * . IflOlHowx.-d.
-I1 ii7l 0 4
IilOIl RBTT Pumlshefl room * forllilit"h (
ke pmifln Baemer's block car Rlgtith ml
Howanl * tl
Foil HUNT Furnished rooms. SIB Plenennt
IJIon KENT Newly furnished roonri ilTst.
- IMary' ave 7"2
OU 3AtK Parlnr De-lroo n nivl
furnltHn1 cnrpet.ning ' nnil n utlti
nllnoirlj-new.a ( rcntle horse fl o rwM OHJ.
all at a bargain , giving up hoUseReeplnilt
DoiiclR * t _ VJ5 _
T7MU KKNT A few otllce spacM for rent ,
nno with front window on eroun'l Hoor.
r.nijulreof J. S. Uichanljon. lW3Fnninni t.
ros 3Ai2 noasEs
FOU ALV A liirn ; npplr at Paroohlnl rrsl-
dcnce.WStth St. KTJIl *
TT7K arc now oHerinirsomP spcc-lnl bnrralni
t T In lots nt I nnenwortli Ilu lnc I'lacc. nt
the prosing of I.oaxcnworth streut nniltbu
Holt Line IL R The best odvnntazesfor wuro-
hou es on the track. A .ptemllil place for n
llre-y and feed HtnUIe orn irroccrr storeor any
buslneM nviulrinir triickazo , call nnd tff J.
W. Eller. room "Iron bank or J. W. Loirnn on
promise1 * . , 4.VS-21
FOIt Ahi : Ix > a n anil Xurnlturo of n 11
roomed hon p , 619 N.l'Jthst. . 4J7-UJ
FOUS VLK 10-room hou e , Goorpta ava ;
closets , basements , well , all complete ,
IS room hov.ecrldaho St. : clo et , pnntrr. cel
lar , Ijath room , epcukinir tube . sllrubbcrr ,
trees j-nrd , barn , carriouc houM. two
larpecistornB , city water , all complete , SVTOO.
4 room hoii'Q ; south front , pantry , closets ,
lame bar window , cistern , collar. JL OJ out-
hou e , ca y term . 5- 0.
4 room bou o ; pantry , closet- " , bay window
peed cellar , wo 11 and outhouses , very cheap ,
fl.MX ) .
oroomcottire : bay window , closets , cellar.
wp | | . cl-tern. fruit tre . n bareiiln , S'-.f33 , or
with four ! ot . eiisy teruus J''iJU.
M lots , Plain rlow , can double your money ,
{ TOO.
2 lots. W. A. Rpdlek addition , Sl.aM.
3 lots Taber place , for one week. { ' O3.
fi lot.s Kllby phicc , will increase 20 percent bo-
Tare snow falls.
lioautlful lot. Creston plnco.
Fairmont place : An investment In thcsn will
double yonr money In ono yt-ir.
Patrick ndaltlon : Lots on easy terms and low
prices ' . J
If you hnro houses to rent or sell or lots to
sell li .t them 1 do a strictly commis
sion business and-wlll look after your interest.
J. SL Part-otto.
Money to loan on fair rate of Interest. J. II.
Parrot te. 2J-
'V'lCE HOME OnCOth st.near St. Mary's ne. ,
-L > 2-stoiy hou e s room * , all modern conve
niences ; can be bought chcup. Gregory A : Had-
ley , 1312 Douplas sr SM
f E have for silo ome spocml bars-alns on
i inside ru-dcnco ! and business lots ; also
lots with smnll c Kh payments , balance on in-
sttllments fnmi-9l-to J53 per month. JL L.
" , 1306Tfofolaa su
-VO. 272 Fr-r snle , by M. L. Hipplns. 1518
JDouplas srj 14.4 room cottage tn Onraha
View ; well , Ci-llarJ'iiull ' , closets , full lot , suuth
Jront. Jl.WI. " 14OT cash , balance S12.M per
month. Will jjent tor i-15 per montti.
VfO. 270. Fq f\\n. \ by M. L. , Hi zln3 , LM3
- - > DoiiBlns.i nQw.lOroom douse , on Belt Llna
railroad , with jJI.tho modern Improverannts ,
cellar , cistern , well : gool. new barn : nt a bar-
train , or will eichaujfo for other good Omaha
property. ; j\ i
FOTlS.VLE-jJti.v ! f > l. L. nijgins , 1575 Douplas
St. , 5 aero miut.- with bouse , barn , sheds ,
shade trees. SI .iVl , J750 cash , balance Ilfl per
montli. A.barrain. rnugtbe-sold at once. _
N O. M2-ifoijaAi : by M. L. Hlzir'n ? . IfiOJ
Douslas st , i. , . ± . caUflZea la ) Vainut.lUll.
cneh't rooms. mK&vvrclif jin4''f < saeoj jeiea' , lot
J1.0iJga4f.SiiUcnsh btr each , "bal.
TjlOIl SALB-By M. L. Jlte ins , 150J Douplns
-L ! st.v'a new 9-room hous ? "hinn'J Sd add. ,
with'city water , cistern , splendid cellar , bath
room. Beijon pe , neir barn , , carriage hoiifo.
larioctSal house , south front , cheap nnd on
easy terms.
FOU SALK By A. LTHIppius , 1506 Douplas
St.,2 choice lots inShinn's 1st mid. Both
front north and south , each 60xl2S rt. A'bur-
pain ct private sale. Terms easy.
FOR SALE By 31 L. Hlppins 1508 DouirliH
st , it cholfo residence , corner lot , east
front , Shlnn's add : ? 9,000 , on private term if
sold by the 15th , after which out of ihomurKet.
"trioR SALE ByM L. Hlpsins. 150(5 ( DOIIPHH
JC st. , no-room cottage on Snumlers 8ti.40-J ;
JSflOcash , balance easy payments. Good bam ,
well , cistern nnd collar. Positively n barpuln ,
ATO. 260-For snlc. by JL L. Hj slns. 1300
J.1 Douplns tA new 6 room cottupe. eni-t
front , lot 00x123 : flno shade trees , picket fence
and other desirable Improrcmonts , in Shlnn's
add. , on ensy tormg.
\T0.26S-For sale , by SI. L. Hiirglns , 150G
U-i Douvlnsst : 6 room house , in Kodiclt'ft2d
additionrlo- , ] ) , uitry , cistern , barn , shade
trees and fence. 3,000. Easy terms ; for ten
days only. 142
IJIORSALE Fine corner in Shull's addition ,
C onlySl M. J. B. Evans A : Co. 30017
BOWLINfi GRKEN lots53.10 ' percentcash
and' * 3 per month. Marshall & .Lottctk ,
Agents , 1503 Barnaul street. . .349
REAL ESTALE BARGAIN-2 beautiful lots
on west Cumlntr st$700 each. Fmo bar-
trains. J. L. Rfco Jc Co. , room 0 , ever Com
mercial National Bank. OTi
FOR SALE At a bargain , corner lot 72iU2 ,
paved strfet , near buslnwa , J3.000 , Stewart
A : Co. . room 3 , Iron Bunk. 190
FOR SALE A bargain. Lot66xl , blocks
from potofflce. SJU.OCk ) , half cash. Marshall -
shall Jc LobccK. 1303 Farnam street. 213
R A BELBY'S oisreal estate aa every
other day. SeeiU _ 254
E\CII and all of tbo 2S West Side ots uro
high nnd beautifulfull si/e nnd on month
ly payments , t2iO. RC. . Patterson , J3Ut and
Douglas. 5U
GREGORY i HADLKY , 1312 Pout'las St.
Fine lot on Farnam st .near Lou o uve.,5 feet
above established grade ; only 21,700. 15S
WE have some desirable Omaha property
that wo troutd eichansre for stock of drugs
o r other stock of goods. Park i Fowler. 15 ± J
Douglas. - - 2b7 17
Foil .SALK Or cxcaaro. Home and lot.
Uth and Nicholas ; housa and lot 15th and
Dorciia. Wm L , Monroe , etS and Douglas. M3
F OK SALK tots 1 and S , 120x150 toet. In
block 3 , first addition to South Omaha.
Call onJ'redJ ; mou , c ro Psrmerii' Uoiii-o , or
address George iiiile , P. O.'box J37 , Rapid City
p' * J v ? E7
rjREGOilV iftlf4DLRY.13t2"Douffi st.
VJ 3i toii rfe'H4Mthornej ( only a little over a
mile from postafScfrjthat 0311 .bocold forld'O to
{ 'JjO ; chem > o.trin aji property in ttiu market.
B AUUAl.N--fi.hOJ. Nleo place In Millard i
Caldwell naditTih.
p * ) . Good lot li | Kllby. place , one third cash.
f4 , ( > ju. 5-romn tL are on Hamilton street ,
one-quarter cash ,
f.,700L 5 acreii n Tuttlo's subdlv on Amos
* 3uO per lot , Lflto View.
nn , vrnverfrp < fte ; $10 cosh.
1700. Lot In KlBouto J ; emi half cash.
I I.TUO. nauSf&SnM In Palnview.
f.Vrl. IxitsIr/lSO-frfcrd place ; { 150 cash.
11,100 Haufhoraiuldition ; terms easy.
Never think of fraying or Rolling without see-
In * us , us wo baudlvilKirgains only , Suirs. 15th
and Dodge. ' 212 13
t | f
RARE BAHGAr iTbrHO bedroom suits , par
lor , dining room and kitchen outfit * , all
complete , will gull tlio lot very cheap. Apply ut
2ifll bhhrles st. ' aassi *
T EAVENAVQUTn BT R. B. r 8e. oa or
JL/ more lota or an acre , at a great bargain
See J. W. Lojran.iat Leavunworth Buslnesi
Place , or G. . W. IJakcr. ' Room T Iron Bank
building. . 44
Real lUtatu and Rental Agent * .
1J12 Uou
we offer bargain * In vacant lots as follows :
HaMthorut ) , . . , . .f Mto fM )
Huusoom I'Juce , . . . , , . . . 10uOui 4UJ
KUbyPlaue G33tol iOJ
4Jrchard Hill KWta Jd
Arlington 703 to 75J
Klrkwood „ . . UWto HJ
WestSlde ! . , , -30) to 4 )
I > ruyoPiirlt , , . . . . saw W
OmabaVlevr * . . . , 403 to tWJ
Bedford . BjOto Tu-l
Sheridan Place . 503 | n 63J
Improved aa-1 uni u ; > rQv-nd proper'r in all
Juris of the city C ni aid see us. No trouble
tosliow propcrtj. if' ' ujna&t. 153
LP HAMM'iNo , K. l V.state Pn'k'r , ro -
3. No. 1S2 Ixiufrla * sL , offirs the foltowmrf
special b < rr am" :
CI olroJot oti Ix > svenworth St. . fl.OJI ; $8"iO
ca h . Imlnnee eair psympnts.
4 cholo lots m txwe' § dd.JSW toSliWOoach ,
In paymrnts
3rhoicci t In Shmn's add. , JI/OJ to ? 1J )
each. In payment ! .
Choiw east front tot In Plumview , in par-
mcntj , J TV
Thr > choice lots on Iteit Line In Lincoln
Place , $1. + n
Fln new houjf In Ludwlek Pl Mc , now being
completed Po f ion > rtv n In about 10
da - Prcc S-V99. In payment * . Fine now
chool hou wuhln Wro l of til * hou e.
Choice lot * In Selhy Heights , one nf the 8ne t
addition * Prloe $ w to J4 B. Un y pnyment *
One half Interest In a Livery and Honrdinc
stable for ale
H yt > u want to sell your property quick , list It mi\
Plenty of , non"y t ' loan on clly property at
towp t rates Uet my rates belore mrtSiBrf ap-
An iMepunt $4AM hou r on Unmilton t. , fln-
Ished lih cherry. A naming In payments. 178
Insut-anw ,
Real K tnto nnd
Ix > an A rents
Sect nd tory Mcrchnnts' National hank build-
In p. would call HtU'iitkm to the following list of
propt-rty uhK-h they offer for suln :
1'ull lot on Park ayonue , WHxl4SJ , contnlnlnir
two hanil otiii' , Inrcf cottaocs , n barn ttnd
abundance of small fruit. JUVOO : will divide.
Seven-room house , North lyth.nonr Lake ,
$23. .
Lot on lllonlo street , one-half block west of
Satmdcrj. youth rronttot'Wtbreo-room ( ! bouse ,
fruit trees etc. , f ,7M ( ! liouso nnd one-half lot ,
Haruey ftreet. Capitol Hill addition , east-front
lot,5"-l J , JO
Twenty-flve lots in Rllby Place at from $630
to SUW.
Twenty-Bvelotsln Dwlght Jt Lymnn's addition
from J5V ) to ? * . .
Flvo-routncottaftc and barn , lull tot. 50tl27.1n
Mrtrkiti Place , only two blocks Irom the street
cars , f 1.8. 0 MOO ca h.
Two Rood lots In Patrick's second addition nt
fl.OV ) each.
A corner in Burr Oak. 75il37 , Just south of
HncHcom Place , K.lOJ ; 700 cash.
A barpnin in acre property Fifteen acres
thrco miles we"t from the postoillce , botwr-cn
"Loavcnworth and Doilao street * , n.ljolnliie . n
popular nd'lltlon where lots nre celling from
(3.V3IO 4300 , for n few $ 0 per creono-
thlrd cash ; will divide. Tnls U an opportunity
yeldom utTcri I to purchase ncru property so
well located for plattln-r at such n low price.
Lot * In nil the popular additions to therltv.
Gl\cti.n cillanu examine our Ibt If j ou desire
to purchase. 331
lleantlfiil lot near 53th and Cass only $1,000
easj payments.
Splendid lot on 13th st. 00x132. house ( rooms
Lot In E. V. Smith's adJ. trontlnp 16th st. 3
peed houses and barn , n hiR banram at tr.iiW.
Ktist front lot with house of 6 rooms , good
well , etc. is st- near I'oroas cheap $ .1,00.1
We havoH larire list of ro ldent anil business
property. If you want to buy or sell come to
us , no trouble to show property.
Maync .V Parrott ,
9. VT. cor. 14 and Douplas.
H ) t'-5r > fxiti.rnrms.Lanas money loaned ,
llemls. 13th and Douiflas streets. Olfi
H IOL"feK5 ! 1/313. rnrms.Lnnds money ioanod
Ilemls. 15th and Douslas streets. 618
FOR < ALK House. 0 room . city water und
pas.I mile from P. O. , 1 block from st cars ,
price J2.00J. small payments , balance monthly.
Iniulro rooms 1 and i Omaha Nat'l b nfc. 94'1
T71O11S.U.K TTo hive sixteen lota In flaw-
JtJ thorno addition that we will sell : be t nnd
cheapest inside property In Omaha. Bedford 4
Souer G43
Tj oK SALK Ono of the be < t pieces of prop-
-L1 erty In North Omaha , emi block from
paved street. An eight room housi' , nearly now.
ran be had cheap. If taken at once. O. F.
Uavis & Co. 130) Farnam street. 9T7
Hc-il Estate Apents , 1312
For Sale Uuemrss property on Farnnra ,
Douglas , DoagB , Hurncy. Honurd and Cuming.
TWO flne south front lota in Omaha View
near 32nd St. . $5.7) eaeh If sold tnls week.
Gregory i Hadley , 1312 Douulas sr. 316
KCSH It SHLBY'S bi ? rea estate ad every
other day. See it. 231
ROSALIND PLACE-Choicn lots S230 each.
J-V This addition lies above nmi east of
SclileismRcr's ndaltlon where lots nro eellmif
for S'JZQ. Rift-eu i McMutmn , 1010 Iliniey strout.
'JJ2 Oct 13
"IjlOIlS.VLK NicoS-room house nnd2 corner
-L ? Jots In Walnut Hill ; ! , cash bal to suit.
Cal Martin 1103 14th St. 045
BARGAIN 2 peed houses , one 9 rooms , ono 4
rooms , on lot G3X2.V ) , fronting on both 17th
nnd lHh sts : cellar , wells , cisfrns , barn , etc. ,
f 0,000 Gregory & Hudley , 1312 Douglas st.
BARGAINS Ixit eitendlnfrom Cans to Cal
ifornia st , 05 fuotfrontairo on o-icb itreot ,
with 5 room house all tor $ i HU , small cash pay
ment , bal 1 and 2 y > 'ars.
44 tton Farnam near 16th St.
5 houses r > rooms euch , at tbo head of 19th ft.
only $2,239 , otner places same si'o lots with
smaller eottaws are now selling for $2,3JO , $230
cash , bal f J5 par month.
Cottaee in Amblorlull lot. barn , fencedshado
tree s. S..OOO : $ iuO cash , bal $ iJ nor month.
5 lots in Plalnview , JOjj to $075. Park & Fowler
ler , 1522 Doujrlas 28. 17
FOR SALE At a bargain on easy terms ,2
lots in Washinjfton square , each $2tO ) .
The best corner in Hanftcom 1'laco , 100x159 ,
Houses nnd lot .fCbcHO.cor. 13th and Paul street.
J2.400 ,
1309 Farnnm rtreot , Marshall i Lobeck. 3f5
TTKrtSALE J. B. Evans & Co. , a l > cautiful
JL' corner lot on ICth u north , for $3,750. 351) ) 17
Foil SALK House and lot on 20th street
only fi. .
Hou&u and lot on If th street t3.0DO.
Hou > 3 and lot on Miami st. $1NJ.
Good barn , full lot , near street cars.
A nice lot in Plninrlo-v only f KM.
Hou oandlot In Omaha View $1,000,5400 cajn ,
balance $12..rjO per month.
Ixjts In Shrivor Place $325 , J5 monthly
Before you buy cull and see me , H.WHunt
roes , .ISOS Farnam street 25.1-18
Real Eetate & itental Ag-outs
1312 iJouirliis Street.
Hero nre a few of tbo tmrtraum wo oiler. If
yon don't si-e what you ant come nnd tee us
and M o will show you others
Onool the best cornerson Doulas $30.000
Fine corner on Dodiru renting now for
JS Wporyearlot 05x132 30.000
Ono of the best corners ou Cumin ? SL
witn3 cottages , lot Mil.'K 13,500
Corner on Cumins. 2 story frame 12,000
Lot 13JX13. ! on Cbicaco st. with 3 bouses
renCntf$1.20J per month. , 10,000
Comer aero Jot on Saunders st 5.5JO
Lot t2'ix2y ) . ! i-roora houte frontlm ; ITth
Bt 4 room housu fronting IHth et. 2 cis
terns bals. each , barn shade trees ,
fruit tries , etc. A bargain 0,003
2 story. 8 room house on 20th t neir
St. Mary's avowlth city water , g-as ,
nnd all moJern Improvements 0.250
Slfndi | < l lot on She-man live. CiOxl 4.2
houses fronting Itith st and 1 fronting
17th fct. , barn , wo'ls , cisterns , \c . . . . 7,010
Houe7 room frontmirlMh st In S. E.
Roxor's udd , lot ulx'40 ; cheap 3,500
Hoiuu'trooiiiB.south fronton Popplcton
HVOM lot OU1C8 ; cheap 3,003
Fin pi room collate tmilt tor a gx > od
home and that is what It Is 2K)0 )
CanaCroomouttifres in all parts of tbo
clly on monthly payments ; cheap va
cant lots in all parts of the city.
Hansconi Place , Hawthorne.
Omaha VieT. Bedford ,
Orchard Hill , Arlington.
Kllby Place , C.'rtlit o.
Jrromo Park , Klrknond ,
WettSuio. 1'lulnviow ,
J'ruyn Park , fcprlnedale ,
Liiko VIuw. Crvaton.
Come and eco ug. Telephone S54. u".HJ
Red Star Line
Carrying the Belgium Royal and United Statoj
luil.tailiu , ' uvvry Saturday
Botv/een Antwerp & Hew York
Baton from t U to f - Excunlon trip from
I HO to Jl.u Second C biu. oulwaru , JtJ ;
prepaid , j ; ext uriion. fJO. Stopra o uasia a
at low rales. Peter Wrirht It Son" , Genera
Agents , U Broadway , Now Vort.
Henry Pun Jt , 1218 Karimni.u : Paulson .fc Co.
liM r'arnam H ; 1) . O. Frovman , 1J24 i'arnam st
Aeeonnuof Bankers Jierehaati mcd othetolicltfd. .
C. Ilcctlonj I'roaptly Had * .
S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers ,
(8acc ( uar > to PreitQa. Kean i Co 1
Municipal , . It. , l.ormand other Uandi.
Mend far Z.ltm.
' 4 f JJy A Ottlcif. IT I * * frt | %
Cur * for I-MC Mkitlu-04. OUluy ( h * *
Prcmnnt's 31etuolr- .
The Washington Star tell * how ( ienertil
Fremont's forthcominc memoirs nrc
written "Tho Fremont * IIVP in a com-
mrxliems l ou ? that orerlook thpwootled
ground' of the British I 'jration , the
tre so ( Nineteenth 'trt-pt , Hnd the hr l > -
bery of Utnront circle. Tht- family .it
present here consists of the ir noral , ml
Mrs. Fremont n 'l their daughter. The
two sons urn married. One is in the
nnrr , the other U in MonUinti. The work
room is on the second lloor of the hou e.
The ! iand ome bed-room fitrnitnre of tlio
apartment - < renioml to give place to'
the necessary working otitrit. There
U n bay window in the eft t end
nf the room , on the richt of which is
placed the genenU's taole. surmounted
oyaUill fel of pineonhok's , wherti let
ters , notes ami aper-i are kept. On the
other side of the window If placed Mrs.
Fremont's takle , a larRe , nlain n flair ,
covered with irre n leatluir. The jjencral
dtct tes amt Mrs. Fremont writes down
each word of the story as it falls from
his lips. The family jrrotip is , however ,
not yet complete. In the : ilco\e i < placet !
a type-writer , nnd with it Miss Fremont
transforms her mother' * manuscript into
neat , legible print. Here they all work
together , as happy as need be , all day
long. Tlio rtilo of the house is to ri - eat
at 7 o'clock , take a cup of tea , and a roll ,
antl begin work at 9 , and continue until
twelve , when breakfast is taken. At one
1 o'clock they resume work and forjje
ahead until 0 , when the stop for the day
and Ior dinner is made. In the evening
the copy is sent out , and in thu morning
other proof sheet.s an ; received from the
printer. General Fremont is now sev
enty-four years old , but looks scarce
sixty. His hair , short beard and mous
tache are white , but his brown eyes are
.is clear and bright as stars , and his com
plexion has tlio ruddy , healthy glow of
nappy childhood. His height is medium
and nis slight figure is comfortably
rounded. "
Invalid' * Hotel nnd Snrslcal Institute.
This widely celebrated institution , lo
cated at Buffalo , N. Y. , is organized witn
a full stall of eighteen experienced and
skillful physicians anil surgeons , consti
tuting the most complete organization of
medical and surgical skill in America , for
the treatment of all chronic diseases
whether requiring medical or surgical
means for their cure. Marvelous success
has been achieved in the cure of all nasal ,
throat and lung disease8 , liver and kid
ney diseases , diseases of the digestive or
gans , bladder diseases , diseases peculiar
to women , blood taints and skin diseases ,
rheumatism , neuralgia , nervou * debility ,
paralysis , epilepsy ( tits ) , spermatorrhea.
impotency and kindred affections. Thous
ands are cured at their homes through
correspondence. The cure of the worst
ruptures , pile tumors , vancocele , hydro-
celo and strictures is guaranteed , with
only a short residence at the institution.
Send 10 cent * in stamps for the Invalid's
Guide Book ( .108 pages ) , which gives all
particulars. Address World's Dispen
sary Medical Association. liulFalo , J . V.
The unly cerfect substitute for Mother's
milk. Invaluable tn Cholera Infantum
and Teething. A pre-dlgested food for Dys
peptics , Consumptives , Convalescents.
Perfect natrlent to all Wasting Diseases.
Requires no coolclna. Our Book , The Care
nnd Feeding of Infants , mailed free.
1UH tjfc. TLK.MK.VS i'Klh.MI.
fJGwKl Implements with each bottle , hure
J-uri > in i to < day . Ait jour .Iruccwt
* ' - " t tnanyuldrein far HI.SO.
, M'F'Q. CO. , Sprtngfieia , O.
Messrs Kubn & Co. , A.cenls. ;
Time Table
The following is the tlmo of anlval and de
parture of trains by Central Standard Tlmo at
the local dopots. Trains of the C. , St. I' . , JL A :
O. arrive und depart f rum tholrdupot , corner or
I4th and 'Webstor streets : trains on the 15. A ; JI.
C. 11. * Q. nnd 1C. C. , St . ! . & p B. from tlie IL
A : M. depot all others from the Union I'aciflo
Bridge trains will leave U P. depot at 0:3.1 -
B7r 8:00 : SW S:50 IJtO.-OJ llrtXI a. in. : Hl:0 :
1 SS > 1 UXJ 2 :00 : 300 B 4 :03 5 nw 5 i'U P : ID -
7:00 11:10 p. m.
Leave Transfer for Omaha at 7:12 I13iri 3:33
0 : - - DIOa510:3711:37 n. m. 1:37 2:13iOT
3 . - : - 3 7 1:37 5:50 6:12 7 0 : 7:5J-SOJ-
11:52 p. m.
Leave Broadway 10 S3 p. m ; Arivo Omaha
11 M. Lv. Umalm ID 00 p. m. ; Ar. Brondiray
10 2.V In effect Auirn t 29th until further no
tice. ThisU additional to proont train service.
J. V > ' . MOUSE , G. P. A.
Arrival nnd departure of trains from the
Transfer Depot at Council UlutTa :
n7lfuL.M. D 9:15 A.M.
H 9:13 A. it II 5 0 P.M.
OO:1UT. : St. B 7 W P. M.
ciucAfiO *
A 0:15 A. Ji. L A U:15 A. M.
A KMp u. I A 7:1X1 I' . M.
A 0M A. M. I A 0:15 A. it.
UOi : < Ji > . * . U nsa p. > t.
I A 7.00 P.M.
A 0:15 : A. M. I A 9:15 A. M
A8:1UP. : M. I A7OJp. H
KAN4A * C1TV , ST. JOE i COOL'II , Bl-OrfS.
A 10:0) ) A. M. I U 6:33 : A.M.
C < fS5p. : M. I AS:35p. : M.
A 3:00 P.M. | A 3:33 : P.M.
A7aA.M. . | A 9.35 A.M.
A 6:23 : p. M. | A SM : ! ' . > [ .
Depart.VESTWAH1) . Arrive.
A.M. P.M. I UNION PACIFIC , y. w. | p. M.
.Di'nvor Express i SrJOa
. . .I calL'zpre ) llUji :
II. ic M. IN Mill.
8:10a .Mull and Express. . . . o.toa
_ _
Depart. " _ _ SOL'TMV AHI ) . A rlvo.
A.M. p. M. OlI-JriUUHI PACIFIC. A. MT' ' P. M.
ll:10a . . . .Day Hxproiis. . . . C25d ;
i9:101i' : ' . .Nitffit r.trfss
iIC. C. , ST. J & C. li.
Si5bi . Via PlatUmouth
A. M. , p. M. j C. .
b:15.v : . . Slo
I & -AJC Oakland
l > cpart. liASTWAIil ) . Arrive.
A.M. I p. M. j C. . B. i 0. I A. i. ! r. M.
a I'lattsraonth I vjn7:19 \
NOTE-A , t.-aln * dally : li. iiiillr "except "Sun"-
day ; O , daily BtceptSutimiay ; U , daily cac | it
ilunduy _ _ _ _ _ "
will leave U. v. depot , Umaha , nt ' 6:11 : 733-
blKl-O On. m ; 3'ja 3U5 : ! ; 05 5sS sQj it. m
Dl'ucille Express. SsK ) p. m. ; Dunrer lix , l > ) : ii
a. m ; Lraal Ezrt ) , u. m
Leave stock yunU for rmiaha it ' 7:61 Sl | )
. . ' , , .
Atlantlp Kr . ! e S. 0. 7T3a in. ; Cliicnxo JJr. .
It S. O. 5 : > J7 p.m.i Local Ri . In a 0. 10:51 x.m ;
Mo. Pac. Ex. , Ic. S. O. 5 : 7li. in. ; 2d M. P. Ur. ,
. .
'Eicept San-lny.
llco. J. Arnbrust , 5-1 * ! Cumins St.
Ij. II llowinon , 1:17 rar am i.
John Htii > sio it ! > 7l"uniliiirL
JUimau > ouu luth IL
O. Ij uif | ) .jla j.iUi , tUAt
W K Stoot j ( . I' l llowa l t
M 1 Van Sixitc-j 1VO n , ' t.
U W , Sleeper.M7 bouth l > t.i fcU
or riis
CklcagoMitaokeeaSIPaoBIj , , !
fna MUI iod CIOICII BLUFfi ot
Cliicnsro , AND
St. rutil , Mlnnenpulls , fctlnr K.ipi Is ,
Clinton , Diibtuiuc , Davenport ,
Kock Island , Frci-port , Rockfiml ,
Elirln. Jlnlteon. Jnncsultc ,
lieloit , Whiona , La Crosse.
Ami all other 'mpnrtint pnlnu Uust , Northc.-nt
and Southeast.
For through ticket * cnll on the T e < tftt
at HOI Knrimtn struct da 1021011 lljtclor &
Union Par-ire Uopot
Pullman Ni'eiH'r * , anil thn fln t Dnlnir
In the world are run on Uio mam lme .ottho
anil every attention li paid to p/useusori \
courts i us employes ot the compiuiy.
11. Mlt.t.r.i ! , General Maniiror.
J. K. TfCKKit. AMl t nt ( . ( moral Manager.
A V. H. CAiiPCMKit , General Pauontfor uJ
Ticket Aeimt. ,
OEO. B IlKArronn. Assistant Ocnernl Pajsan-
per n < l Ticket Apt-til
J. T. CLARK. Ucnenu Superintendent.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only road to take for DCS Jtolne ? , Mar-
ahalltown. ' olnr Ranlds Olnton , I > Ixle. Chlca-
po. M iwnnVee and all points cast. To tuo pco-
vle of Ni-l-ra kii. Colorndo. Wyoralnp. I'tah ,
Ilnho.Novniin Oroimn. Wnshlnston nnd Cali
fornia. It off rs sunei lor advantages notpossl-
b'c ' bv nny other lino.
Among a few of the numerous point * of gu-
periorltv enjoyed by the patron' of thl rend
between Otnahii nnd Clilpflso. are lt two trains
Kdnyof DAY COACHES uhlch arn the flnost
tnnt'hrmnn art and npenuity can create. Its
PALACE SLEEPING CARS , rfhlch ro models
of cimlorr and elopnnce IM PARLOR DK.VW-
INO ROOM CAHS. tinKurnnswdbr anr , and tin
widely colphrated PAl ATIAL DIN1SO CARS ,
the ( viual of which cannot bo found plsowhere.
At Council tllutrs the trnlnscf the I'nlon Paci
fic Rr. connect In Tninn Depot with the o of
th Oileayo i Northwistern lly. In Clilcano
the trains of this line iiniko close connection
wfth thos of all eastern line" .
For Detroit , Columbus In'11nnnposCincin ! |
nati. Nlnsrnr.i Rill . nutlnlo. I'ittobunr. Toronto ,
Montronl. Itoetnn. New York. Phll-idelphit , Bal
timore Wmhincton and all lolnts In the oogr ,
n > k the ticket uccnt for tickptf- via the
If von wish ihf > be t BC"on'moilnUons. All
ticket nireiits sell tickets v.a this line.
M. urnniTT. a B HAIR ,
General Manager. fieu. Pass. Agent.
ot Springs Hotel
These waters contain Iron. Pjtnssium , Lme ! ,
Sodu. Mapnesu , Chloride of Sodium and Sul
phur , and lire a positive euro for all diseases
nrisinir from tin in-pure stateof. the blood. Acor-
taln specific for Rheumatism.
Daily Stage and Ufa'7 Line to and
from Fort Steele.
Go cd Physician in Attendance
Proiluciiifi : a ricli. bnantifnl ULOSS anil
No Starch yet introtliiccd ran bo com-
nareil with tlio MAGIC.
Onu pncKaErft will do the work of two
pounds of ordinary starch.
Sold under crxrnnue of the mnnufacturen.
SLOA.V , JOHXSOX i , CO.VholiiaL }
Ayents. Omaha. Neb
' % & * 5f * 2
n uK caAiiTca WITH THE ot"sa pn r *
uDTRr v L. ecc r Oiumma THi1 : r p THAT
. " " - TvAJs"1"f , .
-f „ '
erjrtSsS&S-111 y T&f
j-.XL : Jiri ifJasjowTii3 fCff SfiVJ A
W' ? | S 5vwl scSusiri iJ ] /
2 > " ? i > ' Jrf * 2r : ' f 4Si : V fiff } "
n V.ff'T tl-i A-'i- ' * * Jt. &v tAv
I IT ft * * * ? * ) cJf < r itrU posit ) on tuid rjom-j r Uti ii to
all print } * } * ) uni- * - . * t nutlVf l * t lutlAi .n < l trii
nuiial j o nm. f * > u Utuie * tbit im * t ftnptrUiut j. itt
contjuciit it link "i i > aiVM m 4 [ jju ut ; t rui. | t
t Uon wnii-ti inrit * * * mil raH.t-tfi trmreiasdt * H *
boltre ! ilit'i uf Ui < i At juili MiiU J' Lflo t ajt > li
i i o Uitt furontt um bt r * > itio ta nl * rotn r "
. .
The Great Rock Island Route
Onaranie&c lt patron * tlit * ! * of prnoiiu rca >
fiii [ iffm-fiaa f r * M > hif iftdiuutcliir h * * ivtt raad-
1. KiiM > tJi Iriuikfl of 'tujttituuuv + tft rail1 * . . Mi a *
tidily hiuii cm trram ! ' * idji. ' . i < nif i-n ttut 01 f
r rf * iitfu M Jiiim i4 kiil rit n v .t Ui v * f-lf
a4ipJlMi04 or phtAJi liuUujv.iij.if..i i. . * aj ir L-- . * n
Dd ttl lrxrtjarf dlft. if > iiiii wttlt h . . ' > % ' -t * t \ r * .
tit'upira4Wii } * * * Uli tj-iilu * O'l.wr tn-rj Jl * * * of
m n > ut nna Tru rrv At all i . i ut-rt tc t * ? * in
. .
At m * m * r t . .r . ! ! T- I , aj Put r
-J liar u ; | * tn&n I'JU
* r AJM r ti lh * ixl Or i .I k * ( .an.
The Famous Albert ton Route
If lti di
In l own
) trtU & froviti' . Ovei li. n r < ,
Irn.ju r * run f i th < w4i ri r t "
tt pl tur * ' | i o , in. & .0'l | t uufur r jjj
Ct > ' .n > t jf I i * * * , ibt iitumi * 1 1 * , li ix M rut t
3iftbU rfiutfc frj tb * > t L > urbuut fleld * IAJ wru
iM4 * of InUrti-r UukMf t
Sun anatki r liflli. . i' MKh. Tla JUv - ir n-
KA * BA * tM * a ut > vMMt i c trn tini * s jnai&ff
I > lU ! JUld X 'AJfftVtlU < "Ulf MuffMl tT.
UUtneapteUt * d I * t P ui 4 tu rtf ! * < 2u. * > H.- ' .
, R. CABLE , E.ST ifOHN.