Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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by cnrrlrr In nnrrnftof the city nt
tiuiity it'iitB per week ,
H.W.Tn.ioN , - - - Malinger.
Tii-r.i'itoNis : ; :
rtSlNTHROmCK , No. 43.
Mixoit a
New York Plumbing Co.
New fall goods tit Roller's.
Richmond furnaces , Cooper & Medcc.
The xcry bo t cabinets at $11 n dozen at
It was u big crowd , but it was a good-
I natured one.
Ike Oltcr was locked up yesterday for
being drunk.
iloo Tackman was yesterday arrested
for being drunk.
One do/en c.tblnets and a large panel
for $3.60 at Schmidt's gallery.
Nearly everybody went to the circus.
Those who diu not wished they hud.
Very few circuses draw such crowds
of people to Do city as ISarnum'sdid.
The Monona county fair will beheld
hold in Onawa Wednesday , Thursday and
Friday of next week.
The Pacific Express olllre I'oys have
discovered a now .species of "nut , " which
they have on exhibition.
Very few nrrcstH were made yesterday
whOn tlio number of strangers that were
in the city arc taken into consideration.
Charles Mitchell , the vagrant who had
a Norlwestorn switch key in Ills pocket
when arrcsled , is being held by the police.
To-day is your chance lo regislor. If
yon doirt register in person you cannot
vote. No one can" swear in a vole cm
election day.
The salvation army will probably open
tlio campaign in Council Binds tomorrow
row The old opera house will bo the
Sometimes it takes fifty cents worth of
time lo lind a man witlTa "compliment
ary" cirens ticket that lie is willing to sell
for twenty-live cenls.
Harmony Mission gave a dime sociable
last evening at Union chapel. Refresh
ments were served , and those present
enjoyed the occasion.
Green , the editor of the Sentinel nt
Monona , had tenderly cared for a
patch of watei melons , and tlio wicked
boys robbed his vines.
The public schools adjourned to allow
the scholars to witness the circus parade
yesterday. 'Tis better to grant permis
sion than to have the scholars take French
The police merit special credit for
the vigilance and energy displayed yes
terday , the result of which was the ex
cellent order maintained in so large a
John Ronnett is making a material im
provement in the appearance of the
fronts of the stores occupied by Hark-
ncssliros. and the Council Blull's Carpet
Old settlers are invited to meet this
evening at lie council chamber to com
plete arrangements for attending the old
Bottlers picnic and reunion at Macedonia
Tuesday next.
The Council Illuffs Candy company is
building up a neat business. They make
excellent candies , and are now lixed so
they can manufacture two barrels of
sugar per day into candy.
Messrs. Snydcr & hieaman , the com
mission merchants , being cramped for
want of room , have bought out Sheppard -
pard & Cook's business and leased the
building in which they wore located.
F. Legonder and Frank Wood were
locked up in jail yesterday for safe keep
ing. Wood had a pair of clog slices with
him and claimed to bo n professional clog
dancer. The police booked both as vags.
Monona county wants a new court
house. The one tlioy now have was mis
taken the other day tor a private dwell
ing by a lady canvasser , who knocked at
the door and inquired if the lady of Iho
house was in.
Willie Slovens , who was arrested on
Tuchday as a "vag , " on Thursday ad
mitted to Deputy Marshal Mullen that ho
had run away from homo. Uis folks
have been notified and ho will probably
bo sent homo to-day.
Al Onawa , in Monona county , the en
forcement of the temperance law is ex
citing considerable attention. Two
Blocks of liquors wore emptied into the
street by the shorin" in pursuance of an
order by the court.
They killed two birds with one stone.
Ono trip to the city a Herded them an op-
portuuity to see Iho circus and lake out a
marriage license. Their names are
Martin Ring and Maggie Aroslerand they
ciiino from Cursou ,
The hotels yesterday had all they could
possibly do to attend to the wants of llieir
palrons at dinner time. The Pacific
Iiouso , which was Barman's headquarters ,
bad to turn some of the hungry away
until the crowd became less.
Asa Fellows , of Avoca , got in jail yesterday -
torday for being drunk. Ho was brought
to the police station in a paralyzed con
dition , but two houars aftcrwaril claimed
he must have been drugged , as the last
ho know ho was playing pool in a saloon ,
nml was perfectly hober.
All the police force did double duty
yesterday. Every man on the force was
on duty at 8 o'clock in the morning and
remained on all night , looking for
crooked people. For pome reason or
other Clark did not fulfill his agreement
with Chief Matthews to "clean out the
crooks , "
It soonis as if it was nearly time now
that some ofloclual stepn bo taken to rid
this community of a party of cattle
thieves and their accomplices. Kvery day
Bomo fat cows are missed , and they do
not scorn to bo found again by their
owners. There are rumors of midnight
HlanghtoritiK down by the river. It would
be unhealthy for tlio rascals if thoyshoulil
be caught at it.
The Bur. is tinder obligations to Mr. J.
T , Hnrloy , for invitations to ntlond Iho
tiwitolunan's ball , to be given in the exposition -
position annex at Omaha , September
S7th , Mr. Hurley displayed a remark
ably elegant biulgo which entitles btm lo
Beat in the Switchmen's convention to
bo hold ut Kansas City , for which place
lie starts this morning. Mr. Hurley says
arrangements will bo porfeclod by which
all members of the association there wil
bo afforded an opportunity of running up
here to see both cities ami attending the
ball , which , bv the way , Mr. Hurley savs
will bo a little more tony than most balls
nro in this part of the country.
Hard mid toft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. .Council Illujls Fuel Co. No.r1(1
liroadny , Telephone No. 13 0.
Fresh oysters in every style at tlio
Fboinix Chop House , No. 005 IJroadway.
Elaine doorbells , burglar alarmsand
every form of domestic uluetrical appli
ances tit the New _ Yqrlt I'lumbiuR Co.
H Ighest prices paid for county , town
city nud school bonds. Odell Uros. < te
Co. , No , 103 Pearl street , Council Ulutts ,
See that your books are made by More-
houciCo. . , room 1 , Everett block ,
First class regular dinner 25 ccnts.l3to2
o'clook. Hiccnlxchop house , 5051Vwuy.
Substantial abstracts of titles nnd real
I' estate loans. J.V. . & K. L. Squire. No.
101 Tcarl street , Council BlulYs.
Pho Oircns Domes and Qoca and Amuses
Crowds of People.
Men Kroin Imvn AVIn > Wore fdoRntcs )
to t lie Con volition I'ci'Hdiinl 3
tlons All tlio News in
ttic HIitfH.
in's Cli'Ctit.
Tlio pasters were gorcuous , but they
tliil not misrepresent llio hiiow it ulf , as
most pn turs tlo.
Tlicro was a great crowd tliorc , and
many wcro disappoitttuil. They had all
t'.iny could do to watch the three rings
and tin ! platfunn.
Jumbo iKi'd to be a big attraction , but
.Junibj dead is a bolter card than Jumbo
living. Ills skuluton , and his hklti ,
str tulii'il over a wooden frame arc
antoiiK tlio most eagerly sought for bights.
Barman has some tun or a do.on gi-
nnU , nud over HO many otliur attractions.
'J'ne menagerie Icatnre was -especially
good , which is not usually the ease so
late in the season.
Mr. Warner , the press agi'ut , takes par
ticular pains to beu that Tils guilts are
comfortably nml satisfactorily provided
Hush to the registry board in your dis
trict this morning nnd'bu registered. If
you don't get rcgibti rvd you will be nna-
bio to east your ballot on election day.
At tlio meeting of the first national con
vention ot anti-saloon republicans held
in Chicago Thursday , reported in yester
day's BH.K , Iowa was represented by
twenty-one delegates , aa follows , several
of whom are well known in this part of
the state , and have occupied high posi
tions of trust in the gift of the people1
E. H. Hnlchins , A. M. Whaley , B. F.
Wright , I' . M. SntLon , Hon. J. W. Mo-
Dill , 15. F. Clayton , J. F. Meyers , H. E.
Hard , M. M. Walden , Hiram Price , Aaron
Kimball , W. E. Blake , Winlicld Smouso ,
H. E. Sears. Francis \rnrga , Warren S.
Dimganv. . M. Reardshear , Ho > al Mat-
ihew.s. L. G. Fellows , S. L. Dews , James
N. Miller.
"Everani and Eulaliu" can also bo ob
tained at Crockwell's book andstatiou-try
store , 411 Broadway.
Yesterday' s WotltHnsis.
Harry Hagan and Lizzie M. Green , of
Omaha , yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock
were quietly married by Justice ochurz
at his ollieo.
William Ihillington atul.Sar-.ih J. Kelley
wore also yesterday muted in marriage
by 'Squire Sclmr/ .
The show thiF forenoon is at Adams'
shoe store , No. 417 Broadway.
Sent to tlio Co.inty Jail.
E. U. Daggart and Mike Kelley were
yesterday sent to the county jail until
this morning , when they will be tried
for the alleged larceny of the till in
McNnlty's "Do Drop In" buor hall on
Free tickets for admission to .Adams'
boot and shoo store , No. 417 Broadway
to-day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Trotter Trott oil to Jail.
Dave Trotter , who was on Thursday
night arrested while caught in the act of
stealing a "slicker" coat , yesterday plead
guilty of petty larceny and Judge Krai-
noy sent him to the county jail tor thirty
No one ever sold shoes in Council Blull's
as low as Adams & Co. do now.
Personal ParngraphH.
KatePatnam , the actress , is at the Og-
C. II. Dewey , of Omaha , was in the city
yesterday ,
J. D. Lake , Panama , was in the city
yesterday ,
J. J. Stork came in oil' the road yester
day morning.
l'II. . Smith , of Avoca , was a JilufTs
visitor yesterday.
Tliomas McDonald , of Neola , was in
the city yesterday.
A. J. Glass , of Janesvill'j ' , Wis. , was in
the city yesterday.
P. L. Johnson , of Hastings , Neb. , was
in tlio city yesterday.
W. S. Hurling , of New York , was an
Ogden guest yesterday.
E. L. Shugart , with his wife started last
evening for Princeton , Ills.
S. P. Ari'old , of Now York , was an
Ogden house guest yesterday.
Mrs. W. A , Cobbs , of Jacksonville ,
III. , is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ed ,
Al Cramer , of Avoca , was among the
parties who came to see the elephant and
saw him.
H. V. Battoy , editor of the Walnut
Bureau , was in town yesterday. His
paper is independent ami outspoken ,
13 Cabinet Photographs ? a. Quality
the linest. Shorradun , til ? Broadway.
The Richmond combines the four es
sentials of a good furnace , simplicity ,
capacity , durability and economy. See
them at Cooper & McGco's.
If you wan ta good furnace and one
that will | jo as durablu as your lionso , get
u "Richmond" atCoopev AMcGco's.
Inick on tlio Haou Trnolc.
Now York Worlds The li ckiest man
in Now York to-day is Mike Williams.
Four months ago ho was a bootblack ,
who had never owned $100 in tv bunch.
Now lie owns a hotisu and lot , drives n
fast horse and sports $2,000 worth of
jewelry. His bank account foots up
$120,000. lie has made his fortune by Dot
ting on the racetrack. Mike is an Italian ,
and is nicknamed the "Dago. " Twenty-
two years ago ho was born in a little
vjllngo on the Tiber within an hour's
distance of the ancient city of Rome ,
His parents came to this country before
ho reached the dignity of trousers , and
he was brought up in the streota of New
York , Ho began blacking boots iilmos.t
us early us ho learned to walk , and the
number of shines he squeezed into a day
was next door to miraculous. When he
was fifteen years old ho sat up a stand in
front of Ladd's jewelry store , No. 19
Wall street , and in the course of a few
mouths made the acquaintance of nearly
every banker and broker in the neighbor
hood. Ho has polished the shoes of Vanderbilt -
derbilt , Jay Gould and a score of other
famous men , and can toll which of them
has corns and which 1ms not.
Acood many sporting men Irequont
the Fulton Ferry hotel and Mike learned
to know all of them. He was already in
terested in hearing them "talk horse , "
and in time gained considerable turt in
formation himself. Last year ho saved
up f23 and lost it in a binglo wager at
Brighton Beach , That stopped his bet
ting for the season , but tins year lie re
peated the operation with bolter results.
Ho went to the Brighton track at the
opening meeting and played Ix > rd Colo-
ridge straight for $25. Ho won (350 and
reinvested in ten tickets on a place horse ,
which netted liirn $ :20 : each. Ho took his
good luck quietly and played carefully.
At Motimouth park ho beat Elizabeth for
f 100 each way at odds of ten and four tome
mo , and came out ahead on several smal-
er wagers. At the close ot the summer
meeting he lintt $5,000. ,
The Dago opened the midsummer
season by winning $1,000 on Dow Drop.
At Moninouth Park , n few dnys later ,
lie bad $150 straight and place on Gonfalon
falon anil won sjiGOO ; in n single swoop.
Ho quit Monmoiitli sfS.oOO winner. Not
n single day lias ho misled at the present
meeting at 8hcop hcad , and his luck still
stands by him. His mode of betting is to
| ) iit from $200 to $ .100 on a horse for n
place , and he claims in this way to have
made an even $1,000 on the She < pshciul
Mike is nn entirely difl'ercnt young man
since fortnuo has smilcil upon him. ' Ho
travels with sporting men , dresnes in a
broadcloth suit , drinks champagne and
smokes twenty-livc-eent cUjars. Ho drives
to the races in a light road-wagon be
hind a $ . "iOO horse and wears a linen
duster lo protect his good clothes. A few
days ago lie wont lo the jewelry store ,
in front of which he used to black boots ,
and surprised tlio proprietor by asking
to look at his watches. The Dago spent
$350 for a solid gold watch and chain ,
$500 for a diamond pin. and $1,000 for a
horseshoe pin set with diamonds and
Patrick 1'lynn , the Fulton market oys
ter tncrclmiit , met him a day or two ago
in trout of tin ; ferry house and asked him
to put $10 on a horse for him.
"Don't bother mo will , small change , "
said the Dairo impatiently , " 1 ncvertouch
anything but $100 notes.
"You don't remenibor mo giving you 5
cents for a shine the other day , do you ? "
retorted the nonplused oyster merchant.
A reporter for the World met thelucky
ox-bootblack at Sheop.shead yesterday ,
just as he was giving a tip to Alderman
"PafDivvor. Tlio Ihigo had won $150
on Burch , and was winding his winnings
around a roll of bills as big as a tomato
can."That was an easy rico Burch won
you , " remarked the reporter.
The dago stowed away his wealth as if
carry ing Tt were r. bore to him. Then lie
remarked : "I wouldn't ' 'a carad if the
still'droppod dead on the track. I was
just dnnkin' a bo'.tlo ot champagne ,
when 1 took the notion lo stack up
against him. "
"Your triunds say you'll go broke as
soon as your luck turns , " remarked tiie
" 1 don't care what they say , " was the
reply. "They are all jealous. I got
$0,01)0 ) salted down in a house and lot in
Brooklyn , r.nd several hundred in jewel
ry , and that won't blow away very soon.
1 started playin1 long chances , but I've
given that up now , and play very eloso
to the game. "
"What am 1 going to do this winter ?
Well , I've been thinking of going to Cali
fornia for a few weeks. 1'yo got an idea
of buying horses and startin1 a stable o'
my own. ' There's 11101103 * in race horses
nowadays , and always has been. "
Mike has a wife , a dark-eyed young
Italian girl , and a baby , who are now
living with him at the corner of Madison
and Oliver streets. The family will
shoitly move into the house in Brooklyn.
A AVoiiinn IVho Wnntctl lo Settle L'p
With tlio Imiv in Advance.
St. Paul Pioneer Press : "Is the chief
in ? " asked n young woman with good
clothes and pompadour bangs who walked
into the central station yesterday atter-
noon. The woman was mad ; not insane ,
but "mail as a hornet. "
'No ma'am , he's not in just now , " re
plied the chief's secretary , dismounting
trom his stool and edging up to the rail
ing. "Is it anything 1 can do for you ? "
"Well , 1 don't know , " answered the
woman curtly , "I came in to lind out
something about fines. "
"Fines"echoed the secretary. "What
kind of lines ? "
"Well , suppose one woman went at
another and gave her a real good , hard
pounding , and pulled her hair and all
that , how much would it cost ? " and Iho
woman's cyes _ sparkled as she mentioned
pulling hair.
"O , Unit would be assault and battery1
replied the secretary , still at : i loss to
know what tlio woman was driving at.
"That represents a line of § 10. "
"Ton dollars ! Well , 1 don't mind
that1 and she began to take some money
out of her purse. "There's a girl out
near where 1 live who has been telling
stories about mo and calling mo names ,
the wretch ! and last night she went to an
ice cream parlor with my fellow. I want
to go out and give tier the worst boating
shn over had in her life , and I thought I'd
come in and pay my line first. Ten dollars
lars , did you say ? " "and she prollbved the
secretary two lives. The secretary was
"O , you can't do that , " ho finally man
aged to say.
" 1 know better ; I can. The girl is
bigger tlinii I am , but I can pull the hair
nlloiit of her head. Yes , sir ; I can
doit. "
" 1 mean you can't pay for going out
and beating a woman. "
" 1 can't. ' Well. I'll go out and beat
her and pay afterwards , that's all. You
just bet I'm not going to lot any girl talk
about me for the sake of $10 , and when it
gets to taking my fellow I'll "
Hero the door slammed and cut oft" the
remainder of the indignant little female's
A rtcautinil I'rcsont.
The Virgin Salt Co. . of Now Haven ,
Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every
family are making this grand ofl'or : A
Crazy Patchwork Block , enameled in
in the center ,
given away with every 10-cont package
of Virgin halt. Virgin Salt has no equal
for household purposes. It is the clean-
oU , purest nml whitest Salt over seen or
used. Remember that a largo package
costs only 10 cents , with the above pres
ent. Ask your grocer for it.
Reduction in Prices ,
China ( lassware Etc.
, ,
At W.S. llcmcr & ( Jo's , No. 20 Main st.
Council Uluns ,
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
House , Sign and Decorative Fainter. Papier
Mache Wall Ornaments
None but best hands employed and charges as
ow ai others.
An excellent educational Institution , furnish
3 with all the modern Improvements , con-
uoted by the 8ISTEH8 OFCHAHITV.U. V. H
For term or fire months , ITS.
Terms begin llrst Monday in September nn4
Dret Monday in February. For cutulouuos Kd-
St. I'raiicI ! Academy , CouncilUlufff , rj
Arc opoiiiiip new nml beautiful designs
'o '
AFoqttette ,
Kodij Jirussets ,
Velvet ,
Tapestry Jirussels ,
3-Ply Ingrains ,
2-Ply Ing rains ,
Ray Carpets , Etc.
For ofjlcos , hotels , lodge rooms , Cull
for prices ut llnrkiiess Uros , ' , 4 < 0l
Arc now avrivincr "nil in stock. Trl
cots , Fliiiuiels , CnslimorvS ) etc. Ex
cellent for traveling and fall service.
Black Silks mid In the new colors.
Quality the best nud prices the lowest
forgooil cfonils. Ijitilios wishing relia
ble goods will call on IIiirkuosH Rros. ' ,
No.101 JJronihvny. Council IMuil's.
A few more of those Lisle Thread
Hose loft nt 2.u' . . in black and in colors ,
at lliirkness Bros. . No.101 Uroiidwuy.
In ninny new patterns and a lurfif <
stocli to select from. Door Mats , Rugs ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. . at HnrK-
ness lirothers , No. 4)01 ) Uroudwuy ,
Council IHuil's.
Diphtheria Is iitfiiln making Its nnnnul visita
tion. Ton yciu-s1 trlid ol UK. THUS. JKl'KhlliS1
KKM1.DV 101tliilt liital mt'linly ' has clctmm-
Htrnteil tlio tact that It ! Inlulllblotuui iirtnont-
iru mul cnrn. If you j > eriiit | your chlhlriin toile
ilo ! with ( llphthen.i. "Tiii-lr blooJ bo upon your
licutl. " For h le only ut Uio oltco. ) No. Kl South
Mhatrcet , Council muttJn. . , or sent by express
on i ccclnt of prloo. ? - . , , .
C. II. lllnlKMioa. of No. ino Campbell sticot ,
Omum ! , who iccontly lost u IieuutiHn unil in-
tcM-es-tlnir dnuirhtt'r , uiroil nlioht 1.1 yuaro , by
< liihthoii.i ) , ir.ulortho tiuultnt'ift of ono ol the
lie t physlcliins InOmulm , vrltfs to Dr. Jclrcrls ,
ol' tins city : " Your i viiioily li r diphthcrl.icuino
tonl.itc.iiunloir ihiiiKlitor Vila dyitur when It
was ioolicd. I ivn sitisllc.l that her lifoeotiM
liuvu boon sivc-d. Another onoof our chi'drcn
who lind the diplithurlii , her I In out was tilled
up with tlio putrid ulccratlon , wo usu'l your
nicJIctno and in twclvo ho.ns the dltouso wns
complft"ly subiluod. 7n tlio-future wo will
hoop j our medicine nt nil times in our house.
Wo fool Unit it nivod th6 Ilfo of ono of our
children Wo mo very thankful to you , and
unly rcy tot that wo did notronll'on you fcooncr. "
From the Council Ulutls Dally Iloruld :
Mrs. E. M. ( iurniil , wife of KnijlneerOernrd ,
ol the Union Pacific , this city , htn beenuffient
sulTorur for many years , -with what wns sup
posed to uocniicor of the throat. It was so bad
thiit t-lie wusthieitenrd with starviition. Her
uuncml hrnlth wu3 completely broken down.
She could only swnl'ow llijiild lood. nndtnen
thnt her stomach could not digest or aeslmiluto.
Physician of Council Hlulfs mid Omaha
nttondo'l IIIT for llin-o yours nud Kuve no
relief. Dr , .loircrlio' tliN city , wns called. In
lour weeks' tlmcuu euro 1 her throat , uiul com
pletely restored her ( jcnend health. Had Mr * .
Gerard not obtained iclul ! goon Bho would have
died from hlord poison , the wimo condition that
destroyed the llto o1 ! ( ion. ( Irniit.
From the Council lllults ilally ( Jlolio :
M. A. Mcl'lko , o lltor of the Cambria ( Kbcns !
burtr , I'n.l Freeman , has boon the pcisoniil
friend of the editor of the Globe for IIIOPO than
twontyyohts. and Is known whorovoi- Is
kno wn us one of tlio be t. men Ihina. Ho is also
nn Intimate frionil of Mr. Clark ot the Non *
parcil. Ho has IIC'JM unlo.tjnato In the Inct
that his iiimlly was rnviiprcd with diphtheria ,
and Kioatly distressed. Mr. Clark haIntf hoard
of his calamity Font him some of Dr. Jefforls'
Diphtheria Cure , It wns u-o 1 at once , and the
Ihos of tint icst of his chlldic-n saved , tellers
from Mr. Msl'lko are unhoundo.l In their o.x-
presslons of Rratlliido lor llndinir FOIIIO means
of averting the loss of his whole KIOIID of little
and tender onus 1'ivo of Mr. Mal'lko's children
out ol eight died from diphtheria bolero he had
nn opportunltyof uslnij Dr. Joiferis' remedy.
DYSPEPSIA ! nvsi'Ki'm !
DyBpoiitle , why live in misery and-dlo in dls-
pair with cancer of the stomach'Dr. . Thomas
JofforlB cures every os.o . of indlirogUon ami
constipation In a very short time. Host of rol-
oronees Riven. lyspoj > sln is the CUIIRO of
ninety per cent ot all diseased conditions.
1'rliso ? ! i for two weeks treatment.
Dr. Jcfforls' diphtheria inodlcino Is infallible
for all kinds of Kiro throats. Indlepmiblblc in
putrid sere tin out , in malignant fi'iirlo tfovor ,
changing it In IS hours to t lie simple form. Infal
lible euro for all IntlamnmtoiT , ulcoratlve , put
rid , cancerous ulccratlon of the vronib and all
catimlml conditions.
Full prlnto.l Instructions how to use the medi
cines bout with them. No doctor required.
llr , .Telferls' remedies can only bo obtained n
his ollieo. No.23 hnuth Eighth street , Couno
llluire , J own , or sent ny osprcsa on receipt
Nos. 1510-1531 Douglas st' Omaha and
No 231 Uroaclway , Cpuflull IJlufls.
Pulnlets DcntUtrr , No luiinbus ! fin , Vltnlltod
Air , Kllicr ami Cliorufcnu , their elckrnlni ; clTect
uvoldnl lif tlio moat wonderful imaosthelic , purlfjr.
Ing the tlooJ Una Lul diu ! up Uii lljsuei.
Oinalin Dental Absoclntion'Solo , 1'rop'rd.
Gold Crown i , tiold I'ut3 ! tipd C'uallnaoui ( Sum
Teeth , a epeclally , lle t te tU W ; former ; > rlcu Hi
per sot.
DR. F. P.
Office No. 525 Broadway , Council Blufi's.
I 0 to < 1a. . m.
Hours , \ ' - ' to ' fl p. in.
I 7t bp , m.
Itoora No. 6.
Established l&i
On December HI ft , proximo , Hir pctrliirrntiiit ofOrcnU , FivncJi iP Trey-
not ; ft-iioini tin the Council Mil/fit Carpel Co.cjritren t > U limitation , and
on ttutt ( late there icill be
To net rcddi/ for till * change iceojfcr our entire stock of
Citizens nf Council Jtlntf'naiHt rlclnHjf it'll ! find it to tlicir Intcresln to
rail and c.raminc our yoortu anil jirlce * . This I'M the ft rut , onortnnitn )
ct'crolcrc < lin thin cit\i \ to obtain the above goods from a full , /Vc.s/i stock ,
at theoHeninu of a business season.
Country merchants will find man/ ; bargains by calling early.
r it "BTIPT PA
lARPM 10. ,
1'hc WorldV Favorite , tlii < took tliu OB.B > ngHD over
nil I'orcipn and Onmcstic < hicr { Ales at
tlic New Orlcaim Exposition ,
A most dolisrhtful bovorajro in either hot. or cold weather. Bottled ilircc
at the springs iu Wankeslm , Wig. , and made of the llnest freshly imported
.Jamaica Ginger Hoot , the .juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian Mineral Spring1
Water and Loaf Suarai1. Eminent medical authority has pronounced it "the
most perfect example of an aromatic Kim-Alcoholic stomach stimulant , while
as a beverag-e it is simply delicious. "
The Ideal Arcadian Lemon Nectar ,
Made from the pure , spurltllncr Arcadian water , combined with Fruit Juice ? , Fruit Acids and
hujrar. Complete In Itself. For Innilly use , picnics , etc. Keliushtnir and highly hcnellclal ;
Excellent lor the sick loom. 1'or sale in Council DHiiTs by
H. T. Palmer , A. M. HiKirdslev , Joe Driossbiich , Ed. Daniels ,
II. A. ll.iinl , J. W. Kli-cb , " C. Duotkcn , Taylor ci C'ulof ,
1) . G. Morgan & Co. , S. T. AIcAtec , Louiu > ! c Mct/gor , 'J'ibbits & Ward
F.V. . Spotnmn , John Short & fr'on.
$2.50 Per Doz. or 25c Per Bottle.
IT. T. Clarice Drug Co. , StcphensJ Voeyel < tDinning. . Meyer < C
wholesale fancy grocers , Omaha.
Farminsr lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , vaiiffinpr
from § 1.25 to ? 13 iier acre. School au-l state lands in Minnesota on ; { 0 years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , ffiven by
P. P. Laustrun , No. 035 Broadway , Council Blurt's , Iowa.
\A/ -
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , bsst iu the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreetCounil , BlulTs.
Practices in tlio Stiitn mid Federal'courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugiirt IJlo'jk.
Justice of the Peace
OIHco ever American Kvprcu Company.
Jonrnalx , County and
ItiuiU Work ol' nil KimU a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Kvcrct Illook , Council lilufla ,
Standard Papers Used. All styles of binding -
ing m Magazines nud
a D. Notional Dunk , M. U. Smith & Co. ,
Cltl/ens' Hank. Uearo , WclU & Co. ,
i > 1ret National Hank , o. Ji. Insurance ( Xt. ,
fflcer &l'usoylankerB.C. ! IJ. aavlnxs Hank.
ION. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , and
SOU S. 15th Ht. , Itoom 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer's Agcntforthe
Tents , Awniin 8 , Rooflnjr Slate , Man-
telH , Plate and Window Glass , Show
cases. Elevators ( baud and hy-
drauli &o.
In the city can bo obtained lj patroni/.lng-tlm
510 IJroadway
( IJM , ir. SC111XDE1.E , Prop ,
None but oxporloncod lmnd. employed. Out
town orders by mull or osp.'css solicited , and
allwoik warranted.
Bpocliil advertisements , str.'li us Lost , Foini
To Loan , For Bile , To Jlont , ftants , Uoimllna.
eto. , will bolnsorted In thlfe < olnmn nt the loir
rntoofTKN'CUNTS 1'Kll LINK fortho flrctinsor
ttonand KivoContsI'orlilnuforcuehrubsocjuent
Insertion. I.cavo udvcilUemen int our ollluo
No. 12 I' street , near llroal\vay \ , CouncJI
TPOH HAMJ Ol.l nupers , In iiiantitlu | sto
J : at Iloo onico No. K 1'oarl ( .iruot.
OH BA"I < K Now hoiifo , olKlit lOiiuis
bath room , luriiuco , KUS , and all mod
em convenience * ; only three blooks fiom
Omaha depot , and three blocks from cenleror
liuslnesH ( u Council lllulU. Cims T. Ollicor.
wltliOIIIcer& 1'usey , bunkers , Uoiincll llluirg ,
Horses and Mules
For all purposes. DO-isht and soil , at retail am'
in lota. LurKU ( jinintlttea to tclest dam
Several pairs of line Urh ors , slnitlo or 'loulilo.
Council mulls ,
. , . . ,
rnnreiH Or other Tumora lonimod wll'uo I
uufibtr/ jno kujfo ordnuvinjr of hlcoj.
Over tinny > cniH priiclicilc.\c'tlovo. :
No. II I'oarl St , Council UIulTi
C Consultutlon free.
azaroTjsiEs oir
A- ( ; ; < 'i-Mr/MV
Agricultural Implements ,
_ _ ( 'nrrlnirrs , Kto . I'.tc. Council Ittniri. lona.
Mnko the OrlKltinl iunl Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
No ? , ir.01 , IWt , l.VXi unit IDT Amth Mnln 8lr * t <
_ Council It.utTv I < m . _
Mnntif'r ! ) nn I JobhnM ot
agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
' " 1 kln'U ' of nrr.
1100 to 1119 South Mnln Struct , Oomioll Ulutf *
Ion * .
s , T. U.nouii.V . . . .
* . -l'ros.Miin. . Hoe.ACouns l.
Council BIuTs Handli Pactsry ,
( lnrorpnratii < iJ
MnnufActiiren nf Axle , tick , H djr and So Ml
Handle * . ofevcry d < Muiij > Ma ( ,
_ _ _ _ CA Kl'HTX , _
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shade ? ,
Oil Cloths. CuttAln Fliturcw , Uplictlittrry Good *
Etc. No. i05 llromlwajr Camii4
H , NTO ,
Wholesale ! Jobber * hi tfco
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacce & Pipes
No * . 8 Mnln nnJ T 1'oarl 3U. Ouuacll Bluer *
Iowa ,
Fruit and Produce CoraifllssiQn Morcuinta ,
No. 141'onrl St , OoiiHc-X 'NillM.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Driierjrlste' Punch-it's , Etc. Na. S Miiln St , and
No. 21 I'otirl ! = t. . CounotJ ( Huffs.
Hit r/x
O. W. IJU'lTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specially
General Commission. No. ftll llioadway ,
Council iiiiitr .
Frnits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. 10 nml 18 Pearl St. . Council
( IHOUKIttK * .
L. KIUSCHT & co. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale ) Liquor Dnilots. No. 410 llroud-
way. Council lihiif * .
11 A R.VKSS. arc.
Unnu'ncturers of ami Wli'jle * il' noilcr ? li
Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. , .
No. 625 Muln St. . Council liliiifs , Iowa.
Jobbers la Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
Nos. : ti'2 and .lit ninmltimr. Ooimzlt
Iron , Steel , Nails , HCIYJ Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Oniincll IMuir.s , toiva.
-1.Y0 1IOO/-
1) . H. McDANELl ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , Pelts , Oroasa and fun Council
lllllfffl lOWll.
Wholcsnlo Dealers In
Illuminating & LubrlcitlijOlU Ganlli )
33TO. ,
F. Theodore , Atront , Council llliiTi. tir.o.
Hard Wood , Sonthen Linrtir , Plllaj ,
' .ndllrhlffo Material Sppolattloi.wiiolosnln Una-
bor ol all Kinds. Ufficu No. UU Min St. ,
Council llltitrs. Iowa. _ _ _ _
Imported and Domestic Wiu ; & Liquors.
Agent for fit. ( Soltliart'is llcrli Hitti'W. No. IJ
Mnln St. Counull lu s.
Foreign and Doiuestic Wlaes and Llqnow ,
tl.i St. , ( , 'uliiml W.ujt.
Star Sale Mes and Mule M ,
Opposlto DUI.II.II JJfpct.
B *
Hours nnJ Mules l.opt ronstsiu'.ly on lian
rorsulicit rotiill or incurlowde.
OrdonTprcnjetly IllledtyeonirAn \ aniluit
catles. Htock sold on ooiumlflslHU.
SHMJ 'Jli : A J.UEY.Vroiirlctuia
JV.iv . ! ! ' . fAII BTABI.KS , corner
MC. 11.11 til HKtI.
Creston House ,
The only hotel In Cornell rsiulft having
/nil nil modem li. ( ii < iv < 'iuenla.
215 , : : i" uud Slif Main ft.
> iAX MOIIJ. , Prop.
A'O. 009 & 'ill H.MN ST.
Daily receipts of new
Cans , Clothing , and n fill ! line of Do-
Goods , n" of the httcst stylus. Call and
( jet nrico s before purcliunin ; ; i-lsitv/her