Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Outsiders So Report It , Bat Professional
Traders Are Happy ,
nnd Corn Moth Disappoint the
tJulls-Tlie Market Closes With
a Ills Drop All Around
CHICAGO , Sept. 17. fSpeclnl Telegram to
the Uin. | "I did not have any pork on the
ndvance , " said John Itobertson. of the Aller-
ton Packing company , "and 1 was not shoit
nny on the decline. Hut I never saw out
siders do so much In poik In my life. They
ewarmed In commission ofllccs , bought Octo
ber pork , and when it advanced doubled and
redoubled , There hasn't been such an army
of "toilers" on tbc edge of a deal within my
October pork was xs low as 510.27X to-day.
Very soon after tne opening men who had It
bought , and who still had money enough to
keep hold , went about tbe tloor or sat In their
unices muttcrlnc that "It was a wicked
deal. " 1 * there was even a "wlclitil deal , "
with wild cnoueh fluctuations
to wipe out nn ordinary
margins , this October pork operation has
been one. The price on Wednesday was
811.75. Tito price this morning was S10.23.
Professionals looked happy. Jones , Iteain.
John Cudaliy and John Ttifel and little
Charley Wright looked the best pleased of
ML They were the big shorts. The outsiders
were the glum ones. There were ceitaln of
the commission houses which did business
presumably for Armour , who refused all the
week to accept orders from anybody else. As
t'i the result , now there Is as much doubt as
there was last Wednesday , when the price
was 511.50 per barrel. Illchcr traders expect
that before October cets around there will be
another boo t given them.trKot ,
The bulls have been disappointed In the
price of corn. The receipts have exceeded
their expectations , nnd cash Is now down.
Wheat went under the "put" price at the
very start , and that seemed to settle Its fate
j for all day. Cudaliy and Jones were both in
the tilts at tlinesand sellers leported'that the
llcam crowd , which was coverine > esterday ,
sold out again to-day. The price of October
inuch of the day was within a shade ot 75J c.
Tne main causes for the depression are a
steady decrease In the visible and a total
collai > se of the export movement. It Is now
being predicted that tbe "visible" this winter
will reach 200OJO.rj ( bushels. A
dispatch from " .olcdo estimated
that wheat nex' .Monday would
increase 2,500,000 huriieK The movement of
spring wheat still continues. There were
l.UOO.OOO bushels received at Uiiluth to-ilav.
Corn for Octoty r touched : > s @ -'W4c ? The
receluts contintii ) larecr each dayulmost than
Is estimated the day before , and there is not
any lonuer talk ot much of a falling elf of
receipts. The signal service said there was a
frost In Iowa and Nebraska last night It
had no cflect. Nxt to pork big money out-
Eiders have been .sunk in rorn. Charters
were 201XX ) bushels of corn and 50,000 bush
els of wheat.
The close nt 1 o'clock wr.s easy all around
, nt 75 } < c for October wheat , RJ c for October
corn , nnd 510.35 for Octoitcr pork.
On the short afternoon board there was a
scramble in the wheat and pork pits to got
I rid of property. October wheat touched 74 > e
1 nnd remained there. October corn closed at
8S$4c : October oats. 25Jfc ; October pork
closed nt S10.12X , a clear drop of SOc In half
1 nn hour ; October lard closed at ST.XJ.
Cviiii , 3 p. m. October wheat , 74@T5c ;
( puts , T4J c ; calls , T-VeC.
CincAOo , Sept. 17. fKpccial Telecram to
1 the UKB. ] CATTJ.K Tin * receipts to-day
Were 6,000 head.3 This Is larger than last
Friday , but on wholesale were moderate.
The receipts for tbu week thus far are lighter
than lust week. There was n better feeling
in the market to-day ami all desirable grades
sold at stronger prices during a portion of
the day. Hut buyers were nut willing to pay
the prices asked by salesmen , and the market
was quiet and weak In the after part of the
day. The market closed quiet and dull ,
and some coed heavy cattle sold
lower. The eastern demand for cattle Thuts-
day absorbed about 4,000 head , and country
farmers took nearly 003 for fattening pur
poses. During the last few weeks Now
York , Boston , Baltimore , Philadelphia ,
AJlesheny. Albany nnd other eastern ship
pers and exporters have transacted a very
hwivv business. Shipping stecs , 1350 to
1500 Ibs , S4.75@UO:1203to : 1350 Ibs , S4.40@
4.75 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , 53.50 ®
4.25. The range cattle market
In n general way was stronger
nnd prices considerably higher In some cases.
llaudy lliiht canning cattle were not very
plentiful aud some of them sold 10@l.r > c
filglier. As a rule , however , the general ranee
market was not quotably limber. Some fair
western calves sold at S3.00t.W. : There
were really no good western cattle on sale.
The market finished rattier weak , but prices
nt last .steady. Northern rangers : 05 Wyo
ming. 11W Ibs , 83.60 ; 213 Montana Texans ,
10S2 Ibs , 3.40 ; 242 Wyoming , 12JC Ibs. 53.51
lions Tlie receipts for the day were 10,000 ,
making about 101,000 for the week so far ,
against 53,000 for the same time last week.
The market was active and prices al > out
6c higher than the lowest yesterday.
The lulvance was largely on medium
nnd packing sorts. Light and fancy heavy
underwent little or no change. One or two
lots of fancy heavy sold at SR.OO@5.05. the
Runic at. yesterday , nnd fair to good mixed
largely at S4.H1@4.t5. with common at S4.CO. ; }
4.70. .Light sortb continue nominal. A fo\v
Blngeing iiltrs would sell for S I.'A\5.00 , nnd
n few loads of Yoik M > rt would make 54.70. . $ Light pigs ot 140 to 100 Ibs nre maklm :
; rough and mixed. SUO < ; 4.80 ;
ndblilnpIng. aw 10 :4o : ibs , 54.7.1 ®
light > veiihts ; , SWOSl.S'J ; skips , 8i6u
Now Yortt. Sept , 17. MOVRY On call
easy nt 4rj5Ji' ( per cent , closing at 5 percent.
PHIUK ilunoANrit-K PAPKU 4@5 per
tiriiiUNO KSCIIANOI : Quiet but steady
nt 4bl Ji for sixty day bills , and 4.W > f for de
UovKitxMKNTs Government bonds were
dull but * trong.
STOCKS Stocks opened firm , first prices In
tbe majority of cases being Inim } ( to % per
cent above the Anal tigiires of last evening.
NVi'll distributed nuslness followed but prices
ycre sluggish until towards the close of the
first hour , after which they advanced smartly.
A reaction just after noon occurred , but the
advance was soon resumed aud about 2
o'clock the best prices of the day wcro
reached , after which realizations carried
everything but Heading back small fractious
and the market closed heavy.
f cent bonds , , 1XC.&N. ( W 117Jf
U. b. 4K's. . . . . . 1UJI preferred. . . I42 > f
Mew * ' 127N. Y. C. 112 #
I'nclflcO'sof'U'i. 120 lOrecon Tran. . . . saw
Central Pacllio. . 44ft Paclric Mall 57 #
( Xit A 141' P. 1) . &K 80)J )
1 preferred. . . . ICO P. P. 0.
C. RAO 1S7 Hock IsVaridV. . . ; li ?
p. UAW SUUAS. K. . . . S2i
S.Jb .0 preferred. . . C4 f
C.M. &StP. . . l 7
prcfernxl. . . 75 preferred. . . 124W
Illinois Central. ISO St. P. i : O. 4U
' prefeired. . , 112W
Kansas & Texas' _ .
LakeSboru. . , , , 83 ( Union Parlfio. . . Ut
KN 46WV.St.L. . & P. . 21
Wlrh. Central. . . W / preferred. . . 87
JJo. Pacific 112HWe ) tern Union.
KortbernPoc. . . 87 , O. , H. AN.
pieferred. . . C0 > < |
Chlcaco. Sept 17 , Flour Quiet and
\ \ unchanged : winter wheat nonr , M.a'tiO ;
; Boutheru , 83.tO(3J.oO ( ; Wisconsin , S4.00S-UO ;
lllcblpin soft sprint : wheat , $ a.50 < $
4.10 : Minnesota bakers , Slsni.iO ; tatenu ,
84.oO(31.00 ( : low erades , 81.75f2-i75 ; rye Hour ,
quiet at 81 sS.W ) in barrels , and S3.00&
SL'JO In fiftcka ,
Wheat More activeopened.Vffl c lower ;
declined with only slight fluctuation Vc more
ind closed He under yesterday ; cash , 74. 0 ;
October , 75Hc ; May , 8St < c.
Corn \\eak and lower ; opened a shade
ewer than yesterday's close , declined 1 > 4e for
October and about ic for November , cloMne
ti'.ialer at 'jiglc under yesterday ; cosh ,
SS'te ; October , iW 13-lOc ; May. 45c.
Oats Dull nnd weak ! H < a ? > ; below ye. ter
lay ; CAsb , 3.V4c ; October S5 13-lCc ; May ,
hye Quiet at
Harley Slow at .
Flax-seed -S1.0T.iQil.03i < ' .
Timothy Prime , SLM l.PO.
Whisky 81.16.
Pork Active nnd Irregular ; eah , S10.SO :
OctolKir. S10.2W ! ( 10.3j ; November , 510. 17'i
( ftlO..U
Lard-Quirt and tirmcaih.S7.nO ; : October ,
SC.Svao.37' $ : Novcmtxir , SC.SJa-VJ'W.
Hulk iu-ats Nominally unchanged ;
shoulders , Si. 12 00.45 ; short clear , wro
7.10 ; short ribs , S7.8.Y
Uutter Firmer ; creamery , 17@04c ; dairy ,
4 lS'fc. '
Chee. e Firm : full cream cheddars. lOrtt
OKe ; flats. lO.VQllc ; youiiK America , lie ;
kims , 4/37c.
Hides Heavy green salteil , 7J c Heht , SKe :
bull bides , hides , . .Vic ; dry salted , lid ?
1'Jc : dry flint , laritUc ; tsilf skins , sc lO'ic ' ;
deacons. Me each.
Tallow No. 1 country , 3 (3njfc ; cake ,
S fc ; N'o. 2 , So.
fternoon Hoard : Wheat Lower ; Octo-
I ; 74Kc ; November , 7 < 55 c : May , sy < e. Corn
Irregular ; October , to'fp ; November ,
er. SKMCW. Lard Irn-di
a7.37K : November , SO.Ui
. Shipments.
Flour. bb > s 1K.OCO
Wheat , ba. SO.UOO lO.iWO
Corn.D 249.000 lOO.WO
OatSDU 153.WJO 1K1.003
Itye , DU 5OW 10,000
llarley.ou 77.0W 40,000
Bt. Ixtnls. Sept. 17. Wheat Weak and
lower ; No. 2 red , caMi , 74)4'c ; October , 75''c ,
Corn Very weak ; No. 2 mixed , cash.
3.1c ; October , 3.c.
Onts Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2.V (3 (
25 > fc ; October , ai c.
Hvc Kasv nt-lNi
Whisky-Firm nt 51.10.
Pork Strong at S10.N7X'311.a ' ) .
I rd Firmer utSG.Od.
Uutter Dull and nominal ; creamery , 2105
2 c : dairy , lO'cZVOo ,
AFTIINOOUOAIII ; > Wheat Demoralbcd.
closing at "flc for October. Corn Weak and
lower , clohliu at 33c lor October , Oats-
New Orleans , Sept , 17. Corn Easier ,
but not quotably lower ; mixed. 47) ) ( i'lsc ' ,
O.its ( Juiet and \seak at JSy c.
lloj : Products Dull , weak and lower.
Lard Ketiued tierce , S7.25.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , SC.50 ; Ion ? clear
nnd clear ribs , S7.50.
Liverpool , Sept. 17. Wheat In poor
demand : now No. 2 winter , Os Sd : spring ,
dull at Cs Od.
Flour In poor demand at Ss 4d.
Corn In poor demand ; spot and Septem
ber , dull at : 4s 4Hil : October , dull at 4s4d ;
November , dull 4s 4H'd.
Toledo , Sept. 17. Wheat Weak and
lower ; ciish , TT'tC ,
Corn \Veak ; cash , 41/c }
Oats Xomlnal ; cash , 20 > < c
Kansas City , Sept. 17. Wheat Weak ;
No. 2 , red , cash , 02\'c bid ; October , C3c ; No
vember , C4'4'c bid.
Corn Lower : No. 2 cash , SlJi
October , : Rlc bid ; November. 33'tc ,
Oats Nominal ; cash , a4c bid.
New Yorlc. Sept 17. Wheat Heceipts
215.000 ; exports , none ; spot } $ @le lower
and heavy wltti less doing ; options duclinod
2 red , October , clo-sine at
Corn Spot J@l fc and options
lower , closing heavy ; receipts , 37C.OOO ; ex
port ? . OJ.OOO ; unerudi-d g c ; No.2-475f
lu elevator , 4c < if4yc afloat ; No.
October closing at 4b Tc.
Oats Fairly nctUe. } 4@Ke lower ; receipts ,
lOC.COJ : exports , 2,000 ; mixed western , 30 )
S4c ; white western , &v$40c.
Petroleum Firm : United closet ! atC4' c.
Eggs Steady ; fair demand ; western , 1S@
Pork Less actlvn nnd weaker ; old mess ,
SIO..1) : new mess , Sll.50.
Lard Lower mid heavy ; western steam ,
spot. S7.'rx 7.U ) .
Hutter Firm nnd In fair demand.
Cheei * Quiet and weaker.
Milwaukee. Sept 17. Wheat Weake ;
cash , 74Ji'c ; October , 74 ! < c ; November , 70'fc.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , 37 'c.
Oats-Firmer ; No. 2ii'c. .
Hye Firm ; No. 1 , M Ke ,
JJarley Steady ; No. 2 , 5S' < c.
Provisions Lower.
Pork-October , S10.35.
Cincinnati , Sept 17. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red , 77c.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 41e
Oats Heavy ; No. 2 mixed. 27c
live Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 , 53c.
Pork-Dull at S10.M ) .
Lnrd Iu fair demand at SO.S5.
Whisky Firm at 51.10.
Minneapolis , Sept. 17. Wheat fairly
active for sample lots olmllliinr
wheat ; futures neglected ; No. 1 hard
cash , and September , 7Sc ; October ,
73Kc ; November , 75 } c ; December , "OJ/c :
No. 1 northern , cash. 7lc ; October. 7
November TaJi'c ; December , 74J c : No. 2
nortltern , cash and September , 7Sc ; October ,
7SKn ; November , TI > XR ; December , 71J/C ,
Flour Dull ; patents , S4.25W4.-iO ; bakers
S3.25@3 40.
Heceipts Wheat , 153,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 1,000 bu. ; flour. 25,000
Chlcnco , Sept 17. The Drover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Heceipts , 0,003 ; strong early , clos
ing weak ; shipping eteerN. 5X50(33.10 ( ;
stockers and feederR , S2.25@3.40 ; cows ,
half-breeds , S3.C034.00 ; wintered Tcxans.
SH.OO'S.T.M. Sales 4S1 Montana Texans ,
avoragint : KWJ lb > . S3.00 3.45 ; 704 Wyoming ,
1005 Ibs , SiHSWt.W.
Hoes Iecfpl.slfl,000strongand5c ! ; higher ;
rough and mixed. S4.10@4.00 ; iiack-
iug and shipping , SU5@5.03 ; Jit'lit , 5lt'5 '
4.bO ; skips. 3i50\a3.7.rj.
Slieep-Hecelpts. 2,000 ; steady : natives.
2.00 ® 4. CO ; western. S3.303S.GO ; Texans ,
Si25@3.15 ; lambs. S4.25@o.OO.
St. IjdiilH. Sept. 17. Cattle neeelpt' ,
500 ; shipments , 100 ; active and stroncer ;
good to choice shipping , 54. 403 1. .0 ; com
mon to fair , 53.754.RO ; tnitchcrs' ste-rs.
E3.50 ® .10 ; cows and lieifers , 5i252.00 ;
Texans and Indians. 53.25(2375. (
lloirs Heceipts , 200 : shipments COO : active ,
firm and unchrnged ; butchers nnd besi
heavy , 54.85c.j5.lO . ; light , SUO , < j4.70.
Kansas City , Sept. -Cattle Hpccliits ,
3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; strong and active ;
corn-fed steady ; grass range lOc higher ;
good to choice.4.00(3 ( 1.50 ; common to
medium , 53.80J.'JO : stackers. fi25 i75 ;
feeilers , S2.60S3.fO ; cows , 51.S5@GO ;
grass range steers. $ . ' . 'JO@3.25.
Hojfs Hecelpts , d.ouO ; snlpmeuts , 300 ;
good to choice. S4.70 ( < H.SO ; common to
medium. ! H.20d4. ( & ' > ; um&sera and pigs ,
- General Prndttoc.
Friday Evcnlntr , Sept. 17 ,
T7ic/oloipiio ! | prices are jar rcitiui tot * nf
prmfiitr , an SUM on tlie market to-Jny. The
qiuitatluius on fruit * represent UM prices til
tc/i fcft oiUsWe onlers are rtlJoZ.
EGOS The market Is keeping up well , and
good , fresh stock is selling at mgl.Vx
UuTTEH All peed stock meets with ready
saloon arrival ; Inferior continues dull. All
butter should ba packed 1u new tubs. Fre n
creamery , 1U@2AJ : choice dairy. 17@lSc ;
choice country , 1017c ; good country , 13@
15c ; fair counto * , 9@Uc ; commou couutry ,
1'oui.Tnv The market has weakened , and
prices are not as high as last week. Old fowls ,
choice per dor. 62.75ij3.00 ( ; spring chickens ,
large. SiSSfaiR ) ; medium , giOO@i25 :
small , not wanted. Ducks , Si'i
2.50 , Turkeys , not wanUvl.
GAME The worm weatlier of the past
few days has seriously atfected the canie
trade. Counlgnments arrived mostly in
bad order aud were it total loss. In some
Instances a few good birds were picked out
and sold at low neures. Just as soon as cold
weather seU in there will be a brisk demand
for pralrta chicken at good paying prices.
Prairie chickens , Si25 , < M.50perdozcn ; quail ,
81.2501.50 ; snlw , 8UKXai.2.i ; ducks. OJal-
lard ) . S1.7S@i25 ; ducks , ( Teal ) , 51.25(31.53 ( ;
ducks , mixed. 81.2-SQl.6a.
POTATOKS Potatoes have not been cornIng -
Ing In very fast and tbe market rm kept up
bo hUh that dealers are only buying in a
small way. They have not commenced put-
tine In their winter stocks , but are hold'ne '
off In expectation of lower price * . Dunne
the r > a few days choice stock sold a high
us O5c , but In a small way. Choice stock ,
per bu , 50i < * G5c. Celery , mrge bunrhe * , Kal-
nmazoo , 40c. Sweet potatoes , per Ib , 2ic. :
Onion,1' , c.ioicc red , per bu , SLOO ; southern ,
Irbbl , 83.50.
HoMi-iuowx : Gnxrr.3 There Is .1 very
llboral supply on the matket and choice
stock. Poorer stock and that which I * not
put up In good shaix ? for shipment Is selllns
for M-hat It will bring. The following nre
the prices at which outside onlers for choice
stock are tilled : Shlppm ? stock , j > crib , 20-lb
boxes. 4V 10-ll ) Baskets. 45 rf.'Oc.
WILD Pi.fM Very few romtnc In , and
cofHl stock will bring 81.25 per half-bushel
basket. Arn.KS There is n good demand ,
but shipments arc very llcht and mostly not
In shipping condition. Firm stock will
brine Sl. < X > tx-r bushel.
APPLES There is a preat deal of common
stock In the market and It Is moving slowly.
Choice shipping stock Is not so plenty. There
me a few southern Jonathaiisand Hellllouers
In. Fancy stand or eating apples arc scarce-
Common tc > ck , S'iOOftW.33. Choice shipping
stock , pei bbl , S2.50 iT3. Fancy stand stock ,
HUSKY Nebraska , choice , white clover ,
15ttlGo. ( : Nebraska , dark. 12 < ftl4c. ; California.
Mb sections. I.V. ; California , strained , S-Ib
sections. 12'M14c
OVSTKHS Tlie city trade has opened up
very active and more orders have been re
ceived trom the outside than ever before , so
early In tlie season. The dealers of this city
nre In better condition than on any previous
year to supply the outside trade. 'I he follow-
ini : are the prices at which country eiders are
filled : Mediums : ! 0c ; ftaiidaul , 85c ; selects ,
40c : l > est selects , 4c. !
HASAXA The market Is fairly well sup
plied for this season of the year. Yellow ,
per bunch , S2.00.J. ( . 00 ; do large , per bunch ,
I'E.Vriir.1 * There is a wide
ranee of prices , due to the different kind and
quality. Shipments arc arriving In coed
condition and nre holding up well. Baskets ,
according to size , 75atKc ) ; crates. 4 baskets ,
Bell A Cherry , SS.WffiO.00.
Ari'i.KSTwo cars of Michigan fnlt atiplus
arrived this week and met with good sale nt
52.751. w for lancy eating varieties , and
Si.'iO2.7."i for fancy cooking.
MKI.OX The season for heavy shipments
is over , but thcie is still a very lair trade in
water melons. Mifocatine , per 100 , Slb.00it !
20.00 ; smaller sizes , Slo.K ( > aiC.OO.
LKMON The past wceu lemons touched
thelughc t iKiintof the season in New York ,
but price * nero remain uiichanged. The
stocks in tlie hands of the dealers here are
\ery choice and fancy. Lemons , SU.7510.00. ( !
OIIANOES It Is too early lor Louisiana
stock to commence arriving. There arc a
few Honduras in the markvt'whlcti are sweet
nnd peed size , Hondmas. per box , SS.OO.
CAUHoit.NiA FiifiTs The arrivals of Cali
fornia fnilts are very light and onlv trapes
nre coming. The season Is practically over.
Urn pes , Muscats. S1.50 ; Tokays , S175.
CocoAXfTS Cocoanuts , per hundred
SR.OO ; leas than hundred , per hundred , 5fi50.
UTAH Fnt'irs Utah ( tenches and pears
nre plenty and are meeting with very peed
sales. Pears. 00-1 b boxes , S4.20@4.50 ; peaches ,
20-lb boxes. SI. 75.
. lAn.nSro AR- Bricks , per Ib , 12 } ; penny
c , \ per Ib , 15c.
MAPI.K Sviiri' Bulk , 13 to 17 gallon keep ,
per pal. . 81.00 ; eallon cans , t > er gal. , S1.05 :
half-gallon cans per gal. , SI. 10.
Nvrs Pecans , large , polished , lie. : pecans ,
medium , Cc. ; English walnuts , 14c , ; almonds ,
Tarragona , 20c : almonds , Languedoc , 17c ;
Brazils , 12c : filberts. 14c ; j > eanuts. band
picked , fancy. Virginia , SJ c ; peanuts , hand
picked , choice Virginia , 7 > c : peanuts
roasted , 2c extra per Ib.
Pins' FKET , Tuirn , KTC. Pigs' feet , per
K-bbl. , 54.75 : do. , K-bbl. , 52.50 ; do. , per kit ,
Sl.CO. Lambs' tonctieh' per H-bbl , S3.2.'t : do ,
ner kit , S2.50 ; do. , quart jars , wer doz. , S5.2.r > ;
do. , pint jars , per case. 2 dozen. SC.25. Tripe ,
per Jvbbl. , S4.00do. ; , per Jf-bbl , SiOO ; do. ,
per kit , l < 0c ,
UKAJTS The market is almost cleaned UP.
Nice clean beans in fair reonest II. P.
Navy , Sl.70an.75 ; H. P. Medium. S1..W ®
l.fkiciiolce ; clean country , S1.25al.r ( > 0 : coed
clean countrv , SX ) ( S1.00 : interior , CA375e ,
( SiiAix Corn , Sic ; old oats , 2c ; new oats ,
C27c ; rye , 40c : wheat. No. a,65c.
Fi.ot'it AND Mn.i.STrFi's Winter wheat
flour , best nuallty patent , Se.bO : second nual-
Ity. S2.40(45itObest ( ; quality spring wheat
flour , patent , Si75bran50ctercwtchopped )
feed , tOc per cwt ; white corn meal. SLOO ;
yellow corn meal , OOcpercwt ; screening , OOc
per cwt ; hominy , 32.00 per cwt : shorts , 55c
per cwt ; erahaui , SLOO ; hay , in bales , SO.OO ®
7.00 per ton , _
Grocers' Jjlst.
PICKI.F.S Medium , in bols , ? 0..10 ; do In
half bbls. S3.75 ; small , iu bbls , S7.5u : do In
half bbls , 31.25 ; gherkins. In bbls , SA-'X ) ; do
In halt bbLs. 34,75.
aviior No. 70 , 4-gaiion Keg < 5 , Sl.OJ ; New
Orleans , 8S < a-i6c per gallon ; Mnnle Syrup , ) <
barrel , strictly pure , Tbc IHT gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , 89.25 per doz. ; H' gallon cans , 53.25 i > er
doz : quart cans. S3.00.
SuOAiis I'owdered , % c ; cutloaf. 7@7'/c ' ;
granulated , 6 jc ; confectioners' A. r > Hc ;
standard extra 0 , f < s ! * c ; extra C , /5Xc ;
medium yellow , 6 > 4 ( < s5 c
UAJfKEn ( SeeDS Oysters , standaid. per
cas , SS.yO ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. S2.10 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib per case , S2.10 ; California
peart , wr ease , S4.50 ; apricots , JX.T case ,
4. ! < 0 : peaches , per case , 85.80 ; white cherries ,
per case , S5.1K ) ; plums , per case , S3.W ) ; blue
berries , per case , S2.00 ; egg plums , -.Mb , per
case , SiW ; pineapples , f-J Jb , per case , 83.20
@ 5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. S1.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per doz , SWXgUiO ; a Ib gooseberies ,
per case. S1.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per case ,
Sl.70:21b lima beens , pc r case. 81.00 : 2 Ib
marrowfat p os. r > er case. S2.402 ; Ib early
JunepeaK , per case , 82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes.
per case , S2.15@2.25:2lbcorn. pprcase , SL'.tO
© 2.10:2 Ib corn beef. i > erdoz. $1.70(32.00. (
JJOPE K inch.Jt > ici ; Incn , lOKc ; U inch ,
DuiF.n FnciT. No. 1 quarter apples , 3 f@
4c ; In evaporated boxes , 94@9c ; blackber
ries , boxes , J(5H ( > > c ; i > eaclies , eastern ,
5Hc ; peaches , evajxjrated , Vt } \ c : Salt
Lake , none Iu maykef raspberries , new. IS
fiil'.ic ; currents , 73.7 } c ; prunes , new , 4B
STARCH Mirror gloss , i lb , 5fc : Mirror
gloss , 3 lb , 5Kc ; Mirror glos , 0 lb , 0c ;
Graves corn , 1 Ib , fie ; Kinpsford's corn , 1
3b , 7c ; Kincsfocd's glots. l lb , 7c ; Kings-
ord's gloss , fi lb , 7 c ; Klujjsford's pure. Sib.
Jfc : Kincsford'sbulk , 4c
OOPFKKS-Ordinary grades , 10 f(3lic ( ! ; fair ,
llfrfllKcjprime. HKWl'-c ; choice. 12J ( iil3. c ;
tariey green and yellow , 13K < 31-Hc * ; old gov
ernment Java , 20.4'2'C ; Interior Java. 10)j < 5
20c ; Mocha , 2ivri4c ; Arbuckle's roasted ,
Iftc ; McLaughlln XXXX roasted , 15c ;
Dilworth's. IWc : Hed Cross. ! ! .
CANDY Mixed , PK < 3l2c ; stick. SK@9Kc.
CUACKF.US ( jarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5 > , 'c ; creams , 6 > vc ; glnt'er snaps , 8'fc ;
CltV MKltt , TUc.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , 52.70 ;
Kirk's fcatlnet.S3.00 ; Kirk's standard. SS.O.J ;
Kirk's white Husslan. S4.00 ; Kirk's White
Can. Sl.5U ( : Dome , 83.N5 ; Washboard. S3.10.
MATCIII-.S Per caddie , 2Sc ; round , per
raise,51.00 ; squarccases , fl.70 ; mule square ,
v i niED FHUITS Kol quarter apples , iV4' ! < a
4c ; in e\auoratcd boxes , U > icayA'cblackber- ;
rit-i , boxes. HJ4@"i ; leaches , eastern , 4 fft
5 } c peaches , evaitoratcd , 15 } c < JlTc ; Salt
l.ako mini ! In market : raspberries , new. 18
( < ? ilic ; currants , WQ7)ic ; piunes , new , 4J ,
General Markets.
Wool , Medium. 17 < SU > c perlb ; flno liPavv ,
1215c ; llglit , 14 17c ; coaree , ISfelSc ; hurry
wool , 4 < 35c off ,
Hums tJreen butcher' . CJ < ( 7c : green
cured , 6' @s 4c ; dry flint , ll@13c ; dry salt ,
' . ' @ 10c ; damaged hides two-thirds price.
Tallovr 3c. ( Irease. prime white. c ; yellow ,
2c : brown , lic. Sheep Pelts , 25(375e ( ,
LEATIIEII Prime slaughter sola leather ,
S2c ; prime oak solo leather , SftgSSc , Upper
leather IHT foot. OCKSSV : ; hem , kip , TSMVxj ;
oak kip ! bSfeftx : : French kip , Sl.OXul.20 ;
hem , calf , 81.OOQl.10 ; oak calf , Sl.OOY5l.25 ;
French calf , SL26il.tJO ( : Morocco boot lee ,
SO'a.'Uc : Morocco oil pebble , 28tj Jc. toppings
and linings , fOCffWc.
itAituwARR iron , rate , 82.25 ;
low st l special cast , 4 < j ; cruclb lesteel , 60 ;
cast tools do , 12"tlt > c5 waon Bjtokes' per sot ,
81.75(33.00 ( ; hubs , per set , Sl.'iV. felloes ,
sawed drr , SL40 ; tongues , eacu , 75c ; arjes.
each. 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. 7(3lic ( : coil
chain , per Ib , 0@l2c ; malleable. GSSc : Iron
wedges , Oc : crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c :
spring steel , 7@Sc : Burden's horseshoes.
(4.40 ; Uurden's mule shoes , S5.4a Barbcp
wire , in car lou. $4.00 per KM Ibs. run I
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , 92.60 ; tU-el nails , J2. ;
Shot S1.06 ; buckshot , Sl.t : oriental
powder. kegS2.W : do. half Kegs , S2.0J ;
do. Quarter kegs.SLSO ; blasting , kegs , Sii" .
fuse , per 10 leet. 05c , Lead bar. Sib.
PAINTS IK OIL 'Wnieeau. Omaha , P. P
HC ; white lead , St. Lculs , pure , S7.75 : Mar-
ellles green. I to 5 ID ram. 'J ; ; French tine ,
errc-ii Beal , lie ; French tine red seal , lie ;
French iinc. In varaisn asst , 'JOc : French
zlnc,75c ; vennllllon , American. ISc ; Indian
red , 10c : rose pink. He ; Venetian red , COOE
sonX'JHc : Venetian red. American. Ujc ,
red lead , 7Kc ; curume yellow , genuine , Sop ;
chrome yplif'W , K. T2eocMe. . rt-choMf ,
oc'ure , French , S'jci ochif. American ,
Winter's mineral. SVic ; U'lilgh brown , a e ;
Spanish brown. 2JVc : I'rince'J mineral , sc.
N Aiisi iiES Barrels , per gallon : Furnl-
ture. e.xtnv SI. 10 ; furniture , No. 1,51.00 ;
coach extra , f 1.40 ; ro.ich , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , SL7.i ; japin , 70c ; n phaitum.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 'S3.50 ; imrd oil Bnlnti ,
briiiiTS Colocne spirits. 1SS proof , S1.14 :
do 101 proof , 81.15 ; , pirlts , second ouality.
101 proof , S1.14 : do Is * prtwf. 51.1S. Alco
hol. 1 < S proof , E2.12 j er wine gallon. Itedls-
tilled whiskies , 81.OOKil.50. Gin , blended.
SLfiWitaoo ; Kentnck.- bourbons SiOCv < W > .CO ;
Kentucky and Pcnnsj Ivanla ryes , ? 2.00C.50 ;
( ioldcn She.if bourbon and 'rye whiklcs
Sl.rpftao.OO. BraniUes lmportcilJ'.Oa S.r > 0 ;
rionipstlc. S1.30a : < .00. ( ! ln , luipoited , 54 M
W < VCO : ilomestlc , 1.2V < i : i. ) . lliampaenes.
imported , i > cr ca e. SiS.otK > Ttt.oo : American.
j rcase. S
DIIY I'AIJT * White lead. N ; : French z'ne ,
12c ; Paris \\hltlnp. 2We ; \ > liltlntr , irllders' ,
2sfc ; whiting , coin'l , ll < c. lampblack , Ger-
manstown , 12c : lampblack , culinary. So ;
Prussian blue , V > c ; ultramarine , lscvandyke ; ,
brown , sc : umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4e :
sienna , burnt , 4e : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
preen , gen ulniv , "i'lc : 1'aris creen. common.
22c ; chrome preen. N. \ . . SOc : chrome green.
K , 12c ; vermillton , Knclish , In oil 70c : raw
nnd burnt umber. 1 lb cans. 1 % ; raw nnd
burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke , brown , ire ; re-
tined lampblack. ISc ; coach black and ivory
black. lOc ; drop Mack. lOc : Prussian blue ,
4V ( : ultramarine blue , ISc ; cnrome preen , i , . ,
M. A 1) . , 10.V . blind and shutter erven. U. M.
AD. , lOn ; Paris cicen , IS ; ; Indian red. l.v ;
Venetian red. lTuscan. : . 22c : American
vernulllon. L. it D. , 20c : yellow oclire , fle : L.
M. * O. D. . ISc ; good oclire , ir * : patent
dryer , Sc ; graining color , llcht oak , dark oak ,
wlanut. chestnut and nh. . 12c
Diit'osAND CUEMICA i.o Acid. CJirbolle ,
2c : acid , tartaric , 5 2c ; balsam copaiba , per
H' , 4"c : bark. nasMfras , per BJ. lOc : calomel ,
perlb Tie : chlnchonliim. ttcroz , 40c : chloro
form , per tt > , 40 c ; Dover's powders , IX.T fi > ,
81.25 ; epsnni salt1 * , per lt > , SH'c ; glvccrine ,
puie , per BJ. ISc : lead , ncetate. tier n > . 21e ;
oil , castor. No. l. per ial. , S 1.51 ; oil , c stnr ,
No. 2 , jxsr gal. , 51.40 : oil. ollve.per pal.S1.40 ;
PoiorlL-annum , 6ic ( ; opium , S3.iO ! ; quinine ,
1. .it AV. and H. AS. . , per oz , TOc ; potassium
iodide , per tt > , S3.00 : saliein , pcroz , 40c ; sill
pbnte morphine , pet oz. S2.40 : sulphur , per
fl > . 4c : strychnine , oz , S1.S5.
Drr Liumoor.
lisn'u ' it-'iort | '
is.rKiTrJEo is.5.1 uuw "IT.O'J'M.CKI.SI.OO '
l.VM 15.W 15..r > J 10.0J 17.03 2i.W ( 2i.l)0 )
' 15.HI l.V.M lfi.50 10.00 17.0U 2j. J 21.1IU
I5.53.la5j I.I.M IC.PO 17.W .IK ) 21.60
2x12 115.5 ' 1R.50 13.M IS-O1 ! 17.00 2l.dO. iuO
16.10,16.1(1) , ( ) I8.M 17.50 1 W 20 W
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 ami 10 ft . S17.50
No. 3 " 12. 14 and 10 tt . 14.75
No. 3 " " 12. 14 and 1C ft . 13.50
No. 4 " " 12. 14 and 10 ft . 12.03
No. 1 , 4 * f. inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . S17.0D
No. 2 , 4 A Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , roul-h. . . 13.5U
1st com. , 12.l4andicft . 521.00
M " " " . 20.00
Fence " " . 1LOO
l tcom. . Jiin White Pitii ! Partition. . . . S33.00
M " " " " " . . . . 27.00
Clear ? B' In. Norway Pine Ceiling . 15.00
A Cinch , white pine . S"fl.03
C Cinch , " " . 2J.OO
EClnch , " " . 17.50
A 12 Inch. s.l B. 12 , 14 , nnd 10ft . S4-UW
B12 inch , " " " " . 42.0J
1)12 inch. " ' " " . 23.03
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s ; Is : 12 , 14 . 1S.50
1st and 2d. clear , l i inch , s. 2 s . SS .OO
1st and 2d , clear , 1 , 3 Inch , s. 2 s . 50.00
3d , clear , 1 inch , s.2 s . 45.00
A select , 1 inch. s 2 s . " 0.00
B select , 1 inch , s,3 s./ . 23.00
No. 1. plainSand lo inch . S17.50
No. 2 , plain.S aiidtO : Inch . 15.50
< \ . * Standard . , . S2.-X )
5-inchclejir. . . . - . . . ! . 1.50
0-jncb clear . . , . l.tV
" ' * " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *
Cedar * A . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i40
Lath . : . 2.35
Quincy white lime ( best. . SO.SO
Cement ( Akron ) , . . . . . - . 1.65
Hair. . 0.85
Plaster . 2.75
Tarred felt , per cwt . 2.00
Straw board . . . 1.55
JIcw wsn. 'll'U Qr Ilbls Pis KtB
20J 110 W 60 40 12 10
Ben's SXN'o 1 L'b 7 00 I 00 : i C52 O'i I 701 5. %
L'ee Glb'd Fancy 5 00 a 00 2 75 I M 1 Ml 50 45
L'ff U'd Sh're F'cy.5 00,3 012 75 1 Sj 1 33 M 45
Uten . l'la O'r Hbls 1'nlls or Kits
300 100 ! 0j 50 10 | K 10
Norwegian I
KKK Her'ngs 14 X ) 7 W6 80.3 SO 3 10. . . . 1 01
Holland licr-
Tines , new. 83
pisn l r BltlRlQr Ilbls P'lKlKts
3 w | w < 0 , 12 10
Ho Would Do to IJcsin AVith , but She
Soon Found Blicccr Game.
Cheyenne Letter : One of the conduc
tors on the overland road tells of a custo
mer that he bad for : i pacsen cr the othur
day. The man was a New Englander of
middle nffe , who had been in the west
long enough to ( ret a pruttr good idea of
the country , and he was eastward bound
not for the purpose of setting dhwn , butte
to secure a a wife , he having pit\kcd one
out by letter , as he said when sneaking
on the subject. \
"You see , " he told the conductor in
one of their confidential conversations ,
"the west is no place for an eloping
woman. I had one of thai kind. In fact
that was the reason I happened to go
wust. Pd been farming in Connecticut
for a number of yean * , ever sinee I was a
boy and the wife of a friend of mine and
1 got to smiling on each other , and the
first thing I knew she was.suggesting that
we skip for the west. Shu hud some
money of her own and was a smart
woman , and its I had always hankered
after a llttlp western adventure I con
cluded to join in. Now , stranger , to tell
you the truth. I've had more adventure
thru ) I eo inted on. In the first place the
woman's husband got on our trail and
clung to it for all one winter , unit in the
next place I lost the woman ,
"mien wo got them I wanted to get a
farm somewheru' ' and settle down , but
she wouldn't do iti Wo went to Idaho
prospecting , andr before wn had been
there n month the madam's head began
to swell. Women arc very scarce up
there , and it didn't take my woman long
to find it out. While 1 wns only n plain
sort of farmer nurn , she pretty soon dis
covered that there wcro judge's , colonels ,
bonanza King's , tilver-miut ) owners , and
big ranchers who were li.tblo to want
wives , and , by eivicky. mister , bho had
lit out with n colonel before I knew it.
They got married , lee , Well. I didn't
have much business1 on hand , and I
thought Pd just chase them. So I fol
lowed. When I caught them in Helena ,
what do you suppose the said to met
Shu said , said site :
"You nre good enough to elope with
from Connecticut , but you nre small po
tatoes nnd few in n hill out here. I'm
only taking advantages of the opportu
nities which a new and growing country
offers. "
"After that I left her alono. You see ,
she was just eute enough to sec that , being -
ing on thu ground , she could marry in
great sliapuif she wanted to , and so Mie
tlirew mo overboard. She's rich now ,
nnd will make a big erdurge in the vast
some day. But what I wanted to say to
you is this : Don't bring any eloping
women out bore. If they elope once
they'll do it again , and them's altogether
too big a premium on them in this sec
tion , The young woman I HIIJ going
Lack after now is forty-one years old , has
never been married , and has taught a
Sunday school class thirty years. "
Cblcapo. Ill New York City.
Cotton ,
Hoiif/Jit ami foJtl fot'tnt'estinciit oren
1'rlvutc wires nml instantaneous
service to
\E1I' YOIilf ,
Members New York Stock Exchange.
Members Xew York Cotton Kxchnnirc.
Members Chicago Hoard of Trade.
Members Xe\v York Produce Kxcltnnge
Inrnrsr.MT.Dnv-R. { W. FINCH , Gc-ncrul
Travi'liiijrKeiit , itooiii lUl'mton House.
On Wheat , Corn. Onts , Voilt , Lnrd nnd H. 1U
PtocVp , forlxinc and Slion Timp. Svnd lorl'rico
Cliculnr. H. 1' . IlAUT A : Co. , 128 Wuslilntrton
St. , Chlcnuo , 111. llclcrcncu : Air.tTU-an l'.x-
cbiinBC National Hunk.
COI. l.KOi : Ol' NEW .1KUSUY ,
NEW .liitbiY.
Ilecular four-rear courte , as follows : 1. Fortbe
detrn-e of Bachelor of Science , a ccneritl coursei : ii >
electlre courses In Chemtrtr ? . lllolocj. UcoluEr ,
MHlhematlrsund I'brilcs. H. V'ortbcdefreo of Clrli
Knrlneer. Including , besides tn ueual professional
ituillcs. npMluillons of Kltctrlclir u > tbe Arts. 1'oit
rroduatc fnstrnctlon In UlBnrrMatbemutlcs.Craphlcs.
AaalTtleal nna Appllol l'nenplrf ; | _ and AssuTlnf ,
llloloxj. Phrslct , and A tronorar. Kntranee oiamin-
atlons bept. 14tb and llth. lsi. For special courses
andotbcr Information applr totbeCollcxeTrcafarer
The Train Hoy's Dcnth.
St. Paul Globe : The little train boy
wns dying. On hisdenth-bcd the sufferer
lay , his emaciated face : ind bands excit
ing pity and concern. No mother's band
smoothed bis brow. No mother's tears
and sobs marked the going out of his
young life. Father , orothcr and sister ,
ho had none. A waif noon the world ,
he , from childhood's tenderest hours ,
had made his own way. Alone he had
waged the battle of life , and from hows-
boy and bootblack to train boy bo hail
worked his own advancement.
An accident in which he had lost his
leg placed him in the hospital. The am
putation proved too much for his consti
tution , and slowly but surely his life
flickered and was going out. A brave
little patient , ho bore all his sufferings
without complaint , save that he was
anxious to get up and take his "run" as
he called it. No one told liim that his
days as a train boy were at an end. A
fever set in , and he became delirious.
Train talk ho constantly indulged in dur
ing his delirium , and made many imagin
ary "runs" into St. Paul on the Milwau
kee road.
Weaker and weaker he became. The
nurse and phyfcician watched beside his
couch. His brow was covered with the
dew of death. His last "run" on earth
was soon to end.
"Do box is on board , " said the dying
boy addressing an imaginary conductor ,
"and yer can't start too soon to suit me. "
They bathed his brow , these strangers
the nurse and the physician , and lis
tened to his strange words.
Dere's jest one thing , " exclaimed the
little sufi'urer , as if talking to a compan
ion , "if I should get kilt on ary of duse
here collision , dat silver tinker oh , yer
know my watch goes ter Cully. Oh ,
what'er yer givin me ? Don't yer know
Cully * Why Cully my old pard. Him
and me done worked together too long
for mo ter forget him. "
"Derc's Winona , " ho said , as if on his
"run. " "I'll take der peaches f rough fer
luck. Oh , its no good. Dcr won't buy of
mo. I'll try der orange racket. 'Tain't
no better , and here we is at Hastings "
"Dp mist is on ; I can't see der river , "
ho said hoarsely , and here we is at St.
Paul as "
Little "Peanuts" was dead.
The Extent of Ills Drunk.
Chicago Titnce.
Mr. Sedewlck has just now becan his in
vestigation of the Cuttlnc affair. The time
it has taken him to get sober Is a fair Indica
tion of the extent of his drunk.
Smith , Kennedy & Co. are closing out
their stock of teas in 0 Ib lots at H5 per
ecnt below their value : these prices arc
for few days only , they are already low.
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPE , .77 ? . ,
Artists' JIatcrials , Pisnos and Organs ,
1513 Douglas Street , Omcha.
Agricultural Implements ,
Wholesale Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
tnd Hurries. Jones street , between Mb
mid 10thOmaha , Keb.
Agricultural Implements ,
WMons.Carriazcs , Bugrtcs , Etc. , Wholesale , Omaha ,
Wholesale Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements ,
IVasons and Bncelcs. * IQ1,9X1 , UU an J107 , Jones it
Butter and Eggs.
Uuyers of Butter and Eggs.
auir and Packlrc llocae , lith and
worth Bt , f. P. H. ) t.TiB > kUicBba.
.Butchers' Tools.
liutchcrs * Tools and Supplies ,
Jos je Cailnzi of all kinds ulwajslo stock , llli
JonetsuOxaba ,
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Mechanic'Tools and Buffalo Scale * . liSi DoueUs su ,
Oicaha , Neb.
LEE , FRIED tt' CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware. Sheet Iron. K'.e. Agents fnr How * bcalce ,
and > llaul Pow 1er\i.tOmahahi'eb.
Wholesale Hardware.
Weitern ncrrti for Jtffnon Sitel Nalli. Aoftln
I'owdrrCo , I'nli aok * N ndird Srtlui. Comer
HtU ( .nd n rner , Hcabi.
Building Materiel ,
Dealer In AM Km Ji of
Building Material at Wholesale.
Utti Street and U't on Paeltle Track , Osaba.
Boots and Shoes ,
Mtnufirturfi-f nd Wholcwile Dealori ID
Hoots and Shoos ,
Compute ttork of UnM r flood * Klw.ij on hand
M > . Ktlli M .Omtbii , Jirt. A. T. Auitln. Acrot.
ir. r. MOUSE .0 co.
of Hoots nntl Shoos.
1111 r rn ni t. . Omnhn. N'rh. Mnnufnrtoiy , Snmtnm
ilrrct. Ik'tlun. '
Apt , for AiiliPHSor-IHirti Hrewlnar Ass'n
l llnml * . 1'nuM. Unitwelier r.nd Ktltnrrr.
NTOltZ .0 7J/J/i\
l.ntror Hnpr Brewers.
1IC1 North l ih Street , Omnhn.N
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
Oinalin Coffee and Splro Mill ? .
TF .OoCi > c , Splcc * . linking Powder. > 1 < TOrln < Bz *
trecti.l-aunarj nine , ink. ic : : 1114 1C lUrntj
Mrrruomibi. Neb.
Home Cofl'ceHiitl Spice Mills MTjr Co.
Coffee no ter nd FplcoOrlnJfr * . SluiuUituivrs
nf lUVmit rnwdrr. Htrnrlnc K lnirt . Mini 'C. I'tr.
Trt ont c onf oirl-8 purlncellomelllcna IliuttoJ
( Vfrcr. UW Howard t. OjonSn. Nrr- .
John Epenotcr , Prop.
Manufacturer of OMtimlted Iron n < l Cornlcf. 853
) > ( xlcc > iiid 103 nnd ITJ N , 10th U. l > m li , Nch.
MunufRrtiirrn of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices.
Dormer Windowc. Klnnli.MeiutlrSkjIlflit.ctc. 10 S.
mn M. , Omaha.
C. Spocht , Prop.
GalranlTPd Iron Pnmlco" . ctr. ppiTfulmrfTcd Pat
ent Mi'Ullc f-kjlli'lit. Hn snd Mil tKih t .lininliiw
.lubbers of
Carpets. Cnrtnlns , Oil Cloths , lines ,
1.11,0'cumn , Maitliie * . Kir 1511 Douglm UrooU
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths.
Curlaln Roods , Etc. 1U3 Ifernuu itrcft ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery anif Motions.
r. L.
Agcnlfor tlioMamifnrturprsand Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , CLIuitiv > > , etc. Office. 51 , Buulli Wlh
OmhUA. Neh.
Commission and Storage ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter , EcK'and Produce. Cflnsienmentt r-ollclld.
lleudquHitere for blonoware , Ilvrry lloxr * and
Umpc llnfkuiv 1114 lodii ! ircetumatu.
Commission Merchants.
Fmlts , Produce nnd 1'rovltloni. Omaha. Neb.
Coal and Lime.
TONETf : "col ,
Dealer ; In
Hard and b'oft Coal.
Office and jard , 1Mb and Nicholas MS. , Omaha , Neb.
Yard Telephone. ( VT7.
OBo. r. 1.AUAUII. Pres. C. F. OooiikUN , V. Proa.
J. A. "USUKKI.AXD , Rec. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
203 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
j. , fTJonysoy a > co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cement , Planter ,
IJme , Hair. Fire Ilrlrk , Drain , Tile and Sewer Pipe.
ffllec. Pjrlon Hotel. Karjiam Ft. , usmlm , .Nrb.
Telephone ill.
jrannfucturiiig-Confectionors ,
Jobbers of KrultfNutt and Clrais. 1211 F rnam St _
7r. E. RIDDELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Elicdaltles Hulter. I'.ggt. Ches3 , Poultrj. Came ,
Oystero. Ktc. , Ktc. 112 South lllh street.
Ay P CO. ,
Produce Commission Jlerchants ,
Ponltry , Uutter. Genie. Fruits , etc , 230 B. Hth tt.
Ouiahu , Neh.
General Commission ilerehant ? ,
And Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Corre
spondence solicited. WKrehnuse and fiflioHUM. .
Thirteenth SI . Omahu. Neb. Telephone T75.
Live Stock Commission.
M. JiiritKE t
Live Stock Commission.
Ceo. nu'ke. Manager.
Cnlon Flock Vardr , B. Omaha. Telephone &S2.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
EMpmenUof unr and all klnda of Stock solicited.
Unionfctock YardsOmaha , h'eb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX MEYER , f ; CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Qcms and Ammunition , 215 loZ l B. mint , , 1033 to-
1JJ4 Knrnumet. . OroabH.Neb.
MannfactnrerH of Fine Cigars ,
Ard Whole alp Dealers In I eaf Tobaccos , Noe.lOS
andllUN.lllb rtrect , Onahu.
Dry Goods.
M. E. s.iriTjr o co , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods &Notions
1103and 1101 Docvlar. cnr. lUh Pt. . OmHha.Neb.
Dittlllersof I.lfjuon-.Aloc.hnlntid Fplrln. Importers
and Jobbers of Wince and Uquors.
iriLLo irsi'Jtiyas DISTILLE' r
CO. ami ILEIl P CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of fine Wines and IJquora.
bolODianufueiurrriiof KecnedvV Kast India Bit
ters end Dumrc lo Uqunrs. 1112 Ilurncy f-t.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Largest Drtiff , Paint , Oil & Glaus llouso
We'tof Cblcoco. Complete Line of DruggltU Hun-
diles. llllllarne/tt.Ouialm ,
Wholesale DtUggistB.
And Dealers In Paints , Oils and Window Olnsj.Omaha ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A , H.BAfBii.Pr s. J.W.ntnrnnn.8ec.iTr ai
K. J. cunsox. V.Pres. and buct.
THE uyj o y im > JtA ULIC
Office 113 8. 14th tt. . Omaha. Neb. Wschlnerr and
Kupplles for Manuftoturloi ! Cerotot Druln Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Enerineers and Contractors ,
Brldres. Viaduct * . Hoof Truices. Fleam Pile Drlflnr
and I'.no nrtde Lumber. 1Mb tt. , near
Karnem , Omaha , .Neb.
P. JtOCCO ,0 CO. ,
Importers and wholesale dealers la
Italian Produce ,
Fureln. Domestic and California Krnlts und Commit'
tlon Merchants. 104b.lubst. Onijrexclusive
fruit house In Omaha.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam St. . Omaha , Kcb.
Furniture , Bedding : , I'plioistery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1S 1203 end 1.10 > l Omafca.
Groccrits ,
Wholesale ( Jroceries nnd 1'rovistong ,
Nci > rft'i.TB. . n tn ! Mth t-t , > a > aha , .Neb.
Wlioloalo Grocers ,
l"h : 'nl lcsrcnworth t . . Omaha ,
ir. , r. jtuo.trcir.
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel ,
Sprint ? . Wkrun Stiirk , llar ln r I.iit : bcr vie , 1JCB
and 1V1I llamej ft . Un.aha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
imd Carriaee Wood Htcxk , Urarj Hardware
Ktr , HIT mid Win Leatrnworth it. . l > m h , Neb.
Stoves , Matures 1'nrnncpH , Tiles ,
Wsnllcs Unites , llra ( io < Kl lCI : and ir3 Tama
Iran Works.
Iron Works.
ht a d Cast Iron lliilldln * Work , Iron Malra.
llalluiK , Iteunis atid < i1rder * , Suiam Knjrlties , llrati
W.'rk. ( ii npral IVunilrr , M cUln < i an.t lllnilfnillh
VortDRiceand W irk . f. J' . Kj.JittdHthHirel.
Wholesale , le\velers nnd Music Dealers.
Uenler * In Sllterware. I > lam udVatcht . ( locks.
Jeweler's T K > ! S and Mntvrtila. rte. MlandltUlMh
U. cor. I
LOI'1S TlllADFOJtn ,
Dealer in Lumber. Liitli , Lime , Sash ,
IK > or , Ktc. Vards-CornerUh ami IK > sla > ; Coiner
I'thtind Ihmilat.
Wholesale Lumber ,
81 < 8.1ltb.ttrcflOm3hik , Neb. 1. Colpctirr , M n KOr.
c. y. DIETZ ,
l"th and California Mrerts. Omah * . N > b.
FHED ir. Git A r ,
Lntnhc'r , Mini1 , Cement , Ktc. , Kto.
Or. Mil iiml Doutltif Mr < hu3tii Neb.
T. ir. irAJirEYLrautEK co.t
To Dealers Only.
Office , MM Farnam streetOmaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring , till and Douglas
( Jioaha.
Wholesale Lnmber. Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. Plate
Acent IorStllwsul.ce Hydraulic femtnt nnd licit
yulncy Whltcl.lire.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
l.imilcj. John F. Bord , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1513 and I'-'IS Hnmej Street , Omaha , Neb.
Arc the only Direct Importers of
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Ncbms Ra. Chicago prices duplicated without add-
Ini ; freight. HIS K-jrnum Mrr-eUOnmtm.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions nnd Fnrnishiui ; Goods ,
imnnd 4K , B. Tenth Ft. , Onuilin.
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing1
W and Itrfl Furnam St. . Omaha , Xab.
JlninifactnrerH of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1103 and 1101 Douclua Street ,
Omnhn , Net ) .
HEES ruiyixf COMTAXT ,
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers.
And Hook Hinders. 100 and ] CH Fouth Fourteenth
street. Omahi , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Trpo. Pre es and Printer * ' Supplies. W )
South Twelfth Street ,
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
MOJtJiTS , P CO. ,
Manufacturer * , Packerand Dealers In
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
Baktnc Powder , flavoring Extract * . Table Sanoe ,
French Musi" " ' Wiih Illulri ; , Cirocerr" fcrtcist'iu
Hole Client * tor York Mute S Dd Ilodut'd .A | > j > lc Ol
der. lU51euvenworthn. . Oinulia.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha .Safe Works.
Manufacturm-of Plrcand llnr/lar Proof Safes , Vault
Door J , Jail Wirk.Hhut ers and Wire Work. Cor.
lubund Jackson ju. , ( Njb , ,
J' . 11OYER ,0 CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.a'
fire and Hun : ar Proof Situs , Tim * lck > , Vaulu
and Jail Wort. IDJi r'Hrunm fln-el Omaha , Jieln
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISItROir tfl CO. ,
Wboletale Slunuf nctureis of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulding ,
Iliancb office , 12th and liard tU.OuiabaNeb ,
G. F. LYJfAy ,
Sash , Door , Illinils , Mouldings ,
Building Paper , etc. 1001 South Thirteenth Street ,
Om&ha , Neb , A complete stock cf Ilulldera'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
lloulcllrci.FUIr Work and Interior Ilsnl Wood Plnlcb
Just opened , N , K. for. fath aiid leavenwortbbla.
Oiuaba , Neb.
tP CO. ,
Wholesale PUIIIJIH , Pipe , Fitting's ,
Ste munil Wuttr Sunplin. llcadquincn 1 r Maet
t'oailCo'iUuodt , llll Karnnnj n. , < nuub , Neu.
PnmiiB , Pipes and Engines ,
BUm , Wuter. lUllwur * nd Jillllnir Bupiillet. Eta
100 , va nd IT.'t Kurntim it. . Oiu h , Nf b.
U. S. irfyi > ENGINE ami PUMP
n IUdir Wind lllllii rleata und Wtt r fiuprllef ,
PiuniUmitGCM'di. lleltlnir. lloi . VI' rd STJU far *
ouiniU , Omnhit. 6. K. Vclloa , Muniiiier ,
Telephone No. 210.
Trunks ,
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlltard lintel Block , Omaha.
Wagons and Carriages.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
( 1V4. )
1409 and 1411 Dodge street , Omaha ,
White Lead.
Strictly Pnrn White Lead ,
SWb vtrcclund I' P Itr Onikha.