THE OMAHA DAILY BEJS i JFJKIDAY , SEPTEMBER 17 , 188(1 ( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements underthl he'd , 10cont per line lor the first Inwrlion , 7 cents for each ub- sequent Infcrt'on , and flJO n line per month No advertisement taken for less tlmn " 1 cents for the first Insertion. Porcn words will bo counted to the lines they murt run consecu tively and must bo paid In advance. All aaver tlscaicnts mun bo handed In before 2 o'clock pm.iind under no clrcutn'tances will they betaken taken or illfcontlnucd by telephone. 1'tirtliadvcrtlflntr In the'u iolumn nnd lmv Inp the answers nOdri : ed In euro of TIIF. HEF. will plcae Mk for n check tot-nnblo lliem to Rot their letter ; " , M none will bo delivered except on prcfcrttntlon of check. All answer * 1o ad- rcrtiacmcnU should > > o enclosed In envelope ? . " 1O X.OAJ7 HONEY. $ .10,000 to loan. Sums { 503 nnd upwards , Lowest rates. Hcml , lth and Douglas sis. BOS . F. Davl * .t Co. llcal i l.statennd I/jan Agents IMS Tarnain st , rm \ ONIJV TO l.OAN-On real estate and chnt- I tel * . 1) K Thoma * , nil MOXKY 10 LOAN-IiumfTriO-fl mui upnnnlson first-class real estate stcuritr. Potter A Cohb , 1615 Tarnnm sL fcIS MOM5Y I.OANKli at C. F.licccl Co's.I-onri oIDcp , on furniture , pluno , horK > BuuKoim , xiraonnl property of all Itlndo. nnd nil other nr- tlelcnof vnlue. without removal. 3111 8 13th , over HlriHlinm's Coinml < Nlon sturc. All liusl- ness strlrlly oonndentlitL ' fi3 ! Hcnl p tntolonns. Collnirral lonni. ( * lialtel Ion in. I/on ? tlmo lonni. Short tlmo limns. Jlnnpy alwHyg on band to loan on any approved - proved wearlty. InvcHtmcnt M-cnrltlea bought nnd sold. Cull lit Mi olllcn of the Oinnliu KliiHticinl cz- chniiKOrrond floor of the Ilnrkor block , t. w. cor. of nfteAiithnnd Karunm sts. CorbeVt MunitKnr. _ 7&S _ MoNKfro I.OJV.NAt lowest rates of Inter- o t n farms and Improved city property. Y. J. D r .V Co. , room ( i , Cmnso liloek , S. li. corner Cupllul nenuo and llltli street. 8.T8-0.0 07 AXIi 8 I'l'.K C'K.ST mouer to loan ou 5 farm ? nnd city property. L. P. Hammond , Jtoomn , ir > 2SIoiiKl&-S sU , Omaha. 7W ( djrx 00 Toloimon OniHtia city property nt 0 'T per cent. Interest. G. W , Uay. over ] : i2 ! Vtt " _ _ _ I'KIl CKVT TToney to oan. J. J. Mtihonoy , 1609 Farnntn. IOT _ ' " "I'KIl CENT money to loan. R C Pattprt-otT J3th nnd DoiiKlas. C J _ 07 , nn < c porci'iit money to loan. Mortkraios 9 tnkeu In exchanco for rcml estate. Central Investment Co , llootn 7 , llarkerUlocki.or 15th nnd KarnMn. iTJO _ WK haTO eheap money on lonir time , in any quantity , to loan on innldo city property.or farm Innd. Marshall It Lobcck , 1611 1'aniam st. _ _ _ _ _ W' _ _ TVTONKY TO LOAN At lower rntostlmnnuy- J.TJL where olpo In the city , on furniture , plnnos , nrgnns , horses , wagons , or stock of any kind. Itomember , nt lower ratrs th n any other loan oompany m thn elty. City I/oan & Morttrairo Co. . room 15 , 1401 Tamom st , opposite Paiton hotel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C05 _ MOSKV to loan by the underslttnoil , who has the only properly ornnnl/ed loan nirenoy In Omnhn. Ix > an ; of 1 10 to 1 1,000 mndo on fur niture , plnnos. organs , horses , wasons. machin ery , 4a , without removal. No delays. All business errlctly contldoutlnl. Loans to made that any pnrt can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reductnir the cost pro rata. Advances raadoon flnn watches and diamonds. Peroons Fbouia carefully consider who they nro dealing with , as mnnr new concerns nro dally eomlnir Into cxlMrnce- Should yon , need moner. cull and BC m * . "W. It Croft , Room 4 , Wlthnell 3tiilldtacirth nnd Ilnrncy. _ OS 6P Klf CENT Money to loan , Stewnrt Ic Co. , ItooraSI , Iron bank. 1-lh nnd Fnrnam. 007 CKA2TCBS. TT'Olt SAI.I" Ilnrber shop centrally located , JL1 irood reason for Belling1. AddrosB , O. n Ilco onico. * 416-17 * Tj-OIt SAI.K A Dairy of TO cows , nearly all JP frojh.wlth nil appurtenance , Including horse power , ern mllUdollrory team and \vapon nnd n Rood milk routo. Terms easy. Immodlnto pnesottilon. Ennulro ot Sum'l J. Ilowoll , olUco . ' 17 S. Hth. ' U89 1OK S.M.IA Rood restaurant business 1 Enquh-O B07 N. IBth 8C 223 17 * "VXTANTI5D A partner to jrolntb nfrood. pay- f Insr business ; oxnerlonco not necessary ; only ftoir hundred dollars required , Address O I , Bee office. ! B2 18 FOH SALK Implement store nnd blacksmith chop , combined or oparatod , In ono of the liveliest towns In Nebrnt-ka. For further par ticulars uddrcES L. D. , ] > est box 104 , lleoinor , Nob. W3 03 * TjlOR SALE One of the best hotel properties -L tn the state : oil-lit thousand dollars , flvo thousand cash , balance on Ion ? tlmo , sold on nocountof sickness. Address J. n. N. . Albion. Kebr , CT4 IB * * BALE Ono of the oldest cstnbllsbcd IrOU 1 business In the city , with a very larRo , well-paylnR traflo. Will exchange for Omaha real estate or part cash and balance secured - cured notes. Good reasons eivon forsnlllnp. Address 141M JonoS. ' . 7 FOK SAI.K Or trade for Omaha property. The best located livery business , with stock In the city. Lone lease of burn at cheap rent Mnjno Ilros. , 1511) ) Farnam. 441 ' 8ALE-An old and well established H'OU Kiocsry buslncES , address L 10 , Hueofflco. . 195-8-21 * Fan HAI.TC Flrst-clasi meat marKet with nice fixtures , all complete : Rood trade ; best of reasons for colling. Call or write to Ceo. W , Musson , 1021 IIownnL 015 H IOIISKK IxjU.Farros.Lands money loaned. HoinLs. lfth nnd Douglas streets. 618 COST. STHATnn-From cor. 22d and Clarke sts. . ( i light bay mnru with halter , white star In forehead. Return to.ILJaeobborEor. 3HV17 * STUAVF.D-Sopt U , brown colt , 4 months old. Liberal reward for Information where bo in. J. W. Harblmll.2l B. ! 3dst. 413 T OST Small green parrot , ono crippled foot. J- < Return to UVJ Jackson Bt. und get reward. 41217 * I OST An order hook , will bo liberally rewarded - . / warded If returned to llrcnnan & Sullivan , nisS. 13th st , 40218 * T OST Monday , 14th , black onyx bar pin In- J-J _ lnld with | Knrls In shape of Hheaf of oats. In North Omaha ; return to city marshal and got reward. 33121 * LOST From th st , south of Ilanoraft , a tmcktkln mnro | ioiiy. whlto strip In fnco. Ilrnnded on both sides. Wart on breast. f3W for return. W..anif. . 3&-1-17 * OTOLi.N From Florence Sept 12 , a while O miirp nna light Racine wagon , mnro with whlto bula no > o. Last seen driving about 1 miles nnrlh of Florence Sherllf oltors fso re ward for recovery of proporty. Janios II.Uo- land. 3H-17 * LOST A flno rod knit shawl , about r o'clock Saturday evening. Leu\eat this offloo and KOt i cward. 2ill ] j * < IST CLASS tnblolionrd for pcntlemmi and . wife , or single gontlomrn. In private fam ily ; 114 North 18th tl > ct Dod.e and Capitol live. 3M.J8 * nO.VRD And lortglngs , at 323 N. 15th Bt. 818 TjlOUHALK-Ortraao. Horse , Pheatou nnd -i-1 harne i , for peed lot not far Irom towjn .it 1) . Altman'n.OUN.lUthgt.biit California and Wt > bbtfr < > tr < > ots. IS IItSONAI ! < Instruction ( 'ivon In common or higher braucb a by Mrs. J. I. Kugle. 814 8. ai7 15 * WANTl.n-rupils for Ocrmnn and Lntin , palnslakinv care , coiuiiatiuicy , success ; ndd rcss M I'J lleo ollit-o. B. < 5 O b * SAL-Ncat and tatty ll-wool bu'lnesa J. BUiU , $7. U O. Jonei i Co. . American Clothier * , 13tt Fnniara it. Mull order * filled. . 050 NO IlKltKlNAl Wanted Private tutonhln-Mu- slf. AI ; Inn uagoB. Kngilsh subjects. Thor- ouirinuemcUnivy ! , > I 1W IJee olllce. i. l 8O6 * KHSUNAIMM. . L I.Tnomai , teacher of jiHlnllncanilmmle. 1811 Du oiiportm.MH 30 KltSONAL-Pinno nJ violin taught pri- vutcly ; instruction of Ilrst order ; Professor , care Max Jltyor. b 6 U5 * .1KRSONAI/-MK. Dr. Nannn Y. Warren -t rhilrvoyant , MfJIcal nnd business Medium jtlocra No , a. )2l Noit'u ICth tt , Omaha , N b. _ _ _ 819 PriluONAi , TO buy real estate , to borrow money , or got an atstrurt of tltlp. jro to the olllce of U. U Patterson , 12th and Douglas. 433 TTlOItUUNt-Sqaaro I'luao I'J raouilUT. A JJ Hope , 1513 Douglai. \ A.STKII-To SciT-A wi-li cHuUmhtsl paying butter Rn4 or _ bu.inrssnt a j.-3o4 Apply by loiter Jo O JO , JJi.o olfice , Nob. tj | . | STF.NOOHAPHY nna Typewriting schooL Rooms 7 and 8 , Iron bank. G , W. linker , 190 _ tc > plnnted iroo for -pr.t on buylngof IX > iglas l'o. Nur orles. C.O. Howard. Prop. . l O-Jwr 2yL ( _ K"7-nl2 * _ * [ 7loit iliNT Fqunre Piano , tl raonthTr. A JL1 Hoipo 1513 Dougla * . C21 P on HINT : Organ" , JS per month. Ho po , 1513 Doupla * . G22 ron FOUSALK-Ono milch cow , 1T07 Cn . ! 3 21 * 170K SALU Clirnp , tioil-spriiKr'dnd mnttrc 9 , In'inlro Prtul llouhniokc , Courtnov .tCo. , 2Uh and DavenporL 343 IS' UfALn Furniture of 10 room boarding house , house for rent , I5M Jnck pn t. tJl'M ALi-Kitchen furniture , 718 N. I7tll JL" 41.V16' IiWHl SAIr-Ooo < l Mjtiid imlrilrlrlnir or work lioi > c < . wcUht hctiroon 12JO nnd IKO ) well mntcliO'l , Rniid 7 jours old. Apply nt i Morc > , cor " "tn nnd rarnatn. 2JS 16 * ITIOlt S.VI.i ; Hnnil.'Onifinnro piano , nrnrly now , for ICM tltnn half price , far cn'h or lti tiillmcnt ; 411 N,14th. ! 112 ai _ 17IOII SAM * CaiFernph , In good onlr-r , * 5. JL1 Address MM , Hco. TOM9 FOU KALI : tec In cnr. loml lots. Address Gilbert Hn > K. , Council llluffg. tS ] 1 Foil SAI.K nml lcn o of hotel. Address Hydvr House , Stromsburir. Nub. 107 ! Foil SAI.K rurnituro andl ca o ot six-room lioiifo , tlmo on part. Call I'.tK : Nortli L'Ttli strcot , two blocks from lied Car lino. M > 3 H loaned. lleinli 15th nnd Dnuvlai streets. C2I I Oll H.VI.K Two No. l.pccond hnnd , canopy ' topHurroysnl n two peed , locond hand plmclon ? , at HU'.t ' Dodjc street. 233. FOR SAI.lI Cnenp. iron columns nnd win dow cnpultnl > li9 for fronton brick build- Ing. For pnrtloulnri apply Btthhonico. 813 WANTKD-Rlrl for trcncral hou o worlc. Cull after 12 o'clock 1-U Davenport 8 1. 41t > 18- _ _ WANTCt ) Good plrlfcr ffencrnl housework In prlvuto lionnlln house. Apply at fill 8. 12th BU : ! 74 WANTUD 3 or 4 lady cnnvnssor ? , cull at cor _ Ifith nnd Davenport. JI.VI BQ * ANTIID-A jrlrl lu fmnlly ot throe. 2115 Ciillfornla st. 361 17 _ _ \\TANTBD A peed rlrl for prnernl house work. IiHUlio ] of C. Ij.KrlckRon.opp. pOKlolllco. 311 18 WANTED-Ono hundred plrls for cltv. peed places nnd { rood wiiecs. Omnhu Uniploy- muat liureiiu. 118 N.lOth 8t. 358 _ \\TANTii > -At 2M1 , S. E corner St Miuy's * avo. and id St. , n pocd competent Klrlto ( lOR-oneral lioiisowork ; must b u K < > od cook , washer innl Ironer ; Gcriunnor Irish pieforred. 3718' _ WANTUli-Ono lady , two youtu men. Must speak Gorman. To learn bODKkeeplns. Slttmtlong. J. U. Smith , 1GU Chicago st. aso 16 * > Girl for coneral houseworK. Good wases. 2511 St. Mary's avo. WSJ IB. V\rAJl"TUI > One dining room jrlrl nnd ono T > dish washer. Planters' House , cor. Dodge A10th. . 3 3 1C > 'AJ4TKU Good clrl forteneral housework nt 1415 Jones M. 371 WA > TKI > First-class cook , woman pre ferred , at the European hotel , 10th and Jones st. : ! IMO * ANTKI Uuttonholo makers at tlio Omaha shirt factory. 303N. ICth st. 317 "TXT'ANTIJU A jfirl for jreneral housework , > two in family wajfos f4npplyMrs. II. J , Windsor 2210 Howard St. ncar22nl. 417-17 * WAN'TKD A ( rood Gorman woman cook at the Farmers * house , cor. llth and Harney St * . 31P16 * \ \ 7ANTKIaood tfrl in smal family. In- 11 qnlro2 < il3Cumlnf. ( 2M 19 * ANTKU At 1KB Howard M. . a rcllablo kitchen Plrl. Must bo tfood cook , washer andironcr. German or Irish preferred. Mrs. Chits. Turner. , 182 W .VNTKO A Birl to do K 'neral housework must bo a ( rood coolr , JS13 Webster. 157 W Sdlnlnsrroompirls. Idlshwa'shcr. Miller's rcBtauniut.lOJl X. 16th street U40 WANTED Girl for general housework In Email family. Mrs. Thos F. Hall. 1541 Sherman avo. 913 WANTED-Ladtcs to worlc for us at their own homos. $7 to $10 per week can bo quietly mndo. No photo , painting ; no canvass- intf. For full particulars , please address at onco. Crescent Art Co. , ID Central st. Huston , Mass. . Hoi 5170. yOIOll * W ANTED A irir for penoral housework at 1524 Sherman a vo,3 j house north of G nice w ANTEI > Head cook at the Famous res taurant 319 S llth St. 76'J WAJ Girl forgenoral housoworlc.Oer- inan preferred. No. 1019 Capitol avenue. WANTKU-GirlatlOS S i5th st. for jrpneral housework In email family 4Of WAA'TKU 2i young ladies onu ccuts to learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentRood. Address W. J. li. room l.Crounso lilof-k 18th at. Omaha. 025 W.A-HTED UAI.E iJEI.P. \\7ANTED First-class tailor by the week , I > tlfi. Inquire 810 Uroadwny , Council IllulTs , IOW1X. 423-lb * 5f\7jVNTKI brlsht boy between 10and 17 II years old at the Camlcld .Manufacturing Co. , cor. llth and Douglas , up-stalrj. Aiply ) at once. 422-17 TV7ANTKD 1'xperlonced cook , must furnish 11 reference. S. W. cpr. 21st und Cuss. 31 > fl 18 * WANTED A few men with reference to In. troduco a ilrst-class gpccialty , entirely now hero ; uocomnotltlon ; big success In other cities ; $25 to $10 per week can be realized by any young or middle imod man willing to tlovoto OtoU hours n duy. JL O. Co. , 1207 Farnam st , 377 TYTANTKD A good live man well acquainted > > with trade In Nebraska , Dakota and Wyoming , to handle staple line of syrups find preserves on liberal commission , Must make territory regularly and have seed reference. Address St. Jo.'rph Bugar Preserving Co. , St. | ihTlo * " U3L17 W ANTil > Ono or two tick makers with ma chines. Apply ut S07 N. 17 St. after a p. iu. 4I1-17 * WANTDD A few good agents , call nt cor IBth nud Davenport. Room 20. ! U2 20 * WANTED Young men out of employment or earning loss than SJO per tyeeK will find It to their Interest to call and Investigate u just boiiiu : started hero ; rvforences O. K. Lee , Manager , 12U7 Varniun. 370 WANTED A number one mitchor to work In a ebon , must boa good uuttcr mid BUU- satfo mnkcr. via wfll jmiy good wagoi nud give ftcady employment Roferoucoa ronuirod. Maybury , HuUerA C'O-NclLjh , Nob. S12 lb STKD-Two or Vhroo eood solicitors for i Llfo Insurance : n plan superior to any now In use ; cull ntofUco of Vrnvident Bnvintri Life , 1210 Douglas street , IS to l o'clock nnd 6 to H p. m. . U37.10 \V ANTKI > njiorjjotle mou to Roll now upe- claltyln thoVrtyon jnWBll.-nonts.--Call la forenoon at 1301 Doujrlu street , room I. . . . S40-IC * \\7ANTKD-A xood saoonil Smith k Loorkp , bakorj , No. 6.13 Main Btrcot , Oou neil Illuffa. 94-lD' UMNTHI ) Installmentcunvnesors local ) nt 1207 Farnam Et. und aeo wbut o have to offer. 0.15. Lcel n-Lfftr. UTS T\r"ANTlfO A imrohasor fora hardn-aro stock r 1 and trade in a goo4 loi-atlon , llutlncss good. L. W. Whitney , Ilurnott.Nob. ins24 * . . . JJIJ Newspaper press feeder. Suite Jouiuul Co. , Lincoln , Neb. 612 "lir.VKTJil ) A oisar nalcsman ; ono wuo uus > f an established trade In Nebraska otiUlda of the lU'publlo.m valley ; reference ruauired. Address P. USalinger. . AlohUuu. Kan. KM "T\7"ANTKI > A tow nctlvo younf meu > > character anil addrcM to so to Iowa. J. H. French li Co. , room 10 , Uushiuaa llloclc. 378 20 * ' \\7'ANTUI A first cl si bookkeeper ; one > vlth acqualntancarlth Omaha people pro- ferroJ. Must UUTO rood references. Address O4lloootUco. 4W IB \\TJ\NTI : 11-2 oont m4cr * ut ai H. 12th B l \ peed pricca yaiJ. Krunk Vodickn. 40918 * \\7 NTE7)onBfulai ; : oiiB. Oocxt eaiary.or ' 60c on the dollar to wholesale my s oodg. Itaro clianoo to tuaku money. No competition. Strictly business. None but builnot * men ncxl apply. Addrcifvali ttainp | \ U Waiver. Ju- Ulatiapolls. Ind. ; o S _ \ 'ANTKlJ-j boreri for railroad work. E. 11 S. Albrlfbt Labor Agency , 133 ° Faraam , WAJITED. \\'ANTKD I'o'ltlon as bookkeeper ° " odlco I 1 work of nny kind , by competent youn married man , salury not o much an object ai pormnnrnt place , ( iood reference * . Address - dross M 72. llceoHlct' . < 1 19 * _ " \\7ANTKO Situation , by nyounlaiy ( expo- i ' rlonccd In court report In c and annum- 'cn ls M ork. Ad Jress O 0 , Ilco ollice. 41S 17 * \ \ ANTii ) A situation bj n stout , active * f younir man as porter In a wholesale house. Ad-Ires * O I. Ilopomce. 8H < ! \\TANTICD 1'os tion In retailer wholesale II buslne . l'ro ent occupation , trnxcllig for Ohio lioii'O. Host of references. Address O7 , lltooniec 4W-17' " \\rANTKD- An eipcrlencod German cook ' r wotiM llko a | .o ltlon In an KnglMi fnm- lly , Bildrers > I 71 , lleo onico. _ 30 17 * T\TANTiM7-T"p < > siTloh by n tlr t-cla rdni- 1 1 K ! : nnd pharmacist , Addro. W. U S. care H 1 , Clark Drag Co. Host ot references. - 3t2.16 * -A Kentlomntiof lirao experience ' as travollnfr salesman de lrcs ponitlon. Ila * cxtunxlveRoqtinlntHttrc throuub Colorado and totrltorles. Address JI f5 , lleo oilier. \\7"AN rKii-ro itloii as copyist or T Keeper by a > ounirlidy. Addre M. 01 , lleoonicc. a.0 ! Position ot nyklniTliy" miuili ' yenrs old : coed address and steady habits. Address M. ! \ this olllco. U2.I 10 * iAN rii > Intnlly sewlna br the < la > or 1 week. Adilrc5Bl 33 ItaA onico. 10) Irt w AN1TD-Po ltion. A first class baker would like to Utke chargou ! u shop. Ad- 21 , JJc < ! olUco. . 84S17' WANTKl > An experienced abstractor wants employment In Omaha or elsewhere. Ad dress M 46. lice ollice. 2ltl 1C * MISCELLAITEOUB WAMTS. WAXTKIi-IloardlnK boa-with out nt forW men for * tnieklnylnir train. AlbrlKht's Labor Agency , 13U4 Fnrnnm. 41l \\rANTKD To procure npcrmnncnt homo In TT n private family , by younp married couple , ouM like parlor and bed room.nlso lioitril. Itofercnccsieiiulrod nnd Kivcn.nndress O3 , lice olllco. 4UJ 10' "VVfANTED At once , or by Oct1st , a house " ofSorO 1001119. centrally located , by a coed paying tenant , for n Ion ? time , In a neigh borhood wtiero no nuotlotis are asked. Ad dress , statins location and rout , M.51 , lleo offlcc. 3l 1C * TT/'ANTin > To rent by Oct. 1st , IIOUROA to ? rooms convenient to business. T. K. San- born , \m \ St. Marys. -HMD * WANTKD THO or three rooms for llffht houokeeplni { In desirable locality. Address - dross M 0 < , Ilco otlice. 310 17 * \\'ANTI"n Hy ayouitcr man ot nond cliarnc- ' ' tor , the ncqunlntnnco of a rospoctnlilo woiklii ( ? lrl ; best of roferouccs Rlum Ad- Uro'S JL W3 , Hco ofllco. 317 1C * T\7ANTii Position lu n bunk by n youn ? TT man. Will KlveJiost references. Address , It , lock boi SO , Audilbon , Iowa. 3.'i7-'J.T WANTii ) 1 want to rent a good 7 or S room house In k-ood location. I'nmllr of four persons. NochiMren . Address M , Oi , HOP of- llci- . ' yi4 \\'ANTBI To buy druir store Inn thriving 11 Nebraska town. Address with particu lars M 45 IK'O. 201 IG WA > "Tii > Agents silling hardware , drnirs or groceries , to Immilo a sldo line on com mission. Address , Agent , care Lord & Thomas , Chicago. 317 Ib * " \\7ANTUn-To give away some L'lOJ yards of li earth p'lod up nt 044 South Seventeenth street. A liberal bonus will bo jrivi-u to thn men who takes IU Go , examine , the pile and send your bU to T. J. Fitzmorrls.Hco olllce. WANTKD Evening-employ mont.bookKeep- Inu or otherwise. Address , 11. C. McClurc , Land Department U. 1' . It. It. Co. 1UJ ' Teams. T. Murray. CIS BEHT HOUSES .LKD I.OT3. molt IciiNT Srnom S house thrt'o blocks JC ? from the pnto3ico ; iilsolurnlturo for fiale. Call at 151U Dodito st 421-10 * _ FOR RKNT House on Dodffo St. luquiro SOW lodfu st. 3M 17 * FOH HHNT Cliolco residence , 0 rooms , all modern Improvementsdesirable location. Knquiro United States Nat'l bank. 410 18 OR UENTWi-room cnttace , 121S Irene st . bet. Hamilton and Chariot * Apply-Omaha shirt factory , 315 N. ICth St. ; I4'J 111 KK.VT-Store , 20x5i , corner 2Slh and" 17011 1 Douglas. Good location for grocery. In quire tl.0 S. lOthst. ' ; iUi-10 * ro it IIINT Ono half brick store , 22x$3 , In Grand Island. ( Hniti-furni'iiliiff goods 01 millinery preferred. ( Jood opening for a lUo muii. Correspond with ICnapp Bros. , boots nnd ebocs , Grand Island , N'ob. - > 2 25 OH ilKNT Tlouso 7 rooms with barn.2440 Capitol nve < - 201 ICj i Fult IlKXT A3-room house and a C-'room house , 1091 Nsotli street Apply to M F. Martin.318 SlSthstrect 1 4 _ _ _ TjiOItl'KST Several first class B-room oot- X1 tages. S. T. I'pto on.cor 15tn DouRlus. 110 TTtOlt IlKNT 5-room cottaso. Hnrnoy near -I ! anti.jso per month. S , A , Sloman. 1512 Farnam et SflJ Tjioli "UKNT Good P-room house modern - 1Improvements. . Inquire 1313 Farnam. 710 Foic HUNT A Ptnr , peed locality for dry roods , boots and shoes. Inquire 141" S. 13th st. Cb8 _ "TjlOH HUNT Now C-room house. 1 mile from X ? P. O. .city water , etc. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat'l hank. _ 740 F iHlKB.NT The German M. K. cliur = h oulld- Ini ? , on the southeast corner Twelfth nnd Jackson streets , for nnv legitimate business. 1C. CLPattorsoji13th iind DQUglas. _ 431 T71OH LEASE SVo have eleven acres on J. P. - I"It 1L track , 800 feet front : will lease all or partfortlvovears. Bedford A : Souor. iU7 EEHT EOOMS. E OH UKNT Nice furn'shed room.wlth board ; best location , 1303 Farnam st. iti4 ! iil * FOR HiNT : With board , furnished rooms , _ _ 17 ] in Cass St. 403 SI * POH RENT Two nicely furnleheo rooms , 20SI ) Farnam sL 3S7 21 * _ T71O11 HKNT First class furnished room nnd J board , 1314 Capitol avo. 3b2 2J * FOIt UKNT 2 rooms for light houecKcoplng , completely furnished ; al-o largo front room tor 2 _ . Enquire ut Exposition Cigar and News depot , cor. 15th and Capitol avo. . 401. Oil ItKNT-Olllcu room or iiR-ont's Iioaili iTiiir tors in Exposition building. I'miulro at room 1 , Exposition Clear and News 15th and Capitol avo. 403 TTiOK JIIJVT Larffo corner room , east and JL south front , well iurnUhed. suitable ! or2or 4 L'tmtlcmcu. Odd fellows' block , lull nnd Dodge. 407 Ib' _ OR UK XT Pleasant furnished rooms at 019 northj tlistreit. _ _ _ _ _ 40J > IJKI ; { UKNT Front parlor and furnUned beiT J. room , 1B15 Dodgu , asqi7 1J10K UKNT-Furnished rooms. 3SOJ Dodco Jp _ street. _ 3:0 * 0 * TT1011 HUNT Desk roam , room 2 , Frenzor , JJ blocit opposlto P. O. _ 37U.17 FOR UKNT Two or three large , pleasant Iront rooms , lurtiishoj , without board , to CCiitlomau and wife. AJdro-s , M 70 , lleo otlice , SCi 17 _ POH HKNT-Nlcely furnished rooms , 1613 Dodt/o. U331U * _ Fl lt ItKNT A desirable front room. 6 blocks from opera house , for pontlcraan. Hoard if desired. OIL'S. Kth st. ° 3S3 IB * EOH ItKNT Iurnlshe ( > parlor and connecting bedroom , with use of piano ; 411 N , 14th . , n .1,1 TTIOH UKNT F.leirantly furnished rooms with -L first class board , at I'eabody House , 1403 Jonoi. All modern conveniences. ll'j IT * "iroi ; UKNT-Kurnlfhod ro < ra 2aw Douiflas. JJ 3J ) ID * _ Foil KIJNT One fiiniished room , 433 North 15th at. UeforcncesrcMiulred. 333 16' TJ > OU iiKMT SH N 19th stTono or two jjen- f ; tloraen suit of rooms. Modern conven iences. aat ib _ | TOU HENT-Nowly funilsbod suite of tfont J- rooms , water , fc'ai and bath , 1815 Capitol n venue. tiia 17 * _ TT10K BKNT-Nlcely rumlshed room. 2JII Su JJ Mary'saya. SJ4 _ TT\OH \ UKNT To gentlemen , larje , w ll J-1 nUhed front room , trithlaruo closet : fl u month for one. 1713 California st at 18 THOU HUNT Furnished front parlor or Tmrl ° r JL' and Uoi room. Apply at Coi North ITlti st. _ TTA Olt llUST-Nowlr furnished rooms. 31i B. JJ leib.oor. 16tn li Harney , SJQ-17 * TTIOK Itlijrr Nlcclr furnished room for 1 or J2 f eutlemeu , mciluru conrenit-ncea , 610 N. 17th gt. 174 _ _ Y'OUNG MUX-Dtmnna ulceljr furnlsned room with USD of butti and gM , call at sw corner ot Webster Iluard c&n be bad cloia by , T7IOK lfKXT-J'lea int furnished rooms. Jouth front bliek flat , boird can bfl had neat door. Apiy ) V M15ChlCni-o U 912 UKSf FJrnUhoa room * , 1001 llown.M. j _ v JU L _ - * 744 - UKNT Fiirnl h < xi rooms foTSlrhi liouo koepms In Hocmor's block cor Kightli and HowartL _ . _ _ _ _ . _ nolt 11K.NT Ihrrtjtiou . rooms. 519 Pleasant -1 1C 'I. 7MO.2 frioit ui : > r NTw furnished room.SMI fct , JMnry'g arc . 7C3 _ Foil S.\li-l'arlor oedroom nnd kitchen furniture carpeti.ranfro and hcatlnpstovo * . allnoirlynow , araiiflp her o flvo years old , all at n tmtraln , Kl < iSiir up housekeeping , 2514 Douglas t. i * t v _ & 2T > Ftut UINTrpiv omoo spnco * for rent , ono with front window on ground floor. I'nqulro of J . S. IlfcharJson , 1 JOJ Fnrnam st. . 436-Scpt-IJ J \7A''AXT LOTS In nil parts of the city. i llnn cnm Place , llawihorne , Omaha Vlo-v , llodlord , Urclmrd Hill , Arlington , Kilby Place , C < rthuno. Jerome Park , Klrkwond , WustSlilo , Plalnvlew , Pruj n Park , bprinpdalo , iMko View , Creston. Como nnd see us. Telephone 83L A Hndtoy. MIS IVniplns St. ,190 I [ Hill 8AL15 Atn bargain on easy terms , 3 lots In Washington square , each $2,00. ) . The best corner In Ilauscom I'laco , 100.xlflO , House and Iot30xl40cor. 19th nnd Paul street , f2.4M. 1509 Farnam street , Marshall & Iobcck.3W3 roilSALK-,1. b. Kx-nns * Co. , n beautiful corner lot on ICth st , north , for J1.750. 3W 17 KKAL HSTATR HAltGAlN-120 foot on Satin dersst. , tfl.S'l' ' ) : ftt feet front corner on Baumlor * . St. , KJ.GOJ. J. L. Klcu & Co. , over Horn- inorclal Nat'l bank. 331 16 Foil SAT.B-Houso nml lot on 20th street only Ji , n. House und lot on 18th street M.OOO. House and lot on Miami bt , flM > } . Good barn , full lot , near street cars. A nice lot In Plain-view only House and lot In Omaha View S1,00)I90 casn , balance J12.W per month. Lots in BhrlverI'laco 1125. 'S monthly. Before jou buy call and sou me , H. W Hunt ress , J3W ( Pnrnnm street. 2M-18 FOIt SALi : Howling Oroen lots at f I 1. 10 percent cult and * 5 per month. Olfcrstho easiest and surest Investment to double jour money In n year of nuy proportv In the suburb an market. t ou this Dna property. Marshall iLobeekAgents , OW 1503 Farnam street. FOUSALK 10 room liuuso , Georgia mo. ; closets , basement * , welt , all complete , 12 room house , Idaho st , ; clo'ct , pantry , cel lar , bath room , speaking tubes , shrubbery , trees , yard , ham , carriage house , two largo cisterns , city water , all complete , $ I.73J. 4 loom hoiliie : south front , p.intry , closets , largo bay window , cistern , cellar , good outhouses - houses , easy term , f.2,250 , 4 room houss ; pantry , closets , bay window good cellar , wo II and outhouses , vury cheap , 5I.P01. 5 room cottier ? : bay window , closets , collar , well , cluturn , fruit trees , a bareuln , S2.CW ) , or with lour lots , easy terms. { 2.250. jl lots , Plain view , ran double your money , " 2 lots , W. A. lloaiuk n Idltlon. $1.250. n lots Tabor place , for ono week. S9D9. ft lots , Kilby place , will increase 20 per cent before - fore snow falls. lioautiful lot , Creston place. m Fairmont place : An Investment In these will ( loublo ynnr money In ono yoar. Patrick mlcltiou : Lots on easy terms and low prices. 1 f you Imvo hpii rent or Fell or lots to sellllstthptn with mnIrio \ n strictly commis sion bus-lnessnnd.wllilookafter your Interest. J. II. Pnrrotto. ' 1 ' Money to loan on fjur rate of interest. J. H. Parrot to. t | . , 247 "VTICK HOME bnSOth st. near St. Mary's n'o. . -i. 1 2-soiy ( houppS rooms , nil modern conve niences ; cnn bo uptight cheap. Gregory & Had- ley , 1312 Douglas H , f , 830 V\7I' hax'eforsalc'i'otno special bargains on 11 Inslilo rcswuncp and business lots ; also lots with small cn < h payments , balanoo on in- Ptjllmonts from Z" > > o J5J per month. M. L. Hlgglns , loQq ougM'rift. AJO. 72-Fpr siilo'by M. L. Hlgglns , 1500 JL > DouiltisBt.A'l'room , ' cottngo In Omaha View ; well , 6elflr'hqll | , closets , full lot , south front. Sl.fiOXStW ensh , balunco SI2.53 per month. Will'roijV C lO montn. "VT < ) . 270. For Rawmby > L' L , Illggltis , 1S33 - lDouglu ' .i ntWi9rooin ) house , on licit Line railroad , wlttL , all the modern Improvemnnts , cijllar , clstwn , wclUjjoo'Ii now b.irn : nt a btr- : gain , or wIU eichango for other good Omaha ptoperty. FOUSALKUJM. . L. HipBinsiJ03 noughts St. , ( i.nwo tr.tct with house , turn , sheds shade troos. $1-V > , ? 7. 0 cash , balance flO per month , A bargain , must bo sold at onco. NO. 202-For sale , b > - JL L. HIrfrlns , 1538 Dnuslus St. : 2 coitnitos In Walnut Hill , rnch 4 rooms , closet , well , anil fence ; each lot ivl'-Bft. fl.uwoach. 120) cosh on each , baL jr month , ooch. TTRHt SALK-Hy L Ij.'IIistfins , 1503 Doupias JSt. . , u now 0-rootn house Nhmn's 2d add. , with city water , cistern , splendid cellar , bath room , sowerapo , new liarn , carriage house , large coal house , south front , oheap.andon cosy terms. Foil SALK By M. T , . HlsKlns. 1500 Douglas St.,5 choice-lots in Shlun's 1st add. lloth front north and south , each 00x12 $ ft. A bar gain nt private sale. Terms easy. TTIolTsALK-By M. L. HlKslns. 150(5 ( Douirlas Jst. . a choice residence , corner lot , east front , Shlnn's ndd : fB.'XM , on private terms If sold by the 15th , aftenvhtch out of the market. FOUSALU-ByM L. Htenins , st , a A-room oattnpo on Snninlers st , $ ' ,400 ; f 3(0 ( cash , balanou easy ( mvinents. Rood Imrn , well , cistern and collar. Positively a bargain. NO. 2C6-For * nlo , by M. L. HipBlns. 150(1 ( Douglas st. : AuowC room cottupe. east Tront. lot 60x128 ; Dnohnde trees picket fence and other desirable improvements , in Shlnu's add. , on easy terms. NO.2C8.-For sale , by M. L. Mljrrlns. 1500 nouifliiBbt , : room house , In Ko < llck's2d nddlt'on ; closets , pnntry , ristorn , barn , shade trcob and fence , fj.000. Uasy terms , for ten days only. _ 142 FOR SALK Fine corn or in Shull's addition , only tlrVOJ.H. . I'vnnaACo. 3CO 17 BOWLI.NO ritiilots.SIW. : . 10 purcontcnsh nnd $5 per month. Marshall & Lobrck , Agents , 1WJ hiirnnm street. 1'1'J ' TVTICK HOME TOU SALn-Cornor lot CfixlM. Jon Sownrdst , only two blocks from school' nnd same from meet cars:8 roomhouso glmilo trees , Irult trees , etc. , $3.ftOO. it Hadley , 1312 Doufc'las st 112 KXCIIANGK { 0,000 stock dry poods for Ojiaha proporty. Archer & Fitch , 218 s ISthst. 405 _ RUAL BSTALK OAHQAIN-2 beautiful lots on west Cumin ; St. . f00 each. Flno bar- pnins. J. U Itlco & Co. , room C , over Com. morciul National Umik. C75 OUSALK-Atft bargain , corner lot 72x142. pared strict , nonr business , 5,000 , Stow art & Co , , room a , I rou Dank. 190 UEG011V i IlAprjEY. * ' Iteal K8taw Agnnts , JSlSDouiflas. Parties liarinu cltyroroDorty for aalo or trade at i. reasonable iMrie&Mill Untl It to their inter- cet to call on us. | t $ l " _ 315 T BAVENAVORTlifc U. U. traykairo , ono or JL/ more lota < nr. an acre , nt a great bargain. R J , Vf , Lorajy'tit'Ijeavbnworth Uuslnesj Place , or Q. . iV. TIakor , Room 7 Iron llank bulldlnsr. R03ArINU PLAdiUcholoo Iota i9 ouch. This addition llwi above and cast of Pculoisinecr'a lutuftlon where lots nro selling for f350. Haven iiMcMahun , 1010 llarnuy street. i' T OJ Pot 13 REOORV & jrjUjir.V , 1S12 Douglas st 22 new 5 ami C room oottavui for rale at f 1.WO to * 2MO , only , taw to HM , cash and but- anooeasy _ , / , , 158 TTIOHS.ILB S'lcoB-room bouse and2corner JJ lots in Walnut.11)11 ) ; U cojh baL to suit Calilartin liosijthst 645 BAIIGAIN 2 KOiif hoascfl , onu U rooms , ono 4 rooms , on lot O.cii0 ! , fronting on both 17lh anillt-thsts ; collar , wolN , oist rns , barnetc. , Jflnoo. Ort-t'ory tt Hadloy , 1:112 : Douglas st. BAHRAIN'S Lot extending from Casj to Cal ifornia Bt , Oi feet frontage on oaCJi street , with 5 room house all for tifn ) , tmM cash pay- I und 2 years. 41 ft on I'urusm near ICth st , 5 hoiiaoj fi rooinj each , at too head of 19th fit , only t' iO , other place * sumo f-Uo lots with smaller cottajcj are now selling for f2,5W , f J50 cash , bal $ ii i > er month. Cottage In Ambler full lot , barnfcncod hade trees.fXKJfiuocash ; , bit $ Jlner month. 6 lota In IMnlnrlQir. $35) to JOTS. Park tc Fowler ler , 1522 Douglas SiJ 17 su Wo bare the fcolo oyvnty for Mivernl lots In Oiuoua View , which must bu cold fcOim und can be bought cheap , IU KKAL ESTATB nAUflAIN- utlfui lot In WfhtKnd ndd , & > th t. ( Duly J-.OW. half cosh. J. L. Ulco is Co..over Commercial N' bank. XII 18 LP. HAMMOND , Real n tntp Urokor. room 8 , No. ISS ! Douglas * t , offers the following special birynlns : Choice lot on Ijeavcnworth st , 81,000 ; < 8.0 cn h. balance oas/ payment * . 4 choice lota in Lowo'e. add. , ( M ) to $1,500 c ch , In payments. 3 choice lot * In Shmn's add. , 51,00) to Tl lOJ cnch. In payments. Choice east front lot In Plamvlcw , In pay ments , M7fl. Three choice lots on Holt Line In Lincoln Place , $ IO > 1. Flno now house In Ludwlok Place , nowhelnu completed Po 'oMoti given In nbout 10 . Pr'co f-VOO In Fine days. - , pnjmpnls now school hoit'o within 40 nxMnf this hmi e Choice lot In Sclny Heights ono of the tlne t additions. Price * S-HO to $4V > . Kn y pnjments One half Interest In n Livery nml Hoarding stable for sale. If you want to sell your property quick , 111 It with me. Plenty of money to loan on cltv properly nt lowest rates Uut my rates bctorc milking np- pllaitlon An elegant $1,000 hoiifo on Hamilton st .fin ished with cherry. A bargains In pnyiiionts. 170 * . RISIION In urnitcr , Real Ustato nnd I/nsti Agents Second story Mcrrhnnts' National bank liuild- IngMiulJcnll attention to the follow Ing list of property which they ollor for sale : Full lot on Park avenue , P1l.TltSl , contnlnliiir two ImmUomp , largo cnuni'c * , it barn and abundance nf small fruit , $ l-f ( > l ; M III illvhlc. Seven-room house , North ll'lh.ncnr ' Luke , f2.WJ. l > t on Hlondo street , one-half block west of Sauudors , south Troiit.CJxIIW.throo-room hou o , fruit trees , etc. , $2,70J ; lion o and one-half lot , tl. U Harney street , Capitol Hill addition , oast-front lot.MHUJ , S5.5-J Twoniy-Uvo lots In Kllhy Place at from f'Kfl ' to ( I , IKK ) . Twentr-flvolotslnDwIght & Lyman's addition fix ) in fTkVi to ( AJO. Flvo-roomcottngo and bnrn , full lot , 60tlvT7.ln Marlon Place , only two blocks from the street rare. fl.WXI ; S.VXI cnsh. Two good lots In Patrick's second addition at Sl.lVW rnch. A comer In Iturr Oak. 7oxl37 , just south of Hnnscom I'laco , S',003 ; 9TOO citsh. AlmrgHlnm acre proporty. Fifteen ncres , three mlloHwot frnm the po tolllco , Ixjtwi-on Lenveuwoith and Dodge streets , adjoining it popular addition whore lots nro selllni ; from $3jOto fVw , for iv few daysat $ ' . ' W per ncretono- tlilnl cash ; will divide. This Han opportunity seldom otTerwl to purchase aero property so well located for platting at such a low price. Lots In all the popular additions to the cltv. Gl\e lisa call nnd examine our list if jou desire to purchnso. _ ilM CUMR SPiClAI : < IIARCAINS. Itnatitlful lot near rath and Cnss only 1 1,000 eniv pnymcnts. Siilendia lot on 11th st C0xl32. IIOUBO t rooms SLOW ) Uit In K. V. Smith's add. Irontlng IBth st. 3 good house ? and barn , n big bnrealn nt iiHU. l-jist trout lot with hnusool G rooms , good well , etc. 1H st near Horcas clionp fi.UOD Wo haven Inr o list otrosidcr.t nnd biKlness properly. If you want to buy or sell como to us , no trouble to show property. Mn > no & Pnrrott , S. W. cor. 14 and Douglna. H 1OUSKS IjOtsParms.Linus money loanod. Itcmls , 15th nnd Douglas streets. 010 HH' H' CM'SI'S ' Lotsrnrms.l.nnds money loaned Dcmis , Iftth nnd Doujrhu strt-cts. 010 FnitKAtji : House , n rooms , city water and tro * . I mite from P. O. , 1 block from Ft cars , price. SJ.UOJ , small piymcnts , balance monthly. inquire rooms 1 and 2 Omaha Nat'IJanS.Ji41 _ POIt.S.VLi : Wo Imvo sixteen lots in Haw thorne addition that wo will sell : best nnd cheapest Inside property In Omaha. Bedford i Souor r.4'1 _ _ ISTATR IIAUOAI.V We have a tow KEAL lots Inft In the queen of all additions , In- flltulo place , nt S3)0 to MOO each ; only ono- tenth cash and ? 1 ( ! par month. J. L. Ktcc&Co , over Commercial Nat'lbank. . )1 ) 1C "I71OK SALII Ono of the beft pieces of pro | > - JL1 orty in North Omaha , one block from paved --treet. An eight room house , nearly new. Can bo had chcup , if taken at onco. O. F. Davis i Co. 150) Fimiam street. _ irr7 _ _ BUY NOW In the new addition ot > Vest Sldo. rljrht by the depot and ciiminjr factory . full size and only g 5l' . U. C. Patterson. _ S15 GREGORY i 1IADLBY , E tote AKents , 1312 Douglas st For Salo-Husinpgs property on 1'aninm. Douglas , Dadgo , Harncy , Howard and Cumin ? . _ iss BAKfijVi.MS-tii.xuo , Nice place in Mlllanl A : Caldwrll andltion. f l WJ. Good lot In Kilby place , one-third cash. $4OOJ. 5 room cottage on Hamilton street , onouanor | cash. JS.700. 5 acres in Tuttle's subdlv on Ames nveiiuo. $ SOO per lot , Lnko View. f.TH ) . Wuvorly place ; 510 cash. f709. Lot In Kirkwood : ono half cash. II.71X ) . House and Lot iu I'ninvtow. $ .ViO. Lots In Bedford place ; fl'iOcash. $1,100. Hawthorn addition ; terms easy. Never think of buying or selling without soo- in ) , ' vis , as wo hundlo burtr.ilns only. Sears , 15th nnd Dodso. 212 IS FTUVO tine south front lota in Omaha View J- near ICnd St. , $650 each. If sold tnis wook. Grog-ory .V Hadlcy , 1312 DougHs st. 310 TJARE HA KG AIN Three brdronm suits , par- JLV lor. dining room and kitchen outfits , nil complete , will sell tbolot very cheap. Apply at Ml Clmrlcs St. S9jJl / < RKGOltV & HADLEY , VJT Real Estate & Rental Afrouts. lUia Douglas Street. Hero are a few of the bargains HO oiler. If you don't ECO what you w ant conic and see us nnd we will show 3011 others One of the best corners on Douglas . ? 30.005 Fine corner on Dodire renting now for f 3,000 per year , lot 03iI32 . 30.000 One of the best corners on Cumin ? st. wit n 3 cottages , lot witlJt ! . 13,500 Corner on Cumlnir , 2 story Irame . 12'XiO Lot l ! xiU ; on Chicago st with 3 houses rcnt'n$1.2Uj per month . 10,000 Corner aero lot on Snunders st . 0,500 Lot C.ix2&0 ! , U-room home frontlner 17th st. 4 room house frontlnir 18th st. 2 els- turns J.'iO bnls. cuch , burn shade trees , fruit trees , etc. A linrpuln . 0,003 2 story. 8 room house on 'JOth st nesr St. Mary'jj nrowlUi city water , ( fas , and idl modern Improvements . G.250 Splrndldloton Shopman avo. GtolS4.3 houses fronting : 10th stand 1 fronting 17th fct , barn , wells , cisterns , &c . 7,030 House ? room fronting 15th at in S. K. Uojrer's luld. lot 06x140 ; choup . 3,500 lloii'o n rooms.Koiith front on Popplcton avo. , lot OlxliW ; cheap . 3OOD Fino.'i room cntlnpc built lor a good home and that Is what It U . 2,900 Sana Oiooin ooiUKCS In all pints of the city on monthly payments ; cheap . . . . 337 Kl'SII i SRLUY'S bltf rca estate ad every other duy. See It. -31 GREGORY & HADI.KY. Real Kstntuand Rental AcontB , 1I12 ! DollKlHS St. Wo offer bargains In vacant lots as follows : Hawtborno . $ rxtof351 ) Hanscom I'lnco . innutoZlOi Kilby I'laco . filnto JADJ Orchard Hill . COOto 5OO ArlliiRton . 70)to 7.W Kirkwoo.l . . , . . . WO to K ) WestSldo . liOltil 40Q Pruynl'nrk . 3UOto 4 < W Omaha View . 4001O KK ) Ilpdford . ' . . 030 to 103 Sheridan Place . 5iOto fi53 Improved and unimproved property in all purtHof thoclty. Como nud son us. Notroublo to show property. To'cphono ' R54. 15 $ T > HAL ESTATI5 IJARGAIN-lleuutlful resl- JA denco lot on Washington square , just off paved street , on Sherman ave , ? ? , C/XI. J , L. Itice & Co. , over Cominerciiil Nat'l bunk. 331 It GREGORY & HADLKY , 1312 Doujflns st , 3 : lots in Hawthorne , only n little over a inllo from postollico , that can bo fold lor f iMlo cheapest inside property In tliu imirkut. GRBGORY & HADLKY , 1313 Dou UssU Fnent ) onKurnuuist-.uour IXJMO avo. i foot abovecstublUhcdffrndoiouly $1,700. 153 TJKAI , KSTATR nAROAW-Wo bavo o Jk bunch of 7 lots In Plalnvlew udd , frontitiK on ncl st.that wocnnsoll at a poaitlvo liar- iruln. J. L. Itlco & Co. , over Commercial Nat'l bank- , 31118 T7IOH SALK-A barren. LotCflxlAJ. 2 blocks -L ) from po.toflluo. W.OOJ , half cash. Mar shal Jc LobocK l&Oa Farnam street. 213 > RUoIl .V BliLIIY'S nlg-roal nstato ua every other clay. Bee It. 284 RKAIi ESTATE HAnCAIN-We have the li finest front for Huts on paved street In the murki-l , at | > osltlvc bar/rain. / J. L. Hioo & Co. , < > ' , or Commercial Nut'J bank. XII 1C T3KAL nSTATK HAItfAlN-Flne 8 e corner JV lot In March's add. Hbrh and kUblly. Lu i than one mile from iKjstolllcc. Price * 3,2M , half cash. J , L. Itlco i Co. , over Commercial Nat'l tank , 331 It EAOI4 and all nf the 8 Wont Bide ou nre high and benutiful.f ull sire , and on month ly l > aymcntf , t2M. It. C. I'utterfcou , 13th nnd Douglas. CIS WK bare gome desirable Omnha property that wo would exchange for stock of drug * o-r other stock of goods. I'ark & rowlor , Ij22 Duuttlas. So7 IT Foil tjALi ; Or excbarfe. House and lot. Ifth and Nlchohm ; house nnd lot 15th and Dorcas , Wm L Monroe , 6th and Douflei. VV ) 17011 BALB-LoU 7 BUd 8 , | 20 IM foot. In -I ? block 3 , flrst addition to South Omaha. Call on Fred Lomon. car a Farmura * bouso. or jtddroe * Gtojve Undo. P. a box 437 , iiipld City j Red Star Line Carrying the Hotfrlum Iloyal nnd UnltoJ State * vfry Saturday Between Antwerp & Now York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. i'vu.xn wi.vmt. Palcm from t " ) to ? * % Excursion trip from tllO to fl . Second Cabin , oiltnnnl. JH ; prepaid. Mi : 'jveur.4lon. f X stpprni-o i > ! X nro at low rates. 1'etor Wrhiht \ Son * , Genera Agents , 65 Urondwiiy , Now YorK. llcnry I'untt. Uls rnnmm t. ; 1'aulsnn .V Co. 14X * rarunin M ; 1) . O. Krccinmi , 1I. ( Hiinam st " ABSOLUTE PERFECTION 111 BAKING. AND ALL-- MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR I'OUND EXCLUSIVELY ON IIU * MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , Terr fmrwirls thx fllirlnkacn of J. trail ov ted In aclo aoren U from thlru-lliuto fortri z mni only tuontr-U'Olxr tent , of lulld matter , and tt IcMsthmUnimfa lathti roi tlnBt miiiloln tlieerapo. railonotttiujiilro.which litlmVITAL rivror max Effect of the SOLID OVEN Door. A TEN touncl Sirloin , ratvllumor woll-Uono.will l > JiEDOCKtito BIX I'OunilsBnil four ounces of luxutea xnetit.thonlnan lo of three poontNnn it tweltwouncei of jnlce.hllo the IOM li 87S r-rccnt-rt thu vot.-xi wrljht , U ohawi the caarmaui LUSH or UlTt l' I CEKT. , OP TUE JC1CE , Effect of "WIRE GAUZE OVEN Door. A TUN pnuml Sirloin. miHllum or well-done , will l reducwd to nln l > ouuiU jmdoluht ouuwwof Joit ; Biant , mowing H (09 ( of olcht onnrr of Jalre. W hill thislo l > B o per cent.of the totnl wolcht , Itihooi tlio vury small mi'Bu > 'ppT8E\EX I-EHCK.NT. or juicii StND FOB IUUST2ATED ClSCUURJ AN3 PRICE LISTS. CHAKTEB OAK BTOVES and RANGES are SOLD IK 1IEBBASKA ai tollowa : MILTON ROGERS&SONS OMAHA. P. KENNEY. GOKIION. DALLAS& LKTSON HAVTISCS. li. C. BREWER , HAV SI-HIM.S. H.AIRD&CO , Ni.UR KACiTY. W F. TF.MIM.KTON , NPLSOK. 1 n. STURDEVANT &SON , ATKINSON. J.KASS&CO CHADRON. KR AUSE , LU11KER & WELCH Col OLDS IIROS EIICAB. TANNLLL&SWLT.NEV , FAIRBUKV. GISTTLB& FACER , FKAM.IIH. N J. JOHNSON NORTH BKNU. j. J. McCAPFERTY , O'Nrut. CITY. R. HAZLEWOOD OSCEOLA. J. S. DUKK I'LATT'MOUTII. A. PEARSON , STrRLINC. j G GREEN STKOMSIIUKO. 1 A PAIIDEN &SON StrmiOR. TIMMEKMAN &FKAKER VESBOM. JDHH C. GREEK SCHOOL OF SC1EIICE , COLLEGE OF SEVT JKIISUY , PllINCKTO.V , NEW JIIRSEY. lU-tulnrfour-.Toar on'urtpj. n follows : I. For the dcereu of Ilacbulor of science , it KOneral course ; nuo olc'ctlvo counts tn Choralstrr. Ululozr , Ooolojr , Mnthcmntlcs n-l Phr > lcs. II. rar the degree of Clill Kiifrlnecr. Incluillni ; . benldpa the usual iirofeiiloital Btudlei. npplt itlonsof Klpctrlcltr to the ArU. I'oit RrsduMt ( DttrucUonln Hlchpr.M.TtbcmaUcj.r.nphlci. ana AiiplloJ ChPinlitrr mid Ansajtut. lllolofrI'iiyslcfl. . ant ] Astronomjr. ISntmnce cxumin- atlonn Sept. llth nnd IStb. lit ; . KIT npecial cnunet HUdutberlnformutlon UDPlr to thoCollccoTrouiuror i-FULLY WARRANTED- Geo. J. Armbrust , 2201 Cumin ? st. 1) . H. Itcnvinan , 1217 Farnamst. John Hus ioAIU7 Cumim ; gt. Herman Kiindnlll South 10th st O. iJXtieo , 318 South \'Mi \ st , W. F. StooUl 1 , llt'l Howard sL JL L. Van Scotou , IS10 Dod e sU C. W. Sleeper. S07 5onth 13th sU g A tjnlclr , iCarofor I > it KnnhorMl. P , vouiu > 0Wrkntt. No nuacLerr. In. rti puf > ll"T < vif . IkK.t n-nt _ _ Railway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is the tlmo of arrival and de parture of trains t > y Central Standard Time at the local depots. Trains of the C. , St. I * . , M. & O. arrive and depart from their depot , corner of Hth and Wolistor streets : trains ou tuo JJ. Jc JM. Gil. AQ. and 1C. C. , St. .1. i p n. from the . A ; H. depot all others from tbo Union l"aciflo nitJDQETKAlNS. Hrldgo trains will leave U. P. depot nt 8:15- ma."i 8:00 : h:4 : > 1110:00 11UU a , m. : UI:0 : -1:20 : 1 : f > 0 2W : 3:00 : B 4 : UO 5lW 5:30 : * : IU- 7:00-11:10 : p. m. Leave Transfer for Omaha nt 7:12 IH:15--9W : | 3-35-3:37 : 4:37 5 MC :42 : 7:20' : 7 :5 > -8"5J- 11:52 : p. in. -v Leave Hroadwny 10 35 p. m ; ArivoOmaha 1100 , Lv. Omaha 10 00 p. in. ; Ar , Urondway 1025. In elToct August 21'th iimll fiiithiT no tice. This is additional to present tiiiln bcrvlco. j. w. Moit.sna.p. A. CONNECTINO LINES. Arrival and departure of tr.tlns from the Transfer Depot at Council IllulU : lltrAUT. A1IIMVE. CHICAflO , HOCK IStaNlli VACIHU. A.M. I 1)0:15 A. M. CU40l ; > . M. I 117:0) : I'u ! cuiCAno k KniiTiiwrsiitnn. A0ir : , A.M. I AMllSA. M. A 0:401M. : . I A 7W r. M. ciiiCAno , iiirnt.lNnTO.s i. QUIXCY. A 0:115 A. M. I A 0:1 } A. u. li C:4J r. w. I II urj'i iti. . I A 7X : ( ) i > . u. CIIICAOO , UIMVAUKEE ft BT. 1'AUU A 0:151. M. I A 9:15 A. M A 8:40 : P.M. I A7lWr' . M KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE & COUNCIL ULUffS. A 10:0) : A. u. I 110:35 : A. ii. CN:65f. M. I AS:35i > . U. WAIIAS1I , ST. LOD1S laCU'ia A 3:001 : ; x. | A.3M l * . M. SIOUX CITY * IMCinC. A 7U > A. M. I A 9 5 X. M. ACj'iil1. u. 1 A8Wi' : . H. Depart. WESTWAHD , Arrive. T.M. p. i" "UNION pAoiFioT lo-iia . .Denver I'.ipru.s. . & : U5a . . .Ixic-al ISriiror-w. . . li. & M. IN NEII. 8:10a . Mall and liipresi. " Dnpuit. WJUTHWAKU. Arrive. A. U. i - . Jl MIS3iUltl PACIFIC.- . r. M. , . . .Day Rjpross. . , . , C2id ; S:10h . . .Night Eiprcss I 1C. a. ST. J. & C. II. Via I'lattsioputh. . . 7OM 7:10 Depart. il if. i"r. u. | C. , ST. H. , M. A-"XX j ATM. j r. . tUiic'Ouklund ' ' io:30a Acconiiuod'n i- : ( " ' "KABTW'AlfD. T urnr - < ? . i A. M.V. > i. NOTE A.ranstlully ! ; II. ilxlly fiscopt Huii- < J y ; I ! , d ly ! oriwpt S tunlay ; D.daily eiacnt Uondur. will IC T U. I' . dOXt. Umuhn.Ht6:0 7:31- b:3ol-0.0ja. m : SU3rjiJJSi ; > J p. la al'KCiUo IJxprtsi , iiSI p. m. Uiiav-r hi.SiJ a. m. : LOI-K ! Ki..SOi : p. m I iivu < tocV for UmauH at , Atltatlol'x .leS. O. 7Ux m. ; t' i 1 H. O , 6:97 p.ia.S Loi-nl Kx , le H. O. I'Jil n. Uo.Pac. Kv..le.S.X & 'lp. IB iJJ i M. f. m. WESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council BlnlTs And Chicago. Tlie only ronrt to tnVo fnr PC * M lno < . Mnr- elmlltowii.i olixr Hni'lils ntnton , Hlxlc. t'hlcn- CO. MiinniiVoo niul nil pf 'nUcn ' t. To the pro- i'lo of Xolirn'kn , ( "OMnuloVfomlnfr. . Itnb. Mnlin.Ncrniln , OrciroiiVn lihtRlon HinJ C'nll fointn It off Tjsupoiior nlvmitRgo * not poHl * lilrbv ntiy other line Anionjr n f w nf tlio inireProtupoliilR of an- porlniltr onjnjrrd liy tlio piilrtin * of thi ronJ l > ct iM'n Otiinlm nml rhlrnco , nru lt ! two trnlni inlnj-of DAY CDACHK3 which nrn tlio fltjost tnnt li-Mnnii nrt nn < t nieGinilty cnn cn < Rtr. Its PALACK Hf.KF.rlNn OAKS , hlch nro tnodoM of cunfort mill cli'R/ilico Hi I'AltUill DKAW- 1NJ ( 1OO\I ! CAHS. nnRUrimi < oilliT nnvKntlll § widely criclirntrd VAl.ATIAlj DINISld TA11S. the pmial of nlilcli rnniint Ixt found rljowlicro. At Counnil ItlulT ! * tlio trnliunf tlui I'nlon Paol * flo Jlv. connect In 1'nion Depot with thofo of til ( i ClilrRco ti Nnrlliwt'Strrn Hy. In Clilonco tlio I ruins of tlil < line iniiko close connection with the o of nil nutorn llnc . Vor Di'troll , Coliitnlin * . IniltHnnpoll * . Clncln- null. Nlairnra Knll , llutliilo , IMtlclmrir. Toronto , Monlrnnl. lloMon. Now YoiV , Phllndi > lplilK , Hill- tlmoro. WiuhlnRtnii nml "II lolnts In tlio call. ask the ticket nnrnl fur tlcVrtft via the "NOUTHWKSTKItN. " If yon with the brut lorommnilMlons. AB ticket iu-nnl ell llckutt rnthl ! llni < . M. lU'OHlTT. It. B. HAIll , Gonornl Jlnnncrr. Oon. Pns . CHICAGO. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OP run- Chicap.Mtafc&St.PaulR'j . . ' THE BEST S.OTJTB : -m mm COUNCIL mm ot TWO TRAINS DAILY HHTAVHBN OMAHA COUNCIL ULUFra Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar ItnpUls , Clinton , Dubuqiic , Davenport , Rock Island.Frcuport , Rockford , Elpin , Madison , Junesville , Ueloit , Whiona , La Crossc , And all other Important polnta Bust , Northeast and Southeast. For through tickets call on the Ticket Aon at 1401 Farnum street ( In Paxton Hotel ) , or a Union 1'aclHa Dopot. Pullman bleinion and the llnast Dlnhiff Cars In the world nro run on the nmln lines of tbo CMIOAOO , Utt.wAUKiE Jt ST. PAUL IuuWAr , and every nttentlon Is paid to pttsieiifcors by courtoons employes of the company. K. Miu.KH , General MnmiKiir. J. F. TUCKEII , Assistant tiuuurol Manager. A. V. H , General Passong sr nl Ticket Agent , , Gr.o. B. llBArronn , Assistant General Pasion- b-cr and Ticket Ak-ont J. T. CLAIIK. General Superintendent. MADK 11V ' j , STARCH CO. rillLADELl'JIIA , PA. FINEST and BEST IN THE WOULD. NEEDS NO COOKING- Producing a rich , beautiful GLOSS and STIFFNESS. No Starch yet introduced cnn bo coin- pared with the MACJIC. Olio pacftasro will do tuo work of two pounds of ordinary starch. fold tinder Runrnmcoof the manufacturer * . SLOAN , JOHNSON & CO. . Wholesale Aaeuts. Omalia , Neb. SARATOGA " Hot Springs Hotel SARATOGA , WYOMING. These waton contain Iron , Potassium , Lime , Soda , Mngnosln , Chloridoof Sodium nnd 'Sul phur , and uro u p ltlvo euro for all discuses nnxlng fioman li'purostatoof the blood. A cer tain speculator Rheumatism. Daily Stage and Mail Line to and from FortSteele. Go oi ( Physician in Attendance HMO II UI.ACOMU.TCO WITH THE CCOCRAPH' CF TIKI f V.lll.te 01 tuAUIMNOTHH MtPTHiT TM CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND a PACIFIOHiiLWiV I'T r < - MmoflUrnvtriJ | U | | | MI aiu ] clou n-lntlon ta l prln-mal llnr K t mm W l. at InltUI and l * tar. Adliial | Mlnt , funitlHitit * flf > inuvt lmu rujil lult llukln IRul f nirni or Ilirmirli tr ni < .n r AUUII , wtili'b InriiH * uuit tnrii\itif \ tfav l uutl lnrhi I ln elt4 itlr of Ui Jttlaullo * nil 1'aclfla Ctiiitti It i * al < > tha lavorll AIM ! | H < HI i-onte to and from i > ofnt * ltvl N < > rtli0at Hli'l Hnutlioajil. anil cvrir lKfUdluir t > ulul < We , ! . Norl we.t und SoiilliVwI. ' R * ' The Great Rock Island Route niiftrnnt Afl lu iutron ilint aj > n * of ( xrgoiial acm. rllirattunli-.lbrrk . N'lld lUorwvM , lj.lla ? ! l ad uni. wii' ' > oiiiiracki nI ' iniiiniiuiii IMI rail. ut uu- - . . . , , . . . Kiidl ; I < IK < . rullluir oi ka note l-rr.rl.n | A. lium ii tlilll iiui mak * II tli , frl np | > lluuilurp > tMlllitllli > i . | < lliir > , rii . nJ 11,41 Mkrtini. JIpii , lUrliuT.rn" ilii loalui | > lluu r nil IU IralnJ. otKrr Seciiulti .u route are 'Jrui > > r , ; at 1I roiniMtiiur "u lit jwi . Jnluu lii.i > eu. ami tlio nn i > iinuwiU ccwlVm vvmlt " * * iujuri of iu r . Utfur Lulii | | u-qt , l' ora,0. Ftit . und Traliu . . < eri , niiluu n IMI twliet l KUlnc i Tulllnin ri.'ica luwu ' r uf urn - t > Lu'juc l' r lu whli-u r ; 1 1 Hn ( iiCI * rv ai run tl.r . The Famous Albert Loa Route Iftbf tltftl and rn'orlu Una r. t t n rfcjiaiicaivl MlaiieaiwlM al f HI I'aul. whr twu-irtlM , . at. ui U f ' ' . ' ' " "i , ' " > 'H I" all r-uluti Iu Hi * TrtitlurlM .14 * Mfill.ll I'roilnr. . . Or.r Hill ruul * K..t iJ ll Ui4 ai ru.i u lh * Urlnif iilam .xu. fern plrn , . . u , li < e.llil . an ] kuiitlng and JIVjU j ot | u .1,4 > lln .ila. It U ' 1 * 1 r' " " * ' " " ' t'1-1' ' * t4t t " ' * . ,11.1. . * * * . afonnttlon r M.p. ajid > Vil tt. CbUmtMt.M it II k > U , t til trtUtlltl I'ckM < d'.1 U U * I'ulud kUMj aoa UuaJt , ir t/ > j : H , f . CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , it * ; } ! i. j