Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1886, Image 2

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The Patient Toilers of tbo Oliffs and Go- !
liories Rising in Self Defense.
The Kovlvnl of Welsh Nntlonnl Keel-
nnd ImiiKiniKc One ol' the
or the Tlinrs 'Iho
Groxvthol' the Homo
Jtulc Idea.
A Hlcotoh of Wnlci.
I/t.AVNni.t.T , Sept. 10. [ N'uw Vork Her
ald fable-Special to the lint : . ] The revlvil
of Welsh national feeling Is ono of thu signs
of the times. Then the language which wad
lately dIng out Is now being tevlved and Its
use actually Increasing and spreading. The
ptctuicsipie Klstedfodd , thu annual meeting
for tlio cotnpellllon of cssa > s In poetrv and
filngln , Is carried on with Increasing enthu
siasm In the vat Ions towns of tlio principal
ity In the vernacular language1 , with the an
cient dritldlciil ceremonies which the sons of
Wales , who honored the o gatliciings In days
of joie , held In most respect. With Welsh
men the talent of music is Inborn nnd It is
curious to see tliu rustic lovers quartet pai lies
singing in thocountrv lanes. Learning Is
esteemed and tlio popular outcry for educa
tional facilities has been pirtly satisfied by
the Institution of colleges at Monger and Car
diff. Abuvstwlck college was literally found-
cdlwllh the people's poncn. Tliu national 10-
llglon Is oMiinrellcal. 1'iotestantsof vailous
denomination- called dissenters , worship
mostly In the Welsh language. Tlie people
Inhabit clean whitewashed cottages on hills
nnd In valleys. They are kindly , nnoblru-
elve , hospitable and patient.
Ilinili : IS A TOl'CII ' or RADNKSS
ill their capacity for enthusiasm. They vol-
untnilly maintain their own religious sor-
vlces and aid missionary cfforls to an extent
disproportionate to their moans. Theio is a
remarkable absence of crime. Such are the
actual tillers of the soil In South Wales. The
The manois and workmen are equally devout
and hiwgtbitling. All llicso haven high ideal
of a KooiTilfe , a thirst for knowledge and an
active sjmp.itliy with the younger uspitiinls.
Thu coilleis ol Clamorganshlru and the qtiar-
rymen of Carnarvonshire assist out of their
dally wages in the foundation of scholarships
to mainlaln ladsatcollegn. .Many country
chapels club to educate students of promising
literary or musical talent. ' Apart , fiom tlieso
tbuio is tlio other cia s composed of the
squires , cleigy and officialdom , forming n
small minotlty of superrclious people , who
atlond tlio I'liglishrhuiclics , wliich usu the
English language. These were formerly
their oppiossoid , but In tlio election of 1SGS
many of the tenants voting liberal were
ejected from tlieli faims an outiago never
lo bo torgotten 01 lorglven and they aio
now powerless. Thu ballot oxtunded tlio
franchise but thu evil spirit still rum tins.
Many of the cleigymon scorn Intoicourso
with tlio dissenting minlstuisaiid decline to
co-opeiate with them and cliim the monopoly
ely ot the Christian religion. Tlio people
generally do not respect the cloth. A com
mon H lying am jug tlio Wuichmun is , "If ho
Is too stupid or worthless to live , inako him
ncleigyman. " There aio some exceptions
but the piMbonncl ol the Unglish chinch in
Wales Is notsalisfacloiy.
and fanned by small jeaily tenants , with no
capital nnd content to live fiom hand to
mouth. Their position Is always precailous.
They are nltaclied to home , but many emi
grate. They love to go togotlier and remain
In the sound of tlio oid language. There are
Welsh colonies In Illinois. Patagonia and
Austialla , Tito British patli.imcnt Is ro-
parded as predominantly English , and the
Welsh question is shelved and mcauro re
sponse given on thomomotlon of education
nnd the use of the Welsh laneuago. The dis
establishment of thu church nnd the sottlo-
inontof tlio lauded tenant question , several
such points of legislation for Wales in ac
cordance with Welsh Ideas , are earnustly
wished. They seemed till lately unattaina
ble , but Mr. Gladstone's Irish proposals have
struck a responsive chord , for they want the
liouio itilu themselves if they let Ireland have
It , Thu Welsh elections are overwhelmingly
( iladstonhin , and Chamberlain and Hai ling-
ton are barely listened to. In the mean
time , nn extensive demand Is nmdo for more
energy from the Welsh members In the com
mons. Theio continues a great deal of cone
Bpondonco on the question In tlio Welsh
newspapers , but n considerable consensus of
opinion holds tint no actual home rnlo asso
ciation can bo Jnstyot , but is qullo likely to
bo soon founded. At the present moment at
tention Is occupied with n tltlio contiovuisy.
It is easy to nndnrstand that
run I'AVMnxr o iiraus
Is unpopular , from two points of view. The
lirstts Htilctly lu al , tor all land In Bnglai
from an eaily pcilod has been subject to thu
payment of n tenth pai t of Its produce for tlio
Mtppoit of tliu chinch. This Is n clumsy ar
raiigeiuent and productive of dicKcilnir.
Foi if , Instead ot maiklnu of school lands
with tlieli school gr.ints.fiom thu pioportlon ,
the pi oil nee. of all hinds weio ulven , the legal
tltlo of the chinch would be quite clear. Or
If tlioioN no chinch , tliun tlie nation slionlO
pay thu llllies and not the land owneioor
occupiers , who have never acquired that
tunthol tliu pioiliicu. Till ISM tithes weio
colleeled In kind , but now In ICngland anil
Wales Ihuy am paid in money , also fiom the
fauns In Scotland. Fiom tbo owner's point
of view lent and tithes together make a
Biltlshainlculturols verj dcptesscd , some
say "plaved out. " American inoduco Is .so
cheap that thu fanners me the luasl
ulilnto hold out , Tlio titiio Is now some
tlmus a .sixth pait of the product. Why pa >
thU over to an alien church Ift \ Is not our
inopmt ) V But If a national church , thnn le
the tax collectors lake the tithes and relieve
the poori-.itu to promote educational cstab
It.shmonts , Why should Wales support an
nai'ojit.ibUi iclifjlon ? Mr , aiadstono Is not
oxpcctod to help us to tills mattui , ho belne
hlilioliuiulinian. ; Wo want to stop the whole
B.v.stem. Why not pay ? Jlucaiuo , as says
Wi'li'h paper , "The clersyluvo no sympa
th.v tor our distress , and Insist npoi :
ami irfiiNQ cotioldoratlon ut the fallen price1
of piuikici' . Whit exciisu to us lor out
niahit.ilu.mcfl when the church Is H waste ,
li.idfii on iiKricultuie and an Injustice to
llfi-y Tlio catnblisbcd chuich I
lullllllng Its purpose 1101 dolni : Its
lUil ) ns an example to the teadieisot clirl
I'anlly in every pnrWi. This thi'
| ailcd from uhno > t lo a shameful Jexlent be
cause tlia mlnoiily , thougli rxcecdlii
Miinll , me rich vnuitKli to maintain tholruwn
This U contrary to thu nuncrul prlnclplo o
religious e < ] iullly nnd of chrUtlanlty Itself
\Vlio ever hcurd of St. 1'uul doitr.vlulng
tiilicV We aioili'li'rmtti < , and this moani a
protest aualust the contluuauco of the KIIK
lUh church In Wale , and must so bo ;
cpp'.cd. Wo wish to tticnetluMi the h.xndi o
Dlclwln In his motion in tlm commons for
th dlacMubllilimeul of the Kugliat. chuo !
In W l8 . "
tad llfco DjUUlu * JUe u.av u. ot 3j.ra4 w
ho northern Wales. Then were witnessed
\lraordlnary scenes wherein tlioclcrg > inan
nil the auctioneer , the bailiff and tlio police-
nan were cnsaccd In selling cows nnd pigs
o pay tlio tithe. On Mondaj night the lirst
ncctlng was held at ttitskln , of a formal
ntl-tltlic association for mutual protection
ind defense. At the present tlmo tlio land-
ords are not In tlio question. They
ro considered ns fairly reasonable ,
ml for the clercy , "wo are now , " as says a
icwspaper , "llio Welch people In tlio middle
ofn war , with our spit it awakened , which
v ill not be appeased until Wales comes out
of Iho struggle rid of these fetters and com-
iletdy ficcd of nchmchot stiangcrs. " All
lonceincd disclaim most emphatically any
ondcncy to liotlnpniid much now depends
1)1011 ) the attitude of the government. Sup-
ircsston now would make another lilsli land
piestion , scjiaratlon and all.
The I3ulK.irlnii Solirnn.lo Kinpluttlc-
ally Deoliirc.s Itsclr.
SoriA , Sept. 10. [ Now iork Iloiald Cable
special to the Hi.UM The addiess which has
icon elaborated by n committee of thu
sobranjo and accepted bv that nody In luply
o the message of tlio icgeiicles , was today
presented to tlio sitting of the assembly. It
fcglnsby evpiessin ? tlio esteem nnd cratl-
ndo of the country tor those of Its lepie-
sentatlves who discharged Ihelr duty In a
ciltlcal moment to the fatherland. The ad-
hess goes on to brand thn event ot the 2Ist
> f August as a "horrible crime against
> hu lndeundence ] of Bulgaria and against
tlio crown of our belovedI'llncc Alexander , "
adding that It was committed uvii few evil-
lls)09cd | ) nnd misled Individuals. "We take
.lie opportunity , " tlio address went on to
say , "of assuring Ihu prince of tlio horroi
with which the whole nation has legarded
the disgraceful plot against him. The peo-
[ ) luof Bulgaria return their best thanks to
the princu for tils assurance that the inde
pendence , tliu ficedom and the lights of the
fntlieiland.shall not bu infringed. They are
also grateful to him for his magnanimous
decision to runounce the tlnone of Bulgaiia ,
in order to restore good relations between
Uussla and Dulg.irln. Wo hope , finally , that
the problem now awaiting solution will be
solved in such a vvav as to consul\e tlio inter
ests of the fatherland. "
That part of the address which rcfeis to the
elect'on ' of a prince , runs : "Thu chamber
looks fotward loan e.uly summoning ot tliu
; rcat assembly with n view to the election of
.itir prlnco in liaimony with the piovisionsof
tiie constitution , and in accordance with the
poimlnr will. "
Thu address cxptcsses contidenco in the re
gency , and closes with thu woids , "a free , In
dependent Bulgaria foicvei. "
Mo veil tlio Hottoni of fho Son.
LONDONSept. . 10. [ Now York Ilciald
Cable Special to the Bni : J Lloyd's apents
nt Xante wiito respecting tlie e.uthquako
along the coast of thoMoiea : "Fiom what
wo have been able to ascertain fiom the cap
tains of sleamers and other crafts in thcso
watcis at the time ot the shock , it
appealed to oilginato fiom tlio sea.
Tills is not unlikely , as stcameis
belonging to the Eastern Telegiaph com
pany , which piocecdcd some months ago to
lopah tlio cable below tlio coast of Navaiino ,
found , on sounding , a subsidence of tlio soli
of , It we aio not mistaken , over a thousand
tathoms. Wo nio further Indirectly informed
that soundings on many parts of the coast
ditler materially from thu charts of ISOS-OS ,
ana si'irgcst ' that an caily survey bo made of
all the waters In the vicinity of and some
distance from the coast.
Hurrying Hack to Parliament.
VIKSNA , Sept. 10 , The Fremdcmblatt says
Gladstone , whllo visiting Ueidion-berg ,
stated he was compelled to hasten back to
London In order to be present during the
coming debate on I'arnrll's land bill.
Death of a. Cardinal.
KOMI : , Sept 10. Cardinal Carmine Corn
Morosl Is dead. He was born at Sublavv
February 15 , IblO , and made a catdinal No
vember 10I8bl. Cardinal Jacobcnl , pontili-
clal secretary of state , is seiiously ill.
A Prayer to the Cznr.
Soi'iA , Sept. 10. The Bobranjo adopled an
nddiess to the car maying for his piotectlon
over the independence nnd liberty ot Bul
EiiBinror Hrewor and Conductor Har
rington to Ultimo.
BUFFALO , N. X. , Sept. 10. The list of
killed In the Mckel 1'hito collision , which
was further swelled to nineteen by the Hud-
Ing of tliieo more bodies mangled beyond
recognition , Is now supposed to bo complete. '
The responsibility for the disaster has been
settled as nearly as possible , pending a full
Investigation. Engineer Biower has not jet
been found , but a letter from him. addiesscd
to the editor , appeals in to-day's Kx-prcss.
Tlio Icttei boio no date orposlmaik. Tlicen-
volopo wan that in use by thu cleiks on the
Lake Slioio trains. In It bo says :
Iftcoihal it Is rupoited that I inn away
for frni blame would bu put on mo foi that
tuulblu accident at Silver Cicck. I have not
run away nor do 1 intend to , but In jumping
fioiiuny englno I hint my hick and hip , and
us 1 was unable to assist I lett the wieck. Hut
In legaid lo my stopping In Silver Creek , 1
did stop and took on p-issenguis. 1 had to
meet the local nt Silver Creek. Tlicio Is no
side track there , and never having had ordois
before to pass n train theio 1 proceeded , thu
conductoi having given me Urn signal to go
nhuad ; which ho should not have
done , as ho had tlio Mimi ) eiders that I had ,
and when ho saw mo stalling thu train hu
should have used Iho bell cord or automatic
brakes In Ihc coaches to stop mo.
LKWIB Bnr.WKis , Knclncer.
It the above statement Is true It relieves
those In charge of the freight train and the
train dispatcher from responsibility
nnd places It solely upon Con' '
doctor Harrington . nnd engineer
Brewer. Parties at Sliver Crwk assert
that Harrington signalled Brewer to go
ahead , but lie did so In tliu supposition that
the engineer had no orders to the contrary ,
them having been no orders given to either
of them nt Silver deck. The railroad
olllclals state positively that Drawer's orders
were to pass thu freight at Silver Creek , anil
that hodlsobevi'd them. Coroner Blood-of
Dunkirk , will begin an Investigation to-
inonow morning.
Officers Klrctnd nnd ItoHolntloiiH of
National Importance I'nsoed.
DKNVUII. Col. , Sept , 10. The Ameiicnn
Forestry congress adjourned to-night after
electing the following officers for the ensuing
yinr : I're&ldtut , 0. \ \ . Miner , of Illinois !
sign. Colorado : ( Jirrosiondlng | secielary , . .
C. l- -ernovv , Washliifclou , D. C. ; treasurer
Leo WeltOhio. .
Kfsolntions VSIMU naopled sKIn > . ' congress
to establish an ngrlculluial nnd forcita ]
i perimuntal station on the unoccupied i > or-
ilonofluulln the let of Columbia
Vnnvvn as tlie Aillngton estate , said station
to bo uiulcr control of the department ol
agriculture ; for the passage of a bill for
llio I'Tolc-v'tlou and preservation ol
timber land now remaining lu
pitises lon of the corcrit incut ; for establish-
\\\x \ \ \ the nftiiv of comuilssloacr of forestry ; to
r > : ovdo ! mean * to prevent the further d&smio-
tlon of foii'itkby fire , and the prosecution ol
t. 'MAO sutl-nir to liaiber. A resolution
: iiu I'piinst the repeal of tlio Uiubt-i
, law was told upon the table ,
Meeting of the First National Convention oJ
Anti-Saloon Republicans.
The Liquor Trnflle Denounced nnd the
Grand Old 1'arty Called uti to
"Wipe It Out Stronj ;
Speeches ,
Itcnuhlicnii I'rolilhltlonlsts.
Cincvoo , Sept. 10. The llrst national con
vention ot the antl-siloon republicans liegan
Its session In this city this afternoon. When
Iho convention was ctiled to order thorn
weie about tlnco hundred delepates on thu
floor , with only n spiinkling ot spectators.
A tow ladles and gentlemen were in tiio gal-
leiy. The convention was called to older ny
Albert Orlllln , of Kansas , who askuil
Uov. Arthur Little. of Chicago ,
to open the proceed I HITS with pinvor.
( irlllln then said lie was icqucsted to suggest
thu name of United States Senator
Henry W. Blair of New Hampshire for tern-
lioraiy chairman , J C. Sharer of Illinois for
lempoiary secietaiy , L. It. Kllott of Kaims
for assistant secretary , and K , It. iliitchlnsof
DCS Monies. Iowa , leadlinr ciuik. Thecuj-
tleiuun were elected niianlmouslv. KvCon-
ciessman Fiost of Massachusetts , Kx-Con-
giessman 1'ilco of Iowa , and JndgoTaylor
of Indiana > vcrn appointed to oscoit Senator
Blair to tlio plattonn. In addressing tliu
convention Senator Hlalr said :
" ( lontlemen of tlio convention : I feel
highly honored In being askvd topiesido
over this gieat and histoiie convention ,
which 1 dimly believe wilt live In tlio an
nals of all time. Wo aio huio tor thodu-
stiuctlonoi thu rum tiafllc tlnoughout this
country and thioughmitthuvvorld. I think I
speak the sonImont ! of tlio convention when
1 saj that as between free nun and low li
cense vvoaiu In favor of low license ( cheers ) ;
that as between low license and hUh license
wo aio. In favor of high license , ( cheers ) ;
that as between high license and piohibitlon
we aio in favor of prohibition. [ Gieat
cheering. ]
Hlali wont on to sav also that thuy met as
republicans. They weio in that party and
could not bo driven out , and lie was one of
thosn men who believed that it was only
tlnoimli the republican p.uty that the sup-
icislon of tnu liquor tialllc could bo secured.
The call of states was then piocoeded with ,
to form committees on Dcimanciit oiganba-
tion , ciedentlals , older of business and resolu
The committee on icsohitloiis was com
posed ns follows : Ithodo Island , Henry B.
Mctealf ; Now Jctscv , John Y. Foster : Indi
ana. Thomas B. Hedding ; Illinois , It , (5.
Jenkins ; Wisconsin , James Soiitherland ;
Minnesota. J. Smith ; Kansas , S. O.Thacher ;
Massachusetts. Kufiis S. Frost ; Veimont , J.
( ! . Meade ; Michigan , Albeit Dodge ; Nuw
Yoik , John h Plait.
Tlie committee on credentials renorted that
Ibracciedited delegates were picscnt as fol
lows : Illinois , 10 ; Invvn , 30 ; Kansas ) , 30 ; In
diana , 18 ; Maine , 1 ; Veimont , ! ) ; New Yoik ,
0 ; liiiodo Island , 7 ; Michigan , : ! ; Wisconsin ,
11 ; Mass-ichnsetts , 12 ; Nevada , 1 ; Minnesota ,
IS ; Texas , 'J ; UaUotit , 1 ; IVnnsyivanla. 1 ;
Ohio , 1 ; New Jeisej , 7 ; Now liampshlie , 1.
The committee on permanent oiL'.inl/atlon
icnoited the name ot ex-Senator William
Wiiidoin , of Minnesota , for permanent eliaii-
innn. He was unanimously elected. The
seciutiiies protein weie elected aspi'imanent
olllrurs , anil vice presidents weie nomlnalcd
from e.ieh state.
Windomwas loudlv cheered as ho was
cscoited lo Ihc cliaii by c\-bcnntor Mrilill , ot
Iowa , and Goneial Con way , of Now i'oik.
When the new chairman appeared before the
convention he said :
"Gentlemen of the Conference : 1 highly
apincciato the honor von have couforied
upon me. Tliero are possibly otlicis piesont
who could state bettei than I can the pircho
puiposes of this convention. We aio hereunder
under call of tuio and lojal lemibllcans accomplish wliatvvo bi-liovo will
hoof gieat good to thn American people.
For no self I never had tlie slightest thought
of attempting to organise a new
political paity. 1 think that such n
thought docs not enter the minds of any
otlici delegates here present. The paity that
freed the slave , tliat dignified human labor ,
tlmt enacted the homestead law , that sup-
pi csscd the meat rebellion , that defended
Us honor and advanced it to the iiont rank
of the nations of the earth , Is good enough
tonne. " The speaker said the recoid of the
paity lor twenty > ears showed Its willingness
to ginppiu tills new issue and carry it to vlo
toiy. The issue was as grave ns anv republi
can had to meet in tlie past. It resolved
Itself Into thn question whether the silooii
was to dominate tlio policy of tlie nut on.
We aio heio simply for consultation. Wo
meet to oncotnago it to take hold of thisques-
tlon , which it surclv will have to do and the
sooner the better. The speaner said he would
looic at tlio question solely from a political
standpoint and not from ti moial standpiint.
The saloon was In politics with its assess
ments and nionoy. It to-day controls
thu politics of every largo city. "It elects
your itmyors , " said tlio speaker. In Minnesota
seta thu democratic paity had nominated lot
governor "Mio very incarnation of tlie saloon
intciusts. " He then spoke for thlity minutes
on the gnneral issue. He touched on the pro
hibitionists and said it was his view that
they could carry out their puiposes In a bet
ter way. In following the lead of the lepnb-
liciin party thuy will find paily
said that slavery should extend no fintliri ,
and on Unit platform slavery was absolutely
abolished. If the republican parly would de
clare tor High license , local option and iccog-
niru thu right of tlio people to vote on the
question dhyclly when they wished to do so ,
all loveis of tompcunco should follow that
lead.On the conclusion of Wlndom's address
tlie convention adjoinned to'o.clock ! p. in.
When the convention ic.issembled in the
afteinoon the committee on i ( solutions was
not prepared to icport and did not appear
before the convention until 5o'clock. In tlie
meantime , shoit speeches were made by a
number ot delegates on the general tampcr-
anco Issue In the seveial states of tlio union ,
TI'O ' icport of tlio committee was as fol
lows :
Tlio anti-saloon republicans , Jby tliclr ri'j > -
icsentatlves In national conlcruncu assem
bled , declare as follows :
" 1. Tint the liquor trafllc as It exists to-day
In the United States Is an onoiuy of society ,
a filKhtfiil souico ot corruption In politics ,
an allj of nnaichy , a school of crime , and ,
with us avowed nurpo oof sjuklng to cor-
inplly control alcctinns and legislation , Is a
menace to the public weifaiu and deserves
the condemnation of all good men.
2. Tliat wodeclaio war against the saloons
nnd hold It to bo the supiemu duty of tliu
govurnmcnt to adopt such measures that
shall lestrlct and contiol its Influence and at
tliecaillest possible moment extinguish It
11. Wu believe the national government
should absolutely prohibit the niannfactnio
and sale of Intoxicating liquors in the DIs-
tilctof Columblaandlu all Territories of the
United States.
) . Wo believe the best practical method of
dealing with the liquor tralllo In the several
elate * Is to let the jMjoplo decide whether It
h.illbopiohlbitcdby the snbmlsslnn of con-
tltutlonal amendments , nnd until such
nibiulmontsnio adopted by the passage of
> cal option laws.
6. That Inasmuch as the saloon business
catcs a special biitden of taxation upon the
oplo to support courts , jails and alms-
nouses , thercfote a largo annual tax should
ba levied upon the saloons as long as they
continue- exist , and that they should bo
made responsible for pllpubllonnd pilvato
injury resulting front the trafilo.
o. That ttio republican paity , wherever and
whenever in power , will faithfully enforce
whatsoever ordinances , statutes or constitu
tional amendments nm > bo unacted for thu
lestilctlon or suppression of the liquor trallic.
7. That we approve the notion of contcrc,33
nnd those states that have done so. In provid
ing for teaching Ilia physiological ellucts ot
Intoxicants In our public schools , and that wo
earnestly recommend lo etery state lecUla-
line the enactment of such laws ns shall pro
vide for the thorough teaching of such ellucts
to our children ,
8. Woilemnna that the republican party ,
to which wo belong , and whose welfare wo
cherish , shall take a tirm and decided stand
ns it friend of the homo and enemy of tuo
saloon , In favor of this policy nnd
measures. Wo pledge oursel\us to do our
utmost tocauie the party to take such a
stand , nnd wo call upon temperance men nnd
all friends of humanity. , of whatever party
or name , to Join with 113 In securlnsj these
objects , and In support ot the republican
ai ty so far as it shall adopt them.
The resolutions were adopted as n whole.
with only three dissenting votes. During
tlio interval bctwceil Hid reassembling of the
convention and the receiving of the repoit of
the committee , Hiram Price , of Iowa , si eke
of prohibition ns the ultimate result of the
piesont nictation.
Tlio following national committee -was
appointed , some o\lstinc vacancies to
bo tilled hereafter ! Maine , Senator
William P. Kijo : Now Hampshire ,
Senator Hcnrv W. Hlalr : Vermont. Oeorgo
A. Blown : Massachusetts. Colonel 12. 11.
Haskell ; Kliodo IMand. Henry H. Motcalf ;
Now York , ( Jcncral Thomas T. Conway ;
Now Jersey , Itov. H. II. Carroll ; Pennsvl-
vanla , Hon. W. W. Hiln ; Iowa , Hlrani
Vi Ice ; Minnesota , Oeneial A. li. Netlluton ;
Indiana , K\-ovcrnor ! William Cumback :
Wisconsin. Conisiessman K. P.Whceler ; Kan-
as , Albert Orlffon ; Illinois , Colonel W. A.
James ; ( Jeorgln , Hon. Alfred 0. lluck.
The convention then adjourned sine die.
The People's Party.
Nr.EXAii , WIs. , Stnt. 10. The state con
vention of the people's party for the nomina
tion for stat olllcors was helu In tills city to
day. Thirty counties are represented. K.
A. J2acer , of Kaclnc , was elected chairman
and Thomas TriU , of Milwaukee , secretai y.
Tlie dav was taken tin In appointing and lis
tening to icports of committees and tlio con
vention will not eel to balloting before this
evening. _ _
Tlie Cnniullnn Pnolitc ArransliiK n > r
nn ludopundiMit Ijinc.
Cutrvoo , Sept , Ifi. [ Special Telegram to
the HKI.J : The Canadian Pacific , which at
piesont icaches Ch'lcago over tlie Michigan
Cential , is lepoittVVto bo making aiiangu-
ments foi an Independent Hue of Us own
Into Chicago. The pi oposed now airline Is
to be built from Gross Isle crossing , Mich. , ( o
Jackson , Mich. , and thence to Chie.uio , which
would grve It a line from Montieal , Canadi ,
via Toronto , London , Amherstbnrg and Jack
son , to Chicago. It Is known that the Can
adian P.icllic lies secured a conti oiling Inter
est in the Minneapolis & Manitoba railway ,
nnd fuithcr Impoitant developments aio
looked for at an.eailyday , rcgnidiir. : tlio
routu from Chicago to St. Paul , so as to carry
out Us scheme of through line from Mon
tieal via Chicago to thu Pacllic coast. Many
important Issues Imng upon the new link of
the Canadian Paoliic's cnteipiiso through
the United Stntes ; What the result of
such a vigoious iiollcv will tie is an centum
atpiosenr. The outcome of tills new pioject
will bo watched with consldeiablo interest
nnd competing companies vvlll be fully alive
to their inteiests should their gioit rival
push the pioposjdf schamo to a successful
issue. i
Alllootly Tvvcnty-tvv ) IluuiKl Fight on
Liiine Island.
HoeicMVAY IJikcif , L. I. , Sept. 10.
Jimmy Cairoll , qt NQW York ami Dick
Collier , of Philadelphia ' fonyht witli small
gloves to a finish' , Quecnsbury rules , in a
spoiling icsoit here this afternoon In pres
ence of about sixty peisons , who paid $10 each
in an hour and thlrty-ime minutes , the light
being awarded to Carroll , who managed to
get In the last blow. At the finish they
looked like a couple of fighting cocks attor a
hatd nattlo , liouijdciiiiK around tuo ring ,
neithei having ( ho shcngth lo make a Int.
tlmoro 0. Pittshurgl. Umpiio-Cailiu.
Atliietip * . ! , r.0/0 010010G 8
honisvlllo . OVJ 0000801 0
Fhst base Idls Athletics 8 , Louisville 7.
Pitclicis Millet 'and Kennedy. Krrrors
Athletics 4 , Louisville 8. UniDire
VnientiiiP. - ' '
AT Nr.vv Yoitlc
Washington . 1 00000000 1
Now Yoik . 00 0000001 1
Tie iramo. Called on account of daikness.
Fiislb.iso hits New Yoik 0 , Wasliington 5.
Krrois New Yoik 3 , Washington 5. Um-
plie Peaicn. i
ArNi.w Yonic-f
Metiopolitan . . . .0 < 0 0100001-2
St. Louis . OlO 0000010 1
Flist base hits Metropolitan 8 , St. Louis
.1. Enors M etropolitan , StO , Louis 2.
Umtilnl Kolly. '
Ar Nr.w YOKK-
llrooUyn . { .4 210203 -12
Cincinnati . ' 14 310101 -10
Klght Innings ofi i account of lain. Firs
liaso lilts-Uiooklyn 12 , Cincinnati 13. Er
rors Brooklyn B. iCincIunatl 7. Umpire
lilll. 7
Today's Uostony'hlladolphla amo and
Mj stlc paik bolting race were postponed on
account of rain , j if
AT ST. Louis fJ
St. Louis . .1 . 0 0000-0
Detroit . ' ? . 0 0000 0
Five Innincs oji arcount of darkness.
Fust base Iilfs-At. Louis 2 , Delioit 2.
Pitclierh Keiby i ind Italdvvin. Krrors
St. Louis 2 , Detro tl. Umpiie-Joo Quest.
B Y-.N.Y. , Sept.lO.-MiIo :
Itupeit won ! Wing second , Saxony
Ono and one'-quajtcr miles : Giienn won ,
JJarniim second , I fool and Too thlrd Tlme
2:12. : *
Seven fiulongs : I Bessie Juno won , Vcra
second , Urisettu til rd.
Ono and 'ono-I alf mlios : Aietlns won ,
The Bouillon sjcond , Tonbooker third.
Time 'J:37' : ' $ .
One and oneeiititli miles : Llltio Mlncli
wonBapphiio secoud , Una B third. Time
'biio nnd thrcoIxtcenths miles : Tattler
won , KlUabeth second , Krncst third , Time
2:00. : *
LOUISVILLE , ICy.t Sept. 10. Ono mile :
Wnulngton won.BTaxgathcier second , War
Sign thhd. TIiiK4-3l5K. !
One nnd ono-olghtli miles : lol ! > Svvlmin
won , Pat Slicedy eccjnd , Jim N.ivo thhd.
One and ono-fqiuUi miles : King Hobln
won. Putiku second , HonUinathlid. Time
2:1W. : (
One nnd one-slstfenth miles : Panama
won. Llera second , liumeleton third , 'lime : I" .
Five fu.-longs : , Jpcobln won. Hanburjf
becond , Alleuheiiy.Utiid. Time 1OJ. :
dwelling of Leslie Uiimmlns , In Jackson
county. Last night tljo stone , wolghlntr bun-
drcds of tons , became detached nnd rolled
down the mountain } cuishlng the barn
nnd killing foVr < > r flvo horses and
mules. It passed over tlio stable
and struck ttitf tvvo-stoiy fiaiiio
dwelling , ciiishliit ; i" largest timbers Into
ItlndliDKwoodnnd killing Kiank , one of
Ciimnilns1 soiifc and EJward JenKs , a hired
man. Mr. Cummins and his wife , with two
small children , were tin own from bed and
hurled thlity feet to the rlfiht of the track ot
the Btono avnlancho and'badly Injuied. 1 ho
children vvlll probably die- from thulr In
juries. _
The I > u8 ongcr Pool.
CHICAGO , Seit. 10. The meeting of tlio
Western Passenger association Is ttlll In
progress , but nothing has as jet been accom
plished be > oud denning tlio boundaries of
the proposed pool. The Wabash objects t.o
the years selected upon \vlucU to base tiio
percentages , and ether minor objections
have been piade to various points In tl.e plan
prepsicd by the giju omiufllue. Theio ej ms
but Httlo ttoubt , jiowover. this ovenlnu that
tlie gross uaoriei puolvill linallybo agreed
Painters nt the White House Maie a Ruinous
The Now Public 1'rlntor Declares He
Is Not "lint"
n The Telephone
Stilt Army and. Postal
1'ulntcr-M In n Pickle.
WA miN < up.v , Sept. W. rSpeclal Tele
gram to the llui : . I The dccorntois nt the
vvhlto house are in a quandary as to what to
do with the terrible moss they have made of
the historical blue room. The delicate and
lovely painting of tills exquisite 100111 was
done In Aithni's time by Tlllany and was
the pci fectlon of ait. When the local paint
ers got Into tlie house this summer under the
supeivlslon of thu superintendent of public
buildings they thought they had discovered
that thu lower pat t of the walls of thu blue
room had faded. Now the design of Tiffany
had bcun a graduation of blue , and for the
delicate light tint thu new artists thought
they had discovered n failing. So eiders
vveie given for a giand dado of sky blue.
Old the anguish of the artists when they dis
covered their awful blunder. Hut worst of
all was the hideous effect the ultra marine
had on the delicate robins eggs blue.
Hut the damage had boon done nnd the best
had to bo made of It , so the painters manfully
went to work , and when the room was given
its mst coat it was n veiltablu iiiKbtmaie.
What exactly to do they know not , but to-day
the "artists" weio vury busy In tijing to
"Hclilon" the shades on the hideous ultra-
mntlno to sotton It down. Tliero were thieo
painters on n ladder trying tlie effect ot a
light sea Kieen on one of the shutteis. The
boss artist was inKinir vaiions coloicd blues
In spots on the Iloor , and "Hector , " tlie Ant
werp poodle , was showlnc his utter disgust
of tno whole affair by tinning up Ills nose at
each place of fresh paint. "Hector , " of late ,
has bucomu quite the master of the white
house. He has had n now alligator skin col-
lai sent him fiom his mistress in tlio Adlion-
dacks and on the collar is a plain plato bon
ing tlieso woids : "Hector Cleveland. " Hec
tor has been shovrcd and washed and Is now *
ready for big mlsticss' leturn.
UK nir.uvis : : : IN UNIONS.
Public Printer licncillct says , In an
Interview , that thcic is no foundation
whatever for the statement that he Is a "rat , "
and antagonistic to omanized labor. Ho fails
to compiohend the design of those who hav e
clrculaled such a report unless It Is to analgn
thu Knights of Labor ajalnst him and defeat
His conlluu ition , mid tints thwatt tlio deslio
of the president. Mr. .Benedict sajs lie IMS
ahvajssuppoitcd organl/ed labor , and has
received many congratulations tiom tlio
Knights of Labor upon his anpcintmunt. lie
stoutlj denies tlio charge tlmt lin is a "lat , "
and says the fact that tlio government print-
inirollico lias published so piomptly that
bulk } dally document know n as the Congiob-
sional Kecoul , and tinned out so readily
other gieat compilations In a handsome man-
nei. Is proof the force Is well organised ,
and that ho shall make changes veiy cau
Ex-Senator Joseph K. McDonald , of
Indiana , attorney for the government
in tlio telnpliono Milts to bo brought at
Cincinnati against the I3eil company , says
that thu appioacblng heating is only for
the purpose ot dctcuninlng tlio question ot
jurisdiction and that It the verdict is aualnst
the Hell company it will bo appealed to tlie
siimcmo coin tot tlio United Status. This
w ill delav the liuul tiial ot the issue. Justice
Stanley Matthews would have been on the
bench at Cincinnati had ho not Uccn mar
ried iccentiy and since he is In Emope , the
bench lias been ai ranged witli Judge Jackson
presidintr , Judge Sago and Justice Woods.
Senator McDonald thinks the pieliminaiy
lieai ing Monday nnxt will bo disposed of in
two days. There Is a piobabllity of an ap
peal to the supieme court by the govei nmcnt
lithe Cincinnati bench should say that that
court hns not jinisdlctlon.sincn the Boll com
pany lias no propel Iv in Ohio. All of the
government's attorneys aio busy on briefs
and pleadings ana will bo fully employed all
The grand auny men expect to make
the and to ( !
icception banquet ox-ov-
einer Kali child of Wisconsin , their chiot
commander , a nia.'iilliccnt affair next
Satuiday night. Governor falrchlld will bo
received on Saturday afternoon when lie re-
tuins f i oni the south by a mimberot veterans
and escorted to tlie hotel. In thocvenini , ' ,
before thu banquet , there will buapaiado
and an addicss of welcome , the latter by
I'ast Commandcr-ln-Chlot Umdett. Amohg
tlio speakers Colonel W. W. Diullov ,
cv-commlssloncr of pensions : Colonel W. 1J.
McLean , deputy commissioner of pensions ,
and Assistant Land Commissioner Stock-
slajjer , all of Indiana.
Herman Koch was to day appointed
postmaster nt Bow A alley , Cedar county ,
vice Charles T. Itlggs , moved away ;
Kdw.ira Williams , Clio , Wayne county ,
Iowa , vice Nicholas Klsun , resigned ;
Louis (1. Koso , Cieiman City , Woodbmv
county , low'a , vice Lcioy Sweet , icsigned ;
( ! . II. Howlev. Jamaica , ( iiitlulo county ,
lown , vice Smith I'.umlnlcr , lemoved.
in : CAN IIAVI : ! HI : vr.xri : .
Ahoii'cstcader at Wallace , Kan , , named
IJennctt , vvioto Acting Land Cammlssloner
Hockslaccr tlio other day and Inntiiied If ho
could have tlio vvlio funco aiound a piece of
land w hlch ho had humesteaded. Mi. Hocks-
laser loplled today that any cnclosuiuol
public domain was Illegal aim consequently
an obstruction which must bu lemovud , and
that It was a matter for thu local authoilties
and not the land depaitment to say who
should li.ivo tlio funco. Tno homesteader , it
IH believed can appiopiiatotho fcncowltli Im
SanuiE'l G. lingers , of Iowa , has been ap
pointed to a S 1,000 clerkship in thu pension
J. A. ficott , of Iowa , has boon promoted
from a 81,000 to a 61,203 cleikshlp Jn the pen-
slon ulllcc.
C. S. Fuller , of Iowa , Is at the Kbblt.
Senator Alliuon , of Iowa , Is nt the Brcvooit
house , Now Vork.
The superintendent of the. mounted re
cruiting service vvlll cause twenty-live re
cruits to bo piepaml and forwatded under
proper charge to iTort Leavonworth , Kansas ,
lor assignment , ns follows : Nine to troop I ,
1'libt cavalry : seven to troop U , Third cav
alry : one to tioop L , Kouith cavalry , und
eicnt to tioop M , Kourlh cavalry.
First Lieutenant Kdward h. rnirow , Twon-
tvMirst Infantry , had his sick leave further
extended until November 14.
Lieutenant James H. Frier , Seventeenth
infantiy , recently graduated , fuithcr ex
tended to October 1.
Fiist Lieutenant William O. Cory , Fif
teenth Infantry , who was one o , tlie compel- !
toisatthoioccnt ritle contest at Fort Knell
ing , Allnu. , has been granted two mouths'
leav o ,
A rul so llcport.
Nnvv YOIIK , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the UKI : . ] The report that James Gordon
Bennett had died very suddenly caused much
excitement In clubs hoie last evening. The
minor originated in Newport. It was pos
itively denied at the Herald otlico , where It
was said that thu managing edlt r was In
constant cable communication with Mr ,
jlennett , _
of Labor Acquitted.
ST. Lot IB , Sept. 18. The trial of the
Knights of Labor Frank Young , Oscar
Harrow nnd Fred Jlnndluuiscn on the
cluWe of conspiracy during thu late south
western railroad strike to Injuiu the MUwurl
1'ftclllc rallroau tnoperty and business , con
cluded late last night. The Jury , after re
maining out two hours , returned a ycidict of
Dr. O'U lllM Uc < lunntlon nnd
Prolitiltlo Successor.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 10. [ Special Telpgrnm
to the Hii : : . ] 1'or several da > 9tliciehasbi > en
consldeiablo talk In Clilcago about the
change in tiio tiea&urershlp of the lilsli Na
tional league of 5\nicilca. It has been stated
that Kev , Dr. O'HIullv , of Detroit , was about
to roslirn and that Hov. Maurice J. Dornov ,
of St. C'abilei's ehnrch at the Union Stork
Yards , was likely to succeed him. Hev. Dr.
O'HcllIy'sicslirnatlon Is due , It Is said , to Iho
action of the recent confeienco of the cleigy
of tlio Detiolt dloceso held at SandwlcliOnt. ,
which adopted among other mips the follow
ing :
"Xopiiest In our dloceso is permitted to
hold political olllcoof any Kind , nor olllco In
n society or association of purulv political
aim 01 pin poses , and if iuiptlest , at this
present time holds such ollloo , no shall foitlt-
with leslgn and forward ovlilencn ot bavin : ;
given up and enliiel.v relinquished such of-
iici1 , to the bishop within one month fiom
tills imh day of August , i w
The Iilsli national leiguo has cortnlnly
political alms and purposes , and Itov. li. )
O'llcllly cannot , therufoie , continue to act In'
the capacity of tieasurei. Indeed , It Is
hinted that the itilu was aimed specially nt
him. It was adopted the t'.ltli ot Aimust.
about the same tlmn ho was elected by the
Chicago convention as ticasmct ot Ihu
league. Them is somu question in Chicago
as to whether Father Doinoy will bo pi'i-
mltted to accept tliu pnsltlon of tieasuiei by
Afclibishop I'eelian. It Is almost i\b-olntoly
necessary to the success of tlio lu.icuc tlmt
clercvmen should act In that eaneit | > . Iiisli
Catholics ol Ameilea will not have so much
faith in lav men , 'Ihu tieasineis ol the
leaguu have , as a coitst-nitonce , lieonelcigj-
inen fiom the start. The outcome < > 1 the
matter Is nwalted with some anxiety by
chuichmeii ami members of the league heie.
HACKS AT'l'IlK FA 111.
Ycsleritny'a Turl' Kvcnts at the Onpl-
tul City.
Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Uii.J : : Following Is tlie icstill of
the day's races at tlie lair :
Tiotting , stallion lace , purse SUO.
Consul . 2 111
Gladys . : t : t a : i
JeiinieCobb . 1 2 Bills
, , , . .
Fiee-foi-all pace , puiso psiio. SJO/added by
society It 'J:20 : or betlei is made :
Dan D . 2 111
Uiley . it 2 n : t
Jennie Llnd . I 3 2 ! i
' 1 imo2Jl2:21 : : Jf. 2:21 : , 2:1 J
Trotting , toi liorses that have nuvcr beaten
2:2. : " ) , purse ? 60J.
William K . 1 1 1
Billy Foul . ! t 2 1 2
Motile A . 2 3 2 : t
- , , , .
In the iiiniilnit I.ICP , oao and one-half mile
dash , purse $200 , Ilello K. won In 2tU : .
Prohibition IHIS
Sciiuvi.i.n , Nel ) . , Sept. 1G. Tcle-
giaintotlio Bi5i.J : The piollibltlonists of
Col fa \ county to-day placed in nomination a
county ticket as follows : A. M Welling ,
repiescntatlvo ; N. B. Mooie , cominlssioni'i ;
Samuel C.ury , Sheilir. Aftoivaid they were
joined by a delugalion tiom 1'l.itto county
and organized a convention for nominating
candidates liom thoscnatoiialand tloat iep-
leseiil.itiv o districts composed ot 1'latto and
Cell ax counties. E. A. ( Jciraid , of Colum
bus , was nominated for senator ami J. S
Anderson , ot Schuylei , for lloat representa
by iMiinkoil Dlcn.
ST. Louis , Sept. 10.A dailngrobbcry was
committed caily jesterdav morning near
Centcivillo Station , 111. , the victims being
Joseph Bluff , a well known fanner , and his
cniploje named Palmjer. A bout 3 o'clock In
thu moining they stalled fiom the house to
the barn on Blulf's farm to hitch a to a
waifon of cabbage which tliov were to l > iing
lo this eity. As they iippioachcd the stable
lour masked man spiangout Iroin a place of
concealment and piesentud tevolveis at their
beads , at tlie same time cautioning them to
make no resistance. Thoiobbci.sthen oidorcd
them to tlie lildiir : place of thoh
monov. Thoiiii'hteiicd victims did so , and
the robbers , after gagging thorn , led them
back to the house. On enteiing Bluff was
taken to a buieau in ono of thu looms waste
lie had hidden 5rS5. This thu lubbers took
mid proceeded with I'almvcr to the lattei's
room wheie they secured g5. : ! Then thev
lelt thu house after warning Bluff
and I'alinver not to attempt
to puisuo them as they would bo killed. The
latter weio too badly frightened to do any
thing and the masked desperadoes escaped.
Blurt went Immediately to Belleville , Ills. ,
wheie he Infoimed the authorities of the rob-
beiy. The description which ho gave of the
lobbers tallies exactly with that 'given by Mr.
Turbui ol thu men who icllovcd him about
u month ago of S" 00 In almost the same
manner. It Is thought that both crimes wcie
committed by ( he same men.
The Western 15x | > ort Anaoclntion to
Moot To-Dny ,
CHICAGO , Sept. JO. The executive board
ol the Western Kxpoit association has been
In secret session hoio to-day. To-ninirow
there will boa meeting of the whole associa
tion , when the question of the contiol of
the pioduetlon of whisky will bu considcied.
At present the distillers In the Western Kx-
poit pool , uul allnoith of thu Ohio river aio
now In it lmvon capacity of convoiUncirX,000 )
bushels of grain Into splilts in n day. As
tliu demand is only for a pioditct of : nOM )
bushels It has been found nercssaiy to olosn
thriin-lilthsof them nnd limit tliu pioductot
thu remainder which aie capable of turnlni ;
ouirr > ,000 bushels tonboutball their capacity.
Tliu pioilts ot thn dlstllleiles which nio in
opeiatlon me divided with those closed
down. Kentucky houses , it Is Irarned.
do not want to pav the leqniiod assu.ssmcnt
ol thu pool. They claim that thny
cannotrompetu with other houses' , thclrio-
stilctlons helm , ' more severe. Three I'eoria
iiou&cs weio expelled last week tor violating
tliu agiecment ot thu pool by producing mom
than tlmlr allowance , but thu tumble was ad'
Justed to day and thev will bo taken back.
The Nebraska City house , It Is claimed , has
been producing daily dOJ bushels , while the
pool only giants u 403. This matter vvlll
probably bn considered to-moirovv ut thu
meeting ot the entire association.
t Ohnrlcntnn.
CIIAIII.KHION , H , C. , Sept , 10. The- relief
committal Issued over 1,000 forms of applica
tions for assistance In the rebuilding or ru-
palling of houses. Attention has been re
cently dliccted to the character of mortar
used , consisting largely of vcllowsand , and
the city council will piobably take action on
Die subject to prevent uny disaster * in the
hurry of ipbuildlng.
Grfcnhnck-Linbor Convent Ion.
JlAiiiiisnuno , I'n. , Sept. 10. Ti . 6tato
greenback-labor convention assembled hero
to-day witli but a hundied delegates present.
A peimuncnt oruanlzation was effected by
tliu election ot Charles N. Brumniof
Bchuylklll , as chalinian. After tha appoint-
luentof soveial committees thu convention
adjourned to 1:30 : this afternoon.
A Prominent Cuso Decided.
WAJtiiixoTON , Sept. 10. Acting Secretary
of the Intciior Muldrow to-day In a dccUIop
denied the motion Tiled by Charles I1. Chpu-
teau and others fora un lew of the decision
ofBecretaiy Teller of November 7 , 1SSI.
rejfcllli Hiat nppllcatloa for approval o/
surveyfa KWU In cttl do sac , coiunon .Held * ,
ht. Louis , Mo. Tm | siuvey refeired to repiu-
Bentb a lingo aniouiit of valuable property
within the limits of thu city of hit. LoulK.
Tlie case Has been a protulnent one in Ihu in
terior department for several > o.ii > .
I\ebraiiku nnil Iowa i-uihur , '
For Nebraska and Iowa ; K.ii , > i"y
Testimony Before the Haddock Jury War
ranting Many Arrests.
AVhiU AH Important U'itnorm Said Air
Illinois Out rat Kngltio
Into tlio MUsls lpil | nt Oil *
liuiio ( lovvii
The Hiuldoi'k Murder , < |
Sior.x Clrv , U. , Sept. 10.-hpeclal [ Tele-
gum to the ltKi : . | TliU bus boon an event-
nil dav In Sioux City. Publicity was this
moiiilng ulvcn ton poilion of Iho tastlmony
t iken bofoio Ihu Haddock coioiii'r'tf juiy , It
had the oiled of reviving old Interest In Iho
ease , and riveting attention to this great
mj stery. That tlio case has been bungled i
ftoin the stall H mw so evident lo temper- J
nncoaudiind anti-lemperatico people alike *
that It Is liaidly lunger denied. Since Hie
testimony was given neirly nil the impll- !
cated pai lies have gone , tliu la t ono to pu
beingleoicoTielber , whom It Is supposed |
took nn active pail In tin ; assassination. 'J'hu
city marshal and chief of police returned
a day or so ago a Her nn alHuneo of two
weeks soaiohlng for the guilty patties , hut
were unable to capluro a single ono or oven
find a satisfactory working clue.
The Bin : importer to-dey managed to get
possession of the complete testimony. Some
ol lids lias alieadj been given In lltcso dis
patches. Tlio testimony ol but one or two
witnesses Is really veiy Impoitant and no-
vvlioio does It appeal tliit tlie Microey so loiu
maintained with leferuiico to tlio case \vas
jtistilied. Undoubtedly the principal wit
ness was B. Doik , none ot whose testimony
has heiCtotitro been published. John King
and Charles WallerliiL' ate Implicated to the
extontof havingnuicnd lo do up some pio-
hlbltlonlsN , but llioy novel consniimtcd tlio
plans. Their testimony conliruis the general
itiipicsslon that the pollen and some of the
city olliceis were cogubant ol the fact that
tliuic waslobu tioublo anil wciulather to aid
than stop It.
B.1)oak's testimony Is In substance ns fol
lows :
Some tlin ty days piovious to tlio murder
the saloonkeepers had a meeting for the
put pose of raising a lund to be lepresontod
In the injunction case. Ho vvnsnijcd to al-
lend another meeting to qonsidm plans to
"lay some piohlbltlonists out , " huld on Ihu
day Hcv. Haddock was muidi'ied. At Unit '
meeting u committee , Including Leavitt , was , .
apitolnted and It was uudi-istood tliat f.eavitt |
liad n man < u men to do the job. Tills nun i
Doak , on thu day ol thu muidei. saw and 9
described , but b is never SLM-II him U
sliu'o , His testimony would plainly
Implicate Ibis stiaugei and live 01 six lead- n
ingsalooulstsot the cltj , nil of whomlelt IJ fl
thocll.v. This is oanother evidence of tlieii
guilt. Now that Leavitt and co-cuiispiiators
luvcgonu those conducting the investigation
icgiet that thu aiiusts weio nnt sooner or-
doted. It is claimed on Ihu othi'i hand that
the witness could not be iniido to peach
until aftoi their I'epaituro ' , and hcncu
the absi'iieo ot. U'.u mid tetiorlsm that had
hiiheilo pievailed. Tln'ic Is undoubtedly
siiUlcliMit evidence procurable to piovecon-
spliacj , and this will bo done when the dis
trict pntpt meet * pvxtiriontli. The coioner's
verdict cliaiuud Leavitt and otlieis with com
plicity In tin ) niiirdor-butlcttnil elsejn the
dark/ < * „ . : , ,
AN oi'UN DIA'\V.
An Kncinc and Two , ' Freight Cnrn
Itoll into iho
Don.UQUi : , la. , Sept : 0. ( Special Telegram -
gram lo tlio Hii : : ] This moniiiii ; itt 5 o'clock
when tain was lalllng/ipU the track slippery
a wild lieight tiain OH > ( | IQ Illinois Central ,
com ! nc to DubiKjiio , emerged tiotn the east
Dubuquu tunnel ; the cuRlneer seeing that ho
had underestimated thaspocd of the train rd-
veised hla enUlny , wh'lstied down brakes ,
The brakenmn on tlio rear end ot the train
applied the brakes nnd jumped front the
tiuln. The engineer Succeeded In Stopping
the train nt the open draw of the bridge , but
tlio coupling of thu tlihd car bioku , and the
rear end'ot' tlio train , coining up , pushed the
mogul engine and two cars Into the river.
Thoiheman jumped. The engineer went
into the i Ivor , but lloatod to tlio surface with
the cab. Ho was lesciiednnil Is not danger
ously Injured. Ono ear Is suspended between
the bridge and the water. The wreck "lies
under the channel. Trains are delaj cd and
navigation somewhat obstructed.
' 11c < l Onlc'H Knees.
Run. OAK , la. , Supt. 10. fSpocinlTelc-
( jram to tlio UKK. ] Tlio pacing race was
wop hero to-day by Ilallcck's Honesty ( tlmo
2:501 , second , HultcrJleld's John C. In the
mile antt-iciirnt rnnnlng men Halstead'H
Scottish Iobili { won ( time 4:00) : ) , fiocontl ,
Castlo'sJled Light. The track was vuiy
Owing to tlio rain this foionoon the fair
will bocontinued over Hatmday witli a full
juoL'iaimnu foi thu last day , tlio main races
ol the talr to come oh on that day. The fnilt
display Is magnllicent , ( hero lining ninety-
four vaiictlcs In one exblblloi's collection.
The corn display IK the best ever shown at
this talr and said to exceed that at thu lect'nt
htato fair lit De.s Mnlnrs. Other farm
pioducty mo c'iiml | lo any former Thu
cxhibitrt in gaiilon vegetaliles are not up to
tlie avei.igo owing to dry weather In Iho
eailv pai t of the season. Display of domestic
fowls only tali. The line arts depaitment | H
wol | pitioni/ed ,
Tlio Annitnl Slootlnjr ClowcH 8uucciss-
fully nt Hook Inland ,
Hocic IhiA.Ni > ( HI. , Sept. 10. At the meetIng -
Ing of tlio Army of tlio Tennessee thin morn *
InKQomnilttce ii-porls worn nmdo and adopted.
The next meeting will bo held in Detroit on
the second Wednesday ot Hoptcmbur , IbST.
The olllcers weiu ro-olecU'd as follow :
President , W. T. Sherman j vice presidents ,
Colonel J. T. Howe , St. Louis ; Captain W.
T. Leach , Cedar Haplds ; Ciiptatn C. K.
.Lonubtrnin , ( iiiU lnirc ; Major Lluulcs H ,
Smith. Cluveland ; Major A. T. Uohm , Lcad-
vllle , Colo. ; Snriroon K. C. 1'lumuie.r. HocK
Island ; Captain J. H. Depress. Austin , Tex , ;
Captain C. ( ' . CliadWIck , Detiolt ; Lluutonnnc
J. W. Hill , Itoswlalo , Kan , ; Colonel Kdward
H. Wolf. IJushville , Ind. ; Captain Kdwnrd
Hpear. Minneapolis : Major CJitowult. Jlogun ,
-De ? ilolntis ; recording secretary , Uolotuu L.
M. .Diiyton : uorrespondlnt ; neciotary , Oen- '
cw I A. Hickcnloolier ! treasurer , Uonornl M.
V. Uufce.
Tlio matter of having headquarters for Iho
society nnd a peimancnt plnce.ol * holdinu
imuitlngft , vvaiv. taken up and nftwn splilted
lilHciibsloir the president wan empowered >
appoint a coiinnltteo of live to icport on tlio
matter nt the next incntlii ! . ' , Tito
tnaiiU-v ot the Aocety ) VMTU extended
to tlio pi'opld ot Itock Jsland
forconeronshospltallllos , to the cnmmltteo
on tneii'iiinval of the Itawllns monument ,
and to ( ienerol < Jhetaln ) for his leanicicl and
philosophical aililiena.
Thn isoclety then formally adjourned , ( Jon-
eral Slu-rman rlyslng the proceedings with n
brlnf addni s , c-xpresalinj Ids hope that all
would have a happy year and route together
again at. the next annual inoetlnp. In tlio
aftcrooii'tlio | f < ciety wcie takuu on n special
( rain to ( ho Itock Island nrsennl where a
salute of seentiun guns wna til p'd In honor ut
( lovcrnor Ouliwby and vv.hcre Jhfi M ork eliyjvs
Wi'eiono ; U Jonli.Aln tl | < l eycnlDj. tluiu
was n banijtirt aHlicItir '
8r. I'/Oii. fiept.10. . ( 'iiv Dlspatclj'B ' Kau
Wli. , .pcclKl av Ihii Uhlppovra L m
coinpatiy's sawmill at
* '