Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1886, Image 1

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The Patient Toilers of the Cliffs and Col
lieries Rising in Self Defense ,
Tito Ucvlvnl of AVcUh Nntlonnl Peel-
lliK anil Language One ill' the
im oT the Times 'ihc
Growth of the Homo
Ittilu lilcn.
A Slsrtch ofVnIco. .
T , Sept. 10. [ Now York Her-
nld Cable Special to the Bin : . ] The revival
of Welsh national feeling In one of the si 15119
of tlio times. Then the laiigiiago which was
lately dying out Is now being levlvcd ami Its
use actually increasing nnd spreading. The
plctutfiqiie Klstedfodd , tlio annual meeting
for tin1 coiiipcllilon of essajs In poetrv and
slnginIs carried on with Inereaslnv enthu
siasm In the various towns of the principal
ity In the vernacular language , with the an
cient ilntlillcitl ceremonies which tlio sons of
Wales , who honored tlie'-o gatherings In dnys
of joie , held In most respect. With Wclbh-
incn the talent of music Is Inborn nnd It Is
curious to see the rustle lovers quartet paitles
Blueing in thocounlrv lanes. Learn I UK is
esteemed nnd the popular outcry for educa
tional facilities has been partly satlslled by
tlio institution of colleges at Monger and Car
diff. Abujstwlck college was literally found-
cdlwith I'm ' people's pen en. The national ic-
llglon Is oviineellcat. 1'rotesta nts of various
denomination * , so called dissenters , worship
mostly In the Welsh language. The people
inhabit clean whitewashed cottages on hills
nnd In valleys. They are kindly , unobtru-
bive , hospitable and patient.
Tiir.m : is A rorcii or SAUSKSS
In their capacity for enthusiasm. They vol
untarily maintain their own religious ser
vice1 ? and aid missionary efforts to an extent
disproportionate to their means. There is a
remarkable absence of crime. Such are the
actual tillers of the soil In South Wales. Tlio
The inannis and workmen are equally devout
nnd lowgibrding. All these havea high Ideal
of a gooif life , a thirst for knowledge and an
iictlvo sj mp.ithy with the younger aspirants.
The colliers ot Glamorganshire and the qtiar-
rymcn of Carnarvonshire assist out of their
dally wages in the foundation of scholarships
to maintain lads nt colics. Many country
chapels club to educate students of promising
literary or musical talent. Apart , from these
there 5s the other cln s composed of the
squires , clergy and olllclaldom , forming a
small minoilty of siipercelious people , who
attend the Kiiglish churches , which use ihc
Kngllsh language. These wore formerly
their oppressors , but In tlio election of 1SG3
many of the tenants voting liberal were
ejected from their farms an outrage never
to bo forgotten or forgiven and they aie
now powerless. Tlio ballot extended the
franchise but the evil spirit still rum iins.
Many of the clergymen scorn intercourse
with tlm dissenting ministers and decline to
co-operate with them and claim the monopoly
ely of the chiisttan religion. The peop'.o '
generally do not- respect the cloth. A com
mon saying among the Wolclmvju is , "If he
is too stupid or worthless to live , make him
o clergyman. " There are souio exceptions
but the peisomicl of tlio English chinch in
Wales Is not satisfactory.
nnd fanned by small yearly tenants , witli no
capital nnd content to live from hand to
mouth. Their position Is always precarious.
They nro attached to home , but many emi
grate. They love to go together and remain
in the sound of the old language. There arc
Welsh colonies In Illinois Patagonia and
Australia , The Itritlsh parliament is rep -
p a riled as predominantly English , and the
Welsh question Is shelved and meaaro re
sponse given on thomxmiotlon of education
nnd the use of the Welsh Inniriiniro. The dis
establishment of the church nnd the settle-
inontof tlio landed tenant question , several
Euch points of legislation for Wales in ac
cordance with Welsh Ideas , are earnestly
wished. They seemed till lately unattaina
ble , but Mr. Gladstone's Irish proposals have
struck a lesponslvo chord , for they want the
home into themselves if they let Ireland have
It. The Welsh elections are overwhelmingly
Gladstoninn , nnd Chamberlain and Ilni ting-
ton are barely listened to. In the mean
time , an extensive demand Is made for more
energy from the Welsh members in tlio com
mons. There contimtcsa great deal of corre
spondence on the question In the Welsh
newspapers , but a considerable consensus of
opinion holds that no actual home rule asso
ciation can bo justyet , but Is quite likely to
bo soon founded. At the present moment at
tention is occupied with a tltho coutroveisy.
It Is easy to understand that
TIII : IAVMINT ojpTirni:3 :
is unpopular , from two points of view. The
first is strictly le al , tor all land in England
from tin early period lias been subject to the
payment of a tenth pait of Its produce for the
Mippcnt ot the church. Tills is a clumsy ar
rangement and productive uf diekciln ? .
Tor if , Instead of marking of school lauds
with their school grantsfiom the proportion ,
thopioducoof nit hinds weio given , the legal
tltlo of the church would bo quite clear. Or
If them Is no chinch , then the nation should
) in > Hie tithes nnd not the land owneis or
occupiers who have never acquired that
tonthof thepioduce. Till 1SW : tithes wciu
collected III kind , but now in Kngland and
Widestlieyari ) paid la money , also from the
farms in Scotland , From the owner's point
ot vluw rout nnd tithe * together make n
larger tent.
BiUlsh avilculturo Is vcrj depressed , some
say "played out. " Amciican pioduco is so
cheap that thu Welsh farmers are the least
iililo to hold out. The titlio Is now some
times a nlxth pait of the product. Wliypay
till * over to nn alien church If ( t Is not our
projMiity } ' Hut If a national church , then let
the tax collectors take the tithes anil relieve
the poor rate to promote educational estab
lishments. Why should Wales support an
, nimiyoptnblu rellglonV Mr. Gladstone Is not
C'xrertod to help iia to this matter , he bcliic a
high eluiicliiniui. Wo want to Mop the whole
sy.iU-in. Why not pay ? Because , as say a
Wi'lrh paper , "The clergy have no sympa
thy for our distress and insist upon
nnd iffuMj consideration of tlio fallen prices
fit'produce. . What excuse to us lor our
muintnlunucfl when tliochurrh Is a waste , n
tntdcii on agriculture nnd nn Injustice to
-i&mily life ? The established chut eh U
iie'thcr fulUlllng Its purpose nor doing Its
iul ! ) us an example to the lewhers of chrb-
t'anlty in every p.uWi. This tht'oiy Is do-
Iill ted from almost tu a shamnfiil Jcxlent ba-
rause tlie minority , though excccdlnsly
Mtiall , aii * rich enough to maintain tholrown ,
This is contrary to thu Kenrrul principle ol
religious equally nnd of Christianity lUelf.
Yt'ho ever heard of St. Paul iltMtraluIug
tilhe ? Wo aicd ( > totmurd. ; and this moans u
) < rot&l iieilust thccontlnu.iucoof the KIIK-
lUh church In Wale ) , and must so bo ac
cepted. Wo wish IQ iticngtucii the hudi ; of
JHelwin In his motion In the commons far
the dlsMittblUhwout of the KngiUr , r.hvjv'i
In W ie .M
ta4 la * HiUUlUi the u.ay u.iit ; jj.i--i.J m
the northern Wales. Then were witnessed
cxtraordinnry scenes wherein the clergyman
nnd the auctioneer , the bailiff and the pollcc-
naiiwero enzaced In selling cows and pigs
o pay the tithe. On Monday nicht the lir t
meeting was hold at Kuskln , of n formal
nnti-tlthc association for mutual protection
uid defense. At the present time the land-
ords arc not in the question. They
\ro considered as fairly reasonable ,
jut for the clercy. "we arc now , " as says a
newspaper , "the Welch people In the middle
of a war , with our spnit awakened , which
will not be appeased until Wales conies out
of thestrugitio rid of these fellers and com
pletely fiecd of a church of strangers. " All
: onceined disclaim most emphatically any
tendency to rioting nnd much now depends
upon the attitude of the government. Sup-
prc ! slon now would make another Irish land
question , separation and all
Tiic Unitarian Kolirnnjo Emphatic
ally Declares Itself.
SoriA , Sept. 1C. fNew iork Herald Cable
Special to the | s which has
been elaborated by n committee of thu
sobranjc and accepted by that body In reply
to the messaze of the regencies , was to day
presented to the sitting of the assembly. It
b'eglns by expressing the esteem nnd trail-
tudo of the country for those ot its repre ,
sentatives who discharged their duty In n
critical moment to tlio fatherland. Tlio ad
dress goes on to brand the event ot the 21st
of August as n ' 'horrible crime ngalnst
the Independence of Uulgaria and against
the crown of our beloved I'rince Alexander , "
milling that It was committed uv a few evil-
disposed and misled Individuals. "We take
the opportunity , " the address went on to
say , "of assuring ( he prince of the horror
wltli wliich the \\holo nation has icganted
the disgraceful plot against him. Tlio people
ple of Bulgaria return their best thanks to
the prince for his assurance that the inde
pendence , the freedom and the rights of the
fatherland shall not be Infringed. They are
also grateful to him for his magnanimous
decision to renounce the throne of Bulgaria ,
in order to restore good relations between
Itussla and Hukarla. We hope , finally , that
the problem now awaiting solution will be
solved in such n way as to conserve the inter
ests of the fatherland. "
That part of the address winch refers to the
clcct'on ' of a prince , runs : "Tho chamber
looks forward loan caily summoning , of the
great assembly with a view to the election of
our prince in harmony with the provisions of
the constitution , and in accordance with the
popular \\ill. "
The address expresses confidence in tlio re
gency , ana closes with the words , "a free , in
dependent Bulgaria f 01 ever. "
Moved the ISolliini of the Sen.
LONDON , Sept , 10. [ N'ew York Herald
Cable Special to the Bni : J Lloyd's agents
at Xante write respecting the earthquake
along the coast of thcMoiea : "Fiom what
we have been able to ascertain from the cap
tains of steamers and other crafts in these
waters nt the time ot the shock , it
appeared to originate from tlio sea.
This is not unlikely , as steamers
belonging to the Eastern Telegraph com
pany , which proceeded some months ago to
repah the cable below the coast of Navaiino ,
found , on sounding , a subsidence of the soli
of , if we are not mistaken , over a thousand
fathoms. Wo nio * further Indirectly informed
that soundings on many parts of the coast
dlller materially from the charts of 1S05-C5 ,
auu si'irgcst that an early survey bo made of
nil the waters In the vicinity of nnd some
distance from the coast.
Ilurryinjr Buck to Parliament.
ViKNNAScpt. 10. The Fremdcmblatt says
Gladstone , while visiting Ueicherbbcrg ,
stated ho was compelled to hasten back to
London in order to be present during the
coming debate on I'arnell's land bill.
Death of n Canlinnl.
KOMI : , Sept 10. Cardinal Carmine Corn
Merosl Is dead. Ho was born at Sublaw
February 15,1810. and made acaidlnal No
vember 10,18bl. Cardinal Jacobenl , pontifi-
clal secretary of state , is seriously ill.
A Prayer to the Czar.
SoriA , Sept. 10. The sobranjo adopted an
address to the czarmaying for Ills piotection
over the independence nnd liberty of Bul
Knfiiiucr nrcwcraml Conductor Har
rington to Ultimo.
Burriio , N. S. , Sept. 1C. The list of
killed In the Mckel i'lato collision , which
was further swelled to nineteen by the lind-
ing of tlneo moro bodies mangled beyond
recognition , Is now supposed to bo complete. '
Tlio responsibility for the disaster has been
settled as nearly as possible , pending n full
Investigation. Engineer Brewer has not yet
been found , but a letter fiom him. addressed
to tlio editor , appeals in to-day's Express.
The letter bore no date 01 postmark. The en
velope was that in use by the clerks on the
Lake Shoio trains. In it ho says :
I see thai it Is repotted that I ran away
for fear blame would be put on mo for that
teirlblo accident at Silver Creek. I have not
run auay nor do 1 intend to , but In Jumping
from jny engine I hint my back and nip , and
n ? I was iinablu to usslst I Ictt the wieclc. But
in legard to my stopping in Silver Creek , I
did stop nnd took on passengeis. 1 had to
meet the local at Silver Cieek. Thcro is no
side track there , and never havingluul ordeis
before to pass a train there I proceeded , the
conductor having given me the signal to go
nhend ; which ho should not have
done , as ho had the wiiini orders that I had ,
nnu when ho saw mo starting tlio train he
should have used tlio bell cord or automatic
bvukes in the coaches to stop me
Luwis BKKWEII , Engineer.
It the above statement Is trim it relieves
those In charge of the freight train and the
tniin dispatcher from responsibility
nnd places it solely upon Con
doctor llanlngton . nnd Engineer
Brewer , Parties at Siher Creek assert
that Harrington signalled Hrewer to go
ahead , but ho did so In tlie supposition that
the on glneerhad no orders to the contrary ,
thern having been no orders given to either
of them nt Sliver Cieek. The railroad
oUleials utnto positively that Brewer's orders
wcro to pass tlie freight at Silver Creek , and
that ho uisobevcil them. Coroner Blood , -of
Dunkirk , will begin an Investigation to
morrow morning.
Onicers Klrctncl nnd ItoHolutlonfl of
National Importance Pasaed.
JKNVin. CoU , Sept. 10. The American
Forestry congress ndjourned to-night after
electing the following officers for the ensuing
yvnr : President , G. W. Miner , of Illinois ;
vice presidents , II. G.July , Quebec ; Martin
Alhtn , Kansas ; II , G , Parsons , Colorado ;
II. Jl. Warder. Cincinnati ; Abbott Klnney ,
California ; recording secretaiy , K. T. En
sign. Coluiado : cunresponding secietnry , B.
a , rcrnnw. Washington , I ) , CV treasurer ,
Leo Welt ? , Ol.lo.
Ke&olutlouh wire nucplcd usklng congress
to establish nn ngiicullural nnd foreital
t > xMTimental | station on the unoccupied j > or-
lion of land in the Distilct of Columbia
known at. tlm Arlington estate , said station
to IK ; under control of the department of
agriculture ; for the passage of u bill for
thu 1'iqU-etiou nnd preservation of
timber mud now remaining In
r.uiSCMlon of the covcru.incut ; for establish.
tnjc the oftlwi of commissioner of forestry ; to
r-or'do ruwn > to prevent the further destruc
tion of fori'stvby fire , and the prosecution of
ts.uc ! soil sic nro to iiaiber. A resolution
! - > -v.iii'sralMst t the rc-al of the timber
cuiuiv law was Uld upon the UMe ,
Meeting of tlio First National Convention oJ
Anti-Saloon Republicans.
The Liquor Traffic Denounced nml the
Grntiil Old Party Callcil on to
Wipe It Out Strong
Ilcpuollcnn Prohibitionists.
Citic.uio , Sept. 10. The first national con
vention of the anti-saloon republicans began
Its Cession In this city this afternoon. When
the convention was c-illed to order them
wen1 about tlneo hundred delegates on the
lloor , with onlv a spi Inkling ol spectators.
A tew Indies and gentlemen were In the gal
lery. Tlie convention was called to order oy
Albert Griflln , of Kansas , who askeil
Itev. Arthur Little. of Chicago ,
to open the proceedings with prajer.
Grinin then said lie was requested o suggest
the name of United States Senator
Henry W. Blair of New Hampshire for torn-
poraiy chairman. J. C. Shafcrof Illinois for
temporary secietaiy , L. H. Kllottof Ktinsns
for assistant secretary , and E. H. Uutcldns of
DCS Monies. Iowa , leading clerk. Tliceuj-
,110111011 wcro elected unanimously. Kx-Con-
irro.ssnian Fiost of Massachusetts , Kx-Con-
giessman Piieo of Iowa , and Judge Taylo-
of Indiana wern appointed to oscoit Senator
Blair to the platfoim. In addressing tlie
convention Senator Blair said :
"Gentlemen of the convention : I feel
highly honored In being asked to piosldo
over this gieat and hlstoile convention ,
which 1 Hi inly believe will Iho In the an
nals of all time. Wo aio heio for theile-
stiuctlonoi the rum traflic tliiougliont this
country and thioiighont the world. I think 1
speak the sentiment of the convention when
1 saj Unit as between free linn nnd low li
cense weniu in favor of low license ( cheers ) ;
that ns between low license and liik-li license
wo aie In favor of high license , ( checrsj ;
that as between high license and prohibition
we nro in favor of prohibition. ( Great
cheering. ]
Blair wont on to sav also that they met as
republicans. They wcie in that party nnd
could not be driven out , and lie was one of
thosH men who believed that it was only
through the republican paity that the sup-
pie slon of the liquor tiatllc could bo secured.
The call of states was then proceeded with ,
to form committees on permanent organiza
tion , credentialsoiderof business nnd losolu-
The committee on resolutions was com
posed as follows : Khode Island. Henry B.
Metcalf ; Now Jersey , John V. Foster : Indi
ana. Thomas B. Hedditig ; Illinois. K G.
Jenkins : Wisconsin , James Soitthcrland ;
Minnesota. J. Smith.Kansas ; , S. O. Timelier ;
Massachusetts. Unfits S. Frost ; Vermont. .1.
( ! . Meade ; Michigan , Albert Dodge ; New
Yoik , John Ijl'latt.
Tlie.committeti on credentials reported that
Ib7 acciedlted delegates were present as fol
lows : Illinois , -JO ; Iowa , 2 < ) ; Kansas , 30 ; In
diana , IS ; Maine , 1 ; Vermont , U ; New Yoik ,
G ; Itlinde Island , 7 ; Michigan , 3 ; Wisconsin ,
11 ; Massachusetts. 12 ; Nevada , 1 ; Minnesota ,
IS ; Texas , i ! ; Dakota , 1 ; Pennsylvania. 1 ;
Ohio , 1 ; New Jersey , 7 ; New Hampshire , 1.
The committee on permanent orcanUation
reported the name ot ex-Senator William
Windoin , of Minnesota , for permanent chair
man. Ho was unanliroiisly elected. The
scoiutniles pro tern weio elected as permanent
olllrers , and vice presidents , weie nominated
from each state.
Windoin was loudly cheered ns lie wa *
escoited lo the chair by cx-beiiator Mi-dill , ot
Iowa , nnd Geneial Conway , of New i'oik.
When the new chairman appeared befoie the
convcntion he said :
"Gentlemen of the Conference : 1 hlirhly
appieciato the honor you have conform !
upon me. There are possibly others present
who could state better limn I can the pit-else
purposes of lliis convention. We aio here
under call of true nnd loyal lenublicans accomplish wliat wo bi'licvo will
boot gieat good to the Ameilean people.
For myself 1 never had the slightest thought
of attempting to organize a new
political party. 1 think tnat such n
thought does not enter the minds of any
other delegates here present. The pai ty that
freed the slave , that dignified liuma.i latwr ,
that enacted the homestead law , that sup
pressed the great rebellion , that defended
its honor and advanced It to tha iront rank
of tlie nations of the earth , is good enough
tor me. " Tlw speaker said the record of the
paily for twenty years showed its willingness
to grapple this new issue and cnrry it to vic
tory. The issue was as grave as nnv lepubll-
can bad to meet in the past. It resolved
itself Into tin ; question whether the saloon
was to dominate the policy of the nat on.
We are heio simply for consultation. W
meet to enpouiauo it to take hold of thisrnies-
tlon. wliich it fiurclv will have to do and the
sooner tlio better. Thespeauer said he would
lootat tlio question solely from a political
standpoint and not from a moral staiulpjint.
The saloon was in politics with its assess
ments and money. It to-day controls
the politics of every large city. "It elects
your mayors , " said the speaker. In Minnesota
seta the democratic paity Imil nominated ior
governor "tho very Incarnation of tlie saloon
inteiests. " Ho then spoke for thirty mlnute.s
on tlio general issue. He touched on the pro
hibitionists and said it was his view that
they could carry out their ituiposes In n bet
ter way. In lollowing tlie lead of the lepub-
lican party they will find that that party
said that slavery should extend uo tuithrr ,
and on that platform slavery was absolutely
abolished. If the lepublican party would de
clare tor high license , local option and iccog-
nl7o the rignt of tlio people to vote on the
question diiectly when they wished to do so ,
all lovers of temperance should follow that
lead.On the conclusion of Wlndom's address
tlie convention adjourned toUo.clock p. in.
When tlio convention reassembled in tlio
afternoon tlio committee on lesolu'.lons was
not. prepared to report and did not appear
before the convention until S o'clock. In the
meantime , short speeches were mode by n
number of delegates on the general temper
ance issue in the several states of the union.
The report of the committee was as lol-
lows ;
The anti-saloon republicans , Jby their rep
resentatives In national conference assem
bled , declare ns follows :
" 1. That the liquor trafile .as It exists to-day
In the United States is nn enemy of society ,
a fiightfulbouiceot corruption in politic.1 ; ,
nn ully of anarchy , a school of crime , nnd ,
with its avowed purpojo of seeking to cor
ruptly control elections and legislation , is a
mennco to the public welfare and deserves
tha condemnation of nil good men.
i That wo declare war against the saloons
and hold it to bo the Htipiemo duty of tlie
government to adopt such measures that
shall lestrlct nnd coutiol Us InUuenco and at
the earliest possible moment extinguish it
altogether ,
3. Wu believe the national government
should absolutely prohibit the manufacture
and sale of Intoxicating liquors in the Dis
trict of Columbiitand in all Temtorics of the
United States.
4. Wo believe the best practical method of
dealing with the liquor tnxlllo In the several
states Is to let the i > eople decide whether It
thall bopiohibitcd by the submission of con-
ItituUonal amendments , and until such
Imuiidments are adopted by the passage of
ijcal option laws.
I fi. That inasmuch as the Saloon business
o/catcs n special buiilen of luxation upon the
vkjoplo to support courts , jails and almshouses -
houses , therefore a largo annual tax should
bi levied upon thebaloous as long as they
continue to exist , and that they should be
made responsible for pll public and private
injury resulting from the trafile.
0 , That the republican party , wherever and
whenever In power , will faithfully enforce
whatsoever ordinances , statutes or constitu
tional amendments ma ) bo enacted for the
itstilctiou or suppression of the liquor trufllc.
7. That vie approve tlio action of congress
and those states that have done so. In provid
ing for teaching tha physiological effects of
Intoxicants in our public schools , and that we
earnestlyrecommeiulto every state legWa-
tuie the enactment of such laws as shall pro
vide for the thorough teaching of such cilects
to our children.
8. Wo demand that Iho republican party ,
to which we belong , and whose welfare wo
cherish , shall take a tirm and decided stand
us a friend of tho. homo and enemy of tno
saloon , lu favor of this policy and these
measures. We pledjo ourselves to do our
utmost tocauio the party to take such a
stand , and we call upon temperance men and
all friendi of humanity , of whatever party
or name , to join with its In securing lhe e
objects , nnd In support of the republican
paity so far as It shall adopt them.
The resolutions wcro adopted as a whole ,
with only three dissenting vote1' . During
the interval betweeil the reassembling of the
convention and tlio receiving of tlio report of
the committee , Hiram Price , of Iowa , sitoko
of prohibition as the ultimate result of. the
present ncitatlon.
The following national commtlleo was
appointed , some existing vacancies to
bo lliled hereafter : Maine , Senator
William 1' . Fiyc : New Hampshire ,
Senator Henry W. Blair : Vermont. George
A. Brown ; Massachu ptls , Colonel E. H.
Hnskeil ; Khodo Inland. Henry B. Mrtcnlf ;
Xow York , General Thomas T. Conway ;
New Jersey , liov. H. H.Carroll ; Pennsyl
vania , Hon. W.V. . Bain ; Iowa , lllram
ViIce ; Minnesota , General A. B. Ncttlelon ;
Indiana , Ex-Go\crnor William Cumback :
Wisconsin. Congiegsman E. P.Wheeler : Kan
sas , Albert Griffon ; Illinois , Colonel W. A.
James ; Georgia , Hon. Alfred G. Burk.
Tlio convention then adjourned sine die.
Tlio People's I'nrty ,
XP.ENAII , WIs. , Sent , in. The state con
vention of the people's partv for the nomina
tion for slat : officers was held In this city to
day. Thirty counties are represented. E.
A. Eager , of liaclne , was elected chairman
nnd Thomas Fritz , of Milwaukee , secretary.
Tin1 dav was taken up In appointing and lis
tening to icports of committees nnd tlio con
vention will not get to balloting before this
The Canadian I'nclllc Arranging for
nn Independent Line.
CIIIOAOO , Sept. Ifi. [ Special Telegram to
the HKI.J The Canadian Pacific , which at
piesent reaches Ch'lcago over the Michigan
Central , Is repoited to be making arrange
ments for nn Independent Hue of Its own
Into Chicago. The pioposed now airline is
to be built from Gross isle crossing , .Mich. , ( o
Jackson. Mich. , and thence to Chicagovrlilch
would grve It a line from Montreal , Canada ,
viaToronto , LondonAmherstbmg and Jack
son , to Chicago. It Is known that tlio Can
adian Paclllc lies secured a controlling inter
est In the Minneapolis it Manitoba railway ,
nnd further linpoitnnt developments ore
looked for at auearly day , regarding the
route from Chicago to St. Paul , so as to carry
out Us scheme of u through line from Mon-
tieal via Chicago to tliu Pacific coast. Many
important issues hang upon the new link of
the Canadian Paoltic's enterprise through
the United Stites. ' What the result of
such n vlgoious policy will bo is an egnlma
atiupsenr. The outcome of this new pioject
will bo witched with considerable interest
and competing companies will be fully allvo
to their Interest * should their greit rival
push the proposed ; scheme to n successful
issue. i _
A nioody Twcnry-tvtp Kouml FlchL on
Long Island.
KOCKAWAY Bikcit , L. I. , Sept. 10.
Jimmy Carroll , qt Xew Yoik ana Dick
Collier , of Philadelphia , fought with small
gloves to n finish' , Quecnshtiry rules , in a
sportlnercsoit here this afternoon in pres
ence of nbout sixty persojis , who paid 310 each
to see the mil l.Twentitwo rounds wei e fought
in nn hour and thirty-one minutes , the light
being awarded to Carroll , who managed to
got In the last blow. At the finish they
looked like n eon pie of fighting cocks after n
haul nattle , tiouiid nnf * aroUnd tlio ring ,
neither having ( ho strength to.make a hit.
Tlio IJu.sp.Ua ! , ! Jtccord.
AT BAi/riMOinWLj '
Baltimore O Ole 000000 0
Pittsburg.U : Of 3 0 < B 0 0 C' 1 0
First ba o lilts Baliiuiore 2 , Pittsbiirg 11.
Pitchers Kllroy and Sliirris. Errors Baltimore -
timoro 0. PUtsliurg , ! . Umplre-Cailiu.
Athleticf.0.,0 010010C 8
Lonisvlllo Ov2 0 0 0 , 0 H 0 1 0
Flist base lilts Athletics 8 , Louisville 7.
Pitclicis Miller 'ijnd Kennedy. Eirrors
Athletics 4 , Louisville S , Umpire
Valentino. * '
AT Nr.w Yoitic
Washington 1 00000000 1
A'ow York 0' 00000001 1
Tie camo. Called on account of daikness.
Flistbaso lilts Xew York 0. Washington 5 ,
Errors New York 3 , Washington 5. Um
pire Pearcp. t
AT Niw : YoitK-f
Metiopolitan . . . ,0 < 0 0100001 2
St. Louis. . , 0 i 0 0000010 1
First base hits Metropolitan 8 , St. Louis
a Eilors Metropolitan , StO , Louis 2.
Umpire Kelly.
Brooklyn 1.4 210202 1 12
Cincinnati . ' 2.4 a 1 0 1 0 1 0-10
Eight innings ohi account of rain. First
liaso hlth Biooklyn 12 , Cincinnati U. Er
rors Brooklvn B. Cincinnati 7. Umpire-
GUI. 7
To-day's Boston-Philadelphia .game and
Mystic paik tioltipg race were postponed on
account of rain.j f ]
AT ST. Louis fl
St. Louis .V. . . , 0 0000 0
Detroit ? | 0 0000 0
Five innincs o i account of darkness.
Fiist base hits . jt. Louis 2 , Deli oil 2.
Pitchers Kerby pd Baldwin. Errors
St. Louis 2 , Dctro t 1. Umpire Joe Quest ,
Shecpshqacl Uny Itacen.
SiiKni'fiiinA'l ) BJ v. , Jf. Y. , Sept. 10. Mile :
Itnport won ; Him Wing second , Saxony
third. Tlme-i:43 :
One and ond-quartcr miles : Gueiin won ,
Barntim second , Ikel and Too thlrd.Time
Seven furlongs : Bessie June won , Vcra
second , Grlse'tto til rd.
One and'one-half miles ; Aiftlns won ,
The Boiiibon sxiond , Tcnbookcr third.
Ono and one eighth miles : Little Clinch
wonSapphiioi > ccoud , Una B third. Time
1 :55. : f
One and threolxtcentlis miles : Tattler
won , Elizabeth becpnd , Ernest third , Time
2:00. : f
Uaolnujnt LoitlHvllln ,
Louisvii.i.E , 1 . , Sept. 10. One mile :
Wnirlngtnn w on , ITaxgalhercr second , War
Sign third. TIiiui-SslSK.
One and one-eighth miles : Bob Swtmin
won , Pat Shoedy econd , Jim Nave third ,
Time l:5sf :
One and ouc-fqniUi uilles : King Itobln
won. Punka second , Montana third. Tiuie
Ono and one-slxIfQiith miles : Panama
won , Llera second , IJunieleton third. Time
-1 "J , i J *
Five fn/longst Jacobin won. Banburg
second , AlleBheiiy.tUird , Time 1:03.
Vbyj 'alltiiz Rock.
PITTSIIUKO , P . ' , Sejir. 16. A Wheeling ,
W. Ara , , special saysi A large rock , called
Bald rock , over jams flii thn mountain side
dwelling of Leslie Upunnlns , In Jackson
county , Last night tinstone , welghliiir hun
dreds of tons , became detached and rolled
down the mountain ] crushing the barn
and killing foHir ( > r live horses and
mules. U pa&sej o\er the stable
nnd struck the two-story frame
dwelling , crushing its largest timbers into
kindling wood and hilling Frank , one of
Cummins' sons , ami KJ ward Jenlcs , a hired
man. Mr. Cummins aud his wife , with two
small children , wore thrown from bed and
hurled thirty feet to the right of the track of
the stone nvnlancbo and' badly Injured. 'I lie
children will probably die from their In
juries. _
Tlio rasaciiRer Cool.
CHICAGO , Sept. 10. The meeting of the
Western Passenger association is btill In
progress , but nothing lias as yet been accom
plished beyond fleUuIng the boundaries of
tlio proposed poq ) . The Wabash objects to
the years selected upon which to base tlie
percentages , and otlmr minor objections
have been made to varjous points in the plan
iirejci cil by t he Eub-comiuJ tiee. Them sc ius
but little doubt , however , this evening that
the gross uiouey' pool will linallybo agreed
Painters at the White House Make a Euinous
The New Public Printer Declares Ho
is Not ti "lint" The Telephone
Suit Army ml Postal
PnlntcrH In n IMcUlo.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele-
Kramtotho BEK.I The decorators at the
wlilto house are in a quandary as to v hnt to
do with tlie terrible mes * they have made of
the historical blue room. The delicate and
lovely painting of this exquisite room was
clone In Arthur's time by Tiffany and was
thu perfection of art. When the local paint
ers got Into the house this summer under the
supervision of the superintendent of public
buildings , they thought they had dl-coveicd
that the lower part of the walls of the blue
room had faded. Xow the design of Tllfnny
had been a graduation of blue , nnd for the
delicate light tint the new artists thought
they had discovered n fading. So ciders
weie given for a grand dado of sky blue.
Old the anguish of the artists when they dis
covered tlielr awful blunder. But w oi-st of
all was the hideous effect the ultra marine
had on the delicate robins eggs blue.
But the damage had been done and the best
had to be made of It , so the painters manfully
went to work , and when the room was given
its Mist coat It was a vei liable nightman * .
What exactly to do they knew not , but to-day
the "artists" were very busy in tijing to
"llirhten" iho shades on the hideous ultra-
inniino to soften It down. Them were tlneo
painters on n ladder trying the effect of a
light sea Kieen on ono of the shutteis. The
boss artist was mixing various coloicd blues
in spots on the lloor , and "Hector , " the Ant
werp poodle , was showinir Ills utter disgust
of tne whole affair by turning up his nose at
each place of fresh paint. "Hector , " of late ,
has become quite the master of the whlto
house. He has had n new alliRator skin col
lar sent him from his mistress In the Adirondacks -
dacks and on the collar is a plain plato bear
ing these words : "Hector Cleveland. " Hec
tor has been sheared and washed and is now'
ready for his mistress1 return.
Public Printer Benedict says , in an
Interview , that there is no foundation
whatever for the statement that he is a "rat1
and antagonistic to organized labor , lie fails
to comprehend tlie design of those who have
circulated such a report unless it is to arraign
the Kntahtsof Labor against him and defeat
His conlfrmitlon , and thus thwait the desire
of tlie president Mr. Benedict says he has
always supported organised labor , and has
received many congratulations from the
Knights of Labor upon his appointment. He
stoutly denies the charge that hn is a "rat , "
nnd savs tlie fact that tno go\eminent print
ing ofiico has published so piomptly that
btilk > daily document known as thu Congres
sional Kecoid , and tinned out so leadily
other great compilations in a handsome man
ner , is proof that the force Is well organized ,
nnd that lie shall make changes very cau
Ex-Senator Joseph E. McDonald , of
Indiana , attorney for tlie government
in tne telnpliono Milts to be brought nt
Cincinnati against the Bell company , says
that the. approaching hearing Is only for
the purpose ol determining the question ot
jurisdiction nnd If the verdict is aaalnst
the Bell company It will bo appealed to the
supreme court ot the United States. This
will dclav tholiual tiial of tlio issue. Justice
Stanley Matthews would have been on the
bench at Cincinnati had lie not been mar
ried recently and sincy he Is In H in ope , the
bench has been airanged with Judge Jaclcson
preshtlnsr , Juilgo Sage and Justice Woods.
Senator McDonald thinks the pieliminaiy
hearing Monday next will bo dbpoicil of in
two days. Then ) is a piobability of an ap
peal to ttie supreme court by the government
if the Cincinnati bench should say tiiat that
court has not jurisdiction , sine" the Bell com
pany lias no property in Ohio. All ol the
government's attornevs nro busy op briefs
and pleadings ana will bo fully employed all
Thn grand army men expect to make
the reception and banquet to e\-ov- !
eruer Fatrchild of Wisconsin , their chict
commander , a magnificent affair next
Saturday night. Governor Faircliild will bo
received on Saturday afternoon when he re
turns from the south by a number of veterans
and escorted to tlie hotel. In the evening ,
before thu banquet , there will bo a parade
and an addiess of welcome , the latter by
Past Commander-ln-CliIcf Buidett Aniolig
the speakers will , be Colonel W. W. Dudlev ,
ex-commls'iloner of pensions : Colonel W. E.
McLean , deputy commissioner of pensions ,
and Assistant Laud Commissioner Stock-
slager , all of Indiana.
I'o.yrorpcn ATI-OINTMENTS.
Herman Kocli was to-day appointed
P05tmaster at Bow A alley , Cedar county ,
vice Charlns T. Kiggs , moved away ;
Edward Williams , Clio , Wayne county ,
Iowa , vice Nicholas EKun , resigned ;
Louis ( } . Hose. German City , Woodbuiy
county , Iowa , vlco Lcroy Sweet , resigned :
G. H. Rowlev. Jamaica. Guthrie county ,
Iowa , vice Smith Parmintcr , lemoied.
in ; CAN HAVI : TIII : FKNCI : .
Alioii'cslender at Wallace , Kan. , named
Bennett , wiote Acting Land Cammlssloner
HockslaL'er the other day and inquiied If ho
could have the who fence mound n piece of
land which he had homesteadcd. Mr. llocks-
laserieplled to-day that any enclosure ol
public domain was Illegal ana consequently
an obstruction which must bo lemoved , and
that It was n matter for the local nuthoiitles
and not the land department to say who
should have the fence. Tno
is believed can appropriate the fence with im
Snmtitl G , ItosreiB , of Iowa , has been ap
pointed to nSlOW clerkship in the pension
J. A. Scott , of Iowa , iias been promoted
from a 31,000 to a $1,20 } clerkship Jn thn pen
sion ollice.
C. S. Fuller , of Iowa , is at the Ebblt.
Senator Alliuon , of Iowa , Is at the Brcvoort
house , Now York.
The superintendent of the mounted re
cruiting service will cause twcnty-tivu re
cruits to bo prcpaied and forwarded under
proper clmrgo to Fort Lea von worth , Kansas ,
lor assignment , us follows : Nine to troop I ,
FIrbt cavalry : seven to troop U , Third cav
alry : ono to trooii L , Fouilh cavalry , and
oiglit to tioop M , Fourtli cavalry ,
First Lieutenant Edwnrd h. Fnrrow , Twen
ty-first Infantry , had his sick leave further
extended until November 14.
Lieutenant James II. Frier , Seventeenth
infantry , recently graduated , further ex
tended to October 1.
Fiibt Lieutenant Wllllnin O. Cory , Fif
teenth Infantry , who was one o' the competi
tors at tlio recent rille contest at Fort Snell-
Ing , Minn. , has been granted two mouths'
A False Itcport.
NBW YOIIK , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BEI : . ] The report that James Gordon
Bennett had died very suddenly caused much
excitement In clubs here last even Ing. The
minor originated In Newport. It was pos
itively denied at the Herald ollice , where It
was ftild that the managing editor w * In
constant cable communication with Mr.
of Labor Acquitted.
ST. Lous , Sept. 19. Tlio trial of the
Knights of Labor Frank Young , Oscar
Harrow and Fied Uuiulhausen on the
charge of conspiracy during the late south
western railroad strike to Injuie the Missouri
Pacific railroad pioperty and business , con
cluded late last night. The jury , utter re
maining out two hours , returned a verdict of
Dr. O'UHlly's Hcslunatlou anil UN
Probable Successor.
Ciiic.vtio , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BIK. : ] For several days there has been
considerable talk In Chicago about tlio
chnngo in the tre.iMirershlp of the lilsli Na
tional league of Vmcilca. It has been stated
that Ucv , Dr. O'llielly , of Detroit , was about
to rcslirn nnd that llcv. Maurice J. Dornev ,
of St. Gabriel's church nt the Union Stock
Ynrds , was likely to succeed him. Hev. Dr.
O'ltcllly's icslmintlon Is due , It Is said , lo the
action of the recent co'nfercnco of the cleigy
of the Detroit diocese held nt Sandwich , Out. ,
which adopted among other rules the follow-
"Xo priest in our diocese Is permitted lo
hold political ollice of any kind , nor olllro In
n society or association of putoly political
aim or purposes , and if any Piles ) , nt this
present time holds such ollice , he shall foith-
with leslgn and lorward evidence ot having
given up nnd entliel ) relinquished such of-
lict * . to the bishop within one month from
this itnh day of Aliens' , issfl. "
The Irish national le.igue has cortnlnly
political alms nnd purposes , nnd Itev. Dr.
O'ltellly cannot , thcrefoic. continue to net In '
the capacity of treasurer. Indeed , It Is
hinted that the rule was aimed .sx. cially at
him. It was adopted thu I'.Uh of August ,
about the. same time ho was elected by the
Chicago convention as treasure ! ol the
leamie. Theie is .somo question In Chicago
ns to whether Father Dorney will bo pei-
milted to necept the position of trcasuter by
Archbishop Fechan. It is almost absolutely
necessary to the success of tlio league that
clergymen should act In that capacity. Irish
Catholics ot America will not have so much
faith In laviuen , Thu tiensiirers ot the
league have , as n coiistMititiiice , been cleiuy-
ineii from the start. The outcome nf the
matter Is awaited with home anxiety by
chuichiuen and members of the league neie.
ItACliS Al riHC l.'AIIi.
Ycsleritny's Turf HvetitH ut the Capi
tal City.
LINCOI.V , Neb. , Sept , 10. FSpecial Tele
gram to the Bin.J : Following is tlie result of
tlie day's races at the fair :
Trotting , stallion race , purse 5120.
Consul . 2 111
Gladys . ! i IIJ it
JcnnieCobb . 1 2 adls
Tline ! i : ! f , 2:50 : : . 2 : . < n < < ' , 2US'C.
Fiee-for-all pace , PUIM > SHOO. S'-W/ndded by
societv It 2:20 or better Is made :
Dan 1) . 2 111
Hiley . 3 2 n ! i
Jennie Lind . 1 3 2 2
Tlino-2:21Jf : , 2:21 : jr. 2:21 : , 2:11 : %
Trotting , for horses that have never bcalen
2:2.5 : , purse ? S9J.
William K . 1 1 3 1
Billy Foul . 2 1 2
Molilu A . 2 3 2 I !
Time-2Vji , 2:30 : , 2ai : jr , 3Sif. :
In thciuiiniuif face , nno and one-halt' mile
dash , purse § 200 , Belle K. won in 2:40tf.
Prohibitionists Nominate.
Sciiuvi.nn , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKK.J The prollibltionisls of
Coifnx county to-day placed in nomination a
county ticket as follows : A. M. Welling ,
representative ; > T. Ii. Moore , commissioner ;
Samuel Carry , Shciiir. Aftoiwaul they were
joined by n delegation from Platte county
and organized a convention for nominating
candidates from the senatorial nnd float iep-
iPsenlatlvo districts composed of Platte and
Collar counties. JJ.A. Geuiird , of Colum
bus. was nominated for senator and J. S.
Anderson , of Schuyler , for float representa
byMailcil : Men.
ST. Louis Sept. 10. A dai ing robbery was
committed eaily ye.stcrdav morning near
Centeivillo Station , 111. , the victims being
Jo-eph JJIiilT , a well known farmer , and his
employe named Palmyer. About 3 o'clock In
the moinlng they slatted from thn house to
the barn on Bluff's farm to hitch a team to n
wagon of cabbage wliich they were to hi Ing"
10 this city. As they nppio.iched the stable
four masked man sprang out from a place of
concealment and presented levolvers at their
heads , at the same time cautioning them to
make no resistance. The robbers then ordered
them to icveal the hldiir ; place of their
monev. The frightened victims did so , and
the robbers , after gauging them. led them
back to tlio house. On enteiing Bltill waa
taken to n Imiemi ( n one of the looms whsro
he 1 1 ml hidden & > . This the robbers took
and proceeded with Palnncr to the latter'.s
room wheio they secured 55. ? : ! Then tliev
left the house after warning Bluff
and Palmyer not to attempt
to pursue them as they would bo killed. The
latter weio too badly frightened to do any
thing and the masked desperadoes escaped.
Bluir went Immediately to Belleville. , Ills. ,
where ho Infoiincd the authorities of the rob
bery. The description which ho uavo of the
robbers tallies exactly with that 'given by Mr.
Turberot the men who relieved him about
a month ngo of 8".fW In almost the same
manner. It Is thought that both crimes were
committed by the same men.
The Western Export Association to
Moot To-Dny.
CHICAGO , Sept. 10. The executive board
of the Western Expoit association lias been
In secret session heio to-day. To-morrow
ilieie will bo a meeting ot the whole associa
tion , when the question of the control of
the pioductlon ot whisky will bo considered ,
At present the distiller ! ) in the Western Ex
port pool and all 1101 ih of the Ohio river are
now In it-havo a capacity of converting 100,000
bushels of grain into spirits in a day. As
the demand Is only fora pioduct ot KH.O1/ )
bushels It has been found necessary to eloso
three-filths of them nnd limit thu pioduct of
tlio remainder which me capable of tnriilnt. '
out (15,000 ( bushels to about hall their caiwilv.
The pioiits ot the dlstllleiies which aio In
operation nro divided with IhobO closed
down. Kentucky houses , it Is learned.
uo not want to pav the required assessment
of the pool. They claim that Ihoy
cannot comiHjto with other house * , their ic-
stiietlons being moie severe. Three Peorla
houses were exiK-llud last week lor violating
tlm ngieemeiit ot the pool by producing morn
than their allowance , but the trouble was ad
justed to-day nnd they will be taken back ,
Tlio Nebraska City house , it Is claimed , has
been producing daily r > OJ bushels , while the
pool only grants n 403. 'J'hb mutter will
probably bit considered to-morrow at the
meeting ottho entire association.
at ClmrlcHton.
CIIAIII.KSTON , H , 0 , , Sept , 10. The relief
committee Issued over 1,000 forms ot applica
tions for assistance In the rebuilding or re-
pulilngof houses. Attention has been re
cently directed to the character of mortar
used , consisting largely of yellow sand , and
the city council will piobably tnko 'action on
the subject to prevent any disasters in the
hurry of irbulldlng.
Grpenlinck-lyiibor Convention ,
IlAiinisnuna , Pa. , Sept. 10. The bUte
greenback-labor coinentloii assembled here
to-day with but a hundred delegates present.
A permanent organization was effected by
the election ot Charley N" . Bruimii , of
Sclniylklll , as clialrinan. After the. appoint-
nient of soveial omiultt&es the coiivt'iiliou
adjourned to 1:30 : this afternoon ,
A Prominent Case Decided.
'WJUtiusoTON , Sepl , 10. Acting Secretary ,
of the Intcilor MtilUrow to-day In a dccU > ipi ; ,
denied the motion tiled by Charles P , ClQu- |
teau and others for a ieview or the decision
of Secretary Teller ot November 7 , 1BSI.
rejecting that application for approval o/
surveys KKAt In cul do sije , cominon llelds ,
St. Louis , Mo , Tin ? survey re-form ! torepto-
eenUalargo amount nf valuable property
within tlm llmiU of the city of fit. I.ouls.
The caifce has been a proiulnrnt ono In thu in-
teriordepaitiuent for bl > veral viwr.- .
J\cbrBBUu anil luwu \ \
For Nebiaskti and Iowa ;
Testimony Befora the Haddock Jury War
ranting Many ArresU.
\ VlintnuImiiortnntVltursq Snlil An
Illinois Contrnt l-JngliiP
Into tlio MlHil lpil | nt DII *
The Iliultliii'k Murder.
Siorx Ciil l . , Sepf. 10. [ special Tele
gram to the BKI : . | This lias beun nn o\ent-
tul davlnSiimCity. . Publicity was this
nioriiliig given to a portion of ( lie testimony
taken befoio the Haddock coioner's jury 1'
Imd IhoelTectof reviving old Interest In the
ease , and riveting nltcnt ion to this grcAt
mystery. That the ease has been bungled
from the start Is now so evident lo temper-
niiconudaud null-temperance people nllKe
that it Is hnidly longer denied. Since ( he
testimony was given nearly nil the Impli
cated pail les have gone , the last ono to po
being Georco Tielbcr , whom It Is supposed
took nn net ho pait In tinassassination. . The
city marshal and chief of police returned
n clay or so ago after an nbu-neo ot two
weeks searrhlng for the guilty pattle.s , but
were unable to capture n single , one. or c\cn
lind a satisfactory working elm * .
The Br.i : leporter to-dey managed to get
possession of the complete testimony. Some
of this has already been given In these dis
patches. The testimony of lint ono or two
witnesses is really \ery Impoitant and no
where does It appear that the secrecy so Ion j
maintained with leferenec to the rase was
justllied. Undoubtedly the wit
ness was B. Dink , none of whose testimony
has liiMCtot'ore been published , John King
and Charles Wnlteilnir arc Implicated to the
cvtentof having nuieod to do up some pro
hibitionists , hut llioy never consumated the
plans. Their testimony eonlirms tlio general
inipicsslon that the pollen and Home of the
city ollicers were cognizant of the fact that
there was to be tioubln and were rather to aid
than stop it.
B.loak's testimony Is In substance as fol
lows :
Some thirty days pievious lo the murder
this saloonkeepers had a meeting for the
pui pose of raising a tiind to be icpresontod
in the injunction case. Ho was ur ed to at
tend another meeting to consider plans to
"lay some piohlhltlonlsts out , " held on thu
day Itev. Haddock was murdered. At that
meeting a committee , Including Leavltt , was
appointed and it was undciMood Hint f.eavilt
had a man or men to do the jolt. This nun
Dunk , on the day of tlio mtiidei. saw nnd
described , hut has never seen him
since , ills testimony would plainly
Implicate * this strangerund five or six lead
ing snloonlstsol the city , all ot wliom lelt
the city. This | q cannthor evidence of their
guilt. Now that Lcavllt and eo-conspliators
hnvegono those conducting the Investigation
legiet that the arrests wore not sooner or-
deied. It Is claimed on thu other hand that
tlie witness could not lx .piiulC to peach
until after their departure , and hence
the nbsenco of. leal and let rorlstn that had
liillicito pievailed. There is undoubtedly
suflioh'pt evidence procurable to piovecon-
sphacj , nnd this will be done when the dis
trict oonit nieett iiQxt.month. The coroner's
verdict charged Leavittand others with com
plicity In the murdor.-btit Ictt all elsejnthe
* * ' *
Harlf s "
AN OPKN mt.Vw.
An Engine and , l'\vo. Freight Carn
Itoll Into thn Mlsslsslrml.
DuntjtjuK , la. , Sept 1C , ' ( Special Tele
gram to the BII : : ] This ijieiri'ing atSo'cloek
when rain was ialling/ipd the track slippery
a wild f i eight train on-the Illinois Central ,
comluc to Dubuquc ; oinerged troui the cast
Dubiiquc tunnel ; the engineer seeing that he
find undcrostlmatcd'tho.spccd of the train re
versed Ills cnblne , wlilstlcd down brakes ,
The brnkcmnn on thu rear end of the train
applied thn brakes nnd jumped fro'm the
train. Tlio engineer succeeded In Mopping
the train nt the open draw of the bridge , but
ttic coupling of the third car broke , nnd the
rear end of the train , coining up , pushed thu
mogul engine nnd two cars Into the , river.
Thuiiienmn jumped. Tlio engineer went
into theriver , , but floated to the surface with
thocab.1Ho was rescued and is not da
ously Injured. Ono ear Is suspended between
the bridge and the water. The Wreck lies
under the channel. Trains nro delayed nnu
navigation somewhat obstructed.
licit Oalc'H llncoH.
Ria OAK , la. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BKK. ] The pnclng race was
WOP hero to-day by Hojleck's Honesty ( time
2:80) ) , s-ccond , BiiltcrJleld's John C. In the
mile niia-iciieat running race lialstead'ti
Scottish Itoblh won ( time 1:00) : ) , second ,
CRRtloVJted Light. The track was veiy
Owing to the rain this forenoon tlio fnlr
will becontiinieil over Saturday will ) a full
pi OKI ammo for the hist day , the main races
of the tnlr to come off on that day. The fruit
display Is magnificent , there lining ninety-
four vailctles in one exhibitor's collection.
The corn display Is the best ever shown it
thls.talrnnd said to exceed thntnt tlio iec nt
state fair at D s Moincs. Other farm
product * ) me equal to ny former ) ear. Tlio
exhibits In gai dan vegetables are not up to
the average owing to dry weather in the
eailv part of thow.'isoii. Display of domestic
fowls only lair. Tlio line arts department in
well pationlzed.
The Annual Mooting CloscH HUCCUES-
fullynt Itouk iNliiiid.
Hocic IKIA.\I ) , 111. , Sept. 10. At the meet-
Ins of the Army of the Tennessee thta morn-
Ingqommlttee leports w eriumule and adopted.
The next meeting will bo held In Detroit on
the second Wednesday of September , 1 7.
The ollleers weie rQ-aect ! < 'd ns follo\v/ / ) :
1'ieslileiit , W. T , Slierman ; vlco presidents ,
Colonel J. T. Howe , St Louis ; Captain W.
f , . , .
Captain C. C. ChadWIck , Detroit ; Lioutunnut
J.-W.'Illll , Itosedalo , Kan. ; Colonel Edwnrd
II. Wolf , liuslivllle , hid , ; Captain KdwarU
Spear. Minneapolis : Major GcioruoB. Ilojfan ,
Desilolncs ; recording secretury , Colonel L.
M. Dayton : corresponding Hccrotury , Ge -
eral A. lllckcnlookcrt treasurer , General M.
F. Ktirce.
The matter of having hcaanuarlera for Iho
society nnd a permanent place'or holding
mw'tliiKftWOK tnknn up nnd nfU-r A spirited
dlscussioir tlio president was empowered to
appoint a fommlUeo of five to icport on the
matter nt tliu next meetliiir. The
tlmnks of the society wt-ro extruded
to thu people of Hock Island
for generous hospitalities , to the c-nnunUlei *
on the removal of the Hauling monument ,
'and to General Chvtlaln for Ills learned and
philosophical .
The. uoclety iheii fprmnlly adjourned , U.T
pral Sherman closing Uii procectiliiKS- „ ? "
Urlnf addr 8 , cxpreijiIiiB his hopo-'r0,1 ' ,7 , , ;
would hari'n happy yea rand co v , , ' " , , " ,
ngaln nt the next annual irXon rt special
wliori' ft
nfternoftii'tlte society weiOitBCjial
Irnln to the JJocklsUiisliiedlu honor. it
salute of * entten gt' vlicre JUorV Blion * .
Governor Ogle.sbyj'n ' IH * * . vcnin r th o
gene Hnrper.h'usol
was ugono - ' - * * . .
fr lunl Ho n AiA | nyf wwmlll at