TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 1(5. 1880. THE CAPITAL CITY CROWDED , f- 1 Lincoln Tbnragod With People in Attend ance at the State Fair. GRAND FEATURES OF THE SHOW Magnificent Slio\vliiK of Blooded Horse * und Onttln Tlio Turf CDII- rt I'olltlos IVnrtntnR Up of tlic City. ITOOM TII BEn'a t.t.vcnt.t nriiB\n.1 Hie grounds on Wcdnc'day niurntii ! ? opuncd up BMiitlly , pvorythlnp , evr n tliopco- jile , beins full "f enthuslisiiu About thirty tliotmnd jx'oplc were on the grounds during tliu day with bin pro < < i > ccu for TluiiMlay nml 1'rld.iy. The Ait hall lins finally IMJCH com pleted so that It equals , If not surn.isics , the elt'Rant showing of last year. Alldupart- inrnts arc now tilled , and the state fair of l < .bO will be no yn as the finest exhibition o\er scon In the west. Dccntnr and Norton counties have joined In spelling the sights In produce s well as stwk. K < G. Doom , of Obi-rlln , ha eliarso of the Dccatur county c\hillt , and ( Iranvllle Sliccley , of Norton county. Their exhibition ot eraJn , both in Bocdahd In bUlk , hqulto wonderful for so new a country , producing as high as thirty bushels to the acre , onU llfty-llve bushels to the acre , and corn running from fifty to seventy-five bushels. Their corn Is well matured so that frost even now would not sctlously Injure it. Norton county has some good brick * ltn \\hlcli they are now erecting biick bloctss In their county seat. Water on the uplands can be obtained At an average dtptli of seventy feet. Lands average from SO to SS per acre , with school lands at from Stt to Slli ucr acre on twenty i ears' time. Weld county , Colorado rado , also makes a wonderful showing for a county so new. The whole county Is jet com- uaratltdy new , there bolnc but little deeded land In the county , nearly all being Rovcrnment nntl railroad land. All pro duce shown Is crown on sod , \\lilcli proves that one can make a good living tlieiucvcn the llrat year. Abundance ofater can bo HPCUiotl iron : 100 to 175 feet. The western counties of this state are fully and well rep resented , TUB HOIISK SHOW. The her e exhibits are by far the largest ON rr made in any of the western states , L. jlanks WIHon , of Iowa , shows ciht ; line JIiiKllsh stallions and two Pcrrtierons. Jlr. Cioss , of itllls county , Ja. . shows lifteon , ten veaitiiiKs , three biicklni : colts and his well known Htalllons , Admiral and Land mark , the latter of which took two lirst pre miums at Omaha and tour llrst premiums at Jes Molnes. ills youni ; stock also received several premiums at the Omaha fair. K. F. Kleimmcjer , of Homestead , la. , also shows n line French stallion and French draft mare , with two mimUisold colt , besides h\e .French draft marcH and clyht I'ercheron and French stallions , several ot which carry first pre miums from the Iowa state fair. * . ! . J. Harker , C'.ibS county , makes a ci editable showlnir of Clydfftilalus and Clevelands , together \ \ Ith a Kentiieky Jack and several first pre mium awards. ileaars. TlnderOolt , C.iss county. Iowa , show one Cleveland and four stallions , 0110 of which , Sir , wears the red ribbon from the Ne- Ijiaska state fair. F. Bellows. Marvsvllle , Mo. , exhibits a splendid mareand stallion , CIyde dal breed , which attract the attention of brcedcis. hallno county residents have se\crat ( > \hitilton , ninuiiK them belnK Church A ; hmlth , who show a number of imported lsonnans.oneot which on Tuesday recotved the bluu ribbon. Urunett ite MeLane , West ern , exhibit a line uiado of ILimbletonlan nml two 1'erchei on .stallions that attract the attention of all passers by. Jellnk it Co. , ha\o two line m-dlgrccd KnclKh draft stallions. 0. U. Harribon , i'rjte , exhibit three elcaants brood marc- * . William 11. Stanley , Friend , exhibits a line Cleveland bay Bullion , besides several Shet land ponies. Tim residents of Clay county do their share In line horhe exhibits. Among the notice able are Lowi3 ! fc Jarrett , ot tiutton , show ing three Imported breeds of Clydesdales , jntlibli ; draft ami Norman. Amen * the m.iny tine horses ot this state there are tow , if auv , that will equal this display. J. John son. Sutton , shows a roan Clyde and draft stallion which la represented as an excellent bleeder , belli Woodward , of Kalimonnt , ex hibits a tine stallion , two three-year-old I'cicheions ami a sucking colt. William itursess , proprietor of the Uitio Valley stock larm , exhibit- ) six liuo Imported English draft bortes that are not strangers to llrst premium In this state , F. Jt. Porter , Table ICock , shows a line pair of stallions , one . a Clydesdak1 , the other a Norman. M. M. Coad , of Fremont , one of the piouilucnt breeders of the stnte , liaw seven brood mares , four stall- lout and two colts , all I'ercheroiw , having one of ttiu most complete showings on tbo ground. Judil A Stratton. of Richardson county , rxnibttseTCtalKnsliMi draft and Clydesdales , ( .omprhmK In all nine head. bliullz liros. , of Vntan , Saunilcrs county. ha\e the largest exhibition of one breed on the grounds , being twenty-three head and all rereherons. C. G. Sulrc [ , - Superior , has a nlco exhibit for farm purposes three draft and two driv ing horses and naturally ho Is quite proud of them. Several Lincoln exhibitors are conspicuous , among them being John Fitzgerald , two Maxey Cobb horses and eight head of draft horses ; D. May. ono Norman colt ; II. 11. Frv , one llambietonlan colt. The above are only a portion of the large number exhibited. YKbTUIlUAl ' 8 HACKS. Tin ) following .ire the results of yesterday's races at the state fair : In the stallion stake race. Consul won In three Htralght heats , with Hob Sprague tecond. Tlniaa8X. . 3iU : : , 2MO. Tiio JSl : ) pacing race was very close bo- twei'ii'Wa > nu Wilk s and Annie J. , theio not being more than a ncc&.s dlllcrvnco in the Unikh. However , Wayuo Wilkcs won the i.icc. with Annlo J. second , Billy liutton tlilid. -aU.5,2:3-3a5. ; : : . In th a : < o trot Fleetstep < won the first heat in J'.stJi. The three next heaU were won by C 1' C , with ilolllo A close third , Tluio Tliu l.ibt rac i of the day was a running race ot on milt ) dash with live starters. Thu heat was won by U good in l-i7 , but the next two were wou by Luna Uiown. Time 1:18 : , liiSV. COMING CONTKSTR. The following are the speed entries forte toiay : I'Uo-ycar-olds , feb a3ka bred colts , mile Iie.xts , tlirfo in hvo , society add S300 Jennie Cubb , 1C. 1'ilo. ilninboldt. Neb. : Miicfarland , li J'ile , Ilumboldt , Neb. : Gladys. 1 ! . a. Maloney - lonoy , Jr. , Ilumboldt , Neu. ; Consul. G. II. ILillny , Falrbuyy , Neb. ruelni ; racu , free-for-all , purse SSOO , society to add 13)0 if 2u : 0 or better Is made- Jenny Llnd , llamlln it Ford , Sprlnglield ; Country Girl , J. Meukro , Clarksburg , liul , ; Ullly Uuttons. C. U. tuuith , Jlcatrlce , NeW ; Dan O. J. 1) . Maef.uland , Lincoln , Neb. ; If Hey , S. W. Chanm.ui , Elgin , Ills. Trotttus nice , for horses that lune never beaten 8'J5 : , purse SM * > Win. 1C , J. Newbro , Claiksburg , Ind. ; IHlly Ford , J. 1) . Crolgh- ton , Umahu , Neb. ; Molllo A. , George Gross , Kv.msvilk' , Ind , Itunulng rjco , purse -00 , ono and one-half jnllo dash Kollne , W. 11. Uovcr , Lincoln , Neh. : Hdlls K. , A. 0. Tucker , Kxeter , Neb. j Ulaek Tom. J. Ij. Courtier. Carson. la. ; Llt- tlelellow , W. 11. Francis Uiokeu How , Neb. LINCOLN Thursday bclnc Lincoln day at the fair , It Is t'\i > octcd enough of its citizens will boon tlm ( 'rounds to swell the number to 00,000 , and when It Is remembered that some of tliu purMS and beithor&e will appear on to-cl.iy. The ivHractlona are certainly wortliy of tbo rxixjcted crowd. A large Irult exhibit arilvrd from Oregon last ngiut and will bo among the new sights In hall from now till the close of the fair. It Is a grand sample of western fruit. The big fjce-for-all race takes place on I'rhl.xy , Uio 17th. also tlurJ : i-ace , in which tlm total amount at staUe U Sl/vX ) . The ful- lovvlug are tliu entries for these races. Fiee-ror-all-SpiuitlaC. 13. Abbott , Dallas , Tex. ; Joe Davis , J. "Newbro. Claiksbtin ; , Jud , ; Consul , 0. K. Majiie. Umalia ; Kchn I'hlef , II. llcimesboro , Topela , Kan , ; JJHly Font , 1) . Creiirhton , Omaha. J-2s race-William Jf , J. Xewbro , Clark * nunr , Iml. ; Siui liuif , VV do Corry , Council Itniirs ; KaUe Kwinj ; , ii. C. Kwlue , Salt Lake Citj. ' 1 hesu races will bo the closest and best Itu-uji UotieU In thu witst tills ) car. AUIOJI UIO many proiulneut exhibits oa J nun ) will ba the baby show , whlcli will talu ploco upon the balcony oi the secretary's olllcc between 9 and 11 o'clock. Ahead r cljflit entries of babies from aninnc the best families In the state nave been made. Friday Is also pioneers neers * dav. nl o the grand parade of premium stock at 10 o'clock a. m. , tlio parade lit'lng on the avenue of the fair ground. TIIK CATTI.B SHOW. The cattle show , If anvthlne. Is bettor than the her - exhibit. The exhibit of the acrleul- ( k'liartmcnt of the Mate university is he largest of any ono lot on the ground , and vhlle llicy cannot comix-le for premiums hev arc a credit to the state farm and to the Into , 'llio herd U tvvcntj-tive strong and ititnber among them several f tno moro rotiiincnt breeds which nro attracting the nt- I'tition ototir brei'dcrs in this state. Charles I Scar * , ot Auror.i , leads In the Hereford reed , his I'rince nf Wales having ecclved lirst premium In his las ? . C. M. Ijelghtim also has it line number of Hereford * . The principal xhlblta nro Shorthorns , HeiefonK Uiin- ams and Jerseys. A few Duvons.llolstclns , 'oiled Angus and Uallowa > s are on the grounds rnoimh to show that they nro nil airly represented In thoslato. Inhibitors rom Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois. Missouri , ovva , MlttMi'so'.aaml Kansas are vicing with ach other In the awards , wlilch are uomir on apldly and apparently with generalsatisfac- Ion , AVVAI1OS MAIIK. On Ttiuaday the follow Ing nvvarils vvero nado on cattle : Class a , lot 1 .Shorthorns : I. . Miller , Marysvllle , Mo. , four hrst vremltims ; A. Slirojislilrc , Cciitcrville , Ky. , ono second irumhim ; J.V. . Uean , .Marysvllle , Aio. , ono irst promliim nnd two second premiums : K. ) anluls , Ullinorn , Neb , onu llrst promlum antl thruo second promhims : N. S. OHn it Bon , Htieotsboro , 0. . two llrst premiums ml two second premiums. Class 2 , lot S llercfords : J. S. Haws , Joloiiy , Kan. , nno lirst premium and three ocoutl premiums ; C. M. Bears , Aurora , Neb , vvo lint premiums and ono second mcmlum ; ' . Jl. I.eUliton , J.lucoln , > 'CD. , two second ircmliims ; Bhockey & Olbbs , Lawrence. Can. , live first premiums and ono second > remiunr Ii. C. Jlay , Weeping Water , Neb. , wo second premiums. Class2 , Inin-Uolled Angus : K. W. Nelson & Son , Tccuinsi-h , Neb. , two lirat pie- nihims. Class 2 , lot 0 Jerseys : John IJ. Hansel , tncoln , ono second premium ; Geoigo U. French. Fremont , Neb. , two second premi ums ; Howard llro . Edgar , Neb. , three bec- end premiums ; A. 1. ( iitrdncr , Lincoln , ono irst premluin ; William 1' . Urovvn , Omaha , six lirst rjremltims and ono second premluin ; Jharlcs U. Ilolden , Dlootuinnton , 111. , uno irst premium and one second premium. Till ! I'.KPUm.lCA.V COUNTY' CONVUXTIO.V tor Lancaster county Is uitarnt hand and the irlBuirles for tlio selection ot delegates will xj held this week. Consequently , In the ex- lubcranco of state lair &DCCUSS , It nil goes not unmixed with politics , and behind the screen and the crowd the manipulators of the pri- nanes arc celling In their work while the iv erase voter Is gaping at the multitude of country cousins who , visiting tlio fair , blockade - ado the streets and drive Uio lunch men wild with commercial happiness. Thcro Is ngruat leal of work being done this week in a pollt- 'citl way and In a quiet way , but it is THK CAI.M lir.FOKU TIIK S1OI1JI , nnd it does not need a prophet or the son of a prophet to foretell lively times at tlio pri- miirUiS. There are a good many combina- lens that will meet with energetic burglars who w ill do their best to break them. In the c'irst ward there nro three candidates for the eglslaturo , and on top of them uohn U. Wright expects to capture the delegation himself - self , although he Is n Thiid ward niaii. The First ward candidates aio O'Neill , Burnev , Oolan and File U'arden Nowberry , all with good primary backing , and the work there will be interesting. Mr. Uolan declares that Wright shall not come over and carry olt tbe ward and it looks as though it would be a ditlkult job. The Second waid Is the peace able oni'lm Uils contest and it looks as though It would be conceded to Caldwell without any crcat struggle. However , In the Third ward , the statesmen live , and In that section of the city tbeiif are three pronounced eandi- dates , H. K. Moore for the state senate. 1. M. Uaymondand John 15. Wright-for the house. On Tuesday night theio was a little caucus ot these aspiring , but moro or less conllicting candidate * , and It is undcistood that an agreement lias been reached whereby each candidate takes one-thlid of the delegation , and as the ward has twenty-two delegates , it will give them seven apiece and leave ono at large. This slate , If not broken sooner or later , will In ; the ono that the republicans In the ward will be called upon to ratify. The chances are now that the Fourth waid w ill be TiiHPiaiiTUiO ONI : . In this ward there are four pronounced candidates , IX G , Courtnay , Missouri 1'acihc Attorney Talbot , aud Messrs. Shamp and Hall , the latter being the latest addition to thu list. Tbero will be more than the simple question of selecting a list of delegates for one of tne candidates here , for it Is thought that thu candidacy of Mr. Talbot 1 $ ono that Involves Church Howe's stieiigth tor the congressional delegation as well. Conitnay in this ward is In for a square up and down contest , and says that he will secure the delegation or that he will bo left ; thatlie is not In for a compromise and that for him it will bo either one thing or the other. The light In the wards for the dele gations for repre-sentatlves c.utses the ques tion of state and congressional delegations to bo practically lost slsbt of , although in reference to a question lired by the UKK rep resentative one of the calmest of the con stituents expressed the opinion that the state delegation woulJ. bo for Henry T. Clarke who , sxs ono of the prominent wnolo- salers of Lincoln , many regarded as entitled to moro consideration than other candidates. However if I'aul hod not been punctuied early In the game , theio would h.ivc been a struggle to turn the delegation to him that would have overshadowed everything else. A CIIANCK Foil DKNIAL. Tlio management of the insane hospital nre so eager to deny allegations made against that rotten Institution that the Bun proposes to ask a few questions and see if iheoutlit want to accept the hardihood of a denial. ' 1 he music h.u not ceased in this regard and the outlil is liable nny moment to receive a blast that will make them shiver. Tlm other day an Inmate named Oleson died and was buried In the hospital grounds. The question of his- death Is bet out in the re port made to the board as dlarihea. Now then , will thn hospital management deny that Uleson was found in the early morning dead in bed ? And not in bed , either , but partly hanging over tlm edge , with the bed and the dead cov ered > vith corruption , so that the sight was sickening to the attendants. A denial In this matter is in order. Also when Udnes died , will the management deny that the body was removed , to tlm Incompleted morgue and laid on u plloof broken brick , with tno windows dews open and the patients are and loose gazlnu at the sight ? Such a sceue as this may be , In the medical knowledge of. tlm hospital management , good for cra/.y people , but there are people simple enough to doubt It , alona with the other curatlvn methods employed out at that prison. SUl-ntJIK CODBT. Couit met nursuatn to adjournment Tues day. The follow lug gentlemen weiu admit ted to practice : 11. llln.ijliAiii of Now Hamp shire , Kills N. I'almor of Holdiege , II. K. Kvans of Holdrese. The folio wing cases wcro argued and sub mitted : Corson YS Corson , motion for nil- monyj Schujler vsllanna , on brlefa ; iiullls vs Drake , on tniofn ; Powers vs 1'owpis ; mo tion for alimonyliuchanan vs Griggs ; Marion vs State ; muc Valley IJ.tnk vn Clem ent Uane& Co. ; Casey vs State ; \Yhuclock vs McDowell ( argued In pirti. Court adjourned to meet \V edncsday. Sep tember 15 , Ibso , at SSO : o'clock a. ui. 1IKC1S10NH V1I.H1J. Horn vs Miller. Appeal trom Cass county. PlsmlssuU , Opiilon by ItttCae , J. Max well , Ch. J. , dissenting. 1. In an action in equity , cither party may appeal from thu judgment or deoiuu runderecl or unal ordec mailo by the district court to thu supreme court. In order to do no the party { appealing shall within six months utter the date of the rendition of Uio judg ment or decree , procure from the cieik of the district court and ille la the onico of the clerk of the supreme court , a certified transcript nf the proceedlgns had In the cause in the dis trict court. 2. The time within which tn perfect and appeal begins to run nt tlm dutu of the roudi tion of the judgment or dooxv. which U the data on which tluicourt formally announce * its conclusion and judgment , auJuotthe date on which the clerk. In vacation , enter * the judgment on the journal , boariug tbe data of thu annunciation by the court. Swift \3 Dewuy. Appeal Iroui Adams county. lleverst'A , Gimiinn by Cobb , J. 1. A mort ago of n trai t of laud , Including tliu homestead , executed by a married mat wlthmit the concurrence ami signature of the wife , U invalid for the i > urpoboof impairing dismembering , or in auy manner nffectlnf such homestead or its appurtenance : ! ; Iru aiitoras to the portion of such tract. If any not cuibraciHl uiUilu uru exempt nouioUuii a. When a district court has gained juris diction of a causa for one nurpasfl. It may ant should retain it generally fur idlef. "PIPKI'OCKKr'J I.CW19. Yesterday wornluj ; the county court was engaged lu liuariiirf Uio case of Ike state ogalnst Chftrle * Lewis , chnrged with picking Ac pockrt ot A. L. Stevens , of Crete , out at no Talr ( rroundf. Lewis was down In a rowd near the erand stand when ho made ils hanl , and as he wa detected he started on i run , dodging In and out among the crowd , > ut n elderly man kept up the pursuit and cept his eye on the onup , nnd consequently ic was overhauled , not , honcver. until ho Iropped the book , which an A. 1) . T. IIIPS- boy picked up and returned to the owner. In county court the prisoner made 10 defense and w.xs bound over In the sum of SiCO to answer In district court , "riCKl'OCKr.T" SMITH was up in court jestcrdsy , charged hyAnzttst Sinn with attempting to lob him. It ap- tears that Smith Is one nf the liclit-lliiRcrtti ; entry and about 11SO : the night befoie , when Span was on 1 * street , he felt some one going down In his pockets. A quick grab tailed the IIIAII and he was turned over to he police. The thief btoke away , but the > oys caught him nt the corner of the Journal biiildliiir. In the hearing of the case Smith was lined S10 and committed. An other Smith was in cotut , chatgcd with being Irtiuk , disorderly and using foul aud Inde cent lancuage before ladies. Ho was lined and paid out. i in : Mir LI or run POLICE I'owr.n. Seven vagrants were arralcned before the wine yesterday , charccd with lo.Uing around without employment or visible means of support. These aie part of the eang who wen nmuslnir themselves by piling beer kczs on the track for thu fair train to knock oil. Two of the joung toughs told a tale of In nocence. and that they wcro on the way to work at the fair , but their plea was1 void , aud ; he parcel were committed to jail. There were nineteen cases of drnnk and disorderly up for hearing yesterday , and some twelve or fifteen were disposed of out of the usual hours for court The city jailor had for breakfast jesterday forty-six of the convicted parties , and the Jail was fairly booming. The salutary effect of vigorous prosecutions on the part of the conn Is doing a coed work In making disreputable cliarac lers tight shy , and if two or three wandering iionse-breakers are about two-thirds killed. the city will pass fair week in excellent older. A r. ANI , Tt IIY OllDKIir.l ) . Judges Pound and Hayward have , after duo consltleiatlon , decided to have a grand jury called for the coming term of the dis trict court held October 11. IbSfi. The jutlees , In making the call , state that they deen forty Imors a sulliclent number lor said term of jourt. Both judges sign the order , and as Ihoro are some foity parties now held under muds for at that term , tbe grand lury will find a long session and much work ii ! 1 010 them. At , an Illustration to this point Ihieo parties were bound over yesterday for the grand jury to Investigate. 11ASE IIAt.I. . Yesteidav's came of base bill at Durfee's l > ark icclalmed in pait the fiasco of the day Before and showed that thu Lincoln club can play wlien they keep sober. The game .hronzhoiit was closely contested and had numerous blilllant plavs on the part of both clubs that drew cenerous applause fioin the grand stand. The same resulted In a victory for tno Lincoln's in a score of four to one. Concerning the game of the day before , two of the members of the team who were too drunk to play were lined , one SW and the other S-J , which no doubt had Its salutaiy effect. KVnnVDATTOI'lCS. The resident traveling men of Lincoln are Lioliii : noillicd to meet at room i ) In the Ktuh- ards block on Friday evening. This is the lirst regular meeting ot Lincoln post A. , ot the Statfl Travelers' Protective association , and the boys aio anxious that as many as pos sible of the resident members attend. There is a revival in the celebrated 13arr- Carr case that created a good deal of exelte- ment In district court at the last spring's ses sion. At that time Carr was prosecuted lei keeping his saloon windows closed , anil IJ.irr , who was on the jury , stood out for con viction. Carr then sued Barr for perjury , and a jury acquitted him. Now Hancomis to the front aud .sues Cair for 810,003 dam ages. ages.A zcntleman who was lobbed of a cold watch and chain at the Omaha fair was. at police headquarters jeiteiday and was anx iously looking at some watches taken from prisoners , in hopes of Identifying his own. His search , however , was unsuccessful , and ho wore away with him his lone and lone some watch guard , which was all ho had to show of a once valuable ticker. Yesterday examinations wcro in progress for new students entering the unlveisily and there wore ome sixty or seventy new appli cants undcicoinc the oideal. This ill addition to those who are in regular classes and whoso return is a practical certainty , gives good assurance of a largo attendance at tliu university the coming year. Plans wcro forwarded from Architect Kuhn's office .yostenlav to Valpariso for anew now bank bhilding and hotel to bo built by a lirm in that place. STATE AND T Nebraska Jottings. The new Lutheran church at Crcipliton ; was dedicated last Sunday. Grand. Island is afllictcd vvitn a of busy , woll-drilled boy burglars. The Albion waterworks will bo com- plotcd anil ready to test in a few days. This is the hazy , humid season : when "trilles light as air , " lay in a stock of cold to last all winter. - chew ! A ligntninsr bolt struck the Di\on house at Anburn Monday night , demol ishing a chimney nnd sending n shower of plaster on a mother and child sleeping in a room in the buildinir. Nobody in jured. The Albion base ball club , with an im ported pitcher , swooped down on , the Cellar Rapids club , knocked them out by a score of 31 to 7 , nnd gathered up § ' . ' 00 stakes. A Manitoba wave would siokun und die beside the coolness that envel opes both towns. O. W. Uantrell , a Genoa bmbor , de clined to shorten the kinks in John Wil son's topknot , bocaiiso John's hide , through no fault of Ins , was a fovv shades darker than that of the average while bum. Uantrell was lined f 23 and costs for breaking the civil rights act. A plaj ful ten-year-old , son of Chas. Wagiier , of Grand Island , gathered a pocket load of shells on the Grand Army battlulicld , filled ono with powder and iired. The sport ended right thcro. The youngster secured a bob-tailed nose und a baiUy burned eye. Among other resolves of the democrats of Hall county nt their late convention , was the following chunk of unvarnished truth : "That our candidates , whoever they may bo , should pledge themselves , if elected , to oppose _ tno obnoxious rail road commission bill enforced on the people of this state nt nu oxpoiuo of $12.000 per year , and so far only return ing the magnificent sum of 45 cents as a result of their labors , and proving in till cases to bo n dend-lettor law" . " The saloon men of Hastings sprung a thoroughbred chestnut on the authorities recently. The city dads paB ml a law or- durinir the saloons to cloic nt 11 o'clock at night , but thu majority of them con tinued dispensing nightcaps till 11-JiO , They vvero willed into court , vvhtsro they mralyzed tlio complainants by declaring Ihero was no such thine in law as stand ard urno ; that they were conducting their business by "sun time , " and demanded that thu oases bo dismissed. The court saw the point with a smile and released the saloon men. The Erslsino-Uovvnoy tragedy in Pierce county is del eloping now and startling phasas , Krskinc , it will bo remembered , shot nnd killed young Downey in a row , lost spring. About a mouth ago the murdoicr was waylaid and ahot down. For this crime , JNicholus Dowtu'.y , thu father , was bound over 19 thu district court. Airs. Downey , previous to the murder of her son , was a line looking and llebhy woman weighing r.bout ono hundred und seventy pounds. Since then she has boeu reduced to almost a skele ton and has not eaten enough to sustain lifo. Lost week she mudu thu cturtUng statement that she tJiot Ertkino heraolt. Him says when her husband lott the house on the fatal day , she took down the rillo and loaded it with two balls. Going through a cornfield aim concealed hersell in a draw whcru Krnkmo must pass when ho went home from the field. When Krokinu passed by slio ihut him. The uu- lortiin&Lo vvomau has been pronounced insane by the commissioners , and the doctors say who cauuot possibly Hvo over three months. It is impossible to fore eea the cud of the bloody feud. _ t "Do you know Calhoun. the Topics man , ot Lincoln ! " whispered a rcpreson itirc of the fait 4ox into the Jotting car it a social gatlwrrnjr the other evening. 'Do you know t Ind not met him for ten .years until recently , nnd he actualls * told no lu did some work now. I was really nstonishcd , for AVhen 1 knew him in Jrownvilloho vvn * invariably tired. They ell mo the only in his oflico is a one table , and when an acquaintance calls ho mounts this accommodating ) ieco of furniture , rests his head on a cyclopedia , orV > omc other handy volume , , mil allows his 'feet to wander over the exchanges. In this restful position ho vlll discuss the weather or llio tarill' for lours. Along > ih the seventies Cal was very sweet on inc. ntitl I believe I am the only girl lie ever proposed to. Oh , ye , ic is married now , but ho is n man of tis wonl , and ho nssurcd mo ic would never pioposo to inothor. 1 1admired him for us eccentricities. One of thu'c was a cleanly shaven face and nolished boots "lilt his collar marked the dead line of idlne's. It always looked as if it nnd ) ecn laundried la printers' ink , and his jlotliing was of that fashionable cut mown as "hand me downs , " but he has largo heart and a bright head and I am eal glad that lie is publishing a iiapcv in vhieh rnal sontimcii'ts shine like dia- nomls for ho is n democrat from Head to foot. _ Iowa Itcnif ) , Hog cholera is racing in Cherokee county. The number of cattle in Kossuth county s SO.IO" ) ; horses , 5.CII ; hogs , 8,471. Red Oak merchants paid $55 last week for a brief acquaintance with the check racket. Thu nitnl fall rise of the Mississippi s milking river tratlic much heavier than it lias been before for some months. lludd , the champion shot of Iowa , has ssiied a challenge to Captain Hogardus .o shoot a match at any time and place igreoable to both. An insurance company in Darlington olleis a re waid of $ .200 for the best pr.ic- ical ul.xn for a tornado cave , combining security and cheapness. During the performance of Barn inn's circus at Dubiiqtio one of the riders fell 'TO in a horse and was dangeiously wounded by having his skull eiushed by a blow from his hoise'n foot. The Creston druggist who was hnitlrd ip for prescribing whisky as an antidote * or hemorrhoids , was acquitted after , hrco days' tnal , and the piles of cost jharged up to the state. Over 100 good citi/ens of Maquoketa . -ccently , becoming incensed tit the manner of life carried on in a den of .fiquity , attached hose to a hydrant , and .timed a stream of water into the build- ng. The girls hurried out of the wet and lefi town. Sunday was a great d.iy for the .xtlio- ics of Hurlinjiton , the occasion being the ledication by Bishop Cosgrove.of Daven port , of the new Catholic St. John's clmreli , just completed at a cost of over $10,000 The building is a beautiful Gothic structure of brick , 100 feet long and 71 feet front. The boycotting of the Pocohantas post- olliee lias pndell , 'Undo Sam , through ins court , put his fuot idown hard on SIK of the leaders and compelled them to fur nish bonds in Sl.OjM ) each , to appear for tiial at the June twin of the federal court at Tort Dodge. Keokuk has come to the front with a hair raising ghost stoi.y , in which it is stated that the spirit of ono Tom Con- ncry , n brabcinntOVho was drowned in the canal last spring , makes regular midnight visitations to his old haunts , much to the disgust of his former com panions. A Burlington girl , Miss Sadie Hill , took the lir-st pfrfze ; $ 0 , for a thorough bred e.ikfc at tho' ' state fair. A rival town remarks that it was fortunate the fair sects did not sample the in terior of the prize. Their families vvero spared the usual period of mourning. Dakota. llipid City has been offered § 100,000 f oi lier waterworks. The Black Hills people have registered a vigoions Kick against the heavy freight rates they have to pay. It is estimated that § 100,000 worth of hay has been cut thisyear within a radius of eight miles around Centcrvdle. Judge Church lias decided that county commissioners have no right to employ additional counsel to prosecute criminal cases. A county seat fight has been begun in Deuel county. The contest will be bo- tvvcun the new town of Clear .Lako and the present county seat , Gary. Ground was broken for the territorial capitol In Cheyenne Monday. Harlau , a telegraph opnrator at Rock Springs , skipped out with $ & 25 of llio railroau company's funds. The Shawnee coal company has filed articles of incorporation , capital 9100,000. The company will mine coal in Nebraska , Wyoming and Dakota , especially along or near the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missoiiu Valley railioad , and the Wvominc Cen und branches. A party of surveyors in charge of Major Edmund Wilkcs , in the interest of the Central Pacific road , lias begun a survey at Connne , which has tor its eastern ter minus South Pass City , in Fremont county , Wyoming. The distance is prob ably two hunurod miles , and South Pass Is tno .southern gup of the Wind liiver mountains. The survey inado byMaor | Wilkes last year up Sweetvvatcr runs through this puss. The hurvey was made in the name of the Wyoming l&tstorn Railway company and was a continua tion of a prior survey made by Blajor Wilkesfrom Fort Fottorman to the Sweet- water. The present surveyfrom Corinne is evidently intended to connect with the line run la.t year up the Swuetwater. us Major Wilkqs himself declared that that line was the only natural roadbed from South Pass to the eastern end of thu Sweetvvater valley , or in other words the North Plutto liver. Colorado. Leadvillo has 'raised ' fl.OOO for the Charleston sutTurcrd. The new water "works at Brcckcnridge are now completed , The supply 'is ' 'not ' equal to the lie- Miami for labotoi in bcadvilhi. Agents of the Midland road have gobbled up the surplus. " * The recent raise r ! In the price of is estimated , makc a'dill'eninco of $ per dav in the'Vahi'o of Leadvillo's out put. This would Tuaku a dlffcrimcn of § 100,000 in a yean i Colorado City , tire first capital of the territory , is experiencing a genuine boom , all on nccotlnt of the Midland. Ono year ago nb'siirip man would have nuceptcd a tovvii lot in the place as a gift. To-d y prices are rttneing from § JOO to $1,0(0 , and the demand id brisk. The quality of the wheat in Colorado is said to uo Deltor this 3 ear than it hiu been before for many years. The kerne ! is plumper and heavier aud the bran is tighter than in previous years Tlm state yield will be at least a quarter of a million bushels in excess of voar. _ _ Red Star Cough Cure tones up the sys tem generally , No depressing otlucts. S.r cents. _ 15 us Inem Kuterprlso. "What's the price of sausages ? ' ' "Dvvonty cents u bound. " "You a-skcd twenty-five this morning.1 "Ya ; dot vas vtm 1 had some. Now . ' aln'd got none I sells him for dvvendy couds. Dot makes ma a rcbutation for felling oheab uud I dou'd ioso nod Kirk's Oorninn Tllo Ointment. Sure euro for blind , bleodlnc. and Held no ; / lies. Ono box lias cured the worst cases of ten years sUnrtln * . No one need suffer tea nlmitcs after using thli wonderful Kirk's ieruian Plia Ointment. It absorbs tumors , allays the Itching at once , act * as . " poulllco , plvcs In stand reliefKirk's Herman I'llo ) lntment Is ' 'prepared only for 1'llea and tchlnc of the private p\rts and nothlntf else. Svery box Is warranted by our agents , Sold by driicslstsjseiitby wall on rcceiptof price , 60c per box. DK. C. O. UENTON , PROP , Cleveland. O. Sold C. If. Gooodman and Kiihn * Co. , Utti nuil Uouslas 13th and Cumlli . litsoumln. Medical World- Sleep is n positive 'unction , and not by any means a noga- .ho fact , as lias been too often supposed There is a notable diHtirenco between lonuhto sleep , propcily so-called , ami , he artllieial torppr obtained by the ti o of narcotics. i'rom a physiological standpoint , every ono .should bo nblo to command slcop at will , and habit has a ; inlliiuiu'u In this direction. Nnpo- eon Bonaparte possessed tins power to a remarkable degree , being able to sleep leacefully at auj moment and iiiulor the no t advcr- conditions. And Wlllir.m Gladstone had the satno faculty for many \oars ; bat ot' late ho has complained of nsomnla , dude probably , in Ins case , to overwork and itnxietiod , which have ended jy weakening his will power , or at east thurn is M > mp physical cause , which renders tlio working of cerebral nutrition .e&3 docile than formerly to the orders of ho nervous centre. Be this as it may , it s a matter of rcgrot that ph tquians us a ulo do not attach suilioicnt importance .o tlio fact that "want of sleep'1 is in reality an exaggerated wakufulnuss , and t js necessary to invcstigato the cause of lii.s condition , nnd to examine minutely the relative oM'ltnbilitv of nil the organs , central and poripherlc. The sphygmo- ; raph , optntnuter and other iiittrumcnts IITC Irivc their UM'S , and me indeed in- llspensablo in order to arrive at a precise iiaguosis. Then , and then only , can in somnia bo treated bv means appropriate to each cisu , and in a truly scientific ; manner , and success in tliotu hitherto msaliifactoo conditions would generally repay the tiouhlo involved in their more thorough investigation. If you have any reason to suspect you mve any diiliculty with your liver or ddnoys , ifon . leel unable to do your work , snflur with cold feet , or have orup- ions on the boilv , you should take Dr. J. II McLean's Liver and Kidney Pillels xnd Liver and Kidnov liulm. OR.PRICE'S SPECIAL FLAVOR ! EXTRACTS. . PURESTANO STRONGEST FLAVORS MOST PERrECT MADE Prepared irltb strict reeard to Piiritf. StrenEth and Hcnltlifulncvi Ir I'rlP" ' Ilahlne 1'onOer i-ontnlna ro Arumonta , UIDO or Alum. Or Price's Kitmcts , Vnnllln , I mon , Ornngc , eta. , flavor dcltclotislj * PSICZ BAXWa POIVDEB CO. , OWcajo and St. Louis. The Daly parfoct substitute for Mother's milk. Invaluabio In cholera l.ifantum onrt TeethlnB. * pre-dl eoted food for Dys- iboqujres no cooKin . uur lloolc , Tne and feeding of Infants , mailed frue. " " ' " " ' " , . . ' QOODAI.Q j < CO. . Bostoj. - # Or the Liquor Jlubll , t'nreil by Administering Dr. fliilne * ' OoliJcn Mjiofidr. It can be el\cn In a crip of coCoo or tea ultboat the knot , lulgiof thu perwn taking It , ti ubwlutcly nannleis , and will cITect n ppmuiipiitcnj p cdy euro , ni livr ! llio patient Ua uiuduratocrinlieroi \ nicaaollovreck It Imi bci'n ijrlvcn In Uiou- UA idi cf c cj , niiJ In every Inst'ir.ce n'.erfoct euro hasollo eil It nrvor falls. Th3 isteniorico Impieunalcil wltli thi > hpecir , It liecomea an uttet ImiKHjbllHy farthu liquor appetite to cxUt FOR HAM : JJY roi LOWixo DHUcaisrs : KCIfN A ; CO. , Cor. 15lh and Maoclaa. nni ) 1811) & ( unilne bin , , Omahu , Ncb. < A. I ) . KOnTKlt iX : 2UI\ ( . Cnnnell ItlnfTM. Icr.'a. Call or write for pamphlet containing I.UDdrtds ( } viflmoTiUU Ironi tlmbest women nndmeclrca c. jrttttOt tU-jco-jDUv. Gun. J. ArmlimstKJ1 Cumins St. I ) . II. Ilowinun. 121T I'arpuui st. Jobn Ilu slo l'i7 ' Cuinliiu Ft. ilormnu Kundo , 61 ! ) South 10th St. O. Luniro.ItM South l.lth t. \ \ ' . I * . BtooUl I , 1021 Howard St. M. I * Vim SJcoton.lSia Doltrost. 0.V. . Slew | > or.597 South l"5th St. LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ilecemly Built. Nenly FurnUIiel The Tremont , J. C. ITrZGEUAJ.D & SON , I'ropriotora. Cor. tth RIU ! Pats , Lincoln , Nub. Hates SI.CO P r dsr. Street earn from huiua to aar pan or tlie c r. J. H. W. HAKINS , Architect , omces 53. SlnuJ C . Kk-liarda lilook , Lincoln , Nob. I'.lonitor onlltii UrooJerof F. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer raftdo In nil imiU of the U. S.utfalr rates , llooiu J , riuto block , Uucoln , Keli.i Oolloway mi J Short Horn bulb I or ealo. B. H. GOULDING , Farm Loans and Insurance. Corrcsixodtac lu re/ar J to loans sollultoX lloota I. JilohurJs Jlok , JJnoolii. Nub. Siverside Short Horns Of utrittly pure llntca nuJ HiiUigTuppodcattla. llcrJ numbfri ubout faj bead. 1'amllle * rcpreauiitoJ : r'llUerU , Crnggi , Acoral ) * . Iteulo * . Koso of Bharuiis , Jlos.i I(0501 ( , Kiiij-'htly Duchosjcj , Hit Crook Vqunv Mdry , I'bylliios , 1 UIIBQJ andlrtnj J ros. liulli JorsJUl. 1 i'uro Itnles Filbert , ! I'uro Ujtoa Crxgg , 1 itosool bbuion , 1 Younj Mur ) , ll'uiu CruluV bhanU end otlmrJ Como untl InsDucltho hrrl. Address , CHAb. W. 11UAN. bON.Uncolu.Nob. _ Whoa in Lincoln stop at National Hotel , And ) ? cl a Hood aiauw fur ' < c. A.FBDAWAY Prop. ' Ilolnmn * 1 , Ivor nml Momaoh Ittd HOLMAN'S AMorMMI Impurities from thtblnnit. IntlnonilM nnd riuilm th whole ntM" . lloliiutn * < l.lx or itml Mnimicli Ind , , Diarrhoea , M.-il-iru.MOi llcidnobe , , etc. tier mid Stomach Pn < tri r-i tli tom rti sod Ho rH , Iraprorai the \rrctll0 , rorreruxlmllatlon , t > ciiiiline < he Completion. me. lloltitiur * l.U or and Monmrli IA worn , Mfe nmt reliable They lisrc ' ' I'retenU P * Slffcne , I'holern mnllpot , tested In then nd < of PMCI unit wo on | t > ltlrotr " \ollow , lyphiu , Typhoid n4 tttrt thntlnnllc f < where the liter , spleen , Mil lliltou < V OTIT < rr ml boweU nro Int ilvod , till. Iloi Mtv's I'MH AM , DllCliUlST ! * or eut on roeo ! ? of ere nt once Ida best , n\ilcko t urul clicnpo t nml Price 2. tip ; Imro mnile permtnent curci In then iiuli of H4 > IJ1A.I'A1 > CO. , n es where rai' Hcliio b i bocn uiej nltliout an/ ulu < lcrt ; nhitev r 150 Wllllnin St. , X. V. THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES SIX COED SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON Full assort men t for suit-to the trmlo for VINYARD & SCHNEIDER DEWEY & STONE. One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA HEB. M. BURKE & SONS , LiYE STOCK ( MISSION MERCHANTS , 8EO. BUllKE , Mnnnffor , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. KErKUEKCKS : Merchants' mid Fanners' Hunk , David City , Nob. ; Konrnoy National lJankKt > iracy , Nob. ; Columbus SUUo Hank. Columbiu , Neb. ; McDonald's Dank. North i'lnttf. Ni'b. ; Hank. Omaha. Nub. , . . . Will pay customers' draft with bill ot ladins attached for two-tUlnl3 value of. stoofc Display at tholr warerooms , 1305 and 1307 Famam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found al any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEBNWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates lor cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most fiberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible In materials or workmanship. LYQN & HEALY , 1305 A. 307 gARNAM STREET Aboat twenty years ace I discovered n Uttla eora on my cheek , and the doctoro pro- ronnccd It cancer. I li vo tried a nonbcr ct phyeidins. but vltboat iKelvlnz eny pcrnm- ccnt benefit. Amocz tbo naraucr nrcra cno or two Epccisllitg. Ttie malldna taty cptillcd vraa like flre to tbe eott , ciaitcg mlcnso jcia. I ea r a tatcmont in lUo jupos tetlics what S. 8. bad done for others clmiluly ndlcted. I procarcd tame nt once. Before ( bul nied tbe tccond battle tbe neljbbora conld notlcs thut my cancer wu betllns op. Uy general health bad been tad { or two or tbre jean-,1 Uta a liacUoj ; couja eon spit blood contin ually. 1 hid a terete pam in my breast. After taking clz bottles of H. S. S. ray coag\ ( left me and I grew itoater than 1 had been Jor tiycrol jrcarj. Uy caucer Iiu bcalcd over all Lnt a little tpul about Ilia alzo of Half dlnli. la rapUly dlftppculCE. 1 would s4rlao orcrouc nith Cicctr So eire S. b. B. a fclr trial. MM. NANCY J. KcCOSAUanBY , Aiho arore.Tlppccaaoo Co. . lad. Peb. 18.1850. Enlft'i Specile ii entirely TC tlxblit , scd Unas to cure canura bjforcing oat Iba Iccptt- rftlea from Uw blooO. T iijo oa I'Vurt cwl Stta Dbcawj ncltol free. CO , J rawerB , A'JE&laGB. H.V. . COR. 151U 1'ARXAIH , O7IAUA. Property of every description for Halo in all pnrla of the city. Lunda for ealo 111 every county in Nt-praska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douglaa county kept. Maps of the city atato or comity , or any other information Ucsireu , furnished ftcc of charge upon app.ic.iUon. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. I'r'.cei the lotreMt. Flue ro.jrln | | aspocttltjr. All > ror ! * wnmatol. 0 > andUlJi Mroat , SENT C. O. D. OK Olt MOIti : AT VVIIllLCrtALi ; A'l.'ICK. I PAY ftll ipn > > rlmrgn to all pulnt * witkln < * ) Billet. I , O < X. > ruria.-r > to Mluct Iron Hrncl Uo c fc Ucntton tlili paper. L. Q , SPEHCEH'S TOY FACTORY , 321 W.MADISON ST. . CHICAGO- WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. ' , State Agents l-'OK TIIK Omaha , Neb. e'ntto anrmHroi * In tliu FOIl $2.50 J'EU . " fi'Mi"V Hrnd * - * j * vw * A"tif JjjIVIJJ. ixjRtat note , money order , vt rc ftorid letter. Arldress Till ! ClllCAdO MAlU Cure without oioJV A POSITIVES I'.UouUil OoU > - 3rl5 , 1S76. One Iwi win car * tlio most ol > Una Allan1 sSolubleMedlcaladBouife s Nu nautvout ilo < c of cul > obs. oaptklbi ot i > ol Uiut ara corlnlrt to pnxluo * dy ; p- Ui mnUaiti of tUo l'nci'3Ura Sola br all drujsiJt * or r.inileil un receipt of prico. Knr furttiur pirtluuUM goat fnrurculcr. P.O. Bar Till , fITTDD T. c. IJAJNT co. , IjllKll U U J'AJ/ Vorfc