SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA THURSDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1880. NUMB Ell 80 irCARTllY'S ' FAREWELL TALK The Great Irish Oommonor Gives His Views on Homo Rule. IRELAND MARCHING TO VICTORY Success Only n Question of n Kcw llntrlni ; Homo IHundpr Other Trans- Atliintlo Noun. Confidence In tlio Cnnnn , Lnr.m-ooi , , Sept. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to tlio IJiK. : ] Mr. Justin McCarthj leaves for Now Yoik to-morrow on llio Jlrltiitniiitc , 'llio occasion of his presence hero was used by tlio Young Ireland hoclety tolmohlm doliveran nddres . Ills conferee , Andtow Conimlns. member of Ios- ! coininon , presided , before an Immense and cntliiismsticaudience. Mr. McCarlhj's re ccptlon was oven affectionate In tone. In- tlio coui < e of an address lasting nil hour , 1m sild tlio homo rulers had nmilo remarkable stiidcs , such as no cause had made within his incmoiy of Dubllc life. When Mr. raincll came Into power , there opened up an sntirely now clmptui of history. Tlio Irish stiugglo for legislative Indepeiitlcnco , after belnc n small body lighting axalnst a great body of the commons , had risen to n position Iloatlng on tlio rising tide. Success viAS within their sight. It was n question haidly of yean but , of months. Tliov had now to assist , guide and lead them thogicntcsl Englishmen of modern times , thuinosU'lnqiiontof Kngltsh orators , tlio most gifted of Kngllsh statesmen , lichlnd Ills back came tlio great English radical party nnd n great mass \\orklnginen , tlio true democrats of this country. It was now a test question between the tine radical and the sham liberal. What were tlielr views upon liomo rule ? Nothing could Intel veno between tlio Irish members and success unless some stranire , unparal leled and absolutely mistake , tor every influence that could sustain and light fora cause was sustaining and lighting for the Irish national cause. Only some mistakes of their oun could mat tlielr chance and , please heaven , they would nmko no mistake. They were asking nothing tliat Knglishnicn themselves would not insist on h.ivlng If they weie. placed on such n combination with a different country. They were tired of being tlio cnemleof ) England and sick of the h.uo between one country and tins otliL'i. Lord Sil sbur > 's p.uty were not long slnco actively engaged In making prepaiatlons to bring homo rule fonvaid , andho wo.ild notbo suiprlsed if that party brought in a comprehensive mcasiiio of homo iiilo tor Iielund , but while ho was willing to suppoit any Rood measure ho should i.tthei see It left to Mr. Gladstone to cio\vd the work which. In advance of all Knglishmen , ho li.ul pi.iftlc.illy mid ear nestly undeitakcn. 1 nm going to the United States , but not upon any mission. 1 have hcaid , hovvovoi , edu cated Ainciicaus did not believe In homo mil1. I plmll tiy to lind them out , and on my ictiirn bo able to give a listof them In a very small compass. No 0110 knows nioio than I do how much the cause owes to the patriotism and devotion of the sons ot Iiclind In all parts ot the world and especially in the states a feeling engendered by the con- \entlontliatourcausoistho eauso of civili- /atlon , enlightenment , progiess and humanity - ity , and that it could not , undei God's piovi- dcnce , fall of success. " A vote of thanks was cordially supported by David Duncan , one of the M. P.s lor this city , a shipping merchant. Mi. McCarthy was escoited to his hotel cliceimg. TJII3 imVJISIl IX A BAD BOX. An Effort to Stir Up UnplunHiuitncHs Hctvxcon England and iho Porte. Co.NSTANTi.voi'i.i : , Sept. 15. [ New York Cable Special to tlio Uii.J-Slr : : Edward Tliornton arrives to-moiro\vanil nothing Is .vet settled ubout any one replacing him. Nelldolf , the representative heio ofllussla , is working hard to obtain from the Sultan tlio rejection of White as cmbassador , but will not succeed , as It suits the 'i'urkisli pol icy to have one astute elchl to play off against. ANOTIlKIt IIUSSIAN KNTIliaUE It ) making It hot for tlio Itntisli all around ami cleverly making a catspaw of French vanity in order to stir up an unpleasantness between the I'orto and the British cabinet ovei J'gjpt. Active conespondonco Is. now going on with respect to Its contin ued occupation , tlio Tniklsh complaining of the little attuntlon paid to Mouktar's pios- pectsandof want of faltli on tlio in it of Kngland , Tuikoy piesslng , in fact , to have ft date lived foi thu withdrawal ot the KuglNi tioois , llussln's baud does not appeal , the Fioncliembasbyalono moving , but It is well undeistood hero llmtiidcsliutoplc.iso Knssla Is the moth o of this policy on the part of the Fionch foiolgn olllccr iiiiftTY 'iiiousAxn rouxps has just been lomlttod to MotiUtai Pasha for the pmposo of working up local Egyptian discontent against tint Kn.'lish occupation. The porlo does notbellovo In n continuation of the parent calm andnillltiiy piopaiatlnns continue , a laiiro number of troops having passed up tlio Adijanoplit line lately and a largo shipment ot ammunition having been sent thiungh the Dtud.inelles t\vo days ago. Tlio potto has ( -coined peifectly indifferent - different In pioparlnjr the candidates for the Hulgailan throne , but will accept any obtaining tlio snflragei of the gioat povv ers , thouph Itv onld prefer Waldemar , us likely tonlfoid moio chance of a peace ful settlement , he being In close connection with Urn ici'iilni ; families of both Itussla nnd England. SllOUrnU KUOI' IIOUllS. Kl.1 John Jmlilmok's BUI Par tlio licnc- llt < > rUmpl < iC8. liOKpnv , Supt. 10. [ New Yoilc Herald Cable-Special to the llhK.J Sir John Lub- unck'R proposal shot ) hours icgulatlon bill Issued this morning. Itv Its piovlslons shops of ov ery class , with tlio exception of invents , relieshiiu'iit homos , tobacconists' shops and news agencies , aio to bo closed not hk'rtlmn 10 on the ovenlngs of Satuutajs and holldajs , and not later than b on the cvcnlncs of every other day of thn week. M'heriianr shop i.s found open after these hours thn wcnpler Is liable to a line of gi5 ! , Cluiuilsts and druggists will not bo llublo to n lst : : for supplvlnj ; medicines after the hour appointed , l it they must not Keep their shops visibly open niter ( ho hours named. Tlio mc.isino also seeks to render more Etiintent the law against Sunday tradlngbj uiMns the penjlty from live" shll- liims to one pound. At nuy tlino it Is made to apiu-ar to the satisfaction of Uioanthoii- tics t'l.u ' moio than ouo-tliiid In number ot tlio oociiulcis of tlio shops to which tin order for tlio time bcitu In force under tlds act IP- hteitiio OPIIOSLSI to therontluuiuicoof such order , It shall be the dut > of the local authoi- llies to rivoku the older , but the revocation shall be without prejudice to tlio making ot another older. It Is proposed that the act shall como into operation on the first of January next No doubt is entertained that the repressive provisions - visions will pass , by a largo majority , both houses of parliament , but It Is doubtful that parliament will pass the provisions as to one- third of the shop keepers being permitted to alter the prohibition by common consent , be cause the act Is for the benefit of employes and this provision would allow the shop kecpcis to defeat its object. Till : .lAlliKD 1'KIKST. Knther Knlioy Still in Coiillncnicnt Disturbances Kearoil. IHmiiY , Sept. 11. [ New Yoik Herald Cable special to the Hm : . ] Father Pahoy leimlus In Gilvvav jail as a lirst-elass mis demeanant. liiscisoiecalls that ot T.ithcr Siieeliy live je.irsago , which did the land lords and tlio government harm. The torlea sa } that it Is tlio father own fault that ho is kept in jail This Is not so. Pending Inquiry Into a charge of usln ' thivatenlng languacc , ho was leiiuhed to go Into bonds to keep the pence and not thrcnton. Ho protested his Innocence of the charge nnd icfnscd to civo bail not to do so. This was to admit that ho was guilty. 1 cabled a fortnight ago that the Woodford evictions were the beginning of aland war on a bigscalo. A score ol oclois there , re- slstants , were taken to the same ( inlvvnv jiiil In which rather Knlioy is condned. This led to n riot , a la Belfast , between the pollen , witli IKed swords , and the towns people , with missiles. Shops were closed and the jiili windows bioken. Onu woman Is djlng of n sword cut In tlio uxc. Many others are wounded. Tlio ai rests of some of the rioters are oxwetcd to lead to new dlstui banccs. When paillamcnt nil join us and ( lencral iiullcr makes fin tliei espionage touis it Is thought that Insurrections will leallyarlso and progress Kieatly. AVID Not Tnko tlio Initiative. VAIIVA , Sept. 15 [ New York Herald table Special to the JJnr. ] The powers , ro- plv lug to tlio circular of. the poite , ha\o Inti mated that tholiiithei steps needed for the settlement of affairs in Uulgaila must betaken taken by the powers acting In concert. Foi Itself the pnrto has assumed an attitude sim ply of reserve and observation. It Is stated that to a Tuiklsli pasha , now in St. Peters burg , has been communicated tlio assurance that Itusshwill not take the Initiative in proposing iv candidate foi the liulgatian throne. noprcscntiittvca. SOFIA , Sept. 15. [ New York Her ald Cable Sjiecial to tlio Uii : . ] The legency lias ehosen tlio following to repie- bent itulgaiia : Stranskl lor Uclgrado and PcmitioU for Constantinople. A chanuc lavorablo to linlsarla seems to have taken placoln the foieign poliey of Austiia. Tlio rumor to this eflect stiengthens the v low tliat Austiia will not penult a HussI in occupation of the piovlnce. Vinv.NA , Sept. , r . The Political Coues- pondenco sajs Kaulbais , military attache of the Knssian cmbassj nt Vienna , who was summoned from ( Jallcia while at tending thoAustilan mouoeuveis to Htest , LitovsU , by tlio c/ai , last week , has been appointed Kusslan diplomatic agent at Solia. If so , the appointment must be cous'dered as significant , as Kaulbirs is admittedly the best posted Russian on the military affairs ot Austria. Dispatches from Jliost , Lltovsk , say the Russian military maiinuivrcs winch have been attended by the czar there , closed with u dilll march of all troops past tlio c/ar. Lo.vno.v , bopt. 15. A dispatch from Vienna to the 'rimes sa > s Nalaky , Austrian minister of loielgn alfalis , ha leturncd to Vienna fiom Oastoln furiilslicd with the rudiments of an entente cardallo between tlio three emperoison the liulgarian question , at least so lai as the Immediate future is con- ceined. "Itussla , " the dispitch siys , "rec- oini/ed ; the Knropein chat acter of tlio J5ul- question while layini : sticssou her sjieclal interests in Bulcari.i. " SPAIN VS. PKANCK. KoprcHcntatlvcs ol' tlio Two CoimtHcH FlRlitln in AlVlcn , MADRID , Sept 15. A telegram from Ele- obyan , on tlio west coist of Africa , reports coulllets between tlio Spaniaids and French men owing to the hoisting of tlio French flag along side of the Spanish flag on some west coast territoiy. According to the latest ad vices the natives on ttio lett bank of the Muni river , opposite Fernando I'o , hoisted the Stnnish ilag and a Span ish gun boat was sent to protect it. Tlio authorities of the French colony of Ga boon thctcupon dlspitched n gunboat to the snot , the captain having instructions to claim the Muni country as Kicncli toultoiy. Tlio two gunboats met. The Frenchman wanted to hoist the French flag , but tlio Spininids announced they would llijht before they would allow tlio French colois to bo raised , The Ficnehmon then made a formal piotest against tlio action of the Spaniaids. Iloi'iililc Knvnjies of Cholorn. LONDON , Sept. 15. The choleia Is gaining giound In Auslila. It Is worst at Llca village ncai Agiain. Of nine bundled Inhabitants of the vllhcc , ninety have been stricken down , and twenty eight of tnom died almost Immediately. The people dlstiust doetois , and conreal thesiek as long as possible. The doetois aie fieiiuently stoned In the sheets. In ono homo n mother and daughter weio lloor , wilthlng in the agony of death , and In another 100111 lay the body ot tlio latino upon which had bum thrown thocorpsoof u son. The vll- lagcrrt aio too much Irlghteiied to help ono iinothei. A BrldKo'H Kntnl Pnll. VII.XNA , Sept. 15. The suspension bridge over the OstiawlUa river In the town of Ostnui , In Moravia , collapsed to day whllo n hiiuadron of Ul'lans wore riding acioss It. The Uhlans and a number of spectators who woroon the budge watching the soldiers were oil pieelpltated Into the ilvel. bevon persons weio Instantly killed , ono of whom w as n Uhlan , and many weio .seilously in jured. All the Injured woio rceoveied fiom the ilvcr. Dllko n an ICit I tor. LONDON , Sept. 15. Charles Dllko has re turned to London and it Is announced that ho will re-enter public life as piopilctor and editor of a London newspaper. The I'all Mall Gazette is IndiL'imnt at Sir Charles DHUo's haidihood , and publishes a caul calling upon the queen "to vindicate the iiiiiltj of English homes and the sanctity of tlio judicial oath , and lemovo Sir Charles Dllko's imuio from the roll of the pi Ivy council. " Tlio CriKliHh ntul PAIIIS , Sept. 15. Tlio Itepubllquo Fran- calso publishes a telegram from London stating thai Kngland meditates a grand coup d'etat , and will piobably claim Kgjptnsa Diltlsh possession. Show 111. however , adds the Itepubllquo Francalso. do nothing until she has sulllclent force nt Aloxaudila. Tlio St. Ijcgnr Stakes. LONDON , Sept. 15. The race for the St. Legcr stakes was vvoncasll } by Orinond , St. Ml ran second and Eainore third ; seven starters. The Tllilcm Will. WIIITK PLAINS , N. Y. . Sept. 15. The pto- batoof the will ot Samuel J. Tildeii , set for to-day , was this morning adjourned lor one week. The adjournment U In consequence of the absence ot Mrs. Caiollim II. Whittle- M > V. whoiiialdeslu Wisconsin. She Is ono ( it the hclcs nnd must bj picseut or be repre sented b > counsel. THE FARMS AND DAIRYMEN Convening of Their American Association at Philadelphia. PRESIDENT REALL'S ADDRESS , Congratulations on the Oleomarga rine Hill's Passage Cleveland 13n- dorscd for Sinning tlio Mcnsuro Ijcttcr I'rom the I'rcsldcnt. In Session. Piiit.vnt i.piiiv. Sept. 15. The members of the Auioilean and Diary as sociation met to-diy In theli seventh annual convention In this city. After a few pie- llmlparles Joseph H. Iteall opened the con vention with r. long speech. Ho'tntedthat the convention was cillcd to celebrate the most Important victory evei won for agricul ture , the pas igo of the oleomargarine la'v ; to take action toward restraining and In creasing thosticngtli ot agilcultiiral Inteicsts In congress and state legislatures , and to dis cuss the gi'iieial Interest of the fanners for the pinPOM > of adopting measutes to protect and advance them. All Hie associating con ventions , he sild. h.ul been attended by icp- resentatlvo men in ngrletilluial and kindred pursuitsruid they have been lepiesentatho In chaiacter. The speaker then reviewed at length the work of the association sineo Its orpnnl/atlnn , and pointed out the bunehtsac crulng to flHf.rultnial Inteiests tiom agita tions set ou foot , by Its members. Itotciilng tothe oleomaigarlnobllt he snid : "It was the ( list contest for national legisla tion In the history of the country undo by the fnrmeis , sml they were \Ictoilous ; lei It was they wlio fousjht and won tlio battle. It was not mciiev ; It was not argument ; It was not partvTftlltlcs. It was the Irresistible power of the organized army of fanners marshalled up to the doois of congress that that secured the law ; It was tlio cxpiesslon of tlioir will by letters , petitions and peisonal Interviews that beat down the walls ot pioju- dice , forced a practicable , sensible nnd use ful Inteipiclatioii ot tlio constitution and overcame the power ot millions arrajcd against them. " He urged his hearers to foster and encoui- ago duhymcn by eveiy means in tholr powci , and dechred that they weio much indebted to thogiangeis of tlio country lor the victory gained in seem ing the passage of tlio bill taxing adulterated and counteifolt butter. The npnunal ot the bill by the piesidcnt , ho said , was piompted bv the eainest dcsiic toseivo the bnst interests ot the f.umeis. The speaker leturned his sincere thanks fet the1 generous and unluiling snppoit tint had been extended hj thodaiij fanners and pioduco itiuehants in the teceiit cimpaign n.nlnst biiiiis buttei. Kcfeiriuir to tail It laws , Keall declaied It v\.is to the Interest of nil fanners to see that thrj weio dhectcd to- w.ud the advancement nnd piotcctlon ot Ameiican iiulustij , and so fiamed as to give tin finmeis the best homo imukcts toi pio- ( luce. Thou theio would bo just enough pro tection and amount ot ticotiade. Continuing he said Iminigiation should bo regulated and confined to an .uceptnblo class , pledged to become citi/eus. 'I he land laws should bo revised and sales in lujjo bodies to aliens pinlnbitcd. A leasonablo and ] > iactical regulation of lnti state com- mcicowas necessaiy , and that the Ciillmu bill toi the establishment of a national lall- 10 id commission , now pending In confess , would seem sulllcicut to accomplish tlrs pui- JOSU. ) In conclusion the sneaker unccd the farm- eis and those interested In tno airrlcultural Intciests ol the countij to see th it his \oto was cast this fall , legardless of pirty , for members ot eongiess who voted forihooleo- maigiuine bill nnd , incase tiiov were defeated lei icnomination , to select the best of tlio two candidates in the field. "A majnilty at the national coiiKiosb. " ho added , "and atnio filend In the executive chili , aio with us , and lei ns bo sure vvo keep both tlieie. " Mr. Iteall was licnuontly inteirupted by applause dm lug the delivery of his addicss. Foity odd delegates weio piesent , repre senting mainly Pcnnsvlvniiin. Now York , New Jeisey. Delaware. Ohio , Viigmla. Mary land , Georgia , Iowa , Kansas , Massachusetts and Cinaua. Piesident Cleveland sent the followine : SAIIAXAC INX , Sept. is. Joseph II. Ifcall. Ksd. , President , Et . : My Dear Sir : lour letter of the 'M instant , supplementing our pleasant Inteiview and containing nn invita tion to attend the national convention of tlio Ameiican Agricnltuial and Dairy associa tion IF received. 1 should bo glad to accept the kind Invitation tendered and avail my self of the opportunity the convention will atfoul to meet rcpicseiitativos of an interest so impoitant and valuable ns tliat which the farmers and ngiicultnrists of the country have In charge. The relation of this Intelost to tlio welfare and prosperity of our land Is so intimate tliat HH piopcr and legitimate care and piotectlon is , In mj opin ion , n patriotic dnty. This consideration ele vates tlio responsibility of tlioso In any wlso intilisted with our fanning Industiy beyond tlio piano of mcio schlshness , and should In duce conservatism and modeiutlon. Domiiuls made in such asplilt cannot fall tooxactn just and appreciative lesponso tiom those w ho make and oxeciito om laws. I hoiio that tlio coming convention may bo productive ot the best icsults to the aqilculturists as well as to all the people ot our country , and though plans ahcady made nnd engagements already agieed upon will prevent my accept ing vein Invitation to bo picscnt , I shall bo much intciested In Its objects and purposes. Youis sincerely , Gnoviit : CUJVII < AMI. Congressman James liuclinnan , ot New Yoik , addressed the convention on the sub ject of the oleoimugailno bill , and In his 10- markssiild ho believed that dining the next sossionof congicss ell oils would bo made either to repeal 01 modify tlio law , and ho advised the association to hold Itself In lead- iness to oppose such attempts. Alter Iteall was installed ns piesldlng olllcei the convention took a tceess. Upon reassembling tlieio was some discus sion on tlio oleomargailne question. Thu commlttuo on losolutionsreponcd nslollovvs , and the leport wa adopted : Wheiean , The agricultural intciests and w citato of this counti y mo the piopeity of In dustrial cltl/oim and Is of Hist Impoitaiico , ngilcultino legislation , or legislation do- fjiuned to promotu and piotect the conditions of the agriculturists and prevent Injiules and depressing Influences resulting from the Inroads oi fiuml , Is and alnajs will be dcsli- able ; thciaforo bo It itcsolved , That to maintain and retain what has been seemed to fauueis In the past , and to secure what may bo desirable In the fiitme , this convention , ieiio. > cntint8,000,000 ot the funnels of this countiy , In the inter ests ot pure legislation , the piospcrlty of the country nnd tlia wnlfuro of the fanner , mgcs tor the best consideration of tlio farmers und people at largo of the countiy that no man should be elected to congiess , who , by his past iccord and piesout reputation , is antago nistic to the prospei Ity of the great Industilcs of the country ; and bo It finthcr Resolved , That the faimeisof the United States. In convention assembled , duly recog nize the eainest. Intelligent and effective labor of its friends In congiess In seeming the pnssige of the olcomargvrlno bill , ami that it is the sense of tins convention tliat such friends aio entitled to and deserve tlio unQualllied biippoit of the fanneis regardless of party lines or obligations. Itc'solved , That It is the dnty of the general goveminent to use all Its povvci by legislation and by ticaty to have lemoveu uveiy dls- elimination against om piodiicts and to ex tend the aica and volume of our piouucilons. Itesolvcd , That the Immense Inteiosts of ngiiculturo demand a sccictary of ngilcul- tuie. with UIQ light and pi iv liege of a cabinet minlbter. Mr. Jluriouglis , picsldent of the New Jcuoy-btato board ot agilctiUuui , otfcied the following , which was adopted : Itesolvcd , That vvo hcicby call upon the coumess of the United States to so revise the tai Iff law a of the country as to protect the agricultural ludustiles of the country by Imposing such duties for cereal nnd dilry products sons to curtail , if not en tirely stop foreign competition In tlieso pro ductions. The committee then offered the follow Ing additional rcwlntloits. which were adopted : Incv \ of the injury done to tie ! wool crovvlnir Industry of the counti > by the re duction of the 10i rcoiil ad valoiem duty In ISs't the effect has boon n depression of SI57- OOO.OTO In this product mid thlslndustrj Is no longer lemnneratlve ; thcrofoie , Hesolved. That the earnest attention ot congic'ss is hcicby directed by this conven tion , and are enactment of tno duty cliaigo piexloiistolVvMs locommendcd ns a just piotectlon to the agiiculturnl puisult of wool-growlm : . Hltesolved , That tlie policy of President Cleveland and Mr. Lnmar , secictniy of the Interior , through Land Commissioner Sparks , in checking land gi.ibblns and preventing spoliation upon our public lands and preserving - serving them ail an luheiltiiico to our children , meets llio appioballon and hearty nppioval of this convention , Mr Seymour , ot Now York , offered the foi- lovvlm ; , which was adopted : Whereas , Thu unsettled condition of hbor In this country nflects tlio agricultural Inter ests , therefore bo It Itcsolved. 'lint this convention s mpa- thi/es with woikmcn In all lawful and lion- oiablo efforts lo better their condition. Adjourned till to-monovv. T1IIJ l.Ml'UISONni ) FUNGUS. Nn Hopes l > ntcrialncd That They Still Ijlvo. SCIIANTOK , Pa. , Sept. 15. The work of boiing tlnoiuih the pillar at thoJIiuvIn coal mine , whcio the coal was some twontj-tlnco feet thick , for the puiposo ot ascertaining something delinttc as to the fate of the en tombed miners , was piosccuted with vigor this morning , and the drill was not long in effecting an entrance ( o the opening bejond. When this was done , howevci , It was found tliat Instead of all niching In , as It had been hoped it would , gas came out. As no possible good could bo accomplished further vrork at tills point abandoned , and woik is now processing at the llrst point wliero work was commenced , and w heio the distance to bu cut through Is some what over ono hundred feet , About twenty- seven feut of this was cut tlds afteinoon , audbv to-inorro\v morulng half tlm distance will have been tiaveised. The "ciecp" Ins piactlcally stopped , and tlio miners aio last losing the nervousness and niipiehenslon which nirected thorn jcstetday. There Is no hope that the entombed miners arc still allvo ARMY OK THH TCNNI5SSI3U of the Annual Kcmilon at Koclc Ihlnml. Isrv.ND , III. . Sept. 15. The Society of the Army of the Tennessee met at Harper's theatre at 10 a. m. nnd held a brief business session , at which committees weio appointed to icport to-moiiovv. In the nftei- noon the society went by car to VamlriilT's Island , where the County "Veterans' associa tion was in camp. The society was escorted from the cars to tlio camp b\ the lioiUnau Hides , and had . "tho enthusiastic greetings of a multitude of 10,000 pei on . General Shciman was lirst intumitczd , and Ins addiess was biicf and to tlio point. lie liked to attend military leumons and to commend thn valor and ndelitv ot shes to sons into whoso hands the destiny ot the country descends. Gonoial John A. Lo .m followed , making a masterly address of half an houi's duration. At night the annual ic- ception ol the society took place In liaipci's theatie and every scat was filled in an 01- deilj manner. The andionee wasone of the finest evei a-sembled in Rock Island. The proceedings vvero lul ) ot intcicst. General Shot man celled tuo meeting to outer and llov.K t > . Mauris olfoied pnijer. An nddiess ot weleoujo on bnlialC of tlio city was made by Aldormnli Lnndy ami another , on behalf ot tlm statei'full ot his cxquiuito eioiiueuce. by Uovernpr Oslesby. Geneial Sherman responded , after which General A. L. Chetialn , of Chlciu'o , dellvcicd the annual oiation , his subject being "Eaily Histoiy of tlio Hepnbllc. " Colonel Jacobson , in behalt ol Chicago comrades , presented the secietary with a handsome bannei healing In ilt let ters an oxtiact tiom an addicss by Geneial Giant to the society In IbST ) . 'I ho flag was act opted by General Shciman , uftei which calls weio made and shoit add - d losses woio dellvcicd by Gencials Losan , iiclnap , Tnttlo and Fletcher , and Governor Pierce , of Dakota , and soius were snni ; by the Kock island pleo club. To-moirow the society visits the Rock Island arsenal and In the cvcnlnc holds its annual banquet , Searching ChineseWomen. . WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. The secietary of state some time iigo transmitted to the tieas- ury department a complaint made by the Chinese minister that ceitaln Chinese fe males w ho an ved nt San Francisco on the steamer San Pablo , weio on theii landing bcaichcd all over their persons by male cus toms olllceis at the whaif in the presence of every one , and some of them had to take off theli outei diess , reluctantly by compulsory onkrs. After examination of the facts , a reply was to-day mntto to the secretary of state stating the females were searched by nialo customs officers In temporary absence of the female Inspector , but no personal search was made , but tint loimtlos were compelled to remove from their bodies ceitaln now nnd iinwoin oveicoats which they wore , in addi tion to tlioir muni raiment , for thu evident inn pose ot Niiiigifllng the same into the United Stiles. Fnitlicimorc , the icpoit states that ; allthotigh It was plain , iiom o.x- toinalappeaiances , that these females had on theli bodies lu o quantities of other un- neceisary clothing or other material bollcned to bi smuggled goods , yet the surveyor did not nxposo their poisons foi the icasoii that thcio was no liispecticss to peifoim that duty. _ _ Indiann Itniind for Florida. L \sVio.\s , N. M. , Sept. I1 } . To-day a tialn of ten coaches came from the south , beating the Clililcahua and Warm Spilng Apaches from San Cailos icscivatlon to Floildu. Theio wore 4CO B.ivagc.s , gimidcd by tlneo companies of United States intantiy , under the command of Colonel AVado and Major Dickie. Althouuli nouo of them hav o bucn on the war path since Geronlmo broke loose , It was well nndeiHtood that they weio f mulshing MA band with ammunition , and that theio was no idling what moment they might breakout. Foi this icason the government decided to ship them tn Floiidn , whcio they could do no harm. Moio than half the In dians are kquavvs anil llielr children nnd n moio hideous mass of humanity nevei ciovvded Into an emigrant sleeper before. The car doors are closely gitnuled by soldlois , Failure of aJAiUsourl Jlunlf , ST. Louis , Sept. 15-fLato jcsterday the Hovvaul County bank.ul Ulrsgovv , closed Its doors , nnd placed It ? business In the hands of ti listens. for the bnuont of the ciedltoi s. J , 3. i'liomas , president ot the bank , makes the following statement ot the bank's a Hal re : The assets of the bank' are ample to pay all dcposltotsand stockholders in full. Hard times and the oMrcma dilUctiUy ot collecting Induced the directors tQ turn o > cr the busi ness to a trustee , who will collect and pay otl tirxt the depositors aud tlion the stockholders , The assets amount to about 60,000 ; the lia bilities don't ' amount' jo unite tl > atsum. " Ono of the laigost credltore of the bank Is the Lacledo bank of St. I outs. It , however , will not be seriously alFectetlby the fall me. The Cutsklll tttovo In. HUDSON , Sept. 11 Thostcamer'Catsklll , " of the Catsklll Line , was run into early this moi nlng on hev trip to this city by a ferry boat , andatwcnty-li\o to thhty foot hole sto\ \ in her hull. She reached her dock w ith- out sinking. Ono hundred passengers nboaid were ten Iblyf lightened , but no one was Injured , llio uainago amounts to ยง 5,000 , , . Union Pacific Jjiuid Grant HondH. Ntvv : I'oiiK , Sept , 15. Tlio Union Pacific i all way company , through Fiederick L. Ames , trustee ot tlio land grant bonds , ad vertises for proposals tor the sale ( o him of land ui-aut bonds to tho' value of 82,101,000 , which ho U authoiUcd to apply to such pur chase. The piopi s ib will bo open till the UOili InsUnt , BAYARD DECLARES HIMSELF , Official Statement of tlio Secretary of State on National Issues. THREE INTERESTING SUBJECTS The Cutting Cn * < c , Mr. SedRWiok and the Capture ol'British Schooners Commented On National Cap ital Now * , Secretary Hnyard's Position. WASHINGTON' , Sept. lSpcelal ( Tclo- gram to the llrn.J This nun nlng's Washing ton Post , which I' siys to be the oriran of the admlnlstrntlon , has a column of double- leaded editorial on "Secretary Ihyatd's Po sition , " wlilch buaisthu Impress ol that olll- eial's authority , It treats the sltuitlonln which tlio secietaiyol stale Is under tlnee sub-headings , v I"I. . The Cutting Case ; " "J. Mr. Sedgwlck ; " " .5. The Alaska Cap ture. " A f tor brh fly u citing the Cutting case. fiom tlio standpoint ot Mr. Dajnul , the i'ost sa > s that It is a position which eveiy Ameri can ought to maintain , nnd which will not bo abandoned till Mexico disclaims the rlL-lit , now nsscited , to punish Amoilcan cltlons foi nets cammltted In the United States ; tliat already Scevotaiy Hoard's vlg- oious lemonsttances have \vionght ameliora tion that has moved President Diaz to send n clicular to all his states , warnlnc them to oxciclso great piudciico In the uiicst of forolgneis , and to icpoit to the capital promptly every step ot the pie > 'eedinis against them ; that this Is a concession woith all the tumble that lias been taken for tlio piotocllon ot om cltl/eiis. It does not think the Scdgvv Ick nlTalr has nuy of the features of national importance. It declates that Sedcwlck Is not a minister to Mexico , not a sec- rctaty of legation , not an ambissadoi of any soil , not acciedltcd to the Mexican gov eminent , and Is piobably not acquainted with any ol Its oillroio ; that he is n private cltl/on requested by Mr. liavaul to make certain liiqniiics for him. The Post then dcclaies that Sedgwlck has no moral right to get drunk , but that he has a pei feet diplomatic right to , because ho possesses no diplomatic cliaiacicr. it sijs boldly that "Ho mljhtdiink pnliiuo till ho could not stand , paint tlio halls of Montemma all ot the filteen shades of icd , lose his hat In the pateo of tlio Temple ot the Four Minnies , declaim hilariously In the gloves of Tacu- bay.i and demand tlio suuender of the castle of Chepiiltepcc without in any way Involving our diplomatic lelatlons ; " that "If lie was mastered bi the nullied air , mingled with the intoxicating bowl. 'tis a pity the same vailetv ot pity It would have been in btoek- bridge. " Then the Post or lathei Secietaty I5aj- ard bajs that "the eaptuio bv an Aniencaii leventiu euttei ot tlnee lliitlsli schoonnis en gaged In in Uelulng's stiail is likely to lead to a llvelj diplomatic COIIP- siondeneennd if , as alleged , tlio sealeis weio sixty miles fiom shore , the piobabillties aio tint tlio act will have to bo itiscl.iimed and this countiy m.iko restitution , In accmdanco with intii national law ; that jurlsdietion ceases tlireo miles f i om land. " It declaies the demand ot Canada for the icleaso ot the schooners to bo ildlculous , absurd , niepostei- ous , bccauso Canada IB only a colony , with a llttlo 'C. ' " havlng ijo more diplomatic rela tions with this countiy than Gioat irlt\ln ! ; has with Nevada. Tlio editonal stops with this deslaiatlon : "This gov cinment will detcnd Its dignity andpiescrvo its self-iespect , and will act , both towauls .Mexico and Great lintain , without regard to tlueats or piomises. In icgaul toilexico It is undoubtedly collect. anil will maintain tlio spliit of Its demand toi theabiogation of laws which threaten Amoilcan eitbens. In icgaid to seal lisli- eries It will enloi upon a comprehensive Inveitu.ition without delay , and will persist 01 recede with equal alacrity accoullng to thu facts ot the case. " The article attiacts unlveisal attention , as It Is the only inspitatlon ol Seeictaiy lia > ard upon three of the most subjects before his department. IIHADV AM ) II1S HOOK. An intoi view Is made public with Geneial Tliomas J. JJrady , of stai i onto notoiloty and late assistant postumstei goueial , in which ho promises to make some startling revelations about star mute matters and Florida election retuins oflttlli. Gonoial Ihndy. foi a jear or two , has been living on Ills WJ3 acio fai in sixty miles from the Potomac mac on the VliifinU whoic , and says ho has lately been dividing his time between culti vating his faun , liarvesting his crop and writing a book \vlilcliwillglvetho Inside history of the stni lonte cplsoclo and of tlio clectorlal count In Flonda elections ol 1STO. In answer to questions about his foithcoming book , the general said : "I propose to place several alleged statesmen and others In public pllloiy In order tlint their lellow cltUens may sco them In a ti no light. Some people posfni : bofoio the public nsmoial saints L shall Impale upon the cor- loded points of their own coiruption. 1 shall embellish mv book with fac simile auto graph letteis and momoianda which will speak for themselves. Inshoit , it will glvo the tiuo Insldo history of the Floilda election ictuins of IbTO , and the star umto Investiga tion and tiials , with all collateral Iiicldonts. congicsslonal and otherwise , connected therewith. I have shielded a lot of hypo- ciltc's and moial cow.uds long enough , nnd thcio Is nothing left for mo to do but to pub lish the true Insiilo histoiy of those events. " i. MArrnns. Second Assistant Postmaster ( icncial Knott Issued adveitisoments to day foi bids lors tar louto steamboat ] > ostnl jervlco In Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Micliiiian , AViseon- Bin.Mliiiie-.ola , Iowa and Missouri. This includes mull messenger transfer and mall station servlco In the cities of Cleveland , Cincinnati , 'loledo , Detroit , Chicago , St. Paul , lUirllngton , St. Louis nnd Kansas City from .Inly 1 , 1S87. to Juno 4 , 1KU. Pio- posals will bo received until 4 p. m , . Jan uary it , Ibs7 , nnd the nvvaids will bo un- iioiinccd Pebiuaiy iii , lBb7. O.-car Hi'iivos has been commissioned post master at Lawn. Xeb. The tlmu schedule of tlcstar ) mall inuto ex tending fi om Amlt > to Centinl City. Neb. , will bo changed ns follows on October 1 : Leave Amity Monda ) Hand FildayB nt 13 n. in. , arrlvo nt Central City bv 7 p. m. Leave City Tuesdays and Saturdays nt 7n. in. , nrihoat Amity by Up. m. The servlco will bo i educed to twice a week. Tlio separate mall sen Ice to Cumro , Neb. , will bo discontinued at the end of this month. AIIMV C1HNOKS. Captain Clinton U. Seais , coins of engi neers ot the army , has been relieved fiom duty at Wlllett's Point , N. V. , nnd oidoied to dnty at Hlsmuick , Dak. , relieving Captain James 1J. Quliin , corns of engineers. Fiist Lieutenant William M. Metealf has been ordered from the Now York arsenal to Kast Lj nn , Conn. , on public business. The leave of First Lieutenant Ward S , Fnnovv , Tvvmity-first Infantiy , has been ex tended to November l , itabO , ou account of Blekness. Tholeavoof Second Lieutenant Janms 11. Frier , Seventeenth Intunirj , has been extended - tended to October 1 , lbb . Tvventy-hvo recruits have been ordered to Fort Leaven worth. Kan. Lieutenant Colonel John J. Copplnger. Klghteenth Infantry , who has been command ing his regiment nt Fort Hays , Kan. , until tlio arrival of Colonel Yard , is to bo ordrtred to command at Foil Gibson , Indian tcirltory , Colonel Copplnger Is well known heie , whore ho was married several jcais ago to a daughter of James G. Hlalne. Colonel Charles J , Von Herrmann , n cap tain in the Fourth Infantry , who arrived hero last night with Mrs.fqn Hermann , fiom their home nt Spirit Lake , la. , will bo placed on tlio retired list on Friday. Ho IB u native of Prussia , was appointed aid do-camp to General blcgcl in HOI nnd a captain in tlio recular army In IbOd , and was brovetted n major in the army and lieutenant colonel of volunteers for gallantry. His retirement pro motes First Lieutenant Butler D. I'rico from adjutant to captain. A Itnttlo Crock Man Uoastcd lit a Ilnrn. IKTTi.i : Cnr.i'K , Neb. , Sept. n [ Special Telegtim to the Ui.r. ] In this vllhpehst night the llveiv buns and hotel owned by Anton Young and oeeuplcd by Clurles Hass were entheh eonsinued by Ihe. Tlnee mnlos owuedbyj 1 ! Gudell , on" hone owned by Charles ( ludailan and foui hoi > os owned b > Di. Doollttk' were b lined. I'ho ehuied ie- mains of a m ui supposed to be Olnrles Ualley woio taken fiom tlio inins. Mr. Has * , the lessen of the hotel and birns , lost nil his household ctlecK himself and lamlly cscap- hiK paitly duMsed , ANoiiiuii vrcouxr. , N'tb. , Sept. 15. I Spechl Tele gram t ( Ihu liKi | oung's hotel and lively bain and Waltirs1 baiber shop In Hattlo < 'u-ek , burned sliorllj nftei midnight this nuirnlug. 'llio ' ie- niainsof n man weieimlledout of the flu * , and as fluirles Kallov.a > ouni ; nnmartled mill , Is missing , It Is piesumed to bo him IClgnt huisos weld Inirned In tlio stable. The hotel was called "Hotel No. 1 , " and was kept by DoolittldV lla s. 'I helots Kabotit S4.0LO. The lue is believed to have been ineemlHiy , nnd Mephen Uojerhas been aricstcd on sus picion. _ C3 jc County Cni > turcd. Hi ATittri : , Neb. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele gram to the Hir. : ] Tlio ( ! ago county repub lican convention was held to-day , winding tip to-night at 10 o'clock , nflei a long session. iW. . Colby , of lleatrlce , was nominated foi state senatoi ; J. N. Fuller ot Hanover , Dr. C. C. Gnlford of Wjmoro , nnd James W. W.udlaw ot Piekrell , foi leprescntatives ; It. W , babin of Beatrice , couiitj attoinoy. The convention unanimously .nut with greit enthusiasm allowed Captain J. K. Hill , can didate lei seeielary ol state , to select the delegates to the state convention , Instructing IhiMii to use theli best elloits In seeiiilng his nomination. Hnvvo dehtatc-s were eleeted to the congressional convention. Howe was picscnt , as usual , and mndo a speed , Invltliic the ( Manners to call on htm when ho got to Washington. _ Arrest of Dulcc NnnitAsKA On v , Neb , Sept. 1 1. [ Special Telegram to tlio Hi.i : . | Dnko A. Simpson was nnosted this noon on a complaint tiled by August Wellci , In which ho chaises Mr. Simpson with having loigcd his name to a piomisoiy note to the amount ot Sl s. Tlio aiiebt came like a thundcibolt to Mi. Simp son's trlends , who have been standing by him In his Into dillicultles as trcasuier ot Otoc county. The end has not jet been rev - v ealed. v AVI n ( I at rnlrmont. FAIUMONI , Neb. , Sept. 15. [ to the Bii : . ] A teuilic wind visited Palimout tills morning at about t o'clock. It blow down the ait hall belonging to tlio District Pali association , und .sheds. Two 01 tlneo wind mills were blown dow n. The smoke pipe on tlio watonvoiks was blown ovei , awnings nnd. small buildings weio toppled ovei. It wasouoot thesemc'st winds > et visiting Fairmont. Norfolk CJcts Left. NottroLK , Neb . bept. 15. [ Special Tole- giam to the Hrr.J L nil retuins ol the eoiin- tj scat eliction contest aie : Madison. blO ; Bittlo Cieok , 71)1 ) ; Xoilolk , 7sO. Thisdiops Xoi folk out and makes the contest in the final election between M.uli.-on and liattlo Cieek. 'Ibis uiioxpcelcd phase is due to the apathy ot votois in this city , who could have tinned tlio scale by a lull vole. Holt Hcniy For Vail " \Vjck. JJ'Nini.i , ; Neb. , SoptiB15.-ISpicml Tele gram tothe Uni : ? ! On a stialght Van Wick Issue at the comonlloi ! to day the \oto stood sl.xty-livofor Van Wjck aud tlility against. wNVIO : ING. Gcorfjc , the Son of Tay , married to Miss 10 ill Hi KiiiKdon. Nnw YOUK , Sept. , 15. [ Special Telegram to the I3ii : : . ] Miss Edith Klngdon , the act ress , was maincd to Gcoigo Gould nttho Gould mansion nt Ii\lnuton on Hudson last evening in the presence ot thenppioving family of the groom nnd with all the celat proper to so distinguished a matilinonial event. Tlio assemblage though small was In regular woddlng mood and the newest child ot the bundled nnlllonalio need have no cause to worry over not receiving a hcaity welcome Into the family of hci husband. Miss Klngdon'tt rare taste la dioss has al ways been ono of the most pleasurable leat- uics of hei stage appearance , and It reached a climax In the simple but costly and elegant ly designed costume In which slio stood up before the minister. All of her tiousseau , it is undeistood , was jmichascd dmInt ; a tup abioad. It IB veiy rich and tasteful. The ceremony was the simplest one known in the Piotestant chinch and was peifoimed veiy impressively by tlio icgnlar lamlly pastor. It is nndcistood Gould senior made the event the occasion for tlio presenta tion to his son ot : i guaiaiiteed Income laigo enough to niako It coitaln that the young couple will never have to take In plain sow ing and copjing to keep the wolf train the door. At Iivlngton all the Information as to the details of the wedding was ictused. The young couple will start at once on a long wedding trip In the Gould yacht Atalanta. Tlio Pool llciUllrmcd. CHICAGO , Sept. 15. I5y a unanimous vote the geneial managcis of. the lines Interested In the foinmtlon of the Western Traflle asso ciation to-day agreed upon the contract as re vised , and that it should go Into operation beptembei T5. The Wabash locorded Its \otowiththo inovlso that U did notwiitvo tlio right to settlement of the balances In tlio old pool , nnd the other roads on condition that the pool should bo satisfactory to their dl- rtctois. Tills vvasicalllimlng the action taken last Pilday. The following weio appointed ns tlio cvecutlvo comuilttco : IE , It. Cable , cliaiimanT.J. : Potter. H. H. Stone , .1. T. IJnrmiHl , 11. C. Wllker , S. K , Cullowav. J. T. Tucker , II. C. Moorehouso. A. A. Tnlmago and W , h. Novvman , Coininlsulonor Fat- thoin , of tin * old Weslein I-'iolglit associa tion , was unanimously chosen commissioner of the now oigaiil/iitlnn , which haw been named the Westein Tralllc association , and instuiutcd to put it In operation at onco. Ktruclc A Hunt ; . CHICAGO , Bept. 15. The meiiibeis of the Western Passongei nssochitlon were In ses- Bion this afternoon , stalling theli work of forming a gross money pool on passenger tiatllc between Chicago and common points and Council Kind's and common points. The sub-committee submitted the plan ngiced , to last week , but n snag was struck as boon as the preamble was icaclied dunning the boundaries. After two boms' debate the matter was releiied to Mi'ssis. K. hi. John , J. T. Tucker , H.It. . Stone , JIUIIIH Smith nnd W. F. Novvman. with distinctions to settle the limits and the business to bo Included , and icport to-mono w morning , to which time the niLCting ndjomnid. An Appeal lioiii Charleston. CiiAiii.r.STON , Sept. I1) . Geneial fi. A. Ciavvford , wliocamo trom Philadelphia I'll- day night , sent u letter to Governor Fall- child , commander In chief of the Ginnd Army ot the Republic , in which ho asks lor contributions foi small piopeity oumnt , to whom thch llttlo homes vveiu tlioli all. Tlieio is u laiiru class of tlioso people who have benn icndeiud homole.- b > thocaith- ( juako. Bad Aouidcnt. Lirri.r. KIICK , Sejit. 11 , Ye-slcrdny the twolvoyeai-old son of Josepii Moiso vyas bathing in a pond near Ins residence nnd was suddenly taken with. ) cramp , whun ho called upon Ills btothui lleniy to have him. llenrj sprang In iml both vveiodicwncd. 'Jhohojs' mothei , who uron ; the bank at the ( Imp , fainted , and on ucov 'iliu con- bcioiisuess iho became a raving ri ml v. BROOKLYN , IOWA , BURNED UP A Destructive Fire Causes a Hundred ThDit- siuil Dollars Loss- THE TOWN WILL BE REBUILT. A Citizen Tries tlio Oliost Hnctcct on n ItntKlnrVllli I'oor Huc'C'csM I'ntcnt IModlcIno Vender Ar- rostctt lovva Nou . Heavy I.OSM-M by Planics. Di' MOIM * , la , Sept. T > | ! speclil Tele gram to the lli.n ] A the btoko out this moinlng at Itioukljn. fifty miles east of this clt > , and Inn short tlmespiead to tliebuM- ness pntt and ttuoatoned the entlto town , Help was summoned fiom Gilnnell nnd M ireniro , but brfoie the lire could be con trolled It desliojed tlio gieatet put of the business portion of the city. The llamrs caught In an old clevatoi owned byT. J. Holmes iV Son , and Is upposeit to have d.irted fiom a sp.iikbyan enirlno on an early fiokht. The follow ing ate tlio heavy losses1 Dis , Conawav & Hu bols' olllco , tin1 postolllce , the Chion'elo ' nevvspapci btilldlng , seed stoie , Holmes luinbei v.ird and olllce , , Iohn Smith's shoo shop , Holmes'elevator , lid Smith's J \v- eliy store , J. T. Talbot's luw ollke , S. 13. Thomas' giocer > store , W. T Sh.upo's and Calsvvold house , J. C. Stobei's hainess shop , Dr. C.iider's ollice , li. Tiiston's olllee , K. Olvens' agricultural implement nnd grain oftlee. W. Davidson's agiicultmal depot , the i'hst Xiitlonal bank , A. Galhind's bather shop , D. T. .tones' lesldence , W. T. Holmes' two tenement houses , the Poweshlek County b-ink , U.T Slmrpe'sagilcultuutlImplement store. A , Holland's stoio mid household goods , I ) . V. .Jones & Co.'s fninlluio stoio , nnd W. T Stephenson's building. rheeltizons ot aio complelil- da/ed and < joem not to fully teall/o thoc.\ tent ot their Hiss. The outlook Is daik , after : i season ot diought and haul time , but Hrooklyn will bo rebuilt. 'Hut every one asseits emphatically. The losses , ne.nly all. if not quite all , aie Insuicd , the pilncl ] nl insuiauco conipinles of th east and wtst being involved. The MiulLs of the two haul B an ; siippostd to be Mil right. The Chronlcln building and contents are destrojo I , and ne.ulj all of the goods taken from thodtv good stou's niuhuined. 'the total loss will uachST.VOOaiidniav unch SlOO.tWO. Onehalt ol the businessbu Idln sot the town uicde- stmu.'il. Ma > oi Hoik , 11. ( ! . Cuniiulngs and T .1 , Ilfilmes line been ptosli.itod by the heat and aio In a ciitlcnl condition. A Burglar Who Didn't Scare. DisMoiM.s : , 11' . , Sipt. 15. [ Spechl To'e- grani to the Ui.i..J Last night a burrlai enteied the lesldenceot Mr. 12. D ( Jieet , at West bide , and went Into the room wheio Mr. and Mis. ( licet weio sleeping. Aftei ho had gathoied his pile ol boot > and was stiltIng - Ing avvaihoawokiMis. Gieel , wlio seieamcd and aioi.sed Mi. ( tieet. The 1 ittoi stalled foi the buighr , who snapped a icvolver , wbleli mis-ed lire. Gleet then giabbcil n sheet , and auaved Ilkn n ( 'lioFt , thought to fngliten the bnrchi off tlio tiaek Tin ; lattei hied attain , this time llio hull gr.i7ing thn uluekot Mii. ( iieetiind loilgiilg In tlio dooi easing. Mi. Gitct then became tangled up In the bed clothes and fell o\ei and the burg- lai escaped tliroiurh u window. Citl/ens are greatly oxclWd'and If the Imiirlar nnd would- be murderer had been caught ho would have been lynehed. ' t m A DriiBfl'fMlrtlcr Arrested. * AMES , In. , Sept 15. | Special Telegi.un to ihol3ni.J : N. G. Daillug , ealmtug ) to be an agent for a patent medicine house In Ko < > . Iviik , was anested heio and bound over to day foi peddling ilitus without tlio S100 licence rcquiied by the now phai- mae > law. The case Is anew ono and will bo carried to tlio highest com t us u test case , to detcitnlno whctlier atiavoling .ment ot u patent medielno house can sell his goix'n ' without paving u special Ice for the privilege. A niirjjlnr I'oppocl. Missouiir VAJJ.UV , la. , bept. 15. [ Special to the HTK. ] Last night whllo burglars weio attempting to olTcct an cnti.uico Into the Percy house In this city 'by cutting a hole tlnough the door , Mi. Dcnlce , the pioprletor , who was sleeping in the room , fired two shots thioiun the dooi at the Bcoundiel , and this moinlng n bumular was tracked scveiiil rods bv the aid of the blood fiom the wound made by the bullets. No clue. " 1 AS1 FEUD WARD , CONVICT. " Partners lit Orlino Fall Out In tlio Penitentiary. Ninv Yonir , acpt. I" ? . [ Sjieclal Telegram to tlio lira' . ] Fetdlimint Waul was asked nt King Sing piison Mibout the letter he had written to President Cleveland , giving rca * sons why Jnme.s D. Fish should not bo pai < doned. In leplying. Waul said , among' other things , "Kjsh ) ms tried to ajipoar ns my dupe , tried to snddlo mo with the wholx tioublo. 1 blame no ono forillsbullovingmo. I am Feidlnaml Waul , coin let I do not ex pect them to ciedit me , but when I biek my HtatcmentH up with ligures then 1 challenge Ilioworld as to tlioli eoueetness. 1 Inivo all papers and 1 have ovoiy transaction comp ict. James D. Fish know I had no sued business as I piolessed. They nil know It was not squau ; . Mi. Fish's story of the canvas bai Is absolutely lilso. No in in can make mobuliovotliatho thought the busi ness was tali when ho was lecelving fiom 20 to : )5 ) per cent a month lor money. Pish used to semi up just as ro uhitly no clock woik tor Ids little dlv vy , and no amount ol persuasion could keep him out of It. 1 don't pioposu to opun my mouth about tills mattei unless L nm attaclied , and then 1 shall defend m > hc < lf. I do not deslio to pose as nn angel. I did wront ; and am reculv Ing mv pnnlsliment for It. Tnoiaiisoof the whole tumble was this : 1 got into stialghts nnd tiled to malut up out ol stocks. It 1 had succeeded I should have been Ferd Ward , tlio gieat tnnkei. 1 fulled and am n eonviet , I deseivo what I am got- tlnir , hut J , D , Fish and olliun deserve as iniicli. I wain peisons connected with llm Him of Grant > v ; Waul not to attack me. 1 have oveiv letli'i 1 have lecelvednnd they have not been published. 1 shall IIMI Iliiiiu some day. " IN TIIK nrniMiiH. ) ; Fruncb Hol/liiK ICiiKllNli Mission I'roji- oriy and a Conflict Kouruil , M Ki.nouiiNi' , Sept. 15. Kxrltlng repoilu li.ivo been tecetvcd hereof ai binary Fieiieh action In the Now Hebildes. Koy. Mo- Donald. Piosbjteilan inlsslonniy at Havan- nail hiiiboi , in a lettei to Lieutenant Maixot the lliitish gunboat Swinger , savd that llio Fiench Hebildes company have toUed the lands ol tlio native cliilstlan mlhslon , a I liv ing moi | title , and that tlio Ficneh com mandant thic-atonid the natives with am < d force it thny H'slsted , The company alto claims tin ; land * of other Hi IHi subjects. Mr. McDonald asseili. tliat llic Ftonch piac- tleallv exeiiho > o\oiil ! nlj ovci the l&lando. A rolllslon between tlic unlives nnd Kjriuh Is Imminent. TliuMts have IK en imulo against Mi. MeDonald and ilallviehilstlans , and I.e demands assistance limn Ihu Kngllsli eijiiadion. The ) > umileib of thn colonies aio about In hold n unilciuuce to consider the situation. Ai. oilier Knllrnm ! OiiA'iTA.Nop ( > . \ , Tciin , , Hcpt , 11A bio ncclilent oocuneil hall n mlle hum thd cl | > at ClO ; DiLs evening on the frist Tenni'.s- sce , Viiglniii it ( ii/oiida / railway. Thu noith-bound o.\piess Main struck n cow on a Elmipeurvowhlloromluvlnto the city. Tl.r riv.'ino tinned rivei iixliu'ht eiubaiiUmCQl cuisliliu' the eii'-'lneui. 'linn Hitikluy , nu I iiinan , Cat Fuiria , todeuiu.