Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Collided lijcnrricT In rn > rnrtof the city nt
twenty ct tits per week.
Il.W.Tn.To.v , - -
nrfiKrsOrricr. , N'o. M.
NIIJIIT Vtiitoit No. y\ \ .
lcfist ? 'i to-day.
> Jo\v Vork Pliuiiliiny Co.
New fall trooils at Holler's.
Cooper it Mctioo .sell slovcs.
The very bust cubliicls lit fJ ! a tlovten nt
( lorliani'fl.
Conferunco Imvinn ntljottrncil , most of
thu pruAfhors left the city yesterday.
To-ntalit at Mnsonlc liall Ilio Knights
of Labor hold their .sixth niiiuiiil ball ,
llavo you read "KVEUAKD AND
KULALL\"by E < 1 Wright ? It can be
found nt littshnnll'd.
Colonel John Fox was appointed n
regiHtrar of election to lill I ho vacancy
niuiseil by the rosi nalioii of Ed Molt.
pJi"Hy rciie | ! < l" tlio Nonpareil at last ,
nine days siibsefineiit to Iho event , an
nounces thatSI. I'anlV clinreh has been
completed , and that it was opened by the
JtidRO Aylcsworth had two ordinary
drunks before him in the polices court yes
terday morning. One was lined $7.00
\vliilo lliu other was requested to put up
A Rood many nuttirali/.ilion papers
liavo been mislaid or loit , and as theyaro
necessary to entitle a foreign born oiti-
Mil to a vote under the new law , a good
many are hikinp out now papers.
Wanted 1,000 families to take the
American Uoiiml Washers on two weeks'
trial. After a fair trial if yon don't think
them worth more than they cost , return
thorn to Cooper & AIuUoc , No.11 Main
A young fellow passed down Main
street , yesterday afternoon carryinp a
pair of shoes which he was trying to dis
pose of. The pollen were notified and
made n vigorous search for him , but were
A lady who owns properly on Wash
ington avenue , between Seventh ami
Eighth si roots , was yesterday figuring
around the city building how .she could
cut seine crooked females out of one of
her houses. It takes much less than a
week if she proves her charges.
Mr. George F. Chase , desires to return
to his many friends his thanks for their
kindness shown during his late illness
from the accident on the Chicago &
Northwestern rail way and toassuio them
thai their kinkmMS and help so rendered
will be most gratefully remembered.
II. Hall , of Missouri Valley , was en
joined by Judge Lewis from selling
liquor , but Hall thought ho know more
about it than the judge did , so he refused
to obey the injunction. The result i * that
Iho judge has lined him $ " 00 for contempt
of court and sentenced him to jail for
three months.
An information was filed before 'Squire
Snliurx ehii'-ging .1. M. Hrown with ob
taining from Al Hoyer , of the Western
house , ! ? 1-10 ! on false pretenses. It
seems Hrown has Guaranteed one Atchi-
son's board bill , and sis Atelnson refused
to put up so did Hrown. The case will
bo tried next Monday.
Humor has it that this morning at 10
o'clock Charlie Hnnyan , the watchman
In the tower at the railroad crossing.
and Miss Nora Kogers , are to be made
ono. The HUE extends congratulations.
It is also generally believed that Miss
Runyan , Charlie's sister , will become
Airs. Dakar tins evening. Again con
Just previous to adjournment confer
ence passed a resolution thanking the
' good people of Council Hlull's for their
CDcn-handed hospitality. Also a resolution
tion thanking Hishop 'Uowman for the
very able manner in which ho presided ,
find expressing the hope that his healtii
might no preserved to meet with them
yet many times.
Information was received in this city
yesterday , coming from a reliable source ,
that n gang of forgers had started from
Chicago and wore coming this way with
DCS Monies as one of their points se
lected. It will pay bankers , merchants ,
and others to bo on the lookout for thorn.
Register , Sopt. 1-lth. They might pos
sibly show up in Council LSlufTs.
John Evans , of Logan , at ono time a
prominent attorney ol that place , was
sentenced to three years in prison. Ho
was appointed administrator of an
estate , and was caring for some $700 for
the minor heir. When the heir became
of ago the money was demanded , but
was not forthcoming. The courts have
punished Evans , but cnn not refund the
Yesterday John Tomplelon , Ihe very
cfliclcnt chief of the Council Hluils
iiro department , and by the way he is
as popular as no is olheient , received
from 1'romont , Neb , , the very handsome
gold badge and pin he won in the chiefs'
race at thu state tournament recently
hold there. It Is in the form of a lire-
man's trumpet , from which is suspended
by gold chains a bar , on which his n amo
is engraved.
Joseph 1' . Wells , a younc man who
came hero from Cleveland a llttlp over a
year ago , and who has proved himself to
DO n very worthy young man , has boon
elected as assistant secretary of the
Young Men's Christian Association. The
work has grown so that Harry Curtis , the
secretary , to whom moro than any olh < > r
ouo person is duo Iho success which has
attended the association , linds that tt is
impossible for ouo person lo properly at
tend lo it. Mr. Woljs will ably and ear
nestly second Iho efforts of the secretary.
Last evening W. C. Powfrot. the popu
lar salesman for Harlo , Haas tv Co , , on-
torttiincil at his residence , i)25 ) Mynstec
street , quilo n number of his friends ,
Ihe occasion being tlio anniversary of
the birthday of his wife. Tosav that
they wore pleasantly entertained does
not begin to oxpicss it. Some insist Unit
they never spent a moro enjoyable even
ing , The inner man was not forgotten ,
but was ruciilPilyith n supper so perfect
in all its details , as to nniko many of the
gentlemen present envious of Mr. Pow-
fret's gooil fortnno in boeuring the pri/.c
lip diil when Mrs , Powfrot said "yes.1 '
Yesterday l ho police arrested for vag
ranoy n colored man named Joe ( Jutes
nnil u whlto boy of sixteen years of agi
namncl Willie Stevens , Willie was fount :
in a freight ear on the Chicago & North
woslorn tracks down near Strcotsvillo
Ho said ho nail boon told to stay there b
Gates until ho got baok from the city
Willie's father died recently in Illinois
and ho started to come out to Omaha tc
live with his uncle , Louis A. Constantine
formerly of the Omaha Post , Willk
eaye that on the way out hero ho foil in
with a gang of tramps , and that on the
way out hero they abused him shame-
full , even tearing his clothes oil' him ir
attempting to outrage Ins person , lit
aays that Gates did not do anything
wrong , nor try to induce him to di
wrong , but the police decided to lock hin
up as n suspicious character. Gates hat
over 180 in money on his person when ar
rest fitl.
Opera house barbershop and bath rooms
everything first-class. E. M. MAUVIN ,
i < . . . . .
Elotno doorbells , burglar alarms. nut
every form of domestic electrical appli
auces at the Nciv York Plumbing Co.
List of the Conference Appointments in tbo
Atlantic District.
A Substantial I'tir c Presented to thu
Hector ol' St. I'nul's-OItt Set-
Uciuilon Tlio City
Con Terence Appoint incuts.
C. W. Hlodgott , P. K. Atlantic , la.
Adol l-'lptplior Hrown.
Anita W. G. Ilolianshclt.
Atlantic Fred Harris.
Audubon J. H. Harris.
Aiidubon ct. L. H. Tabor ( supply. )
A'.oca W. W. Dniiner ,
Casey 1) . O. Stuart.
le Solo William Patterson.
Dexter George Wright.
Kxira L. C. Hurling.
Gntlirto ( "enter P. V. I ) . Voddcr.
( lUtlirie Circuit F. H. Dunn.
Harlan-W. W. Uamsoy.
Lowis-J. W. Hott.
Ma-edonlu-W. W. McGuiro.
Menlo-J. F. St. Clair.
Masjscna J. S. Tliroekmorlon.
North Hrancli- . A. Deitrich ( supply ) .
Oakland-D. J. M. Wootl.
Panora A. G. Foreman.
Pleasant Hill ct. Klliott Voorhecs ( supply -
ply ) .
Hediield and Linden T. A. Lampman.
Shelby I ) . Shcnlon.
Stuart \ \ illlam S. Pardo.
Van Meter L.Joan.
Walnut George Clammor.
Wiota H. J. Tcnnant.
Clubbed A I'ollocnmn.
As has been stated heretofore in the
Hr.u , some time since Oliicer Hendricks ,
of the police force , was the recipient of
n immature "slicker" coat by some un
known friend. The coat is about largo
cnouuli for a six-moiiths-old child , nnd
Hendricks has kept it in police head
quarters. Monday afternoon an
American District Telegraph boy
arrived at police headquarters with a
daintily tied up box addressed to Ilcnd-
rioks. Chief Matthews was for some reason
rather backward about receiving it from
the bov , but linally did so and placed the
box on the desk for Hendricks. Hoforo
Ilendrioks went on duty Monday night ,
'no opened the package and discovered
in ono corner of the box , till wrapped up
i miniature policeman's hat and club.
The hat. is about ouo inch in diamater ,
while the club is two inches long.
A Purse Presented.
Rev. T. J. Macko.y rector of St. Paul's
church , was very much surprised at
jciug made the recipient of a bundle of
jhccks , payable to his order , from his
numerous friends outMdo the church ,
who'took this decidedly pleasant manner
of testifying their personal regard for
him. The cheeks ranged from ? CO down ,
and aggregated i"ili ? . The good rector
was completely overwhelmed , but ho re
covered his self-possession sufficiently
during the day to endorse tlio checks and
doposito them in the bank. There is no
pastor in the city who has the interests
of Council Hlulfs , as well as those of his
church , more at heart than Mr. Mackoy ,
and the citi/.ens appreciate this fact.
Ola Settler's Kn-utiiim.
The good old people of Macedonia are
making arrangements for an Old Set
tlor's Harvest Homo re-union , to bo held
near that city next week Tuesday. All
the old settlers of this and Mills county
tire invited to renew old acquaintances ,
and talk over old times. lion. W. II.
Pusey. of this city , will deliver the prin
cipal address on the occasion. A special
train will leave here over the G. H. & Q.
road starting at eight in the morning , and
stopping at all stations returning in tlio
Polling Places.
The following have boon selected as
polling places for the city election :
First Ward Swan's packing house ,
004 East Hroadway.
Second Ward Dohany's livery stable ,
17 Hryant street.
Third Ward Hattonhauor's carriage
factory , ! i ! ) Fourth street.
Fourth Ward Oborholtzcc's office , 003
First avenue.
Yesterday was tiio first day of work for
the boards of registration under tlio now
law , nnd it did not prove to bo nearly so
heavy a day's work as was anticipated It
was supposed that it would be impossible
to propery complete the registration in
any of the wards without dividing them
into polling precincts , but the registers
in the Fourth ward , the most populous of
any in the city , say that if the vfliolo
1200 voters in the ward had presented
themselves in ono day and wore able to
answer the necessary questions as were
those who did present themselves , they
could have registered every man.
As it was there were registered :
First waul 138
Second wnrd iil'J
TlilHl waul 1 (
Fourth \ \ ard 275
Total 7K ( )
The registration is for the election of a
mayor in October.
It will bo necessary to register again
before tlio regular November election.
Tlio next time a board of registration
will sit in each polling precinct.
There are yet four moro days in which
to register.
Pull the Hell ,
Ring the boll ,
To-day is , by reason of custom , thodav
on which all straw hats should bo "callet
in. " Straw hats are usually worn unti
September 10th , and light fo'lt hati unti
October 1st before they are "called in,1 ,
but it is moro than likely that a few straw
hats will continue to bo worn for some
weeks j-ot in the city.
Attention Odd Follows ,
On Saturday evening next the members
of the different lodges of Odd Follows ii
this city will make a friendly visit to
Noola. They will leave on the 0:0 : (
o'clock train and return by a specia
train the wuno night. Those desirous o
attending should notifv the committee of
their lodge , so that accommodations foi
all can bo scoured and special rates ob
tained. _
United at the Ogtlrn.
William Kelly and Miss Fannie F
Ford , of Missouri Valley , were yestordaj
unit 3d in marriage in Iho parlors of the
Ogden houso. The ceremony was wit
nessed by Mrs. 11. F. Hlytho and Mis
Lilhe Dlytho , also otMisaouri Valley.
A School Honi-il In Trouble.
The Missouri Valley school board IB ir
trouble , Some time ago it lot a contrac
for the emotion of a new school building
to II. Hcilman , for the contract price o
$8,009. Hoilmau is a resident of ttu
place , but is not over wealthy , so th
board advanced him $8,500 on the con
tract , after which ho bought a ItJt of lum
> er nnd put Hon the ground. Hut before
vork was actually eomu.euccd a tli
igrceinent are o between tlio contractor
Hid the board about ome of the speci-
icatlons which Hcilman claims were not
xplaincd to him , He got mad and ro-
novcd the lumber from the ground , and
cfuscs to refund the money , but pro-
loses to use U instead in fighting the
loanl in the courts. There are those
vho intimate that the board is to blame
or advancing public money bcloro it
vas earned ,
See that voiir books arc made by More-
ionise & Co. , room 1 , Kvorctl block.
llerr Schmidt , an accomplished Gor-
nan hortieuHnrlist. who was some
Imo ago sent to Kast Africa to inlro-
luce the cultivation of Kuropoan kitchen
: urdeii vegetables and corn , reported
hat after repeated trials the experiment
ias completely failed.
Subxtantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. A ; K. L. Squire. No.
01 Pearl street , Council Hlull's.
I'crHonnl Pni-ajn-nplis.
Hishop Uowman left last evening for
Mrs. L. Harris has returned from an
extended visit in New York city.
H. S JosMvn smiles blandlv now over
ho advent of a little daughter.
John A. Gtinu , of Hannan & Gunn ,
L'lum Crock , was in the city yesterday.
Mrs. J. S , Norris , formerly of this city ,
mt now of Seward , Nob. , is in tlio city ,
Judge J. P. Casady and wife have ro-
.n rued from a summer trip among the
uountains of the east.
James A. Jackson came in from the
west yesterday with a train load of cattle
which were shipped cast.
Mrs. J. (5. Fountain , formerly of Omaha
mil now of St. Paul , Minn. , is occupyin < .r
rooms at tlio Ogden house.
John M. Pratt , Jr. , of Grand Rapids ,
Mich , was in the city yesterday morning ,
i ml left last-evening for Lincoln , Nob.
Yesterday morning M. F. Ruhrcr left
town with the intention of joining his
wife at Chilieothe , Mo , and returning
with her.
Frank Miller has returned from Glen-
wood , whether ho quietly slipped to sncnd
Sundav. lie claims walkmsr between
L'acitic Junction and Gleuwood as very
poor , and hack faro excessively high.
13 Cabinet Photographs ? 3. Quality
tlio linost. Sliorradon , 317 Hroadway.
Two gravestones , dated 1801 and
marked "C. D. " ami "S. D. , " together
with live skeletons , wore found a few
days ago in Lacoma , N. II. , by workmen
who wore digging a deep ditch. The
olilest inhabitants have no recollection
of a burial ground in the vicinity.
Dr. A. J. Cook , office No. 34 N. Main
st. Diseases of the rectum a specialty.
The San Francisco papers urodict t hat
San Francisco will capture the whole
trade of Southern Oregon as soon as the
connection between the California and
Oregon and the Oregon and California
roads is made.
Hani and soft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. Council Hlulfs Fuel Co. No. G3'J
Hroaday. Telephone No. 130.
Enemies of the late premier , who are
also skillful in discovering anagrams ,
have succeeded in making "I am the
whig who'll bo : i traitor to England's
rulo" out of "the Right Hon. William
Ewart Gladstone. "
Fresh oysters in every style at the
Phcunix Chop House , No. OOu Hroadway.
Highest prices paid for county , town
city and school bonds. Odell Tiros. &
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Hluffs ,
A spring on Federal street , Haltimoro ,
from which wayfarers love to drinic , lias
been discovered to have its sonrco in a
cemetery , and an unalvsis reveals tlio
fact that the gases from Iho acconsposing
bodies arc soluble in tlio water.
Richmond ranges for hard coal at
Cooper & MeGeo's.
Garland cook stoves arc the best made.
Get ono of Cooper & McGeo.
The next best thine to a Richmond
Furnace is a Radiant Homo Hase-burncr.
Sold by Cooper & McGco.
A small boy in Hanger , Mo. , thought
it would bo fun to tie paper and straw to
his dog's tail and set them aliro. The
dog ran into the boy's lather's barn ,
which , with an adjoining house , was
burned to the ground. Loss , $1,000 ,
A most astonishing phenomenon of the
Javanese earthquake was the splitting of
the Papandayang mountain. In a Hash
of time it was split into seven parts.
Where the lone mountain had stood
loomed up seven peaks , each some 7,000
foot high.
Diphtheria Isiisuln muktnir Its nnmuil visita
tion. Ten years' trial of ilt.TH03. .lEKKhUlS'
UlOMICm" lor that 1'utul nu'lndy Ims demou
nt ruled tlio tact Unit It 1 $ Infallible us a preventIve -
Ivo mul euro , iryou permit your children to
die with diphtheria , "Tlielr blood bo upon your
houd. " For siilo only tit tbo olllcu , Nn. I'D Houth
Bth street , Council It lulls , In. , or smit byoxpiess
on receipt of price. $ - .
O. II. Illahoslco , of No. 1110 Campbell street ,
Omahii , who iccuntly lost n benutllul and in-
tcrobtlnir dmifrhtci- , aped about ID years , by
( llphtherlai under the treatment of one of the
best physicians In Omaha , writes to Dr. .lellerls ,
of this city : "Vnnr remedy for diphtheria came
too lute , our dear duiiKliter v as clyliiK when it
WHS leculvod. I am satlstlrd that her lifo could
liavo boon saved. Another onoor ourchl'dron '
who had the diphtheria , tier thront was llllcd
up with the putrid ulcurutlon , wo Ut-oil your
inc.llclne and in twelve liours the cllhenso was
completely subdued. In the futurewo will
keep your modlclno nt nil times In our house.
Wo fool tlmt it huvoil < lie life of ono of our
children Wo mo veiy thankful to you , and
only io iot that wo did not call on you sooner. "
1'iom the Council lllulU Dally Herald :
Mrs. 12. M ( lorard , wife ot Knsjinocr Gerard ,
of the Union I'acilic , tliMcity , has boon n ric t
fcufTorerfor many yearn , with what WHS sup
posed to becancor of the throut. It win bo bad
tlmt she wa ? threatened with starvation. Her
general health was completely broken down.
ho could only swallow liquid load , and even
that her stomuch could not dlgrcst or iisslmllulo.
IMiyslclnns of Council lllulls mvl Omalni
attended her for thrt'o years nnd iruve no
relief. Dr. JottYrls.of this elty , was called. In
lour weeks' time ho cured her tluoat , and com
pletely restored her ircncrul liealth. Had Mrs.
( leraiil not obtnlncd ielof ! soon film would have
died I rom blond poison , the sumo condition that
doHtioyod the lllonf Hen. Unint.
rromtheCoundl Illnirs Jlally Olobo : < -
M , A. Mcl'lho , editor of the Cambria ( Kbcns-
ImrK , I'a. ) I-'recman , lias been the personal
friend of the editor of the Olobo for more than
twenty yours , and is known wherever ho Is
kno nn as ono of the host men living. Iln U also
mi Intimate friend of Mr , Clark of the Non-
parell. He Ims been unfoitumitoin the luct
that his family WHS ravaged with diphtheria.
anil ideally dlbtiOfgcd. Mr. Clark bavin ? heard
of his calamity bout lilm eomo of Ur. Jotferls *
Diphtheria Cure , it was ui-od at once , and the
llvoa of the iet ( if bis chlldien saved. letters
from Mr , Mcl'lko are unbounded in their ex
pressions of uratltudo for llndlnt , ' some means
of averting tlio loss of his whole K'roui ) of lltllo
nnd tcndor ones. Five of Mr. Mcl'ike'schlldren
out of eight died from diphtheria before lie Intel
un opportunity of uelu lr. Jolferls' remedy.
DV.svKi'SiAl nvsrii'-iAl :
Dyspoptlo , why nroin misery and die in dls-
pair with cunc r of the EtomachV Dr. Thomas
Jt'tfaris curoa every outo of indigestion nnd
constlpntlon in u very short time. Host of ref
erences tfivim. Jlyspeiisln is the ciuis-o of
nluuty per cent ot ull diseased conditions.
Prlco K for two weeks ti ( 'fitment.
Ur. Jefferls' diphtheria modlc-lno Is infalllblo
for all kinds of sere throats. Indlspcnslblo In
putrid sore throat. In malignant scarlet fever ,
ouanfflny it In 4S hours to tlio simple form. Infal
lible euro for till inflammatory , ulceratlvo , put
rid. cancerous ulcoratlon of the womb nd all
Full printed instructions how to use the medi
cines sent with them. No doctor required.
Dr. JefforU' remedies cnn only bo obtained ut
lili oillce. No i3 ! South Kilitu ttrcet. Council
Illulfe , lowu.orbont by eiprcaa on r cl | > t of
Arc opening new null beautiful designs
Moquette ,
Body Brussels ,
Velvet ,
TcipcstMj Brussels ,
3-Ply Xiiflrttitis ,
tt-Ply Jnf/rrti'ils ,
llacj Carpets. , Etc.
For offices , liotols , lodge rooms , Call
for prices nt Hnrkncss llros , ' , 401
Are now arriving nnd in stock. Tri
cots , Flmmols , Cashmeres , etc. Ex
cellent for traveling and Jail service.
lilnck Silks nnd in the new colors.
Quiillty the best and prices tlio lowest
for good goods. Lntlies wishincr reliu-
blo pooils will call on HnrUness Hrod. ' ,
No.101 Hroudwny , Council HluiTs.
A few more of those Li Ue Thread
lloso left nt 25p. , in black nnd in colors ,
at llnrlcncss Hros. , No.tOl Hroadway.
In ninny new patterns and n large
stock to select from. Door Mats , Rugs ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. . at HarK-
ness Hrotliers , No. 401 Broadway ,
Council Hlull's.
Horses and Mules
For all 7iurpo es. lio'tfrhrnnd oUl , nt rotull mid
In lot& . Largo qmintlttgfi to Delect from
Eoveral pairs of flno clrh ors , single or double.
Council Ulull's.
Dr , HAUGHAWOUT , Manager ,
.Nos. 1519-15'J1 Douglas st , Omaha and
No 231 Hroadway , Council Hlufl's.
I'alnleaa Dentistry. No liumbiisl Gus , Vitalized
Air , Klhcr nnd Clioroform , with their RlckenliiK effect
avoided l > y tlio inott wonderful nmioetlielle , purify
ing the blood nnd bul'dlnx up Iho tUsues.
Omaha Dental Association , Sole Prop'rs ,
Gold Crown ) , ( .old Pluto nnd Continuous ( Jura
Teeth , a npcclulty. licet tcetb (0 ; former price 115
per ct.
In thu city cnn bo obtained by patronising tlio
None lint oxporioncoJ linnds employed. Out
town orders by mull or express solicited , unU
all work warranted.
0//7ce / MJ. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
9 to 13 u. m.
} 2 to 5p.m.
7 to Up. in.
f > . .
* wom o.u. .
Special advertisements , { . . Lost , Fonn
To Loan , For Bale , To Keut , ft ants , lloardinir ,
etc. , will bolnsortod In this column at the low
ratoofTKNCKNTS 1'Hlt lilNE fortho flrst insor
tlonand Five Cents 1'erMno for each subsequent
Insertion , Leave ndvcrtUouieii * int our offloo
No. 13 I'oal eticct , nuan IJroudway , Council
Jlluffg. ' ' _ .
[ lOIt 8AUJ Old papers. In quuntitlo 8 to
1 at Ueo office No , Wlfcuribtroot.
No , 13 Pearl St , Council Bluffs.
House , Sign nnd Decorative Painter. J'apler
Mnclio Wall Ornaments.
None but best hands employed ana charges us
low aaotUerj.
On Dcmnliri'Xlitt , i > fn.rl > Ho , ( tic /j r/ irr.iifofOrcutl / / ) , French
nor , knou-n as tltr Council Iil < if'it C < ti'i > ct Coc.ri > iresl > ji liinilntitnit < nnl
on that date there will be
To yet rctul/ } for Hits cJinnyc we offer our entire stock of
Citizens of Conncil Jilttfl'n ( tnd ricinitu willflml it to their /Hfrirs/.s / to
cnll < m < l examine OHrf/ooilt > and / ) ) ' / ' . Thin in the first oniioi'lnnltif
cvcrojlercilin thin eltito obtain the above i/oodn front ttfttllfi'cnh stock ,
at theoitenlnt/ a bititinL'SH season.
Country merchants mill jlntl inann liaraains l > n calling earl/ } .
TIiu Woi'Sd'x Favorite , tlistl look I he ! , ! ) over
: ili E'rcifa mid I > oiiu'.slUiin er Ales at
lite Xc\v Orleans
A most delightful beverage in cither hot or cold weather. Bottled tllroe
at the springs in Watikesha , AVis. , and made of the finest freshly imported
Jamaica Ginger Hoot , -the juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian Mineral Spring
Water and Loaf Sugar. Eminent medical authority has pronounced it "the
most perfect example of an aromatic Non-Alcoholic stomach stimulant , while
as a beverage it is simply delicious. "
Tiie Ideal Arcadian Lemon Nectar ,
Made from tlio pure , ppnrklliur Arcadian water , oomblnM with 1'rult Juices , Fruit Acids and
fiugnr. Complete In Itbclf. For tunilly use , picnics , etc. Ht'lioshlnr and highly bcnullcial ;
Excellent lor the pick loom. For fnlo in Council lilulls by
11. T. Palmer , A. M. Uoarilslcy , , Ioo Driossbach , Ed. Daniels ' ,
H. A. Unird , J. W. Kleub , C. Dc tk n , Taylor' & Calof ,
I ) . U. Morgan & Co. , S. T. McAtco , Louie & Mot Tibbits & Ward
} ? . W. Spetiuuu , John Short & Sou.
For snlo In Oiimhn bv Cheney & Olcson , Vrnnk Rogc-rs , .1. A. Fuller .t Co. , fllndMono Ilroi &
To. . Max IlPL'ht , Win. Klpmlng & Co. , IiCllo A ; Leslie , Ileinry I'tinilt , 1)V. . n\n. .las. Forsth ,
F. llarrctt .V Co . O. II. Moore A Co. , Hammond A : Co. , W. H. UnldulT , Smith Ac Kcnnodv , Oeo.
Holmrod , W. .1. Whltohouse , O. H. Wirtb , Downloy & Dully , J.C. Voss , Wlleox & Stisjilions , T.
W. Sputlord & Co. , Oeo. Dltzou , Schmidt A : Mocller.
$2.50 Per Doz. or 25C Per Bottle.
II. T. Clarke Dmy Co. , Stei > henskc Voeyel C IHnnlnn , Jlcycr < C J * / / / > e ,
wholesale fancy yroccrs , Omaha ,
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street.Comiil Bluffe.
, C
Fanning lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas ,
from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota onllO years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , given by
P. I' . LaiiBtruu , No. 055 Hroadway , Council HlufFs , Iowa.
PructicL'S in the State and Kcdural courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Sliugurt IMo'ik.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , ( lassware , Etc. ,
AtV.S. . Homer & Go's , No. 23 Main st.
Council Hindu.
Justice of the Peace
OIUco over American Express Company.
An excellent i flucntionnl Institution , furnish
iidwith all the modern Improvements , con
For term of HTO months , f75.
Terms begin first Monday in September nrvl
flrst Monday in Fcbruniy. Vor cutalo ups ud-
St. Francis Academy , Council Hlulfs ,
NO. 500 & 511 MAIN ST.
Dally receipts of new goods.Hats
Caua , Clothing , and a full line of Dry
Goods , all of the latest styles. Call and
got prices before purchasing
.SouriiulN , County and
ICaiilt Work of ( .11 Kinds a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Kvorot Hlock , Council Uliifls.
Standard Papers Used All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
C. H. National Hank , M. 12. Smith & Co. ,
Cllki'iis' Hunk. Detni ) . WulU Ar Co. ,
i1nt National Hank , tII. . IIIRUIMIIOO Co. ,
nicer &l'usey.llanUors.C.U. Buvlnau Hunk.
1 N. Main St. , Council lllufTa , In. , and
20 ! ) S. lfithSt.Koom lUOmnlmNub.
Manuractuior's Affontforthe
Tents , A winners , Hoofing1 Slate , Man-
telH , I'lnle and \Vindow \ Glass , Show
cases. Klevatora ( lianil and liy-
driuili &c.
orl 185
B. HJCE , M. D. ,
Or othvrTiiiiiora KiinuruU wltliou
( ) , „ knife ordrawlnvrcil blood.
Over thirty youm pmi'ticiiUxvrluuuu.
No. II 1'vurl Kt , Council lllulld.
. \ < ntn ri.rntAt.
UK1J1UJ. WKU.S & CO. ,
Agricultural Implements , Bug'l&i & ,
J'.lc . t to. Council lllnTt ( > , town.
Make thourUliiul and Coinplcto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press ,
Nos. UOli 1WI , 1M.nnd U)7 ) South Main Struct ,
Council llilllT * ,
iuvin nu\DLiv : & ctx ,
Mimnf'rs nn 1 .l
agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cnnlngpi , ninl nil klnU of Knnu Mnolilnorr.
11UO to Ilia South Main Strt > ot , Council lllurfi ,
AXK 1I.IM1I.I- : * .
P.O. at.r flex , V , H.tioi'dtAi , Gro.T' . \Vnmii-r7
I'rcs.ATron * . V-Pro * AM ui. fi > \Counsu1. .
Council BluTs Mia Facto,1/ ,
( Incorporated. )
Manuf cturornr Ailp , 1'k'k , Slalsro and
Iliunllf ) , of I'vory tlo crlitlon. |
( MHl'BIS.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shade ? ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Flxturoj , UpliolstorjfJooK
Klc. No. < 05 llromlway Coutu'll HlulTa ,
to < ra.
ia , 7'tm.K'co ,
1'KHKGOY & MO011K ,
Wholesale Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. iSMnln mul a ? 1'oarl Sts. Council mutts ,
\Vliolp nlo
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. ltl'ou-1 St. Coiinpfl M
11AKLK , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Olb , Paints , Glass ,
B1 Sundries , Kt'j. N'o , iJ Jliiln St , miJ
No. 21 Pearl St. , Council lllufffl.
IK I m.
O. W. 1UJTTS ,
Wholesale California Frails a Specialtj
Goiiornl Commission. No. 513 Broadway ,
Council llluffs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocorles.
Nos. 10 nnil 181'enrl St. , Council llltitls.
L , . KWSCI1T & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries
Also Wholosulo Liquor Healers. No. 110 Ilrond-
iviiv , Council llluir-i.
Jlnnn'ncturcrs of and Whalotnlu Dollar ) In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
ST. K5 JIulu St..CouncIl lIluTa , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Gaps and Glove ; .
Nos. 312 nnd'sit Hroadivay , Council llluCfa.
iiKAvr iiAitnirAitE.
Iron , Stool , Kails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock. Council IllnlTp , lovvn.
TJiliKtiJTv/J /
1) . II. MeDANHLI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullcw.WooI , I'elts , Orea'onnd furs Council
lllnlTi ) lowii.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating SL Lubriwting OllJ Gawlh )
E3TO. , ETO.
P. Theodore , AKCIH , Council Illnffa. town.
Hard Wood , Southera Lumber , Piling ,
And llrldjfo Material SpocluHlnii.Wholosiilo Lum
ber ol all Kinds. Ulllcu No. I'M Main St. ,
Counill liluirs. lawn. _
Imported and Domestic Winos & Liquors.
Afcnt for St. Gotlliirn's Herb Hlltord. No. II
Main St. Council lilulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Xo t'W llaln St , , Council li'.uffi. '
Tickets admitting Kcntluimui nnd Inilieg tl.OO
Star Sale Stables and Mule yards ,
Oi > potltu Uuiuiuj Depot.
lloisca and iluluj kept rori t-tnlly on luin
f or ealout retailer in car lo.uls.
Orders promutly nllod by eontruct on h rt
notice. Block sold on cominlaklun.
SHI.U UL1 ( & EOIKY. I'ropilutorft.
'lxlH. fc'Al.l. STA1U.E8 , cornet
t\c. i i.c Ml tlitct. _ _ _
Creston House ,
The only liolt-I In Council Illuffa Imvlnj
r © Esoa/pe
And nil modem liuiiruvouicnta.
MAX MOUN , Prop.