Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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\ \ holcsilo
AgricuVnral Implements ,
_ . rte Council Hindi. Iowa.
> mko Ilic Urlirlnnl rind Complete
Ha ? Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Nos.iaU.15.JI , IfAjnnd l.VJT oiith Main Street ,
Council HiiifK Iowa.
Mnniif'rs an 1 Jnbhtrs or
AgrlcDltural IiuplcmentsWagons , , Buggies ,
Carrttfna. nnd nil kin U of Farm Mnehlnorr.
1100 to 1119 South Main Street , Council Hlurfj ,
F.O. dt.Kisn.v , T. H.Douata , Oco.P. Wiiinitr.
Prcs.iVTreiM. V.-I'rns .VMitn. See ACounseU
Conncll Blitfs Handle Factor ; ,
( lnporporntod.1
Manufacturer1 ! of Ale , Pick , Slodsro and Small
HnndliM , of every description.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholitory Goods ,
Kto. No. < 05 Hroadway Council UluXs
Wholesale Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. SSMaln mid 27 I'ourl SU. Council WulH ,
cuu.if/.s.sioy. :
Frnit andProdnce Commission Merchants.
No , 14 Pearl St. Council lilulTj.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries , Etc. No. 23 Main St. , nnd
No. 211'onrl St. , Council itlutfs.
Fit I ITS.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 613 Broadway ,
Council niuffa.
frails , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Noa. 15 and IB Pearl SU , Council Illurfs.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholosala Liquor Dealers. No. 418 Broad-
Tray , Council Hindi.
Jtnnu'acturora of and Wholesale Dealer ! la
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. K5 Main St. . Council IllufTJ , Iowa.
Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloes.
Jfo . 312 and 311 Krondway , Council lllutti.
Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware ,
Anil Wood Stock , Council Illulfi , Iowa.
HIDES AND tl'UUl * .
D. H. McUANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , PollsQronsoand t'ura Council
IJluffs Iowa.
o/r/s :
Wholesale Dealers in
Illuminating SL Lubricating 01U Gasattn )
. , H1TO.
B. Theodore , Apont , Council Dliifrs. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
J ndilrldgo Material SnncIaltlr > 8Wholosala Luuv
ber or all Kinds. Oilleo No. 130 Main St. .
Counuil iilulTa. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
Agent for St. CiOtthard'a Herb IHttcrJ. No. 13
MuIuSU Council lllulla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
XoCMMatn St. . Cuwictl muffs.
Tickets admitting gcutloman aud ladles $1.00
Star Sale Stables and Mule M ,
Oppoblto Dummy Depot.
{ = > . g
cr >
Hones anil Mule * kept constantly on Imn
Jor BHlo at retail or in car loads.
Orden prumatly nllod by contract onsucrt
Botle * . Btock sold on commtislon.
SHLU 'JEM & 1201.EY. Proprietor *
fkyhonc Mo. 114.
cnoeur of KJKIi BALE BTAULK8 , corner
IU- . mia il meet. _ _
Creston House
The only hotel In Council Bluffs bavin ;
all modern liupruvorurau.
Advertisements under this lie d , 10 cents per
line lor the Drat Insertion , " cents for cnch sub
sequent Incron. ! And $1.50 n line per month
No Rchcrtlscmont taken for lew than 25 cents
for the first tn orton. ! Seven words will bo
counted to the line : they must run con ocu-
tlvoly and must bo paid In advance. All advor
tlpemonts must bo linndod In bnforo 2 o'clock
p , m. , imdundrr no clicmn'tnnccs will they betoken
token or discontinued by telephone.
Parties adicrtiMni ; In the o < olumns and hiv
ing the answers nJdre od In caio of THE HER
wilt please ask for n clicck to enable them to set
their lettoi ? , ns none will tin delivered except
on pre ontatlf > n of chock. All answers to ad-
vortlsi'tnenti should by enelo eil In onvoloncs.
( Dno.nnolnlnttn , Rums J5W nnd upwards ,
T Lowest rates Hotiil' , lothnud Douglm ts.
foNrjY TO Lo7vN O F. Dnvls & Co. Itcnl
1 Ks'ntc and Loan Agents 1501 Farnntn st.
M ONKV TO LOAN On real eslnto nnd chat
tels. D I. . Thomas. nil
MOMY : to LOAN-IH sums of $ io and
upwards on Ilrt-c1n t loal estate security ,
Potter * Cool ) , 1515 Fnrimm st. BI3
( ) SKV f.OA X ii7iu : o. P.'need * Co's.Lonn
ofllcR , on furniture , pianos , horscB.wiipons ,
) > ersonnl property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar-
Helen of valup. without removal. 310 S. 13th ,
over HltiKhntn's Commission store. All busi
ness strictly conlltiontlnl. Kill
T OANS Loans Lonns ,
llcnl c taln loans.
Collateral loans.
Clmttol loans.
Longtime loans.
Short time loans.
Money nlwnys on hnnd to loan on nny ap
proved security.
InvcstinentsecurltlcB bought mid sold.
Cull at the olllcu of the Omaha Fltmnclnl ex-
chnngo , fecond lloor of the llnrkor block , s. w.
cor. of Fifteenth and Farnam sts.
Corbett Mnnnaor. 758
ONKV TO I , AX-At lowest rales of Inter-
eston farms nnd Improved city pioporty.
F. J. Day A Co. , room fi , Ciou o block , S. 12.
corner Capltnl mcnuo and Kith street. lUM.O
Mill 8 run CUNT money to loan on
. farms and city property. L. i' . Hammond ,
Iloom a , 1522Douglas St. , Omabn. TJH
Qf&OO.OOO To loan on 011111110" city propoityntfl
P per cent , interest. O. W. Day. over iM3 :
rnit OiNT Money to oan. J.J. Mahoney ,
1WJ Farnam. 5
1'EIl CENT mnliey to loan. It. C Patterson" ,
] 3th nnd Dou las. COJ
_ _
7 , andFpercont money to loan. Morln-apros
, tnkon In oxchaiiRO for real estate. Contnil
Investment Co. , Itoom 7 , Darker lllook , Lor 15th
nnd FarnRtn. 02 ! )
WE liavo cheap money on loni ? time , in any loan on insldo city proporty.or
farmland. Marshall & Lobcck , 1611 Farnamst.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MONEY TO LOAN At lower rates than any
where else In the city , onfurnlturo , pianos ,
organs , horses , wagrons , or stock of nny kind.
Itomomber , at lower rates than nny other loan
company m thn city. City Loan & Mortjfairo
Co. . room 15 , HOl Fnrnnm st , opposlta Pniton
hotel. _ _ _ _ _ ! . _ _ _ . _ C03 _
MONEY to loan by the undersigned , who has
tlioonly properly orRanl/cil loan agency
Jn Omnhn. I/oang of J10 to $ lOiX ) mndo on fur-
nltum , pianos. ormin , horses , wagons , machin
ery , Ac. , without removal. No delays. All
buplncBS strictly confidential. Txinns eo made
that nny part can bo paid at any tlmo , each pay
ment reducing the co < t pro rata. Ailvnncos
madoon fine watches and diamonds. Persons
ohould carefully consider who thor are clenllnif
with , as many now concerns are dally comlne
Into existence. Should you need monor , call
and see mo. W. II. Croft , Room 4 , Withncll
Itulldlnnr , 15th and Hatnoy. _ Ofl
6PEH CP.NT Money to loan. Stewart & Co. ,
Itoom3 , Iron bank , 12th andFnrnnra. C07
PiGR SAEiK A Dairy of ! M cows , nearly all
fresh.wlth all appurtenance. Including borso
powercorn mill , delivery team and wnjron and
a ( rooU milk routo. Tormi fnsy. Immediate
possession. Enquire of Sam'l J. Howell , omco
217 S. 14th. 283
Poll SAM : A irood restaurant business
Enquire 807N. Iflth st 22317 *
FOU SALE Hoarding house ; slckm-ss cause
of soiling. Inquire at 2JOO , Cummin * st.
U50 13 *
TT Oll SALE A list of names , with P. o.
JL ? nddross , of 20,000 residents of Central Xo-
braska. List corrected to Sept. 't'8. Address
I. M. Evans. Orand Island. Nob. 171-15 *
FOB SALE Implement store mid blacksmith
shop , combined or sopnrntod , in ono of the
liveliest towns in Nebraska. For further par
ticulars address L. D. , post box 1U1 , lioomcr ,
Koto. 63 03 *
FOU SALB Ono of the beat betel properties
in the utato ; oliht thousand dollars , flvo
thousand cash , balance on lone tlmo , sold on
noeountof sickness. Address J. E. N. . Albion.
Nebr. b9I 1(5 ( *
SALi ; Ono of the oldest established
jrroccry buslnoEs In the city , with n very
o , wclf-paylnjf trade. Will exchange for
Omaha real ostnto or part cosh and balance se
cured notes. Good reasons irivon forSRllIng : .
Address 1415 Jones. % 7
TjlOltSAl.15 Or trade for Omaha property.
JJ The best located livery business , with stock
In the city. Lontr lease of burn at cheap rent.
Mayna Bros. , 151'J Fitrnam. 441
P OK. S.VI.K-B shares in the Nobraskn Hulld-
inir Rooloty , scries A : present valuation
$10' ' ) . Will take * R5 for the r , shares if sold nt
once. Address , JI , 67 , Uoo ofQce , 213-13
HAIjK-An old and well established
J1 frrocory business , address L 10 , Heo olllco.
_ 1D5-S-21'
T710K SALK-Flrst-class mont marROt with
X nice llxtures , nil complete : Rood trade ;
best of reasons for sclllnfr. Call or write to
Geo. W. Masson. in21 Hownixl. _ 015
HOUSES Lots , rnrmB.uinda mnnoy loaned.
' Ronils , inthnndloutrlns _ _ jtroots Blfl
TLnb'U 8ALK-PeTornl Btocks'of goods , tfolncn
-L1 healthy business , ownership clear , satis
faction ( runrnntecd ; terms enny. pomp Omaha
Cropcrty taken In exchange. Marshall * Lo-
euk. 1511 Furnam t- C17
STRAYED Oil STOLEN Small bay mare ,
white Btarin forehead , from 21J DodRo.
Finder plciuo return to same and receive ro-
ward. 292-15 * D
T OST A fine roil knit shawl , about fi o'clock
JLJ Saturday ovunli.'K. I.ouvo at this oillco nnd
got reward. 2'Jl
LOST At the OTposItloti Sunday uftornoon
n parasol , 1'iiidcr please Ivuva nt the
ticket olllco. 2&5 13 *
BOAUU-And JodBliijrs , RtU2-J X. 10th at.
Tnoil SALE Or trade , Horfo , Phcaton and
. - ' hnrnesa , for iriioil lot not turirom town , tit
1) . Allman'.i.un It. l th st. , bot. California and
Webster streets. list ) JS
F-IUSONAL Instruction ( 'ivon in common or
higher lup.nchrs Uy MM. J , I. Knplo , 814 S.
15th bt. S87 15 *
\VANTED-PuptU for Gorman nnd Latin ,
TV painstaking- euro , competency , success ;
nddrcasM ll ! lluo oBlcu. _ S.5 O ii
I > BUSONAIIr. . A. J. Cook , No , 31 North
Main street , Council lllulTa , In. DlKeasea
of the rectum n specialty. Hemorrhoids. Pro-
Injisol Fistula , FUsurca and Stricture cured by
Bafo and painle > a operations. _ U'H 14 *
'PEHSON AL Neat ami tasty all-wool business
JL suits , J7. L. O. Jonoj A ; Co. , Arnurlcan
Clothlun * , 1S1J Fnrimm f > t. Mail orders tlllod.
IDEUSONAL-Wimted private tutorahlp-Mu-
J. sic , AI : hiiuimi'Ci , Iliig-ilsh aubjpcta , Tlior-
oujrlmcss , clllcloiicy , M 1U Heo oflice.
_ uaon *
. _ [ < Mrs. L. UTuomus , teacher of
J. jialntlnffHiic musIp , mil D.tveuport st.b a ao
T3EIU > ONAr-Plnho and rioTiTrTnu hT"pn
J. yntely ; liistructjouof fl t order ; Professor
Wlehle. care Max Moyor. KW o 6 *
"I lJllSONAL-Mrs , Dr. Nnnme V. Wnrrcn
-L clairvoyant , Mcdlral nnd buslnoft * Medium
Itoom No. 0 , ly Noith liHU tt , Omaha , Neb.
PinsoNAI buy real estate , to borrow
money , or get nn abstract of title , fro to
the o 111 eo of H. 0 , Patterson , 13th aud uoiiKlas.
GKNTLKMKN Bend23ets aim receive some-
thlnif which will save you ten dollars year
ly. Agents wuatol. Columbia Nornlty
Agency , Omaha , yftj 15 *
ITlOlt IlKNi'-Splendid cattla fecdme yard
Jnnd larce shi < d ; one in lie from Fullcrton
depot. I'tilon llroi. , Fullertoo.Neb. 131 15'
. , < brubJotc. , planted free for
-I J.crou Uuylniror Douglai Co , Nur orlw.
CXO , Howard. Prop. . P. O. boxR 3.
una TyiicvrriUn ? tohooL
, Iron bank , a , W. Halter.
FHF.R-Mrs.W Orav.clslrvoynnt Horn with
double Mill , K'ves ' your mother's name
before marrlaKo. Ladles consult free , person-
nlly , or by letter. Gouts charged CM Van
lluren gt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1M 1 _
inou IIHNT Square I'limo f3 monthly. A
Ho pe. 1513 Uoutrla.s. _ CM
* I7Hll IlENT-Squnro Piano , JJ inonthlv. A
J3 llospo. 1513 DoURlaj. 621 _
_ _
" '
P KENT Urjransi'js per montn. iTo po ,
1613 IIOURIOS. 622
s.Vl.i-lco : In car lend lots. Address
Foil Ilros. , Council lllulTa. f2i 1
Oil SALi-Tbolpa : p and furniture of n U
room houc : prlrotSOJ ; U19 North loth st.
10J 13
: SAl.i : rurnlturo and lon'e of hotel.
Address Itjdcr House , Stromjburir , Nub.
187 in
; < uii si.l : rurnituioof n4 room cottnzo
J iMiiniilolc for lioiickoiplnff Price f2 ! , " .
Inqulro Jlondny and Tuesday , 48.1 Convent.
211 HI *
FOIt SAI.E-3 spans of work horses. Kn
quire at H , Uohlo & Co's shoo Etoro.
lit ! 14
FOIt * > AI.I * t'tirnitiiro nndi cn eel fix-room
house , time on part. Call 1203 Notth itth
trcot , two blocks from Bed Car line. S)3 ! )
HOl/sV / ? ? I itslafinsr.aiiiis 7nonoy loaned.
Ilomls 15th and Douglas streets. ( i23
neil MALE FilTnTtiiro"iProcim house complete -
ploto for nousokoepliKn prlco JJrti , part
payment If desired. House rent t 5 per month ,
tine location , 1719 Douglas St. 6-4
Ir < OH SALK 'Jwo * No. 1 , lecond h'Uid , canopy
top Surreysj also two Rood , tccona hand
phaetons , ntUOT DodgoBtroct SB.
FOH SALE Cnonp , iron columns ind win
dow caps suitably for front on brick build-
Inif. For pnrtloulttM apply nttliHo'llco. ' 81- >
A Klrl for Renoral housework.
two III family ; teed wares. Apply to
Mrs. H. J. Wlmtaor.xSlO Uonnnl , near 2Jd t.
> -Clty hotel , ono laundro s. otio
cook helper , ono Chnmbermnld. 207 14'
\\7ANTKU-4 good tjlrls utOccMentlnl hotel.
\ _ 2lt _
WANTED A good girl tor general house
work. 804 South 21st st. 21W1JI *
\\fAKTKlT Flr < < lclnss fflrl for iTonornTIioiiso
> V woik. Good waxes. 021 Plcitsiint st.
\1TANTiJI > Norcook and nurse pirTTs'imll
> > family. S10S. IPth st. _ r17'11- !
ANTED-OIrl tucnok. S. W.coruorSevcnth
nnd Leaven worth. SIO-lu *
NTr.D-A peed s toady dliiliiir room l7i"ut
ia.-2 Hurt St. Goodwill's. 214-13 *
- -i - ATS'fniJ 2 ? > Bhl for prlvTitolfnTnliros , res-
' tnurnnts , hotels * i > ; poo.l . wniros. Apply
nt oncont Omiilm Einploymcut Diire.xu , 1IIIN ,
l th st.
\"l'ANTED A good , competent girl for gen-
' ' ornl house work. Mrs. Goo. W. Hall. DOS
south SCth st. 27S l. > *
A tfooil stnrchor. Apply at
Fionticr Laundry , llii ; Hownid. 21O 13 *
\-\7ANTHI-Lumdre : > snud nurse girl , 104 N.
> V IBthst , HC 13 *
ANTiijD-At IMJ Howard Rt. , a roTiablo
kitchen pirl. Mil t bo ( rood cook washer
nndironcr. German or Irish prolcrrod. Mrs.
CM as. Turner. 182
vyANTKII-Oood plrl. ICi ; Chicago 1JS
fANTED A ( jooil Rlrl for general house-
w one , 700 s. mh st. 272 is *
IT ANTIJD A irlrlhohns some experlcnco
> V in dro'smnklnj , ' . Vpply nt Oil N.J'.tth st.
X73 13 *
\\7ANTDD Five ovperlenco 1 ( lining room
Vi phis fet NmTolK. Nch. Apply at oncont
Omaha Employment liurenu , 11U N. 1fth st.
WA > TED A iilrl to do Rencrul housework
must bo n good coot , ISIS Webster.
WANTED At 303 North 2.M street n girl
to do general housowork. Must bo a
goodpbiln coolc and laundress. 1'H 11 *
W' ANTED -NurscTgirT ApnlyntTho Fair. T.
L. Brandt-Is it Sons , 5W S Wth St. 10)
WA7s"TEI > 2 dlnlnir room girls. 1 dish washer.
Miller's restaurant , 10 > 1 N. 16th street.
' .140
> V small family. Mrs.-Thos F. Hall. 1541
Shormna nvo. 013
WANTKIl Ladles to work lor us ut thoTr
own homes. $7 to $10 per week can bo
quietly made. No pboto. painting ; no canvass-
Injr. For full particulars , plciisu nddrcss nt
once , CroscontArt Co. , 1'J Central st. Hoston ,
Mass. , Uox5170. V.OiOll . *
WANTED A irlr for gononil housework at
1D21 Sherman nve,3d house north of Grace
Ht. 831
) Hondcooknt tbo Fuiuoui res-
tnurnnt 3198 llth st. 789
V\7ANTK lly September Oth nt 24215 DoJgo
VV stn neat and competent irlrl with iccom-
momlntions to do general housowoik , small
family nnd good wugos , 033
WAXTKU- for ffcnornl housowork.G.or-
mnn preferred. No. MS Capitol avenue.
I\NTKI Dining room glrla at the ran-
Held house , 575
WANTKD-GIrl , 151J Howard. Mrs.V. . M.
llushman. 421
WANTUli GlrlntlOJ S i5th st. for general
housework In small family 405
WA > 'TKI > Girl for jjcnornl housework at
msjVpbstcrht. 'J72
WANTKH 2.j young Indies nnd gents to
lenrn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W. J. D. room
1,0'rounso blonk IDth st , Omaha. 0.25
AAtoU' . / > ; .Li Ji .uc
TI/ANTKO A peed second hnnd. by Smith &
T Loorko , bakers. No. 5'M Main street ,
Council llluits. 2-J4-15
W.\XTii-One : chest cnrponteis tools. In-
ouiro bctwoon 0 nnd 8 p. m.ntArcudo
hotel for I ) . V. Muiiio. 26 15
\\rANTUU-Tlnner3 nt2203 Ciimlng sr.
TT Severn ! Hood jsollcltora ; peed
pay. Call at room 0,1514 Douglas struot.
24"-13 *
WAJ A butcher,2201 Fuinam. 25) 15
WANTJI ) itesponslblotigonts to handle sil
ver plated wnro ; puys Dust commission in
town. W. H. Winans , hit S. Hith btreet. 23'J 13 *
\ \ ; ANTII ) Tailor , 303 s. nth st. 250 u *
WANTKD A iiurchnsor fern hnrdu-nro stock
nnd trade In n good locution , llusliiob ?
good. li. W. Whitney , Uurnott , rscb. 1C021 *
ANTKO-Geuoiid iigenlsr" Good sninfy.or
OOo on the , do'il.irto u-holesalumy goods.
Itnio chance to mnku money. No competition.
Strictly business. Nonu but buInoas men need
apply. AiMrots with stamp 1' . il Wenver , In-
dlu'iapolU. 1ml. ' , WI O 2
WANTii : > Several SoHcoiora. Good pay.
Call at Itoom il , 1514 Douglas bt. 2 M4 *
\\fANTKD-An Intcllk-oiit , Btronglioy. Apply
r to Theo. WilliiinsUco : olllco alter U o'clock
p. m. 1112
WANTKl ) Newspaper press looderT State
Jounml Co. , Lincoln , Neb. 542
'ANuu : A cigar salesman : ono who lias
an established trade In Nebraska outslilo
of tholtopiihlloan vulloj's reference rc < iuirrd ,
Address D. H , Salinger , Atchlson , Kan , 53' ' }
AArAN'TKIl-Lnborers for railroad work. "KT
it B. Albright Labor Affoncy , IMS Furuum ,
\\7ANTKU-Vamlly sowingby the day or
> > week. Address M M llofl olliee. 1GO 10
WANTUU Uy ayouiiR man position in d
wliolosnloorrctnil grocery , flood iefor-
encos. Aadrcss L .V , box 175 , Munchcstor.Ohio.
-M 13 * '
WANTiSiluntlon : by an oxpeijonced
doublo-fiitry 'jookkccpor , beat of rotor-
oncp Address i ! . 17 , lloo olllco. 18-13 *
. . . ' 10 carpenters nt the corner of
11 Hurt aud Pleasant st. P , I. Creo Jon. SAJ 15 *
W.VNTin-An experienced ubstructor wants
omplcympiit in Oraahu or clsoirhero. Ad-
M jfl. Uoo olllco. iil'J 1B
\\rANTED-At once , or by Oct1st , n house
il of8or0 rooms , centrally locutod , by a
Kdoil pnyjn ? tenant , for n ionj- time , in a iioiKli-
borhocul wucro no Qiie.-tioiu are nsked. Ad-
Uiess , statliik' location ami rcut , M.51 , Heo oflice ,
S79 13'
\\7ANTKn-To trade n $700 HnlleU & Duvls
T upright piano on u lot , or pirt of a lot ,
worth about tl.COJ : would llko the piano for
first payment , or could pay eomo cash. Address -
dress , N.S'J , Hee Olllce. S74 15 *
11 ANTKD Three or four furnlohod or un-
Jfurnlehod rooms for Jigbt bousuktoping-
lorffeutleman and vrlfc. Best references If ro-
quirod. Addree "M. , " Uoo Offlco. 849 13
WANTKU-For cash , etov * and machinery
scrap. Addrew. elvln lowest prlco ou
truck at Omnhn , Jol.nJ liowyer , Omaha Kntcr-
prise Iron work * . " i3-li u
Vt'ANTfiO Tobuydrtis store In a "thriving
> Nobrnan-Jown. Address with particu
lars M 45 llccj- j JM4 iD *
AA'ANTKIivrhpiirchivsan good yoiinir 8id-
' die her | potJinMltim fire. Address , Mating
price , W. K. , care lleo olllco. 14 1
\\TAXTIlll-A fe > r coed nuonts for new
T > work ntii | > tf ] Apply room SO , cor. Ifith nnd
Davenpolt.t ' _ 1M 13 *
" \\TANTIIU-TO give awny some ISO ) yard ? of
onrth n fad'npnt fill South Seventeenth
street. A liberal bonus will bo ( riven to the
man who tnkosLtt. Co , examine , the pile and
fond your bl.l tfir. j. FitzmorrH.Ik-o oillto.
" \\rANTlJl -To poll n tock of now grocor-
Ics. Ijociitlon tlrst cln s. Cash. salus will
nerniro over ? 17 * porday. All the poods are now.
Coed reasons for selling. Address M M Hee.
tJ' lot n
WVNTlUi fuonln ? employment , book Keep
ing or otborwlsp. Address , li. C. McClure ,
Land Department 1' . P. H. It. Co. 109
\\TANTKU A homo for n two weeks' old boy
1 baby , nt the \ \ omen's Christian Home.lBtti
nnd rnrmim st , CS1 13 *
W ANTJUi Teams. T. .Murray.
\\rANTUii A eoolrosldoneo nnd lot or scod
Inilldlnir lot In rood locution Olvo lowe *
prlco and inrms nnd lull description. L5) lleo
olllco. roi
FOIl KKNT-Ono-hair brick Ptoro. a\WJ , In
( Irand Islnnd. Clouts furnishing Roods 01
millinery preft'nod. ( Joo.l opeiilm ? tor n live
man. Correspond xvlth Knnpp llms. , boots nnd
shoes , Omnd IsUml , Nob. 25JJ5
FOR HKNT-Hollse 7 rooms with barn,2410
Cnpltnliuo , SOI IU *
TT'Olt HFNT lIouso of tl rooms nnrt b nrn on
I Saundcrs Kt. Also n house t rooms on
Smimlcrs st. .1. U. lilley-V Co. , i-ooma 4 nnd 5 ,
Uranlto block' 186
itHNT An-room house and a 0-room
house , liWI NWth slicet. Apply to.M. F.
.Martin.'HO rt street 12t
ISNT Sovoint llrst class ( J-room not-
tnges. S. T. Petcrion.cor 13th & Douglas. 110
F U1K ( SAl-15 OH 11KNT-I hnvo 7 new 0-room
- hou ns for siloor rent In my addition , or I
wll sell lots imil linild Hiioh lini4C9 | us persons
may wish , on easy terms Call nt room 2 , Ar-
InKton block , A. ri. Patrick , 817 IV
"ITloii nT : > T 8-room uottn o. liiirnoy near
JL1 soth. $3J per month. 8. A. Sloman. 15.2
rnrniiiu st 61
"jnoil "lt"iST : ( iood l'.roo m""hnu o mnnoTil
-L lmproomcnts. . Inqtilro itH : Faniani , "U _
IpoTT "TiTlNT- stnrr-.pooj loL'all t y T o r"iT rv
itoods , boots nnd shoos. Inquire 1412 h.
lllthst. I''V3 '
' _ _ _ _
| Tni \ IllJ.V r Now 8-room house , 1 mile from
-1 ? 1' . 0. , cify water , olo. 1) . C. Patnr ! > on ,
Omaha js'at'l bank. _ 740 _
itrtNT Troomhouso 24tlt nenr favon-
ITUHt . Inquire nt 1203 Farnam , Jo.onh
Koscnstoin. 5SJ
FTTItltKNT The German M. IJ.cluir-h tiulld-
itur , on the southo.Ht corner Twelfth and
.lacksnn streets , for anv lojitlmiito : buslnois. It.
C.PjUloraon , _ Hth an IJquitla3. HI
TTlOlt liBASK Wo hnvo cloven ticros on IT. P.
-I ? li. it. , ) foot front : will lease all or
part for live years. HD Iford ASoiier. B27
ItKNT Furiilshod rooms , llnth nnd
FOR conxonlencus , 4U1 N. 15thst. _ _
_ MV > { IMONT Fuml-Oie-l rooms at Tin South
1 ' 1'itli St. , live blocks from Opera hmiso.
OK KENT ' Wo well furnishol rooms for
Hiht houso-tecping : or , uiiturnUhcd , 12U1. )
N. 19th bt. , , - " . ' 15 *
FOIt Iti : > < T Nicely fuinlstind front room ,
cheap , for lady , room U Lyons block. ICth
and ChlnL'uUs , , ' Sat-13 *
itKN.T Larco front room with first-
Fen 1.0ird.lHU Dodge. 28C-U _ _
T71OK HKNfT fiirnisho.l rooms for famllle ,
J3 or8iinloffenloinen | , ntSUT Harnov street.
, , . 285-15'
FOU HKNTi-Lirro : ( front room , well fur-
ulslicdfltit or without ho.ud. S010 Webster
st. , 274 l"i *
KENT Hirnishcd or unfurnished
rooms-Riiivleor en suite. Furnnco , pas ,
bath.crato. App'y-'O" ' South 23d bet rnrniim
nmlDouiflBB - ; 271 15 *
HKNT 3y'N Hlth st. ono or two pen-
tlcrnrilj-siill'ot | rooms. "Modernconvon -
Icncca. , ' , IJ.Q , : , 201 18 *
KENT-'L'nriJO pleasant front room ,
FOR lurnlshcd for two or three gentle
men. Oooil bpnid. Term reasonable. Address
M 50 lieo olllco. 2C4 i : > *
TTOH HENT'Nicely furnished room , 035 17th.
JE ? 017 15 *
OK HKNT Newly furnlsho.1 sulto of front
rooms , water , Kas nnd bath , 1015 Caoltol
avenue. HIS 17 *
T7IOU KKNT Untuinlshodroom 1013 Chlcaso
Jl st. 210 ll : *
KKNT Nicely furnished room. 2511 St.
JLMnry's nvo. 2J4
FOH KKNT To HCiitlomnu , lar o , will
nUbed trent room , with luruo closet : SIa
month for one. 1712 CullfornUaU 13115 *
FOIt HUNT Nlcoly furnishodroom with first
clnss board. Ml Plo.isant st 221 15 *
FOS HEST FurnMicd front parlor or parlor
and bed room. Apply at tOJ Not th nlhst.
FOIt KENT Furnished olght-room cotUijfo ,
bonutlfullv situated within ono block of
street car.iOJi Charles stroot. 233-14 *
F rooms , KJ S.
10th , cor. ICtn & llnrncy. 2CO-17 *
HKNT Ono furnlahnd room and ono
unfurnished room nt7UJ North F.ljfhte3iith
street. 251 14 *
FOH 11BNT Furnished rooms for gentlemen
with or without bourJ. Addrdss M 42 lice
ofllcn. } \ lt'3 13 *
_ _ _
TTlOIl HINT Nicely furnished room for 1 or
JL" 2 ( rontlumon , modern conveniences , DID N.
17th sr. 175
FOIt IlKNT forgo , hnndBimo rooms with
lionrd. Sultiiblo tor two gonllumun , ItOJ
Fnrnam street , 1U2 15 *
i1 Nicely lurnishod looms at U1U
J North 19th st. 1UOJ 13
771 olt ItKN r Furnished rooms. 700 N. 18th
43 street. 078 11 *
PTt KKNT ETejrnntTy i'lirnbhod rooms with
llrst class board , nt I'oibody House , HOT
Jones , Alt modern conveniences. II 'J 14 *
OUNG JfiTN DosirTTif ? nlcoly rurnlsnod
room with USD of bath and ifiw , call nt s w
corner ot Webster. Hoard can bo had closn by ,
"T71OK IUNT ; I'loisant furnished rooms ,
JJ Bonth front brick Hat , board can bo bad
next d or. Apply at 141U Chicago st. 9J2
ITlOTt IliiNTVory" doslrttbie rooma with
boirdtnllconvcnloncos , 22i5 Dodga 015
JMHt ' HUNT Nloeiy lurnisliud room liE1
BBfl 14 *
"ITIOK JtKNT- Furnished rooms , 1601 liowaTdT
J1 _ b71 0 4
_ _ _
FOK HK.NT Turnlshoil rooms forllirht house
keeping in llcumur's blook cor Klfflith and
Ilowanl. _ _ _ _ 814 _
FOU llUNTATrnUliocfroouis. . 51'J 1'loasnnt
TTIOH 11 1\ { i Newly furnished rooiii'r > ll t.
-L1 Mury'g itrcQT 703
"I71OK Vfrlor Dedroom and kitchen
4 furnlturnSrfiJiots.raiuro nud hontliiirHtovos ,
nllnoHrly nowrirTfentle horsu five years old ,
all nt a lmririUnnfiiif ! up hoiuoUcopIiiir , 2514
q Q _ .525
" "
"tilt IIKNJU.A few ollloo spnces for rent ,
ono with -fp/mt / wlmlow on ground Itoor.
IllcharJdon , 1WJ Farnam t.
roii ujvr.n-vcrau3U3-r.ovs ,
" room hou4/fdriince | , rniipo nnd bath ; deslr-
able location / I
IK room ( ottif a Jzard 6t ,
7-room huucu , Iznrdet , 2S1 14
"ITIOIt SAM < vrou8a and lot on 20th street
A ? only $ liV5a. "
House und lottm Iftli street J3.0DO.
House and lot on Jliiunl ht. fl.'UJ.
Gooil bnin , full lot , nonrtiopt curs.
A nice lot iii I'lulnvlew only JU'A
House und lot In Omaha Vlowjil.eOJ.flCO cash ,
balance $12.W per month.
I-ots In Shrlver 1'1'ice f J25 , $5 monthly.
lioforo jou buy call and eco mo , H. w. Hunt-
era , 1JW ( Farnam street. 2J3-18
SI'rOIAI. IIAUQAIN Uirzq lot KUC250 ft irl
South 17th running-through to IStli.iliouscn
cuchiioiithouBo3 rooms , b.illi , fcte , ue9t/iont
4 looms , fruit of all-kinds , n goixi ivoll , acis-
touts and larue burn. It pays runt of SCO per mo
Do not nils * this bargain. Hicks iln hrum , 213
s 15th. ao ; 14 *
FOIt SAlii0wlliwUreinlotdiit : $1W. 10
per cent cash and fa per mouth. Otfurntlie
easiest and surest Investment to double jour
money in B year of auy property In the auburb-
an market. Lot us show you this fine property.
Marshall &LobockA enti.
850 1503 Farnam street.
ll BAI.K-J. | ] Kvans' * Co. . 1510 led e sTT
east fiout , near 1'oppletoa st , ; IIWJ. 143 U
1T OUSAlK 10 room hou e. ( trorirln av . :
1 closets , basements , well , all oomplole ,
12 room house , Idaho st.j clo et , pnntry , eel-
lar. bath room , sponMntf tube' , shrubboiy ,
trees , j-nnl , Imrn , carrlairp house , two
larfto cisterns , city water , all complete , tVW.
4 loom lion ej south front , pintry , closots.
lnrjo bay window , el tern , collar , good out
house" , eiy term' , fiAW.
4 room lieu oi p.iutry , closet's bay window
Rood cellar , wo 11 mid otithouso i very cheap ,
? 1.HW.
5 room cottftiro ; bay window , closots. ccllnr.
well , cistern , fruit trees , n bnrjaln , fJW ) , or
with four lots , ensy terms t\2iO.
.1 lots , 1'laln view , cun double your money ,
2 lots , W. A. U"dlck addition , St.T. ) .
3 lots Tabpr place , for ono week , fJl.
r > lots , Kllby place , will increase 20 per cent be
fore snow fall * .
lleautif ill lot , rri"lon plnce.
Fait mout place : An Imtntment In thcsn will
riotiitln > onr monoj In ouo yonr.
Patrick iiil..llloti : l > ts on o. . y tunns nnd low
If you Juno hou os to rout or ell or lols to
yell IK thorn with me. I do a strictly commis
sion builne sniul will look after your Intorest.
J. II. Pnrrottp.
Money to lonn on fmr ratoof IntctcM. .1.11.
Parrot to. - *
/i nr.nnnv & HADI.EY , 1312
VT 31 lols lit llnwtlioriio , only nlltlloover a
mile from posiolllcu , Hint can bo ; oldl'or StW ) to
JOV ) ; cheapest liisluo property in the uinrkut.
" " * lXl ! > rKYfi3l3 Domtlns st.
Fine Lit on rarnaiu st , nonr Io o nve. , ! > foot
ubovo ' 9lnbll < lied Krmlu : only $1,700. _ I5M
uplift now $ . 1.000 school honso nenr "Selby
JL Iloluht' " tnnkp * lot desirable In that new
nnd beautiful addition. Prlco $ TU to f 400 , easy
payment * . I * . P. Ilnnunoiid , Ant. , room. ' ) , 152. :
DoilKlns St. 177
a HK new $ ,1,000 school house npiir "Bolby
Heluhts" mnkes lotsdeslrnhlo In that new
and beautiful addition. Prlecs KJ to JlOO , o.isy
p.iinent. . L. 1 * . Hammond , A t. , room 3. ire !
UoURlns st. 177
"Volt SAM"oTr HKNTf-Nmv house , clirht
1 rooms , bath room , fuiunco , Kas , and all
modorii cou\onlcncO' < : ouly three blocks from
Omaha depot , nnd throe blocks from center of
business in Council lllulTm , Ctins. T. OMIcor.
with onicuf A ; Puscy , bankers , Council Itluirs ,
Town. . 29J-18
TV O. SHItlVKlt ,
Improved Property !
707 Full lot , ninth front , cottnjro 5
tooni'.can biilldO Hats : on Dnven-
Iiort st. ncar2.d. ! ThH 13 worth In-
vistitfiithip ; terms easy $ 4,503
714 Good bouse. S rooms lotfiOxlBIeast
front , beautiful view n,600
710-lIeautiful cottn o , full lot , on door-
ela nvo. nonr l.cnvonworth ht 5,000
712New 2.tory house , full lot , Virginia
nvo. nonr Popploton n\o 4.SOO
711 Hoii'o 11 rooms , with pus , oily
wntur , liontod by Htoam. lat'ire tinrn ,
sliiulo , etc. : on Reorgln nvu. near
I.eavonworth 7,000
703 House 4 rooms , lot Slxfin , Jolnlntr
licit Line on 14th st. . bargain . . . S.QOJ
3 cotlnffos of a rooms oacli on Char-
len St. , Shlun'flnddlilon , siuth front ,
t onus oisv , each S 2,000
Unimproved Prcpoitv :
32t5-ill foot lot In Nelson's add. , nonr
Cumlnif street . 800
f2l-Hull lotinShlnu's 1st l,7fiO
"J Full lot In Hlmebnuirh , prloo 2,2-0
CU 4 lots In .luruma Park , all for 3,700
3l Ixitnoithof U. P. shops , nenrtrack-
iilfe : bnrvalu 1-oG
275 Lot m Pelham Plneo 760
Lot In Unitlett's add. on Leaven-
worth street.60 foot front 2,500
279 2 Ints.onch 8Jx243 feet , fronting on
llanst'om Park : bariraln. for both . 5,000
Lot on Yinrinlii avenue In Hanscotn
3 meo lots In nurr Onk , nil for " , WO
201-nintt in Kllby Plnoo. " each. . . . -V )
llonutltul lots on California street . 1.2U )
S'rr 14x170 feet on Hartley , good location 3.IWO
BlT-LotR un California , near 27th 1.000
SJO-Oooillot , Patrick's addition ; easy
terms 1.100
Secure n lot in "Shrlver Place , " you can't
mnko u better investment Ix > t < 125 ouch ;
very easy terms. W. O. Shrivor , opposite post-
ollleo. MO
GKEGOUV& IIADTilJV. 1312 DoiiRlns st.
AVe have the solo niruncy forgovornl lots In
Omnhn View , which mubt bo sold Mien nnd cnti
bebouffhtchonp. 158
WR IIAVK20 ncros of auburbnn property
for s ale very chonp , half cash , balnnco
onsy terms. This Is n barKiiIn nnd no mistake.
W. G. Tompleton & Co. , Itooms 7 ami H. Omaha
X-qfl llnnk. 2J3 13
BAItnAIM.S- | . Nice place In Mlllard &
Cal dwell addition.
f 1WJ. : Good lot in Kllby place , ono-thlrd cash.
$1,030. n-room cottage- Hamilton street ,
one-quarter cash.
f..TOO. 5 acres in Tuttlo's subdlv on Ames
nvo 11 no
S.TUO per lot. Lake View.
flU.'nvorly ) plnce ; S10 cnslu
$700. Lot In Klrkwooil ; ono-hnlf cash.
51,700. House nnd Lot In Palnvlow.
$ .V > ' ) . Lots In llcdford place ; $150 cash.
f 1,100. Hawthorn addition : terms onsy.
Never think of buying or selling without POC-
In us , ns wo handle bargains only. Soars , 15th
nnd Iodo. 212 18
T'HK ' now f5OW school house near "Selbv
Holxhts" mnkcs lots desirable in thnt new
and beautiful addition. Prices SS-'iO to 5400. easy
payinont8. L. P. Hammond , Agt. , room 3 , 1522
Douglas st. 177
T'llI' now $5,000 school house nonr "Solby
llolphts mnkOH lots desirable In that now
nnd bountiful addition. Prices $ ' 150 to $400cnsv
tinymonts. L. P. Hammond , Agt , room 3 , 15 ? !
TT'Olt TUA.UI5 Wo have some doslrnblo
JL ! Omnhn property thnt wo would trada for
tlratclass stock of Druiraor Gcncrnl Mcrchnu-
diso. Park & Fowler , 1522 Douglas gtrcot.
107 13
_ _ _
USH 4 : SBLllY'B big ron estate ttd every
othordiiy Sopjt. _ 28t
GHEGOUY Estate and itcntnl Aconts ,
1U12 Uou
We offer bnrRalns In vacant lots as follows :
Hawthorne . { ifiOto $051
Hnnsoom Plnco . lOODto 24011
KilbyPlnco . 650to 15-W
Orohardllill . COO to 000
Arlington . 703to 750
Klrkwood . bOO to HW
WestSldo . 30)to ) 400
PrnynPnrk . 3OTto 4W (
Omabn View . 400 to 800
Itrdford . fiOOto 70J
Sheridan 1'laco . SOOto (5.VJ (
Improved nnd unimproved properly in nil
purls of the city. Como and see nu. No trouble
to ehow property. To'ophono ' R54. I.W
THOIt SAIi-A Imrgaln. Lot B xl32 , 2 blocks
JU from ponolllco20OOT , half cash. Mar-
sbnll A LobocK , l.r,0 : ) I'limam street. 213 j
RU.5H & BELHY'S olffroal estate aa every
other day. See It SSt
FOR .S.VIr-lo\vllH2 Grcon lots nt S 150. 10
per cent cash and $5 pec month , Knsy ,
and sure to double in n yonr. See this flno nd-
nltionnndsocuro u few lots while you can not
first choice. Marshall &Lohcck , Apontf > ,
il ) 1503 F.irnam stroot.
BAVKMWOKTH BT. It. H. traokaio , ono or
morn lota or nnnoro , ntii > rroiit bargain.
Fee J , VV , Lot'iin , at LoiivuniTorth Iliislncsi
Plnco , or O , . W. linker , Itoom 7 Iron Hank
Dulldlntr. 814
hi : noirlliiff Oroon iotsutI50. 10
-f per cent cash and $5 per month. Olfors the
easiest and surest Investment to double your
money In a your of any prooorty In thu suburb
un ninrket. Lot us show you this tluo propurty-
ilurjhnll A ; LoUeck , Agonts.
U50 _ 150J Furnnm slreoi.
BOWLINO OltnKNlots.JIM. 10 pur ccntPash
and (5 nor month. Marshall & Lohetk ,
Aginits , 1509 rnnmm street. D49
ICE IIOMR FOH SALB-Cornor lot Onxli : ,
on Suwurd St. , only two blocks from school"
and snmo from street cnnuS-room house slinuo
trees , Jrillt trreg. etc. , H.OilO.
Grotfory i : Hadloy , 1312 DoUKlas st 113
NO. 2 2 For sale , by M. L. HIifKlns , 150A
Dou 'luo st ; 2 cottUKca In Walnut II III ,
ouch 4 rooms , closet , well , and fence ; enuh lot
MtlWft. Sl.tUOoaoh. f20joash on each , baL
< 20 per month , unch ,
t\7K have for sale some special bargains on
i Insldo residence and business lota ; nhu
lots with small cash payments , tmluncn on In-
htillmonts front J to f50 per month. .M. L.
Illtrtillis , 1500 Douglas Bt.
N O.i72-Fpr sale , by M. L. Illwlns , 1VM
DoiiKlasst. ; A 1 room cottutru in Umiiha
View ; well , collar , hall , closets , full lot , south
front. $1,000. (40) cash , Imlnnco $ jicr
month. Will rent tor (15 per moiitb.
vrlJ.TroT For snTar 67 5r.Tnilirjrln < i , "IWW"
-t > DoiiKlns.iiiiow lOroom house , on Holt Line
rallroHd , with all the modern Improvoinrnts ,
ci'llur , olstcru , well ; good , now b.irn ; nt n tmr-
Kitln , or will exchange for other xood Omibu
BXCIIANOK-jeOOOstocfdryifOO.l3for !
JOjiaha property. Archer ic Fitch , ill 3
15th st. t ° i
_ _ _
TO HI' V , sell or rent real < tstato. eo to W. O.
Templetou & Co. , roams 7 and 8 , Omaha
Nat'l bank. If you have property that you wish
to gull for n hat It i * worth lUt it with IIB.
205 13
RKAL BSTALK IIAIlGAIN'-2 boautlu ) lots
on woat C'umlne st , $700 cHi-ti. Flno bnr-
Kulim. J. 1 + Itico & Co. , room 0 , over Coio-
merulal National Hunk. 075
Fun SAM : iiy M. L. HUirius , i Douglas
Bt ,5 aero tract with house , barn. * hodj.
th'ido trees. fl 'iO , fT.mca h. balaiico (10 per
month , A bargain , must ba eold at oupo ,
TTlOIl SAiAra burKainTcorii r lot TSxItx ,
J- ' pared strf et , near bualuesi , f-J.OM , Stewart
& Co. , room U , Iron Hank. ) W ,
HOt'SKS Lots.Fnrms.Liiiiis monoyioanod.
DemU , l.'ith and Do.ik'lns . strocts. 010
Hol'shV TiOt8l'nrin , iinnd < money lonuod
_ Ilemls. 15th and Dnujrlna strt-els. iilfl _
l ofi SAM : iiy M u m ins. isrui noueiis
JL1 st , a rholro rtnl.lonee , corner lot. cist
rmirt.Miliin's aldi ! i > , rjOl , on private term * If
sold by the loth , after whloh out of the market.
ijSbiTS.V'r.if-Hy M HlirilusTlioi DoupnTs
JSt. . , n .I room coltiiffo on Sninnlcrs s t , ? ! , IOJ ;
$3X1 ci : h , balnuco onsy pn ) incuts , ( loud b-irn ,
well , cistern and oollur. Po ltn ely a bnrjtnlti.
A o , Sftflror'snle by t . U Hiintltiii. ISM
* ' Doucliu t. : A now 0 room cottage east
f rout. to ! nOxl2- < ; fine shale trers plckot fence
nml other di'slr.'iluo improvements in Shlnn's
V"t i.W For"
-t > Dnuitltf st : n room hon < o , in Itc lick's 2d
nddltioii : rlo Ptfi pntitrr , i'l < torn , barn slniilo
trees and tonce. Jl.OW. linsy torms. lor ten
ilnysioiily. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I2 _
"ijlOlfAl. ! ; llouso , n rooms , city water and
JL' Kn , I mlle from P. O. , 1 blook from t onr ,
prlco J..iMi. mnli piynipnt * , balnm-o tmmthtv.
liuiutro rooms 1 nml 2 Onm'ui ' Nnt I b'ink. I1 1 1
s.M.i : iiv M. L. Hlegliis , 1501
J1 st.,2 choice lots In Shtnn's 1st mid. lioth
front north nmlKniitli.ondi il Mi. * ft. A bar
Kitlii t private salo. Terms easy.
" | jHUs\Tij--\Vo have sixteen lots In Haw-
Jthorno addition thnt wii will ell ; be t and
chnapt-st Insldo property In Omaha. lledford &
: Ono of the best plccrs of prop-
crty In North Omaha , ono blook from
paved. street An clfrlitroom house , nearly now.
t'mi bo bad cheap , If taken nt onco. O. F.
Itavls A I'o 1V Fdrmijnjitrpct IMT
ITlOHSALi- : ! . Hvnns A-Co. . l.MODodire Rt ,
J two lots , ouo n i-ornir on Pleasant st. , near
Acnilomy of the Sacred Heart , high and slightly
otcj-luokhwpntlrc city ; f..soj. 14.1 11
TjMJK S.uYiT-liowFniMTruoii lots at * 150.10
JC percent cash and J > per monty. ISnsy ,
nnd sure to double Inn year Hoc tills flno ad
dition mid soiMiro n few lots while you eau if ot
tlrst cholco. Marshall & tobock , Agents , 1509
Fnrnum streojt. SMS
BUY NOW"In thonew addition of Ar st Sldo.
rlirht by the depot and c timing fnctory , full
BU and only 250. It. C. Pnttorjon. 615
rilHR new 5,000 school house nnar "Solhy
J. Heights" makes lots desirable in thnt now
nnd bcnutful addition. Prloos $ . ' ! 5J to $4')0. ' ) easy
payments , L. P. Hammond , Agt , room : l. 152J
Douirlnstit. 177
G WXiOKY & HADLKV , I' . < tiito Agents , 1312 Douplnsst.
For Sato Huslncss property on Fnrnnm ,
DotlKlus , Dodge , Harncy , llouiu-d nnd Cumlnir.
BAHRAIN'S Lot oxtcndlnir from Cnss to Cal-
itornln si , I'M ( cot frontniro on ouch stu'ot ,
with 5 loom house nil lur JJ.jtW , smnll cash pay- 1 and 2 yours.
44 ft on I'aiunm ncnrlGth st
5 houses 5 roouiH ouch , nt ttiohond of 10th st ,
only $2,2oO , ether places name Mo lots with
smnller cnUnitos are now sollltiK for $2,5W , $250
cash , bnl 8-5 per month.
CottiiKO lu Ambler full lot , barn , fcnced.shiido
trees. $ . ' ,000 : $200 cash , b il $2) per month.
R5 lots in Plnluvlow , t 5J to 1075. Park & Fow-
jor. 1R2J DoiiKlns. 2Si 17
LI' . HAMMONU , Heal Ijstnfo Ilrokcr. room
3 , No. 1522 Douglns st , offers the following
spoclnlbirKHlns :
Choice lot on Lcavcnworth at. , 81,000 ! 1850
cnsh , bnlanco easy pnymunls.
4 cholco lots in Lowe's ndd. , $ DOO to Jl00oach ,
In payments.
3 choice lots in Shmn's add. , $1,003 to $1U)3
etch , In payments.
Cholco oust front lot In Plainvlovr , in pay
ments , $675.
Throe choice lots on licit Line In Lincoln
Place , $1,900.
l-'lno new house in Ludwlck Place , now bolnif
completed. Possession given in about 10
days. Pr'co $3,000 , In payments. Flno now
school house within 40 rods of this house.
Cholco lots In Selhy Heights , ono of the Mnost
additions. Prices (350 to $400. Uasy p.iymuntB.
Onohnlf Interest in n Livery and Hoarding
stnhlo for salo.
Two cholco lots in Low's addition , on Hamil
ton street , for sale ntn Bargain. Call for turm * .
If you want to sell your property quick , list It
with mo.
Plenty of money to loan on city properly nt
lowest rntos. Got my rutca botoro makingap
An elegant$4,000 hou o on Hamilton St..fin
ished with cliorry. A bargains Inpayments. 170
GUEGOIIY & HADLKY , Ibl3 Douglas st
22 new 5 nnd II room cottages for Bale at
81,900 to ? 2,500 , only $200 to J4UO , cash und bal
nnco easy. 1VS
TnoKSAEK NieoR-room house and 2 corner
J ? lots In Walnut Hill ; 14 cosh baL to suit
Col Martin 110 S 14th st C4 ! >
EACH and all of the 28 West Sldo ots nro
high and bountifulfull slo. and on month
ly payments , $250. It C. Patturson , 13th and
Douglas. 515
F01tSArK-HyM. L. Hip-gins , 1S03 Douglns
St. , a now 9-room house .Shuin's 2d add. ,
with city water , clstorn , splendid cellar , bath
room , soworugo , now barn , cnrrlngc house ,
Inrgocoal house , south trent , cheap und on
easy terms.
TTTI. have Fomo doMrable Omnlm property
T that wo would exchange ) for stock of drugs
or other stock of goods. Purk & Fowler , 1522
Douglas. 287 17
rpHK now $5,003 school house near "Solby
JL Ilolehts" mnkcs lots desirable In tnnt now
nnd beautiful addition. Prices FJ50 to $10J , cnsy
payments. L. P. Hammond , Agt , iooin3. 1522
Ponging St. 177
FOli SALK Or oxchargo. House nnd lot ,
18th nnd Nicholas ; house nnd lot 15th and
Dorcas. Wm L. Monroe , Oth nnd Douglas. 853
tTUm SAW : Lots 7 and 8 , 120x150 foot , in
JL ; block 3 , first addition to South Omaha.
Cnll on Fred Lemon , care Farmers' house , or
address George Undo , P. O. box 107 , Itapid City
D. T 787
Horses and Mules
For all purpose. ; , bo-ight nnd sold , nt retail am !
in lots. Largo qumultto * to fclcft from
Several pairs of tlno drivers , slnsle or double.
Couiiuil niuffs.
Or , HAUWOUT , Manapr ,
Nos. 1510-1531 Dotigli3 : St. , Omaha and
No gatHronilway , Council IHulls.
r.itnlcgj Dentistry , No humbug ! tins , Vitalized
Air , Ktbrr ami Ohoroform , rlh | thblr ilckcnlnn ufltct
avuldcd t > / thu mo t wonderful unnoitliellc , purify *
Iiil ! thu lilooJ nml hul.dllu up the tltsiKi ,
Onmliii Dental Association , Solo 1'rop'rs ,
Gold Crooni , Gol.l I'lufj mid Conilaauui ( in in
Tiitth , uupctUlty , Hot loctU ! J ; furmur rrlco tJi
In the city can bo obtained by pntiouUlnv th
510 liroaJrrny niutr ?
GUO , 71' SOlTlXDISlsE , Prop ,
Xone but tuporlDiircd ImmU cmplood. Out
town orUen by mull or express solicit' ) . ! , and
all work -ViirnuiU. < l.
li i Pi
Office do. 525 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
9toiin. m.
} 2 tu 6 p.m.
Xu. ft.
Omalia ,
Council BMs
And Chicago.
The only rnirt to take for I > cs Molnes , Mar-
Rltalltntvn.t ndnr UnphK Clinton , llltlc. China-
( o. MHwaukoo nnd nil pnlnU oast. To the pfft-
tile of Nelirn < Va , Colorado , Wyoming. I'tah ,
Malm , Nofadii , Oi 07011. Wa. hlnKlon and Cull-
fornln. Itoff-Ti 'lippilor advantairos tiotpocst <
blotiv nnynthor lln1
Among n fcnr of the numerous points of su
periority iMiJoyrd by the patrons of this ro d
between Omnhn mid I'lilciiRO , nro Its two trains
mlaror 1)AV aurill'.S lilch nrothonnost
tuat human nrt nml ( ncenulty eau create. Its
1'AI.ACK BI.RKI'INO UAKH. irhloh ai-o models
or comfort nnd oleRancn ltd I'AllUJI ! DIIAW.
1NU ItOOM CAHS , nmurpa poil hv any , and Us
widely cclnlirntert rAl TIAI. DtNI.VH CAKB ,
theonual of which cannot bo found clsowhoro.
At Council DlulT * the trnlnsof tbo Union 1'aol-
flo Hr. connoet In Union Depot with fhowi of
the Clilraio .V Nortlitrrfltorn lly. In Clilcnijo
thn tialns nf this line mnho close connection
with those of all eastern llni-s
For Detroit , ColumbUR. Indlanapolli , Cincin
nati. Nlairnra Fulls. llulTalo , riUMnirir , Toronto ,
Montreal. Hoston , Now York , PhlladelphU , Hal-
tlmoro. Wnnhlnnton nnd all I olnUs In the east ,
n k the ticket a ent for ticket * via the
If you wish thn best nootnmn < tatlons. AD
ticket no-outs ol | tickets via tills lino.
M. inraurrr. u. B. iiAtn ,
Oonornl ManRRcr. Clou. Pass. Affcnt ,
_ _
. OF run
ChicapMitaiite&St1Paullllj ,
ftoM mm and COUHCIL BLUFFS ot
ChlcaffO , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Jlinncayolls , Cctlur Rapids ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Rock Islaiul.Fi-euport , Roekford ,
Elgin , llatlison , Janosvillc ,
Bololt , Winono , La Urosse ,
Audall other 'mportnnt ' points East , Nortuonst
and Southeast.
For th roiifrh tlokots call on the Tlokot Asroa
nt 1401 Farriam street ( In Paiton Hotel ) , or a
Union PuclUo Depot.
Pullman bliuinera and the flnoit Dining Cars
In the world uro run on the main lines of the
and orory attention Is paid to passengers by
courteims employes of the company.
It. MII.I.UK , Ucnnral Manager.
J. F. TUCKKII , Assistant Oonoral Manasor.
A. V. H. CARPENTKB , Gonernl I'ansonger Bud
Ticket Agent. , ,
UEO. B. llEAFfOnn , Assistant Oonoral Posson-
gcr nnd Ticket Auent
J. T. CLAIIK. Uunerai Superlntondonf.
Exhausted Vllalltr , Nerrousand Dabllltr
1'rematuro Docllno In JIan , Krton of V outh , and tbo
untolil mlserloi ro.iultlnu from InJtscmlon aadar-
vi'sioi. A book for erurr man , Touny , ralilttle-itzeit
nnd old. Hcontaliu la pruscrlptlans lor nil acutoand
chronic dlieusen. o\ch line of which Is Inrahinble. Sa
found bjr the Hiithor whode oxpertonco for23 yearats
euch in probablrnoTfr before felt to the lot of anr
phjBlcliin ; SO ) pniius , bound In botutltul t'ronch mua-
Iln. mbosjeilcUT .fill : cllt.KUvrantoodto bj nflno-
work In over ? tonio raecIninlcalIUorarrnd proTev
ilonal tnnn anr otlior work In Dili country for tl.UL
nr the money nlll ba refunded In ererr IntUnco.
I'rlcnnnlr Jt bjr mull , roitpatd. Illuntrnted lample ,
( He. Hend now. ( lolrt modal awarded Ui author br
iho National Medical AvtoclMlon , to th Hon. A. P.
IlliMell. nnc ] pisoolnienfllcoriof tnt board tlio rotJ : r
II rcipectfullyrflferred.
1'ho Hclancoof Life In worth morn to thornnng anil
nildctlo-nsccl monuf tbliKOMuritllnn than all the soil
mlnos or Ollfnrnla and the sllror mlnoi of Nornda
combined. C , V. Chronicle.
Tlio Hclenro of Llfu points out ths rockt and quick-
luindi on which tlio constitution nmt liopiiif mitny
nrounj mauhiTabeon fatalljr nrockod. Mancaetlar
The Science of Mfe Is of greater ralnn than all tha
modlcxl works publlihed In this country for taa patl Atlanta Oonstltutlon.
The Solcneo ot I.lfo U n superb and rnaitorlr treat-
fo on norroua and physical deblhty.-Dotroll , Free
Artd'ress the Pcaboily Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
II. Curker , No. 4 llullllncn atntul , noston , .Mills. , wha
tnny bo consulted on all Uesaases rfl' ulrlnx skill anl
ilicrlenco. Chronic and obstinate dliaaaos that
Imvo banle.l Ihu skill of other phyilclans spe >
cluliy. Such treated surcoisfullr without any uv
unco or falluro Mention Umaun 11
Th'igo ' waters contnla Tinu , Polnstliiiii , Lime ,
801)11. ) Mniriii'il.'i , ijhlorldo ot oJltuu luiil Sul
phur , nnd jiro poiiiivo euro tor all diseases
m-HiiiK iKiinan lirpurosiaioof thu blooil.A cer
tain spocitlc for Jtliciimaticm.
Daily Stuff o and Mail Line io and
from Fort Stcclo.
Good Physician in Attendance
W. / /
Red Star Line
Currying tholltlg'ltim lloyal and United Statej
llui,8 ! > iliy ! ! evt-ry baturday
Between Antwerp & Hew York
Baton from fCO-to ST"ISxcurslon trip from
tliu to tittitoond Cabin , oulwnru , * 15 !
prepaid , HJ ; ojeuriUni. VjO. Stenru w nujisuxu
Ht low raioa. Peter Wrlcht jc Kims , Oounra
AKonte , 55 llroudway , Now York.
iloury , 1-h i-'iiriiiuiifii. : I'nuljou ft Co.
14' . ' : I'.uiuim Ht ; D. O , 1 J'C'fluiui , JD.I I uiutnn st
BueaosioratoJ. G.
At the old stuid , in ; Kitraam.Si. Oivlsr * U
trlcirnip'.icolliiltuJ und promptly tttteiid 4 to.
'liltpln-'iio No.-ti
A VaKIr , r m > MMI