Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dtilvcicd Ijy rnrrirr In unypartof tlio city nt
mntj cents itr week.
JI. W. Tnyrox , - Manager.
nr iNrMOincr , No. 43.
To-day you may register.
Now York Plumbing Co.
Now fall goods at Holler's.
Richmond furnaces at Cooper & AIc-
The very best cabinets at $3 a do/en at
Gorham's ,
No ono is now heard to complain of the
dry weather.
Ono do/.on cabinets and a largo pnncl
for $2.5(1 ( at Schmidt's gallery.
The registration boards are In session
from 8 o clock in the morning til ) 0
o'clock at night ,
Jlon. W. A , Mynster delivers an ml-
dress this ( 'Veiling to the Modern Woodmen -
men in thuir hall.
Ono nmrringo license lias been issued ,
and that Is lo Clinton H. Klagg and Lena
Johnson , both of Omaha.
A. T. Whittlesoy wan ypstunlny np-
liolnled a registrar of election in place
of iJohn White , who resigned.
Charles Hood was lns > t evening ar
rested for drunkenness , lie has the
honor ( ? ) of being the only man arrested
in three days.
A vacancy e > ists among the registrars ,
as Ed. Molt has rcMgned'and up to last
evening no ono had been agreed upon lo
( ill the position.
If you want to vote you must register.
If you want to regi lor you must hum up
your naturalization papers , if you ever
had to bo nattirali/.ed.
The old soldiers in Jlills county are
to have a picnic in Slarbuek's grove ,
near Glonwood , nt which Colonel Keatly
will deliver an address.
Dr. Thomas .Jelleris reports the child
ol E. Hichardhon , No. 1008 Third
avenue , who has been seriously ill with
diphtheria , as getting along nicely.
When a gentleman asks you if you are
a white man or a black don't get riled ,
lor he may be on the board ot registra
tion and that is ono of the legal ques
To-morrow evening the Knights of
Labor hold their .sixth annual ball in
Masonic lu-41. A large number of tickets
have been bold which insures linancial
Only three out of the oiirht registrars
in this city had qualified with the city
clerk ye.-terday. The balance will have
to qualify this morning before they start
in with tlieir work.
The Iii ! : : ollico is undei obligations to
Airs. T. A. Clark for a box of luscious
fruit right from Utah. Plums , pears ,
peaches and grapes. They make the
mouth water to think ot them.
day. Friends are invited to attend with
out further notice.
In four days the M. E. conference has
done about as much work as an ordinary
Icgiblatnro would ilo In a month. And
yet there has been no carelessness or un
seemly haste. To no ono man is more
credit due for this than to the cllieicnt
secretary , Kcv. M. D. Collins.
Yesterday afternoon a meeting was
hold lii the chapel of the Baptist cTiurch
fortho purpose of making arrangements
to induce tlio Sunday school assembly to
pieot in this city next year. The meet-
'ing was attended by Kcv. I ) . H. Cooli'j' ,
A. B. Walker , E. S. Ilarkncss , L. W.Tiil-
Jeys , Frank Cook , E. Irons , J. N. Brown ,
S. N. Wiley and Kov. Dr. IlnlUurt , of
New York. No definite action was
taken and the assembly adjourned to
meet again.
Next week Miss Anna Kern , a graduate
of the Boston Art school will open , over
V. It. DoVo's store , a line art school ,
ivhurc she will teach drawing and paint
ing in all its branches. Entrance on
Main street.
The Richmond combines the four es
sentials of n good furnace , simplicity , ca
pacity , durability and economy. See
them at Cooper & MeGeo's.
If you want a good furnace and ono
that will bo as durable as your house ,
got a ' Richmond" of Cooper & MeGeo.
Opera housn barber shop and bath rooms ;
everything lirst-class. E. M. MAHVIN.
Fresh oysters in every style nt the
rhojiiix Chop House , No. 505 Broadway.
Highest prices paid for countv , town
city and school bonds. Odell Bros. &
Co. , No. 108 Pearl street , Council BInil's ,
Do Von Know ?
The following are all the questions that
may bo legally asked when you attemntto
register as a voter , or when you attempt
to votu after being registered. It is no ! that
the registrars are impertinent or inquis
itive , but ( he law requires them to obtain
the information from you personally. It
may be a little annoying at lirst until you
are accustomed to it , but it will effect-
ally prevent such farces as were enacted
at the polling places in the county nt the
last court housn election :
Questions Residence ; nanio ; nativity
color ; precinct , street , iMimbor ; county
state ; naturah/.ed ; date of papers ; court ;
by act of congress ; qualified voter ; date
of application ; last preceding place of
residence ; signature ,
Elotno doorbells , burglar alarms.and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Sea that vour books are made by More-
Louse & Co. , room 1 , Everett bloefc ,
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. JV. . & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl btrcet , Council Bluffs.
12 Cabinet Photographs ? 3 , Quality
tlio linost. Sliornulen , S17 Broadway.
J. Ernsdtorf , having taken entire control -
trol of thn Plucnlx chop hoiiko. desires testate
state that ho lias secured the t-orvices of
Charles Decker , a llrst class eook of Now
York City. Tlio best the market alfords ,
night and day. in the best htylo of the
art , Will also have a regular bill of faro
Ijllllo Muy Una a Homo.
Largely through the oflorU of C. S.
Clark , who is considerable of a philan
thropist as well us a. rustler for news ,
LIlllo May Ewlng has been offered a
homo , and txnothor opportunity to bo a
good girl , Judge Aylosworth gave Lilllo
a good fatherly talking , aim when the
Judge attempts to give ndvicu ho offers
hat which ehouUV bo well heeded. He
then told Lillie that Dr. O , W. Gordon
nnri wife , who reside on Grr.tiam avenue ,
had offered her a good home , and toh
her that if she would slay with thorn , am
behave herself , ho would not send her U
the reform school. Lillie gratefully nuc
gladly accepted tlio proffered homo , nut
vas released , from oustqtljr ,
A List of the Appointments For tbo Council
Bluffs District.
DCS Molnos Coiifcirnuc StntlHtlcs An
K.xplanntory Card From Silver City
riiAlior Conven
tion To-Diij- ,
CoiiIVrpiico I
Monday moining conference met , ) mr-
Riiant to adjournment , Bishop Bowman
n thn chair. After the devotional e.\er-
ci.sus the regular order was taken up.
A large part of the forenoon was occu
pied in fixing the relation of members of
the conference , ns superannuated , and
Mipcrntimerary preachers , deacons ,
elders , etc. Several committee reports
were made and then Dr. Hiirlburt , of the
Methodist Sunday School mission , ad
dressed the conference in behalf of that
Interest. A resolution appreciative of
himself and of his work was presented
and adopted.
Afternoon SessionRev. . E. M. II. Dem-
ining presiding by appointment of the
Some of thn preachers were of the
opinion that it would be better to change
the day of opening from Thursday , and
a motion to that client was made , but tlio
majority decided against the change.
U hail been voted to hold the next an
nual conference at Indianola , but this
vote was reconsidered , and by vote thu
place of the next meeting was lixed at
Des Moinc.s with the First church.
It was voted to hold a final session in
the evening.
The rest of the afternoon was occupied
by listening to , discussing , and adopting
the reports ot the various special and
standing committees.
W. T. Smith , P. E. , Council Bluffs , la. ,
( ) ! ) Oakland avenue.
Dow City , Si W. Lauck ; Dunlap. II. II.
Barton ; Emerson , Cyrus Smith ; Lssox , E.
Persia , S. A.Terrill , supplied ; Randolph ,
A. H. Ku = k : Riverton , W , J. Beck ; bhen-
andoah , L B. Wickersham ; Sidney , to be
supplied : Silver City. J. H. Newland ;
atatilon , F. 'J' . Beckwith ; Woodbine , W.
A. Wright ; Yorktown , A. Amljurn , sup
Summary of Statistics Des IVIolnes
Conference , 1M8O.
Probationer 2,2-r > 3
Full members 20,712
Total ineiiibiiishlp 2yTO ( )
Deaths , the past year 2 ± J
1 .oral pieaclieis , I'.K )
Chllilien lMiiti/.ud 517
Adults bnptl/cd 2.KV4
Number ol I'liurehes 27 ! )
Value of chinches SGCl,7 i
Paisonages lil ;
Salaiio ? of pastors , picslding eldei.s
amlbMidiw § 118,771
Sunday schools : r > 0
Olllcei-sanil teaeheis : i,7H7
Seholais , all ages 27,700
For missions : S 13ia'l ,
Cluirch extension ! * 05
Freeilinen's Aid hociety 75'J
Confeiciiccclalmnnts 1,011
Education -WO
Aiiieiie.m Hible society 147
Sunday School union 174
Tract Miciotv 150
Over the niillion line 1,000
Konitnoll AVON I'oiunipllcd.
To the Editor of the Bin : : In your
issue of the 10th inst. is tin article
headed "Silver City's Sensation. " As
that article abounds in gross misrepre
sentations , will you please give this ex
planation ? I will give you the true facts
in the ease :
Information was liled before Esquire
IlulVaker against ono Adolph Anderson ,
charging him with .seducing Katie Mass.
The papers were placed in the hands of
C. E. Dalton , a constable in and for this
township , who arrested Anderson and
brought him before the justice on the 7th
of September , and he a ked time until
the ' . ) th , at ! ) a. in. , to procure counsel ,
which was granted. At that time he
plead not guilty , waived examination
and was bound over to court. Those are
all the facts in this case.
Now for the case of assault and battery
against Chas. Rommell. The facts
are the Mass and Anderson a Hair
had nothing to do with it in
the least. Henry Anderson is a
cousin of Rbmmell's wife , and has been
in the habit of visiting at HotnmcllV ; last
July ho came there during the absence of
Air. Rommell and grossly insulted his
wife ; upon her resenting the insult he im
mediately left town. The day he was as
saulted was the first time Rommell had
seen him. Since the insult , on hcarinc
that he was at the depot , ho went down
theru and hit him on the head with his
cane. Rommell was immediately ar
rested and brought before Esquire
IluUakcr , Information was filed charging
him with assault with intent to
kill. Rommell immediately gave bond
for his appearance thu next day at 2 p. in.
In the morning Anderson's counsel came
from the Blulls , and in consultation with
Mr. Bouten , MivRoiiimell's attorney , the
information was changed to assault and
battery. Rommell plead guilty to that
charge and was fiend 5 and costs. Ono
of our most prominent citixens reached
out his hat and asked the spectators for
twenty-five cents each to pay the lino. It
was raised immediately and could
have been if it had been live or ton times
that amount. As to thu chances of Antler-
son being fatally injured he was walking
all over town tno next day. To bo sure ,
no one will deny that Anderson was hurt ;
but with the better class of our citi/.ens
thu sympathy was with Romnioll , and
that Anderson got no more than ho de-
seived , is generally conceded. JUSTICE.
IVhorn Do You Vote ?
As recorded in the BII ; : , one of the last
acts of the county board of supervisors
was to divide the nity into nine polling
places , so that under the new law all may
linn an opportunity to vote. Below are
given the boundaries of tlio several pre
cincts :
All of that portion of the territory
of the First ward lying south anil west of
the following line , to-wit ; Commencing
on Broad way at the intersection of Broad
way and Madison street , thence south on
Oak street to the intersection of Oak
street and Picrcti street , thence along on
Pierce street to the intersection of Pierce
street and Vaughan avenue , thence south
on Vaughan avenue to the city limits ,
shall bo and constitute the First precinct
of tlio First ward.
The Second precint of the First wanl
shall bo all thetorritoryintheFirst ward
not Included in the First precinct.
All that portion of tlio territory of the
Second ward lying cast of North Eighth
street and north ot Broadway shall bo
and constitute the first precinct of the
Second ward ,
The second precinct of the Second
Ward shall bo constituted ot all thu terri
tory in that ward not embraced in the
llr. t precinct.
All that portion of the Third ward lying
west and north of the following Hue to-
wit : Alone Ninth avenue from the Inter
section of Ninth avenue and Main street ,
to tlio intersection of Ninth avenue and
High street ; thence south on High street
to incrscclion of High street and Gra
ham avenue ; thence along Graham
avenue to intersection of Graham avenue
and First street ; along Flr. < t to Broa-1-
way , along Broadway to Main street ,
shall be the lirst precinct of the Third
The balance of the Tlilr.l ward shall
constitute the second nrecinct of the
Third wanl.
The Fourth ward isdnlded into three
precincts , as follows :
All thai portion of the Fourth ward
north of Tenth aveiiuo and east of Four
teenth street , shall bo the First precinct ,
Fouitli waul.
That portion lying south of Tenth ave
nue ami cast of 'Fourteenth street shall
be the Second precinct , Fouitli ward.
That portion lying west of Fourteenth
street shall be the Third precinct , Fourth
This division will not go into effect be
fore the city election for mayor , but will
govern all elections after that. 1'tiko due
notice and govern yourself accordingly.
Snm Patch' * I.oap.
COfNTIL 11LIMTS , Sept. 11. ! To tlio
Editor : There is a slight mistake in the
Bti : : of this date about Sam Patch's leap.
1 saw him jump ( ienoseo Falls in the
year of Itf 3 * . I was eight years old then.
That was his lirsl leap before ho went to
Niagara. He then returned to ( tcncseo
and jumped from the staging , and 1
know lie was well loaded with drink and
did not want to jump , but ho was en
gaged by two men to jump for $1.009 ,
and they were to take up the collections
and had a number of men
employed , and dressed in brass
buttons and badges , &o no
others could do tin ; collecting , us 1 nil
been done before when he jumped the
first time. This I know of my own
knowledge. My father talked with him
before he jumped. Sam made his will
before bo jumped , sending his money to
his mother in New Jersey and said ho
would not come out alive. He wanted
the two men to postpone the lean until
the following day. lint they would not
hear to it , as they expected to make quite
a sum of money'in collecting , and as he
predicted , he never arose again.
G. A. ItOllINbOX.
Dr. JlcCrenry'H Kcporr.
Rev. E. D. McCreary. pastor in charge
at this city , made to the conference the
following report of the Methodist church
ol Council Rind's , la. , for the conference
year ending September 10,1880 :
The past conference year has been one
of the most prospeiotis in the history of
the Methodist chinch in this city. One
hundred and fifty persons have been re
ceived into the church on probation and
by letter. All of the religious services
have been well attended throughout the
year. Thu income of the church has
been sutlicieiit to pay in full all the ex
penses of the year. A commodious par
sonage has been built , the best in the
conference , and one of the finest in tlio
st.ite. v > hieh will allbrcl a most comfort
able and desirable home for the pastor of
the church for many years to come. In
addition to this the audience room of the
church has been papered , carpeted and
kalsomined at a cost ot § 101. Tlio church
property is now in excellent condition ,
and the membership of the church is
harmonious and united , and are looking
forward to greater prosperity in the year
to come. Tlio church also sustains "two
missions , ono in the northwest and the
other in the southwest part ot the city.
It is hoped and expected thai in the
course of a few years"these .missions will
become the nuchis of new churches.
IVitohcr Wanted nt Iowa City.
J. W. Witeher has been arrested on a
warrant from Iowa City , and is now in
thu county jail. f
Some time ago Chief Matthews re
ceived word that Witeher was wanted at
Iowa City by thu authorities for larceny ,
lie replied that their man was in this
city , and resided with his family at No.
85 ; ! 1'ierco street , and worked in Omaha ,
lie asked for particulars , which arrived a
day or so ago , when the warrant made
its appearance. He gave the warrant to
Ollicer O'Brien , to whom had previously
been given the job of hunting up
Witeher. O'Brien made the arrest late
Sunday night and took his man to the
county jail , where he will remain until
this morning , when the sheriff of John
son county will take Witeher away on
the ! ) :25 : o'clock Rock Island train.
Dr. A. J. Cook , office No. 81 N. Main
St. Diseases ot llio rectum a specialty.
F. W. Spetman and wife have gone to
Miss Cora Bcdison loft last evening for
Sioux City.
K. J. Einmons , of Afton , In. , was in the
city yesterday.
W I ) , Wiley , of Maplcton , la. , was in
the city yesterday.
E. S. prnisboo , of Beatrice , Mob , , was
in ( he city yesterday.
H. M. Bishop , of Clarinda , was at the
Ogden house yesterday ,
1)V. . Townseful , of LoMars , la , , was
u Bluffs visitor yesterday.
Mrs. E. L. Clayton , of Chadron , Nub , ,
was in the Bliilfs yesterday.
William H. Clayton , of Walnut , has
been attending the conference.
Mrs. J. J. Frainoy has gone to Chicago
on a visit of a couple of weoks.
George C. Cole , mayor of Pacific
Junction , was in the city yesterday.
i ) , H. and W. B. Alexander , of PintIs-
mnntli , Neb , , were in the city yesterday.
G. W. Gnnnison , of the Fremont
County Herald , was in tlio city yester
The Misses Bcdison , Clara and Addle ,
have gone on a visit to their brother to
Shonamlonli ,
Biohard Ryan has returned from the
west whore ho is engaged in a largo rail
road contract ,
John C. Leo has returned from Illinois ,
where lie hits been engaged in u heavy
contract of railroad grading.
Miss Fannie M. Nevis , of Omaha , loft
for homo yesterday , after spending bov-
oral days in the city-with relatives ,
Miss Hattie Do Vol left last evening
over the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul
road for Kockford. Ills. , where she will
attend school.
Ollicer O'Brien and wife-have returned
from Des Molnes , where ho has been in
attendance at llio state fair to look after
the crooks.
E. E. Ilarkncss lias returned from his
eastern trip , 'llio More of Harkness
Bros , will look brilliant and beautiful
with new goods.
T. Knotts , an old Council Bluffs boy ,
now thii prosperous editor and proprietor
tor of the Indianola Herald , was a wel
come visitor at tlio BBK ollico yesterday.
County Clerk J. J. Shea and llov. B. P.
MoMenomy ar at Colfax attending the
meeting of tlio executive committee of
the Iowa branch of the Irish National
Chas. G. Anderson , the banker of
Blauchnrd. la. , was in town yesterday ,
and visitcu his brother , J.'Q. Anderson ,
secretary of the Council Bluffs Insurance
On December XJut , proximo , the partnership of Orcutt , French TIVH-
noi ; known an the. Council Hlttfl's Carpet Co. , expires by limitation ,
on that tlalr there it-ill bo
Totjct ready for tltlit clHtiiHcii'c offer our entire stock of
Citizens of Council Jlln/fsand ricitiHu will find li to their Interest * lo
call and r.ra > nlnc onrt/onlsand prices. IVils is tins first opportunity
crerojlrn'dln this city lo obtain the aboi'c yowls from a full , fresh stock ,
at tlic open Iny of a business season.
Country nn'i-chanls will Jlnd many bargains by calliny early.
To tlio Public.
To the Editor of the Hii ; : : Will you
please publish this curd in vindication of
a mother , in reference to my daughter
Lilluy Kwintj. I am not responsible for her
conduct with Peterson , : is slw went with
hint unbeknown to me. . I hsivo tried to
raise hur riyhl , niul always cave her
rood advice as a mother should , as I can
prove and shall do s > o at the proper time.
1 don't want to see her go to ruin , and
1 think this reform school is the best place
for her. I would rather son her go there
than < ro to ruin. Please ptibHsn this in
behalf of a mother in trouble.
Mits. I' . J. SCOTT ,
Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. No. 531) )
Broaday. Telephone No. 130.
Depot nt Glcnw < > Ul ( Hobbed.
Yesterday morning tlie-iomploycs of
the Chicago , linrlington & Qnincy depot ,
at Glonnwood discovered Unit some time
during t ho night previdlis fhe depot had
been robbed. Several trunk's were broken
open and part of their qbntjynts stolen. It
is supposed that tlio robber ? was commit
ted by several crooks who wxjro noticed in
town , but who , yesterday , could not bo
found. These same crooks wore liantr ;
ing around Paeific Junction ! on Saturday
and went from there to ° Glamvood. The
exact amount of the loss isnotjot known.
- . , , .j
To-SIorrow'8 Convention.
To-morrow morning0 tlio Knights of
Labor of the Ninth congressional district
will meet in dolcgnty convention I'm
Knights of Labor hall , on Pearl street ,
for the purpose of considering which , if
any , of tlio candidates for congress from
this district should receive the support of
the members of this organization.
Special advertisements , such 113 Lost , Toun
ToInanFor S.ilc , To Kent , \\ants , Hoardlncr ,
oto. , will bolnsortod In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS I'EH LISH fortho llrstmsor
tlonnnd Flvo Cents Per Line roroooh subsoijuont
Insoitlon. Leave advertisements "t our ofllso
No. 13 1'cul stioct , near liioadwny , Council
Jlliiffs. _
SAM' OIJ pnpois. In iiunntltlo eto
at oo olUuo No. Vi I'enrl strout.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
House , Slfrn and Decorutlvo Piilntor. Papier
Jlaelio Wnll Oinnmcnt" .
None but best bunds employed mid charges us
low as others.
Practices in the State unit Federal courts
Rooms 7 anil 8 Shugart Ulook.
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc.
, , ,
At W.S. Ilcmor & CO'H , No. S3 Muin st.
Council Hliill's ,
Justice of the ! Peace
Office over American Krpiatt Comiiany.
H , Journals , C'ounly anil
Itiuik Work ufi.II Kinds a .Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Evcret Block , Council Blufls ,
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
U. n. National Dunk , M , II Smith Sc Co. ,
CitUons' Hank , JlcHrt ; , WclUif Ca ,
Unit National Dank , < \ II. Iiuunuioo Oo. ,
fliser & I'usey.Uaukera.a U. tiavinjni liaalc.
Arc opening new and beautiful designs
Moquette ,
Body J8i"ussels ,
Velvet ,
Tapestry Brussels ,
3-Plij Ingrains ,
% -Plll Ingrains ,
Ray Carpets , Hlc.
For offices , hotels , lodge rooms , Cnll
for prices nt llurkiiess Uros , ' , 401
Are now arriving nnd in stock. Tri
cots , Flannels , Cashmeres , ote. Ex
cellent for traveling and fall service.
Black Silks and in the new colors.
Quality the best and prices the lowest
for good goods. Ladies wishing relia
ble goods will call on Harknesf Bros. ' ,
No.101 Broadway , Council
A few more of those Lisle Thread
IIoso left at 25c. , in black airl in colors ,
at Harkncsg Bros. , No. 4.01 Broadway.
In many new patterns and a
stock to select from. Door Mats , Rugs ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. . at HarK-
ness Brothers , No. 401 Broadway ,
Council mull's.
Diphtheria Is again inuWtit ? Us annual visita
tion. Tun years' trial of Ult. THUS. .Ult'l-'h
KUMKDY lor that liitul nii > luily 1ms dernon-
Mrutucl tlio luct that It is Intnllllilo lib u preventIve -
Ivo nnilciuo. If you permit your children to
die with ( llphtiicrlii. "Tliulr lilooil bo upon your
head. " Fur sulo only at tlio olllro , No , 'J South
Btli street , Council Bluffs , In. , orfcoatliyoiiucss
on leoulntof prlco , $ ' - .
C. II. ItliUtt lee , of No. 1410 Campbell street ,
Oiimtm , who i occultly lodt u bcautilul and in-
tm-oMiatf daughter , n rod about in } c > ais , liy
illuhlhorla , lUHk'i-tlio treatment of ono of the
lio-t physicians InOmulm , writes to Or. Jullrrls ,
ol this oily : "Vour loinoily lir dlphtlifrliciumt
too Into , our do ir iliuiKhttr MIIS tlylntr when 11
wan ipcelveil , I am n'ltlsllod that her llfti could
Imvo been saved. Another onuof our chl dren
.who had the diphtheria , her throiit was Illloil
up with the putrid iilcenitlon , wo usud > our
modlclno nnd In tweho houis the dlsunsu mis
completely imlnlned. In tlio tiitmo > u > will
Xoop your raodlclno nt nil tlinos In our house.
Wo tool that it stiroJ the lift ) of ono ot our
children Wo are very ihanktnl to you , and
oaly rvuiot that MO did not call on jou sooner. "
Fioin thu Council ( Hull's Dally Heiald ;
Mrs. II. U. ( Joiard , wlfo ol KnKlneer Gernnl ,
ot the Union 1'aelllo , tills city , has lieenagicat
suirurtTfor iimny years , with what was tup-
posed to tiucfuicor oftho thioat. \vattooad
that hhuwni Ihicatened with Mnrvatlon , Her
irenerul health \\I\K eompleiely broken down.
Bho could only HWiillon llijuld lood , nnd oven
that hur gloniiieli could not dlKOHt or assimilate.
I'hyslcluns ot Council llluirs utul Omaha
intended her for tlirwi yours nnd KH\O no
rclluf. Dr. thin city , wnsciilli'cl. In
lour wcolis' llmohorurud her thioat , niul oom-
pli-toly rwtorcil her Ht'iiural health. HmlJIrs.
( lenird not obtained i eilfl' soon f ho would huvo
dfud fiom lilood poison , the Hamocondlllon that
dubtroi oil the llio n ! ( ion. Uinnt.
From thu Council Ilhiiru Dally ( ilolio :
M. A ? MoI'lUu , olltor ot the Cnml > rJnISbrng ( <
InirK. I'n.l Frcuinun , Ims boon the pcisomil
frlond of the editor ol thoOlobu for moro Hum
tnontyyous , urnl IB known wheruvnr lie is
KIIO wniiBOnool the host moil llUnir. Ilnlul < o
an Intlmiitu triund of Mr. Clink of iho Non
pareil , Ho hns buun untottunalo In thu I net
tlint his tninlly wns rnvnswl with diphtheria.
and KI 'ally dUticseud. Mr , Clark havlnir tumid
ol his calamity sent him tome of Dr. JolluriiT
Dlphthciia Cure , It wus ui-ed at onoe , andtho
llroaol the leJtofhU chlldicn saved , l.fttuis
from Mr. Mcl'lku tire unbounded In their ex
pressions of Kiatitude for llndlnir some means
of nvurllnif tholoss of his whole in CHIP of | | no |
and lender onos. Klvo of Mr. Mcl'lko's children
out of eight dlud fiom dlphthurlit bcfoio ho had
on opportunity of utlng Dr. Jollerls' remedy.
Dyapontlo , why live In roUery nud dlo in dls-
pair with cancer of the HtoinaehV Dr. Thomas
Jeirerlu cures every cuso of Indigestion ami
constipation In a very short time. Ilest of ref
erences iflvon. Dyspepsia is the caiibo of
ninety per cent of all diseased conditions.
J'rlco f5 for two weeks treatment.
Dr. Jelferls' diphtheria modlclnn Is Infallible
for all kinds of sore throats , InUlspenblblo In
putrid sere throat , In imilltfnunt Bcurlct fever ,
cluuifc'ingltlntHhoiirstothoMinploform. Infal
lible euro for nil inllammutory , ulcorutlvu , put
rid , cancerous ulccnition of tuv womb anu all
ciituiTliRl conditions.
Full printed Instructions how to UEO the inodl-
riuos Kent with them. No doctor roijulrud.
lir. Jclferli' remedies cun only bo obtained nt
hlsoftice. No 23 South BlfihtU street , Council
Hluffs , Jown , or sent Dy express ou jccelpt uf
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Friday , Sept. 17.
Making Nine United Monster Shows.
Capital , $4,000,000. Daily Expenses , $7OOO
LaigeM , and Uichcsl Amusement Enterprise on the face of the Globo.
PAUEWHLL TOUR , Barnuin's Adieu to his American Pntion :
T rorf't lieliu Toivi'il to tnkonwuy from ni ) follow citrons tin \lnliltlna wlilcli tlioy Imvnan
thiit-ii ! > Urtilly npprtTliik' < l mid lii\l hl > | iiitinnl/i > il. bill tlio miiilMJimMit-vpcUiw | ipoj ! f of llnropo
iloiiuuiil thu f.imitiinlty | | nr eelnit this ( 'onililiiiiiinn , uliich lin : \Miilil-ulilc icHitntlniiunil | no
conntcrpiut In liny ronntiy. I Imvcniailo all iinnimetnt-ntM ami coiitiarli lur Its tiiuiMxiitiill" " .
In UR ni t ontlrt-ty , nct-oss tlieiitlnntlc. My al > k < anil oxpeilonocil pni-lnrts lll cnmliiL-t tlilt mi-
punillcil uiitcriii l o u Mir.a M v 1'i.if.o.N vi. sri'Kiivixiov.
The imbllo's ulinlleiit soi-viitit , Pill NBAS T. DAUNITM.
Triple Circus Company in 3 Big Rings. Huge Klevated Stage for Olvmplnn ( tames.
'L'wo Imnu'iise Double Menaircries of \ \ ild and Trained Blasts.
Maiiimoth i\lu \ < > euiu of Living Human Wondeis.
( irand Kotiian Hippodrome , with Glorious Races
U U IVi SO J s nrSc as ifc and quite as Natural.
The Polished Ivory Boned Articulated SKELETON
Only Elephant Skeleton on Exhibition Anywhere.
llltel'"at'onal ' CoKl'c''s ) of tllc R'ggcst ' Men Alivo.
The most Marvelous Troupe of Semi-Barbaric A R A S 0
In Wonderful Performances.
' ' 'lc ' Affectionate and Distressed Companion of Jumbo.
Myriads of intensely Tntcrestinjx ami Startling I'ciilurcs , collected at nn Enorm
Expense. Trained Horses , Dogs , Pigs , Ponies , Lions , Tigers , Panthers , Beais ,
Hyenas , Leopards , Camels , Elephants , Monkeys , Birds , and even Reptiles.
100 Startling Acts and Furious Races.
aOO Phenomenal and Daring Artists.
11 Acts going on at the Same Time.
1,000 New Features and Wonderful Attractions
Containing over a Mile of Rich Objects and Rare Features , will leave the
Grounds at 8 o'clooK A. M.
Admission to Everything , 50 Cents. Children under Nin6 , M Cents.
Vov the accommodation or thosti wloliliifr to nvolil tlio crowds nt the wagon , nn ollico has 1 eon
established nt I ) . W. Hush noil's Hook Stor6'JO Main street , Cjunoll III tills.n born n urrcil iiunil > oio'
BCiit-i can lie hniifrht nt the regular ) > rlco , mid iulinlIoii no'icls nt tno usual t-lfglii ndvanco , on tli °
mornlug of the show i\cnr-lon ; rates on nil Knllioiuls.
Will Exhibit in OuuiJin , Scitlciuliur
u The Ideal Waiuieslia Water. "
Bottled direct at the spring , has boon found invaluable in the treatment of diseases
of Kidneys and bladder , such as Bright's Disease , Albnmiuuria. Diabetes , Inllama-
lion of the Bladder , etc. The medical profession with great nnanimit.r for many
years past has been prescribin < r Wauke.iha water for such ailments , and ARCADIAN
as the most perfect examples of these waters is rapidly the patron
age of the experienced physicians and of intelligent invalids. Diluting and neu
tralizing Hie urine , allaying intlamaiion. freeing the urinary passages of cfleto
matter and acting as a natural solvent. The Arcadian is the best of medicinal
a/tents / in diseases of the stomach and alimentary canal , such as dyspepsia , bil
ious fever , catarrh of the stomach , jaundice , malaria , nervous debility and kin
dred affections.
Prof. Waller S. Haines , M. D. , the celebrated chemist of Rush Medical College ,
says " 1 have never analy/ed a purer water. "
j. Adams Allen , M. D. , L. L. 1) . , president Rush Medical College says "This
spring furnishes the typical water of health , Try it and bo convinced.
1) . G. Morgan & Co , , 11. A. Baird , 11. J. Palmer , C. Deetkeiis , A. M. Buardslcy ,
Taylor & Califf , John Short & Son.
Brick buildings of nny kind raised or movvid and satisfaction guaranteed.
Fraiuo buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StrectCounil BlufiV.
Farinliifr liimls In Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas raiiffl
from $1.25 to f9 ! per acre. School anil state lands in Miiini'sotit on ID years
tlmo G ner cent Interest. Land buyer * furo froo. liifonnntlon , etc , , { 'iven by
1 . l . I'nustruii.'No. 053 Uroailway , Council UluH's , lowu.
An excellent educational ln tltlltlotll furiilsli
d wltb all tbe nioduni inipiovcinonls , con-
uclod by thoSISl'liKS OFCIIAHITV',11. V. M
Fortoim of five inontlis , ? 75.
Tt-rmsbealiillist Monday In September tm )
Hist Monday In I'cbruuiy. KOI catulojfiies ud-
St. I'runcU AcaOomy. Council IlluUs ,
NO. 500 A : 511 MAIST. ' .
Daily receipts of new goods.Huts
Caps , Clothing , und a full line of Dry
Goods , all of thu latest btyles. Call and
get pricesboforo purchasing
R. L.
ION. Main St. , foundl BlnU'rf , la. , and
i0'J ! S. 15th St. . Itoom 10 , Omaha , Nob.
Jamifu ! ( tinor's At'Oiit for the
TonK Awning , Knolliiir Slate , Man
tels , Plato and Window ( JlasH , Sliow-
CiiHt'H. Klcvatord ( hand uml liy-
di-aull &c.
. BICE , 1VE. D. ,
( ) r otlioi-'J'iniHTi iomotb'1 witliou
dver lluity years puictic
No. 11 J'unrlSI .found UluUi