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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY EEE : SEPTEMBER 14 , 1880. THE PORK PIT GOES WILD , r Traders Start the Product on the Bond to Twelve Dollar * . AN ANXIOUS DAY FOR SHORTS. AVIicnt mill Cot-it I'lts Deserted for I'lovlHlonn--Koporleil l-YostH 1'nll to Scare Up Corn 1'rlucn l.lvoMock. CHICAGO UllAIN MAUICIOT. Ciilr.vno. Sepf. 13. [ Special Telegram to theHr.K.J-Pork slatted f or SUCO for the Octo ber option nt the very opening this morning. It opened nt S10.U' , with buying all by out- sldi'i-i. It didn't stop until S11.25. It , how- evei , was the strong thing In the list. Coin was down to 40X < ' < for October , something of a surprl o In view of the general expecta tion. Tlic frost bulletin of ( he signal service said there had been a killing fiost In tlie noithwest Sunday and n lUht frost tills morning ( limn as far as Wisconsin. Kiee/- Ingcather has evidently not jet gotten near enough to the coin belt to scare shoits very badly. The receipts of eoi neie liberal for to-day , bill the amount taken out n ! Moio $12,000 bushels was e.xtiaoidlnatily lnrge , too. Wheat got down a shade tinder 77c for October , nlthough consols weio icportcd somewhat lower. The visible supply Humes , made public about noun , were just about what were anticipated , and for thai icnMin dltl not nlfect the market much. Tlie Octo ber option got its low as lOJfc. It stuck almost nil day nt nbont 77c , The piovlslon pit wns. however , Ihe inter esting point on the lloor. All tradeis wete thcioat ono minute or another , and bigger profits , bigger losses , and bigger commissions weie made there than In all the otheis put to gether. It.udwln , who Is recognl/.ed as nn Aimoiir bioker , was an active buyer. At one Him ) he bid. 11.00 lor 10,000 bunds of November iioik. He got only S.Oto. Ono bioker said ho had a selling order for 7,0'JO hands , and that tlio mniket went up nil tlie time. " 1 think > ou could sell 2.-.000 barrels of OctohernbovoSll.OO heieto day , " he said. These are some "calls" on Hit1 jearotit nt Sll.OO. Ferguson has one on llobeit Wnrien for 25,000 ban els. This , iiinctleally , is a shottiuo for October at Sll.OO I'lie pork pit was Mil rounded nil tlay by tiudcts liom wheat , who bought In the aggnunte of barrels. Armour's In like : s gave their attention alternately to ribs and to pork. October nhs weie sent to S7.G"i , then letolf " 0\ then rushed up again. It was a wild day of ti-.idliiK and an anxious one for slim ts. The anticipated receipts for to-moirow nio 215 cars of wheat , Ktt ol coin and 2 < ; o of oats. Chintcia weie : Wheat , 100,000 bushels : corn , 123,000 : llaxsceil , 73,000. Tlie expoiU for the week ending .September 11 woieVheat : , 2,4ir,70J bushels ; corn , 300,100 ; oats , 04.20J , and Hour , 1I)5,1KIO ) barrels. Tin1 close nt 1 o'clock was at 77 ' (75)775 ( ) 0 for October wheat , 41c for October coin , $11.22)1 ) ( ftl 1.2.5 for October pork , and 50.00 for Octo ber hud. On the slioitnltcrnoon board there wns another wild but short session In tlie pit. October wheat closed nt7TXe ; October corn , 41 ' > , e. CiMiii , 2:30 : r. si. October wheat , 77J < ; c ; puts. 77'vi < $77 ? < 'c ; calls , 7SfiI > 7SJie. Corn privileged , 40 © 40c , and 41JBc. CHICAGO ttivK srooic. CmoAno , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to the HII : : . | PATTI.B The cnltlo mailed to day was slow to open , because buyers were hanging back while salesmen weie asking higher prices. Inquiry for good fat cnttlo was rather stioiiK and best grades sold nt fully former rates. The mniket lor common to fair kinds wns only about steady , and In- feilor kinds sold vwv slowly , with rates In some cases lower. Liberal olfeilngs of western cattle made It bad for common native cattle , wliicli cost more nnd can't bo sold so cheap. There were some good to prime cattle heic , but there weio no more good to prime cattle than the de mand required. Shipping steers , 350 to 1,500 Ibs. , S4.70rtJB.S5 ; 1,200 to l.50 ! ! lb ? . , 84.10 ® 4.05 ; 1)50 ) to 1,200 Ibs. , 83.40rtW.Oi ) . The range cattle nmikut this inoinlng was quite slow. lUiyers weio holding buck and bidding less while salesmen wort ! unwilling to talte less. Kaily homo canning cattle told nt about steady pilous. Common westein cattle weie slow sale and bids weiu lower. .Northern rangers : 251 Texans , 1,010 Ibs. . S3.15 ; 3:0 : Wyoming Imlf-biecds. 1,113 Ibs. , S300 ; SOI Dakota Texans. 1,020 Ibs. , S3.25 ; 5'J ' U.ikotas , 1,314 Ibs. , S3.70 ; 517 Nebraska. Ilb3 , Ibs. , $3.1010 ; Montann , l,0l > . Ib-i. , S3.20. Hogs Tlio reci'ijits for the day were 15,000. against 10,000 last .Monday. The market was nctlvo and prices a bit , ' 5c higher all around , closing with all sold. The highest prlco was 5.20 tor good Htinlght stock , tlm sort out of which would liavii _ cost Jr5.2."i@j.0 : ! ; nnd mixed , S-t.l5@u ! ; { Kicking nml shipping aw to ! BO Ibs. 3 1.00 ( 5.20 : llRlit weights , uiotn 170 Ibs , S4.OOrte4.ftO ; IbO to 210 lb , 8J.COg5.00 : skips , 52.50@1.00. F1NANCIA.U Now York. Sept. in. MONKY On call loaned al5 ( i7 per cent , closing at 5 percent I'illMB Ml'.llCANTir.K 1'APEIl ! @ 5 per cent. dTi'.ui.i.NO KxcirANOK-Qnlet and bteailv ; S4.81J < for deiniiud. tloviciiNMhNTri Cjovernmcnt bonds weio dull but steady. { STOCKS The stock market was stronger and showed innui lite than any previous day for some weeks. Tliu beats &ecmcd demoral- 1/edand the bulls for the time being had com plete contiol. The course of prices , with the exception of a slight reaction tn eaily trad ing and another In the last iiotir , was almost steadily uownrd , and while bales In each stock were Increased the dealings were ex tended to a much huucr number of stocks than ot late. 1'Yst prices showed advances ranging trom } i to % per cent. There was coiislderabln excitement at the opening , and for tlio lirst half hour there was an unusually active business , but after a few further slight advances prices yielded and at noon woio slightly under the opening llguifls. Later , liowovor , a geneial advance took place , which culminated about 2 p. in. , when tlio highest prices generally were icached. Another slight yielding In values followed , but the niaiket recovered before the close , which was about steady at the best liaurca of the day , STOCKS ON WATT. 8TKBBT. 8. cent bonds. . loujg C. &N. W . uiefetrcd. . N. y. c . < Pacific ll'n of'to. 120 Orecon Tran. . . . CentnilPaclllc. . 44J PacliloMall C. < V A 141 P. I ) . .fcK pruforrcd. . , . I CO P. P.C 0. Jl. A-0 iw/jf Itocl ; Island 1) . 1. . A : W Kfc % Bt. L. iV.S. 1' , . . . 1) . &ll. 0 81 . iireferred. . . Krle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 C. , Al. 1 > . moferred. . . Illlnolb Central. 135 Ul . II l > l\ Ol. J . 4V IJ. . . . . . . J..H.&W. ! OJ prefeired. . . ' Texas PaclUc. . . H Lake IShore. . . . . 8sj < Union Pacltle. . . U&N 45 % W. , St. L. & P. . Mich. Control. . ' ' preferred. . . Wo. Pacino > . B Western Union. Northern Pac. . 2SJSO..H. - " Oljjj C iloaco , .Sept. ) S. Flour Firm anil nchaiiged : winter wheat Hour , S4.U.V9 4.10 ; southern , S3.00fg4.00 ; WNconsIn 4.10 ; Minuosotu bakers , SA50 4.10 ; patents , S4.30 ( 4.CO : low gradai , S1.7V42.75 ; rye Hour. nuiKt at S3.2. ftW In bands , and 53.003 3.20 In sacks. Wheat Quiet most ot session and strong ; fluctuated within Jifc range , closed , Koabo\oHaturda\y cash. TftlS-iOc ; Ociobor 775-lCc ; Muy , M D-lOc. Corn Strong ; early eased off about J/c , later rallied > < c and closoa ? o nhovo Satur day ; cash , ! ? J ) < o ; October , 41cMay , 46 Mflc , Oats btrouger ; near futures iidvunrod > / ( * Ko ; Octolwr20 > 4e : May , 8'c. Kye-Quiet at 43 > < e r liarler ( Julel at 57H'c. f Timothy Prime. . ' " ' . Whlsky-81.15. 1'ork Actlvo ; October advanced longer deliveries on SO SOc ; cash. n.-0 ; ( ) clol'r ) ( , 51J.a3 > 4 ( iU.a' 5 November , sii.ooraii.oaij , I.nnl JStilttU-nnil nnclianieil ; ! cash , 87. 0 : OfloliiT. 5a57Ji@.iM } ; > 'o\umber , SO.40 ® Itiilk Mtnts Shoulder. . . . " . k nm OIMPIIIIIUIra" - v1 * " ' shortk clear. S7.2.'Ki7.30 ; short ribs , S7.45. Uutler Quiet ; cieameiy , 14 < 2 ; ; dairy , . Clieeso Firm : full oroam chctltlarp. lOc ; Hat * , I'jf ( { 10' < c ; skims , 4 @ 1 Ks s-lwrtl-lc. Jlides llcavv creon salted , * } < < " llzht , Sj < c : bull hides , hfdes r ) ie ; drv saltwl 11 < < ? l'-V : tlry flint , l : llc ; calf skins , JXtflOi < c" deacons. Mo each. Tallow No. I country , tyiftficcake \ , 3JuXo. ; . ' - ' , 3c' . Afleinoon llonrd ; Wheat lllphcr ; October , 77 fl-KV. C'oin Steady ; Octnher , 41e. OaU-Sti > mU : OftoU-r. UiJ'fc. ' 1'oik IIiL'her. steady ; 'October , 5tl.4'J'J. l.attl Finn ; October , fO.M. ltcf4t ( | . SlllpinnnN. Flour. WU ) . None. 21,000 Wheat , bu . 13.00U ( Jnril.l ) . 711.000 IOS. ! 0 On ; * , mi . iKiVKX ) I5nxw ( Hye , on . lSooo ) 'Jooo , Hnriev.Du . 0,000 4' , ooo St. liniiU , Sept. 13. U' Firm nnd hhiliei ; No. a letl , cash , 70 'c ; October , 77 kc Co1 n Steady ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , P/lJj'e ; October. HT-V. O.UM-Fiiiu ; No. a mixed , cash , HVtCgar.Jfr ; October. 'J-'i'ic. live Firm nt CCc. Whlsky-Sl.10. 1'orlSteady nt SI1.75. l.ard Steady at to..1) . Hutter Qnlcl ; ciuaincry , CO SSc : dairy , 10 AKIIHIXOUN IJo.Mtn Wheat Finn and K ( uJsrhlcnr.r. ruin Steady antl nnchaiiged. Oats Finn anil Vii' ' higher. Ijlvcrixil | , Sept. 13. Wheat In poor dcmnnd ; ntnv Nu. 'i winter , linn at Cs Jid ; now No. 2sirlnir | , linn at < H'J'd. Fltiin In poor demand ; linn ntSsTtl. Corn In poor dcmnnd ; spot , September , October ami November , dull ut 4s Si I. 1'oledn , Sept. 13. Wheat Fiimer ; citsh , Tl'e. Tl'e.Corn Corn Dull ; cash. 42c. Oats UiifhaiiKcd ; cash , 27c nsked. KiinnaH City. Sept. 13. Wheat Steady ; No. ' - ! red , cash , and October , nominal ; November , 07e ; ! bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 31& & ; October , ! Kl)4e ; Ndveinbnr , IJlc bid. Oat.s Nouiliml ; cjf-h , -'IXcbld. New Orleans Sept. 13. Coin WcnUand lower ; jellow , .jte. . O its-Quiet. lloj ; I'loiliiots-Strotipaiiil higher. ] 'oik-Sll..V ) . Liutt Helinud tierce. S7.8.T. ISulk Meats Slmitldeis , S0..15 ; Ions ; clear clear ribi. SS.iiO. Now York. Sept. 13. Wheat Kecelpts , JM'J.OOO ; uMvnts , ttO,0 o ; cash sliado antl oj- tions"J c hlKlicr , closing linn at near best tales : initialled red , SJJiOIo ; No. 3 red , b5Jfe : No. 2 red. bOVc In elevator. S4'ie tit'livereil : No. 1 red , Ollic ; No. 2 ted Octob er. cloMiicnt 8 < c. Coin Spot } aCVn and options : & < it > % c liisher , closlni : linn ; receipts , lin)00 ; exports. 04,000 ; vniLrailrdlOSrilJ e ; No. 2 , 50e In elevator , Gl ( 51Ku ailoat , Octo ber elosiiiK at 50fe. Oats JftQ o butter ; fairly active ; receipts , ir.9.000 ; oxpoils , r.00 ; mixed western , 3-Jiia4c ( ; white western , ! ! 5tf ( lOe. I'otrolouin Steady ; United. 02 % . Kjtirs Firm und lairly active ; western , t7 ( .17l < e. I'orli Active and firmer ; old mess , 511.00 : new mess , 512.00. Laitl I'nsiittled ; 10.5 points lower ; west ern steam spot Is otioted nt 7. 35. llulter Finn and in fair retincst ; wcstcin , lawaa c. ClieehO Quiet anil wcaVer. Alilwaukoc , S < ! pt. i : ? . Wheat Illeher ; cash. 7CUe ; October , Tf' c ; November , 7SXc. Coin-Hull ; No. 2 , IKi'ic. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 25c. Kyc-Scaieu ; No. 1 , 54' c. IJarley Iliulier ; No. 2 , 573 c. I'rovislons lliulier. 1'ork September , S10.90. Cinclniiuti. Sept. 13. Wheat Kaslcr ; No. 2 red , 'tjc , Corn Dull and drooping ; No. 2 mixed , . Oats-Quiet but steady ; No. 2 mixed. 27J c. Ke.--Qtiict but lirm ; 7 < o. B , 54c. Poilc StroiiBerat S11.20. I.aitl-Quletat S7.12K- Whisky Fit m at 81.10. niiiiiiciii lis , Sept. 13. Wheat lower , bnt closed tinner ; No. 1 hard , cash and September , 74c ; October , 754c ; Novem ber , 7fijfc : No. 1 northern , cash , 72c ; October , 73' < c ; November. 74c ; No. 2 north ern and cash , C'Jc ; October , 09c ; Novem ber , 10Kc. Flour Quiet ; patents , 81. 30W.4r ( ! > ; bakers , . Kecelpts Wheat , 20,000 bushels ; nour , 23- 000 bbls. r ItlVK STOCK. Chicago , Sept. 13. The Diovet's Journal renoitsas follows : Cattle Iteoelpts , 0,000 ; generally about ste.ulv ; faiily active ; slilpplni ? sieers. S3.40@ steers , S2.CO3.10 ; wesiein rancers , weak and inicliaii ed ; nativesand half-breeds , S3.C'o ' ( Vf4.00 ; cows , . < r2.50 ' HiO ( ; wintered Toxnns , S2.7fl ( < i3. to. Sales-'XJO : Dakota , 1.020 Ibs. . S3.2.-i ; 2' 7 Dakota Tnxans. W7 Ibs. , S3.2.1 ; Sim WyomliiKhalf-bieeds. 1.113 Ibs. . S3.00 ; .147 Nebraska , l.lSJlbs. , S3.10 ; aio Montapa , 1,01)5 ) Ibs. . $3.20. 1 loss Kecelpts. 15,500 ; active nt r c ad vance ; rouiihnnil mixed , S4.1. " > @ 4.90 ; jiaek- Inc nnrt shlpiilne , 4.00@5.80 ; lit'ht , S4.00C 5 St. LoitlH. Sept. 13.- Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; slilpmcnts , 000 ; good to choice shli > - ] > ItHf. S4.30@4.65 ; hntchcrs' steers , S3.50 ® 4.00 ; cows nnd heifers , S2.2o@.50 ; Texans and Indians , S2.ttaxa2.dO. Hoes Kecelpts , 2,000 ; shipments. 400 : active and 5c higher ; butchers and best heavy. 84.00.rf5.20 ; mixed packing , S4.50 , S4.004.70. City , Sojt. ) 13. Cnttlo Receipts , 2,000 ; slilniiients , 2,000 ; fat weak nnil S&lOtj lower ; common tocholre , S3.0@3.1X ! ! ) ; stoek- ers nnd feeders , S2.tOJi3.CO ; uruss rangesteeis , Hoits Receipts. 3,000 ; shlpn'onts , 700 ; steady : ffood to choice , S4.SO@5.00 ; common to medium , S4.20 ( 5J.7.lBiasseis nnd pit's , $2.75 O.MA11A LilVH STOOIC. Monday Evcnlnc , Sept. 13. OATTI.K There were a few rnnvo cattle In but no corn ted steers. Theto was nothing doing on the market. lions Tlio receipts were very llk'ht nnd baldly enough to make n market. The tew loads that were in sold readily , and nt an advance over .Sat in day's tnico. Ono choice load of heavy hof"j brought 84SO. Siuici' : Nothing dolnu on the market. There s\cro two loads of flesh receipts. Itl'.CKIl'TS. Cattle ROD Ilo s , 400 Sheep . * < , uOO K I'floes. liiRpilcoj paid for live stook on this market. Choice steers. W50 to 1500 Ibs S 1.30 ® 1.50 Choice steers , 1100 to 1303 Ibs 3.7. ' > ( < i4.I5 Medium steers , 12.W to 1357 Ibs. . . Fat little steers , 1050 to 1150Ibi . . . . Ooott fei-ders Coed to choice corn-fed cow.s 2.00 ( > ttJ.25 Fair to medium Krasscows Z.03fiii.K > tiood to choice bulls. , l.M ' . ' .M ) Mclit and medium nou's 4.40M4.CO Hood to choice heavy lugs , , . 4.fi5(4.r ( > o Uoud to choice mixed ho s 4.5.Vi-4.7 < ) Good to ehoicu hhccp. , ; i.OOW'J. : ; ) Fair to cooa iheejj , 2.7r. ( < ( ' : i.oo Common bheep , , , , I.0 ( < f2.5n Jlcprcsontatlvn Nnlcn. COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 20 MW S2.CO HOOK , No. Av. Shk. IV. No. Av. Shk. I'r. bo 84.W aa..yi icosi.a-s < W.24G If * ) ICO 70. . .201 40 4.70 GO.270 ! KO 4.05 00. . .281 M ) 4.72V OJ..2JO 120 4.03 67. , . . ' b irX ) J.W ) Kance of I'rlces. Showlnetho hluhcstandlowest prlce-i p-\td for mixed loads of hugsou this niiirkut d > ir- Ingtho past soveu days , and ( or the same tlinii last year ; litvn Snles. Showlne the nnmlior of rattle , ho and sheep purchased by the leading buyers on to-day's market. CA1TU : . Local . . . , . 21 Uotal . 21 nee . Hnrrls.t Fisher . CO C , II. Hammond < V Co . . , . 11 * > 11. 1 . llrndy . (1) ) Sqnircs A Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -17 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Shipments. Showlne the number of cattle , hoes and sheep shipped from the yaids to-day : imr.r.p. No. Cais lit. Dest. 21 . R. I , . Chicago iioo . No. Cais Ut. Dost. r . .C. H. .V : Q . Uoston All sales ot stock in tins market nro made nercwt. live \\eiiclit unless otlierwise stated. Dead hoes sell nt V/o per Ib lor alt weights , "Skins , " or ho s welishlnc less thin 100 Ibs noxalue. Pru nnnt sows are docked 40 Ibj NotCH. Receipts of hogs lliiht. Dull as usual on Montluy. Nothing doliiK on tlic cattle market. Not enoiiih ; hogs In to make n market. r 1'ritehaid iV .M. . Denver , Had two loads of cattle on tlio niaiket. ( ! . ( t. Vreelnml , ilunlnta , topped the mar ket , to-day , on lie s. The Ocnllala hand nnd Cnttlo company had 23 loads of cattle In. C. H. Tnlmnilge. Wlnnebain City , bail four loads of cattle on the market. The O ceola Ranch company , I'lum Creole , had 240 head of sheep at the ynnK Two loads of cattle were received to-day , having been reshlpped fiom Kansas ( 'liy. Col. Sav.iKO , who has been spending some time In Ctister county nnil other counties In noithwesti-rn Nt'binskii , repoits the laigcst coin cioit that has u\cr been rasud ! thcie. On the maiket with hogs : h. Andi'i-Min A : Co. , Mead : Ostenberi ; it Frusli , Wuhoo ; Hicks Ar Florin , Coleildirc ; K. I ) . Welker , SI. Kdwauls ; C. ( . ! . Vrceland , Junlata ; S. R. Hlaek , Overtoil. _ OMAHA \YI101jliSAIjl3 JIAltlCM'S Ocnprnl I'roiliioo. Moiulav Evening , Sept. 13. Tlicbf Joiefii ; ; ftrlfri ni'c jnr rniunl lot * or iVtittiMililunthe mrtrAcJ to-ilnii. Tito lnifi on fniltn rciirctcnt tlic ] 'lccn tit iiulihlennlcrisiirc Illlal. Jit. us 'I'lie iimiketls keeping ni | well , antl good , lie > h slock ishellimr at I3@l4e. Ht"iTiu : All good stock meets with ready sale on nrilvnl ; inferior eontiiiiies dull. All butter should he packed In now tubs. Flesh cicamery , HKn 'ochoice ; dairy , nc lv ; elioiciicountiy , 10 17e ; goud country , 13c ' loc ; fair country , tiigllc ( ; common countiy , 4iU7c. I'ofi.Tiiv The market has weakened , and prices nro not n high as last week. Old fowls , choice , perdoz. 52.7603.00 ; sprliiK chickens , large , S2.M@ ! . > .50 : muduim , S'J.OOri ; small , not wanted. Ducks , W.2.X' " ) 2.M ) , Turkej.s. not wanted. Ovsri'.ns The city trade has opened up veiv itutl\unnd more orders have been re ceived Irom the outside than ever befoio , so 0'iily In the .season. The dealeis of this city arc in better condition than on any previous year to supply the outside trade. 'Ihe follow ing nro the prices athicli country orders nro tilled : Medluiu. , 30c ; stnndaid , ; i5e ; selects , lOe ; best selects , 4. " > c. G AMI : The extreme hot weather of the past few days has seriously alfeeted the came trnde. Consignments aiiiyed moitly in bad order nml weio n total loss. In some instances n lew good birds weio picked out and sold at low liinuos. Just as soon as cold weather sets in there will be a brisk demand for pi-.iirln chicken at good paying prices. Praiiie chickens , $ -MK J2.50 perdo/.en ; quail , S1.2.- ( < il.50 ! : snipe , S1.00ai.2S ( ; ducks. ( Mnl- latd ) . S1.7n@i8S ; ducks , ( Teal ) , SI. 2. % ' 1.50 ; ducks , mixed , 81.2.5 1.59. l'orATOis : Potatoes liave not been com ing In very fast and the market has kept up so hluli that ilenlciH tire only buying In a small way. They have not commenced put ting In their winter stocks , hut are lioldliif ; off In expectation of lower prices. During tne past few days choice stock sold its high as oAc , but In a small way. Choice stock , per bu , ncgtGSc. VnnirrAiii.iis Celery , large bunches , Kalamazoo - amazoo , 4flc. Sweet potatoes , per Ib , 2jSie. ( : Onions , ciiolco led , per bu , 81.00 ; southern , perbblt.50. : HANAXAS The market Is fairly well sup plied for tills season of the year. Yellow , per bunch , 52. 00 ( .50 ; do large , per bunch , Ilo.Mi-iiowN : ( ! OiiApr.s There is a very liberal supply on the market and choice stock. Poorer stock ana that which Is not put up in Kootl shape for shipment is selling lor wlt.U it will bring. The following are the prices nt which outside outers foreiioico stock aiulillcd : Shipping stock , pcrlb , 20-lb boxes , 4K J ; 10-lb baskets , 45 oOe. MicmoA.v I'KACIIKS There Is a wide range of pi Ices , due to the diffeient kind and quality. Shipments aio arriving in coed condition nnd nro holding up well. Baskets , according to size , 75JOc ( ; crates , 4 baskets , 5.75. . Mit.oNs : The season for heavy shipments Is over , bnt there is still n very fair trade In water melons. Miit-catlne. per 100. 818.00VJJ 20.00 ; , S13.OU@10.00. The past week lemons touched the highest point ot tlio season in New York , but prices here remain unchanged. The stocks In tlie hands of the dealers hero are very choice nnd fancy. Lemons , SU.7"10.00. OIIANOIIS It Is too early tor Louisiana stock to commence arrlvlnsr. There are a few Honduras In the market'whlcli aio sweet and good si/.e. Hondnias. per boxSS.OO. . CitANiir.iiKiEs Unil & Cherry , S8.XJ0.00. : CALironxiA Fnuirs The arrivals of Cali fornia fruits are very light and only grapes nro coming. The season is practically over. Grapes , Muscats , 81.50 : Toknys , 175. UTAH Fiii'iTB Utah peaches and pears nro plenty and aio meeting with very good sales. Pears , 00-lb boxes. 54.25@4.50 ; peaches , 20-lb boxes , 81.75. WILD PI.UJIH Very few coining In , nnd good stock will bring S1.25 per half-bushel basket. CHAIJ Ai' There is a good demand , but shipments nio very light nnd mostly not In shipping condition. Finn stock will bring 81.00 perbuslicl. Ari'iEs There Is n gicat of common stock in the mailed anil it Is moving slowly. Choice shipping stock Is not so plenty. There arc a few southern Jonathansand Itcllllowcrs in. Fancy stand or eating tipples are scarce. Common stock , S'J.oriKj.a5. ( Choice shipping hlpok , per bbl , .wxaiw. Fan ey stand stock , iloxnv Nebraska , choice , white clover , 15@ine.Nebiaskit , dark , 12@14e. ; California , l-lbhcctlons , 15e. ; California , strained , 2-lb sections , 12' < f@14c. MAi'i.iSiiiAH-Urlcks : , per Ib , 12 } < f ; penny cakes , per Ib , 15c. MAI-I.K Svitiii1 Hulk , 13 to 17 gallon kegs , per pal. . 81.00 ; gallon cans , cer gal. , 81.05 ; half-gallon cans , per gal. , 81.10. COCOANUTS Coeoannts , per hundred 85.00 ; less than hnndied , per hundred , S" 59. , NUTS Pecans , large , polished , lie. ; pecans , medium , DC. ; Kngllsh walnuts , He. ; almonds , Tuiragonu , 20c : almonds , Languedoc , lie ; Hinzlls , 12o ; lilheits. 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy , Virginia , Kc ; peanuts , hand picked , choice. Virginia , 7 > fc ; peanuts per kit , 2.50 ; do. , quart Jars , per do/ . , 85.25 ; do. , pint jars , per case , 2 dozen. 80.2.1. Tripe , per K-bbf. , § 4,00 ; do. , per tf-bbl , S-.OO ; do. jier kit , t'Oe. J The market Is almost cleaned tin. Nice clean beans In fair leunest. H. P. Navy. Sl.70 1.75 ; H. P. Medium. Sl.rxXj ? LfiTijcholce clean country. Sl.ttS l.M ) ; good clean country , W < ( S1,00 ; Inferior , i 0ii75c. ( iiiAiN Corn , 2Ue ; old oats , 2Sc ; new oats , 2@27c ; rye , 40c ; wheat , No. 2 , Me. FI.OUH AND MII.I.STITKKS Winter wheat flour , best miallty patent , Sc.B'J ; second iMinl- Ity. SS.40C4S2.t-0 ; best quality spilng wheat Hour , patent , 52.75 ; bran.i Wo percwtchopped ; feetl , hOe per e t ; white corn meal. Sl.OO ; \eilowcorn meal , tXc ) percwt ; screening , CiOc per owl : hominy , 82.00 per cwt ; shorts , S5c percwt ; irralmm , 51.00 ; liay , In bales , 50.00 ® 7.M per ton. _ Grocers' Jilst. PicKi.r.s-Medium , in bols , S0.50 ; do In ha f bblh , 83.76 ; hinall , In bbls. S7.W ; do In half bbls .81.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , SS.50 ; do In half bbls. S4.75. &VHUV No. 70 , 4-gailon Kegs , 51.22 ; New Orleans , SC ( 46c IH.T gallon ; Maple Syrup. X barrel , strictly pure , 7Vc ; pur gallon ; 1 gallon cans. 89.05 per doz. ; K gallon cans , § 5.25 per dot : quart cans , 53.00. DniKi ) FninrsNo. . 1 quarter apples , 3J { @ 4c ; lu evaporated boxes , 'J &J c ; blackber- lies , boxes , IKnO c ; jieaches , eastern , 4Jf < ft' c ; peaches , evaporated , 15li17c : Salt Luke , none In mayker rospberries , now , IB ( * tWecurrenu \ , 7lj7Xe ( ! ; prunes , now , \ji UAKNKi ) ( loons Oysters , standard , per CA . 3.w ! ; Miuwbmie * , 'in , . per ca e. S2.IO ; i-iMibeirlc- lb * * ca e , 2.10 ; California pearj , iier case , S4.0 ; apricots , per we , 4.10 ; peaches , per case , $ .5.30 ; white cherries , per ease , S.5.1U ; pltniHj per cn e , S3.1Q ; blue berries , per C.KC , Si.'X ) ; egg plums , i lb , tier en * * ' , 52..50pineapples. ; J2 ID , per case , SA20 (35.50 ( ; I Ib mackerel. per doS1.20 ; 1 lb sal mon per dol.fiV < 4i.r > 0 ; 2 II ) goosebcrles , per e.Ue , 51,75 ; 2 Ib siting beans , per ca e , $1.702lb ; lima boons , per ease. SUiO:21b : mnnowfat iioft . tier rose. S240:2 : lb eaily Jiinope.H , per eae , ? 2.75 ; y lb tomatoes , per ca"e ,,5. : 2ibcorn , per ense , Sl.'JO dt2.10:3 : Ib corn boef. perdoz. Sl.7 ( > < 'i2.00. KOPI : Ji IncliCics' ( Inch , 10'jc ; ' 4 Inch , - St'OAll I'owiloWHl , 7'-fe ; cut loaf , 7 ? 7'4C ; pranulated. O c ; conlectloners' A. r4c ' ; slamhtrd extra C , < X < nc ' ; extra C , ? 4' @ * > Jc ; meiltnm yellow , B'iM.i ' c. Mirror closs , i lb , B c ; Mirror ' Knnisfoid'sbnlk , 4c. COKIT.USOidlnnry LT.xde.i , 10"iZllc ( ; fair , Ilr ll cprlim\lliv ; < a2cs choice. I'JUCrtWUi1 ; fancy green nml yellow , IsvjfiaUH'c : old gov- erniuent .lava , 20jl2 io ; tnteilor .lavu. 10 0 20c ; Mochn , ? Jrf-J4e ( ; Arbuckles roasted , ire , ; McLaughlln' XXX X loasted , 15o ; Dllworth's. l ' 4e : Red Cross. I.V. CANDY Mixed , n f < ? i2o ; stick , 8 ( 9Kc. CHACKKUS ( inrnenn's soda , butter and picnic , 5'je ' ; cicaihs , 8'tc ; ginger snaps , S > c ; cltV SsOtlil. 7'4C. ' hoAi'.s Kirks Savon imperial. 2. fO ; Kit k's satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk's standaid. 83.05 ; Kirk's while Russian , 84.03 ; Kiik's White Can. 80.50 : Dome , 5:1.85 : ; Washboanl. 83.10. MAI runs Per caddie , 2So ; loimd , per case , Sl.OO ; sqnaio cases , S1.70 ; mule squaio , 51.20. _ Gcnrral Mnrki > t < . WOOL .Medium. 17@20c per lb ; fine heavy , 1215c ; light. 14 l7e ; coaise , 12ir > e ; hurry wool. ( tVn' olf. HIDES Urccn butcliers.4& > c : preen ctired. 8'4w ' < sl4c ; ( 'ry ' lllnt. H@i3c : dry salt , VdtiWo : damaccd hide ? two-thlid price , Tallow : ic. Grease , urimo white. 3e : yellow , 2chrowr. : . 1-14C. Sheen Pelts 2.Vd)762. ) Prime slaughter solo leather , ! We ; prmo c k sole leather , JitifttJlN.1. Upper leather per foot , So i'ic : hem. kip , 7.xrtS5c ; oak l.p , sVj c ; Fiench kip , Sl.OO ifl 1.20" ; hem. call , Sl.OiK l.lO ; oak e.tlt , Sl.lHJ fl 1.25 ; French calt , S1.2.V31.S5 ; Morocco boot 1"C , 30@i2c : ; Morocco oil pebble , 2Sc < ? 2c ; toi > - pincs and llnliiRS , . 0.00 10.00 per doP HIAVY : JI.MIDWAUI : iron , late. 82.25 ; low stri l special cast , 4c ; ciuclb lesterl , lie ; east tools do , l'i < ? lS ; ; wagon spokes' per st , S1.75itt,00 ( : ; hubs , per sot fel.25 ; lelloe.s , sawed ilrv , 81.40 ; longties , rach , 75e ; nvie ? . each , 7fio ; squaio nuts , per lb. "C'iUc ; cell chain , per lb , ix$12c ; malleable. G bc : Iron wedges , r > c : crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , -to ; spilng steel , 7@ > ic : Umden's hoi.sesliocs , 84.10 ; Uurdcn's mute shoes. 85.40. IJ.irbep wire , m ear lots , 84.1X ) per 100 Ibs. ronl Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , 82.50 ; steel nails , 82.05 ; Shot-81.0.V bncKsliot , S1.S5 : oriental powder , kegs S'---O : do. half kegs , 82.00 ; do , iiimrtcr kegs. 81.50 ; blasting , ke-s , § 2.a' > fuse , per 10 teet. 05e. l.cadUar.SKt. PAINTS IN Oii.ineeao. . Omaha , P. P kc ; white lend , St. Lc-.tls , pine , 87.75 ; Mar- ' ellles green. 1 to 5 In cans. 2e ; Kienehzine trrcen seal , lUc ; French zinc red seal , lie ; French y.ine , In varnish nsst , 20c ; French zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , American , 18s ; Indian VAH.MSIIK.S HanetSj per gallon : Furni ture , extra , S1.10i.fnrulttiie ; , , No , I , Sl.OO ; coach extra , S1.40roach ; , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; ' Japan , 70c ; asphaltnm. extra , 5bc ; shellad , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsli , SriniTS-Colosnospirits. 1SS. proof , S1.14 : do 101 proof , S1.15. ; spirits , second aualitv. 101 proof , 51.14 : do.lbS. pioot. 81.13. Alco hol. IbS jiroof , S2.1'4pi1r wine gallon. Redis- Hled ! _ whiskies , 8OOf Jt.50. Gin , blended , impotted , per case. iercnsc ) , SlO.OOrSHCoo : , ' ' maiistown. 12c ; lanipblack , ordinary. 8e ; Prussian blue,55c ; ultramarine , 18cvamlyke. ; brown , Sc : timber , bur.nt , 4c ; nmber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pails green , genuine. 'J5c ; rans creen. common. 22e : ciiiome trreon. N. Y. . 20c : chrome green , K , l-'c ; vermillon | , Knt'Iisli , in oil 70c ; raw and burn c nmber. 1 lb cans. r 'c ; iaw and burnt sienna , 1'Jc : Vandyke , brown , 13c ; re- lincil lampblack , 12c ; coach black and ivory bhick , lOc : drop black. ICc ; Prussian bine , 40e ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; ctirome green , K , M . & I ) . , lOc ; blind and shutter irrecn , L. , M. &D. , IPx ; ; Paris uicon , J8c ; Indian red. lbc ; Venetian red. Oc : Tuscan. 22c : American veimillion. L. A-1) . , 20c : yellow orhre , ! te ; L. M. it O. D. . 18e ; good ochre , 10c ; patent dryer , 8c ; gr.nnlng color , light oak , daikoak , wlanut , chestnut nnd ash. 12c Dituns AND CMUMICAI.S Acid , rarbolic , 32c : acid , tartaric , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per B , 4"c : bark , sassafras , per lb. lOc ; calomel , perlb72o : chlnclioiilitm. per oz , 40c ; chloro- lorm , per It-lOc ; Do\er's powders , per ll > , 81.25 ; epsom salts , per lb , 3 > c ; glycerine , pine , per lb. 18c : lead , acetate , per lb. 2lfi ; oil , castor. No. 1 , per gal. , Ssl.50 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil. ollye.pcr gal.,51.40 ; Poiorlgannum , 50c ; opium , $3.30 ; quinine , i. . & W. and R. its. , per oz , 70c ; potassium Iodide , per lb , 83.00 : snllcin , perez , 40o ; mil phnto morphine , per oz. 52.40 ; sulphur , per lb , 4c ; strychnine , r-eroz , sjl.25. Dry ijtiinbor. DIMENSIONS AM ) TIMllHRS. tart U ftllO ft'lH ' ft 20 ft yj ft 24 ft 2.vl 15.50 I5.BO ! IO.OO | 17.0) 20.0021.00 JJlO 115.00 ir.r.ii 10.00' ' 17.0)21.00 ) 22.00 'I.1..W ' 15.5'J l..r > 0 W.OOll7.00.2).OOS1.00 ) 2x10. . in.fio 15.60 .1(1.0017.00.20.0021.00 ( . 15.50 1.1.50 1IJ.OO 17.00 21.00'22.00 ' 4X1-8AS. 1U.UO IU.UU 10.00li.M | ( 17.uOilU.OO'gQ ' 00 iioAiini. No. 1 Com. s. 1. a. 12,14 and 10 ft 517.50 No. 2 ' 12,14 and 10 ft 14.75 No. 3 " "i 1 ! > , 14 and 1C It 13.50 No.4 " " 12.14and 10 ft 12.00 I'BNCINO. No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 nnd 14 ft. , rough..517,03 No. 2 , 4 & Oiucli , 12 mid 14 ft. , rough. . . 13.5'J ' SIDING. 1st com. , la. 14 and 10 ft S21.00 2d " " " 20.00 Fence " " 11.00 rini.ixn AND PAKTITION. 1st com. , J/lii White I'ltm Partition..533.00 2d " " " " " . . . . 27.00 Cleai % In. Norway Pine Ccllln ? 15.00 FI.OOHIMO. A flinch , white nine S .oo 00 Inch , " " W.oo E flinch , " " 17.50 STOCK IIOAIIOS. A 12 Inch. s.l s. 12,11 and 10 ft 841.00 U12 inch , ' " " 42.00 D13 inch. " ' " 23.03 No. 1 Com. 12 In.s. 1 S..12,14 18.50 MN'ISULNd. 1st nnd 2rt. clear , 1'f Inch , s. 2 s § 50.00 1st nnd 2tl , clear , IK , 2 inch , . U s 50.00 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s.2ji 45.00 A select , 1 Inch. s. 2 H. . . . , . ' ,0.00 U select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. ' , . . 211.00 No. 1 , plain,8aml lOiinelit ; , , . . . S 17.50 No. 2 , pl.un.a and 10lnp | 15.50 Slimil.KS , I.ATII. AStandaid . ' . ' ! . ' . ' ; ' S2.r.O 5-Inch clear. J . , . - 1.10 6-Inch clear 4.s l.tO No. 1 ' , . , , : .H ) Cedar * A . ' . , - 2.40 Lath , - . 2.85 f TtIL * V TC * ' Qnlncy white limu ( bc'sf.1 , . . . S0.80 Cement ( Akion.P ) , ? : . 1.05 Hair . . 0.35 Plaster ; - . 2.75 Tarred felt , percwt v.- . . 2.00 Straw board , . * , . . , 1.55 IIEItlll.NOS. IHrsiHT il'UQr ' KtS Mew visn . UbUjI'lg Hen's S't.No 1 I/br 004 * 00 3 b5 2 03 1 70 | ft I/KO Ulb'd rancy.5 003 002 75 1 55 I 30 50 45 L'g U'U Sli'ro Key | 6 OOja 05 75 1 55 1 30 ! 50 46 | Url Hf jiblsO'rBlils.l'allsor Klti haw , ] 00 M | o 40 13 10 KKKllcr'ntfslt X.I 600 808 803 JO. . . , 1 04 00 Holland her- rlnvs , new.l. . . . | 83 LAKE flSII. VISIT | l'r ' llblo.Qr llblg 1"UKI8 , * " " ' I Iff ) 9U | & 0 10 12 I 10 Ko , 1 wiiito Fish ; 7 oo ; B ao 3 w,3 101 01 "To Fmnll ! _ > ; WblUl FlBU..13 6'J 3 152 05 I W , 62 55 NalTrout , t 60052 651103 74 G5 OMAHA JOBBEES' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A , jrosru , JR. , Artists' Mntei lals , Piouos and I.M1 I'oiiRlas Street , Ornf.lia. Agricultural Implements. 'cuvKcnii.L VA m\"mi ? " WholcKilelirnIrr In Agricultural ImiilenuMits , Wneons , and IhiKrl Jono ittreet , bctnceu 9th HiiillOtli.OmnliB. Neb. r METCALF co. , Agricultural Implements , Waion . ( 'arrlaje < . IliK" le > , Kto. , Whole ale , OTiah * FA It LL\,01t EXDOIt I-P - M. WhotcsnloDealorBln ARrirulturnl Iiiiiilpinriits , tVaRon aml Itncilot. WJI.OH.tOJ nn.l'.O ? , Jones t Butter and Eggs. yiS ( ' SC Hnycrs of Hut tor and Kpjjs. ItefrlRcnunr mid Parklnir Home , llth nnd leaven- worthSt. 1.1' . It. ll.TiiK-k.Onialin. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Hntchers' Tooli ami Supplies , CusliiBS of nil klniln alniiya in stuck. 1JID Builders' Hardware and Scales. " jfrMEHAUGir , b rTf YLolt , Uuilders'Hnrdvvare&Scale HepnlrShop lleclianiCB'Tools nnd llulTllo Srnles. 1IOJ Douchu f t. , Oinalm , Neb. LEE , FRIED 0 CO. , Jobbers of Harthvarc and Nails , Tlnwnrc , Shri't Iron , Kc. Accnt for Itnno SinlCf , ami Mltitnl Powder Co. , Omiili'i. Neb. RECTOR ,0 U'lLlTELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Wcflern nccntj for JofTerfon Htcel Nnll' . Anftln 1'owtlerCo. Kalrtinnki * Mnndnrd Sealcs. Corner loth llarney , ( liuaha. Building Material. OJLLITA Dealer In All KlniU of Uuildlmj Material at Wholcsnli ! . 13th Street nnd Union 1'nclllc'c , ( Ininlm. Boots and Shoes. Ay " ifAyr > 'sE SHOE coMj'Ayy , Manufiu'ti rer ? nnd Wliolenlc Dcaluru In Doota and Slices , Com pi f to BtocU of Uublicr Hoods nlw.-ijs on baud WJ S. 13tli it. , Omaha , Neb. A. T. Austin , Agent. ir. v. MORSE .0 co. Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoes. 1 < 11 Farnam tt. , Onuiba , Nob. Mumifuctu. j , ijummur flroct , llosttin. Bear. M. KEATIXG , for Aiilieusor-Tlush - Ass'n Apt. - DrcwingAss'n Special Urnndt. ? * au tUudwcl or nnd KrlanKcr. STORX 0 ILER , Latter Heer Urowers , 1521 North 1'lh Hlrrot , Omnhn , Kob. Coffee , Spices. Etc. CLARKE JiROS. 0 CO. , Omaha CotTcc and Spice Mills. TeasCorrro , Fplcc . llaklne Po-ider. KlivorlnaTSx- tracta , J iundry Illue , Ink , Kic. HU-ltf Hiirncy fctrcot , OmabH , Nob. GATES , COLE tO MILES , Homo Cofl'ooand Spice Mills M'f'ff Co. CotreoUo ntcronmi ? pluo Grlndorp. Manufacturers nfQuklni ; Ponder. Flivorlnu ICxtract * . Illnlnir. I'.te. Try ono c.isn of oar ! ! > packnco Homo Blend Jloatted OolTee. li > TI lion ard BU , Omii'aa. Neb. Cornice. EAGLECORyiCIS WORKS , John Epeneter , Prop. IJaniifacturcr or Rub anlzoil Iron nnd Cornice. 923 Dodge mid 1C1 and 15 N , lOlli ft. . Omaha , Neb. JlUJSMFiyG < C 110LTE , Miiiuifacturcrs of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Flnals.Mclnllcbkyllshtetc. 8108. 1211 St. . UnmliH. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , Prop. Gnlvanlzed Iron Cornices , etc. Spect'slmproTed I'nt- entMcUillchfcyllrfht. Uli and51U H.r.'tli Pt.niahu. ) Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbore of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , ISucrs , Linoleums , Mattings , Ktc. 1511 Douglas street. S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnf f , Curtuln Good * , Ktc. 1(23 1'nrnuni htrcct , Orauha , Neb. Crockery and Notions. W L. WRIGH'1\ Agent for the Manufacturers and Importera of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Clilmneje , cte , Office , 31T South ISth et. Omnhn , Neb. Commission and Storage. Successors to Imnc Griffith , Commission Merchants And Wholoialo Deulcru In Country Produce , Fruits , ilutter. Kccart , 1CK * . G'lods on consleriinent a ( .petlalty. 330 N. 1UQ at. , Omaha. J ) . A. JIUJtLEY , Commission and Jobbing- . lintter. Ktrunnm ! 1'rmlncc. CoiulKnrocntii solicited. ilendquiirtcirt for htonowuru. llerry Iloxi-H unit ( lri | > u lluaLuln. HI ) DoilgostivctOnialm. ' PEYCKE KllOS. , Conniilsslnii Merchants. Frultd , I'rortnrn anil Provlsloni , Omnha , Neb. Coal and Lime. 'l' . ' liLILESTyE Q CO" Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Offlco and yard , nnd Nicholas BIB. , Omaha , Neb. Yard Telephone , OCT. Qio , L . l.AHAiiii , I'ren. C. F , RnniiHAN , V. Prci. J , A. HUNDEIILANI ) , Hoc. ami Treae. OMAHA COAL , COKE < C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 293 Houth Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. ' o co. , jranufnctiirersof Illinois White Lime. Ai.d Milppcm of Coal and Cokp. Cement , Planter , 1 Jme , HHlr , Klre Drlck , Drain , Tlio and Bower 1'ipo. onicu. I'.nton Ilutol. Karnam t , , Omnbu , Nub. Tclepnonafcll. Confectionery. P. FAY .K CO. , jrannfacturinff Confectioners , Jobbers of I'rulti.Nutn rnd Clfan. 1211 Karoam St. . Omahu. W. E. RIDDELL , Storaffo and Commission Merchant. Specialties Mutter , KifH. Chcuso. IMultry. Game , Oyetera , l-tc. ; , lite. 111 fcouili litb utrt-ct , d ) Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llultcr , fjnnio , Knilts , etc. KO B. Hthit. Omaha , Neb , WESTERFII2LD JiROS. , General Commission Merchuutfi. KOJDodeo Etieot , OaaUa , Ncbraika. CuiuIgurnonU jllclli'd. WEEKS 0 MILLARI ) , General Commission Merchants , And Jobbers of Forolsn and IKimestlc Fruits. Corrc- Bpondence solicited. Wareliouvoand nnicu.HON. Thirteenth Ht. , OmuliM , Ntb. Tulephone i" " ' . Live Stock Commission. M. JtUJtKE ,0 SOXS , Live Stock Commission. Goo. llu'ke. Manager. Union Stock Yardi , B. Otauha. Telephone LSI. SAVAGE ,0 GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Bhlpmenti of uny mid all klndi of Stock tollctted. Union block Yards , Omaba , Ncu OMAHfl ROBBERS' DIRECTORY Cigars and Tobacco. of Clears , Tolincco , Oani mul Ammunition. 215 to.p ! llttitt. , 1(00 ( tel l > f.4 Cnrnnni t . Oinnhn. Ncl . Tr/i'.S7' , P llanufucttircrs of Kino Clears , And Wbnlc < nlo 1lonI T 111 l.cnf T < ibar Hi , Nos. 103 ( tmlllON. Klh Mri'ctDunlin. Dry Goon's. Drj * Goods , Furtilsliine OootU AXotious Kln * . r < ir. lllhSt .Omnlm.Nili. DisUllers , Dlttlllers of LiquorAlcoliol nnd FplrlH. Importers Btiil Jolliers of Wlnonml Liquor * . W1LLO ir.ST/f/.Vf.'S JISTILLE'Y CO. ( tilt ! JLEIt l > CO. , Importer * anil Jobberof Vine Wlnon Kti'l I.lqnnr . bolpnmnufi ctiirt'Mot Kennedy KK liiiiln lilt- trnumlhiimr * let.lquorv. till llnrnoySt. Drugs , Paints , Etc. jr. r. CLA HKU niira < : o. , Lnvec''t DIMIR : , Paint , Oil & ( lnss IIonso WcttofCblmito. fnniplrlp l.lnc of DriicdUle Sun- itrii'O. 1114 llnrnpy it.Oiniiliii , GOODMAyDltUG CO. , Wliolcsnlo DiUjjfjlstM. Amt nenlrrsln I'nlntu , Ollnnnil Whulon lilni'.Omnlin , Drain Tito , Etc. A. ll.SJU Ktt.I'rfK. .I.W.ltriirnnn.Scc.ATroaB it. J. CAIIFON , v.i'rcs. mul bm > t. TJ1E UX10X HYDRAULIC DRAIN TTl.K CO. , Omro 513 S. llth ft. Onmli i. Noh. Mnclilnprr anil Huppllra for .Mumi.'HOUirlnu Comciit Iiraln Tlio. Engineers and Contractors , JtA VMOXn < ll CAMI'JIKLL , Ensiiicct'H nnd Contractors , Jcc , VlniliictP. Iliiol Triurr ? , Strum 1'ito DrlvlnR , illuK , Unkunil l'.ni-lUMtoluint T. lllliM. , near riininin , ( imnliii , Noli. furniture. AVliolcsHlo Doulorg in Fnniitiiro. Kiirnnm i l. , Omnlm , N'cb , cttA.itr , us Furniture , lioddinff , Upliolslory , MlrniM. rtr. 13X1,1203 nnd 13IU Knrnum Bt. , OftmhR. Groceries , GALLAGHKH C CO. , Wliolosalo Groceries ami Provisions , NIM. Tft'i.Tnr , W.I mul 711 S. 10th fct , Omiha. Nob- Mccoitn , BJM-Dir.o co. , " \Yliolcsalo Grocera , 13tli ami l.pnvcnwnrtli ttOinihn. : Hardware. nr. , r. UKOATCJI , Jleavy Hiinhvaru , Iron nnd Steel , ilUBs , WOKOII sunk , Hurilwuro Lumber , etc. ISO ) nnil I''H llHincy et. , Uiniihn. KDXK Y P GfliJlOX , Wholesale Iron niul Steel , aml CnrriiiKO Wooil Stoclt , Heavy llnrrtware , itc. 1'JIT ami lai'.i ' I.ravcnwurlli t. , Otnulia , Nrh. TOX" JtOGKltS Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Grates , llrni-sOoocla. 1321 and KS3 farimm Mre.t. Iron Works. Iron Worlcs , WroiiBlit anil Catt Iron HulMlnii Work , Iron Hlnlrn , Itallliiu , lleiiuiB HinKJlrUers , Sicnm Knplnes. llrnn Work , liincrnl Kiiuiitlry. Maclilno nrt lllncksniitli Workoaicennil Works , U. I' , lly.nnil lltlietiuut. Jewelry. o Wholesale Jewelers anil Music Dealers. Dealers In Silverware , niamnnds , Wntchoi , Clocks , Juwelcr'3 Tools and MntcrlaU , etc. 1111 unU 10J 15tU Bt. , cur. Doilgo , Orualiti , Ncti. Lumber , Dealer in Lumber. Latli , Linie , Susli , Doors , Uto. Yanls CornerTlli anil UouRlan ; Comer lith ami lim ) H9. CHICAGO LUMlimi CO. , Wliolesttlc Lnnibor , 811 B. llth ptrcclOmilin : , Neb. I. Colp ( trcr , Man c. y. DIETZ , Lumber. 13th and California Streets , Omaha. Nob. W. Gil AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. nth unil ] > < > iilni ; Hi > . , Oiuiiha , Neb. Lumber , T. W. ITAIiVEYLUHliElt CO. , To Dealers Only. ORlcc , 103 Hirmm ptrcvt.Omnlm. ClfAS. It. LEE , JUarrtwooil Lumber , Wood Cnrpctn an J I'nrnitct I'loorlnK. Dtli uni OmuUii , JOjy A. ( rAKEFJELD , WJiolosalo Lumber , Etc. Jraporteil nnrt Ami'rlnin 1'orlluinl Cement. Ktnlo \font forilihTiiul.i'd llvdmnllo Cement limllutt Cjnlnry WhllolJinn. _ . i/Vo Stock. cryjtoy STOCK YARDS co. , Of Omaha. Limited. Jobu I'.IJojd , Superintendent. Millinery and Notions. J. OJlEItFELDER 0 CO. , Importer ! ami Joblicri of 3iilliuory anil Notions , 121.1 and l.'lilliimer Htreot , Oniuhii , Neb , Notions. c. s. ( io7)Diticn ,0 co. , Arc llvn only Direct lni | > < jrler u ( Gorman & French 'J'oys ' & Fancy Goods In Nebrnikn. DilciiRo prlrob < lii | > llcntfdvltliout add. Inu frclshl , HIS Kiirnuni bliei't , Oiiiuhu. j. T. Jtoitixsoy yoTioy co. , Wholeialo Dealer ! In Notions nnd Furnishing Goods , 4 < F. mid JDJ.entli HI. , Oimilui. Jobber" In Notions , irosieryand lientn' Furnishing Goods. IXUandltn ) K.irnam > t. , Onmba , Neb. Overalls. CUMl'AKV , Manufacturers of Overalls , Joani P.mH , Hilrtt , Ktr. 1102 and 1101 Pouglu * Htrcel , Printing. COMPANY Job I'riiiturs , lilunk Hook Makera , Aod Hook Wader * . IOC and 1G3 KoutU I'ouiUvnth trcet. Om.iIlK , Neb. ; ; 'ESTER y yjs'SPA \ PER r/.v/o.v Atixilinry I'libllsliers. Dealer * InT/i > . lre unit Printer * ' Bupplloi. fM boiitliT flflhhlroct. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. MOItltlfi'tO CO. , llanufacturen , Packer * and licult-u In ricklee&Htrktly I'uro Apiilo Viurpar UaktnE Powder , h'luiorlnKxtinni. . Tulle S.MICC , rrrncli Muitu" ! Wotli lllulnf , ( Jroofr 't- | r' ' " t-ole went > lor Voik MutuKund UgUutcJpjilu Ci der. li'J01.eavtuvi'rlli > l. . Oiunlij. fllifl JOBBERS' J.IECTCR1 Safes , Etc. G , Ayi Omnhn Safe Works. M niif ftnr < 'r pf Kirn mul llurel r Proof Sates , V H Doors , JnllVcrK. . Mint , i r nmMre Motk. Cor. Illhamt Jntk / ' . JU > YKJt , ( ' CO. . rf for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Vlr nml Iliitv ar Proof Snf > , Tlwo li'Clo , VaitlU and Jail Work lot I Fnriinin ulri-rt Oinalm , S'eb. Sash , Doors , Etc. jr. .1. nisKitoir co. , Wnolcwile Maniit.'ictnreK of Sash , Doors , Hllnds ami .Moultlliifr ? ICihniul Irnril fl . , Omnha.Neb. 6' . F. LYMAX , Snsli , Dtior , Itliuils , MotiltliiiR-a , Itullitliiif IViper , ete. Kill Simlli Thirteenth Street , DumliH , Neb. A enmplrle Hoes of UulUlcri' Hurt Uv n re. r/f/AY ? ' CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , ItoulilliicK.Stnlr Work nml Interior llnril Wood Kinltti Jui-l < > | > CIHM | . N. r. . cor. ftliniul lAMtrnnortliHt * . ilmnhn , Xvb. Pumps. r co. , Wholesale Pumiiw , IMpc , K Btoumanil Water Suii | > llt < B IK'ailquntti'rn f r Mi KomtlVs ( iondii. Illl farnnni n. . < iiiintm. Neb. -I. L. STllAyG CO. , Pnmiis , Pipes and Kueltips , Steam. Watrr , llnllvay nnd Mlllluii < < iitpllrii. | Ktc ! ) , ' . 'Hand ul ! Karnani lit. . Dniuli.i , Ncli. rfS. " it'jyD EMlyKitmrj'UML * COMVAXY. Hnlladnr Wind Mlllm firam mid Wotrr Pnpvllci , Plntiiblnctioo'lit , llrlllnir , lln < ( \ Jil < iinil Ml ) 1-ar- Hum St. , OmaliH. S. 1C. reltnn , Miiimcor. IVU'phonoNo.i'lO. Ti units. If. 11. MAIiUOFF , Wholesale Trunks , Mlllnnl lintel Illoek , Onmlin. Wagons and Carriages. The LcadinurOarriuiro Factors' , ( l * TAlil.i * < illti : K'S. ) 1403 nnd llll DmlKO rlreot , Umulm. White Lead. m U'JIITE LEA D CO. , StrictlyPiiro White Leatl , ptrcetiind f P.tly.mnlia. WHO II UNACQ < INTtD WITH THE GCOOIUPHr OF THIS COUNTRY WILL SEE V rxtMIMSQ THI1 MAP THAT CHIC&GO.ROCK ISLflKDa PACIFIC RfllLV/AH / 4tir reimon of Its central position nnd clonn rpUtlon ta nil prmflpal line * HnFt nnrt Wcvt at Initial und ten * nliml pnintii , ronitlttitcn ihe matt Important nilifi rnntlneatnt Unk In that F tf > ln or UiroiiRli tlnnrpur tntlnnrhldl InMI.i mid InrilltMo. ' trartl mid IrnlrlO twnreen rlllM of th Allnlitlc nnd Pnelfle 10 In iilflti tlic fnvorltn nnil lx , t route tovnil iiutn Kant. Nnrtlien t and Hontlionnt. unil corivs l > olntfl Went. NortlnvcHt and Aoutli\rr t. The Croat Rook Island Route fluarnnteflR lt pntrou thnt fenrfl o ( privoaal teen. rlty ( UTiirdiMl tiy n i-oM l. lljurountil v b ll uil b , | . MiiuothtrnckR or nilnnnini > te l mil. ul tnii. . tiln roiitimv 'JrtinTcin nt nil oiiaiiurtlne iiolnln In Unmn lieiiotn , nnd the itmuipiiiied eciufuit uuj luiurlotiof Its I'nttsua nr Kqiilpm it. Tim Fatt llTpro'i Trains between riil'wro nml Peorln. Count : ! ! ! lluir . ICan ai city I a uawtirth HiiJ _ Alolii on nro cmnpuwl > ! well xcntllatid. Iv I tiolitried HIT lIoiu'liM SlHirnlllilit I'ulliunii I'nlm * Fleii r of the ntcst ilcMprn. anil Miiniluon | Dlnluii Can. In wlilc.i clxbornttilr ronkod ini-nlxmv li-lnmely inlcn. llptwcenClilcnira mul Kiuuiif CltvilMil Alrldibll ro alia run the Cflcbimed llfcllnlnKCIialr Corn. The Famous Albert Lon Route J tlio dli ct nnd favoilto line bctnicn Chlcacnmia Mltini-upollBmidSi l'mu , | > riii i-oiuwtlniiHaii'iiiiiilii Inltnliin Drpotiror til pnlntH In tin , TcMrllui ICK unil Hlltlnh 1'ruvlncpn. Orer thin unite t'mt Eilin-M Irmai mo inn to tliu untetlnir pinion , viinnner ro > porln , | ictMn-iiuc | ] l.ii-iHili' , r.iul luniilinr xnil tlnlilna Rnmnil ur lown mul Mlnnmoln. It I. AIKI the mini Jc > liiililur iil ti > in. , iitliwhent lit Ui mid pmturul UmKiit Interior Iinkot . htlll unotliir lilllhCT I.1KK. TT Semca and Knn- kaki < , linn hrcn OIII-IUM ! lii'ttrein Clnrlnimtl , Inillall. jliDlin unit I , ray tti- . and Coiinill llluttn , Knn miUy , Mlimca | , ll miil Ht. I'mil und lntvrinmlU.o points lor ilctnllrd Infiinantluu tr > Un und I-ulilcrK. otitilnalile. ut well n tlckvti , it rJI principal Tlilci f onUi > In the Uiiltud btalo : ulii Uunxlai ur by uil- ilrcsslni ; K. R. CABLE , G. ST. JOHN , rra't i : Uoii'I M'K'r , Ocn'l Phi & Pan. P. BOYER & CO. DKALCIIS1M and Ja3 ? Vi/ork. / 1020 L'itrnum Street , Oruohn. Nob. Time "Table OMAHA. The following Is the tlino of nrrlval iintl do- pntturoof trains liy Ccntnil Htiiwliml Tiinu nt the local ilopotH. Trains ol tlio U. , St. I' . , M. M O. arrlvo ntij ilcpnrt fmin tliulr ilnpot , coruoroC Kill mul NVuhstcrxtrcots ; train * oil tlio II. iV M. C. II. &Q. iinil K. C. , St. .1. Xp II. from tlic II. Ac M , doiut | till others fiom tliu Union I'.iclllo Oeiiot. DrlilKO trains will loavu U. 1' . depot at 0:15- : I 7ll.SiK8:10HsWlliOjO : ) : ) -n'JU n. in. : 111:1 70 : lliiop. in. Ixmvo Transfer for Omaha at 7:12 : 114:15"3'U : -11:12 : - Iil0i510i7 : : : ; - 11:37 : n. m.l172l327 : : : 3 f.a3:37 : 4:37 : 5W ; 0:12 : 7:2d : ; 7:5J : 6:5J- : llUp. ! m. r/ouvo Hroailway 10 .15 p. m ; ArlvoOfimlm 11 W. I.v. Omaha lUUOp. m. ; Ar. llroniluuy 1025. In cirnct AtitfUht.itli until fttrtliPi' no tice. Tins Is ail.lltlumil to present truln fcrvli'j. .1. W. JIOIlHi ; , O. J' . A. . CONKKUTING MNK3 , Arrival anil departure or trains from Ilia Transfer Dupot tCouncil lIlulU ; UV.PAItT. AIIIIIVK , ClltCAdO , IIOCK ISLAM ) ! I'AI.IIIU. 117:15 A.M. I I'Jir : , \ . M. HUilfl A. M. 11.1:31) : ) | . . u. UOi4'Jii. M. I Il7 : ) i' M. CHICAGO Si NOItTIIWESlT.IIN. A 0:15 : A. II. I A'.1:13 : A.M. A (1:401M. ( : . f A TW r. u. CHICAGO , nuni.iNuiON it ( ( in.Nfv. AOI5A. : ! U. I A'JllSA. M. U6iui : > . ti. A 7tO ; c. J ( . lIlt.KAUKKK FT. I'AIM. A 9:1.1 A.M. I A :15A : , t A 8:10 : f. M. I A 7:0) : p. u KANSAS CITV , ST. JOr .V COL'-CM. III.IHtH I U bV : > A.M. CMiWr. it. | A5:33i- : . WAIl.thll , ( .T. I.OUI3 * l OU-H.- , A 3Wc : , u , I A3:3Ji' : . it. sioux cm * ft 1'AO'nc. A 7ij : ( A , M. I A ! > : P,3 .i , M. A 6ii : i > . u. I A H.J : i1. : i. Depart. AITIV1. A.M. r. M.7 "UNION I'AOtl'fC. " . M. I' , M. " b:2J : . . .I'.iclllo Ixpr s8 . , I0:55u : . : .Dunvitr Kxpro.j. . & : U5n ; . . . .l.oi-ul ISrnios- * . . . IhUl.i II. fc M. IN NKII , 8:10u . . .Mall ami ! ' ' Bi- ; L-.NJ ? ht " ijlsiln . . . Il ) ! , UIt7 _ Aiilvo. A.M. | KM. MIStfiMWI I'ACII-TO. " A.M. | I' . M , " . . .IMr Hxir | J . . . . Nltlit i\pi-cgi : . . . . K. o. , rir. .1. , v a n. UjSJii ! HISli , Via IMattimmtnii. . 7:00-1 7:11 'llcjiart. 7fMTilWA ll ( > . " " AnUi- . " A" . M.'I JM. . I I1. , 8T. I' . , > L ti O. 7A7u. i1. H. ' t > ; 15u | . . . . 1 Kloux City Uipn-g . I. , iT-o : . . . . . .I 5i5fOi ; | > ' .iliuiil AeciiiiiiiKMrn | ! ' ; ; Ma . , . _ J ) i-pn 11. K A BrVi' AI ( If. ' A rrl vo. " A. M.'l r. u. I " ( J."ll. A't . f A.M. I f. M. " . Rl"ClJljOl ! ViiJl'uttMiiniitli : | , I : so ] 7:10 : N'uTH-A.t.-ahM dally'II ; , J.illy i'cpt Huitt d r0 ; , dally except Sitiir < l y ; D , < laily ere i > t " STOCK VAllDTHAINS will leavp U. 1 > . < ltpot. Oimilia. Mt rtIO-7:3i- : BU.11-0CMii. : : in : 2IXIiJ:05Ui'i : : ; : - > : i p. m Ql'uclllo Hinrosi. h.-.M p. m , ; Denver hat10JS ; u. in , ; l/O-'iU Hx.'i:0i : p. in , Leave stock yarJ < for ( imulia at 7av-3-- | ! VDOlliirt.i : m : S'il1'in ( ; : i > -i:0i ( : ' . fin. in. AtlRtitioIJt. . leH. 0. f.i5a. : in. : Chlca-r * Hx. . . U ; B. O 5:07 : p.ui ; laenl I'.r. if " , i ) 15 n.w , . Mo. IVa S. a 5 : 7p. ic , 'U iv. t. lix. l < :09u.iii :