Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1886, Image 1

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Points on Society and Tips Prom Sporting
and Political Lifo
DJH | nt American Indies nnd 1'rnlscs
fur Vankpo Men Small Selec
tions In I'roio nnd VorHO
Other Foreign News.
On sl | > From Ijontlon.
LONDON , Sept. 18. [ New York Herald
Cable Si .cinl to the Hii' : . | The leaves
that fall from the gossip journals are still
bnwnly sear , lacking the gentle showeis
and billlianey of the full season. Hut 1
gather these fair , gicen leaves :
AN AMI'.ltlCAX Olltl.TO MAltltY A 1IAKON.
Vanity Fair Is Informed that a marrlaco
will 1,0011 take place between Miss Carroll and
Dai on Louis do Laiango. ! She Is the daugh
ter of Lee Carroll , ex-governor of Maryland.
Mr. Carroll Is the owner of Doughregan
manor , ono of the very old-stylo country
peats remaining In the United Slates , which
' l btamls In fine , park-like grounds and has
most of the featmas ot a large
Kngllsh country seat , with ancestral
trees and family nlctures. It was the
home of Cairol ! , of Carrollton , ono of the
signets of the declaration of Independence.
When he. signed. omo one jokingly said ;
"Oh , > on Incur no danger ; there are so many
Charles Canolls. " Whoieupon ho promptly
appended the name of his ic'ldence vvlileh
Identified him , Pere Carroll's sister inatrlcd
nn Ktijllshmati , Mr. Caton , a resident of
Haltlmoie , and had tlneo daughters who he.-
cnme tlie Duchess of Leeds , the Marehionesi
of Wollc-Iej , aud Lady Stalfoid. None of
them left issue.
Then Vanity Fair voices a much pievalont
feeling : What I legard as one of the woist
featmesof our piesent position in Kuiopcan
politics is tlie satisfaction expressed by so
nianv at the Isolation of Fiance. They ai > -
patently do not see that the more complete
this Uol.itlon becomes the more danger tlieie
Is that Franco may bo drawn within the
sphere of Hismaick's influence , lie has
much to oiler her at other people's expense ,
and It should now be apparent to the dullest
comprehension that England counts
for little In his calculations.
The longer wo refuse to repair the breach
which now exists between this country and
oiirnulghbois across the channel , the more
dlllicult tlio reconciliation will be. Theio are
already Indications of a leaning tow.ud
( icrmany on thopaitof Fiance. However ,
the Idea of ICnghind presuming to say a few
woids on any question of foreign politics ,
however much her Interests may Do at stake ,
appears quite preposterously ridiculous to
that overgiown vestry which we call our
citownr.o srnAJtr.ns ,
The Hat also flies American ward : This
season ( lie majority of American exclusionIsts -
Ists have started homeward earlier than
usual. Notwithstanding special steameis
have been put on for llio United States nnd
Canada in older to relieve the pressure nnon
ordinary tralllc , every available space on
board vessels leaving last week was occupied ,
nnd nii'mbcis of passenccis Imvo been
obliged to watt In Liverpool till accommoda
tions can be found for them later on.
As appiopos to the race the Hat says :
Yacht racing tor the present season in Eng
lish waters has concluded and among hci
Class the hex is entitled to fly nineteen nnd
tlio Majorie eighteen racing lings , Hut the
latter has every piospect of adding two more
to the number of her successes In the royal
northern yacht club's closing ciuisoand the
royal yacht legatta which later event will
mark the close of the season In Scotland.
The present mode of measurement has this
Fcason been found eminently unsatibfactory ,
the bixth class having got moiothan their
.share ot prizes , and no lirbt-class yachts are
likely to be built until the rule Is nltcied. I
understand Ubtiongcllort will be made to
induce the yaeht lacing association to calcu
late the tonnage by the load line and sail
Then the Hat diop.s Into poetry thus on the
ladles' yacht race at South Sea :
That their hands on the tiller aio light it is
inio ;
But thorn's something 1 don't understand ;
If In each yacht the ladles wcio captain aud
They would haidly bo said to bo manned.
Hapler , in the Spoiling and Dramatic
Mows , says : Two or tluee weeks hlnce , when
Wood was ten wins ahead of Aicher , 1 ex-
piessed the opinion thai Avvher was sine to
resume his ola placeat the top , notwithstand
ing tlio fuels lead and his tiding at meetings
lilce Alexandria paik and Croydon , wlicio
Aieher did not cato to go and where Wood ,
with his pick of mounts , had often only
boys to beat. Dining the Sussex foitnlght
; \ idler told mo ho did not think ho could
catcli up. but 1 told him ho was coiUIn to dote
to , and nheady ho is ono to the good. It
will surpilsomo veiy much indeed if , when
the Ugiucs aic added up attho end'of the sea
son , ho Is not a long way to the front , for his
exceptional ability mutt tell , and the luck
which Ims enabled \Vooilto \ stand so
lone can haidly last throughout a whole
yeai's racing.
Modern Society announces n regiotable
fact that can scan-ely escape the observation
of any body who comes Into frequent contact
with the couit tildes. This is Pilncess
Dealt Ico's over Incieaslng splrltleasnes.s. It
Bhowh Itielf In her face as well as In her ac
tions , and conjectuics as to the reason for it
aio mnneious. If ever the mybtcry Is solved
It is to he hoped It will not be found that her
rojal hlglinefcs realizes Bho has mnde n mistake -
take In her choice ot a husband. Hut whatever -
over the cnuso Pilncess Beatilco Is wonder-
lully changed , aud that not for the better.
With regard to Pi Inco Henry's exploits
with horses , iindpaitlculailyln tlio hunting
Held , wo H-eommend to his highness' notice a
bon mot uttered by thopiince consort ono
dny vvlicn he was thrown fiom his hoi so In
thopuik. On his aide-de-camp dismounting
to mulcr him assistance , the pi Inco bald ,
with a s'tillo ; "Ah , ah ! 1 thought I had Im-
pioved in my rldlus , but I llnd 1 have fallen
oil. "
A HiSTAKK soiiwiiin : ,
The Pink 't'n ' or The Sporting Times , hav
ing been on the continent , narrates 51 story
of a man who had been chewing a smalt
tlgiir at the bar forever three-quaneis of an
hur , and who came up to a Daumtadtor and
"Who is that young stranger t the uiaiilo
"Dot whentlemanV ? Ol : . dot Is CJangUaroo
Hill , n join nalUt. "
"Jounmllbt ba blamed. Why he's got a
gold watch and chain on1
, Helurnlng to London it adds : "I.ihby , "
-j having fiemienvly tried In vain to taUo dow n
the chancellor ot the exchequer , wants to
> U down lib salary , herd Itandwlpli ba <
often taken down "habby , " but ho can't gent
nt his salary , for the best of all reasons.
Now the grand old 'tins have been put away ,
its odds , agalnstLabby ; oven having a sal
run rzAit nni itimtT.
St. Stephens' Review has overheard a con
versation In third-rlass life of a mechanic's
wife who had brought her husband's dinner
to a public house adjoining his workshop.
The liunsry man cntcicd and proceeded to
demolish thciepast.
"I say .Jack , " obseivcd the wife , prcritsltiK
the newspaper , "I see that pooi young kid
napped prince has gone back to Sophia. "
"Yes ( with his mouth full ) . I wish yon
would put In more seasoning" ( pause ) .
"Oh , Its haul , Jack , fora man to bo torn
away from his wife by a lot ot scamps , "
"Wife , Sophia's not his wife ! '
"Not his wife ? Then the czar has done
quite right. "
miM'iNn n r. mmiiAxn.
The Court Journal learns that Lady llati-
dolph Chmchlli Is playing Mrs. Gladstone's
part during that lady's absence from tlio
ladles' gallery. For years It has been Mrs.
( thdstone's habit to como down with her
husband to the house and , taking her scat in
tlio right baud corner ot the ladles'
gallery , Iw-ln a patient watch ,
which often lasted till the small
hours of the mornlntr , Since
Lord Handolph became the leader of the
hoiibo his hamUomc young wife has been
constant in her attendance behind the
grille of the ladles' gallery. Her solicitude
is not n little touching , and it is by no
means thrown away , for Loul llandolph's
health of late has given anxiety to his
friends. Tills recalls , it may be added ,
stones of the companionship and solicitude
of the Countess of Be.iconsfield on similar
occasions ,
The Country Ccntlcnian asserts that the
hats of womankind aio less suheilcal than
they weie and pagodas are toppling out. The
style of summer time was done to death In a
jiffy. Bonnets and hats are coming down
quickly , and In a little while wo may hope to
find women with hats upon their heads with
tlie ei owns upon their ciowns. Tlie coiffure ,
too , is becoming mnro and moio modest.
The half catogati is glowing slowly but
steadily in favor , and bell ropes will in com so
of time bo In good style again. The
tendency ol women's hair is to hang down
the back.
He odds : Tlie folk are leturnlng from
Hamburg In big battnllions. They come all
laden with stories of the utter defeat of the
American division. Mrs. Cunard has held
her own as the beauty. All her rivals wcio
vanquished nnd the pork packers letlicd in
contusion. Hut Airs. Willie is not absolutely
withoutAmericnii connections hciielf. All tlte
gossip ot llambmir leads up to the lady who
issogeneially admiied. She is not , 1 hear ,
to go to Doneaster , wheio tlio Ameilcnii
division is to muster in toice. Here , per
chance , the pork packets may have their
tovcnge. The meie Yoikshiro ladies will
have to engage In combat with them next ,
M'CAJlTtn'S ' .
That sounds Ill-nntuied , but this paiairraph
is more kindly. Mr. lluntley McCarthy
seems to be in very delicate health. He is
not lobtibt to begin with , and ho has worn
hlmselt out witli much work and much
htudy. Ono bees but llttlo of him
in parliament , llo has not yet entered the
Held with tlio "Tanners" and "Hobs , " ol the
Parncllito pai ty. Ono looked a year ago fern
n marriage between this yomu gentleman
and tlio daughter of J. L. Toolc , but It ls > not
to come oil for some time. I undcistand the
Iiisli paity genoially Is gieatly given to mar
riage. Tlio Parnellites manage as a uilo to
mairy line women with propeitlcs ;
The Whitehall Hevlow , with its loignette
acioss the channel , says : The Daly company
ot Ameilcan comedians woio a high success
in Condon , and deseivedly so. Wo notice
that their visit to I'ai is lias proved a failure.
The Daly company unfortunately visited
Pat is during the off season. The richer and
better educated of the Paris people were at
the seaside. Few of those who icmaln know
the Kngllsh language , hence the audiences
who witnessed tlio Daly company were
scanty. English-speaking companies do not
succeed veiy well In Paiis. A very small
proportion of the Fiench people understand
Kngllsh sulliclently to allow of their follow
ing a spoken play. On the other hand ,
Fieucli plays succeed in London , because a
largo propoitloii of the Hncllsh people under
stand French. It is hero where the Daly
company must look lor their comparative
failuio in I'm is , and not to piejudlco or
malice , or because they had acted in ( lei man
Life , alluding to Mrs. Oliphant's novel ,
Alllora Pete , lemaiks : It contains In Mrs.
Clymer an excellent Illustration of the way
In which Amei leans , to say tlio least ot it , of
doubtful antecedents , aie , if pretty or useful
In society , without any inquiries , taken to
( ho bosom of liclgravln. Theio are nt this
moment Ameilcans here , ot both sexes , tor
whom no ono In their own countty has the
faintest lespcct , yet who heio are icceived
with open aims by our best people.
But Life Is commendatory of the city by the
sea : In nothing tliat Mr. Henry James has
familiarised us with have wo tlio charm of
Newpoit , United States , which lorloallng In
warm weather Is , partlculnil } to any one who
has the entice to the cottage society ,
simply delicious. Captain Shaw , ot
the- London lire bilgado , doubtless
fell under the spell , and hence excused him
self from attending the meeting of the lite
engineers' association at Providence , some
of whoso members , In view of the fact that
it had done htm the honor to elect him a life
member , thought ho had not tieated the
society with becoming courtesy. It Is only a
sliort journey from Xuwport to Providence ,
and U may bo hoped that Captain Shaw will
bo able to smooth uway the lirltatlon.
TheComt and Society Hovicw Is gtaelous
to the late United States attoinoy gonotal ,
wilting thus ; After a rather lengthy stay In
Knglaud , especially In London , and a rapid
tour tluoiivh lielaiul , the Hon. Benjamin
Hrcwstur has letuincd with his son to
Amcnc.i. Mr. Hiowster dining his visit was
thoieclpk-nt ot com tcoyf i om loading men ,
nnd notably from Lord Coleridge , who has
n great admiration for the celebrated
Philadelphia ! ! and for the lemnrkablo
talents which have placed him among the
fotemost statesmen of America. Many of
our readers wilt remember tliat Mrs. Brewster ,
whom Lord Derby used to call "tho hand
somest of Americans , " nnd who died last
winter , was n great granddaughter of Benja
min Franklin.
Editorially the St. Stephens' Hevtow claims
thaUiladslona hat work on a task which
should give the world Inteiestlng details of
English political life. He b arranging the
material for Ids own memory , and it is slated
tlut lie has already prepared for publication
souio of his enily recollections.
Iowa Weather.
For Nfbiasha and Iowa : Generally fair
vu-atl'cr ; stationary temperature.
The Plumed Knight's ' State Still Loyal to
the Grand Old Party.
Falling omtt the Volcof t 8 t Small
Showing ol'Tlili-d 1'arty ll.illotfl
llcttiriia Coining in
The ? Ialno Election.
Mi. Me. , Sept. 13. Two hundred
and twcnty-tluee towns give Uoihvell , repub
lican , 48,053 ; E hvards , democrat , 3'Ji/ll , and
Clark , prohibitionist , 'Jity. : The same towns
In 1U gave Hoble , republican , 5'i.b'J ; ) ; Heil-
man , democrat , 4lbOJ ; - piohlbittuii ,
U40 ; two grecnlinclc candidates , 2,00.5 , and
scattcilng , P. The icpubllcan plurality this
year in these towns Is 0.V 3 , against 14,030
In 1SSI , bcin a loss of 4,40s. A similar loss
in towns yet to he hcaid from will give an
aggregate \oto of lii7OCO , divlted as follows :
Republican , ( W..VX ) ; democrat , r.l. OO ; prohibi
tion , 300. : ! The labor ticket had no guberna
torial candidate , nor congressional candi
date In the fouith dislilcU but
the few llzuies of the coninosslonal
vote and In the labor vote will piobably not
bo known until the olllclal fumes como in.
All lour republican eongie smeu am ic-
electvd by handsome majorities , Heed In the
Flril district iiieieaslng his plurality over
Clllloid 1,200 acalnst 025 over Cleaves in
lb1. 1. The leglshituio will stand probably
twenty-eight icpubllcan senators to three
di'inociato , against a complete repub
lican senate In ISM. The democrats
will gain In HIB homo an equal
propoitlon , but tlio republicans will have a
handsomemajority. .
Cumberland county has probably gone
lepubllcan , excepting for sheriff whom
the democrats have doubtless
eleeted on the liquor question.
Olio bundled and clirlitv towns irivo
Hodwell Wl.ObT ; KdwarUstf..OU ; Claik , 1.947 ;
asalnst Kobie 1I.GI1 ; Redman S3K5D ; piohl-
bitlon , 741 : greenlwk , 1,701 ; republic in
pliinillty , 7,013 ; a-jainst 10,705 ; loss. no , : ! . ' .
Coiiaie s votes have dot been received. In
the First distiictl.iO ) Dlurallty for Heed is
indicated , others much larger.
A L ot'vr.v , Me. , Sept. 18. Ch airman Man-
lev lias sent the following telegiam to tlio
ci'ltor ' ot the New York Tribune : "The ic-
sult of to-day's election Is a far larger le-
imblican majoilty than was antici
pated , the largest , indeed , given
In the state for the past fifteen
years except in piesldential years. We ex
pect seven or eight thousand pliualltv. The
lieuivsat this hour (11 ( o'clock ) In-Mcato a
pluiality for Hodwell , of not less than 1 ,000
and not improbably 11,000.Ve have
rallied everv conctessioiial distilct ,
elected two-thirds to Uirea-foinths ot
the legislatute thus far , seeming us ( lie
bona'o ' and county oflleeis probablv in foui-
teen of the sixteen counties of the state. The
Republican plurality in this city is tlio laigost
nvei thrown , being moio tlnn 700 out of
a total vote ot 1/OD. The total vote
of the state will bo above 137,000 , v\hleli is
evtraoidinarllv largo lor an elf > ear. Out ot
this 1 figine that the thlid party vote will
not exceed 3i.,01 , far less than was ex
pected by the leaders of fie movement.
DOVEU , Me. , Sept. 13. The icpithllcans
elect tlie cntiie ticket in this ( I'iseatanuls )
county by a majoiitv. ot over 003. The ic-
publican seimtors and lepiesontatlves aio all
DAJI.VIJISCOTTA , Me. , Kept. ii. : Lincoln
county gives Hodwell about -i'lO pluralltv.
Maible , icpiibliciii. is re-elected senator , aiid
nil the lopiiblicau nominees forcounty ollices
were elected. Five icpublican icprcsenta-
tives and one democratic repiesenutivo aie
1'oKTt.ATm , Sept. 13. Tim principal cities
In the state show the weather ls > entliely pio-
pltlous for thn elections. Hangar , i owiston ,
Augusta , Bath , and the laiger towns all ic-
poi t a line day.
Thlitv towns irive Hodwell , republican , tor
governor , ll.50i ! ; Kdwaid" . demociat , Hil78 ;
Clark , piolilbltion. 071. An estimate ot tlio
gains in the Fhst concessional dlstiict indi
cate tliat Heed , lepubllcan , will have fiom
1.200 to Ifi00nlurallty. Seventy towns five
Hodwell li,4lt ) ; Kdwards , IB.CSJ ; and Claik
1.0.5S , against 'Jl.UH for Hoblo in ! Sb4 ; Hed-
man,10'Jil ; poliibitionisti , 3fW ; gieeiibackeis.
809 , andHcatteihiir 3 ; Heed's Dlnralltv , H.7U1
against 5C'JO , in 18S4a lepubllcan loss of
Elclit hundred and fiftv towns give Hod-
wcll"34,5'5-2 ; EilvvaiiU , 7 05 ; Claik , l,7r- ,
against lor Hobio in IbM. : m,400 ; Hedmaii ,
' _ " . ) , ! 243 ; prolilbition , 04'J ; gieen backers. l,51b ;
bcattere < l 7 , a icpubllcan plurality of 7'JS ) ,
against 10.15S. a loss of S.OJ1.
liAMioit , Sept. 13. The election Is ] ) ro-
gies-iing quietly heie , and tlio vote lather
higher than usual. Much cutting Is being
done on tlio local candidates.
LKWISTON , Me. , Snpt. 13. Returns from a
large number of towns In the second district
show that DIngloy , icpublicau. has been reelected -
elected to congiess l y over 7,000 plurality
over Gaicolon , demociat , and 3,000 majoiitv
ovei all. Dingley inns ahead of the republi
can ticket and Oarcelon tar behind. A laigo
number of domnciats voted for Hustls , the
labor and prohibition paity candidate. The
republicans have eleeted all of the eleven
icpreseiitatlves to the legislature.
KAsri'oiiT , Mo. . Sept 13. The Knl.-li ts of
Labor nominated their master vvoikman ,
wlioisal o a ptomliient ] ) ioliibitionlst , lor
icpresentatlvo to the legislature , and the
democrats nominated the same man. In
spite of this , everything at this hour points
to an Increased lepubllcan majority o\er the
last election.
Cave In.
Pa. , Sept. 13. A serious earn
In occuued at Marvlno shaft this morning.
One man was taken out dead. Six men were
entombed alive. Rescuing parties are at
work ,
The search for those still lenmlnlng in the
mine and to ascertain the extent of the dis
aster at once commenced. The mine foio-
man at once ordoreit the fans set going at an
usual rate ot speed in older to force air
through the ciovasses of fallen rock to ieach
the imprisoned men. Tlio " main
load" and " straight road , " as they
are called , are blocked , and the entrance
tlnouah tnmn is as yet impossible. It Is
thought possible , however , to effect an en
trance to tlio men by drllllm : through twen
ty-Cm ) feet of coal into tlio chamber where
John Young was working. This work was
ut once commenced anil it is Imped to reach
the missing men some time to-morrow. The
chances of rewnio are very slim. It Is just
possible tlio men turned back at the first tall
and made their way beyond the etfects of the
second full , If this ) is the case they will
have air enough to sustain life till
help comes. So far as known the names of
the other missing men aio as follows ; John
Caulen , John Young , Patilcl ; Nutty , Coimac
Magulie , Patrick Cavanaugh , Patrick Mur
phy and Patrick Jlaui.MJii.
The following aio thn names of the In-
juied : Henry Hunter , shoulder bruised and
thieo libs bioken ; 'Ihomas llealy , laborer ,
slightly hurt ; Joseph Heady , diiver , toes
mashed ; tieorco Mason , miner , hand badly
cut. Peter Kelly , timber boss , was struck on
tlio bad ; ot thn head and on the shoulder by-
falling rork. Kelly passed John Shnter , on
elderly mini , at the foot of the slope. Ho
thinks that the rock which struck him struck
Spinners on a Strike.
AMETKUDAM , Sept. 13. The striking spin
ners In iSchuyler % Ulood's mill did not go to
work this morning. The Spinners' as
sembly has resolved to stand by tlio
strikers. All the mills In town belonging to
the Knit Goods Manufacturing association
will shut down to-nlcht , throwing sooo
hands out of rmployment. A loug aud bitter
fight is probable ,
The Deadlock Broken.
MlTAVAl'KKK , WiS. , Sept. 13. To-uigllt tllO
deadlock of two weeks in the Second con
gressional district democratic convention
was broken by the nomination of Arthur K.
Dal.uiey , of Dodge , on the 310th ballot. The
vote stood K to 13.
Oniftlm Hanks thirteenth , with
Seventy-Six 1'er Cent Increase.
HUSTON , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to
the UKI : . ! The following table , compiled
from special dispatched to the Post fioiu
managers of the leading clearlne houses of
the United States , shotf the gross clearings
for the week ending Saturday , Sept. 11 , and
the IncicaH ! or decrease from tlio same
period last year !
* Not included In totals.
Elgin Dairy AInrlccr ,
CIIICAOO , Sept. 13. The Inter Ocean's
Elgin , 111. , spec ! il says : Butter advanced
Veto-day. Kegulnrsales : : J4,7COIbsnt25 > 4c.
there were no regular sales of cheese.
The National TUlle Contest Beclns at
Crcedin > or.
NEW \OIIK , Sept. 13. The fourteenth an
nual contest of tlie National Hitlo association
of America opened at Crcedmoor to-day.
There me seventeen matches on the pro-
ginmme. Most of them aie continuous , last
ing a week. The only match llnislied to-day
was that lor the Wimbledon eup , piesontcd
bv the National Hide Association of Great
Hritalu to the KatlonaPliiilo Association of
Ameiica. The cup was carried oil by J. W.
Todcl , u ho imulo llr > points out of a possible
150 at 1,000 vards. Tills makes threoconsecu
tive that Toild Inis won the cup , and it
is now his piopeity.
The Bnso Ball'Kcoor.l.
New York 0 020010 3
Boston 0 1 0 0 a 1 * 4
First b.iso hits Boston 5 , New Yoik } .
PitJherb Welch iiniUStcmmovcr , Kiiors
Kuois Boston 2 , Icw'Yoik'J. Umpiio
rulmer. The g.imo wtas called nt the end of
the seventh Inning on account ot Uaikncss.
AT b r vi ix isn.vxD
Metiopolltan . . . ,0 0
St. Louis 1 lnje ) l 00000 3
Firit ba'.o ] i\te \ Aietropolitans 14 , St.
Louis 5. Pitcheis-rStbnlier and Hudson.
Errors MetropOlitlinS U , St. Louis 3. Umpho
Kollv. '
AT WASinxoiOx
Washington 0 10000002 3
J'hiladelphla 0 00020010 3
Tie came. rCalled on nccount of darkness.
First base lilts Philadelphia 5 , Washington
7. Errors Philadelphia 1 , Washington 0.
Umpiio Giaco Pieiee. Pitcnerb Ferguson
and Day.
Hiookljn 0 0'000000 0 0
Cincinnati 0 Oaoi2000 G
First base hits Hiooklvn 2 , Cincinnati 7.
Knots Hiooklyn-4 , Cincinnati 2. Umpiio
AT B.vr.TiMoni :
Baitimoio 1 20020001 0
Louisville 0 00002000 2
First base hits Baltimore 4 , Louisville 5.
Pitcheis Kilroy and Chamberlain. Enois
Baltimore 4 , Louisville 4. Uniplie Nral-
Athletics. . . ; 1 80010012 7
Pittcbura 0 21000031 7
Tie came. Called on account of darkness.
First base hits Athletics 8 , Pittsburgh
Pitchers Miller and Bishop. Knoi.s
Athletics 0 , Plttsbnrg 'J. Umpire
KnnsasCHy 1 00030000 1
Detroit 3 2 13
First base lilts Kansas City 8 , Detroit 10.
Pitchers Whitney and Smith. Errors-
Kansas City J , Detroit 9. Umpire Powers.
AT S r. Louis
Chicago 0 01000000 1
St. Louis 0 00000000 0 bnsn hits St Louis 4 , Chicago n.
Pitchers llealy aud Flynn. Enois St.
Louis U , Chicago 2. Umpite Quest.
tionlRvtllo Jockey CIul ) Opening.
LOVISVILLK , Ky. , Sept. 13. The fall meet
ing of the Louisville Jockey club began to
day. The weather was lair , the attendance
binall , nnd the ti nek fast.
Six tinlongs : The Slasher won , Vulcan
second , Venestl third , The Favorite fourth ,
Tlme-l:14 : .
Second lace , mlle heats : Boh Swlmm took
the lend In the first heat and was never
caught , Ouy second , Malva It third. Time
1:47. : In the second heat Bootblack set the
pace and was never headedJim Nave second ,
Hob Swlmm distanced.
Tlili d iace , nine imlongs : Gold Ban won ,
Bob 1 isher second , Panama third. Tlmo
ll7Jf. : No nmtiials.
Fourth iace , six turlongs ; AVury , the fa-
voilte , had the race all her own way , and
won under a pull , Darklmll second , Catalpa
thiid. Tlmu-lia : < ; .
Fifth race , one and a quarter miles : Hi-
flight won , Efllo II ficcond , Monarch third.
Ti me-2:14. :
Jookoy Cluli' '
NKW YOIIK , Sept , l3.-j-Tho races of the
BrooklJ n Jockey cluD'iesiiltcd as follows :
Mlle : Gordey won.j Ermine second ,
Thomasla third , Tme-l':48. (
Tin co-quarters mite : Nellie 0 won , Ilypasin
second , Triple Ciosj thlrf Time 1:1'J : >
Mlle : Climax won' , Bfrjliday second , Saxony -
ony third. Time 1WX\ \ <
Ono and ono-ol | itli Iniles : Pashi won ,
Frank Ward second , Pontlco thlid. T 'ine-
Ono and onn-elchth inlta : Ferona won ,
Atetlno second , Elgin tlilnl. Tlmo l:5S' < f ,
Seven-eighths mile : Error won. Frolic
second , Bonnie S third. 'Time ' :
BitioiiTox BEACH , Seitt 13. Tiirec-quar-
tcrs mlle ; Thriftless won , Hannibal second ,
Helax third. Time l:30tf.
Seven furlongs : JJobMay woji , Beggais-
busli second , Charm third , Time 1 ; 35.
One and one-half miles ; Joe Mitchell won ,
Myrtle second , JIotBoxthiid. Time 245K. ;
Seven-eighths mlii | : L H. D. won , Banero
second. Poet third. Time 1IU : > { .
Handicap , seven-eighths mile : Top Sawyer
won. Treasurer second , Tipsey Uilid. Time
1 ; ! ? / .
Handicap , steeple cha e , shoit coune ;
Embart-'p wop , Puritan second , Muster Hany
third. Time 3:13. :
Kleim Icily us n Motor.
DOVKII , Sept. 13. The yacht Volta , pro-
CDClId by electricity , stalled hence across tlie
channel to Callals on a dial trip and reached
there in three hours and fifty-one minutes
from the time she staitcd fioui Dover.
Clergy of the North Nebraska Methodist
Oonferonco Given Appointments ,
Interesting Sessions nt the S.ynoil at
Aulinrn lilvcly Contest nt tlio
York County Ilcpuhliuim
The Motlioillst Conference.
TIJKAMAII , Neb. , Sept. -Special [ to tlio
Br.t.J Ths woik ot thoeonferenco on Satur
day was tlio usual reports ot vnilons commit-
ices , to bo published In tlio minuter , Inter
spersed with sonio episodes illustrating tlio
generosity of Methodist preachers. No
sooner was nny worthy object presented th in
the question was nsked , "How much do you
feel lor It' ' " and n response caino In collec
tions that amounted to several hundred del
A collection or nearly SSO was sent to Mis.
Haddock , tiiu widow of the murdeml Metho
dist preacher In Jslnux City.
Tiip evening session closed all the business
except rending the appointments , which was
done Sunday cvenln. ; .
0. M. tiilillhs ! , Clmiles Moody , Charles S.
Monte , J. J. IJ.uibury , Jnson Gallop , Edward
K , Wilson , lleniy linldwln nnd.J.V. . Miller
we 10 admitted on ttlnl. Mr. Banbmy's case
was quite IntenwUnjr. He has been appointed
missionary to China , and In a tew wcll-
rhoseu rcmnrks told ol his experience and
hlsdetennliiiitlon to spend his life in mis
sionary work.
Saturday evening was the
inn'CAiioxAL > itr.Tixo :
for the conference. lov. ! J. 1 * . Hoe of Omaha
niid Iov. ! J. H. Maxlluld were the speakers.
The addresses of the first two gentlemen
were excellent and covered all the ground of
the education of tlio jouiifr possible in a
sliort speech. Mr. Mnxlield , us Is well known ,
issullering from a soveio illness which his
friends tear will Incapacitate- him for his
work as picsidentof the Central City collect ) ,
and iiiiiny think ho will bo compelled toie-
slgn , as he "coins wholly unequal to the task
usually imputed on the head of such an in
stitution. Ills speech , of eoutse , was for ed
ucation ueneially , but particularly for tlio
college that ho represents. His nlea was
thought to bo quite eilectivo to patents to ed
ucate their dilution and to send them to an
institution within their own jurisdiction.
Sunday is always thottient'dayataMothod-
ist Episcopal conforeiicb. The vast roiitrie-
nation sing as onlyn Methodist eongreiintioii
can , whi'ii in the spirit ot their work.
The lo\e feast is one of tlio gieat features
It is the meetinir in which the pieacheis 10-
late thuli experiouce , in a tew words , ot the
pnstyearnnd tell of their successes and tiials ,
their hopes and fears and in this they aio
joined by the piineipal laymen , and oltun by
the women , who , In shoit speeches , speak of
tlio same experience in tliooar tliat is gone.
Nearly 0110 ono hundied spoku In about one
hour and nquailor.
The bishop , at 10:00 : , came Into the nnk
nowciowded with an expectant nudlence ,
who wcio waiting to catch eveiy woid tliat
lull fmm his lips. Many of thorn have hc.iid
his thillling speeches in thcS'-onference ' room ,
and they wish to hear tliu seimon ot the
moinlng. Thcio are no MM vices in the other
chinches , and this lillstho link to ovetllow-
ing. The hj mil commencing , " ( > , for a thou
sand tonsil'.1 * toslnir , " Ulead by Hev. D. Mat-
quette , picslding elder of tho'Norfolk dis-
'Hev. Dr. Frye , editor of the Centrnl Advo
cate , olleied piayer. an earnest priyer , that
hushed the cieat audience , making it so still
that it is almost oppiessive , as he prays for
the minister- they go out over the .state tor
their yeai's woik , and for tlio churches to
which ho shall minister.
The choir sans ; a voluntary that was very
cmlltablc and In keeping with the morning
sei \ ices.
Kev. J. L. StClair reads scriptures , one of
the psalms.
Hov. J. B. Leedointhen read Ilia 310 hymn ,
commenclni ;
"There is a fountain filled with blood. "
Bishop Fowler announced his text , 4th
chapter of .lames , the xili , xlv and jcv verses.
We cannot giyo a synopsis of tills wonder
ful addiess. It held the audience spell
bound for one hour ai ! a halt. It was a mas-
telly analysis of tliodoctilno of divine and
special movidence , tliat attracts cvsry 111-
divual that God has cieatod in his own iin
ane. It was Fcholaily , profound and yet
slmplcand bristling alt tluough with points ,
that addressed themselves to the candor and
intelligence ot his heaiers , and It abounded
In the most exquisite flluitiations. He is a
pecular speaker , quldc to HCH and gain nn ad
vantage and wlien he leaches the climax it
seems as though every point unit pioposi-
tlon was thoroughly illuminated so that all
can scu his conclusions from Ills piemlses.
Tin : oitniXATiox sr.uviri :
came at the close of the sermon , tlio bishop
oidninlng lour young men to bo deacons ,
The largo concieKatlnn remained until the
close and seemed intensely imeiestcd in the
solemn scene of the imposition ol hands to
Klvo these men authority to pre.ich and ad
minister the ordinances of toe church.
The link was filled with the children and
their fi lends at ii o'clock , nnrt add ) esses were
m.ulo by Mesis. . Hoe , Hums and Fiost , of
Omaha , and bevoral mcmbeis ot the confer ,
enco. AH HID chinches ol the city partici
pated. It was a u.ila day for lellgious ser
vices as nil the other piotestant churches
weio closed. Ho-oidlnation of ciders took
place In the link in the evening followed by
the missionary anniversary.
Five young men weie ordained elders In
the evening. This Is the highest olllee in tlio
gift of the chinch and the ceremony Is a little
more imposing than the oidlnation ot dea
cons ,
They were C. 0 , Wl ! = nn , J. W. Jennings ,
H. H. Millard and J. J. Honbury.
The anniversary of the missionary society
was then held , Hcv. A. Hodgctts and J. L.
St. Clalr addiessliiE the people.
The bishop made a line speech , Riving sta
tistics of great Inteiest. lie said that during
his lite , It ho lived an long as do the majoilty
ot men , ho expected to see the gospel preached
to nvery hunmn twins.
Then came the last act , the rcadlna of the
appointments. About eighty-live men , nt the
will ot the bishop , went to their work cheer
fully to labor tor a real and como buck with
their woik done and their teports teady tor
the autumn of Ibirf If life and health should
The cldeift oidalned were 0. I ) , Day , D. C.
Wlnshlp. J. 13. Priest , W. A. Davies and J.
J. Uanbury.
Klkhoin Vallev District. A HodiretK
presiding elder , 1' . O. Nellirh ; 1) . T. Alcott ,
Crcigliton ; Win. Hurt , Emorlck : A. M. Mo-
Intosli Nellgh ; Samuel Cates , Niobiam ; T ,
Oakdalo ; 0 , U. House Plainvlew ;
Hnttlo Creek , to bo uupplled ;
Clear Water , to be supplied ; N ,
11. Blackmar. Chambers ; Cielghtnn , to be
supplied : Elgin , \V. H. I'helps ; 0.1 * . Benett ,
Ewing ; H. lllaln , .Middle Blanch ; J. H. ( ioit-
ner. North Nelleh Ct. ; D.U. Wlnshlp. O'Xull
and Inmnn ; 1'acidock , to bo supplied ; C. M.
Uiltllth. 1'iercoV. ; . Newman , stair ,
Grand Ibland DIstiict J.V. . Shank , pre
siding elder. Cential City : D. O. Wotts , Al-
B. A. Hear , Scotia ; J , H. Leedom , Wood
Itlver ; Chas. Suavely , Heaver \ nllep : H. H.
Hilton. Central City ; R. K. PIoico , C'huks ' ;
Cummtnsville. I..K. 1 11. . . . l.lln.4 to . . tie . * supplied T. . . . . . ; . .1 if. , , M. .t. IA..II
idled. J. B. Muxtleld.piesldent.S.Hhone. ; .
financial agent ; 11. L. Powers , assistant
financial niront , Nebraska Ccntial colh e ,
members of Central City qnaiterly coutei-
Noifolk DIstrict-D. Mniqnette , presiding
elder , Noifolk ; Henry Baldwin , Bauciqlt ;
John Ciows , Coloudui ) ; S. S , Parker , Con-
coid : J. H. Davis , Homer ; W. If. Carter ,
Leigh : 0. y. Hcvward , Ponea ; J. W. Mat-
tin. Wakelielu ; William Gorst. Wnyno ; J ,
H. Priest , Wlsner ; Dakota and Dec.-itur. Jo
bo supplied ; Madison , to bo supplied ; Noi-
folht. to be supplied ; Pik't-r , to bo supplied ;
Wincsltte to be supplied ; 0 , S , . .MooreSt. .
James ; O. II. Main. Pt.inuton ; J. J. Han-
bury , missionary to China.
Omaha dlstili-t .l. W. Phclps , preildlne
older , Omaha ; J. W. Jcnnlnm , Blair : ( J. M.
Brown , Fremont ; C. C. Wilson , Hooper ;
Cha * . law on , North Bend : T , M. Hou-iO.
First church Oina'ia : C. W. Savldge , Seward
St. , Omalii ; 'I' . C. Clendumlng. South Tenth
Omnlm ; II. II. Millard , Hatm-oni park : 'P. B.
Hilton. OmalmCt. : H. W. F.stop , Papllllon ;
Win. Worley , Seliujler : C. H. Savhlee ,
Spiinglield ; H. U. Plitenger , Toknmnh ; K. J.
KobhiMin , Vneoma ; H. H. WlNon , West
Point : Oscai Ilggle on , Arlington : C. 1) .
Dav. lakhorn ; lleiman , to bo supplied ; W.
A. Wilson , Kennnid : JaneCharles. . North
Bend Cl. ; A. II. Henrv , Oakland ; E. ( J ,
Fowler , Pambler ; W. H. Lufher , Sciibnor ;
N. L. Cnthtie.uilsslnnarv to Aitvonn.
E. L. Fox , ( benelil ) left without npnolnt-
mont that ho nny atti-nd ono of our seliojls
laitliei-an Synod ,
Avnrux , N'eb. , Sept. Ut. ( Special to the
Btil : The Lutherans in convention hero
have had a verv interesting series of meet
ing over Sunday. On Satutday evening ad-
dies cs were delivered by the Hevs. F. J.
Hall , ot MeCook , and S. H. Uarnltr , the
western seeretaiv of missions. Hov. Hall
discoursed concerning benevolence and
mgedall to the full reallzitlon of their duty
and privileges In that respect. Hov. Barn Hz
has just leturned fiom a tour In CaHfoinla ,
where ho visited a numb r of cities and or-
mnked congregations and visited old ones.
Ills report of his tour was highly entertain
ing nnd Instinctive. Ho Is a very earnest
speaker nn I holds the attention of nny and
all audiences ,
On Sunday Lutheran ministers filled all
the Pioteslant rmlpits of Aubuin , except the
Disciples church.
At to n. in. Sunday moinliu the Lutheran
Sunday school was add tossed by several ot
tlio mliilsteilal delegates. At 11 n. m. the
service commenced. The seimon was dellv-
eted by Hev. Melick. of Wajne. Tlie sacra-
moiit of the holy stijipoi was administered by
Piesldent Huber. In the evening the audi-
enci ) was tieated to a most eloquent addles ?
by Hev. Llpe. of Lincoln , on the gieat nnd
noble woik 01 the ministry , urging the young
men about entering the inliiislrv to acquit
themselves well. Another similar ndiliess
vv .is delivered by Hov. ( iroenmlller , ot Han
over , Kan , Two young men were then
licensed to me.ieh the ( lOspel tor ono year.
Tlneo otheis licentiates , Hevs. .Lueschsi.
Schumann and O. 11. Sehnur , the latter oC
Omaha , vvcie solemnly oidalned by the lay
ing on ot hands. Piesidcnt Hev. C. Huber
olllclatlnp , assisted by the members of thoox-
niiiinlni : committ-c. The intcrrst mani
fested by the audience dining this ceremony
was Intense. The ceiemonj was according
to the beautitul nnd Iinpicsslvo form of the
Luthctan liturgy.
York County Chooses
YUIIK , Neb , Sept. 13. [ Special Tclecram
to the Hr.i : J The hottest republican county
convention that has met In York county for
years was held in tlio opera house to day lor
the election of delegates to tlio state and
consressional conventions. Considerable op
position was developed to the candidacy of
Dr. Knapp for governor. On tlio vote in-
stiuetini ; the delegation twenty-nine votes
weie cast against him. The delegates are
iiistiuetedfor Knnpp , witli no second choice.
The delegates will bo sine to co to Thayer In
thouvcnt of Knapp vvithdiawing fiom the
field. The following aio tlio delegates : E
A. Uilbeit , C. M. llivs , L. B. Fuller , George
H. Fiance , A C. F.bprllintt. . A W. Wellman ,
O. A. Liustiom. 0. H Wnlllor.indt , H. M.
Detilck. LeeMaitin , J. I' . Miller , L. S.
L ° sli. No instiuelions or piefercnces weie
stated tor the other Mate ollieeis. The
delugales to the. conuj.- > nal convention
.wero nlsouninstiueteil. ' but YJll not laver
Laud , They are W. T.Scott , 1C. Hoslnger.
J. L. Iliitchinson. II. W. Fav. AV' II.
Keeklev , Cliailes-Hi own , W. L. "White , C.
.M. Fulling. ( ieorsr < ) Boweis , W. A. Thomas ,
Maitin Burns , W , J. Hnsaeil.
Struck l y lightning.
PnXDEii , Neb. , Sept. 13. [ Special to the
Bin : . ] Lightning struck a farm bnlldin ? ,
noilhvvcst of this town , this moiniug , be
longing to C. Stiiibon , a haidwaie man of
Coleridge , and occupied by n German fanner
named Hledler. A plasterer , who was vvoik-
in,5 in the hou .e , was thrown down , and JIis.
Hledler was shocked , but neither was much
hurt. The bolt enteicd the house about four
feet from whcie a little child lay on the bed.
but did not injure H In the Tlio house
Isconsldeinbly itijtued ami is Insuied , but U
Is not known to what amount or in what
company. Itiedler and his son weio in town
duiing the stoim.
A Small Cyclone at Lincoln ,
LIXCOI.X , Neb. , Sept. 13. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Bni ; . ] A small cyclone struck
Lincoln nt 345 ; to day , nnd for a few minutes
liadaseilous look. A new biick block In
couiacoi construction by Balwiii Bios , on 0
stieet was struck and the tbhd story walls
were blown over on the roof ot S. E. Elliott's
crockery stoic , crashing thiough to the cellar
In the learpait ot their building , causing
damage to the amount of some S'J.OOO. The
second story ot a two-stoiy biick blockIn
course of consti iiction was also blown down.
At the fair ginnnds a lew tents and bide
shows were catteied , but no matonal dam
age resulted tlieie.
Van Wyok atakoa Friends.
Wisr ; POINT , Neb. , Sept. -Special [
Telegram to the Buu.J - \ nn Wyek spoke
here this nUeinoon to an immense nudiunoe.
It was a non-politic il speech , as ho came on
the liivltatfon of a benevolent oigani/.atlon ,
Fiom tlio time the old man mihed in town
to the time ot his dopartuto for the east ho
was the. recipient of constant ovations fiom
the people , democrats as well as republicans.
Ho hnsmade many \vaini lilends in miill-
tlon to ihosu he niieady had , and Ctimlng
can bo counted almost cei tain tor him , The
neoplo weio somewhat disappointed at not
hearing him on political malteis , but hope to
have that pleasino butoio the close of the
mill Khoimin Killed.
QUINCV , 111. , hopt. 13 , This ovcnlnc nt H
o'clock , ns a freight Ualn on the Long Line
airlved within a mile of West Qulncy , It was
thrown tiom the tiack by n misplaced switch.
The engine and eight cars were detailed ana
completely wieclced. Engineer Jack Mo-
Uarthy was caught beneath his migluo unit
crushed to death. Flreimtii Mill's ICenl was
fo bndly scalded that ho < llcd an hour later.
Leo Plggott , a brakeman. wns also badly
scalded , and It Is thought that he will die.
No ono else wns hurt. The dead and Injuted
Jive nt Keokuk. The engineer and Inemaii
have families. Thu blame for this accident
has not been located ,
Jichno'a Cunililomial Clerk , ) nllcil.
NKW YOIIK , Sept. 13 Oorgo W. Alter ,
conlldentlnl clerk and bublncss manager ot
ex-Alderman Jiehne , was biouirht frdm po
lice liendqiiaiters to the gcueu-l Hcsslons
couit to day nnd rmred ! with peijitiy. Ho
pleaded not gnllty. After that Alter was
sent to the lomb.s prison toawait liial. No
ball wns fixed in his caso.
Pnlilio 1'rlnter lienodlcl.
WASHIXQIOX , Sept , W. Thomas 15 , Bone-
diet , otNew Voik , to-day lilcj with the we-
ictaiyof the Intel ior hU otHclal bond in the
sumot § 100,000 an public pi in tor , which was
proved upon , The state ilcpaitmcnt being
notllied ot this fact , hh commihslon wns
issued. Bcnullct takes thai u ot the ollluo
CJicors for tlio Czar ,
YJKKXA , Sept. W.--Kmperorrr.uics ! Joseph
ycstoi'day attended the banquet given by the
ofllcoi'S of the army imrticlpatlng in the
nmnoeuvied at the camp at Lubicn. He pio-
poscd the health of the war , which i e-
sponded to with cli'-crs , whlcn the band 10-
cchocd by plaj lug n Htisslaa nnth"m. The
news ot tliU rcnchui the ivarat Hiest S-ovsk ,
Poland. Ho nt onci' telegnphed Ids ti. vnKs ,
aud tlio tc'ceram reached the Aubtoan e.n-
A Das Moiaas Darkoy Oarvos the Heart Otit
of His Boss.
An Old Citizen of Upper Orovo Minna
11 IH House mul Kills lllitixclf
Death by Ijiimlannm
( Jtlici- State Nevvj.
A Fair Cutting. .
Dr.s Moixi : , Sept. U-Special [ Telegram )
to the Bur. ] Last evening n joiing inani
named John Murdook was --tabbed nnd killed1
on the state fair grounds , as It is suppo'cd/
by a young eoloied man named Stiadcr.
Muidock has been employed on the giouniH1
as foreman of the giadvit. and in coimnuiv
with other workmen has missed Email
amounts of tnh.iccn fiom time to time , which
they accused S tinder of taking. Last night
.Muidock icpo.itoil the accusation and hot
vvoids followed. The negro pioposed to
tight , nnd thieatened to outMurdoek. The
latter replied , "Yon will cut me ,
wilt you ? " and diew a ra/or
from hN own pocket and slatted
after btrader. A few minutes later M unlock
was seen Magcorlng and lalllnn on the "
ciound with a halo cut in his bieast near the
heart , nnd the neuio wasseen i mining actn-t <
the u'loundsund down the traek to the city.
Medical aid was nt once summoned , but
Muidoek died in a few mlntiKs. The eoro-i
nets jury decided that Stinder niuuleied'
Miirdock feloniously nnd will hold him n-U
soon ns he ean be cnptuied. Tlio deceased !
lived In Falrlleld , Jefferson county , and
leaves n wife and two elilldten ,
1 ho police have been searching all day for
blinder. As near as can bo teamed , the two
men wotoquaircling ovci the ehniuo mniloi
by Murdoch that Strader had stolun a cent <
trom him , and this led to n li.'lit , in which
Mmiloch was stabbed so that ho died soon
after. Stiader's friends to-nlu'ht sav that ho
will give himself up nnd take his chance at a
trial , feeling confident that he can bo ac
Ju1niii Dots.
Dniuon : , In. , Sept. i : ! . ( Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J In the Congregational
chinch Sunday memoilal services in honor of'
the into Judge Hurt , the pioneer scholar nnd i
jinlst , vvero held. Tito bar attended in a
Sullivan nnd Wyman's innocence- the
Minueapolls-Xoithwood postollico bnrglailes
was established , they having been In Still-
water when committed. They aie btlll
held on tliucliamo of conspliae > to buiglamoi
the Cedar Haplds and Cedar Falls postoniies.
It is believed the legal evidence willinuvo
Ineillclent , though doubtless guilty. Sullivan
has been taken to Clinton to pievent hH
commnnieatinc with L.i man. The latter was
examined tins afternoon , Sullivan on Diet
The Western Union Is sccklm : to force the
North American to lemovu its wires fiom
tlio bridge , claiming the wind blows the
wires together , causing obstruction ot mes
sages. Uotli lopiescntatlves vein botoie the
liidgecompany ) to-day. The Ninth Ameii-
ean will ultimately extend llitonghout the
Epli Mori Is ( ho reformed gambler , left
Davenpmt for Sioux City , to hold tempoianeo
meetings with Mason to-day.
The saloon Keepers this morning each liled
SliCOniid co-t bond , and to-moiiow will move
the tiaiiHier of tlio injunction cases to tlio
ledoral couit. - ' -
'Cttptnln Porter , a fch'p carpenter , suicided
An Editor Suicliles.
PAXOIIA , la. , Sept. 13-fSpoclal Telegiam to
the HiiJ : Low-is Apnle , editor of tlio I'anoia
Vldcttc , shot himself thiough the head with
a revolver in a lumber yaid hcto at S o'clock
last evening and died this motnlng iti ( t
o'clock. Ho had been In poor health for
'oomo time and had had family troubles , cul
minating In the death ol Ills wife tinea
months ago. He bought flowers at the state
fair with which to decoiato his own giave ,
Sulnidc and Ai-non.
DKS , la , , Sept. 13. [ Special Telq-
giam to the BII : : . ] Thomas Whcclock , an
old and icspectcd cttl/cn of Uppei lrov ! ,
Hancock county , set fho to his house hist
night nnd then shot and killed himself. The
house and contents weio valued at S--WO ,
andweiuall destiojed. His wife had com
menced action against him lor d I voice and
iilimonv. and this Is supposed to bo the cause
ol his deed.
A Hotel Alan Absconds.
DKS Moixns , la. , Sept. 1 ! ! . [ Special Tele-
Biam to the Bii.J : : Mr. Kelley , who recently
took cliarge of the Capital City hotel , and
lemnlncd as landlord one week , disappcatcd
mysteriously last night nnd nothing lias been
heard liom him since , lie left unpaid bills
ngiriegating several hundied dollars , nnd
cairled away * rash amounting to , it is be
lieved , to about S1.200 , Tlio foinier landloid
has been sent for and has taken charge of
the hotel to-night.
Rewards of Felons ,
isMoiis ! In. , Sypt. 1 ! ! . [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnt-ioveuior : ] Lanabeo baa
oiretedarcwaid ot 5500 for thocaptuto nnd
conviction of tlio unknown parties who mtir-
dcicdamnuin Woith county , near Moody
Junction n few dajrt ago ; albo a lewaid or
& : ; oo tor the pat ties who have lately been bin n-
Ing buildings at Emmetsbuig ,
Hardware Denier Assigns.
Dis : AIoixiis , In , , Sept. 111. [ Special Tele-
giam to the Bi.u.J OttoNobllng. n Imidwnio
dealer at West Side , made an assignment to
day. Assets , S3.JOO ; liabilities , § 0,000.
nrijlsh Ornln Trade TJovlow.
LoxnoN , Sept. ill. The Mink Lane Kx-
piess In Its weekly rovlow of the Biltlsh
grain trade says : Owing to continued wet
wovthcr it will be impossible to makoati
eanV delivery of Bound nntlvo wheats. For
tills ienson tlio nun let points to no hiich big
dion in values as tlieiu was during the dry
weather , bales of wheat during the past
; rcckwciuiilfj.'i > qnaiteiaat : ? 4- > fid , against
57lttmatters ( at ills Id dining the corn.-
spondlng week of last year. Foielgn whcati
weio steadied by bad weather. Tiadd was
Blow and tedious. Seven caigoes arrived ,
two weioold , twelve weio withdrawn , and
six lemnincd tlneo Chllinn.tvvo California ! !
and QUO Oiegon , Desjiltu the l.iigo aiiivnlu
English wheat IB linn , although slow of sale.
Flour Is In MI go Biniply and liactlon
cheaper , tiilndlng b.nley is . ! d lower , Beans ,
peas nnd CDIII are nnchni'ed ! ; , OaUuro dull
and lid ul.o.tper , Linseed Is cheaper. Cal
cutta seeu is quoted atJO * Oil , ex-ship.
Fa in I ? Jino Disiibtcr ,
Bciivx-iox , Pa , , Sept. 13. The Mnrvlno
shall collleiy of the Ddawaio it Hiidhon
Canal company was the scene of nn exten-
slvo cave-In this morning , by which U la
feaicd a number of men have lost their lives.
How many It If Impossible to say , supposi
tions vniylng fiom six to nine. Thcie seems
to bo but llttlo question of the death of ono
of them , ho being a man named John Shaf
fer. A number of men wcio out nnd bruised
by the tailing ot loclc In making their e&uaix )
up the slope.
The OlroumrKiirlnn Imw ,
WASHING rex , Sept. IS.-Acting Secretary
Falrrhlld has Issued u circular to custom of-
fleets calling attention to section lOofl'io
olcomaigailne act making pun'lhlon for thn
collection of nn Intcinr.l revenue tax of IK
cents per pound on all lmj rteil olcomargii-
ilne in addition to the tegular duty , iiiukilfu
PKnlditu that tills additional tax innt > ! b (
l aid bi'loio the iciuouil of guods fiuni tlv
ot the govenitnunU