Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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Dnllf ( Mornl.iji Kdlllon ) Including Sundfty
Ilrr , Onn Vcnr . $10 Oj
KorBlic Mimttn . K
ForTImm Month * . 2W
Tlio Otnnhn Rtimlny ItHK , mailed to iiny
, One T > ar. . 200
OMAHA orrirr x * > . d isi w F AIWAJ ; . .
NKW ViillK Orrrilt. IUi > n , . THIIIIINB Mll. | . wxn.
All ootmminlcntiorm wlntlng to nr-tvs ntvl rill-
tortn ! iiinttwMiuuM bo ivldrossoil to the I.ut-
mvtsr.s > i wnannt
All lniflnc < * Ifcltorn nniiromlttnnooi should 1m
ll'lllrCWOil tl > TllH IIHW I'l'IIUSIIIMI ' L'OMI'IVV ,
OMAHA. Drafts. clinch * and po < lofllco onion
tobeiiinikipajubhJtotUootxJorof tliuooiii | > iuijr ,
IS. MOSmVATlin. KniTou.
TillU KAIItjf I1HK.
Sworn Blntcwicnt uroirculntlon.
State of Ntttirnfika , ) , „
County f Douglas. I' " "
( .co. li. IVfishuck.eeoictnryot thn HPO Pub-
llshinu company , does solemnly scfir that
the nctimlnulatlon \ of tlio D.illv Hco
for the week cntllnjr Kept. 10th , 1K > 0. was as
follows : „ , , ,
Sntunlny. 4lli lH'n ? ?
Kiiiulay , fith jlii'i !
M on ( I.if , Oth I'l'm * , ! !
' '
'I'tuvsdjiy. 7tU H'-n
Wed wsdny. fell Jt'1 ,
'riinrsd.iy.otli J ° x
1'rldny , 10th .W W
Atwapo ,12.bW
( iio. : ] i. Txscnucn.
Suhsnrlhfd PTII ! swoin to liofoio mo this
lllli duv of Seit. ) , 18bi ) . N. P. l-'in ; . ,
lHKAi..i Notaiv Public.
deo. U. 'I'Mchuck , bcliiKlhstduly sworndc-
iiosua nml * ny Dint ho Is swiotaiyot tlio HPO
Publishing company , that tliu actual nrcrane
diUlyctictilnllon ot the Dally Hen lor the
month of January , 1 * > , \vns 1073 , ! ! roplui ;
lor I'eOnmry , 1P , 10,505 riipU's ; for Miiirh.
iy-0 , 11.537 ooiilw : for April , IbW , 1:5.101 :
copies ; lor Mar , IM , 13.0 comes : for Juno ,
16MJ , 12HH ! copfw.foi'Fiily , isso , 18H4 : copies ;
for Ausust , 1W < > , W,4 < H copius.
( ir.o. I ) . Tzsnrtjci : .
Subscribed and sworn to lieforo mo , this
4th uny ol Kept. , A. 1 > . 18S8.
N. 1' . Km. ,
[ BRAT , . ( Notary Public.
Tins is to be tlio fluid week in Nebraska
Dolillcw. A Iano proportion of tlio pri
maries will be hold throughout the shite.
und the public puluo will on tlio issui ? of
tlio hour be carefully investigated by tlio
I'l.ATTK county has instriictctl for Hon.
Luaiulur Ourraril , not "Sownrd , " us the
lltrnhl put it. Our ambitious contem
porary should secure a stall' which is at
least as well acquainted with Nebraska
nnd Nisbniaknns us it is with eastern pol
itics and politicians.
the public printer , is pay
ing tlio penalty ofollieo in having his
record oxpoawl. HoYIS : iirnt charged
with being implacably hostile to puttiers'
unions , and it Is now said that during tlio
war ho was a rank enemy of the federal
union. The first allegation might make
him some tronblo at Washington , but
the other will do hint no harm with tiic
administration. It will rattier commend
to favor.
vOwmo to Wie failure of congress to provide -
< vide for maintiilnlngtlio National Hoard
of Health , that body has ceased busings ; .
It closed its doom in Washington iv few
ilnys ago , and the ofllco property was
turned over to the treasury department.
IL'ho country thcreforo has no central
sanitary organizivtion to act in concert
with local boards In case of an epidemic ,
the responsibility for which rests with
Mr. Randal ) .
Uv A typographical error in our Wash
ington special , of Saturday morning ,
Lieutenant Anderson , instead of Lieutcn-
uiu Colonel Anderson , of tlio Ninth in
fantry , was reported as next for promo
tion to a colonelcy in the infantry branch
of the service. An evening contemporary
which daily steals its telegraph page
bodily from the MOKNING BKK , trans
ferred our special , error and all in full ,
to its columns labollud " "
, as "special" to
itself. Wo giro it the bonolit of tlio cor
rection , which it is jiot likely to print as
cheerfully as it docs tlio news which tlio
UKE pays for and it regularly steals.
Tun Hon. Frank Ilurd , of the Toledo ,
Ohio , district , will make another effort
to got into congress. Iln 1ms an tincon-
nuorable ambition to again mmgln on
equal terms with the statesmen at Wash
ington , where for a brief time ho was a
Homowliat brilliant democratic light. As
vLlr. lliml is very radical in his uiiti-tarilY
> TIOWS and a bourbon of tlio most pro.
nouncod typo , his chances cannot bo re-
gurdcd as lirflt class , It must bo con-
.ceded , however , that among Ohio demo
crats ho is one of the ablest and most
iMit. IlAYAitu has received complaints
Ifrom a mimbnr of consuls that their sal-
.urios are Hisullloient to enable thorn to
tlivo docuntly , and ho says that the pay in
most cases is BO small that good men can-
mot bo induced io accept positions.
ITho complaints are doubtless junt , but
ttho responsibility for Inailoquato salaries
( rests with the representatives of the dent-
ooraoy vin congress , wlio have porsis-
"tontly made war on tlio consular service
mid fought appropriations for it until the
present scale of beggarly compensation
is the result , Tliu complaint of these
tlumooratia consuls is an accusation of
their party.
I'm : Canadian government , on receiv
ing information of the seizure of two
'Canadian ' vcisols by an American cruiser
iu llohring sea , for catching seal ,
promptly niadn n.domaiid on the stale do.
partmont at Washington for an investiga
tion of tlio matter , and notilicd this gov
ernment of tlio action proposed to betaken
taken by Canada. Wo referred to the
occurrence of these seizures some days
ago as promising a now subject of Inter
national controversy , and on > ) of consid
erable interest. The undetermined ques
tion ot \ \ hat is a closed saa will bo among
those to bo considered. Uohring was
hold by Ituss'.a to bo a closed sea , and tlio
treaty convoying Alaska to the Uuitml
States gave this government exclusive
* control of that body of water. It is ques
tionable whether Great llrituln will con-
i cudw that right. If not , tin , government
will bo called upon to indemnify the own-
ura.of tlio ve&9olt > .sui/.ud there , one of
which was taken IlM miles from land and
.Ilia other shtv-livo miles , Should this
government fail to sustain its exclusive
control , the valuable seal fisheries would
ilio opened to the world , and having no
protection would probably bo exhausted
ui low years.
- - - "
v wt
Tlio Onnit Sheridan Settlers.
A correspondent from Ilc-tvcr Orcck ,
in Sheridan county , writes us as follows
I would bee to call your attention to a sub
ject vrhlali seems to be pcrslHtontlr Isnorcd
by the county pavers of Sheridan ftiul Danes
counties , viz ! the contioversy orcv Uio aban
doned l'ort SJiorldan reservation , in town
ship : u , rr.nco 4/1 / west , llommtoad , preemption
tion ami timber cultuie entries hare IKIOII
made In this township under thoauthoilty of
the Valentine land ofllco which ate no\v
sought to be sot ahhlo by the ccnoral land
olliee on the cioimd that they were errone
ously allowed. Messrs. Moirls . "e " Tucker ,
the former tesislcr antt iccelvrr
ut Valentino , uavo tlio public to
uiuleistand that tlio Fort Shcii'lau ' reser
vation was opened for settlement , ami it was
bumaikcdon Uielr ninps. None kne\r anything -
thing to the contraty until a Inmlunire notice
r.ppeare l In the Olmdion Deiuoctat , Juno 10 ,
. ISM ] , which was a copy of a letter tiom Com-
I uilsslonerSpatks to Samuel 0. ( Jlovcr , the
receiver at Valentine. Wo have pineo been
officially notlticd that our claims aie Illoiral ,
and aie heiil for cancellation , dated .Vucust
11 , l.sso. When the notice appealed , on .luno
10,185(5,1 ( wiote to the honorable secretary of
the interior asking for fuithor liitonuation.
I received a moit unsatisfactory answer fioui
Commissioner Siwrku , merely stating that
my lllltij : Mascironcously allotted , and vroiihl
l > o held for cancellation , also enclosing lilanic
forms , onn for rcllniUlshmet ) ol cLilin nnd
one for the retuin oi lilim ? fees. Thuro was
not , however , one winit conceinlnc ; compen
sation or icdrcvi. lalsucot Up a putitloii ,
directed to Senator \ an Wyck , and iluly scut
It hi before coujiiess adjoutncd. 1 likewise
wrote to Congressman Dorscy on the subject ,
but notliluir scums to have been done. Dice
mast of tlio settlers on this tcsetvatlon 1 am
a man of no cicnt means and am the
unhappy po se.shor of a pie-emptlon
claim with my entire capital sunk m thcsamo
upon which 1 nut now residing. Natmally I
feel nvivoiison the subject. It looks as 1C
the KDiieial land ollico was unvrillltii ; to ac
knowledge the legality of the acts of their
agents. I would fool siently relieved to
leain the views of the Uii : : on thu .subject. "
The .situation as presented by our cor
respondent is a hard ono. The
error of course resulted from tlio
carelessness of the register at Valentine
in permitting cntric * to be made contrary
to the statute. In 183o u law was passed
providing that when military reserva
tions were abandoned thev should bo
turned over to the interior department ,
surveyed , appraised rind sold. The law
also contained a clause protecting all
entries made before January 1 , 1831.
Last winter General Van Wyck discov
ered that there was nothing in the statute
preventing the purchase of a whole res
ervation by ono individual or a syndicate.
He accordingly introduced a bill repeal
ing the act of 1831 and providing that
abandoned military reservations should
be subject to homeatead entry only.
This wxis referred to tlio committee
on public lands , of which Sen
ator Van Wyck is : i mem
ber. Attor deliberation the committee
concluded to repeal the law of 1881 and
to make abandoned reservations subject
to homestead entry only , limiting the
entries to 100 acres and lixinsr the price
to bo paid at the appraised value. The
bill remains in committee and will not bo
reached before the winter se-sion , when
it will no doubt become a law.
In 1881 and since nearly sixty persons
have made entries on tlio Fort Sheridan
reservation in Sheridan county and their
entries were accepted and duly Jilod by
the land olliccrs at Valentino. Land
Commissioner Sparks , however , holds
that , as the lands wore entered after Jan
uary 1,18&I , the entries muslbo cancelled.
Such action on the part of the general
land olliee would compel every settler to
.sacrifice valuable improvements made
on the strength of the acceptance of his
entry by tlio local land ollicials. Under
these circumstances the .settlers appealed
to Senator Van Wyck : to interfere for
their protection. Ho did so promptly and
received assurance that the settlers
should not be injured. The formal
notices of Mr. Sparks seemed to have
made them nervous about the result and
Iicnco the letter from our correspondent.
Immediately upon its receipt wo laid it
before Senator Van Wyck , whopromptly
telegraphed as follows to Washington :
Comml.sslonerLand OllicoWashingtonI.C. :
Slany settlers on the Camp Sheridan ies-
orvation will be ruined if driven olr. Can't
you suspend action until congress incuts ?
C. 11. VAX U'vci ; .
Washington , D. C. , Sept. 10 , ibbG.
And in a few hours received the follow
ing :
Hon. C. IF. Van Wyc'lr , Omaha :
Action will bo suspended In Camu Shotl-
ilan entiios. Jt. .U. STOCK I.AOIII : ,
Acting Commlbiloncr.
Senator Van Wyck is confident that
General Sparks will do the settlers of
Shoridau county no injustice. Ho feel.s
sum that a bill can bo passed at the next
session of congress to Jegali/.cnll the en
tries erroneously made , and that tlio
claimants need not have '
u moment's un
easiness. They will bo secured in their
Wo would like to suggest to tlio papers
of Northwestern Nolmihka who have
been hounding Senator Van Wyck
that they ought in all justice 3
to bo fair enough to admit
the value of his services to iv
section whore ho had little or nothing to
gain politically by Ids hard work in their
behalf. Time nnd ngain when in trouble
they havn appealed to the senator aid |
never in vain. Ho was active in securing
tlio extension of time to purchasers of
Otoo und Omaha Indian lands , whereby
their homes worosuyod , Ho worked hard
and faithfully in scouring tlio t\yo no\v
land olllccs at Chidroi : and Sidney. Ho
assisted matoriullyin soourlngnppropria-
tions for Forts Niobrara and Kobinson.
And yet thu political hacks and railroad
bosses are now calling upon the people to
retire a senator who has been so useful to.
them , ono who has experience and inllu-
once , and to replace him by n man who
will bo unfamiliar with the wants of the
Btato and with the manner of presenting
them in quarters whore relief can bo ob-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tlio JJattlo iu Maino.
Maine votes to-day , and political inter
est throughout the country will bo con
centrated upon the result , The oratorical
work of the campaign was brought to a
conclusion at Gardiner on Saturday ovo-
niug , when Mr , Hlaino mudo ono of his
characteristic addresses , The republi
can cause has certainly been advocated
and defended in Maine with signal zeal'
and energy , and as the result will be of
very great importance to awvernl leaders ,
notably to Mr. JJlaino , it cannot bo
doubted that the machinery is in perfect
condition for getting out a full vote of
the party. In that case republican suc
cess Is more than probable. The cam
paign on the part of the democrats lias
not been especially active , The party is
without an Directive organisation and has
had n very limited campaign fund. The
few rich mr In the party who usually
snpply mo t of flic "slnow * of war" liavo
not gone very deeply into their pockets
in the present contest. Hesidcs , there is
a good deal of dissatisfaction in the
ranks , duo to some of Mr. Cleveland's
appointments , and it is said that the pos
session of Uio ofllcc * lias brought
as much weakness as strength to
the democrats of Maine. Tlie policy
of the administration regarding tlio of-
lices has displeased many of the party
workers , and as there has boon very little
money to induce them to labor for the
cause ( they have done very little. This
apathy is oxpoctcd to make itself appar
ent in to-day's vote , and the more con
spicuous it is NKI bellerthospoilselcment
Will bo suited. The prohibition cam
paign has been fought with vigor , and it
is expected that the party will poll an in
creased vote , some of the more sanguine
having placed it nt from cijrlit to ten
thousand. The least of these iigtiros
would be a most decided gain over the
vote of two year * ago , which thcro ap
pears to be no good reason to anticipate.
The knights of labor also constitute a
quite important factor , as will be under
stood when It is stated that they number
over 15,000 , votors. It in claimed that two-
thirds of these arc democrats , but repub
lican argument has boon largely ail-
dressed to this class , and doubtless not
without influence. The republican ma
jority two years ago was in round figures
11,000. His not likely that it will be as
large this year , but it seems a safe pre
diction that it wlH not bo overcome. Tie !
election is .s'gmlicant for the efl'eot it will
have in determining important
matters , the nature of which was pointed
out in these columns .some day.s ago.
Ciittcrunil Slooi ) .
Those who after the lirst victory of the
Mayllower over the Galatea proclaimed
that the trophy was still ours , basing the
claim on the evident superiority of the
sloop which assured her final triumph ,
may now congratulate themselves upon
tlio accuracy ot their judgment. The
men of Saturday was a victory for tlio
American boat which demonstrated her
superiority at every point of tlio contest ,
although during most of it the conditions
wore suoh as are duuni'id ' most favorable
for the tutltur type. It is very probable
that , had a strong bree/.o continued
throughout the race there would nol have
been to great a difloroiico as thirty-one
minutes in the time at which the boats
crossed the winning line , buttlKj fact that
tlio sloop went to the load and main
tained it in a stiff and steady brce/.c
leaves no .doubt that in any event the
cutter would havu been very easily de
The result reattesls tiio American claim
that tlio typn embodied in the Mayflowur
is better.suited to pleasure sailing in our
waters than the typo embodied , in
the Galatea , and as a conclusive test of
models practically ends all controversy.
Indeed. Englishmen are beginning to
yield their prejudice in favor ot the cutter -
tor typo. In its .comment on the lirst race
between thu Mayllower and Galutua. the
London JVcwj confessed that Miccossivo
races had proved the superiority of the
American sail boat for the purposes for
which tliis type of vessel is inVended , ami
ascribed this supoiiority to the fact that
in the United States yachting , in its more
or less elaborate forms , is a popular pas
time , while in ICiiglanil thn .sport is eon-
lined to the aristocratic few Hence it
concluded thai our ynehtn are built on
better lines , and moveover are better
sailed than similar craft in Kngland.
Having repeatedly tauirht English .ship
builders liow to improve their models in
more practical types , they may now
conclude to learn of us how to improve
the construction of pler.sure craft. He-
fore wholly giving up tiieir devotion to
the cutter'however , they will doubtless
have one more trial. Meanwhile the
genius that produced a Puritan and a
Mayflower may bring forth another
greater than either of those remarkable
yachts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Coining Primaries.
The ropttbl'e in primaries for Doughu
county , which will bo held on Friday ,
should call out a largo party vote. The
convention which follows is a most im
portant ono. It will nominate a com
plete legislative delegation and county
commissioner ami will select delegates
to the state , congressional and float sena
torial conventions. All the preliminary
politics of the fall will bo bunched in thu
coming county convention. The repub
licans of Douglas county should turn out
in a body at Uio primaries. The questions
of what men are to represent us
in the legislature , liow Douglas
county's vote is to bo thrown at the .state
and congressional conventions and what
float senator is to bo selected will bo
practically decidetl at the primary elec
tion. Kvory republican taxpayer Inter
ested in lionesl county government and
a revision of Uio charier in Iho intcrehts
of the publio should bo present. Kvory
republican worklngman who wishes to
sol the seal of defeat on that vetcian
trickster and seller-out of the working
classes , Church Ilowo , should make it a
point to attend. Every republican mer
chant complaining of railroad discrim
inations which ho feels helpless to defeat
should bo on hand to east his vote for a
legislative delegation pledged Io work
for Uio interests of tlio Omaha jobbers
and wholesalers. Every republican pro
ducer of the county who is anxious thai
Nebraska shall continue to bo repre
sented at Washington by an lionesl , fear
less and vigil nut senator .should make it a
point to bo on hand ,
TIIK crimu of owning a lot in the same
block as a public building Is so horrible
that the legislature should promptly pul it
In the penal statute and impose the pun
ishment of instant death upon any who
commits it.
Tun success of tha fair and exposition
this year docs much to wipe out the par
tial failure of last year.s . fair , All
Dial Omaha asks is a few days of sun
shine. Those granlcd she can hold her
own with the best
Ilox. JIM PAUL is out with an aflidavit
denying the charges made long weeks
ago lu the KEK. Mr. Paul's nflidayit fails
Io state wby he has been supporting that
rod headed baby for several years past if
ho had no intorosl In ils family history.
MANAQEII LI.MNGKU of the Exposition
association deserves nil the credit ho is
receiving for the great i uoccss of the en
terprise which ho -supervised with a
corps of able assistants. A practical bus-
icss man al tlio IKS ad of a great busint. ; . *
ndcrtaking. goes cfar < to assure the do-
results. . ' '
HAVING cauuhtj ( rcronimo , General
Hie * proposes tO keep ) him secure. The
oppcr colored villain is now in irons at
San Antonio , wlicri will be tried by court
nartial and hung for liia crime * unless
'iuakcr philanthropists from tlio cast
ntervcno by securing executive clem-
Tin ; jrold stream continues to flow
rom Europe to the United States. Tlio
eceipts during the past month exceeded
.lotting * .
The cope of Hastings wield gold-headed
Thn Jefleison county fair wak a great '
Tlio Uoatnco D.iily Democrat was badly
corelied in its infancy.
The Grand Army hall going up at
Instings will cost $ 'l 0,000. ,
The fall term of the Nebraska college
it Central City begins to-morrow.
Dodge county farmer lired a hornet's
lest and burned two stacks of hay and a
talent stacker.
A withered branch on a crab apple
reo in Sohuyler has revived , and new
buds are forming on it.
Norfolk claims to have fell an earth-
iiiako .shock lust week. It was u pre
liminary county huat kick from Aladl-
The general conference of the Swedish
Itaptlst church of America will begin at
Stronibb'irg , Thursday , and continue four
The North Hend .sufleror. who usnd his
bed-tick for a safe and lost $801) ) in the
ire , will opim a bank account as soon as
ic gets a dollar ahead.
Kansas " 11. 1J. " has shattered the fum-
ily harmony of Minden. Several venders
of thn foaming froth have been bound
over to the district court.
They do pluy ball out in Lnnnly county.
The Slratton Kids tackled the liunkle-
iixin ItruLsers and done them up neatly
in tour innings by a sooro of tW to in.
The managers of t'io ' firemen's tourna
ment at Fremont made a clean up of
$100 , which proves that the "meet" was
one of the most successful on record.
The corner .stone of the Hastings Ma
sonic temple will bo laid next Thursday
with appropriate ceremonies. George II.
Thiimmel , grand master of tlio slate ,
will ollieiatuV
George Washington Parlies , a man of
family and hi thy mind , made an indecent
exposure of his person at lieutrico and
was promptly jailed. The anatomical
exhibition cost linn SJfi'O and trimmings.
Columbus , Schuylcr and North Uend
are discussing plans to secure the exten
sion of the Elkhorn Valley road up the
bottoms to those towns. It is believed
that a joint bonus of ? $ ) ,000 would sugar
the path and sccurq thej extension.
I'OIKI.I has proclaimed death to all dogs
whose owners fail \o \ pay a licensu of ? y.
Peaceable citlxen- . will move to the high-
lauds when the .slaughter begins. It is
dangerous to bo safe when a constaolc
pulls a gun. (
The Union Pacific branch Iwio or what
is to be known as the Omaha fe Klkhoni
Valley road has filed plats of school and
state lands crossed by them in a line
going from Worth llend northerly through
Dodge county.
Ex Kev. liurton , of York , who was
recently bounced for caressing the lambs
ol hl.s flock , has sued the Christian church
for back pay , amounting to $33l.3U.
Here is a gohlon opportunity for those hu
impressed to chii | < in and lighten his
bunions. '
A rattlesnake bit a dog belonging to F.
II. Dninimond , of Naponoo. Singular
enough the dog did not ( lie , but developed
hydrophobia , transferred the rabies to
the cattle , and killed fourteen of them.
The dog was leaded.
Cloth pnddl-irs are doing the country
around Way no and extracting "promises
to pay" in exchange for goo-Is. These
notes' will soon swell several times their
oriicinal si/.o and the maker will invite a
double jointed mule Io kick him around
tlio pasture.
John Liodgon's place , near Battle
Creek , was visited by a disastrous lire
recently. Five barns and sheds , ten
horses , two colts , a span of mules , two
mowers , a self-binder , a buggy , two
wagons and harness , 250 tons of hay ,
13,000 bushels of grain , ami a great deal
of farm machinery wore destroyed , in
flicting a total loss of $12,000 , ; insurance
? o,00 .
Lucius Dreniiiin , an Oakland cobbler ,
loaded with distilled corn , mounted an
untamed broncho and contracted the
hospital fever. He collided with a fence
post , broke an arm and splil an car ,
"I'm peggm' oul , " lie whispered to the
doctor ; "my uppers store is gene and I
feel a slitohin' car. " Ilo's waxing bot-
"It was a fatal day for Prince Alex
ander when ho embraced Herr DomidolF
on the Austrian border , " whispered M ,
Papon" , of Pltittsmouth , to Hubinski. "Ho
should have waited till ho got behind the
throne and pulled the curtains to. The
liulgarians can extract some consolation ,
thotiirh , from the appointment of Stand-
omolT as minister of foreign afl'airs. His
relatives in this city will rejoice and
grow fat. "
A Nebraska City wag hired a small boy
to "welcome homo1' the town band re
turning from the Syracuse fair. The kid
led the procession and "bury a banner
with strange devices , " painted thus :
"Tho royal chestnut bond , rough on
rats ! " On the reverse side , "Welcome
homo. Unshod with victory ami Syracuse
beer. " With proper care and tender
iiur.sing tlio boy lias a fair chance of re
covering the use of his scat.
The Hartington Democrat is the latest
addition to the growing field of journal
ism in the btato. Tlio editor nppcaro to
bo ono of the ' 'noblest ' works'"an
man , open to conviction and investiga
tion , as appears from the following
salutation : "Thoruforr ( avoiding oven
tlio appearance of show , fraud , misrep
resentation or cheat , wn invite you to
read our patent insido."i
John Fitzgerald has lust closed a con
tract with the H. &M. f61ks for the grad
ing of their road between Hebron and
Strung. It is undci'ntood that this is the
last contract that will bo lot this season
by the 1) ) . & M , road. N'oxt ' Monday they
open for operation > the < extension from
Broken How to Ansulnfo , This puts in
operation , northwest from Grand Island ,
ono hundred inilos of road. Next year
Uio H. & M. will extend its branch ono
hundred miles further.
TwoTalmago bridsoi's ' settled an old
fond by a go-as-yoiunloaso light one day
last week. The names of tlio commit-
ants , the details of thu fight , and tlio ex
tent of the mutilations are kept mum by
the interested parties , but it is known lliat
doctors with yards of liniment and phinlc
of arnica are endeavoring to patch up a
truce between thu former boautj' and
jmtsont mournful condition of t\vo proin
mant townsmen.
J , E. Jeffreys , a Nuuoneo farmer , rolled
ort' n load of hay ami onto thu backs of
the loam , frightening thuin jnto a run.
Ho was dragged some distance , and run
over by thu whools. His head was jam
med into Iho soft ground four inched1 and
a heat slice of the scalp shoved oil' , yet
ho escaped serious inliiry , Jeffreys Is
blessed with a hard head a trillo humpy ,
John Dearing , of Dakota City , se
cured a if 100 bill from a baby for live
cents , hurried to Sioux Uity and logged
up in great shape. Hu marched back to
town with n swell head and unrulllod
front , and was surprised to find a con
stable wating to embrace him. Uo .Mir-
rendered the remnant of the roll and
gave security for the remainder. Tin )
money belonged to .loaohlin Oitsterling ,
was droppml by him whlu | handling sumo
papers , and louiid by a four-year-old
A Scotia woman dnvamed of the
Charleston earthquake Iho vocy night it
occurred , und on the following morning ,
before any account of It reached tile
town , she ( Inscribed to her husband "tho
tumbling of buildings , the cries and wt\Us \
of the wounded and terror-stricken in
habitants , and tlio roaring of Iho rising
and falling waves of the ocean. " The
lady was so Impressed with her dteam
that she kept talking about it and inquir
ing whether anything of the kind had
happened for a oouplo of day.s , until
finally the news cumo confirming her
The masculine section of the west will
hail with singular delight the gradual
qrowth of thn sentiment that woman ,
licklo woman , must respect the tender
throbbing * \yliieh she inspires and on-
courages. Times are changing. Here-
tofote when an eligible wife .suddenly
changed front and slialtered an oiigugo-
ment the gentleman had a choice of only
two paths eif-sing the scor suicide. It
is cheering to note that this ungallant
method of revenge is dying out and the
more heroic remedy of the law sought
for solaro , linancjully and otherwise.
John Pollock , a Mjnnesota soap drum
mer , \mhonu ! in figure am\ \ tongue , and
just thirty , stopped oil'at IVndiir , Dakota
county , long enough to fall in love with
Miss Emma Priest , thobatiker's daughter ,
a brunette , \rith "Hashing eyes anil
eighteen summers. " She reciprocated ,
so the romancl ! goes , and a proposal fol
lowed. After due deliberation ami parental -
rental cogitation , M ss Emma decided to
take Frank Dyer , n townsman , and re
gretfully shook Pollock. The latter re-
lused to lake sott soap for the solid arti
cle and entered suit for $10,000 ilamuces
for breach of promise , it is hoped the
fc.stive drummer will secure sullieieiil
lucre to scour every town iu the
Iowa Items.
The Winnoslu'ik soldiers'
coitnty mon
ument ' : it Doeonih wn dedicated on the
'th inst.
From present appearances corn will bo
ready to crib this .year ; r month enrlicr
than muni.
Marv Sheridan , wife of Hartliolomew
.Sheridan , one ot the sett Inn of
Dtibuque , died Seplomber G of heart dis
A Cherokee dealer last week figured
. his profits on soda water and 5 cent
drinks lor the reason , and discovered
that he was over 15500 ahead.
One night last week some scamp brand
into Christ church , in Hiirlington , nnd
.stole the silver communion service eke
the line bible that lay upon the pulpit ,
A real old fashioned same of ball ,
was played recently between two Daven
port clubs , ono made up of married men
and the other of single. At the end of
the seventh inning , and alter four hours
of hard labor , u f-eoru of Os ! to 37 had
been accumulated in favor ot the single
On the evening of September 7 Aif.
Morris , the reformed gambler , as hold
ing a meeting on the streets of Uiibuqiie ,
when several Milooninen .stepped into the
crowd and attempted to break up the
meetiiKT. A ftro-fw-nll licrht occurred , in
which the whisky men got decidedly the
worit of it.
Thcro has been a pretty extensive sale
of liquors under the pharmaev law by
three druggists of Osceola. They aggregate -
gate 18 barrels , of whisky , 93 gallons of
brandy , 47 larrels ot bottled beer , besides
! W cxs'js ; and 2 casks ( nearly a barrelof )
gin , onu-half barrel and 1 puckago of
wine , 1 keg of cologne spirits and a bar
rels of alcohol. This is the amount re
ported for four months.
Monroe Goodyear , living near Scranton -
ton , met with a peculiar experience
lately. Ho was attending to his work in
the barn , and having given ono horse a
feed of grain , ho started to obtain more.
The hor.o switched his tail in close prox
imity to Mr. Goodycar'st'ace.who grabbed
the lail to protect himself. At tliis nio-
mont a bolt of lightning struck the barn ,
killing this hor&o and one beside him ,
prostrating two more and throwing Mr.
Goodyear some distance. Ho recovered
almost immediately and having water at
hand succeeded in subduing the fire
which was kindled. For himself it was
a narrow escape.
The Western Union lines have readied
The yield of wheat in Deuol county is
about sixteen bushels to the acre.
Thousands of blackbirds are devasta
ting the corn fields about Elk Point.
The Indians on the Yanklon agency
raised a large amount of wheat this year.
A casn ot ironuino Asiatic cholera is
said to have caused the dcalh of a man
near Lennox last week.
Eli Green , a farmer living near Maple-
ton , this year raised U.OOO acres of wheat ,
and reports that it will average nearly
forty bushels to tlio acre.
A movement is on foot for building nn
ice palace and holding a winter carnival
in Sioux Falls Iho coming season , with a
toboggan slide and all the usual ntlnic-
While digging a well on a farm near
Ellondalo ono day recently , S. W. Davis
found quite a curiosity in thn form of two
frogs. While digging in tlio hard blue
clay at the depth of eighteen feet below
tlio surface , ho came across tlio little fol
lows , about an inch in length , apparently
dead , but when brought to the open air
they ' iccamo as lively as any frogs.
Iturteil 1'or Four Ifonrfi.
Globe-Democrat : Frank Maiwturdt , a
resident of Carbondulo , 111 , , mut with a
most extraordinary adventuru on Friday
last. Ho was engaged in walling up a
well ho had just dug on thu farm of
Captain J. O , Scott , a short distance east
of this place. Hu had laid up the walljto
within a few feel of the top of tlio well ,
but was at Iho bottom of thu well for
some purpose ; all of a middon the bricks
began caving in at his feet , and the en-
lire wall settled downward nnd nOgan
tumbling down. No help was at hand.
Muuzhardt tried to oxtrieatu himself by
climbing up on the brick as fast as they
full , and in this way elevated hiinsoff
some livu or six feet. The brluk fell
fabler and faster , and nt last lie was
caught and hold fast. The brick then
covered him up for a distance of ten feet.
As soon us thu accident was dihcovorud
workmen went to his relief. Tliuy called
Io him and received answers , Tha work
of removing the brick continued over
four hours. At last tlio niiin wa.s uncov
ered. Ho was standing upright. One
arm extended , thn other raised abovu his
head. Hu was wedged in so tightly that
he could not niovu. Thu most singular
pint of the mishan was that hu was
comparatively uninjured. A slight bruUo
on Ins face and n little knot on Ids
head was the only damage. Thu work
men releasing him encouraged him all
( hey could , und hu kept urging them to
work hard. Hu says that his sensations
during the four and one-half hours' im
prisonment wore peculiar beyond imag
ination , but that ho was not unconscious
for a moment.
If the son could pick up IhiS dropped
fititeht's from his biro's work , his own
work would miuiru but JUtlu unravel.
When u friend points out your fault ho
arouses your minor. When un ouciny
does thu same thing Ub gains your ro-
" " " * ' *
fr r T iturtrm MmuU.
Horrible Fate that Otcrtook Bill , tlio Boas
ter An Unnatural Son ,
A. SltiRulnr Hlor-jr To Ml by nil Kntlcrit
Ijnwyoi1 NIUIK.PM niut I'ootlo
About fifteen years ago I sot up shop
as a lawyer in a young town in Nebraska
and the lirst enso that c.tme to me was
one to delight a Kwyer's heart. An aped
woman named Mary Sharon had duelled
all her property to her son William , on
the itnllet'stniidiiig that he was to support
lior and do so and so dining the rest of
her life. Aftorayear or two lie became
anxious to get rid of her , being \igor-
oiisly cnronnigcd by his wife , und mut
ters wi > ro made so hot for the old lady
that she could mi longer stay in tlio
house. Indeed , she was turned out of
it , and but for the charity of neighbors
would have died of hunger and exposure.
While she had a copy of the agreement
drawn tip in legal form and good evi
dence in a suit , mmn of the fixe or six
lawyers in town wonki take Her case bo-
eauso of
rnut or Tin : sox.
William had iriven out that ho woulk kill
any lawrer who meddled with the ease ,
and he had the record of btnng a. des
perate , revengeful man. When the
mother cnmii to mo she Irankly warned
me thai 1 must look out for Hill , but
when I looked into the enso I determined
to become her counsel , Hill or no Kill
My nun'o was to scud for tlie son to
see if he desired to carry out his agree
ment. He enmo into my olliee in n swag
gering , ilellanl way , having a tevolver
buckled to him and three drinkfi of
whisky behind his vest buttons. He
eiirsect tlio mother , mo , the law , and all
else , and wound up with , "Now , then ,
you go ahead. The minute you make
trouble for meI'll make a corpse of you. "
"And now 3ou look here , " I answered
as . I brought a six-ahooter to cover his
head , "I'm in this ease to tlio bitter end
and whenever you feel'like shooting don't
wait for me to uegin. "
Kill was a boaster and a coward. Ho
turned white as Hour and became
Jir.HK AS A l.AMll.
He went out of the ollico lil > a cnr ,
but I know the feeling raging in Ids
heart and I realized that he would bring
about my death if ho could do it with
Mifoty Io liiinsulf. 1 hud the proper papers
served and the suit opened. Itill nnido
his threats and boasts , but kept clear of
mo. 1 expected he would lill up homo
day and come into town for a snooting
scrape , but he had another plan to work
on. We had a sure case as his friends
informed me , but ho was determined to
bluster it out. My olliee was over a sloro
and reached by outside stairs. There was
a front and a back room , and the latter ,
1 being u bachelor , was used for my bed
room. It was the fashion to leave all the
doors open during the day , aiul when I
loft my olliee on an errand , or to go to
court , it was not locked. When it bccaino
known around that 1 had taken Mrs.
Sharon's and
nutrii : nr.u "ox niir , ,
I had plenty of small business to look
after and was much of the time in tlio jus
tices' courts. Ono day just before the
big .suit , was to conic to trial , 1 went into
court in im ordinary suit and was de
tained three or four hour. * . The olliee
was left open , as usual. As I returned
to it three or four citr.cns accompanied
me , and as we readied the foot of the
stairs f we heard a terrible yell from the
rooms above. Next , moment Kill Sharon
came rushing down the narrow fetalrs ,
hatlobs , eyes .starting from their sockets ,
andsucli n look of terror on his face as 1
never .saw before or since Ho rushed
past us shrieking and yelling , and it was
onl.\ when he was clear oi us that we
made out the horrible truth.
TWO c ; u EAT u.\rn.Kb.vAifr..s
wore haniriiig to him , one by the right
wijist and the- other by tlio right leg.
They squirnied and twisted and llappcd
as ho ran , and his .screams and exclama
tions brought out the whole town , lie
ran about a block and then lay down in
the street and rolled over and over , and
the suakcs lot go of him and were killed
as they crawled away. Kill had been
bitten in three places , The only antitodo
suggested was whisky , and a good two
quarts were poured down him without
the slightest relief. It did not in tlio
least stupify him nor quiet his excited
condition , and in an hour ho was dead ,
his bloated body and purple face present
ing a horrible sight. It did not take
much head work to discover how it all
came about. IJill wanted revenge on
me , and his plan was to leave the rattle
snakes in my bedroom. Ho had taken
thorn there in a. box , after seeing that the
coabt was clear , and hud dumped them
out on the lloor. The bo\ was there to
prove it. In his haste to be gone he had
boon careless , and as the serpents were
loosened they turned on him and fastened
their fangs in his It was retribu
tion , but none of us could help but pity
his horrible tato.
"Wlllcins1 Star Proverbs.
Whitehall Times : A new b-a-a-r-room
sweeps clean.
Slander is tlio dynamite of thought.
The real estate miser is a ground hog.
The waste-basket is oftentimes an epic-
It is tlio lilllo caskaids that become th
falls of man.
The sort of helm for n fleet barque is
slippery elm bark.
Kvcry woman may ho the queen of her
own kinged homo
Only the sublimity of ohcok can rise to
tiio grandeur of luck.
The way of the transgressor is hard
until he reaches the Canada lino.
When time deals the cards , the major
ity are sure to gut the deiiue.
The man with a boil on his ohcok
would like to throw hio plii/.aelio to tlio
It is only oncn in a life time that the
average man loves his neighbor as him
The comedy of life begins in tlio cradle ,
this drama at the altar , ami the tragedy
ends at the grave.
, >
n m ww * mi - m BW
The Kl t , Uin ( Irlclnnl nd Only March th l It
r < il < ip hy men ulm IIATO o nrnMlcnl knonlivlur
f the Inuodrv rrufr' on. It rcqiilrri no cooMnu.
kfTpitbelron from llrkln MiU Itncn from hllitettnt
wliflp Ironlni ; , Mi < l Rlvn ilitili. cum ntitt wllnti that
> < innrii niil tiCAUtlfut | K > ll < h thfrtlTO wlirn ncn
wlilcli , em > boilr knows , kiipi tliui ejn t trr
lout ; , lipwnro of Imitation ! , bco ttiat Ui * mo J , U
IllinlNDIIH Jt IIKOS. NttT I ! T U , Cutiu. I * pu
Terr 1'ickAjo. Sola br tu uromi.
Ufroow < I
617 Ml. ClinrlonSf. , 8t. Ionl , Mo
ftlJtlftM iu the ItMUl ttNtttJKtllDf CHOO | | , XlBTtVA. Vfltt
tnd tiin.i , DI AARC itinftnr oth r rbMlilttilnJ9i.L4il
N/rvous Prostration , Debllltjr"MinUI nd
Physical Wenkneo * ; Mercurial and other AHcc-
lions ol Throat , Sklnor Bonoi , BloodPoltonlng ,
old Sores and Ulcers , ro trr ifi viib \ i
Diseases Arlilnq ( rom Ind/icrcUon / , Exccif ,
E pojurc or IndulQencc , f J c io t or ih.
fjlo | ln | cdcelil ntt ai r , dr llllr , or ilbl
uitl JeractlfOIHtmorr , plni | > li on Ib9 f M , | ibrlMl AHIJ ,
rwilootoiho iMlelrof lfm iti , confudm tl ldt i , tuv
rondorliiR M rrl ao Improptr or unhiuipy , i
MriuMititlj etirta. I'ttuphltMSftFigailon Hi * * * . * * * . Ivnt
lairalcHl CDTelor * . rreoto bnr > Jdrtji. ) OoiiiaU lloaa\or *
flee or br * nRll rretInUUJ Audvlrletlf evnnitnllal.
A I'osltlvo Written Gyarnnteo tirm in i rye .
tihlo o j . lltdlrtoo icol crctr obtt < bf m' " ei i | M .
3)00 )
orrtprftdiicuen , nfl pinnrn > or ,
irUwoa mtrrlnc * fcbenld r i It. ' "
Tii tfb'uur.1
- _
no YITA1.1TV l fnllliifr. Itraln DltAINKIt nml
IAUVrLUarlVinarl'Ul'MA-VultrliV WASV
itoUcai | : . 9
BttOcTwrullr IntrcKlucwv ] Uom Ail .wiMkenif.ff . fosses mi id
aratni pruniAlr | ' TIliAvflHK : Kl'li'K new *
Utuirxilroorbriiwlll vlUiilx rminVnt OoctoralTItI'.K.
C1VIALE AUENCY. No. 171 Fullou Street. Naw Yorb
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
yore sliltipod during the past
two yoarq , without a drum
mer in oureiiiiilov. Noothor
? lHt5T 'lol"o ' 'u ' t'10 ' workt'can truth *
j Onu njrunt Moalur ouly )
wnnlort lu onoh town.
. R.W.TAHSILL&CO.,55 StateSl.Chicano.
Pays Best
The H. P. Hubbard Co. ,
Succtiion to H P HUBBARD ,
jJudicicus iiivertislng Agents and EjtpErt :
J Es'.ablnhcJ 1671 Inco'porttid I03J.
J Now Haven , Conn.
nnTTT"\ Jfl (
I LJ Li CIIBAl' AM \VKUKUV. . frsilc
I f l M Ilntion ami Clinton A. SnoirdjA.
I I I I oditora. Jtcimbllcan , rullnble , en-
4J J. J/ . .
- - JtcrprUlne. J-alu. : io > vs from oil
parti of ttion oriel. TlioUtost market rcportn. Hon
to any / tTTk , I . v v ofan -
uddrcsj CJi * 3 L < f \ nda ,
in U.S. the * rff JiLs XunX o a J > r B iirepaM PO'tBKO ,
fort2.filpornnnunr ) ( I iiiuntlm , 1. ' . ' . ) ; 5 months. 81.00 ;
4 laonlln. H5c. Tour pnuosn Bir T T
rctulivrlr : 6 puiu5 frvquuntlri III A II
nlwiiyd S page * on hiilurdar. I I/I / l\ II
Sand iioHtuuu 6tnmpi , IMKIIU I < /1 / l-\ I I
nolo. pu lnl ( inor. ! or ri'KlilorwlLf JL JL i JL Jl '
Ictlor. TIlU CIIICAUU .MAIL , lib Sll > uv Glilcufo. fr'
15O3 Eri.OR3iT 'i > . iC SO1.
Practice limited to Discuses of the
GJnRSCBfltloil for all form ? ofdofootlvo
Vlalou. ArtiUcial Eyoa Jusortod.
I'HILAimi'JlIA , 1'A.
n I'll1' ' " , ionutlftil ( JLOSS and
No Stnrc-li yet Introilucoil can bo com-
jmrcil wltli thu MAUJU.
One jmcuaffo will < lo the work of two
lioumla oforJIiiury starch ,
Kill ! under pinninloo of tlio m nufutturer .
Ay outs , Omaha , Nub.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $350,000
Burplub . , . , . , . . . . , . , . 30,000
II. W. yatPM , I'rcsiilont.
A. K. Toti/nlln , Vice I'rcfllilant.
W , 11. S. UuKhcs , Cashier.
DlltfcCTOIlS :
W. V. Morse , John H. Collins ,
H.W.Yatcs , Lewis B , JleoU.
A. B. ToiiKalln.
Cor lth ! ? nml Fnrnuin Sts
General Hanking business Transacted.
N. W. HAHBIS Sc Co ,
nniinCor Countk'8' Cltlus und otlionof
tlUIIUO I'lKli ' Krudu buuKlit und wild.
iilllvo M DoyouflUlra ttJioitou. .
biicu solicited.