Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Nrw York. Sept. 11. MOVET On call
asy nt4XC4G per cent , closing nt & per cent
iiTF.RM.xa EXCHANGE Quiet and steadv ;
E4.M ? { for sixty day bills and 54.WK lor
( ioVF.nsjtt.NTs Government bonds were
dull but linn.
biTCHics The stock market showed more
nnlinatlon than on any pieUous day this
week , and there was one liourof fairly active
trading. The statement of the New York
Central , which was sjieclally favorable ,
helped materially to produce this result , nided
by the successful settlement ot the dllllcnl-
lies under discussion at Chicago and renewed
purchasing for account of Chicago people
nnd London. The market wasstroiii ? frmn
tocln p. Thfl opening was tame mit
i-nouucirvuicn r.
Chlcnco. Sept. U. Flour-Steadv nnd
iinclmngetl ; winter wheat tlour. S4.0. ; @
UU ; fioutliern , SXOOdlJ.OO ; Wisconsin ,
ninet nt SM/rH-
420 In sapk * .
Wheat Dull and easier ; opened ' /c lower ,
declined li@\c , ruled stundv ana ilnnlly
day ; cii h.19 > 4c ; October-tO'tfe : Jtay. 4. % < c.
Oats Dull niitl weaker : cash.ot . /e
lower ; cash , 2 > , , c ; October , 'J-VsO ; May , ( Jl e.
Jtyo Dull at 41'c. '
Hurley Quiet at "Me.
Timothy Prlinn. SLWJ.jil.03.
Flax-seed S1.0 > K.
Whisky Sl.l ! > .
Pork MiHleratelv active : advanced i30t ( ?
October. S0.57 ; < © 100 ; Koveiiibcr , ? 0.40@
0. lavtf.
lliilk Meats Illirher and in more demand :
Phoulders , SO.l' HOtO.'J.'i ' : short clear , S''X ®
7.'r. ; shoitribs , S7.00.
Hutier Firm ; creameries , 17@2ic : ; dairies ,
Cheese Steady and strong ; full cream
cbi-ddars , b' . iV ! , Uati , , OKS fc ; Vouui ;
> < l
liicles Heavy green salted , 7 > fc llsht.
bull hides , lifiles , S c ; drv waited
I2c : dry Hint , l ® Hc ; calf skins , t
deacons. 5c ( ) each.
T.illow No. 1 country , 3 > { @ 3j c ; cake ,
8fc ; Xo. 2,3c.
KeceiDtA Shipment" .
Flour bM ! . IS.OOu iil.OOO
Wheat bu . hl.OOO b2XX ( )
Corn.ou . 214.000 CCO.OOO
Oat. .DU . 1111,000 2.V5,000
Itye , Du . 7,000 3,000
Itorler.Du . TH.OOO 21,000
MHwntikce. Sept. 11. Wheat Easier ;
cash , 70140 ; October , Vic \ November , 7S < c.
Com Steady ; Xo. 'J , uti o. _
Oats , Droonlni ; : Xo. 2.J c.
Kje Dull ; Xo. 1. nominal.
Uurluy- Firmer ; No. 2 , 57Ifc.
Provisions Firmer.
1'oik Sei > tember , § 10.70 ; October , S10.85.
Oiricliutntl , Sept 11. Wlie.U Weaker ;
Xo. 2 red , 78c.
Corn -Steady ; Xo. 2 mixed , 415 ( < < JJSc.
Oats Qulut out steady ; Xo. S mixed. 27sC.
ll > e I'irm ; No. 2 , SS < S JOc.
1'ork Finn at 510.75.
Laid Hij-'her at S7.12K.
WliUky Firm at S1.10.
Mliincapollfl , Sept. 11. Wheat Oooneil
steady but closed weak ; Xo. 1 hard , cosh and
September , Too : October , 75c ; Novem
ber , "OJfc : Xo. 1 northern , cash and Sep
tember. T-'J c ; October , TS c ; Xovember ,
74)4'c ; Xo. 2 northern , cash nnd September ,
70c ; October. 70 0 : Xm ember , 72c.
Flour ( Jutot but tirmly held ; patents , S4. CO
( S4..VJ ; bakers. SH.-0 3 50.
" Hecelpts Wheat , 144,000 bushels ; flour , 135
bbs. !
Shipmenls Wlioat , 5,500 bushels : llonr ,
20,000 bbls.
Now York. Sept. 11. Wheat Hcceipts ,
117.MX ) ; exports , 120.000 ; cash declined % < 5) )
Ke , and options ? < * iJ e , leavlnsr " off lieavv til
bottom nites : nimraded led. 620UbSc ; Xo
3 rod. fc5V@ > 5J/c ; 'Xo. 1 red , We : No. 2 icd ,
705tf@yi.Jso in oluvutor , 87Ke t. o. b. ,
atloat , October , cloiinirat b' c.
Corn SiMit 'Ac nnd options ? @K < * lower
closlni : heavy nt near insidts rate.- > ; receipts ,
Cl.COO ; exports , IH7.000 ; iinirnulfd , 49@50 > < c
No. a , We In elevator , 60 @jo > ic alloat , Octo
ber closing at 50'tfe.
Oats JiQ'io lower ; receipts , 107COO ; ex
ports , 1,100 ; mixed western , 32@34c ,
Petroleum Steady ; United , 62 c.
KICKS Firm and in fairdemaml ; western
li < M ! fC.
Pork Very lirm and moderately active.
Laid Very dull ; western steam snot is
quoted at S7.40.
llutter Fiiinundin fair request ; western
c QuU't nud weaker.
St. Lintiis. Sept. 11. Wheat Weak anil
lower ; Xo. 2 red , caMi.7Ge ; October , 77 > { c.
Coin Weak nnd lower : Xo. 2 mixed , cash ,
37Jie : October. : i7'e. ' (
Oats Weak ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , 2i < 3
, October , 2Ti
Jtye I'll HI at 50c.
Whisky S1.10.
Pork Stiong at S11.S7JJ.
Lard-Steady at 0.7f > .
lluttcr Firm ; creamery , 203Jo : dairy , 10
Ijlverpnol , Sent. 11 , Wheat OITeiet
moderately ; new Xo. 2 winter Os Od , lirui
sprinir , dsll d , linn.
Flour Supply ootl nt Ss 7d ; linn.
Corn OUtnvd utoilerMoly ; spot , steady nl
4s SJv'd ; September , October and November ,
J'oloilo , Sept. 11. Wheat Dull and
Jower ; cash. VJJie.
Corn- Steady ; cash. - \ " % c ,
Oats Dull ; cash , are.
KIIDBUH Olty. Sept. 11. Wheat Lower
No. 2 red , cash. 0 40 * bid ; October , 04o
bid , iMffc asked ; Xovomber , tti 'c bid , CSJi'i
Corn Weaker : Xo.2 cash , Kc : October ,
Sto ; Movombor , SIJ c.
OatJ Nominal ; cash , 24 } cbld , 24Kcaskcd
Now Orleans , Sept. 11. Corn Unsettlet
and ceiHT.illy liclior : In sacks , mU'cdla'i ,
4 kt : willtf , 4UCAVHjellow ; , W S o.
lli ) Prmluets Stroni : and tiiylier.
] .ard Itolined tierce , 57,25.
llulK Miuts-ShoulilcM , S0.10 ; clo r ribJ
Ko , Sept 11. Tli9 Drover' * Jourim
Cnttlo Itccclpt * . 1,500 ; steady shlpplnj
etwrs , S.'A'r > . ' 5 ; stockeis ana feeder *
S3.ooraa.89 ; cow . bulls and mlxi-d , si.aad
8.00 ; tiulk. SioucJ-.oo ; throngli Texa eattfo
itcmlj at $ . > .rXCii ) .U5 ; western ranporj , noni
Inallr iteudy imllvua anu half-breeds , 53.00
Gt4.00 | cow * , SA60 a.W ; wintered Tex-.uis
. .
llosj Hecplpts , 8,000 ; strougur ; rou > ; h and
mixed , 4.00oj4.U ( ; p.u'xini : ana slilupliie
S4.brx35.-J0 ; llcht , W.'JO : < < I.OO ; nklps , Siw
S.7& .
Sheep Keoelpts. SCO ; steady : natlres. 51.75
S4.00 ; weatern. S3.2.VJ3.55 ; Texans , $2.003
2.75 ; Iambi , S4.2V24.bO.
8u LioulSept. U.-Cattle Receipts , 50Q
eliliuuent } , 2 < jJ ; kctive and utroimer ; conimur
to choloo shipping , 3.6O > 4.bO ; butchers
steers ? A2o@lK : cows and heifers. S2. @
8.W ; Texmis nud Indian ; . SiU.'H"tt3.00.
Jlotrs Ktcelpts , l,2tiO : thlpuicats , none
active nnd a higher ; but/Mien ant :
bust heary. Jl..MJi.iS : mixed packing , f MO
< < $4.fe.r $ ; ligllt , f AXH34.70.
Kanias City , Sept. -Cattle Htooipts ,
l.ftK ) * tilDint > nU , none ; market } foi
* ll classes exeppt t'rass ranxtj ; cotnraon to
choice. 3.3X31.60 ; stoc-kers and feeders.
' . ' .3VrfS.r ( * : mwj , SlJXXSiCO ; urass rangsr
Iteors. fcia
5.03 ; grassers andjdcVS * . ' *
Saturday vcnln ? . Sept. 11.
CATTI.K The receipts wcie not laiee. uiit
hcic wnsaciioicc bunch of corn-fed cattle
n , tlioiirsttn Mstenl dnyswhich sold read-
ly. While tlie market Is very low and dull
on common stock , ranee cattle nnd butchers'
stuir , there .s no trouble in selling choice
corn-fed steers nnd nt uood , fair prfc ! .
line * ' 1'lie market was \cry active for the
astilayof the week , and about 5c higher
thnn jestcrday. Tlio quality oftheliocson
the market aenRedery qood. There are
plcntj of inn IMS on the market now , and n
demand for n good many more hogs than are
hiir.F.p Ttic receipts were heavy today ,
but there was no sale worth meiitlonlnir.
Jattle looo
Slieep 30CO
I'rcvAllinQ Price * .
Showing the prevailing iirtc < H p.Ud for llvo
nock on this market.
Choice steers , \xa to l.VW lln s 1.20-iUO ,
Choice steers. 1100 to 130J Hi * a7.V.rf4.W
Medium steers , I'iVJ to i : J Ibs . . : uiO rj.PO
Tat little steers , 1050 to 11M ItH . . . . a.O.WJ.8)
( iootl to rlioice corn-fed cows 'j.UiMf 1,2.5
Knirto mti'lluin KMMCOWS S.U3itri. < V >
( iood to choice bulls l..V.irir > 0 nnd medium Hop * 4.40tl."iO
! lo choice heavy I'.iss -i.ii-j'JJ.TU
Oood to choice mixed ho/s 4..V ) ,1.0' ' )
( iood to cliniit ! sheep n.oiinm.'i.'i
Kail to treed sheep S.T.'ifl .O'J
Common sheep l.r > 0 j-i.V )
coiiN-ni : ) siFKit" .
Xo. Av. 1'r. ' Xo. Av. 1'r.
101 1441 S4.M ) 51 Wit ) § 1.50
to ute i.ra.
Xo. Av. 1'r.
SI 74 SI5.00
nor ? .
Xo. Av. Shk. Pr. Xo. Av. Shk. Pr.
12. . . . -J o sui co. . . 2is os4.a-
4..IWO 1120 4..V , rS.tX ) 2s < ) 4.fM
r.401 SO 4.W 01..211 ! O 4.IV1
.VJ..2IU ICO 4..Vi TiT. . .315 120 4.07&
JW. . . 249 IPO 4.00 ni..3IO 120 4,70
ri0..5SSl 203 4.00 50..2CO 4.70
07..211 0 4.00 Ki . . .315 SO 1.7J
a..450 120 4.05
Ranee of Price * .
Showinutho hl-zhustand lowmt prices paid
formisedlovlsof liojion thH mirket tl'ir-
Inctlio put soveu days , and for tlie same
time lust year ;
Scptombor I September
IMi. I
f , , , . , . - _ -Tr rl
Satunlny , 4th . . ' , . < . 15 ( S4.57JJ S'i.05
Monday , Ctl - ) . : oil. :
Tuesdav. 7th. . . 4.45 3.70
- - - - -
Thur-day. lUh. . . J.40 ! ! .CO
Fridnv , 10th . . . . 4.10
Satinday , lltli. . 4.P ) fe-1.70
hive Stock Snlcs.
Sho'.vlni ; tlie number ot cattle. lies and
sheep purchased by the leading buyers on
to-day' & market.
O. II. HummoniKt Co . 2.T2
Otheia . 21
lotal . 250
Harris * Fisher . r > 0
G. II. Hammond ' . Co . . . . . . 1 3
Clark. Bros . ffl
Norths Co . 101
Total . CC7
siuir. : :
Local butchers . 3
Showing tiie number of cattle , hess and
sheep shipped from tlw yards to-day :
Xo. Cars Ut. Dest.
25 . C. , B. it Q . Chicago
1 . R.tJI . Harvard
HOC. * .
Xo. Cars lit Dcst.
3 . It. 1 . Boston
3 . C. U. & Q. , . Uoston
2 . . .It. I . Chicasro
All sales ot stock in tins market are nuvle
percwt llvo weiitht unless otherwise stated.
Dead hoes sell nt } c j > er Ib for all weliruts ,
"Skins , " or lie s welching less than 10J Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows nro docked 40 Ibs
nnd stags SO Ibs. _
General Proilnoe.
Saturday Evcnlni ; . Sept. 11.
The following prices are jar round lots nf
proilttce , ( ii sold on the mtirhci tnltiii. . The
quotation * nn frult-i represent the prices at
u-hlch outside order * arc filial.
BuTTKii There is a very strnn ? demand
for choice butter but the receipts continue
litht. Poor butter is .slow sale and the re
ceipts are liberal. Sttictly sw ct , solid and
uniform color , pacKed in new clean tubs ,
commands 15@lCc , or even nioiu. In the mar
ket , but then ; Is little or none coining in tlmt
can be praded as such. A small quantity ot
farm dairy butter , packed in clocks , lias sold
nt lSu.20c. Fair to peed country butter is
.selling at 10312)i ; . Poor at 5@Sc. and slow' .
Creamery butter , nol the very best , at l iJUOc.
Clioico creamery butter is selling at 21Vri ( > c.
Shlpjicis cannot be too caretul in handling
their butler. Small , neat packages sell tiio
boat , hut cm e should be taken to tiatconly
one. gi\\de and color In u package , for when
good butter Is packed with poor it necessi
tates the whole being sold as poor butter.
K cis The increased demand , duo to the
largo influx of stransicrs attending the fair ,
has given tlio ciri : umiket n boom. At the
close of Lu-t week ejjs were selling at IKgllOc ,
but the first of tills week they jumped up to
12.312 c , r.nd from that up to laju-io. The
leceiptsaie ll litaud the marlet Is iiriu at 13
O14a How long they will hold up to that
price depend * to a great extent upon the re
Pour/rnr-'Thc recsicts have been fairly
liberal and the demand sood. The market Is
tinn and active , all choice receipts sellinR
quickly on arrival. Both old fowls and larco
spring chickens art ) liriuglng somewhat
@ . ' .2. : small , not wanted. Ducks. S2.25 §
2.50 , Ttnkejs. not wan tod.
OvsTi'.r.s The city trade has opened up
vary active and moreoiders have lieou re
ceived from the outside tuan over bofoin , so
euily In the SLMSOII. The de.dei.s of tills city
aui in better condition than on any previous
\i-ir to supply the outbidu trade , ' 1 lie follow-
in i : aie tlio price.s nt wldcli country eiders aru
filled : Mediums , yc ; stanchuO , Me ; belects ,
40o ; b. st selects , 45c.
i ! VMH Ueceiuts of pialrio chickens lieavv
and n'great many package * in very bad con
dition , owing to hot weather. Sales nro drag
ging , S-.OO being about autaldo price ot > -
tiiinable forcholeo bound broods , whole off
stock is entlioly unsaleable. A reaction may
be looked for as soon ns cooler weather sets
In. Ducks are quotable at 81.25 to ? 2.oo , ac
cording to vatic ty.
PorAior.H Potatoes ! have not been coui-
Inir In my fa-tnud Ihnmarket lias kept up
M > lilfh that dcalern ait1 only buyln.T in a ,
faiuall way. They have not commanced put
ting In their wlnterhtocks , but are holding
oil in L'\K'cintlon | of l.iwer price-- . During
tlio pa t tow days choice htock sold ns hiiih
nsG5c , but In a small way. Choice block ,
per bi ! , fX.gC5c. ( : : Celery , large bunciie" , ival-
amaootite. . Sweet potatoes , ucrlb , IV. On
ions , cnoico red , per bu , 51.00 ; .southern , per
bbl. S3.XW.
BAXA.VASThe market Is fall ly well sup-
plltd for tills season ot the jear , Yellow ,
per liiincli , 2.ACfi.0 ; do largo , per buiicb ,
GiiAi'KS There Is a very
liberal Mipply on the market and choice
block. Peeler stock ana that which Is not
put up In good shape for shipment Is sellim ;
for what It will bring. The following are
th prices at which outside orders for choice
stock are 111 led : Shlppine stock. perD,2Q-lb !
boxes , 4c ; 10-Jb baskets. S5c.
rnnce of prices , due to the different Kind and
quality. Shipments are arriving hi eood
condition ami am holding up well. Unskt-ts.
according to size , tftgVOu ; crates , 4 baskets ,
9 i.75.
MELONS The season for heavy shipments
Is over , but there Is still a very talr tmde in
water melons. Muscatlnr. per 100 , 313,00 ®
2UOO ; smaller sl/es , S15.rxi@iaOO ,
LEMONS The pai.t WCOK lemons touched
the highest point of the teason in Xow Vork ,
but prices nere remain uoelmnged. The
slocks in the hands of the dealers here are
very choice and fancy , Lemons , $9.7S@ 10.00.
UiiANOKS'-lt Is too early for Louisiana
ituck to commence arriving. There are a
few Honduras In the market which nre sweet
and good size. Honduras , per box , $3.00.
UAUFORXIA F : urrs ThearrJ > alaof Call-
fomla fruits arc ycry Heht and only crapes
are coining. The stiton Is pTuctically over.
Grains Muscats , Sl.W : Tokays , 5175.
UTAII FuiUTS-Uuh peacliea and pears
are plenty nnd nre mcctinc with vcrv
sales. Peart , Wb boxes , 4. .V < M.50 ; poaches ,
20-lb boxes , SI 75. Pi.fM < Verv few romlne In , and
Rv. ! : t 'k dl bring 81.25 par bqU-bu tieS
CIIAII APPI.KS There is a peed deinanti ,
but sldpmetits arc very llcht and mostly not
In shipping condition. Firm stock will
brine % 1.00 ir bushel.
Ai'i't.Ks There Is a great deal of common
stock In the market and it is moving low ly.
Choice Miippinc stm-k is not so plenty , Tliere
are n few sonthein.lonathansaiid Bellllowers
In. I'aucy stnnd or fatlni ? apples are carce.
Common i-toK-k.FJ.fiOr" 2.'i" > . Choice .hlppinc
Mock , per bbl , $2.oOai7 ( . Fmicj stand stock ,
iloXKV--Nebraskn , choice , white closer ,
15m lV' ( . : Nebraska , dark. 12n 14c. : California ,
Mb sections , Kie. ; California , strained , 2-lb
sections 12'14c.
MAi'i.KSfoAHBricks , per Ib , 12' ; penny
cakes , per Ib. l.'xj.
M AII.K S\ lie i * Bulk , 11 to 17 sr.illon kee ,
per . S1.03 : gallon cans , nor gal. , S1.05 :
Imlf-gallnn cins , | wr cal. , SI. 10.
Pi MS" Fi in , TniiM : , I.TC. Pics' feet , per
.Vbbl. . Sl.'W ' : do. , > i-bbl , Si. Oil ; do. , per Kit ,
M . Iambs' toneues' per Vbbl , S.2. : ! " > ; do ,
per kit , S2..V3 ; < lo. % quart jars , per doz. , 55 25 ;
do. , pint jars iMjr c.ise , 2 dozen. SiVil. Tripe
per Vbbl. . 34.00 : do , , IXM'ibbl , SJ.OO ; do.
I > er kit , rOi' .
I > KAN Continue rather dull , with prices
ranclng from 5fl.OUviil.oO per bu , accoidinu to
CoroAVt T < Coconnuts , per litiudrcd
55.00 : le."s man hundicd. per hundred , 35.60. ,
Ni -Pecans larse , polished , lie. : pecans ,
medium , ft * . ; KnxliMi walnuts , He. ; almonds
Tarragona , 20e ; almond , Languvdoc , 17e ;
Itr.ivilI2e ; lilberts , I4o : pL-.uiuts , hand
picked , fancv. Vlrcliila , s e ; po.inut < > , hand
pick oil , choice. Virginia , 7'ie : | ) e.iuuts
roasted. 2c e\trn per II ) .
( iinis Coin , ' " , 'c ' ; idd oils. 2Sc : new oats ,
Srt27c ( ; rji50o : wheat , Xo. 2-Vic.
Fi.oi is AMI Miu.siriMs Winter wheat
lloui. best iiiulttv p.ttent , So.bO : second qu tl-
Ity. fc2.HWS.VO ; be-t ( | iiality spring wheat
tlour. patent. Si.75bran.5'cpercwtfhopiPd : ; )
feed " - cwt white meal Sl.OO
feedOCIHI ; corn , ;
jellow coin meal , ! K > jwr cwt ; scieeiilng , M ;
per cwt ; hoiiiin8200 iter cwt : Mioits. fde
per cwt ; uraham. ; hay , in bales , SO.fXXy ;
7.00 per ton. _
Grocers' I.lst.
PICKI.KS MiHlium , in boK , S'.V ' ) ; do In
half bbls , ! . ; . - . ; suMll , In libls. S7.V ) ; do In
half Mils , 51.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , S".V ) ; do
In halt bbls. S4.75.
h\iifv No. 70 , 4-callou kt' s , S1.2J : Xuw
Orlcan3.Nrf4Vj ( per trillion ; Mnp'.e Syrup , ' <
barrel , stiictly puiu , Toe per g.tilon ; 1 gallon
cans. S0.25 per do . ; K gallon cans , S5.25 per
doz : iiuait cans , il.oy.
Dun n Firir : < Xo. 1 quarler appleS fw
4c ; in evaporated bo\e- , ti'jijt.i" ; bluekbci-
rie" , boxes. ' .Kitli' c ; iH-achei , ea-tcin , 4'\c < >
' , e ; peaches , ev.iponited. I"il4(2l7c ( : Salt
LiKe ; , none In inajkcf --pberiie.- . - , now , is
riclUc ; current * , 714 ( 71jf ; piunes , now , 4 %
CAKXKD ( ioons Oysters , standard , per
cas , 5U : ! : ! ; .strawberries , 2 Ib , per case. S2..0 ;
raauberrle- Ib per caii , i2.iO : California
Mart , upr ca'.e , S4.fO ; apricots per ci--e : ,
mon pei dosi.W > ii.f0 ; " Ib gouseberie- * ,
perc.isc. SI.75 : 2 Ib string beans , per ease.
51.70.Mb : lima beens pel ca > p. Sl.OO : 2 Ib
inarnmfai upas , uor ca-e. S2402 ; Ib early
Junepen- * . per ca e. S2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatop'i.
per ca e , Sa.l56j2.2Ibcoin. : . ppr ea-e , tfl.'J- " )
( it2.10:2 Ib corn boef. perdo31.70 < aJ.OO.
KOPK K inch.OJiC3 ; ! , inch , lOVc : ' 4 inch ,
bt'OARS 1'owdered , 7' < c ; cut loaf , 7vu7I4o ;
granulated. 0 4c : contectioners' \ . C c ;
standard extra C , fX t ' , e ; extra C , o f@.yfc ;
medium yellow , & 'a''t5Jic. ' ,
STAKCII Mnrnr glo- , i Ib , S c : Mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , .V c ; Mirror Klos. 'i ' Ib , r.t c ;
( iravcs * corn , 1 Ib , Oc ; Kinc.sfotd's corn , 1
Ib , 7e ; Klngsford's glcts 1 Ib , 7c ; Kinits-
ord's irloss. Gib , 7i e ; Kitu'sford's pure , 31b.
Ji'c : Ktnustoid sbuik. 4c.
COFFKKSOidlnary ciactes. lO1 " ! lie ; fair ,
llrrtll ejpiime. 11 J ial-'c ; choice. UJU WV ;
fancy green and yellow , luXwl4i e : old cov-
Dllworth's. H'c ' , : Itcd Cross , inc.
CAOY Mixed , 9' 'fgl2c ; stick , S
CiiACKKits ( iarneau's o < la , butter and
picnic , Sc ! : cieams , S > jo ; ginger snaps , 8 > rfe ;
cltv sodn. "kc ,
SOAPS Kirk's faavon Jinperiai. t2.rO ;
Kirk's satinet. SH.OO : Kirk's standard. S.J.Oi :
Kirk's white Uu 1:111 : , S4.W ; Kirk's White
Can. SC.50 : Dome. 3.sWashboard. . S3.10.
MATCHK.S 1'er esiddle , 2Se ; round , per
case. Sl.OO ; square cases , 51.70 ; mule sqn.ire ,
General 31arltct i.
WOOL Medium , 17Q20c per lii : fine heavy ,
1215c ; light. 14v17c ; coarse , lidtloc : burry
Wool , 2(25c ( Otf.
HIDES Green butchers. < i % @ c : green
cured b' i'tv c ; dry Hint , li&lUe ; dry salt ,
'JMlUc : aaraaceo hide ? two-thirds pnce.
Tallow c. Ureaso , nrime .vUite. lie : \t'llow.
ycbrown : , l c. Sheen Pelts 2.V < d76s.
JLiEATHKU i'rlmo siaugliter sole loither ,
! ttc ; prme o k sole leather , 'JtValtN.1.
Upper loathe ; per loot. 2oX'i'iH3 : hem. kip.
7552s5c ; oak l.p , ? OV ; French kip , S1.007J
L20 ; hem. calt , SU > Jigl.lO ; o.ik call. HM
1.25 ; French calt , S1.2.V l.s5 ; Morocco boot
leg , ! VK2Gc : ; Moiocco oil pebble , 2J2e ; top-
pines and linings. SO.OO ilO.OO per do.
HKAVV iiAitiJWAiiK iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low sti'pl special ci-t , Ic ; cruclb lesteei , i.'n ;
chain , per Ib , Cl2c ; malleable. CfVtSc : Iron
wedges , Cc : crowbars , Oe ; harrow teeth , 4c :
spring steel , 7@ c : Burden's horsesnoes.
54.40 ; Burden's mule shoes. S5.40. Barbep
wire , in car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
Xaiis , rates , 10 to 50 , S2.50 ; steel nails , S2.fl.- , :
Shot S1.G.V buckshot. Sl.hS : oriental
powder , kegs , : do. half kegs , $2.00 ;
do , auaiter kegs , Sl.50 ; blasting , kegs , § 2.35
fuse , pei 10 feet. C5c. Lead Bar. 3 to.
S IN On , \ \ inccau. Omaha , P. P >
> c ; white lead , St. Lculs , pure. S7.75 ; .Mar-
cllles gieon. 1 to 5 lo cans. 2c ; French zine
trreen seal , 12o ; Frt'nch zlne led seal , lie ;
French rinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc i , 75c ; vermlllion , American , ItJc ; Indian
\ Ait.visnns Bairels , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , Sl.U ) ; furniture , Xo. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach extra , 51.40 ; coach , Xo. 1 , 81.20 ; Da-
mar , cutra , S1.75 ; , 70c ; aspli.utiim.
extra , 53c ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil hnlsti ,
bpiiiirs Coloxne spirits. 1S5.1 proof , 51.14 :
do 101 proof. S1.15 ; spirits , second Quality.
101 proof , Sl.H : do Itrt pioof , Sl.1 % Alco
hol. lg.3 pioof , S2.12 per wine gallon. Itedis-
Impoited. per case. Si's.oo33.00 ; American ,
perc-ise. S10.OCKain.oo.
Duvl'AiMia White lead. N : : Frcncti z'nc. '
12C ; 1'aris whiting. 2Ke ; wliltlntr , gilders' ,
2fe ; wliitinK , coni1 ! , l4'c } , lampblack , Ger-
maustown. I'-'c ; lampblack , culinary , be ;
Prussian blueMe ; ultramarine , ifcvandyke ; ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4e ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna burnt , 4e : bienna. raw , 4e ; Paris
crecn. genuine. 25c : raris ereen. common.
22a ; rlitotnii tfreon. > i , Y , . 20c : chrome green ,
K , I2c ; vermillion , Knslisli. in oil 70c ; raw
and bin nt umber , 1 Ib caus. i"c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12o : Vandyke , brown , 13ci re-
tined lampblack , I2c ; co.ich black and ivory
black , ICc : drop black. lOc ; Pnisslan blue ,
40o ; iiUrruiuriiiB blue , 18c ; cnromo green , j . ,
M. i D. , ICe ; blind and shutter LTOCU. L. . M !
&JM 10 < i ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red. l&c ;
Venetian red , flo : Tuscan. ' 'Jc : American
vermillion , L. & O. , 20c : yellow ochre , tte ; L.
M. it O. D. , l&tgood ; ochre , KXJ : patent
dryer , Be ; graining color , Hunt oak , darkoak ,
wliuiul , chustnut and ash. 1'Jc
Disuos AND UUKUVCALS Acid , carbolic ,
S2e : acid , tartarlc , A2obalsam ; copaiba , per
n > , 4''c : bark , sassafras , per Ib. lOc : calomel ,
iierlbTJc : eldnchonluia , perez , 40c ; cliloro-
lonn , per n > , 40c ; Doveps powders , per tb ,
81.25 ; epsom o lts , per tt , SKc ; glycerine ,
puic , per & > . lw ! : lead , acetate , t > er a. 2lc ;
oil , castor , N'o. 1. per gal. , $1.50 ; oil , castor ,
Xo. 2 , j er sal. , S1.10 ; oil. oll\eper gal.S1.40 ;
Poiorigannurn , 50c : opium , 3.30 ; quinine ,
i. .4 W , and IL Jba. , per oz , 70o ; potassium
Iodide , per tt , f3.00 ; ealieln. perez , 40o ; sul
puatu morphine , per o * . 82.40 ; sulphur , per
a , to : strychnine , peroz. $1.25.
Dry ljumDer.
qiM NSlON8 AND TlUllEltg.
art 18 ft 18 ft 0 tt22 * ft's4 ' ft
2z < lS.5Ul5.SOUi. W 10.00'17.00 30.00 il.OO
x ; ] 5.M 15.10 15.50 1S.OO 1T.QO 21.00 22.00
Sx8 'IX ' U'ISI ' 15.W'li5.UO,17.OJ3j.Ci021.(0 '
Xo. 1 Core. s. L s. 1U , 14 and 18 ft . $17.50
No. 3 " ' Ifi.l4andl6ft . 14.7' ,
Xo.3 " " f , 14 and 1C ft . lt.50 ;
" " 15,14 DU6ft ( . 12.00
. . .
Xo. 1 , 4 & Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . S17.00
Xo. 2I A : 6 Inch , 12 nud 14 ft. , rouali. . . 1S.50
* SlillNO.
Istcom. , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . $21.00
ad " " . 20.00
" " ll. )
Fence . .
l t com. , ? iiii WliiWPItm Partition. . . . S3B.OO
> d " " " " _ 2J.CO
Clear H In. Norway Pine Culling . 15.00
A fi Inch , while pine . . . . . .S"AOO
C Cinch , " i" . 2vu 0
EC Inch , " " . 17.W
STOHU lUIAIltl * .
A 12 Inch. 1-2 , Hand 18ft . S4UW
B 12 Inch , ' . . 42.03
I ) 12 Inch. " " " . 23.0)
No. 1 Com. 12 In. , s. 1 . 12 , 14 . 1V.O
1st and 2d. clear. 1'4 inch , s. 2 s . S5UX )
1st and 2d , clear , 1 ' * . , ' Inch , s. 2 s . .MU 0
3d , clear. 1 Incli , s.2 s . 45.00
A select. 1 inch , s.s s . i.t'.oo
B select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s . 2-i.OJ
Mill' LAP.
Xo. 1. plnln.Sniid Wlncii . 517.50
Xo. 2 , pKun.S nnd 10 Inch . 15..0
A.Stalldnid . ? 2/0
.Much dear . l.-O
0-incli deal . I.JO
Xo. 1 . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' > " >
Cedai * A * . 2.40
Lath . S.a >
i.nn : , ITC.
Qulncy white lime ( best SO.S )
Ct'iiH'iIt ( Akron ) l.tW
Hair 0. :
Tarred felt , per cwt . 2.00
Straw board . 1.55
rimr . til's l'f ! H'l Qr llbl- I KtS
iicn'7s > t.Xo 1 i/b 7 W rio'.l i.i 2 ftVl TO ! fi
IVt ) ( ! IIM Piltieyft WIC02 7. . 1 " . ' > ! ) 50 45
1V ll'a h'ro 1"LT 5 i-J U U 1 2 751 Kit 3) ) 50 46
' '
KKK 14 > XJ7 630 SO 3 03 10 . . . . 101 , W
Holland her- !
nuirs , new. '
I.AKK l'l II.
Hi liCi-ToFTlbkT'Ti Kt
, „
No , i White rish. : on : a toi ID o w
Finally Whlto 1-iali. . U .V ) , 3 1 2 U5 1 i ( K , S5
No. 1 Trout . 4 M 4 05 2 ( M 1 ttt. 74 1 05
The nnlj-rowd t'l'tnVdJfor Dos Molne * , Mnr-
slmlltntvn. u Inr RA vl * . rilnton , U xte , Chlea-
co.M 1'vnul-oo : iii\rull points en" . To the pee
nlo of Nthruska , Co < jrado , Wyomlup , I'tnli ,
Llnho. No it'la , OjpiritVashlnlon ) and Cnli-
lo'-nlH. U otT > is "lino1. Inr aJvantiiffes not possi
ble bv nny othcV th'e.
Among : a few r > the .numerous points of su-
rcrlotltv otijoypil b\-tlio patron' of this roud
LetnccnOmiiliaJiVlrt Cilc-n ro.aro its two tra'ni '
n il.iv of DAV COACfH'.g which urn' the finest
tlmt hxnvin nrf Rtirl fllvcnultj' run create. ' Tts
PALACE Sr.KRPIN'd PAHS , hieh momotlnN
oFoimfort nnlct'K.inco ! Its PAULOItnitAVT.
ISO ItOOM CAllH , tiriiuipBso-ll-nnv. itml 1 3
widely celf1 rr.teil PAI < ATIAL PININ'G CAliS ,
thee < iinl of which cannot lie found e'sonlicrc.
At Counc I Illutr ? thn trnlnsff the rnion 1'nci-
flc Uv , connect In Cn'on Deprt with tliofo of
the Chkacro Noiiliwostorn Itv. In Chicago
the trains of tlilfl line initko close connection
witli tlni c of nil enstcrn llni"- .
For T'ntrolt , roluinliu" . Inillinmtiollii , flncln
nail. X naiir.i Tall ? . Ilua'iilo , t'itl-tinrar. Toronto ,
Montreal. I'oston. Now Vork , I'hilndclphl i , I'.nl-
tlinnroVnsliJnirtnn nml nil | o'nts lit tuo enst ,
nsk the ticket ncetit fur tlcUcK v'n ' the
If ou wish th" bc-t Hc n'tinnliUIons. AH
llekct inrpiifsfeli tickets Viixth's ' lino.
M. urnniTP. it. B HAIII ,
General Mancpor. Ocn. Pass. Asent.
or run
Cfap.liraWSlPaulu'y . '
Chicago , AND Mihvankee ,
St. I'aul , Jliinieaiiolis , ( "cilar Haiihls ,
Clinton , Duliuiue , Davenport ,
Rock Islaml.Freuport , Rockford ,
Elffin , Jla'lison , Jauesville ,
Kcloit , Wiuona , La Crossc ,
And oil other 'raportiint points East , NortUoaat
luicl SoiithcusL
For tli roupli tickets call oil ttiu T.cUot A
nt HOI Fnrnnm Mroct iin I'.ixton Hotel ) , or a
Vnlon I'aclllo Depot
I'ullmun tlooiit'M unil the Ilncdt Dining- Cars
in the world are run on the main lines of the
nnU every attontlnn Is paid to pas-ongerd b/
courlttjns cmploytE ot the company.
It. Mu.l.Kii , General Mnn.iijcr.
J. F. TrcKi.ii , Assistant Gonural Manacer.
A. V. , General I'assonsror ntl
Ticket Asfcnt.
Gto. E. IlKAiTOnn , AssUtant General I'assca-
Ber and Tltket Afcnt
J. T. CLIUK , Cjenerni Suporlntendont.
Eih a t d VltalltNefroasBna Phriloil Debility
1'reraature Decline In Mm , , Krton of Vuutli. and thi
uutold mlierlet ruiiiltlrjj. ( rum Indltcreilon und ex.
ti-tiet. A book for every man , yonnc. mlililtp azeil
and old. It contain ) 13 ijrejrrunfon , for all acute and
chronlii Ultcaioa , euli ouu of wblcb li Inrulunbln. bo
found lijr tba uulhorvhujB experience fora JTMM li
ucUa proUblr never before fell to tbe lot of anr
tjhjtc'anaupi ; e . tuiiinil In French mut-
Iln , enitoiic.1 coieri , f .ill Kilt , guarantee U j b j n On-
work Inorery i n > e and profet-
alonal-tnnn aaj other work In tlili country for 13.50 ,
yr the money will b refunded In erery Initince.
lllco only II by mail , roi.raia. llluitrated > 4mple ,
CBc. bend now. rj0M raed l oearJed tha author br
the National Medical AiMcUtlon. to tbe Hon. A. P.
llliiell. andaMoriateofflccnof the board tbe reader
U retpectfully referred.
The telenet ) of Life U wort1) more to ths rounz and
jnladle-a nd men of thli generation llwiiMll the Koll
mlneiof California and the filter iiilnei of Nerada
c mblned. C. K. Chronicle.
Thehclenccof Ufo puintaoutthe rocki andqalck-
mild i pn which tbe conilttutlon and hopei of m nr
u youne man hare been faully wrecked. Mancheiter
The Fflence of Ufa It of greater Tlue than all tb *
meJical works publltbed In lull coaoUr for lb > pwl
je rAtl nu Constltutloa ,
Tbe science of Life U n tuperb and maiterly treat-
ae on nerroui and pbrilcal ilubllltj.Lieiroll fn
Addieit tbe Vcabodr Medical Initltutd. or Or. W.
li. Parker , No , 4 liiillttncn itreet , Iloaton. Mu > _ who
may t > e contulted oa atldeieatea requiring aklll and
iparlence. Cbrunle and obitlaate dUeaies tbat
liave Lasted tbe iklll of o br iibjilcluni a ipe >
dally , burn treated lucceirftilly w tboat any ta-
llajjcc ( failure Mention Umalia Ve *
Elm City MllllaryInstitute ,
I'reparator- collc-xe or for business. For
terms , etc. , apply toV1 I.I.I AM H. tiTOWK
Prmclpul , 1575 Chupcl Su , New JIavta , Caau. ,
Artists' Material.
A. 1IOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' MnterinK Pianos nnd Organs ,
lill IXnulns Street. t > m ha.
Agricultural Imp/iments.
\Vholf al * Ilenlcr In
Asrricuiturnl Implrmrnts. Wasrons ,
Carriage ! nnd lln l . Joncc "treet , between 8th
niul Uitli.OmHlia. Neb.
Afrricultnral Imiilempiits ,
\Vaffnn , rarrlfties. Ilnesle * . Etc. . Who'eialc , Omaha.
Wliolc nle Dealers In
Agrirnlumil Implements ,
( VaRon snil Il irKle . WI.'H. 'O5 nnd o ; , Jones t
Butter and Eggs.
Hnyers of Hutter and Regs.
ttefrlccratnr nnd rnrkli'R House , lull nnd Leaven-
worth st. r r. II. II. Tinck , timatm.
Butchers' Tools.
Uutehers' Tools and Snppliep ,
Cuslnpi ot all kind * nlnayj In itock. 151S
jnne st .Om.iha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Mechanic ' Tools and lliilTuIn Scilcs. I lX ! > IUJIH | st. ,
Unialia , Nrb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
TirnviueMicot Iron. K.e.Kcnt fur llnne hcalet ,
anil Miami P < m,1crlii .Omnlia.Neb
Wholesale Hardware.
Western nrenti for Jeffor-on Steel Jinlls. Ait'tln
Powder Co , l-nlrbnnkp Maiulnrd denies. Corner
10th nnd llnrioj , iiniahn.
Building Material.
Dealer In All Kind * of
Knildiiiqr Material at Wholesale.
Pth Street.ind Union I'nelllo Track , Omatm.
Scots and Shoes.
Jnnul.icturcr ! nnd V'liolc alc Dealers In
Moots and Shoes ,
Complete stock of Itubber Coeds nlwars on hand
itM S. 13th at. , Oiualiu , Nek. A. T. Aixtin , Agent.
jr. r. MOUSE cO co.
Jobber. ? of Hoots and Shoes.
1411 Farnnuict. , Omalia. Neb. .Mamifacio , ? . Hummer
Ftreet , llo'ton.
Agft. for Aiihenser-Hnsli Drewins ? Ass'n Brund . Knuit.lludttelfer nnd Hrlr.ueer.
Laijcr Boer JJrewers ,
1.W1 North 1'lh Htrcst. Omihi : , Neb.
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
Omaha , Coffee and Spice Mills.
Teas.Corfee. .Spire * . Bakine Towiler KlivorlnjEx
tracts , Laundry lilue. Ink. Etc. UK lull.inier
btri'et.6i'iaUa , ICeb.
GATE.- * , COLE 1) ) Ml LEU ,
Home roilee and Spice Mills M'f * ar Co.
CntTeenoKtorsanrt Fpic. > (5rlnder . Manufacturers
nf l ) klnx I'Dwder , Mivnrmu Kxtnitt * . Itlul.ic. Hie.
Trnno ea < cof oir I-E > | iarkiic : Home Blend UuastcJ
O > ! Iec. ItU ) Ilowunl st , nmnbn. Nob.
John Epeneter , Prop.
Manufacturer of Gal-rr.nlicJ Iron nnd Cornice. 933
Dodge and 10.1 nnd 1J5 ? . . 10th K. . omahu.Neb.
C 11OLTE ,
Manufacturers of
Oriinmentiil Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndov s , > ° 1nnli > , Meiallcbkyllcbt.etc. S10S.
lit i st.Oniahn.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galvanized Iron Cornlct'8. cte. &nertf"lmproTed lat
cntM tallcskyllk'lit. LUs andJlOS 12th et-.Omnba.
Jubbcrs of
Carpet ? , Curtains Oil Cloths , Pucrs ,
I.lno'fump , MnlIliiKS , Ktc. 1511 DouglHi utrert.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Uniting * , Curtain oed , Htc. 123 Kurnam Street ,
Omabn , Neb.
Croikery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers imd Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , ChlinnejF , cte. Office , S17 South 13th it.
Oninhn , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission Jlcivliiuits
And Wlmleinlo ! ) < ileni In Country 1'n.duro. FrulU ,
Duller , H.-m , I'.l' : C > o < lJ on conlirntnciit u
fpuLlully. rON. lu'hut. u.iiuliu.
Commisbion and .Jobbinff.
Butler , KsEfiand Produce. Conslunuicn1" nillclted.
Ile il < ] U.ittcr8 fur btunuwHru , Kerry Hex u uud
lir.ipo IIiitLiMr. 1411 IKHlKebtiuvl. Omaha.
Commission Merchants.
Krntta , Produce nnd PnntJlor.s , Onialm.Neb.
Coal and Lime.
Hesters In
Hard uiul Koft Coal ,
Offlco and yard , Kill and Nicholas K t. , Omaha , Neb.
Vnrd 'J plfpbuiiu , uT ,
QEO. t' . I.AIInn. . Preii. C. F. OonnMAK , V. 1'ren.
J. A. HUMitltlMXI ) , bee. mul ' 1 reu- .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
3W South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
y ,0 CO. ,
Mannfaotiii'oi-s of Illinois White Lime ,
And fehlpper of Coal nnd Coke. , Planter ,
IJmc , Hair. Uro Brick , Drain , Tlio nnd he rrl'lp4.
< mlc . Putnn Jlutol. Farnuin it. , Ouiihit , Neb.
Telepnonubll. _
F , P. FA Y tl CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of KruUs.Nuts nnd Cliiais , 1211 farnum St.
Urn-ili. . .
W. E. It TDD ELL ,
Storacre. nnd Commission .Uerclmnt.
Bpeelaltles Butter. Kan. Clienie. Poultry. Gnaie ,
Ojilcrs , Ktc. , Ktc I12f-iulli Hill troct
fi'iC CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llulter , Oame. . Fruits , etc. SO B. Klhit.
, Neb ,
General Commission Merclianta.
IKKItodge btreet , Omahn , Nebrnkt. CoQilSpmon
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobber * of Foreign and Doniotlo r'rulti. ( Virr
porvdence solicited. Warebouie and otncn. 11UN.
Tblrtccntb M , Omaha , Neb Telephone 77 i.
Lire Stock Commission
ar. itURKE < u ti
Live Stock Commission. .
( loo. Ilurke. XanJEer.
Pclon Stock Vardi.B Omaha. Telephone MJ.
live Stock ComniiHsion ilcrcliants ,
Ehlpineouof unr and all kinds of block wllo.Ud.
Union Stock Vard , llir.ndo , N b.
urs and Tobacco.
Jobber * of Citrnr ? , Tobarco ,
Onni Km ! Ammunition. ! I5 to7X1 B llth it. . 1CWO to
U-'l Hir.mmft O.ntlm Not ,
rs of Fine
And Wholr le > T > oncr ! In I.fif Tnbuwo * . Nn . IDS
and 110V llth flrft , Oiinha.
Dry Goods.
YT. E. SMITH , r m ,
DryGooiK I'tii'iiisliliurOnnds & Notions
110S nilllOI1ioutrln .nr llth SI , Omnha Nob.
Distillers of Mqui r . Alor.liol ami Pplrlt * Importer *
nml J' i hereof mmnnO l.lquor
CO. anil II. Eli i ( ; CO. ,
Importer * nml JoM'OKnf ' Hup Winr mid l.lqnnn
bolctnnntidietiin.'rxif Kennedy l > i Imlli lilt-
tc > r nttd Dnmrs IP liquor * 111" Mirne M.
Drugs. Paints. Etc.
IT. T. CL.t ItKK DIirG CO. ,
Lnrsett Ufttjr. PaintOil tf ( tlnss House
\Vcitof CblfiB'i rotmilelo l.lno of tiruRglHi Buu >
ilrinllHltnrneytt . Oirulm ,
GOO DJr. \ X J ) Jl I 'G CO. ,
Wholesale DiUgpij , ! . ! ) .
AndDealerMnl'nInt" Olid nml Wlmlnw < ll.-i , Omaha ,
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A. U.SAfKii Prc . J.Vr.nrnronn.Soc.iTro.i
U. 1. CAttfosV.I'ten. . nnil * Hpt.
Office ! 13 5. llth t. , nranliu. Neb. MnchlocrT snd
for JlanufscturtnK Cement Urnin Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
tp CA writ ELL ,
innl Contractors ,
Bridco. .VInili'rlfi.KonfTnip , Strain I'llo DrlrlDR ,
1'illng , Ouki.nil Pmo HrMce Limit > cr IStliet. , near
Furnuni. Omiihn. Neb.
f > E WE r
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
1'arnaui ft , Onuili i , Neb.
Furniture , Hoiltlhis1 , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1JOC .120. < and 1210 Vnrnnm t , Omnha.
Groceries ,
Wholpsnlu Groceries and Provisions ,
Nc.j 70J. try. TO Mil ! Ill S. 10th St. Omahn. Neb.
McCOlil ) , Hit AD Y .0 CO. ,
"Wholesale Grocers ,
13th uril I.oavenwortb FtHOniuha.
Heavy Hardware , Iron ami Steel ,
Springs , Wapon Mode. Unrdtriiro Lumber , etc. 1209
ami 1211 llnrncr ft , Omnha.
Wliolcsale Iron and Steel ,
Wa.-onnii'J C.inl.ise'Wood Stock , Heavy Hnrrtware ,
Jitc. l.'ll nnil 151'J I."avcnirortb ft. . Omnha. Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , ( .r.ite : , llr.i.i nc d . 1J21 and 1.73 I-'nrnaaa
Iran Works.
Iron Works ,
\Vreracht find Ta t Iron Bnildlnit Work , Iron pl.nlrs.
liKllinR. Iteuuit nnil ( JJrders. Meain Knflncj. } ) ra9
% Vi > rk. Cincrnl rVimrtrj , .Maclilna and Illncksraith
V/oil. Ofllcoami Worl , V. I' . Ky.andKtliiUceu
"Wholesale Jewelers and Music Dealers ,
DP. lent In f-ilTorivnro. Dlamonili. Wntche , riocks ,
JoiTolcr aTooli ai.d Mniernl * . etc. 131 uud 10. ) lilh
ft. , cor. Dijd e , < ; imihu , Neb.
Dealer in Lumber. Latli , Lime , Sasli ,
Doorn , Ktc. Yards-Comer 7th nud Uouzlasj Corner
IHh liiid DutiTlad.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8HS. luhflroet , Oianlia.Ncb. i.Colpctzor. Man/
a. 3" DIETZ ,
ISth end California Street" , Omaha. Neb.
LtnuliPV , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Douclas FIC , Omaha , Neb.
T. w. irAitrEYLunnsER co. ,
To Dealers Only.
Offire , H93 Karnara ! treetOiiifthi ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpcts and 1'urnnct lloutlnir , Oth nd Iougla
Wholesale Luml.i'r , Ktc.
Itnrcrtrd uncl Amcrlrnn 1'ortland Ouuut SM
AeeniforMllviiukeo JlTdranUc Cciueiit ni.d ISc
yulnt-y Wliltu IJmc.
Lite Stock ,
Of Omalia.
Limited. John K Dojrd , EuporlutcnJcT : : .
Millinery and notions.
I. OliEJtFELDEJi , ( ' CO. ,
Imporli > r ami Joliben of
.Millinery anil Notions ,
J311 and 1315 Ilnrnrr Htrner ntri ilm. Noh ,
Are the only Plrru Inpurtor * ot
German & French Toys & Kaiiry Goods
In Nobroikn. ChlciiKrt prlrcj ilniilli'dteilflthinit ilJ'l-
InijlrclKhl. li\l \ KHmaiu firt'Ct.Uni.ilri.
Wlmlcrnlo ) > i' ler. In
Notions mul KuriiMtlMtf Goods ,
i if In ml 4 < ft H 'IVnth St. , Omnli.1.
FTA rli-K/r.irS"
Notions , Hosiery and ( ii-at.V Funsishiiif ?
IWlanllOW Fimsiui ni . Oniab * . Nob.
Overalls ,
" " '
UAXFIEL / > , ir. I Xir
Jfaniifactnrcrs of Overalls ,
* ! -trcct ,
Printing ,
co.wj'Ayy ,
Job Printers , Jllunk Book Makers ,
And Uook JllnUcri. 101 unit I'H f outh r'i
itrect Oual'if , > b ,
xjsirsrA run UNION
Auxiliiiry PnbliHlicrs.
Pickles. Vinegar , Etc ,
A' MOJtKLV ( ! CO. ,
V.ttDafaclururi , I'nckvrt und lioalern M
-Jctly J'tiro Aiii lu Yinepar
llakliK I'owdrr. Hxrorlpz num'if , Tnblo fju.-e.
Iri-ncti Mi l "l * Vn ! i U'uln/ ' . ' 'tt > S-j > s- ' ' . ' "
hol x > iTt f r Y-rk MnlvS'i I livtlucd Apple Ci-
d r. li'i.e-mn ' nhit c > n.u.ij
Safes. Etc.
G. A\l
Oniiilin .Safe WorV > .
f K'reanil lIurelarPrH' * " ! cr.itnlt
lHK > r , Jnl.v > rk.hhntiorn nd Wire Work. tor.
HthcndJiirk nnM tmi Im N-b
/ ' . HOYER , ( CO. .
Atrents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
1r < < and lliircnr C.'o < it Snf ( > . "Vtma 1 -k . \ nlU
HM > fnrnnin ti. > t O.naha , N'eb.
Sash. Doors. Etc.
p co. ,
nlo Miinutnrtircr < of
Sash. Doors. Hllnila and MoiiMInc :
lliaiclicRlfe.Uthnnd Unrd t .Otuihn ! Neb.
. / ' . LYMAtf ,
Sash , Door , Ulimls ,
Uulldlnc 1'npor. etc. INI iniilh TMH.T ' < h Street ,
Unmhn , Seb. A miuplrio jtjck uf HullilerK'
llnnlt an'
jJcr//A ; : 5/Ti'Arf'FA f-rimI\G co. ,
fi'anufacturers , of Sc.sti , Doors Blinds ,
Unuli1'ni ' ; < talrU ornnnd Intenor llordvnl > mlih
Juft opened. N K ror ili nml I AM tax ttltbt * .
Umil.u , Nil"
cnnictriLL JT.J/ co. ,
Wholesale Pump * , Pipe.
Steam niul Water Suii | > ll ' HmUuniu-M f r Mart
Fo i t 0.1X1 , xl . Illirnrtintn t limnlii , Neb.
PumiH , Pipes and F.mrines ,
Steam , \\nlrr. UnUwnr and Milling i < < irpllei > . KtCk
leu. ttUaml l 4 Knrnaiu M. . tliM li . .Npb.
r. irrxn /-AY/A/J / runrr
IlnllaJnrVlnd Ml" i MCam d VTnter S
I'iuinhli B ( iocxlj. lii'ltlnc , lime. PH nnd ! M )
nani , t. . ounli i. t > K hrlfn. Miinucir.
Telephone So. ? 1J.
IT. 11.
AVhole ale Trunk ! * ,
Mlllnril Hotel lllock.Oniaha.
Wagons and Carriages.
"A. /3ms-o.v
. , / . > / . ,
The Lcadincr Uarriaee Factory ,
1109 nnd 1111 Do.ltc rtrcvt. ( * r.iuhn.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
Ktli tltfctand t ! Hy. . Omaha.
ar cxtMiMi.o THI MP THAT THF
lly reason of It central potlllnn nndrlax , rrUUolito
au prlilctpnl line * * Vast nn'l Weft nt Inltltl andtrr-
mlnal pAinu * . runt < ntt the nuvt linrnrtnnt
contmeutAl link In I'int rttrm ot throMzh trnnri irw
tutlon wblrh Invlt. . , am ! ftulllUUf trod iiidtrimn
Ijrtwp n t Itlps or tlietlnntl ' nn < l 1'm'lflr Cuuntp 1C
in also tUc taTorllo Mint liext rrut < * tanmljrpm point !
l arit , Nnrtlic.u > t nticl hoiithca'.t uud concponillut ;
| > oliltil W'e t Nurthnp ( and Meutlmot.
The Great Rock Island Route
On-irir.tces Ml patron * that tent ? of personal sent.
rltv ailunlpit hy ft K > lkl thoronchlT bnllaBTpil ronil-
twl smooth trnchR ot - iillniioU5 PIPH rail. piilcta.n *
ttally Ijitllt rnlvort * anil Ijrfdirr * lollln ctook ft nint
p rTMCtluu as liuman Fklll nui niaLe It. the fe&frty
applUnceA uf pi tent lmnerst > Uttnrni& and air hrntey ,
and that / dllpllnM nhlcli pOYcriis tlip prao-
tlcal opanvllon nr all Us truln * oni r * pcclAltlf8 nt
: hl rout nr * Transfer * at nil coimw tinir iKjtnti , In
Union Dtth cx. nnd the mt-nrpi9" M I IHIVTIS unil
luxuries or ltd Pji enit"r ii | < il | > ir.rnt.
The Fa t r.tprTM Tratiw between Chlfo anrt
ProrU , Council IlittlTt Knruiu Cltj l arfnn ith and
Atchlsun urn coiiipOH .l ot VfJI triitllalrd , Hnc Ir ui
tiolktrred linv t ! teli llarnlllrfnc 1'iillnon Pal t
Mv lieianr the lalv t iI flK'li an.l Hitnmncili * Ulnlne
Car * In "l.lch elat > or\tiljr ronlr-l mfula nr < - IHinrtlr
estm nttwrraClitcai-iianil K ll ii < ; ltT ind trbliou
me alio run tlie Ctlct.rut l iierllutne Chair Can.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
I ? the dlrjMit aim farorjto line bttwrrn Cho | > Ko n < l
Minneapolis anilSt 1'aul. Hhere r nneotlonnarumada
In I'nlun Depots for all p > .lnt lu tlip ri'rrllorlM anil
Hrltiib l'roTlnc 9. Over tills ronin > n Kiprrt *
i rains nro run to the wnt rln plaros. pumnu > i n > -
i"ir , picturesqae loKilliio . unit hiintlnir nihlne
5 round. of Iowa nml Jllnne ota It li ! . ( , th nioit
eslrallo route to the Hell wlieat tlilds and liaatoial
lands or Interior n.iknti.
Mill nuother lilllKCT I.1XK. rlf + nxa nnrt Kan-
EakHe. haivvn \ opeuo ! bi'twtnn 'Mni-lrtintl , Inittan *
atiolli and Lafavmr. > nil Cnuiull Illinr > KKII > < IHT.
Uluneapolliauilbt I'aiil ami inti n Jt..e Jiolntk.
1-or d tallLvl liiriirrnillon eu .Hapn nndolrrf. | .
oLtnlnahl- well ui tlrketn , at rll prlnilnil Ticket
Oin-r lit tlie United and Oaaada , ur Ll atl-
I'rss't & Ucu'l ! l' 'r. Rcu'lT't.t A ! . Ag't ,
and JafE Work.
1020 I'arnam Street , O\iaba Neb.
" "
Time Table
The rollowinp-intlin tlino of artival anil do-
put turc of Ir.ilns hy Central tjtiiinliud Tmio nt
tlnj local ilopot.s. Tiiilns nt tlio C. , Su I' . , M. Si
O. arrive unJ ( Joprtrt from ttiolr iei ! > i > t. cjrnorof
Htli \Vcb9torM roots : tir.liuon llio II. JcM.
C. n. &Q. unJ K C. , St. J. & p It , from tlio li.
A : M. rtoi-ot nil otliors from the 1'iilon I'.iclllo
nrlrteu tralm will leave U 1 * . ! - nt 0:35- :
IJ7i.VSI'J : ! ) : ) -SM I
IKS ) l-M 2:00--UW-- : I
. .
LoavoTniiisffforOiuaha nt 7:12 : Hi. II3M :
-U.'W-IH - . : . ' : . :17 '
- l-ir.--10i7- : : IT H. rn.l :
ll:52ii in.
I.cnvo liru.idwiiy 10 n5 p. in ; ArlvoOnmtia
11 W. ( , v. Oiimlui 111 00 p in. ; Ar. Ilrandtrny
10 2r. . In oCfcat Ati'fur.t : : oth tin'll turtherno.
tfco. Tins li ivl Jitlun > 1 to present tr.iln eervico.
J. W MOilhi : , CS.P. A.
Ar.-ivul nnil iliipartntu or tntlm from tin
Transfoi Dupot at Council lilulls ;
tlKI'AIIT. vntllVE.
cuiCAfio , nccif ISI.AMI * r..f ma
117:15 \ . x. I I ) u.r , \ . M.
110:15 A. M. UDi'KJ > > i.
C6iOi ; > . ! t. | U'-JUv M.
A8l.riA. : M. I AUI5 : * . > l.
A r-Mv it. I A 7..I I1. I.
CHICAGO , ncm.iNrmiK .v yLmcv ,
A9.15A. : M. I AUiHA.u.
H Oil ) i * . M. 11 : Ju i' . K ,
I A. 7iO i % H.
rillRlRO , > lIIW.\ii' > C & S7. I'tl'l.
ASI5 : A.M. I AU15. ; M
A6IOi ; % M. I A ; OH : vc
A 10JO A. u. I ICi5 : : u M.
obssp. : H. I .vc nr-u
A S:00i : > . M. I A" : ! ! ) f u
motrx rirv ft i-ACinr ,
A7b'A. : U. I . \9iJi A. > l.
A ; i" I' , u. | AdiiJr > ! .
( pin."i.STV.Mll ) . Arri\o
it. r , H. \ UNION" I'AaiPIO. ' . . KM ,
7'XU :
. . .I icnll . .
. ,51-UI : m I f.jprojj C.Uj
A. is. fi''iiT | < ? . , ST. I' . , r. \ o. I r. .
Sili'V Sioux City Kxpri'8 * ' S.lxj
'K. ' OiiUuil'l ' '
_ _ _ _ " " " _ ArriVf.
A.M. I ' I1 , > t. I C" , 11. * ( ) . , A. > ' . r. i
_ :2l' ii.0 > | vyq ; I'latttii'.initli
NUTB - Artiunsdrfir ; " . uui/
Uny ; C' , dully except Satunlay ; l > , ilin > - nr
will luiuff' . I' . Ucimi , Uinvlia.ttt " r : i , -
WA-n-Mn. in : 2M'Jui : - - < ; U.'i-J-1 : < : i' it i > >
Ql'iirMo iinr : < i * > , JrtJ ti "I. ; Utnver hx , I ' A
n. in : Ixii-jil Kt-.t'iOJ t > . m
l < nti > < toi < XyiirN * < ir Umnha at * 7iii 1
; 30-llVft.i m ; ' . ' ' i-f > - l-a'i---0 * r , ' , & . .u.
AtUntlc lit . | a , . * . 7/-t > m. < "tlot < , > .
le o. O ZQr p.n ) ; I , , , | Hi . le i O , JO , ti a i
Ho. I'ac. Kx , , ie. A. 0. i' 7p. a. ; id JJ , & s r ,
f , C9 A. m