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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1886)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 13. 1SSG. NUMBER 77. GAY SOCIETY ON ITS KXEES , Opening of an Episcopal Ohuroli in Par ! By the Amcrioac Oolonj. SERMONS OF THE ENGLISH PRESS The J'olleotimti'hLot Not nllappj Ont In Bi'IfuM TfftjCi'ilJ 1 > True I'rcnch Stjle llic * Mnj- HovM'r \ Ictorj. Wliero Amerleniifi Can 1'rnr. 1'AiiW Via Havre , Sept , 12 [ New Toil Jlernlfl Cable Special to tlie Km. The oputi Ing services took place to-dav at tlie Americai church ol tlie Holj Trinit } in the Avenn le ) L'Alma , near tlie hippodrome , and were i brilliant Mtccens Tlie weather was super with n bright mm nnd nn ideal Scptembe temperature. Tovvnids 11 o'clock compile loads of pnssengerbdi'scendedfrom the train wnf > , composed of bundieds of American with pnnei books In bund , hailing from Nev York , Boston , J'hiladolplna , Baltimore , Chicago cage , San rrnnelseo , St. Louis mid New port , and passed beneath the folds of th Hturn nnd Htripes wnv ing over tlie en trance o the new chinch. In a few moments till wer seated in tlie massive oak pews of Tin. VA.BI eon me nwrici : . The sei v ices benin w itli a pui tcctly drillc BUrplieed-clioir , ninnteen tiebles , four alto ; foui tenorb and foul li issos , under tlie direi tion of Prelctitui Post , One of tlie foremot musicians ol the English cathedral , m.xrcliin in double file up the central aisle singing th proce'sional hymn. "Tlie Church is th roundation. " After the usual Hervlet'b th rector , the He\ . John B. Moignn , 1) . D. , win for the past live } enrs lias been working Ilk u hermit to cieuto this American ehurcl mounted the pulpit. Dr. Morgan Is vouiif nctive , eloquent nnd good-lookine , with datl watching eyes nnd n militar } moustaclit His niaiinct iu Diuachlng is simple aud in jiresslvu. un MOIU. A.VSBI IMON. Taking foi his text psalm xevk , 1 " 01 sing unto the lord n now sons. " the preaclu litieil } told ins listeners the slorv ol tlie ne' ' und beautiful building from the time , te jears ago , when the subscription list wu opened , till now , "when , ' ' us the preacher rt marked , "anj American , who chances to li in need , crlef or dlstiess. has a home and refuge , where he may prnin public or i private nnd be comforted. ' ' It surprised some of Dr. Morgan's hearei accustomed to the ] ' 1U > IAM1OF t.JGI.ISn MASOX-S in their own eon ntr } to learn from theiniu istei's lips that "throughout the whole tim occupied iu budding tlie church tlie 1HO L"u. lisli wuikmen. engaged on the work , neve onto bullered an iinnure w < ud to cscap them' liiualb 'gratifying was it to leai that the good work has been complete vUthoi.t the descrcation of a single Sabbath All tlm muuelaiscd \ was given fieelv an clieeifullyitbout an } need having arise foi bnraai , lanr } lairs or otliet chai liable t ? pedienccs , mctisuicssoscathiii ! : ] } condumnc u few } eaib ago by tlmt Austcro Catholic , tli late Cardinal Gu b-it. " "iv Tins GAY cm , " said Dr. Moriran , "in which tlio America imme liascome tobeHiiiouymous ol luxui und extravagance , this building stands as be iiitiful token of American , Christian gci eiosit } , and represents tlio principle of tli giving of out bust to good winks " The new chuicli is a tathednxl-llke stria ttnu of the modern Gothic ! ) lie. Thegeuen material is of St. .Ma&min btone , Savonier Btiiuennd Anclu Trauc mtirblc. Phxlu , ui Etalntd tuk Is ellectively Used on Hie i oof , tli cencral itlect being light , airy and giacefu Tlio nrchilueleet v\us the late ( ieorg Udmund Street , 1 * . A. , w bo built the Coudt Law Court , aud whoso , designs since in death have been earned out by his fioi Arthur Stieet. Tlio t lunch occupies splendid site IN TUB VP.Ifi IIKAI'.T of the American quarter in 1'aiis Amen the Imgest donors w ere tlio lale W. H at derbilt and bis family , Cornelius Vnnde bill , W K. Vmiuerbilt. nnd Di. nnd M Buckler. The church house nt tlie bideof tli chinch is the gift of Mr. U. L Neviu Tli inortiiar ) ciiapel is the gift of the lute sou i Sir. It. 1. Nevln , who , by the irony of fat wao the llrstpeisnn whose remains cnleicd i Tlie chancel was given b ) tlio lite lu-orgo I Clupp and the altar rail is the gilt of L. 1 Minimi. The imlpll is given by Mr. tin Mrb. Tiederitk Hautevllle. Tin : i.Aunt : WIST WINDOW Clven Benjamin Uait , nnd the one adjoinin It on the i Ight b } Mr. Henry White , ji. Th vlndovvHat the hide ot tlie oi anareth gifts of Mr. David P Morgrn und the wu dow in the ulerastor ) weie given b.v tlie lul Admiral Gordon , Jlrs. W. II liussell , 7di > A. Begglo aud 31rn. 3. Itiggs. The alttn 1 the gilt ofilis. W. \ \ . Tuckei. nuvir.s or CIIAUMINO AMLUIC AN r.iin.s , enxceful in thorough Paiisian toilets , wei Hcattured throughout the church in almoi ever } pew. Particular ! ) bu.iutltnl was Miss B , a diizzling blonde , In u bimplp , hi elegant , biovvn diess , with n red ribbon i tlie nctk und n tall hat , wit BtidTcd birds with white wlngi Among tliosu ptesunt weio noticet Mr. ilcLean. the Anieiicaii miulslci ; AUKU- tns Jov , bccictatr of legation4 Mrs. B , 1 Wlthrop and famil ) , tlio Misses Post , Mis Itcubcll , Miss Nel.ln , who ptestmted a iiiAtTirti. wni.ATH or i-iowi'is. : ; Colonel and Mis. HnriUou Kichie , Ah : Lotilhird hpencur , JIu. AVulder ] > ell , Mr. ru Jills , i'leduiiek ' d' Hurluviile , and in short , i harming boiujuut uimpostMl of the prettie women In tlie American colon } . As 1 WHD desceudin , ; the churc steps lady.ncui bj exelainiud : ' 'Wh ) , ll'b jusUll , Grace cbuicb , isn't il'1 SEKMONS IN "null OKI A LS. How the KoligloiiH I'lipei t , ol' Lomlo \\Vlto KHCII Other L' ' | . Lovno.v , Sepl. 12. [ New York Herul Cable biieolal to tlie Bir ; | Tbo religioi hide of London is bettei cared for just no ! < } its ! clerical press th.ui pereonalt } b ) ll clorg } , who nre geiierull } on n liulhU lo-dn } , The big temples are main ! ) caie foi b } the prenediiiies minei uuuoiis , mil dians and eurate& , while tlieiovincal blac cautb lai-gely tilled tlie non-eouformls jiuipitg. News dealers cm of nil } provh on bale ever ) Satuiday eaploe of thu rullgin jmpore , I'lioso iHiloiiglng to uuudou mtmbt forty-due twelve fm the e t.iblislied eliurel tlurtiim non-bttetutlan , four BixpllkU nui Methodist und tliorennunlng four buluuem to the cliinoho8 of Ireland , S.otl ud u. "YVult's. All tluvso 1 hud to be fn > in > , COV1I1OVI.I1SAI. AM ) l'U. , w > than are of thu Amurican lollpo c- ) + Of late tiieie lias been some muuUaU ! . ! .1 spilling between PiueProtcbtnut. and t'uUi lies. Souiooi the p.iierboftliflin ] m wluitb.jti iksni'il , nre purtlcitl.irlj sev ore at the hnul carved madonna nud child statml rucunt erected oxer the eutrnuoi' of the North Trui bcript iu 'Weetminlstej ubbo } . Others m Utter oover Lord Itauuoiph Uhuruhlll uu his court criticism of tlu late uttauk u.aue v tUoCuthulic home socreturv. AXTJ WF-AT WL1 U. W.U Iho pajtefs 61K.-UU pleasanM } l t. fact thai the coininc wefk is an miti-mciit one for the SnhMiou nitny t'nder the proclama tion of Cienoral Booth i-neh soldier COM with out meat for cv on days clvine the mone ) wved to the nrni } trensur ) , which Is very empty. The Hook's lender li Mton ? in nn attack on the eourt for wnctionlng the polio } desired , or in ) Krnilttinc : 01 refusing tretrt preftchin ? . clulmini ; n a danger that poll c * prejudice ! or sv mpath } ma ) b'Tiuiie pit eh tinp guides. The Tshlet lm a lender defending tlie r-Al'U 1IF1IEF ON Tilt 31' l ITS , cxpl Hiiin tint ttic | K > llticnl reasons , whict : in 17TH existed for Pope Clement , supprws Ing the iJe ultt. have iea ed , wherefore the rirent brief tdirogntes tint juipjire lng bilei nnd colters the society to tlie lul nptntollc privileees Iiora the ear liest times. The 1 ablet approving ! ) quotes tlie jiope In calling the soclctj llll'I'LIITIM MOTIIKU or Ms distinguished fur holiness and wisdom nnc tlie guardian of old sound learning. " The Baptist which Is in its tvvent-cichtl year , uses the Welch title nsn theme txgains' tin dlestublished war , wldcli bv thewa ) , ii no new thing , but of jeml ) ocruienro iinlj that the retent election events have made i more consplciotm. In an article on marriagi it narrates Hie Spttrceon addressing A rot I'M. HI HAD .71 M VI VUKirt ) said : "Ves , Mr. Husband.ou lie tlie head but , wile.ou tlio neck , which alone cat move or tin n tlie head. " Thu Methodibt Itecordcr , a mmrtci of i century established , devotes two tel minis to n philliplc ou the Catholn chinch nnd one of tommcndatioi ou President Daw son's nddress to tiie Britibl association , praising him as not ntrtiid ti blend sirencc nnd religion liaimoniousl } . 1 rebukes bet for yt 1TT1.NO TOTAL A11S1I\INCI : nnd becomes a tliuotlij. Then It nniratc liovv InKerr ) u ) oung lad ) imjuired of i gentleman just introduced : "Did he mix li Boclet ) ? " He answered : "Never moie thai leu tumblers on nn eveninc. " Tlie Christian Globe pit-diets all manne f lellgiousnndpollncal evils from poutillca brief ifstoiiue tlie Jesuits , which , It sa ) = was extorted in n moment of weakness. It next leadc : is a sermon diawu fiom tin stor ) ot tlie Chat lesion earthouauc , , iiuotim from tlie Hebrews , whose voice there shoo ! tlieeartli. " 1 will shake not the earth only but also heaven. " TAkisd Tiirvtm i IIOM ciiAm.rTox. Tlie Guardian , the organ of tlie establl-iliet chinch of Scotland is mincipall } devoted to ; loin : report of tlie bishop of Argv le's eli in : to the diocesan s } nod , tlie principal them of which is tlio sad hindrance to spiul'in ' progress by the licquclit absence ol n du struttivelv clnistiaii doctrini luimtln jiuljiit and carring more foi elHtient ( | plietdue. Tlie Gin istiuu Cilolii- invites attention as : good theme for sermons lo the icmarkabl sentences Iu the sctted a Chatloston edito wrote : "M ) office w iu > shaken b ) n hand o : unmeasuiablo power 1 licaid mjbtunoni vibaatums aud a rolling along like an inter nal diiim beat smnmontug men to did " Ma ; pulpits tidnv ic'erred 101 religious It'saon to tb' ' great jilieuomena in the states. ON SUNDAY. Attemjtt to Kill a I'ollucmixn tiling K\tc \ Quiet , Bnt.rAsi , Sent , lli. [ New Yoik Herab Cable Special to tinrUr.n t A Ucipcrntc 1 temiit was made to-night to assassinate Di6 tnct Inspector Cosgiove , wiio e cousins , th Gillans , uic old New Yoikurs. At thecorne of J'erc ) streetSlmnkliill , tvvodelectiveswen knocked down nnd kicked but not serious ! ; injured , while disputing a crowd , wlncl bad galhertd. Coirove iau upnsidcstiee nttei si ) oung leliow , vvlio liad liee.i the oul ; member of the ctowd who used bad languagi to the police. As soon as the felloiv SUV that he had sepaiated Gosgiove from the pa trol of police be turned and lEVELEI ) A ItrVOI.VKIl over bib left aim as a rest and snapped i three limes nt Cosgrove. The caps cxplodoi each time , hut the miming was apparent ! , damp , as the pistol did not co off. A blow o Cossrove'sstitk ptevcnled a tottrth attempt but did not disable the rutliaii who ran oil After n hairmile elitise through the narrov alles between Sliunk Hill and tlie old Lodg roads , tlie fellow escaped. One eneoinngln ; feature os the whole ullair is that no atlcmii was made to slop the policeman during th chase oi to aid the runawa ) . A month uc tlie whole ncizuborhood would have turnct out TO siosr TUT j-otjcn. To nlslit the police were nol even called i foul mime. In fact , a child which } cllei "Buckshot" was immcdiatclv picked upnm spanked , by Us mothei Tlie idea mining tin police Is tliat t'ie ' would-be assassin is tin bi other of one of those killed thirlim tlie riots Tlie general expectation is that such attempt on individuals will icporlcd at interval nil the winlei until the ) succeed in killing ; policeman for each person shot b ) tlie police To-night's attempt wasplalnlv not aided t ) ' the crowd , wlilcli remainud good humored ii spite of the two une.-t.s. Iir.ATII IX FI11JNOH STYLE. A MtstifBS Miirilciod nnd Her lnr ninotir Snicidt-K. PAKIS ( via Ilaviej , Sept. 12 fNew Yoil Heiald Cable-Special to the Bin : J Pan bud hardly reeoveied trom tlie exeJtemen caused by tlie dreadful trairedv In the Kin Albaii ) wlion It was staitled b ) n doulil crime liaid ! ) Nss druuiattc. To-mglit , heat Ing that a murdui had been committed in tin Bued urstil , 1 diuve to tliat lovely und sin isti ) street. At tlm eouiei of tlio Itttt d Orsul and the Itue Sevesli ey , almost on Hi bimimit of Mount Murtre. stands ; bhabhy lodging honsu frequeuted b ) tin waifsuud htrayb of tlie cxteiioi liouluvard nnd dlgnihed b ) the tlie name of "Hotel di Clievnl Blanc. " A few duvsugo tlie bostus of the Clieval Blanc Ut a loom to a ) otin Hliopumu mimed Djrvul , and n woman eon hiderably older titan hlmseir , Marguiit Bulsson , Tlieso ficah arrivals seemed t lead u eotand , do ; life , for tliev were con htuutl ) ( luarrellng , ' 1 o in ht , after n mor violent sc.ene tlnui nsiuil , hiiiotliured groan nnd cries weie beaul iu the loom the ) occu pied on tlie third Horn close to tlio roof am ndjoinluc a dairy. A ciowd collectei nud the police were emit foi had locked tiie door , bu n locksmith fetched b ) tlio police burst in nut found tlie IKK ! ) of Murcnerlte Cuisson Ijin , i n tie Ho > < li'ivnl ) liad strangled her , it i suiv wd t' ' viiiu loji'uuws ) . The murderer ilu'cluii , , tit .1 ilcs ; > yrutu hope to escape , w a abiiul t < < leap onto the i oof ol tlie diary , wliei Iu luuv'l the police oliiuors give the order C incilsi vnchuriu. ' His enl ) chance be -niia and his ret teat tutt off , notlnugie iiitui but the guillotine ursuliilde. Dunul r\i. tiie Itue Albau ) niunleror , olios- As tlie crowd in tlie stiuut stout waiting tiie ) > iiirru s of the dra mutic twene tlie nimderer rushed to n windov aud ( lung bmisolf heKdtoremost on to tin pavement , end death was iustautaneoiis " 1 here's the ver ) place whore lie dashud hi brains out , " said nn ee-\\Jtue , with wliou I was disciibslne the tragedy. 'Wustdovvi tlicie " lie added , pointing to the window "lies tlie bud ) of his victim. " Hie murdui c.r s jumaUib were removed to the polic ' stuttou ACRNO\\LK1)G1NG THU COltV TUP KncIKh I'ruH 4 Gives Amorlcnr lncht < Thelj Jimt I > no. N. Sent. IS. . . (4 ( a in > "New Yorl Herald C able SpeciRl to the Bu. i 1 fount on Saturdnv night nnd vesterday at the clidr nnd covrtp resort * but siimll inlerest felt ii the i esults of the v aclit races. Since Llcuten ant Henu'b start Iroin Cowes there ha seemed to be no attention paid to the matter it beinj : lieie regarded as n foreroneeon elusion tlmt he would be bealon. Tliis vlev ha grown In strength since the ro'idt vva 1 novvn of the llrst da's Railing. This morn ing's lelegraph has a delightful leader oi the event in tin couise of which ll s > as : "We mav , trom n patriot ! point ot view , icgiet that th' ' old couiitr ) has not carried its colors to th front On the other baud it I * amtactor ; to see the craft of ) achtsiuatishlp so t hot ottghly undeiHtood in tlie United State ? Ihere seems to us something strange in tli idea of the Americans , w UIHO iiav ) is btibjec to gentle ridicule , ev mi lij themselves beini able to trim out and linuule a vaclit w'hh b , ii n good , honest race over tlilrt ) or fort ) mile of sea , tan beat the best vessel tha can be sent out against liei fron tliosi shores. Lovers of the pastim in Knghuul can never foicet how Amen catip tauglit us almost out e.iiilest lessons ate to the faults to be found iu our exlstini : tp of vessels , wlien in 1851 tlie ) sent over ) aclil , wlilcli then ciented soiuettiing like consit-riititlon In tlie Unglisli clubs , but w did not full to see tlie biiporiorit ) of ou rival's build and to liultat her coed points. . } nchts Imv bince tlmt date uniliiubtedlv altered in col : structlon , but the defeat ot the Oenesra nn the Ualntca ma ! e it somewhat doubtful I tlie ) have been nlt ied enouuh. Tlie men lieis of tlie New Yin k ) ncht club are hide faticable in tinning out yachts with evei. improvement that science can suggest. It I plain fiom tlie late contest that we shall hav to take one or tw o leiv es out of the book u our victors if we are to regain lor IZnglam tlie championship ot tliewtuld in tiie matte of pleasure sailinc. Importance of llerjr'f. Statement ? , , PAISIS , ( via Havre ) , Sept. 12 iXew Yoi Herald Cable Special to tlie BKI. J ' 1 o da tlie Independence Beige , wbltli is publishe here , savs the central part of Cuiope is no\ the mo-it nilected b ) socialistic and revolt tionnt ) doc til nes , and gives gicat prom nence to tlie inlet view of vom corrcspont eut with Beig , tlie piesidetit of tlie Dams rolkethinr , nnd refers to the specials fioi Deumuik as documents "d'uue haute aetui lite. " Tlie Pails Tfinps , another rrench nn Gei man paper , also attaches to-da ) crcat ] ) i litical importance to Beig s statements. Solicitous POP the Czar. Loxnox Sept. 12. Elaborate precaution weio taken to protect theczai durinc his jou nev to Poland to w itness tlie aim ) innnim v eis. Soldiers ni med v itli loaded i illes lm the lailwav. Tlie tram was divided ini tlnee sections and when passing stations th windows were closed .aid the blinds diaw down iu ordci to pievcut the discover ) of tl : carriage occupied bv the czat. Aftei tli nianteuveis the czai will go to Spnla , Polaiit wnen similai piecautions will be taken It Ids niolection , fiDUUOboldiiib ! being utilise for this sci v ice. 11 cpni'lncr for " \Viir Loxi > ox , Sejit. 12. Great excitement , hr been caused at Cliatlmm b ) the unexpecte re i-ipt of mgent ortiers Irom the ndmhtilt u exp < dite tiie cmntiletlon of the man t wai. 1'elavs of workmen will l > Bemi > lee dav and night if neccssarv. Thistxptivit ) : icgai dud as indicating possible continent ! complications. in Quiet. LciKDON , Sept 12. Nothing is known i official clrtles m icgaid to Prince Alexander' visit to England. Ihe puiice will lemain : Junenhoiuiloi the present , his health hem shatteied. _ _ 'UOUT BOITI ED AShcrllT Selves n Large Quantity am Urntro ) b ttie Lia cr. LAVVIII NTU , Kan , Sent 12. ( Special Te egram lo Ihe BEU.J The greatest ol leelin pi ev , ills lieie over the conhscatiou bv Sheri Corw m at Bismaick Grove , where tlie Wes cm Nntiunal lull lias been in progress foi week past , of 11,000 bottles of beer , which na been sei/ed the hist of tlie week from pa , ties who were stlhni ; it in violation of tii prohibitory law. Manila ) morning last giei coiiKteinatiou was pioductd on tlie fni gi minds b ) the appearance upon tiie countei of tlie largest stand on tlie gummls ol buei i large quantities wliieli was be ins dealt m to the immense crowds of vlsitois trot Missouri and other states. Sheilu" Corwl anested Ihe parties nt tlie stauJ and coi hseated the cutiie stock on hand , over vvluc lie has kept guard until lale Saturdaj evet lug , wneu tic set six men to work draw iu the cm KF Iron ) the bottles and pumlng tli liijuld mil Into u ravine which empties int tlie Kansas river , and leplneing tlie empt bottles In tlie cases I'he Immirt'd thirst people vvitiietised Hit- operation with grer tbsfuvoi This is tlie hint case ot note r an ) couliseatlnu made in the htate. nnd il leirnlitv is den led bj eveiybotiv While i splii ! tins coinimmiU communds the act , it i branded ijiiile iiuanimousl ) as being n ver high bunded measuie. Cadet flir.iit AM ) FALLS , N Y. , Sept. 13 [ cial Telegiam to tlie Bi.iJ Tne latest ail v ices reaiding the court maitlal of cadets a West Point foi the "cano ntnli" it , tliat , upoi ufoimation lioing rosalvedattlie win depart meiit about the state of affairs , Seeretixr ) En dicntl sent a Hlmrp dispalch to Oenerul Mei litt , the Huperinuinduut , wlilcli had tlieellu. ' iif making lam go slow. As tlie stipat intend cut cannot carry out tlio smitcmco of nit mi-sal aaiust thy cadets , andean onlv inllic. punishment if the Buuietnry hliould ujiprov the findings of the court , it would bo nn iu : plied leusuio mum both court an superintendent. The disposition on the pat ot both Secretaries , Eiidlcolt and Wliitne ; has been to discouragti tlio uibltrutv method wliicliliave pievailed ( luting the last fei ) euro nt both milll.uj nnd naval acadtmi ) , b wlilcli turmoil has been kept u und the cadets lost valuable limn b ) the- . w liiilesaie eourt-niarttals. 'i oung Wheelei , the catlnt adjutant , ha lietin lestored todutv. lllsix nice ( jimstioi how General Merntt could bring eiiarge against cadets , even iuiU thev li-cn ilium ; , a Mispeetcd , as tlip ) wore iu citizens' clothe and woiu not ruijuiied to lejxirt until time : pirntion of tliolr leave , which wus nt paradt nine boms liuei. A Mexican Quuke. CITT or Mi.\iro , Sept. 12. An official K port to tlie gov ei nor from Sequisteaii , a slat in Mexico , snj s a shock ol earthquake w it oscillations from east to west was felt hei betvveeu 4 utid 5 o'clock 011 the morning c the Bd instant The last boicie fehool : hei wus four uuxis narn , when the massive bnildin occupied b ) the London hunk wus cracl.e und other fJHicot injuted. Michigan btrlUob Oil. JlKTROir , bjpt 12. A Manlhtae speoit 6ayt > : li L Peters } twtoida ) slruuk oil t the depth of 10.WO feM , He lud been drill ing a B.-ilt well , and a.tKW or 4,000 burru flowed out in a short Unit before the pipe vva plumed. Experts sa > the ) have seen well In liio e , > st produce 4KKi barrels n dav wit jMKirer iirospects at lirst than this well. Th oil U of the bi'stradc. ( . SEAL SKIN SBIP SEIZURES , TSo Explanation by Any Officials lion Uncle Barn's Government , "WHAT A DUST WE'RE MAKING ' Snlth the Cnnndlnn rijon the CarrlnjjcVhccl Social i\cnts Amonc America's Ai if-tocrac } . Contrndictlon On IIP Pace. Sept. 12 , [ Special Tele pram to the lli.r J Tlie dispatch trou Ottawa , Out. , statins that Canada has madi n demand , through the British minister a \Vasliineton. for tin- instant nnd uncondi tiontd rultase of the Canadian seallncesseli cajitured by tlio United States n enuerutte ; in Al'iska WRteri earnes Its ow n eontrndlc- tion on its face Tlie Canadian co\crnmen does not treat dliectl } with tlm Uuitec Slates , nor has it unj authority to use tin British minister here as Us diplomatic acent The Canadian poveinnicnt. powerlul as 1 assumes itself to bo In the waters of the lo minion , is n eolonial dependene } of Gie.v Britain. If it lins anj coinplnlnt to make o Hie "United Stales , with icspect to the aetiui of tlie revenue cutter Corw in in Alaskan wnt ers , its enl } course will be to make this causi of complaint Known to tlie British foreigi ( i II ice , which can alone communicate with tin United States on tlie subject , Till lltllTlslt MIMSTI It AT WASHINGTON can iecei\e no instruetiou exeejit from Lou don. Moreovei. our state depat tment has 10 eeived no demand , 01 othur communication on this subject fiom ( ireat Britain tluougl Mlnistei West or an } otlici souice up to tin piesent time. It iBbnIievedto he the purjioai of tlie Camxdiau authorities to induce tin BiitiHh L'dveinment to make such n demand and should such n demand be made our cov eminent will undoubtedly bo piopared It ireet it. The state department 1ms in information as to tlie tacts o the captuieofnny < 3anadinn sealincCBSO ! ii Alaskan w liters , ev cept such as ev cr } Ameri can citi7en has read In tlie newspapers. Tin newspaper clliipincs. wldcb hn\e been re cehed at the suite iloiartinent , show tha tin Canadians are by no means aiaeed tlu Ittibsia had lull power to cede to tlie Unltut Stales luiisdiction over then crcal inland o Behnngs sirait. A late dt < p xti li from Ottawa states that tin government oHlcrds ther < bold that the clain ot the L'nited States is jireposteious , being ii direct VIOLATION orAMNTJ.UNATlOVAl TUHAT1 which is known to the world , and wliic ! tells that Hussm , Irani whom the Unltec States demed its titlt * lo Alaska , lins espe ciallv n ieed that Butifih vessels shnuld nol 1)6 ) molested in thuPauiur ocean ot the Bebr incR sea The Ueat } stales KuglaiK and Kussia shall not be troubled , or molested in an } part ol tlie ocean called the Paeihc eitlici in m.igatiuc ; "tlie same , in liMiini thciein. or in landing at points to trade w ill the natives. The Lasa as presented bv tin depai tment goes on to ba\ that the 1'aciln ocean is open to all paities , wlioset-ktt cruise in U , w bethel fin wealing or hbhing. SpLMkiUKun tha question .Ml Tester , nun ister of tisliei ii" . , said " 'Hit seizure , aecoid in teem vleu , was unjustiluible andiepic senlaMon w-tll be made to tlie impeua authorities' ' Anumi ; the questions iinolvei in the hettlemetit of 4he nlfnir aie those o momentary damnffCK iconsyciuent upon tin forleituie ot tlio seals nnd tnedelciitiou.o ' iioijs The white house rp pairs me being rapid ! ; comjileted , nnd t > \ tlio middle of this weel the mansion will be u-.idv for the ittnin o tlie piebideut and -\Iih. JJleveland. AVhat ever httlt clianges tlie limited nppropuation will allow in the decoration ot the interim particularly in the pihate upartineiits , wll not be completed until Jln > . Cle\elaud is her to give dilectious. A hOCIAI MI rOA. Secretary and Mrs. Wtdtne } are nnxions i < enteitum the juusident at Lenox , Mass. , bu it ib not expected tne } will have tlie oppoi tunitv to accept tins hospitality. Secretar ; and Mis. Whitno } ateat Lenowlieie tli social huiiziin prows brighter as tlie day sliorlen Several members or the diplomat ! corps have taken cottnses tlioie , and a mini her of wealth } New loikers'will be on ham lei the month of gavetv. feui. WA. ? > TS DAMKI , 10 ansiGV. : Secietarv .Muniunir and wife are now visil iiii the latter's brotlier , 1 ! . L Fr.ver , of But lalo , who. it will be lemembered , was tin ruest , with Ills wife , at the .Manning resl denu' beic last wintei. Jlrs. Mnnuins : i quite loud ol tlie soi tal life in Waslnnztoi and anxious to retain hcie She has hi jn however , since tlie liecliinlng ot tiie sesie larv 's illness enaally HUMOUS tlmt lie resigi iiom tlie Laliinu , if ueteshnr } , and endeavo to u'oUin his health. IIAI AII > ON IIOKM HACK Secictnrj la ! } aid lakes solitnr } liorsobarl i ides after his leleaso Iiom olliee duties li t lie carl } part ol the evening His clianci for an outing eoim-F w hen tlie president re turns to tlie white bouse. To-da's 1'ost snj.f : "A telegram fron Omaha was leeoivcd } estcida } annonnciiij tlie death of Frank Conlrej , of the Uuioi racitic Liigineer corns , and requesting tha hi1 brother , who istnmisht to be a jiiicst ii tills oil } , be notified. ' 1 lie deceased has in lolntmnMii friends In Omaha and the poliri lii'io me unable to und tlie biothei , who wa supposed to be liere. " _ DEADLY PISTOLS. An Alchiwon I'oliocinan Shoots and I Shot l.v n 1'risoner. ATnns , Knu. , Sent W I Special Teh' ' gram to the BI.I..J 1 bih aftuinonu aliuu S:2"i : o'clock u negro named Henry Han ing ton made his appearance on tlm coiiuu o Ninth and Santa IV utieets diunk , nnd cie ated n diBturhaiice. Ollicer Basket. nUo eel ored. was sent tu quiet oi anest 1dm. Tlie ; melon a footbridge across a dilch , wheie i htiuggle tmik pla eand llatrington bioki liioso and jumped ovei the bide ol tin bridge. Busket stnrtexl to follow him , wliei Harrington drew a levolvei and tlucatcjiiu loslioot. This did not deter Basket , win stillunt for ins man. Hariincton tired am Basket drew Jils revolver nnd ic turned tlio fire. He then closet w itli Harrington , knocking him down will his ie\olver. Tlio pistol hlioth attiacted i ciowd , and when tliexcame up tlie } diseov ered that both men rvore bud ! } wounded Basket \\nh taken to IrU home on North See end street nnd I arrlnctou to the city 1ail An e\mni tuition idevelopi'd tlie fact tlmt Bus ket liad n tntal wound tiom a loil\-foui cali lire revolver , the'ball ouieriug the Jelt liicas bt'lov , the niiple ] and ranging upward , am will provo fntul. Hnriington lias a wouiu on the mlit hi east in utmost tlie hame plaie busldes huvlnr bis Kl.nll tia'tured b } thi blows from B.ihKet's j 1nt < il , He v\ ill also die Basket Is a Hiiber. iiiriustruuis inun and i bra\iMiillcer , winlH Humnston is a worth less , drunken w retell. Totk'h huoct-xelul Pair. Yoiik , Neb. , St-pt 12. fSpPclnl to theBi i Tne count } fair closed jesturdu } nnd 1) ) suite of tlie Inclement wcathoi the fore pat of the week , lias been u success. The exhibit were excellent and the soeiet ) will be llknl ; to be able to pay premiums In Inil. Tni spued ring -was not well Idled owing lo tli biuall puives ollereil in that department. Th free fur all trot was w tin by ( i. II Maibtou * Vulniiteei ( inl. btUni t , liA'1. , . The tun elt } rnnmmr rate wtxb won by Brown Idle and Little Bird , both ow tied at Xurtli Lanp The hie department putan uxhimtinu iui similar to the one ut licmunt whou the won the i li mjitoiBhM ) > ul the vvtuld I'uit Nml Bra } ton made two bticcoBBitil but lOUll For the Ecrlhquukfl Snrr irers. J i w "i oirjv , faept is. 1'onr liuudred dollars lars w ere taken up to day tit sen ieos in St Cieorge * t'Uurcli in aid ot the Chnrleetoi Butlerurb. AVD I'llOMlStX Knoournctnc Tleports rrtnn the Com nicrclul ana J'roilnc-lnc AVorld. NEW 1 out * Sept 12 , Special lelocrnii to the Hi ! i The meeting of the railrom mrxnacefs nt Clncnco wuc the domlnnnt In lluenee on the market nil the week , am hardl } nin thine else moved il eveept tin c\ideutpicsonceof Gould In the market , am the successful negotiations for retnndlm Missouri Pacific bonds nnd the stead } nppie cmtlim in Milne ol securities. The etlecls o the Northwestern agreement will bo wldt1 spiead ixtid lastine and so far no dlssatisfac tion has been expressed w itli the basis of tli new acieeinent This evinces n deyrep o haiiiHii ) > as pleasant as unexpected , becaus since then the relations of the roads hnv been changed ver } much n } the eutranee r tlie l liicago. Burlington A. Nurtheru into Si I'littl. the rapid extension of tlie Nortl western through Nebraska Into W.iomin nnd tlie extension of tlie Missouri I'aclhc t Lincoln. Neb. Nevertheless , the spirit c mutual concession prevailed , nnd investor and investorb were HO much encournir d tlm the blocks of the ro.uls lnteieuted closed c the highest puces Known lei ei hlee months. Hallway earnings have undoubledl } ha an effect in inlluenclnc tlie operations of It vestors Tlie mini tables , compiled b } tli rinancial nnd Commercial Clironlcle. nhou as it had befoie piedicted , that not on ) } tli gioss earnings lor the lusl month , hut tlu the actual totals , would be g : eater than ft ail } previous Aucust , and piobibi } in e\ee' ol those ever leported for any single montl This impioxement has been constant ] } an rapid ! } lucieasliig since Ma } until we ha\ for August on n mileage ot enl } about per emit irrcalei. n u-ain ot mote than ' 0 pf cent compared with , lulv , and eompated wit August ot last \eni , with a mileage of enl about ! PCI cent irieatei , the impiovcment i li per cent The gain has been most mm keen on nortlivvestein loads and Ihestalfected b , the movement of turn ore , tor Hie tolal ic eoiptK of irram nt Chicago slmvv an inereas ol over To ] > er cent compaied with \nru-i ot last \ ear , and some oi the roads , notabl. the St. Paul > V Omaha , had luigei caiiiing than ever beloie In Vugtist It lias been urt'ed moie than once that n Hplteol the increased \olutm ot bixnl.Uiariiig tne absolute amount ol imme\ > mplo\ed i business was not am lnig < i than at this tun lust } eat. anil that the luueased loans wei to be aeiounled lor b } tlie enhanced PIILC ol stocks. J'V'iires. liovvevei. can tie brou n to disprove this tlieerv most conclusive ! } , lo although August * s usuallv the dullest montl ot the summer , the total cleliiiu s weie huge than for cither A put or Mav , and but littl less than .1 uly and about -1 per cent in e\ cess of last vcai On the oilier h.ind tin sales ot stocks during August were smalle in number and value than forniu month ii the } ear und less ihaii halt as much us the , weie durini : March. C-ompaied with tlie pit vious Augiisl their artmil value was -J5 pu cent less , ol ovei C7" > . (0)OJ ( ) ( , which show tin clearings lepreseiitim : le-itim.xte bnsmes transaction eousuteialilv moie than -0 } iu cent in excess ol las ! Aucust IVopIo luiveabmd gi\en up drmiinrtli fact that the mm kit is n iisincone it ha been gome up DOW lei lorn mouths , am with verv unusual Mi'adiiiLSs Theextiem lluctuatiolis ol auv one munth have lieei nearl } asgientas the advaiue tliat has beei scoied from tin lowest point in Mav last , bu the minimum in each mouth suite then ha alvvavs been above that ol the pteLediu mouth. Tlie inuMiim avei.ige fin an } on month has novel exceeded Hie maximum fo am pie-vious monili as much as 1 per com The highest prices until the close Satmda night wore j cached on August. Then thin was the Kharp leaction con-t'ijnent upon 1 1 slrmi incy of monev. Jn less than a fen night there was a decline .of near ! } 4 im cout , whicli if > averaging tlie marketwithl : uliont of 1 nei cent of the minimum ol tli previous month. I'hoinlh tiom tliis low point has bee : Blow , but "comparativel } steady nud bn meaiifa as last as was the icai-tlon The mai kct has , liowevei , at these Inch puces muc less to fear than three months tigo , w hen tb wheat croi vas unsettled , and il was enl icckless speculation to discount futuies. A ; wops nre out of danger , except cotton nn coin , nnd both ol these are fairlv well as Billed. Ciops on the continent aie known t be serimiblv injured , ana tlie low price of si ver militates ncainRl the import * of when trom India. ' 1 lie business oi tne counti } hi : been ineieasing at a ver } lajml rate and th traillcol the rail ) oads is enormous It vvoul apear | that there is little to fear , except possible stnngenc } in tlie mone } market hi ; indications ol tins are b } no means as tlu have been Slonoj has vvoikcdei } mut eabiei Uuiing tht week. OF A Jamaica Suflorri Great LORSOK Froi ; AVild AVlnclh anil AValon. BAI.TIMOKP. Sejit 12 TSpecial Telegmi to the BLI. ] The bteamslim Kenilvvortl Captain Ackcilv anived to-dn } _ Irom th West Indies Captain Aekerly niports tlu tlie lecenteartliquakewab not li-lt in Jamaic or adjateut islands lie , however , biougl a full account of tlie liurncaue tliat deva1 tated Jamaica August 19. In Kingston tli sea IOSD to an unusual height about Victor ! maiket , the sprav dnslilnc over llodnev' Btatue Several lives were lost and ti nun her ot vessels wrecked. At St. Andiew th hurricane was felt with more seventy tlm at Kingston , and tlie destiueUon of propert wusgieater. At Constant the Spring Cti Htabies , Hie Baptist eliapd and two otln jdacesof worship weiedestro.ved , Tlie missio school near Abbey court was complutel sweit ] away. At I'iamstead eight niitiRt w ere destro.v ed. The bariai ks nt Xewtastl are rej.orted wiccked and tint damage i largo. The soldier ? have slnei camped on Atlrishiown many p ope ! were icndere liomelenH nnd an old huh killed. Tlie 1'iot ( 'stunt and the Catholic Kchoul houses i Sw allow huld. andChamei } ball wu- blow down. In the Cieighton tlisti let nil tlie hut of the peasantrv weie destiovLd At S Christojihy nnd Mount Cliuiles clinic he were levelled. These me tin most imiiortui los1 es , but the dumiige in geueml Is vei gicat. The woim leatuie ol the bun leant I the destruction ol ciovvmg Iruit , whichl man } distiictb was gencial. Tlie goveini ol Junmic. . ! was besieged atliiB lesidenec , t < crowds ot homeless und distichsed pcop ] asking foi aid. MUUDHU roLLOWS MUItllEIt. A Sun Kills HH | Fatlior mill the Olllue \ \ lilt AirrMttd Him , SI'OKAM ! TAU.S , \ \ ' . T. , Sopl. IS ! A lei rlble double trnged } occurred on the sevont lust. In Grand Coulo , lialf wu } betwru SjKiknne rails and Ol.anogan. A ma named I'.iine commliied niuidut in Misson : several } earb ago and was senttmced lo han ; : He made bib OKciiie and came loomlii . lerritorv and sdttled in Oianogiin : eottntj -whereabouts liafame Unown nnd a icqti idtlon was sent to Spokane 1'ulls nnd plnce in tlie hands ot .lakulliibbaid , a coustabli to serve. He took a deput } named 1'ull i and loll Sumhi } moinlng for J'nlne't > plnu till niilon distant He secuied I'nuie witnoi tioublt ) and plated Imndcutls on him. II us ! . id pmmUston to bid taievvell to his wi ( in ccciet wliieli wascranled. and llu twoo hceri > nnd tlio prisoner Htaiied on n hiv I buaid foi Spokane I'alls abuul noon 'lovvai dusk a bun ol I'nine , tigtd twentv } can coming on lioihoback , o\eiiml , tb oilifeiH anil benii In mir with a VViiii'hORUi rllle Tlie tluid Khot hit his father , who die in ten mi nines utiorvvaidh. The othuurn r < turned tlie lue with rtmilv ers , but tlieranu wahlnobliDrt The htlli shot htiucl. Hut bard in the thin and he full io the giouin dead 1'uikin then vv hipped Me team tu wont enl v a short distance wlien one of tli luirses tell dead fiom u utle wound 'i oun I'aine made Ins escape. The old man at li was djjug ounltsfcwl the erimt. und tul PuIKfui tliat wlien lie bade gotirt-be to b w iff ne told bur to tell thnlr son to him even If ho hud to kill Die ? > clrjiVa and Iowa IVrathrr. Tor Ni-braska and Iowa tieneralls 1n : wither , nearl } stutlouar } temperature. A GOOD Y1KLD OP COUX. What llriun-ts rrom the Wcstcri Stntes Indloatp. CnirAOo. Sept. li The following cro ] suinnmr.v will appear in this week s issue o the runner < ; lrv ! lew The corn crop had i TVeek ol hot nnd crowding weather nud tin ninjoritv or reports received nl tin close of tlie past week Indicate that the con crop Is well iwst nn } serious danger of trost In portions ot Illinois , Missouri , Kansn lovvn mid AVlsconsln the grain is ulread sutllclentl } matured to resist nil } Injur : from llclit fro is The cetifral average in dicntcd b } the reports dm lue the past ton weel.s have nol changed in auv nartieula' ' decree. In n general wnv tlie pn ] > fcts nr still vcrv conti lor a full nverage yield li Ohio , Michigan. Indiana nnd Minnesota Tlioinemce prospectiveiuld istbclowest I Illinois , Wisconsin , Missouri nnd Iowa nn ranges low in Kansas nnd Nebraska. Tli averages given last week me varied enl slight ! } Tor Illinois , according to reports fror twcntv-two ot tlie prlneipa' ' coin-erovMii comities , the uvein-e is betvveu ( U and C pm eent , nnd live of the counties joport tlui the coin is out ol all danger Item liost , Th most eticouiauinc icports from Illinois com rrom Lee nnd Muninii eouuties , and tlienn tiie nnlv ones loporting piosp cts ot n lul average } ield. The avuiairo ib the lowest ii Hdwaidsnml M'tieei counties In twent } eimnHes nt Iowa the cencrti av ernce ranees from 3fl to lS ! per eent li Cass and Cumill counties rejiorts show tha the cum will give n full atcrauo } if Id. It Mailison , Decnlui. Marion and Apiianoos eouuties the nvemge falls trom0 toJOpe cent of an averare } ield. Tlie Iclegraphci averaire of r > l per eent sent last vvwk shouli have applied to Iowa Insleixd of Ohio. In Kansas the lowest uvuinge repoited is 2 pin cent and the highest 10U. The uvuiag id the state langeslioiuOO toTSjii'i eent. In Missouri the nverage lor tifteen s-al teied counties falls below SO per eent , with general av uiuue ol s per cent. In \ \ iscousin some of tlie counties indicnt verv low aventgeb In Giant , 1 on Pu La and Sliebuvgan counties tlie } ield is plncci at tiomto ten lifteen bushelb an awe. Tin average lor tlie st4ite runs verv low. Fully one hall ol tlie counties ol Miniusot predict n lull average } ield. In i'ipuston eouutv the } ield promises to be the lares ; ever known in thai eountv In Michigan 11 will piobib ! } exceed the vield oi a } ear ace In Nebmska tin-Meld will be fnil } b5 pe : cent ol an average } ield lieiiuls ] luntinue to indicate that eat ) plantid potatoes piomise a laii yle'd , wlnl neailv all tlu lute planted potatoes are \ei , pnor , indicating ceneiall } less than out lorn th tlie usual vield The acreage lor tli tolal crop will exteed ver } little more thai one-halt the usual } ield. Tlie lute rains have improu'd tlie pasture somewhat injowaiind Illinois , wheie gias in mum sections is lepotted short but green In other laigu sections pastuiesare leportei div and stmrt and cattle lean In man ; portions ol Illinois , Missouri , Iowa , Mtnnc solo and Kansas , coin is being cut in laic quantities lor foddei. llo s are repotted light but general1 ! lre.althv. Hog cholera is reported in .laspt > count } , Illinois , and in O > ace count } . Mi1 soun , bogs ale dying fiom unknown diseases WILLIAM. A Worth } Yonns Doint'tstic Her 7'iaduccr. Nrw Yoitu , Sejit 12 | Sjieeuilluli'zrani1i the Bni l LI//IO Wood , ngtd t\v out } -loin piettv and indepsndeut , who came fiot : England eight } car > - ago and has no ickxthc on lids bide of the ocean , sings in the choi of ttie Uuapel paUHlon , BiooUhn , Sunda nud mooting nlchtK and works foi her In in as a domestic the rest of the time.Ml wh know hei ive her an excellent reputation Last night the head of the l.iiniiv vviiere sh is a servant , und about a hundred otho persons , stood b } in St Minks avenue ant apjilaudedlicr as she gave a teruble tliiasluii ; with n raw hide to William Strong , who wa formerl } employed in the custom , house an used to pay attention to her. Sh icfused to allow him to call o her mi } more because be w.i nngrj and abusive whenevui she went wll um bed j else Since then he has pcisisted i : following hei about , and hiibciicuiated stt nes against liei cliaiautei. Two months u. he was put under bonds lor good hchavioi o her complaint. Lvei } nurlii be wntchcd th house where she lived , ana when she wen out would lollow her Shecomnlainedngai : to n justice of the peate , hut , netting littl encouragement , declined she would juotci herself and commissioned one ol her friend to Imv her tlie best lawhlde be could lind i New York. Last night Strong passed th house. house."I'M. . SOT L'l THIS rit-ANfl H.Il1 , " she said , and inunini ; attci bun came ute to him as lie sal on the cmb'-tone watehin the house. Site ) > rompth gave him a ci with the w nip aci oss the back , following ] with lapid blows ovei tlie lace and nick th : biomrht the blood tiu'lj Tlie ciovvd cot tinually uu-ed the ghl on and he Miugli balet } in llipht Shelolluwed , lashing bii ateveiy fiteji He sougut admittance to Hi house of li. Buukci , cr } ing out to tlio hous nmid : ' Foi God's fiixke let mo in ; she will Ll. . me ! " He begced the phi pltcoufily foi merci and lot evei } woid sol a lash und a chc < Iiom tlie trowd. When ho did hnall } gt into tlie house Miss \ \ ood. exiiausted but U nmphaiit , left oil the clmso und letttrne borne. Jopc RiiHli'h Side. Sept 12 | Sieciui | Telt gtam to the BII. ] Alexandei Mitchel presidtntol tlie St. Paul mad , who is we known as n staunch democrat , was nskc tills aftei noon it the lepiuts were true tlu lie intended to support dovcinor Knsk f < le-i'luLtion this full. Ho lepilcd : "II tli tanvas isle be made on tlie stanu taken b iJiiKk dining the ili } tiots , as 1 nntlerstun it is , I shall vote foi liim. 1 consider it m did } and tlie dut } of ever } honest cltUon c Wisconsin to vote for him. It ih for tli citdlt of tlie stult tlmt In lie elected and tlu sustained in tbo stand he tool , last Mu against the mob element. 1 ( onsidei tin ( lovuinoi Knsk'h conisi deservef. coininenili lion und support. 1 Know pursomilli tlu maii > of tlio must prom mint dmiiuciiitb i Wisconsin will vote lor .lern Itusk tins lal 1 am in iuvm ot tliedcmoeiatlt paitv imttln nu no tandidute in opposition to him. " Labrador FiohuriOKNo Good. IIAJ.U'A % , N. S. , li AlfifdB Mo Jlnne , a imimbm of the Nevvfoundland legii latme for Beunu \ istx , now lime , b.-.js : Th Lubradoi lislierle.s aio an entire lull nre. A tlieli best tliej alToiil but u bate subsistence and uO.OJO peojile go from Nowfotindland t Lubiadoi tor hsh every joar. Tnib } et the } have not cauglit enuuglt to pu tlie test of transput latlon and supplic At least 2J'OO more jieopln are dejiendei upon tiie 6iiue B oi tlie above muntlontJ iUI.OUO Tlie total lullure ol the shoie hshei tins jeai lendeih 70,000 people destitute , mil L'U.lMU ot thuse depending upon them bum iiie.noil | tohtnnd the loss < i ! a ytiiuV lube These people have bat til } enough forpiei out neunsnituut and no means oi uiitning dollar 'I lie tmlv lelh.t to ibit. pUttnru is > li tact that tbu potato ciop , the otil } niiied on tlm island , it. tinning out well nn v , ill viukl about u uuck jiei head ol tlie po | illation. _ _ ISig Wind in < ; citliuin. Ki v < YOIIK , Scju. I1,1. During the IIOHV storm wliutli jircvdilud bore this uuuning Hi wind hud n clean HWIMJJI .wntw tlit > uppei < n ut tlie lehsnd ttud did uuiiaitlurablc dajim Suns wmr toin down und * , uuuiotu. ' 1 lit ! salt was lelt moie gdnonill } In Mai hatuin vUlwge , where H'V < unl bom. * * wci dottHl anil one house tmtlrt ) ! } dumoli bti ( jeisuiittfio i Death ol' u Wi'll Knoivn SAI.I si Mans. Sept 1J I'rofofcMir duriii' ol llunard eollei ilieJ at ilf\e l\ ti i moil intel h v't Uijtabu THE BEATRICE PRIMARIES , A Damnable Plot to Gurry Qa c County For Howe mid Dolby DRUNKEN MOBS AT THE POLLS , Outrages on HIP Sncrprtne : of th < Ballot Ilnx Hrtltorj ntid IVnnil IVorsp Thiin Ml is lj > i l Shot-Gnu Poll ? ) . An InfninoiiR Aflliir. BttATHirn , Neb. . Sept. IS. Correspon dence of tlio HUE ] What wn < It " A repulv- llcmi priumr ) or n dissmeef ul mob of dninkt n nnd riotous non-iesidents ? The quisi in admits of hut one ansvvri from am cam Ul person who w Itnessed the Indu-cnl and in describable PWIIB oimcti'tl nt the Bc.itilco primal ) last Wedncsdav nltornoon To say It wns n dlsgiaeeful affair Is to jwt it too mlldl ) . > oioure audacious and shameless ntleiupt to Icnmo mid the \\ill ol the mnjnrlt ) of those vvhou ! richt worn entitled ton vote was over nuulo. Tim itnlihisUU'c cfti outer ) ixnd lawless disie.ard ofjustlconnd deeencv exhibited upon the occasion , -were In perfect nereid \\ltli the v.ell earned icim- Utlons of the insiigntors mid dlieetor.s oi the rullluns who monopolized the polls and vol- Inc. As bO'in as tUt1 polls were opened , fully saw strangers , non-residents of tlio count } , mini } of tlioui deinocrnts nnd residenls of other stales , thronged und crowded mound ttit voting place. Most1' ' of them were men shipped in to construct the I nlon Tactile switch jnrds nt this place. The ) wereuudoi the intlueiiee of liijunr und weie boistcious. and iiuaucNomn. The ) were headed und volcd b ) n non-iesi- deut contrnclorlio , with face livid nniH mind muddled -with whisk } . exhibited a * ' comiilete icnorance nnd contemiit of thu qualifications of voters its luck of decency und tr.ithtulnc.xs. J'or n time Judge Smith nnd other prominent citizens tiled lalthttilly nnd lrn\el ) } , in the capacity of challenge-is , to ni event the casting of lutpnijKti 'voles , butf to no purpose. With "om Colunei Culb } " on tlie inside with the judges to see tlmt the votes weie taken upon tlie inside , tne non resident repeater to uxsl the Mill's und tlio above mentioned non-resident contractor to \oucli lor tlie ncht ol tlie lepealers to repeat , tlio voting pio.ressed IIH rapldlv as the eminent nnd talented states men ( Cioil save tin mai k 1) ) whoconcuulcd thu whole scheme could have wished. l'he chal lengers weie soon eiowdcd nnd puslied uuand the enlhusliistlc tiniiHienis sui- nmnding the polls gave theiusulrt'S up to votinc with peilect abandon. Each ol tlui mob was limited mil } In his inelinutlon and the mimhei of mum" ; he wislud to assume. Citi/unstauie niul left without voting. Only a le\\ took ndvaiiume of brief liuls wlien tlie non-icsidents "were tib-i-nt in ncighhoi- ing saloons , and cast their ballots Distrust. shame und indignation tilled Uu bieiisis ot icspeetnble but distranchiscd republicans ; and e\en most ol tuose who wen responsible lei wliat wiii taking pi ire sUuli.ed nwny nsliamed ol their own work. Tin humiliat ing indelensihle nnd inexcusable unfair of histS ediicsda ) wosnot aiepubilr.xnpiimat- The tninsient ruilioaderb wniumt leuiud to icbidcnco oi imlities , bud tlu i ottui ; irll their own wa Tlielibt ot dulegaies receiv ing the mnjontj ol Mites east do not in any seiibe lupicsunl n umbideruble miiiorltj much less a iniijurltj of tlie republicans of Uuatncu preumct. JSo luuubiiunnill bo nnj thejebfe nifjuibllein , norunj the more u biiltei , wlioiuliiHus tOHUbmit to the action of \Vcdnusili \ ) 's dijle alcb. Acalnst mostol Iho PUINOIIB wluise names appear upon the niiu- lehidunt tiuket theieib nothim : ttibi\ , but if they wiih to retain then own sell lespect and tlie lespect ol tliuii lellow-elti/iiib , luey ought to have the counme nud manhood to lurube to present theutsehes to the county ( ninentiim as the iepitsennti\es > of Duaulutt lupubllcnns Thej mostlikcleieinnovciit ot the disci editable muniiR 1) ) } wliieli the } are expected to be loibtud upon this precinct. A numeious elnsi nttriluilc all the blame to folb'J'he colonel ceitainly ib entitled to liibshaieol tcnsmc , but tluire weie 104011- snuators. who aie equally ut fault Jtuforti the campaign clos < s them w ill bo moie to ay in lespect to who are at tlie lnitloin of tlie scheme to win political bonoi in "lug neck of timber" bIraiul , liriliurj nnd corinjition. Stimcelt tosaj that tlieilotoiiB tion-residcntH weie to a man lot Chinch Howe. C'olbj nnd faabin. Theie tlnee nsiiliantb , in tliih county nt leabt , hcein to lui\e linked their political lortunes toccthu nnd to have adopted tlui bame political metlioil- . Since the liiht named gentleman , with bis hull ] iaited in the middle , \\lth hta ilinjiunt tunirue nud liypocritical smile , came into om midst tlie air luis iiten lull ol mihond paHsesand coiruption nioneU ; desueiiii- inz withliib umlvdciates , Colin and bub'.n , totbe tuekei } and chlcaiiei } ol thu IOWI-KI nnd must unscrupulous wnrd iioliticlnns , hu has Hatished the mnk and hit ol the lupulili- cm ) iait } that he ib not a lit peison to repie- bent tliih diHtnct In the halls ol . II be mniKises to secure the nomination be will lull lar Hhort ol icunvlni ; tlie lull re- inibllcnu sote in this count } . Jiin associates nud ennduct aie mul.lni ; him odloiib. J'raud , eorruiition and \Ioluncu were re - horn d to , because , in u tail conkst , the lint ; knew then doieatwabccilam , Tlie outeome of the whole nmttei will de- jiend lai&ol } upon tlie notion ol thu county c < in\eniioii ll it leftist's In anjnj lo ho controlled b } the sii.irious delegation fioiu lieatilee. n tioket mil } b named wlilcli tan win. lint II Colin oi h.ilnn ib nominated , llieli iiu'\itubt' ! dtfeat will unohe the en tlio Uclu'l in iiiln 'J'lie aliovelniK been cl\en thus fully , be cause frantic attempts aie lieine made bv How and his faction lo dlbtnrt tlie iet > ult of. tlie jiiiman lieie into \ictoiy for Ininf-elt and eliijue. ' 1'ohlheves It ma } bo appeal , butte to the nnpiejudieed bib Hcimilng MIWI as e , n lead to iidtlilnir but the ileleat ol hinisell und Ids confederates. Deijiernle nttim pis au > lit'int : made b ) his Mm ; tosub Idl/e tlie loc'd pie-.s , but bo fiu the } Imsebeeuonl } jurtla ly K. K In Votlc. Vor.u , Neb. , bent 12 ISpceiaHo tlie PF ] Tin republican caucus to eleet delecalen 'o tlio county coiiventnm was livid In tnisiil , nndcaiituiea b } the Knupp men. Aiesoiuti n w lib ( illeied to instruct the cit > delent"U to hfcure a uelegution to the htate emu enlten who would support Dr Kimjip for eou-rnor. An nmenduient wasolleied to the elluct that it v. i > the desire ot tlilb caiiettR tlmt Voile enunt > 'h delegates use all huimrnblc meaiiH Id scenic tlie nomination of li. Kiuipp ah loin ; UKtbure lumaiued nruahoinihU clianct toi bis nomination , nnd then to bu instructed tooto lor ( itineiul l'huor 'J'lilf , amendment met with bltttn opjiosltion in Judge I'ostand Knupp'B wlie-pulleu und wai. nnalliot.d down and the li'Milutlon can ltd Tlu piti'h i let ted me1 Iteisingei. .7. J' , llali , I'lins Hall itioin , tJ 'U. Test , M. ho\CH'ij.-n , 'J. Smith , C. A MeC'Ioud ( .eoi li. J'l.iiict. , J ) I. i'orlsull , N. At. I'euiibon , JJ. W llo > t , N 1' Q. \\4l"liti \ A il. Neuiiiun und L. K ( ' ( n lurk imiiifs H uiido'dit' luUiineralThnrit ! Kn ipiIIH ) nut of the held and tlie ( onxent'on nt t MonUm uill IIH likch toso liiHtinct. Kmr u leliinek tobe-hatibllMi with a delecntlon hn\ in : ' an } tieuond cliolce. and 11 Lib Irienna piibb thib luu.i , he ma } be allowed to m le ins duleguti'K , G nfral firnni's Ju IIvaj - . CJT01 Mt-M < o , feopt. 1U. Tin tJifcs. bloti p-unth to ( icumnl Cranth Bjut MI Jlexicwu railwaj lor vrwiu land , in the bU' ' ' ol t oi a Oriij'unbio , Oaxneu and ( 'Ulna' wtreld-tku ( illlulRllj drHtluKul lorfuited Ihu rnilwiy eontmhKioii had u long time Mn y IKRJH loifuitud. for tlic \ \ t Sept 11 The table fumi tipochil d fcpali 'iw > to the Post Jinni ninnugcrk of tlie luaduis in ? lioiihCb nt the I mted stales gives the pro- . * I'xchnn&'K lur tin vviek ending SrptiMidipt its7 i > ; un incrtMsi of t ) per ' 'cutci I u p tiding inT.ud of iufct } ' ar.