Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 3TJODAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , SPECIAL NOTIOEvS T OAN-4-Jxinns hoans , llrnl o < tatolofins. Colhtti' loiins. dilute IDIIIH. J-ong t HIP lonns. ffhort lime loans. Money nlwii > n on linml to loan on any np- provcii i rority. lmc 'im ntyrcnrltlig bought nnit sold. Cull nl fie olllco of tliu ( iinnliu Flimnol'il ex change , ' coml floor ot the Murker blocki s. tv. cor. of IM ( couth nnii FnriitimstJ. Corbctt MmuiRor. "A3 TV I ONLY I'd I OAN-At Inwpst rales ot Inter- .I'l C'toti fnrm nnil Imprn-pd cily property. r. .1 Day c't'o. . , room fi , t'l-oiiro block , H. I : . corner * ' iplini avenue niul liHIi treot. IWJ-OO " 7 AM ) H T'irTci.Nl : ) limiuiv to Iciiin I'll 1 fnnn ' niul rlly propuriv. I * I' . Hnininnnil , lUxim ! l , l' > t : Dou lns t. , Omnlin. TO' $50'JOrt- ' | loan nn ( JinitliH < 'ity propel tynl ( I per rent. Interest , 0. W. Unj.ovur 1'tU GIT.U fl'.NT .Money to ( inn. J..I. Mninnoy , Itrri I'm imtn. r/Ki / ] 'ii : : CI5NT itioiicy'to l < 7aiirnro Tnttpr oir , l > 13th nnd DotHflii . MJJ _ 07 , nnd ii porci'iit motiey to Innn. "Movtuntrei liikini In f\clmim < ) for ro'il o tnto. Cc-ntrnl ] nvt > Rtnirtit Co , Itooin T , 1 linker Hlook.or inth jiai _ _ _ WKIinvo clionp tnonnr on lonir timein nnv foiin on InnldBrltvpiopcity.or fnrm land. Mnrlmll & I.obcck , tail riirnnni st. _ fJ- ( . ' MDNKV TO LOAN At l iw''r"rntf thiin ny wliorc i'l o In tli" ( Ur.nitfiiritttnrn , piiino , orKiins , IMII O * . wnnonn. i stork ol nny kind. Itntiictnhrr , nt lower rali' tlinn nnv other lonn odinpnny in thn city , riiy I inn V Morttfnao Co. . room 15 , HOI 1'nrn.iin st , opposite 1'iixton hotel. _ _ iHir. MllNI to lonn tiy'tlH1 ntuloisiciioM , who hni tin- only properly oiKiitil/od lonn nurnoy InCinnlm lxinn . or flO to fl.OOO innilo on fur- nlttirn , plnnoi. orpnn" , liorwa , 'vniroii" , timi'liln- cry , &e without removal No dolnys. All liii < liie ? ftrlotly conlldentHl Iionn1 * fo mndo tlmt nny pnrt can bo pnlil nl nny time , c-nrh pay tncnl reducing the co t pfo ratn. Adxnnco marloon flno wntchra nnd diamond * . 1'ersonq Bhonlcl cnrcfully consider who thnr nro deallnir with , nn many now concerns nro dully coining Into exlitonce. Should you rood ninnor , cnll nnd pro mo.V. . n. Croft , Iloom 1 , Wlthnell Ilulldln ? , 1Mb nnd Hartley. _ Ofl 6 1T.H rr.NT Money to lonn. Stewart & Co. , Itoonii' , lion hnnk , llth nndFnrnam. TO7 :30,000 : lo loan. $ howcst rates. Ilcmls , 15th and Douglas its. 003 ONKT TO I.OA N O. I' . Dart * ft Co. tteftl M Ksliito nnd Loan agonla , 1KB rarnnmSt. MONIIY TO LOAN Oiffcnl CBtauTand ch'\T ' tola. D. L. Thomas. Oil MONIJV l a LOAN In sums of szonnnd up wards on first-class real estate Bcoui-ty. | rottcr&Cobb , 16111 Farnatn Bu BI2 MONKY I.OANKI > at C. P. Itrodft CO'B. Ixjin otlUo. on furniture , pianos , horse' , wnitona person nl proportr ot all Xlnds and all other nr- tlclcflof rnluo. without removal. 319 S. , VHh. over Itlmrharn'R Commission store. AU bu strlctlr confldontnL OK ! UDB1HESB CHANCES. TTIOlt HAtilSniall Dnwstoro In the suburbs J1 of Onmhn , pn\ oil strcot. Kent reic-onndlo. Address 1. 70 lleo olllco. .0112 * T7IOH SAMJ llouiilliiir house ; slclinns oniiso X1 ofsolllnx1. Inqiilront JJJ , Cummlnir-jt. I'M ' ) 13 FOIt SAFil ] Implement atoro nndbhipltsinHh ( hop , combined or copanitod , In one of tlio llvollo t towno In Nebraska. Kor fnrthor par ticulars nildrcss L. 1) . , post box 101 , Itoi'iner , Nob. HUUJ " _ _ _ "fTIOH SAL1J Ono of the beat hotel properties -L In tliu titnto ; olKlit thousand dollars , llvo thousand cn h , balnnco on lonir tlino , sold on account of sickness. Address J. 13. N. . Albion. Nohr. 8dl 10' _ TT OJt. .SAM : One of tlie olili-"t cstnbllsliod -U jrroeury builnuss In the city , with u very largo , oll-pnyliiK trndo. Will oxclmimo for Omaha renl e tnto or purt cash and tialnnre se cured notes ( Jood reasons trlvon for selling. Address 1115 JOIIOB. _ _ UD7 | ( ) SAl.U Or trndo foirTmnha prolicrtyT JL Tlio best located livery business , with &t cl { Inthoi'lti Lotnrlcnsn of bnrnnt ohenp n-nt. JIajnu llioa. , irIU Fnrnnin 411 TJum SVlVK-An oKTanil well osfablnhod J ? grocery business , nddross Ij 10 , lleo nfllco. _ _ _ l0 : 1 * . TTtOK n.vf.K Klret-clai's ' moat mniKet with Jnlco Ilvturos , all complete : Rood Irndo ; lcst of leasong. for Kllliur. Cnll or wrlt to Ooq. W. itii on , 1021 Howard ; . _ 015 _ H OU'ili.S IxtHl''iirins.ljiiiUs money Touned. _ Heinls , _ 15lh nnd Uouclns streets. 018 Tj olt S.V 1,1 ! Several stocks of seeds , dolnita J-1 hunlthy biiRinoss , owneishlp clear , E'itl < i- faction snainntoed : terms enjy. eomo Omnha jiroiicrty Inkon In oxchnntro. Mnishnll . % lo- liccU , Ifill 1'nrnnm Kt. 017 JOAIIDINO First cla s accommodations nt > thol'oabody House , 1103 Jones. US 11 "OOATfiJ- loUglnffS , ntffiJ N. 15th st lilS r , I.ndlcs nnd Omits socially or Jiniitrlmoiilally inclined ' - Uo'-IriiiK eorro- Bpondoiifo with the oppo-lto so\es blionld iid- dross Iho Corruspondlnic Jiuroaii , WilUor , Neb. Btrlctly conlldentlal. Kncloso two-cent fetnmp for reply. _ rau _ WANTKD-l'uplls for Gorman and Lnlln , palnitnliliiK care , competency , success ; uddrc'iH M 1'J ' Jlco olllco. 8J5 O 5 * pKHSONAIi-Dr. A. J. Cook , Nos North JL' Main Htroet , Council HluITs , In. Diseases ef the rectum n specialty , llomorrholds , 1'ro- lapsof Fistula , Fissures and Stricture cured by sufo and piiiiilo-8 opuralloiis. _ 970 14 * PKHSONAK-Nont and tasty all-wool bulTiess suits , $7. I * . O. Jonof & Co. , American Clothiers , 1UJU 1'arnam st. Jlall orders filled. _ UMNO PERSONAL Wmitod private tutorship JIij. file , AI ; liiiiKiinpos , IZntfilsh subjects. Thor- ouffhnues , elllclency. M 1U lloo olllco. _ tun on * PICltSON'AI. Mrs. L. I * Thomas , toucher of ' _ painting and inuajo. Iflll D.ivonportst. _ ( iitijjQ 'pGltSONAIj-Vlnno and violin tanVnfprT : J. vately ; Instruction of Ilrst order : I'rolns-or Wlchlo.caio JliuMoyor. B'JO OO * PliRSONAL Vntr visitors should also visit the (1 ( rout American Clothiers , IO. . .lonos & Co. . 130V Kiirnnm st. Id" 10 " > KHSONAI-Mrs. Dr. Niiunio V. Wnrreii clnlnoyant. Mrdlcnl and business Medium Itoom No. 0 , 121 North lutli fct. , Omnhn , Nob. Uia _ ' 'OKJlhO.\\ ( , To buy roiil cstnto. to borrow X money , or net an nbsUaU of tltlo , fro to tlio olllcu nt R. U , I'attcrbon , lilh nnd Douiat ! ! . . . , _ . . IIKM' Splendid rntllo feeding yard JL1 and lurgo i-luul ; ono inllo Irom Fulloiton depot. Pnton llioa. , Fullcrton.Nob. Ml I. . ' TTlOlf i\OHA : N ! K"-rrlr horses nnd cowd , JU bouses and lots and vacant lots by Italian llros. , 151(1 ( Duuglas St. HUNT Sijunro I'hmo ja niontnly. llospu. 1MJ Ion ) las. Ojp KI.NT Kininro i'lano , f niouthiv. H ) 1513 Hounl'i ' ? . OJ1 fPltUlS , Hoses , Slinibs. clu. . planted tree for Jporront buying of Dojulns Co. Nursorlej , O.O. Howard. 1'fon. . l'.O. box 2i 3. W- ! ) ! P OltltllNT BI3 per month. jlo no , _ "irf SITTt A o i u iiS'Aiiv r i : 1 1 r K o r i iKfUn Jit exhibition In 1'avilllQii tlio ll t tlmo in Omnna. Diinunicyor's II ) ilniullo Clothes Wash- ors. Tlio Ural mill only wnsuor that does Its own work. 1'iirllcs wanted to manufacture tlio puinoiciNL'brnslui. . Call in 1'avlllion. 15th ana Cnpltol nyo. AUo rliTl'18 tor tula , lljclniulla ClothebWnbliorM'r'BCi > , < il C'ul , il.Daiinmoyer. _ 1 0 U * _ TI'YOl' have a rojldoiire tir business lot , im- Jprovoil ri'Mdvncu or biH'ne < property mid want to fc'l ' it , bv all mean ) i-on Imvo u buyer for you , Hicks &liitrliinm,215 , uuth 15th , KM 10 _ _ _ _ STUNOUII.Vl'HI ami Tyjuowrninp EchooL icon ; T nud 8 , lion bunk , U , W , linker. li'Q ' _ _ plHVA'J 12 HCHO01.S- prlvuto Bchool for X smalt boysiind l < will bo opened by Mr * . Vannio iMgur , Soplombur | 3tu , nt lth nnd W > l > st r sn. rnrontg wlsUuur to plaou their chlldrun with her iiniulruutaU North 22nd su rou Mmi.r.AinoTjs. Tmoil S.M.IJ-lco In car load loU. Address JJ dllbi'i-Ulros. , Council lllulfs. Kill ilOlt S VI. i : Horse ami buirry , Apply at 1 stables , s. w. cor. Jlth ami L'lilcayo ereels. \ . _ _ _ _ SAt.lf-Rcllablo lior rwith or without JU carriasuniidhurnosi ; for snloortradufor Foil fa.VM , A Unllmiro and burglar piool bank B'ifo with time look , food ns now. List prlci' $ 'JiM.OO , wj | | BO ! | cheap. Arluvrlon , , . . .1 BAl.r. ChcapI03 Isoiul large pony mares JL1 Apply on promises , Willurd Ihlior farm , onn rol.'o north of Anchor mills and BIX i < n"s ! { Oittb\u'it of Omaha , rnoitsAiK-a - ui U barucorner Hth tind Uo.p-rd. , -4 room bou'o , 2JI3 Marfh st , or address . 'I 27. llee office. D77 12 * POlt SAM : The lf-a ennd f4irnltnreofn H loom house : prltoJDOJ ; CIO North li > th st. 102 13 171OH SAli-n : vpnns of work horses. Kn JL quire nt H. Dohie .V Co's shoo store. 115 U " | 7MU SA I , K A flno first class , Jsingle or double driver. Inquire of O. U .ijek onopp. P. O. Wfi i' 1 jAOIIOi\IK-Ono of tin flniSt driving "Horses JL1 In tbnelty : nlsobnjriy , harness , eto. In- uire Hoon , I , Wlthnell blJr. ( _ mil FOK MA MI Furniture andi ensoul nit-room hoii'O , ( line on pnit Call 1203 North S7th roct , two blocks from lied Car line. HK1 Hot Sis Ixits raimst.nnits > inonoy lonnod. Iti'mls lutli nnd Douvlas slrects. H' * : ! s \ LI. riirnitinn li-ioom bou o com- - idelo for houseKU'-plnei price SMI. part niymciit If ill Him I. HOHMJ rent t2o per month , no locution , 17li ! Douulas M. G-t 1/Olt S Vl.t : Two No 1 , second hind , canopv 1 lop nrn ja : nlso two cool , fooonJ hand ihnctoiis , nt I liri Dodec s'icct _ 2 15. FOItJ AM ! Cnnnp , 11011 columns ind win dow cips suitable for front on brlfk build ing. For part Ionian npply at ( his odlcn. ! ! ' ) \v A.VM.n-Uoodtrltl. 101 ? Clilop. 0 133 WANTI'.li tlirl lorceiurnl housework , tnn In fiuiuly : oo 1 waves. Mn. Wlii'oi.iilU lowuid , tii'iir ! ft. Hu I' ' " " \\7rANTit : ) A tiMlaly compolont to tike V > ehnrirn ol'ilook of Dry ( lrod nmt No- loin Slnlo sulnrv wnntud untl tcrerenee * . Ad- ' ilresa , 1. ! B , Hi o ( I'lllce. _ 120 II " \A7ANHill Uiil lorpi'iiorul liousowork < ! t'r- niiitiorSncilopiufGiiuiI , iit > U. > t. Mnry'a 11 * , ; -A WAMA I'ANI in-lrl ! for general housework , 118 CUSS St W' } ID * W ANTti : > Immediately , girl lor i > hou-o-wurk , 1117 Ciisa. H" 10 * ii-lood : ( girl to work In private bearding House , good wages , f > 17 S l2lh st. WANTKD 2 dining room gliH.t dish washer. Miller's restaurant , lUjl N. 10th street. tuo \7lTAXTii-Olrl : for frcneinl housewotk In > V smill family. Mrs. Thos r. Hull. 1541 fluinnun nvu. ' .Hi : " \\7ANTri ) Olrl lor pcnoinl lieu eork , i > family " < iniill , wnixcs wood lor a competent irlH Apply to D. .T. OTonulioo , nt O'Donnhoi \ Sherlv s 1.1th St. , nuvt to po tollleo. US , ' Und good places nnd good wnires , n private families , icstnuiauts. holrls , etc. , liy calling nt tlio Onihlm Uniploynicnt lluioau , HI ) North Ifith Bt JU3 \\7"AN'rii ] : > Olil foi general hoase worn. V > Wages tl.UJ per woelt Imiulio 2411 , Chicago. l > ' . )7 ) 11 _ WA > "Tii ; > At 1311 Capitol ave , ( rood l.idy cook Immediately , U" > 'J * \VANTii A nooil slrl for work In family of two ; irood WHIJOS niultoady place for good slri. Imiulrout C. L. lrlek on , o | > p. 1' . O. l'.11 ' 11 _ \X7 ANTKD-OIrlsnt VVllklo's 11 iper box fnu- lory. 100 South 1 Itli St. Hi 10 * TV LT'ANTKI ) Oood cook nnd dining loom girl ntfcl.1 Pioicost. 012-8 * WANTii : > Two dining room nnd two laun dry girls at Arcade hotel. l)6o-9 ) V\fA > 'rt'.lTlhnrtles to work foins7it their l > own homes. $7 to $10 per week can bo quietly made No pboto. painting ; no canvass- In ir. For full pnriiculnrs , ploaM ) nddrcss at oneo , Cro cfiit Ait ( Jo. , 1'J Central st. lloston , Mass. , IIo5170. . ' .0:011" 5\\7'A"NTiD-lood : ! cook , fenmlo prclci iod , t V pintt Vnllgy house , Ashland , Nob. 8M ) " WANTED-A srlrl for general housework at 1524 Sheimun nvo.Ild house noithof Grace St. S31 ANTKIi Head cook at tbo ruinous lea- W tmtrnnt. 31'J S llth St. 7311 \TTANTii-A girl to do house woi k nt N.V. . f > cor. ot 25th and Sownrd stiocts. 7770 V 7A > "THI ( .Ino illshwnslier , two wnitois ' ono cook , at Norris' itcstnurnnt , 101 S. ICth st. 7M ANTB1) ) Good chambermaids nt tlio VS'in- ser Hotel. 701 : ! ) lly September ! 'th ' at 24.M DoJfro i St.n neat and competent girl with tecom- inundations to do general bousewiirk. small Innnly and good wnges , IV3 > > V7"ANTii- ! for general hnu oworkior- T man pioferred. No , 1'JIS ' Cnpltol aveiino. 5KJ w ANTiD A good nurse girl nt 402 Convent D72 w AXTit > Dining room girla at the Tan- Hold house. 5T5 ANT Ifi ) "o'lil , 151-nToWnrir Mrs.r."M7 Ilushmnn. 421 W ANTii-GilnlUH | S i5th st. lor general housework In small lainlly 4tt > W < U 'Tii > Girl for BOtiornl housework at 1813 Webster st. U73 T\7ANTi : 2i young ladles and gents to T T learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions fhen competentgood. Address . J. D. room l.Crounso block luth st , Umnlm. C-5 WA.NTB1J aTALS JIULP. \\7ANrKI ) Ilarber. S8 per week and board. IT Stcnds job. Telegraph at oneo. Chns. House. Norfolk , Nob. 157-10' ' WANTKD-Immodlntoly , twenty good bndgo carpenters , pile men mid hiindy Inborurit for line work. Apply to Raymond & Campbell , cor. Main street and liroadwny. Council Illuirs , or cor. 1.1th nnd Fnrnam sti cot , Omnha. IdO-'JS A OF.NT3VANTEDhlhernl commissions nl- lonod. Addicss Gold Mlnlntr " Company , llox J , St. hoiil9Mo. 12l ! V * ANTii > F.xporlencedldry goods clerk nt No. 17 | 'oarl8t.Counci _ lllullii. U7S-3 W ANTKliiA ) pnrtnur In hn estiibllglioTl'iuTd good pying busiuot.3 , either ladj or gen- tlemnn ; u moderate nrnount of moans required. Addrotis h D > Hen olllco. avt U * WAKNTIJ An oxporlonctd dry goods sales- man with rotcroncos ut The Fair , 5U2 , 604 , SOU and SO j 8 l.tli st. 7112 WAV ! 1:0 A student or young mnn nnem- idoycd nf ( or 4 p. m. to uiillvui * u route on Dally uionlng Ueu. ' . 'J7 ' WANTiD-Oononil : ngcnls. Hood Binary , or Mo on the dollar lo wholesale my goods. Hare chancn to makii money. No coinpctltlon. Strictly business. None but bublnoss men hood imply , Aildress with stamp F. ii Weaver. In- dliuiapolls , Ind , 71' < ! O 2 WANTJJO Seine good carpenters for lliilsh- ing. 25th. but. 1'u rn am nnd Douglas. ftone otUiiri ) neoil npply. U7ii 'J "T\7ANTKD A iT"nxpnrTonecd grocery man , > > ntlddlo tiiKochargo or n branch grocery store. References r iiUlrcd | Aildress M 23 , lloo olllce , saitl * WANTCD Aii.oxporloncpd dry golTds iiull clothing mli'sinnn with rtifuronccs. 1'rr- mnnciitimplo > munt. Lowy llros , Springtleld , Nob. wit u * W AM'KD Ilrooin inaUors , car. 15th and Pnclllo. w. ' 10' \\7ANTJjn One good wooil tumor : also , nn V > euglncor. Apply nt D. Noble it Co.'s.yoth and Cumiiilng , 972- ' . ' . . 1U Hushmnn block. S2S 0 * _ \\/"AN'f IJU An eiporiunrod "grooory cTiirk , 1 1 onu who < -nn spunk the D.ilnsli litngunge. Must bring good releroncos. J , II. John-on & Co. .head of at. Mnry's avi- . in 10 toTheo. > VllhanijIlooollco ) alter aVi-lnels p. m , irj : ANTKU ' . 'S' hiivoli for iiiVht iraiiR. f J.OJ for 10 hours work , nt onto. 2 miles north of I'aplllinii. Buraimt out. Jenioii i : Knlvtht. 11 * _ _ _ UJ37 "t\AN I'l'D Cioierl : ! aijeiits. llood silary or i T w cent ] on the dollar \vliolpsalo our goodiItara cUauoa ti maka money. No cum- pctlpn. Ktrictl ) ' busmoss. Noun but business men ) : ccd apply , Addros * . with stamp , ti. & 11. , 118 4th H.C | ( > um-ll Illulfii. la. ' Hily _ _ " \\rANTKO ( Tnotlrst-clagi bartend'er , under > > 1'lrt Fnrnamstioul. Ji-0 i'xr.VSTKIT" irrsTcltibsli'linomiikur. "Ucorgo > \ Wuolbcr , Shcnnndoah , la. 12111 * i A youuir r.uin \voVk"mound the store. S. hohuinii , IWS rnrnaui.I . I . ' 3 " \\7AM"I'll Nbuspapor preh f5r"ler. Mate IT Co. , Lincoln , NeU BIS I \ rAVl'UDAgents. . goTierwl iui3 Ioonl. In ii o < err town in L'nllu.l States , for the Fold' I Hi' liuitle. AUdicsi llox WJ , illunrapollj , Jlinu. 1270 * "iXJ'ANTKO Aclgnrsalesman ; onnvno ha3 > I an o < tabll hed trade In Nubr kti nutildo of th" K' ' p'llillciin vnllc-y ; rufcronno required. AMross D H fnlltu-or , Atchifcin. Kmu f-'W \\\\TK Mborcrsfor i . ! lroad workl IT i > B. AlbrijflitLabor Aftnay , UM Fmnatn , SITUATION WANTED. if ANTEDA"cu tom cutter wishes positlo ? ' > from Chicago : address M 3) ) , lleo olHco. . , 139 10 * WANTii : > Situation as first class pastry cook Innliolul Host rofcronccs given. Apply or nddros M C , lUkhorn Valley House , corner Iltti nnd Dodge si. 131 0 * \\TANTIII : Sltimtlnn ns first elms baker. ' ' Fir tcl 's relorencos ghon. Apply or nddrofs M C , lllKhorn Vnlley Itouo , cor. ttth nnil Dodge. 133 0 * WANT Kli Position ns traveling agent for Implement company by mnn ot experi ence. IUwt ot leforoncci given. Addro's. M , 8 ? . HOP Olllco. US 11 \\ANTii : > -Po itlnn as governess by jouni ? i Indy with good t > luoitinn In nil Kmrditi lirnnrhos nnd tou lr Addiou 1) . T. fieuornl Dellvi'ty. Council Ul'ilTs , la. 1I.W " \\r.\NTKO -1H n 'nunif in'ly ' position ns copy- 1st tiiolllCM , best of ii'Kipneo Aduicss 111) n IGth it. Omaha employment bureau 12 ANT .1) A situation ni coachman l > v n ' younir mnli I'Mieilencpd in the rare nt AUdrc s M UJ , lice lillleu. UljU * MIBCSX.rAnZOU3 WANTS. \VA > .Tii > A few irond nifclits for newT T i work nt once. Apply loom 20 , cor. Kith and Davenport. inr 13' T\TAN'tT.O To"lriiup,5 nerits In Mm tlel 1 ' tor hoii-o nnd InIn Onmlm ; address C St. P .M. A O. . eor \ \ pbsti-r nnd Kith els. 14711 * \AT.\NriM-Tn'o ' isi6 , 10 or In ncros of > i giound nlllini six mlle = of ollv lor ilonlnu-purpo'ps ( ' .ill on or address lllo'is & InuTnlmm , an youth l.Mli 12010 " \\TANTI2D A honbc ol 7 to t ) rooms with i i modern Improvi UK nts. Must bu In n good nolehborlvod and nom car If you Imvo such n place call on or nddics * at ( Hlcks& Ingra- lnm,2ir > South I Tali. 12 < ) 10 \\ANTiii : In prlxnte tnmlly , nicoiy fur- ' til-bod mom ulih bonid. Incntot tic- Iwco-i riirniiin : inil Cnpltol nvn. llotoionco ex- d. Addu'ss , Ma. , llco OHIce. 119 10' \A7"ANTrD ji'iilleinnn nnd wife want room ' nnd board In prlrato family. Itofricnco Rlvon. Addiesa M.TI , Ileo olllco. 114-lu WAXTI3D To soil n stock of now grocer- \V9. \ Location llrst elns . Cn h 8 UPS will aem o ever $ -171 penlny.All the noodi in o now. ( Jood runsona for soiling. AUdtc 9 M ; Hoc. 104 13 WXNTKD Ktonlngomp'ormnnt. ' book Keep- ( UKor othoi wise Adtlrosa , 11. C. .McClnre , I.andDrpiutiiH nt f V. II. It. Co. _ U" \\'ANTtO From OctnhrrlM or 1.1th n jfno * < ir ( en room lieu o in rood locution. Ad- diess > I " i , liee.siutlnir location unit torms. V8 < II * \\"ANTEn A homo for n two wcoU * ' old bov * ' baby , : -.t tlio Wnmen's Christian Home.liHli niul ratnniiist. > sl 13 * \\7ANTKI ) To o\clr\nso 0 shares of trend ii pnvlne stock in an Oinalm Incorporation for ivpalrut gooil horses. Aildio 3 , > I. 21 lleo olllco tSMl _ _ Dl iiTV rN rJCD i n JoTo j"iird * ot dh t to bo di'ilverodon tno Anthon triiet , nr\twi > tt orCinlifhtonuollc o. lto vM & Hill , IHH Tnr- mim st. 0)'J 10 _ \"l/ANTI'i : > A Kood Rocom-liand No 2 ' ' liiKton lypo-wiltor , for cnah. Adtlro-s 1' . O. llo114. . .114 T. Muiray. _ . CB _ WANT.II ! Tobiiyagonrt business pioporty for wlml"-1 ! ! or retail jiurposps. ( ! ivo dosvrlption nndlowiHtprico. L&l , Duo olllco. 407 \TTANTiU A goorlrosldou'-irntKrioTor good ii biillclniir lot In good lee Ulon Olvolowes _ price mid terms and lull description , ho ) leo ! olhco. COI SENT HOUSES AHD LOTS. Ill-NT A 1-room hou o nnd 11 0-room Foil hoii'-o , inniN'Mth street. Apply toM. r. Mnrtm.yiliS l.lthsticet. l-t , - Olt IliST Sovornl llr't clnss fi-room not- 1Olt . . . S. T. I'ctorsou.cor l.ltn & Douglas 110 F b7l SAt-iT'oU RiiNT fhavo 7 new 0-room houses for s lie or rent In my addition , rr 1 wit sell lots and build such hou os suppi.-ons may wMi , on easy terms Call nt room 2 , Ar- I ngKin block , A. S. 1'ntrlck. J7 1V _ _ TTlOIt ItnNT t-room cottino , llninoy near JL1 20tli. ? 30 per month. S. A. Sloman. 15 : . ! Fnrnnin st tin "IT\O1J \ ItKNT ( lend V-room house nionern JtImpiocuientf. . Inquire 131S Fnrnam , 710 Jr oi : ICKXT A stTni' . good locality lorTfry goods , boots and shoe's. Inquire 1I12S. 13th ht. < K8 Foil KKNT NowO-ioom house , 1 mile from water , etc. D. C. Patterson , Oinaha Nnt'l bunk. 74U _ 17M t : KK.N r T room house : 'lth near Duron- _ port. Imjulro nt 12U3 Fuiimtn , Jo nh ITIOIHSIJXT ThaOoriiiAnM. 1. . chur'h iiulld- mj" , on the southeast corner Twelfth mid Incktiiin street' , for nnv lojitlmato business. 1C. ( J. l'iitlar-onIiitli _ nnd Uouglas. 4)1 ) F OH liI.ASTTVohnvoolovon iietos on LI. P. It. H. trnolt.HOJ foot trent : will lease all or part for llvo vears. Redford .c Souor. ( i'7 ! rcra KEIIT KDD..IS. T710H ItENT Throe nlco unfurnished rooms , J ? ( iood references roqulroi * 2107 Ilainey bet. Convent and I'ioasnnt. 1U-1 11 * Poll JllINT KlofriintlyfuriiUhod looms with first class board , at Peahody Houso. 140'J Jones. All modern conveniences. 141M4 * "Tpoit Ill-NT Lirco , hnndsonio rooms wlih -t Hoard. Suitable for two gentleman , HO ) 1-ariipm Mreot. 122 15 * F ( ) U KKNT Two rooms lor light bouse- Keeping , 151011mnoy st. 128 ! ) * "poll ItKNT-Furnlshod looms , 1101 Howard. Oil ItKNT Furnished rooms. 401 N. loth. 831-10' FOR RKNT-I-urnlshcd rooms , 11D N. llth st , opposite exposition building. W510 * tirPiNT"Nleoly lurnlslicd fooTns nt uis ) North liltli St. 1COO 13 _ IjlOlFlfKNT Nicely Inrnlslfed rooms , foil -L ? Dodge. 0)1 11 * _ 171011 KKNTKurnlshed looms. 70irN7 ISH Jj Btrect. IIH 14 * ArOl'NO > IKN Desiring nicely fnrntsiicd X room with USD of bat'i ' and gas , call ntsw corner ot Webster , lloaul can bo had close by. 'JOJ-octO " 17\H \ ( HUNT 0 rooms filinlshed for liousn- 1 hooping , lo couple who wish work on promises , also for sale good milk cow , on tlmo , AddrOM M 24 , Dee nlllcu. lull-I' ' T7UJK ltiNT- : NIcely furnished front rooiii JU sultatilo for 2 ; also table board. Oils , 19th , cor. Ht , Mtuy's avo. 1)51 ) 12 * YpOH"KH"Nr ! lingo romrn'iiewly pnporod J and painted , tor liousokeeplng , hnko nnd 20th. § 12.00 A. Wtiffiior. IIJ8 'rnoil KKNT Twin uiirurnishod rooms. HII5 JJ Jlodeo. DJ5-9 * ITIOIt KKNT Pleasant liirnlslied rooms , . south Iront brick lint , board cnn bo bad no.itdoor. Apply at Illii Chicago st. UI3 TTlOUItl5.NT-NfcorjrturiTl8hciTi-5oiu.iir/s ; 17tli JLA ! * yj7U _ _ HUNT Very rioslr-iblo looms wfth tioiitd ; nil conveniences , 2 , ' , " > Doilju. U15 ui\r : Niocly lurnlslied room BtO FiiriJIshoJioo iTTi , loon I ownTdT _ _ , _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ F OH ItKNT Nicely furnished" rooms will board. 11)14 ) 1'aul et. KIT ! " Ij'U ) ! ! 1(13X1' ( riirnlihoil rooms forlluht hou-o -L licepintr in lloomcr'ti block cor Klfflitli um Ilowaul , _ _ _ _ U _ _ TTtOH ItKNT ] "ront room on I'nrniini , axccl- J- lent otlici ) location , JI. W. Huntress , Ui I'ainain. 8U3 rXT fTew'ly lurnUhed room , fS.00 per month ; inqulio Kuufmiin llio .UOJ Far i , 7 < u lSNT 1 urnUuoa roomi , 51 ! ) Plonsnut - - 7m > .a _ _ "IT1 UinuJSl'-Nowly furnUho.l suite of ( mm -1 iconic , water , fas and bath , 11)15 ) Capitol nviinur. Ul ii ljturnbhod ioom , riTEtT Jfnry's ave , 7UJ _ _ T7I oTfTi A tVlT-Parlor Dcdruom and iJtulicu J. furniture carpets , rangj and ho.ttlnxbtovus , allno.irtynow , -Auntie horsu llvo yours old. all at a bnr raln , Klvinir up housekeeping , "OU Douglas st , KX Poll ifK.VT A few ollloo spaces Tor rent , one with front window on around tloor , Enqulieof J , S. Itlchurdson , IWJl'anuuii ft. 4 ill Sopt-i.S : "fbii aAi.c-HouaiJ3-i.OT3. T7 OK S.\ri-IlyBl L. HlKL'Ins , 1500 Dougl.ia -L1. st.,2 choice Jots ill Shinn's 1st add. llotli front north and south , each Otfxl-t ) ft. A bar- giiin at prlvutusiilo. TtTinj easy. 112 TT > CirPAJ.-.l. : II. Kvans A : Co. , 151U Dodsru. Cfl . .1feet. . Douplai tt.Jmt west of iMtli ; choice re Idotiio locution. 14311 VroTSsaTor * raloTby Mr 1 "Hljrgln * , " KWifl -Li noutrliisst ; U room house , in Kodlck's id addition ; closet * , pantry , cistern , barn , shade trees and fence. SJ.OOO. Easy terms , for tea Unysouly. us. * ucaonr & HADM'.V. JT Heal I tnto * ItJ'ntM Arout ( , 13M < louclii Street Wo olTer bnrgnlns In lols ns follows ; lawlhornc t\f $ G.Vtot ) 030 ! . " " 2imi lanscom Plnco l.COJ , vilby Plnco ! M Via " 1M3 Orchardlllll > . TtO " IKO \rllneton 'JI. . . WO " 7.V ) < lrk oed w ; ( XW " W ) iVe t SMo > JM ) " 400 'ruynl'nrK l.'j .1(0 ( " 4"0 ) mnhnViow a' . ' ( W ) " 7V ) ledford O.XI " 705 T I , . KICK , VCO. . . ov'M- Commercial Nnt. J1 ll.inkolfpr the following real esinto bnr- gatns ; t1 * 3 line Plnlnvlow lots , $67 * . eneh , cast nnd west Jronts. ' ' " Finest corner In Amblefplnco , fronting 123 ft on street , $ sx ) ; S3V c.ish. " looted front on Cuming' 'street , Insldo prop- cm- , ? .ri,0 Corner on Satlnders strcot , BI feet front , { .1,1X1) ) . 00 fret trout on Sanndors street , insldn. $ .3flV ) . 101 foot front on Saundcr.s , Plalnvlew add , 54.00X Cnumlors tr ot eorner , choice , f , R01. Sirinders stioot , inside , choice business , S100 er foot. 2 line lots , Kllby plnce , ? 2..Y > 0. 2 linn lots OT oo.'iior , Kllby place , J2.MO. Phuuvlpw ndJ. lil , cho'ou ' , S700 to $1,0 each. South IClh street , east fruit , propoity cnn t o bought this week nt n bargain. ilMiutlful lots in Wnsblnpton squnro on Rhrr- nun n\enue nnd pnvod strrot ; only a few left ; omg like hot cakes In Jnnniiry. M barirains In Improved roMdonco property , nnc t flin and f lO'l ' lot In the ni.irkot , Ouiy ono-U'ii'b ' down nu . Sin n month. 2. > bargains In lmpro\ed bii'lni'Ss p-opert- . Knit fionl , on pindn , Hunscom plnco lot , nlvSl.liu Positive baiga'n ' nnd ln t ono loll tit thl < pr'ci' ' . 2 beautiful lots on Cumlui ? street , only ? 700 cncli. 2 linen Wnliiut Hill lots. Tl.OT ) ench , HI foot front on l > import , hot. 2M nud 21th , lth.'i- loom cottniro , only $1,000 if wild by September 10th. Kasy tiirins. hots on N. 2ith St. , cheip. Splendid pluco of trncktuo for ni'inufncturlin : or warohou-o jiur- pooj , nt pooltlvo bnrjnln. .1. I. Itlco .t Co. , i-ooni Hiivur _ Commercial National Ihink. _ tlH 10 EOU : A tlliet.outll liont lotonllam- ilton st , fet three i > u.xs onlv. Ptlco S 42Ti ; 75 cash It Is chonp. J. II. Kvaus A Co. _ T OTS'in l.onvonwoith IliMinoss PlncoT tills JL < ock , will tie sold ns low 113 SV10. This h tbo crossln of I.eiivenworth troct nnd ibo licit 1.1110,1111111311101101 opportunity lor speculn * tion ) n tln cltyor 8 lots will bo sold In bulk 1ori.50U. : It H convenient for side tracks , .lust the pliicoforwmchousos ! the bes' pluco lor pro- cervstore : iho bust i > ! nco for lumber Mild coul vnnltho ; boat place lor tmrd\\arc ftoroj the best plaon lor Ii.iickitnlth slnti ) . Kor particu lars see . ) . W. llller , loom 7 , Iron Hank or.l. W. 1.0'an on tin1 premises OJ" 11 IHOlt SA1.K--.1. II r.vaniA. Co . IfilO Dodco ht. , ' e.i-t liont , uoir Popploion st.SISOJ. ; 14311 XTO. 2'n-ror snle , by .M. I < . HisElns. 1WHJ 1 Doupln * st. : AnewQ loom cottngo. C'l t Irontlot W\'US ) ; llnu lmli1tic"s. picbot li-nco nnd other ih'sir.iblo Improvements , In Shlnn's add , on easy terms. 14 ? . FOHSALr.-J. H.'fiT-nn'i .V Co. , Itenl Kstlto Airents , IMJ lodi'i ) > street , iavito csuoclal attention to the followlnirbar nins as n sample of the chiiructcr of property listed with them. Corner Lots : I.owo'3 nddltion , ? 1,0)0 ) ; Phlnn's 2J , * IM ) : Hawtlnrno , fl.MJ : Ynto \ Heed's. S'UO ; Clnrnndon. two lots , Ji.'lrtl ; Patrick's. ? 1,100 : Walnut Hill , two lot * . ? ) : liurrOak. 7i\132 , S2.000 : Creston - ton , two lots , ? 2-00 ; ShuH's 2il mid , two lots , $ . ! , : ! )0 ) ; Hnnscom I'l ice , $1,800 ; Doer Park , S'KJII : PHInvlow , $ M ) ; ( ioorjrin avo- line , S-Yi'Jn ' ; rnrnnm .street , two lots , M.MJ ! Isaics .V Hnldon's , S2.00J ; Kllby Pl'ioc , < l,2.-i ) : Iiavnnwortli stioot , ? . "iOiK ) ; two lots , Omalui View , $1,400 ; Collnv st. , fl.TOD. Kastrionls : Sh.ill's 2d add. . $1,00) to $1BOO ; Ilnn com Place , Sl,0" > ) to js .iK ) ; Park nvo- nue.S5.000 ; Hawthorne , $1,10) ) to Sl.V ) ) ; Yules A : l < o il'n , 97.V ) tli Si > V ) ; ( r " = ton , f UO ) toS'J"0 ) ; Tntor I'hiet' , f',10) ' ; Potter's id- dlllou , Sl.'OO ; .lei-omi ; I'.irlc , ? l,100j Kllby l'lucolyl ) : Wonr.nd , Sl.SX ) to * l.tJJ ) ; PI ilnvlcw , $750 : Twollots , Omnhn View , fl,4Kl ( for both : Shulrs 1st , ill leet , $2.100 ; Saiindcr St. . Sl,300 : liiolni ? Ilanscom Park , twolon. "lOxJIl1. , craNl location lor rc l- di'iieti ; thotuo lor Sfr.OO1) ) . Other Fronts ; ? outh front Hamilton St , SlniM : south Krontg , I.owo' " iidditlon , lluost lots in t > o adiBiion , $375 to 90) ; Hnnscom Plai-o , tunrUns nt $100 , $ lr,03 nnd Sl.STO ; Itmtlott'4 aldltlon lots only ? /00 ; HlniobiiiKli Phico , f 1,700 ; Isnncs .V hpidcn'si.rA ) n $ leo i. Arrq Property : Finest ncro In Wo t Omaha , Impilived , 8.HW ( : miothor without Im- provomeiits.5.OJji.thlid on Itolt Line , ? Hni)0 ) ; ten "ores , llrluhton , ? ) . OJ ; ncies nt it 114 t.oi'S in all outslilr ) additions. / , , nosidcrtcosf Col tares at JsIrfU ) , tp StfM ? In all piVts of the blly. Solrct your loc.illty hud cdiiio ( o us to buy. ' Ttnitf cs nnd lots on nmnthlv puymonts. Handsome dwelling Irom 8I.WO to $12.5 0. Wo out Mil t you if } on c in be suited In nny location in Omnhn. Rjslncsj Piopory ; Wo Imvo n line line of business property both improve 1 nnd va cant. Cut tills out nnd bi-ug : it with you. S7S 11 ' , and lot in 1'nrk Place , lot fi.-\ : > 0i , nOL'SP r-iehiB on California an I Cas sts. , S.-iOI. Torui in ado known on njiplicatlon. Mnct bo told quick. F. 1) . Tanners Co. , 1U15 Howard st. , 1UI 10 FOH nlco sljrhtly lots buy In "Selby Hoiff nts. " Pr'ous 'jviVI to ? lfO , onsy payments. Ij. P. Hammond , n'om , room 3 , IM- Douglas st. 10. ) . -J. II. Evans &Co. , 1510 Hodei' St. , twoloU , ono n v'ornrr on PluiiMint ht . nonr Aeniloiny of the Snored Heart , high and sliirhtly overlooking- entire city ; ? . ' , U00. 14U 11 NO. 2fi3For snio , by M. T , . Hlirir ns. 1500 Domhis St. : 2 eottniros in Wnlnut Hill , niich 4 rooms , closet , well , nnd Icnco ; each lot .WxlBS It. Sl.iijOonch. fi0)casli ! on ench , 1ml. $ iO pjr month , each. 14 TU10U KXCHANOK-ffl.OOOmoclcrtrv goods for i Ojialm property. ' Archer & Fitch , 218 3 15th st < 05 _ _ RKAL E6TALR IJAHOAIN-2 boilltlful lots on west Cnmiiiir st. , S"iX ) each. Kino bar- pains. .1. L. Hico & Co. , room 0 , ever Com mercial National Hank. 075 ty O.SHK1VKU , Improved Property : 707 Full lot , south front , cottnffo C ronmi , can build 3 tints : on Davenport - port st. ncar-M. This is worth in- voa.ti > ; ntni | ? ; terms easy . $ 4,503 714 Good house. S looms , lot 50x181 , east fiont , beautiful view. . , . . . 3,000 710 lloaiititul cottniro , fulj lot , on Ooor- tria avo. near I.oavenwortii st . 5,010 not Ilouso nud full lot In Omaha View. . lWj 712 Now 2 story house , full lot , Virginia avo. near Popploton ave . 4.C03 711-llou o 11 rooms , with ( ? as , city water , heato.I by steam , lanro barn , shade , etc. ; on Guurgla nro. near I.tavonworih . 7COO WD-I.nrifo Jotcottajfo 6 rooms , DO feet fiom rod car line . 1,050 703 iouo 4 rooms , lot 2l.x l. Joining licit l.luc on llth St. . Imrjralu . 2OOJ II cottnifuM of 6 rooms each on Chnr- le-tst.Slilnn'HiulUtlonso.tli ( front , terms O'isy , each . S 2,030 Unimproved Prcpoily : 82(1 ( 31 foot lot in Nolson'8 add. , nonr Ciimlng stioot . . . 803 KM-Fnll lotlnShlnii's 1st . 1.7H ) KJ Fiilllotln HlmcbauKh , price . 2,4' " SU tints In Jerome I'ark. all for . 3,700 , 81 hot north of U , P. shops , near track- nifo : bni'Kaln . 1,253 312 2 lots ( corner ) In Shliurs 3d add. , both . 2W ) 275 Ixit in Pollmm Place . 750 hot In Hartlotl'rt add. on heaven- worth street , 50 foot front . 2,530 270 2 lots , onoh 50x241 loet ! fronting on Ilanscom Park ; bnrirmn , for both. . 5,000 hot on Virginia avenue in Hancoiu Place . -1 . fOO II nice lots In llurr Oajc.'allfor . 203 201 5 lots in "Kllby I'lnoo. " each . OS ) Ho.iiKlfullotrion Callfninln Rlroot . l.-VO an 44x110 feet on Hnrnor gDod locatlqn a , K ) 2 : 7 Lots on uilllornln , iienr 27th . . . . 1,000 2'JO-Ooodlot ' , Putriek's AfJItlon ; easy terms . } { / . . hl".0 Scoiiro i ; lot in "Slirlff Place , " you can't make a boiler Investment , hot * S'Ko ouch ; very easy terras. W. O , Stirivor , opposite post- olllco. K.O _ F OH nice sightly lots buy iii "Folby Heights. " Prices f.m to # 40) , cnSv"yniemp. . h. P. llnmnioiHl.inreiit.ruuiiiII.U.'i" Douglasst. T > OWMNffIJUKNlotsIM 10 porcontciish iJ nud * 5 mir month , arihall it hobock , Agents , l.VW 1-arnaiii btrccf. t)4'J ) Foil Tll.Vlli-Wo hnvp eomo doilrablo Omnha property thaOlo ! would tradu lor llret class Htoek of Druirs rm-Omioral Murchiin- dUo. Park & Fowler , 1 J IUti ) lns strout. 107 13 _ t _ HOMP. KOH SAhK-Oornor lot fiflxis ) , on Seward St. , only two b'ocks ' from echooi , andsaiao from trectcnrs ; < f.roomhouae ) , thiulu trcoi , fruit trocs , etc. , $3.00J. ' Orosory i Had- loy. 1313 Dnuijlas st. 112 _ HOU.Si1 ! hots.Farins.ljintts money loaned , Ilemt9 , 16th mid Uou las strncU , 010 GHKOOHV AND HAPhKV , 1312 Douglas Et. Flno lot of ! Fnrnum st. near howu tivo. , 5 foot above ostnblitlioil grade , only ? , IIUO. 0-J EOHSAhi-IlyM : IjTlllgglns , ItOtf Douclos et , u eholco ro-ildonce , corner lot , cant front , Shlnn's aid : $3Wi ) , on privnto torres if bold by the 15th , after which out of the market. 142 OKSALK-Uowlhig Oroen tots at $150. 13 per cum cash und $5 per month , Otters the easiest and surest Investment to double your money in a year of any property In t'm suburb an market , hot uiatiowjou thla flno property- MarhulliLob elc , Agents. DM | &OUFiifnara street. HICKS A INfillllAM- llcalF.stnto nud i.otm Kroner , Opei a House Block , Improved iroomcottnirc , PoujrlnsntidSfronly . . > room cnttnjo. Dodge nnd 29 only . . 2000 7 room cottnao all eonvon. , Baunders near CummliiffS only . . 0500 10 room and 1 5 room house on lot C3\2JO with nil modern Improvements 17th street , cheap COOO 11 loom housoliuind hcnvenxvnrttixTlth a 4 room cottngoon the alley for nil C500 lOroom hou'e , lot D'lxl.'iO ' coinei In hln- coin Place , n beautiful honip 1COJ 10 room nnd I 5 room i-oitnuo on north 17.lnriiolotnr.vlK. rash * 2..M ) 7000 Iroom bniisrID 8 Webster , full lot ( > Vfl "lioom hoii'Oon 17 and Cnss. KO ) I room h i i " > e o n Cal I f o rn la , f u II lot StWO 7toom hmrse north of heavcnworth on Virginia axe 4000 1C room IIOIIMI noith of hvaxcnxuirtlion Vlr in'n ' n\o. , cheap 7000 2 houses I 5 and 1 4 rooms 22 nud Fierce cheap 3 < VW " 5 room colt Hens 2 nnd Chniles , full lot , cheap for both , 4000 Ifl mom hou o llnnxcim Place with nil inodorn Improvements. See It H > W 1 il 10011 cottiiiru Virginia nvo. near A few ot the tnnst des'r.iblp ' loti In Crea- ton place , nt tlirmra that will sell east front lots mi howe nx'Piiuonnd llnrnoy , pnrli , II sold this week 1100 IhirKnlnwndd , on l.imvi'iinnilli , I lot nt llxio "tleAplarn lot , block ' - " ' , WcstOtnntia , leinis I'B'jr , prlc" Slixi to 12V ) Slots Wi t Oumlnir addr ; eornor , nt 421) ) Lincoln plneo lots noin $ III ) to. . . . 400 hots in Marsh's mid , near St , Mary's nveinieer > doslrablo 1 * IInn com pl.icc lots , $ pu 0 to It ) ) ) 41 I cet on Smmdors , oho ip , woi I h TOO ! ) . . . -V > 0 hots In H.irtford plaoc , this side ol Mis souri Pae.lie rnllwn > nnd canulnir tnc- tnry , on I.paveiiworth , very easy terms. { Mlto 4jfl A row lot sin hoaXTtiworth Terrace , Just soutbxvi < t of Joi-oinu PnrU nnd lllgti- land place , terms onsy. $ .V > Ole " < W 10l.\12)on Ca and iWlh s-H.'i cil'li"A ) U'.xl1 ! ! Isaac ASoldon's.onpnp ' ) ! l cast ITIIIH lot , within ono block ofc'itmlug factory an I Mlosnnrl Pnclllcdepot. "I In' } ' are lecidpd b irx'unsat SIW , ns ndloiulng lots nro Eolllng at ? ' .Xl an I MVlj term' O'i v. 10 lots In Drikr'.s addition , 2.3th utul loilg ' St. , f 1,1101C 2)0 w ) Jcetoii Park nx-onne and Howard , f 0.000. 70\l. " > j feet.l'opnloton nnd Virginia nvonuos , " Kcct , Virginia nvonito and Shliolj' , n corner , 91KM. Wo h.ivoonly n few of thosu beautiful lols In block (1 ( , llnns-'oni Plnee , left. If you wnntono secure Itick < \ \ \ oryou will bo Inlt. Cnnx-o > iinres nlwavsnr thoilooi ready to take-you out to see XThnt consider the bp t bargains Hicks .V ltitrhr.1111,215 South 15th streetOpera fco Mlook jiB B'll and nil ol' the : M West Sliln ots nro hlirh nnd bpautltul.full sl/e. nnd on month- ly pnvments , $2.,0. H. C. Patterson , 13th nnd D oughts. _ fidT > IjlOltnlcosTirhtly lots huyiir'Solhy Heights. " J. PrlrosSi.'iDtuflia.oasy paynipiits. h. P. Hammond , agent , room. ) , 15:2 Douglas st. _ I lir , _ Kl'tjll i bF.hUY'Shlg ica estate nd ( ivory other duj. See It "H _ _ IilOlt S VI.E Hy M. h IIIgBlns. 1500 Douglas st. , n 'i-room cottagoon BnuinlerR st , $7.10) ; f3x ) cash , balunco LMisy payments. ( Jood linrn , well , olsturn nnd cellar. Positively a bnrgnln. ptSUONiV COM'.TOCK LI Insurance , Itcnl Kstnto nnd honn Agents , Pccond story Merchants' National bank build ing oiler tlio lolloxvlng piopurly for sale : ' nil lot on Turk nvonuo , wfl'iXUS , contain- . . . r txvo bandsomo largo cottages , n burn and nn abundance of small fruit , $12,500 ; will divide House and two lo's in hlncoln Plnco. house nine toolnsnnd finished In line stylo. ? lon ) ; small en-h pnj incut and li-iliuco in Install ments. Will trudo \ veiy di'-lrnble lot In Il'irtlctt'sndditlon cc- nml lot east ot F.uelld strcut , 5lxl3s ) , 1'acim ; on hciu'oii'vortn street , 52.511. Flvorooin house on Sauu.lcrs street near Oinco , S-.7l ( ) , Seven room house , Center street nenr Cum- Ing , $ . ' ,000. Kevon room house , No. 10th , near halco , S2.r , ' u. hot on Hlondo strcot , ona-hnlf block wr < t of Saundurs , soiuh liont.liOxloi ) , three room house , irnlt tioes , etc. $ JSOO ; house nud enc-half lot , fl.MIJ K-ist front lot In Hellmnn's mid , , KOth street , 5l\140wlth lioom noiisa.-JVH ) ) . Hmnoy strool , Capitol Hill add. , cast front lot , 51vl4L , S-'jOO. Twonty-ih-o lots In fUlby Place nt from SGOO to SLOW. 2fl lots In Dwlglit & I.yman's add from S5) ) to Anaeiulot just wo t of Crclsrhton college , In I'ark placu.liM loot I rout on California street , 5 ) .W)3 ; U casb , bnl.uict ) 1,2 and 3 years. IV bar- train. Five room cottnpo and barn , full lot .V\-27 ) ; in Marion Place , only2 blocks Irom thu sticot cars. ? 1SOO ; ? 50J essli. Two good I'liilnvlciv lots nt . Two good lots in Patrick's 2nd add. at S1.C03 each. each.Wavorly ndd. is nbout nine miles north of the postolhco ntvl n short dl-tnnco from the Holt line railway. Lots are pellmg at $ Jt.Oon nnsy terms , l.ct us showjou this audition bcforo buylnt , ' any ollior outsldo property. A number of voiydcsir- nblo lots In Ilanscom pluco , including sev eral corner * , nt trom 1,000 to 300. Improved nnd unlmpinved business nnd rosl- denco propci tyjn all ; ) nvts ol'tno city SI53 Foil SAljK- bargafn. hot ( Wv 132 , 2 blocks Irom potolHce. $20,00) , hlilf cash. Mar shall & hobecic. 1"A)3 ) Fariiam street. 21jJ ) RUoll 4c BKhllY'S olirronl ostnto na every other clay. See It. 281 PO11S.V1.U House , i > roomscity water and gas , I mllu from P. O. , 1 block from st cars , prieoSJ.oO ) , small puymonts , balance monthly , inquire rooms I an 12 Omaha Nat'l l)4i ) ) BUY NOW In the new nddltlon of Vest aide , right bv the depot und canning factory , full Bl/e nnd only 1253. It. C. Patterson. 515 , HAHGAIN-1410 acres eel aruolo RAKF land In Knox and Cedar counties. Neiirnskn ; 5U per acre cash. A. H. Ornham i Co. , Wlsnor , Nohr. _ CM.S- ! ) " 171011 nlco Rlirhtly lots 'juy In"Selby's Holghts" X ? Prices 8130 to ? 4lX ) , oasv payments , h. P. Hummond , nguiit , room 3 , 1522 Douglas st. F O It KALIS Wo hive sixteen lots in llaw- thorno addition that wo will sell ; best nnd chonpostliufdu property in Omaha , lied ford & Souor _ 'J4' ' ) ' G'ltr.GOHY ii. HADhF.Y , Kill ! Douglas St. Thirty-two lots In Hawthorne , only a llttlo over a milotrom postolllco. SU5) to fj ! ) . iiis ) PKcTXh HAHfiAlNS during fair week. For the bonollt of our out of town customers w o oircr the following special bargains lor this week only : Corner on Park Avenue facing park 5 1,2" > 0 hot trontlnir Miinwoni Paris . 1,000 Hast front lot Virginia live. , on grade , a bnrgnlnnt . 1,050 Item corner lot Kllby Place . l.'OO rive lots In Wilcox 2d nddltlon , worth ? 750oucb ; lor nil . 3,000 A full block in Ir-ano & FeM oil's addition , nu r Finiilin it.nrni'0lnvo < tinoiit ut 20,0.x ) Enst front lot. block 10 , Ilanscom Place j.flOt ) Finest east front lot on I'lul Slioildaiist , . 1,250 hot In Hoggs & Hill's 1st addition ; u bar gain nl . . 2,000 Tin oo lots in block li : , Ilodford Place , onsy payments , cash . 450 2J fcot south liont on paved boction of Cummlng stioet . tl.OOO 83 foot I rout , : . ' blocks oust of postolllco. . l.'i.OQl hot in Clifton place . J-W hiirgo house and lot In Wnlnut Hill addi tion , only . 2'JOO Ho null ill residence nnd full lot on ( ieorgla avc , nenr hoavenworth , all modern Improvements . , TrVX KOncre I arm i ) mlluslrom ( irand Island. . iOC ) Now housn , 5 rooms , to rent , good local ity , per month . Yi I'iiin ca-ft li-ont lota In Ambler place , $300 to $01)0 : monthly payments Call nnd BOO nurllst of choice bargains In resi dence nnd bn-Iiiof s property. Itnmoinlior the plnco , F , D , Tnnner , VCo. , 1015 llo urd sticet , _ | i j'jju _ FOIt HA 1 , 1C Ono of llio best pluco ot prop erty in North Omahn , oiui block ipim pnvod ftreet. An eight room housi ; , ncaily now. Can I o had choup , If taken at unto , O. F. Davis .V Co . J50J F.irnajrn street. _ JH7 Foil SAIi-riowllnv ; ( licon lots at TUO. 10 pur cant cash ami $5 per month , I'nsy , and sure todoublo In a yuar. rioo this flno nd. nltlon ncd socuio n low Ion while yon can got Ilrst choice. Marshall & I/ihook , Agents , _ OIS _ _ _ ! 5 ! > lJ Jl'JllnJlSti ! ! _ IUAVKNWOItril ST II. It. tri'kago.'onnor J more lots or uiinoro , at agro.u birnln. See J. W , ho/iin , at hoavunwnrth Iluslnoji Place , or G. , W , IlaUer , ileum 7 ( ron Itanls pltAS OONOYKH , U. K. hn. A W Conoyor , l.onsr and llm-rid , Heal h'ulntu IJlJi Do'Jt'iiht. Omaha , Neb , Corner lot on hhcrmnn nv < i , M cash but , caay . . . , . f3BOO Oornerlot22 nud h.iKo.o i y teri.ia . I , JO ) Otinorlot in Croaton add cheat ) : u . 1,1 J ) icixlUunl'umlnirst . 4,10 IWxllSdast front Prut t's Kill ) . ifltt Snow live-room cottages cor 2-5th nnd Plurco lotwixltinll tor . . . . . . . . . . 6,200 * H It < ront2Uand Furnum 'vith tllflA Inipro\omonts . . . ' ' . 4 nciu lot In West Omaha . , : . ' . 10,000 M It front with elugnnt cottno Furnun , nearib . 10,000 hot in Uurdetto Court only ,1 blks from Htreet curs . 801 Ixts and ncro property for a.ila In nil the out lying udJItlons hUt jour pfoperty with us and consult your own inturnts by seeing our list before puniliBJlntr. _ _ Mi _ FOB SAMJ-Ily M. h. Iliirirlni , ISOlDougl.-u St. . a now 0-room boiuo Shtnn'a 2 < t ndil. , with city wutcr , cUlerii. fplynJl-l c'l'.ir , balh room , soworagv , new birn , ( -.irringo liouse , Inrgo coul liouto , toutU front , obuap ami on easy terms. UX TT < OUSAYiK-IlyPnrk&Kon < er , ISiJ Doiulixs , JL' botteiind rulilotAmlderPlneel5iCish ! , ftlni c fJO per month ; only $2,000. This place s\ory cheap , hnj prnde , ROIH ! burn , fences , shndo trees , etc. Three rottnzoson rtnrlos street , four blocks rom street cars ; $1,200 to Jlr" i ; small cash lavinonls , bnltinte to stilt. rivn-room cotlajro on IaVo street , ono Mock 'rom etri'rt ears , nenr Popplolon s residence ; f 2nx ( ) ; f 4M ) o i li. balance $ J > per month. t'oltrtKoof 0 rooms , titnr So\entei'nth slrcel ; worth $2WJ $ o'.0 , balance quarterly pajnuMita > f S75. Three cottnpos on Ch'oigo street tietwreil 24thand 2ith ; sr..dH ) ; now rents lor 9 1 , 'AM per enr. Ono lot In Lincoln Plnro ; If sold this week _ _ "IJIOUnleosltrhllrlots buvln "Selhy Helahts. " X1 Prccsivi , ; to ? 4iW.My ! pnments. . UP. llnmmoud.iiKent , i-oomi : , 1r > i8 Dotlgbis si. lUKflOUV AND IIADhF.V. 1 1113 Donirlis't. I'or Silo business properly nn Fiirnam. Douir- us , Dodge. Unnioj , Howard anvl Cumlnjs. 17til VAI.i : On e.Tsv payments. "liou e nnd ' lot within half n block of street enrs , by iniiou iiios. , 1'iin Douglas si. sur , a "I1AUOAINS 111 niv"part of the city. S'.VO Nlcocottfuo on ' { lot on NSOttt 't. - suj Oood liuyo liouso on full lot In UiiiKcnm FUcp 5CO ThiL-Pcotlnfiea on full lot In Shnin's Add. 52jO ( ott.tgcof 7 rooms nud barn , Pliull's Add. M..VW Snnin dxvpllln * goo I turn , Idlowlld. 'li ill Nli P l.n'iie on Fani-imsl. ! f 1SW Nice ! 1 K om cottage oil lull lot , Mlllnrd , V < alilMiill mid ? 1C)1 | ) 5 ncio < Tuttle'8 subdlv. fjti ptr ncro hnrgn fiirm In Unit Co . Neb -ono t thn bust in the Btnte on easy ( erm < i. 7 < * ) a < ivs Plrnngci-s should call undseo Pears and L"t a uiririiln In n glowing city. Si-ai , Kith nnd Dodge , XII 10 /"UtE : Y& H.\hlv. vl 1S1'5 Douglas. Twonty-two new oottiui ( > s lor sale nn nonthly payments , WJJ to ? IOO cash , hahuiro asj. tut [ 7F. liax-e for fnlc FOIIIO special baraniiH on i Inside residence and bu Iui" < s lots ; nNo lols with small cash payments , b.ilauro on In- st'llmonts ' from T > to $5J per month. M. L. lligglns , 150(1 ( Douvlns * t. 142 AJ K-lVi8ilo . . XT Dolulasst. : A 4 room cotlnjto in Omitliu Vhnv ; well , cullnr. linll , closets , full lot. south tront. < ltlM. . 4d ) cash , hnlnnco $ l2.r.O per monlli. Will rcul tor $15 pur month. 14' ' . irmitshKj. . fi. livuns.vco firiin Dodxo M " , . JL fiiil ncro , I.envcn oith 1'ily , suiciblo for' subdividing into l > uslncs Ion. Onl.4U. . ( . 141 II 1.112 Douglas st. Pni k Place lot TM feet limit on Cios Rt. nnd same on l iillloniliiBt. hot 3 0 loot ace ] ) wlin small house , $2,551) ) . llfli Nioo 5-room house nnd 2 corner lot" In Walnut 1IIII ; > i cnslj bal. to suit. Cnl Martin 110S 14th st. fin HlOHhAND I'h.\Ci-.V : iTnoeairFroTilli Ion Pli'ii'nnt st. lor ? 1OJU. Oicsjdiy & Had- loy , 1312 Douglas st. 112 LOT on Oooiula Avo. , near .ludiro Dunily's rasidcnce , $ 'Vili ) ) : for ono week only , ! " . D. Tanner A. Co. , lillj llowaid. UU 10 170KSAl.K-l.ot4 111 Slirlvor , fl- . . I1 Onlv ? 21 c.i-h. Iniliineo ? .1 pur monlli House iin.l lot In iimivlia View nddltlon ? ! , < i')0. ' ) S4H ) cn h luilnncn $12.rfl pur month. Lot In I'lalnvlow ? r-a H von wnut to buy n house , or lot call and sue II. W. Huntress , 13)3 Kiiriiiuu slreet , 11.10-11 "I7IOH nice < l lity : Ints buy In "Selby lluluhts. " JL1 Pi-n a % * Tit ) 10 $ liw. I'uny payment * . I. . I' . Haiuiuond , njunt , room 'J , ! % . " _ ' Douvlas st. 101 BOIVMNC r..UiKN : I.its , $1M. Id nor rent. oir < h aiiil $1 per monlli. Mnr hnll .v LobecU. Agents 13'KI ' Fiiinnm Mieet. ' .IID < L" l > 7HAMMUNIriIeirifsUUir"lro"keirToom ! ( : : i. No. livrj bouflns , otrci- . the lollowlnjr spoclnl b irunlns : Clioltolnt on r.cavcnnorth St. , 1,003 ; S8.10 cah. bill.nice CMSV pij : munis. 4 ehol.o lots In l.owe 3ndil.K)0 : ) to $1,303each , In payments. 3 choice Ion In Shinn's add. , f 1,000 to ? 1U1) ciieh , In payments. Cliohoonst li-ont lot In Plainvlow , In pay ments , 507. ) . Thruo choice lots on Hell Llnu In Lincoln Plneo , fl.'KM. Flno now house In T.udwlck Pliico , now hclnir comjilcted l'oesslon irlvon In nbout in ilaj-t . 1'r'co l , < 00 , In payments. 1'iuo now school house within 40 tods of tills house. Choice lots in bolliy IlelRlits , ono ol the ilnest nddltlon * Pricoi ? .r l to ? 4PO. i.iy p.i > raent Ono half Interest In a Livery and Hoarding stnblo lor salo. Two choice lots In f.ow's addition , on Hamil ton street , for Mile ntn nartfiiln. ( ' .ill for tnrms. 11 you want to sell your property quick , Hot It with me. Plenty of money to loan on city property nt Io o t rates , tlet my rates botoro nmlliir ; ap plication. mo XT < > OTK roFinTe""by Jf L. III fTiTs , Ifi'H ' -L > DoiiKlno.ii now 10room house , on licit I.lno railtond , with all the modern lniirovenient | ? , cellar , cistern , well ; good , now barn ; at u bar- taln , or will oAclmnvo lor other good Omaha pioporty. HJ. FOKSAI.i : Ily M. L. Hlssrln" , 150) ) I'oujrlns St. , 5 ncrotr.ict with house. Ii.irn , fheds , shndo trees. ? 1-0 , fiKOvnah , bnluneo $10 ncr month. A bargain , must ba sold ntonce. SAT.i : llowlliilrocn ! ( lot s at SIM. 10 FOR cent cash and $ .1 per mouth. Olfors the easiest nnd surest Investment lo double your money in n year of nny property In the suburb an market. Lot us show you this tine property. Marshall .V Lobock , Agents , 9W I'M rnrnam street. FOK S.VI.12 Horo's rourclmnco ! 1 have in ( iifint , ICeith Co. , Nob. , u stock of dr/ ( roods , notions , boots nnd shoes. In bnsi locatlon.strlut- ly cash trade , which 1 will fell and give a nice discount Or ould trimo for iinlncutnborod western laud , or Denver or Omnhn property. Or will Irndo western lainl , or land In Hiirlon Co. for groceries. Parties buying my sloclc can either rent or buy the building. Ko.ison for solliim : Too much other busluoss. Jay K. Adams , Grant , Keith Co. , Neb. 14) ) * GUKfiOHY & HADUU' , WI2 Douglas M. . . can sell a fowOmfthn Vloir lots clienp. J'luo south trent at $05' ' ) onch. 11' * FOIt S.VI.i : Howllns firoon lots nt 5IH3. 10 per cnnf cash nud SI pnr monty. Hasy , nndsnrd todoublo Inn ycur. Sno this line nd- till ion and soisiiron low lots wlillo you can got Hist choice. Marshall & Lobock , Agents , 150'J I'ariiHin Ktreet , u" * H IOI sl.s Lots , rnrmsLands money lonnnTT licmls. 15th and DoiiRlnf ) streets. illti IriOll SAM : Or oxchar.7o. Ilouso and lot , 1 IBlh nnd Nlohohia ; bou.-o and lot Kith nud Dorcas. Win It. Monroe , llth nud Douglas. V.V'1 j7\ofi \ .SAli : iois rTind B7 laixiw foof , liT JL' liln.'k 'J , Ilrst addition to South Omaha. Onll on I'Ycd I.oinon , euro Knrmi'ih1 lioiifn. or nddiuss ( Jcoryo Mndo , P. U. box l'J7 ' , Itnpld Clly A SPANDAUl ) MKIHCAL WO R FOR YOUNa AND HIDDLE-AGRD MBIT ONI.V ifcl IJY 211 All. , rOSTl'AIH. ILI.USTIIATIVK SA.MPMi I'llI.I ! TO Al.I KHOW THYSELF , KxhanilO't ' Vlt-illlr , Norro-iuiriii I' Dahllltj VrPiualnrelMrlliiolii.Man. Krronot Voniii. und Ilii uiiluM iill flet ratallliu < nnu luUltcrullO'i : m < l ur- u'Mey. A lJUiilc lur nrurr intii. ynunir , rolrtille.-iso.t . nnil old , ItqiiualiH IWprt ! Priil'on | urnlaculoaMJ | elironlinUr-utc , ojilioiiaof wlncii It InvidunbUi til Jounrt by lha m lior whuw uvpiirinncu Inril joirtli mrli Ji | < rolialilrn tvr Iwforo fell in tlui luinf tiny j.t/i ] > lr um WJpazci , liiiiinil In Krenrli miij. lln , eniboj olrortir , f ill -ujr.iiilooiluii3 : illni. w > jri In < > \try n'j'ii'ji.fclnnlail ' , llU'rurT HII-I pr'if i. Bloiul-lluin miutlnir nnrk In Ihlnroiiiitry t'ir ti 5) ) . or the monoml , ba rofiuulo. . ! In rrvrr 1-iMinco. 1'rltoonly 51 t > ? tnt' , , | aiM. . llluitmtii , ! miuplii , His. ho-idiioi. ljul I v r.loil ilia miihur li tbohitlunjil Mf li-i | | \ v > H Uunt'j ( lie 1 ! ni. A. I' . Illfse'l. . ' nti.1iiiiorUitti > i > . . < ) r ollii boaul tluronljr II r < ( ipcifnllr rifsrrsl , TliH Sfli'nruuM.ifeli wetVh more tn tin rounzim 1 roMJIeiKi l iiiBiipf I'IU OIVM loii'un.v ) t > ia cell uluoi vt i jill.rnlH iiiiM ilio rllror Lil.ioi of C'lniUinu'J ( ; . K. < 'liri > nUit. U'lict * .clt'nri of 1,1 ; , , ttVn' # nut t'lj > .ii > . | < iin whirl ) Hi. ) co > : l' itlun and ho ; > oiiif arouniriunii ) invktxi ( > ii fittAlly i.roO'l ' -J tllnur. TlioS.lcn'.i ; of ! . ! / ! | j [ treiior rahio ttua all fii Diolln.l 'irK ,1'Uiili m Ir. Hilt ( uuutrr lor llu put vc.iri Almni'il .niu-.irun. . thi i-clonco of t\te \ ( n * ni r'i mil naitcrlr trait- on ncilToni and ph/iiaal ilubitaDetro.t ' ' DBSKEI , & MAUI , , Buoccasors to J , a.Jocabj AND At Ihn old KAnd , 1(07 ( KA-aam St. OMsr * l > rrapli f. itt-iied nirl niiumpJr RttoaJoJ u * TUB CHICAGO SHORT LINE or run ChlcapMitak8B&StPaolBlj , , THE,1 BEST HOUTS \m \ mMl \ \ COUHCH BlUfFS ot TWO TRAINS nUt.V HKTWRKN- OMAHA COl'Nl II. HL.LFF3 Cliirnijo , AMI Mihvnnkpp , Ht. 1'aiil , MtniiPHiiolis. t cant' Hnpids , ( Minion , Dnlmquo , UnvcnpnvJ , Kofk .Fi'Pi'poi't , llorkfortl , MnilNon , tuiicsvlllc , licloit , AYinoiM , ln Crosse , And nil other 'mpnrinnt points Knst , Norlhoast nnd Southeast. For through tlcki In onll nut'in Ticket Aaoil nt Itni Knrmim stn-i't 0 Paxton Hotob , or n I'nlimPai'li'c Depot. Tnllnnin t < iooi > crs ntul Ihn 1lno t iHnln ? Cars Intliuwoild ute tun on tliu niHin Itnesof thu Cilir.uin. Mil.w M'kKi : A. ft. I'.u I. It ut.w vv , nnd o\ory ntlontion Is paid to piis unitors by com ( CHUM emplors ol tluM'oinpuny. It Mil. I , l.n , limn ml Mnnaiior. .1. T. Tri'Ki u. Assistant Mnnniror. A V. It. t'utl'KMT.u , ( iciioral Pass-enifor n\A , \ Ticket Aeimt. < iio. : K. IlKAd'oiiM , Assistant tloncral Pnsson. Her nnd Ticket Aneut J. T. Ct11K , Suiiorlnloii'loilt. -FULLY WARRANTED-- ! ST.LOUIS FOR S/M.K fly. Hen. T Armltrilot.iUOl fiinilnir St. 1) . II. llinidiun , 1-17 1 nrnnui st. .loh llus-lti.l"7 : Ciimii'it llrrmnn Isunolc , liMSouih liltli St. I ) , l.iinirn , .lls South 'Dilit W. 1' . Stuul/il , UK I Iliirtunlst , M. I , . Vim hPtiti-n , Ifili ! 1)0.10 ) nt , I ! . W. Sliepoi. J > l ? South l"th st. RAILWAY. Oinalia , CouncilAud Aud Chicago , Tlio only rend to tnlro for DCS Molnes , Mar- Bhnllloun.i ulnr llniiMs , Clinton , Dixie. Chica go , Milwix-ikoo and nil point ? eust. To the poo- i > lo of Nibrn < Kn ( Coloiado , Wyoming , I'inh , Idaho. NoMida , OioiionViishliigton and Call- Toinlu. It oil. risiipoilor nJvnntiifres not poasl- b'n bv nny other lire. Among n few of the numerous points of BU- perloilt , ' mijoycd bv thn pntron < of thHrond liel renOmiilinnnd fhli'iigo , mo Its twottalm n day of DAV COCI11W which ate tlio Iluest tnnt Inimnn art and introim'ty ' t-nn create. Its PAI.ACH SLKBl'INO TAHS. .vhioh nio models orcimfort and olegnnco Its J'AULOIt OUAW- INO ItOOM CAI1S , iui > nirnns < nlbv nnv , nnd Its widely celobrftted PAITIAIi , DINlNCJ CARS , tlmeonal of uhich cannot be found o'sowhero. AtCounell IllulTs the ( rnlnsof the I'nion Paci fic Hr : connect hi Union Dopnt with these gf the Chicago .t Norihwps'.orn lly. In Chlcacro thn tinins of this line itrtko close connection with the o of all cnstern llni" . For Dntrolt. Columbus , IndlnnnpolK Cincin nati , Nhurar.x 1'nlls. llulfnlo , I'ltthburir , Toronto , Monticiil. I'oRlnn , Now Yoik , Phllndelplil i , Itnl- timoto Wn.sliin.'ion and nil i olntH in the east , ask the ticket iigent for tlekeli * via the "NOUTIIWr.STF.llN. " Tf you wish the bo t iiO'oinmodntlonB. All ticket acmilHFoli tlcUoia viuthls lino. 31. IIUtlHITP. It. B. HAIR , General Manngor. Oen. 1'nss. Agent. CHICAGO. SARATOGA SARATOGA , WYOMING , Thcso waters coiitnln Iron , PJtnsslum , Llino , Hoda , .Mngiiesln , Cliloildu ol Sodium nnd Sul phur , and nn > n jiositlvu euro lor nil diseases niislni ; 11 Din an n > [ iniustaioof the blood.Acer- tnfn s.ieL'lllo for RlieumUtiHin , Daily Stage ami Mail Line io ami from Fort Stvcfc. Good Physician in Attendance , ir. JL c MADK IJV MAGIC STAUGH J'JULADKU'lllA , J'A. FINEST and BEST JN 'I'HK ' WOULD. WEEDS 'NO COOKING- 1'ruilimiii n vifli. liftiiuUi'iil ULOSH anil STIKKNKSS. No Sturcli yet iiitroiluecil can bo com- iiiiroil with tliuJIAGia Onu nni'uaKQ will do Uiu work ol' two jioitiiils ordinary IMI I under rimriinloc of Ilio iiiiiniiraistnror . SLOAN , .IOIIXSON A" . CO. . A splits , Oinalia , Nti Carrjin ? llii'llolrlum ; Royd iril Hnltod Mail st.ulin.- < - > ! > iriii'd.iy Between ftntwerp TO THE INIIHB , fiERHitlY , ITALY , HOL- LJHD AHD FRANCE , KAI.I , AM ) V\IMI : { . E.ilon from $ SO to ST' . Uxeurslon trip from tlt' ! to fl . Jsicon-1 Ca'Jin. nntivard. * tij nt low i..ei. ' I'eter Wriulit & h'on * , Ai'e'U , ( ] IJroailtvuy , NI.W VorK. Ke ID t' in t. lils I' i uill. . ; PauUuu * Co. , 't i < ii t 0. ( i. ir u an , U't J-ircuu ) t.