Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEirFittDAY , SEPTEMBER 10. 1886 , \ i TUB DATL7 JU'-rj , COUNCIlTBLUFFS. FRIDAY MOUNTING , SKPT. 10. OFFICE , WO. IS , PEARL STREET. by carrier in rnjrnrtof tliocltjru Muni } cents I'd1 week. 11. W. TII.TOX , Manager. r , No. O. NIGHT Kiiiroit No. X ) , MI.NOK MKNTIOX. Now i'ork Plmnliinjj Co. New fall poods til Holler's. Kclionl books nt Crockwvll's. 'J'lic very best ciibincts at $3 a dozen at Gorliam's. Ono do/.pii cabinpls ami a largo panel for $2.oO at Schmidt's gallery. IVi mission lo wed was yesterday granted V. W , Strnnim , of Manning : , In. , and I/ibella : Holdwortli , of Aspiu- wall. In. The county board yesterday niado ils seltli'inent with M. ] ) . liartlln , overseer of the poor , anil re-elected him lor an another year at the same salary SoO a inontli. Dr. Allison is building a largo two- tory nddition to his residence on tipper Hroiid- way. Now that | > : trini ; H assured mini- croiis Improvements of thu kind will bu made on property in that part of the eity. The institution for thu deaf and dumb begins its school year this week with a goodly attendance , and more pupils ar riving daily. It promises lo bo onu of the most snccpsstnl years in the history of the institution. The Baptist clmroli of this city now ntiitilicis iwonty-two more members than pvyr before in its history. Jt is sustain- ill } : two Sunday schools also prosperous and grow I n jr. one bein a mission school at Streetsvillo. Thoru arc gathered in the schools an average of'DO each Sim- day. day.Harry Fox pulled in A great train on the Chicago As Hock Island yeslorday. There were tun passenger coaches , all lilled , there being a largo number of western bound excursionists. Thu news agent literally sold out everything , oven to the last peanut , exccut his stock of books. In the circuit court the Smith will case dragged along wearily yesterday , anil will l > n llnished touayThis is probably the last case to be tried in the ciscuit court of this county , for the court will close this week , and under the now law will not hold another term , the new dis trict court succeeding it. Col. A. Coeliran met with a fall at River Sioux stock yards Monday last , from which quite severe injuries were _ sus tained , lie had been assisting in count ing and loading caitle , standing on the upper portion ot the shute , when by a misstep or slip , ho full bodily , striking Miis side upon the I'enco below with foiou. lie was taken lo his hotel , where he has sineo remained , and is now doing well. Word has been received from the Richmond mend lire alarm company that the new .boxes for this city arc done and painted. In bold relief on each box will appear "Council lllulls police and tire alarm station. " Jt is not known how nearly the works for the inside ot the boxes is completed , but , it is expected that all will soon bo in readiness , and it will then lake ' but a few days to put the boxes in posi- tioji. i George Swift was arrested and locked up yesterday for being drunk. There would bo nothing interesting in the fact were it not that ho is the same Swift who recently got into even still worse trouble oy gutt' drunk , and whose experience should have tauglit him to let the stall' alone. At that time ho was in company with an Avoca brewer , and ho was ar rested for stealing the brewer's watch and other valuables. Ho barely escaped be ing bent up as a thief. TheAmerican ; Nonconformist after a hard and not very successful fight against the Tabor college and church , is now to betaken to Winfield , Kansas , where it hopes to lind a larger Held and more liberal support. The Vincents are in defatigable workeis , and every one of them has his pencil extra sharpened. Wherever they go the people will know they are there , and however much one may differ from them in opinion , what they write will bo read with interest. A now Baptist church has been organ ized in Pacilio Junction. There are al ready twenty-four members , and others Will unite as soon as they receive their letters from other places , and there are n ntimber to bo baptized , so that there IE nn assurance of the now church number' Ing forty members at an early date. The services of recognition , were participated in by representatives of the churches ol Council Ulnffs and Emerson. Rev. lr , Cooley , of this city , served as moderator , and Mr. Frazeo , of Glcnwood , as clerk The sermon was preached by Dr. Cooley llov. Oilman Parker gave the right hand of fellowship , Mr. Frazeo ollered tin prayer of recognition , and Dr. Cooloj the charge to the church. Rev. Mr odd has been selected as the pastor o the now church , and will bo ordained n some future council. Chase , who was so badly hurt in thoae cident at the Northwestern yards , ii which Johnson was killed , is able to bt out and about , and yesterday favored tlx Br.E with a friendly call. Those who sav the young man as ho lay covered wit ! blood would hardly recognize him as lu appears in his present sprightly way giv ing promise of many years of activity aw usefulness. Ho had one of the narrowes escapes which over fell to thu Jot of an ; man. It is still a nuzzle to the railroader as to iiow the engine passed over him , a it surely did , without killing him. Ho i still badly scarred and marked , but wil not bo permanently disfigured , and is fa bettor than a dead man. When ho wa lying in the f rlcght depot , apparently ii n dying condition , one friendly synipn thlzur , an old man , looked at him and ex pressed the sentiment of all by-standers "Poor follow ) lie won't live an hour.1 Chase heard him and , looking up , re marked : "Well , uncle , you'll get foolei this trip. I don't die till ttio breath leave my body , anil il isn't going 'o leave. Chase's pluck and confidence /ere rcull , what saved his life , Morohouso & Co. want a girl to sen books at their bindery , room No. 1 Everett block. Howe's Sixth street mill , by its noi roller process , is making the lincst meal rvo Hour , etc. , in the west. Try il Ground feed always on hand. Personal Paragraphs. Albert N , Cooley , son of Rev. Di Cooloy. of this ) city , has concluded t spend Ids senior year at Rochester nn versity , Instead o ! Chicago university. John T. Stewart returned yostorda from N yv York City , where ho has bee with his family for thu past six week : Mrs. Stewart and family will remain few weeks longer. Perfectly satisfactory accomroodatloi nt $3.00 a 'day at the Pacific house. Giv it a trial anil ba convinced. All the comforts of high-priced hotels At the Pacilio house , and a saving of COte to ? 1 n day. Try it. Judge Connor Iaiiciiotedi Last evening there was a banquet tci dcrcd Judge Connor by the members i the bar , it uning at thu residence of M John N. Baldwin. The particinan were only the attorneys , unacconipanic by their ladies. The aflair was an el cant one in all its details , and was fitting expression of the esteem felt f < Judge Counor , who will bo. by the no arrangement , placed In another Judlci district. PlTt'Pfl riTV'P PPVP t TIAXT SILVER cms SENSAIION , Th0 Rnin of n Girl Leads to a Youcg Man's ' Arrwt- A BLACKGREEN MAN IN TROUBLE * " < ; . * . A. Complete Riitniunry oftlie Comiuls- BlniicT * ' U. I * . Ilcport Tlic Molli * otliHt Con Ccrcitcc Ol tier ! ) 11138 In the UlttfTs , - * ' * ' ft Slinking Up Silver City. SilverCitynnd vicinity have been thrown into some commotion by a tcandal which lias found its way into court , and which is resulting in a shmvlntr of bad blood. There lives near there a family named An- erson , a mother and three sons , the eld- st , Henry Anderson , being a well known armer , respected by all. In Silver City ives Cay Mass , who formerly liveit on a arm near there , but who has since ro- ircd with h Is family to a residence in the illnge , In the Mass family is a young aily , aged about seventeen , who seems H have been unfortunate. She is tinmar- ied , but needs a husband at this n articu- ar lime especially. She was engaged to i young man who is now in Nebraska , ml it was expected that ere long Ihisy vould wed Tin1 young mini heard some liings about the fair maiJen which made dm shrink from entering the proposed Matrimonial venture , and lately the en- rtigemoiit was broken oil'by him. It is , aid that the girl's attention has been irccted towards one of tlio Anderson ) oyc , Adolph , ageil .ibout eighteen , and hat negotiations have been' pending for lim to marry her. She insisted to her oiks that he was the cause of her ruin , nit the Andersons deny this , and claim hat she herself denied il in their pros- nee. The Andersons jjlaim that the girl's folks ollored to fettle for $100 , but hey refuted to make anysettlement with he girl or her folkb. The matter has icon pending in this unsatisfactory mtil a day or two ago it was dragged nto court by a strange proceeding , While all the family were away from .omo except Adolph Anderson , a con- table came to the house and arrested lim and look him to Silver City , wliero ic found a charge resting against him in lie justice court , the charge being that 10 liad raped the Mas * girl. The con- table kept the young man at his own tome , while his brother , HemyAnder- on , came to t'ouncil Binds to get legal ulvice , anil returning , got a neighbor , lenry Kline , to go with him to Silver Jity to arrange to bail the young man jut. To his surpriseho found that the usxt day was the one. set for a hearing , .nil that he needed to have his attorney oii.o out at once , lie at once started or tlio depot to come into Council Shin's to get John N , Baldwin , his attor- 103' , to attend to the matter. After reaching the depot anil getting his icket ho was btanding on the platform vailing for the tram. Charles Hummel , i son-in-law of Mass , on learning that lenry Anderson had gone to the depot , ntending to go after tin attorney , book i strange way to head him off. He lair- ied to the depot , and coming up behind \ndcrson on the platform , hit him over ho head with his cane , a heavy weapon , vhich felled him at once. The wound s said to be a very dangerous one. a-ul may possibly result fatally. Mr. Kline oof ; his place and came to this city on he train , and not being able to secure lr. Baldwin , ho beins busy , secured the ervices of another well known attor- icy. Walter Smith , who went there yes- orday to look after the interests of the Vndc'rsons. As narratca the assault upon Mr. Anderson was a most cowardly ono , and has created much indigna- ion. Summary of the Ileport. The decision of the Iowa railroad com missioners in the case of Citizens of -ouucil - Bluffs vs the Union Pacific rail road company , was lilcd yesterday , and s 11 voluminous document , comprising hirty-thrce pages of typo writing. The complaint was against tlio railroad , charging numerous offenses of discrimi- lation against Council Bluffs in laver ol Jmah a. The commissioners urge that ho road abandon the prajtico of stop- ling trains at Omaha instead of going through to the terminus. They condemn ho rai Iroad for its action in reference 10 the Council Bluffs stock yards , recommend that u caboose should jo with all trains to the tcrmi- lation of the reid ; are nnablo to lim ! any canso for complaint on account ol operating the Council Bin ( I'd line , as a distinct division ; they lind that the method of constructing maps giving Jmaha as the terminal point and print- i.g the name of Council Bluffs in small letters is in conllict with the decision ol Llio supreme court ; that the erection ol machine shops , etc. , are not necnssasy nl a terminal point ; that tlio company ha5 failed to furnish sullicicnt depot : uu ollico facilities ; recommend the ercctior of a commodious freight house on Male street and the use of Twelfth avenue foi freight track ; the evidence doss not BUS tain the charge that rebates arc allowei Omaha merchants and jobbers not alsc allowed Council Bluffs ; that the Broad way depot is insulllcient ; the rebilling a Omaha is not a cause of com plaint ; recommend that all trains lonal or through , start from Counci Uluffs and not Omaha ; the company com piles practically with the ordinance ii regard to the running of dummy trains tlmy regard the provision made for tin channel of the river between piers of tin bridge a.s ample ; the commissioners d < not Hesitate lo say that they do not lim any warrant for tlio charges contained ii the concurrent resolution of thu genera assembly , and report that the rcsolutioi seems to have been passed without dls cussion or investigation. They fully sc forth in their report the history of tin resolution and thu fact that it novci went to the governor nor was enrolled They give in full the statement ol Mr MiiiK , comptroller of the Union Pacili railway , and many other facts.which wil form valuable and permanent records n regard to this railroad , 10 Cabinet Photographs ? 3. Qualit , the linest. Shorradon , 017 Broadway. The Tax Levy. The county baard of supervisors ha completed its tax levy , the rate agree upon being as follows , together with poll tax of 00 cents : State tax - ) County 6 nrltleo s,1 School 1 Insane. , , 1 Poor. . . , , . . . . . . . . . .l/ Court house and jnll 1 The city school tax is for school house ! 3i mills , teachers 24 mills , contingent mills. 1'otal. 0 mills. The MoctliiK or Ministers. Yesterday was the opening ono of th twenty-seventh annual session of th Methodist conference. Bishop Bowma presided. The devotional services wet conducted by Rev.V. . W. Ranisej Rev. J. R. Horsowell preached the opei ing sermon , his text being , from Uali lions , Hi , 23 , 23 , his topic being "Faith. The sacramental service followei Bishop Bowman officiating , assisted b the presiding elders , Revs. A. Brown , 1 W. Cazier , W. T , Smith and J. W. Webl At thu close the Lord's prayer was r cited in concert , after which Bishc Bowman , led in prayer. Rev. M. D. Co lin.o , the secretary of the last session called the roll and 114 members re sponded. Mr. Collins was re-elected and selected as his assistants Rev. Fred Harris , assist- anl secretary ; Rev. J. R. Horswell. jour nal secretary ; Rev. W. Stephens , statisti cal fcorotary , with ono assistant from itch distncT. The usual committees were appointed , Rev. J. M. Conrad was chosou as con- ercnco treasurer , with Rev. W. E. llowo s assistant. It was decided to hold each ensuing cssion from 8:30 : a. in. to 11:45 : a. in. Rev. C.V. . Stuart was made postmaster or the conference. Various patters and communications vcro presented and referred to the ap- iroprinto committees. A number of visiting were introduced , is follows : Ruv. Dr. Held addressed the coneern- nir the work of the missionary society. Rev. Dr. Ilartzell made a short address n regard to the frccdmcn , and the aid society. Rev. Mr. Hood represented the Bible ooiety , anil Rev. Dr. Cranston llio book ioncern. Both addresses were brief. The business of Hie day was then con cluded , and uflcr the singing of the dox- logy , Rev. Dr. Re d pronounced the ) onediction. In the afternoon Mrs. Jennie Willing tavo a very line address in regard to the vomeu's missionary society. 'J ho following is the class lor admis sion on trial this year : Jnines I > . Sunks , I'es ' Mnlnos district. .lusophK. Wright , Des Monies district. \ \ Illlnni M. Todd , DCS Moines district. IMwaid II. Todd. DCS Molnos district. Allied L. Itntes , lies Molnus dIMiict. Alfied O. Miller , Des Mnlnes district. J.ane.istot C. Hurling , Atlantic dlstilct. WilllaniS. 1'iwlo , Atlantic district. 1 < \ 1 ! . Diian , Atlanticdlstilet. D. J. M. Wood , Chailton district. .John II. Nmvlund. Chailtun district. Kliner C. Wlllcy. Cliarlton dlstilct. D. M. Helmlck , Council Bluffe district. The following is the programme for o-day : 8 ; . " > o n , in , Pennon by Rev. W. II. Recs. U:16 : a. in. Business of confeience. ! ! : ! ! 0p. in. Anniversary of Picauhcis'Ahl ocluty ; ndduwes by able sponkots. S:00 : p. in. lidiirntinnal annlveisary ; nu- : iusseb by Bishop Bowman , lion. D. S. Sig- cr and 1'iofcssor Hamilton. Highest prices paid for county , town jity and school bonds. Odell Bros. & Jo. , No. 10y Pearl street , Council Bluffd , owa. Sec that your books are made by More- ouse & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Substantial abstracts of titles and real state loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 01 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. A Tragic Death. Mrs. Hubcr , of this city , has received he sad news of tlic tragic death of her on-in-hiw , .fames Mcggloston , who lived lear Findlcy , O. , and slio has started for hat place. From a telegram from Now- rk , O. , it appears that ho was found lead in his bed , with a pistol shot wound inder his right tomple. Moggleston was irrosteil a short timu ago for committing brutal crime on the person of Dora lichard.s , aged fourteen , and was also iharged with procuring an abortion L'hc prel'in.inarv hearing was to be had ) cforo a justice of the peace on the niorn- ng on Wiiich ho was found dead in his jcd. Alfred Wright , a brother-in-law , vho was on his bonds , while on his way o the trial stopped at Mejrgleslon's house mil found him dead , as described. Meg- glestou , by his wife , a short time ago , came into possession of about SjS.fJO'J a share of the Hubcr estate , it is thought that he has squandered the most of this , and the theory is advanced that thu many complications in which ho found himself nvolved , caused him to kill himself. Pacilic house recently renovated. Cool rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained. Hard and > ft coal , .wood , lime , cement , ; tc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. No. 081) ) iroaday. Telephone No. 130. Last evening a boy named Kclley was Iriving a team down Madison street , the wagon being loaded with poles. The team became unmanajreablo and run .icross Broadway. On reaching tlio ftont of Nciimeycr's hotel , ono of the horses fell , his head striking against the curbing nnd killing him instantly. Opera house barber shop and balh oems ; everything first-class. E. M. MAHVIN. J. Ernsdtorf , having taken entire con trol of the Phoenix chop house , desires tc state that hu has secured the services oi harles Decker , a first-class cook oi Now York City. The best the market affords , night and day , in the best styli of the art. Will also have a regular bil ! of fare. Electric door bolls , burglar alarmsani every form of domestic electrical appli anccs at the New York Plumbing Co. Dr. A. J. Cook , ollico No. 31 N. Mail st. Diseases of the rectum a specialty. IVas It Ijarcony ? On Wednesday night T.V. . McCargai suddenly missed his team , which hai ! been loft for a few moments hitched 01 Broadway. The police started on tin hunt and found the missing property ii the hands of Harry Green , a colorei I'oung man who works at Motcalf's sa oon. Ha was enjoying himself or Broadway , driving along as unconcernci as though ho owned the whole outfit Ho was promptly arreslcd , and ycstordai sought to explain the affair to Judgi Aylesworth. Ho claims that a drunkei man , who pretended to own the team unhitched it. and asked him to go will him up to Pierce street , and hold tin horses , while he made a call upon some of the unfair maidens of n notoriou : house Ihero. On arriving at the place the man told him that while waiting IK could drive around a little , and ho wa : doing so when the pohco stopped tin fun. Another statement of the affair i that the drunken man wanted to go uj on Pierce street , and Green offered t ( take him there , and that ho unhitchci the horses himself nnd drove up , expect ing to earn a dollar , and get the rig bacl before the owner would miss it. Tin only thing certain about the affair thu far developed is that the team was takei by the colored fellow and a drunkei while man , that the hitler was taken to i house on Pierce street , and that hu cai not now bo found to tell his ccnnoctioi with the affair. The case is being con sidorcd by thu judicial brains. SPECIAL NOTICES Special advertisements , euch as Lest , Fan : To Ixinn , For Sale. To Kent , V > ants , Ilonrcllna etc. , will bolnccrted In tliU column at ttio lot ratoofTENCl'.NTd 1'Kll LINE fortlio Drstlnse tionond l-'lvo Cents 1'or I.Ino for each buusoquon Ineurtlon. Leave advertisements nt our olllc No. 12 I'cal street , near UroaUway , Count : Hluffg. WAKT3. ; > -SluHton : by a lim-class baker WANTii country town. AUdrotS M , lie CC2 , Denlsoii. I own. WANTED Sltuiiton : by u younif inun wli undcTotunila the care of horses und cu milk. Also ean run uotulr or eteam furnaeci Can glvu Rood jafcrenccs. Address II , Uc olllee ; Council Illutfa. TrOUSAlTE-OrTrade A 195 aero furm , 11 -I1 acres undar plow , 40 ucreg pasture , 40 ucrc bar ground , goo.l hnuee unii barn. Will eoll c trudo for meicuandUo. Addrosf 1 * . O. box 118 Counoll lllutli , lormu Foil 8ALB Old quantitleeto At Ua offluo No. It Pearl street. MURDER ! ! nitilithcrlft Isnpnln innklmr II" nnminl vtsltn tlon. Trnytnr.4 ) . ' ! . .IP. : rnitis' : KiMHV : lor thnt , fnlnl inrludy hns i ( lonmn- tt rated tiiofnpt Hint It'i * Ynfallibio M n iiroxcnt- Ivo anilctirn. If you vpn" " jonr chlldron to dip with dlplitlii'iia. "Tni-lr blooil bo upon your bend. " Tor palg onlv nt the olllcp , No. i',1 South tth MrcplConned'Illnirs , la. , or tent by express on receipt of price , $ S. Trom the Council Uluffn UalljHornld : Mr < . 1 ! . M. ( Inriiiilvlfo of Knurlncer Orrard. of flip t'nlon Pacific , this city , Imi been a prcat ( "Uffon-r " for inahy yearc , with what wns pup * posed to bocntu'ftr of thr tbroiit. H was so lind that fho wa * llnontcneilvlthetarvntlon. . Hur ircncral health um romplctelj broken down. } < ho could only swnl'ow llqiiltl lood , nnd OMMI Unit her Ptomnch could not illKi'St or asslmllnto. I'hyslclnno of Council IllulTs nnd Omaha attended tier for three j-c-nri nnd cave no rrllof. Dr..1tiiTcil , of this city , nscalled. In four wicks' tlinehu cured bur throat , and oom- plitoly rotorod her pcnrrnl honlth. Had Mrs. ( U'l-nrd not olitnlned tclicf soon she would have ill IK I from blot d poison , tlio puino condition that destroyed the lllc of Ucn. Uriint. From the Coimcll Illuirs Oally Olobo ; M , A. Mcl'iko , editor of the CnmbrlaKtcn1' ( . nirir , I'a. ) I'l'oenian , bus liwii the vct-poiml 'rlcnil of the editor of tbo Olobo for more limn .wentvyoir ? , nnd Is known wherever h li tno wn s one of thobe t tnon IMnff. Ho U nl o in Intlmnto friend of Mr. Clink ot the Nun * laroll. Ho bus been unfoitjniito In tlio fact : hat hla lainlly wns ravntred with diphtbcrln. nnd jricntljdldrcfpcd. . Mr. Clnrli liavlnc hnntd nl bis ralamlly sent him ) ino of Dr. .IcIloilB * lllphlhoilt Cure , It was it eii at oncenuiltho Ivosuf the left ( .fills chlldicn saved. Letters from Sir. Mel'IKo ro untioilndrd In their o\- presslonior prntmitlo for flndintr f omo nienim of nvcrtlne the ! ( ) . ( of bis whole trioni1 of llltlii nnd lender ones 1'lvoof Mr. MolNho'schildren out of clffhtdlt-d fioin dljihtherla boloio ho had nn opportunity of usliiff l > r. JoIIcrls' rcmtUy. HVRPUPStA 1 DVPrni'M \ I Dyppontlc , why livoln ml'ory nnd dlo in dls- pnlr with cnncur of the Ftomach ? Dr. Thonins JoPorls cures every CIIFO of Indigestion ninl coniilpatlon In n very short Urnc. llest of ret- crcnceg Klven. Ilyspopsln n the CHIISO of ninety per cent of nil 1lca ed conditions. 1'ilco ? . " , lor two weeks tieatnient. Dr. , lcToi-ls' ( dlphthorli incdlclno Is Infallible for nil klnili of toro throats. Indlspeiulble In putrid soio throat , In mallKnant Fcnrlet le\er , haiiffln lt In 4s hours to the lmplo form. Inlnl- Ibloeino for all liillammntorv , ulcoratlve.iuit- 110 , cancerous iilrnratlon of the womb nnd all caturrhal eondltlons. Kill I prlnle.l Instruction * how to o thojucdl- cinns sent with them. No doctor icquht-il. Dr. .TcIIorls' letnodlcsciin only be ohtitlnod at ilsollleo. No. 2:1 : South Klchtli Mrcot , Council lllulls , lo\Mior Bout Dy express on icculpt of price . , 401 BROADWAY , Arc now nnd beautiful designs in JSody Brussels j Velvet , Tapestry Brussels , 3-Jly Ingrains , % -Ilij Ingrains , Raff Carpels , Etc. For offices , hotels , lodffo rooms , Cnll for prices at llarkuesa Bros , ' , 4 01 Broadway. Arc now arriving and in stoclt. Tri cots , Flannels , Cashmeres , etc. Ex cellent for traveling1 anil lull service. Black Silks anil in the new colors. Quality the host anil prices the lowest for Kootl ffooils- Ladies wishing1 relia ble poods will call on Harkness Bros. ' , No. 401 Broadway , Council I31uir" A few more of those Lisle Threat ! Hose left at 25c. , in black and In colors , at Harkness IJros. , No. 4.01 Broadway. OIL CLOTHS In many new patterns and a largo stock to select from. Door ilats , lings , Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at HarU- ness Brothers , No. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Horses and Mules For nil purpose ; , bought and sold , at retail unC In lots. Large quantities to select ( ram Several pairs of line drivers , elnglo or double. Cm WISE , Council Blufls. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practices in the State and i-'cderal courts llooins 7 nnd 8 Shuynrt Itloik , U U HI LATE OF ST. LOUIS , Office Ho. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 'o to 12 a.m. } ,5 ! to fi p. in. 7 toil j ) , m. Room No. 0. , , ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY S , IOWA. An excellent cdiientlonal Institution , furnlsli odwlth all tlio nodern luiprovcmonts , con- uetod bx tlie SIS'EUltS OF C1AU1TVU. | V. M For term of fiTO-inonths , $76. Tcrmsbcgln OiA , Monday In September nn'l flrtt Holiday in Fi/lijuaiy / , For catalogues H& ress BISTnil aUl'KltlOIt Bt. Francl6 , cademy. Council Illujg , OPFICUH & PTJSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , F.W.SPETMAMBRO NO , 500 & 511 MAI.N ST. Daily receipts of new goods.IIats Cans , Clotliinjf , and a full line of Drj Goods , all of the latest styles. Call ant cet prices before purchasing elsewhere On December 81ft , proximo , the ; mr/nr / > 7iofOrcutt / ; , French D nor , Jtnoirn as the Council lilufl's Carpet Coticjritlrcs lijjlimitation , and on that date ( here will bo 2V ) yet ready for this chanyc we offer our entire stock of CARPETS , CURTAINS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING-S , RUGS , WINDOW SHADES , DRAPERIES OF ALL KIXJS , AXD OTJIKlt HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT ntlCES THAT WILL SELL THEM. Citizens of Council Ijlitjj'sand riclnitt/will flnd it to tlieir inlcrcfL * to call and c.runiinr our floods and prices. Tills Is onnoi'luiiilir ci'erojlrrcd in this ellto } obtain the above ( joodsfrom a full , fresh stovk. at tliconcntny of a business season. Country merchants will flnd man\i \ buruuins bjcaHinu carl if. MAIL OltDEMS FILLED I'ltOMI'TLY AXJ ) CAJtEFULLY. " The Ideal Waii esha Water. " Boltlcd d i rcct at the spring , has been found Invaluable in the treatment of diseases of Kidneys and bladder , such as Bright's Disease , Albnmiuuria Diabetes , Inllama- lion of the Bladder , etc. The medical profession with great unanimity for many years past has been prescribins Waukcsha water for such ailments , and ARCADIAN as the most perfect examples of these waters is rapidly monopolizing the patron- ngo of the experienced physicians and of intelligent invalids. Diluting and neu tralizing Hie urine , allaying iullamaiion. freeing the urinary passages of effete matter and acting as a natural solvent. The Arcadian is the best of medicinal agents in diseases of the stomach and alimentary canal , such as dyspepsia , bil ious fever , catarrh of the stomach , jaundice , malaria , nervous debility and kin dred affections. Prof. Walter S. Ilaincs , M. D. , the celebrated chemist of Hush Medical College , says " 1 have never analyzed a purer water. " J. Adams Allen , M. D. , L. ] . , . D. , nresidont Hush Medical College says "This spring furnishes the typical water of health. Try it and bo convinced. D. G. Morgan & Co , , H. A. Baird , II. J. Palmer , C. Dcotkens , A. M. Beardsley , Taylo r & Califf , John Short & Son. Bricl : buildings of any kind raised or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Li tile Giant trucks , best in the world. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street.Counil Bluffs. GEA3STD EXCURSION THIS WEEK ! OmahaDentalAssociation Or HMAWOUT , , Manapr , Nos. 1C10-1521 Douglas st. , Omaha and No 234 Broadway. Council Uluffs. rainless Dentistry. No numbuiil CUB , Vitalized Air , Ktlicr and Clioroform , with their elckcnlns effect avoided by tlie molt wonderful anaesthetic , purify- Inc tlio bloal and bul'd n : up Ibe tlnuei. Omaha Dental Association , Solo I'rop'rs. Gold Cron-ni , Gold 1'lnt ? nnd Conllonous Gum Trctli , a ipcclaltr. lleat teeth K ; farmer prlca 115 periet. P. C. MILILER. No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. LATKST DESIGNS. MANUFACTURER OF PAINTS. House , Sign nnU Decoratlvo Painter. I'ojilor Mncbo Wall Ornnmonts , Nona but bast hands employed and ctmrjr es H3 low as others. . SCHTURZ , Justice of the Peace Offlcoovor American Express Company. 18 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , and 209 B. 10th St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb , Manufacturer's Agent for thu CALIGRAPH TYPEWRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnlnes , Kooflnf ? Slate , Man- telH , Plato and Window Glass , Show- Cases. Elevators ( hand and hy- draultc. ) &e. R. RICE , M. D. , / _ - _ _ Or other Tumor * removed wlthou Cancers , ho knlfo ordrnwlnsof blooj. Over thirty yoara prnctical fie iltncc. Nn. 11 1'c-url Bt , Council liluUi. t > -Consultation free. In tlic city cnu bo obtained by patronizing the Bluffs GEO , W. SCIIWDELE , Prop , None but experienced hands employed. Out town orders by mall or express solicited , and oil \ vorluranted. . City Steam Laundry JlEMJSJl .C SEAUIGIIT , No. 31 N. Main Street , Council BluffH. Finest worH ami lowest prices for flnoworl : . All collars and cu/fs re turned In collar and cuff boxes iwthout extra cJiaryc , which guar- antccs work In sanm condition an It leaves us. Out of town orders rc- cive same attention and at same rates as city worl : . Journals , County ninl Itanlt Work of all Kind * u Spec ial Iy. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders IOREHOUSE & GO. Room 1 Everct Block , Council 15h fij , Standard Papers Used. All styles of binding - ing in Magazines nnd BLANK BOOKS. IIEFEHBNCKS : O. H , National Hani : , SI. K. BmltU & Co. , CltUfiiH' llnnk. Dcero. Well * ft Co. , > lr t National flonlf , C. II. IiiBuriintia < - . , fllcer fc I'u.ey.Uankors.C.ll. tJavIni'S Jiutilt. Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. , , , At W. S. licmer & C'o'u , No. 23 Main st. Council llltill's. AND JOD3INQ B3 OF } COUNCIL BLUFFS. vcLLS& CO. , Whole ale Agricultural Implements , Cmilnc-ps , Vto , Vie Council Illilffa , loirfl. K Ii Y STOX ] : M A N I J > ACT U ill N ( T CO. Make the Original and Complete ) Hav Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill * Press , C01IN SIIUM.KIIS ANM ) IT.Kn ri'TTKKS. Nos. IfOl , IWt , l.vnnml li'J ' ? oiilli Main Street , _ _ Council ItiiitT , lonn. 1)AVU ) BltADhttV A CO Mnimf'r * im I .lobbnrs of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bnggies , Cixnlnfro.5 , nnd nit Uti.U or Karm Mnohlnorr. 1100 tt ) 1110 South Mnln Street , Council Illuifl , _ U ) rn. ' _ AXK HAMI.KK , I'.O. Ht , * ( iv. T. H.nniMH.vs , OKO.P.'wntntir. IVcs.A I'roti" . V.-l'ro-i AM n. Ser .tCnausol. Council BluTs Hamlla Factory , Manufacturers of Axle , 1'lck , Slottio and SmMt lliiMdiiw , of every ilmiTlptlon. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shade ? , Oil Cloths , Ciirliiln I'luuron , UphnMinrjr O Ktc. No. 403 llrondwny Council llhllTj , Io vn. n , KIT. PKRKGOY & MOOIIH , Wholesale .tolibnn tn the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. iSSInla mid L ; I'ourl Sis. Council Town. COMMISSUIX. SNYDKR & LKAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , Xo I'imrl St , Council I1ARLK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries , No. 22 Main SL , ana No. 21 1'onrl St. , Council lllufls. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Frails a Specialty General Commission. No. 512 Council IlliKTs. W1RT & DUQU12TTE , Wholesale Frnits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd IS 1'cail St. , Council IHiitTa. OKOCBft/BS. / L. KIRSCI1T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dcnlora. No. 110 Broad- vrn > - . Council HlnlTa. UAltXESS , KTC. BMCKMANSTROHBEI1N , & CO. , llnnufncturcrs of nnd Wholesale DoiloM la Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KS Mnln St. . Council niula , Iowa. HATS , C/U'S. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No ? . 3 < 2 and 3I ( nroadwny , Council DlulH. HEAVY HAnpirAnu. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heayy Hardware , And Wood Stosk , Council Bluffs , Iowa. JIllJUS AND WUUU D. 11. MeDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pel Is , 0 reuse and Furs Counoll UlutTs Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesnlo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils BTO. , 33TO. P.Thoodoro , Atfout , Council llluCTs. Iowa. LUMllEIt I'lLlUa KTO. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , AndllrldRO Material SnccIaltl''SWliolo5HloLuu > bor ol all Kinds. Ollico No. 1JQ Main dt. , Council lllulfs. Iowa , - L1QUUU& JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines a Liquors , forSU fiottharci'g Herb Illttori No.U Main St. Council l SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , f' Xo COO Jiufii St , . Council Ulufft. -01VIIN I1V -AT MASONIC HALL , WEDNESDAY , SEPT , 15. Tlclcts ; tulrnlttlnK Kcntloman nnd liullua If 1,01 Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards IWOAWVAY , COUNCIL HUJKFS , Opjiuelto Duiiiuiy Dojiut. 3 S- CO 3 _ . _ Horecs anl Mules kept conituntly on linn for eulo ut retail or In car louda. Orders proindtly llllod by contract onsluit notice , Htock gold on commission. BIIMJ 'Jlt & HOI UV. I'roprlelurs. In' ' ) ' ) < BAMBTAIU.IS : : , comer _ l\C. ( HO < 1J "MCt. _ _ Creston House , The only hotel In Counoll Dluirt li vlnj And till mndein Iinpioteroen s. 'M , 217 nnd 21U > lum H , MAX U011N , V