Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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t. lliohiol Duvilt Appreciates the Warm Re
ception of Lincoln People-
A Ijcinur l.lnn of Thoroughbred Huli'le
Ulrfinely Mnelo llli ;
IJ\lillts--Smtr ) ; HOIIKU
Cunitnl City New- * .
Ifflnv Tiir. iiHK'dtiiNcritiV wmi vr.l
ijlnroln people ) ellil tlic liiinhoinc tlilMK In
Ilu-Ir rocBiitlon tciiileroel to Mlclmrl D.tvilt.
\Vlten .Mr. l.ivlttnnnu to tv ii > oiil ( to Urn ova-
lion Hint I'llluvvH the ) toisl iiropowil lei ulin
by Hull. T. M. .Nlniqiienti'.liei said Hint In this ,
his visit to Amuilcn , and In all life nriivlous
vlslti to tliln coiintry , ho bail iicvrr been llie >
icclptent of such n rordliil wolconip as the
erne ho win i wiving fi > iiii thu city of hln-
coin. Mr. D.ulit , ni tl'.i ; li'U poisibli ! u-pio-
suiitntho of the loya' ' , stnnrgliiii ; lilslimun
fur home ! political fiet'doin , was entitled to
thu oration bo received , nnd lliu ihrhin ? ,
progressive American city nnniud after tbu
Kicat Ainnriuan cnmncipitor who nsoil. If
not orlKlimte'il thu sentiment so piucly Auicr-
lean , "Lulus sins to It that si sovurnint-nt for
the psopln tlocs not perish from thot'irlh , "
wai ue'ililnly the plnco in which to ti'iider to
the Irish patilot lliu bc t po-Hlblo Aini'rl- wcltiimu * . Lincoln people ) have )
n wuy of cnturtninlng Its no
table guests Hint Is In htv'p'n' ' * :
\\ltb its reception of ovcivone , nigh or low.
, \vholin\o coma to the st.ilo and pinned Ilii-lr
faith to llit'eitv on the prabto that has nio\vn
to a Hl/u that speaks volumes for the enter-
liilso of Us founders nnil Hotlluis. Saiil n
KeiiilU'iiian at the hainpiut , "htnco'n ' hospi
tality iiiaelu me n Lincoln clll/en , " nnd the
samu thlni ? iniulo 1'alilck Kuan n homo at the
state capital and broiuht thu picsent pn l-
ilcnt ot thu Irish National lea nu In America
liom tlm hanks of the Mlssontl liver to bo-
coniuontiof Lincoln's most enteipiisinu of
citl/ens. Mr. Davltt , at the ) banquet nnd ro-
I'untlon , bad not only n qoml illustration of
Lincoln suiitlmemt tcmanl the stiuiiu'lus of
Jieland , but an Illustration of Xrbr.iskn sun-
tnni'iit us well. The ( Mii-st of the e-u'iiini :
re'cn nlzi'il this fact , anil hi" cool , loirical and
withal eloquent picbi'iitatlon of Jiclniid'.s
lor lecal iluhtj atti'sted that
fact. To the 'iVJ guests at thn leci-p-
tion the recollection ot the e\cnt \\.11 .
DC outs In which each liiiliviilunl will remem
ber tliat It was an oppurtiintty to
express an Inillvlilual sontiinunt. Thu an-
plauso that gicctcel every icfeteneo to Mr.
Davltt , ami Itvas almost continuous , ex
pressed Hits fact , anil U was a modus ! man
iliatsntamld It all and forgot hlmsolf and
leinembered only the c.iusu for which hu
Mr. DaVttt , whose stay In Lincoln was
very limited , depaitud ye'sturday westwaul
on his tup toward the const.
nonsns run TUB I'Aiu ,
"Thu exhibit of horse Hush at the state
fair will be ) greater than ever before , " said
tjecietarv I'limas , as hu handed the class
book of horses to thu Ur.i : mm. From this
record it is .shown that tliero art ) up to datu
18 entries eif horses , emls do of speed com
petition , and not over two-thirds of the hordes
that aio promised lor the
show luvo vet Demi entered on thu
books. Mr. M. Dunham , the great I'eieheion
horse bleeder of Waj lie , Dul'age- county , 111. ,
Is experted tocouio with a carload ot his
stuck of direct importation. This alomt will
boa featino of exceptional inteii'St to every
breedeT in the state. Messrs. Scliul15ms. . ,
of Yntan , Saunilcirt county , Mill have ten
I'eieheron hoises on the grounds to compote
forpiumlums in the illlleient classes gi\eu
that breed. SchuU Hios. also have Fiencli
draft hoiso entries and entiles ot hlnh grades
for draft purpose's. Charles M. Martin , of
Lincoln , will exhibit I'ciclioion's and dr.eft
horses ] ' . C. Miller , of Kulierton. Nnncei
county , will have gradc.sot brood mates
on exhibition. John Kulk , of Shubeit ,
Ulcliardson county , will have bovcu ot his
celebi.iled Cljdesdalo horses on exhibition ,
competing in thu different classes lor that
bianch of stock.
Jacob Lemon , of Green wood , whoso famil
iar lace is welcome ) at any lair , willbiing
some of his mules and jacks up to the st.itu
fair lor exhibition , and will make etihles ac-
William Burgess , ot Creto. has entries
made In dlllcicnt lots to exhibit thliteen head
ot his celebrate * ! English shlru draft
J , J. Cameron , C. W. Kauftman , Davlel May ,
A. S. Ilolllday and Joseph Main ate Lincoln
residents who have siiizlo horses cnti'rod in
diirereiit lots for exhibition. J. W. ivers. of
Lincoln , has mules entered for competition ,
us has also J' . A. Ilucker , of the samu plauc.
U. V , MeCall. of Lincoln , has
elrlvlng ( cams onteicd for competition.
B. J. Odcll , L. II. Uobblns and J. J. Jones
are other Lincoln p.irtle-.s that will have driv
ing horses eii exhibition. Church & Smith ,
ot Ciete , Js'cb. , will have femr of their J'erch-
uron houses on the giounds In competition
for premiums , and Vlt Julenok , of the bamo
nlnce. has entered lor exhibition four head ot
English dratt stallions.
Secretary Fuiims exhibits his faith by
works , and has entered for competition two
high crailo mules of his own special held.
James Hnnnonta , of Crcsco , Sauiulers
colinty , will havogradu draft horses on exhi
bition , and L. Leavltt , of Fairbury , will have
ri'glBtere'el tiotters on exhibition. Judd k
Stratton , Dawson , Neb. , have entries made
for both Clydesdale lnn.scs and for grade
draft horses , also a number of entries for
thoroiighhied Kngllshdiaft horses , ( i. \ \ .
Welch , of Pawnco City , also eixhlblts Clydes
dale horses , thoionghbre-ds. Cinn Knslmi. of
Lincoln ; U. Miller , Lincoln : JV. . Hull ,
same : II. Leavltt , same ; H. K. Frey , same ,
have entiles for trotters and biiguy horses lor
family use. 11.V. \ . Ss.son ! , Mliiden , Neb. ,
will liavo his chfjleo ell Ivor at Iho fair. I1' . 1 ! .
J'oiter. e > t Table Hock , will exhibit lu.s
Clydesdale , and C. S. Wood , of thn siuuo
place , will exhibit Ins 1'ercherons. All these
ale but the entiles made up to the present
time In iho liiui of horse tlesli , and Mr. Dins-
mure , ot the btnto board , who Is now at the
Iowa btato lair at DCS Molncs , telegraphed
b.ickyesteiday from tlieiu to save plenty of
f cattle and horse stalls , as the Nebraska fair
1 might expect a largo number of horses and
cattle liom thattalr.
noimrui.Tun.u. I'liosi'i'.crs.
Samuel Itarnard , of Tnblu Koclc , president
of tin ) state horticultural Miclety , Is at Lincoln
this week in ranging for that inaiicli of weak
. . f fe > r thn state lair , and hoicports that tlio pros-
" pecta for the horticultural display are as goou
H not buttcrtlian last year.
.1. II. Masters , of Nebraska City , lias asked
for two hundred plati-.s for apples.
Hiram Crali ; , eif Foil C.illiouii , asks for
two hundred mid twenty-live plated for his
exhibit of urapes and apples.
U , K , Funnor , of Foil Calhoun , asks for
two bundled plates for Washington county
exhibits In addition to n display of his own
that hu will make.
Kllas Hearer , of Kails City , will use tlneo
liunilied plates for Ills Individual display ,
and also for the Hlchardsoii county dlbplay.
1'eter Younger , of Killmoru county , asks
for three bundled plate's for Ins own elisplay
coupled wttli Unit of his county.
Mr.V. . J. Hosscr , of I'laftsmoulli , Cass
county , will have borne seventy-live plates of
fruit on exhibition , nnd he promises the full-
proper that hu will iimlcu ono of the * ilnust
iloral displays that has over been made at the
state fair.
Hurt , Johnson , Clny , Oago , 1'awneo anel
Jellerson counties will make exhibits in fruit ,
nud the elisplay from Jellerbon will be of
eapoclal Interest.
The entries for pantry Htoves In the horti
cultural depaitment Is greater than over bo-
' lore and piomlbcs to bu of especial interest
to every huiiMiwIfo In the bt.ito.
The liortlciiltural hall has been increased
In loom by an addition of SOxCO feet , and
every fool of It will bo iu ed. The entries in
the lieiitlcultural line now have reached over
a thousand.
j The adjournment of the supreme coin t yes
terday passes all work theiu over to Tuesday
4- next , \\liuii n linall call will be made of eases
f. in the First elbtrlct. The call for cases in the
/ .Second judicial district will then fall on
k , Tuesday , thu 21st
< ; One of the interesting opinions filed by
f the judires and publisher yesterday , was the
V case taken bcfoin the court from Cass county
to tesi the validity of the law re anllng
the ollice of register of deeds ,
IJeforo the election of n > car
ngo u similar case was brought in the court
irom Nanro county , declailn ; ; the law InValid -
Valid , but the new case \uubi oneht with new
ri.giinieiit.s that were not presented at lin > t.
"he comt , however , sustained its lormur nil-
\ , Scliool bonds wore rcetstorcd with the and-
> * or of M.ito. } estenlny ns follows : Distilct
v , Uage > county , S500 ; District 11. Nu. . kola
uuty , $500 ; District 'JJ , Uoono county , g.'W ;
l > - rU 17 , Kn IK r intv , mr District M.
1 ic > l -11 utility , < . ' > o. Tbtvo are ten nnd
tW''n4 ' > - > i'i r7 per rout , bonds.
The vl.xtf Krolot'lst's report for Anaust
liow < no pronross made downward In the ex-
pprlinrinal iaH well , Tim MrM of the month
was n pi ] in rnstii | : the well , tlietl one of the
bils was lost , nnd u-malns so jet , nnd It will
lime to bo drilled nnl. riiuptittliiK in of ninv
nnil lioivler inapliliit'rj has occupied the re
mainder t tlio month.
Land CoiiiiiiK-iionc'r Scott 1 < * up In Wnynt'
roiintj Hu ) pre entMik looklm ; nfter ssmo
stale land nmtlers in tlml section of the com-
M A. Hnitlran , of I'lallMiiouth , yosterdny
lili-d brlnN In four e cs tint nru to come biv-
fori'thronnrlin tlio nil for the Si-cond dls-
tilrt. Oucof tlicie is in thu celehmted Colu
\ \ 111 c'Tu1. mid another Is In a nsi * Involvlni :
HID ti-nnuiry and fnrnituie of the 1'erklns
house nt riitt mniitli.
The li t monthly lepnrton tliorniiMructtnn
\\oik ol the tate lionse tor tlio feeble minded
nt JJi'atiici1 , shons plnsterors havi' pin-
M'sslon ot HID buildlni ; at piescnt nnd that
It will be leadv for occupancy November 1.
m ITI M .
In pnlic1 court \estenlay lUtPPii casrs of
iliuiiK : nnl illsonlr-uv anil plain ra < M of In
toxication wic up for licnihnr , nil ofhieli
i-ii' di-snoseil of with tlii ! rustuinnry llni1 and
osts Tin1 pnlinautboi ilies are itslm ? c\ti.\
v iKllaiHp these days to imKu the stiont ; aim
of the law tell on oltendors so tlint a just
npprcmtlnn ofsliat they \\lll ( jet may bu tail \\i'cK.
The state tali oilier1 voslordiyjpoorded MHPII
puliii s , nnd to-ni' > iiow nnirtliioiiirliout tliu
fair tlie iillin1 \\\\l \ \ be out at the Kmutnh. Fil-
diu nnd .Satnul.iy ol tins \\cek nil1 pienu.i-
llon dnvs nnd t lu exhibit proper commences
\\itli Motnli > .
The Windsor hotel proiilc Illnstintpd their
abilltv to in cparc n bimpiet spreadnnd pntcr-
laln pi'nplo onoiy short notice at thi > D.nltt
icce'itlon. ' Tlie iiionili'tois had verv sue-
ces'Tnl [ ipnmiodations nn 1 a lUt of ii'fn'sli-
mi'iii.s In keenini ; with tin1 ipconl tlio housu
hns maili ) in that llnu Itprclotoro.
Mr. nnd Mis. II. A. I'oston cave n hhtliday
mm lo their little mil Lottie that the fifty
little pi'oilo ] In attendance did not fall to up-
prei-Iato and whli-h , though thu day was ono
continuous round of pleasure to them , many
verv handsoinu presents \\ere nlven the little
Asncal ; thief made n raid on n loom In
onuot thu pilnpipal hotels the other o\euiiM
nnd extiaeted tlierofiom the grip ol a travel
ing man that contained sonic clothing nnd
napeis of value. Thu police moon tlie watch
lor the extractor.
Thu Seventh Day Adventlsts hnvo their
tent pitclied now on T\\onty-sevcnth \ stieet ,
near H , where they have opened n week's
seiles ot pleaching and bible h'ssoiis.
A larsn number of real estate timisfcn hns
livened the market In that line of l.ito , nnd
amen tlio-,0 , lecouli'd a dny nuo wns Uiu
transfer ol n track ol Hud by A. 1C. ToiizAlm
to the Northwestern railroad lor SIU.OPO.
Kverv hotel man and manvbiislnesshonses
m e tilllm ; up looms with cots le.uly fur tali-
vis tois. 15ed3 tor all is their motto.
ueio found among others thu following No-
braskaus : L. A. Simons , Ashland ; J , II ,
Uroady , Beatrice ; M. A. Haitian , 1'latts-
moiith ; J. H. Llnimer , Wvmore ; F. Wilcov ,
Ilubboll ; F. K. Wilson * David Citv ; W. V.
MoMlllan , Omaha ; Tobias Cnstor , ' Wilbur ;
John V. Allen , Courtlaud ; John A. Temple-
ton , Om.ilia.
1'InyliiC Substitute for mi Inrnlld.
Atlanta Const ) tutinn : During tlio war
about twenty confedenito prisoners were
nt Fort iSicllonry , stored away in n fodder
der loft under minl. Ono morning
Cunt. Nod Bniljres was playing an inno
cent game of cards when the sick cull
waa sounded the signal for titling sol
diers to report at the surgeon's olllco nnd
be examined.
"Lieutenant , " said Captain Uridgos ,
turning to u young soldier , "answer sick
call for me mid lut us finish this game.
( Jo down there mid personate me , nnd
toll the doctor you want another bo.x of
his liver pills. "
The obliging lieutenant niarehcd out
nnd proceeded with other soldiers , under
ebeort of the guards , to the surgeon's
ollieo.Vhnn \ tiio name of Captain
Hrulges was called the lieutenant's facu
appeared at the little ollice window.
"Doctor , " he began , "them pills yon
give me helped me up considerably , out
1 want another box. think another box-
will fix mo up all right. "
"Didn't them pills cure you ? " asked
the doctor abruptly , looking over his
spectacles at the bogus Jiridges.
"No , but another box will lix mo , I
think "
"Well , well , " snidlho doctor half to
himself , "I'll have to change tlio treat
ment on you. "
Thereupon he picked up n graduating
glass , and from various bottles mixed
the most infernal muss that mortal oer
saw.Tho lieutenant shuddered.
AVhen the .villainous compound was
made up the doctor stirred it vigorously
and viciously , and handing it out he
said :
"Drink that. "
The lieutenant took hold of the glass ,
Cold chills ran up and down his spine.
"Doctor. " ho stammered out , "I'd-I'd
cr heap riilher take the pills. "
"Drink it ! " stormed the doctor , nnd in
the oxcitemenMhe medicine wont down
the lieutenant's throat.
When the lieutenant returned to the
fodder lolt ho was very glum When thu
game of cards grow monotonous Captain
bridges turned and asked :
"Lieutenant , git them pills ? "
"Well , " said tlio captain , "you needn't
ho so snappish about it. What did the
doctor say T"
"Ho said ho wns going to change the
treatment on you , nnd if you don't git
well it ain't my fault , for I've taken the
nastiest d n dose for you that ever J
saw ! "
"Una lumbago two years. St Jacobs
Oil cured it. " A. Fneger , St. Louis , Mo ,
Hull Hoys MiiHt Go.
Electrical Uoviow : Among recent im
portant inventions , utiluing electricity ,
is the lloss Kloctric Guest Call and 1'iro
Alarm , This is an electrical annunci
ator working both ways from tliu olllco
to the rooms nnd the rooms to tlio ollice ,
enabling those on duty in thu olllco to
awaken their guests in the morning , and
by n system of signals obviate the neces
sity of bell boys to sue wltat is wanted ,
An instantaneous alarm can bo given
by it in all the rooms on ono lloor , or all
the rooms in the hotel , in case of tiro.
This is done by simply moving a lover
by those in charge at the ollicu.
Tlio Canadian Paolflo.
OTTAWA , Out , Sept. i . It is stated that
the Canadian Pacific Hallway company de
cided not to complete tlio road from Port
Moody to the Uumlnus until legislation shall
have been secured for that piuposu.
I'oHdiiastorw Appointed.
WAHHINOTON' , Sept. 8. [ Special Tele-
Brain to the Hr.K , ) The following Iowa
iiostma-stcrs were appointed to-day : K. K.
Forynrd , Swan Lake , Emmet county , vlco
T. A. Jenkins le.ilgned ; James IJitnl.
Tlmyer , Union county , vlco Walter H. Hmd
Prepared \rltli itrlct rczirtl to Purltr. Slroocth RDd
llcaltutuliu n. Dr. I'rioo'i llakln IM il rrontBlni
il Aiuiiii iiu. Umoor Alum , llr I'rlcc-'i ItitniCti ,
Vnuilla , I Mi.on.uiancucic , , Ba or < JUtcku lj
PRICE BAKUiQ POWQftt CO. . Ctlcj3 dcj St. ttJt.
A Quarter Section of the Earth , Well
Worked and Stocked.
UlinrnctorUtlci ofSliottllnm Cattle
Improvement of Hl hwayM
Graded Stodk Various
Hints nud Si
Nolirreska Notes.
Tulli'i'toii Journal : This is the time to
make Hro guards. Just mow , t strip
ixrounel jour premises anil wlien elry
burn tlio grass , nnd you are safe. Do
not put it oil' until the rnss is eloitel anel
you can see the mighty liros come sweep
ing across tlio ptalrles with resistless
speeel , etiivcn by : i heavy wind , for be1.-
hold , your possessions will go up in
flame ; ! > ml smoke1 , nnel jutt will tcir your
hair ami gror.n in aiigr.l-h of .spirit ,
while you cek s-nino safe retreat iiiul
Kiel' yourself for being n fool ,
AtUn nn Jeutrnal' There is a great'k of tree planting in our cotin'y , ami
e-spee-iallv in tliu town of Atkinson.
Nothing would so wo'I ropav u little ex
penditure of time nnd money as planting
treeslirubbery mul small fruit. Miml
that wo say u iiltlo monuy. Those who
throw away their money on high prit'oel
ami high soundin" names will most
likely liml fruit growing anil troi riiltuw
a failure hole Careful men who plant
three or four of the old .standard anil
time tried varieties will lind that \\o can
even raise apples hore. Pronor attention
given to grow ing fruit by all who own a
homo would in three eir four yeitrs make
fruit so plentiful the famous s.iml cherry
would lose its grip on the popular admir
ation it now e'li.joys.
Ui'iioa Leader- Herein Nebraska , the
gaplun uf America , we oiler all the beno-
Iits the poor man can dnsire , vU Cheap
laiuls as generally fertile us the earth
provides among a people ) glad to well-
coini' the men who nuuii to work and bo
e'iti/eiis , in the bi'.st sense , by building up
happy homes , which all may do. And in
Nance ; county , especially , elo wo oiler
extra iiielucements at the present time ,
hero within three hours' riele e > f the gioat
metropolis of the west.Ve \ oiler you
just what the east fails to give oppor
tunities for the laborer who , tireil of liv-
inn from hand to month , tie-hires to estab
lish for himself and family a homo anel
com potency.
Nebraska present ? wonderful advau-
tail's for a young man. Wo are rapidly
growl tig in population ami wealth. Our
laws are made to protect the many not
to favor the few. There are no class
prejudices that keep down an aspiring
young man. Nearly all emr leaelmg men
are fiom families that were very pe > or , or
hail only moder.Ue means. The educa
tional advantages of this country for a
business pursuit ami unsurpassed , anil
there is nothing to prevent any of "our
boys" taking any position in life that he )
aspires to , if ho has but the strength of
of character to mark out a anel
pursue it with a livd ; , unwavering pur
pose. TVmntations to err are less anil
inducements to succeed are greater than
in tiie east , which makes it a ilouble ob-
ieet lor fathers of large families , even
though comfortably situateel , to bung
their boys where thochsiuecs arc so much
bettor for them to make honorable men.
Though volumes have been spoken anel
written concerning the great wjst , "the
half has never been told" at lonst , the
multitudes in the east have never hoarel
it. The mctiiro cannot bo overelrawn
especially as regarels Nebraska , thu cen
ter of the west , and Naueo county , the
center of Nebraska.
Iiiwn's Vurinlilo Climate.
Prof , llinnchs , the head of the Iowa
weather service , in : v recent paper , sug
gests that thu drouth of the present sea-
sou lias shown the fallacy of the indis
criminate advice , so generally given ,
of putting Iowa farms into corn anel
grass , siuco both crops have largely faileel
in extensive portions of the state. Tlio
processor goes on to say :
Thn climate of Iowa being extremely
variable , the wisest husbandry seems to
be such as will succeed measurably well
in any of these conditions ; that is , a well-
balanced system of mixed husbandry , in
which pasture , meaelow , ami plowed
lanel for small grain anel corn are about
equally represented. Such farming will
know of no failure in Iowa from climatic
conditions , and the liuiel will not dotcrio-
ate , but improve.
American Sliort-Horn Cnttlc anil
Their Cliaraotcristics.
Tlio number of brerders of thorough
bred poeligreo short-horns in the United
States , its territories , anel Canada , writes
Lewis F. Allen in Harper's Magazine for
September , can bo safely estimated at
full four thousand , with herds of half u
do/.eti to buvoral tcores of cattle oach.
They extend all over North America be
tween the Atlantic anel Pacific shores ,
and to the lower Southern states , Texas ,
and New Mexico , wherever climate ami
boil are suitable and proper forage is pro
duced for their sustenance , and in num
bers too large for accurate estimate.
Although considerable numbers of other
gooel Mesh-producing brccels for hovorul
years past have ) been imported from
abroad , anel successfully brcel , chiefly in
the western states , in competition with
the short-horns , the demand for short
horn bulls is greater than that for all
other broods , to cross upon anel elevate
the quality of common cattle , not only in
their own localities , but also for tlio ex
tensive gra/.ing ranches of the farther
west , to improve ) the boot quality of tlio
coarse bovines long existing there. Many
hundreds of young short-horn bulls are
annually taken to thu ranches for breed
ing purposes.
Iho quality ot the llesii of shorthorns is
superior. When not fatteel to excess , it
is elistributcd all qvor the carcass , finely
marbled in combination of fat and loan.
They mature to profitable slaughter aa
veal calves at six or eight wcoka old of
much greater weight than common ones
eli equal supplies of milk from the ud-
elers of their dams. The steers nt two
and a half years olel , when properly feel ,
attain a live weight of 1,500 or 1,000
pounds , and are ripe for the shambles. At
three te > three and a half years they at
tain a live weight of oven 2,000 pounds ,
after which longer feeding Is seldom
profitable. The American exports to
Europe Great Uritain chiefly for the
first siv months of the year 18 ° 0 of Jive
bullocks was moro than 85.COD head , asiilo
from the largely increased weight of
dead carcasses in quarters of fresh beef ,
almost exclusively of shorthorn blood ,
the quality most saleable in foreign mar
kets. The best beef for consumption in
our American cities and towns is also of
shorthorn blood , ami commands a price
cousielerably above that of common cat
Tor longevity and harelihood in all cli
mates where uscil they are remarkable
iu both soxes. Numinous bulls both in
Kngland and America might bo named
which have continued successful sires to
twelve , fifteen and oven more years of
ago. The American bull liaron of Ox-
lorel , 2525 , bred by Mr. Hecar on Long
Island , ono of thu most successful sires ,
maintained his * Igor until fourteen
years old , when a fatal accident befell
Tlio cows , as milkers , when bred anel
cducateet for the dairy , have proveel
eiiual to any other breeds , their docility
of disposition nnil lymphatic tempera
ment highly promoting their lacteal
product. In England from their oarlioat
largo mimlu is oi tii 1 1 1ivu proved
.i.miiii.uj mil. i r an i In. a r > uld
ors , and in Iho mi'tfopoht in dairies
lor milk supply , ns \\ell us
on farms lor chersi1 and butter produc
tion , tln y are extensively uspil. In their
earlier importations to Ann nci , t lie cows ,
us a rulu , were abundant milkers , as
ninny now continue to he ; but tlmir parly
and rapid tendency te ) Hash , more partic
ularly in tlio wH-dern bocf-produpliig
slates , has led lo a neglect of their dairy
qualilii" , butter nnd eln ese piodnetion
there being los followed than in many
.other localities. Yet id thoroughbreds ,
or high grades from niitives cows , tlu-y
are largely bred and Kept for dairy usi.s
in many of our states , and profitably
through life on average pas
ture in s.immpr and wholesome
keep In the colder months. Many
cows might ho named as continu
ing constant breeders nud largo milkers
until lifleoti , even twenty , years old , and
and fatted into profitable carcasses 01
beef nt the end.
! > ! IH ; hv\ays.
Country tiniitk'niaii : Make the public
roads and .snioth and pleasant ami
prolitnblo to travelers and in driving to
Never throw rubbish of any kind into
highways in order to get rid of it , nor do-
poit cordwood , logs or timber at roael-
sides ta fnglituii passing Itorsos.
All owners who imd ! ! Jli-j'r ' houses fac
ing square on the public roads shouiii
show at least the samu respect lo those
roads that they elo to their fluids by ox-
eluding weeds.
Remove all loosn stones from the
wheel-track once a nionth. and all fixed
stones which strike and break the
wheel" , jar the loads , rack the harness ,
and tire thu horses.
Whore lixod stones cannot bu removed
cover them with gravel or other road
Uumombnr that a fix-oil stonu nny
striku dltloront wheels 1000 times like
n slcuigo-liiimnu'r , and cause $100 dam-
ago. To remove it might cost fi cunts.
Never make a highway of muck , soils
or soft material scraped irom the side
ditches , which is worked into deep mud
in wet weather , hut draw thum into tue
barn-yard for the compo-it heap.
Whore the road-beet has not a dry bottom
tom cut : t ditch in the middle three feet
eleop. and lengthwise with it , with side-
esoapu ditches nt depressions , nnd ( ill it
with gravel or broken stone , coarse below -
low ami liner near thn top.
Plant shade trues three or four rods
apart along the line to allow air to circu
late , sun to shine , anil mud to dry.
Keep the ronelsido smooth , mow the
grass for hay , nnd thus secure a good
track when the centre of the road
is oncumborcd with impassable snow
drifts in winter.
In windy places make the windward
road fences of barbed wire , to prevent
tlio accumulation of drifts of snow.
Never make the public highway n barnyard -
yard , nor leave wagons , plows anil ma
chines to encumbpr thoiroad.
Never endanger those who travel by
drivingiinmnnageablo or fractious horses
to frighten and annoy other horses. Sell
the unruly animals , or put them lo steady
homo labor with otner horses.
Never elrivo horses ne-ioss a railway
without lirst looking both ways , or , if in
the dark , without listening. It is better
to take this care 103 timori than bo crushed
by n locomotive once by its neglect.
Importance of Knising Hotter Stock ,
The Kansas Farmer * nys it wishes i > specially -
pecially to impress upon every general
farmer thu importance of raising butler
cattle , horses , hogs ami sheep. Ileducu
the number of common stock and im
prove the quality , anil taku bolter caru
of iho stoek on hand , ami much more
money will bo realized from the stock of
this class for the fuoel consumed and Iho
time anil care expended. Use nothing
but thoroughbred males under any cir
cumstances. Well bred individual thor
oughbred stock of all kinds can bo
bought cheaper and on better terms than
ever before. Take good advice and buy
some thoroughbred stock this year. Hot
ter opportunities than the present lime
may never como again. Let no elifliciil-
tics prevent you from taking advantage
of this golden opportunity. Have cour
age to replace the "runt , " 'plug , " ami
"scrub" with first-class
- stock.
Seasonable Ilintn and
Nearly all plants require moro water
when in bloom than nt any other time ;
they require more in a warm temperature
than in a cold ; more when in a state of
active growth than when at rest.
The milk coming from cows fed on wet ,
swampy lands , wild grasses and unwhole
some water , will make poor , spongy
cheese , of oll'ensive odor and flavor and
diflicult to cook or to keep.
Horses ought to have as great comfort
in the stable ns It is possible to give them.
Do not construct stables carelessly. Look
to the comfort of the animals in every
particular in the manner of construction.
Hud slough water will make milk that
contains furmcntivo organisms and that
that is liable to decay. Made into butter
or clieoso thu latter will not keep. Sou
that tlio cows do not quench their thirst
in the burn-yard pools.
Clenn ui ) the fence-corners , rake up the
weeds ami burn all the rubbish nnd re
fuse that can bo collected , and in so doing
many vilu weed sceels will bo elcstroyod
and harboring places lor vermin pre
The first few months of a calf or colt
are moro important than any other period
of its life. Young stock that has been
stunned in its earlier days never will
fully recover the loss , or become as largo
and well elovuloped as if it had been kept
growing steadily from tlio beginning.
Setting hens should not ho fed while on
the nest. They need nil the oxercisu they
nrc likely to gut. Too constnnt sitting
makes them of bud disposition , nnel ehfli-
cult to manage when they comu oil' with
the brood. Eggs will stand a wide range
of temperature without injury.
Thorough ventilation is necessary
where milk is kept in cellars , or it will
become injured by mold or foul odors.
This is moro often the cause of poor sum
mer butter than nny ojlur. | The butter
is tainted before it goesto. the churn , and
no possible ) after care can maku it good
or Keep it lit to oat until'winter. '
Why eto men sow two jii/shols / of wheat
to the acre and harvest , J. venty bushels ,
when a full head of any variety has as
many as thirty kernels , rtwch capable of
producing nt lenst hvohdads , making the
product ono hundred 'Hint ' fitly to onuV
Something wrong about , conditions of
growth , it must bo assumed.
When milking have rt i pail of clonn
water near in which to wwshott'tbo cow's
teats , that no tilth or elriud skin may fall
into the milk-pail. It is nlut an agreeable
thought that such forcitrn-substance have
over mixed with the milk'even if they can
be strained out , UK
All necessary handling of boos shoulet
bo done with the utmost rapidity , anil
with just as little disturbance of thu ar
rangements of the bees as possible. To
this end all arrangements of racks and
boxes should bo easily aeljusted , so that
in removing surplus the bees need to bo
exposed ns little and for as short n time
ns possible.
An experienced farmer warns others
against giving cotton-seed meal to breed
ing cows or to yemng stock of any kind
It is very ditlloult to digest , ami fed to
cows often causes aoortion. ( Jroat care
must bo used m getting animals aeons-
tomed to this food , which cannot bo fed
in largo quantities , even to stock accus
tomed to it. Young calves fed oven a little -
tlo have been killcel by it. Linseed-oil
meal is now cheap onotich , and witli
northern farmers will continue to have
the preference.
It in the young gecso that should bo
marketed this ( all , as they bring n bottof
price than old ota * . and are moro in de
mand In fnct , tlio od ] gcoso are not
saleable at all , unless by deception , ns
they are tough and not easily cookeei.
Keep the old one s for breeders. What
wo wish to state is Hint before jou send
jourgroso to market get thorn as fat as
they can be , for thov will bo moro at
tractive1 , but n very fat gonso is not as
nice ns ono in modnrntn condition.
A writer in HIP Husbandman , who sells
his butter at high prices , carefully pre1-
pares his brino. Houses the bo t dairy
salt , and stirs it in hot water until it will
no longer dissolve. When the
brine is as strong as it can bo
made , he strains tliu lliiuid ami
allows it to cool. When e-ooled lie pours
it on the package , if n firkin , tei thu top
of the chimeo that It may fill every vn-
e'ant place. The object is entirely to ex-
t'iudo the air.
The fattening of sheep shoulel bo civ.n-
inenccil before the grass fails , anil half a
pint a day of grain Is enough for a theep
at lirst. They should have roots eir vege
tables of some kind every eliy. : In three
months they can bear two quarts of grain
n day It tlii'y are brought lo il gradually ,
and have green fooel e-iiough to keep their
stniuni'lis lu order. Marke-ting half-led
sheep is wasting what you have given
them. The last few pounds urn the e-heap-
o t to the feeeler mm neld to the vnhn ; of
the whole.
To plant currant cuttings in October
or iMi7r" ! ' > er , whioh is thu best time ,
choivio some noi\ \ , straight , yoitngshooUs ,
healthy mid well guV.Vli of about n foot
in length or n little ove-r , ami frcu ) thu
part you are about to insert below the
surface of the soil cut carefully out all
the eyes nnel bnels , ns this will aflerwarel
servo to prevent suckers growing up nnd
detracting from the strength of jour
joung trues. As for the soil the ordi
nary kitchen garden soil thai is uniform-
Iv tiviiche-d and manured will do aelmir-
ably well for your young cuttings. Take
care to plant'them lirmly in , but not in n
too sunny situation.
Young calves , especially those intended
to bo kept for cows , should bo taught at
an early ago to oat a great variety of
food. Uer.vs wortli anything as milkers
are voracious feeders ami not dainty.
This is one reason why the much petted
single cejw of the poor man is commonly
supciior for milkinsr quulltie's to the best
in a large herd ree-uiving only ordinary
care. Variety of food is ns conducive to
he'nlth anil appetite for stock as it is for
people. It is necessary , from the fact
that no one kinel of food is a full ration ,
and when one alone is foil the appetite
palls because the food ottered deus not
meet the requirements of tlie system.
$500 Howard.
The former proprietor of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Kumecly , for years made a stand
ing , public oiler in all Amuiicnn news
papers of iroOO rewarel for a case of
catarrh that he could not cure. The
present proprietors have renewed this
olVur. All tlio druggists sell this Hemedv ,
together with tlie "Denicho , " anil all
other appliances nelvised to be used in
connection with it. No catarrh patient
is longer able to say "I eannot be cured. "
You get $500 in casooffailurc.
Mr. Wntterson nun CnMiior.
Chicago News : Colonel William M.
Ilnhlpmnn , proprietor of tlio Louisville
Courier-Journal , has a very poor opinion
of Henry Wntterson's business capacity.
Tlio other day ho oponcel one of Walter-
son's editorial corru.sponelenccs , elated
Paris , lie haneled it to tliu cashier to
solid up to the editorial rooms.
"What is it ? " asked the cashier.
"A letter from Wattornon , " answered
Ilnldeman ; " 1 havo'nt road it , but it's a
long ono about 'Tbu Latin Quarter. ' "
"Tho Latin quarter ? \ hats that ? "
asked thu cashier , with his mouth agape
and his eyes banging out on his cheeks.
"I'm ill know , " said llaldcman ,
"but if Watterson got it in change I'll
but fifty to 0:10 : that it's a twontj'-cont
HcnUm's llnir < rower
All who aio 1JALD , all who are becoming
BALD , all who do not want to bo b.dd , all
who are troubled with DAXUKUFF , or
liCHLNG of the scalp ; should use Donton's
Hair Grower , fiionrv Pan Cr.NT of those
usiuc it have giowu hair. U never fails to
btou the hair trom ialliug. Thrimnh slckucs.s
ami tever.s the Iwir sometimes falls elf in a
short time , and although the peison may
have remained bald lor years , if you use 15en-
tou's Hair Glower accouliincto directions
you arc sure of a giowth of hair. In hun
dreds of rases wo have produced a troort
giowth of Hair on those who have been bald
and glared for years wo haw * iiilly substan
tiated the following facts :
Wo grow Hair in 80 cases out of 100 , no
matter how Ionbald. ;
Unlike other contains no
sugar of lead , or vegetable or mineral
It is a specific for falling hair , dandruff ,
and itching of the bcalp.
The Hair Grower Is a hair food , and Its
ompositiou is almoM exactly like the oil
which supplies the li.ilr with Its vitality.
When the skin Is very tough and Hard , anil
the folllco Is apparently ellcctu.illv closed ,
the single strength will sometimes lail to
reach tao papilla ; In such cases thu double or
tilplo strength should be used in connection
with the single , using them alternately.
Price , slimlo stiongth , § 1,03 : double
strength , S'J.OO ; triple stiongth , SH.0 % If
your druggists have not got it wo will send it
prepared on receipt of price
Cleveland , O.
Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kuhu & Co.
istli uml DoiiL'liH. Idtli uml
A Grinelstonu Dealer GniiiHim Import
une. Piece orinforiimtion.
Detroit Kreo Press : So you wont take
dot coat for seven dollars ? "
"No , I guess not. "
Thell we shall call it six , though I lose
"No , I guess not "
"Say live mid n half ? "
"No ; I'll look around a Iittlo. "
"Vhat poosncss vhas you in , my
f remit r"
"I sell grindstones. "
"Oh , you do "
"Wily ? "
' 'On , nothing , except dot vhun I like ) n
grindstone 1 look around a leedle , toot"
1OO DOHOS Ono Dollar.
Is inseparably connected with Hood's
Sarsaparilln , and is truu of no other
medicine. It is an unanswerable nrgu-
inent as to strength and economy , while
thousands testify to its superior blood-
purifying and strengthening qualities. A
bottlu of Hood's Sanmparilla contains 100
doses and will last a month , while others
will average to lust not over n week.
Hence , for economy , use only Hooel'a
Ilia QualillcalioiiH.
"Want to bo n barkceopor , eh ! "
"Yes , sir "
"Do you understand keeping books on
the single entry system ? ' ,
"No , sir , but 1 undurstand keening
Sunday on the double-entry system.1' '
"Very well. Hang up your hat. "
An Unrivnllod Itucorel ,
Allcook's Porous Plasters have , in the
last twenty-five years , proved themselves
the best , safest , nnd most eflectual
remedy for Spinal Complaints , Incipient
Consumption , Dlurrheca , Pleurisy ,
Tumors , Asthma , IJronchitis , Epilepsy ,
Lumbago , Debility , Khuunintisin , Gout ,
Sciatica , Loss of Vigor , Dropsy , Paraly
sis , Loss of Voice , Hysteria , Nervousness ,
Indigestion , Palpitation.
A Dnlicnto Way ori'iitllni : It ,
Miss Prudence "Give mo some elccol-
lotu clams , nlease. "
Waiter "Ueg pardon , miss ; but I don't
exactly- "
Miss Pruetenco "Well , Little Nuck
clams , I mean ; but decollete n the same
thing and moru rulined , "
xuA siu v ON i UK
HiiTi * U unt n c > i , n * nri.itfitin t > ilo tng the
P" 11 Oven IV ir , ImtlhnttlialiiMlnwrlxlitot inrnUI *
trim twitilr lirotii fortri | ni cf thnroete ro t it
In other wor.l , nritior l > - < f , wvli-hlna ten round * It
Irn-lcil ini limn tn Vtl' doito loll li i tlirvfl | n > uru1 .
The sumo ronstvd in the Chftrter OnU
3l.-\nii > uslnir tha Wire Gaiuo Ovim Door
Icseo nbout ono pound.
To M < mnioit InMirlnk Is to lauin UriM poilton of
Academy of tlie Sacred Heart
Including1 JJoard , Washing , Tuition in English or French , Instrumental music
TJse of Books , per Be'o" - or five months , $150.
References are required from persons unknown to the institution. For further
formation apply to the Rt Rev , Jns. UCur.iOr 0 * * to the Lady Suporior.
GEO. imillCK ,
UnFKlinNCKS : Merchants'and F.irmi'is'lank.Davld ! ( Mty , Noli. ; Kinruov N'atloual
aukKe > arney , Neb. ; Columbus State Hank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Hank , Noilli
. 'l.itti' . Neb. Omaha Aatloual Hauk , Omah.i , Neb.
iiit A I * ' ; viuitiit * * ill 1111111 jJitiirx vsmtiiiiit ii\.i/i
Will j-ny customers' draft with bill ot ladiuc attached for two-thirds v.iluo of stock
* W fl < fly 5 * * 3 " 3" rrA t ] f ) 2 % > ? f ffit \
TflTi and TRUST C !
S. W. 016. FAI6XAM , OJIAKA.
Property of every eloscription for sale in all p.xrts of the city. Lanels for sale in
every county in Ncpraska.
Of Titles of Iomlas county kept. Maps of the city .state or county , or any other
information desiicel , furnished tree ot charge upon application.
"Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The lorijost stock. 1'ricca the lowust riuo repairing n spool lit/ . All work wnrrnntoil. Coruor
uml iJlli street , Omnli.i.
Clay County I nrmnrfl in Ji'nvor ol"
V'nu Wvok.
StrrioK , Neb. , Sept. 0. To the Eelilor
of the Hii ; : 1 vill write you a few lines
apropos tlio senatorial outlook of this
( Clay ) county. In my casual invoitiga-
tion 1 have trieel to got at the actual
farts , and this is what 1 find. The farm
ers are generally enthusiastically in favor
of Senator Van Wyck , irrespective of
parties. There are some few who have
nothing to .say either pro or con , but I
have not foil nil. any among tlio farmci.s
who are opposed to the senior .senator ,
llemenibcr I eliel not pieik out such a > i 1
thought wore in his favor. In the towns
there is homo opposition , especially
among the lawyers. In llarvarel. wlie-ro
I attended tlio Teachers' Normal Insti
tute for thri'c weeks , I found some of tlio
best and most inllucntial men speaking
favorably ot the people's champion.
Among the leading efemocrats there are
a few would-be pan-suckers who listen
to the plaintive cooing of Dr. Miller's
inelodioiisC ? ) voi-vooiloratiems. These
are the very same fellows who sold out a
county olJicn a few short years ago to ono
of their republican fneiiels. No matter
who tlio democratic nominees for the
legislature may ho , unless they commit
themselves decisively in favor'of C. II.
Van Wyck , they will not poll a party vote.
The pe-oplo of Clay county are not in
leading strings. G.
Sick headache , wind on thp Moniach.
billiousness , muisiv. , are promptly aial
agreeably banished by Dr. J. II. McLean's
Liver and Kidney Pillets. 25c a vial.
Tlio Cheyenne papers say that the cap
ital coinmis > ionor- > are conyieluring the
economy of utili/.ing blocks of Cheyenne
water , as imitation of Italian niarblo , for
the now eapitol building. It is saiel that
the eapitol water is hocomiii'ho impreg
nated with immiritiiis that it congeals
into almost solfd masses.
I'rnlomnr of Modlilno nt the Itn > ul ( Inlvi'rully :
KnUht ill till ) Ilimcl Aintrticn Or.lnr uf tlio Inul
ejniwni Knlulit Oommandur or tliu lluvnl sjmiil li
Onlornf Ij'ibclliii Knlvhtnf tlio Iturul I'nitsuui ( ii < -
< leri > rtliultid CuxloiUhorallcr of Iho Jc l in nT
llnnnr.ulc. . t tc. , Mttyn :
- . ' . e'oe/A .
-i.niiiiej cei'.s IIKKPTONIO siioui.i not iia
conf uiitletMTlili thulionle nf iniiliyeurunlU. Itl *
la no eii4Q of tliu vordu imtunt rotneil ) . 1 um tlior-
< > in-llly lonrorsnnt wllli IU mole of priMi.inilliin uml
ki.ow . It to be IHJI only u IcuttlinHlu iilinniiuicutk-il
proilticU hut uUonortuy of thu hljih loiunioiitl itloni
It Imnrucelrrdlnpll imrtiof Hie ivorlil , It contain *
csacnco of llucf , Coc.i.OnlnlnL' . linn anil Culliaru ,
which uru illi i > lroil In | > uru Konulnu Mianlsli Jmiiortui
Crown Hhorrjr. "
InTiiluulilotoall > tlijnro lluu Dunrn , N rvo i . Mrs-
politic , Mlllniu , .Mahirloui or uliltluil with uuik kill-
lioy * . 'x '
Her Majesty's Favoritle CosmetlcGlyceriflfl
l' od hy Ilnr lloj-ul IIUIIMU3S Iho I'rlnciui uf Wales
nnil thn nolilllly I'nr the HHIn. Coiiiiiliixlun , Urup-
lloim.Ch i | > | ilnu , lloutilinoss , * | UJ. of < lru''nl ti.
l.liillli : CO S lionuliio hjniii of hirKapirllla , It
Kuunintuud ii.tlio ln t hJrbiiparlllii In thu luurkou
Nebraska National Bank
Paiel up Capitol . $3f50OOO
Qurplub . . . . . , 30,000
H. W. Yntos , rroslelemt.
A. Iv. Tunulinicu I'l'oslihiiit ,
\V. II. S. Heches ,
W. V. Alorso , John H. Collins ,
H. W . Yuci , Lewis S. Keotl.
A. K. Toiwalln.
Cor 12lh nnil Furnani Sts
A General Hanking J5usiiics3 Transacted.
NT WTHABRia , & "Oa
Jl.l.VJfKJlfi , ( JJUUAdO.
nnUHC Of Countliis , Cities nnil otlioiiof
DUrlLid lilirli k'lii.lubouk'litnn.lbol'l . I'.ustuni
oltlcu W Dnvoiulilre Bt. . jJuMon. ( 'oruOiii | ) | -
_ _ ' f 1B VJ I lul'jr nJ'tlon ' ) K U | . < j runt tn
nr uiMre 11 tito 1 * - nf1 ar j It t iu mill * r < if * ' ,
JJru. TUB t IJUAbO MAIL. 11 * itu n , Ou.iO.
? 3
B $ } V |
t'rlclirntuil l''nsliiou ' Cnlnliicuo
QCMT CQCE lor i'11 iumlnlrr ,
OttB I If&UU 18S6 , ri'iuly bept. 15tli ,
. , . . . . tonnyn < lilres. Illiistrativiniiilllsl'iovcry
Sjj'irfA tliluttfor LaUlcn' , Oonth' . Chlhlrons'nna
S-wij infnnlK * vrenr nnd llniiiu Upoiilna Goods ,
ntprlcra'oirrrtlmiitliofccof nnylioiuotn
tlio UnlU'il states. ( Jomplcin mitlii.
ft II n . . Y o5jf-o--V { Und l.
Itaj t 3 Gtk Aio. & tfUtU fct. , K. Y. ity.
iinitp ni\\ > '
Elm City Miiilary Institute ,
I'topnriitoiy for colloRo or for liiialiioi1 * . Tor
turins etc. . npply lo WJM.IAM H. STOWU
I'rlncipnl. 1575 Cliapol St. , Now-lliu on , Conn. ,
Pays Best i
AovcnTlBCMcriTB DcBiaNCO , Pnoora SHOWN A oi
The H. P. Hubbard Co. ,
Suec6 or3 to H P HUDBARD ,
Judicious Advertising figonts and Experts , !
EtUblshcd 1871. Incorporated 1885 , !
Now Haven , Conn. !
. . . .then MiiTcrinR - . - - ,
rvous flchllity texmuntln
nuito ilii ia t , pitinalurt *
. .illno of jounu' or old oio
itttfunt111 ! til by i r
ll'ifiHj'a ' fnn ODD Mi tro-
Alnuntlfn Udl. 'JlioutaiuU
thu Utilun Jtatn been unrtu
tunU't'H J'-itLniMani ) voH 10
tun vrnr Bimu bt ] J.hrtiJi
„ . rumi'.uilcK ICItrtrlc 'l'ruwiUi
< .urc < lln'rt * > , KPIIU plJinpfor pmrtihli *
: . ! NVfUTns.lBl WABASHAV..I
lleiuntly Unlit. Nonly 1'uniis.iaJ
The Tremont ,
J. 0. ITJV.CIIUAI.D.V ; tON. I'n.prlutow. .
Cor. tth , uul 1'hts , Ijlncnln , Neib.
jeiitcs tl.50 i > or day. Strojt tju from homo to nnr
J. II. W. 11 ANY KINS ,
Architect ,
M 3J. UI mul 1. , Jii.liiinla Illock , Mnroln ,
Nnb. IMuviitoruiiJItli hlioot.
JJrcnrluroi llrnoilurof
GAI.I.OU ACAnf.K. . blioiu HouvOAf
Live Stock Auctioneer
iniulo In all inuU of tliu U. H. n | l.ur
Hiiiini J.hlnlo lllocli , Lincoln , Nol > o
imdSliort Hum InilU loi-gulo.
Farm Loans ami Insurance ,
CorreaiiuinlKMi-u In ir url lo IOIHH BOHiiu I.
Itn'jm J. Hlftuir H D'ouK ' , Muoolu , Xo f *
Kiiversiite Sliort Horns
{ it Miuil ) limit Hull's nnil ll.ui liiiit'Ot.Utlo. | |
JIcix ] Illllllliurn IlllOUl I'D lie.III.
rnmlllo * ii'iiri'soiilul I'llbeit" , Crausfs ,
S. IU'lllU.1 , ItOSollf'IKIIIIUH , .MlHH llll-lK ,
ly JJIH' , I'liit e'rook Vniuur Mn- ,
. . ) H , l.oii.uij ami Trui' l.ovcs.
Hnlh for sild , 1 I'mo U IKM I'nliori , 1 I'nru
iLiniC'rii vs. 1 lloiouj hliino i , 1 Vniliiir Jlnr > ,
1 1'uio eruloU SlninU uml ( iiiiurs I'OIIIP n ui
linjiool llio licrl , Aildioss , ejJMS. M. llt\M- !
SON , I.liifo'n , Nob.
U'liiui uil.iiiuulii slop at
National Hotel ,
And Kt > i u uouil iilunui- for . ' 'it ; ,
I. A. I'KUAWAy J'liip ,
On , l.ui ii , Outrk | l.nnl uii ) | I ! II
KtooKK , ItirlxiiiK mul B 1011 I'.IH'MIH ! lor 1' " < >
I'liuulitr II l * | | AIII , \ I'll ' , iW : ! i-iuryiriii
M. , l ilcuuu. III. llo'irf/iou , Ali.orK'uu I.I-