Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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' tTTt'P UlTlfPTf
Wheat Prlosi Hold Up in Spite of Inac
tivity in Trading.
Provisions Take n Sub'tantlal Step
l-'orwnr.l , Pork In tlie bend The
General Cattle Market Im
proves Quotnt ions.
CnicAao , Sctit I' . [ SPcinl'lLilcjrain | to
tbo ltr.n.jVIIKAT Tlie nrpuinciit In
laver of tlio iimiket to-day was thnt it did
not KO down yoMrrdny. AVItli trndt-rs nil
frtnndliii , ' nrontul duliiK ] iractlcnlly luiUilnir.
as was tlie rose Wednesday , nnd jet with
juices sliMdy. witli nny nctlxlty , it was
ngrcwl that ju ices otilit ; Instil icasuntodo
bi-Hter. 1'nit ( if tlie t' ) Is llentu nnd
Ills jiai Iy have for a day or t'.vs bo ii i-ovcilus
Miorl wheat. The Improved feuling con-
cernlnir tlio general business slluntton has
natuiall } helped. The advance In iilver In
London from 4'il to 44d has helped just tliat
much by making Jntlia wheat dealer. If
theie Was a laire\ioit | business doing now
there would certainly be tjulU ! a general ilu-
wtlion fimu the bear o\er to tliu bull side.
But with no news to back them , and with
only a few Klittcilng cencralltlus In their
possession , the crowd ndv.mred Ustobcr
v heat T.x\c this iiinniiiif. but it quickly fell
back and closed at 10 o'clock at r 15-lCo.
Con.v 'I'liere were only tbo satuo argu
ments in corn , and bt-sldcs these , the bulls ,
\\hohadbeen it-lying on fiost , were alto
gether disappointed , and yet Urn maiKi't
opeiii-d at tlie best liaures of yuiterday , 41X < 3
* lot October. It dropped to lfLCJl'sc.
If I- I'KOVI MOSS Tlie nfr\ousiiess of the pro
f vision crowd was Illustrated by the rapid ad
vance In October pork to SlO.-lT,1 , and the
market closed at nearly ouUldc liguics.
J cojiold liloom was a Inisro buyer of wheat
early. lie took , "iOO,003 bushels in one lot
liom Jones atTs ' 8c. The suitIs supposed to
hau'bi'on for leam. ! Alter this the maiket
wasmiJeil in an attempt. It was said , to com-
! > cl Uloom to unload. J'lic latter held on ,
however. Consols came In before noon at
J5UK ) ilfl : , at 4 o'clock London time , and
this dec-lint1 lathertiirncd the title. Tlie lald-
ers theni ! > clus were turned uujers. Ueimrts
came from Now Vorlctliat lifteen boat-loads
were taken tor export
The anticipated receipts for to-morrow are
ir > r > cars , of wheat , WO ol corn and 1UO of oats.
Chatters weie : Wheat , bO.O'JO bushels ; corn ,
1KB bushel- * .
Tec olcise at 1 o'clock was : October wheat.
TxOctober ; coin , 41 ' < ' te ; October poik ,
fci0.4'J' ; October lard , fctV@fi.G7Ja' ( .
Armour was n blc lnir ot provisions
to-day , taking upward of t-,000.000 pounds ot
short ribs and wen biddini ; 87 for October.
Pork was sent up to S10.4-Jti oil this Armour
API miNooN HoAitn On the short after
noon boat d the feeling was improved by
largo it-polled engagements ot wheat for
export at Xew York ( twenty-four l > oat
loads ) . The close at U0 : o'clock was : Octo
ber wheat , 7bc ; October corn. 41'ic ; October
pork , Sl0.4i : October lard , SO.O" .
Cfitn , 9 p. m. Wheat , T e asked for Octo
ber ; puts , 77 % ( i77i'c : calls , "s 'c. Corn.
4l',4e asked lor October ; puts , 41c ; calls ,
CuiiAco , Sept. 9. [ Special Telegram to
the BIB. | CATTLI : Wednesday with over
11,000 head of cattle received , buyers and
many sellers thought 10,0 W to fJ.OM might
nrris'e to-day. But there was a material
ralllnioll in icceipts , and for tlie week so
far wo have a decrease of some S.ODO. The
demand to-day was coed but buyers held back
in a icUictaiit manner us If they could not
believe the receipts weie no larjcr. The
general market was more active than yester
day. 1'rices were very uneven , but on nn
averace were lOc hilierbalni ; .ibont the same
as on Tuesday. Soniu prime 1-159 Ibs. two-
years-olds Bold to a stock yards' butcher at
S5.10 , and some fancy heavy cattle sold at
S5.SO to an Allegheny man , with some extra
choice cattle as hish ns S5.S5. The
best cattle sold Tuesday nnd the
poorest Wednesday , but to-day
ey mot with coed demand and
sold vcrv well. Shipping steers , ISS'J to 1500
Ibs , S4.70@5.33 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs , S4.00 ® .70 ;
DM to liiOO Iba , S3.40@l.00r The raiiBO cattle
market to- lay was stronger , but buyers weie
uot willing to pay the advances asked , and FO
tradniR was slow for n time. Prices wc-re 5g (
lOo higher , however , and about nil were sold
nt prices shown below. The leculpts to-day
included l.fcOO tlirou li Texans and -OJ west
ern lancers. Northern innucrs : ! K ) Coioi-
ado Texans , 100S Ibs. fiSO ; 'JO Colorado Tex-
aus , Olb His , Si.50 : : ! 70 Texans , .131 His. S'i70 :
200 .Montana 1259 Ibs ? ! ! .fw ; 'JOH Wyomlii ! . ' .
10-JJ Ibs , St.Offivt : ; Wyominc Texans , 103C
HH , SX12K ; 120 Wyominc Texans , 070 Ibs ,
lloas The receipts of hos were 17,000
ngalnst 10'Jir last Thursday , mnkinc about
07,000 for the week so far , auainst 51,277 foi
the same time last week. The market \va-
nctlvoand prices a stion ; ; 5c higher on all
clcscriiitlons , closln ; ; llrm with nil sold.
Koueh and coiiimou Kinssy stock , 54.40(3)4.00 ( ) ;
fair to potid. 54.70ai.K5 ( , nnd best heavy S4.SKJ
(25.tX ( ) ; light soils , dull and neglected ; quo
tations entirely nominal nt S4.254.80 foi the
oidinnry run and 4 U'Xg5.00 lor pigs : rouch
nnd riiixc-d , $ &ti5 ( < $ l.M ) ; packing and shiiv
pins , 250 tolrOHsS4.80 } ! < t5.10 ; light weight ! , ,
fea.75lg4.tO ; skljis , 52.50 .75.
Now York. Sept. 0. MOVKT On call
rasy at 4@0 jer ) cent , closing nt 4 IHJI
1'itiUE MnncA.XTiut I'Arcn l@s pei
cent ,
i.ixo ExcuxNon Quiet nnd firm ;
for eixty day bills and
bonds were
dull but linn.
STOCKS Tim yacht raceacaln drew n large
proportion nf the operators on the street
tuviiy , nnd as a consequence to-day the stock
ninruct was dull and almost featureless ,
J'rlccs nt the opeiiini ; were Irrecular , bul
showed only sllcht changes from the closing
llgurcs of last evening , The market fluc
tuated within n unrrotv range and continued
steady throughout thci entire clay , but sagged
n little in the last hour and closed bnrclj
steady at close to the ouuuing figures.
Clilcnco , Sept. 0. Flour Quiet
linchawd ; inter \vhcat flour , gt
4.10 : bouthern , SlftVsM.W ; Wisconsin ,
lowcrades , S1.7KS
quiet at fa.26 UW In barrels , Mid 3.003
S.i In kirks.
\ Vhcalllulcjl about > i ® c higher , rulec
Ftead ) unil i > old oil Ho , improved K'1' anc
clost-d ali nit He iiiider ycstci day : cash , 70Vfc
70 > , c ; f > cober. : " 7 1V1G.
Cuni lu tnodtiratti demnud and easier
caf h. SijK8' > ; , 'iv , , Ober , 4K4lVe ,
tutftWKc lower all around ; cash ,
Octut < c > r , iWc.
JSyo Dulf at 49c ,
JlarJoy Quint nt57 > fc.
yjax-socd-ELOSyJl-OSK ,
L\y UiUiothy-Pr.iac ,
\ \MiUkj-Sl.l\
1'trk Opened stron .advanced fk , : c , r.tKic-1 1- " 'lv c , do = mg
liiui , raiiI" . . 4 ; o , tobcr , a4 . 1
L rJ-l'ir ' .er. cirly acltanr-ecl 24V , ,
ftiul tonnrrti tlie clo e becntno a little mnro
' - to lmycl : cash , $7.80-d7.5 ; Oc-
jienti-Shonlders. . . CO IS''S"Uert :
le r. , ; short ribs , S6.W.
IJutter Finn but steady ; creamery , 15 ®
"Siy ; dMrk-.x , l icl'c SS
Oit c9 yji m niu * In moderate demand ;
till cronm phcddRrs,9c' ; flats , lOc ; Younn
\ incrlc . IW lO p.
Usei rinn and > tondy \WlW-r. .
ilKlt-s IIcarv give n mltol. "Ko lieht. SWc :
mil hide ? , hfti t. .Vtc ; clrv fulled fli *
Jp ; dry flint , ia < rfl4c ; calt skins , b lO't'c ;
lpnron < ! , fiOceaeli.
Tallow No. 1 country , 8Jsai3c ( ; cake ,
fv ; No. 2 , so.
AVTKUNOOX UoAiiti Wheat Cnh , liiehrr
nt7ili-lRc ! Corn-Cash , linn at HKc. Oats
Cash , tlimntsfic. Pork Cosh.linu at Sin.40.
nul-Casti , Iov\er at ? 7.'i'i.
i'lour.bW * . 1MHK ) 7,010
Wheat , bit . ss.KW ( 11,000
Corn. nu. . . 8-fi.cnO ttl .j/nn /
) nt-.Dii . 1C . XI I'.iG.OCK ' )
iye.Du . 7,000 2UUO
BarU-v.DU . GsyyJ 28,000
St , I .uift. Sept. ti. Wheat Lower ; ; Xo.
2 cali. . " ( iVo ! Uetobsr , T Kcbld.
Coin Lower : No. 2 , cash , SG > jft87c ( :
Oclobei. : KIC : bid.
Oats-Easy ; No. 2 , cash , 2o@25ftc ) Octo
ber , U5 > 4c
Poik-lllulierat S10.i7K.
I.anl Sfi.7. .
Itiittt't ijtt-ady ; creamery , 'JD2Cc ; dalrv ,
Afternoon boaul Wheat Easy and l't@ '
I4clo\\er. Coin . \ Miade lower. Oats Un-
chunked ,
New Orleans. Sept. 9. Corn Irrcs-
ulai ; in Backs , yellow , held at We ,
Hoi ; Products Firmer.
Lord Dull and lower ; refined tierce. 7.00
< fo7.2S.
Hulk Meals Shoulders , 50.33 ; loni ; clear
uid clear ribs , S7.00.
Toledo , Sept. . ' . ) Wheat Dull and stca y ;
CIlSll , "H'jC.
Corn Inactive ; cash.42fc
Oats Steady ; cash , 2Te ,
Kansas City , Sept. 0. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 led , cash , C2JKC bid ; October , 04J4
< ( n\c ; November. GUJ e ,
Col n Steady ; No. 2 , cash. JJiJc ; Octo
ber , : > ; ii3.V ! ( ! ; November , " 4 , 'c.
Oats , Lowei : cash , 25c.
Lilverpool , Sept. 0.Vhcat 111 fair de
mand ; new No. 2 winter linn at GJ Od ;
Corn In lair demand ; spot , September ,
October and No\cuiber4 { 5 , ' d.
New Y'ofk. Sept. 0. Wheat Heceipts ,
iTi.OOJ ; expoits , : uiOGO ; spot bhade stroiu-cr
with moiectnliiK tor export ; options ( d c
lower , closing Meady and a shade above In
side tales : unladed red , Mu'.Xc ( ) ; No. S
red , viijwyiijjcNo. ; . 2 red , STItjg's'Jgc ' in ele
vator , s c 1. o. b. , Wi' ' c alloat , No. 1 led ,
' Me for October ; No. 2 red cloainc at bb , ' < c.
Corn Sjiot ) fe and options ( SJj'c lower ,
closinc steady ; receipts , 147.000 ; expoits
IG.KK ( ) ; unirraded , Mogj'Je ; No. a ! , WSic ; No. 2.
JW' ' ' < ' < aMc in elevator , 51t@32c atloat ; Octo
ber closing ut 51'tc.
Oats Shade lower and rather active ;
receipts , KTOdO ; exports , none ; mixed west
ern , iiStguoc ; white western , S.'X2:4lc. :
Petroleum Steady ; United , closed C0' < c.
Ecus Steady and in inir demand ; western ,
J ( ! i 17e.
Pork Firm and in fair request ; old meiS
Slo.riOMio.7o ; iiewiness ,
Lard 2 to 4 points lower and falily ac
tive : western steam M > ot is quoted at J-7.-15.
Uuttcr Fu m on all choice grades ,
Cheese Dull.
Milwaukee. Sopt. D. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 70iHu ; October , 77'i'c ; November , TDJic.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , 40o.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , , " ,5c.
Hye-Steady ; No. 1 , Sl c
Harlev Lower ; No. 2 , 57c
J'rovisions Firm.
Pork Oatober , § 10.25.
Cincinnati. Sept. S. Wheat Firm ; No.
2 led , 78Kc.
Corn Easy ; No. 2 mixed. 43o.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 27M2T 4'c ,
l\e ! Unchanged ; No. 2 , Me.
Pork Firm and lilnher at 810.50.
Lard Easy at S7.00 .
Whisky Active at S1.10.
IMiiinciipoIis. Sept. 9. Wheat Quiet :
futures neglected ; No. 1 hard , cash , and
7. > c ; October , 7 ( > ; 4c : November , 77c : No. 1
mntht-rn , cash , and September , TSc ; October ,
71'4'c ; November , 75 ic ; No. 2 northern ,
rash , and September , 70c ; October , 70 > c ;
November , "cc ,
Flour Dull ; patents , 54.30 4.43 ; bakers ,
Jlerelpts Wheat , irw.OOO bushels.
Shipments Wheat , 87,000 bushels ; Hour ,
2S.OOO banels.
_ _ _
ChlcaRO , Sept 9. The Drovei'B
Journal reports as follows :
Cattle Kecelpts , 0,005 ; stronger and lOj
hlKher : shipping steers. S3.40@5.35 ; stockers
nnd Oflili-rs. S'J OflrtZS S.1nVK. . hull * nmi
5'a.50@.10estern ; ! ransers , stionser ; na
tives and half-breeds , S2.'JO@3.70 ; cows. 52.25
Cf .OO ; Sales : Noitlu-m ranger ItCWyo-
inniL' , 12.VJ Ibs , Si.GO : ; 110 Colorado Texans ,
93Ulbs , S2.50S'2.bO. (
llo s Kecflpts , 17,000 ; srtonff and 5c
lilsher ; rough and mixed. S3.00@4.S3 ;
. .
Sheen lleeelpts. 5JOO , : ; best , steady : com
mon , Miadelowcr : natives , S2.00@4.400 ; west
ern. S.lOa3.55 : ( ; Texaus , 51.75 2.75 ; lambs. I
Kt , Louis. Sept. O.-Cattle Rcenlpts , 2,200 ;
shipments , 2,000 ; good sliipplnt ; and butcher
cattle stiongcr ; others Mead , and quiet ;
common to choicu shipping. Sti.45u4.bO ; ;
butcher steers , $ ; i.SS@4.10 : cows uml hellers ,
f2.2.'i@3.50 ; Texans and Indians , 5-2.25S..riO.
llouu Keceipts , ! ! ,000 ; shipments. 500 ;
active and steady ; butchers and best heavy ,
5t4.yOv.ra 10 ; mixed packing , 54.'J&-Sl.b5 ; iglit ,
Kuiisaa City. Sept. 9 , Cattle Receipts ,
2,000 ; shipments , none : Rood shipping
} : rudes stead v : common to choice , SU.oOiij-l.W :
Mockers aim teeder.s. 32.30JZ3.30 ; cows , gl.50
( U-J.OO ; trass range steers , 2.25@3.2. ' .
llo s Keeeipts , 0,400 ; shipments , 1.000 ;
good to choice , steady at SI.CStiM.80 ; common
and mixed weak and a shade loner ; com
mon to medium , 5.10@4.GO ; grabbers auti
pit's , 52.50@4.00.
Thnrbday Even In ? , Sept. 9.
.i : There were no corn-fed cattle on
the market or any range cattle suitable for
dressed beef. There was considerable in
quiry for butchen. ' stock and several loads ot
cows were bold. Feeders were In cooJ ie-
cjuest and a good many sold.
lions The receipts of hogs were nol
quite as heavy as yesterday. Ttio maiket was
steady at yesterday's prices.
SHKEP There were none on the inaiket.
Cattle . 500
HOJJS . . . . , . . . . . . . , . 1,300
1'revnlllni ; Prlooi.
Showins the provallins prices paid for live
stock on this market.
, . . . . . .
Futllttlo steers. 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . . at frf3.BU
( ! ooa fouders , uootoioooibs . B.oo(2. ( : ! . :
( Jood to choice corn-fed cows . 2.SKIM3.25
Fair to medium cr.tss cows . S.OO-ifJ.ft'i '
Good to clioico bulls . l.SOSiM
Light and medium nogs. . . . 4.30 ® 4.50
( Seed to clioico heavy Eocs . 4.50SM.C5
Good to choice mlvcd hogs . 4.40 4.55
Good to caoico elioeji . S.oOijs.25 :
FalrtOKOod slieep . . . . 2,75(53,00 (
Common sbeej > . . . . . . . 1.50&-2.50
Kcpreaoutatlre Sales.
No. Av. Pr. N"o. Av. Pr
23 . SH S2.70 23 . DsS Si75
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
C. S. Miner , . . . . , . . . . . KJ 1143 03.00
C. b. Miner. . s u G3 s.oo
E. A. Paso . 805 1120 fi.00
Kiawa Cattle Co . 76 11B1 S.25
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
7 . 1100 82.05
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pr.
1S..S41 120 4.40 12G..274 4SO S4.57U
15. . . .321 0240 4.45 52. , . .224 200 4.CO
10. . . .810 ICO 4.45 OJ..243 4.CO
S9..231 JGO 4.M 4S..28ri 120 4.00
C3..291 240 4.50 W.237 ISO 4.00
W. . . 218 ICO 4.55 fa. . . .243 bO 4.00
CO. . . . 234 120 4.55 l'J..M40 \ 4.C5
M..207 ICO 4.1 C2..S03 SO 4.C5
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr
I. . . .500 b 8S.SO 7 . . .354 100 S4.S5
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr
U3. . . . 159 100 Si.05
of Price' .
Shmvinet'ie htz'iestanit ' 1 iwe-,1 prl * pii 1
formiKPdloidsot hozs on t\i < i mi'lt-t a-ir-
Incth p'vst SCV n days , and lor tl > e same
time Inn year :
SeptemlKT September
Thursday , 2nd. . 4.W < $4.fio R. . '
1'rldav. 8d. 4.SO < * 4.70 aoo
Saturday , 4th. . . 4.4.1 S.C5 ( W3.S5
Monday , Oth , . . . ) . ! * >
Tue da'v. 7th. . . 4.45 ? S.70 (33.SO
Witlnrsilay.Mli. , 4.40 < tl\.C5 8.70 ( ft < .SI . . ' 4.40 " ' " S.OO f8.70
Ijivc Stock SnlC9.
Showlns tlio number of cattle , hnss and
sheep purclia < ed by the leading buyers on
o-dav's market.
r. , 11. Cowles . . . . . - . Sir
1. \nndruff . . . 70
Jo llamujoii . 42
, U. Uamniond A : Co. ( shipped In ) . . . STfl
OUicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'- '
JI. V. llindy . rfl
! . 11. Ilammoiul Co. . . . . . . . . . 4 !
Jhik Urcx . i . . 1- "
Sindies A : Co . . 1s"-
llarrls.fc KMiei . M >
W..M. Whltii . ' .
Total . 1,0117
All sales ot stock in this market arc mailo
i > er ct. . live welirht unless oMierwtse stilted.
leadiois ! sell at Vs per Ib lor all wi > ltiiti ,
"Skins , " ' or hocwek'lilna less Ih in 10J Ibs
novnliii ! . 1'reijiiaiit sows ate UojleJ 4'J ibs
nnd stags b'j Ibs. _
Hoes are all sold.
lloa : hiniket steady.
A good market tor feeders.
A.V. \ . Hcalim , Coitland , was a visitor at
the yaids.
K. W. Black , riattsmouth , was lookln ? :
after feeders.
Coon an it Moore , bon ? Pine , innikctcd a
load ot hous.
. Ci. 11. .Hammond & Co. received C5U head of
fat cattle to-day.
Mr. Itittei , of Morse , Jlogcrs & Co. , Xortb
Bend , In to-day.
lleno vt Storrs , Oakdale , had a load of cat
tle on the market.
.1. G. Uldbnni , Plattmouth , had a load of
cat tie at the yaids.
Julin Bower , Council Bluffs , was on the
inaiket with a lout ot cattle.
K. U. Kicnc , ol Kit-no it Maloney , Albion ,
Mas here and maiUutcd thiee loads of
Mr.Vclls , of the firm of Parkhur-t &
AVelU. Cirand Island , was looking around the
yards to.tlay.
Mr. Gassmann , father of Fied Gassnann ,
bookkeeper lor M. Burke it Sons , was a vis
itor ut the yaids.
On the maiket with hois : Clark , Ileaton
it Co. . Weston ; C\ E.VeWi , 1'apillion ; ( i.
K. Ksciett , Council Bluffs : A. Jenkins
Manly ; Slcwait it F. , St. Paul ; leno ! it
StoirxV , Ba\s VnlnaraNo : A. .1. \ \ illiams
Tamora : Vlmin itelM > n. Utlca ; C. 1) .
Mooie , Harvard ; > elsou & Jacobs , Staple-
General Produce.
Tliursilav Evctninir. Sept. 0.
'flicfollt > wliniirtecf i c for round Joti of
roilncc , ill * bullion Vic mitrkci ( OHJJTlie
yuotattnn > ! on fruits represent Vic prices at
which outshlc onlcm arc Idled.
add butter
BtTTint The receipts of coed butler con
tinue to be very scarce while the demand is
( rood. Dealeis find it impossible to supply
the demand lur choice dairv butter , and
creamery butter is coiuinp into moie
tibe. Snippers cannot be too caieful in
bandliiiR their butter. Small neat packages
sell the best , out caie > hottld be taken to have
only one crude and color In a packa.o , tor
when good butter is packed with poor , it ne
cessitates the whole beini ; sold as poor butter.
The butterinc law has already had the effect
ot lesseuins the consumption ol that article ,
and the market will be better than ever for
clioico dalrv butter , pi ovliled a coed aiticle
can be obtained. Poor butter is the same
dm ? in the market that it always has been.
Strlctlv sweet , solid and unifoim color ,
packed In new clean tubs , commands ir lGc ,
or even more , In the market , but there is Jit-
tle or none cumlni ; in that can be graded as
such. A small o.uantitv of lann dairy butter ,
packed in crocks , has sold at Ibfa'-JOc. Fair to
coed countrv butter is selltni : at 10@lUUc.
Poor at wabc , and slow. Creamery butter ,
not the very best , at Ib.ijSOc. Choice cieam-
erv butter is sellimr at Sl J-'a
Eco The receipts arc not large and tbc
demand is jrood at l'J@luc.
under Rroceiit-s
OYSTKIIS The oyster season lias opened
up with pi aspects for n larire trade during
the war. 1'rices are about f > c lo 7er this year
than the usual opening price. The tullow Ins
are the prices at which eountrv orders are
lilcd : Mediums , i SOc ; standard , Me ; selects ,
40c : best selects. 4 5c.
OAMI : lieceipts of prairie ehicicenshe avy
and a great many packages in very bad con
dition , owing to hot weather. Sales are dras-
ptiis , S-.00 being about outside pi ice ob
tainable for choice sound broc U , whole oil
stock is entliely unsaleable. A reaction may
bo looked tor as soon as cooler weather sc-ts
In. Ducks arq quotable at Sl.iio to S2.00 , ac
cording to variety.
VEOKTABLKR Celery , largo bunches , Kalamazoo -
amazoo , 40c. Sweet po tat oi-s. pur Ib , 3c. On
ions , choice led , per bu , 51.00 ; southern , per
bbl , S3.W.
BAKANA The cooler weather permits of
bananas beiiic handled in better shape , and
the market is better supplied. Bananas , yel
low. ner bunch , S-.00n-.J..liO ( ; large , per bunch ,
S2.r > o@3.oo
HOME r.iiowx ( lUAi-ns Ibo market is
well supplied with choice stock and prices
are lower , but It is not anticipated that tney
will fo any lower. Farmeisaro blinking in
a good many which arc not suitable for ship
ment , and wilUell nil the way Iroin lc up.
The following aio the prices at which out-
t-iuo oideis. for choice stock , are tilled :
Shipping stock , per Ib. . 4c. : 10 Ib baskets , & > c.
MICJUOAN I'uACiiKs The receiits this
M-cek have been of much better quality than
last , and uro holding np better. Baskets , ac
cording to size , . 7Xil.OO. Crates. 4 bas
kets , S3.00
Mni.oxs The market has been well sup
plied all the week. Muscatlne. per bundled ,
20.00 ; smaller sizes. S10.00@1S.00 ; muskmelons
melons , per doz. , Sl.oo.
Wii.n 1'i.v.MS Very few coming In , and
good stock will bring Sl.-3 per half-bushel
CUAII Arrr.ES There is a good demand ,
but shipments are very light and ipostly not
in Ehlnping condition. Firm stock will
bring 51.10 ir bushel.
Arw.usStocks are not moving vcryraiv-
Idly. The market Ib well suiplk'ii | with gooa
cooking aiiples , and they are H > llini , ' at a wide
mnije of prices , according to the quality.
Choice shipping stock is not so plenty , whiln
choice stand apples and fauc > eating apples
are scarce. Common stock , S2.KXu'J.i'i :
choice shipping stock , iwr bbl , gi50@i,75 ;
fancy stand , stock , S'J.7f > c < { 3.00.
CAUTOHXIA KituiTS I'cars , Duchess
Bcurre Uiel , per bor. S3.SO ; Winter Xellls ,
per box , S2.75. Peaches , per box , S2.'J5.
U rapes. Muscat or Tokay , perlbox , SL'S'iS '
2.00. Plums , per box , 1.50(32.40. (
LKUOXS The change irom excessively
warm to comparatively cool weather lias had
the effect of lessening the demand fur lemons
Hi some extent. The Xew York market took
n sharp advance , but prices here are steady.
Fancy Messina , 0.75iUO.OO.
HOXKY Nebraska , choice , white closer ,
ISiaiGc : Nebraska , dark , l'Jt < U4c , ; California ,
1-lb sections , 15c. ; Calltornla , strained , 3-lb
MAi'LubuoAit-Urleks , per lb,12Ji ; penny
cakes , per lb , 15c.
MA.I-I.I : .Sviiui1 Bulk , 13 to 17 gallon kees ,
per pal. . 51.W ; gallon cans , per t'al. , gl.05 ;
iiallnlloncans. . ] > er cal. , S1.10.
1'icis1 Fr.ET , TJSII-E , KTC. Pics' feet , pei
K-bbl. , 54.00 : do. , tf-bbl. , S2.00 ; "do. , iier kit.
We. Lambs' toncues' per Ji-bbl , S3.2.5 ; do ,
per kit , i50 ; do. , quart jars , per doz. , S5.25 ;
do. , pint jars , per caso. 2 dozen. sa25. Triiie
perK-bbf. , 54.00 ; do. , per > 4-bbl , 82.00 ; do.
l > er kit , SOe.
CocoASi-TS Cocoanuts , per hundred ,
S5.00 ; less fhau hi.udrcd , per hundred , 5.50. ,
NUTS Pecans , large , polished , lie. ; ptxians ,
medium , Vc. : English walnuts , 14& ; almonds ,
Tariapoua , 20c : alraouds , Languedoc , I7c ;
llrazlls , I2c ; HJberU , 14c : peanuts , hand
p eked , fancy. Virginia , Si < c ; peanuts , hand
l > lcked , choice , Virginia , 7Wc ; peanuts
roasted , 2c extra per Hi.
LEANS Continue rather dull , with prices
nging from SUCOiSl.W per bu. accordbg to
ualty.AIK }
AIK Corn , 29c ; old oats , 2Sc ; new oats ,
7c ; rye , 40c ; wheat , No , 2,55c ,
OUU AND MuxbTt-rFs Winter wheat
, best quality patent , Se.69 : second cm-
S2.4iKi5isObeit ; quality spring wheal
, patent , Si.5brau,60cpercwtchoppe ( ]
fttvl0 per i. t wl If i i , , ' , lui ,
\I'K ! W ti'rri ' I'jf.i ' ' < i-i' - i. i ovv'l - i ' . Irtc
pcrcwt ; h Hiuir . S ' Miei' cut. sbmts. VK
pc-rcwt ; craliam. si TV ; iav. , " ( n l xlos , $0.01)1 ) *
T-M i-er tdn.
j _
Gi-oootO l.lot.
PICKLES Medium , m lml . SVfl : do In
half hbls. S3. ; . " > : snmil. in bbls. ? ; do In
ballbbls , Si.v.l ; gjjfrkius in bbK S .tO ; do
in halt Dirts. S4. " . .
svnn--.Stt.70 , 4-caiimi ue < , Sl.235 New
Orleans , SH C-c i > or K.Mlfin ; Maple Syrtip. K
Iwrrel. strictly pun.1 , 7i < - r canon ; 1 gallon
cans. SP.4"i per dor. : Allen cans , 5.i3 : i > er
dor : quart cans , Saw.
Diiii.n I'luiTNo. . 1 quarter applc , a (
4c ; in evapnratect bo\e , JJSrt ( ! | ? c : blnckliei-
boxe . s. c-n'j , ' i (
ponclii-5 , cvnwirilcd. i".H@nc : Salt
1 , i.itiatn innj/UM- / pbcrrles , new , 1
: currents , 714t * ' 'e ; piunes , new , 4 %
Uoous Oj-sters , standard , per
cas , & 3.H < 1 : slniwberrU1 * . alb , per ca e. S".iO :
ra-iiberrlc.s , " Ib per case , S2.10 : Cnhltirniti
iK-ai * . pt-r ca r , S4.0 ; atiricoti. per can1 ,
. 0 : pcach"s. pfrca cS.W : : \\hitecheiries
rc.iM-.i.'i.IKi ; plums per case , ? 3.W : blue-
beirics 8'i. > : eggpititne , .Mb , per
ca"e. f-i.M ) ; pineapples fj it > , ) n-r rn , e , SS.'O
@rj.iO ; 1 Ib mnckerol. per doz , il.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per dciz , 51..V > rfl.OO ; a | ti coosobcrie-i.
percaM1 , S1.7."i : 2 Ib string boans. per ca-e.
fl.70:21b : lima been * , pm cau1. ci.m ) : i io
niarrowtat V A' . tier ra--e. S240 ; 2 Ib early
Juneppa- * . per p.ap , $ - ' . ; . ' > ; ; ! lb tomatoes.
per ca < e , ? 2.i.jC'i'3 " * > : - lbo < un. pnr ra < .
fn2.10:2 lb corn lu-ef. pc-rdo ? . 51.Tu\iM.K ( ) .
lioi-i : h inch , P. cInch ; , lO' c ; 'i inch ,
bttOAits I'owderetl , 7' < c ; cut loaf. 7'n-714c :
granulated , 0 4c : ccnteclloners' A. OSc :
standard extra C , ( Xftti , c ; e.\tra C , 5Ji@5Xc ;
inrdlnm c'llo ' . & 'i" ( " > \c.
STAiim Minor gloss , ilh , fi'fc : Minor
gloss 3 lb , nuc ; Alu-nir glt s , 0 lb , fiKc ;
( { raves' coin , 1 lb. Kincsfoid's ; corn , 1
lb. 7c ; Kingsfour-i gl' ts 1 lb. 7c ; Kings-
cird's gloss I' ' H > , 7lp ; Kincsfoid's pure , alb.
* JP : Kintrsfoid'sbiilk. 4c.
COFKII > - Ordinary gvaties. 10''otllp ; fair ,
11011 Hiprime. , ; . 11 m l.'c : choiee. 12 14 : ! ' , ;
tancv gu-cii and yellow , ii : } i.iil4l-c : cml irtiv-
t'lnment Java , iOirJ'ic ; intenor Java. 10 a"8
SOc ; Mocha , U-iif.Mp ; Aibiickle'1 : lonstt-cf ,
l..c ; McliUirhbn'XXXX iciastt-d , Do :
Uilworth's. ] i c : IJfcl Cioss. lf > c.
CANDY Mixed. OV12c ; stick. SKOKc- (
CitACKin ( iarnean's soda , butter and
picnic , 5' 2c ; cicams , t-i c ; ginger snaps ,
cltv soda. 7.c. !
boAt" . Kirk's Savon t2. TO ;
Kii k's satinet. S".no : Kirk's standaid. Sii.o : , :
Kirk's whiuISnssian , ? 4.00 ; Kiik's White
Cap. SO.ftO : Dome. sy > " : Washboard. . " .10.
MATdir. i'er caddie. yst , ; round , jicr
rase. 51.00 ; square cases , S1.70 ; mule squat e ,
General Alnrkot * .
WOOL Medium. 17cc20c i > er lb : fine heavy ,
12S15c ( ; light. 14 l7c ; coatse , I2tijl.c : buiry
wool. Sct.'K1 off.
llnns Ureen butrlu-rs. fiH'Cfftc : creon
cured. hL4 s c ; dry Hint , lirvme : dry salt.
iiMlOc : damaged hidetwothirds price
Tallow c. Grease , urime - , \ bite. Kc : j ellow ,
' 'chicwr. : ) . 1 4c. Sheet ) Pelts 'XittVJbs.
iiEATiiuu i'rime slaughter sole lo.ither ,
o-c ; prints c % k solu leather , SKKji'tec.
L'lipcr leather per loot. 20 ai'ic : hem. kip ,
7 : > isSc ; oak l-.p , bi flV ; rrcnch kip , 61.03 m
l.'JTj ) hem. call , ? 1.0J < tl.lO ; o.ik call , Sl.oo < e
1.25 ; French call , SL2. > al.s'i ; Morocco boot
l < -g , : iOipr ( > ; Morocco nil pebble. 2v : 2c ; top
ping * and linings , Sii.oa UO.OJ per dor1
HKAVY HAiaiwAitr. iron , rate. S2.25 ;
low su-nl special cast , 4c ; ciucib le-teel , Co ;
cast tocilsdct , ; wa'on spokes' per sat ,
fcl.7.'ila'J.K ) ; hubs , per set. Sl.i" > : IclloL-s ,
sawed dry , S1.4U ; tongue.s , eacli , 7. > e ; mit-s ,
each. 7.1e : ! > quaro nuts , wr 11) . 7itUc : coil
chain , per lb , Gt < ? l2c ; malleable , ( Xitbc : Iron
wedges , fie : crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth , 4c :
spring steel , 7@Sc : Burden's hcirsc-siiocs.
S4.-JO ; Bui den's mule shou.s. 53.41. Uarbep
wire , in car lots , S4.0U per 100 ibs. icml
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , S3. 50 ; steel nails , S2.fM ;
Shot ? I.IM ; buckshot , SI.S5 : oriental
powder , kegs S-.r-O : do. halt Kegs , 52.00 ;
do , ouaiter kegs. Sl.oO ; blasting , kegs , fc2.o : !
fuse , per 10 leet. ( inc. Lead Bar. S1G.
PAINTS IN IIILlueeau. . Omabn. P. I' ,
kc ; white lead , St. Lcuis , p ure , 7.75 ; Mar-
eillc-s given. 1 to 5 lo cans. 2c ; I'ic-nch ' zinc
green teal , 12c ; Froneh zinc icd seal , lie ;
Fieneh zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; Fiench
zinc , 75c ; vcnnillion , American , ISe ; Indian
red , lOc ; rose pink. He ; Venetian icd , COOK-
son's , -"ic ' : Venetian red , American. l } c ;
red lead , 7l c ; chrome yellow , genuine , sue ;
chrome yellow , K. I2c : ochre , roche.le , ! lc ;
ochre , I-icncli , 2jc ; ochre , American , IKc ;
Wlntej's 2 } c : Lehlgh brown , SJ-jc ;
tpanish brown.Kc : Prince's mineral , -e.
lJiYl'Aii : .i * White lead , be : Frencii 7.-nc ,
12e ; Paris whiting. 2J c ; whiting , gilders' ,
2"ic ; whiting , com'l , ! } { c , lampblack , Ger-
nianstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary. 8c ;
Prus ian blue , .We : ultramarine , l > c ; Vandyke ,
brown , ! ? c : umber , burnt , 4c ; timber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt. 4c- sienna , raw , 4e ; Paris
preen , genuine.c > c : i-ans green , poinmon.
22e ; chrome srreen. N. y. . 20c : chrome green ,
K , 12c ; verinillion , English , in oil 70c ; raw
and burnt umber. 1 lb cans , r.'c ; law and
burnt sienna , 1'ie ; Vandyke , brown , l c ; re
fined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and ivory
black , lOc : drop black. lf > c ; Prussian blue ,
40t- ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; ciuome green , lj. ,
M. A ; D. , Ific ; blind and shutter green , L. . M.
& D , , 10o ; Paris green , Isc ; Indian red. lt > c ;
Venetian ird. S'c ' : Tu an. 22c : American
veinnlliun. L. & I ) . , 20e : yellow ochie , tie ; L.
M. k O. D. . ISc ; good ochre , 10c : patent
dryer , be ; graining color , light oak , dark oak ,
wlanut , chestnut and ash. 12c
DnrosAxi ) cvr.MxrALsAcid , caibollc ,
C2c : acid , tnrtiiiic , 5 * ; balsam copaiba , per
lt < , 4'c : barK. sassatras per tt . lOc : calomel ,
perlb72e : chinclioniuia. per oz. 40c ; chloro
form , per lb , 40 c ; Doter's poxvdeis , per lb ,
51.25 ; cpsnm salts per lb , ; ) j c ; glycerine ,
pine , per Iti. ISc : lead , acetate , per lb. 2lc ;
oil , castor. No. 1 , per gal. , SI , 50 ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil. olive.per gal.S1.40 ;
Poioriiranntim , 50c : opium. SH.-'K ) ; quinine ,
i. .it W. and It. < t S. , per oz , 70c ; potassium
iodide , per lb , 53.00 : salicin , perez , 40c ; sul
ph ate morphine , ceroz. S2.40 ; sulphur , per
lb. 4c : Ptrychnine r-er oz , Sl.2Ti.
\ AIIXISIIKS Bairels. per gallon : Furni
ture. extra , P1.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , ? 1.00 ;
coach extra , S1.40 ; poach , No. 1 , Sl.-'O : Da-
inar , extra , Sl.7.1 : Japan , 70c ; asphaltiim.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil Unfcn ,
; -Col02iic spirits , 16S. proof , 51.14 :
do 101 prool , $1.15 ; spirits , second Quality.
101 proof. ? 1.14 : do lb > proof , 81.13. Alco
hol , Ibs iioof , § 2.12 per wine callon. lU-dis-
tilled whiskies , Sl.OiKtfl.50. Gin , blended ,
S1.MQ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.dOciiO.00 ;
Kcnturkv and 1'eniisjIvania ryes , S-.Ou@G.r > 0 ;
( iolden Sheaf bouibon and rve whl-kies ,
Sl.sOyW.OO. UramUes , Imported , ! " .OOQti.fiO ;
domestic. S1.SO ( < 83.00. Gins , impoited , S4 50
( [ M.OO ; domestic , 1.2.1(3".00. ( Chnmiiatrnes ,
imiwrted , per ease. S2s.00@33.00 ; American ,
per case , S10.00i310.00.
Mew . HIM HT ll'ls'Qr ' Hlils I'ls KI8
HSU. u infi ( * n 50 40 , U 10
Ben's S'LNo 1 L'b 7 00 I PO : i 115 2 a'i 1 70 | B'i
Glb'U 1'nncyf , OOUHOZ 751 S5 1 ] S5 45
U'd bh'ro l"cy 5 MaOJ7.1,1 , Ml aj | 63 46
T-TKII . H rU Itf Ilblf Q'rlltils Fulls or Kits
riMl. 2UO , 100 IK ) M 10 I 12 10
Norwegian I I I i I I
.X)7 ) 500 SO3 80S 10. . . . 1 04I
Holland her-
rlncs , now. 80
lll.lsOr . lIblsl"li > ! KtB
JEW FIBII. > w \ra \ 40 | 12 | 10
No , 1 White Fisl 7do B no a BO : i 101 01 W )
1'uiiilly Wtiito 1'isli. . . urn ) s ir.y a-,1 , M ia
Ko.1 Trout 4 > 0 4 03 2 65,1 03 , CJ
l TIMilEnS.
'is ' ft'U ' tt o ft ib n'w ' n'22 ' a'si ' a
i'x4 f . 15.5 J 15.B ) li.6d ! 111.0017.01) 3.00 ' . ' 1.00
sio ; . ii.Mi5.&i ! , is.ou H.OJ sue 2J.oo
i' 6 . ' 15.fil5.iir ( ) ! ( ! > .ri01i5.0017.0iJ i.OjSI.llO !
2110 . ISB'J 15.SlID.5UilO.Hi'17.0at ! ! ( ' 0.0021.liO
2x12 . ,15.6 , 15.SJ-15.6U. 10.00 17.00 21.00 100
4xt-bxB . . . iH1.00ia.WIC.O ; | ilti.tO | 17.60 19 00,80 , 00
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. li ! , 14 and 10 ft . 817.50
Ko. 3 " iy , 14 and 10 ft. . . . . . 14.7. )
No. 3 " " 12 , 14 nnd 10U . 1S.50
No.4 " " i2HnndlOft . 12.00
Ko. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . 17.03
i\o. 2 , 4 ik Oiiidi , 12 and 14 ft. . rou U. . . 1B.5U
istcora. , la. Uandioft. . . . g2l.oo
aa . . 20.00
Fence " " . 1LOO
1st com. , Jf in White Piue Partition . . . .S33.00
2d " " " " " 27 00
Clear In. Xorway Pine Ceiling . isioo
Fix > oni.vo.
A C Inch , white pine . , $ < M.OO
OOjncli , " " . 200
EOinch , " " . . . . . 17.50
A 13 Inclu s.1 s. is , 14 and 10 ft . S4-1.00
U12 inch , " " . . . . . . . . 4'iOJ
1)13 Inch. " " " . iiS.05
' ' , M . lb.5J
Artists' Material.
A. JIOKPE. ,77 ? . ,
Artists' Materials , Pinnos nntl Organs ,
1"'T DonclHg Street ,
Agricultural Implements.
Wtiolfdlo Dealer In
Agricultural Implements. Wncrons ,
r * nnd llnrrlrd. Jonr * Mrrrt , between lib
Mi 1 10th , Olimlin. Nell.
Asri'lcullitrnl Iini'lcnicnts ,
* . Iluccle * . Ktc * . Whole Me , O-nnh *
Wlu > le nlel > cnlf r In
AcrrirulitiiMl Implements ,
find D icsle * . HOI. OT , s'li nnJ tw. Jono. tt
Butter and Eggs.
Ituycrs of ItntU'r n 'l Eges.
nil rAfVlrc llnnto. lith iiml Ix-nten-
St.l' I' H. It. T nrk.iinmhn.
Butchers' Tools.
Uutclicrs' Took anil Supplies ,
ec Cu'luni of nil kind * iilxvajslu Mock. 1215
l .Oiunbu
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bnililors'Hnnl ware & Sen IP Ilopnir Shop
Jti-clmulM'Tools mid IlMlTalo S alot. HQj Douglas ru ,
Omnlm , Ni'b.
LEI : , FRIED r co. .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnwnrp , Mieet Iron , i : c. Act-tits for Howe t > cac ! ,
mil Mlnml IVwrtcrro Omiilm.Neb.
"Wholesale Htmlwnro.
Wpftern nccnt" lor iH'ITorKui Mei-1 Nnll , Au tln
I'owder Co. VMrlinnV * Mnnflnrd Srnlei. Corner
H'tli nml llnrnct'nmbii. .
Building Material.
Dculcrln All Klnil of
Material at Wholcsalo.
11thpptiiml t'n'oti ' I'.icltlo Tiark , Omnhn.
Boots end Shoes ,
Manufacturer ; and Wliulccalo Dealers la
Boots nnd Shoes ,
Cornplrto Monk of Hnbtier Gntitls always on hand
V. ) h. Ulti ! > : . . Umnliu , Neb. A. T. Austin , Atent.
ir. r. JioitsE , e co.
Jobbers of Jioofs nud Shoes.
1411 rnrmmBt , Omnha. Noli. y.nnufacloi } , Summer
tlrri-t , lloston.
Apt. for Anheuser-Qusli Brewing1 Ass'n
tilieclul Brando. Faust. Uurtwolscr and nrlanirpr.
Z ,0
Lacfer Jeer ? Brewers ,
1.131 North lih Ftrprt , Omntm , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coffee nnd Spice Mills.
Tea-i.ColToo'Fplrc * * Itnkmc I'owdT. nvoHn i ;
ttutts , Ijiuuary IIluc. liu. Vic. HH-lh lliirney
fcircet.Oi.i.ihn , Neb.
Homo Coirec iur.1 Spice Hills M'f'jj Co.
C irTi-eRo inters unit Spliv Grinders. Manatnrturers
of I'.uLInc I'uK-dcr , llivurms Kxtnietlilutnc. . itr. :
Trv nn e enko of our 1-If | if kii ce Home Blend ted
OotJVe. l < u.monrdst.Oic.tiiii , Neb. _
John Epcneter , Prop.
Manufacturer tit Gnlrnnlreil Iron mid Tornlca. 823
DodRC an < J 103 and 1 15 N , 10th Ft. , OmntiH.Is'eb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , rinn ] , MeiallchkyllRLitctc. 5103.
lit i U. , Omalm.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galvcnlznd Iron Cornlcpi , etc. Biicct'dlmproTcd Pet-
cut Mrtitllci-trllElit. Ua undS'.oa.l2tln.tmHha. .
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Hues ,
llnoeum ! > , Mnttlnce , Etc. 1511 Douglai etrcft ,
AVholeyale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mottlnes , Curtuln Goods , Ktc. 1123 Kamara btrpct ,
Omaha , Npb ,
Crockery and Notions.
W. L.
Agent for tbc Manufacturers nnd Importers or
Crocker } ' , Glassware ,
Lamps , Cliliinict , etc. Ofllre. 317 South 13th Bt.
UiiKilm. Nt b.
Commission and Storage.
CflilFFITir , C FlfOMAS ,
buaep jors to IMISC Grlllitu ,
Commission Mcrcliants
Anrt Whnlciinli-Dealerd In Country I'rnduce , TVult ,
Batter. IL"H. : lite , ( i m < l on conviirnuient a
ipoclulty. .KIN. llltb nu. Olnuhu.
D. A.
Conniiibsion nnd Jobbing' .
Butter , Eccennil 1'roduce. ConelKi mcntB nollcltcd.
lleudquiirtcin for Monowari * , lli'rry JOIPB ! laid
( , niie llurkuis. 1 < 14 DodgChtriH-t , Uiuuliu.
Commission Merchants.
FrultB , Iroducp nnd Provle lone , Oiunhu ,
Coal and Lime.
Denlem In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office and rani , K th and Nicholas H . , Omaha , Keb.
Vnrd Tt'lfpUonu. an.
GEO. i. L.AIUOII. I"res. C. r. GOODMAN , V. Pre * .
J. A. hU.VDLUI.AN-J ) , Hoc. unc ] Treuit.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
J South Thirteenth Btrcet. Omaha. Keb.
,7. ,7. jo iiysoy if ! co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Milpjiers of Coul and CokeCcinont , I'lmitur ,
Uiac , Hulr. I'iru Drlck , llniln , Tile and hewer I'IHO.
CitllCfl. 1'Jttou Hotel. > 'nriiuro tt. . Oninliu , .Scb.
Telephone til.
Confectioner/ ,
F. P. FAT & CO. ,
Hdnnfactnringr Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FmltfNuts nnd Cleans. 1211 Inrimm St. .
Oiuuha ,
and Commission Merchant.
uHlei UniteEift. . Chreeo. Poullrr. GBUJB ,
Oiter , Klc , , Ktc. 112t-ouili hih rtrcvt.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Ponltrj , IJuttcr , Gunie , Fruits , tc. Z2a B. Kth tt.
dmiitm , Niil > ,
General Commission Merchants.
110-1 Itoite btreut , Omaha , Kfbrutka. Cozii > ltnmenti :
Genernl Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Foreign nnd Domestic Frnlts. Torre-
B | > ondenc Millclted. Wurehout and onun. 11HN.
Thlnuenth bt. , Oranliu , Nub. Telufihonii TTX
Life Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Ceo. Ilu'ke. Msnacer.
Union Stock Vardi , 8. Omuha. 'I elephone 637.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
U of nor and all klodi of Kti > ck sul'
L'nlon bUxk V ra , Onauba , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
* "
Jobbers of Clear * . Tobacco ,
Gene nnJ Ammnnltnm : i.i to 271 S lHiU. ! . 1030 to
hLM t-ir.mmft Ornihn , Neb
Slamifactnrers of Fine Cicur ,
And Whol * nl < - tpnl < ; r tn l * f T < ibnpro ,
nudllON. ilth Mrcot , < * nfthti.
Dry Goods.
M. E. .SM 11 Tl F P C < > ,
Dry Oood , Fiirnishinc : Hoods & Notions
llTSnnil HIM Doncl.v- > r. HlhPt .Omnhx.Ntb.
IJIntlllcrt of l.niirrf. Alcohol nnrt Pplrli . Imi-ortrrs
I'.ml .Inhtirrr ot \ \ uipnauil l.lqnorf.
CO. ami I Li ; It , ( ' CO. ,
ru Shrt Johl'Cr-if Tlnf Wttips nnrt T.lonom.
bole tuftnufitcuirtr * of K < 'nnclj 5 K M Indln lilt-
torvniKlliiimi r lo 1 Iquorn. 1113 HnrncrSt.
Drugs. Pa/nts , Etc.
Lavuc't Drntr , Paint , Oil & Glnss lionsc
WcetoIChlcmrmnplctp l.lno of IlrusflMs Bun-
drici. llll llnrnrT rt .Omnhii ,
rAX mn G co. ,
Wholesale DiUgfjrists.
Ana Dealer ? In I'nlnH. Pllnnnd Window olnf ' .OmatiR ,
Brain Tile , Etc.
A , II. SAt EII l'rr 3 W nrnrnitn Scr.&Troan
it. J.CAU OK , v.l'rcs.nndSurt-
Office 513 S. Klh tt , Ornnhn. Nrb. Mnrhlnrrrnnfl
Srppllp for ManufnetuniiK Ci-mctit Iiriiln Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers nnd Contractors ,
BrltJirC" . Vliulnrtit , Itool TruMPK. Ptr m 1'llc DrKInc ,
Piling , Ouk ami 1'irr ItrliUo l.imitxT. IMh Bt. , n ar
rnrniim. ( inialiti rh.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Knrnam rt , Omnhn , ICch.
Furniture , licdding' , Upholstery ,
Mlrrom. etc. l0n,12asund 110 rnrnr.m Kt. , Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
JCos 705.707. Wll uiul 711 & 10th F-t. . Omiihii. .Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th nnrt Ic.ivonworth ft . , Orauhn.
Kcavj * Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wapnn Stnrk. llordivaro Lumber , etc. 32CS1
unil I'-'ll Ilurnvy Ft , Omnhn.
EDXEY < GlllliOX ,
AVliolesale Iron and Steel ,
Wocon nnrt Carrlnce Wood Stock. Henry llinlwsrc ,
Utc. 11-17 uiul 121' ' Ijiiavcnworta et. , Oranhn , Neb.
Slovos ] { niies ) , Furnaces , Tiles ,
, Urutcs , llrass ( .ood . Inland 113 I'limnm
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
\Vro Bht nnfl Cast Iron BulIdlnK Wort , Iron Ftnlrs ,
Hulllni ; , ilcnuiB nnd Clrders. Sicura Knpliu'f. Itiuba
\Vorktlttierul Foundry , MiiUilna nnd lllufLpniltti
Work. OMco nnd Wurkn , U. 1 * . Ky.nndlTtli ntiuct.
AVholesiilo .lewelc-ra and Music Drillers.
In FIlTOrrraro. Dlnmnnde , Wntc5ie . riockB ,
Jeweler's Tools and Mutcrlul . < > tc. 101 ui
Ft. , cur. DiKltfe , liuiubtt , Nct > .
Dealer in Lnmhor. Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
DooreKto.unls Corner7th and Donclai ; Corner
1'tli ami Dim hiK.
Wholesale Ltunbpr ,
814 S.KthstreetOmulia.Nch. I.Colpctrcr , Manager.
c. y. DIETZ ,
Lumber. nnd Callfomln Streets , Omaha , ? "eb.
Lumber , Lime1 , Cenirnt , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Gtli uiid Duuclaa tts. , Omuliu. Kcb.
To Dealers Only.
OfficeUd rarnsm ft'eftOmnhn.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Or.rpct Biid 1'arqnct rioorlnc. Stli nnfl Douglas
" \Vholcsnlo \ Lumber , Etc.
Imported nnrt .American I'ortlund Cement. Rtnto
AKcnt lor.MlliMiiiloo Ilvdrniillr Cement and Dent
Qulney WliltvIiliDO.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
United. John V. Ilord , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
Iujiortcr | unJ J l-lior < of
JlilJiiicry and Notions ,
ISIS arid J15 Hnnicr Htrect. Ciranha , Neb.
Notions ,
Are tlio onli Direct Importer * ot
German & French Toys < V , Fancy Goods
In Ntliruikn. riilneo prlrce dupllnitcd wuhont ttild'
In.TrrlKlil. Hl'i I'NiniMin Mreiit. Oi'U'lir. .
Wliolcialu Ilcnlrrs In
Kotlons anil Fimiishins : Ooodn ,
HO nnrt < nj B. Tenth ft , ( irnnliu.
Jobber ! In
Notions , Hosiery ami Gents. . ' Furnishing1
lira nntl JOTS Fartium t. , O-nsba. N'ub.
'MA xrf
Jfanufictiirors : of Overalls ,
Jcnn IMnU , Elilrtu , Kic. llfrj mid lltH I'uuvlui Street ,
cjmulin , Nch.
Printir.g ,
Job Prinlors , IJlnnk Hook Makpra ,
And Book Bindcrii. l l nml ld/ > South I'uurtoenUi
urtct. Omaln. Noli.
Anxiliary rnlilislicrs.
. I'rni ci ami lrlntcr > 'Hunpllo. 133
Kmth Twelfth btri'Ut.
Pieties , Vinegar , Etc.
Manufscturctr , J'icVcri undliealrm In
Pifkle ? & Strictly Pure Apple
Jlatini ; I-OH-der , ItuTfirliie Rxtnrir. Tabfe tkure ,
I r < i. < b Muku" < 'ai' lilu'ie.l ' i" hrr" " . !
t-nlc wMi-i tut Vfrk t-tntc rm 'i itcdi ed At-ple * ! (
Sr.fes. Etc.
Oinnlm Snfo AVorks.
Munnfactnrorsi'f Kiremiiil Ilnrt rrr < 'of8 ffi , Vanlt
Deere , J il V nrk.Miut crs Hurt \ \ irorii. . Cor ,
! - . , omMm , N > b ,
J' . JIOYER ,0 CO. .
Acronts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flro nnrt Ilnrs r Pr.vif S fe , Tlmo l/wk < , Vanlta
nnd Ja.I Work 1(1 ! i I nrnmo ftrrrt OmnhK , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc ,
3L A. JUfillROir ,0 CO. ,
Wbolr nle Mamifac turpiKcf
Sash. Doors , lllinds nnd Mouldings ,
ll-unrli onirr.l li nnO luml n . , Omalm.IVcb ,
( , ' . K LYM.IX ,
Sa h , Door , mind's ' ,
llulMlne Pniwr. < tc. Kill South Tlilrtrrnth Street ,
uninhn. Neb , A cpniplotc tWS cf llulldcn'
; - : . ;
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Monlc'lnct.MnlrWnrkiind ' Inlrrlorltnr > 1 Wood llnlfh
Jutt viicned. N.Ior : Rlh nnd l.cii\cnworthbt .
t < m hi ! , Npl > .
Pumps ,
CHl'RCiriLL Pl lP CO. ,
WholoMtlo I'ttnips Pipe , Kittinirs ,
StPnmnnilVator ' implies ttrmlqiinrtprii i r Most
I u > tO < > lioiKln llll I nnuini M CniMh.i. Noli.
1'inujis. Pipes and Knpincs ,
Btcnm , Wnlcr , Hnllwnr nnd Mllllhc Suppllrn. Ktc.
ISO , uSiuiU | U Ktrnuiu Ft.Oiimhn. Nub ,
Unllnitny Wind Mill" : rteara uml WM ( r Pnppllo ,
uililiiBCloodn. lli'ltlni.Mlii r IMS nml IW ) t-ur-
liulii M. , OiuNhn. S 1C. rellnti , MannKi'r.
TuU-phnnc Nn. SIO.
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllnnl Hotel Illock , Omaha.
Wagons and Carriages.
The LcadincrCarriatro Factory ,
( I'STOU -lll.l l Vi )
143 ? nnd 1(11 Itmtcc etrvet , ( tiunbn.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
aith ptrcetnnd V I' Ity
HO is ui , roJ i1 < TEOHTTM Tit ocoon r cr THIS
couNTitv wiu CEE nv cxtuimwi run u p 'K T THE
I-T rcnrnn of Itn central position and doro rrlation to ,
ijl prlnrlnnl ltnii > > .ftnt and WfEt at Initial mid t r
nliml iKilntM , constitutes ibe must liniiortant tnlif-
colitillflitnl link In that prctrm ti [ tlironcli tralifpncvl
tutioii trljlell InvHrfi&nU rarllttAtm tr Tt < l and tr&flla 1
Itftwocn cltlpit nf thr Atlantic nnd I'orlflc Coiutt * . lt
IB utsn tlif tivvorlti1 nnrt h ( > Ft loiitu to anil from point * '
l ant N"rtliua t anil SoutlitaBt , and corrfEpoudiae
ItollltH W Oht. Northncpt mid RouthivcKt. < i
The Great Rock Island Route *
Ouarantt R It * jtatrniiR tlmt fennn of perronal Keen ,
rltv atTorrtfd ti.v n willd , tlioroucblr lutllitKtpd rtiad-
up4. mniioth trucko of unlliiuous ptrrl r JI. FUbiitaa-
tlalll litilltculrpiti mul liildpcu. rnlllnir ncrk ui > nr T I
iwrfrrtliiii an liunmii kill inn make It , the rafety.
rf patent linncm.rlntfnrniH onj atr t
Union DepotK , nnd tile uUFlirpaMei
luxurlt'ii of iu PafcitentrT Equipment.
ThB Kuit Eirre i Trains Iwtwcn ChlL-nco and
Ptnrli. Council IflullF , Kansas Clty.l.enpn oitli and
AtclilMin mti roinixwtKl of \ > ll Tcntllatrd , llncly up >
linlfK-ii-d liny Cimclit * . JIuKiilIUcut Pullman 1'iUaco
MrriM-llaf the laten ilrslen. ami MmU'llliiUf , Dining. . '
Curs -which elaborately icmkiMl mml * an * IHrnrrly 1
cntrn. KctwrfnChlCfpo HIM ! KamaBC'ttJ ami Atclilion
art ) alio run tue Uelcbraied Keilliitnc Clulr Cum.
The Famous Albert Lea Route i
In tlio dlrct nnd favorite line lietvi-cn Clilcaco ar.4
UlnneapotliaiiclM Paul , where connection" are maun
In I niuiil > fMl | rir all Jiolnti In tliu Irtrltntlci anil I'rntiiirxf. tlrer thli ruuto Fort Kzprrif
1 raUu arc run to the wMorlnc plnrcn. Fitinintr riv
form , plcturnique lorallllr * . and liuntlnir nml Itkhlne
pronndg of Iowa nnd Mlnneccta. It lb ulo tlie rntiuft
d.r | tli ! ronto to the rlcl ! nlivat Celdi and liattorij
Unilt ot Interior Daknti
htlll another IHKCrT LI KB , Tla Prnrn and Kan-
k Vn , IIILI lifrn opi-nccl l > ptw on Clni'lnniill , Inalan-
ni.olla , .nd Lafa , rnr. anil Counrll IlluITc , KunnaiClty ,
Uuino ] , ( , ll and Ht I'anl nnd lnt rincdUte polntn.
i-or dftallud lurunnatliin * * e Alain * utul Folderff ,
ontnluablv. DK well as llrketM , at rJl Iirlnrlltul
Omcet in tlie United Status and Canada i ui by ad-
dro lnir
1-ren't 4 : Ocn'l M-e'r. Oen'l T'1.1 & l'a . Art
Hai'sSaiisVauifsTimelocks [
and Jail Work.
1020 ruruaiii fatreet , O.tiaha. Neb.
Railway Time Table
The following- tlio time of arrival nnd de
parture of trains liy Contrnl Ktuniliird Time at
the local depots. TrnliiB of the C , St. I' . , M. Is
O. arrive iind dcpnrt from tholrdepot , corneroC
14tli and Wehstor Plroots : I mint on the II. & ; M.
C. II. i-Q. and K. C. , PU.l. & P II. irom the II.
&M. tlojiot ull otlims trom tlio Union I'uclQo
inunrjE TKAINS.
nridco tinlns will luuvo I' . P. depot nt 0:35-
117:35 : h : ( J S:40 8WI : 1IIO:0 : > 11KJ ( n. in. : 111:0
11:50 1 SCW : a:00 : B1:00 0:0u : & : UJ 0:10-
7:00-11:10 : p. m.
Loitvu Trmislnr for Oinnlm nt 7:12 HHB ! 8:3D
' . .f.KH10Xi : 10HT-.HU7 : lu m.la7 2IB-2UT :
3:110 : 3 : a7 < :37 5 : DO 0 : K 7 : 'JO ; 7 : & J S : MI-
11&H : p. m.
Leave llrnadtrny 10 ffii p. m ; ArlveOmaha
11 DO. I.v. Oniuliii 111 00 p. m. ; Ar. llrnudwuj-
10KB. In cHout Antrust UlUh until furthcrno-
tlcu. Tins IB nddltlonnl to present truln ucrvloo.
j. w MOHSK , a.r. A.
Arrival nnd depart urn of trains from tbo
Traii'-ler Dujiot at Council lllutts :
IIUI-AUT. Aitnirc.
JI7iiA. M. I ISil5 A.M.
IIV:15A. : u. Il.iJ : : ! .M.
C 6:40 : P.M. I 117:11)1' . M.
A :1SA. M , I A 11:15 : X. U.
A < ; : < ' ! ! M. I A7W r.K.
CHICAGO , unni.iNOTOS fc guiKcr.
A0is : ; \ . M. i A'Jl5A.u. :
> , VllIAVAUltllC t. ST. 1'AUU
AOlSa. : M. I A l':15 ' A. M
A K:4 : c. M. I A 7OJ : r. M
CITY , BT. JOI : L COL".N'CII. lll.UtTS ,
A 10:03 : A. > l. I 1) Cr. ; : A. M.
C b.Vi : r. M. I A &iUT f. U.
A 0:1)01M. ) . | AUUr : , M.
A 7:0.1 : A. M. I A tl ; 35 A. M.
A BSSi : _ . _ u. j A b..VJ itl. .
Ueparf Wr.8TWAIt . Arrne.
XTw , V.M. I UNION' PACIFIC , " " . , IM. . "
. .
6:10a Mall
_ _ _ _ _
_ JDcipurt. _
A. M. , JM. . .MISSOL'Ul PAH CK3 M. 1 1 ; M.
. .
Iv. C. , BT. J A. C. II.
. _ iyiuljlattsiiiinilii tW.lJ 7-10
" " "
"Ik-purl. NOItTirWATlTl. Arrive.
" "
"A. H. \ r. M. a , ST. I' . , M. A. O. ! A.M. ! . u.
KM-j.1 FJonx ( Jitj Cxprfti * C : < 6a
:4.VvpuUlainl : Acc-ummoa'n 1 > : : nift . . . .
Dei itut. 1 ; . ' Arrnc. _
A.'M. I r. x. I L' . . It. .V O. "A. M. , r. M.
_ V > : ll _ l":00l..5'.u _ I'lntlMr.oiitli *
KOTi : A , u-ulnh ( Inllj ; if. dully txipi
o y : O , dally except Baiurtliijr ; ldati/ ) ( J
wlll leave U. 1 % dviicit , Onuhn : , nt ' 0:10 7:35
b:8Sl 0tWtt. : m ; -3lft-J:05-ii5 > " 'JJ p. in
nl'uciflt i\iir.H5 . , b:3J p m. : Ufiivcr hr. , 10:55
a. m ; Lo" l" : in m
Ixm f tockynrilslor Cintnliu at * 7 03 < 10
: 'JO-ll'Wi : i rn jiJl J.j' - : a 6 ; < rtfclt m.
Atleiitlo V.x .le.S. O. 7"lju in.- r'11-a.i'-v KJ. .
le fcj. O 5:07 p.m. ; Ixtr-il ix ; , le S. C > , 10. .1 p i .s
o. S-tt i-iJii. nv ; fid U , 1' . tU.
. id
I UiCrtU SunJujr.