Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FlUDAY. SEPTEMBER 10 , 1880. ' tTTt'P UlTlfPTf SPECLLATuE MARKETS , Wheat Prlosi Hold Up in Spite of Inac tivity in Trading. BULLS IN CORN DISAPPOINTED. Provisions Take n Sub'tantlal Step l-'orwnr.l , Pork In tlie bend The General Cattle Market Im proves Quotnt ions. CHICAGO lt.\iy MAIIKBT. CnicAao , Sctit I' . [ SPcinl'lLilcjrain | to tbo ltr.n.jVIIKAT Tlie nrpuinciit In laver of tlio iimiket to-day was thnt it did not KO down yoMrrdny. AVItli trndt-rs nil frtnndliii , ' nrontul duliiK ] iractlcnlly luiUilnir. as was tlie rose Wednesday , nnd jet with juices sliMdy. witli nny nctlxlty , it was ngrcwl that ju ices otilit ; Instil icasuntodo bi-Hter. 1'nit ( if tlie t' ) Is llentu nnd Ills jiai Iy have for a day or t'.vs bo ii i-ovcilus Miorl wheat. The Improved feuling con- cernlnir tlio general business slluntton has natuiall } helped. The advance In iilver In London from 4'il to 44d has helped just tliat much by making Jntlia wheat dealer. If theie Was a laire\ioit | business doing now there would certainly be tjulU ! a general ilu- wtlion fimu the bear o\er to tliu bull side. But with no news to back them , and with only a few Klittcilng cencralltlus In their possession , the crowd ndv.mred Ustobcr v heat T.x\c this iiinniiiif. but it quickly fell back and closed at 10 o'clock at r 15-lCo. Con.v 'I'liere were only tbo satuo argu ments in corn , and bt-sldcs these , the bulls , \\hohadbeen it-lying on fiost , were alto gether disappointed , and yet Urn maiKi't opeiii-d at tlie best liaures of yuiterday , 41X < 3 * lot October. It dropped to lfLCJl'sc. If I- I'KOVI MOSS Tlie nfr\ousiiess of the pro f vision crowd was Illustrated by the rapid ad vance In October pork to SlO.-lT,1 , and the market closed at nearly ouUldc liguics. J cojiold liloom was a Inisro buyer of wheat early. lie took , "iOO,003 bushels in one lot liom Jones atTs ' 8c. The suitIs supposed to hau'bi'on for leam. ! Alter this the maiket wasmiJeil in an attempt. It was said , to com- ! > cl Uloom to unload. J'lic latter held on , however. Consols came In before noon at J5UK ) ilfl : , at 4 o'clock London time , and this dec-lint1 lathertiirncd the title. Tlie lald- ers theni ! > clus were turned uujers. Ueimrts came from Now Vorlctliat lifteen boat-loads were taken tor export The anticipated receipts for to-morrow are ir > r > cars , of wheat , WO ol corn and 1UO of oats. Chatters weie : Wheat , bO.O'JO bushels ; corn , 1KB bushel- * . Tec olcise at 1 o'clock was : October wheat. TxOctober ; coin , 41 ' < ' te ; October poik , fci0.4'J' ; October lard , fctV@fi.G7Ja' ( . Armour was n blc lnir ot provisions to-day , taking upward of t-,000.000 pounds ot short ribs and wen biddini ; 87 for October. Pork was sent up to S10.4-Jti oil this Armour demonstration. API miNooN HoAitn On the short after noon boat d the feeling was improved by largo it-polled engagements ot wheat for export at Xew York ( twenty-four l > oat loads ) . The close at U0 : o'clock was : Octo ber wheat , 7bc ; October corn. 41'ic ; October pork , Sl0.4i : October lard , SO.O" . Cfitn , 9 p. m. Wheat , T e asked for Octo ber ; puts , 77 % ( i77i'c : calls , "s 'c. Corn. 4l',4e asked lor October ; puts , 41c ; calls , CHICAGO LilVli STOCK. CuiiAco , Sept. 9. [ Special Telegram to the BIB. | CATTLI : Wednesday with over 11,000 head of cattle received , buyers and many sellers thought 10,0 W to fJ.OM might nrris'e to-day. But there was a material ralllnioll in icceipts , and for tlie week so far wo have a decrease of some S.ODO. The demand to-day was coed but buyers held back in a icUictaiit manner us If they could not believe the receipts weie no larjcr. The general market was more active than yester day. 1'rices were very uneven , but on nn averace were lOc hilierbalni ; .ibont the same as on Tuesday. Soniu prime 1-159 Ibs. two- years-olds Bold to a stock yards' butcher at S5.10 , and some fancy heavy cattle sold at S5.SO to an Allegheny man , with some extra choice cattle as hish ns S5.S5. The best cattle sold Tuesday nnd the poorest Wednesday , but to-day ey mot with coed demand and sold vcrv well. Shipping steers , ISS'J to 1500 Ibs , S4.70@5.33 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs , S4.00 ® .70 ; DM to liiOO Iba , S3.40@l.00r The raiiBO cattle market to- lay was stronger , but buyers weie uot willing to pay the advances asked , and FO tradniR was slow for n time. Prices wc-re 5g ( lOo higher , however , and about nil were sold nt prices shown below. The leculpts to-day included l.fcOO tlirou li Texans and -OJ west ern lancers. Northern innucrs : ! K ) Coioi- ado Texans , 100S Ibs. fiSO ; 'JO Colorado Tex- aus , Olb His , Si.50 : : ! 70 Texans , .131 His. S'i70 : 200 .Montana 1259 Ibs ? ! ! .fw ; 'JOH Wyomlii ! . ' . 10-JJ Ibs , St.Offivt : ; Wyominc Texans , 103C HH , SX12K ; 120 Wyominc Texans , 070 Ibs , Si75. lloas The receipts of hos were 17,000 ngalnst 10'Jir last Thursday , mnkinc about 07,000 for the week so far , auainst 51,277 foi the same time last week. The market \va- nctlvoand prices a stion ; ; 5c higher on all clcscriiitlons , closln ; ; llrm with nil sold. Koueh and coiiimou Kinssy stock , 54.40(3)4.00 ( ) ; fair to potid. 54.70ai.K5 ( , nnd best heavy S4.SKJ (25.tX ( ) ; light soils , dull and neglected ; quo tations entirely nominal nt S4.254.80 foi the oidinnry run and 4 U'Xg5.00 lor pigs : rouch nnd riiixc-d , $ &ti5 ( < $ l.M ) ; packing and shiiv pins , 250 tolrOHsS4.80 } ! < t5.10 ; light weight ! , , fea.75lg4.tO ; skljis , 52.50 .75. FINANCIA.U Now York. Sept. 0. MOVKT On call rasy at 4@0 jer ) cent , closing nt 4 IHJI cent. 1'itiUE MnncA.XTiut I'Arcn l@s pei cent , i.ixo ExcuxNon Quiet nnd firm ; for eixty day bills and bonds were dull but linn. STOCKS Tim yacht raceacaln drew n large proportion nf the operators on the street tuviiy , nnd as a consequence to-day the stock ninruct was dull and almost featureless , J'rlccs nt the opeiiini ; were Irrecular , bul showed only sllcht changes from the closing llgurcs of last evening , The market fluc tuated within n unrrotv range and continued steady throughout thci entire clay , but sagged n little in the last hour and closed bnrclj steady at close to the ouuuing figures. STOCKS ON WALL , W WJi I'UOUUOG JiAUKET. Clilcnco , Sept. 0. Flour Quiet linchawd ; inter \vhcat flour , gt 4.10 : bouthern , SlftVsM.W ; Wisconsin , , lowcrades , S1.7KS quiet at fa.26 UW In barrels , Mid 3.003 S.i In kirks. \ Vhcalllulcjl about > i ® c higher , rulec Ftead ) unil i > old oil Ho , improved K'1' anc clost-d ali nit He iiiider ycstci day : cash , 70Vfc 70 > , c ; f > cober. : " 7 1V1G. Cuni lu tnodtiratti demnud and easier caf h. SijK8' > ; , 'iv , , Ober , 4K4lVe , tutftWKc lower all around ; cash , Octut < c > r , iWc. JSyo Dulf at 49c , JlarJoy Quint nt57 > fc. yjax-socd-ELOSyJl-OSK , L\y UiUiothy-Pr.iac , \ \MiUkj-Sl.l\ 1'trk Opened stron .advanced fk , : c , r.tKic-1 1- " 'lv c , do = mg liiui , raiiI" . . 4 ; o , tobcr , a4 . 1 L rJ-l'ir ' .er. cirly acltanr-ecl 24V , , ftiul tonnrrti tlie clo e becntno a little mnro ' - to lmycl : cash , $7.80-d7.5 ; Oc- - jienti-Shonlders. . . CO IS''S"Uert : le r. , ; short ribs , S6.W. IJutter Finn but steady ; creamery , 15 ® "Siy ; dMrk-.x , l icl'c SS Oit c9 yji m niu * In moderate demand ; till cronm phcddRrs,9c' ; flats , lOc ; Younn \ incrlc . IW lO p. Usei rinn and > tondy \WlW-r. . ilKlt-s IIcarv give n mltol. "Ko lieht. SWc : mil hide ? , hfti t. .Vtc ; clrv fulled fli * Jp ; dry flint , ia < rfl4c ; calt skins , b lO't'c ; lpnron < ! , fiOceaeli. Tallow No. 1 country , 8Jsai3c ( ; cake , fv ; No. 2 , so. AVTKUNOOX UoAiiti Wheat Cnh , liiehrr nt7ili-lRc ! Corn-Cash , linn at HKc. Oats Cash , tlimntsfic. Pork Cosh.linu at Sin.40. nul-Casti , Iov\er at ? 7.'i'i. i'lour.bW * . 1MHK ) 7,010 Wheat , bit . ss.KW ( 11,000 Corn. nu. . . 8-fi.cnO ttl .j/nn / ) nt-.Dii . 1C . XI I'.iG.OCK ' ) iye.Du . 7,000 2UUO BarU-v.DU . GsyyJ 28,000 St , I .uift. Sept. ti. Wheat Lower ; ; Xo. 2 cali. . " ( iVo ! Uetobsr , T Kcbld. Coin Lower : No. 2 , cash , SG > jft87c ( : Oclobei. : KIC : bid. Oats-Easy ; No. 2 , cash , 2o@25ftc ) Octo ber , U5 > 4c Poik-lllulierat S10.i7K. WhUky-tl.10. I.anl Sfi.7. . Itiittt't ijtt-ady ; creamery , 'JD2Cc ; dalrv , iodise. Afternoon boaul Wheat Easy and l't@ ' I4clo\\er. Coin . \ Miade lower. Oats Un- chunked , New Orleans. Sept. 9. Corn Irrcs- ulai ; in Backs , yellow , held at We , Hoi ; Products Firmer. Lord Dull and lower ; refined tierce. 7.00 < fo7.2S. Hulk Meals Shoulders , 50.33 ; loni ; clear uid clear ribs , S7.00. Toledo , Sept. . ' . ) Wheat Dull and stca y ; CIlSll , "H'jC. Corn Inactive ; cash.42fc Oats Steady ; cash , 2Te , Kansas City , Sept. 0. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 led , cash , C2JKC bid ; October , 04J4 < ( n\c ; November. GUJ e , Col n Steady ; No. 2 , cash. JJiJc ; Octo ber , : > ; ii3.V ! ( ! ; November , " 4 , 'c. Oats , Lowei : cash , 25c. Lilverpool , Sept. 0.Vhcat 111 fair de mand ; new No. 2 winter linn at GJ Od ; Corn In lair demand ; spot , September , October and No\cuiber4 { 5 , ' d. New Y'ofk. Sept. 0. Wheat Heceipts , iTi.OOJ ; expoits , : uiOGO ; spot bhade stroiu-cr with moiectnliiK tor export ; options ( d c lower , closing Meady and a shade above In side tales : unladed red , Mu'.Xc ( ) ; No. S red , viijwyiijjcNo. ; . 2 red , STItjg's'Jgc ' in ele vator , s c 1. o. b. , Wi' ' c alloat , No. 1 led , ' Me for October ; No. 2 red cloainc at bb , ' < c. Corn Sjiot ) fe and options ( SJj'c lower , closinc steady ; receipts , 147.000 ; expoits IG.KK ( ) ; unirraded , Mogj'Je ; No. a ! , WSic ; No. 2. JW' ' ' < ' < aMc in elevator , 51t@32c atloat ; Octo ber closing ut 51'tc. Oats Shade lower and rather active ; receipts , KTOdO ; exports , none ; mixed west ern , iiStguoc ; white western , S.'X2:4lc. : Petroleum Steady ; United , closed C0' < c. Ecus Steady and in inir demand ; western , J ( ! i 17e. Pork Firm and in fair request ; old meiS Slo.riOMio.7o ; iiewiness , Lard 2 to 4 points lower and falily ac tive : western steam M > ot is quoted at J-7.-15. Uuttcr Fu m on all choice grades , Cheese Dull. Milwaukee. Sopt. D. Wheat Steady ; cash , 70iHu ; October , 77'i'c ; November , TDJic. Corn Dull ; No. 2 , 40o. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , , " ,5c. Hye-Steady ; No. 1 , Sl c Harlev Lower ; No. 2 , 57c J'rovisions Firm. Pork Oatober , § 10.25. Cincinnati. Sept. S. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 led , 78Kc. Corn Easy ; No. 2 mixed. 43o. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 27M2T 4'c , l\e ! Unchanged ; No. 2 , Me. Pork Firm and lilnher at 810.50. Lard Easy at S7.00 . Whisky Active at S1.10. IMiiinciipoIis. Sept. 9. Wheat Quiet : futures neglected ; No. 1 hard , cash , and 7. > c ; October , 7 ( > ; 4c : November , 77c : No. 1 mntht-rn , cash , and September , TSc ; October , 71'4'c ; November , 75 ic ; No. 2 northern , rash , and September , 70c ; October , 70 > c ; November , "cc , Flour Dull ; patents , 54.30 4.43 ; bakers , . Jlerelpts Wheat , irw.OOO bushels. Shipments Wheat , 87,000 bushels ; Hour , 2S.OOO banels. _ _ _ L.IVE STOCIC. ChlcaRO , Sept 9. The Drovei'B Journal reports as follows : Cattle Kecelpts , 0,005 ; stronger and lOj hlKher : shipping steers. S3.40@5.35 ; stockers nnd Oflili-rs. S'J OflrtZS S.1nVK. . hull * nmi 5'a.50@.10estern ; ! ransers , stionser ; na tives and half-breeds , S2.'JO@3.70 ; cows. 52.25 Cf .OO ; Sales : Noitlu-m ranger ItCWyo- inniL' , 12.VJ Ibs , Si.GO : ; 110 Colorado Texans , 93Ulbs , S2.50S'2.bO. ( llo s Kecflpts , 17,000 ; srtonff and 5c lilsher ; rough and mixed. S3.00@4.S3 ; . . Sheen lleeelpts. 5JOO , : ; best , steady : com mon , Miadelowcr : natives , S2.00@4.400 ; west ern. S.lOa3.55 : ( ; Texaus , 51.75 2.75 ; lambs. I Kt , Louis. Sept. O.-Cattle Rcenlpts , 2,200 ; shipments , 2,000 ; good sliipplnt ; and butcher cattle stiongcr ; others Mead , and quiet ; common to choicu shipping. Sti.45u4.bO ; ; butcher steers , $ ; i.SS@4.10 : cows uml hellers , f2.2.'i@3.50 ; Texans and Indians , 5-2.25S..riO. llouu Keceipts , ! ! ,000 ; shipments. 500 ; active and steady ; butchers and best heavy , 5t4.yOv.ra 10 ; mixed packing , 54.'J&-Sl.b5 ; iglit , Kuiisaa City. Sept. 9 , Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , none : Rood shipping } : rudes stead v : common to choice , SU.oOiij-l.W : Mockers aim teeder.s. 32.30JZ3.30 ; cows , gl.50 ( U-J.OO ; trass range steers , 2.25@3.2. ' . llo s Keeeipts , 0,400 ; shipments , 1.000 ; good to choice , steady at SI.CStiM.80 ; common and mixed weak and a shade loner ; com mon to medium , 5.10@4.GO ; grabbers auti pit's , 52.50@4.00. OMAIIV LilVlS STOCIC. Thnrbday Even In ? , Sept. 9. .i : There were no corn-fed cattle on the market or any range cattle suitable for dressed beef. There was considerable in quiry for butchen. ' stock and several loads ot cows were bold. Feeders were In cooJ ie- cjuest and a good many sold. lions The receipts of hogs were nol quite as heavy as yesterday. Ttio maiket was steady at yesterday's prices. SHKEP There were none on the inaiket. Ktccirvs. Cattle . 500 HOJJS . . . . , . . . . . . . , . 1,300 _ 1'revnlllni ; Prlooi. Showins the provallins prices paid for live stock on this market. , . . . . . . Futllttlo steers. 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . . at frf3.BU ( ! ooa fouders , uootoioooibs . B.oo(2. ( : ! . : ( Jood to choice corn-fed cows . 2.SKIM3.25 Fair to medium cr.tss cows . S.OO-ifJ.ft'i ' Good to clioico bulls . l.SOSiM Light and medium nogs. . . . 4.30 ® 4.50 ( Seed to clioico heavy Eocs . 4.50SM.C5 Good to choice mlvcd hogs . 4.40 4.55 Good to caoico elioeji . S.oOijs.25 : FalrtOKOod slieep . . . . 2,75(53,00 ( Common sbeej > . . . . . . . 1.50&-2.50 Kcpreaoutatlre Sales. COWB. No. Av. Pr. N"o. Av. Pr 23 . SH S2.70 23 . DsS Si75 FEEDE11S. Owner. No. Av. Pr. C. S. Miner , . . . . , . . . . . KJ 1143 03.00 C. b. Miner. . s u G3 s.oo E. A. Paso . 805 1120 fi.00 Kiawa Cattle Co . 76 11B1 S.25 STKEltS TAILINGS , No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 7 . 1100 82.05 HOGS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pr. 1S..S41 120 4.40 12G..274 4SO S4.57U 15. . . .321 0240 4.45 52. , . .224 200 4.CO 10. . . .810 ICO 4.45 OJ..243 4.CO S9..231 JGO 4.M 4S..28ri 120 4.00 C3..291 240 4.50 W.237 ISO 4.00 W. . . 218 ICO 4.55 fa. . . .243 bO 4.00 CO. . . . 234 120 4.55 l'J..M40 \ 4.C5 M..207 ICO 4.1 C2..S03 SO 4.C5 THROW OUTB. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr I. . . .500 b 8S.SO 7 . . .354 100 S4.S5 STOCK 1IOQS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr U3. . . . 159 100 Si.05 of Price' . Shmvinet'ie htz'iestanit ' 1 iwe-,1 prl * pii 1 formiKPdloidsot hozs on t\i < i mi'lt-t a-ir- Incth p'vst SCV n days , and lor tl > e same time Inn year : SeptemlKT September Thursday , 2nd. . 4.W < $4.fio R. . ' 1'rldav. 8d. 4.SO < * 4.70 aoo Saturday , 4th. . . 4.4.1 S.C5 ( W3.S5 Monday , Oth , . . . ) . ! * > Tue da'v. 7th. . . 4.45 ? S.70 (33.SO Witlnrsilay.Mli. , 4.40 < tl\.C5 8.70 ( ft < .SI . . ' 4.40 " ' " S.OO f8.70 Ijivc Stock SnlC9. Showlns tlio number of cattle , hnss and sheep purclia < ed by the leading buyers on o-dav's market. CATTI.n. r. , 11. Cowles . . . . . - . Sir 1. \nndruff . . . 70 Jo llamujoii . 42 , U. Uamniond A : Co. ( shipped In ) . . . STfl OUicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'- ' lotnl JI. V. llindy . rfl ! . 11. Ilammoiul Co. . . . . . . . . . 4 ! Jhik Urcx . i . . 1- " Sindies A : Co . . 1s"- llarrls.fc KMiei . M > W..M. Whltii . ' . Total . 1,0117 All sales ot stock in this market arc mailo i > er ct. . live welirht unless oMierwtse stilted. leadiois ! sell at Vs per Ib lor all wi > ltiiti , "Skins , " ' or hocwek'lilna less Ih in 10J Ibs novnliii ! . 1'reijiiaiit sows ate UojleJ 4'J ibs nnd stags b'j Ibs. _ Notcfi. Hoes are all sold. lloa : hiniket steady. A good market tor feeders. A.V. \ . Hcalim , Coitland , was a visitor at the yaids. K. W. Black , riattsmouth , was lookln ? : after feeders. Coon an it Moore , bon ? Pine , innikctcd a load ot hous. . Ci. 11. .Hammond & Co. received C5U head of fat cattle to-day. Mr. Itittei , of Morse , Jlogcrs & Co. , Xortb Bend , In to-day. lleno vt Storrs , Oakdale , had a load of cat tle on the market. .1. G. Uldbnni , Plattmouth , had a load of cat tie at the yaids. Julin Bower , Council Bluffs , was on the inaiket with a lout ot cattle. K. U. Kicnc , ol Kit-no it Maloney , Albion , Mas here and maiUutcd thiee loads of Mr.Vclls , of the firm of Parkhur-t & AVelU. Cirand Island , was looking around the yards to.tlay. Mr. Gassmann , father of Fied Gassnann , bookkeeper lor M. Burke it Sons , was a vis itor ut the yaids. On the maiket with hois : Clark , Ileaton it Co. . Weston ; C\ E.VeWi , 1'apillion ; ( i. K. Ksciett , Council Bluffs : A. Jenkins Manly ; Slcwait it F. , St. Paul ; leno ! it StoirxV , Ba\s VnlnaraNo : A. .1. \ \ illiams Tamora : Vlmin itelM > n. Utlca ; C. 1) . Mooie , Harvard ; > elsou & Jacobs , Staple- hurt.t. OMAHA AYHUIiKSA E MA11KISTS. General Produce. Tliursilav Evctninir. Sept. 0. 'flicfollt > wliniirtecf i c for round Joti of roilncc , ill * bullion Vic mitrkci ( OHJJTlie yuotattnn > ! on fruits represent Vic prices at which outshlc onlcm arc Idled. add butter BtTTint The receipts of coed butler con tinue to be very scarce while the demand is ( rood. Dealeis find it impossible to supply the demand lur choice dairv butter , and creamery butter is coiuinp into moie tibe. Snippers cannot be too caieful in bandliiiR their butter. Small neat packages sell the best , out caie > hottld be taken to have only one crude and color In a packa.o , tor when good butter is packed with poor , it ne cessitates the whole beini ; sold as poor butter. The butterinc law has already had the effect ot lesseuins the consumption ol that article , and the market will be better than ever for clioico dalrv butter , pi ovliled a coed aiticle can be obtained. Poor butter is the same dm ? in the market that it always has been. Strlctlv sweet , solid and unifoim color , packed In new clean tubs , commands ir lGc , or even more , In the market , but there is Jit- tle or none cumlni ; in that can be graded as such. A small o.uantitv of lann dairy butter , packed in crocks , has sold at Ibfa'-JOc. Fair to coed countrv butter is selltni : at 10@lUUc. Poor at wabc , and slow. Creamery butter , not the very best , at Ib.ijSOc. Choice cieam- erv butter is sellimr at Sl J-'a Eco The receipts arc not large and tbc demand is jrood at l'J@luc. under Rroceiit-s OYSTKIIS The oyster season lias opened up with pi aspects for n larire trade during the war. 1'rices are about f > c lo 7er this year than the usual opening price. The tullow Ins are the prices at which eountrv orders are lilcd : Mediums , i SOc ; standard , Me ; selects , 40c : best selects. 4 5c. OAMI : lieceipts of prairie ehicicenshe avy and a great many packages in very bad con dition , owing to hot weather. Sales are dras- ptiis , S-.00 being about outside pi ice ob tainable for choice sound broc U , whole oil stock is entliely unsaleable. A reaction may bo looked tor as soon as cooler weather sc-ts In. Ducks arq quotable at Sl.iio to S2.00 , ac cording to variety. VEOKTABLKR Celery , largo bunches , Kalamazoo - amazoo , 40c. Sweet po tat oi-s. pur Ib , 3c. On ions , choice led , per bu , 51.00 ; southern , per bbl , S3.W. BAKANA The cooler weather permits of bananas beiiic handled in better shape , and the market is better supplied. Bananas , yel low. ner bunch , S-.00n-.J..liO ( ; large , per bunch , S2.r > o@3.oo HOME r.iiowx ( lUAi-ns Ibo market is well supplied with choice stock and prices are lower , but It is not anticipated that tney will fo any lower. Farmeisaro blinking in a good many which arc not suitable for ship ment , and wilUell nil the way Iroin lc up. The following aio the prices at which out- t-iuo oideis. for choice stock , are tilled : Shipping stock , per Ib. . 4c. : 10 Ib baskets , & > c. MICJUOAN I'uACiiKs The receiits this M-cek have been of much better quality than last , and uro holding np better. Baskets , ac cording to size , . 7Xil.OO. Crates. 4 bas kets , S3.00 Mni.oxs The market has been well sup plied all the week. Muscatlne. per bundled , 20.00 ; smaller sizes. S10.00@1S.00 ; muskmelons melons , per doz. , Sl.oo. Wii.n 1'i.v.MS Very few coming In , and good stock will bring Sl.-3 per half-bushel basket CUAII Arrr.ES There is a good demand , but shipments are very light and ipostly not in Ehlnping condition. Firm stock will bring 51.10 ir bushel. Arw.usStocks are not moving vcryraiv- Idly. The market Ib well suiplk'ii | with gooa cooking aiiples , and they are H > llini , ' at a wide mnije of prices , according to the quality. Choice shipping stock is not so plenty , whiln choice stand apples and fauc > eating apples are scarce. Common stock , S2.KXu'J.i'i : choice shipping stock , iwr bbl , gi50@i,75 ; fancy stand , stock , S'J.7f > c < { 3.00. CAUTOHXIA KituiTS I'cars , Duchess Bcurre Uiel , per bor. S3.SO ; Winter Xellls , per box , S2.75. Peaches , per box , S2.'J5. U rapes. Muscat or Tokay , perlbox , SL'S'iS ' 2.00. Plums , per box , 1.50(32.40. ( LKUOXS The change irom excessively warm to comparatively cool weather lias had the effect of lessening the demand fur lemons Hi some extent. The Xew York market took n sharp advance , but prices here are steady. Fancy Messina , 0.75iUO.OO. HOXKY Nebraska , choice , white closer , ISiaiGc : Nebraska , dark , l'Jt < U4c , ; California , 1-lb sections , 15c. ; Calltornla , strained , 3-lb ' - MAi'LubuoAit-Urleks , per lb,12Ji ; penny cakes , per lb , 15c. MA.I-I.I : .Sviiui1 Bulk , 13 to 17 gallon kees , per pal. . 51.W ; gallon cans , per t'al. , gl.05 ; iiallnlloncans. . ] > er cal. , S1.10. 1'icis1 Fr.ET , TJSII-E , KTC. Pics' feet , pei K-bbl. , 54.00 : do. , tf-bbl. , S2.00 ; "do. , iier kit. We. Lambs' toncues' per Ji-bbl , S3.2.5 ; do , per kit , i50 ; do. , quart jars , per doz. , S5.25 ; do. , pint jars , per caso. 2 dozen. sa25. Triiie perK-bbf. , 54.00 ; do. , per > 4-bbl , 82.00 ; do. l > er kit , SOe. CocoASi-TS Cocoanuts , per hundred , S5.00 ; less fhau hi.udrcd , per hundred , 5.50. , NUTS Pecans , large , polished , lie. ; ptxians , medium , Vc. : English walnuts , 14& ; almonds , Tariapoua , 20c : alraouds , Languedoc , I7c ; llrazlls , I2c ; HJberU , 14c : peanuts , hand p eked , fancy. Virginia , Si < c ; peanuts , hand l > lcked , choice , Virginia , 7Wc ; peanuts roasted , 2c extra per Hi. LEANS Continue rather dull , with prices nging from SUCOiSl.W per bu. accordbg to ualty.AIK } AIK Corn , 29c ; old oats , 2Sc ; new oats , 7c ; rye , 40c ; wheat , No , 2,55c , OUU AND MuxbTt-rFs Winter wheat , best quality patent , Se.69 : second cm- S2.4iKi5isObeit ; quality spring wheal , patent , Si.5brau,60cpercwtchoppe ( ] fttvl0 per i. t wl If i i , , ' , lui , \I'K ! W ti'rri ' I'jf.i ' ' < i-i' - i. i ovv'l - i ' . Irtc pcrcwt ; h Hiuir . S ' Miei' cut. sbmts. VK pc-rcwt ; craliam. si TV ; iav. , " ( n l xlos , $0.01)1 ) * T-M i-er tdn. j _ Gi-oootO l.lot. PICKLES Medium , m lml . SVfl : do In half hbls. S3. ; . " > : snmil. in bbls. ? ; do In ballbbls , Si.v.l ; gjjfrkius in bbK S .tO ; do in halt Dirts. S4. " . . svnn--.Stt.70 , 4-caiimi ue < , Sl.235 New Orleans , SH C-c i > or K.Mlfin ; Maple Syrtip. K Iwrrel. strictly pun.1 , 7i < - r canon ; 1 gallon cans. SP.4"i per dor. : Allen cans , 5.i3 : i > er dor : quart cans , Saw. Diiii.n I'luiTNo. . 1 quarter applc , a ( 4c ; in evapnratect bo\e , JJSrt ( ! | ? c : blnckliei- boxe . s. c-n'j , ' i ( ponclii-5 , cvnwirilcd. i".H@nc : Salt 1 , i.itiatn innj/UM- / pbcrrles , new , 1 : currents , 714t * ' 'e ; piunes , new , 4 % Uoous Oj-sters , standard , per cas , & 3.H < 1 : slniwberrU1 * . alb , per ca e. S".iO : ra-iiberrlc.s , " Ib per case , S2.10 : Cnhltirniti iK-ai * . pt-r ca r , S4.0 ; atiricoti. per can1 , . 0 : pcach"s. pfrca cS.W : : \\hitecheiries rc.iM-.i.'i.IKi ; plums per case , ? 3.W : blue- beirics 8'i. > : eggpititne , .Mb , per ca"e. f-i.M ) ; pineapples fj it > , ) n-r rn , e , SS.'O @rj.iO ; 1 Ib mnckerol. per doz , il.20 ; 1 Ib sal mon per dciz , 51..V > rfl.OO ; a | ti coosobcrie-i. percaM1 , S1.7."i : 2 Ib string boans. per ca-e. fl.70:21b : lima been * , pm cau1. ci.m ) : i io niarrowtat V A' . tier ra--e. S240 ; 2 Ib early Juneppa- * . per p.ap , $ - ' . ; . ' > ; ; ! lb tomatoes. per ca < e , ? 2.i.jC'i'3 " * > : - lbo < un. pnr ra < . fn2.10:2 lb corn lu-ef. pc-rdo ? . 51.Tu\iM.K ( ) . lioi-i : h inch , P. cInch ; , lO' c ; 'i inch , &iP. bttOAits I'owderetl , 7' < c ; cut loaf. 7'n-714c : granulated , 0 4c : ccnteclloners' A. OSc : standard extra C , ( Xftti , c ; e.\tra C , 5Ji@5Xc ; inrdlnm c'llo ' . & 'i" ( " > \c. STAiim Minor gloss , ilh , fi'fc : Minor gloss 3 lb , nuc ; Alu-nir glt s , 0 lb , fiKc ; ( { raves' coin , 1 lb. Kincsfoid's ; corn , 1 lb. 7c ; Kingsfour-i gl' ts 1 lb. 7c ; Kings- cird's gloss I' ' H > , 7lp ; Kincsfoid's pure , alb. * JP : Kintrsfoid'sbiilk. 4c. COFKII > - Ordinary gvaties. 10''otllp ; fair , 11011 Hiprime. , ; . 11 m l.'c : choiee. 12 14 : ! ' , ; tancv gu-cii and yellow , ii : } i.iil4l-c : cml irtiv- t'lnment Java , iOirJ'ic ; intenor Java. 10 a"8 SOc ; Mocha , U-iif.Mp ; Aibiickle'1 : lonstt-cf , l..c ; McliUirhbn'XXXX iciastt-d , Do : Uilworth's. ] i c : IJfcl Cioss. lf > c. CANDY Mixed. OV12c ; stick. SKOKc- ( CitACKin ( iarnean's soda , butter and picnic , 5' 2c ; cicams , t-i c ; ginger snaps , cltv soda. 7.c. ! boAt" . Kirk's Savon t2. TO ; Kii k's satinet. S".no : Kirk's standaid. Sii.o : , : Kirk's whiuISnssian , ? 4.00 ; Kiik's White Cap. SO.ftO : Dome. sy > " : Washboard. . " .10. MATdir. i'er caddie. yst , ; round , jicr rase. 51.00 ; square cases , S1.70 ; mule squat e , General Alnrkot * . WOOL Medium. 17cc20c i > er lb : fine heavy , 12S15c ( ; light. 14 l7c ; coatse , I2tijl.c : buiry wool. Sct.'K1 off. llnns Ureen butrlu-rs. fiH'Cfftc : creon cured. hL4 s c ; dry Hint , lirvme : dry salt. iiMlOc : damaged hidetwothirds price Tallow c. Grease , urime - , \ bite. Kc : j ellow , ' 'chicwr. : ) . 1 4c. Sheet ) Pelts 'XittVJbs. iiEATiiuu i'rime slaughter sole lo.ither , o-c ; prints c % k solu leather , SKKji'tec. L'lipcr leather per loot. 20 ai'ic : hem. kip , 7 : > isSc ; oak l-.p , bi flV ; rrcnch kip , 61.03 m l.'JTj ) hem. call , ? 1.0J < tl.lO ; o.ik call , Sl.oo < e 1.25 ; French call , SL2. > al.s'i ; Morocco boot l < -g , : iOipr ( > ; Morocco nil pebble. 2v : 2c ; top ping * and linings , Sii.oa UO.OJ per dor1 HKAVY HAiaiwAitr. iron , rate. S2.25 ; low su-nl special cast , 4c ; ciucib le-teel , Co ; cast tocilsdct , ; wa'on spokes' per sat , fcl.7.'ila'J.K ) ; hubs , per set. Sl.i" > : IclloL-s , sawed dry , S1.4U ; tongue.s , eacli , 7. > e ; mit-s , each. 7.1e : ! > quaro nuts , wr 11) . 7itUc : coil chain , per lb , Gt < ? l2c ; malleable , ( Xitbc : Iron wedges , fie : crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth , 4c : spring steel , 7@Sc : Burden's hcirsc-siiocs. S4.-JO ; Bui den's mule shou.s. 53.41. Uarbep wire , in car lots , S4.0U per 100 ibs. icml Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , S3. 50 ; steel nails , S2.fM ; Shot ? I.IM ; buckshot , SI.S5 : oriental powder , kegs S-.r-O : do. halt Kegs , 52.00 ; do , ouaiter kegs. Sl.oO ; blasting , kegs , fc2.o : ! fuse , per 10 leet. ( inc. Lead Bar. S1G. PAINTS IN IIILlueeau. . Omabn. P. I' , kc ; white lead , St. Lcuis , p ure , 7.75 ; Mar- eillc-s given. 1 to 5 lo cans. 2c ; I'ic-nch ' zinc green teal , 12c ; Froneh zinc icd seal , lie ; Fieneh zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; Fiench zinc , 75c ; vcnnillion , American , ISe ; Indian red , lOc ; rose pink. He ; Venetian icd , COOK- son's , -"ic ' : Venetian red , American. l } c ; red lead , 7l c ; chrome yellow , genuine , sue ; chrome yellow , K. I2c : ochre , roche.le , ! lc ; ochre , I-icncli , 2jc ; ochre , American , IKc ; Wlntej's 2 } c : Lehlgh brown , SJ-jc ; tpanish brown.Kc : Prince's mineral , -e. lJiYl'Aii : .i * White lead , be : Frencii 7.-nc , 12e ; Paris whiting. 2J c ; whiting , gilders' , 2"ic ; whiting , com'l , ! } { c , lampblack , Ger- nianstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary. 8c ; Prus ian blue , .We : ultramarine , l > c ; Vandyke , brown , ! ? c : umber , burnt , 4c ; timber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c- sienna , raw , 4e ; Paris preen , genuine.c > c : i-ans green , poinmon. 22e ; chrome srreen. N. y. . 20c : chrome green , K , 12c ; verinillion , English , in oil 70c ; raw and burnt umber. 1 lb cans , r.'c ; law and burnt sienna , 1'ie ; Vandyke , brown , l c ; re fined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and ivory black , lOc : drop black. lf > c ; Prussian blue , 40t- ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; ciuome green , lj. , M. A ; D. , Ific ; blind and shutter green , L. . M. & D , , 10o ; Paris green , Isc ; Indian red. lt > c ; Venetian ird. S'c ' : Tu an. 22c : American veinnlliun. L. & I ) . , 20e : yellow ochie , tie ; L. M. k O. D. . ISc ; good ochre , 10c : patent dryer , be ; graining color , light oak , dark oak , wlanut , chestnut and ash. 12c DnrosAxi ) cvr.MxrALsAcid , caibollc , C2c : acid , tnrtiiiic , 5 * ; balsam copaiba , per lt < , 4'c : barK. sassatras per tt . lOc : calomel , perlb72e : chinclioniuia. per oz. 40c ; chloro form , per lb , 40 c ; Doter's poxvdeis , per lb , 51.25 ; cpsnm salts per lb , ; ) j c ; glycerine , pine , per Iti. ISc : lead , acetate , per lb. 2lc ; oil , castor. No. 1 , per gal. , SI , 50 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil. olive.per gal.S1.40 ; Poioriiranntim , 50c : opium. SH.-'K ) ; quinine , i. .it W. and It. < t S. , per oz , 70c ; potassium iodide , per lb , 53.00 : salicin , perez , 40c ; sul ph ate morphine , ceroz. S2.40 ; sulphur , per lb. 4c : Ptrychnine r-er oz , Sl.2Ti. \ AIIXISIIKS Bairels. per gallon : Furni ture. extra , P1.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , ? 1.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; poach , No. 1 , Sl.-'O : Da- inar , extra , Sl.7.1 : Japan , 70c ; asphaltiim. extra , 5Sc ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil Unfcn , ; -Col02iic spirits , 16S. proof , 51.14 : do 101 prool , $1.15 ; spirits , second Quality. 101 proof. ? 1.14 : do lb > proof , 81.13. Alco hol , Ibs iioof , § 2.12 per wine callon. lU-dis- tilled whiskies , Sl.OiKtfl.50. Gin , blended , S1.MQ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.dOciiO.00 ; Kcnturkv and 1'eniisjIvania ryes , S-.Ou@G.r > 0 ; ( iolden Sheaf bouibon and rve whl-kies , Sl.sOyW.OO. UramUes , Imported , ! " .OOQti.fiO ; domestic. S1.SO ( < 83.00. Gins , impoited , S4 50 ( [ M.OO ; domestic , 1.2.1(3".00. ( Chnmiiatrnes , imiwrted , per ease. S2s.00@33.00 ; American , per case , S10.00i310.00. Fish. Mew . HIM HT ll'ls'Qr ' Hlils I'ls KI8 HSU. u infi ( * n 50 40 , U 10 Ben's S'LNo 1 L'b 7 00 I PO : i 115 2 a'i 1 70 | B'i Glb'U 1'nncyf , OOUHOZ 751 S5 1 ] S5 45 U'd bh'ro l"cy 5 MaOJ7.1,1 , Ml aj | 63 46 IMI-OHTWI FISH. T-TKII . H rU Itf Ilblf Q'rlltils Fulls or Kits riMl. 2UO , 100 IK ) M 10 I 12 10 Norwegian I I I i I I .X)7 ) 500 SO3 80S 10. . . . 1 04I Holland her- rlncs , now. 80 lll.lsOr . lIblsl"li > ! KtB JEW FIBII. > w \ra \ 40 | 12 | 10 ' No , 1 White Fisl 7do B no a BO : i 101 01 W ) 1'uiiilly Wtiito 1'isli. . . urn ) s ir.y a-,1 , M ia Ko.1 Trout 4 > 0 4 03 2 65,1 03 , CJ Dry l TIMilEnS. 'is ' ft'U ' tt o ft ib n'w ' n'22 ' a'si ' a i'x4 f . 15.5 J 15.B ) li.6d ! 111.0017.01) 3.00 ' . ' 1.00 sio ; . ii.Mi5.&i ! , is.ou H.OJ sue 2J.oo i' 6 . ' 15.fil5.iir ( ) ! ( ! > .ri01i5.0017.0iJ i.OjSI.llO ! 2110 . ISB'J 15.SlID.5UilO.Hi'17.0at ! ! ( ' 0.0021.liO 2x12 . ,15.6 , 15.SJ-15.6U. 10.00 17.00 21.00 100 4xt-bxB . . . iH1.00ia.WIC.O ; | ilti.tO | 17.60 19 00,80 , 00 No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. li ! , 14 and 10 ft . 817.50 Ko. 3 " iy , 14 and 10 ft. . . . . . 14.7. ) No. 3 " " 12 , 14 nnd 10U . 1S.50 No.4 " " i2HnndlOft . 12.00 . Ko. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . 17.03 i\o. 2 , 4 ik Oiiidi , 12 and 14 ft. . rou U. . . 1B.5U SIIUKG. istcora. , la. Uandioft. . . . g2l.oo aa . . 20.00 Fence " " . 1LOO I'AIITITION. 1st com. , Jf in White Piue Partition . . . .S33.00 2d " " " " " 27 00 Clear In. Xorway Pine Ceiling . isioo Fix > oni.vo. A C Inch , white pine . , $ < M.OO OOjncli , " " . 200 EOinch , " " . . . . . 17.50 . . . , STOCK KOAKHS. A 13 Inclu s.1 s. is , 14 and 10 ft . S4-1.00 U12 inch , " " . . . . . . . . 4'iOJ 1)13 Inch. " " " . iiS.05 ' ' , M . lb.5J OgAHfl JOBBERS'DIRECTORY ' Artists' Material. A. JIOKPE. ,77 ? . , Artists' Materials , Pinnos nntl Organs , 1"'T DonclHg Street , Agricultural Implements. CUURCII1LL PARKER , Wtiolfdlo Dealer In Agricultural Implements. Wncrons , r * nnd llnrrlrd. Jonr * Mrrrt , between lib Mi 1 10th , Olimlin. Nell. LIXIXGER cP 3IETCALV CO. , Asri'lcullitrnl Iini'lcnicnts , * . Iluccle * . Ktc * . Whole Me , O-nnh * Wlu > le nlel > cnlf r In AcrrirulitiiMl Implements , find D icsle * . HOI. OT , s'li nnJ tw. Jono. tt Butter and Eggs. E , r KCIFROEDER , Ituycrs of ItntU'r n 'l Eges. nil rAfVlrc llnnto. lith iiml Ix-nten- St.l' I' H. It. T nrk.iinmhn. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER. Uutclicrs' Took anil Supplies , ec Cu'luni of nil kind * iilxvajslu Mock. 1215 l .Oiunbu Builders' Hardware and Scales. EiiA UGH p TA YLOR , Bnililors'Hnnl ware & Sen IP Ilopnir Shop Jti-clmulM'Tools mid IlMlTalo S alot. HQj Douglas ru , Omnlm , Ni'b. LEI : , FRIED r co. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnwnrp , Mieet Iron , i : c. Act-tits for Howe t > cac ! , mil Mlnml IVwrtcrro Omiilm.Neb. HECTOR tl > WJLHELMY CO. , "Wholesale Htmlwnro. Wpftern nccnt" lor iH'ITorKui Mei-1 Nnll , Au tln I'owder Co. VMrlinnV * Mnnflnrd Srnlei. Corner H'tli nml llnrnct'nmbii. . Building Material. Dculcrln All Klnil of Material at Wholcsalo. 11thpptiiml t'n'oti ' I'.icltlo Tiark , Omnhn. Boots end Shoes , AMERICAN if. I ND "SE If'ED SHOE COMPANY , Manufacturer ; and Wliulccalo Dealers la Boots nnd Shoes , Cornplrto Monk of Hnbtier Gntitls always on hand V. ) h. Ulti ! > : . . Umnliu , Neb. A. T. Austin , Atent. ir. r. JioitsE , e co. Jobbers of Jioofs nud Shoes. 1411 rnrmmBt , Omnha. Noli. y.nnufacloi } , Summer tlrri-t , lloston. Beer. 3T. KEATING , Apt. for Anheuser-Qusli Brewing1 Ass'n tilieclul Brando. Faust. Uurtwolscr and nrlanirpr. Z ,0 Lacfer Jeer ? Brewers , 1.131 North lih Ftrprt , Omntm , Neb. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE r.ROS. C CO. , Omaha Coffee nnd Spice Mills. Tea-i.ColToo'Fplrc * * Itnkmc I'owdT. nvoHn i ; ttutts , Ijiuuary IIluc. liu. Vic. HH-lh lliirney fcircet.Oi.i.ihn , Neb. Homo Coirec iur.1 Spice Hills M'f'jj Co. C irTi-eRo inters unit Spliv Grinders. Manatnrturers of I'.uLInc I'uK-dcr , llivurms Kxtnietlilutnc. . itr. : Trv nn e enko of our 1-If | if kii ce Home Blend ted OotJVe. l < u.monrdst.Oic.tiiii , Neb. _ Cornice. EAGLE CORXICJS WOHKS , John Epcneter , Prop. Manufacturer tit Gnlrnnlreil Iron mid Tornlca. 823 DodRC an < J 103 and 1 15 N , 10th Ft. , OmntiH.Is'eb. RUEHP1XG < HOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinn ] , MeiallchkyllRLitctc. 5103. lit i U. , Omalm. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvcnlznd Iron Cornlcpi , etc. Biicct'dlmproTcd Pet- cut Mrtitllci-trllElit. Ua undS'.oa.l2tln.tmHha. . Carpets. Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Hues , llnoeum ! > , Mnttlnce , Etc. 1511 Douglai etrcft , .S. A. ORCIIAlW AVholeyale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mottlnes , Curtuln Goods , Ktc. 1123 Kamara btrpct , Omaha , Npb , Crockery and Notions. W. L. Agent for tbc Manufacturers nnd Importers or Crocker } ' , Glassware , Lamps , Cliliinict , etc. Ofllre. 317 South 13th Bt. UiiKilm. Nt b. Commission and Storage. CflilFFITir , C FlfOMAS , buaep jors to IMISC Grlllitu , Commission Mcrcliants Anrt Whnlciinli-Dealerd In Country I'rnduce , TVult , Batter. IL"H. : lite , ( i m < l on conviirnuient a ipoclulty. .KIN. llltb nu. Olnuhu. D. A. Conniiibsion nnd Jobbing' . Butter , Eccennil 1'roduce. ConelKi mcntB nollcltcd. lleudquiirtcin for Monowari * , lli'rry JOIPB ! laid ( , niie llurkuis. 1 < 14 DodgChtriH-t , Uiuuliu. J'EYCKE JiltOST Commission Merchants. FrultB , Iroducp nnd Provle lone , Oiunhu , Coal and Lime. 1' . MILESTONE V CO. , Denlem In Hard and Soft Coal , Office and rani , K th and Nicholas H . , Omaha , Keb. Vnrd Tt'lfpUonu. an. GEO. i. L.AIUOII. I"res. C. r. GOODMAN , V. Pre * . J. A. hU.VDLUI.AN-J ) , Hoc. unc ] Treuit. O3IAJIA COAL , COKE tti LISLE COMPACT , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. J South Thirteenth Btrcet. Omaha. Keb. ,7. ,7. jo iiysoy if ! co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Milpjiers of Coul and CokeCcinont , I'lmitur , Uiac , Hulr. I'iru Drlck , llniln , Tile and hewer I'IHO. CitllCfl. 1'Jttou Hotel. > 'nriiuro tt. . Oninliu , .Scb. Telephone til. Confectioner/ , F. P. FAT & CO. , Hdnnfactnringr Confectioners , Jobbers of FmltfNuts nnd Cleans. 1211 Inrimm St. . Oiuuha , TE. . RTDDELL , and Commission Merchant. uHlei UniteEift. . Chreeo. Poullrr. GBUJB , Oiter , Klc , , Ktc. 112t-ouili hih rtrcvt. WIEDEMAX , fCO. . , Produce Commission Merchants , Ponltrj , IJuttcr , Gunie , Fruits , tc. Z2a B. Kth tt. dmiitm , Niil > , WESTERPIELD XROS. , General Commission Merchants. 110-1 Itoite btreut , Omaha , Kfbrutka. Cozii > ltnmenti : K'llCltCti. WEEKS .0 3TILLARI ) , Genernl Commission Merchants , And Jobbers of Foreign nnd Domestic Frnlts. Torre- B | > ondenc Millclted. Wurehout and onun. 11HN. Thlnuenth bt. , Oranliu , Nub. Telufihonii TTX Life Stock Commission. M JiURKE Ll fiOXS , Live Stock Commission. Ceo. Ilu'ke. Msnacer. Union Stock Vardi , 8. Omuha. 'I elephone 637. SAVAGE ,0 GREEK , Live Stock Commission Merchants , U of nor and all klodi of Kti > ck sul' L'nlon bUxk V ra , Onauba , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. * " MAX MEYER , C CO. . Jobbers of Clear * . Tobacco , Gene nnJ Ammnnltnm : i.i to 271 S lHiU. ! . 1030 to hLM t-ir.mmft Ornihn , Neb WEST tP FU1TSC11ER. Slamifactnrers of Fine Cicur , And Whol * nl < - tpnl < ; r tn l * f T < ibnpro , nudllON. ilth Mrcot , < * nfthti. Dry Goods. M. E. .SM 11 Tl F P C < > , Dry Oood , Fiirnishinc : Hoods & Notions llTSnnil HIM Doncl.v- > r. HlhPt .Omnhx.Ntb. Distillers. IJIntlllcrt of l.niirrf. Alcohol nnrt Pplrli . Imi-ortrrs I'.ml .Inhtirrr ot \ \ uipnauil l.lqnorf. CO. ami I Li ; It , ( ' CO. , ru Shrt Johl'Cr-if Tlnf Wttips nnrt T.lonom. bole tuftnufitcuirtr * of K < 'nnclj 5 K M Indln lilt- torvniKlliiimi r lo 1 Iquorn. 1113 HnrncrSt. Drugs. Pa/nts , Etc. JL T. CLARKE TtRVG CO. , Lavuc't Drntr , Paint , Oil & Glnss lionsc WcetoIChlcmrmnplctp l.lno of IlrusflMs Bun- drici. llll llnrnrT rt .Omnhii , rAX mn G co. , Wholesale DiUgfjrists. Ana Dealer ? In I'nlnH. Pllnnnd Window olnf ' .OmatiR , Brain Tile , Etc. A , II. SAt EII l'rr 3 W nrnrnitn Scr.&Troan it. J.CAU OK , v.l'rcs.nndSurt- TIFE rXlOX HYDRAULIC ItRAIX TILE CO. , Office 513 S. Klh tt , Ornnhn. Nrb. Mnrhlnrrrnnfl Srppllp for ManufnetuniiK Ci-mctit Iiriiln Tile. Engineers and Contractors , RAYMOXD , ( ' CAMP HELL , Engineers nnd Contractors , BrltJirC" . Vliulnrtit , Itool TruMPK. Ptr m 1'llc DrKInc , Piling , Ouk ami 1'irr ItrliUo l.imitxT. IMh Bt. , n ar rnrniim. ( inialiti rh. furniture. DEWEY STOXE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Knrnam rt , Omnhn , ICch. CHARLES Slfl YERICK , Furniture , licdding' , Upholstery , Mlrrom. etc. l0n,12asund 110 rnrnr.m Kt. , Omaha. Groceries , PAXTOX , GALLAGHER < R CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , JCos 705.707. Wll uiul 711 & 10th F-t. . Omiihii. .Neb. McCORD , URADY .0 CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 13th nnrt Ic.ivonworth ft . , Orauhn. Hardware. W. , T. KROATCIL Kcavj * Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wapnn Stnrk. llordivaro Lumber , etc. 32CS1 unil I'-'ll Ilurnvy Ft , Omnhn. EDXEY < GlllliOX , AVliolesale Iron and Steel , Wocon nnrt Carrlnce Wood Stock. Henry llinlwsrc , Utc. 11-17 uiul 121' ' Ijiiavcnworta et. , Oranhn , Neb. 31TLTOX ROGERS cO SOX'S , Slovos ] { niies ) , Furnaces , Tiles , , Urutcs , llrass ( .ood . Inland 113 I'limnm Iron Works. ASTON < C VIERLTXG Iron Works , \Vro Bht nnfl Cast Iron BulIdlnK Wort , Iron Ftnlrs , Hulllni ; , ilcnuiB nnd Clrders. Sicura Knpliu'f. Itiuba \Vorktlttierul Foundry , MiiUilna nnd lllufLpniltti Work. OMco nnd Wurkn , U. 1 * . Ky.nndlTtli ntiuct. Jewelry. EDiiorr AVholesiilo .lewelc-ra and Music Drillers. In FIlTOrrraro. Dlnmnnde , Wntc5ie . riockB , Jeweler's Tools and Mutcrlul . < > tc. 101 ui Ft. , cur. DiKltfe , liuiubtt , Nct > . Lumber. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmhor. Lath , Lime , Sasli , DooreKto.unls Corner7th and Donclai ; Corner 1'tli ami Dim hiK. CHICAGO LUMBER CO , , Wholesale Ltunbpr , 814 S.KthstreetOmulia.Nch. I.Colpctrcr , Manager. c. y. DIETZ , Lumber. nnd Callfomln Streets , Omaha , ? "eb. FRED W. GRAY Lumber , Lime1 , Cenirnt , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Gtli uiid Duuclaa tts. , Omuliu. Kcb. HOAGLAXD , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. OfficeUd rarnsm ft'eftOmnhn. CIIAS. Jt. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Or.rpct Biid 1'arqnct rioorlnc. Stli nnfl Douglas JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , " \Vholcsnlo \ Lumber , Etc. Imported nnrt .American I'ortlund Cement. Rtnto AKcnt lor.MlliMiiiloo Ilvdrniillr Cement and Dent Qulney WliltvIiliDO. Live Stock. X'STOCK YAJCDS CO. , Of Omaha. United. John V. Ilord , Superintendent. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELTER < 0 CO. , Iujiortcr | unJ J l-lior < of JlilJiiicry and Notions , ISIS arid J15 Hnnicr Htrect. Ciranha , Neb. Notions , C. S. GOODRICH .0 CO. , Are tlio onli Direct Importer * ot German & French Toys < V , Fancy Goods In Ntliruikn. riilneo prlrce dupllnitcd wuhont ttild' In.TrrlKlil. Hl'i I'NiniMin Mreiit. Oi'U'lir. . J. T. ROBINSON XOTION CO. , Wliolcialu Ilcnlrrs In Kotlons anil Fimiishins : Ooodn , HO nnrt < nj B. Tenth ft , ( irnnliu. Jobber ! In Notions , Hosiery ami Gents. . ' Furnishing1 Goods. lira nntl JOTS Fartium t. , O-nsba. N'ub. Oi-erclls. 'MA xrf COMPAXY , Jfanufictiirors : of Overalls , Jcnn IMnU , Elilrtu , Kic. llfrj mid lltH I'uuvlui Street , cjmulin , Nch. Printir.g , REES J'RrSTTXG COMPANY , Job Prinlors , IJlnnk Hook Makpra , And Book Bindcrii. l l nml ld/ > South I'uurtoenUi urtct. Omaln. Noli. WESTERNXETI'SPA PER UXJOX Anxiliary rnlilislicrs. . I'rni ci ami lrlntcr > 'Hunpllo. 133 Kmth Twelfth btri'Ut. Pieties , Vinegar , Etc. EDWIN MORRJS 0 CO. , Manufscturctr , J'icVcri undliealrm In Pifkle ? & Strictly Pure Apple Jlatini ; I-OH-der , ItuTfirliie Rxtnrir. Tabfe tkure , I r < i. < b Muku" < 'ai' lilu'ie.l ' i" hrr" " . ! t-nlc wMi-i tut Vfrk t-tntc rm 'i itcdi ed At-ple * ! ( I 0'AHA JOBBERS'CIRECTORY Sr.fes. Etc. G. ANDREEN , Oinnlm Snfo AVorks. Munnfactnrorsi'f Kiremiiil Ilnrt rrr < 'of8 ffi , Vanlt Deere , J il V nrk.Miut crs Hurt \ \ irorii. . Cor , ! - . , omMm , N > b , J' . JIOYER ,0 CO. . Acronts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Flro nnrt Ilnrs r Pr.vif S fe , Tlmo l/wk < , Vanlta nnd Ja.I Work 1(1 ! i I nrnmo ftrrrt OmnhK , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc , 3L A. JUfillROir ,0 CO. , Wbolr nle Mamifac turpiKcf Sash. Doors , lllinds nnd Mouldings , ll-unrli onirr.l li nnO luml n . , Omalm.IVcb , ( , ' . K LYM.IX , Sa h , Door , mind's ' , llulMlne Pniwr. < tc. Kill South Tlilrtrrnth Street , uninhn. Neb , A cpniplotc tWS cf llulldcn' ; - : . ; JiOJIX MAXl'FACTrRIXG CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monlc'lnct.MnlrWnrkiind ' Inlrrlorltnr > 1 Wood llnlfh Jutt viicned. N.Ior : Rlh nnd l.cii\cnworthbt . t < m hi ! , Npl > . Pumps , " CHl'RCiriLL Pl lP CO. , WholoMtlo I'ttnips Pipe , Kittinirs , StPnmnnilVator ' implies ttrmlqiinrtprii i r Most I u > tO < > lioiKln llll I nnuini M CniMh.i. Noli. A. L. STRAXG CO. , 1'inujis. Pipes and Knpincs , Btcnm , Wnlcr , Hnllwnr nnd Mllllhc Suppllrn. Ktc. ISO , uSiuiU | U Ktrnuiu Ft.Oiimhn. Nub , _ U. S. PUMP COMPAXY. Unllnitny Wind Mill" : rteara uml WM ( r Pnppllo , uililiiBCloodn. lli'ltlni.Mlii r IMS nml IW ) t-ur- liulii M. , OiuNhn. S 1C. rellnti , MannKi'r. TuU-phnnc Nn. SIO. Trunks. H. II. MAR1IOFF , Wholesale Trunks , Mlllnnl Hotel Illock , Omaha. Wagons and Carriages. The LcadincrCarriatro Factory , ( I'STOU -lll.l l Vi ) 143 ? nnd 1(11 Itmtcc etrvet , ( tiunbn. White Lead. BARTER WHITE LEAD CO. , Strictly Pure White Lead , aith ptrcetnnd V I' Ity HO is ui , roJ i1 < TEOHTTM Tit ocoon r cr THIS couNTitv wiu CEE nv cxtuimwi run u p 'K T THE GHICADO.ROCK ISL&HD 3 PACIFIC B&ILWAVj I-T rcnrnn of Itn central position and doro rrlation to , ijl prlnrlnnl ltnii > > .ftnt and WfEt at Initial mid t r nliml iKilntM , constitutes ibe must liniiortant tnlif- colitillflitnl link In that prctrm ti [ tlironcli tralifpncvl tutioii trljlell InvHrfi&nU rarllttAtm tr Tt < l and tr&flla 1 Itftwocn cltlpit nf thr Atlantic nnd I'orlflc Coiutt * . lt IB utsn tlif tivvorlti1 nnrt h ( > Ft loiitu to anil from point * ' l ant N"rtliua t anil SoutlitaBt , and corrfEpoudiae ItollltH W Oht. Northncpt mid RouthivcKt. < i The Great Rock Island Route * Ouarantt R It * jtatrniiR tlmt fennn of perronal Keen , rltv atTorrtfd ti.v n willd , tlioroucblr lutllitKtpd rtiad- up4. mniioth trucko of unlliiuous ptrrl r JI. FUbiitaa- tlalll litilltculrpiti mul liildpcu. rnlllnir ncrk ui > nr T I iwrfrrtliiii an liunmii kill inn make It , the rafety. rf patent linncm.rlntfnrniH onj atr t Union DepotK , nnd tile uUFlirpaMei luxurlt'ii of iu PafcitentrT Equipment. ThB Kuit Eirre i Trains Iwtwcn ChlL-nco and Ptnrli. Council IflullF , Kansas Clty.l.enpn oitli and AtclilMin mti roinixwtKl of \ > ll Tcntllatrd , llncly up > linlfK-ii-d liny Cimclit * . JIuKiilIUcut Pullman 1'iUaco MrriM-llaf the laten ilrslen. ami MmU'llliiUf , Dining. . ' Curs -which elaborately icmkiMl mml * an * IHrnrrly 1 cntrn. KctwrfnChlCfpo HIM ! KamaBC'ttJ ami Atclilion art ) alio run tue Uelcbraied Keilliitnc Clulr Cum. The Famous Albert Lea Route i In tlio dlrct nnd favorite line lietvi-cn Clilcaco ar.4 UlnneapotliaiiclM Paul , where connection" are maun In I niuiil > fMl | rir all Jiolnti In tliu Irtrltntlci anil I'rntiiirxf. tlrer thli ruuto Fort Kzprrif 1 raUu arc run to the wMorlnc plnrcn. Fitinintr riv form , plcturnique lorallllr * . and liuntlnir nml Itkhlne pronndg of Iowa nnd Mlnneccta. It lb ulo tlie rntiuft d.r | tli ! ronto to the rlcl ! nlivat Celdi and liattorij Unilt ot Interior Daknti htlll another IHKCrT LI KB , Tla Prnrn and Kan- k Vn , IIILI lifrn opi-nccl l > ptw on Clni'lnniill , Inalan- ni.olla , .nd Lafa , rnr. anil Counrll IlluITc , KunnaiClty , Uuino ] , ( , ll and Ht I'anl nnd lnt rincdUte polntn. i-or dftallud lurunnatliin * * e Alain * utul Folderff , ontnluablv. DK well as llrketM , at rJl Iirlnrlltul Omcet in tlie United Status and Canada i ui by ad- dro lnir R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHM , 1-ren't 4 : Ocn'l M-e'r. Oen'l T'1.1 & l'a . Art P. BOYEB & CO. Hai'sSaiisVauifsTimelocks [ and Jail Work. 1020 ruruaiii fatreet , O.tiaha. Neb. Railway Time Table OMAHA. The following- tlio time of arrival nnd de parture of trains liy Contrnl Ktuniliird Time at the local depots. TrnliiB of the C , St. I' . , M. Is O. arrive iind dcpnrt from tholrdepot , corneroC 14tli and Wehstor Plroots : I mint on the II. & ; M. C. II. i-Q. and K. C. , PU.l. & P II. irom the II. &M. tlojiot ull otlims trom tlio Union I'uclQo dcjiot. inunrjE TKAINS. nridco tinlns will luuvo I' . P. depot nt 0:35- 117:35 : h : ( J S:40 8WI : 1IIO:0 : > 11KJ ( n. in. : 111:0 11:50 1 SCW : a:00 : B1:00 0:0u : & : UJ 0:10- 7:00-11:10 : p. m. Loitvu Trmislnr for Oinnlm nt 7:12 HHB ! 8:3D ' . .f.KH10Xi : 10HT-.HU7 : lu m.la7 2IB-2UT : 3:110 : 3 : a7 < :37 5 : DO 0 : K 7 : 'JO ; 7 : & J S : MI- 11&H : p. m. Leave llrnadtrny 10 ffii p. m ; ArlveOmaha 11 DO. I.v. Oniuliii 111 00 p. m. ; Ar. llrnudwuj- 10KB. In cHout Antrust UlUh until furthcrno- tlcu. Tins IB nddltlonnl to present truln ucrvloo. j. w MOHSK , a.r. A. CONNUCTING LINUS. Arrival nnd depart urn of trains from tbo Traii'-ler Dujiot at Council lllutts : IIUI-AUT. Aitnirc. CHICAriO , HOCK Ihl.XKU ( L I-ACII'IC. JI7iiA. M. I ISil5 A.M. IIV:15A. : u. Il.iJ : : ! .M. C 6:40 : P.M. I 117:11)1' . M. CHICAGO a KOUTinVCSTKIItt. A :1SA. M , I A 11:15 : X. U. A < ; : < ' ! ! M. I A7W r.K. CHICAGO , unni.iNOTOS fc guiKcr. A0is : ; \ . M. i A'Jl5A.u. : > , VllIAVAUltllC t. ST. 1'AUU AOlSa. : M. I A l':15 ' A. M A K:4 : c. M. I A 7OJ : r. M CITY , BT. JOI : L COL".N'CII. lll.UtTS , A 10:03 : A. > l. I 1) Cr. ; : A. M. C b.Vi : r. M. I A &iUT f. U. WAIlAbll , FT. LOUIS k I'AOH'Hi A 0:1)01M. ) . | AUUr : , M. MOUX CITY t I'ACII 1C. A 7:0.1 : A. M. I A tl ; 35 A. M. A BSSi : _ . _ u. j A b..VJ itl. . Ueparf Wr.8TWAIt . Arrne. XTw , V.M. I UNION' PACIFIC , " " . , IM. . " . . Ji. .V M. IN NISII. 6:10a Mall _ _ _ _ _ _ JDcipurt. _ A. M. , JM. . .MISSOL'Ul PAH CK3 M. 1 1 ; M. Diiv . . Iv. C. , BT. J A. C. II. . _ iyiuljlattsiiiinilii tW.lJ 7-10 " " " "Ik-purl. NOItTirWATlTl. Arrive. " " "A. H. \ r. M. a , ST. I' . , M. A. O. ! A.M. ! . u. KM-j.1 FJonx ( Jitj Cxprfti * C : < 6a :4.VvpuUlainl : Acc-ummoa'n 1 > : : nift . . . . Dei itut. 1 ; . ' Arrnc. _ A.'M. I r. x. I L' . . It. .V O. "A. M. , r. M. _ V > : ll _ l":00l..5'.u _ I'lntlMr.oiitli * KOTi : A , u-ulnh ( Inllj ; if. dully txipi o y : O , dally except Baiurtliijr ; ldati/ ) ( J llondiiv. KTOC'K VAKII TltAIN- wlll leave U. 1 % dviicit , Onuhn : , nt ' 0:10 7:35 b:8Sl 0tWtt. : m ; -3lft-J:05-ii5 > " 'JJ p. in nl'uciflt i\iir.H5 . , b:3J p m. : Ufiivcr hr. , 10:55 a. m ; Lo" l" : in m Ixm f tockynrilslor Cintnliu at * 7 03 < 10 : 'JO-ll'Wi : i rn jiJl J.j' - : a 6 ; < rtfclt m. Atleiitlo V.x .le.S. O. 7"lju in.- r'11-a.i'-v KJ. . le fcj. O 5:07 p.m. ; Ixtr-il ix ; , le S. C > , 10. .1 p i .s o. S-tt i-iJii. nv ; fid U , 1' . tU. . id I UiCrtU SunJujr.