Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1886, Image 1

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Bulgarians Greet TLoir Retiring
Prince With Great Enthusiasm.
Kcpnrntlon Hccnc" TlintSi < m tlic Lo\c
ol'ttip IVoplc Imiiililct In tlio
CoiiiniiiiiH on i In ; llel-
last Situation.
A Kyinintlil/.lii 1'opnlnrc.
OncovA , Sepl. ( > . I Now York Herald
Cable-Special to the Mr.i : ] When I'llnco '
AloMinder'saeht outeied holla last year ho
was greeted b ) the nthvnvNu Ronerally ( piUt
poinilnco with ovations and ncclamatlons as
the contiuering hero. Hut jcsterdav , nt his
departure from Solla , the loud shouts of tri
timph were changed Into utterances of sorrow
row As the prince continued his journey
through thosmall\lllagpshovvnsevervvhero )
iccclved by the Inhabitants with
SIONH or in ri > sTvirAiiiY
nnd regret. 'Ihntthu nnny did not arise to
forcibly restrain the prince fiom depaiting Is
to be attributed solely to the decisive and
Impoi Innate rcauests of tiolrclilol. Sonovv-
fully , and with tears In thelt eves , did the
ofllters listen to the nrluco as he bade them
act obediently to the will of the legcncj !
AVcio It not for the pi Ince , Solli would now ,
pei haps , be the
bcr.M ! or in OODY KNrot'NTrus ,
for the army was determined to av CURO their
comnmndct on his loos. A few miles be ) end
Solla the prince bade ids olllcers farowell.
The scene was ver ) touching. Ho iiumcdl-
atol ) altei set out with the regent Stambii-
loir and KaiaveloiT and the inlnlstets Ita-
doslavott , Sloilow , GickofC nnd NikolayotT.
Ills biother likewise nccoinpanicil him. The
regents , adjutants and minister * who accom
panied the prince say ho diil not Icav o his
country IIH a refugee , but ns a i uler regictted
and mourned by all his subjects. ' 1 ho pott ot
Lorn 1'olankn vv.mgallv decointed with lings.
A \ii'Aiiti/iNi ( enow i )
greeted the prlnco ns he , with his C3\ort ,
boarded the Danube steamer S/a\n. The
jacht Alexandei ngaln escorted the departing
piluco. No 0)0 remained dry. Soon nftm
breakfast time the btcamet npproached the
fortress ot Widdln , where n number ole
o fOreck nnd Roumanian steamers , with gn-
colored bunting , weio wnlting In ordot to
welcome his ntrival with jo ) fill strains of
music and resounding huitahs. From the
walls of Wtdden thundeied
i an SAMO or PAVNOV.
The entliogarrisomvas diawn up on the
shoio tinderalio command of Major Usunoin
who so bravely defended the lortrcss last
'car against the attacks of the Sen lans. As
; ho m Inro touched land the bands on board
iho S/av a and the yacht commenced to play.
' "ho impression leeched from the mighty
hnuahlngciovvdson the sh'-.o is Indesciib-
able. The sw a ) ing mass , maid continued ac
d , imations , singed foivv aid to meet tlio ] ii 1103
It seemed as if they wanted to ttiMio DiiAitr.
AVith dllllcnlty did the prlnco push his way
tbiough the shouting , weeping crowds. At
last ho ga'ned ' the prefecture. Ho ascended
the baleen ) , where ho made a short speech
thanking his faithful subjects , and especially
the beloved town of AVlddcn , foi the love
and loyalty shown him. Ho also thanked
] 5ulgailaand implored for its futuio vvellaro
tlio blessing of ( ! od. As the prince left the
prcfecluio to board the jacht Alexander , the
ctovvdini : was so great that it appealed for a
moment as if the peop'o ' wanted to keep him
b.ick , but his quieting vvoulsdld not fall to
bilng about the desiied etlcct , and ho was ac-
coidlngly enabled to teach Ms yacht.
ciir.r.ns FOII Tin :
Amid mnovved thuiuieilng of cannon and
shouts of liutrabs by the masses and the sol-
diets , thojaclit iSloosoned Irom Its moor-
IIIKR. Ho vv ho has ev ei w Itncssed the specta
cle of a beloved pilnco torn fiom his lojal
subjects , fiom Ins beau will never bo effaced
this touching scene of siupathy and love.
A number of steamers and six barks escoited
tlio prince a short distance , while from the
Koumanlan shore , near Kolafnr , came tliiin-
dcilnggtectlng fiom belching cannon. Thus
did the pilnco take Ids dcpattnto fiom the
orients. At night the brilliant illuminations
on botli shoics , and the hurrahs penetrating
the dnikness. gave llngcilng evidence ol the
sympathy which the prlnco had left behind
In the hearts of ids subject ? .
ON Sept. " . Surprise Is expressed at
St. Petersburg at the statement of Pilnco
Alexanders proclamation that thoc/arhad
pionilscd to respect the independence and
liberty ot Unlgntla , Such ptoinlsos , It vvas
declared , vv ere not made by the c/ar.
WASTS TO HI : A .soT.uimt.
HIMILIV , Sept. U. Tlio minister ot war has
received fiom Piinco Aloxati'Iot a dispatch
asking that ho bo allowed to resume the
duties of a ( iciman soldier.
of Abdication.
SoriA , Sept. I' ' . [ Now i'oilt Hoi-
nld Cable Siiocial to tlio Hr.i-Att : ] ) o'clock
In the morning the m inlfcsto of the prince's
abdication was posted upon the stiect coi
ners. A number of groups conctogated
mound the announcement , which vvas genei-
nlly icad aloud by some Individual who vvas
able to toad. Ko reports have ) ct been
iccolvcd fiom thepiovlnces it'gaidlng the
impression made theio by the piinco's abdi
cation , but the prefectures tolcgiaphcd to the
piovlnces for In foi unit ion during the night.
Some of thooflicershavo jmton iiiouriilntr.
Ho WnntH tn Kniivv About liclAist
lllclEu-lteauli Koplloa.
LONDON , Sept. 0. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to thd Ilii : : . ] llelfast matters
occupied much of the time nnd attention of
tlio commons during question bouts this
evening , and J glvo ) ou a sumnnuy of the
same supplement nnd oxphinatoty of many
items nlready cabled. Mr. Se.Mon asked what
ic-port had been made by the constabulary
authorities nt Belfast as to what extent the
Catholic woiklng people who lost employ
ment dining tlio recent riots him now been
restored , mid what measures had been
ndoutcd by einplo ) era to keep eider lu their
Sir Michael Ulcks-Ueach said It was Im
possible for him to civo any dellnlto infer-
imulun upon the matter , which is not within
thocontiolof the goveinmcnt. So fains ho
had been ublo to ascertain all the Catholic
j\vorklnimen , who left their employ during
the dlbtui bailees had now returned. Ho
understood also that the cmplocrs
had threatened with dismissal any
poison who
Mr , Sexton Incmiicd what measmes Imd
been resolved uuun for the Increnso and re
distribution of the constabulary force at liul-
fast and who vvas to command them.
Sir Hicks liracli said that an extra
constabulary force of 400 remained at Uelfasl
ITo to aid the local foico. A poitlou of them hail
been concentrated In tlie centtul part of the
o town and the test distributed lu othei parts.
bix houses had bun taken by the gomu
incut for prov Isionnl barracks for the force at
pro cnt under command of the assistant Inspector
specter central.
Mr. Sexton asked if the government would
rossitii.ii TIII : si nni STIOV
that a police station should bo provided In
the district whrie the fatal attack was made
on the navies.
Sli Michael Hlcks-Heacli said tint the point
would bo considered In connection with a
permanent arrangement. The ariangements
ot which he had just spoken wcio only turn *
Mr. Sexton asked whether , considering that
dining the i lots 4U patleiitH were received
Into the Helfnst iovnl hospital , ntn cost to the
hospital ot ANX ) , and that the strained condi
tion of trade allows for no hope that the
exlta expenditure could bo met by addi
vet rjirAm rnvrninrTioN'1' ,
supplemental ) ' estlm itrs would bo submitted
to tl.e liiiuso fet a grant in aid of the hospital.
Sir Michael Hicks Ileach .ild that the gov
ernment had considered this , nnd while It
recogiii/ed the bpuelits that the hospital con-
feued on the commuult ) . they did not led
themselves in a ) io Itlon tomikc.i favorahlo
leply. The only jil ices lu lielnnd to which
grants ot this kind vvoto mndo vveie in
Dublin. It was notdesltablo to extend the
Mi. Sexton cavonotlco that on the civil
sctvico estimates debate ho would move a
( iiMrouiiti : : itosi'trvi. .
T , P. O'Connor nM < ed It the government
did not mnko a public grnnt to a doctor who
attended upon a landlord injured some time
a o. Wetu the people injure d nl Belfast less
entitled to public assistance than a landlord'.1
Sir Michael amid "oh "
lllc.ks-iiuach ( ,
"olft" fiom the hisli membeis ) said that the
hospital as not the same thing as a doc
tor. f
( Avolco ) . Landloid doctor.
The lielfast subject then dtoppcd.
3 Nousnai ny.
A Tnlk With n Sailor AVIio Tt-iccl a
NnweAsti.r , Sept. a [ Now Yoik llornld
Cable Speelnl to the Uiii ] To day 1 had
an Interview with 11. M. Andeison , ono ot
the rash voageis lecoutly taken off a small
boat named Ocean in tijingto make the
Passage trom Norway to Ameiiea. Ander
son had a disappointed look butspokolieely.
He said : "Our boat Is a common Norwegian
sjogto , bow-shaped at both ends.
She Is llfteen feet in keel ,
hvo In beam , two feet four Inches deep , and
fitted out as a lllo boat. She bchav ed w ell at
the outset , AVe lett Cliilstlana on May 25.
AVe sailed eight days acioss the North sea
and came tluough the canal at Grangcmoiitli
to ( Jlasgow. Wo loft the last port on Juno
20 , and called at Mullnhci-d. "
"Can jott memoii/ooui logl"
"For the lust two weeks out fiom Ireland
wohad had weather , all vvesteily winds. On
the Gth and 7th ot July we had lilch seas. On
the llth and 12th wo oncounteted n heav )
gale with a high breaking sea , which wo
clcated finally by using oil. On the 13th we
cairted away our mast In a strong breeze Iron
tlie north with squally weatlici ami ahlgl
sea. AA'o iittccl a mast as wo went along
After that it lomained line to July 20 , when
in a sttous breeze from the iiorth-noitheast ,
with a high sen ,
WE :
the boat being fourteen buckets of water
short In her ballast nnd was can ) lug too
much sill. lint , with the exception of losln
ono squnro snll nnd the jib nnd-somo cloth ,
wo got aw ay again. Fiom this mishap we
got moro confidence In the boat than ever.
Still , the knocking about and pitching was
more Ionian tic than comfortable. AVe then
had some daS of vciy fine weather , aftei
which wo commenced to get It contrary and
so had almost to lie to nearly all that wool : .
This was when the City of Chicago passed ns.
the week after. On August ! ! wo were along'
side the German batk Call Tank of DantI/ ,
going to Quebec. Out barometer was dam
aged by water and wo did not know that the
glass had been tailing tor the last twonty-
fotn hours nnd was filling still. The captain
said , 'we have a heavy gal" coming ; you had
bettei comoaboatd heio and glvo It up , ' bill
In oin success after last week's slow pi ogress
wo would not listen. AVe loft him ,
but had not been away four
hours before wo got the beginning
of a gale trom the southwest , which the nexl
day hauled lound to the west and blow terri
bly , with n high breaking sea. AVe managed
It well enough up to 8 o'clock on tlio morn
ing of the nth of August , when wo got II
wotso nnd wcio again capsi/cd , nnd tills lime
bangoveroui stem , or end over end , tlio
boat lighting itself again was full of water
Poi thirty hours
i UK MA : w VMIID : ovr.u us ,
constantly. Alter wo got balled out wo
found falx of the tanks lull of water. Thoonly
dry ono contained our clothes and twelve
boxes of matches. All the hi cad but a few
pounds was damaged. AVe had presence
the meat , potatoes and rlco , so that we
wouldn't want tor eatables for thico weeks.
Howevei , we found our water tank leaking
and the water uottlng salt , AVe had lost all
our bed clolhes and half our othei
clothes , our books ami sextant , so on the 7tl
wo agieed upon giving up the job. He-sides
out aims weio bad with salt water bolls , AVe
weio btlll all right , but alter tlio 21th of Jnlj
wohad begun to think that wo tveio no :
i Ight In tempting prov idenco. AVe had beer
spoken by ninny steamers nnd other ships
nnd finally the baik Maty ( Jiaham , liom Quo
bcc to Shields , in latitude degrees , 20 min
utes north mid longitude degrees w est ,
"Wo wcio most kindly treated , the captain
bnlng n man interested in ourattcmpt. Alas ,
wabiought him ill luck , for the bark soon
bhlppcdnboa over her stern , the wieckago
btilklng the captain nnd killing him in
stantly. Then the second mate nnd en
bailer wrro washed over and lost
the Enmo sen also disabling the
llrst mate and another sailor , leaving
only two sailors , the carpenter , a steward ,
iti ) self nnd my mate t9 work a ship of seven
hundred tons. The boats wore lost nnd part
ot tlio deck caigo ot timber vvas washed
away , tl.o icmalndcr 1)ing about In all di
rections. There wore nine feet of wnter In
tlio hold , nnd had the batk not been n very
good ship wo must have gone down. AVe ,
however , readied this plnco last Saturday
night to take ship for Norway again. "
BOIIIIV TO aivi : IT ur.
"AA'as I soiry to glvo it up ? Yes , Indeed ,
lint I would not use our boat ngnln. There
Is just ns much risk in balling270 miles across
the Koi th sea as there was at anytime on our
NO ) age. "
1 found that Captain Anderson had been a
chief ( ilUcerin vessels in American waters
nnd had commanded others in European seas.
Ho is ( uiitu a lion neru and at Shields , all
giving him theciedlt of phjslcil courage and
coolness , but moro foi moral courage In
abandoning thu attempt when food aud
water gave out.
Catholic IllHliops for Homo Ttulo.
Dun , Sept. 0. The conference ot Cath
olic bishops at Maynooth adopted resolutions
to-da ) declaring that the Irish people appre
ciated Gladstone's efforts in behalf of Ire
land. They still ad hero to their demand
foi homo rule , and indignantly deny the tory
assertions , that If thu Irish people bhpuld
govern themselves In domestic altnlrs the
Catholic majoitv would abif-e the power con-
fcricdonthu Irish parliament , aud hatrass
HIP Protestants ot ihecountrv. The ie olu-
tions assert that trouble and dlsordei In both
lie-land and dreat llrilnln will not cease un
til lie-laud's right to administer her own laws
Is rcposrnlzod. Atchhishop Walsh , of Dublin.
Archbishop Crokcr. of Cashel Mhc-evllly , the
aichbishopot Tiinm , and twentv-tlneo other
bishops were present attli.coiifeiciico when
the i evolutions were adopted.
Illc Po'iKoi-y In Clilna.
SAN Fn VNC isco , Sept. ! ) The steamer IHo
Janeiro arrived this morning with Hong
Kong news to August 10 , and Yokohoma to
August 21. A daring forgei ) was committed
at Hong Kong August 20 b ) P. 1 ! . llclttam ,
clerk In the Spanish consul Ue. Hcfoiccd
thonnmoot Mcncnnilnl , tlio Spanish consul
to a bill of c'xch ingo foi . 0 wo on the Hank
of India , Ansti.alta and China , diawn in
favor ot iho Manilla government , aud Im
mediately dl appeaii'd. Xothltig IIH been
heaid ot him si nco , though It is believed lie
depatled foi llrltlsh Columbia on tliuChlncso
batk KwongToiiir.
Alexander Homeward Hauntf.
P vnis.Scpt.O ATurnsevciin special ns :
Alex-andor.StamhulolT , Kaiaveloft and neatly
all Bulgarian mlnlsteis tu rived this morning
Ina ) acht. The Koumanian ti oops i evolved
the prince at the landing , and lined the route
along which Jm passed to the lallioad sta
tion. Alexander took leave of the miiiisteis
nndolllceis heio The tarowe'l ' was veiy af
fectionate. Ho will leave Tuinsovuin this
afle-inoon nnd pioeeed direct to his patental
'tomcat Damstadt.
Cholera Dovnstatlon.
FIANCI , : CO , Sept. ! > . A letter to the
bulletin from Seoul , Coten , dated August 2 ,
states that the deaths fiom Asiatic chole-ia
fiom July lf > to 2T > nur-ibeiodUO. : ) Since
then fiom 207 to W poiMins li uediod dailv.
C'llllns could not tu obtained .mil the bodies
weio w lapped in sicking. In man ) places
do.js and vnltuus have scintehed awav the
light coveiini ; of eat th aud devomed the
Aid For Cli.u-lrston.
LOVDOX , Sept. t' . At iho meeting of
aldetmeu to day Luck icyd a tcle.'iam fiom
thomaorol Chailestou , lu which tlio latter
said the cat thquaku had left 5.0JO people In
urgent need of assistance. 1'ioin the major's
house Luck , on bchalt ot tlie loid major , Is-
Mied an appeal to a bL-nelit public lor nld
YOUTHFUL i.\cixjiAiiis.
Small I5oH the Authors ol' the Tires
nt IJiiHt St. IjoiiN.
ST. Louis , Sept. ' . ) . Dmlng the past two
months icpcnted attempts have been made to
burn dow n the Nation il stock jards In E ist
St. Lonls , and two ot the Hies slatted by the
Inccndiailcs caused considerable damage to
the pens aud sheds , but wcro extinguished
beloio tlio llamcs had communicated to any
ofthelaiKO paciciug houses. The pe-rpetia-
tors of the outrages remained unknown
until last Tuesday night , when John Colly ,
night watchman nlAVIilttnket's potk packing
House , dlscoveied seve-ril bovs attempting to
set the house on Hie. The iuceiidiulcs lied
at hlsapoioach , but he puisued and caught
one of them , who pioved to bo his own son ,
John , fem teen jcais ot a = re. Yestetda ) the
father took his boy to Piesldent Knox and
made him confess. The boy as-kiinvv lodged
th it ho and two othei bovs named Heed and
Hopkins had kindled the hies of JnnuTnnd
Atuust 2 and n which lesulted in tlio loss ot
00,000. The bovs said they made their at
tempts to bum down the ) .uds because they
were ret used woik.
In Monelnry Circles.
CiimEX.NE , AVjo. , Sept. 9. [ Special
Telegram to the 15r.i.J T. 13. Hicks. pies >
dent of the First National bank fo
Checnne , andMi . C. AV. Converse , widow
of tno Into banket millionilie , A. it. Con-
veiso , weio mauled this morning ana lett tor
the east immediately.
Death of a Chaplain.
Ciir.Yr.x.vr , AVyo. , Sept. 9. [ Special Tele-
pram to the 15E1-.J Uev. I ; . W. IJrady , post
chaplain at Fort D. A. Iuscolldled suddenly
tills evening. Chaplain Urady served through
the war In an Iowa tcglment , and is some
what famous as a lectiirei on "Life-in Libby , "
having been a pilsonei many months.
Death Almost Certain.
Missoum VAT.I.EV , la , Sept. 9. [ Special
Telegram to the Buu. ] This evening while
switching , night Ijnulimster , O. Mnshcr
caught his foot In a fie , ' nnd was run over.
His light le and light aim were badly
niaii''led , nnd the chances ot suivtvlng bis
injuiics nro very slight.
A Uniilc's Ijxlstcnuo Kxtendccl.
AVASin.NCiTOX , Sept. 9. The corporate ex
istence ot the llldgelv National bank ot
Sprluglield has been extended to Scptembei
11 , 1000.
JIo Sajs He Only AVcnt to nil A
Nr.w Yonit , Sept 9. The Evening Posl
pilntsnrnid fiom O. ( J. Scdgwiek , special
United States agent to Mexico , dated City of
Mexico , Septembei 3 , In which ho sas : "A
week ago 1 went to a ball nnd stayed to the
end , and went homo and to my bed early the
noxtmoinlng. My filond Gulinnds called
upon mo and lound mediesslnr. and how cut
out. All the officers and membeis of the
Jockey club , who aio the pilnclpal people of
the city , have signed a letter cxoneiatlng mo
from all Impropei behavloi at any time dur
ing the ball. Gentlemen who saw mo ictutii
fiom the ball nave signed n caul that the )
observed nothing , but that I went towntds
my room. I have Guliand's statement In
wilting as to hlscall in the morning , besides
n statement of the hotel manager that no
bceiiuoi low of any kind took place at the
hotel , and also that I wont to my loom after
the ball. No 0)0 witness has ovci been pro
duced , and I only know liom hcnisay what
stories niociiculntcd In the United States.
U.inid hn'Mclcgiaphed mo that my personal
denial of the scandal is wanted. "
The Colored Citizens' Muss Meeting.
Pursuant to a call fora mass meetlng.about
thiity colored cltl/cns mot at the city hnl
last night to select n man to be recomincndec
to the icpubllcan convention as a candidate
for the legislature. The meeting was called
to order by A. H. AVIIlis. After consldeiablo
picllmlim-y skirmishing C. W. Hubbatd was
made permanent chaliman of the meeting
and Mr. Il.arnett chosen ns secretary , Mr
Hubbaid addressed the meeting at some
length , urging the ntec-tlng to hnk'ct a goo <
man. aud then domain ! that the republicans
give him n place on the ticket.
At the close ot Mr. Hubb.aid's address Mr.
Iluikoirot the llooi and stated that the meetIng -
Ing was not a representative ono
and moved nn adjournment for
ono week. This called out a
free-for-all discussion that lasted for an hour
and a half , It was nnnlly decided to adjourn
tor ono week. Tlio following w ere appointee
n committee to pro | > orly ndveitlso the meet
ing mid secure a full repicsontatlon of the
colored voters of the city : Hammett am
( iamblo of the First vvard. Frank Ureon am
Jones of the Second , A. H. Willis and C. E
liurko of the Third , 0. H. C.iahnm nnd Solo
mon I5rovvn of the Fourth , Dr. Itlckctts am
AV. li. Under of the Fitth , and Sluinsoii aud
Ylncgur ot the SUtli.
A Narrow K oopo.
Kngino Ko. 823 brought In the evening
overland train jesterday , aud as usual the
veteran UiilOn Pacific engineer , Joe Hajes
took U across the liver , AVIillo switching
near the transfer the crank pins on the drive
wheels on both sides ot the engine broke
letting the rods fall down. The engine came
across the river with only ono rod vvorkluL-
llad this occurred when the train vvas golnj ,
at aliv ely rate thei o Is no telling Uovv Irlgutf u
the rubult might Ua\o beeo ,
Cho Second Contest for tlio International
Onp Statts Out Jiivcly ,
The Mnj Mower In tlieljunil AVhon tlio
Contest Stops The Oitp-.MUe ! ) !
cj clc llecortt Upokcii
Other S
Tlio Yncht Kacf Postponcil.
The Sei'iinil Ynclit Itncc.
S.vnHOOK , N" Y. , Sept. ! ' . Shortly
after day break theto was nnnsuil nctlv lt > on
boaid of > achts nnd sailing craft. The
iiidn sails wcio sot whllo a thick black
sinoko that tolled liom the stacus of thn
steam jaehts , showed tint the > eic picpir-
lug lot tlio day's sport. All of the great
throng of people that had filled the stands of
tin1 hotels along the Narrow s , on the occasion
il the Hist race , those \\lio had stationed
Ihcmsches along tiong Island , clo o to the
bhoics , or perched upon the rocks and breast-
wet ks of the two big forts at the entrance of
iho upper hay , appealed to ha\o bien lifted
In one great mass and sit down
upon the beach nt Sandy Hook , or
the Jersey hills. The beach between Ocean
( iio\oand Xexerslnk highlands , as turns the
eje could leach , was tilicklth people. Not
only from setsido icsoits did the > come , but
from inland towns where the contest has
awakened Intense Inteiest. The pia/ras ot
all the hotels neai those ieio occupied bj
spcctatois who came down on the eatly
trains and boats.
Uetore nine o'clock the clouds broke away
lu the east , and a dealing up wind Degnn
and continued from east to noitheist. At
nine tlie signal set vice guo the \eloeitv of
the \ \ hid nt twelve miles per hour. The fo4
hotn was hushed nnd the mist began tomove.
It was wet uoik on bond of the sailing
% essel , and hcnvv sills wcio in
scantdemind. Vessels coming Infiomsca-
\\ard eauied light sills alott. With the
\\ind in the present dliectlon the vacths will
ptobiblj inn down to eastward. At ii&Otho
\\ind blow 20 miles , witli ligiit talu .
( ienenl Paine rilled on lieutenant
Ilenn. of the ( Jalatea , jesteiday inoiniug.
He pionosed. aftei the International laces , to
keep tlio Majllower In commission in
Mirblohead baj until there came up a gale
oflntl. . Then Inthlsirale ho pioposed 10
nco the Galatea from Mmblohcnd to Capo
Cod. Ilenn was somewhat taken back at
this bold challenge and asked time to con-
sidet thoiuattei. The news of 1'alne's chal
lenge got abroad je terday and dhided in
jaditing chcles tlio discussion of the pios-
pccts foi to-d.ij's tare. It vas
the gcneial opinion that a lace
across Massachusetts baj in a galoot
ot wind would be a much better test of the
\\eatheilv qualities ot the American an
Knglisli ho its than a championship iaco
aiound lieiinndn. Ouo > acht m.insild : "Tlio
I'ntrlish ipipeis ha\o been s.uini : that the
t ! datea Is the fastest boat In l.ucland and is
inn hailed ainon. : i. icing , yaehts lor Its good
iniilltles , 1 don t believe that any ono be
lieves that. Ku-n the boasted IICK could sill
with her In a gale , and now hete Is a chance
of a lace of heroic kind , worthy of two great
maiitime nations. 1 hope Henn will accept
the challenge. "
fc > VM HOOK , Sept i'J , 1:30 : ] > . in. The
vachts got aw.n sliottly.attci 11 a. HI . but the
Ing complete ! ) shut out Iho view of Scotland
lightshln. Tlie log boat captain came
Horn oil shore iepottstltlien ( ho left the
jachts the JIaj How oryas nbout oiglit miles
ahead , botli on their starboard tack , stindins
towaids Hockavvay Uoich. The ( Jilatea
stalled ahead In the race liom Scotland light
1:40 : p. m. The \clocity of the -wind Is
twenty miles poi hour , and still heads from
the eastwatd. In w indward work the cutter is
at her best , but the Uoston boat does not allow
the Lnglisiiman to cot a\\av liom her , and If
she hiurs chisel ) will haso the advantage In
the i tin homo with free sheets. The sea Is
covered \\lth white caps and Iscry hea\v.
The stirl Is pounding on the beach and theio
arc no signs of a let up in the storm. Tlio
fog has not lifted.
S. 20 p. in. The fog is dealing away off
shore. Soet al yachts are cruising ontsldo
the bar waiting lor the leturn of the meets.
The wind Is east and blowing fourteen miles
per bout.
Ni w Yonic , 7:30 : p. in. Incoming boals ic-
poit that thi'acht race Is elf today on ac
count of failure to make the distance in the
requited time.
There aio plenty of disappointed jachts-
ineii in Now York to-night , lot the second
race of the International .series has been post
poned till Saturday. Aftei sailing in a liesh
bree/e trom the eastward , foi lour hours , and
in a light bree/ofrom tlio same cjnai tor for
two hointimotc , the Mallo\\craml the ( > ila-
tea , with the accompmplng licet of nearly n
bundled \ esselseio emoloncd In a thick
fog ten miles cast of Sandy Hook light ship ,
and \u > io compelled to abandon the taec.
When the Ma ) How or rounded the "outet , " twenty miles east of. Scotland light
snip , atHi , Sim , - - ! * , the Galatea was not in
sight from that point. Trie MaJlower had
outsailed hei on evety tack fiom the stait ,
botli cairyinir tlio srnno sal ! in a brcc/o that
was stead ) from about cist , wtth occasional
lain squalls and a modcaately heavy swell
liom tint mi irtei. The Ma ) ( lower could not
luuo linlshed the ince in tlio allotted time of
seven boms even if. the weather hadicnialned
The Huso Hull Kcuorcl.
AT CinoAGO Moinlng game.
Chicago 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 .1
Detroit 2 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 b
I'itchers Claikson and Haldwln. Uiso
lilts-Chicago r. . Uetiolt 13. Kruus-Chlcago
0 , Dettoit 0. Uniplio-Qnrst. ( iamo called
at the end of eighth Iniilntj on account ot
Unltlmoio 1 S210000-7
Metiopolltans 1 0 U U 0 0 0 0 5
I'ltcheis Kllrov and Mays. Flist base lilts
llaltlmoto 7 , Mettopolltans ' . ) . Kuors
Haltlmoio 4 , Metropolitans U. Umpire
rittsbmc 1 300000001 4
St. Louis 0 031000000-3
I'ltcheis O.ilvln andCaiuthers. nisohits
I'ittsburgt ) , St. Louis 13. Terrors rittsbuif
it , St. Louis r > . Umpho Piatt.
Knnsis City. n 00010-4
St. Lonls. . : 1 1 S 0 0 0-
AT I'jnr.Anr.r.iMiiA
Athletic.s..5 000'300040 ' 0-11
Urookln..3 01 li 000010 1-13
Kiev en Innings. 1'itchcts Atkinson and
Hendeihon. 1'lrst bah6 hits-Athletics 10 ,
Dtooklyn 10 , iirois-L\tlilctics : a , Brooklyn
8 , Uniplic Cailln. f ,
Tlio Ilicyole jTugoril Brokoii.
IlAitTFOKD , Conn. , Kept. 0 , At the blcj clo
touriiament to-day tlio ono-mllo handicap
professional iaco was won by F. Wood , of
Kngland , In2i3beatlngjlondco's : ! iccordof
3il ; : , and beating the b t , time over uiado In
a lace ,
Hlicopslicnd Hay Uncos.
NEW Yonic , Sept. 0. At Shcepshcad Hay
For two ) ear-olds , threo-quaiters mile : Free
dom won , Hypatla second , Giaclpsa third.
ll ages , mlle and furlong : Knduror won ,
Irish Pat second , Tieasurer third , Time
3uoj/ : ,
Mlle and half : Jim firay won , Queen sec
ond. O'Fallon third. Timo-3S : > l < .
All ages , mlle and nuartci : Itrown Dnko
won , J'nnka sc-coud , LUzlo Uwyer thhd.
Time-3:13. :
Thieo-i ear-olds and upwards , throo-quar-
tera mlle : Uattledoro won , J' asus sec
ond. Holmdel third. Time l-.l'i.
Seven-eighths mile : Kdgchel J won. Lucas
second , iAit\o \ Mack third. Time lbl. :
Point Jlrcezo Huces ,
PiiiLADKM'iiiA , Sept. 9. At Point Breeze
For two- ) car olds , three-lourtha mlle :
Magr\von , Nina I ) , second. Hello Ih.ackett
hlrd Timc-lU : > .
Three fourths mile : Miller von , Uvn 1C.
second , llaibiin third. Time I'll'j.
Mile and oiip-sUtrenth1 Kenln tin won.
Molonia second , ite > tless Ihlid lime lM'j. : '
Mile : 1'onl won. Si-lei second , Wood-
low cr third , rime l-f ) .
Tor all aces , mlle nnd one-fourth : Olivette
won , Tunis second , Molllo Walton thlid.
Tlioy nnfjCPil No
S \iivvvo Ivv , \ . Y. , Sept. U. I.ita la. t
night It was deemed that a deer hunt should
take D'a o today , nnd by dajiUlit half n
l)7cu ( guides and as inanv doss were In lead-
iness tor the clmvo. The ehase lasted until
nearly noon and tlio hunters returned empty
lianded. 'llic ptesldent will probiblv remain
In the vv ilderni-s at leist a vveok longer.
Hiindri'd PnsseiiKPi-s Oiouiulcd
on Sniuly Hunk ( tench.
SAXDHOOK. . \ . .1. , Se pt. U The ex-cur
slon stcamei Kmplro State , with about eight
liundredpassencet" , wentnshoro during the : ! ! 0 o'clock this evening on
bandv Hook beach , about half v\a\ between
life saving stations Xos. 1 and 2. The clews
of the stations , together vvltli the stoamei's
lioats landed all the | asseugeis on the beach
In afety. Assist inro vvas at once sent foi
to get the sleamet ntT. A steamer has ale
been sent to couvev the pas > enircrs to the
litnnny of vvliom llvt out of town. The
stcamei lies In an easv position.
It Is inmoicd here that another steamer Is
ashore nt S alhight. In all six guns IIIIMI
been lieatd this moinliumueo 7 o'clock '
vvlucli vvriotiken for si nalsof distress , but
nothing dellnitocan bo Icatned.
Collision nt Snnil ) Iloolc.
Nr.w YoitK , Sept. 1) ) C iptaln Mortlson of
Iho tug boat Itobett Knjlnson , icpottstho
collision of the steamui Clt ) of Alexandria
with the steam diedgo at the Hook at 1:35 :
dining the dense fo . Tlio City of Alexnn
dria stiuok the ( hedge , which Imuiedlntelv
sunk. Tliocioweio picked tip b ) the Kob-
in-on , two of them slightly injuied. The
dinniro to the --te'amer Is unknown. It could
not be a ceit lined wholliei the steamei pio-
ceeded on hcrcouise tolliu ma. uvvltu to the
loir. The diodgo Islnavei ) diingciuus po
sition , lor alaige nnmbei of steam and sall-
inijeiatt are bound in fiom the ) .ieht tacc.
Tlio Hrptiblionn State Central Cotu-
mittoc of Illinois ISIcct OIHoers.
CHICAGO , Sept. 9. When the lepnblican
state cential committee , was called to ouier
to-day the following mi'inb'isof the commit
tee weio piesent : Abuer Tayloi , T. C. Mc
Millan , S. H. Uaymond , C. A. Murray , A. M.
Jones , Chailes lJi > ntHcniy May , 15. 1) . Shei-
man , Will ! im 15. LMIII , J. U. Messer.HIeliaid
T. IIIg ! n . Di.W. 11. Haskell. and John J.
S. Maitin. 15. P. Maibh , David T. LUtlet ,
Jason llogeis , U. J. LongneekeM , lidwaid
Mitchell nnd Howard Knovvles held proxies
forCoinmlttceincn Ajbcits , ltanson ? , ,
Callalmn , Chapm in and Hileheock. The
committee pioreeded at once to the election
ot a cliaiiman. Tlnee gentlemen A. M ,
Jones , John A. Martin , and James II. Clatk
were placed lu nomination. On an Informal
ballot the vote stood : Jones 10 , Maitin f ,
Clark 5. The lirst formal billet losiilted ,
Jones 10 , Martin 0 , Chile 4. On the ninth
ballot Jones was de'claied elected , the billet
standing : Jones 11 , Maitin ' _ ' , Claik 7.
Uyavotootll to 0 Daniel Shepard was
chosen srcretaiy over I1. Ultd Price. D.uo
Littler nominated Cal Abncr T.ilor for
ticasurci. Tayloi declined and nominated
Sam 15. Uaymoud. Itirmond declined. Cal
Ta ) lor insisted that Itaymond should ac
cept. He h ild that If.iunoiul vvastho\ety
best man lot the piaco on the committee ,
having ability to rafso a blgget campaign
fund than any othei man \vlio could ue
named. Hav mend absolutely icfused to
seive. On motion of Cal Taloi the colco ot
treasliler was left to the chiliman actini :
with the adv ice of the executive committee.
The chan man was also ompoweied to name
an executive committee of seven and submit
the names to tlio committee ror approval.
On motion ot Copimlttecman J5ent thlciiro
was chosen by unanimous consent as hcad-
( luartcis of tlie committee.
They'll Stay at Sprlunflelcl.
Si'ni.ariii.i : > , 111. , Sept. 0. Hon. Alfted
Orentlotf , chaltman of the democratic state
central committee ictuiucd from Chicago to
day. Ho stated in an interview with the
State Kcgistci icporter that theio was no
until in the statements that the hoadnuartcrs
of the committee had been established at
Chicago , and settlnar foitn the plan of the
dcmociatlc campaign , that the subject ot
changing the headquaiters was not men
tioned at the meeting ot the commltteo and
they would remain alSptlnglield , wheio they
weioloc.iteit ntthe meutlu. ; of thocoinmitloe
Juno last.
AVlint tlio Jlclvers in tlio I artli arc
Worlcliifi to AccoinpliBli.
IxniANAi'orisInd.Sept. 'J. The national
federation ot miners considered a number of
Impottant matters to day , which came bolero
Iho convention to-day In the shape ot iesolu-
lions. After considerable debate tlio lollow-
Ing weie adopted :
Resolved , Thatitistho scnso of this con.
volition that no olllcei ot member should
nrgani/ooronccmiago anv ol oui craltmncn
to connect themselves with any organi/atlon
whoso niL'thods are antagonistic to the alms
and objects ot national tcdeiatlon.
Itcsolntlons cxpresslni ; sympathy with the
( ! rape Cicekstrlkcts wcio adopted , nnd the
convention denounced fico turn systems.
Resolutions were passed pledging the mem
bers not to vote for candidates who will not
agico to support a law prohibiting opctators
from working their mines moio than oitrlit
hours a day , nnd a law compelling thopa-
nifnt of wages every two weeks in lawlul
inonov. The constlr.ioy ) laws weio denounced
nnd tnelr repeal demanded. Chi 1st Kvans
waschoseil executive bectetary and Daniel
MrLaughlln seerctaiy. Pntrlclc McAdams ,
of Indiana ; N. It. Hlssoll , of Ohio ; Ihomns
.It. Aimsttong , ol Illinois with tlio seeietary
and trcasurei ( cx-oliiclo ) , constltuto the ex
ecutive boaid. The convention adjouincd.
They JMulco a Stiito Ticket and Adopt
n I'lutf'oriii.
IlAitTroun , Conn. , Sept. 0. The lopnbll
can state convention assembled this
with a full attendance. United States
torO. II. Plattvvas chosen presiding officer
and nmilo the opening speech. Phlncas C.
Lovvthcr was nominated for governoi on the
first ballot. Thomas Clark was nominated
for comptroller. The committee on rcsolu
tionsthen reported theplatfoim. Itfavors n
tariff upon imported pi oductions of foreign
labor , talrly and justly adjusted to piotoct
the Interests of American workers , without
adding to their burdens. It condemns the
democratic party for its persistent clfort to
overthrow tnonrotceteetivo cystem. thereby
paralysing trade. It declares that the lopub-
Ilcan party istho friend of the laboring classes ,
opposes the impoitatation of cheap labor fro g
foreign countries under contract of employ
ment , convict labor lu competition with fico
labor , the graining of any moro land to any
railroad or other corporations nnd the selling
of lands to a syndlcato or others. It de
nounces the present national ndmlnlsliatUin
foi Its indefensible vetoes of meritorious
pension bills and condemns the undignified
language In which said vetoes nro expressed ,
and protests against the lemoval from olUci il
places of wet thy and disabled union soldiers
to make room tor partisan civilians and ox-
con federates.
KnnkuUeo Democrats.
KANKAKEK , 111. , Sept. 0. The Knnkakee
county democrats nominated today for
judge , II. Lorlng ; cluik , P , J. Cleary ; sher
iff , Phil Kareiici , and fortieasurcr , Lavvienco
Uobbt. 1
Who Has Been Sloping Count in the "Old
Rations for Indians ?
SlnvnMVimtilitgtoti Son.ators Trpn-
mirr-rs Prom Old Dlxlo An-iy Au-
LCIUP < Postal P.u-.i-
s Cnpltotlnc J ovvs.
licoottittltig the Itril .Men.
AVAMIISOTOV. Scut , 9. [ Special Telegram
to tlio li ) tJ : Despite- the falluto of congress
to giant him a sum sufllotunt to soc-uio n
piopei census of the Indians , Commissioner
AtKlns Is determined lo use what means nro
within his gtasp to llnu out the netunl mini-
boi of Indian * , who me on some ot the larger
losorvnllons , ntnl se-o 1C the latlous , vvhleli
the goveinmrnt Is now obliged to fninlsh , Is
not actually greatei In amount than thcnuin-
boi wari.ants. Yesterday ho signed letters
nddiosved to tin ) agents ut the Chojenno
Klver , Ciow Creek , Lowet llrulo.Pino Hidge ,
Standing Hockand Koschud agencies , niton
the great Sioux icseivatlon. to IssueInvlla -
llons to thi > Mulous bands lo attend grand
feasts to iio ht'ldnt thosu agencies Soptcinbet
2. ! . It U Intended to count these binds at
each place nnd thus nnivo nt sumo appioxl-
in ito Idea ot the nmubci on the i enervation.
According to the census of ll' M tlietomo In
the nc-lghboieood of thirty thousaiiil Indians
on the steal Sioux le-soi vatlon , but Maoi |
Hell's last count nt Tlno lidgo sho\\s some
twentthroe bundled less than hnscaily
been piovidcd foi there'.aiidlhceominlsslouei
Is of the opinion that the s.uiio state of
nlfatis e\lsts at tlio othoi agencies. The
trouble has been tliathoietofoiolho Indians
have gone to 0110 agoncv to draw supplies ,
and then hastened oil to othois to secure
latlons. As a tesult nnny Indians have
been counted t\\ice , and by giving these
leasts simultaneous ! ) the commissioners
I'opos to ge't these Indians counted alt at
once. The eommlssionoi has nlieady cut
down the latlons nt Pine Itldge , and hopes
to bo able to make borne suing by the nbo\o
THAT I.IVLIYGUNCI nii : rnii : ! .
An appaiontshoitago In his accounts has
rendcied the troisur ) olllcials somewhat
anxious to hoai fiom ex-Collector lloniv F.
Heechoi , son of the liiol ! > ljn preaehei , who ,
since his H-ji'etion b ) the senate , has not been
benrd lioni.Vhlloho was eollostoi at Pott
Townsend , W. T. , a iiiintit.of | . opium was
selml tlii-ie , aggrenilliig about $ lb00 , ! in
\alue. When Jicechci t.imo down beio to
look aftei his conliimitlon bcloio the
senate , lie It'll his olllco in the hands
of his deputv. \\lion ho tinned
oxer his oflkc , August1) , he hid onlj depos
ited to the eiodit ot the tteasui ) department
the sum of $5. > , LOJ. thus h-avlngnn nppncnt
disciepauc'v ot 3" > "JO. It was ascei tallied
that the ( Icpulvhlle In cliaiiro had used
that amount in pi\Ing the legitimate ox-
poii os ortho collection of the lovonne. but
as ho hul given no bond ho hod no light to
handle this mono } . The settlement , conse-
quoiitlv sliould bts niailo \ \ Ith Mr. Ueeehei.
Itepeatcd Ictteis and telegrams , sent to 1'oit
Towiisoud nnd all along the Pacihe coast ,
failed to leach him. His accounts ha\o been
held up , and as a collection bond ni'U'i ex-
phes , hn is still lesponsible lor It. Mi ,
liccclicr v-ns appointed n v car ago last Juno
and held the oliico until the senate lejccted
him the day butoi < > it adjoin ned.
JOKDAX AM ) I Allinilf.D.
The .ibsiiiud statement that Tu-asuror
Jordan was at vari.mco with the little
Chniloy Fahehild about the bond calls turns
out to bo all nonsense , as might havcln-cn
expected. Mi. .Ionian is n banker and ho is
in sympathy with Wall stioct as imi'-h as
ralichild , altliough he lius not said it veiy
jilainly. Joulan is in fa\oi of calling in tlio
bonds \ \ Inch bntticss up national bink eit-
culation , it at the same time silver coinage
can bo suspended. It has been the scheme
ot the ndmliilstiatlon to stop the coinage ot
sil\ei , cut otl all touaids cheap
money In Ihaldlicttlon. and then wipe out
as much as possible ol the national h ink olr-
ciilation and so make money dear The
on" set In the high piico of money \\ouldn
Kooddenl nioio than make up tin tlio multi
plied capital si'Ciired bj depositing inteiesl
be inng bonds as a hjpothesis lot bank cir
There lune been a Inlf a dozen scnatois
Huge-ling about Washington ovei since tlio
adjoin nment endeavoring to make hay \\hllo
their colleagues weio at home. Most of them
can bo seen an ) d.i ) in the vaiions depait-
ment buildings golu. : about liom room to
loom , seeing thcli filends , attending to
small tiilles of business and ofti'nei than not
visiting the appointment clerks to see \\liat
they cm get in tlioay ol patronage. As
Washington has been nnnntiirallv cool this
suinmct they lime had lathn a pleasant time
staying here. H is nntlcotibln that most of
tiiem aiebenatois who vi\l \ Inn few months
botlnown Into the orgies of a campaign for
10 elect ion.
roM'isr vrin roNnmnVTi : : nir. vsunns.
A grcatdcal has been said about the boxes of
valuables taken trom Routhernets dining the
\\.u and deposited In the tieasiiiy dcpattmcnt
foi the past twenty jeirs. 'ilio tieasuiy
clerks iccently found an imuntoiy of these
things and it shows , that theic Is vciy little
jowt'liy In the lot. Tlioy aio all picKul in
two lai goooilen boxes , 0110 ofhlch con
tains about IKo bundled \\atches , some
knives and poclu ( books and two dialts.
Tlicbo aio not woith much , most of them
being Hllset and lu\ lug been taUcnfiom nils-
oners of wai who died in hospitals. The
L'reatoi paitof the othei box1 , nnd probably
nine-tenths ot tlio vilim of the \\liolu
collection ( onslsts of a number ot exceed
ingly beautiful plccosol jowcily beaiing the
namoof W. V. MeU.i , to whom tlioy \\u\u \
n Chrlhtmis piesent in 18.71 , Some of
them aiu uxijulsltelj cut cameos , suiioiindcd
pcailsandbut in puio nati\o gold. The
Melta tamlly can claim neatly all of these
valuables. Among them is an old-fashioned
jn : llshbuirs-ojo gold watch with a critsal
about a o.u utcr ol an Inch thick. Theio niu
nmn > diamonds In the joweliy and \ailcms
other pi colons stones , among them u laige ,
\ellow top.ibtens \ \ lbo \ \ taken at once
by thohecietaiy of the tieasuiy to llnd the
ow nor and u-stoio the propci ty.
Aimv leaNeshavoheen granli-d as follows :
hiontenaut Colonel , lames H. Itilshin , Ninth
ca\aity , Tort NIobiaia. Neb. , font loan dajs ;
ulenlenant Kdwaid Ji. Hatch , IMghteenth
Infantiy , 1'oit Ulloy , Kansas , two month's
extension of hif Ic time ; Captain Samuel W.
Bwiicit , Second cavali v , .loiler'.oii JJninieks ,
Mo. two months ; I'-liiin Swift , ndjutint ,
Kltthci\aliy , l''oit JUIoy , Kan. , tifteendajs
liom September r .
The following iouith-clnss riostmasleiH
\\ero niipolntcd to-day : Uadget
Creek , L > on county. M ss Siiah M. Wil
liamson vice Kml A. Wmiamson resigned ;
Kdpn , Atchlbon county. 1 rank Mltt < nliIco
Anton Liester reslijned ; damson , I'ottowa-
tamlo county , K. F. Mniklco Jamea Itarr
uwlgncd ; Mtllliulllc , Klowa countv , John
W.MoyloieoA. . A. Mnllin icmoxed.
Commissions \\ero gianted tlio following
poitmasters to-day :
Presidential howls C. Muitln. ( Jaiden
Pity , Kan. ; I'attlck U. Mclvanna , Stockton ,
I'o'inth-clabs Henry ( losilen , Uazcl , Kan. ;
John WaKiici , Ito sia. Kan , ; htoiihcn Itoaeh ,
( Jallauher , Kan. ; Jolin A. Jirotlicm , l.ylo ,
Kan. ; Jlenry Hopper , Xante. Kan. ; i'A-
\\aid Hoynoias , feinidg A'nlloy , Kan.
t'OSIOl 1 1CI1 CHAtiUKb.
The follow ing postofllco names and bites
limn been changed :
Kansas ( jtillforil. Wilson county , to J'pno
diet , tlireu miles northwest on lalltoad ronto
W , abO ( August 17 , Ibsfl )
Nebraska Delight , Ouster county. toCallo-
way , halt : a mlle cast on louto 4i , ! WJ ( July
81 , ibSO. ) _
Tlioso Slcilcan Outrages.
WASHING TON , Sept. . The cases of Wood
and Gaskell , arrested by MetU-ans In lowei
California , hate twen bctoru the fctato dujurt-
mentsonio time and nothing , It has been as-
scried , has been left undone1 b ) the American
consul at Ii0ui7 ] , acting under Instructions ot
thi' seeietniy of stale , to see that the prison-
ns receive the protection the ) mo entitled to.
Thpv are ncc-uscd b ) the Mexican nuthoiltlcs
of hivlngmuideiedn fellovv-Aineilcan. Tim
Mexicans claim that the bed ) of the mur
dered man was found and all the evidence nt
hand pointed to \ \ oed and ( i.tskcll as guilty.
If theio has been unieasonable dela ) or Ir-
u-gulatlt ) ot procedure' , ns seems to bo
ehimed In Hie prNoni-is'appeal to the gov-
t'liioi ol Texas , iho not has not jet been made
known nt the dcpuluient.
jnniioosiius : AVANrouovuK.
A Ciititnrt Known I'or It's AliMe'litco-
Isiu ( i ulnnil Hnppy.
AVvsnisniov , Sept.Special [ Tolc-
Kiam to the Hi i l-LVSonntor McDonald
ins gone to see the pteshlent al thoAdlion-
dncks. 'llioiuh nothing lias been given out
It Is understood to mean that the v Islt Is for
a conference with Cleveland lelatlvoto the
coming campaign. The Indium democracy
wlllir.v to pievnll upon the picsldont to
make n visit to that stnle nhotit the mlddlo
of Octobei piev Ions to the election In Novont-
boi. Tlioy believe his presence theio nt ( lint
time w ill add to the enthusiasm of the cause
and m iko the dcmocrits' \ letoiy sine. This
inn ) bo their bclhf , but a well known In
diana democrat heio nssetts If Cleveland
\ Islls the stale this full it w 111 cost the demo-
ciats 10tKK ) voles. There Is no danger , how-
evi-r. of thopte'sldent making the visit , If
fet niihout would Insure the slate foi the
domoctnev. 'Iho piesitlent Is expected to
tcturn next week and then Da ) aid
will take his vacation. The inttei Is at pres
ent the enl ) cibinet olllcei In the city. Sec-
n-tni ) Lanwi hnsgoneolfsnme lieroand the
jiostmastiM geneial Is still absent. As for
Secrelar ) Kmllrott and Se-crrtaiy Whitney ,
the ) tno aiKent fiom their places of business
so much theli moment piolonged absence oc
casions no teuiaik * . It Is snld to bo a fact
tliat the piesent cabinet olliceis have
more leavis of absence than those ol nny pre
vious ndiiilnl'tiatlon. The seciet.nj * o'f war
dues not spend utie-thlld of Ills time at Ids
olllpo. and Ihosoru'tiuj ol the navv Is con-
tluuilly tiavellng between Now Yoik nud
Washington. Attoinoj Cenenil ( iailnnd
vviiles ht'io tint ho Is In good health and on-
lojlng himselt ut "Hominy Hill , " Ail , . , safe
liom the slinrpciltle-isins and haisli nttncks
of the venal press.
ncjuuixo JT POOLS.
Dlsputos IScfcri-cd to Conuiilttoca by
Cittr.voo , Soit. | IX The vveslein railway
manageis gave their time today to fuithcr
discussion of the lei uis upon which to fotni
the AVc stern Fieight nsioi-i.itlnn , but made
little headway. The Mlssouil Pacille de
mands , by ic.ison of tlio lecent completion
of tlie line tiom Omaha to Lincoln , Neb. , a
share In nil of the business irovei ned by
pools west of the Missouii rivet , it having
heieloforo been confined to local Council
Itliitrs and Omaha pools. The Northwestern
nNo continues obstinnto In its tolusal to pool
its tango cattle tralllc. The maii.igeis , llnd-
Ingthev could make nnpiogioss , agieed to
lefet both questions to a committee , with
Instructions to refuh somu comptomlse , and
lepoit It to thoconeral committee , which ad-
jimine-d until to moirow.
The committee on thn Missouri Pacihc mat
ter consists of T..L. KimuiII , J. F. Tucker ,
AV. II. Newman , James Smith und Thomas
Miller : that on i.ingo cattle , It , H. Cable ,
Maivln Himhutt , T. P. PottoVniid S. It. Cal-
lav\av. Tlio outlook is that a pool will bo
foinied ,
Searching lor SiO.OOO.OOO Ijost by An
Sloop In 17OK.
Sept. 9. [ Special Tele- '
gum to the Hnr..l-Tlio tug , Stai lie , sailed
down the Dolawaio liver tonight with n
coipsof dlveis piovidcd with atmor fordccu
w.atci diving. They will make an elloitto
locate the Knglisli sloop of wai , Dehioolr ,
which was bunk olt Catm Ilenlopc-n , Juno 23 ,
1JS , with a vast amount ot tteasitio on
board , which has be-on estimated as high ns
810,000,000. The specie wastake.i fiom thrco-
Spinish galleons captmed in the West In
dies. AVhen the sloop ne.ned shorn a heavy
gale was blow ing nnd the pilot oulered sail
taken in. Captain Diow became ihdlgnnnt
nt this nnd oidered the sails act. This vvng
done and soon nftei the vessel sunk , catry-
ing down the captain , tvventilvo pilsoncrs
nnd most of the crew. Concessions for the
iccovery of the tieasnio weio gt.inted by the
secietaiy of the tieasuiy to the Intel national
Snbmniino conip.ui ) , under section 3,7Yi of ;
tlie icvlsed statutes. The inoiinv , however ,
comes liom Di. Packet , a prominent Aich
stieetihvsiciiin ] Ten pci cent of the bullion
sivcd will be the proneitv of thngov eminent.
Iho position ot thohitnkeu ci . it t. which lies
In about seventy leet of vvntei , Is ono milo
and thice-ipiiiteis east of Capo Ilonlopon
and tlnc > o-iiartcis | ot a mlle from the Dela-
waio 15ieakwater.
Cllclcr M.-ikoH a Start.
AVisMi'KO , M'.in. , Sept. y. Colonel Gilder
started this evening lor Yoik I'.tctoiy , liav-
Ing been detained waiting for the Hudson
Hay sleanier , upon which ho sails to-moirow
mninlngtiom Sollcirk to Noiway House.
While heic ho purchased a line outilt and .1
couple of wooden sledge ? eighteen leet long
and rour wide. 'J'hev nio made entlielv of
wood and altei the Siberian ii.illcin. They
are iKitind to etiier with willies nnd will
stand aneiioiiiious amount ol loir.'li us.igo.
Tlio colonel iceelvcd rveiy nltcntion lieio
from the goveuiment and Hudson 15ay of-
lieeis ,
Jtaln on Jovvn'H ] < 'iilil.
Drs MOIM.S , la. , Sept. O. JtuIn to-day
somewhat inteitcrcd witli thuatteiidnnco nt
the slate fair , but there weio about ilUccn
thousand pi-isoiia on the gionnd. Inasmuch
ns the rain has Intcrfeiod on two dnjx , the
manngcis ot ( ho fan concluded to continue It
dunnu'Satuid.iv , ouodaj longer than adver-
lltd. ( The exhibits will lumaln nnd the laces
that weio set foi to dav wl II occur to-motiovv ,
nnd Fildav'b laeoi will bo irlven Sntmclny.
To-night tlio ILK k nnd giounds aio compai.i-
tlvely diy , nnd the sky Is deal , piomising
the hiigest attendnneo to-nioiiovv ol any day
The IJohH li'ruii'.i.ANi ) , O. , Se-pt. 91 The Amorlraii
Hoitlcnltiual socloty elected olllcei s to-day
nstollows : President , P.ukoi K.ulo , Cobden -
den , III. ; vlconiosldcut , 13 , .M. Hudson , Now
Orleans. La. ; Becretiuy , W. H.'aii ! , Oicuu
Castle , hid. ; ticasuiot , J , C. Kvans , Harlem ,
Mo. The nominating committee lecom-
mondnd that thu time ot the next iiiccling
should ho I'e In nary f > , IhSS , and that bomo
point in Califot nla bo tlio place. It was de
cided to discuss the location at a futlllO bl'L-
Money For ICarlliiiiikn | SunV'rors.
Niw : YOIIK , Sept. 9. Mnjoi Comtcnay oC
Chatleston ti-le.'iaphs Di. Andtow Simonds ,
Picsldent of the Fiist Nnt'onnl bank of
Chailcston , who Is now in this clly , that In
oidci to Kholter ( ho people liefoio the cold
weather facts in S5 ) .OdO to S700.000 nro Inline-
dlately leqiiheil. Tlio nujor ehtlniates the
tolal't ) to niopi-rtv bv the c-aitluitiako
nt trom to y 010,600. , The | imliico
cxchangoChniJentoii luudiimotintsto > 7'jlD ;
stock i-xcliango fund to * 12hO ) and thu cot-
Ion ( ixcli.iiino sO , ' , f ' , The tuiid at J5oUin
amounts to Md.ujo , liulfalo fcl.OUO and In
other eitit-s lus&e-i amounts.
llu ; HrovvciN Adjoitrn.
NIAOAIIA FALLS , Sept. 9.--Alte-i olectlng
AVilllnm A. Mills ptosldent , the blow tit. ' as
sociation ad Join neil until the second Wcdnoi-
daj next May.
ku nnd Iowa Weather.
For \i blanks and lawn : Pair weather
&tat.onnij tcinper.ituio.