Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Mrs , William Mnlhall is Seized by Masked
Men , Gagged and Bound ,
A rnijicnter's Tatnl Prill A Sliocltlntr
Ai'fllilenl A Sol llor ' School
Wunto n Dlvoico Atmisc-
incuts Oilier
I ) nrtntr ItoliliorH
Our-of the boldest robberii's ever new
Iruti-il in Ililscity occurietl yesltuduy morn-
Iiii ; at the resiliences otaU'lll'nm ' Mulliall , on
T \ unlKecoiil ( niul I/nrcl streets.
Ml. Mullinll Is : i nitwit watchman In n
down to\vn lumber yard , and consequently
Isawav from homo nil night. Abmit two
o'clock jestciday morning Mre. Mulliallw \
slfi'i's ' iii'sdilrs with Ilii ! cldldien , lieaul the
\\nlcli ilo'lnrk loudly. The do Is Kept in
the kltclien. and is a lartje , powerful binte.
Mi" . Mulliall , suspecting tbat soinetlilnif wns
\vrotii : , detei mined to Inu-stlpue. .Sliu
bteppud riuIHly ilonn stiilri , Into the kitchen
\\lieuillicdoi ; He still continued lili
barkInj ; mid seemed to lie iiriklni : frantic
elforls to Ki t out doors. Mi . Mulliatl opened
the b.iek door and allowed the animal to slip
nut. Her curiosity was liy this ( line thor
ough ! ) moused , and she determined to go nut
Into the jmd and see if theio eru any signs
of In the nelRhborhood. No
sooner had she stepped be-
jond thedooi sill than she wassel/edby tlneo
masked men , and dialed tothu back of the
yanl , Khu stinted toM'leam , hula laicu gnt ;
wasxll.peil | In her mouth so that
lioweiless to lisp a s > llable. She was then
lionndto the fence by heavy cotili , and was
left there unable to mu\e or call for assist
The Ihieejnen then went back Into the
house and lansael.ed It hum lop to bottom.
M lie opeiatlim did not take \et > lonjr , toi In
less than ten minutes they lett the ptemises
eanj IIIK \ \ ith them SUO In monej and some
other valuables. Tim exact amount of the
los U not kncmn. hliangu to fca\ ,
mine of the neljrhhoiseio aroused bv
thebaiklliK of the dojt. This oceuiied at
about 2 o'clock. Tor nearlj lour loin , ' lioins ,
Jin. Mulh.dl . , the nnfoitumiteIutnn of the
loliheis , lem.diicd f'iicwd and bound to the
feneu , unable to mo\o hand or foot. When
diIneak ; e.ime , she \ fuiind by hei neigh
bors and lele.isi-d. When who \\as set lieo
hheas linidl ) able to move or sav ,
having sustained a se\eio mental shock.
Added to this the tact that it was lalnln
most of the niirht , ana It can easily be seen
tliat the haidshlns ot hei position \\eio ton I-
blv scveie. She Is a slightly bnlll unman , of
net\otis tempeiinont , and It It Is almost to be
vtoiKteiod at that she managed to llvetlnongh at all.
ViUoitunatcly there is little or no clno to
the iM'iiteti.ttoiaof the inlibeiy. Jin. JInll-
halt can RI\O no de.sciiption of the
three in cnls , except that thej were all heavy
built men and \ei } inuse'ilar. ' ' 1 ho tact that
tlie night was dark tended , too , to shield
them. Theoie mask * . I'loni the time
that .Mis. Mulliall was sei/ed up to the tlmn
that she was lett bound and paired not one
\\oid utteied ( > } the thioomen.
Marshal CiimmliiL's has set men to woik
Ulion the case , but as them Is almost literally
no clue to tlio fellow s the case is iei.mled as
u hopeless one. en
About half an hour later two fellows , bc-
ImiKlii ! ! peih.ips , to tlm .samo Kiinj ; tried to
effect an entiance into the house ot Mis. Ji
T. ( ! add , at-MI ! ) Chicago sta-et. They suc
ceeded In opening l\\o shutteis of thefiont
jmii'li window , when Mis. Cedd , awakened
by the noise , called to hei Iinslnnd. Col
( /add went to the windows and found tlio
fellows crouching below. Thev made jieat
haste to uetaway , runniiiKout tlio tiont sate.
One of them Is described as a laigo swoithy
leilow , the otlier blightly smaller.
She IB Arrcatcil fue Stealing lior
Ijcner'n IMumomlK ,
JCatc Muiray , a dashing bloiulo from Foit
Woi th , Tex. , was ancsted at ! 4:30 : jesteiday
iiiornliiK by Ofllccr Dick linrilish for stealing
S'-J.UGO rtorth of diamonds liom a Texas cat
tleman named A. S. Ljons. Ljonsisnow
In the city stopping at tlio Paxton , with
Deputy Maishal Jlob ISnclmnan , ot Fort
Worth. An application has been made to
( ioveinoi O.iwesfoi n icqiiihltion to take the
joung liulv back to the Lone Star state.
Moils' btatcment is that tlieiriil who has
been ids misttess for neatly two jcnrs past ,
left him about ten days ago , taking with her
n ualr ot diamond earrings and a diamond
breast pin , which ho had allowed her to wear ,
bho was tiacod to Omaha , where she has a
gentleman tr'end named Link Koiest. The
case was placed in the hands of Ofllccr Dick
Jturdlsh , who by a vciy closer and
commendable piece of work , managed
to oriest the woman , after an eight
hour's ftcarch. She was found in a loom over
Gladstone's groceiy on Douglas street , .tier
fiieii'l , Link 1' a gamhlei , was aricstcil
with her. The diamonds are now In the
Nebraska National bank and an action has
beenbiouuht to leplcvin them.
"Ljonspuui those diamonds to mo anal
can pio\o it. " said tlio woman to a icporter
"Tnoglst ol the whole thing is that ho Is in
fatuated with me and wants mo to ll\o with
liliu. Hull don't want to do It and ; 1 wont.
1 am not at all afraid of tlio consequences. "
A suit , In loplevln was commenced this
iiinmlnc in thq district court against the He-
ItriiSka National bank foi a icco\eiy.ol the
diamonds byV. . 1 { . .MoriIP , nttinncv for
l on. They wciodeliveied to him , the lion.
William A. 1'aS.ton going ids bond.
Mrs. Dunciiii nnil nil- . Mount Injured
by a Gas J\plonlim.
An accident which came very ncariesult-
Ing fatallyoecuiicd about about 8 o'clock Tucs
da > melting nt thoicsldenceof Mr. O W. Dun
can , near the corner of Twoiity-lhst and
Kainam. Mr. Duncan ll\es In n low of now
houses ictcntly rented and owned by Mr. I ) .
T. .Mount. Last evening a titiong odoi of
gas was iioicoptiblo about the honso.and ilrs.
Duncan was nnaulo to detect whence It came.
.Sim accordingly sent for Mr. Mount to make
an investigation of tlio matter. Alter a long
M'nicli the leak was hnallj located In a closet
In the cellar. Mr. Mount , fol
lowed by Mrs. Duncan , started ( o
enler the closet. Ileloio going In , however ,
Blr. Mount litn match. Scircoly had ho on-
leied the closet when the gas toolcliio fiom
the lighted match , causing a terrilio ex
plosion , lloth Mr. Mount and Mid. Duncan
were lifted bodily and tluown back about
ten tect. The clothes of both were on lire ,
mid the ( lames in the cellar were last bprcail-
ing. There was no tlmn to bo lost , and the
cnioijjoncy called lor quick and cool action.
Mr. Mount was onual to the occasion , how-
o\or. Ho quickly thiow a laigo heavy
cloth about the uln/liiK foim of Mis.
Duncan and extlngulBhed the llames. ) Iu
then , In a Blmllar way , oxtlngulshed the tire
on his own clothing , The gas meter was
cinlcKly shut off and by a few moments' haid
voik tlio llames In the cellar worn put out.
\ > hen the excitement was over It was found
that both Mr. Mount andMin. DUIICRII wcro
liadly burned , the foimor having sustained
the worst Injuries. Doth aio under medical
nttoudanco and arc resting as easily as could
bo expected. Mr. Mount Is bailly burned
fbout the face , arms ana body , roitunatcly
Ills cjcilght Js not Injinrd.
A Carpenter Fulls Oir | | 1O liriilgo anil
Ih Drowned ,
Thomas Mcoll ! , a carpc'iitcr cmplojcd on
the Union l'aelUcmldowa.dio\\ned : ! yester
day afternoon. Ho was engaged In how Ing a
logon the tiestlo woik , when ithlpi ! > cd , In
trying to vie\ent It horn lolling olfjho
trestle , Mclioll lost his balaneo and Jell into
the river. Hefoio assUtanco could leaeh him ho
had blink for tlio last time. Ills body Iras not
jet been leeovi'ied ,
Meliolf was a man about tldily-two jeau
ofaguandlm * been tor some months past
cniplinnl nil the bridge , lies \ unmariied ,
nndldsonlj lelatho heic , so fai as known ,
Isnbiothei , Hec metoOmulia Now
Clilldren'H Atltnihsinn.
The oxpo-Uiou munasement aeslrcs that
it bo understood that chlldien will bo ad
mitted to the building for the bum of fifteen
An Attractive Display ,
V Walter , of No 1512 Douglas Rt , ltn < ?
by fnr tlio ilncst dis ] > lay and best iiiaki-s
of I'linios anil Or ans nt the Art Hull nt
tlic Fair of any exhibitor nt ultlier the
Kxoosition or 1'air. Anionp ; Mr'nller's
ilKplay of Mason & llnnilin I'lanos Isonn
in siipeibiosewood , sovernlclcjiant stjles
of Parlor Oraat s and the famous "LISZT"
unquestionably the finest Church Organ
in tlio w01 Id of its class.
The Kent All motion nt Itnyd'a
1'attl Hova and company will be the next
atliaction at Ilojd's ojieia house. Thni.sdav ,
Prlilay and Saturday exenings ibis week.
Tin1 term "attraction" Is u ed indhcrimln-
ntclj by theatrical people in lefenlng to
whatever Is belli , ; played at the theatre , but
ill this ri-u It Is Intended thai the word
should ha\e its broadest meaning. Lot It bo
understood that It Is used In a descriptive
sense , with ade kn to to convey the Idea
that 1'attl Hosa Is a bona nde attraction , at
tractive In all that the wont means. There
are o manj women poking as star
soubtetlo that nie nut possessed
orimtmal ipialilieatious foi I lie loles and
hive toresoit toatt to make themselves at-
tiaotive , tint a ladj of Patti Itos.i's inherent
abllitv tempts nn tlntcd praise Mio Is
small , prott ) , well formed , giacclul and
sings and dances betlei than anv sonbietto
artress on tlio stage. She is clmimlng In
eveijthing slie does , and makes her ell n
favorite wherevei she appeals. To-monow
and .S iinrdny nlglits " /ip will be piesented
and "Hob1'will be given on 1'ililav evening
and at the Satuid'iy matinee. Itoih phos
aie spaikling comedies , wiitten bv Tied
-MniMli'ii foi Lotta. who has given Putt I 1'osa
the light to play tliein. Heseived seats are
now on sale at the box olllce.
CO KIM ? 13 DllIMI3ns
Tlio Itnsli for Kriso CofToc Nonrly
itiilns the Itcstiuirant Trade lit
the Fair GrottnilH.
Amonc the niuat nttractivo e.xliibits at
the fairgrounds is that of Cltirko Hros.
iVi Co. , the vv liolosalo dealers in collcus ,
teas , spiees and baking powders.
They have made quite uu imposing ex
hibit in the lloral hall of their "Uoil
Cross" coll'eo , of vvl ? h they nuiko : i
speeialtv. Seveiul stoves are kept bus -
all the time heating vviitot , niul Hod Slur
eofli'e , in hund-paint d china cups and
saucers , is freely distributed to all who
eall , which , to < rothor witli a nice
luneli 011 hand painted china plates
inures this tne attnietion of the hour , so
much so , in fact , that.\oslerday itseomeil
to demand the cntiro attention of every
body on the grounds. Thousand of pee
pie drank of this most delicious coil'eo
and ate the free lunoli. if Clurkn Ifros.
keep then stand on exhibition during the
remainder of the week , which of course
they will , the numerous ic'-taurants and
hinuh counters in that vicinity will not
much more than make expenses.
There is no doubt but that the l\cd
Cross ooll'ec makes a line drink , and as it
is so well known , a free drink is consid-
01 ed a , laio treat indeed.
The SInrrlnso of County CIcrkNood-
liniii and Sliss atnry C. Weinplc.
At 8 o'clock last evening a pleasant matrimonial
menial event was quietly celebiated at 'JUG
California stieet , being the inariiagoof Mi.
Chailcs P. JXecdham and Miss Murv K.
ANemple , Tlic ceremony was pel foi mc'd by
the Jtev. J. W. Hauls , pastor ol the li.mtlst
cliuieh , only the memuers ot the families and
a lew intimate ft lends being piesent. aTho
contiactlngpaitics aie so well known that
comments npon their union is unnecessary.
-Mr. Needlmm's position as countv cleik is an
Indication of the esteem in which lie Is held
by the voters ot the city and countv who
selected him for the place , and ho Is equally
popular with all who have known him aso
cial way. The biido Is a iclined joiing lady
who has gained tlio esteem of n large circle o'f
friends during Iier reiidunco In Omaha. The
union ot two such woithy people is a source
of congratulation to their many friends.
whose best wish Is that the future may hold
lor them all the happiness they deserve. Mr.
and Mis. Ncedham will at once remove to
thcii new home on California stiect.
Aim "Old Sleuth. "
Jndeo Stenben : had an amusing case ycs-
teiday uftcinoon in the trial ot P. C. Chflds ,
charged with being a suspicious character.
lie was found Tuesday night "doing the
town , " Ids face disguised by a heavy raven-
Ijlack mustache , .vhlch lily matched his
blonde hair and light complexion. AV'hcn
arraigned for tilal he was identified by sev
eral paities as a painter Irom Valley and per
fectly harmless , lie explained that ho had
adopted the disguise as lie wanted to do up
the town and didn't want to bo lecognUed
by his liiemls who were in the city. His
only olleets weio two "Old Sleuth" detective
stoiics. Ilo was dlschaigcd.
The unparalleled success of the Decker
I5ro. Piano justifies the public in examin
ing it thoionchly before purchasing.
There arc many visitors to the city dur
ing fair wcok intending to purchase an
instrument within a year. Should such
individuals return to their homes without
calling ut Woodbridgo Bros. ' , 215 Opcr.i
house , and examining their btock of
goods and getting terms they will even
tually lind it to their great disadvantage-
Kemembor vvo bell us low as any house in
Xow York City. 215 Opera house.
1'ollco I'oluts.
Twenty drunks were arraigned yesterday
moinlng bofoieJudgoStenbeig. Pointed ! of
them were lined and the otliois were dis
Mlko McCoi mlck was sentenced to thirty
days in the county jail. Ho had stolen a sum
of money fiom a man named Larson ,
John Kennedy was lined § 10 and costs for
cairyini ; concealed weapons.
ilohn liabblngton wasanalgned for bolng
drunk and ill-treating his wite. Ho was com
mitted In default of a line , and about live
dolhus lound on him , was uuncd ova to his
w Ifc.
The classical touch , evenness of action
and binding quality of tone attributed to
the Steclc piano , the highest prize of
hon.or at the Vienna ox-position
So impressive in competition
So great in triumph
that the lamented Listy recommended it
to the use ot Kuropetin classics. Call and
see the Stock Pmno \VoodbridgoUros. . ,
215 South Fifteenth street.
Stewart vs. htovvart.
Mis. Sarah Stowait , of Mlllard , in this
county , has commenced suit against John
J. Ktewait for n divorce , alimony and the
custody of two chlldien , Tlio paities weio
nmiiied November 11 , Ibr. , In Chester
ton , Intl. , and since December lt > TH have le-
sldeil In this county. The plaintiff alleges
extreme ) ami continuous ciuelty on thopait
of John. She says ho beat her , threatened
her life and used most abusive language to
her , such as , "You are worse than n Texas
steer if j on haven't pot the horns I" "I'll
cut i our hem t out and fry j our blood In n
spldcrl" and many moro endearing terms.
What the dotondant will say in his answer
icumins to bo seen.
Organs as low ns $35 , nt
Sitcluu Stockholders.
Suits have been tiled before Justice Hclscy
by the Omaha fair and exposition associa
tion against Fred Wlrtli , D. 0. lledmond , J.
II , Kvans and Pellx Siavm , as stockholders ,
IQ lecover assessments on stock for various
amounts , to cover the association dcticit of
last jear. Suits have already been hied
against other stockholder and judgments
were tendered In favor of the association.
The finest Pianos for 1200 to bo found
anywhere , ut WOOOBKIUQE BUGS ,
AVill Go to School ,
Orders have been iccclved from division
army headquaiters to send ono troop of the
Ninth cavalry In this department to tlio mil
Italy school at Fort Leavenwoith. This
school furnishes a sort of iiost-irnuhnto
course , valuable In rounding oil the military-
education of.
Impure food tlml mny not seriously nflcct the shbnger tligestive or
gans of an ndult will frequently cause the most serious illness in a child.
Too frequently this inipoitanl fact h overlooked , and children are made
.sick from eating articles that have been taken by adults without appar
ent injury.
A child's food is largely cakes and bread , and these articles when
light , sweet , and composed of materials free from deleterious sub
stances are easily digested , nntrious. and wholesome. But there is a
danger to our children lurking in their bread and cake apt to bo lost
sight of. When the e articles arc made from pure and wholesome
baking powder , they are muchnioo : healthful and nutritious than when
prepared from yeast or other leaving agent. But the danger arises from
the fact as shown by the tests made by the Government chemists , and
by many Stale and Municipal Boards of Health that most of thcbc
baking powders are so impure .is to render the food unwholesome. In
fact chemical analyses have developed the fact that all baking powders
now npon the market , rr'.th the single exception of the Koyal Baking
Powder , contain cither lime , alum , phosphates , or acids of an injurious
character. Therefore , when bread or cake is made with the use of these
adulterated baking powders , the ingredients pass into the delicate or
gans of childhood , andjirc the source of very much of the disease with
which our childicn arc aillictcd.
Persons who have not strong constitution" , growing girls , young .
children , and many ladies , are particularly liable to the evil ellects pro
duced by the adulterants found in these cheap baking powders. Heart
burn and prevalent forms of indigestion are often solely traceable to
their action on the delicate coats of the stomach. Prof. Willard Parker ,
U. S. Surgeon-General Hammond. Prof. Alonx.o Clark , and other emi
nent phyhicians all over the country , have spoken most earnestly of the
evils arising from such food.
The absolute purity and wholesomcncss of the Royal Baking Pow
der arc unquestioned. The oflicial reports of the'U. ' S. Government
Chemists have put this fact beyond all controversy. Prof. Mott re
ported that the Royal was undoubtedly the purest ! and most reliable
baking bowder made. Prof. Love's report showed it to be of the high
est strength , while Prof. McMurtrif.Chemist-in-Chief of the U.S. Agri
cultural Department , at Washington , D. C. , found the Royal the only
baking powder in the country free from both lime and alum , ai.d abso
lutely pure.
There should be as much care in fch choice of a baking powder as
in obtaining pure milk , or in having a prescription compounded from
pure drugs and not from poisons. Pure bread and culw are assured only
by the use of the Royal Baking Powder.
Full Assortment for sale to the Trrtdo by
Display at their warerooms , 1305 and 13O7 Farnam Stroat ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be foundJM
. The stock embraces the
any establishment west of Chicago.
highest class and medium grades , Including
considered , are placed at the
Prices , quality and durability
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled * with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , a"01" "
the purchaser an absolute safeguard agalnsfe'Ioss ' by possible
tiefects In materials or workmanship ,
3005 4. 1307 AHNAM STRCCT
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From ,
THE NEBRASKA. CLOTHING- COMPANY desire to express their
sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen attending their grand open
ing sale for their own and the benefit of the Charleston sufferers. We
will place the neat sum thus raised at the disposal of the people of that
unfortunate city , and will keep our IMMENSE STOCK of CLOTHING
ING- and FURNISHINGGOODS marked at the low prices at which
they were shown on our opening evening. Many expressed surprise
at our wonderfully low prices , and it is unnecessary to say that that
alone will do us more good than if we made an enormous profit off our
sales. Ours is the most complete stock of clothing and furnishing.
goods ever offered in Omaha. Competition with us will be impossible
for our bottom prices will sell our goods faster than we can make
them up. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price
Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha.
To prove to the public that we did not exag-
[ erate when we said we had the
1308 Farnam Street.
© RflAHA
or. Capllol Avenue ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. WloMENAWiY. Proprlotor.
fiutu.uriir ' HiMultuI mid I'rhutc l-ractlcn
AVulnuu tlio facilities , np | > aratus niul rimcdiei
for tlio successful treatment ut e\ery form of ills-
case ruiulrlnx Utlier medical or ( surgical treatment ,
ami Imlte nlftocoraeimd liivrstlgatu for tlieirw Ivia
nrcorrccpoiul wllb us Long experience- treat-
Ins caees by ktler enables ua to treat mauy catis
ECWltlTJJ &OH CIIlOULAll on Dcformltlei and
Ilrnccc. dull Feet , CunaturM of tlio Hplno
Cntanh , nroncbflfc , Inhslatlon , Klcctrlclty , I'ural-
yr\t. \ KpllciE > y , Klilnuy , Eye , Ear , bkln , Ulood onil
all BiirKlcal operations ,
llattorlc , Inliiilcrs , Urncca. Trug c , nml
nil KlniU of Medical and Surgical Appllaucte , manufactured -
ufactured and for sale
The only reliable medical Institute making
Private , Spccia lJegous Diseases
from Hhatocrcauwproduced.successfully trMUd
Wo cm rcinovo Syiiullltlo i > ol oa from th syttciu
nlthoutintrctiry , , ,
New rcitorath 8 treatment for loss of \ Italpower.
Call and consult us or tend nirao and post-office
addrrei plainly written enclose itutnp , and tvo
nlll feud > ou. In plain wrauutr , our
ITJ-ON riHATB ; , KTKCIAI. AM > Nr.mous Diaaists ,
farnicruiiu , ASP ALL UUEABKS or TUB QBNITO-
UmNAiir OiuiiNs , or tend history of jour case ( erne
no opinion.
Persons unaulo to i lilt ns may bo treated at tlielr
homed , by correspondence ilcdlclne * nud Initru-
meuts tent by mail or express SECURELY ft -
EIJ FJtOM OIISEUVATJON , no mark * to Indicate
contents or tender. One pcroonal luter\I w pre
ferred If convenient , i'lfty room for the aecoin-
modatlou of patients. Hoard and attendauco at
reasonable jukes. Address all Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Cor. 13th St. and CMHslAvCn OMAHA. HED. - "
Watolies , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
Tholurt'Cst stock. I'rlcca the lowest. I'ino roji ilrln'f bpoclilly. All wnrlt warriiutoJ. Coinur
Douglas nmillitli Mi out , Omiih.i.
Erasaij [ tatS D frfi U K
Property of every description for sale in nil parth of the city. Lands for snlo ill
every couwty in Nupiasku.
Of Titiof. of Douglas county kept .Maps of tlio city btatc or count3' , or any other
information dusneti , fuiiribhccl trcu of charge upon application.
are entity urn , snfe and rollalile. Tlioy lm\o been
tcitodln thouwnds of cii o mirt wo tun posltlvol )
Hurt tliatlniillca es wlioro tlio liver uplacn , kid
cynurid bnnclmiruluvolreil Dlt Hdl.MA.N s I'.MJS
re ut once the l > c t , quRkvut mid Llicapeitiund
liuyluue iinulo iierinanunt cure * In tlioutuiidt of
cases nliora mcdlcliiii 1'U * bum used without uuy
ci ( iciiilltwlintover.
EIolnmii'N Ejlveriuiil .Sloinitclt E'ntl
Ah iirbiulllniiurltln | > from tliu blnoil
Iiul ' rntu8 niul MluUzi. ' * Ilia ttliolo j tnm
lIoltiiiui'N OJvoi- mid Sloiiincli S'atl
Curi' llllloiinnOfK , liiillui-mlnii J ulndlcJ ,
lilurrliudi , .Mnlnri.i.hkl. llojJuilio ,
lllieiiiiiiitUi I , itc.
Ilolintin'sf ivuriiii lH ( < > iiiiu'li I'd
Jliv'iilaK tlio Slo inn Ii nml lloivolf . luipru vci
tlm Appi'llti' , rnrrvi IH Acxliiillnllo i ,
bumtllll stlutC utiiiiliulon , on- .
JIolinaiiN IJ vcr niul Sloiinifli I'i l
1'fL'ventl. ho i Hli kiifsa. Chnlrru. Smullpox ,
" Vcllow T > i > liiu , TtpliulU mil
IIIIlDiia hovel i *
ALL , DUULiijIb'lH Oi nmt oil > oC
JA. % I AS > < ; . ,
180 William St. , N. V.
C1BO. Manager ,
KEKKKKNCES : Mcrelmnts' unit K.umers * Hank , David < 'lty , N'cli. ; Kmriipy Ntvtloni
HankKenrnoy , Neb. : foliiiiilius fute Han ! . , ( 'ulumbtii , Neb. ; AleDonald'a llaulf. Nort/ /
fntU'.Nrb.6maliiKatloiial ] ; Hank. Oiua'M. ' V 'i.
u Will pay customers' ' draft with bill of UUm : : utUclioJ for tvvo-thlrili value o 3to fS