Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    TTIT-V rwr.\T-M TTUTJV TiK : : TTirismV. SEPTEAmiTH < L ISHfi
JHf 3Mri Stonk Etrtrf * T r tfc 3 * * ,
r k A : aw feptei. -
r nrtet r.1
H tattir estate ! M tt * Male f * * tin OMB-
fcu ; * t * pnmrtoee tt tw * wymart tex r
ttutt tvet beJwr.rhirli tnpn * that * show lb
ifcBtltt * iM-vsr vqtuded. ifil ; tw onpof tb *
JMttUai. . of tt * fldr. Tlw M ) KMOte MM Mid ?
$ HfCtfHi * | Wffp < l m holly Itnnlfqus.V1 ! In Hiwit
fte4iar6f for room , and tire tmtk * lirfnr
th- fait nil tliwe
ttie board of !
> seniKid ttn > Inntor mbd ill
I rstra rt n * Ju * nuii&lr
1 lUiwtnat ? the nttir exbibtt
I * 1wt 7t nlt may pxpwl to * la that
Rue art UKntaU' ' fair cxi wwk- tinfuUowin c
CM f Mrtries h , eMflnlfid from
SBOIIT now ,
CMfree rr L Liifemla. X h five eBtri .
Dimmer i' A Haiiiiitua , Edgw , > * _ twen-
* . XBffox. Murj-vTOa. Mfu iimrteea atrfs.
I ) . S. "WurtNtt , TortHUM * . > * * , Sftwsa ou-
Slinttfloch , Stetibort , Ho. , titrec ou-
C T. Jletriaa , Uuooln , > (4i. , n1t > etwin ea-
W. H. SiiuHslmrc , LliKioJn , Nefc- , one Lord
Ibaac John fln , Lincoln , > & . , Itwrietti en
.1. 1L ItiiWns. Lincoln. > ek. oneentrr.
11. PmiluK 3'fijtillloti. Neb. , iiftj tmtnt
.Itrtia Fitzcoruid , Liiuoolu , Xeb. , t\\etitj en
.t. V. WoU. Lincoln , Tstth . two entries
H w and Bros. , ficltrar. Net ) . , twouty-tliree
C. M. St-ars Aurora , Nut ? . , twenty in tries.
3. i > . Hove * , CXdonj , Kuu. ,
Dav , Woejihig IVuter , Kfib. , sixteen
C. M. Ltjicbloa , Lincoln , Xuli. , twenty en-
trieTcvton * Bros. , TVeFtpord , Xnnce county ,
Coilcce Pairo. Lincoln , Nelu , fem entries.
r K HnJL nntTiwond Xehtvo entries.
Claudm'Jones. . St-wajd , > el > . , uflt-tn en-
ColU-cf Ttnn , Linrnln , 7C K , firt entries
L" C Hill , Mollu. > ! ) . , Cltf n tmtrjes.
Null. Sluiliert , Jlicltordson conntr ,
A > i ortlon. Linnoln. Neb. , two entries.
> L Clark , l.ttuoln , N > b , one entry.
A M Nnrdiner Liucoln. > eb. , MX entiles.
E. Uovard. Bdcur N eh. , two entries.
! 3rosM Ldgar , Neb. , eighteen en-
jco. B Frcnrti , Trcmnnt nine
1 F Ljnn Herman , Xfh. , one enuy.
C B Pnrker Linpoln > 'eli. , tv , o entries
J R li&nmm , Lincoln , Neb. . tv\o entnes.
.1 S. Gnthth Slianandoaa , Iowa , Ine en
oliecr farm Litiooln Nch. , two entries.
Ha tines Nen _ six entries.
I. ATselsun i Son. lecuniseh , Xen. ,
tltree entries.
ciTiiri : CATTLE.
bmmiel ClarU , Diller , > eb. , lias tlrteen cn-
trie - 1or JVvons.
j i. < ir flitu. bhtmatidoah , la. , has lour en
tries of imt'te erode cuttle.
John NulL , Shubert , Nell , hat Jour cntrifs
dl iiutn ti irrude c.uule
C M. Seur < v Aurora , Ktb. , has tw o cntriiii
-)1 n n.1 VP crudt.'S.
J'j-unt , J'ear'.on , Lincoln Kcli. . two entries
J iia * t p cradet.
Jt must i t iioruc in mind tlint tlie Lerds of
yJiibition cattle that ctmip 10111 the Iowa
stau iiur are not a matter ol ret ore ! at the
ifcrt'tary'fi offin * n * the untrlf , will not be
amde ustJ tlie htoek arrive on aaturdaj. A
urre nvintter of exhioituis tn cattle ha _
ttuils sucurod but lm\f not t el recorded tbeir
st i'l. at the "Bcretarj s ofliee and will not
-.ntilihe , } am\entthtcroand L Ho-Rpter. the
Jiowiiic made alien p is an excellent index ol
Mlmt to t xjiect in the Jine ol t-utrJe ejctillntiv
ndi'-n good lejiietentation otwhat iXe-
jTiusfca is dome in tlin tine htock line.
The loUowini ; notice wns canoed the Bnr
Tue dn.v nicht too Jatelorjesterday's Bui-
"I'jesidtut BurKer , Secretary rumi.K , t en-
cruJ SiU'orintendimt Austin Httmiiliiey ,
Chainuaa luilnttre , ol the brmid tit iiian-
arers atid tiiliur inenibuj-s of tlie state hottrc
of arricu'ture , lia\p set apan Tliursdav tt
visit the Omaha fair aud eni'fJitlon. und
Iiojie that the people of Lincoln wHl , as far us
possible , join in the jiroce-ssum ,
Oinahiii > w > jile wn % thmcforeJnol" out fora
lurce delegation of Linctiiuites to-day. There
ba\e iH-en inanj Msiturs from tint , rity to
Omaha already in tbe eatller jiart of tlie
v nek.
Bt riKME OOTOT j'tiornniiivo
Stntts , tx it-L Attoniej General A s .Farmers'
Lite htxier A sociuion. Additional jiar-
titthinude dtifuncliiuts.
State , exrel TaiJej i. Teclw Time to take
audiewirt te-.timony extended to October
Court udjourned to Tuesday , September
14 when a nnal cull of the docket ol causes
Irom the 3"irst juflicial district will be hutt.
JLoiihl it , Knuhn. Ap ( > eal lituu Pierce ciounty.
I > ntreMiiodilied Upinibii 113 Jleese J.
Decree inodilied to porreFiuind with the
Ktifcinl litidincof ! iart l > \ tlie trial conn
btate exreL J'IKI ! T Itoblnson. Quo war
ruuta. Jndcniuut for defendant. Opinion , .1.
'Jlie ji-ot'twdincs of the legislature are
lirixecl In tlie journals thertiot , and ill
hit ! apjiear iroin them that a bill Jiad DO
tittuu 5 passed tlie prcstitniition In fin or OL
tbe < ert.ticjite of the prt-stditiK oflicerhof the
hcnateuud bouie of I < lIlle * < tltltttU es is oter
thrown , and the nit will I * det-Jared in\olid.
" The &ti.te , ex rel , Buflt , McLelland , Jb
\tiiu. .Tfi , folloved und njmrod
Detricli VP Hutebint < on. Lrror Iiom Adams
counts. JU-terM'd. Oi.inion by JteeMJ. .
I. A debtor. ven w lien Iu lallltiE eireum-
f-tauces. bab tbe ncht to pnj the boim 1iU > de
mand of cine of hih crediuirs to tlie exclusion
ol otherh. Linuiucta-\s HaMuoud , U Xob. ,
IB. A jmrtueror linn link the same Ticht BO
lone attlie iiujint'iith are made in pcma laitli
tu cruditarfc ol the paniiei'shiji.
-S. WieieacauHeitviHiini ; tried bj n jurv
L.'I questions ol lact at ihsiif and uiatuiml to
the t-Jise should bn submittud to tlmui , w itti
jrotmr liibtriirtionfc for Umlr ( rnldanctt.
JJirl nNon vs Mate. Error from Saunder
CUUI.TV lletwhtid Opinion by Cobu , J
i Jl tse , J. , not bitting ; .
1. "VVliere , upon tlie trial of & cause fact
are prouid on the imrt of tlie plaiutitL , by
jiajiil te > .t moil } , withm the plcadinch , Kufb-
ciet t t > > establish plaintlfl"fc case jirinie lacie ,
none of f-wh icFtimonv belnp contradicted
the ut leJidaiit ] iro\es bj nmord bUdtinft also
witiilu the pleadings , ftuch facU > us e.stAblisb
& complete deletiM ) , Mich evidenoe UUento-
cetlier will not btistam a lindmc lor :
jii& 11 if.
2. A rtfosnirance for tbe appearance o
anucci-.iidpwMin.lo ! answer to an iudlct
umt lor felouy , tnhen tmfow uud apjirtu e (
by an oRicur , or jicrson unautliorised bj law
orwueipuuclHr the lauti ol the rune the
tttl in : tlieitKii -uimutborired by law , h
that tlit. hump falls to tie Mudinc ; under tli
slut . .te lieia ivlso to be uud as & cumiuou lav
il1 ication
Hule ih. W ton. Error from Madison
tonntj Ke\ersed. Ojnntou b } Cobu , J
1. \ \ lierc the tilinp ol .n amenaed iileud
Ing is iiecenfiwj to ttiibble a party to jiro
nm cause of action < ir uiattur of defense in
1 it- case it is error iu the trial roun to dec
tlie epp nation ol such tiany Ui fUe sin
niuecaftl pleading nt auj UuieUter the tliU
M a deJwUivt-jilfHdmc. l tfore or after tniu.
But otherwise where surli uinonde pleudin
Is not Jioeessarj u > tbe adtuiuiiou wl uiatena
test in itn
. Aord * in & iileadinc. otlier than ti
forma , pans thereof aie ntit nwent r
tit the louuctatinii of jitirtinuut and | irojie
ttt.stlinotjx , t < jiroiethe uclum or defense or
btimu jinn tbei-euf , oj the parry lilinc tuiij
jiJeuil up uiav be FtncLttu mt un motion si
am t m * Jieltire tbe trttil. Ortierwise wbtue
* ucU wurds we utimfe&ury as h foundauon
lor KU D tt tiintmj-
! . 1\ Here fj. planed a olmtltd niortxracp exe
cuted t 1 m b ti M. 011 a curtain iuiroe in
tbe limits of 1 M. to li.irtrJost i Jo. iilnr ed
the burse n L& own stablet > lie Jea aii < '
1 " , ana j "tecdwi lo ui vtr se tit
' iri-Jeon Jjrts"40s.ure. Peii ng the
' V.
. nmrtfmrc iir'nf * h o rtp u S <
} ( . ti > W UftM Dfl if-'t ft t < S JC. ttl
-4 f. l ni'irteM * nfid crNWM 1 K to ) in
f < fir > lintut' m jiirwtmiwr HIP
li' M 1 h ; I X tB , < ] o JH-I < * Ux
lit * 1iin * mil' fTre.
K < , J _ cxiMnit * . Harwell C * . JI- i -
ntf tt. thf f trd ci c.l W * tnSMbtev , Mid
K ti it ai r *
tt tH-r tht vtirtftet i * fht only < t t % t
1 miM i w hreu rrtmwl tn tbe juljnnr
ttw riitamixtMiwiL. it tri ] & t bf
n ! * -IQi < tt > < lttiittJ * conn tnr ! gtve
iD4ractitiii t JKTB * tiiittcr act 1& losne in
< * .
< } 'in > wn t ? Cobh , .
in MI
of Uw < w iiitit Inr MiM t > < } -mflti'l ,
thf niamtift most nlie * and inrorf tum bt
. _ tf tto * * | Kflwiinti * ol the
d | 4cMiltGft. * nt1 of fcoine TWI t bereft-
fan * t iridf-4 the jt'JsswsitiB thereof to On-
amount trap * .
i li. A tiititum f4W a ftfvr
In titp twuiv ub t fit.i lh .in * frtflfc it ma.
be nllowodwrUut tfc * nurt of J v. or tt ml
OT Of "IPlZftll. 1 * 8B
ti > tm pun btiocr thai tlw rranior
v birli hr jtnrrnirt * V ) wti vrr. Ji br ii not
iirh titK biswrrnniuitif broken ijnmeai tfly
ujton It * imi&c m Win.
d < > f wbool .
nrd Mintitr 1nr SWO. amtrin C , Wn < ihiucU > n
11. Kmn et cnunt > ,
ana district Xn. 17. Holt txronU for
, * ereJ 3'rt W ) < l > y tbe auditor jestor-
d y.A .
A otjvnlar fa * retvivea frmu ib ?
otfMttn poncret * . that nwcwtn limber
eialKsr 14. urn tic the attendance tbrte
of rpitrpM-iitativp * fiwn tins rtt . Tbe
s spp'itnU'd ftom Nebraska we Frcfl
Vte Omaha. C. Hitsrt. . Lincoln E. T.
jtejih'ms , Cirte : Sam'l Barnard , 7able
: t'cK ; .1. II Makers. Xettrnsfca City C E.
ies j , Llnptiln , find J > .1 Wnofl. Auburn.
robin rx niT > OTLS > .
Five jdmti drunl.s were up in couri
daj a portion ol the ncht l fwc ronud
Tbej wwe en on tup custoinarj l nud
ham Stofpr. fe T. Kindle , BBrnfT Mo-
Matiou 1) ) . B Doe , h. 11 Elinon ana ,1. H.
> hiiphj were the name1 ; of the nartiesho
wt'ie botli drunk mid diwrdwl * . and they
wereniHdt tht victims of iinsss In projiortiou
ttithfirurt asoflendurs
Tbepolire otlioials aje tisinc extra iril-
auct in marlvinc tbe tint-res and lhUE thiit
irt arrivine tn u > wn. and tbe court will sit
in all da > sessions fair week.
Ed O'Connor , a touch A llo bn * at divcis
times l.nown the det orations inside the ' -ity
jtil from close and continuous inspection ,
w us rt It ased fi-om pU5t < idt yesterdaj on a
promi-t to leave town Insttad ol lemiuc
town. Imweter lie loafed 0101111 d tbe depot
and at tbe National hotel Bill Puce opened
on him mid cnve tbe cha ) > a iioundinc und
MU inc that laid bim tin O'Connor vas
taken bnrU to lail l-o bf cared for und j ouag
I'rift ca-vebauiorunj damasre inflicted
Jlitliard Miller , lUler of the I'irst National
bank bus pone to bellow stone part- for a
locreatnc tup up tbe mountaais ol tlie
1 e-terdnv w as a busy dny at th e fair ofllc e
and "ntries were j-umini : in ht a rate the
wcretuiy ( tCTlarea wastinpieccdentwl Tne
otlice bus a lari e force of clerhs continuallj
Acnew is tbe name of n new posloflit-p und
town that has been established on the line of
tbeVnion Pacific bttwecn HuMuond and
Valnaruiso und its situation Is in tbe north
part oi Lancaster countr.
Amoncthe Nebrastan at Lincoln vester-
dny weie Lieutenant Goternor H 11 MiHcd
ol AslUusd toain M Chapman of I'latt -
mmith and H. \Vnrrea ol Nelun'-Un Cltr.
the lattw two rentlenien beinc coudiaatej.
lor the disti ict judrcsbip
Tbe Andicw. Opara eomiiany iimiciu at
r nl : ' < ) a housTnday und Saturdr.j
p\euincs ol this week ojicmuc the tirst e\eu-
ins AMtli the "Jdikado of Japan.1
I1OTBL Aiaill AT.S.
Anionir t'.ie Nebraskiins In Lincoln vest' r-
dm were Frank T JtansomNtbrasla CiU :
S. 1) . Kirliutricl . ituientir : .1. T. Goelmw ,
Sew&rd. Frnnl H wflsnn I'luttsintnith , ,1
C Smith Cortlaud ' 1 C Callahan Friend ;
Dr. B Presson , Beatrice ; M. A. Hartirnti ,
AA. . Newell. Allen bruit ? Plattsmouth ;
lobe Cnstor , Wilber , E. H. Giles , St. Paul.
Keport of Uie Matron of trjeV. . C. A.
Mrs Kir- and babj came to tlie Home on
theM. i > ta3od onewetl-
Tillie Johnson came to tbe Home on tlie
5th and mcypd three weeks
Mrs. Chapman , an old Innr from Ccnncil
Blutls , ayod one nicht paid U.1 pents.
Mrs. WRIT Abies and her seen children
were broucht to the homD Oj theiKdice on tlis
Cth and stared one night
Four little bo\s were broucht in bv the no-
lice on tbt 10th. sttyed one nicht nnd weit
ut to poor farm
MJSS Thompson , an old Indj , came to tbe
home on the loth : paid Si ,
Mrs Lindlj came on tlie llitn.
Josie Peterson came to the Home on the
11 tli , stayed two weeks and was sent to the
poor farm.
Lily Croft came to the Home hunting w ork
and stated two nichts ; paid 1.
Lulu Knowles stayed over nicht : paid ' >
A iimnc French girl stayed over nicht ;
paid SO pents.
Mrs Elliott and diuichter came askinc to
Ftaytill tlier could eel work , Stased three
dars ; paid si
Miss ClarL Hta nd one week ; paid 1.70.
A voutic cirl doincdminsroom wrorL slept
at tbe home : paid ii.
A j ouns piri broucht In liy the city marshal
stayed one nicht.
Miss M. E. Troxel , a yonnc rirl from the
east , was sent to the HOUH bj some gentle
man on the street and stajtd two nichu ;
jiaid Si.
Mrs. Atchley and dauchter came mid asl ed
to Ktay until her husband could be found.
Stated one nicht.
Anoldlod\ and her crRUdchildrun were
sent to the Home by the police und stujtid iUl
Miss Gibson and neire came nnd stayed
one iilcht paid L
L Dodd and sister came to the Home
with a younc Infant , to stay till she can eive
her Imln uwa >
Four loht thildren ha\e been led and ttktsu
care of this moutli.
A friend , t2.
Mrs-S. B Grant , 5.
Mrs. feltei > er , elothinc.
Mrs. lr. urott. elothinc t
Mrs. Dr. BrecLenbrldce , clothlns.
Mrs. Fred Graj. clothing.
Mrs. Miles , elothinc.
Mrs. Burns , uloihiuc.
Mr. Dobell , tine basket sandwiches.
Mr. HIemiod , one dozen lemons , tl worth
Mr. P L. Penne , one basket praj es , thrc *
quarts iiluin jam , three quart * -jolty.
Mr. Win. J'leiuinp , baskei ot tecetables
et ery w tk.
Mr HUIICJ.IC , ice t-Tcrj tnornlnc.
Mr. llenjoldh. one laice basket of crapes.
Mus. P. L PI.HINI Secretary.
tePtfltr Burnett
Ji.t nf Jt vat.rciu
. < Annum u. l cir or A un. 1 ITict1
t rur k.L.11 % 10.7
CUeofff suui Si
MMX , iic fn * Ocnriwy. Deftate Ti
aid. ; ! vui ObMcpioa.
Mart Gpt < - ftlend la tb * rtmt
Tb * J * tt Fftet yaltl
About tl.roe hutidnefl j ° * ni > ) e awwiui > ted in
CfrJifi iuehatn hall laM ntditon tbe OPPUBK * of
tiie dove contest between A ) Marx tbe Texas
* t > d Mite ritaeeraWU of
vm element of ta h
latin * -K-M rf Ke K > rit d fri&onc
frmn tbe iolid business w iftetetr swt H to She
Itftrfmninna ! w > rl ao4 ratcblet Captain
CortniK * and several af lil ] MiUeeate6 BCB-
j > i d t > roiu.i > put Mucts.
At a wmrmr inwt * o'clock , tx < * Kfifefel ,
who rtp < j tiurinc tlie evening a * master at
owewosies. nupped into tt * tntyf nti-
foot rniC and aunou Dwrl the nr t round.
A throe round poo-tart betieeti Messrs.
Wiiite and SVenart , fro coiond jmcilirts f
OnwtMu "White- a small mreulat aud
ratber artire fellow while Stew art w ns an
inrh taller. oloVi. nud potseSHtitJ oi a tnn >
wore science Tlie bmit wa an mmuated
one winkit lamed , furnlsluiic no little
aitrnwitHjnt to the ui etator' > . In tlit third
Jrmtid Tfcewim ester received si-ternl wnind
clouts 011 tlM > fa * ? and neek , bar t intn a
bmad priu and rptuecl shoepisliU friiu the
nnc Tbe tefere * awarawi Uie oonteM W
Messrs Hoclanc and Connors , both of
Omaha , wrestled for a tow luluutcii. The
men were well mat'iimd , nud tlie contest
was quite exf.tuic. Connors von tlit > arst
fall In exRRth tiiree inluutes Hockinc t"-
ciiied tlie sicond fall in four minutes and n
hall and j i Wed tbe thrd and det isite round
to Connors , who won m lour minutes.
It was half-past ton before thf two pnnci-
paK in tlie ficht of theexeuinc put in their
appearance and took tlieir pnruers , Al
Mars the smaller of tlie tw < > mon , was much
the lu-a * ier. tipnlnc tbe beam at 1S5 jiounds
& < ucalnst bis antagonist t < 34 x Mike Fit-
ctinid is u man atiout sic feet liiciu and is
ne tber so snetirefl n ir so muscular as Man. ,
he i * thorouchU cauie.
P.oth men weie attired in whit" tichts ,
Marx with a white belt , and FiKcerald vitn
a crt-en belt. Johuuj Bradtmru , ol Chicago
arted us Marx's s iond and .lames Mt-Ctii-
mipk. ol Cliicaco , as second lor Fitrcerald.l
Alter * < iime disfiissitm Tom O'Brien was
piioion to art ns rpleiee. Put l > csiutind and
W E Scott , til KRtisis Cltr w ere selected
a time keepers. The clox es tiied w ert the
recuiation twtKiuuie tints. 1'hej wcie ex
amined by Mughal Cnn.niings and pro
noun ted U K.
The preliminai its Insinc thus nrranced
the men shook baud * ; and euuatid npuii the
The two contestant * lost no time in cettinc
tocetber MOJX made a rush at Fitzgerald
aud nlantt-a a ricln-hander on his laee ,
wliit-h vas met with a cleter left-handed
counter. Man. tatties weie evidenth those
of rusbinc Fi'zct'iRld , and be siipieeded ad
mirably. At his serond sallj. . he knocked tlie
Utah man almost down. Trip lattpr stnc-
c 'red to his feel and manured to plant a
couintf'teble pounteis on MRIX nert. He
wa * mei bv a tush from Marx and oiipt more
knot Ltd against the IOIH.S Beloie he wns
lairlt un Ins feet Marx plm ed the w tin Iw ind
tattle1-on him acaic , and tilt him twice. A
loul was rimmed bv Fitzcerald s ha > Lets , but
wa- not allowfd The call ot time lound the
two men upon and ready to go ; o their cor-
srcovi ) itorvu.
In tbis round Marks le orted to ' 'clinch' " ;
and plainly col the worst of each one. On
brcactiiz. Fitzcerald managed to either
npiier-eut him or jiound him in the stomac.1 !
Fitzeerald's no- , , which liad Btiirted tx
Weed in tlie fust round , tiirew tbe elmt-l jiro-
fusulj , and cute him a croccy npwarauee.
Uttweter. when time wns callfd Mars was
lonUinc tiadljwinded , and evidentlj bud the
w 01 st ol the round.
Both men spunnd foi wind lor the first
thlrtt seconds of this round. Man. then let
co bi nciit and planted it squarely on his
opponent s tape. Fitrcerald letiirned tMth a
beautiful louud arm blow w hicii lell squaidi
oi Marx' ear and staccered him badlt The
eowlK > i let his nclit out onee inoie. but this
unit it fell useless over Fitzct raid s shoul
der. The latle-r returned with a series of
round arm blows , some of which reaut ed the
niL.rU while others didn't
i 01 i J H 1:01 jm
At this stare of tlie came it was plain to be
seen that Marx recained his wind and
wasseekinc a knockoutwhile Fitzcerald
vns losiuc crouad
In the first sulU Marx cot borne on Fitz-
ctuald - . fupe w iUi n te-nhr ncht arm blow ,
but was iutit with adetir upper put. Murx
bobbed uji bimlins , hov et er made u rush at
his antagonist uud knocked him -.yuurelj on
tiie roies. 3'itzcerald staccered tn his feet
cuueJy , onlvto intel a series of ptclouir
blow.sfrom JMarx' ncht , which landed uL
oter Ills fnte uud neck and were but leettlj
countertid. Mars pliunlj bud the best of the
ficht and it was cltarly only a question of
limb be ! ore be would knock
out his man. Fitzctinild w ns slit d-
dinc blood freelv , a.ud his. own clothe und
thoCpol .darx and O'Brien to say nothing of
the noteof the lejiorters who were wTltinr
in pios-e jiroximlty to the tray wue splashed
with blusKL
This was almost aroi > etition of the preped-
tnc lound. On one sallv Miirx was tbuiuji. "
sptweJv " in tlie stomach He eliiiehed , broke
looe , "countered bis man s-eiereh ana was
cipvtarly uiijiert uL He came up sunliuc , bow-
ever , and ; jilauted tbr f furious blows on
FitrcerAid's Ja-e. This Uosed tlie iouud.
Man. went in to licnt this round with more
vim than e\er. He feinthd ut FJtzcerald's
RtomaUi and cot home with a whirlwiuc
blow on FitzceraldV lace which sent that
-\\ortlij on tbe ropes once more. The 1'tal
man stncceicd to uis leel and lesponded w ith
& feeble ujnier cut Marx indulced In tuure
cjpJonelirntinc , woikiurin about four blows
to Fltzcera'd's ' one. The latter man cJosuc
tbertmndb * rtroppmc to at old puuishuienL
srvryni AM > EK.HTJI jorM > s
These were but a replation ot the j > re ed
Jnc rounds , fjtzrerald failed to touch Murv
with uiiy foj-ce , viale tlia cowboy -worked in
noine terrlnp risrht and left hand
en. On the lirrt sally Fmceruld
vas kuocld off his jwt. He urose
quickly however , and lat-ttd Marx right ham
blows , leiiulvlnK tlium like a game tighter
nnd returning them us fast us be could
Finally be dropped to avoid punishment , ant
falling to pet ofl the floor befoi e the ten seo-
ondR were un. he was declared the loser o :
the hcfiL Mtrx won on the merit ? of Btiencth
and scienw acainst Fitzceralfl'fi cameness an
wind. Altocethi-r the licht was a coud one
plainly one foi tOtxid. There was some cry
of a foul by Fitzceraid's backerh who elani
that Marx Lit thuir man twice while he was
flow n. The referee paid no attention to tbtlr
Bj the terms of the lirht Mate rttu-i <
Itotnen'sheavj-welJjht gold medal and the
entire irate receipts. TJie medal he vill M
mnubred to defend asrn.lust two more comers
ImJoie it will be cluclucd his ouu in full
Rnn > v y Girls.
There seems to be an epidemic in the run
awaj cirl hue these daj t uud tbe capital city
seems to be the chief starting point with this
city the oSnwOivt ) jilwe , Dt'tecthet weretn
the pitj jesterdat limkinp for a voune uir.
named Hansen , dauchter of a Lincoinlte.
It stiems she fame to tins city Tuesdar , met a
jounc man , nowimpanied him to the lair bu
Las not been stn since bj thoue who desire
niir to see her. She was found lust nicht
on South sixth street and returned to her
Anothtjr Lancaster county gul came here
tlie earh part ol the week with a young mat
w Uo promised to murrj her. He ninuri.uM
Lit , jiiouiiae und has not put in an aptiear-
unpesiupe jesterdav. The pirl is atone of
tbe hotels , lamenting her ItiDlishiiess in
Itatlnr a goud home.
list evtmtac KJ. and Mrs. Thomas Swift ,
Miss llaccie S-w.ft and MIB M. li
bister ol Mrs. Switt , loft for Townseud , Mon
tana Tiie nany intend visiting jars. Gur-
nett , of that place , who is a sistw ol tue last
two Indies named , after \\hiuh an extaudec
trip ihrouch the mountains Yellowstone
park anf1 the ujrtiwest w > utitri f
w i' ' be made.
1 iis , tttt a Iwppy meetlpc of the sinters
for Mr . Hatrun , - hu reo le in '
Don't You ear Tliein Bellow ? Tliey Squeal , wliile tlie
Two Orphans Laugh.
' * ; *
t' Kfc " V
11 3
Is what makes Omaha Clothiers pull their left ear and inquire hovdo they do it ?
Yankees know how to make goods ,
At our own factory in Maine \ve are no turning out FINE CLOTHESF G % An example and
one that tells :
t t Tkr * $9 j rr
1 * farlur * 3f
to Umntm
We are selling them for § 18 , at Jobbers'price. . That is what makes Omaha Cloth
iers Bellow and Tremble at the Knees.
F& tFagl
memo , has not seen Mrs v 't of this t rv
lor thirtj.ears , i t"tner i ak vie e < n ilts.
( JnrneU , t > f lowtiseud , M < ut. hr < > thex s s.
ter for the same lincu ( ' tint VHPI tui
] pt L > otiis\tii ( > KJo * t h ' .r \ * . e-i m w huh
thej hate since met s ( . miu 1 pids ) . ntr and
hapj > iness in the raisinc tn uselulneis nnd
worth lai re families of sous and dauchters.
H < - rel I in a Tit.
Gfiorce Marsh a middle-acod centleman
fioin O'llo ' wns in tbe city jesttrday on his
wa > to . islt iiieuds in Blan. While tidlnc ;
in a Tiurttentb strett car he fell in u hi and
catne neardjinc bplort relief could be af-
ftuded him. Olhuoi Howies tool cuarce of
tlie sicl man. and itftei lie liad recox ered
Mithcient ! } , sturUid him on bit journev to bis
Sellinjr Mori eased Property.
J. \ \ . Archibold. an acent for a piano
firm. Mas ane-tud jesterduj for selhuc a lot
of furnituit upon which IZfad A Co held a
mortcuce , to a man named Hall The matter
w as compromised by th" paj meut o ! ) lead it
Co.'s claim.
3 lie Pifsirtent'tOvercoat -
President Bacliel , of the citj council was
lool me aiound lat ulsk-t to ! a plan to in-
t est hi1- share out of the last appionnatlon
Oidmauce in a new otvicuat to replace the
one tal en from his otliee jesterday aiternoou
by an eiiterpiiMnc sneak thiet.
There will be : i meptrnir of tbe Travel
er 1 Protective oiaat5on at tbe Windsor
hotel Lincoln. Xeb. , Saturday , beptem-
Ler 11 , ; it i > m
Officer Bloom it on duty n ain .ifter
his two week-.1 confinetnent ii tut , result
of a wrestle with n fractious her e
Audi ew Riley was arrested "by Ofncer
Bloom yesterdhj afternoon for tbe lar
ceny cif si pnr e from a bou e ut the cor
ner of Eieeutb uud Hrrney The fellow
tvent into tbe pluct on the -jireten-e of
be rinK , tmd stole the'-pnrse while the
lnd > was talking to him ,
Mr J E llotvland. repi eventing the
Maniton JCjitional Mineral Water oom-
panv ol Man-ton i > pnu : - > , Cole , is at the
Rev M. T Avenll. ot Napemlle , III .
is visitinc E F Test , 211S Chicago
The friends of Patrick \ Lynch , of the
Union Pacificfieiirht department , ivjll
j egret to Iciirn that he bus In-en ill for
seveJ nl w eeks past.
J \ \ . Alcien nnd wife , of Imogen e
la and Prauk WoodJord aadvtile of ,
shenandoah , la . are nt the Millard.
They tvill nmt the fait and exposition
while in the city.
L. H Vundcrbnrg has , after a three
months' journey in" his native contitry ,
Holland , Europe , returned to his home in
Omaha , H > trip has bet u a very dUiprht-
ful one , and ho has returned much im
proved in health Ht met his wife nt
Sagrmaw , Mich. , visitm ; : her brother , und
nfter vjsitmjx together several places of
interest both in Jovn nnd Illinois , tbev
have returned , both tell satisfied "with
their trip
That IcirHiJe Drain
\Vhieb scrofula has ujion the system must
be arrested , und the blood must b puri
fied , or serious coaioquopwmil n"ae
For punryjug ; a.nd vitalizing effects ,
Hood's Sarsaparillu IIUK boon found MI
pcnor t any other preparation It ex
pels every trace of imparity from tbe
blood , and bestows iitw Jife und vi ror
upon et t ry function of the body , en
abiiuK it to entirely overcome disease
The ien serpent's rnpajrornent off
Gloucester Mas * , enteis u swond week
uuspicion'Uy A party , oompotod of a
councilman , customhouse inspector. and
tin old actor saw him ofl that point Sun
day afternoon. He looked like a hujre
Fmr , nearly 100 feet long : , rising nnd
fulling with tbe waves , and "as the boat
drew iitiwer the hujje head wat raised
fiiK feet from the water , and two plitter-
inK yes were pluiuly soen. " Moncs
licretofore tet afloat about the inonhter
huvmg only one eye are thus rtet jit rest.
Mr E W Stuokert , Pliiludolphia Pa. .
cured his couch with Ked Star Cough
_ _
The explorations of j-fioent y < hate
considerably ehatyred oiir notions of the
comparative rank of too rrrtiat rivers of
tlie world. If we cliut. nrirs uooordlng
to tlietr length , both the > 'tle and tbe
Yiingtfie Kaang must be namud before
the Amazfin. The Mle's 4,000 iniltii of
\\atorwiiy , from Jtb JieifdjvatorB south of
Lake Victoria tn the Mediterranean ,
make it the larjrest river in the w orld ,
nearly ai long aD the AlisMsMppi and the
Missouri together , and about 1,000 miles
longer than tbe Amazon
Functional deraugetnfiit of the female
ETbUim quuskly curod'hy the nsp of Dr
II V. Piert-e'e * 'Jvors.e Prescription' "
It removes pain and restores health and
strength. By all
The largest yield of flflisetid ever
Known w as threshud fiom twdve acres
of ground on the farm of Peter HoUhousc
five miles west of Doeatnr , 111. The total
yield -was SJOO besheJs or twtmtt-fave
bushels to the acre. The remarkable
yield astonishes tlie farmer * in that part
ol tlie fetale. It was raised on thoroughly
ditched and nilnd pratne.
H. H W MILLER , Danville Infl .says
Dr J H McLean E Tar Wine Lung
Balm hub Lad K wonderful oSeut on me ,
t.ud J can truthfully fuy it is the bext
inodicwne I have erer tnod for Colds ,
to w hich I am subject Had it not been
for tht Tar Wine Lung Balm I would
not have been able to have worked this
The arrival of t c nnine dude in Bir
mingham. Ala. , fe&euis to be 110 ordinary
( -vt tt One armed tlitre the other dny ,
ucf-ora ug ti tbe Are. and down First
avtuue wc.kt the dade , f j * owed by a
errr > s. r t.g hi gr f si'lwi it tf e
rjjrar w yt i > J Kat > . it h
m U ti-it ! . ! H w d. . a
' : ipc \ \ hut nll ron ritt fi r him'
< ) t on to tbt hat On on to the hat
'St , lncob- Oil cured me of rhrnmn-
ti < nn" Oliver Snavely , Last Syracuse ,
N Y.
A rood brother from Pennsyl.
hnd l'"en atttindmr the camp meeting * at
A-.bnry poj k. w cut into tbe surf M hen it
WAR boisterous and came out with an c\-
picssioti of the lips so comical that he at
once departed for his Pennsylvania
] home , leaving s notice to be ported on
the bulletin board declaring basbfullv
that all his nppcr teeth wen gone , that
they had been tvll mouutc-d on a neat
rubber plute , and that he would be only
u r > glad to pay ? 1 " to anr one finding
them in the sea w ho would return them
by express to his Pennsylvania address
Kirkx O-erman Pile Ointment.
iure cure for blind bleodtnc and itUnnc
Piles. One lux has cured the worst cases of
ten tears stan dine. ' < one need sufier ten
j minutes afuir tislnc tlxis wonderful Kirl s
German ' Pile Ointment It aburb - > tumors ,
utlat s the ituhlnz at "ri"e a"nc a p > ult ire ,
Ci cs instand rel let. Kirt.'t , ( ermiin Pil-
Ointment is prepared onh lor Piles and
lUhinc ol the pritate pan- > . and anthlnc else.
Etert h x is warranted bv our acents. cld
by druccists , sent bi mail on rtveiutof price.
Wic psr bos.
Cleveland O
Sold C f Goondmaa und Kuhn .t Co. ,
Ijtti end IxnirlitF. 1Mb r.nd Cum nc.
The annual tntnmiEjr ol tlie zebra s
lioof- took place locentlv at the I'b a
delphm Zoo , in tbt early morning btfcirc
tbe visitor = began to comt in The zt bra
never yields even -nhen cast down and
firmly bound Leather strapttete
plneed about each foot , and the four feet
drawn together. A bar of-wood tied in
tbe mouth and a number ol men fit"d
upon the zebra's bodv completed the de-
fens njrumst the ammal's eforts to
escape \ did not cease during the
operation Tne misshapen hoofs caused
by the wooden floors were then sawed off
What Hi - Pa Said.
Knnsns Cirv Star Tlie uttrnge minis
ter is disposed to b familiar One dny
when a pastor was out dining tvith two
members of his flock be asked the att/t
boy , w bo w at , plating around , if his pa
r.uid grace The little one said
* I don t know what grace is "
The pustor sought to explain hiuiseif
by nuking
"Wlmt does your pn siy every dnv
wlien he sits down to dinner" "
The little feJlow replied
"He says 'O , h 1 , is this the best \on
can do1' " .
A well drilled recently at
furnace , near Birmingham , Ala , tapped
an underground .stream , which fie w s
acroiS tht opening made into it at the
bottom of the -well. The curio-ity of
.some little boys caused them to dror/ &
baited hool. ar the end of a stout line
into : t , on Tbnj sday The one holding
the Inn soon felt 11 strong pull , and an
answering pull brought a ti-h about nine
inches in length and'weizrhmg thru and
one-half pounds The fish wns almost
black in color its hend was very
and it hud no eves
"I hove been afQic-t'jd for many
years with Djbpept't Sic.l. Head-
ucne und aflnctinn of tiie ludnejs
caused to a Torpid Lixcr. Dur
ing hist fall und winter Iwas
obliged to fcuspend tiie most ol
mT labor in ray field of Home
Missionury work , on aocouut of
my heaJth. Earljth'iE rpnng I
was induced to try Situmonf.
Liver Kegulatoi , and liave hivd
more good nealth than for years
befoie it reJiuves me at once ,
and is more Bhtlsfactory than
anything of the kind 1 et er tried.
i huve also used jt succoH-f ullv to
ward off bilious , attacl.s " Jos-
EI-U \VHLH.LI Cumberland ,
Pres. iltnibtu1 , Lebanon , Mo.
On Wtituit , Corn. Outt , Pork Ltrtl und IL R.
SuicLh , i or Lone wifl Slion Timi . btinfl l or I YIOB
Ciioulur H. P HAHT A Co , 1ST Wuhlilugton
St. , Clnnuro , 111. Jitiltrtinot : Aiceriuin Kx-
Ifjonu-n Bae&lorin srwlnp inuchliitif , or II
in titiiiumtion wltli jeer otlifr liUhlnejj j nu
comtiuiiluu < u Otml in wwinp nmLumtwhy
not hundlbtlitt hiving niuuimt thui ttitl in.t > t
mufi thf rtHjulrunituii of ; our cjnumurtv
Tliprnlon ftfirjnr Muthlnu it JtiRt what itf
uuuir imjilit * , u union nf till tlif I > CBI juimtf ol
tirtl-clufc * . iimuliinit no m Inn o a in c > nt
At jiront of tui it-w u uvurodd tlif fl.-rt i > r -
nnuni und Gold MeuiU ut the V nrjj
uoc , J > t OrJinajtsorm ulit nnMiniirh. |
Jt if the otjly aiULbliiL liiut v Ji.v M. v
WAl.m > mi iui w Aims , oni.tiiiiic tlif oiierutor to
J UMtn the tindt of boutnB or do jliln MIK.II ucy
jinn of u Miumrlthout turuinr tht wort or
tioiintiirllif muttlilue.
Jt It tiio liphicHi ruunlnp qulcinw
und c.niilbM tnu < taineln Jtisteutf ttnd
fcb btilliur jKilut ! . thu
Should jou dobirn uz tyreiicy , w * vfll
ouoicj-oi-ttxni * und jirltn *
} ( ju UiU ik < i luut'ii.nn v ill jttttsc yon , uno your
nuBmniurfc wih thuuk TUU Jor lntroduoinp it.
TUOJ e it incmt-y jn It. ] or jiurtioiaur * utlar < iw. ,
209 Uorth 16th Street
General Agency fur -V < J/raiia and
Hot Springs Hotel
Tbt"it > wnter contain Iron I'Dtuislum Lime.
Poflu Moirtiesiit , OtilnnOt of sttdiuin itufl % u
ptiur , unfl lire u jmiitlre t urt ftir all dinca" ! s
tirlsltip Jrcim un ltr ) > urt Btun olthe liloo .A tor-
tain rjuiclfio lor ithftuuiua
Daily Stage and Mart Line to and
from Fort Steele.
Piiysician in Attendance ,
rr. H.
on -
1m IUL-F 1.1 u T > tultr&
Flavor ,
} iams are
tliat tan be
p' < xlxH ed.
Per j.le of
Qmt f r ttr M.&rkrtui&D dci Ditt t i p
them , eui2 dirret tuAruiKurA t u. . Clileitpu
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tht only roai tr 'air tor Iiot Molnei
shulliown. ' odur Iltiuif , Clinton , J >
r" Mllwaultiu anfl nil pnliiif text. To the | * o
ule ot Nnhrnskk , C < oriiilo Wyominir Ctth
Idulio Net nclu Ort jrnn w unujncton und Cull
furnli. ii oCir.sui'crior ' uiratitLftj , noi jio l-
Me l > j ether dim
Aiuonc tltwnf tb uumrrotif Tp"litt of f u-
Titridrltt < iiijcij-wJ by tbtT > utron ol thi rtmC
i > tiiwiit n Ctruubu itna Clilnncci. urt < itF tv o triyii
Kdkiof DAT CXACHE ; ipb tr tiie tltliBt
tnei litimnn I rt tud mcunultj inn < reiuu ] U
PAI CE hLFEPIKG CAItS ucb t r i rnc.d(0
ol o mil on mifl tilurRiitxi Jl PAItliOlt D HAW
ING HOOM CAliS uiiKUrt'iif iiJ IJT r.ntint1 III
vldtily mMn Bt d PALAMAL WVIN'G CAlt. %
tlif equt-l of TI lili-li cucnnt bit found f tev. licrii.
At CounoO Dlnflitlir truinf T tint T'nion J'uoi
Be Rr. otinntict in T nmu I"i > di withti"iff of
tnt ) CbiiEpo i Konliwi B't-ni ilIn Cnlrwo
tlif trtitiH of tb 11 lint ; inhLi < clofat isinntictiiin
ith tbo f of nil rH rn linn * .
Tor iwtrtijt , folumbuk ] iii ! itn T'OllR. Cinott > -
null. Jxiwrnr * rtlllnudilo Wnnliurjr Tnroino ,
Xontrtti > < HfJEton , .Vcw orU , Phimdtiliihi * , Hut-
tirnorn Wnrhmcton und nil I otnitin tbt ens t ,
a , k tbt > tlckut urr nt for t ( k. is T in t be
] f you nUh tbe l-n i > o * n mnnutiuns.
tl trt iir-miiKsell tlt-Vfi v.uthlt Hat
Gimorul Miinnr fi m J'nts. AR-t-
1HK A r > J
Red Star Line
Ctrrj Jujtbt ! lUtlpicm Roj-n1 nnfl Tnttud 5tttifct
i.tu eialiiir t-i erj cu'uraar
Between Antwerp & Kew York
, , JTILY , HOL-
J'A LL. Aiiii
fwJ < in trtiai tMto tr. trip
to tl , btMtoad Cttun.
M exrursJtm fKC. ' itr
law n.41 * . Jcuir Wrirtt &
Hruu v > i y t t. Jrr.
M . It
Tin CUIT oerteci suDrtttutp
nllU. otvului-iiii- Cholera Intantum TjTthlnR. A ] irfl > rm t : mod tor Dtp *
pfntlcK , Coniumptivt * , Convaleonintb.
3i-fi-rt notriuut n ui * artlnc Dmearti
3.ntttl"r * nr cecil nc ur Itcicrt. Thf C&a
und rtealnp of Infants oo
SEWT c. o. D.
1 IT I. < li > Tk cliHT < * to fcll IKJUitt vitlilK SI *
mllt > IHM rorrii - f tc w 1 M Imrr Srndtvr CIUK ,
* ur uiunmira rauunj u Jltntlou tlilr tiuiK-r
r I mat. comhliicd
1 ru y Jtti ID lh Trw5j -
t ccntlnuoun .Cirip ifJV
t ti
and rfltTt' fAuio
i rt ! Srni \ tuirploi J an
C V\t 31111 < * II
-j < rlu.llj OiHtlllrd for
? ! filicliiul I
prm m Chi of Isatlmuti GIIUTC
of \ J i
uttrntiou Yn rallpfl u
T Truiiou
BjTVyrfi ja JS ttTl llH f Tl fd 8 f I IntttJlU
.fSSEwit h fur ln r iffirt tlmn mi * 3
" i * * * * * * * * ) In- ii fl I mil ;
* " " -W1f *
' '
Tv JfcCirxi fafsuur unicib in im jirurtic-L , uic
I L2aa-J * * i $ f llfl " * ° n l ttsk"
'java C"1" ? rf-&aS _ _ _
lie ( n-i ulbB ! * ttt Hi ( tin mre
flSM L t lim > I LS15N
< IL ttt * Lbtnl
BUM fiii ( iiv r S
8.C SI6 EDO 88'J Raet St. Philadeltmia Pa.
One iior
tbe moR obtlna
Stnttifitmus done * oT ru'Dubs onpaliiu of
ht-iidiiiwond that are tertiun to pi-oduoe aj'spoi-
Fit flprt'orinr tlip cinutiiiir of tlie ht ijiatsu ,
J'rii-t Fi "id Sold lijBIJ drnjcistv or muiied on
repeiiit of pncL. For fui hur purtloulurs pnni
forcircumr P ( X Boi J"TI "
tiJohcm New Tort. .
Il uii t > t ci f o Iui ; tup of mCw nr K u w Itljnu *
Uit J-unv. letl i til Uio I'crhou tuUnc II In ulinuiult4y
arjniif i.iil will LtlfU u ( it ruiunmit i ud nj. * lv
cere lnt.-r tli jiktitui lib ujuuiri.f juLej 11
kll nirtlUllllr WTl'l I. li | IU t > ltl clv U I" UllH > .
u . . )0b ut ctt < . 1.118 In vnrj innttiim * 'itrti'ct core
uululliinrd Ii m-Trr Ir.IU The rymeru < IBM
luiptfcuuuij wi.ii tiiu hj c. . - li iH-ctmin en nun
luiiiu-utlhillr ? fur the liijunr i.iH'iit tuuint
KTHN 4lL CO. , Cur. 15th I > .iiia >
mtfc ii t nnilcc Sli. . . Omaiu , J.cii. '
t. It. FO-TEK & SRl > . .
Cul ) i r for pum | hint pnmi. innp I.
< - "ram HitIxzi wiuzica cn
rntjjl.ullt. . Si > Kir hurnlitiDj
The Tremont ,
J. C irJ'Z&UtAUJi. PON rmju-Urtors.
Cor nti nnd I m& * LliuKim , Ki-t
lttfi. ri.f > 0 irtir < Uj. Birutfi uirt > iruru Uuui" < iu unr
n ui tlje cur *
Architect ,
Oflii 51 84 uud i . liiuliu-Us Illock , Lluuoln.
J < t'U Kltirmor on lltb btrwt.
r AI WOOD * * .
Live Stock Auctioneer
mudr In nil } art of tt.e r ) -
runt llooraa Stun JilLuK Unu * tae' _ -
Crull'mb ) uudMiim Horn luill * * - wnt
U H. GOl Li > Li ,
Farm Loans and lusraee
Corr j > noiiUpn if ir ir Hri ic 10 1
Jlti ia i M > i
Hdverside Short Horns
fa BtritUr iiurt HutotMii'l Unlit T ; > .icic
H < iu nuu M-it Ki.unt M houJ-
J un . i , > rt pi ikt i UM.I 1 iUiiut > > i rr .t
Atiolli it J. < nH. JUu.1 il Klik utik M mK c ,
Jiunlitu uut tut . J'lMilrtiL luuu. * 1 <
Ml-lltelA. l tUliU. UIH ) Tl kl < 1 * * S
S U > ( (0-Mud ) Hui i tut rwtol * .1 t. n
UUK t < ruga * t JlaHtoi , Iu.itiu. J VtiMM * > *
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