Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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D.illv Oft * ni.iir I'Vlllloili Incliultnir Sunday
Hi r. HMO Vimr . $1001
Ii.rSiv Month * . f > a
I'.rThMfi Moulin . S 60
Tim iimfiha Smnrtny DKR , irmlled to nny
mid I e , One Vimr. . . . SOD
OM\ttV OWn : . NO. i > 1 \VI1 m KAriVAM flTBRCT
Ni V < mK OirirR. Kii'iiMW. ' Tllltii-xi : lim.nivn
ojf urricc , Nti.ftii rui'
All communlciltotn rulntlmr to notvs nn < 1otll
tomil in into- should be tuklroMOd to thu Kl > t
Tun of TUB IlfiR.
All liti'lnnss li-itorn iiiiiln'iiiltlnnopscliould ln >
n < Mins oil In Tun III : : I'riii.i.sniMi Co.Mi'ANV
OM MM. llrafls. rlif.'ks and po-tolllcn cirdnrt
tabuimidoiinyiillu toih < Mml rof. tliucoiiiiiiiiy :
K. KOSBWATKH , Ki.tfott.
Sworn Statement orclroiilntlon.
Htnli ! of JCfbrnslsn , I .
' . (5 ( > s <
I'oimtv ( it Douglas.
Of" . It. 'I'7hclinclcscrrrtnryot tlio lion Pub
llHliinu company , dues solemnly s\\rnr tha
thn nciunl clrciiliitlnn ol tlio Daily Itco
lor tliu week vtulliic Sent. "il , ISiO , was as
follows :
Ttn ,
Saturday , 2Sih 12,77. "
Hiiinlnv. - ' .Mil 1'J.I-r
TiiPMlny. Hist 12-I.V )
Wednesday l'JOi"i
Thursday , ad 1'-ir.O
r'rlilny , ; 5d I'J.rao
Avcinpo 12.r,2l
tiKO. 11. T/.SCHUCh.
Hubscrlbc'il nml sworn to linforo mo this
lib ilnv ol Sit ) > t. , 18SO. N. 1' . Kr.n. ,
ISKAI..I Notary Public.
( iL'0.1 } . Twclnii'k , bolngfirFliluly Hwnm.iie-
11050.1 nnil says ( lint ho Is ppcintni-y of tlm llco
I'ublishlng romiiaiiy. that tliu actual aycratrc
dally clirtilntlnn of thn Dally Ili'o for the
innntli cif January , ISNT , , wns 10ri73 ropies ;
fnrl'Vhriiary. issrt. 10.5M ropios ; for "March ,
fsW , H.KJ7 coiiio < : for Aurll , 1SSO , 1St'Jl
coplM ; lor May , IM , ! copies ; for.fiiuo ,
IBtO. 12.TO coplns ; for July , ISbO , 12yi-l copies ;
for August , liSO , r.VIOI cupluH.
( Si'.o. 11. 'IV.scnucic.
Siibscrlbnd nnrt sworn to before me , this
4th Ony ol Sept. , A. 1) . 1S80.
N. i' . Krir- .
fflBAi , . I Notary I'ubllc.
Tin : moat complete exhibit : it Hie fair
yesterday was tlio display of Nebraska
'Tun race- for tlio governorship is at
tracting fully as much attention as any
of tlio raced booked for fair week. New
entries arc almost daily reported with iv
half score of dark homes beinij croomed
in the background.
THE First district is peed for a safe
republican majority with an honest re
publican candidate. If ChureU Howe
succeeds in buying tlio nomination it will
bo good for an oven safer democratic
majority.V"o stake our reputation for
prophecy on the outcome.
THI : country is not to be congratulated
upon the fact that Treasurer Jordan has
acquiesced in the present policy of thn
treasury regarding the surplus. Tlio liopo
was that thl ollicions person would em
phasize his devotion to his former views
by stopping out of his position.
SWINDLING soldiers and bilking church
societies ought notto provo recommenda
tions for grand army honors. The mon-
daeious carpenter from Mondota , was
drummed out of the G. AU. . for em
bezzlement. Nebraska veterans should
have no place for such a man in their
CA.BLEOKAMS from England confirm
j. the view that Bismarck's desertion of
-Alexander of Bulgaria was the price paid
( or llussia's abandonment of tlio llusso-
Turkish alliance. French sympathy with
Ktisaia is not likely to bo so outspoken in
the nnar future as it lias been in the past ,
while hatred for Bismarck will bo inten
sified , as tlio result of this now outwitting
of French diplomatists by the shrow'd
mid crafty Iron Prince.
THE llttlo outbreak reported to have
developed in one of the Mexican states'
and which is unduly dignified in calling
it ti revolution , will probably have a very
brief existence. It is very likely nothing
inoro serious than a scheme to plunder ,
and when the robbers have secured all
the booty within reach they will disap
pear. The uresent government of Mexico
ice might not be sustained by a popular
vote , but it is very well fortified against
IT is still uncertain whether Secretary
Manning will bealilutorosnmo his duties
at Washington , and the acting secretary
is authority for the statement that if ho
does conclude to return ho will not do so
until some time in October. . Tlio state of
his health continues precarious , and tlio
intervals of apparent improvement are
brief. It is evident that Mr. Manning's
physical condition is so reduced that a
resumption of the arduous labors of the
treasury department might pro vo speedily
Iv the rallroguoM arc to be believed
Senator Van Wyok's chances are not so
bright as they wore before Ins appeal to
tlio people. This is too bad. If the senator -
ator hadn't made the awful blunder of
appealing from tin * politicians to the
public ho might Imvo scoured sixteen in
stead of tlio thirteen out of sixteen legis
lative candidates which republican con
ventions liavo already placed in nomina
tion pledged for Van Wyck. Still , as a
starter , thirteen is not a bad layout for
the old man.
AIWCKS from New York are full of
biifiinoss cheer. The trade center is full
of activity. The streets in the wholesale
districts are crowded with trucks. Mer
chants report the'How of orders as un
precedented for tlio season. This means
that the country at largo is buying freely
for the fall and winter trade. It tndi >
catcs that the check given to overproduc
tion lias reduced stock bnlow the limits
of actual requirements mid that thn rook
bottom of depression has been touched.
There is every reason to believe that wo
are on the ovc of another season of com
mercial prosperity ami industrial ad-
vanco. Mills and factories are running
full time , luirnaccs and forges are
overrun with oolera , Transportation
companies report a greatly increased
trafilo. Tlioru has bcnii a contraction in
tin ) money market east bccaiun invest
ments are offering more freely and west
ern requirements luwo demanded the
shipment of ftiutls , but money is already
becoming easier. So far us the west is
concerned .site bids fair to hava a prosper
ous fall and winter. The volume of tlio
cropimay not be as heavy , but prices
will bu lniter ! and favmnrd will receive
more t > > r their products than if thu bar-
"csts had been overabundant.
Sotmior lnn AVyok nnil Ij l > or.
The logiMativo committee of Hi
Knights of Labor have published rv report
port in which they discuss n ( length thci
vh'ws on questions of national poliej
which they deem of most importance fo
the interests of labor , and name the con
trreMincn who have consistently sup
ported what they consider measure ? o
ndvantagi ) to thu labor organizations o
the United Slates.
Citixi'iis of Nebraska will be cspeciall ;
interested in the hi-nrty praise which tlio
committee accords to Senator Van Wyok
wiio alone of all his senatorial colleague
Is .tingled out as a steadfast and un
swerving friend of the people and o
popular rights in Iho upper house o
Long before the Knights of Labor began
gan to pour into congress that remark
able scries of petitions praying for legis
lative action on various subject * , Charle
11. Van Wyck had planted himsel
squarely on what afterwards proved to bo
the popular side of the great and livhu
Is-iiies of the day. lor live years he hai
stootl alone in the senate. , battling will
the lobby , and urging in and out of sea
son iill'oetivo legislative ledrcss for tin
people against thu oppressions and oxtor
lions of corporate monopoly. Month
before the Knights of Laoor had urgci
the repeal of the preemption law , Gen
Van Wyck was found exposing the
wholesale swindling of gren
land syndicates and cattle companies , am
insisting that the honest settlers ot the
west had no sympathy with the thieves
and scoundrels who wcro despoiling Iht
government for their own private ga it
under cover of the national bounty. Ovct
four years ago he began his light for the
forfeiture of the unearned land grants
and insisted that the government lam
should be reserved for actual settlers am
not 1'ivishly donated without confident
lion to gigantic monopolies. Thorn was
not-i topic presented fur congressional
consideration in tlio petitions of Ameri
can workingmen which had not been
discussed and urged from the standpoint
of American labor by Senator Van
Wyck long before it had been formulated
among the demands of organized in
Senator Van Wyck has kept close to
the heart of the people during his entire
political career. His record lias been an
open one , made in public , subject to in
spection. His course has invited criti
cism , but it has been criticism from
sources where praise would have been
blame. Jt is a matter of congratulation
that the central committee of the largest
labor organixation in the country in
dorses the senator from Nebraska as a
fearless , honest anil consistent friend of
the people in his advocacy of measure
of vital interest to the state and to the
welfare of the producers of the nation.
The City Hall Contract.
Mayor Boyd is trying to defeat the city
hall project with a pocket veto of the
contract for the construction of the base
ment. He declines to anprovo the con
tract , but at the same time prefers not to
inform the council why bo withholds his
signature. Instead of doing tbis , begets
Mr. Goodman to play catspaw with a resolution
elution to reconsider the vote by which
the council has let the contract.
Wo do not comprehend why Mr. Goo'd-
man should lend himself to such a small
piece of business. Mr. Goodman knows ,
as everybody knows , that the mayor's
action in this matter is purely
au exhibition of personal spite
and political spleen. Ho knows
enough to know that the many delays
and ellbrts to prevent the erection of tlio
the city hall basement this year have
sprung from a quarrel of the mayor with
the council over Tom dimming * . The
mayor is evidently willing to punish the
the cily of Omaha and retard its growth
just to show his power and punish his
political opponents including the UEE ,
which happens to own some real estate
on uuper Farnam. Wo can assure Mr.
15oyd and bis Goodman Friday tiiat the
UEB will survive their vengeance. We are
comfortably and securely fixed for at
least live years on lowerFarnaiu and can
afford to lot the grass grow on upper
Farnam without going into bankruptcy.
The only reasons , wo are told , which
Mr. Goodman advanced lor putting oil
the erection of the city hall base
ment this year are , that the
bid is too high , and further
that there is no money in the treasury ,
available for the purpose. Now we have
no means of knowing whether the bid is
high or low , except as opinions have
been expressed by reliable builders who
did not bid because they have their hands
full Those parties estimated tlio subbasement -
basement at ? ' . ' 5,000 , while the contract is
a fraction over $22.000. But if the bid is
actually $10,000 higher than it ought to
bo whoso fault Is it that this bid was ac
cepted and unproved ? What is the use
of ! i board of public works if not to con
sider the reasonableness of bids and report
adversely on all that are extravagant ?
Mr. House , the chairman of the board , is
fully competent to make the estimates
and his associate , Mr. Soliall , is an ex
port in rock work and could hardly bo
imposed on by an over-reaching con
tractor. The board of public works
and the council both accepted the bid
and entered into the contract. The
mayor has a right to refuse bis approval ,
but personal spite was hardly contem
plated by the makers of the ohurtor as n
good reason for obstructing public
As to thn plot : that there is no money
in the treasury , Mr. Goodman knows
better. Ho knows that the board ot
education has sot aside first $5,003 and
then $20,000 , moro for its share of thn cost
of building the city hall , and to expedite
the work has voted to place it at the dis
posal of the council at once , Tlio plea
that additional legislation will bo re
quired to complete the building is no
excuse whatever for putting off a part
which can bo built tills year without
any legislation. When the citizens ot
Omaha last November by an overwhelm
ing vote made the location , approved
the plans and authorised the school
board to contribute § 35,000 towards thu
building they did it for the express pur
pose of having work begun at once.
Mayor JJoyd and the council uro only
durvunts of the people. Their duly Is to
carry out the will of the people and not
to act as obstructionists.
The effect of annulling the contract for
[ ho city ball basement will hit muou moro
serioim to the welfare of Omaha than it
could possibly bo to Mr. Ucchel , whom
Boyd BO cordially hates , or thn Hun ,
which is not his organ , The delay of the
citY hall building means delay in import-
ant and solid Improvements on upper
I'nrnnin which cannot bo less than
half a- million dollars' during the
coming year. Hy postponing action until
next spring , the mayor will prevent any
contract for the city hall bciing let before
thn first of next July. All that the city
will get in Iho year 1887 will bo the base
ment , which could and should ho finished
this year. No property owner who con
templates creeling a large block on ut > per
Farnam will venture to do anything
until the city has let its contract. Plans
which require months of time will not bo
begun until next year's fall , which practi
cally means the winter of ' 87-89. So then
the little personal spite of Mr. Boyd is sure
to retard the growth of Omaha at a time
when her peculiar relations to the rail
road system make it a vital necessity that
she. should crowd every sail ami catch
every favoring breeze to maintain her
But suppose that the contract is $10,000
too high , which we do not believe , what
will the city gain by dolay. Under the
contract witli the county , the city can
only occupy the court house twenty
months longer. It will take- fully that
lime to complete the cily hall quarters ,
if work is begun this j-car. The so-called
city hall building now occupied by tlio
council is a disgrace to Omaha when any
stranger visits the council chamber. Tlio
rents alone which the city will have to
pay for the additional year will exceed
? 10,000. Kvcn with that outlay , iU offices
will not bo in a fireproof building. Be
sides this , the additional taxes for one
year on the blocks projected on upper
Farnam would moro than onset any pos
sible excess on the basement. So much
for the economy of dolay. If Mayor
Boyd has any better excuses for withhold
ing his signature to to the contract than
has been offered by Mr. Goodman , the
public will bo interested In knowing
Tlio Knlyliis' Convention.
The attention given to the forthcoming
national convention of tlio Knights of
Labor is the best evidence of tliu public
interest foltin the movements and inten
tions of that organization. The results
of the convention are expected to have
an important inlluence on the future of
the Kiiiglils , and perhaps upon labor
combinations generally. A goood deal
has been developed In the working of the
order since the last convention which
shows the necessity for radical changes
in its governmental system , and it is un
derstood that there will be an effort to
effect these to an extent that will amount
practically to reorganization. As at pres
ent constituted there is a centralization
of power not conducive to harmony , as
well as of duties that tire oppressive , and
prevent that prompt and expeditious ac
tion which is generally necessary in con
nection with an organization of tins kind.
It will bu n part of the duty of the next
convention to deline tlio relations of the
Knights to other labor organizations.
Tlio absence of any definitive regulation
or principle regarding this important
matter has given opportunity for con-
llicts and complications of a troublesome
character , as in the case particu
larly of the contention between a
division of tlio Knights in New York and
the cigarmaker'.s union , resulting after
a long and somewhat bitter light in tlio
victory of the latter. Such conHicls as
this of course engender bad blood , and
the eiluct is necessarily harmful to the
cause which those , who engage in them
represent. Not the least important mat
ter which the convention will be expected
to determine is ° the attitude which tliu
order shall take , in whole or in part ,
toward politics. The course of brandies
of the organization in proposing or sup
porting movements for independent po
litical action , seems to make an impera
tive demand upon the representatives of
the whole body in convention for an ex
pression that will bu general in its scene
that will either permit unrestricted po
litical action in the name of the organiza
tion , or prohibit all suclr action. H is
probable there will bo developed a con
siderable element favorable to giving the
organization a political character , and a
sharp struggle over this question is more
than likely. It is evident that in thu con
sideration of thcso and oilier issues which
are now in controversy , ana which are a
menace to tlio harmony and perpetuity
of the Knights , tlio highest wisdom and
discretion of the leaders will bo fully
tested , and by the result it will not bo
dillicult to determine whether the organi
zation is to go on increasing in strength ,
or by gradual or rapid disintegration f.Ul
to pieces.
A I'rollllcH.s Controvert ) .
Tlio public controversy that lias been
opened between Mr. Oburly , the present
chairman of the civil service commission ,
and Mr. Dormati It. Katon , the ex-chair
man , cannot hoof any advantage to these
gentleman or to the eauso which they
profess to have so much at heart. In so
far us the discussion is of a purely per
sonal nature , it Is not probable that
cither party to it will sillier in the estima
tion of his friends , Wo believe both to
bo eminently rosDoctable and tiuslwor
thy citizens. Thu private and public
character of Mr. Katon , with respect to
integrity of purpose , so far as wo are
aware , Is above reproach. Ho is a man
of some ability , though ho has shown it
cliielly in the direction of his hobby ,
civil service reform , Mr. Oborly has
been a moderately successful journalist ,
and has some considerable ability as a
loliticlan. ) Ho appears to have espoused
the cause of civil service reform with ex
traordinary zeal , and is apparently win
ning golden opinions from its more devoted -
voted adherents. Mr , Oberly wields a
ready and virile pen , and in encounter
ing him Mr. Katon will find that ho has
use for all his literary and argtimonta-
.ivo rescoures ,
So far as the controversy may disclose
the operations of civil service reform
: hus far , it will not bo wholly without in
terest for the public , but It Is very doubt-
'til whether the showing will bo greatly
to the advantage of the reform in public
estimation. The motive of Mr. Katon
xpponr.s to bo to defend the republican
commissioners from partisan assaults ,
and this may perhaps bu considered par
donable in view of the fact that ho was
n a very largo measure responsible f or
ho action of the commission ol which ho
vas the head. Those who have any
: nowledgo of the inside working of that
> ody are aware that it was not entirely
larmonlous , ami whether or not this
vas the fault of Mr. Katon , ho had the
lomoer.nlio member with him and his
ilans prevailed. Hut the b.isis of parti-
an assault is the alleged inoliinicnoy of
Itu commission in failing to have the re-
quirdnicitts ot tlio law fully complied
with , In nugK.vtliij ? .linvostijjations when
attention was calLm to the violations , as
for'example in tb ? rase of Pension Com
missioner-Black , anjl in otherwise com
ing short of the full hud faithful performance /
anco of its duty. 'As yet there have been
little moro than unsupported nl
legations , but the proof , if there bo any ,
may be looked for in due lime. It is nol
unlikely that the democratic commis
sioner will be able ty make out a tolerable
case. It is not doubled that the original
commission mndomistake3. But it ought
to bo charitably remembered that it had
to plan and organize a system , confronted
by many dillloullies , so that errors aud
omissions on its part that would bo par
donable , in the case of its successor would
be entirely inexcusable. We tire unable to
see , however , what profitable end nan bo
secured by a partisan quarrel over the
matter. If there is any real merit in civil
service reform the republicans will have
the credit of having instituted it , while
if the democrats succeed in developing
whatever virtues it may possess , Iho
credit therefor will bu given to them.
A newspaper contention will not add to
or detract from what justly belongs to
uit icr , nor will itjprolit tlio cause of re
The portraits of Tiltlcn , llemlrlcks and
Hancock are to ailorn the new issue of silver
Buffalo Is to have tlio laicest clock In the
world. The dial will hu twonly-llvo icet in
diainotcr ami will bu phiced UOt lectabovo
the street.
A century plant at Auburn , X. V. , Is
thlitv feet high , nnil the stem Is six inches
thick at the base. It has thirty-two Hewer-
Ing branches , with over 5,000 buils and
llowers. It Is about sixty jears old.
Charles K. Illshon , the niiiii who advertised
himself to jump from a balloon over Brook
lyn bridge , and who lus been In Lowell ,
Jlass. , for the past low diys , saymc bo would
jump from some of tlio local bridges , has
"jumped" that town owlm ; a three-days'
board bill at one of the hotels.
In tbe last number of London Truth there
is "A Queer Storv" which Is plainly meant to
convey the idea that the steamship Oregon
was blown up by parlies interested In an
over-insured cariro. Assumed names are em
ployed ami the vessel is referred to as the
Paragon. It is evident that there is a BtroiiR
belief In London that the Oregon was not
rim down by an unknown schooner.
Mrs. Victoria .Morosiiii-Sciiilllnp , who
clopod with her father's coachman , Krncst
Schilling , a year and a half ago , has taken
French leave of her husband and gone ( lf |
with a rubber manufacturer from Boston ,
taklnp , Ernest says , his and her Joint savings
in a savings bank , amounting to Sl.OOO. Some
ofhor friends say , however , that she has become -
come reconciled to her parents , and that they
have induced her to leave , but tills her father
She On ; lit .to lln
I'lllllUlcljlltlci X.
A Toronto woman proposes a society for
the piuvuntion of kissing. Somebody otisbt
to kiss the jioor thlniraiid shut her up.
Jlavingn Great Kim In Boston.
Cliirnu.i Times.
The story "lie b'ell in Love with His Wife"
Is having a great run In Boston , where he
generally falls in love with some other man's
llosttin Courier.
A contemporary has an article on the most
inexpensive way of. filling the teeth. The
most inexpensive way wo know of is to eat
peanuts. _
Louisville Ciiitrtcr-.Tmtmal.
It is said that In New York oven the stt-
prumo judgcshijH are purchased. Possibly it
is this buying of so many olllces that Keeps
the New Yorkers too poor to nou tribute to
hero and liberty monuments.
Continues to Gain Stren > : : li.
J\'OCH ( liurealts.
Senator Vnn U'yclc continues to train pol
itical strength and will , no doubt , succeed
himself. The farmers of Nebraska have *
turned out generously to welcome the "grand
ola man" throughout the state.
Makes the Most of JIH AVhiskssy.
CVi/efltfo / Times.
A Boston Insists that
paper w-h-i-s-k-c-y
and not w-h-l-s-k-y Is the correct way to spell
whisky. A town that sees so many sua-ser-
ponts as Boston necessarily makes the most
of Its whisky ,
When thu Cut is Axvny.
h'oiiKtia City Journal.
While tlio president Is up In the Adiron-
< lacks hopelessly endeavoring to encompass
the destruction of one lish a day on a salary
of 31U7 a day , the federal otllcu holders are
awake to the opportunities of tlio occasion
nml arooverlastiiiglygettlngin thulr work on
the conventions.
Simula on Ills Kccoril us Senator.
KUsliom Vnlleu JVeics.
Copperhead lies may bo revamped byj the
men who would rule or ruin the republican
party ; railroad cappers may accuse him of
riding on free passes ; mun who am straight
republicans only whun they have their will
may charge him with treachery to his party ;
newspapers may sunk to condemn him for
doing that which In another they would ap-
nlaud , but thu fact still remains that Senator
Van Wyck stands In this campaign on his
record as a bunator , and not a man of tlio
crowd that > > him dares to incut him
on tliu stump to discuss Unit record ,
At. ! Uv Father's Grnvn.
nitsKs Y Tim so.\ tip PAUL n. H.VYNH.
1 come ImlE voloeliws'u'ore ' ' , and brills
Tliu sorrow that 1 diu'iJ'not ' "ing ;
A u'riof sets evtirmnril Mmrt
In the veiled chamber of my heart.
His smouldering dus , | iym never hear
The temlerttnt foot.styi > / drawing ;
But far beneath our irilllii view
Ills spirit walks the h'Jimdk'S.s ' blue.
And tlioii''li I cannot.rita him stand
Within the Bout's Illtinliiica land :
Vet somewhere by tilth's crystal sea
1 know my father waits for me.
\ol > rnskii'J > ottliifjH.
Scribnor's business' ? mon are moving
for a canning factory.
The York cannoryWiado Its first ship
ment of goods last w\uk. ( \
The elevators of Ord can got outside
o' 10 bushels of grain.
'tsiu . j.iisvillo pottery is being rebuilt ,
and will bu ready for business next
The fourth annual fair of Brown
county will bo hold at Long Pine , Sep
tember iJl-4.
The voters of Keith will bo called upon
to settle the question of dividing the
county this fall ,
The now town of Florence , Nuckolls
county , was tripped up by a gale last
week and severely splintered ,
Charley Lea , of Oxford , takes the bolt
as a junfpor , He leaped from under a
falling sand bank and escaped doatli.
The safe of the North Hunil bank came.
nut of thu tire with the cash Intact and
the time lock in working order ,
Culhiwayaus will tihako themselves at
a grand frco ball In the now town hall
a week hence. It will bo a sort of dcdi-
eatoty cotillion.
The PlalUmoulh panning faelory dis
posed ol $ MOflO wortii of goods to one
party recently , and was unable to fill a
second order for $3,000 worth.
John Sabloski is loading the cold water
hosts against bottle mints of tlio rum
power in the interior of the slate. John
swings a polished jawbone as a weapon of
( ieorgo nistharst , a Columbus boy aged
sixteen , dropped an arm in a broom corn
seeder while playing around the ma
chinery. It was amputated tit the
In a moment of menial weakness the
Sidney base ball club was induced to
tM'os.s buts wllh tliu Sago Wallopers in
Cheyenne. The seoro of the home elub
was long enough to reach back to Sidney
and drop a tally on every tie.
Lincoln and Hastings no longer "speak
as they pass by1' on uase ball matters.
The ehainiiio'n pennant waves in the
brce/c at Hustings , although the latter
secured a full set of hard boiled rggs as a
lemiiidur that glory is brief anil pride
presaires a fall.
Kditor Marvin , the democratic eleclrie
light of Oago coiinlv , has commenced
the Issue of. the Daily" Democrat. It is
well lillcd with local and genoinl news ,
and crisp comment on events and issues ,
and gives promise of a career of useful
ness and prolit.
Saline county can justly boast of her
apple crop , as well as grain and hogs. J.
Dixon , a farmer who lives near the center
of the counly , has already contracted to
furnish ItiO barrels of apples to Wilber
parties , and has SOD utirrcls more to dis
pose of.
A resident of Steve Creek precinct ,
Oleo county , named Samuel Perry , has
fixed hinisulf in elegant shape lor a term
in the pun , provided the parties inter
ested see lit to follow him up. He has ,
within six months , mortgaged bis per
sonal properly three or four times , repre
senting that it was frco from iiioum-
brance every time , when at the same
time it was covered three deep with
stickers. Ho bus left lor new fields ,
Tno Kansas Crank , nil the way , from
( Jiicda Springs , wliorp the world moves
on a pivot , has made ils appearance. Its
title is significant and appropriate and
properly indexes the contents. It isdevot
ed to the "elevation of public morals am'
horsetliiuves , " and positively refuses ti
apologize for beinir liorn. The alllictci
people of bloody Kansas can extract soiiv
consolation from tno assurance that th
Crank will not upset the world nt one
jerk , but will give tlio "old gal" a lively
whirl at $1.50 a turn.
Io\vn Items.
Davenport pays $15,1-10 for clectrii
street lighting ; gas cost her $11,000.
George Dugan , a Davenport man , wa
killed by a fail in St. Paul last week.
.Janies Habbitt was drowned win
bathing in the Missouri at Sioux Ci
One night recently burglars cntcrui
the house of David lless , slock buyer a
2sTora Springs , and scoured $180 of hi
hard-earned money.
The lake at Creston is now so low tlm
it looks like -in ordinary toad poitil. Twc
weeks more of dry weather ami the toads
will havu to emigrate.
II. Grass is a justice of the peace a
Fontanolle. When a farmer'wants to
try a cow case before a Foiitauclle jus
tice. he is told lo so to Grass.
The Hill creameries , fourteen in mini
bor , were sold recently at Spvinglicld
Robert Wright bought the entire numbo
for $11,000 , which'is ? 1)00 above tli
There is a plan on foot in Dubuque lo
build a second system of water works
with tlio basin on the bluIVs near the city.
Tlio entire system will cost in the neigh'
borhood of § 8225,000.
The levee in Uurlington swarms will
rats too largo for terriers to tackle ,
Every morninc they bathe in tlio river ,
and afterwards calmly bask on tbe banks
waxing their mous-taclies.
A burglar was discovered in Wether
ill's store , in Carroll , one night recently
and in order to make his escape smashei.
a plate-glass window in tlio .store front
and jumped through. The damage to
tlm building amounted to ? l2 ! "i.
Charles A. Schubert , a wagon maim
facturer of Earlvillo , wss instantly
killed on the ad inst. , in that village ,
while operating a circular saw. A piece
of limber which he was shaping struck
him over tbo heart , producing instant
A largo brick county jail is being built
at Deai Iwooil.
Hupid City is to have a free reading
room and public library.
Corn is as a general thing considered
to bo out of danger of frost.
Tbo Iron Hill mine produced. 38,020.17
ounces of bullion during August.
Applications for final proof are made
at tlio Hismarck land ofiico at the rate of
ten per day.
After a great deal of preliminary work
a Yankton company has contracted to
put in tbo Kd.son light system , and thu
material has alrc.ady been ordered.
Says the Sioux Falls Press : "With thu
two biggest insurance companies in tliu
territory , and fourteen churches in active
operation , Sioux Falls ought to bo able to
reduce loss or damage by tire hero or
hereafter. "
Territorial Auditor Caldwell has issued
a statement regarding the tax levy for
18BO , covering all but two counties. The
assessed valuation of all property in
round numbers is Jflfl..OOO.OOU. The total
assessed valuation for 1835 was $100-
000,001) ) . the increase for the past year
being lliu enormous sum of ? L'0,000,000 , , ,
or about l..r ) per cent. Tlio number of
acres of taxable l.ind has increased from
lU.OM.O-ll to 17,703Utl ; ; the value of the
same , from . to $ lWfil 1,89:2 : ; the
average of assessed value per acre , from
sJil.OU to ! ? ! ) .87 ; tlio number of hordes , from
108,817 , loSOd.059 ; the number of cattlo.
frnm : iJ7 ! , : > TJ to IT-'J.iU'J ; the number of
swine , from IfW.OIi . ; ) , to 17:1,128 : ; the valuu
of moneys anil credits , from , : ii'Jt.SO ! : to
§ 3,7U7rilU ; tiiu valuu of stocks and shares ,
fromW5,218to.l171)ri ; ! ) : ) , Tbo rate of
taxation has been fixed at ! M mills 2
mills for general revenue , and .4 mill for
interest on territorial bonds ,
A territorial base ball league is in full
The Rawlms shops are pretty well filled
with remnants of wrecks.
Parties in Cheyenne are organizing a
colony for the purpose of locating in tin ;
Ulg Horn valley.
The coroners are kept busy along the :
line of the Northwestern road , not only
in Laramie county but in Albany county
The Cheyenne Sun urges that Iho elec
tion of Delegate Carey bu made unani
mous as a reward for his faithful services ,
Do'we hear a fiucond ?
The coroner'b jury in the case of
Thomas Moa , who was shot at Lusk ,
rendered a verdict of manslaughter and
suggested that Dick Crow bo held for'tho
unmo. Dick did not wait for tlm jury to
ngree , but skipped between days for
The Cheyenne papers say that the cap
ital commissioners are considering the
[ jconomy of miUning blocks of Cheyenne
water , as imitation of Italian marble , for
the new capilol building. It is said that
thu capitol water is becoming bo iniprug-
iniiml with immirities that it cumguaK
into almost solid nuissw.
If you buy lumber anywhere withou *
lirst getting lloaglamU pricm * 30:1 : will '
lose mouuy.
In most of the states of the union tin
people have but llttlo voice in tlio .sclec
tion of United Slates senators , but I :
seems thai in Nebraska a law was passei
permitting Ihom to manifest n preforonei
ns to who they desired for this very im
portant position , by voting on tbo qtics
tion at Iho general election by thn legis
laluro of a United States senator , ami
Senator Van Wyck , tlio present tidmir
able representative of that slate in tin
United Slates senate , lias appealed to the
people for such manifestation of theii
The re-eleelloii of Senator Van Wyek
is not only important to the people ol
Nebraska , but to the people of the United
Slates. It is , safe to say that his present1 ! !
in the senate has saved millions of acre *
of the public lands from the cliitfhr.s ol
land grabbing corporations and .stopped
jobs which would nave taken tens of mil
lions of dollars from the public treasury.
lie has been the one man upon whom
tin ; people of tlio whole country could
rely upon as being always alert to
protect their interests , and , of cour-e ,
the gieat interests that ho has
aiitagoui/ed will ] > ut forth uve.rv ell'ort in
order lo prevent Ills return. ' 1 his oppo
sition will nol manifest itself openly , but
it will come in Iho secret , but elleelive
way in which corporations know so well
how to work ; it will come through fo
menting jealousies , cither personal or In
the party ; it will come through printing
contracts or loans to needy newspapers ,
thu price of which will bo their .support
of some other man claimed to lie "just as
good as Senator Viu : Wyck , " or It may
come through actual purchase of votes in
the legislature for the next strongest can
didate ; but In any event , the people of
Nebraska now have an opportunity , such
as the people of no other state have , to
speak with no uncertain sound upon the
question of who they want to represent
them in the senate ol the United States to
succeed theii present .senator. Speaking
in behalf of the farmers and dairymen of
of the whole country , we sincerely hope
that the successor will be Hun. Chas. 11.
Van Wyek. _
Baok Front tlio Htcppcs.
Chicago JlcniM.
In lime of peace army and navy officers
have to struggle for reward and fame.
Some have honors thrust upon them ;
others earn thorn ; others , again , fall into
them by right of inheritance. A very
3'oting officer of the navy has just com
pleted a delicate mission in a barbaric
country. The Joanncttc and thcKodgers
expedition , which all the world knows of ,
entailed a deal of trouble. Young
Schui'f/o was a boy , and was sent with a
naval contingent , backed by Bennett , to
rescue or aid , if possible , tlie survivors of
tliu Jeannette and Kodgcrs. One or two
Now York Herald men , notably Jackson ,
from liorlin , were first in tlio field , but
the naval men were next , and young
Schnetxc was one ol the most conspicu
ous.The navy department recognized thu
youth , and when congress authorized that
tlio Siberians should bu rewarded ,
Scluiut'/.o was chosen to take the medals.
guns , money , rewards , swords , and all
that. The young man bad freight enough
to load an Atlantic steamer. He has
been gone two years on his mission. IIu
reports now from St. Petersburg , on his
return , that lie lias traveled till over
Siberia , and has traced every foot of the
track followed by the dead of the Jean-
nette. He wont to the cairn where De-
Long died , ho followed the painful road
where , one by one the crow fell , and he
saw every native who helped those nf-
lliclud. Some had died. Notably the
governor of a province to whom our
congress hadgivun a sword magnificent
in its mountings was dead. Those who
had helped Melville and Danunhowor
could not bu found , though Selmot/.o
seems to have taken the Dynulit of a doubt ,
for he scattered his benefices. The young
man reports that ho has traveled nearly
11,000 miles bysledgo and other horse
transportation , and regards himself as
no longer a sailor. Ho asserts in his
ollicial dispatch that hu knows moru now
about rigging dog harness than ho ever
knew about reeling a topsail.
Of Inn-Mist to
JVcio Yurie Dm flotHig Chninlclc.
United Status Senator Van Wyck has
appealed to the people for an expression
> l opinion at thu next state election as to
ivho ihoy want to represent thuni in the
senate for the ensuing tonn.
It is fortunate for Nebraska that her
laws permit sticii an expression. In
Jther status the peole ) ) have no voice ,
jven in tlio rucoiniiiendation of their
ionators ; and if thu citi/.ciis of Nebraska
lo not HiaKo themselves heard witli no
incortain sound on this question , then
hoydosoryo to be iivnr after Kagrgoi ! by
he corporations whicli annually take toll
'rom that fair state to the extent of
luarly the whole profits of production.
I'he ru-ehielion of Senator Van Wyek to
ho United States senate Is not alone to
he interest , of the people of Nebraska
) iit is almost equally KO to the whole
lonntry. for he has boon the one bulwark
n thn united States .senate against eor-
lorato digressions on publics rights ,
'earless , alert , able and experienced , it
s no wonder thai with his record all the
orces of monopoly should be opposed to
us re-election. to bo expected that
he most plnusablu reasons will bo ad-
ancod to this end by his nnoniies , and by ostensible friends ; but wo have
iillieient faith in the inlulliirenuo and
atrlotlsm of the people ol Nebraska to
oliovo that Charles Van Wyek will be
K ) next senator , if the public will has
nylhiiig to do with it.
The naval board of inspection has
Mind hailing from tlio port of Now York
lone 103 Amonoan iron steamships of
yur two thousand tons , capable of run-
ing fourteen knots an hour , ami lilted
jr auxiliary cruisers in oasis of war ,
It is told in St. PanT that hikiron in
linneapolis its noar-li.y ami hatc.d rival ,
aye retuseil to read the Biblein the pub-
u sohools beoanso it is "filled lull of talk
bout St. Paul , " while from ( Jonosls to
: ovelations : there is no mention iiiade of
Thr Mot , thndrlclnnl nil. ) Clulv lnrrli ih i
Mil nil liy inrntlti > hmo a iirnrllrnl lumul. i
i > l ( hi * Inmiilrv Profi'Miun , It fi . , - . - . i , ,
Ketintholnm t"nn sMrkii.s " I Im. . n f : i i
vlil'K ' Iroinntr , ami citcnsM'1 * . cuR > n'il , , .
Mirrr.rss ti'l lirimtllul jw'i ' h p , r | , v. . „ ,
\vlilcli , rinvlmly kiir > X' I. rft ( > TI , i M i tv '
Iclii : . llowaro < > / l ; < , ? . . . -u 11
111 HlXOKIt A Ullif * . N w HI\MI , ii i i.
l-uiy 1 adage. JJoKI ! fl'l ur. . , , n.
xpeoml irr-atnicntof ln , t , ,
anil Hii n IIKIIIM Iliin nr oltisr I'hr.lMiu lust , , . , .
Uri' > | irinhoir Jnll < > liirr.l.trnl.Vi > un s
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial and
Physical Weakness : Mercurial and other trice
lions ol Throat , Skin or Doncs. Glood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , ore trtmrd vm. im , , , , . , I
uefc.i.nn Iktf.t.rlrntlDe i lnclitc . fiTeli 1'ih.t-r
pee PAOES. FINE PLATES , i c m ctah , , i Fiu
llndlBj ; . .raleir , r5Co. In pnM.ieortimcuc , . Ot r lln.
wcndirrul ptn rltturn , rut to Illr . rtli-lpi on lh toll , , n , ,
jLljKlti bom y m rrr. lionct.lij.iiin,0oa | ,
hcod. | , hv.l | Jc.r. ciutt , of.tllUf .on „ „ „ , \tf \ , , , h * "
' ' . ' 1" " ' " " " ' " " - " " " < '
0.yiTAI.'ITY ls fnlHi'F ' , Hraln 1 > IAIM ! : | > , „
AIlHTKU or Powar IMII.'SI Atfliri.Y WAST
Puoce - , . _
umln prouiptlT .
r P"rRnilin 3Uliiior ( rmfiita.i ; . .ritlTloT.mulin. .
tJ ? , i0.nJ-clV > tf.T/tHl"wU" , 'u i ii't ' notion rmr. :
OltfliLE .
AOENCy. No. 174 Fullou Slft-ot. New folk.
TansilPs Punch Cigars
\rcro HlilppodiluriiiK tlio imst
tivo voiirs , without a drum-
iiicrlnmiri'Uiploy. Xtmtucr
Imiisu In tlin world enn truth
fully ninkiimieli n shiiwinc.
Oiio iiaoiit filciilor oulvi
witnlud In onch town.
W.TANSILL&CO..D5 Slain St.Chicaqo.
isos r./i.iErar.A. : ] so ? .
Practice limitc'il to Diseases of tliu 7
Glasses fitted for all foriiH ofdofoctlva
Vision. Artiliciul Eyed Inserted.
Pays Best
EOTIMATCB or Comr IM ANY Ntv 5paptn . J
The H. P. Hubbard Co. , i
Succoion to H. P. HUBBARD , !
Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts1 ;
Established 1871. Incorporated 1885. i
New Haven , Conn. j
M\V .1 lii i > : r.
ItCKUlar four-year rourf fti. UH follows : I. Kor tlm
OU of llnchnlor of Hrli > npo , tiirfuiftral COIIIHU ;
Irrtlvo rotimun In CliumNtry. lUnlngy , lloolD r ,
Itithminttlc'.imnl l'liyek' . II. Kor UioUiwri'o "if Ci ll
InplneiT , Incluillnir. l > i' Mos llm usual pn > to loiiil :
tiicllus. iiiMillnitloniul Klcctrlclty in lliu Arts. I'oit
milimto malriirtlon In llltfluir.MnilitmmtU's.ljr.iplilui . ,
Liinlyllc'itl mm Aiipllo1 ! ( 'liomlsiry tinil Antuylnir ,
lloloxy. I'liyrtk'it , niul AHtrnnoiuy. ICiilnmrn uxiimin-
lions Sept. lull nnil 1/itli. / IVvi. Knr Miuelal coiirno *
nilotliui InfuniuiUoM auiilr to Ui < > UollvifoTrimiiuror
Nebraska National Bank
nid up . $300,000
iurplub . 3O,000
I. W. Vales , Pmsident.
A , K , Tou/.alin. vMro President.
W. II. S. IliiKlics , C.ashlor.
V. V. Morse , .John S. Col Una ,
I. W. Yates , Lewis S. Hood.
A. K. Tou/.alin.
Cor llHIi and Farnam Sts
i. General Hanking Hitsinchs Transacted
ST. W. HABBIS & OO , '
n A xi < HUH , fj u roA < i o. 'If
CoimtliiB , Clllns mid otliurnal
liltfli unulolioiiKlit nnil rolil Kuslmi
llico an Dovuiiahlru st. . Hoilon. Correfiiond *
OQTiiicrTCAi ( ( ) MAIL
' ' 1
. . .
THi ; CIIK Ali lltfOtU-av. , ClilVuuu !
& MAUL ,
' *
Buocoasora to J. O , Jncobj
S , : !
I Die oM siauJ , JIJT Vitrnam.Su Onloi-s b
' ' lcitod ' j lumpily uttcuiloj to.
State Agents
' ' '
Omaha , Neb.
iiKMvll : | i.N J I I I , M , - ,
fol.l' J. Willlllir , II. ? > , \ M i