Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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More Strehgth Develops in That Ocreal anil
Prices Go Highst ,
Ontsnud IM-iivlhlnns Dull , flut
Atlvanccq Xotctl CSoo'l , llrnvy
Cnttlo IlrltiK Mcttrr 1'rlocs
Cut tic Dull.
ClttCAoo , Soul. 8. [ Special'telegram to
Hie HII.JVIIIAT : : \ : Wheat was steady
and a little higher to-day. The market tat-
lerly developed an undertone of < .ticiigth that
surface conditions do nut seem to Justify ,
and cveiybody Is tr.Miig to explain why It Is
so , Kxport eleaiaiicoH keen up lemarkably
well and e\ldenco becomes stumper that
lafmeis' dellveiances of winter wlieat aio
falling off. Some parties on chance had ad
vices fiom the noilhwost that fanners' deliv
eries In tliitl ijuaiterere also falling off.
The bears continue to trumpet about "enor
mous stocks , " "lapld ineiea- In stork * , "
etc. Tlio bear leaders talk just as confidently
ae\er , nndoveiy day their biokeisappear
In the pit to "cut HID market.4' ' 1 hey sriine-
times sell the market off fwctlonally , but It
don't stay wlicio It Is put , and now
seems to bo In n rut , from which the
scalpers aio unable or unwilling lo lilt It.
Outside business is light and local operotois
ale Hading similngly , A rumored advance
In silver Iu London on account of the ills-
covcied seal city ot that metal stalled buying
latis In tie ! session , and the fact tliat the mar
ket had held steady for so long , In the face
of iho discouraging domestic Influence * , was
also constiiied as a favorable sign. Kim-inn
market news was neither bullish nor bearish.
October wheat opened at "Xc , advanced to
7Hc , sold ilon 10 " 7'Vc ' , and advanced to
7N'ie ( , where it stood at the elo'-e. withNo-
\mnhcrMteand Deeumhorsi'ae. ' Tlieio was
a train lor the day of IKc.
Uon\ Corn oiiened weak , and , after sell-
Int ; early at 11V lor October , the market
Minted to ll' ' , e. Thai pioved to bo the bottom
tom , mid as soon as It was dlscoNurcd that
the selling was almost wholly by Jlutchlii'-on
nnd I-'lemiin ; iV li.iydon , good gcnoial and
promiscuous buying set in on cooler weather
and smaller estimated receipts , and theio
was a steady advance by small fractions to
llJi'i1. Tiailing at the two extremes was
OATS Oats weiedull and featureless in
thosiH-culatUe maiket , and price- , fluctuated
within n very nairow lange. The linal clos-
incs stood at 20i < e for Oclobcc , 2Se for No
vember , and ! ! 2'fc ! lor .Mav. 01 'no heller than
yc tenlay. Cash oats woio stronger. No. 3
in store selling at rc. .
PiioviMox.MI'lovlslons weio dull and
stionir , and an advance In all the product on
the speculative list Is noted , October pork
closed at S10.25 , November at S10.00 and Jan-
nary nt Sfll.15 , an advance ot 20e In October
mm too in the other fntiiies. dish lard was
maiked up Ific and October 7 ! < je. October ribs
advanced fie and closed at SO.75.
Crnn Wheat was stlonger this afteinoon ,
with iinlto a litllo inleiest manifested , Octo
ber advancing to 7S\e. 1'rtvileges , 77' > , @
iSe and TKJfc sellers. Now York lepoituil
fifteen boat loads taken for expoil. October
eoin , ll cbld ; pilvllegesHXc bidaiul42o
bid. _
OmcAno , Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram
to the Uii : : . ] CATTI.K Since July ffil no cat
tle sold over S5.2.'i until Tuesday , when six
cars of 1510 to IM'J-lb cattle sold to a New
York dressed beef exporter at SJ.'M , with one
car of 1G.VJ | lb to a New Yoik butcher at
S5.27J4. On July 1 some fancy cattle , averag
ing less than 1103 Ibs , sola nt S5.GO. During
August them was n weakness in the demand
for heavy cattle , aad not a few prime 1500 to
IbOO-Ib beeves sold below 55.00 and as low as
S4.-10@4.CO. Lately there has been a steadier
demand for good to choice heavy cattle ,
tlioimb the demand for beeves averaging
moio than 1500 Ibs Is still limited. To-day
the receipts of cattle were 11,000 head , against
12,400 last Wednesday. The quality was
good , there being a largo share of l&OO to
ICOO-lb fat cattle here. Shipping steers ,
l&O to 1500 Ibs , 54.-J5 ( 5.15 ; 1'JOO to 1U50 Ibs ,
S4.00@J.-)0. ) Of range cattle the receipts to
day were about .V > 00 northern and western
natives and Te.xans , nnd about 3,000 direct
Texans. The market was slow nnd prices
were lOc lower , and In some cases more.
Tlicio wore some Inferior Texas cows sold at
82.05 , with homo "touirh" tail-end eows from
St. Louis at Themaiket for common
to fair western cattle was dull and weak at
Ings , UK ! Ibs , SII.OO.I
Ilii8 The reccints of hos were 18,000
against 17.7SS last Wednesday , making about
47,000 for the week so far , airalnst 4JI.MH. for
the same time last week. The maiket was
lather slow nnd prices about 5c lower than
ycsleulixv lioiuih and common grassy stock ,
fcl.aOiM.SO ( : fair to good. S4.70@-l.bO , and best
heavy S4.b. > 05.05 ; light sorts , dull and ne-
jilccted ; quotations entirely nominal at S4.2T
Now Yorfc. Sept. 8. Movr.Y On call
easy at HigO per cent , closing at a per
cent asked.
1'niMi : MUUCAKTILB 1'Ai'nu 4@5 per
cent. J xcirANOi : Steady ; S4.81J
for sixty day bills and S4.S4 > for demand.
( . 'ovKiixjifcNTS ( lovernments weio dull
und quotations for4's V per cent higher.
STOCKS The slock market dnrini : the
morning houis was ono of tlio dullest lor
many days and , wltn tlio exception of a
fillxht mo\ement In Now Yoik and New
] ' * nilaiid , was absolutely without fcaluro.
The market opened about steady , first
prices showing slight changes from iho clos
ing figures of yesterday. JJnsiness was
.unusually dull up to noon , but Westein
Union was moved up rapidly after 13 o'clock ,
St. Paul lollowing , and ( hero was also n
sharp advance In Mlssouil 1'aclllo nud St.
Paul ami Northwestern , the general market
u lii'lng limi tostiongand closing nt about the
pest ligines reached.
C"cent bonds. . 100 ,0. , AN. W ,
. fc > . 110 prutened. . ,
Now 4s" . . . . . . . . JN. ! Y. o
I'acinoO'sof'US 125 lOiecon Trail. . .
. Centtal 1'acllio. 4ii ?
C.itA 141 1' . 1) , & K
profened. . . . K'-O . 0 188
0. It. .ti iwv : Hock Island
1) . I- . \\V 1110' ' St. L. its. J'\ . . . 204'
1) ) . .tit. G ; w prefcricd. , . *
JJilo K ! 0. , M. AsSt. P. . . 05
piofeued. . . 75 profeited. . .
Illlnolx Cenlral , 134 St. P. it O
J. , H. itW piefeued. . .
Kansas it Texas , ( Texas Paclilc. . .
LakuShoiu Union l'.icllie. . .
L. AX \V. \ , St. L. & P. .
Mich. Cential. . . prefoned. . .
Jlo. I'aclllo '
Noitlicrn 1'ac. . . S'T S1.1. ! : ICO
piefiTied. . .
Ghlcnuo , Sept. 8. Flour Quiet lint no
Biiccuil chuiiKu ; winter wlioat Hour , Sl.V (
1.10 ; boullu'in , . Si.W ; , 4.W ; Wisconsin ,
I ; low Knulos , . .
quiet nt s' : ) iu bands , and $3. < x > ®
y.-o in tncUs.
Wheat Quiet but steady' flucttiatcdvltliln
J c ranio , iiuil closed nbout Me nUovo ycster-
daycash ; , "OUojTn o ; nctobur , 78lf. . . :
Com l.iisorutopenlnB ! , ileclliivd > c , Inter
bccnino sttonser , nuvnnccd } { c. and closed
Uo above ycMteruny ; cash , ffJ O c ; Octo-
0ts.Steady and fltmer ; cash , 35ic ; Octo
ber , ' . '
ate-julctat ) ( 40c ,
Harley-Uull at 67J/C.
Tiiuottiy-l'rlme , Sl.b2Ql.82K. ,
I'ork Near eloso prices rallied ISiSSOc nnd
tlosed at outside Ugnies leached ; c.ibh ,
ll0.irTjio.OO ( ; October. S10.25@10.27 > , ' ,
i.ard Steady and unchanged : cash. ' S7.JXX < j
. ; October , S10.25.
Bulk ) deats-Slioiildcrs,83.S7X < 3C.OO ; short
Icar , 50.r < x3 < 5.05 ; short ribs , 86.75.
Hilltop Kirn : no material chance : cream-
en , 17 . , .Vo : dairies , l , yl7c. .
l-'itm nnd iincliaiiitfd : full rrcnin
Huts , l X < $ % 'c ; Yonng
llidi\s llcnvi uroen salted. T
bull hides , hfilr * , .Vfc ; ilrv failed
I3c ! dry Hint , la.ftic " ; calt skins. t\
deacono , & 0c oaeli.
'Callow No. l country , 3,4@3 > fr ; ; cake ,
8fc ) No. ' . ' , nc.
Hecclnt * . Slnpmf-tiK U . W-.W . P , ° W
Wheat , bn . 1SUKM
Corn , ou . ; NI.IWO
Itye.Dtl . 8,000 2,000
Harlt'V.O.i . 12-VJ03 , ( 0
fNow York. Sept. S. tt'hMt lecoliK ! |
. IILO-IJ ; exports. 4 ,000 ; sjmt K < ' 4c nnd
optloiH * < ( ' ! - , < ' higher. cliHliie a iiiado under
bc t i ales : untraik ; > il roil. N.tOir ) ! ; No. 'I
red , svy tsvhp : No. 1 icd , ( fil' ' e : No. 2 red ,
Br'sfrj ' T c In elevator , ss.1-ir. > > sllfc alloat
ported ; No. 2 loil , MJ e store andnlfoat ; Oc
tober , elosinz at MV.
. . . , . , . .
\.l. l- , 1 , HJ'lt.Jl , v III Lil lill
ilellveied ; Oclnliur cfoxiiiir at -'il.
Oats bliiule lower and moderately sv'tlve ;
receipt" , r > 7XH ( ) ; expoii" , none ; inKed west
ern , oO'iHlc ; white \\ustein. '
I'etroleuiu Stcadv ; rnlled. i-loM'd fil' < c.
I'liiiierandin lali demand ; western ,
I'ork Steady ami ninderately active ; old
uif-s wis : ( iii'iii'd nt ? lo..10'i.10.75 , and new
mess ,
luil 2 to ii points higher and moderately
active ; veiti-in steam , .sjiot quoted nt S7.-1. ' ) .
JJuller I-'iim and tulr liuiinry. :
Cliee'O dull niidi'usj .
Milwaukee , Sept. S. Wheat Stroll ! ; ;
cash , Wjc ; October. 7Sp ; Noxumbcr , W&c.
Coin Hull ; XH.J , Wic.
Oats-sti-nd\ ; . 2 , 2.V/C.
liyeKasier ; N'o. 1 , MJie.
lnili ! > > Viisettted ; Xo. 2 , fiT c.
j'lnvlblotis Qllll't.
1'oik Senteniber. 510.10 ; October , 810.00.
Oliioliinnti. Sept. 8. Wheat Stiongei ;
No. 2 red. 7S > > $ ( . .
Corn U'eaUer ; No. 2 uilvdI2r. .
Oats-Quiet : No. 2 nit\ed. 27'4sJTHc. '
Hje CiiKul ik-niitnd : Mo. 2,6'Jc.
I'ork Kn m at S1U. " > 0.
Laid Finn at SO..Ti.
\Vhlskj steady at 51.10.
.niliuicnitolN , Keit. ] a.--Wlieat-nlct _ } ;
her , 7 : : | > c.
Klour Dull ; patents , ; bakers ,
SViOdc : ? r.o.
Iteculpts Wheat , 105,000 bushel's. , 10,000 bushels ; flour ,
I'.OOU ' ban els.
St. Louis. Sept. 8. Wlieat Higher ; No.
2 cash and September , 77o ; October , "ti ) (
torn Finn and higher ; No. 2 , cash , G7@
37' e : October. " < T ) < < uS-v.
O.tls Dull ; No. 2 , cash , 2ifS25J < c ; Oc
tober , 25/fc.
Poik Higher nt S10.00@ll.00.
Unttei Unchanged.
Alternoon bo.ud Wheat Strong and KQ
higher. Corn I'lriu but dull. Oats
Ijlvopiool | , Sept. 8. Wheat HoldeiaoITer
model .itely : now Xo. 2 winter and spilntr ,
firm at Us .HI.
I-'lonr Holders olfcr moderately ; firm at
Ss 7d.
Coin Holders olTer snarimily ; Snot , Sep
tember , October and November , tit m atJ.s
Clilcaco , Sept. 8. The Drovei's
Jouinal repoits as lollows :
Cattle Keeoipts. 11,003 ; lower : shipping
steers. Slt jfjli .lS ; stockers and feeders ,
S2.00@n.25 ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.OOfVfl
aOO ; bulk , S2.XKa2.t3 ( : : tliiongh Texas eat-
tle ; cowjf , S1.73c < fl2.S3 ; steers , S".7.Vt..l ( ) ;
wcstcin rainrors. slow ; native' ? and half-
bieeds. S2. ' . OOi ) ' < .CO : cows , S2.5aM2.7o ; win
tered Texans , S-.75ui.l.ri. ; : Sales : Xortnein
onniifr , HWlbs , § 3.00.
Hoes Iteci'lpts , 18,000 ; weak :
OtfJlOc lower ; roiiRh and mixed , S3.SOC < ? 4.7. ;
iiackliiR and shlppliiK. 84.75 ( 5.03 ; llglit ,
ICfinans Olty. Sept , -Cattle Receipts ,
2,500 ; shlpmenLs , l.fiCO ; good corn led
steady ; range slow and weaker ; common to
choice , $ : < .10@-I.GC ; stockers and and leeders ,
S2.30ffii.w ( : : : cows , S1.50@2.CO ; itnibs range
steer. < S2.25@t.25. :
Hogs ] { eceits ] , 7,500 ; shipments , P 00 ;
weak and lOa lower , closing weak ; coinuiou
to choice , SUOQM.7. > ; grasscrs and pits , S2.50
@ 4.00 ,
St. Ijouis. Sept. 8.- Cattle Receipts , 2.0DO ;
shipments , 800 ; good natives dull and lOc
lower ; common to choice shipping. P3.50 ®
1.75 ; cows and heifers , S2.25@3.50 ; Texans
and Indians , J2.25SMO. ? ( :
lions lieceipls , 4,030 ; shipments. 3,000 ;
Steady ; butchers and best heavy , Sl.tKCrtn.l. ) ;
mixed packing , Sl.30igJ.85 ; ight , 4.10@4.70 ,
Wednesday Kvcnlnsr , Sept. 8.
CATTI.I : There was nothing doing on the
maiket to-day aside fiom the selling oC feed
ers. The cattle market Is demorall/ed , not
only heie , but In o\eiy oilier market. Choice
corn fed cattle aio the only ones that
aio keeping up and selling at good prices.
The lange cattle aio too poor for dressed
beef , and u good many of these coming in
ore hardly good enough for butchers' stulf. It
la rather early for teeders yet , and for that
reason tlio demand Is light for range cat
tle in comparison with the number coming
iloos The receipts of hogs weio heavier
than on yesterday. The maiket opened
active at yesterday's prices , and nearly
everything sold caily In the day. Later ad
vices from tlio east citised n decline , and the
market closed Ido lower than it opened. The
string ot nssoi ted hogs which biought 81.00
weiesold just as the mai ket closed. Only
two loads ot ho.cs weie lett inei.
Smir-Tlieie : : was another .small bunch
sold to-day.
Cattle . " 00
Hogs . . . . 1.700
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing inlcos paid for live
stock ou this market.
Choice steers , 1S.V ) to 1500 Ibs . S .2fl@ 1.35
Choice steeis , UOO to ISO ) Iba . 3.73M4.1B
Medium bteeis , 120 toliKOlbs. . . 3.r,0o4.00
Katllttlo steers , 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . . : ! .O.rC : i.8J
( iood leedois , DOO lo woo Ibs . n.onr. : ) :
( lood to choice corn-fed eows . 2.00J/:5.2. : '
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00. ' < . > . ( r
CJood to choice bulls . l.M.'M.M )
Light and medium nog ? .
( ! oed to choice heavy hogs .
Coed ! lo choice mixed ho s . -1. 10
( Jootl to ehoico blicep . : i.oort.25 : ;
Falrtogood sheep . 2,7.V H.OO
Irfvu Stock Salon ,
Showing the number ot cattle , hogs and
sheep puichased by tlio leading buyers ou
to day's market.
( I. U. Hammond & Co. ( shipped In ) . . . in
W. U. Payne. . . , . 178
* * * f * * * * * * t * * * * t * * 4 * * * tt
'total/ . . . . . . . . . SC7
Kntiecol * 1'rlcc * .
Showlnffthehluhestandloxvest prlcos p\ld
fornilM'dlo.vU of hoi3on this m\rket dur
ing the pill seven days , end for thu snmo
time last jear :
September Svptcmber
WedncMlay. 1st.
Tliuisdav , 2nd . 4.W ( al.O'i
t'tlday. iJd . . : ) ( < 4.70
.Saturday , 4th. . . 4.4'i
Monday , cth. , . , ,
Tnc dnv. 7th. . .
Wednesdaj.-th. 4.10
North \-Co . Sf
II. P. Miady . " w
( l. II. llnnimomlvt Co . oil
Claik Hros . i-K
Sqii i res & Co . . . < . 1" < >
Others . . - >
Total . . . ! , " & ' '
.Showlus : tliniiii'iibrof cxnof livestock
shipped out of the yards dm Ing lliu day :
CAT I I.I ! .
No. Cars Kt. Dest.
4 . C. , H. & < J .
No. Cars lit. Dest.
4 . N. W . Chh-airo
b . K. 1 . Huston
All s-ihHot stock in this mirket arc mido
percwt. live \seiuht nu hws otherwise stated.
bead hoes sell at > < e pur Hi lor nil welgiiH ,
"Skins" orho 's welchlmjlo * ? than 10J Ibs
no value. I'lvgnant sows aio dookua 40 Ibs
lleceiplsof cattle lluht.
Hog maikntclowl lOe lower.
Mr. Vail llcnnett was In and sold a load of
! J. II. Cowles , C.lbbon , looking after
feedeis ,
1) . A. Hale , ridlson , was hero and mar
keted ho s.
Kd. Cooper , Weeping Water , was a visitor
at tinjiuiK
O. Hnrges-i , Weeping Wnter , was In with a of ho x ,
W. S. Maltan , Mnlcolm , was hero and sold
n car of lioas.
W. IT. Payne , A mimosa , la. , was here and
bought 150 leeduis.
A.good many Htranger.s in to-day , moUly
looking for leedcr-s.
Ktuwa cattle rommny , Pine UlulTs , had 77
Ijead of eat lie at tie ! yonts.
( ! . II. Hammond iV Co. lecelved 172 head of
cattle , shipped In to them to day.
There is talk of se\eml new commission
firms op 'iiiug up hvie this full.
1) . MeCoid , Dow City , Ja. , was looking af
ter feeding sheep at the jnnls to-day.
John Payne , Madison , n prominent live
stock man , was n visitor at the > auK
Joiin Craiue , n well know nun limit of
lilsliiKS , Neb. , was \lsltornt the ynul" .
A. Askwlg it Co. . Oakland , marketed two
loads of to-day. One load topped the
11. Ciiliuoie , David Citv , mid Mr. Ayre , of
the same place , were at tfie yards to-day look
ing after lei-ders.
Sam ColTman , of the linn of Coirman it
ISiown , CliliMxo live stock commission , was
a visitor nt the yatds.
A big boom is nntieipito t In the hog mar
ket when the Kowler packing honsu opens up
lor business , which will notliu very IOIIL' .
T. 11. Jiutts Central Citv , was In to-day
and marketed a load ot nog's. It was his
lirst , shipment beie , nnd ho was well pleased
witii the maiket.
Among others hiving hois on the market
to-day weio the lollowlug : ( J. L. Smith ,
UlyiM's ; Ossenkop < k Lewis , .Louisville ; J.
Ar. Allen. Coi ( land.
The cattle which nro being sold on this
market are bringing betler prices tli.iu the
same cattle are bringing in Chicago. Of latu
n Kood many cattle that have gone thioiuh
heie sold lor less in Chicago than thov were
offeied hero , not diking into consideration
the additional expense of transportation.
Mr. Clnistian , ol the linn ot Jugalls
Cliiistinn , Oiniwa , la. , was in to-day and sold
n load ot liog > s. This Is their Hist shiiment ]
to tlio vards. The hogs arrived in Omaha
about 7 n in. , but wnro not dolhored at iho
y.uds until 12 o'clock , noon , during which
time theio was : i decline In the mirket. Tlio
railroad should be made to pay the diller-
On the maiket with hos : Clark , Ileaton
it Co. , Weston ; L. Anderson it Co. . Mead ;
Snelts it Co , Uraiuaid : Fuller & Payton ,
Fullerton : Slater & K , Wayne ; Weeks- ;
Heebe , O'NclI ; K. J. Hall , Uutto Creek ; J. J ) .
Hatficld. NeleighrT. H. llett.s. Central City ;
IX A. Hall , Madison : Thomas Harris , Cen
tral City ; D. Andeisou , Columbus ; C. T.
Wllhelmbcn , Dannebrog.
General 1'roiltioo.
Weduesdav Evening , Sept. 8.
TlicfaUoiclwi jtrloei nro , T r rouwl lots of
j > roitnceU8 atililon the innrlscl to-ilnir. Tin :
( juotattnns mi frnltx rcitrcianl tht prices ( it
ivhlclt fintithlc outers arc tlllal.
adil butter
JJLTTIH : The loccipts of good butter con
tinue to bo very scaico while the demand Is
good. Dealers Iiml It Impossible to supply
the demand tor choice dairy butter , and
creamery butter is coming into more general
use. Snippers cannot bo too caieful in
handling their butter. Small neat packages
sell the best , uut care should bo taken to have
only one irrade and color In n packa.e , lor
when good butter Is packed with poor , it ne
cessitates the whole being sold as poor butter.
Thu butterlne law has alieady had the elTect
ot lessening the consumption of that aiticle ,
and thcmaiKct will bo better than over lor
choice dairy buttt-r , piovided n good nitlclu
can bo obtained. Poor butter is tlio same
drug in tlio maiket ( hat It always has been.
Stiictly sweet , solid nnd uniform color ,
packed In now clean tubs , commands 15 ( } lic ( ,
or even moie , In the maiket , but them Is lit
tle or none coming in that cun bo graded as
such. A small quantity of larm dairy buffer ,
packed In crocks , bus sold at IbcjrtJOc. Fair to
good country butter is sjlllmr at 10 < ? 8l2 > .ic.
Poor at Wi c , and slow. Creamery butter ,
not the very bcit , at l&'iWOe. Clioico cieam-
erv butter is sullim ; at 21ji22e. (
iCcxis The loeoipts aio not largo and the
demand Is good at J-@liV.
nmler groceiies
OVMUICS The oyster season has opened
up with piosm-cts lor n huge tiailo during
the year. Prices are about fie lower this year
Hi mi the usual opontnc pilco. The tollowlng
aio the prices at which country orders aio
filed : Mediums , HOe ; standaid , U5c ; selects ,
40c ; best selects , 45c.
liAMK Kocchrtsof praliio chlcKons heavy
and a gteat many packages In very bad con
dition , owinc to hot weather. Sales aio diag-
glng , S2.0J being about outside jirlcu ob
tainable for choice sound bloods , whole oil
stock is entiicly unsaleable , A reaction may
be looked tor as soon as cooler weather sMs
in. Ducks are quotable at ! . ' - > to S2.00 , ac
cording to variety.
Yixir.TAm.Ks Celery , laigo bunches , Kal-
ninn/oo , 4Hc. Sweet potatoes , per Ib , lie , On-
loiisi , ciioice led , per bu , § 1.03 ; southern , per
bbl , t.50 : ) ,
II v NAN \ -The cooler weather permits of
bananas being handled In better shape , and
the maiket Is better supplied. Hauanas , jel-
low , ijer bunch , 52.00 2,50 ; hut'o , per bunch ,
< .i > vfIO0'J ( '
HOMI ; OIIOWN'BS 'Iho market Is
well supplied with choice stock and prices
am lower , but It Is not anticipated that tney
will go any lower. Farineisaio blinking in
a good many which aio not suitable tor ship
ment , and will sell all the way liom l c up.
The following aio thu prices nt which out
side oidois. for choice stock , mo filled :
Shipping stock , per Ib. , 4e. : 10 Ib baskets , liV' .
.NUCIHOAX PKACIIKS The receipts this
M'eek have been ol much better quality than
last , niul nro holding up better. Jinskets , ac
cording to si/o , S. 75(21.00 ( , Ciatcs , 4 bas
kets , 53.00
MII.IIN The market has been well sup
plied nil the week. Mtiscatlne. per hunched ,
820.00 ; smaller M/.es. SlO.OOeiS.ClOj musk
melons , per doSi. . 00.
Wn.u PLUMS Very few eomlng In , and
good stock n 111 bring 81.25 per ImlC-buslicl
CKAII Ari'tKS There Is a good dcmana ,
hut shlpinonts are very light and mostly not
In shipping condition , Fluu stock will
bslngSl.OO per bushel.
Ari'MisStocks aio not moving very rap-
Idly. The market Is well supplied with good
i-noUng apples , and they are selling nt a wide
iiiiigo of prices , nccoidlng to the quality.
Choice shipping stoek Is not GO plenty , whllo
choke btiuul apoles nnd fniicj eating apples
itro scarce , Common stock , S3.00c < i'J.2. :
choice shipping stock , per bbl , S2.50@2.75 ;
fauey stand , stock , S3 75&3.00.
OAuroiiMA FHUITS Pears. Duchess
UcinroDlel , tier bor. S3.50 ; Winter Nellls ,
per bos , 82.75. Peaches , per box , S2.25.
Ui-apcs , Muscat or Tokay , perlbox. S1.75M
2.0Ci. Plums , per box , S1.60@2.40.
LKMONS Tlie cliange fiom excessively
\ranu to comparatively cool weather 1ms had
ilic effect of U scrtTiu the .emAiid foriemons
to some extent. 'Qieiw \ in k market took
a sharp advance , but pi ices heie nro steady.
rnncy Messina , SWowto 0 > \
HOXI.Y Nebr.wk'n , choice , white cloi-cr ,
15' ' \ fXebraskiSjWnrk. ; . li He. : California ,
1-lb sections , IV. jiOidifornla , strained , 2-lb
sectlonx , I'JViillcv-
M.Mli.7SvrtAH-Ilrlck : , porlb. IS1 ; penny
cake * , per Ib. 15c. *
M\i'ii. Siifp Hulk , n to 17 gallon kecs ,
per pal. . Sl.OJ ; gallon cain. ncr gal. , 81.05 ;
liall-calloucaii' ' . pcrjral. . St.Hi.
Pnr.T. TIIIIT. iTf. Pies' feet , per
per k-bbr. , 54.1 dv.T'pei ' 4-bbl , S..OO ; do.
per kit , IK ) , ' . i
CnroAxi TS Cowanuts , per hundred ,
85.00 ; lce ; < limn Innulied. per hundred , S5 5 < ) . ,
Ni i ' . Pecans , laige , polhhed , lie. ; pecans ,
medium , 1'e. ' ; Kncll-h walnut' ' , He. ; almonds ,
Tanngona , UOo ; nliuonds. Langiu-doc , 17e ;
Hrn7lls , r.'e ; Hlheils He ; pc.iuut * . hand
picked , fancy. Vliulni.i , s\e ; peanuts hand
plokcd. choice. Virginia , 7' c ; peanuts
mailed. 'Jeextia peril ) .
hfAN < Continue lather dull , with prices
ranging fiomtfl.OO l..jOpei bu , accoidlm ; to
iptalit\ .
( in vi.v Coin. 2IV ; old oaK'-c ; new oaty ,
Coi27e : iji , lOc : wheat , No. -C. "
Fi.nrn AM > Mn i si i ITS Winter wheat
flour , be t quality patent. Fe.Mi ; > ecoud oual-
ltt2.t iitSi'-Oj1ie > t quality spiing wlieat
flour , pnleiit , ? ; .75bran ; , fjC'c perewlclmpped ;
fet-d , V0o per ewt ; white corn meal , . l.iK ) ;
MMloweoin meal. We percwt : screening , ( Hie
per ewt ; houiiny , fcJ.oo per cwt ; slioits 55c
perewi ; maliain , sl.oti ; hay , In bales , cO.UOiiC
i.03 JUT ton. _ _
Ol-oceis * Tilst.
PICKI.P.H MediiiMi. in linN , SC.0 ; do In
half bbls , ? : t.5 ; smiil , in Mils. sr.5u ; do In
hall hhls , Sl.-'S ; giicikins , In bbls , SS50 ; rte
in hall hhls. S4.\ .
sviirvNo. . 70 , l-eaiion kegs , Si.2i : New
Oileans , Jix-etOc perijallon ; Munle Syiup ,
b.inol , stiictly pine. Tie pi-r gallon ; l gallon
cans. 5l.2."i ) per dor. . : H gallon call : ? , S--- " ' per
doz : quint vans , SMIO : ,
Dun. n I'lii us No. 1 quarter njndes , IJ OT )
4 ; In ovapiuntod buein raii r ; bluckber-
lie-i , lioxes IKiiD'jC ' ; peaclies , rastein , 1'iOP '
> li , < " , peaches , usnpornted. 35'17e ' : halt
Lake , mine in inns kitinspberrlcs , new , is
iuine ; currents , 7'47lic ( ; piunes , new , 4nB
I1 , 'e.
'e.UANSII : ) ( loons Oysters , standaid. per
cai , y\'M \ ; stiawbi'iiies , 2 Ib. per case.52.10 ;
beirles per case , S'i.Megg \ 1111111 ! " , - Ib , per
case. 2.50 ; pineapples , "J ll > , per ease , S'J.'M
C5.-0 ; 1 Ib mackeiel. per do/ . § 1.20 ; 1 II ) sal-
moil per do/ . ? l..fii ( 1.00 ; 'J Ib gooseberio' ) ,
per case , 31.75 : 2 II ) stiing beans , jier case ,
J < l.70'Jlb : limit beein , pei case. sl.tH:21b ) :
manowlat ijiv.s. i.or rase. S2 I02 ; Ib ently
June pens , per ea < e. 5-2.75 ; ! J lit tomatoes.
per case..s2.15ro2.2' ; ( > : "Ibt'orn , JUT case , Sl.U' )
( . (2.10:2 ( : Ib corn beef , perdo31.7lf ( < (2.CKi.
Koi'i : y liicli.'JJieInch ; , lO'/c ; 4 Inch ,
'owdcied , 7i'e } ; ciitloaf , 7u7'4e ' ;
granulated. 0 , c : coiiteutionerh' A. Tp' e ;
standard extm C , OyiOVc ; extiaC , fv'fdWKe ?
medium jeilow , ftU' 'sC. '
STAIICII Minor gloss , i Ih , 5 , 'c : Miiror
gloss , . ! lh , v , c ; Mi-ior glo-s il Ib , OKe ;
( irnves1 coin , I Ib , He ; Kingsloid's corn. 1
Ib , 7c ; KingsfonrH glrss , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kings-
ord's gloss , 0 II ) , 7'c ' ; ; Kingsford's pure , : ; ib.
? c : KiiiL'Stoid'sbulU. 4e.
CoKKir.s-Oidinaivgia : es.lO ' ( V7)llc ) ; fair ,
tancy gieen ami yellow , l ; ( til4 * < Je ; old cov-
ernnioiit .lav.i , SOn'JiK. ' ; inleiior Java. li ( > . < @
20c ; M'oelm , 22 ( ilc ; Ailmckle's roasted ,
l..e ' . ; McLHuahltn'o ' XXXX masted , lee ;
Dilwoith'.s. ivp : ; itcd Cross. Lie.
CAND v Mixed , ri < ci > l2c ; stick , SKSOJ c.
Ci\cKiits : : ( inrnean's soda , butter and
picnic , 5Ue ; cicnm , b' c ; ginger snaps , S > a'c ;
citv soda. 7' , 'c.
hoAi" ? Kirk's bavon impciiai , ;
Kirk's ' satinet. SJ.OU : Kirk's stmnlaid. SH.O.j :
Kirk's white Uussiini , S4.oa ; Kitk's White
Cap. SO.flO : Dome , P.s5Vashboard. : ) . ? : ! .10.
MATrnr.s Per eaddie , 2Sc ; louiul , per
case. Sl.OO ; squaiocases , S1.70 ; mule siiuaie ,
51.20. _
_ _ _ _
General Market * .
\Voor , .Medium , 17" < > 20c per Ib ; fine heavy ,
iai < ? 15e ; light. 14w > 17c ; coaise , Ut lSo ; buiry
wool. 2u5o ( oir.
lliiis ) : Urccn nutdieis. CKCi > 7c : preen
cured ! jlils4c ; dry Hint , lifyitc ( : ; dry salt ,
UMlOc : damaced hide ? two-thirds price.
Tallow i-'C. Grease , urimo white. He : yellow ,
2cbrowr. : , l c. Sheet ) Pelts 25 750.
LEATHIIU i'rime slaughter solo leather ,
IHc ; priuo e k. sole Icatiier , ! ! 0 ( < i'bo. : !
l ° g , uOG&JSn ; M'oiocco oil pebble , 2K < 5 2c ; top-
pincsnnd linings , SO.OO IO.O'J jier dor1
HIIAVY iiAHDWAin : iron , rate , S2.2.j ;
low steal special cast , 4c ; critcib le.stccl , lie. ;
east tools ito , 12ycl c ; wagon sjiokes' per sat ,
Sl.75/M.OO ( ; huls ) , per set , 31.25 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , S1.40 ; tongues , eacli , 75c ; nvies.
each , 75c : siiuaro nuts , uer Ib. 7Cillc ; coil
chain , per Ib , fiti l2c ; malleable , CQISc : lion
wedges , Cc : crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7@Sc : Burden's hoisesiioes ,
S4. 10 ; Hui den's mule shoes. S5.4Q. linrbep
wire , in ear lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs. lonl
Nails , rates , 10 to 00 , S2.SO ; steel nails , S2.05 ;
Shot S1.05 ; buckshot. 81.S5 : oriental
powder , kegs , S2.N ) : do , half kc s , S2.00 ;
do , ; blasting , kegs , S2.i5 :
fuse , per 10 leet , i > 5c. Lead Jiur. Slfi.
PAINTS IN on , \ \ ineeau. Omaha , P. P ,
} < , e ; white lead , St. Lc-iis , ptuo. S7.7.r > ; Mar-
elUes green. 1 to 5 in cans. 2a : French zinc
yieen seal , VJc ; Fieiich zinc led seal , He ;
French zinc , in varnish nsst , 20c ; Fioneli
zinc , 75c ; veimilllon , American , IBo ; Indian
red , lOc : rose pink. He ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2 40 : Venetian red , American , l } < c ;
red lead , 7) ) c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 200 ;
Uuv PAINIH White lend. : l-rcneii z nc ,
12c ; Paris whiting. 'Me ; wliitlmr , gliders' ,
-/c ; whiting , com' ! , 1'fc , lampblack , Ger-
maiistown , 12c ; lamjiblaek , oidlnary , he ;
Prussian blue , .Vic ; ultramarine , isc ; Vandyke ,
brown , b'c : umber , btir.ntle ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , buiiit. ic- sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
gieen. genuine. 'J. ' * ; ram croon , common.
22i ! chrome irieen. IH. Y. . 20c : chrome green ,
K , r.'e ; vermillion , Knclish , in oil 70c ; raw
nnd burnt umber. 1 11) cans. 1 % ; inw nnd
bin nt sienna. Tic ; Vandyke , brown , ic : ; ; ro-
tined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and ivory
black , ific : dron blacir , lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40 < j ; ultramaiinoblue , 18c ; cliromo green , U ,
M . it J ) . , llie ; blind and shutter green , L. . M.
& D. , Ifie ; Paiis irieen. lix ; ; Indian icd. KXJ ;
Venetian red. He ; Tuscan. 22c : Ameiican
veriuillion , L. itD.,2''c ' : yellow oehre , Oc ; It.
M , it O. D. . 18c ; good oclne , Hie : patent
dryer , Sc ; graining color , light oak , dnikoak ,
wlaiiut , chestnut and abb , 12 ®
Uwr.MtcAi.s Acid , carbolic ,
" 2c : acid , tnrtarlc , 5'c ; balsam conalha. per
to , 4"c : baik. sassatras , per lt > . lOc ; calomel ,
perlb72e ; chlnchonldia , per on. 40e ; cliloro-
ioim , porlb , 40 o ; Do\or's powdei ? , JUT ll > ,
S1.25 ; epsom salts , jior 11' ' , HKc ; glycerine ,
line ) , per Ib. ibo ; lead , acetate , per HI. 21o ;
oil , castor , No , 1 , iier gal. , S1.60 ; oil , e.istor ,
No. 2 , jier gal. , S1.40 ; pll , ollvc.iier galSI.40 ;
I'oiorlu'annum , GOoMopium , ? 3. 0 ; quinine ,
I , .it W. and It. , t Si , iper 01 , 70e ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib , g.'I.OOi hftlicin. per 07 , 40o ; sul
phnto morphine , perjo52.40 ; sulphur , per
ll > . 4c ; strychnine , perfltjl.2 %
V AIINISIIKS liairclrt , per gallon ; Ftirni-
( mo , extra , S1.10 ; fuiniture , No. 1 , St. 00 ;
coach extia , 81.40 ; ooach , No. 1 , Sl.'JO : Da-
mar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asplinltum.
extra , 5So ; shellac , ' 3.50 ; hard oil ,
§ 1.50. .1
bPiiiiTS Colosno spirits. 168 ] proof , Sl.l-t :
do 101 jirool , S1.15mpijlts ; , second ountlty.
101 proof , S1.14 : do , iyi proof , 31.1 ! ) . Alcohol -
hol , lb8 jiroof , § 2,12 per wine gallon. Itedis-
tlllod whiskies , si.fidffJl.60. Gin , blended ,
S1. K 2.00 ; Kontuckibourbons , S2.00ff l.oO ;
Kentucky nnd Peinuylvaiila lyes , S2.00@O.W ) ;
Golden Sheaf bouiuon and rye whiskies ,
81. 0 < ao.00. UiaiuHes , linporteilft.OJ8.SO ;
domestic. .iGins . , imported , § 4 RO
( < ti,00 ) ; domestle. l.S.riiS.)0. ( ( ) Champagnes ,
impoited , percaso. JW.OOQ33.00 ; American.
per case , 810.00@10.00.
IIIIVlTrnrN.Op lfblsl'ls KtS
Ht-n's 8't.No l ; ' ' : ess oio f ,
I/fc'O ( JIli'U Fnnoyft ( WJ 002 7fl 1 651 3'J ' | 50 45
L'tf It'U Sll'fO F'cy & 00 a OJ 2 7511 55 I M ft ) 46
NonvoKlnn I I I I I
KKK llui-'nint'U ' .XIJ WO 803 80,3 , : 10 1 ( U 00
Holland her-
LAKK run ,
iinibU.Qr . llbls'I-'IslKti '
1flj ) oo I jio 10 i 12 10
No , 1 Whlto Klsh. . . . , | 7 00 ! 0 303 bO,3 , 10 1 01
Family White Fish. . . I 3 00 3 15 2 Oo 1 6o | 1C !
Kin . 1 Trout .Il I nt /i * . o i\-i rrt
. W i 05.2 Wll HO 7) 65
Artists' Material ,
A. UOSPE , in ? . ,
Artists1 Mntorinls , IMmioq nnd Organs ,
1M1 1 Hindu ? Street. Onmha.
Agricultural Implements ,
Clh'RClllLL PAltKEJlT "
\ \ liolp nlo pcnler In
Rridiltnrnl ImiilriiiPiits , Wncrons ,
os nnil lliicclo" . .Innc' Mrpel , between IHh
nnil Ultli.Oiunlin. .Neb.
Agricultural Imiilonipiil ? ,
lliwclo , EtVholp < Mc , OTifha
WlinlP'itleHenlf r * In
'Hluu'iil ItiiilPiii |
( Vncoti * mnl lluRiili" . 111..inW.i nnil (07 ( , Jones nt
Butter and
Jlityers of Butter initl KITIS.
ItofilROnt'ir nml rwklua llmiBf , lilh nml I.PITOIV
> 7ortlif > , I1 II. It. T'iti'k , inmlii
Butchers' Tools ,
s' Tools nnil Supplies ,
O Ci ; lnn > of nil klmln nlnwrslii stuck. 1315
Juno ft , Dmnhn.
Builders' Hardware anil Scales ,
GirtP TA YLOlt ,
Mechanics"ools iintl HutTnlo Brilr , 1403 l > ouclm sU ,
Olimtm , Nl'lt.
Tnlihcvd ot Ilnnlwave niul N'nils ,
Tlnwato , shoot Iron , Ko. ; Audit * for llnwo boalos ,
nnil Miami ] Vttlcr < < > Onuili i.M-l" .
RECTOR 11 * fl'lLIlKLSir CO. ,
AVIiolcsulp 11 a rtl ware.
WoMorn ncont < i fur Jt-lTorpori Htn-1 Nnlls , An tln
I'o-xdcrCu , fiiltbiiiikH MiiiKlnnl Scnlca. Coiner
link . Ilninor , dm.llin.
Building Material.
TArJm E U Co"
Doilcrln All Kind * of
Jlatovial at Wliolcsnlo.
ISlh Street miJ Union 1'aclllc Trick , Omalin.
Boots and Shoes.
HnnufucturciK nnd Wholcsnlc Dealers In
Hoots and .Shoes ,
Complcto Mock of Hiiblicr IJoculn nlwarn on hand
( jj.i M. ltli at , Dinulia. Kub. A. T. Austin , Aconl.
ir. r. JiojtsE o co.
Jobliei-s ol'Ifootsaud Slioes.
1U1 rnriKiiu tt , Oni.ilin.Nch. Miumfuctoi ) , buinmor
At. for Aiilieuscr-lSnsh Itrewinff Ass'u
Special Itrnnrls. I'niist. lludwclior und Krlanirnr.
Lnirer Itcer Urowprs ,
1.W1 North Hlh Street , nmilm. Nob.
Coftfe , Spices. Etc.
Omulia ColTeo niul Spice Mills.
Ten' , GolTt-o-t , PnlrtIlnklni ; I'owdor. Plivoi inEr-
trails , l.autHlry llluo , InlIJto. . 1411 It ! lliirncy
Mri'Ct.Oiiuitin , Neb.
JIouic Codec and Spieo Mills M'f'p ; Co.
CitlfcoKo istors anil t-'iilcisllrlnilor * * . Manufac-tururs
ol linking I'owdor. 111\ rlnKxtract * lulling : . Kt < * .
Trvimo rain nr o irl-tt > piirfciiKoHninoIiloiiii Ittn'tcd
OotTco. I'VH lion anl Bt. , Omnhn. Nub.
John Epeucter , Prop.
Manufacturer ( if GnUanlted Iron anil Cornice. 933
line ) 103 nnd 115 N , 10th fit. , Omnlia , Neb.
Jlinufacturcrs : of
Ornainoiitnl Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndovte , Flcals.Mctnlle&kylluhtctc. 310S.
! 2fi tt. , Oriiahn.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galvnnlrcd Iron CoriiltPi" , etc. Bpi-ct'iImproved Tat-
cntMftallei-kylltflit. f/J3 nndSlU b litli i > t.Oninhn.
Jobborn or
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths. Kusrs ,
I.lnolcumn , Mnttlnca. Ktc. 1S11 Douglai street.
A' . A. ORCHARl ) ,
Wholcsiilo Carpets , Oil Clotlis ,
MattlnK8 , Curtiiln Cnods , Ktc. 1U3 Turnaui btrcct ,
Omalin , Neb.
CroLkery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Important of
Crockery , ( Massware ,
, C'hliunu ) , i-te. Odlcc1 , 317 South 13th Bt.
Omaha , Ncli.
Commission and Storage.
a to InnuoGrlnltli ,
Coininissioii ilcreliuiils
And W'holeinlo Ik-nlern In Country I'rinlnco , ul
lluttur. Kci-'x. ] ( . . C KKH mi coMslt'iiinunt u
iicclilly. | ; IRON , llitli hi.,0111:11111. :
I ) . A. HUltLEY ,
Commission and .lobbing.
lintler , ICfusaml I'roducu. ConalKnnicnts nollcltcd.
llcadquiirtcrH for Mnnuwnro , Kerry lloxi-ii and
lirajio llnskc'.f. UK DodrfuhtrcctUmaba.
JlltOS. ,
Coniinissioii Merchants.
FmltH , I'rodiico nml I'rorHoiiB , Omalin , Nob.
Coal and Lime.
I' . MILlsTONEA > CO. ,
Dealers In
Hard and Koft Coal ,
Ofllco anil yarJ , Kill nnd Nlcholiin file , , Omaha , Neb.
Vard Tcli'iilionu , ix > 7.
OKD. r. l.AiiAnir , PI-OB. fi. r , OOOIIMAN , V. I'roi.
J. A. hUNDtlii.ANi ) , Hoc. iiml 'i'reiia.
.Tolihers of IFaril and Soft Coal.
2TO Foiith Thirteenth Street. Oinnlm , Nub.
P CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Limn.
And Miliipcm of ( "oil nnd Colo. Content , Planer ,
Uiuo , Hair. Hro Ilrlck , lir.iln , Tllo nml hmvor 1'lpe.
( itilii ) . I'.ixton Ilut'jl. ' Karnam ft. , Oniiliu , .Si-b ,
J < \ P , FA Y 0 CO. ,
SrauufnctitriiifjConfectionerH ,
Jobbcris of Kiullt.Nuls nnd CIuiB. . 1211 Furnam Ht. .
nnd Commission Merchant.
biic-cliiltlc > IliUlor. KCRU , Clitosu. Paultrr. Game ,
OjfUuH , Ktc. , Ktc I13SOUIII illli > in et
Produce CdiiiiiiisHion JlercluuitH ,
Foullry , lluttur , Rinue , Krulte. etc. tM S. litb ( t.
( Imiiliu , Nut > ,
General Commission Merchants ,
1K Dodiio btrcot , Omabii. Nt-br.itko. Conil nmeut *
General ConiiniBsion Merclmntw ,
AnclJobberaof Foreign and Domestic KnillB. Corro-
Bpondc-nct ) eollillcd.VnrfliouKoatul oflUt * . 110 K.
1 hlrtventli hi. , Oiniiliu , Null. T ltiiliuun Hi.
Lii/e Stock Commission ,
Live Stork Commission.
Ceo. Ilurkc. Manuucr.
Union Stock Vurdu , b. Ornnlia. Telephone tSZ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
EhJprncntj of unr aud nil klnda of Htack tol.cltcd.
Union Stock VarUn. Uuiolm , N 'a.
Cigars end Tobacco.
MAX MKYISlt ( ' CO. ,
Tobbovs of Cijynrs , Tolmrco ,
Gnni nn.l Ammnnlilon . 'IN t ? MS tllliM. . 10SO to
JW Pnrimm n Oimilm Xci'
XtannfacturpiN of 1'iiio
AnJMiole nli' ! > < nlrr * In 1 onf Tnhirro * , No . 10S
iimllln N.I Ith ftrci't. OiiHlui.
Dry Cecils.
si. i : . .SM/ / ' / ' / / t > mT
DrjOoods Kuriiishiiifr Hoods & Notions
llTJmiil 1101 liinicln . cor. IItil Pt .llniahn.N'ib.
Distillers ,
Diftlllora of 1.lqnnr < , Alc liol nml Spirit * . Importers
nml , l i.t'cr of \ \ IMOJHIHI l.l > iuorr.
CO. < tn < l ILUli l' CO. .
Importer * nml Jobber * nf Vlnp Wlne nml t.lanorj.
Solo liininifi omri r o ( Ki'inifily' ' l" ft liulhi lilt-
tt r nixl Ptiliu 4'lc t Iqliopi. 1112 llnrnoy St.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
17. T. CLAJtKK DltTC CO. ,
JJrupr. Paint , Oil & ( Jlasa House
\VctlufClilenirn fninplpto l.lno of DrtiKKlnts bun *
ilrli'n. liulliirne } > ! .Oir.ilni ,
ISOODM. t .V nit i'G CO. ,
\Vholesalo \ Diu-jtrists.
Atnl DonleMln 1'iilnt * , Oil * nml Wlnilnw nln .Oninlm ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II.8At EH IV" . .l.W Ilrilollti.Spe.\Tro ) is
It. J. CAlt'oif , V.l'rcj. Mini Supt.
J > IAIX riLii co. ,
511 S. Hth ft. ( itmlin. Neb. Mnenlnerv niul
Mtppllrn for Mniiiiltiiiliirtnrf CiMiiiMil lirtiln Tllo.
Engineers and Contractors ,
H nnd Contractors ,
BrhlccVlnili'otB , lldiif 'l'r ff. Steam 1'lln Drlvlnii ,
1'Hliitf , Uiikiiml I'lui' lliliU-o humtior. ISlh t. , Hour
I'timum. Diii.ilni. Nrb.
"NVhok'sulo Dealers in Furiiiturs.
Farniuilst , Oninlin , Nub.
GilA It L US Ml f I 'Kit n 'JT ,
Furniture , Heddinpf , Upliolstory ,
Mirror * , nte. IMHi , IMS nml 1210 Fnrnnni * t. , Otiinhn.
Groceries ,
y , GALLAGIIKll ,0 CO. ,
Wliolrsnlo Grocp-rlps nnd Provisions ,
Nos. TA'i , TOT , TWnnilTim. lOt list , Ora.iliii.Xob.
o < x
" \Vholosalo \ Grocers ,
Ilth niul l.oivcnwnrtli rti.Oir.iilin.
if. , r.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , \Vii ; < n Slncl : , Hnrdniiro Lumber , etc. 1WJ
nnillJIi lliirnt-y n , Omiilu ,
Iron and Stool ,
Wacon ami Cnrrliico Wood Stock , Heavy lliinlwnro ,
Ktc. l.'inuiil 1 1.1 1.e.ui'nworthEt. , Omulia , Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , ( irutcs , llrjbn Ooods. U'-'I ur.a 1S23 1'aninm
Iron Works.
X yi
Iron Works ,
Wronrht nml C Et Iron IlulliJInK Work , Iron Ptnlr * ,
, lleiinia uiitl ( Jlnlcrs , Slcum KiiKlnou. llruss
Work , ( itncral Fnumlry , Mncblno nmi lllackninltli
Work. Offloo nml Works , U. 1' . Ity.ntiillTtlinticat.
Wholesale Jewelers nml Music Dealers.
Donlcrn In Sllvorwnru. Diamonds , Wntclic . Clocks ,
Jcwclcr'B Tools nnd MHt rlnln. etc. 101 nmllOJ litii
Bt. , cur. ludeu , ( Jinnlin. Nub.
Dealer iu Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasli ,
Doom , I-tc. Yurds CornerTtli nnd Douglas ; Corner
Ilth iiml DoiuliiH.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8HB.llthctrcetOmahaNob. r.Cnlpotrcr , Manancr.
13th and California Ftrcotp , Oraalm , Nob.
Fit Eli W. GRAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.fill and iioiiplim tta. , Omaha , Neb.
To Dealers Only.
Olllco , 1403 Faniuin htrectOmulia.
ClfAS. R. LEE ,
Jlnrdwood Lumber ,
Wood CnrpelBnnd 1'nrqiiPt Ploorlnsf. 9th unit Douglas
Wholcsalo Lumber , l'te. ' ]
Imported nnrt American Portland Cement. Hlnto
.Auunt forSlUwniikeu lldiaiillu Ccniciit uud llc&t
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
J.lmlloil. John K. Ilojrd , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
f. oJtEUFELDEli riTco" ,
Iniportc-r < and Jobbers of
.Milliuory und NotioiiH ,
1511 and I.'IS llarnoy hlroot , Oinuhii , Nob.
Hotions ,
Are the only Direct Importers of
( ipi'iimn & French Toys As Fancy ( fooils
In NebrnckM. . . Chlc.ii.'i . . . > prli-Ck iluiillriitoil wlihout mill *
_ ujAji-lll.1f.ircctijmllUi | , , | , |
J. T. JiOJilXSOy NOT [ OX CO. ,
Wholekalu I < o.ili-r9 In
Notions and J'urnlMiiiitf Oooils ,
103 , md W H. Tenth Ht , Oni-iha.
Jabbirit In
Notions , Hosiery nud ( Juuts * F
i-'nrnam rt.Omiiha , Nob.
Overalls ,
.Maniilhctiircrd of Overalls ,
Jeans r.niti. Milrli , lite. IHL'nivl 1101 Doufl.u ( it. cot ,
Onuhii , Ni'b.
Printing ,
Job Priutnrs , Uliink Hook Makers ,
Aud liook Jllndi-rii. 100 und 1H ( huutli 1'uurti-ODtti
Iroot. O.-iiuluNeb ,
irjwruKN XKiffU'A rim UMOX
Auxiliary ] 'iililislir < re.
Dealcri InTipo. I'rrnno ami [ 'rlntcri' Supplloi. ! OU
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc ,
L'nnufurturori , I'nckcraatid Iiealeriln
Pickles & Strictly I'uro Ajijilo Vlnpfynv
llnklnn I'owdcr. Flnrnrln : : Kxtrartf. Tftblo bnuce , ]
fn/nch Miittii"V ! I lilullif. drnccm tiyf' . ! ; ' " '
Kilo ugfiil , lor Vnrk Matv ramt Itutliivd Apple C I- I
Her. lU i-n orth > t. . OuniUa. I
Safes , Etc.
Ciiiiiliu Snfo Works.
Mnmiffidnrpr ' f Viri' xn < 1 lUirelnrl'roofSufPH , Vault
lei > r , \\trk.Mmt iin nndHo Work. Cor.
lull nml .tin v . .11 M oim.lm , Nib
/ ' . ItOYKJl ,0 CO. ,
Agent * for Hull's Snfa & IocU Co.s'
Klro nml Hum nr Proof f if' , Tlmo I * . Vnulti
end Jill V rx. lUJi hiir.vim tr-ot Onulin , Noli.
5nsA. floors , Eic.
31. A , DlSUJtOir .0 CO.t
Suslt , loni" ) , Hllnila unil MnuIiUnpfS ,
ll-micli ollico , I'-'lh nml Irnnl ft. , Oinnlm , Voli
_ - _ _
G. l\
, Puor , HlituN , Moulding ! ? ,
MlnC I'IIHT , ctr. lixil > > ii th Tliiitrpi i i Slroclj
omahii. Noli. . \ eomplrti * Muck < I Hull. leu'
no.v MA xi ii i crrn \G co. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors. HI nds ,
Mnulitlit | . < MnlrWnrknml Intprlnrllnnl VVmul I Inlsli
JuttU > l > fiicil. N. C rnr PUi niut I.einenwortliSls.
tiiiuilm , Ni-li.
Pumps ,
cnruriiLL / ' ? * " ) / / m ,
Wholesale Pumps IMpt' , F
Stoiimmi'l ' Wntpr Siippl" ' ! " Hrmliitniii f r Mnst
1\ > nllMlonl . 1111 I iirmim M . t'ni-ili i. Noli.
A. / , , fiTItAXd CO. ,
Pump * * , PIpoM and KngimN ,
Blent ) , \\iili-r , Itillunr nn.I Mllllm ! "iipl'llrs , Klc.
KO , IWnnil l l rnmani H , llnnili.i Ni-li
7T7J. r.vK fiVi-rtnui PUMP
Hnlln.lisWlnit Mlllm r.cntn nmlVi.ter JiinrllCS ,
i'luintilnil ( lotuK Hcltlni : . lln.o ' . 'H ' n < > l "M frill *
mini st. , Onrihti. S K. lVltonMiiiiii.i'r. ]
Tplppliinic No. ! IO.
/ / . / / . MAJHIOl'W ,
Wliwlcsnlo Trunks
MIH.inl llotol lUnrk.Oinnhn.
Wagons and Carriages ,
Tlio LGaitiiiRGnvi'lntro Factory ,
HW nnil till DoilKiiBlroot , Omnhn.
White Lead ,
It inilTK LKA1) CO. ,
Strictly Pure White Lcuul ,
Mill strcctnnd f 1 * lljOninlin
couNTnr wilt.&rc ny tx Mtuiuo THIS MAP THT THE
SJrBF WVW'1-1 "SO l sA
g hil ies.v. j,4 / U
I'vienjonof Itucontrnl iicslllon audclceo rulntluntn
nil prlniliin.1 llnm Vnnt nn < l Wcit nt niul Irr.
tiilnnl points , fcmlltutei tbi > lumt liupoitaiit mur-
rnntlnt'iitat link In tlmt Lvfli , in or thiuitirlt tinnipor *
tallnn xvliluli Imlto unit ftu-UllnU1 * tr\\ 1 nnil Irunia
tictwcon cities of tlio Atlnntlc njiil l' icltlIVn t0 It
In ilao thof.iTnrltt- bent loutv ID ami irnm | iofntfi
IJiKt. Nnitliem-t iillfl Snittlirnrt. i.mlurirrpauainil
lUilatR Avoct , Noithuint luul ijouthvirt.
The Croat Rock Island Route
anaruntcK * Iu pivtroim that riici < of prroiml necit.
rlty nltolil- ( l hj n uollil. tliuroimhlr linUncuil ro il-
t ) l. binootn troclcB --niilliuious Heel mil. rubitui-
tlally linlltenUorts niul In lilacs , I-ollliiic htonk iu near
inrtcctton n liuman fklll iiui iimfco It. Iho nafctv
apnllfiiros orntfiii liunan.iilntrninnnml ulr br/Utte ;
niul tint oaclluirdliiclpllut , wlilch poveiin thr prao-
tlcul oparntlon of nlllx trnlnii oilier po < lnltlri oC
jhli route uro Trnnslerj ! nt nil roimoetlnirjinlnfg In
Unloii DepotM , and the uiifiirpoKucd ccinforta ana
luxuries of Its PuMcnRor Lnulpiiicnt , .
Tlio Fiut Kiprens TlnlnlirtKcen Clil'-Airo ntl
Poor a , Council Illilirn. Knnjna City. Imurtnvn : lli SnJ
AteliUon re conii < weil of well trntllmnl , llaoly urn
ImlKlen-il liny I'oncliei" . WaBlilllpelit 1-lillninn I'Jlaen
Hlwporiior the latmt dtsljril , aii'l Mimptiioim Ulnlnir
Curs. In hlcii I'lnlHiratcly eonkeil lilenlH ait. leli-tirclr
roten. HrtvYeenChlentri , nnil KallMnCItT anil AteliUon
arc , also run the Celebrated KccllnliiR Chair Cari , .
The Famous Albert Loa Routo' *
I the direct nnd fniorlto line between Clilcajroand
MlntioniinniaiiilHt. I'ajd.wlKiroeonneetlonKnrnnmili ,
In 1'nlnii le pt fi > r all points 111 tliu Terrllorle and
IirlllBh Provlnee. . Over thli roin. , Knit K pr.
Irnlni nio mn ti > tbo wMorlnir plaei-n. mimnitr TO-
Bortn. | ile.tnn-s < | iio localltlcii , nn3 liuntlnir and lUlilnB
( jrniuiclHOf Inun nml Jllnmsitn u if itlrii tlio niuoT
dr-liablormilntn the rlcl ; wheat Ilelds and pastoral
laiiilffnf Interior Diikftti
Still nnotliir DIHKIT LINK , rla Fenac/i nnrt Kan.
kaki-f , h\ii bvcn opened bitwun cun Inimtl. jnillan.
aiiolli nnil LHrairttv. and lloiinell Iiluirs , KanwiClty.
UliiiienpollH und ht l-aul nnd luteriiicillalo polnu
I-or ijotallvd Infnniialliin eeo llapH nnd Kolilerl.
< yell > llek.t , nt rll prlnelpnl 1Icke {
( > : llee > In the United btutis and Canada ; ur br ad
and Ml Work.
1020 I'anium Street. Oniaba. Nob.
Time Table
lie tlino of nrrlvul niulilo-
Iinitiironf trains liy ritainlunl Tinio nt
tlio local ilopotH. Ti-aliH of tlio 0. , SU 1' . , M. fc
O. urrlvu and ilojinrt from tholr depot , corner oC
Ilth mid Welislui-htroots : trains on tlio II. iV M.
C. II. .tQ.amt 1C. O . Kt. .1. it p II. fiom the II.
A. M. depot all otliom Irani tlio Union 1'acillo
Ilrlilffolialna will lonvo U V. depot nt fl:33-
inM8008l8rii : ; : ( ltiOJ ( ) : 11UU : n. in. : 111:0 :
7W11IO : p.m.
I.envo'1'rniihror for Oinnlm nt 7:1111:15 : : 9W :
W:4a : IIHIfl--10 : : 7-.H.lT n. m.lU7 UilJ-'iUT
3u-aa7-4J7 : : : : 0:50 : 0:13 : 1M7:3'J8M : \ : : -
ll.Up. : in.
Jonu Ilroiilwiiy ; 10 30 p. in ; Atlvo Omaha
11 uu. lv. ( inmha KliOi. ( | in. ; Ar. lliuiuhviiy
10 as. In oITuct AiiKUst ulitlumlll furllti'r no-
tlco. TluslH addltloniil to pioecnt train service.
J. W. MOHHU , ( J.I' . A.
Arrival nml dcpiutiiro ol trains from the
Trunsfur tiujtot nt Council Illuirs :
DKI-AIIT. Ainiivn.
ITl.r. ! ; A. M. DUil.lA , H ,
1IUI5A. : M. ll.r'W lM ,
CBH9I- . JI7. IJI. .
A'Jilf.A. M. All 15A.M.
A :40iM. : . A 7:00 : P.M.
micAfio , nuiiUNfno.N t QUI.SCV.
A ! ' : : \ . M. A Ul"i : A , > t.
. M. II ii:3 : ! ) e. it.
A 7U : ) i' . M.
CIIICAfiO , llll.\VAUla K t , if. 1'AUU
A : ! . ' A.M. I A 11:15 : A. M
AtfilUi" . u. I A 7:0) : IM
A 10 : W A.M. I I ) R-A'i A M.
CBMr. : M. ! AGiU'il1. II.
AUiUOi- . | A3Jm : M.
BIOU.X cnv '
A 7:01 : A , M. I AOWA : M.
A 0 : l1. M. I AlrfHl' M.
A.M. ' . M. I'N'IO.N' 1'ACIFIC. y.n. . p. u7
io':65a : . . .Dcnvor
I.otnl I.
JI. A ; M. INn .
SilOn . . .Mull anil jipic'jB. : . .
A.M. P. M. MI9SOCUI I'Ai'll'IC T. M.
11:10.1 : .Jny
OilOU . . .Nlg-fit Cicprcnk . . . 6X : > a
K. C. , ST. .1 A : U. It.
. Vla riuu uioiijji . . 7:001 7:10 :
) ) uiuil. | _ _ NOU'ni\VAIin. Airh-uT"
' " " "
'A. a" i IM. . 0. , hT. I' . , M , * o. j A. i. i J1. i7
Bl&il : . . . HlourClly K\iii-bi | ' ' 6M3g
. _ . . . . . I fi4So ; * Uukluiul Acoiiiinoil'nlUdWiil _ . .
Doplul. KAb'J'WAIII ) . Airlvc.
A. M. i r. ( . ' . , II. * Q. t. . M. i lM. .
_ -w' :0i : ( ! Va ; I'lnttsmontli. HWI : 7:10 :
KfffK ! ; , daily i-zpcpt Sun-
ilajr0.dully ; o > .c-cptSuur.lny : ; D.dRjjcxcojit