Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1886, Image 1

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The Irish Parliamentary Party Banquets Ita
Patriotic Vice Chairman.
I'nrnrll I'resltloH mid 31al ef Two
Jsotatilo SpocclicH Oilier Ran-
ijuot Orators A Deuhloilly
OITDay I' r Alexander.
rrloiul lilt'ti | Venst.
LONDONSept. . 1' ' , liUJn.m. IN'exv Yoik
Ilemld Cable Sptclnt to th. ) Hii.l : : I haxo
Just left nt lli bteaklng up of the iliiini'i
given by tlic liish paillatnonlary party to Its
viou clMltinun. .Justin MoCaitny , at tlio Char-
Ing Cross hotel , by way of w Ishing him boil
Vdvatruto Ainerloi. Covets were laid for
nlnctjeight. . Mr. 1'ai neil presided , w ilh tlio
guest of the cuMihiir , and tlio sedate Dillon
on his right , ami Mr. this lilnlT but
genial , and joung McCarthy andT.i' . O'Con
nor on Ills loft.
at the bamu table w 01 e .Miss McCarthy. Mi s
Toolc , the falllancfd of Justin lluntly ;
Mai Ilia and Mi * . Piaod , who arc celebiated
In his xvrltliiKs by thogiio t of tlio evening.
The presence of those gaxc oppoitnnity to
the BIH.MIKO.IS to substitute for "My Louis and
( tontlemon , " "My Ladles and dontlonicii. "
The hlsli paily was to a full
house by the Illinois lining the xxalls. The
menu was both llbeial and conservative and
Tin : 1.1:111 : m.i.x iAn..v.
Amid cheers and deafening locomotive
whistles In the iail\\ay station bulow tiio Hist
toast was glxen , "Ireland , a Nation. " To
this .Sir I'lioiiias Ksinondu lesponded. 111 !
continues to bear his man clous resemblance
to the plcttues of Itobcrt Kmliiett , and speaks
Axitli L'laoe and effect , lie bald , "The toast
s.xmboll7es the object of our ll\es and ot
thousands In that { .water Ireland , beyond
the seas , to which out guest Is going. Indeed ,
Itoland is and long has been a nation , only
not > etiecoxni/.ed. This was tlio toast of
Jlenry ( Jratton , whose spirit should be ours.
AVu must vindicate our distinct nationality ,
and tin ; time Is not fai oil'whun , under \our
leadership , Mr. Chaiiman , wo shall establish
our In > land among thojiatlons. "
Mr. I'arnell then proposed , "Tho health of
Mr. Justin McCarthy. " Alter payini : many
personal compliments to him the chairman
inteicstcd the guests with an account of ho\v ,
eight years ago , he hrst met Mr. McCarthy at
a .small lilsh meeting at the Wostininstci
Palace hotel , at a
IUIININO POINT JN inisn 1'oi.mcs.
and In a season of discouragement ,
xx hen the question was : "Jlow best to help
our country V' Mr. P.uncll continued : Wo
] itit Justin McCarthy in the chair because ho
was not a politician In the oidinaiy sense ,
but a cool , calm thinker. 1 icincnibei how ho
gaxe encouragement tousandhowl iccognii-
ed his added value to oui small ranks. 1 xxas
not mistaken In recognizing In his language
that day , nor since , his truth and .sincerity.
Jle Had the belief , ho had the higli lltenuy
and hocml position , and these he braxcly
ilsked indeed , for a time ho was boj cottcd.
_ ln Ireland but in London society. Ho then
'joined us as a member of parliament fioni
Latmford , and has since taken a part in
o i woik , indeed , so much , that ho is tiled
of being in an English parliament and wishes
to become a member of a Dublin one. For
I'K'ht jeaisho has been one against whoso
honesty and ability no man can utter a syla-
lili1. All , what trlnmplis thosn eight jeais
haxobioiiglithiml Wo lend him lor a time
to America. lie Is distinctly an Irishman
nml lie Is
of homo i nlc anil our nationality. We hear ,
just now , mnch about the Bulgarian nation
ality liom the tory papers that plead for it
and deny II to lieland Is the latter less
than the former ? Why , tlien , Is it denied *
Uecauso the English people do not under
stand fully what wo mean. Hut
wo are. educating them. 'Ihoy now
bay wertalk tieason. They say wo use
the harp without the crown , but the celling
of the commons is studded with harps with
out crowns , and this Is bo oven In halls of
Turn. Wobimply wish to sco our country's
greatness based on a government for the people
ple , of the people and by the people.
with a glowing veisional eulogy on their
guest , after which the latter was much
touched and cmbariasscd. lie icsponded
\\lthgiatitudcforbiich brothcily words. Ho
was delighted to rovi.slt America tor which
ho had a sentimental , it not a lomnntlc
attachment. Ho then went on to enlaigo
upon ills advent Into hlsh politics. 1'rior to
Ib7b lie had appreciated that the houi hail
come lor Ireland s llbeiatlon , but
in : XVANHI : > A IIAIHH. :
Ilodld notlind him in lititt or Shaw , but
at tin ; last hour ho was suited in the man.
when homade the aciU.ilntanco ] of Mr. Pai-
Jicll , a ical leader , under whom gieat strides
had been made fiom the tlmu when ho was
ono of se\en In the lilsh lobby against four
or Iho hundied , until now , when ho luul
been ono of a bundled foi homo rule. After
1 > lying fuither compliments to the Amoil
can ? , McCarthy sat doNx n amid chccis tlm
again silenced the engine whistle.
01111:11 MnAiii.r. SHAKIIIS. : :
Dillon then spoke with gieat eloqucnco ir
icfoioiicotoliishemlgiatlon to America.
Mr. Dfnsy follow eil with an account of hi :
iccent \ Islt to Ameifca.
Then the toast of the "Old I'aillamen
( itiaid" biought Mi. Uiggar.who whimsically
related his o.\perlenco when ho and Mr. Par
Jicll nlteiimted as "telleis , " or as on
of tlio few who ilingucU int.
the other lobby four or live bundled mem
bers , who laughed or swoioat those pcstifer
ous lilshiiicn xxho no\cr could accomplisl
mi ) tiring. \\omadoouiselvcsat least
licaul , and McCaity had n big voice , but niin
xxas Bigg.- . " At this , enoimous laughte
caiuo for the speaker , who has the touo of ai
oigan ,
PAHNEU.'S 1110 EPKECir ,
The speech of the evening was really , how
ovei , at its close , when Mr. P.unoll rose tc
retnin thanks to the toast to himself. II
soeuifcil to lose his habitual reticence , and hi
manner Implied moio than words. 11
claimed that the success of liouv
nile never looked blighter than at U
present time. Ho lefeued to how the Iris !
vote had on dlxls'ons aveinged eighty , whlh
the liberal unionists of IbTTImd ncvei brongh
to dlvlbions more than foity. Ilo said ru
forms , when honest and just , nexer wen
bwk , lie bad been
Jlo was now ono within almost the unitei
Iilsh delegation and 200 liberals added. ( A
voice , "Von aic moio than one ; you arc oui
leader. " ) Mr , Paine ! ! , contlnulns , said
"You no IOIIKW need any Icadei. Wo lm\o a
nation behind us , We aie no longer con
Ui'inncd. Wo are tcaicd , and no pee , Mnccie and tine , with a Jtibt ,
caiibo PUT fallo.1 in obtaining its bucccss
It may claim the time of another year'
( hero hu put sttong earnestness Into hi
aud some solemnity Into bis uuumc
as ho closed , by snylnc ) "and that from this
xci > imliament , "
KarnvclufT , HttiiiiluilolT nml BogilnnofT
Acconipniiy Hltn ,
Son.v , Sept. H. fN'ew York Herald Cable
Special to thn 1U.K. ] The ptince's speech
to tlieollh-ers seems to haxo had a rjuletlng
effect. At tin1 name tlmu tlu > situation con-
tlnui's to bo critical. Alcvandei will probably
leave hcie In thccoursi-of the day. It Is his
Intention to travel , accompanied by consldei-
able following of bis adherents , by way of
Lompalankn , to Turn Suvcrln , where his Uul-
gaiian Pscott will take leave of him. The
purpose of the csooit will bo to show that
Alexander's di'parturo Is athoryimhlv peace
able DUD and that he leaves Bulgaria on terms
of good understand ! ! ! ! : with the people. '
lil.l'Altir.l ) AMI ! ) 11IK .SNIS. | (
POKIV , Sept. H , Hio ; p. m. | Nu\v York
leiald Cable Speolal to tlie UIK ] Tioublc-
some neL'otiatlons aiming at the formation
> l a regency and a ministry were continued
mill eaily this morning without result.
1'lils toicnoon another great uallioiinu of
hit and iiillltarvdiiiiitailes took place. The
pifstion was discussed whether tlio pilnccs's
lepartuie might not bj hindeicd by mateilal
linicullies. Alexander took eounsul with
many distinguished olllcor * , who undertook
oniaintain an oidcily attltiuto on the occa-
Ion anil not to cany out tint lesistauco to
he movenu'iits of the pilnco which was
nt lirst Intended. The iepre ontatlons of tlie
lowers lm\o made a gieat Impression and
it is not piobablo that leslstaneo to
the prince's departure will bo olleied fiom
any quaitcr wlmtuxor. The whole of the
loute followed bv the prince as far as iCostln-
Ijiod has been occupied bv retired diplomats
l > yeity otllclaN , bj ollleeii on hoise-back , and
: > y long lines of wagons eon\eying spccta-
: ois. Allot them tin nod out to escuit Alex
ander ns fai as the fust stopping place. At
Kostinbrod the prince Jeft his cairiaj-e , took
ea\o of his lilendlv escort , and , resuming
lis journey amid cues of "Till wo meet
again , " proceeded In the dliection ol Lmupa-
anka. Thence StaiulmlolT and Kar.ueloll
with liogdaiiolf , the charge d' allabes of the
linsslan consulate , will conduct Alexander to
Turn Suverln.
Tin : Timivisu SITUATION' .
Tlio bultiin Fears licin ; ; Drawn Into
Civil \Vnr.
CoxsTA > 'TiNOpi.i : , hept. B. rXew York
Herald Cable Special to the Hir. . | Tuikey
Is continuing to play between the two powois
while Xelldolf. who has been repeatedly
called to the place , is invited to tuhlst on
the situation. Kxtenshe iirupaiatlon-s aio
being in.ulo for the I.ulevlydia iccoptlon , at
which the DuUo of Kdinbingh will l > o the
guest ot the sultan. The duke is occupying
the apartments which were occupied by
Rudolf , the crown pilnco of Austria. Tl-o
Turkish ministers are much peiple\cd by
the rapidity w Ith which the situation changes
and by the pessimist tone ot the couimis
slonei's dispatches. Gadban Elfendl ap-
jicars to consider
civn , WAIS IKKVI rAiu.n ,
and so atUises tiio sultan , wlio isconso
qucntly afraid of Turkey being drawn into
action at a time when it is believed that foi
the present Turkey's only .safety lies only in
keeping htlll. Thcabdlcation of the pilnco
A oniAT : si irii : i : ,
In spite of ( iciinan piosnostication to the
contrary. According to information re
ceived by the Uiitlsh embassy , foul treat
ment was experienced by the pilnco durine
his journey to llenl , such as seriously
affected his mind. Kaiagcorgovitch , the
Soivian pietendcr , has been called to St.
Petersburg , and this has given rNo to a re
port that the CAU- intends him to occunv the
vacant thione. The futtno union of tlio
Balkan states under the Uussian eagle is thus
foieshadowed. The Uussian embassy wears a
The czai's fete day on Monday is to bo eel'
ebrated with greater pomp than ever. Theio
will bo brilliant illuminations , fireworks ,
banquet and a reception. Kusshi inulei-
Htands the management of oiientals bettei
than England. The Uiltish government was
too late In recognl/Ing the stupldlty.of allow
ing diplomatic etiquctto to eland in its way ,
wnni : srii/i. .STAYS.
Sir William White ! lemains nt Con-
btantlnople , and oven now the difficulty
exists that Thointon was requested to iosier
but refused. This Is tlio true reason of his
sudden iccall to London , his cabinet intend
ing to usofilendly piessnre.
Tlio Belfast IMowcrs Arrive in Camilla
niul Talk Auaiiiht I'arncll.
M ONTKIA.I. : , Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram to
the HII : : . | Kov. Dr. Kane , of Uelfast , grant ?
nuster of tlio Oiango body In lieland , ac
companlcil by ( ! . II. Smith , of Armagh , ar
lived hcio jesteidny. Ho says : "U'o have
come to spread light tin oimh Canada and tlio
slates on the mlsniidcistooa position of Irisl
loyalists. We leiuescnt the Ulster loyalists
antl-iepeal orgaul/atlon , composed ol differ
cut ciceils anil elemonts. Our object Is tin
maintenance of a legislative union in the
United Kingdom , and wo do not come as
deputation to any paity 01 section. Mr. P.u-
nell is a landlord hlmsell , having propoity in
County WicUow , bilnging in a ol
lee ; ; a year. About Jho years ago ho pic
seined a petition for tlio sale of this propotl }
to the land and estates court In outer to pa
off the inciimbrances , amounting to 1:1,000 :
Alter paying his Incumbranccs Paine !
netted iS OOO. Though his pai ty ennnclatei
the doctrine that occupiers of the soil ough
to bo owncis , ho lias never pioposcdto JHI
his own tenants In that position on any term
whatever. Ho Is chaiactciUcd as a Kindlon
who enforces the payment of his icnts whci
duo by pioccss or writs. Ills In other , who
iR'rnnnently lesldes in the United States
has propeity in the county of Aimaghoceu
pled by tenants who. at tlio piescnt moment
it they have not paid their lents within om
fortnight after It Is due , aio solved wit !
writs liom the superior courts tor the iccov
eiy of the anumnts. Itcloio October " 0 , ibS5
tlntty-liso wilts were HCIMM ! In out ) da > fo
lents duo September 2U , and only ono \\iv
lot moiu than twenty iiounds.
"Tho unionists aio not opposed to homi
rule , bo far as It means extension of the pi in
elides ot local goveinmcnt on lines wind
will bo applicable toother parts of the Unitei
Kingdom , but wo will oppose to the dead
tlio dlsmembennont of thu United Kingdom
This wo bcllovo Is tlio aim ot the Natlona
Icafiiio. "
I'ostoflloo Appointments.
WASHINGTON , Sept. . [ Special Tch gran
to the UIIB.J A now postortico has been cs
tablishedat Ausloy , Ciiatercounty.XeLii-askti
on route -l.i-o ; ) , to Algernon , three and a 1ml
mites southeast of Zancjsvillo , and liv
and n half miles noithwest , and Samue
Itojds has been niailo postmaster.
The following lonith-class postmasters
were appointed to-day , all being newly es
tablishcaofliccs : Kansas. Lablauch , Slier
man county , Miss Lily Clapix-r ; Plnmmer
Scott county , W. J , Plummer ; r'Uliuoie , Lane
county , W. J. Uiockman ,
- . - . . . fj- _ _ - , H
Struck AVith n nriok.
Ole Olcson , a Uano who lives on Sownn
street , swore out a warrant before Judg
Stenberg yesterday for the arrest of Mor
Kccsf ) aild Hurt Koth , who , ho claimed , hat
assaulted him. One of tlio men hit Olesoi
o\cr the head with a brick , inlllctlnc an
wound. The men were arrested by Olllcc
Itowles last night ,
mportant Arrast of Two Noted Postofllco
Kobbers In Iowa.
\iiotlior I'al Ca-tcil In St. Paul Tlio
Scenes oTTliclr l > oproitiitl ( > ns
"Never Write On a Post
al Card. "
Darliollay'w Descent. limns , la. , Sent. 8. IHpcclal 'Icl *
! gram to the Uii : : . ] Poitolllce Insjiectoi Dar-
x-llay of Iho Chicago division to-day anested
L. ,1. Sullivan and Chailes Wyman on the
: haige of robbing the postollices at Mhuicai- )
ilU , Nortliwood and ( loidonxllle , Minn. The
Insnector xvltbholds the pi oof , xvliiohis in the
slt.ipo of letteis found In Kulllxnn's X'.illso ,
mill pits In Chlcazo can Iw airosled.
i'liroinjh those Little ( tlenn was aiiested at
St. Paul to day. Dnibellay s.iys tliojnoof IKos
thocrlma bo.x end doubt. Thu inspector xx as
iceoiupanied by Postmaster Adams , of
Xortlixxo'iil ' , xvbo said that on the night of
Inly 'Jtlio pnstolllcoat N'oithwowl xx'as bioken
Into anil lurjb.-d of ic lstero I letters and cash
aggregating about SS1) . Xo clue could be ob
tained at ( lie time. About txx'o xxeeks ago
prisoner Wyman stopped off at Xorthwood
and found employ ment xx itli a fanner. Ho
received a letter postmarked Chlcajodliectcd
to .St. I 'an I and fonxaidod to Minneapolis ,
thence to Albeit Lea and thence to Xoilh-
wood. This letter was lost at the Lillet place ,
and the Under , thinking it solved tlie lobbciy
question , turned It over to .Mr. Adami. A
postal caul fiom the same xviiter , Sulliv.ui ,
dated Cedai Haplds , icacUod Xoitlnxood for
Wyman. The letter in question , tiltei intio-
ductlon , load as follows :
1 had iii.x operation iierformed on ( lie 20th ,
and am noxv on my wav back again , but I
h.ixc sttong liopps ol being on my leet be-
line the end ot Septembei. 1 am in the
Cook emintj liosjiltal. Like ail public insti
tutions it Is an e\tnjiio ! sjildo , tosno.ik in
the language * of tlm tint. I shan't stav hcio
any lunger than 1 am obliged to. and 1 want
you to keep me posted on jour xxhoioabonts.
1 want > on also to destioy all mj letters as
soon as jon lead them , and noxor inaKu .1
habit of eanylim them around xxithjou. I
xxant you also to bo careful and not lese
these prh.ito papers x on biought liom "ts"
foi me. 1 shall send tor them as .soon as
ciicuinstances xxill penult. 1 xxlsh jou xxould
m.iku stnoot ( tlenn's mldicss. 1 kuoxv 1m
isaiouinl St. Paul bomcxxheio , and possibly
he max holieie \ on say. lint as he owes
mccousideiablo 1 must nml him. Tiy and
get iiH'Ulemont. llanlcis an old , xxoithless
stiff and don't amount to anything. Noxor
use a postal caul in xviitinc to mo. Hoping
to trom you as soon as jon get this , and
that you xx 111 be in better luck and spirits , 1
am jours tiuly. L. J. S
I' . S. I was not mistaken about that S. V.
business. I told you that the X xvoodjob
being touched off so close , it xvimld make ft a
little motiuincottain in its value. I sent yon
a pocket dictionary which joti should haxo
got. Ask them again and make them explain ,
foi it must haxo reached that otlice IL it
left this.
Tlie ( iordonvlllc and Xorthwood robberies
orcurreil xx ithin a foxv days ot each other.
Wymati xvas airested this moinlng at his
loom on bccond street. Sulllv.iu stopped
at the Uonison house and xvhilo bulling
articles for houseliold use. and adxertlbing
for agents with neix-e , ho xvas called Into
tlie oilico ot larshal Fiancls , alter Wynian's
arrest , on u pietcnsB of lixing a license.
When introduced to Uarbcllay as a postolllce
inspector Sullivan xxeakened. and hastily
snatching a caul Irom his pocket lie was in
the act ot teat Ing it in pic-cos , when the orllceis
seemed it. It prox-ed to be a diagram illus
trating the xvork of safe drilling.
On the back ot the card was the addicss of
Maloney it Thorning , tailors. 1'Jb LaSallo
sticct , Chicago. Sullivan's vallso contained
a complete set of burglar's di Ills and other
line tools , illustrations of vniloussalo locks
arid tlieii arrangements , and many compio-
mislng lettei.s. Sullivan xvas shot xvhilo at
tempting to lob the postofllcont KlK li\-cr { ,
.Minn. Ho is lame liom the effect , and he
seix'Cil four years In Stillxvatcr under tlio
name of Sheihlan. These men xxero ptcpai-
ing to make a strike In the city , and had been
shadow ed by local otllccrs hinco their arrixal.
Sullivan admitted acquaintanceship
Sliiunehan , ot Chicago , and In response to
the Inspector's query as to xvhether his stamps
came liom Minneapolis or not , ho said ,
"Yes. " Undoubtedly xvltb the men Wyman
seems to bo ot loss impoitanco than Sullivan.
The latter is six lect txxo In height , medium
build , dark hair and eyes , and very intelli
gent. Ho sa > s lie has 'opetated
since Ibnt. but had done nothing since the at
tempted Elk Itlx'tiriobbcry , lei xvhicli he has
served his tlniu at Stlllxxater. The men have
been In Cedar Itapids about u xxeok , and
xx'eto tiying the crack the postolllco safe at
tills place. Thov xvlll bo taken to Uubuquo
to-monoxv for examination.
loxvn Has n Rain-Fair.
Dns MOI.VIH. : la. , Sept. -Special [ Tclo-
giam to the Uii : : . ] Itain fell dining a great
part of the day , affecting the attendance at
tlio stale lair boniew hat , though about liO,000
people xvoro on tlio giound. Tlie track xxas
veiy lieax-y , and poor time xvas made , thongl
all of tlio i aces xvcio put on. In tlio txvo
twenty inilo trot the best time xxas made bj
I'dgwood in ! i : 0 , xxinning the lace. The
two-twcnty-tix'o pacing race xvas xvon bj
Nellie K. In three stiaight heats. liest time
! i:5 : , ! ) < . The running i.ico lor a puisoot SIOO
inilo lieats. txvo In thico , xvas xxon bi
Kiul Wooiy. Uest time , 1 jMjf.
Tlio elty Is lull of stiangois , and the e\
hlblts at tlio lair aio piononnccu
licclally In Iho line block depaitment , thai
over ueloie.
Pntal Accltlenr.
Missoi-nt VAI.I.KY , la. , Sept. 8 , iSpeda
Tclcgiain lo the UuiJ Charles Itogers , 01
Hiu rlsGtox'C , this county , mot with a fatal ac
cident xesteiday. While driving doxvn a
bleep hill the wagon tongue became loose
tlnoxxlng Mr. Itogeis out In fiont ot the
xva 'on , xxhlch ran oxer his head , injtuing
liliu bo badly that ho died last night.
They Labor In Vain toRencli Pool Con-
CHICAOO , Sept. b , At the meeting of the
xxestcin rallioid general inanageis to-day
the icorg.inUatlon of the xxcstoin freight
pools was taken up. The Wabash agret'i
that It would not stand In the way ot the
formation ot now pools If tlio period xvhlcl
the pel centagoaxx arils had lost xvas changcil
from ono year to six months , xxhlch poinl
xxas conceded. The Missouii Pacltic do
mantled that Instead of being subsidized , as
in the past , It should be admitted as a legnh
paity to tlio agreement and not merely ns n
member of onuof the local pools. Xo decislot :
was ai lived at on this point , nor as to
xvhether the balances duo the old pool shonlt
bo settled by arbitration. The main stum
bling block In the xvay of a compiomiso Is
the refusal of the Chicago As Xoithxvestern to
lint Us llxo stock tiallio west of Valentine
Keb. , In the range cattle pool. Its cxtenslot
to Douglass , Wyo. , has taken axvay fiom the
Union Pucllio almost all ot this business
xx'hlch it noxv claims as local to its lines
Other roads ictuse to concede this , and no
amicable conclusion bad been arrived at xxher
the meeting adjourned this cxcuiiig , It wil
bo taken up bgaln lo-nioirow.
Military Matters.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 8. fSpccIal Telcgran
to the HKK. ] FIfty-ono rccntlta liave been
ordered to the Depaitment of thoPlattofor
the Seventh infantry ,
Army furloughs authorized : Scrgcan
Kuianucl Stance , troop O , Ninth caxalrj"
Fort Iloblnson , Xcb. , lour months : Sergcan
Henderson Llojil , rompany K , Second in
fan try , Foil Omaha , four months : Private
Raymond Jeffs , company G , Sixth Infantry
Foi t Douglas , bait Lake City , tour mouths ,
Poor Mortar tlieCniisaofCoinldcralilo
Destruction In Charleston.
CiiAni.r.sTON , S. C. , Sept. 8. fSpccIal
Telegram lo the BKI : . I Ycstcrtl.ij a proml-
icnt architect nml builder from Nexv Yoik ,
who was pissing through Uio city. Indulged
n a .ttoll through the streets , and took ocoa-
.lou to examine some ot tlie heaps of mortar
andbtlck. "It si-cms to me , " lie said , "that
i good deal of destruction In Charleston is
Uie to caielcss and Imperfect xxork. 1 haxo
noticed In voiy many Instances that the mor
tar used In the construction of dwellings
here Is of a xery inferior kind. In some In
stances theio are hardly any traces ot llmo
and cement. Bricks xvhioli are laid In that
kind of moitar w 111 not icinaln together In a
violent shock. The elty autlioiitles ought to
have an olllelal to inspect the building male-
ilnl. There are builders , not only in Chailes
ion , but nil over the world , xxho xvlll take advantage -
vantage of the people and Use cheap material.
Ihaxe noticed suxerat brick buildings thu
standing xvalls of xvhlch aio put up
xvith an Inferior kind of mortar that will not
hold bilcks toother , and tliat Is the kind that
I suspect has been used In many of the
buildings tliat xxeio shattered. I noticed a
good deal of tills pecullai kind of mortar alt
ox-or tlio citxIn great heaps of debits 1
don't mean to sav that houses built with
proper mortar xxould Imxo stood the shocks
ot oaithqnako xon liad in Charleston , but 1
am certain that the destruction would not
Imxo been as great. "
Thfngsnie si'ttllng down In Charleston ,
and tlio slightest tremors ot eaithquako ,
xx hlch are felt once or twice tlailx' , nttiact lit
tle moro attention than the inmblnnr of a
wagon. Laboreisau1 at xxorklnexerj dlicc-
tlon dealing nxxny the masses nt fallen brick
and stone , and them are strenuous etloils
being made to pioteet tlio injured buildings
liom expected lams. Kxeryxxheie then ) aio
slims ot a icstoration of the not mat condi
tion ol thiinis and business is transacted just
as usiiil. Theiolief committee xvlileh xxas
orgnnl/cd last Satuidny is aetix-ely nt x\orlc ,
and has now piovided accommodations In
tents and in huts lor oxer ii.OOO peions. Sub-
seiiptions eontinue to ciiinc in ireely and ag-
giegalo noxx about % ?
A Sea Captain Tollsoniio KO'cct oftlio
ToKrt.ANM ) , Me. , Sept. t * . | SpPcial Tele-
giam to the 15ii.I : : Captain Clark II. .Texx'-
ett , of the .schooner Oeo. W. Ciishing , thinks
ho evpenonceil on the Lchax'e banks the
earthquake that piostrated Chaileston. Ho
says lliotippc.iianccs at that time indicated a
high wind , but all xvas quiet , xvhen sud
denly , almost xvilhont xvarninr , a black xxall
seemed to ilsc on the watci anil a mighty
waxecamo lollius in that fahly lifted the
schoonei on its ciest to a height ho never
befoio knew a xxaxo to reach. Then tlie
schooner xxont doxxn likis going doxvn oxer a
bank , Captain .lexvett says , and was bulled
in the loam below. I-.mcigin ; ; from this with
her sails torn trom hei and with
thecioxxn xxork of the tojimast gone , the
sclioonui encountered n second \\axe. but
nothing compaied to tlio hist. A tenillc ualo
followed. A sailoi say.s ho happened to look
ahead just as the gieat xxax'o came In sight.
Theiexvas little xx hid , he says , ami the tie-
inendous mass of xx'atcr ahead looKed so like
a gteat hill that he cried , "Uieakeis dead
ahead. " The next moment the schooner
stiuek asalnst the .seeming clllfs and xxas
lilted to the top of the xx'axe. Then ho com-
pielieiulcil xvhathad happened.
Brutal Worlc of JIIj7liwaymeii Near
1'clctn , III.
PiKi : f 111. , Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram to
the Hii.J : : One of the most daring robberies
exer committed in this county occurred late
Monday night ntTrcmont , a small vHIago ten
miles east of heic. James -McDeimld , a
xvealthy farmer , xvlio xvith an aged mother
lives nearTiemont , XXMS called from his house
by three men xvho beat lilni ox'cr the head
with revolvers until bo xras unconscious.
Txxo of tliem then \\cnt into the house and
elioaked and beat the need mother insensible.
When McDeimld regained consciousness txvo
rexolxers xxcro thrust Into his face and under of death ho xx'as compelled to pioduco
5-soo xvhich xx-as in the house. Tills tlio bur
glars secured and deputed , after boating
McDormhl neatly to dontli. Ho and his
mother xxero sex-ctoly injured and It Is leaicd
the old ladv xvill not iccover. Thieo tiatnps
have been arrested on suspicion , but nopiooL
has yet been found to criminate them.
Mc.xicaii Outrages.
AVSTIN , Texas , Sept. 8. The action ot
Governor Ireland in the Arasures case is
bringing to public attention txvo other Mexi
can outrages upon Ameilcan citi/ens. Coin-
jilalnt comes fiom J. U. Wooil and L. II.
Caskcll , xvho allege In snpstiinco that in Au
gust , 1685 , tlioy xx era arrested by ilcxlcans
on Lagona ranclin , In Loxx-er Calltornia
( Mexico ) on account of the sudden disai-
liearancu of .1. II. Hanson , their friend , xvho
xx'as emnlovod l > y them to tend cattle and
xx liom they sav xx'cnt to San Francisco and
did not retnin at the time of com
plainants' arrest , The Mexicans , they
bay began to pell , kill and eat Hanson's cat-
tlo. One Mexican oxen claimed Hanson's
property , and another said Hanson would
xvintcr In hell. It Is allowed that thcso Mexl-
ieans doubtless Kuotv xx'hat lias become of
Hanson , xvho had had much tiouble , and had
been iuipilsoncd for the pin pose , It Is as
sorted , of extorting money from him. The
Mexicans had shot at him ROX'eral times , and
once wounded lilniboverely. Thu complaint-
ants appiehended that the obloet of
their airest xvas to convict them of Hanson's
minder and confiscate their property. Tlio
Mexicans have tiled to Irlghten them so as
to make them breaU Jail and lleothocountrv ,
but they xvonld not scare and are still in jail.
Tlio complainants sav : "Wo hax't ) been held
for a j ear and tiflccn days , for no other
reason than spenilatlx'O purposes on the
part of thieving Mexicans. Wo havoxviltton
to tlio consul at La Puso and not txvo or
Ihieo letteis fiom him xvhcn xx'o ihst came
ihmn heicbut ho xxlll not answer our
lettei.s any moie , and the cotnts haxo done
nothing in our case. "
The complaint cox-ers fifteen pages of
foolscap paper , lelating the mockeries of
Mexican com Is , their harsh ttcatinent In jails
and the t.iuntof the Mutlcans that they will
pav no attention to tlw appeals of pilsoneis
to the United States ; goxeminent , liaison
left about ? .r.0,000 worth of propeity In Mov
Ico. ( iovcmor Irclani ) In i only . ales that
; tliat the
couiil.iiuntits ) bhould pppeal to the btato do-
nattmont tliiout'li theuilxcrnor of Calllor "
In xvhlch state they claim legal icsldencc.
Returns fk-nhi Arkansan.
I.ITTMJ Itocic , Arkv , Sept. 8. Paitlal re
turns from one-half thB ) counties In the state
Indlcato no change from Monday night's
estimates. The combination between ru-
publican and other elf-monts defeated local
democratic ) tickets , xyholly or In | iait , In
several counties. Tin ! wtatn labor ticket cai-
tied While and Xoviula counties and lecolxcs
jnobably four or five thousand votes In tlm
btato. about equally from , tlio democrats and
republicans. The Icglslnturo Islaigely demo
cratic , demociatlc losses and gains being
about equal.
Commemorating' Mexican Herons.
Cnv or MKXICO , Scot. 8. To-day being
the anniversary oftho hoiolo defense of the
Civstloof Clmpultepeo during the American
xxar , solemn memorial scrxico commemora
tive of tlio valor of the cadets xvho fell thcic ,
xvas hold at Chapultepcc. tlio president , cabi
net and the hlu'hohtolllcialsof the army anil
civil service being present. Services xx'trc
also held in all the churches.
Tlie Ijatcst French Horror ,
PAIIIS , Sept. 8. A man named Ulanc xvas
recently released from prison xvhcro ho hat !
been confined for attempt to murder his
mistress. To-day Ulanc forced his way to
the xx Oman's room and cut off her head ,
xxhlrhnu fastened xvith the long hair to ono
of tlio shntteis In front of the hoiisu to thu
horror of passers-by. Ho then committee
suicide with a icxoher.
mn rxi i f/nrt i ix nv * TMirr
A Sistj Thousantl Dollar Fire Wipes Out
Five Business Bnildiugs.
Wnlioo to Ornani/.o a Honrtl of
Trailo Hauiiuot to Davit t Piu
HUH RotiiililluatiR Nominate
Other State NCXXH.
Work t P tlio KlmiiOM.
Iln.VTiiiri : , Xeb. , Sept. 8. [ Special 4o the
Hi. i : . ] The woist Hit ) xxo hax'c had for joars
occnricd at flo : ( ) o'clock tills moinlng , hxo
buildings bt'lint totally destro.xed. The lite
oil Intited In the basement of ( ! . 11. Scott's
store , buined lioreely for thieo hours , and is
btill smouldeilng. A steady lain falling , and
them being no xxlmi , prevented a further
spicadlngof the the. Them was no xvay ol
lighting the lite , except with buckets. Tito
losses are as tolloxvsi
M. S. Wolbacli , txvo-storv bilek , f.OxlM feet ,
total loss. St : > ,0 j Instuod for &l .noo.
11. W. Parker , damage to brick building ,
? 1.000 ; insuied.
tSeo. I ! , bcolt , general ineiehandl e , loss
and damage to stock , c o.OOd ; Insnttd tor
SI 1.00. > .
( ! . P. Marx In. publNior Dally Democrat ,
loss to stock ? . - > .OOU ; insurance , fcO,00 > .
\V. 11. Hlrxker. dentist , loss on lUtures ,
tW ; insuied tor fiXX ) .
. Haidy , lo s to Lixv books. SIM ; lully In
.1. W. Iliiipcrcoiifeotionerlosstobuildln0'
and stock , , OW ; Insuied torfcOOO.
M. S. Dean , lo-s of frame building , S' CO ;
lully Insiited ,
1. X. McConnell , ical estnte , loss on finnl-
tine , STiO ; insuted foi S20J.
Dr. C. Stair , loss ot iKtuies , S2oO ; Insured
for S7.V ) .
1C. M. Lvons , diy goods , stock damaged by
moving out ; Insuieil forS iiOO.
M. U. Thrill , slock damaged by moving ;
Insuied for S\tioo.
Nebraska Telephone conifunv. tliinago to
wiies and otttsido lixtuics , 5. > OJ : Inllx in-
The follow lug ini lies had losses on which
theio xxas no Insurance :
Domestic Seing Machlno company , dam
age to stock , SIB1' ' .
K. K. hpoimblo , household goods , SIOO.
Lottn blancliaid.isauie .
S.V. . Wadsxxoith , plate glass , S .
T. W. Douglas , sime. > 100.
Ktietsol , Chapman iV ; Co. , total loss ol fur-
nltuie , ti\lnresand insiu.inee blinUs , locls-
teis , etc. , and nil instnaiice sudplii" . , 1,000.
.lames Cadx1 , loss on lutiiiture , $ IW.
Hill , t .Sheldon , same , SIOO.
It is thouL'ht tlio lire originated fiom a pea
nut toaster in Scott's basement. Tim total
loss xvill be nt least Si > 0OJO , on xxhicli there Is
about S ooo iiisinance. Tlio ciound xx ill bo
lebuilt at once xvith good Inick buildings.
Heietoloie lifty feet tiont ot the binned part
his been lilled xxtth fr.ime one-sto'-y build
ings which , under oidinaiice , will naxu to
be leplaced xvith bii < 'k. ThuDailj DemoLMat
found a room this morning , and came out
to-night xvith their exciting edition.
Honors to a Patriot.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. b. Special Tele-
ciani to the 13ii : : . ] The cltUens of Lincoln ,
aV ) in number , gax-e a reception and b uiqtict
to Michael Daxitt at the Windsor hotel last
evening. Mr. Davltt , xxho is the guest of
Patrick Kgan , had but a x-cry short time to
visit at the state capital , but the almost im
promptu reception XXMS ono of the heartiest
and most successful exfcrgiven In the city of
Lincoln. The folloxving was the after dinner
programme , xx'hlch xx'as not completed until
midnight :
The Patriot Leader and Victim of Ireland's
Oppression Welcomed to the Freedom of
Lincoln Itesponse , .Mayor C. C. 15m r.
The Flag of the Lmciuld Isle and the Stars
and Sliipes Response , Judge Amasii Cobb.
The lilsh Soldier Itesponse , J. L.Caldwell.
The Women of Iieland Kosponse , Post
master Watklns.
The Irish National League of America
Response , Patrick Kgan.
Tlie Piesidentof the National League Uo-
sponse , .lohn Fit/gciald.
lieland. Her Past , Present and Future
Kesponse , A. .1. Saxx-yer.
Irisli .luilgo and Laxvjcr Patriots Ke
sponse , .Iniltio O. P. .Mason.
Micbacl Davitt , Our Guest Pi cscn ted by
lion. T. M. Miuqiictte ,
Kesponsixo address uy Michael Davitt.
The entire entertainment xx-.ts In tlio hands
of a committee of nine , including Major
Uurr , L. Meyer , Judge Mason and others.
Thosjieeches or the ex'cnini : xveio bv T. M.
Maiiinette and Mr. Davitt. if any selection bo
made from the number. Mr. Davitt paid his
icspeets to the Kntrllsh government , xvho , as
ho icad in the cablegrams of the I5ii : , had
secret spies on his tiai'k xvhile in tills coun
try. Mr. Davitt asked that they come to him
and get the manuscript of Itis speech of tlio
evening , and ir too modest to do this , ho
inouilsed himself to loixvard it to lllcks-
licacli. Lincoln never onjoxed a more en
thusiastic meeting.
Happenings nt AVahoo.
WAHOO , Nub. , Sept.Special [ to the
Ur.n. ] Last nitjlit at a meeting of a largo
number of leading business men of tno city
called tor that purpose , it xvas determined to
organi/o a bond of trade , xvith a vloxv to
seeming the location of business enterprises ,
loxxer freight lates , and finthorlng the busi
ness Inteiests of the city generally. A coin-
mltteo on constitution , by-laws and
petmancnt organl/atlon XXMS appointed , to
icpoit at tlio next in eting , to bo hold in the
opera house on Monday evening , Septem
ber Jii.
Last night the young puopla of Wnhoo or-
ganl/edn Cliatit.uiqua leading elide , to take
up the four x'eara' Chantauqua cottrso of
UMiling. It starts out xvith a membership of
111 teen.
K. V. Davis , the recently imported edltoi of
tlio Wahoo Democrat , xvas in Omaha > vstei-
day to perfect turangenrjiitH tor the patent
outsldos of his paper. The Hist Issue ot tlio
robiniectcd sheet will appear on Thuisday of
this xvcek , _ _
Tlio Noxvs from Illnlr.
IU.AIK , Neb. , Sept. 8. JSpechtl to the Bic.J
The status of the First National bank is
about as it has been since its suspension.
Hank Examiner ( irlfllth is bore In charge of
It and Is expecting to bo telluvcd by a rcceix-er
In a loxv days. Tlio allnlis of the Institution
are found to bo In a much batter condition
than xvas nt supposed. Stocuholdcis
and depositors xvlll leceivo their money In
Mathlescn Hros. have just moved into their
nexv brick block xvhlch Is tlio linest In the
city and ono of thu bust in the state.
Our canning lactory is running under full
force and is said to bo thu linest In the btato.
Politics very quiet , there being no opposi
tion to Van Wyck In this county.
Opening tiio
UANCiioi'T , Xisb. , Sept , 8. [ Special to the
UKK.J The Omaha lands opened on the Oth
xvcro immediately taken. Noxv houses are to
be seen already on the east Eldu of tlio rail-
road. Tliero xvas a hcavv rain on Monday
night in all this region and xvest of Norfolk ,
Many land Fcckeis are coming In , Stool
tails are being laid on the U'ayno bianch
twenty-txx-o miles northxvest ot Itandolpli ,
the terminus In Cedar county.
FnrnnH County Xoiiilnations.
AiiAi'AiioE , Neb. , Sopt. 8. ( Special Tele
gram to the UEI : . | The Kiniias county 10-
publicans convoked to-day , and after prelimi
nary business was settled nominated F. I ) .
Taylor for county attorney , Thomas Hell
county commissioner , and W. K. Dabcock , of
Cambridge , for the leulslatme. J. P , Lind
say recelxed the republican uomlnutlou to
the senatorial conx inition.
Rain Spoils York's Fair.
Yomc , Neb. , Sept. 8. [ Special Teleeram to
the UKK.J The i'ork county fair Is uelng
hdd here since Monday. Italu has Intel
fered every ( lay , and o far nothing has been
done. The malinger * decided this morning to
continue the fair Friday and Satutday In the
hopoof better xxeather. Senator Van Wyck
xx 111 be present and speak to-morroxv. rnlo s
to-morinw bilngs bettei xxoathei the fair x\lll
bo a dismal falltne. Tlio exhibits aio the
linest cxei made In the county.
Stace Driver Casey Aoquittctl.
Ciunnov , Neb. , Sept. . iSpeclal Telegram -
gram to the Hi r. ] The trial of TliomaA
Casey foi the robbjiy of the tago coach
containing the treasure box of the Wells ,
I'aigo it Co.'s express , containing S < V00 ,
List I'ebrttar.x , betxveen this place anil Foil
linbliison , resulted in his arqiiillnl. Casey
xxas most ably delended by United States
District Attmnov l.ambeit-on of Lincoln.
and ' U , K. Sprague mil C. D. Siyers of this
An Rrtfopmojl Cltlxen's Drntti.
COM xini's , Neb. , Sept. S. [ | Tele-
gtim totho Hrn.l Ono of oui oldest and
most esteemed cill/cns W. A. Clark , died
this moinlng nt the good olda-joof sexenty-
seven. lllsdoith. mourned bv a devoted
family and a host of 1 1 lends , XXMS caused bv a
cancer , tlie i estilt of a Im.xonel wound 10-
ceixedhlloenunijud In battlu xvith pliates
in HID Malay seas.
Yo k ProlilliltloitlsiN Nominate.
YOIIK , Ni.'b. ' , Sept. sSpecial [ Telegram to
tlio Hii.l : : The piolnbilion county conven
tion met In tins iitx today and nomlnatid
L. C. Van Allen nir state senator anil hex- .
L. Honseti and lev ! , D. S. D.ixls for icpie-
_ _ _ _
A Ohurcli Vh'tory.
Hi.XTiticK : , Neb.Sept.s. | Special Telegram
to ( lie Hi.r. . ] Cliuich lliuxe cantnted tlio
nrltn.iiles heie to da > by a big majoiity. lie
lias been beie tlnui.'ila > 3.
The Hase Hull ReoortI ,
rideago o ij 2 o 3 i * o
New Yoik 0 -I
The game xvas called at til" end of thn sex--
onlh Inning on account of lain. Piteheis
Fix mi ami Keele. Hasp hits Chicago 1' ! ,
New Yoik 7. r.noi-s Clilcago 5 , Now Yoik
C. Umplio PIHXOIS.
AT CiurAoo Atternoon game.
Chicago 2 0 0 0 0 s. 0 1 1 11
Noxx oik. . o t ) 0100200 : !
Piteheis McCormick and Welsh. B.i o
hits Chicago li. ! Xow \ oil ; 8. Kirors Chi-
eau'o fi. Noxv Yoil. l > . Unipiie Poxxci' .
Bilthnoio 0 00000100-1
Metropolitans..0 00030000 1 !
Pllcliei s McCiinnls and Lynch. First haso
hits Baltimore 0 , Metiopolltans 7. Knois
lialtiinoto 1 , Metiopolltans 1. Umpire-
Athletics 0 00000000 0
Brooklyn 0 : i 0 0 0 1 0 a " 0
First base hits Athletic * , r. , Hiookljn S.
Kiionv Athletics 7 , Hiooklyn 0. Umpire
A r DntnoiT
Detroit 3 * 21
Washington 0 00020000-2
Piteheis Conxx'a.x and Crani * . Base hits
Dtitiolt 111 , Washhmton G. Knots Detioit 0 ,
Washington ii. : Umpito Quest.
Cincinnati 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I
Louisville 0 0100000 2 ! !
Hase hits-Cincinnati fi , LonisxillnO. Lr-
rois Cincinnati 4 , Luuisvillo y. Umphe
A r ST. Louis
St. Louis 3 00002100 0
Philadelphia 0 00100100-3
Base Ints-St. Louis W , Philadelphia 0. ii- :
lois St. Lnnis 2 , Philadelphia : t. Pitchers
llealyaud Dally. Umpire Pierce.
ifockoy Club RaooR.
NKXV Yoiiif , Sept. 8. At the Brooklyn
Jockey club track For all ngcs , six Itirlonirs :
LIz/.Ic llopps won , luler second , Ida Itocsc
third. Time-ll.r : ' , f.
Une and ono eighth miles : Richmond won ,
Ncttio second , Peeksklll third. Time
For all ago , mile : Aretlno xvon , Santa
Clans second , Hairy liussoll tlilrd. Time
Two ycai-olds , throc-quaiteis mlle : Bessie
Juno xxon , Fcieiui second , Itellalla tliiul.
Time 1:1(1. : (
One and one-sixteenth miles : Gonfalon
xvon. Tenstrlko second , Favor thhd. Time
1U ! > K.
For all aees , mile : Valet xvon , Mclloxvling
second , Tello Doe tlilrd.
Amrrlcii'H Canoe Victorious.
NKXV YOIIK , Sept. 8. Tlio deeding heat In
the International canoe race XXMS sailed to-day
ox'er the usual course. The Ameilcau canoe ,
Lissle , beat the English Nautilus xxlth tlio
greatest case , and the International tiopliy
xvlll lemaln in Noxv Yoik. A laigo croxvd
witnessed the
Tlio Railway Mall Clerks.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 8. At to-day's ses
sion of the conxcntlon oftho United States
liailxvay Seixico Mutual Benefit association
the gi.ided system for death dues was
adopted. M. A. Huttilcks , president , xvas
unanimously re-elected. The olliccs of sec
ictary and treasurer having been consoli
dated , S. K. Banghman , of Camp Point , 111. ,
thn piesent sccietary , was elected bccictary
and tieasuier. The lollowinc vice piebi-
dentsxxeio olcctwl : Fhst division , K. M
Cliauiplln. Now Yoik City ; second , K. H
.McKee. Nexv Yoik City ; thhd , ( ieoigo M.
Can , Richmond , Va. ; lotiith , S. L. Collins.
.lackson , Tenii. ; htth , W. F. Hltt ,
Indianapolis ; sKtli , ,1. M. Hub ,
baitl. Chicago ; scx'cnth. ( Jeoieo II. Cninrbcll ,
St. Louis ; olghth , .1. L. Wilder , San Fran-
eisco ; nintliV. . W. Allen , Batatthi , N. Y.
The folloxving xveio elected membots of tlio
boaul ot dliectois : Second division , Stephen
Collins. Plltsbuig : thlid , (1. ( W. , Wash
ington ; sixth , \V. II. llowell , ( ialesbnig. 111. ,
and ( i. W. Young , Chicatto ; boventli , K. 'V.
I'ietce , St. Louiy ; ninth , John Sargent and
William Metcditli , Chicago. The "waul of
diicctoiH xvlll select the oxecutlxo com-
mltteu liomtholr members. The convention
selected Dutiolt as tlio nc.\t place ot meeting.
PnTSiiuuo , Sent. 8.-Tho icsldenro of I
L Matthoxvs , check-master at the Impel lal
coal mines , Montour , Pa. , binned lastexen-
liiL' . Hlsxviloand txxo-ycai-old child xveio
fatally Inirned , The Iho inlginatotl , It Is MII > -
jiosed , by Mis. Matthuxvb' attemitlng ] to
stall a lire by the use of caibon oil , us a loud
explosion xvas lieaul. Whun the nelghbois
anlved , the stnu'turo was in flamc.s , and the
hercams ot thu xviimun InsldB could bo heard.
She and her child xx ere gotten out , but they
xxoio ton inly burned. Medical aid xvas bum-
iiioncd anil exeiythinn possible tlonn lor tiio
hiilfiireiH , but without axall , The child died
this moinlng and the mother an hour later In
honlblo agony.
'H Fair I'aratlo.
CiuoAno , Sept. 8. The state fair procea
, containing 144 vehicles , xxr.s headed by
an open b.irouciie , in xxhlch bat ( John
A. Logan , Senator Culloin and ex-Senator
Palmer , of Michigan , .Most of tlio othci
xehlclcs xxoio xvagons anil diays of Chicago
xxholosalo ineichants loaded with Pales anil
boxes ot goods ot oxxnois. HOIECS diawlng
the xvagons , presented a line aiiiieai.tnce ,
beliiKheaxy , handsome beasts , mostly of the
Percnuron-Noiman breed.
Ilrooklyn's Milk .Supply
NKXV YOHK. Supt , h. Plcuro pneumonia
prevails to an alaimlng extent among tlie
co\xs In Middle Village and Me.spiitli , Long
Island , xxhenco a laigu portion of the supply
of milk used In Hrooklyn is obtained. In
onoMablo thirty-six cows have died within
txvo months.
OflntcrcHt to Westerners.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram
to the HKK. ] Anthony N. Bticct , of Conncl
Hlulfs , la. , xvas to-day appointed rccclxcr u
the First National bank at HIali , Nob.
Mr. Hounds states to-nlgnt that ho xxll
leave for Omaha on Monday next to take
churgu of hb uuxv purchase.
Wisconsin's Grand Olil Party Moot3 Iu State
Convention ,
I'ho Pint form Sytutmthlrci WUli iTio
'MIIIlDMs , anil Pavofi
Illgli tituonso anil liounl Op-
tlon-Pollticat 1'olntH.
MAHISOV , Wis. , Sept. : i-Tho lepnbllcan
state coin entlon met at HID eapllol at noon
lo-d'ij and \\asealled tooider by II. A. Tay-
lot , chairman of the committee , lion.
1. V. ljuailes. ot Iclno I ! \ , w is e'ectod tempo *
laiy rhaliman , and I'eter H.uth , of Milwau
kee , tempoiary si-cietaiy. After the nnpolnt-
ng of coinmittees on io-uliitloiis and plat-
rouu and a iMiminlltee on petmanent oigan-
, the coii\cntloii took : i icccss until
! W p. m.
ThocoiUfliitlon iens < sembled at 'J0 : p. m. ,
when thoeoinmlttooon neimanent omanlza-
tion leported. Jeiemlah M. HusL was 10-
luimlnnted by acclamation. Tlio to\ernor
was led to thu chamber and rctuined thanks.
Cicorcn W. Inland , of liiant , was nomi
nated for lieutenant govetnor ; Kino-it G.
Timme was icnomliiated for sccictaiy of
state by acclamation. The lolloping is the
platform adopted :
Tito republicans of Wlsi'onsln , by their
pu entatlM's assembled in this convention ,
declare :
1. That thev lealhiin the piluciples set
forth In thupl.ittorniof tlieii ) iait > adopteit
by the leiuiblican eomention of issl , as ex-
pi esslng their \l'j\vs on questions ot national
'J. That while their de\otlon to thopilncl-
pies upon which then paityas founded ,
and lin whleh it has so irloiionsly and s.ic-
v conteuiled , Is uiidimiiiNlied , tliu >
o tlie fact that in Hie piomuss of
society new conditions and new questions'
aiecoiistanth ailsing wliicn k istiuMlut } of
politleal pal ties to meet and to attempt to
eltlo in tlio manner most conducive to the
public wellaie.
: i. That they icgard the creit
and economic questions , aiidpnrtlculaib that
teatuiu of thepi gonei.ill/oil as "the labor
question , " now agitatini ; the minds of the
people , as foi tiling and likely to totm until
satNra"toilIy adjusted the must important
social and political piohlem of tlie time.
I. That the republican paity was mean-
i/ed for the enfranchisement of labor and to
sectiio to the tolling millions equal tights ami
prhilegcs undei the laws ot thocoiinti ) ;
it loin.uiis staunchly true to the ideas in
which it had Its oilgln , and will spate no
elloits to iiiipto\oaud elevate the conditions
ot latxn wideh are with the
ninciiilos ol oqnltj and justice , and that It
s opposed both to the iiiipoitation of naupcr
j.ihoi ol the old woild and to tlio sjsteni of
coutiact pilson laboi at homo.
fl. That tlio tine piovincool government Is
to nialntain justice and to ptotcct e\ery
citizen in the eujo > ment ol all the rights and
libel ties ol Ills lellow cltUens ,
and to assuio him the con-
tiol of his oainlngs and ilghtfiil *
possessions , thus alTotding tlio strongest In
ducement to Indiisttj and economy wliereby
the lilirhcst developiiient and jaoatest general
lianpiness arc attained.
0. That In all Industrial cntei prises em-
ployens and employed should seek to main
tain lelaMons of mutual contiilcncc and
w ill ; that as liberal wages should , uo paid as
business will warrant , and that eiimloycti
should bcwaio of Insisting upon coiuiltlons
which would bo fatal to tlio success of the
business. Tlio right of workingmen to or
ganize for mutual piotcctton and bencllt Is
undisputed , but suen organi/attons should 00
voluntary and not extended by the employ
ment ol threats or violence. Where
labor disputes aiKo tlio best
means for their settlement is provided ,
in the civil tilbniuN alwn > sat tlio command
of the parties in dispute while o\eiyicsoit
to mob violence as a moileot lediess must bo
piomptly and slcinly icbukc-il , as leading ill-
leetly to anarchy , the ou'itlnow ol all gov
ernment , and the destruction of all civil
7. Thafthey heartily approve of the prompt
and effective action of ciovuinor Itttsk in
suppiessing liotious mobs , instigated by an-
aicldst agitators In the cltv ol .Milwaukee )
and \ icinity last May , as both wise and morel ;
lul. Uy it ordoi and the right of law were at
once restiiied , lifo and pioperty weio miulo
seutire , and a wholesome inlluencoot examplq
was Itilt througliout the whole country.
lib re election is tlieictoin commended to
just-minded , law-abldinc and oidei-linlng :
citi/cnsof nil classes , as an expression to the
woild that the fieo and Intelligent people ot
Wisconsin biippoit a govoinor who has
done his duty.
K That for more than a quarter of a cen-
tiny past the administration or nlf.ili.s of this
btiifolias been mainly coiulucteil bj leme-
sentathes o' thu lepubiic.ui paily ; tlial they
have proved honest , faithful anil
capable public scivants ; that tlio busIiK'j-s
ot the state lias been wisely and economically
managed , and that no defalcations have oc-
cuiied or mlseonduct icdccllngdlscieditably
upon the manner In which they have dis
charged their duties. Tills honoiablo iccord
olleis the best guainntee to the people tortho
1 tit tire , If they continue to conllde thond-
minlstiation of Htato alTaiis to lepubllcan
D. Itccognl7lng thn evils of intemnoiaiiee ,
thu lepubllcan paity deslic to adopt theme
mo t olfectiie means fur their suppiesslon.
Hut wudo not recogni/U ) that statute legula-
tlons , which aie supported by public
opinion , aio innpoiathc , and tend to In ing
nil law into dlsiepute , and wo bollux n tliat
In tlie ) > ie.-eut condition of putilic hentlmetit ,
the ovlstlng lawn ot tills state , whleh pei-
mlt commnnitios , acroidlng to the hunllmunt
pi-nuilliiL' In them , to piohlbll the Uulllc In
lutoxlt.itluc liquors , or toeontiolil b\ po
lice legulatloiih , and to limit it by' high
licence , offeiti tlio best and most practical
means of dealing with tlie ex Us icsitltlng
Irom thollriuor tiaflle.
10. That the pilnclplcs of the tiubllc legnja-
tlon ot lailway coipoiations fsaxvlsn and
ealntaty ono tor Iho piotectlon ot all classes
ot tlio people , ami when unjust nlhciiiniim-
tloiiH aio madi ) between peisoiih and nlaci'H ,
es | > eclally in tlut ilxlngof liciglitnnd ILIS-
i. ill's bt'txxcen coiniieting and non-
competing btatlons , they plcdgu the republi
can paily , If end listed with tiio power , to
collect them , to the end that the pcopio and
raUvxayb shall ullKo enjoy the lah ami equal
inotectlon of the law.
11. That \\ohoartlly endoisotho action of
our legiblatiiioln niinlding faiinui lii tltuli" ?
or auxilllaiies to the Mate agrluulluial college
in dlsbeininating niogicsiixu ami iiselul iu-
foimiitlon among ( ho iigilcultinal puojiluaml
wolaxorlho contlnnanco of them.
Alter u long and hard light llunry Har-
bhaw , of Oshkosh , xvas nominated for stiilo
treasmer ; attornnygeneial , Uharlos K. 1'sia-
liool. , of Komi du Lau ; state Mini'iintcndunt
ol pnWIc iiiitrueUon , J. It. Thai or , Klier
l'all ; lailiiud comiiiiasiotiur , Atlev Peter
son. Ci-awliiid ; insnianco coniiilssioncT ! |
Phil Chi'uK , Itaraboo.
Or/eat Prohibition Gatlicrlng ,
Woni : | Mass , hept. 8. Tim btato
prohibition conxentlon xxhlch assembled lieiti
thlsinornlng Is the largest In tills state lor
many yea in. Kmeiio ; H. Clai | | > , of lioston ,
x\as made permanout elialntian , Clapji , On
taking the cliali , dellxeied a long addruss.
The lesolullunti adoiiteit deelaio that Iho
liquor tialllels the gieatest instinmentallty
ot coiruptloii In our politics : that It paia-
] ) /us our indnstiles. Is a blight upon our
social lilo , is a destroyer of homes and an
ex II euiso exeiywheio. The icrfolntlons du-
niaiiil tlm Dionlbltion of Iho manufacture ,
ti.iii.-poilatlou nml salu of intoxicating hex1-
eiagc.- < , and dtclaio that tlila piinclpio sliould
bo madti secnio by constliuiloml iimpnd-
nicnts. Tie/also deelaio that any political
paity that xvlll not gtapplu with this iiiou-
1,1111111 oII , xx Ith tlio honest and earnest In-
tiint of oveithioxxing it , Is nnxvoitliyot con-
lldenco and mippoit. lioth of the treat
political parlies am condemned lor the- ! past
Lourso icgaidliiL' thu liquor question.
Allei a U'cess a xoto on the nomination for
goxeiwi was taken , and T. J. I.athrop , ot
T.Kiutun , if1' ' Ixett an almost niiaiilm ms xoto
and xx > iir-l-ni'-l the iioiiiini'i' . lr John
ltla < MI r \ , s then nominated lor lieutenant
i i.