Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1886, Page 8, Image 8
8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTHMBEU 8 , 188(5. ( AN OLD WOMAN'S SORROWS , Her OhiUlren Combine With Strangers to Make ! ! er a Pauper. MANY MUNICIPAL MATTERS. The Council .Mooting Tom Carroll's Crime Col. CUm ! > VUlt 'llio \\Klmv mill itio Doctor Ottu-r Uolibod lly Her Chllilron. Jhs hinan 0. I.aplmiii , nil aginl liuly A\tio ha * U.t 'i ' in Oumlm ( or the i < st two wwk * , U thoikib oMctlm oftliiMintlUixl ni-tion of lu-r own . ! .ulu'ii anil the tiraclitrj of timUy furuetl liuMitU. Her story H a iMtlivtlc uno ixtul vViulnUtt to tn | > lre pit ) In the licaitnof gtnii gus who lme been Kinder to tliiMi her own Kin. Slu > la thenlo \ \ of n former Michigan fan icr w ho tiled about n j cur njro leiu ing lior \u * > l tmk w etl with \\orlillj IXUHMMOII * . In mUition to her houuMerul In MU'hls-an slio ha I | i irtl ) nerfi'cteil timber claim nenr Ord. Js'cli. Mxm after the ile.Uli of her liu-tund she was iHjrsuiuted to Mien over liorlioimMtMd nwl MaliliMii i > ro | > eity to one nf lu-rolul- tUen , .1 daughter. with whom -hu waite to iimKo her home. As MH > II as Uio old home lico-iino the iiroi > v.rt ) of her dmiiihter nnd hei hu-baiid. ( hey w it'iiieneed the practice of a * \ Mciu.itiu course of neglect mid cum alniM- , that nuule It Impossible for the old lad ) to keep hei home with them A month 01 s-o iothoy persuaded her to come to Nebraska , under the pretext that her product * w.neideil here to perfect the title to her Umbel claim lit \alu | ) county. Shu went to Ord , expectIng - Ing toulllieherhomowit\ ! son-in-law and daughter at tint l'l-u'e. ' No sooner tlie pio.ory | in-en proved Up , iio e\er , thmi they Kot yes ess.on of It und then > oiit ttie old w ni. n on a journey luek to MiehU.xn on ' "e mound that the climate of the Nelmnkii I'rnltit" ; was too severe foi her. oho re turned to Mlrhleau and was there met by her tolatlves , who showed her how nevo\isl > eho had boon wrotiRed l > \ her Nebr.HK.uel.i- tl\es and Induced to her to return to th ! * state to commence le al proeeeditms to ict po se > lon of her property , bhe airi- hero about ten da > s aio , robbed bv her rela tives and turned out into the world without n home , friend * or means of support. Soon after her arrl\al she made the acquaintance of. Mrs. H Clement , w He of the roatl-uiaster of the Ulilc.iio. St. I'.iul. MUuieniH > hs A : Omaba rallwav. and that lads' . In her cood- ness of heart , look Mrs. I.apham to her homo on north Nineteenth street and has since been caring ; for her. The d.u before jester- Uay Mis I.atihntu was in.ulo the Metlm of another treachery. She w as approached by Mrs. FerrU , a woman who lives near the Harttiian school , on Sixteenth street. Mrs. Ferris said that her husband nad recently dle < t and that she wanted a comp inlon. She vr. lilting up her house nnd wanted Mr * . Laph.un to come and live with her. Mrs. La ph.itn consented and moved to the place. Then Mrs. KerrU explained that she was In need of a little money to tit up her house , and wanted Mr * . I.apham to RO and nsk relief from the Mas.ons . and Odd Fellow's , her husband ha'v in ? been a member of both orders. ' 1 he old lady , bewildered Dy her un fortunate experience , consented and left all the money she had , about 5'J5 , with Mr- . Ferris before goin on her mission. When she returned , Mrs. Ferris refused to clvo her the Si5 and al > o lefused 10 allow her to enter her home. Asaln de ceived and cheated , the heart-broken old ladj returned > e terda > to the homo of Mr- . Clement where she 1 > bem ? cared fur. An effort will be made , bj certain citUens who have interested themselves in the case , to have the poor woman restored to her lights. COIU'OKATn CAKRS. Business Transacted at the Mcctitii ; or the Council hast Night. AH of trio aldermen v\ere present at the' regular meeting of the council last night. 'Ihe mayor's communication , approving ordinances adapted at the hist meeting of tha council , was read and placed on tile. The mayor's appointments of appraisers to assess damages to private property bj public Improvements were confirmed. The request ot Chief Galilean , asklne the council to purchase 2,00) feet of ho > e needed In the department , was referred to the com mittee on tire and waterw QI-KS. A leave of absence for two weeks was granted to Gas Inspector Gilbert. The report of the building inspector for the month of August , showing the issuanrn of 157 permits airgiegatlngSTO-.sHl.wasreceived nnd tiled. The employes In all of thu city ofllces wore granted a holiday to-morrow. Thursdav , Sep tember 0. to allow them to attend the fair. The petition of property owners asking for the extension of the Twentieth street seuer to Leavenworth street was granted. The petition of property owners asking for the opening of Twenty-linn street , from Di vision norm to Caldwell , was referred to the committee on grades and grading. A commtinlcition from Chairman Ilosc- v/ater. ot the hoard of. adjusters , asking for supplies , olllce. etc. , was referred to the com mittee on public property mid Improvements. ItKSOI.UTIOXS. By Goodman That the action by which the council awarded the contract for the con struction of the b.L&emeut of the city hall be reconsidered. Ml. Goodman explained that Mayor Boyd would not sign the , contract for trie reason that additional legislation and additional funds v/cro needed ticforo the work should be commenced. The matter was referred to the committee on public property and Improvements. By Leo That the committee on rule } , forms and printing he dlicctcd to devlwj ways and means for the publication of a correct report of the proceeding ? of the council in some of the dally papers. Adopt ed. ed.By Dallcy That the marshal and police couimitteu on pollco investigate the estist- cncoof niilsnnces alleged to exist in hoiuos on Kurt and Kourteentli streets and report what action Is necessary in the case. Adopted. llr. K fl. Allen , of the Manli Gras com mittee , apjicarrd before the council and risked the npproprlatinn of Sioo to tic use-1 In the piircha.Mi of music , tire-works , etc. , for the Mardl dras. On motion of Jlr. IJalley , the amount was appropriated. Alderman schroeder called for the report of the committee on the Harney street grade. Alderman Ixwry opposed the action and called out a illscu-ttlnn with .Mr. lx > o touching upon the merits of Harney street as com pared with Twelfth fctreet. Alderman - man I e prchentt-d tno contract and bond for the piading of Ilarncy stroct. Jlr. Dalicv movfd that the contract bo recom mitted for another \scek , with instructions to thu board of public works , to award the con tract to grade thoeradliiKof .Sixteenth street , from Karn.'im and Howard , nnd the alley in blocK HO. Alderman Lei , Lowry and fechroodcr Indulged in allltlo pcrnonal tilt , and made charges and counter charges of brenchu of promises In the matter. The motion to recommit was adopted. The committee on tire wn Instructed to Euruhaso a new team for use by .No. r. 1044) I'O. Tha contract and bond of YnCo. . , for thu wiat branch of the Noitli Omaha se\\fr wore approved. tax to pay cost of paving Farnnm itrcct , from Twentieth strict to Twentjnlntli etrcet. 1'avlnp curlilnjc and cntterlns. Ordering thoiTitcnslon of the Twentieth Btrcetwwcr to i.ea von worth street. l'4Med Ordering the laying of water mains on Iwenty-nTnthMW't , in llogim & HIH'a we- end addition to Omaha , Fire nnd water \vork * . Ordering the curblnc and ravin ; of Far- ram street In paring illslrlot 07 , and Daven- itort street In pavlntr district CO , and Cuining itrcet In paving district to. I'nvlni ; , cuihlng emlgutterlnz. Declaring ( no necessity of widening Hurt itrcct/roiu Division street to Twcntj-lonrtn fjru-t. l'as < o < l , Di taniuthe necessity of extending Third street to Hickory direct. 1'aued. ClMiiciiig the cnrh line of Twentlo Hi lre t from ht. Jlary'fc av iiiio to J'leico stieet. J'ftMtd. Narrowing Hurt street from the cast line of Jifeljion's aducton to Tncnly-finirtli street. j'aued. Ordering the cnrblnic and ravin * of Will- } auu fttrt-el in pnving dutru MJ. W. 1'avin ' , c utliing and tfiitierlni ; . After adopting A rcMilutlon offered by Mr. Mantnlc provlrimgfor the ( dlnoiislnlnK anil HT.alrln ? at the council chamber , the council tujourocd. Hi' a TIII : A riorcni'o Wltlovv Who "Stftkctl" ft A wrltof Mtiwhment wns IMIIO ! in JnMIro UplM > 'siMiirt vo t 'nliA > inornlncou the her o and buggy nnd dtuc store of Dr. J. J. Solo mon at Florence , The writ wnsU nedto - ti fv a ilOUrlnliii of Mrs. Mary DnnV , an old laiU Tfi > ears ofiuo llvliiRat Florence The petition of the plalnlirf sets npn queer state of nfliilrs. It Is alleged that * omo time nco Dr. Solo mon started In to tieat Mrs , Dunk's huslmnd forcincerof the stomach. Mr. Dunk died. nnd left his widow with a large doctor's bill to iwv. Solomon. It Is alleeod , soon becnino on In timate lei ms with Mrs Dunk , nnd tuklnjtnd- itintaico of her a o and Inabilltv tn pioperlv iimnaite hei business all u Irs , has bled her for the nnionnt named : In one Instnnce , ho sot SIW from her , for the purpose as he siatt-d , of pulin ; paitof his expenses III takltn ; n tilp to Kinope. llo wanted to go lit KnroiH' for the purpose ot l < imlni ; up his claim to the famous Chase state , llo oxixvtod to return with a mil- lljn dollais or so , nnd would notonlj repav lier the SUX ) , but would gl\i < hei a present of J.VO be * ides. In another Instance he borrowed MOO of ler to buj lots in rhle.uto and Salt Lake ( Mtv . He expivtetl to tilple Ins nunu-j but failed to do it. and has never even lepald the hun. lie also hoi row ( \1 about lx hnndied dollais inoiv to build a house and dr > goods store In h'loience , and of this sum ho has , It Is til lered , repaid not n nlekle. For these lea- sons Mrs. Dunk has placed her ease In n avvyrV hands and pioposes to piosecuto the Kloiuiu'o doctoi. _ Tltu Boliool Attenilnnco. Thecitj schools opened with the largest attendance ever know n notw ItlHtandlng ttio attraction of the oiionin ? day of the fnlr and the know letlgo that to-day will be a holiday kept many from attending , Superlntendont Janios has prepared the follow Ing table showing the attendance at the tiilTeient schools on opening days foi the past foul \ears. IS'O High . 17S 215 iVntral . I 75IJ 71C. 'ass . 3Ti5 SCJ 27C Ca < tellxr . Center . CCtt 105 ) tKl e . .1 ' .Ml 'am nin . 4S Hiutuian . WA an : uo Izaid . 714 OJb ! Ofti &is Jackson . 110 oO 4 > > f.7 . l.ako . bJ si r 103 .eaveuwoith . S7fl 477 , -in. ; .OMLT . 14 : > 471) ) or.4 acllic . : i 3 44" > 411 451 1'leasant . 'J3:5 : 24'J 155 aw Totals Sb71 4'JOO 4313 51119 A Merrj "Mating. The mauiago of Mr. 15. Koloy , for = everal years one ot the be t known attaches of ho tels In this state , took place Monday and was celebrated Momlav evening in aohappy man ner at I3U Capitol Avenue. The biuto w as Miss Julin Qumn , who has held the position of head laundress at the 1'axton hotel lot several vears back. The eeremonj was pel- oniied at the Cattiednil ot St. Philomena , by Hev. 1' F. McCarthy , .lames Goodfollow \cted n * uroomsman and the sister of the bride as bridesmaid. The wedding took : > ! ace in the evening at the lesldouco men- lolled. Forty guests assembled to do honor to the mad couple , and mum than double as man > wedding gifts graced the occasion , An excellent suoper was sniead and thoioughly appreciated bj evorjbod > . Dancing followed the repast ami was continued to delightful strmc music until an early hour this mom- Ing. Mr. Foley goes into the hotel business iiulwiil open" house on Capitol Avenue , near Thirteenth stieet. SitcccKsful CliurcliVorlc. . The Rov. C. W. Savid < xc is to bo con- jratuliited on the success that has at- ; ended his cfl'ovts during the first yusir of Ills pastorale of the Scwaril Street M. E. church. The twelvemonths just ciulnl Imvo shown prosperity in church ilHiirs. This church is the lending one n the city in benevolences ; 1CJ no\y mem- jors were lidded lust year and thoSnndny school under the suporintomlency of Deputy County Clerk AnchMoody is ac- complishinf : much good woik. The church linunccs arc in a very satisfactory conditian and work will soon commence in fnrtner building improvements. Rev. ilr. Savid < re deserves qreat praise for his success in this new Held , but it is only a repetition In a more oxtcnstvo way of what lie has done durin < j eacli rear of the 'our years lie was in charge of the First chinch. It is understood that it is a gen eral wish of the members of the Seward street M. E. congregation to have Mr. Savidge remain another year , nnd un doubtedly Bishop Fowler will accede to .heir wishes. Ho leavns to-day for Tek- imah to attend the conference. Convent of tlie Snored Heart. This favorite educational institution opened its scholastic season for 186-b7 on Monday with the laigust number of people yet enrolled at the beginning of any term In its history. Au Increased corps of teachers and many new leoutrements for successful teaching , to sav nothing of the impio\e- ments in and about the hnlldinif. Professor Do Canipl , a leading Italian virtnosa , IMS been ennazcd to take charge of the vocal de- pal tment , which Is an asstnanco that this branch of the studies will ho n leading fea ture of the curracnlnm at the Sacred lloarl. Upwards of seventy young ladies nroiiow on the list of boardens nnd nioro have .signified their Intention to come. All the western Etates are represented , and several eastern places. It is needless to repeat the oft told tale of the superiority of the educational woik of the ladles In charge. Their fame in this respect Is household knowledge thu world over , and Omaha Is to be cnngiatnlatcd on havliig one of their very best convents. A Correction. To the Editor of the Bun : In my com munication on Nebraska Methodism , the name of It"v. J. W. Shank , the presiding elder of the Grand Island district , was Inad vertantly omitted. Mr. Shank Is well-Known In Onmlm , havlne been pastor of the Klxli- tconth street M , K. chinch , mid Is still n large real estate owner here , llo Is a gontlonmii of the highest character nnd has been very successful in building churches and forwar ding the general work of the .Methodist church thiouxhoiit the dUtrlct that lie repre sents. Jin will have an excellent iccord to present to the conference of his work lor thu past year. In building nnd dedicating churches , and It will well accord with his record cast and west In thutcrvheof tha church. lU.o \ \ . Fnosi. "Sport" Miller. The police yesterday arrested and regis tered as a nlBln drunk " .Sport" Miller , of Council Bluffs. Miller Is a character. Ho was at one time a wealthy citUcn of the trans-MIasonri town , hut th'iatti actions of a sporting life were too much for him , and he caviMip his biisine-Hs for tliu llfoora gambler. He plajed a high game , but came to the md of ins fetrlnir , and for a number of jears has been an object of the charity of tint men who vmo hit ) former associates.VhlsI.y has robbed him nlino-U of his power of speech and left him ruined In mind and body , lie lias ihrco sons , two of whom anjoung la-Is and are serving in the Iowa reform school. The other Is In Omaha following Ills father's old \ocatlon , placing on t tJreen turtle soup to nlp-ht ut 13th nud Douglas. Olrd Antonir On Saturday an aged Snede named It. C. Anderson came to Omaha from a town In Wcstnrti Xc'jra-iVa ' In ( UngcroiiHly enfeebled health , llo Mod over Sunday arid until yesterday with a Sued. ; family named IVter- son who live fit the corner of Twelfth and Jackson. Vosterd.iy the police wen ; rilled to take charge ot the man , He was taken to the poor faun by iSiiixirliitendent Mahoney and dud soon Rttcrteachlng thu fitrin. Noth ing l know n of his relative * , llo had In lib memorandum book the add row nf Mr , J. ilatfiK'ii , Fremont. .Vib. Ho will bo burled by bu | > < .rlntond nl Muhonoy today uutesj word tB roceh'-d from his relatives. ( Jrcrn turtle soup , shell oysters ami t'ann t Ilit'C'-is' ' , lilh nud "NEW Ot'TKlTS The Oiniitik Typo t'oiindry ft nil StiH ply lloiinn fur I'rlntorn null The Western Newspaper I'nlott ' nt Omaha is piepared at nil times to outfit publishers on short notice with presses , tipo , rules , borders , Inks composition , slieks and rules , and In lad ovcrvllilnc in the line of printers' and publishers .supplies. Hotter terms and moro liberal prices fan bo secured than by sending to rhioago or elsowhovo. Siuu mmioy by buv ing near homo. Second hand goods in the printing line bought and sold.Vo oltt'ii Imvo gioat hanjains In this particu lar. Send for Tin : I'nisrKit.s1 At'Xit.tAin ' , our montlily trndo journal , that ghos lists of goods and prices nnd fiom ( line lit 'lino pmelalms unequalled bargains in new ana second bund material. \Vrsn IN : NEMSPVPKU UNMOS , IStli Strei'l. bot. Howard and Jackson , Omaha , Nebraska. Cnrroll'i Omnium Crnt'kotl. Tom C.uioll Is In the eltj jail again , nurs ing a badls bruised head. Do entered the room of a named Glc.ison , over ( Jus Johnson's saloon , ycstciday tnenlngand was making a wholesale nppioprlntion of lothlng when the ovvnrt of thoioom artlved. Jir. Gleason drcivv a iwolvei and oideied : 'arroll tosniieuder. Instead of complying Carroll made an as > ault upon O'eason. who ; necked him down and clubbed him over the head with his gun , bruising him up in gieat shape , lie then held the tough until the at- ilval of Ollleor Cuiioll , who took him to the cential station. When ho was placed In the tell Ciuioll assaulted Jack Nugent and had to bo knocked down again bv leput > Mar shal McDonald beloio he would behave him self. _ A Hloti nud Hiiro Exhibit. Ono of the most attractive and really choice features of the exposition is that > f Messrs. 11. Hardy & Co. . of the D'.to ' store. VJOll Farnam street. This oleiraut lisplay discloses a gieat variety of arti cles such as arc found in stores like that ) f ttio Messrs. Hardy & Co. , together with novelties nuvor before shown in this city , and which , indeed , are new to any narket Tlicso goods represent the very argc stock of useful and beautiful tilings which this enterprising hrm is offering nt ts Farnam stieet store , which no ono vis- ting Omaha should fail to seoVo can say without qualification that it is In all cspects the most complete and varied stock in this line over brought here , and t is quite impossible that any taste , de sire , or financial condition can fail to bo suited. This establishment is especially the emporium for uovcltios in fancy goods , toys of every grade , the best nakcs of dolls , and bric-a-brac in great variety. A leading feature is also made of house furnishinggoods. Omaha lias no nero enterprising or public spirited nui chums than Messrs. II. Hardy ite Co. , mil wo aih iso all visitors to Omaha to Irop in at the iio ) ) store. A Trio nfljhiitl Seokcri. Yesterday tlieioai rived in this city a dis- Ingulshed tile who have reveled the ordin- irj course of events and although residents of his state ha\o como "back east" to Omaha seeking land. In other words they have so much faith in Omaha they think that a dol- lai planted hero will bear moie fiuit than a bundled invested elsewheio and me laud mutiny in this cilv nnd suburbs. Thej aio Ilarrj Hall and waiter Scott of buundeis county and F. F. Vosel of the state at large. I'hev men genial paitv and aie made of just such entoipilsinz stull as the men who made Omaha aie. aie.On On n Tour or Inflection. Cat dowry , gcneinl superintendent of the Westein Union telegraph comp.uiv , and Mr. Bristol , supeiintcndent of construction , ar rived in the eUyyestcidayOnaJourofiuupcc- tlon. They occupied the company's .special car , Puck , said to bo the most elegant nalacc on wheels in the United States. Aftei spend ing the major portion ot the day in examin- inir Omaha business they visited Council inuffn in company with Supcilntundunt Dickey , of thu homo oftice. Sail Homeward Journey. Some days ago Mrs. George L. Fisher , wife of the well known architect , and her infant son , Gerald , went to Colorado for health Benefits. Monday the little one was called to the eternal realms by the stern decrees of death. Last evening tno remains arrived and were transtei led to Prospect 11111 cemetery. Mr. and -Mis. Fisher have the sympathy ot a 'lost of fi lends in this sad bereavement. Distinguished Now Yorkcra. Attached to the overland train last evening was the elegant directors' car of the Central rucilic railroad. Its occupants were C. P. Hnntington , fust vice president of the Cen tral Pacific ; his wife , son and dauchter ; G. E. Miles , his private secretary ; K. II. 1'nrdco nnd daughter , Samuel Fales and Miss Dun- bar. They arc on a pleasure trip fiohi New York to Son Francisco. A "Con" Game. A "granper" was taken In to the extent of S"by > a confidence man yesterd.iv. The plan was the same old ' 'chestnu that hasbecnt" pcipetrated time and tlma again. The vic tim was promised a good job In Kansas City , and H little later when the confidence man wanted an adv.uico on a check for S'W "he cause It V.MS before banking hours , you know , " the tollow gave up his money very readily. The matter has been repotted to the police. Two Arronts. 31ax Goet/ was picked up by the pollco ycsteiday in astacofparnly/ed intoxication. Ho was lying In a vacant lot. and Mike O'Brien , a well known character was found hovering over him with the Invention. It is supposed , of robbery. Ho was nncstcd and locked up with Goetz. Ho protests violently lently that he had no Intention of robbing GofcU whatever , but was only dragging him Into the shade. The case looks suspiciously a-Mlnst O'Urlen. HusplcloiiH Character * . The police aie still engaged In the woik of corralling suspicious characters who are coming to the city to work the fair visitors. About twenty of them nro already in the county Jail and a do/en mnro wern attested ycstculay. As a result of this pollco vigil ance , there has been practically noconinhilnt of crooked work among the patrons of the lair and exposition. PERSONAL.-- . A. J. Cook , No. 81 North Main street , Council Hlulls. Iowa , Diseases of the rectum a Bpeoialtv , Hemorrhoids , 1'rolapso , Fistula , FJHsiiros and Stneturo cuied by mifo und painless operations. U70.ll * A $ : t Mike McCotmlck was arrested yesterday afternoon charged with the larceny of 3 from a fellow drunk named I'eUi Larson , Ilnih vvftie found in the B. & M , > ards , near thu barbed who works. The Ktovo Kxplodoil. An alarm of lire at 0 o'clock last night called the department and several thousand ape/valor * to the residence of George Duncan ut the corner of Fntnain and Twenty-second stieet , whore a bhuo occasioned by the explo sion of a gasoline stove In thu kitchen was quickly contiollud , The damage , exclusive of the atons WAS very slight. Round Over , Fred Limbuigcr , who was lines ted some weeks ngo for an assault upon Kohlmeyer , proprietor of the United States hotel , vvu tried before Judge H ton berg yesterday. Ho was found guilty and placed under ( % X ) boinU to keep the peace , In default of bonds he was sent to jail , County Court n'fhadockct was called In Judge McCulloch's court Icstcrday mornliijc , nnd llfty cases continued or net for trial. Two judgments In favor of the National Oak Leather com pany arid the Loulsvlllo Leather t-xnnpany wore rendered against the Holuinan Bioihuru by default. - i. An Hour's Slotte { { Iinc. During the week the Grrfmli Island train , which usually leaves the Unloto 1'aclllo depot nt ? i:0in. : ) . , will not Iravoiunlil 6:10 : p. in. , thusnllowlngvlsltors to the fiur nmplo time to icach the outgoing suburban train , A Mntrhuouinl .llront. There will bo a ( pilot 11 ttio wedding on Davenport stieot this eronlng and the man who signs his nnnio over the lltlo "County Clotk , " will hcjnbient for a lew weeks on a wedding tilp. A Hurglary. Burglars bioko into the residence of n Mr. Urown.who lives at 175 Nitrlh Seventeenth streel.Monday nluht. Tlioy Kioto SiSIn money and n gold watch and chain , besides olhei valuables. _ Vny Itny. Yesloulny was the city's pav da > nndTicas- nrei IJui'k has eheoked out about S'AOOO f < u Ihiblllllos Incurred by llin eity dining the month of August. ' 1 ho tola ) amount ot the nppioijilatlon onllnaiico was S'.UJ.uuu. llrovltloa. The overland train brought m a large number of passengers justcrday morn ing. ing.In pollco court ycstpnlav morning n largo iiumftor ot iimmpoitant cases of drunks and lighters wore tried. The bo.ird of supervisors were engaged ycsti'tday locating county roads and making contracts tor their improvement. Jacob King , ono of the loading tanners of Millard product , came in yesterday with his yearly exhibit of apples ami grain for the fair. After Heldoldorg the ( icrinun Univer sities rank lu point of ago as follows : \Vmv.buig. \ founded in 1103 ; Leip/.ig 110 ! ) , Hostock 1110 , Orcifswaid 1 IfiO , Freiburg l-l.Yi , Turbingoii 1177 , Hallo ( formerly Wittcuburg ) 150J , Breslnu ( formerly Frankfurt ) loOO , Marburg liW7. KonlgH- borgirill , Jona lfil > 7. ( iiesson 1G07 , Kiel IfiO. ' ) , ( lOttungou 17U7 , Krlangcii 17lt ! , Her- in ISO ! ) , Honti 1818 and Aluiiich 18.Hi. I'lii ! University of llrngiu. % in Uohcinia , s elder even than that nf Heidelberg , luiving bocn foumled in 1JI8. ! The Uni versity of 1J isil , in Swlt/icrland , was founded m 1100. Absolutely. Pis ? e Tlilspowdor never vnrios. A mnrvcl of pur- ty , btrciitfth nnil wliolOMUnono'a. SIflro econ omical thmi the ordinary kinds nnd cannt be sold Incoinpmltlon with the multitude oi low test.short woliflit uliira or i > heM > niuo powdcis. Sold onty In onus. UOVAI , I'owotn Co. iUSWnll St. , Now York. FAMOUS REMUR1T , 319 S \ \ th St. Clieapost nnd bcstin Oniiihn. Oystcis Forwil In nil sljlo-i. Mcnls at all licnirs. Upcn tin/i n d night. Cnll nnd eco U8. O. L. SMITH , I'iop. Cut this out. OMAHA 13th St , Cor. Capitol Avenue. roil THE TREATMENT Or AU. Chronic & Stjrgjcal Diseases. DR. r/lcWlENAMYrProprlotor. MilccTi jearu' Hospital mm I'm ate 1'ractlco . _ _ the facilities , npparattie and remedies for the successful treatment of c cry form of ells- ca c requiring cither medical or surgical treatment , nml Imlto nil to came anil Investigate far llicmsch cs or correspond \\ltli us. Long experience lu treat- hi" canon by letter enables uu to treat many cases scientlllcalfy without fcelim them WIHTJ : FOIt CIIICUI.AU on Deformities nnd Iracc ) , Chili Tcct , CnrvutiirrH of the Hplno DISEISES upVOMEV. . J'llcB , Tiimoni , Canccrrf , Cntnrrli , Bronchltl" , Inualntlon , I'.lcctrlclly , rural- Jf\f \ , Hpllcpny , KJilncy , K/uf l.'ar , bkin , Blood and all enrclcal opornllune , lIuuorli'H , Inliiilfin , ItrnrcH , Trusses , anil nil llndK r.Mi-dlcal "u(1 t > nnlcal ; App'lauccti , man- ufactiirtd nnd for tnlo The only reliable n > dlcal Institute making Private , Special i Nervous Diseases rA SI iCIAI.TY. AI.Ij CONTAOIOUH AND JILOOD DISKABIIS , from uhalcvcrrnuP nnjiliicol , riicccosfully trcntrd Wu cm iimoruiSypullltlo poltou frum Iliuejotcin without mercury New re toratlvo treatment for loss \ltalpowor AIJ , COMMUNIOAT10NH CONl'lnKNTJAI , Cull anil consult us or Bend name and pont-oftlco edilrr plainly written cncioeo tlamji , nud no will mid you. In plain wrapper , nor PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN WON i'JIIirATI , Sl-EOIAl , J MJW. M.U IlBUi KB , .SCllINil , WrAKSEtB , HrKnMATOIIItlKEA , IlITOlBN- cr , HrrniLis , ( loNonmiiii , UJJIKT , V nicocEix , HTKICTIMIE , AND > n. vinwr.i of rue GINITO- UniHiKV OKUANI , or tend hlttury of jour cato for on oplnlnni I'iraon unable to vlilt u ra y.lm truled at their liomej , liy corrcfiioiidencu Slcdleineaund Initru- incnt ncut by mail or ciprcsi SEOUHKLY I'ACK * Kit FUUM UIWIiUVATlUN , no markt to tndlcato content * or iicndrr. Ono ponoual Interview pro- /urrwl If convenient , i'lfty ruuinn for the actom- niudatlon of patlcnti. Hoard t > attendance \ at rcaionablo pilcci. Addrcsi aHJUHJers to Omaha Medical and Surgical instKute. Cor. 13th St. and Canltol A ii OMAHA. NED. ' ! THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATEBS. " "fure water is even more important than pure milk , " New York Herald. "T/ie purity of APOLLfNAKIS offers the test security against the dan gers which are common to most of the ordinary drinking u'aters , " London Medical Record. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. PUBLIC. THE NEBRASKA CLOTHING-COMPANY desire to express blieir sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen attending their grand open ing sale for their own and the benefit of the Charleston sufferers. "We will place the neat sum thus raised at the disposal of the people of that unfortunate city , and will keep our IMMENSE STOCK of CLOTHING ING- and FURNISHING- GOODS marked at the low prices at which they were shown on our opening evening. Many expressed surprise at our wonderfully low prices , and it is unnecessary to say that that alone will do us more good than if we made an enormous profit off our sales. Ours is the most complete stock of clothing and furnishing goods ever offered in Omaha. Competition with us will be impossible , for our bottom prices will sell our goods faster than we CK.II make them up. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price with Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. CESS To prove to the public that m did not exag gerate when we said we had the SOL. SIEGEL , MANAGER , Jew York and Oinalia Clotliing Co 1308 Farnam Street. SARATOGA HotSpringsHotd SARATOGA , WYOMING. Tlii-Bowntom contain Iron. f.itng < lum , I.lmo , Sodii , MRKiH'tln , ChloiMoof budliiin uiiil bill. nliur , nnil uro u piHltlvo ruro lot nil illsciiBcs uriBliiif I rom an Jippuiobtatoof the blood Avar- tUlll ipCClllO for KlUHIIIllltlBIU. Daily Stage and Mail Line to and from Fort Stecfo. Good Physician in Attendance , W. / / . VADIt'ELL , Proprietor , "T A lloiiiu nnd Day Pohool for yoniiB < ) ' . 1 ili > llirlilliilly ltii tiul oiiOooiifuliiwii ItolKlita. Lnrgo frcniiiil * ln- ! " II. , Washington , I ) . C. } < I odW Elm City Military Institute , I'lliiclpul , OCH fc CO. 'clrlirnt d l' liji fftHffl HV.Klran0iKS5SriIy : 'KMHT , . . TT . UlU A > cVkV UOIU fc , N. V. r. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The Inrifost stoolf , 1'ilces the lowest. Vine lopnlrln ? napoo ) illy. All wotkviiri.iutsJ , Ouruiir DouRlus und 15th Klioal , Uiinili.t , THE 0. E. iUYNE REfiL ESTATE and T80ST . S\V. : < > K. I5 li A.\J > I'AK.VA.ll , \ . I'ropnrty of every description for eilo : in nil purls of tiio city Lauds for snlc ? . every county lu Nepiasku. A COMI'IJJTK SKT OF AHSTHACTS Of Titins of DoiifjliiB roiinly K pt Miins of tlin city btalu or county , or any othtir Inforniiitiou ( Icsiiod. furii'iMicd tret ) of uliiirgu upon iipp.iiiiitioii. MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR roiiNu jxoLiisivji.Y : : UN iiu : STOVES 5P > BANGES. Thfrn H not n ooLInu npmratutg inntln iifhiff II a flullil O PH IhMir , hilt lln.UUftli > 4llnivejtflil of lueuUU I rum two ul 7 I1 > at furir i * > r < tiit , of tliu uiuit rmul * ! , Inntlior oril , oilliof lx rnuliililna tui luunJiif iniitnl nidlliiui In K ll-dun > i will lu-u lliriv , | 3iiinl , The BUimi lonntoel in tha Olmitcr Oak llanu'o uslnir thu Wlin QauzaOvuu Door KIJCB ubout ono round. lei > llaiTiiiiuilla * > lirn1t ! It In lavtn lira" i > otllon nf . | l < Julio ninlIlitror. 1li ll'.nn ' il < inolnM'"rul , urJ StKS III U8I ATtO ClBCULAI S * n PHICt IHT . H become * touiili , luitu' M Ml uuiiiUUtbl * . OHAHTEB OAK BTOVEs'nnd KANOE3 are BOLI ) IN NKBRAEKA ai followu MILTON KOUKUS fii'oOHS .OMAHA , TANNI'I l.ft KWI I Nl.V , 1 * . KICNNKV , . ( II'IIM. RlAfiUlt FKAM.IIH , lAM.ASft l.UISON , . - . , N I lOIIN ON Nouin HKIID. i.u : IIKKWI.K. . . HAY I.McCAl II'KTV ( I'Nrni. CITY , II AIIU ) rCO . . n iiA/.uwoor : > , . W. r. 'IBMI'I.CION NlLkOW , J S UOKU 1'lATTtMuUIII , i II STUKDLVAM'ftbOH , . . X , IM.AUSON , . SiTCVIIMI , ' ' ( . 'llAlltOM J 0 ( ilUCl N , . . . . . . , KKAUS LU'B'KRK & \ \ KI oil' , Coil HIu 1 A I'AIHll.N &f < W. . . , , in'IIKUlK , Ol.DS lIKOb . . . . . . . . 1-lKAX 'jIMMHtMAN ft lU\KrU ,