Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Alvcrtl rtncnts under this hold , 10 cents per
line tor ttif lr ) t insertion , 7 cents for ouch sub-
epriuenl in ortlon. and I1.W ) R llnp per month
No ndicrtisomenl tnkcn for lews than 3 ! > cents
for ttio tlr t insertion. Pc pn words will bo
counted to the lines they mnot run con fcu
Hvtly find must be pnld In advance. All nd % er
t.'tincnt mu t bo linndod In before 2 o'clock
H m , und umlfr no clrcuinstances will tlicj betaken
taken or < ! loonlinmil ly telephone.
1'tiMH adcrti'liie In the iolumns fin.l hir-
Jnrthonn9wer ( i'drod in Mite of Ttir. HER
trill t lf e n < k fnr n chrck toonatl < - them to Ret
their letter" , ns none will bn dollvprwl except
on pro * < 'ntntl ( n of check. All fm wers to nd-
vortiM-incnt1' thonld bp endox l In cnvi | OIK > .
T \NS-Ixjuns Loans.
Itpnl -tnic lonns.
CollHtctnl lonns.
( liattfl IOHIH.
Lontr tune lonno.
short time lonns.
Money nlwnys on Imnd to loan on nny np-
provpil Rppurlty. '
Investment i'C irltlr8 bouirbt nnd nld.
Cml ot thoolllc-o of the Oinnlin Klniinrlal pt >
channo , econd lloorof the Iliirkor block , s. w.
cor. of Fifteenth nnd rarimtn sts.
\ \ OXKYTO LOAN At lowest rntesof Inter-
AM eston farms nnd Improved city piopeity.
F .1 Dnv A Co. , room A , CITIUXJ block , S. K.
corner Capital nx enuo nnd IClh street MC-00
Of A > i > riit : ci ; > I monex to limn on
i rnrinsnndclly piopcrty. L P. llniiiiiu'tid ,
lloom ft , l.V Douglas t. , oiiinhn. 70S
" MW.OUO To loiin on oliiium city property nt"7 ,
$ per cent. Interest , a. W. Day. over IS 12
Douglns at. Pl _ _
' ClINT Money to uutu J. J. Mnhonoy ,
CI'KU Farnam. KM
7f"riit CENT money to loan. It. C Patterson ,
U inth and Douglas. WW _ _
" " " 7. and Rp'ercent mnncy to loan. Mortgages
tnkoa In cvzchangc for re il estnto. I cntrnl
Investment Co , Hooin 7 , IJaikcr lllock.uor 16tli
andrhrMtn > * S3
T\7E1 imve cbenp money on long time , in nny
V > \ fonn on Iniide city property , or
farm land. Marshall i Lobeek. 1511 I'nrnnm st.
TO I , ) Alf 1\t lower rntusttmnnny *
MlJNKY P ! O In the clty.onf uniltiiro , planoi ,
organs , horse * , wnitonn , or Block of nny kind.
Knoioniber , nt lower roti1' than nnv other loan
company m thn rlty. nty I/ian .V MortKntjo
Co. . room 15 , 1401 Farnnm st , opposlts 1'aiton
hotel. _ _ _ _ _ GO.i _
to loan by the iinMcrslitnoit , who has
MONKY properly onwni/od loan nccney
In Omnhtt Ix > nn ot f 10 to 1 1,000 mndo on fur
niture , plnnoo. ownnt , horses , wnijoni. machin
ery , Ac. , without rctiwnl No delnyi. All
burlncM strictly confidential Ixions so mndo
Hint nny pnrt can bo pnld nt any tlnio. cnch pny-
raent ro < luclnK the co t pro rnta. Advnncog
mndoon fine wntchos nnd diamonds 1'prson *
Fhnulil cnrof ully con'ldcr who tbov nro dcnllns
with , ns mnnv new concerns nro dnlly comlntr
Into oxlftence. Should you need moner , call
nnd PPO mo , W. R Croft , lloora 4 , Wlthnell
R , 15th nnd Hnrncy. 00
CPF.K CF.NT Monev to loan. Slounrt Jt Co. .
Itoom.'t , Iron bank , ICth nnd Farnam C07
$3OOOO to loan. Sums f5' nnd upwards.
LOB est rtitos. Ilomls , 15tli nnd Douglas stg.
_ MS
M" oirrrr TO I.OAN-O. F. nnvis xcoT" rio I
Bstat * nnd loan agents , 1505 FarnnmSt ,
_ _ ! * '
TtTONKv TO I.OAN-OII real estate and ehoT
M"M tehi. D. L. Thomas. _ oil
MONKY 10 LOAN in sum ? of * " 00 and upT
wards on first-class real cstat * eva-f..ltT-
Potter -
M dNKY L < > ANKD nt a F. Heed & Co' * . Loan
office , on furniture , pianos. horf < p . wiurons
personal proportr of all kinds nnd all other ar
ticles of rolue. without removal. 319 a i3th
o cr ninirhnm's Commission Btoro. AJ1 bus
DOBS Btrlctlr confidontAU 13
171011 SALK Small Drup ptoro In the suburbs
J of ( hnnhii. pn\ oil street. Jtcnt rcasonndlo.
Address L 70 Heo olllco. 70112 *
"T71OH SALK Uoardlnp house ; sickness cause
-L' of soiling. IiKulront220i | ( , CummlniTBt.
U50 I3
FOH SALL Implement stoic and blacksmith
fhop , combined or Boparntod , in ono of the
llvoll-t towns in Nebraska. For f urthor par
ticulars add | ess L. I ) . , poit boslftl , Iteomer ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
TTIOIt SAL ! ! Ono'of the best hotel properiTcs
JIn the otnto : olBht thoiiPiind dollars. Uvo
thousand cn h , balnncu on longilmo , sold on
npcoiint of sickness. AddicssJ. K. N. . Albion.
Jsobr feJ4 in *
_ _
T ? ° ' , ' "JAI.i : ( Joortiinjlng grocery ttore.ono
I1 of the ben locatloiiR In city good reasons
for selling L Kl , Heo ollico 570 , B
f ITIOK SAl.i : One of tlio oldest established
JL ? Riocory bnclness In the city , with a very
large , wolf-paying trade. Will exchange for
Oninlin real estate or part cash and balance se
emed notes. Good reasons given for snllln g.
Aililiogg 141. ) Jones. _ _ yti7
* | jTKi.viii ; Or trade lor Omaha property.
JJ The bc-t located livery business , with stock
in the city. Lonif lenso of burn at cheap rent.
Jtnyno llros. , 151 Fnrnnin. 441
"tjlOlS SAl.Ii An old nnd well established
J1 grocery business , address L 10 , lloo ofUcu
SAMJ The complnlo iurnltiiru of the
JT Nebraska Vinegar Works. Cnll soon on
IX Krcbs. Joups st bet Bth und 10th Bt , Omaha.
T7IOH SAMAn elegant cstnbllshed business"
Jlliolfist of the kind in the west locntcd In
this city ; nut profits J.'i.lXW.OJ jier annum ; will
bear rloMst ? Inxcstlgntion ; invoice about
Sin.UXHK ) . I'm ties with means wishing to stop
Into ti fine business nddross 1C 7 , lloo ollleo. 614
TT1OIC S/VLH Ffrst-clnss meat innrnot with
-L nice fixtures , nil complete ; itood trndo ;
Hc81 ,9r jcasons for selling. Cnll or wrlto to
tlooJW. > li > Bi > on. 16J1 Howard. 815
HOU KS Lots.FarinB.uinds money loaned.
_ Ilcinls , 15th andl _ > ouglas8troet8. _ 018
TTToil sAI.K-ovcrnl stocks of goods , dolngU
J-1 henlthy business , onnorship clour , sntls-
Jnctlonguniaiitocd ; terms etisy. some Omnhix
jiroperty taken In /.xchango. Marshall i Lo-
lieck. 1M1 Kiirnnm
T OST Hlack Goidon setter pup , a months old ,
J Irom 25th and DodgoHoturu to f > 25 Fair-
lUnrtiml iccclvc reward , U70 8 *
STitA\Ji-From : Omaha Fiirr Grounds
black goldliig. Ono foot whlto to knco ; 5
joaroln ; eight about1,00) ) . Finder will bo ru-
viinlod by rcturnhif to Adam Thompeon , Fair
Gioiinds. ' , HJt
I OST PocXplbook , iio monoyl vahmbTo
J patorp , bolwien city mid fair giounds.
I'lcnsolcmo Muiohnnls.hotul imu incdlvo lib
eral i owurd. p. p. Cook. IU3-7 *
nAKKN ri At WtisWiiiftorrillll , D led hojfor
JL cnltol.llllum Enston ,
St-pt 7,14,21,1805
BOAIllil.Nd-i.-Jt Capitol u\oiiiio , noithoA't
corner Tlilrtoenth street , houto noulr
turnlihod ; ovurythlng flrst-class. 7J37 *
B Day or week. I3l)7Cassst. )
BnOAJiD 73B 7 *
nOAJiD ' And lodglucs , ntii ! N 10th st.
"l. > iitSONAL : Neat nnd tasty all-wool business
. . suli * , f7. L. O. Jones & Co. , American
Cinthier > , I3J FariiBUi st. Mnl ! eiders tilled.
Kfl N 0
IDUn.SONAL-Wanted mluito tutorshlp-Mu-
. * Mu , .VI ; laiiKuavos. r.iigilsh subjects. Thor-
clllcleuoy. M 11 * lice olllco.
_ _
- L L.Tnomus. teacher "of
piilntlnp imd music , ICH Davenport si. VU 'M
iftllSdNAL-Piuno iind > loltn i5TiKUr"pTl"
t yatcly ; Instruction of llrnt order : PrntosW
" Iflllo , c re Mnx Me ) or. syfi O 5'
pKU > ON \isHors6houIunlsovisll the
i J rc'jt AiiicriciinClothtfra , I o. Jono A
1 H I Hnmiu SU p.JQ
. lr ) Nni-nio VV WTiFrcn
. rtalrvoj nnt. Mcdk-nl iin.l bueiueas Jlmllura
Kww .No. n , 1SI NgrtJi ICtU n , Orijiihu , cb.
_ _ _ C13
] > ! JtsONAI To buy esiHtorto7Lorro i
I imiiify , oriict i tin in.Mnut of titleo fn
the otlico nf It. f. I'Bttorson , 13ti ) nna iJoujthib.
-j p vruAoitinsATiY iTtrE onov-on
4- < < p htbtlon ! In
P-ivjIHoi : tuo 6nt urn * in
ijinaha. lmmmi\cr't ) > llydruullu Clothe tVn li.
IT" . J'Uii ltr t uu.fou'y iMiahcrthm Uuciltsnwn
work. J'nrtlo * wanted to inuiiufiicturu the
rniao for Nobrif'r.o. Cnll In P.u uiloa. Ifth ntm
C'aiiolatt | | > . OthtT rlrhu lor ulti. Ibdroullo
Clolin t Wither M'tKCo.uf _ lUjLJI. DaumuoyBr.
J tou i\cil : . \ \ ( , i -l'or"horfci ami cows.
J noucoi Mi'l lot * nnd vascnt lotti Uy IIR'IBU '
Ilroi. . lulO UouKlm U tea u
I'J monthly. A
Hoyo. 6-'Q
KK : ' Squ'1 ! ' * Fiano.Vt monthly. A
np . 1513 Douglitt. eil
fPilKKS. HOICK. Sbrubt. em , "plained f roc ( or
* pcr 3DI biijloycf Do'it'lan Co "
CO. llowsrd , Prop. , P , O. bojt 3 ,
Foil HKNT Organs , t3 per month. ilo po , 1
. Ci !
lB13pouplft |
_ _ _ _
UTKNOOllAPHY ntia Typowntlnjf chooL
O llooms T nnd 9 , Iron bnnki O , W. linker
SCHOOLS-A private school for
J small boysnn'l rlrl will bo opened by Mr .
Vnnnio IMenr , Scptfmber 13tn , nt 2Mb And
\\cli tpr sti. Parents wishing to plnco their
children witV icr imiulru nt 514 North J2n < l st.
< -f
j" it ' AI.IJ Two a hnw etnlllons. Apply nt
burn , corner lUii ntnl Hownrd. Vii 'i1
ITTOIt MALI5-A line flr t cl s cnrilmrP horse ,
Pliittlo nr double di Ivor , lliqunc of 0. U
iriclon.opp. : . P. O. MO
TTlOll s\l.l HnrM > ninl btiirrv. Aiiply at
J- stables , s. w. cor. llth nnd ihlciero streets-
ttis *
" noltSAI , ! : A tincthornuKhbictlsnil'ifo her c
tlvnjcnrs old , perfectly KpntK'I ho finest ,
f > nillp ( ! bnr o in the city , J W. filler , loom
7 , Iron Until ; Wfl-7
"lOll"SALl-r TieTinblo hnr p , with 67 wlthrtiTt
-i cnrrliipontnl hnrnrss ; for f nlo or trnde for
proocrlcs. Cnll nt 503 8 Ulb. . TO1
iiioll SAl.K Furniture of n nlco cottnco ,
oinploto for lioiistko pliifr. In a > ory dujlr-
nblo pivrtof the city , ( llouso lor Kent. ) Ad
dress M 1H , Ilio Olllco. 6877'
| T > > lt SAM- : Mulls tire nnd burjrlnr proof
J linn k ? if o with time luck , oed n new.
1. let prloo fWl.OO , will sell cheap. Arllnutou ,
Nub. J. A. Utithnnk. ( 9
1J\on \ SAl.i-1co : In our lend lots. Address
X1 l.llbort llros. , Council lllutls. tflJ 1
FDIt SAMJ riirnituro mull cn < oot six-room
house , -time on pnrt. Cull I'.U ! North E7th
Mrcot. two blocks from Ilod Car lino. _ hOJ
I71OH SLi : Chcnp.IOl hcnd Inruo pony mnrcs
" Apply on prutiil c , Wlllnrd Klshcr fnim ,
ono mlle north of Anchor mills nnd six mllc
soutlrHvstofOmnhn. t'MV
HlH'.SK1 * I/its , I'arins.Lnnas money loaned.
Ilomlg 1.1th a tul Douglas stroots. Ci )
7L1 | > < ) lt s.vti : Kurnituro B-room bouno com-
-L1 ploto for hoiisokoeplnir : prlco J3O ) , pnrt
payment If dcslrotl. IIono rent $ S per month ,
line locution , 171V UouKlns st. ( XII
I poll SAMI Two No. 1 , second hand , canopy
' top Siirrej s : nlso two peed , second hand
phaetons , at 14irloaj08trcct _ S35.
SALE Cncnp. iron columns nnd window
dow cnps Miltnhto for front on brick build *
Ins. 1'or particulars npplnt this olllco. 6U
\VANTii-Glrl. Apply nt 1707 St Mnry's
> > nx-onuo. U74-7 *
\\7ANTP.Il-Good girl to work In prixnto
> 1 boarding House , good wages , 617 S l-th st.
\\7ANTED-Glrlfor general housework. In-
I i quire ofO P. McCnrtiir , hoailijunrtors U.
P. Hy. , Sthnnd Fnrnnm.ornt residence1 , Windsor
ser Plnue , adjoining Hnnscoui park on the
west. Cll-8 *
NTKO-2 dining room girls , 1 dishwasher.
Miller's restaurant , 10J4 N. Wtu street.
V\7ANTKI > Olrl for gcncrnl hou'oxvork in
I small family. Mrs. Thos F. Hall. 1541
Sherman nxo. 913
\17PA > 'Tii > A teed gill for general house-
> i work , best wntrog , family of live. 3d house
north of Loivonworth , west site Colfnx st.
Pnrk nvo. cars. 022-H
ANTED Girl at once , 1120 Jnokson street.
Itll b *
TTfANTKIJ Voting girl between 14 nnd 15
T > years , 1135 n 19th st , DOO-7 *
) A goo 1 second hand nt Union
> T Dnkory , 52J Main street. Council lllulfs.
Sept 0-1
A NTin Throe dining room girls nt Onn-
W bnum's restaurant. Btcndy pinco. 89.J-9
: > An experienced womnn to do
general housework : . Good wages paid , ono
in family , good place for thn right uomnti. Call
between 5 and 0 p. m. , 112 N. Oth St. Lulu Hog-
crs. 830
" \A7"A > "TI2U Agirllit 2423 Capital Avenue.
VV 8737 *
yi/ANTKD A plrl for genornl housework.
Mrs. W. W. IJlnfflmm , 812 3 ICtti st.b73
b73 7 *
Dining-room girl 4ind' chnmbor-
WANTED . House , 213 S ICth st.
- - 8147 *
\TTAJfTnn At inTT Cnpltolnvc.goodlndy
cook Immediately. 1155 U *
V7ANTii > A ( food girl for general xvork In
family of txvo ; good wages nnd ttendy
place for good Blrl. Inquire ot C. L. Krlckson ,
opp. P. O. | 5111
" \\7ANTii > A good steady dining room girl
> V nt 1C22 Hurt st. ' . ' 13 b
' \ " \ 7NTKI ) Good cook nnd dining loominrl
ut 012 Pierce St. U12-8 *
WANTIil ) Two dining room nnd txvo laun
dry girls nt Arcndo hotol. 935 9
\X7ANTK1 > Lndlcs to work for usattholr
TI oxxn homes. $7 to f 10 per xvcek can bo
quietly made No pboto. painting ; no cnnviiss-
ing. For full partlculnrs , plon o nddrcss nt
onco. CicAcunt Art Co. , 19 Central st. llofton ,
Mass. , 110X5170. 'JOJ011 *
WANTKD Girl for general nousuwork , 1913
Dodge. 000 7
T\TANTED-Good kitchen girl. 1814 Pierce Bt.
W ANTF.D Good cook , female preferred ,
I'latt Valley house , Ashland. Neb. KO 0 *
WANTF.D A jrirl for general housework nt
1521 bhcrmun nvo,3d house north of Qrnco
Bt. 8C4
WANTED A competent girl for general
.nousonorkin smnll family : references
required. Mrs. Moiklc , 2422 CiUdwcll struct.
8307 *
-r\rANTKD 40 girls for private families first
IT nnd second work , also dlnlngioom.kitch-
en and nurse girls , gooa female cooks , best of
wages Call and sco Omaha Employment Ilu-
reau. 11 ! ) North ICth Bt. 81 §
) Hena cook nt the Famous res-
tnuraut. 318 S llth et 789
\TrANTii-C3ok : at 912 Douglas St.Olive
> > Ilrauch. 18
f All tha glrlj In Omaha nnd
> i country towns to fill nil tnu good places I
have In private families , hotel , restaurant , etc.
Cooks , dining room gills , HrU and second and
iiuisii giiK.good places , good wages , call and
nsk about ttif in. Umnlm Employment Huieau
III ) Noith Iflih st. 020-1
1ANTin A girl to do house work nt N. W.
cor. : of 5th and Sewnrd streets. 777 B
" \\TA.VTJCli-Ono dishwasher , two wallers
i r ono cook , at Ncj.-rlj' Hcstuurunt , 1U4 8.
ICth EU ' , >
* l\rANTii : > UoodciumlieKinUiU at the Win-
11 Ror tiotul. 7fi3
WANTED A filrl to do general houiuwork ;
good waitos xrill bo paid. Enquire nt No.
OS Chicago and Slat. 760
WAXT15I dining roonT eir7 7s""nrM cln"ss
xvomen coukn. No. 1719 Ciunlng st. bet I7th
nndlSth. 747 7
tTTANTKU A thambrr maid ut 912 Douglns.
V V OIlvo Ilranch , 7W
v\r.V' " Tji > Oood cook Rim Irumitross ; no
t others noel npnly ; irforrnce rcnuiroj.
Apply MIS , w. n sicctiru. s > j ( 6 , mil. KX
\VANTKD llj Sop'tcmbor th ntHVX Dod o
ii sti ncnt aiid cpnipctcnt Klrl with rccoin-
munilatlons to Jo pcnurnl housowoik , small
family und good wasos , CM '
vv > Olrl for general houhework.Ger-
man preferred , rio. 191H Capitol a > UIIUB.
"IXTANTUJJ A good nurto firl M lift Coijvciit
WAXTiu-uinucr : ! room cr ! ! at tha ran.
Held houso. 5TS
T\ rAM-ii-oirl Ilushuian. ; , 1513
.7 ANT K U-OirlatlDI 8 15th fct , f or jrenoral -
ITA ! TI2I tllrl for gcuoral housework at
x 1H3 Webster st. HT2
"VfTANTKU St youna ladles and pcnts to
' I Icnrn telegraphy. ProspocU for po > ltloii
vrhcn competentKQOd. Aildrcsi W. J. I > . room
lCrouit.obUvk IClh it , Omaha. ( U5
" \\TANTKDaA partner In an cBtabl'itiod and
i i iroo'l pyinir bu. lues. either lad ) or pnn-
tlenian ; uinooorntc utaouiit ot meaub rortulrcd ,
Addtf M L * > l.c'0 oll'.co. JM *
" * t > lTjn'l'r < ' 6B00 < 1 houeo pantenat ! 1C
> V and Sth m , Liucoln. tar 7'
XTTANTKO-Two tlift-cluss cott maVora und
i onn iinntttioons nmkor. Vonuanent worlc
and fliit cluss pay. Johii autcel r , lib B 10th
tt , Llm-oln. Wi , 8
* \\7AKTio-UcnordI : utfonti. Good saiury.or
i 63o on the dollnr to huesale ! uiy ooJs ,
Ibiro chance to uial.u money No competition.
Slricuy l'U ! cs . None but huUQMi mon nocJ
hnply , AiMn-tt with Weaver. Ill-
< Jiantpoll . led. nt O t
" \\7AVrm Good tnllors for tustom worn
nt 3J3 South llth St. . J.Qohon. 016 S
" \\7A > 'TKO Ono good wood turner : al o , nn
1 i engineer. Apply nt D. Noble \ Co ' ,2Bth
nndCummlnir. PT2-V
WA > ! : > -2 jrcoJ finishers ntPnxton *
Vlerllnglron ixorks , U. P. trnck nnd 17th
St. MI-7
, A\rANTlyl A mtin of good nrlriroM tor
i T light out dnor work.must gix-e reforcnccs
Addrc s , P. n. box 333 , city WI-7
\VANTKl ! Able netit < on / .ell's"1'neycfo
> > pedlM. Address , T Ellwood Xell. I'hlla.
dolphin , Pn. n 7 *
TA > Tin : A colored boy. 14 or II ) jcnrsold ,
700 S. 10th St , to xx ork in barber l > p.
\\'A > Tii-A man to cook on tnnn six mile ?
i from Otnnhn. Apply to Mrs. W. K. Annin ,
lln-l Shermnn me. 1W
\\f AVTM > Actlvobnslnefs men , .1 M
I > French A ( o , 10 liu litnnn block. . . ' ; < 9
" \\rAMii : > Firsttlai-s barber. Lending
IT xtnues. None but n workman need apply
Clms Holsler , No. 410 ll'xxnj , Council IllulTo.
VI r AM Il General agents. Uoo I rtli\ry or
i * W cents on the to wholesale our
poods Itnrc chance to make tnonoy. No com-
petion Strictly busme s None but busino s
men need &i plj. Address , xutb stump,9. i H , ,
IKMtli St .Council lllulTs , In. sjli _
\ \ .rANTKD One flrst-clnss bar tender , under
1 > 1303 Fnrnnm sticet. P3 B
V\7AM'ii : > First-class white barber at ' 013
i I 10th St. 911 7 *
V\7ANTKU Tinners ntr.'OJ Cummlng t.
P4'J 7'
"rvrANTKn A student or yoting'nian itiicm-
il Jiloyednfler4 p. m. totiellvern route on
Dnlly Ex oiling llec. t'J7
"I VANTKU-llarbcr , 311 S. l.'th St. 0477 *
W ANTKU Newspaper press foodur. Stnto
Jouuml Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Wi
WAl'NTB An c.xporlenced dry Roods siilos-
man with rpieronces nt The Fnlr,5irJ ,
SOI , SOP and 503 8 IBtli Bt. T
) A clun' ' jalesmnn : one who has
' ' an established trade In Nebraska outsldo
of the Itepulillcan Milley ; referoneo required.
Address U. II Sallnror'Atchlson , Kan. BW
\XTAN1 ii - Laborers for railroad xvnrk II
11 S. Albright Labor Ayency , 1303 Fnninm ,
\VANTiu : A cnrrlairo trimmer by GmftolT
ii & Drummond , 1317 Hurner. 354
-.I Men nnd xx omen nocdlntr profit-
nblocmplnxinent Pnhiiy or cominC-slon.
Goods staple. IJvcryUodv blivs. Address , x. ith
stamp , Converse Mtg. Co. , 125uliu'v st . Chl
cnvo. 15S8 *
WANTKD-Hy n jounir lady position ns copy
ist in olDco : best of rottsrencc. Adarcss
11D n 10th st. O in ulm employment bureau.
tv > 5 12
A situation as conchman by ix
' yoiinir man experienced in ttio care of
horses. Address M ! B , Itt'O Ulllco. _ pn
WANTit > To exchange C shares of peed
paylnir stock in an Omalia incorponitlon
for n pair of good horses Address , M , 2J Heo
olllco. . ' 4-U
WANTED 2 or 3 ilufilinlshod looms , first
lloor , for light liousckceplnp ; no chil
dren ; rent not to exceed 510 per month. Ad
dress M 23 , Uoo OlIICC. 959 8 *
ANTin \ isltors to the fair wishing information -
formation ns to the valun of Omnha city
nnd suburban property , or tnfotmntlon con-
co nil inr any other kind of business , to c.ill
upon W , S. ticavcy , Honl Estate AKont , III S.
llth street. IMS 7
) Pupils for Oertnnn nnd Liitln ,
Ti puln tnkjng cure , competency , success ;
nddres- IV lloo ollico. 8 ' . " > O 5 *
\\7ANTED-A smnll stock of hnmxvnro.
T i stox es.etc , xorth about $2,000for Chicago
suburbnn property nnd cash. Geo. A. llerrlek ,
94 Market St. , Chicago. bii5 7 *
\-T7ANTni ) i Indy boarders nt 2414 Chicago
El. Mrs Kvnns 611 8
VI'ANTED Good lot foncsidenco : state cash
ii prlco and locution ; address 31 4 lice olllco.
D I IITYA > riil-.TW,0)0 ! jard's of dlrllcTbo
delivered on tiicAnthon tract . next west
of Crolffhtoncollose. HOSTS k Hill , HiH Fnr-
- , , ; . - ; ; >
nI - A8ot ; pecona-hftndNDj 'l ( m-
inpton typo-wrlt&r , for"cish. ? " Aadrd's P.
O. Hoi-114. .111
W ANTiu Teams. T. Murray.
WANTii > To buy n gooa business propertj"
for xvholesiile or retail purposes. Give
description nnd lowest price. L 61 , lieo olllcu.
ITANTIIJ A goolresidence nndTot or good
i' bulldtng lot In good location Give loxxes
prlco and terms nnd lull dosenptlon. L 5) Itect
otlico. fioi
FOR ItKNT Fix-o noxv houses east front ,
Colfnx st. north of Lcnvcnxxorth nil modern
convonlcnccB , oxerjthing llrst class. $45 per
month. J. It. Evans A : Co. 1510 Dodge , iei-8
FOR KENT ForO monthsft furnighod house
of 7-rooms. bus city xxntor and largo elf tern.
rellAMcCandllsh.lSU Dodge. 755 8'
" 1710H SALE Oil KENT I have 7 nexvO-room
-t houses for sale or rent In my addition , cr I
wll sc.ll lots nnd build sucb houses ns persons
mny wish , on ousy terms. Call at room 2 , Ar-
1 URton block , A. S. Patrick , 8t7 ! 15 *
FOH HKNT (1-room ( cottngo , Hnrnoy near
0th. ? 30 per month. S. A. blomnn. 1512
Fnrnam st t'fl'J
TfflOlt ItKNT Good P-room house moiioni
-lj Improvements. Inquire 1318 Fnmnm , 710
OU IUNT A store , good locality for dry
goods , boots and shoos. Inquire 14128.
13th st. CSS
Foil UINT tfexr B-room house , 1 mile from x\ntor , etc. D. C. Patterson ,
Omnha Nat'l bnnk. 740
FOIt KHNr- room house 24th nenr Dnven-
port. Inquire ut 12U5 Furnum , Joionh
Itoscnsloln. 6so
T71i lllliNT The Gcrmnn M. E.churoh oulM-
Jing , on the southeast corner Txvolfth and
Jnckson streets , for unx * logitlmuto business. It.
C. Putter'-on , lilth and Douglas. 4.11
I71llt HKNT 10 room riisidcnco botxvccn
J Douglas nnd Fnrnnm. on SM.wlth nil mod
ern improvomor.ts. Ludxx'lck & Sony.S. E. cor.
15th nnd Douglns. S'3
TOK LEASE Wo hnx-o cloven ucros on U. P.
U. U. trnck , 800 foot front : xvill loiv-o nil or
pnrtfortlvovenrs. Ilodford & Souor WJ
YOPNO MKN Desiring nicely furnifiiied
room with use of bath and gas , call at sw
corner ot Webster , lloaid can be hud Uuso by.
OH UKNT-2 unfurnished looms , 1410 Chl-
cugo st. IICJ-T *
TTIOIt ItKNT a rooms furnished for housn-
A ; keeping , to couple who wish work on
piomisug.ulso forsulo good milk cow , on time ,
Address M 24 , llcoollloo. 001.13
T71OII ItKNT Nicely furnlhed front roonT !
J-1 suitable for 2 ; also table board f > OJ a.
It'th. ' oor. St , Mary's ovo. _ t34 | 12 *
Foil HKNT 3 largo rpoms newly papered
and pnlntod , for housekeeping , LoLo and
0th. f li.00. A. Wugnor. ' OM
roil ItKNT Tvfo unfurnished rooms. 1015
Dodge. QJ5-9
"T710K ItKNT Pleasant furnUhed room * ,
- . south front brick tlat , board can bo had
next door. Apply at'1416 Chlcugo st. P43
Ijllilt UKNT Nicely furnlshe < l front room for
i-1 mini nnd wife. Good parties only. Price
$15 per month. J310 Capitol nvd. t93 7
FOU ItK.NrDosTraTiio front room : Vood'in"
cationssuitable for2 gentleman. 012 f.llih
" [ 71OH HENT-Vcry desirable rooms wlin
-L' bonid ; nil oomanlcucoj , 2225 Dodgu. U15
ItKNT Nicely furnished room IC23
UUNT-Kirnsbod teems , 1C01 Ho a.u
_ _ _ _ 4 0 4
TT OU IJKNT Nlcvly fuinishod rooms
J _ board. IBM Paul * . fc3T I"
"TTUif KKVf Kuriiishe.l . rooms fofllfrht h'ffuTo
J. kocpiutrln llttmer'otlook cxjriiglith ; and
JlowaiU. _ _ ait
"ITtOlt ifKNT rrontroora'on FariThth ,
-L' lent olllco location. II. W. Iluntroes ,
Urn urn. HI )
TJ 'ili it KNT-Nlcely f urnlsbi d front room in
.L' liandEome rottajro. J8 per month. AU6 Wal
nut su Klglu minutes walk soutucast r , p.
depot. _ _ r _ Tftj
'OQK KENT NewlyluriiUhod ropra8.0o"per
-L raontU ; Inquire Kiiufiuan llros. , HCJJ Kar-
nam. 779
FOII HUNT furnished rooms , SSB Dodjre , '
_ , _ 605 b
n > Oll ENT ruralshed rooms. tOl N. 15tE
* 831-6'
_ . . _
fno HUM' luroUlioaroouui. filtt Pleasant
* 7MO.S
. KST Newly furiilsbod front rooms" ,
Sea a ICtb , cor. Ittb and liarnojr. buO b *
"fi0n lir.NT-Kturly fumi'hol suite of front
J ronms , wnt < fr < iras nnd bath , 181 Cnpltol
ntnntio. Lj Bis 11 *
. _ _ _
lTHH HKNT 3ly ; furnished room. r Vi south
JL1 17th st. , \l _ 01" S'
TT oif ItENTComfortnblo ronm with peed
4J table board at 1"U1 Farnam t. P07-S'
; M > K KUNTf liAtmi vlih bonrdTfsm Holv"
J < nrd. ( t'lf _ PCR-S *
Ijurri HUN r Noly furnrshcd room,8Ml st
J Mnry's a\tr * * _ 783
SALK-Hl'mlor Dedroom nnd Mtchrn
furniture carppte.rnnpe nnd hentlnp tOM's ,
nllnearlj new , n Kentle bor e fl\o years old ,
nil nt n Impair/ , * Klflug up housokceplnir , S5U
Douglas M. _ , ! C25
Flt KNT A few oflloo spaces for rent ,
ononith fnmrindow on prounJ lloor.
Knqulreof J S. Hlchnrilson , lVK > Vnrnnm ft.
_ _ _
" 1JMHI KKN r 2 Inrire fiirnl-hc-t ronnis with
J inodorn t-nnvonlenco' . nl < i llrsl-cln s tnblo
bonid. dinner 0 p. in. , references required ,
ISUDodtro. 00
Itcal Kelute \ Hetitnl Apoiits ,
1812 Douclns Street.
Wo offer barcnliis In lots us follow" :
HmUhorno . f ( Vfl to 8 050
Iliinccoin Plnco . 1,00 j " 2.411
Kllby Plnco . C.'iO " 1,101
Orchardlllll . G9) ) " IKW
Arlington . i . 700" 7M
Klrkwood . J . WO " NM
Wo-t Pldo . : K " 400
PruynPnrk . . . . . aoi " 4iW
Oninlin Vtow . . . . . TOO " 7.10
Iltilford . OX ) " 70d
T OlS in Lei\onivorth HtKlnoM Place , this
JUIw eci , will bo old ns low us P.MJO. This is tr-o
crossing of Lcavenworth street und the licit
Uno , mid Is the best opportunity fur Fpoculn-
lion In ttio city , or t ) lots will be sold in bulk
It is convenient for stdo trncks. .lust the
place for warehouses ; the best plnco lor gro
cery store ; iho bust plnco for lumber 'ind co'nl
vnrdjtho best plnco lor linrdwnrc store : the
best plnco for bmcMmlth shop. Kor particu
lars seoJ.W. Kller , room 7 , Iron Unnk or. I. W.
Lognnontho promises. _ ttTi U
TTIOIt sLK J. l. livnns A Co. . Heal Estnto
Agents , 1510 Doiliro street , Invite cspocinl
nttnntlon to the following tmrtriilns ns n sninplo
of the chiiracter of property HMod with them.
Corner IUsLowe's addition , Jl.ODO ;
Hhlnn's 2d , $1,20) : Hnwthoriio , tl.OOO ;
Yntos & Hoo-1'8. 871K ) ; Clarendon , two lots ,
$2,000 : Patrick's , SI , 400 ! Walnut Hill , two
lots $1,500. llurr Dak. 7.Vxl32 , S.OOO ; Preston -
ton , IMO lots 5200. hiiU'o , 2d ndd. , two
lots. f,1,100 ; Iliiii-icoiii Place , Jl.WO : Ueer
PnrK , $ "Kl : Plnliixiow , tsjjj ( ieorgln nve-
nue , ? JVoj ) rnrnnm street , two lots ,
C4iij0j Isnncs \ Soldon s , fJ.OOJi Kllby
I'liiee , * 1,2JOJ Lonvmiworth stieet , $ o,0\X ) ;
two lots , Omaha View , $1,400 ; Colfnx st. ,
KastlVo'nts : Shiill's 2d ndd. , Sl.OOO to Sl.sOO ;
llnn coni Place , ft AW tofJ.HK ) ; Pnrknvo-
nuo , 55,000 ; llnu thorne , $1,100 to * 1,00 :
YntosA lleml'8 , f7M ) to ? 8jO ; I re ton. t'M )
to ? l,2')0 : Tnbor Plnco , fl.lOJ : Potter's ad
dition , S1.SUO ; Jerome Pnrk. f 1,100 ; Kllby
Plnce.l,2iXc : tEnd. 51.S10 to Jl.OJU ;
Plalnvlew , f7W : Two lots , Omnha VIew ,
? 1,4IK ) for both : Shull's 1st , SI Icet. $2.100 ;
SaundersSt. . Jl.TOOslnelnir llnnscomPnrk ,
two lots. TOr-ll'j , unind locution tor resi
dence ; the two lor ? 6,000.
Other Fronts : South fiont Ilnmlltnn St ,
$ lr > 00 : south Fronts. Lowes iidUHon ,
finest lots In ti > o addition , fS75 to fMJ :
Hiinscom Plneo. biirffiilns nt $ l.dO , fl.roj
nnd tljra ; llnrllott's addition , lots onlv
2.i 0 ; HlmcbnuKh Place , $1,700 ; Isaacs i
Seilon's.Sl..WJ ] to Sl.COJ.
Aero Property : Finest ncro in West Oninlin ,
improved , JS.IKW ; nnothor without Im-
provcments , $ $5.000 : n thild on licit Llnu ,
f 3,000 ; ten "fits , llrluhton. S3.UOO ; nures nt
nil priceslri till outside additions.
nosKlcnces : Cfcttaes nt Sl.'iOO to $4.V)0 ) In nil
parts of the city. Select jour locality nnd
comotouf tOjbuy. Houses nnd lols on
inonthlv fiilyments. Iliiiidsaino dwellings
from SI.W * ) to$12/iTO. Wo cnn suit jou If
you c.inb'o'.iuitcil In any locution In Oiiinhn.
Dusincss Proper y ; Wo luuo n line line of
business yroparty both ImprovoJ nnd vn-
Cut this out nnd bring1 it with you. 678 11
V7 _ 1312 Douglns st
For Sale business property on Farnnm , Doug-
lus , Dodge , Hnrnojr , Howard nnd Cumlngs.
, r X-t- 5L _
Foil 3 < Vr-lffjOnKjnsT payments , house nnd
lot xvlthln Tialf-n niockof street cnr . bj-
Hnllou Hros. , 1510 Douglns St. fQj 9
AHGAINS in "VJZWiCUg " city.
fV'CO NicocoltiH&'bti.K IoP6ti 20th st ,
54,600 GoodlatwswiouSo on full lot in Hnn com
I'lnco "Sft-
$4,5CO Three cotqlfcB on full Jot in Slunn's
A-id. , -4 (
$2.200 Cottage or > 7rciOins nnd barn , Shull's
Add. C ' ' ,
S4,500 8 room ctwelllnairood barn , Idlowild.
$ ILOJ Nlco home ) ii Fnrnnni st.
? 1EOO Nice ! ) room cottngo on full lot , Mlllara
& Caldxvoll's uddr
f3oa Sjicros Tuttlo'ssubdlx1- .
fJ1.700-5 " " , " "
$30 ptr acre Lnrgo fnrm in Hurt Co. . Neb.-ono
of the best in the state on onsy
term * . 7iX ) acres. "
Strangers should call nnd gee Bonrsand getn
harirnin in n growing city. Sears , 15th and
Dodge , 834 10
1:112 : Douglns.
Txventy-txx-o noxv cottnges for sale on
monthly payments , ? 20i ) to $400 cash , balance
easj- . inri
V\OK \ KXCIIANOE-JOOOOKtock dry goods for
Ja Ooiahn property. Archer & Fitch , 218 3
15th st. 405
BOWMNrl'U5KN-lotsSIT : ) 10 per cout.
cash und $5 per month. Marshal ! & Lobeek.
Agents. 019
R EAL ESTALE I1AUGAIN-2 bonutlful lots
onxvo t Cumlng st.J.700 ench. Fine bnr-
gnlns. J. I * Ilico & Co. , room 0 , ox-or Com-
morciul Nnt I on H ! Itunk. G75
Improved Property :
707 Full lot , foutli front , qottngo G
rooms , cnn build3 tints : on Daxen-
port st. near 23d. This is worth in-
-voi-tigutliig ; terras oa y $ 4,503
714 Good house. , Blooms , lot50x181cast
front , beautiful view. 3,000
710 Ilcnutiful cottngo , full lot , on Goor-
irla nvo. near Lenvanworth st 5,000
r/14 House nnd full lot In Omuhn VIoiv. . 1,600
712 Noxr 2 story house , full lot , Virginia
avi ! ncnr Popploton ave 4 00
711 House 11 rooms , with gas , city
xvntcr , hented by stoani. Inriro barn ,
shade , etc ; on Georgia are. near
Louvonxx-orth . 7,000
003-Large lot. cottage 0 rooms , 05 feet
from rod car line 1,050
703 Hoiifo 4 rooms , lot 24x00. joining
licit Line on llth St. , bargain . . 2.00J
: t cottages of 5 rooms each on Char
les St. , Shlnn's nddltfon , fcOvJth f i out ,
terms oity , each $ 2,000
Fnlmproxel Properly :
320 : ilioot lot In Nelson's add. , near
Oumlng street BOO
r2 Full lot in Slilnn'8 1st 1,750
! WJ Full lot in lllmebnugli , prloo a,2M
3y > I lots In Jeiomo Park , nil for . . . 3,700
3i Lot north of U. P. shops , near tiuck-
nge : burgnluj 1,250
312 2 lots ( cornet ) In Shlmrs 3d add. ,
both. 2r.OO
275 Lot in Pelhnui Plnco 750
Lot In llartlett'n ndd. on Leaven-
worth street,61 foot front . 2,500
279 2 lotsonchMi-Jit leot , fronting on
llnnsoom Park : bnrirnln , for both. . C,000
Lot on Virginia axenuo In Hnnccom
Place . . . . . FOa
3 nice lots in llurr Onk. nil for . . 2,50) )
281 5 lots in "Kllby Place , " each . . 05) )
- > onCttllfoinln street . 1AO
327 44x170 feet tin.luiiioy. ( good location 3,000
2'J7-LotsonCnHMrfila.ncar 27tU . . 1,000
2X-Jrtoil ) lot , Patrick's addition ; easy
terms . . 1.1 ' 0
Boouro it lot In "Shriver Place , " jou can't
make a bctteJIJnr < HliMont Lot tti'i onch ;
very-easy termKl AVJG , Shrlvor , opposite pot.t-
olllco. l-OO
OH 8AI.K-A fine south front lot on Ham-
lltonst , for three day * only. Prloul(2j ;
? 675 cash. It 'is ' Sjoap. J , 11. Kvnns A : Co.
_ ) ft _ '
Foil SAI.K-Ixts In Shrlver Place , JSi5.
Only f2i ( niU , balance ? 5 per month
House and lot InOmHha View addition f I.UOO.
? 400 cush haIanmir\fl2.riQ \ pur month. Lot In
Plalnvlow fOia , If . ) pu want to buy n house , or
lotcnll nnd sob'n.V. . Huntress , I3JS Farnam
Btrcot. 1UO-11'
. , , - . 1312 PouglasfU
line lot on Fnrnpra ft. neir Lowe u\u. , 5 foot
nbo\o estnbllsheiTfe'rado , only fiw. 020 [ Mwllng Oroon lotsaTVllol 10
perconto.ish am ) fopor month. Olfura the
easiest and surest invo-Uuiont ( a double your
money In a year of any property In tlio suburb
an market. Lot ushowou this nne property.
Marshall & Lobeck , Agents.
KM 1511 Farnam street.
_ _
Foil SAMS nowlliw Green lots at * 150. ip
per ct'iif cmh and f > per monty. Knsy ,
ondsuro toilouble inayvar. See this line ad
dition and foojroa lew lots while > ou can got
nrbt choice. Mnrthull At Lobeek , Agents , 1511
Farnum street. _ WS _
HblJ'sKn tf.i'iirms.lJinds money loaned
_ llemls. 15th and Douglas structa. 016
FOIt SALK-Or oxcharge. llouso and lot ,
Ifth und Nlchohs ) ; houto uml lot 15th and
Dorcas. Wra 1 Monroe , thnud Douglas , 853
"THOU KALK Lots 7 und 8. I20xf50 foetTlll
J.1 block 3 , Ili t addition to South Omaha
Call on Fred Lemon , care Farmers' IIOUMJ. or
addrees George Mndo , P , O. box 107 , llapld City ,
Itcal Estate nnd Loan Itroker ,
Opera House Block ,
B room cottage. Douglas nnd 29 only . .
5 room cottnze. Dodge and S3 only. . . . 2600
7 room cottage nil convcn. , Snumlers
near Ciiniinlngi only . OMK )
10 room and 1 u room hou o on lot ( Br'iV )
with nil modem ImprovomcntB 17lh
street , cheap . . . . . . C0
11 room ! ioii olHnml Lparenworth with
it 4 room cottage on the alloy for nil . . . 650J
10 room house , lot IDnxlVI corner In Lln
coin Place , a beautiful homo . 4fOO
1 Broom nnd 1 r , room fottatre on north
17 , laruo lotCttlt2. : cash $2.VJ"J . 7WW
P room hoil o 1918 Webster , full lot . < WO
Proem hou'oon 17 andCuss . . 3SO )
C room house on California , full lot . . . 2 00
7 room house north of Loavetiworth on
Virginia nvo . 400 }
1C room hou e north of Lenvunworthon
Virginia u\e. cheap . 7000
2 houses 1 6 and 1 4 rooms 22 and Pierce
cheap . tWO
SB mom cnttngos 2Siind Charles , full lot ,
cheap for both . . 4000
Hi room hoti e llnn'rom Place w itli all
modern liiipro\einents. s > elt . . . MXW
1 o room cottage Virginia nxo. near
l.fnvotiworth . . . . . 2WO
Afew ot the most desirable lots In CroJ-
ton plnco , at figures that will sell
2 east front lots on Lowe avcnuonnd
Hiirney , each , It sold thl week . . . . 1000
HarkalowndJ.on Lt > a\onwnrth , I lot nt 1000
Cllcn plnro lot. Work 21' , West Omalia ,
terms < -a < gr , price ? KXX ) to . 12.V )
Slots West Cimilnir mlil , ai-orner , nt . . 4-M
Lincoln place lots from $410 to. . . 160
Lota In Mnr h-s mid , near 8U Mary's
avenue. cry doslrnblo . 23 X )
llatiscom plnco lots , fUWO to . < !
44 teet on Saunders , cheap , worth 1000. . . SSOO
Lots In Hartford plnoo , this side of Mis
souri Pacific railway and canning fac
tory , on Loavcnworth , very easy
term" . $100 to . . . . 4"0
A few lot * In Loavctiworth Torrnce , Jtt t
Miuthwe tof Jerome Park nnd lllpn-
land place , terms easy , $ .V > n to . 000
100x120 on Cnss and 30th Ms. " 4 cash . . . . < M
132x124 Isimo.V Solikii'fl.cnonp . " "J
3 cast front lots , within one block of e inning
Inctory and MI oitrl Pacific depot. Ibt'J nro
decided bargains at fIV ) . as adjoining lots are
felling ntVAl nnd SSW ; terms easy
10 lots li Drnko's addition , 2Slh and Dodge St. ,
eo font on Park avenue and Howard , jn.OOO.
Kxino fcot.Popnloton ami Virglnl't cuues ,
7. > xloOfeet. Virginia avenue nnd Shlrel } ' , n
corner , f IKM.
Wo hnvoonly n few of those beautiful lots in
block n , Hniisioni Place , Ictt If you wnnt one
secure It iilickoryoii | will bo loft. Conveyances
nlwnj s nt the door ready to take you out to see
whnt p consider the bc t bargains.
Illckn \ Inghriiin , 215 South 15th street , Opera
House Illock _ ! ! SJ _ _
EM'II nnd all of tlio 2s West Side ots are
high and beautiful , full sUe , and on month
ly pnjments , f250. It. C. Pattcrbun , 13th and
Douglas. 51.1
VS1I & SULHY'S big real estate ad iivorjr
other day. See It. _ 281
JLli Insuraiice ,
Heal r.stnto
and lx nn Apei'ts ,
second story Merchants' National bank build
ing ollur the following propel tv lor nlo :
I nil lot on Park nvcnuc , t'OU II' " * , contain
ing two huiidsoino largo cot t aires , a burn ami
un abundance of small fruit , $12,500 ; will
House and two lots In Llncoln.lKncn. house
nine rooms and UnNhcd in linn lAjlo , fl.OOJ ;
Miuill caMi payment and balance in Install
ments. Will trnJo
A voiy dt lratile lot In Hartlott'sadiUtinn.sco-
nnd lot oa--t of lUiclId street , 50tl3S , facing on
Loavenwortn street , J2.500.
Fl\eronm house on Saundcrs street near
Grace. S2.7W ,
Seen room house , Center street nonr Cum-
ing. \IHJO. .
be\on room house , No. 19th , near Lake ,
Lot on Dlondo street , one-halt' block west of
Saundcrs , pouth front. OOxlW , three loom housi- ,
fruit trees , etc.,800 ; house ami one-half lot ,
81. sw
Kast front lot In Ilcllinnn's ndil. . COth street ,
54x1411 , with 4 room hou o. ? 1'OJ
Harnoy street , Capitol Hill add. , enet front lot ,
51xl4J , $ . ' . ,101) ) .
Twonty-tho lotsinKllby Pl.n-o at from COO
2'ilotsln Dwight &Lymnn's ndd from $510 to
$ 00
00Anncrolot Just \\ost of Crelchton colleco ,
In Put kplnco.l.lO feet fronton Cnlllornla street ,
fl.'iOJ ; ' cash , balance 1 , 2nnd 3 jcuis. A bar
Fixo room cottage nnd barn , full lot 50x127 in
Marion Plnco , enl > 2 blocks liom the Mrcot rni .
f 1,800 ; f.VW cosh. Two good Plulnvlew lots at
f6M cnch.
Two good lots in 1'atrlck'B 2nd ndd. at 11,000
VTuvorly mlil. Is oboiit nine mflos north of the
postolllce nnd a short distance from the Dolt
nno railway. Lots nro selling nt 500 on on < y
terms Let us show j ou this addition before
buylnK-any other outsiilo propoity.
A number of voryileslr-
nblo lots In Hun-coin
place , including sev
eral corners , at Irom 1,000 to 300.
Improved and unlmpro\cd burlni's- , and resi
dence property In all parts of tlio city P51
F oTT.SALi-A bargain. Lot fiOxlK. 2 blocks
from po'-tortlco. $ JO,001 , half cash. Marshall -
shall & Loboeic , room 8 Hodick block. Sl.i
r > UoH i. BKLIIY'S Dljroal estate an every
J-V other day. See It. _ 2St
FOKSALi : HOURO , u rooms , city water and
gas , I mile from P. O. , 1 block from st cars ,
price 2,001 , small payments , balance monthly.
Inquire rooms 1 and 2 Omaha Nat'l bunk , Ulil
BCV"NOW" iiTtlib now addition of Wcst SiT\ ;
light bv Iho depot and canning frtcturv , lull
flzo and only * 25Q. H. C. I'attor on. 515
TJAUB IJAKG-AIN-1440 acres geol araolo
JVi Innd in Knox nnd Cedar countlos.Nonraska :
GVi per acre cash. A. It. Graham & Co. , Wisnor ,
Ncbr. C.S5 St )
FOHSALi : Wo have sixteen lots in Haw
thorne addition that wo will sell : best anil
cheapest. Inside pioporty In Oinahu. Uedford > t
Souor C41
_ "
1312 Douglas st.
Tlilrty-two loU in Hawthorne , only a little
over n mile Irom postofllcc. JG53 to ? 'JV ) . U29
PF.CIAL nAUGAlNS during fair week. For
the benefit of our out ot town customers
H o offur the following special bargains for this
week only :
Corner on Park Avenue facing park . . .J 1,2V )
Lot fronting llmiFcom Park . . . . ] , WO
Kast front lot Virginia ave. , on grade , a
bargain at . 1,050
Tlcst corner lot Kilby Place . 1,200
Five lots In Wllcox 2d addition , worth
f7f,0 each ; for all . 3,003
A full block In IKIIIIC & Feldcn's addition ,
no r Furnamst.a rare Investment at 20,010
Rust fi out lot , block 10 , Hansom 1'liico J.C03
Finest east front lot on I'ljl Shot Idan st. . V-SJ
Lot in Hoggs A. Hill's 1st audition ; a bar
gain nl . . . . 2,000
Three lota In block 13 , lledloid 1'luco ,
easy pnj incuts , cash . 4V )
22 feet M > uth Iront on paved section of
Cummlng street . . . 3,000
33 feet front , 2 blocks east of mmolllco . 15.0JO
lot In Clifton plnco . ] ,2W
Largo house and lot In Wiilnut Hill addi
tion , only . 2'WO
nonutlliil roMdcnco and lull lot on
Georgia nvo , near Lotuenworth , all
inolcrii impiovcmcnts . . . T/ilO
W1 ucro Inriiirt mllosliom Ginnd Island. . bUO
New house , & i oems , to i out , good local-
itv. per montli . . 17
Fine emit front lots in Ambler plate , SWO to
fW ) ; monthly payments
Call and FOO our list ol choice bargains in resi
dence and bii-inots proiiortv. llniiiombor the
place. F , D. Tanner A Co. , 1015 Howard t > trcct ,
l'a'J 1U
FOK KAI.i : Ono of the best
01 ty In Noith Omaha , on c m
paved i-tii'ct. An C'lglit loom lions" , ncjiilj now.
( "un bo had cheap , if taken nt once. o. F ,
Davis i ; Co . 150i Fiuiiilin blrooU IITT
Bo\vi iT < GcnrirrN7o"tii8uTriiiircpntcuRTi : : (
and * 5 per month. Marshall * Lobeek ,
Agnntj. _ _ urj
F7)Il SALK-Ilowllna Oroon lots nt J1W. 10
percent ca h per monili , I'.usy ,
and sure to double In a ynur , Roe this fliu | ail.
nltfon ncd foci'ro n few Jots while you can got
first choice. Marshall & Lobeek , Avunlh ,
_ 1 > 1J _ ' 1511 I'u mam atrcet.
T KAVF..NOUTH BT K77t7Tr7ickagb , ono o7
J-/ moro Jots or un ncro , nt n great bargain.
See J , \ \ . Ixigun , at Isiavtniworth ItiHlnusi
Place , or O. . W. linker , Hoom J Iron ll.inlf .
_ _ 611
( IllASCONOVKit , K K. Long ,
\J Conojor , Ixiiig nnd HarriN
Heal I'stuto UDtJ Dodgu tt. Omaha , Neb
Corner lot on bbcrmtin avu. H cusU bal.
cn y . . . . . . . . . fS.sno
Corner lot 22 nnd Lake , easy terms . 1,600
Cornerlot in Creston add cheap ut . ) , IOJ
1Ul.v.i on Cnnilng n . 4vo
ISIi/tMH east front Print's sub . . ijj
3 now Ihoionni cottages tor 25th nnd
1'lcrto lot Wxlt'iill for . 5.2011
104 ft front 20 und Farnam w ith JU.OQO
tinproiemoiiti ) , . . Mi/00
4 ncru lot In West Omaha . . 1U'X J
K ) It Iront yfith elegant cotlao Farnam ,
near 20 . . . io ; o
Lot in Hurdctto Court only 3 blks from
stioct cars . 30)
l.ots and aero property for sale in nil the out.
blng tiddltlons LUt jour proiicrty with us
und consult your own Intcrcits by sooliuf our
Hit before purchasing. _ 6 : > 4 _
ffil 400 as > ' tinas. Will purulm.0 a
P-l T"U bouuiifully shaded lot , with two
street fronts. on v'Jst street , whern it Is ro-
IMirtod and believed that the CuhloTramnay
will aopn boln operation. A bargain for sotne-
body , _ W B. Boa > eyt Agents. 9M T
FOH SALK Howling Uroen hits at ll.W. 10
percent cash und * 5 per month. Otfon the
easlekt und ( urost lnve > tmuiit to doublu your
money in a year of any property in the luburb-
an market. Lot ui show jou this Cne property ,
llawhall ti Lobeek , Aircnw ,
JO 1511 rarnauj ttroct.
lon SAKK-ny Park A Ton lor. r > r DoxtitKi ,
J.1 hou p ftml lull lot Ambler Place , fnu-nsh , co ( JO per month , only * 2.0irx This plnco
l \cry cheap , lias grndi * , good Imrti , fence * ,
shade tree etc.
Thrcu cottftKi-son Chnrlos street , four blo k
from street cnr < ; $ ! , to ? 1,30J ; smnll cnsh
pm incnt" , tmlnm e to uH
rite-room cvttnireon l.nVo troi't , one Uork
from street cnr , iienr Poppleton s residence ;
? 2ncv ) ; $4 0 cih , balance Jill for month.
I'ottiiiroof ti nxMns , nonr Sovimtoonth street :
worth ? 2Vit f.vo , liAlmico ijunrti'rly pnymetm
of $75
Three cottftco on rhicnen Mtcrt between
21tlnuiil 'Mli , J12UO , now tints for JI.JlVi per
One lot In Lincoln 1'lncc ; If sold this woplt
only J4'X ' VIE "
_ _
17011 s\i.Kttr Hcnt An cleirnnt 14-room
I1 hon e , unii all modem Iniprovpincitts ,
Fplcitill'lly ' located
For Hi'iit A complete daughter house , Imlfu
mile not tli ol fnu grounds. for n form ofjcni * .
For Snlo 47 feet fmnt on Iliirni-y near 2.M ,
with good in room lieu o , $ " .OJO
7Meei eiut trout b > IV ) on IMrhwiM avp .
with now -room house , good stable , now
lltowiiell ( mil , ? 5U > .
Inn outli I rout on Chnrles st. Shlnn'sIM mid. ,
with 5-rooin lieu n , W,10i.
2 rlioico lolcor , In Lincoln PHee. fVH
Lot 07 34ttU.south ! tioilt.on Km t < t , bongo
SOxSil. stnldo IfitSI. W.OOO.
fiR-fopt trent on fuming , fflaM , will < ll\lilr.
5-nrrcsoii nnilof Nunidets street wlili now ,
good l7ed hou o , Mnlde , etc , $3"iJ1 ; Improve-
incuts worth Sl.W
A good nssoitniont of farms nmt wild Intuls
nlvrnjson hand. Paulson \ Co , 1513 Fnrnnm
st. 7.H 7
H1 OWSK8 Lots. rnrtn , Lit tuts moiioy loaned ,
. llctnls. IJIh iintl Ikmgln ? streets. CIO
' 1312 Douglns St.
1'nrk Plncc lot O'i foot front on dm M. nnd
samcon Cnllfo'iilnst. Lot 3JO luot acep wlth
small house , $2wi ) .
Polls VLr. Nieeii room hou o nni > 2 cornpr
) ot In Wnlniit Mill ; y cnsh bill , to "Ult.
C'nl.Mnrtln 110 lUli ct. fit'i
, . }
Chicncro , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minnenpolis , Cedar IJnpitlg ,
Clinton , Diilmiiuo , Davenport ,
Rock Islaml.Krceport , Rockfortl ,
Eljrin , Madison , tlnncsvillc ,
JJeloit , Winona , Ln Urosse ,
And all other 'mportnnt points East , Northeast
anil Southeast.
ForthroUKh tickets cell on ttio Ticket Asron
at HOI 1'nrnam street ( In I'.mon Hotel ) , or a
Union Pacitlo Depot
Pullman blueoors nnd the finest ninlnsCnra
In the world nro run on tlio uiuln lines of the
nnd ovpry Rttentlon is P ld to passengers l > r
courte'ina employes of tlio rumpnuy.
It. Mll.l.tni , ( joncrul MullUK'tT.
J. F. TUCKKII , As3ls.tnnt Oencrnl MmmRer.
A. V. H. CAuriiMKii , Goneial I'assougur and
Tlckpt Agont.
Or.o. E HEArrono , Assistant General rasson-
dor niut Ticket Ajfent
J. T. CLAHK , General Superintendent.
bA.liri.t ; TO ALI
usteil VltilltT , IVerTOtnairt I'lirslcal
l'reni tiiroIcclioln.Man. | Krron or Voutli. nml tliu
mitola ml9prlci resulting trotu Indiscretion nnd cr-
tM sci. A boolc for cvnry man. younc. rafJdlnazecl
nntlold. Itconuilni 1J3 prtfji-rlptlons inrall anne and
cnronlrrtt eascs , onli one nf which H Irmilnabta ho
found by the uu horwhoto oxpurleneo foril ) cars is
puch aa probably never hoforo fell to the lot or unr
pliytlclm , nuiaic ) | * . huiin.l In beautiful Krench Mil-
lln. emboseJ COYPI-K , f ill ullt.ptmrantccJ to be atlnu-
nor In orprjr en o-moch iiilrnl. literary niKt prnfev
Honil-thnn any otliornurk In this coiiiitry for IJ S3 ,
or tlie money > rlli bo rufiiudoj In every Instance.
I'rlrepnly $1 by mnl. , romnld. llln tr tctt simple ,
me. Send UDW Iold mpdul nvrardrd the author by
nhe.NiiUonnl Meillrnl A wclitlnn , to the Hon. A Is.
IllMClI , and uxnclHtaoilkeniof ttie banrd tlio rctiler
It rpupectfnlly ruff rred.
Tlio Science of J.I rein north moroto the yonnifancl
middle-aged men of iIiliRenerrlon tli in all the iroll
inlnoi of CallMniln nd the IHor nilnoi of Nc Rjn
Cf > mblneJ.-C , K. rhronlclc.
ThoKclnnconf I.lfu polnti out tlio rocks and quick *
rnndson wlilch the con lltutlon and hujics of muny
a rouni ; man huvebecn latully wrecked. Manchujtjr
The Science of Life Is of greater rnluo than all the
siellcnl works ptibllihcit In th4i country tor the put
Tium Allnnla Constitution.
Tlio bclcnco of Ufo H u superb and m'Kterly tr.iit-
le on nervous and physical debility. Detroit Kroo
vfad'ress the I'eabody Modlcal Iiutltute , or Dr. W.
n. I'arkcr , No. Hullllnch street , lloiuin , .Ma s. . tvhn
niUT be consliltcd on all desolate roqutrln ; eiklit nnj
Qxporlence. Chronic and ob llimto ilbeasui that
liavo burned the skill of other iihrflcluna spo >
dairy , burli treaiod suocoisfuliy wittioul nuy la
itaaco of ( alluru Jlomlun Utualm tea
iiionitis : : NO IIOJI.I.VG.
i > ois : > < r STICK TO TIM. nsov.
Heady for uco In nno mlinito , BUVCI iud'ir. tin , e unit
trouble ; COIIUHIIB .ill the Ingrrtllu itntiM-it bIn mrtn-
men ; k'lrosii liniiilixiinur | iull lilli'in HII > ntlicrhtinli
over inanuf.ictuiLMl It IK put u < \ II I 1. IMI'.M )
PACKAiiKS , no llort vrlfliis. Vo ( iinnid
tivu pjunit * of any otlitT bltirihnlil l > v uP tlrrt
icrilio nupjily t > AMI'LK i'ACKAUli
Proilui'lui , ' a rlrli , Iieiuitifiil UhUSS uiul
No Htarcli 3d inliuiluccil can lie com-
iiaroil wllli llio MAIC. ( !
Ouo iiacUa i ) will do the wtirko
' i of ot dinar ) btarcli.
H l I u n Oor cunniiitoo of tliv inanufiictaivii.
SLDAN , JOHNSON it CO. . Wholesale
ArjoiHs. Omalia. Nt'b
Red Star Line
CurrjJ ir Ihollf'irlum Jtoral mil I'rua-d Htaioj
ilail.hnr.iirf L\I r > Mnunl.iy
Between Antwerp & Hew York
Sivlou from JUO to ; r. Incursion rlp from
tllU to tt . Second CAbiu. outuarl 4ti ;
p.fimlil } lo : oiruril'jn. fXL atccnvii nituo
at low rate . Peter Wrlirht & fc.ina , Ucuoni
Aventi. li IJroadwny. New V vie
lluuiy I'unut , 1-1 > I'uriui.s. . . ; I'ilj'vi , V Co ,
H-c 'aruaoi it ; 1) , 0.1 itu.iuai > . . , Uiuuu it.
Written on n Hit of I'npor Ptolseil t'p
J onr 1'oiuplo IMncc.
1'iick I am n policoiiinit , ns you cnn
set' by ttikiitjr n look at nio I lin\c boon
on the brat all inv life , and that Is why
1 ntnko out o rll My only trouble Is
my llo h. I am so fU : that 1 can't cft\\vl
into a coal-box to take a slep ) ) , or hide
behind a tree when there is n row any-
whore. It would lake an old
ulinto hidu me so that afoot of mo
would not bulge out on eit.ter . side When
1 have to run anywhere , 1 net out of
breath before 1 have traveled half the
distance. 1 am so wide that no butjilar
ean lire at me and miss. And then 1 nm
so he.iv.'j that the oar companies won't
lot me ndo. free.
1 nm sneh a capacious co that the bar
tenders on my beat object to lilhumo. / .
It costs me twice as much as any other
man on the "foroo" to pet n suit of
clothes , and when 1 jo into a rickety
te-iiomonJ , the stairs break under mo nnd
spill me In the collar.
I am > o fat that 1 button nn Mines with
a boat hook. If 1 tirop at tliin < ; on the
lloor , 1 have to lie down to pick It up If
a burglar lies on the ground 1 can't taso |
him in. I'd rather take in n base ball
malch than an\ tiling nl o I ean tliiitkof
just now Furtliurmoro , if the comtnls-
sionor.s evir too lit to "broak" mo , I
mist they will save the pleoi-s.
7 > lonnstlo Onlors In Italy.
The lUmian covrespoiidont of the Udr-
rieie del .Maltino sa s that , in splto of
the law hitpprobsint ; convents and mon
astic collecos , there were thirty-two
houses constructed ut the uxpeiise of the
monks and nuns Irom Iis3 1 to 18 0 , at n
cost of above 18,000,000 ftaitcs The
.lesuitft havu houilit thlloront buihlingsin
Konio , among wm'ch is the Hotel Costnn-
/i , for above (5,000,000 ( francs , and to this
ono must add oightcun convents that
have boon building since the beginning
of the . \ ear. A > .inglo architect named
Carimieri , has timlcrtakon four largo
fatholic colleges. An Irish eollego is
rising at the corner of Via St Vitalo An
American ono is being erected at llto
1'rali di Ca-ti-llo Lately the .Jesuits
have bought the Cami.inari ] palaoo , homo
houses in Nia del Vantaggio , and are In
treaty lor the Aston palaco. The mon
astic eollego in Via Albeit ! is being en
larged , ami behind Si Lorenzo is rising
a new I'raneKcan college and another
couvoiit. To this may bo adilod that the
beautiful Villa Augri , on the slopes of
1'osilipo , with its beautiful groitmts and
o ? , has also boon purchased by the
Jesuits. _
Miss Sara 15ruco nnd Miss Mary Ann
Hrttco , two sisters , who latolj died in
England , left by will ( .00,000 . reals to the
secretary of state for India , in trust for
the education of mothurlos * and father
less girls.
l'rofc ; nr of Mcdlclno at tlio Ilojrnl t'nlror 1tr !
Knlclit or tlio llojal AuntrlPn Ontcr of lln-Iron
Cn n ; Knight Comtnanilpr of the Hnjul hpnnlsli
Onlornf Is ibolla Knlclildf the Hoytil rrus < * laii Oi
denif the lied KiiKlo ; Chevalier Of the Li'Kiou of
lionnr.rlc.rto , m\t
-I.H11I1U CO'S COCA 11KBK TONIC thoulil not tia
cnnft unilcd xlili thulirmlo of tra liy cure nib. It 11
In niinviiBO nf the wnnl n imtcnt mneily. I nm llior-
outhl'ciiiiror | unl ltlilt moitn ol pri'iiamtlon nnil
know It to l > o not only u Icultlmnlo iiliiinn.iccutlCnl
prodiicl.tiutnNnwnnn ) of the hlRli ronimondnUona
ItliiinrccclriHl Iniill p.irtixif Iho urld. It ciintulna
OKtnco of tlcof. COC.L , Qulnliu- . lion anil Cnllsaru ,
M lilcli nro illtrnlvod In pure ccnjilnc MiMiilsh Imperial
Crown Miorry. "
InrnlunlilolOHll whn ara Hun Down , Nervous. Drs-
pciitlc , llllliiu , Miilnrloii * or unictud Mltli weak Uil-
iioys. 111.n-Aiir.orIMITATIONS.
Her Majesty's Favoritie CosmeticGIycerlne
Uncil tijrltnr Itojnl Hlclinpxn the 1'rlncc n ot 'Wales
niul the iiobllit ) . Kur tlio bkln. Cuniptujiloii , llrup *
lloiiii.tripplnj.IlouBhiu'S , ? ! UJ. Of arucKlsts.
I.IKIIIC CO'H Genuine Sjnip of .EHr i | > rllla , 1 }
Riiurunlccil uttho boi-t burtuparlllalii tlio ninrkou
Cieo. T. Arinliiiist.'ai Cumlntr St.
D. II. Howmiin , 1217 Farnam bt ,
.loh Hus-.lo,2lli7 Cuuilug tt.
Herman Kunclo , I'dV South I0th SU
O. Lnniro,318 South 13th f-t
W. F. Stoot ? ( I , Idil Howard 8U
M. I * . Van Scoton.1511) ) Dodge St.
C. W. Sluopor. 607 South 13th st.
And Chicago.
T'i ' # nnlv road In tnko for Drs Moln s , .Mnr-
elu.llionn.i n.lnr Ilanlds , Clinton , Dixie. Oh lea
go. M.lwntilioa nnd all point * inM. To the pee
nlo of Nnbr.i ka , I'olinado , Wyoming , I'tuh ,
Idnho Nevada. Oiegon , Washington nnd Call-
fornin It ol ! > r upoilor ndvantusres not po fi *
bli > b > nny other nio ;
Among H fuw of the niimcroUR points of in *
rerliullv ntijoyrd by tint patrons of tli ! > rend
' . /murrnOiimlmnnil riilnn/n , niu Us ttvotiu ni
ndnyof DAV COACIIK-i Mlilch nro the fliiot
tint limn. in nrl nnil nireiiiilly ran create. Mi
PALACE SMKIMNG ; CAIUS. .hich niomndnis
nfcimfoit nnd olegnnro 1th l'AHUH DU W.
1N(1 ( HOOM OAIIS , iin inniix i Itiv any. and in
widely ci'lnbmUJ PALATIAL DINING fMHS ,
the eiiiml of which runnot bi < Inuiid n'snwliero ,
At ro.iiiicll | lliilf the trains of the I'lilou Pnol-
Ho Uv. nonnoct In I'num Doput with ihofo of
the Chiragd A. Norihwistein II ) . In Chicago
the tiiilns of Dili llnu male clotn coiinucllon
with thncfl of all ciiMrrn llncv.
Foi IMrnli , I'liluinliun , lndlannpo | | . rinrlru
null. Nlnsnr.i Fiille. llulfalo , l'itl .biirjr.Torniitoi
Montroil. 1'ottnn , Now Vorl , , PhlliidclphN , Iliil-
tlinore WiiKhliiKton nnd nil | oiuts In the vnt ,
aik the tlrVot nuoiit fur ilrkcis vln Iho
"N ( > iiriiwi5vnitx : ,
If ( iu wish thrlu't lie-on mo < latlotii. All
tl < c i n-rniK Mill tlcVi'ts v n this line
SI. llt't.HlTr. ' II. B II Mil ,
r > ( .iit > : ul ManigrrJen ( } > ats.
fi\ * .Mdc'Kllo 11,11. Tlioiu * ill
In itf jrf ! I stile In | I. . I ulun lu > o l.fen tui .
Ili-Mrll "v | U I/ ' U lV.uiti l.iid , 11 >
jr i ixii.,1 , , r.iiiHT iui , vr.r m.i,0 , | I , , ! , ) !
Ku. ) rn.tirlrl fr- * llh ni l Iw Un AtoliJ w irtl u * f'
rl > i in > BI" l vu i-imi iilI'.lrrtrli Triixri Ut
DK. ft"j''K NE.'rNVfJ.ias. 101 WACWH Av . "CHICKC. "
roi.i.i.i.f. or M xv ,11.its ) v ,
1.10X , M.W .II ItlUV
r four-xmr itmrici of f l o I F r tUa
Of rue fXH&U4eler othi'4uur 11 jrtL r4t r iu' 0i aim
it rllxo is > ai e $ In ( iieatUirr , Jli > l , ijc y.
kliittiocntiri unJ rh > tii- > It r t'ud.ot tn
piilnutiont'it l-U' < : Mirto Ilia Art
iAduntni ! 5T'i' ! ! ) . ! ' 'llu'Urrlluihuituli i - * \ > i t ,
ntliU it > r > l Aiiniul I'huniUtr' a til Afkit flj ,
lli'i-vjj I'Uriu % > u t Attrcnnur. KlUinc rjranr.'i-
n nit < > i itt"i " I ft Un t .r nl cours *
Lilutt r otvrcaiionuwir lotbt tv'