G Tl-IE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER a 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , WKDM DAV MORNING. SKl'T. 8. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABL STREET. Ddnmd li ) cnrnrr In nnj-pnrtof tlio city nt t i iityiMitsix.ru cole. II. W. TII.TO.V , - - Manager. JlrMMffOrncE , No. 4.J. KIIIIIT KtiiTon No. 21. MIXOK MHNTIO.V. Js'i'\v Vork PlumliiiiK Co. Ki'W fall jroods sit Keller's. KHiool bonks sit Crockvvcll's. Tlio very best cubincU nt ? U a tlo'/rn at Gorlmtn'8. Jncksiin pxprrts torot Ills two now mail \uigous to diy. : Uno do/.cii cabinets Mild : i lur u panel tor $3.Ml at Schmidt's gallery. ThoMxth iimutnl fitlr nl Dnnliiu opciii i5u | > tuiiili ) > i"J'j ' , for a three days' display. 1 1 u jili Cess lias been made a iluiiuly ' fihi'rill , in addition to his duteclivc I'JIIM- ness. Hilly Lewis , Kd Hrinton and Hank Martin have ; taken out licunscs for run- niiiK hauks in Uniaha during thu fair thuru. Next Saturday afternoon nttlin driving jiark hero the ui < ; ; iriimkors of Uinana and Council IJIiiIl's will cross bats and cry "foul. " Council Hind's feels boiler now that it is assured it is not thu only place which ! B visited by rains when there are races in progress. Isaac Howloy , of Schliitcr & Itowlcy , returns to-day with a car load of draft liorscH and carriage horses which he has gathered up in Illinois. S. Swanson to-day lets the contract for his new house to bu erected on the lot recently purchased by him next to Cap tain Kir.-elit's oli'jjaiit residence. ( icorgo Smith has taken charge of the old Lacy placo. lately run by W. II. Buck , known as Tex , the place having been now christened "The Mint. " Jerry Movers has loft thu licclilnlu hotel , anil will he associated with Stuitn , his old Mariner , In the L'hu'iiix. ' Only a few of thu sporting fraternity remain in the city , as most of thorn havu uone to "vvork'r the races , fairs , etc. The dealers of stud poker and hazard expect big returns when they complete thu circuit of thu state and county fairs. Tins county bonnl ju.iturilay selected the Clnrk S"liool houwi as the voting m- - cinet for all that portion of Kmio town ship lying outside < > ' " city limits. Mr. Allan , ji ? .jellilt-s and II. A. Jtonham were chosen judges , and Klilm Meyers and I Desmond nt ; clerks. There is more travel between tins city and Omaha than is generally real ized. J ho crowded condition of the ferry trains 13 quite noticeable. Hut the in crease in iwsscngur tratlio is no less great. In August of last year the Union I'acihc dummy train had 7,058 passen gers. In August this year the number was 11,1)07. ) James Malone and wife have been sorely bereaved by the death of their lit tle one , imed between five and six months. I ho babv boy had been ill about two weeks. The funeral will bo from the Catholic church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The family residence is No. 823 Avenue U. _ Web. Harris , a colored man , was lined yesterday for being drunk , and in- fciiltiii" a colored lady on thn street. A coloretl lady was also arrested for insult ing a colored man on the street , she bo ing charged with being a vagrant and a general nuisance. Hereaso is being con sidered by the jurige , and in the mean- tune shu is In durance. Preparations are being made for a spe cial jollification nt the lake Saturday afternoon. There is to be a rowing race between George W. Thompson and K W. Hart against C. K. Freedman and G , lit Mcrriiim for * 50 , lUu cotirsiT 16 bo a quarter of a mile and return. Louis & Alol7.gov are to furnisli ovsturs and clams , and a regular clam-bake is on the pro gramme. There will bo in the evening fireworks and other attractions. Zjipllicor Leonard yesterday found a ted dling boy with a dog and drum , at the Uroadway depot. After searching for two hours ho succeeded in finding the child's homo. The fond parents on hav ing their darling restored to their arms , were so overjoyed that they forgot to oven thank the olllcer , but did not forget to give him a berating for not having whipped the child for wandering away. Jho police have to servo as guardians for a good many families , and are expected to perform all sorts ot parental duties. No further light is yet thrown upon the skeleton found near ( irnlmn avenue. 'Iho clothing and other articles are being saved , so as to enable any inquiring triowlu to identify the remains , if any such friends should appear. The theory is still held by many that the man was slugged in a row at a dance held nt the platform near there , ami crawling on" laid down and died. The presence of the body would have doubtless boon discovered by the stench , had it not been for a dead dog which lay at the mouth of the gully , near the m-iii , and the stench from the dead dog caused passers by to look no further. Howe's Sixth street mill , by its new roller process , i making the linest meal , rye Hour , etc. , in the west. Try it. Ground feed always on hand. Highest prices paid for county , town city and fcchool bonds. Odell Jlros , & Co. , No. 103 Pearl btreut , Council Hluus. Iowa , i'c\v Itontulu. COUNCIL HI.UITS , la. , Sept. 7 , 1880. The committee of the vestry of St. raid's Kplscoji.il church will bo In attend ance at the now church thin Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock to dispose of the peats at prices within the reach of all. Please attend and make your selections. ns it will bo necessary to do so then , if you wish to obtain desirable locations. W. , L HANCOCK , JNO , T , STKWAUT , JNO. N. llAunviN , Committee. Perfectly satisfactory accommodation at $3.00 a day nttlio IVcilio house. Gives it a trial and bo convinced. All the comforts of high-priced hotels at the racllio house , ami a saving of COo to $1 ti day. Try it. Hliooting at a UOFHO Dr. Harwood , who lives near Rapp's place , was awakened homo time last night by hearing sojuo.bo.dy m-owling about his l > arn , whore lie had several horses an , < | other Flock. Ho managed to catch a " glimpse of the fellow , and "tired at him with his shotgun , but so far as could be learned the fallow got awny uninjured. On looking through the barn It w-is found that thu cow was gone , but the jmlmal was found yesterday wandering about some distance elf , and restored to itsotvncr. " " "Paeiliu lionto recently renovated. Cool room * ; money saved ; comforts gained , Hard and soft coal , wood , llmo , cement , etc. Council mulls I'nel Co. No. 639 Uroaday. Telephone No. 1 30. Snbulantlnl abstracts of titles and real esUto loans. J , \ \ . & E. L , Squiru , Ho. 101 1'uurl vlroct , Council AXIMi Tin ? IMUN The Local and State Assessment Boards Olashinc Some. VAIN SHOOTING AT A THIEF. A Ilur ; Krlislitcnt'tl Awny By a Hammer 1 lirii\vn at Him The Open I us ? of tilts Method 1st Con * Iterative Oilier Items. Thn Union Pacific TI\XP < . The city council met with the county board in thu co.incil cliambcr vr terday afternoon to consider thu asst'smncnt of the Union 1'aeilio property in this city. The assessment h.is heretofore been made by the local authorities , but now the ex ecutive council of the. slate has made an a .se-i. ment of its own , much less than the amount assessed by the city , The com pany iioi feeling like paying both assess ments , and other reasons arising for de siring fonio adjustment of the matter , this eoufetvucu was held. The assess ment made bv thu statu board is $ ' . ' 3 7,000 , while that made by thu city i100,000. i . Thu company of eour u t of uses to pay doiiolo taxes , but apparently prefers to adjust the taxes with thu city , rather than with the state board. It would be dillicult to adjust with both. If thu statu board insists on its a sus-nnont which is the usual way of assessing railways , then the city would havu to content itself with hunting up Union 1'acilic property here , not included in the regular railway as sessment , and assessing that for enough to make the city whole or butter. Thu company does not desire to havu two tax ing boards to contend with , and having long since agrjcd with the city on a sys tem of assessment , it. prefers to nlmlo uy that. The matter was talked over unite at length yosturdnv by the members of the council , the county supervisors , the eitv attorney , the rountv attorney , and Mr Himsull and Geo. F. Wright , repre senting the Union 1'acilic. It was finally decided by all concerned to ask the. executive council of the state to rescind its assessment , and leave the matter to local adjustment. Whether the board will consent to this or not re mains to be M-en. Mr , Wright stated yesterday that the executive council of the state was rather inclined to hold the matter in itb own hands. They want to have control of the taxing of railways , according to the law , and H > f otlmr rail ways wsiiit i -cu me. Union Pacific taxed as they arc taxed , somehow imagining that the Union Pacilie is rather favored by having its assessment made by the local authorities. If the council refuses to rescind its action then the city council and county board will doubtless reduce the assess ment usually imule bv the local boards , so that the reduced amount added to the assessment by the state board will amount to thu old sum , about $103,000. There is : i disposition on all sides , so far as manifest , to adjust the matter amica bly if possible , so as not to havu a war over taxing thu great corporation. 12 Cabinet Photographs ? ! ! . Quality tiic finest. Shorradeii , ! H7 Uroadway. Klectnc door bells , burglar nlarms.and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the No York I'lumbirtg Co. The Old [ mdy'N i Kour. "Hcv. Mr. MacKay preached an excel- lenthcrmon at St. Paul'a Sunday after noon. St. Paul's ' church was dedicated Sunday morning and the services were impressive and well received. " Such is the extent of the Nonpareil's enthusiasm over the completion of the most beautiful building of its sine in the city and the finest church edilico in Iowa. While other papers , including even "the foreign inscoi , " Jhe HRJJ , hus deVotedcol- timns , to the event , the generous old grandmother devotes thu whole of f out lines. The statements made in this litlle corner of her scrap book contain almost. as many misstatements as there arc lines and do not state one real fact. Hcv Mr. Macuay did not preach in tlie afternoon. The sermon was by liishop Periv. The church was not dedicated , but simply opened for services , the dedi cation to take place in the future when llic debt is cleared off. and not before The old lady is so little used to original matter that she makes great blunders when she tries it. Having devoted four lines to the completing and opening of one of the greatest building enterprises in the city , she will now doubtless tin on with her croon. "Work to build mi Coun cil HI u ( IV If the old lady would croon , less and work more she might lay some claim to helping on the prosperity of the city. IIniiniurin < : a Uiir/jinr. John Hoyle , baggageman of the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul , had an ex perience with burglars at an early hour yesterday morning. His homo is on South Seventh street , and his wife was aroused by hearing some one working at the front door. She awakened her hus band , who picked up a hammer and started for the scene of action. Ho found a fellow trying to open the front door , and as he came in sight thu follow jumped olV the porch and ran. lioyie had the satisfaction of throwing the ham mer after him and telling him what he thought of him , but the hammer missed the mark , and the follow ran too quiuklv to catch the whole of Hoyle's remarks. The Motliodifil Conference. The anniversary of the Ki'eedmon's Aid society will be held at tie Methodist church to-night. P.ov. Dr. Hart/.el , secre tary of this .society , will deliver thu ad dress. Dr. Hart/.ul has been identified with tlio work in the south for a number of years , and his address will bo full of interest , The service will begin at 8 p. m. Personal PnrnnrapliH. Kli Cl.tyton was at the Pacific yester day.i. . } i. Kcnilal , yardmaster of thn Chicago. Milwaukee and HI. Paul , has returned from a two weeks' visit enst. Dr. Cranston , of the Cincinnati book publishing house ef the Mcthodl.it church , is at the Ogdrn , In attendance upon the conference which opuiit to day , Kov. C. L. Nye , of Dunlaii , one of the editors of the conference daily to bo mtb- fished during the gathering of Metho dists here , is in the city and has taken rooms at the Ogden , J. Krnsiltorf , having taken entire con trol ot the Phoenix chop l.ouso , desires to state that ho has secured the services of Clmdci Decker , a llrnt-clas cook of New York City. Thy ' , -c t lie market allordsjilght and day in the bust style of the art. Will also have a regular bill of faro. faro.Lu Lu H. Cake , o ! Clarluda.whoso pen has cheered and amused so many readers , has returned from a cooling trip through Minnesota and wits in the city yesterday. While at Minneapolis , the Tribune , of thai placa opened a competitive race for the honor of writing the ode for the open- ine of the exposition.Y.ilc \ many were called for but ono was chosen , the hon ored ode being from the pen , cf course , of Iowa's favorite. The most stubborn and distressing cases of dyspepsia yield to Iho regulat ing and touing InlliicncoJ of HooO'ii Sar- caparUJu , Try iu HE HAD TO LIE. Slum Ins the Dcmnrnllzlnc 1C fleet 9 or HiaKuliiK in Public Places. Detroit ITCC Press : Ho climbed three pairs of stairs to get to an insurance oflieo on Uriswold street , and as ho came face to face with thu occupant , ho said : "I believe you an ; Mr. lilanky'1 "Yes , sir. ' "You came down im a Michigan avo- 11110 Q.\V about half past 9 o'clock this morning1 " 1 did ; sir. " "So did 1. We were all talking about the earthquake. I stated to thu occu pants of the car. and joti were one. that the shock jarred all the glass eliamieliors in my residence ami threw down a bust of Plitriek Hunrv which stood on a bracket. " " 1 remember votir statement very clearly. " "And 1 added that my ormolu clock stopped dead still , and that a $100 mirror in my parlor was cracked aeioss. " "Yeo , you did. " "Well , sir , 1 hnveeomo up to tell you that 1 li\ ( ! in a rented house ami have none of thu articles mentioned. I bum kerosene in two old lamps In plneo of glass chandeliers. If Patrick Henry busts were selling for a dime apiccu 1 couldn't buy one , and the only ormolu clock L have came from the dollar store. The $100 mirror was all in my eve. " "A'hat on eaith possessed jou to toll such a story ? " ' Well , you wore all bragging about the earthquake and how your manes danced around and your silverware rattled and your $51)0a ) es full down , and I fell that I must lie. or he degraded In your estima tion. 1 deoplA regret my weakness , and hi've come to beg your forgiveness.11 "I'll forgive you. " "Thinks ! After this , if a oycloiio oc curs , or wo ha\o a Hood or earthquake , lie careful about thu .statements yon make In a crowd. Yon don't know to whatyoii may drive innocent mem. " I lo wont away with his hat in his hand , and tlio other fell into si deep roveriu and laded to hear thu knock of tlio man who wauled a quarter to help him roach Sandnsky and his dying wito. J. Krustdorf has runted the Pha'nix saloon tind restaurant ami will hereafter conduct the business. Ho will be pre pared lo furnish meals in lirst-class sty'.u ' and on slioit notice. Dr. A. P. Huncliclt has taken no > ses- ion of bin. new house , No. lil ! ) Fourth street , wliro his many friends and pa tients will lind him in the future. He will rota- ! his otllce as before over No. I a Pearl street. MURDER ! ! Diphtheria Hnmilii nmklnif its animiil vl ttn- tlon. ToiiicnrtMrinlorDU. THOS. .IIWIIUIS' HKMI-DV lor Hint latal tni'liiljhus duinoii- Klruled the lact t'nit ' It lulnilililoiM u m-o\cnt- lie mill CMIO. ft'you permit jour clillilrento die with diphtheria. "Thuir blood 1 o upon your liei'rt. " Tor iilo only nt tlio iillluv. No. i.'l South Hh mroctCouncil Hlulls , In. , or tunt l > i exiii-oss on it-cv'ptof ' ptluii. $2. IVoin tinrounull lllulls Dnily Herald : Mri K. M ( luninl , uifo ol Knplnoer Ooranl , ol tlio t'nloii 1'iieillu. this city , IIBJ l.t'i'ii ' n ificat Milluierfor ninny years with what was > up- piiboil lo hocn'iuer ofthe tlnoiit. \\nssoliiid Hint i-lio winth.calL'iH'il with fta-vntlin. Her tit nor.il litultli wus completely broken down , ybo rouhl only swnl'ow liquid Itioil. iinil ovuu that licrstoniiicli could nor iliurst or iisslmllatc. I'h.xslclanx of Council ( Hulls mid Omaha ntti'iidud her lor tlirio years and isnva no lellel' . Ilr. .leircrls.ol" till" city , was culled. In lour wc'okt'uii'heuiirtvl ; ' her tluoat , and com pletely lo-tored hur treneiMl hoalth. Had Mrs. ( Jcniid not obtained iclil soon slio would have died Irom bloi d poNon , the samu condition tliat dustioycd the Illoo ! ( leu. Utnnt. I'roinihef'ouncll Itlutrs Dally Clobo : M. A. Mc'I'iku , o lltor of the Caml rliiKben ( - Innir. Pa i I'l-eonum , has boon ihu pcison.d friend or tlic editor of tlio Qloho fornioro than twrntvyoiiB , and is known wliurovur lie 1 Kuo w.i as ono of the bust moil 11i IK. Hr-1-iiiNo mi Inthiuitu frlunil of .Mr. Hark of the Non- piu-oil. Ho lias boon uu'o tinatuin tlio 1 act that his family wan i-nvnireil with diphtheria , mid itrally dStrepBcd. Jlr. Clark Imvltiir hei-.id ol hlscalumlty ont him toino of Dr. Jutrcrls * Ilihtlicii-iii ) | Cure , II was nol > at once , and the ll\osof the jc.'ti fhi.s cldldicn savod. Letters from Sir. Mpiiki Hro iiiiboii'-ded | J'.Cir X- Iires3l.jn9or _ gfaUflinfl TDr nniiTiipr seine means ornvcrllni tnoloss of bis whole rioiip of llttlo and Iturtor onus 1'ivoof Mr. Mcl'lko'selillilrcn out of ehj'it died fi-om dljilittiorlii before ho hud nn opportunity of usiiiB lr. ) Jo'forls' ' remedy. HVSI'Kl'SfA 1 DVSI'KI'i I \ ! Dj'spoiillo , why livoln niNcry and dlo in dls. pair with cancer of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas Jolforls cures every CIIHO ol Indl ostlon ami constipation In n very short time. Host of rol- crcnccs ( fivon. Hyspopsia is the outi'-o of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. J'riuo W tor two weeks treatment. Dr. .lefferls' diphtheria nioillulno Is Infalllliio for nil Kinds of tore throats. Indlspenslblo in putrid sere tin oat , in inaligniitu gcariet lotor , chiinKiiiKitln4ShouiBtntlio < lmploforni. Infal lible euro for all iullaiiimatiirv , ulccratlvo , put rid , enncerous ulcor.ilion of tlio womb and nil camril'nl conditions. I'nll prlntel Instructions how toiso tlio medi cines f-ynl with them. No iloi'tor fotiulied. HI.IclTcris' i iiiollo can only be obtained nt hJBonicc. No - . ' ) soiilli KlKhtn Fticot , Council fllutls , Iowa , or gout D } ' OApieas on iccelpt of price. MT. SCHITBZ , Justice of the Peace Olllco ovcrAiiic'rlcius Kinross Company. MONEY TO LOAN-At lowest rates , Real estate handled , In surance written and all kinds of bonds bought by F , J , Day No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Established 1881 , In Ilioclty uun boobtiilnoil by imtronl/.liii ; tlio 604 llroiuliruyv | feCouncil 1 llluffs iHPQ GEO , H' . tiCIIIXnELK , rrop , None but oxporlencoi ) hands cinployrd. Out town oulere by mull or ozpruis soliuiloil , uml City till Steam Laundry 21EMER 0 SEAltiailT , No. 81 N. Mnln Street , Council Bluffx. Flttfet work anil lowest prices for flue work * All collars anil ctijj'n re turned In collar anil cuff boxes iwtliout extra citarj/e , which guar antees work In same condition as It leaves us. Out of town orders re ceive natne3attentlon and at same rates as city worlt , DR. F. P. MURPHY , LATE OF ST , LOUIS. Of/ice No. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs. to li a. ra. (9 ( Up. m. 7 to fe p. to. Ruom No. 0. , NO , 401 BROADWAY , CO-L735TOXZJ BIlitrFr'S , ID , A re opening new ami beftjktlful tlcsijjng CARPETS , Moqnctte , Hotly JJr assets , Tapcst i ' y lirtisse Is , y Jnyravis * Hay Carpets , Etc. Mattings For nfflcps , hotels , lodfro VOOIIIH , Call for prices nt Jliirkuess Uros , ' , 4'J1 ' llroadwny DRESS GOODS Arc now arrivini ; nml It atnnk. Tri cots , FIuimelH , Caslimerw. etc. Ex cellent for traveling mill ( nil service. lllnck Silks nml hi tlic new colors. Qiuillly the licat anil priws the lowest for good poods. Ijinlies Tisliiiiff reliu- lilr-.tfooils will call on Haikness JJros. ' , No.101 JJioiulvny. . Coiinel HlniTs. A few more of tliose hisle Threat ! IIoso left at SSo. , in lilaukiuiii in colors , at lliu-knesH Uroa. . No. in liroadway. OIlT CLOTHS In many new imtteriH ind a Ktock to select from. Uuoi .Mats , , Curtains , Ciiriain 1'oles. rtc. , at MurR- IIOHS Itrnthers , No. 4ilt ) Uroadway , Council Illiill's. . _ _ _ P. O. MILLER , A/o. 13 Pearl St. , Coincil Bluffs. MANUFAOTUIfEIl. . ' OJ. . PAINTS. llouso.Slirn anil Decoriiftvoif'ulntor. 1'npler Mnelio Wall Orniiiiiont8. , , None lint beet liiinUs niploi'j l nml ' -i .s us low IIH others. ' ' OmaiiaDentalAssociation Or HAU6HAWOUT , , Manager , Nos. 1510-1,721 Douglas st , Omaha and No 231 Uroadway. Council Binds. I'lilnloss Ipntl > try. No liumbiiul On ? , VltnlUcd Air , Ktlicrnml Cliorofrrm. wlili tlielri ltkciilnicir ct avoided by the munt wonderful minctlliotlc , iiurlfy- ITIK the blool nnd bul dn ! up the tissue * . Oniiiha Denltil Association , Solo Prop'rs. Gold Crown i , ( iold 1'lnto nnd CoutlnuoiiH Cum Tcotli , u upcclulty. Best teeth K ; fuuiu'r price J13 per set. JAC03 SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , COTTOSTCIIj BIjTJiniPS Practices in Iho Stitto nml Federal courts Hooms 7 and 8 Slmjjart IJlo-ik. Horses and Mules For nil purposes. liO'iglil nnd sold , nt totall uuO In loin , l.uigo ( | iiiinllttos lo Folccl from gcvcrnl pain , of llnoUilvois , sliiKlooriloulilo. MASON WISE , Council Hinds. .RoiirnaU , C'oiinly and Hank Work ol ° nIIKiiiil , * aHpcc- ially. ' Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOREHOUSE ft CO. Itoom 1 Kvorct iilock , Council lilufl's , Stnntluril Papers Used , AlLtitylos of bind ing in Muyn/.incs jirnl BLANK BOOKS. KIJFUHENCCS : 0. n.Nntional l.nk , M , K. Binlth k Co. , CllUons' Ilnnk , le ) io , Wolls& Co. , * lrst NHllonul Hunk , C II. Infiuiiince Co. , mo or & I'usey.UunUcrs.C. II , tiavlnua Hank. R. L. WILLIAMS , 18 N. Main St. , Council Bin IPs , la. , and 20'J 8.15th St. , Itoom 10 , Onmlm , Neb. Manufncturor's Agent for the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awuiiifirs. Roofliifir Slate , Man- telH , Plate and Window ( llass , Show- Casea. Elevators ( hand and hy draulic , ) &c. xW fUV. A Vulck , IVrmanetrt . Cure fur Ixiht JUnhooO. . IleUllly , Her. MEN iiiMLnvaVn/u. Koaiuck rjr. In- lUlilt * Troof- Dock Mnt taitutD.W.livifyi- BARGAINS ! BARGAIN On December : t tat , ) > i-o.rlino , tlu > iHirtnctwtilpof Orcntt. Fi-curli tP Tre\i- \ noi ; kiioit'H UK the Council Wu/f'it Carpet Co.wi > liv # by lt > ntt < ifton , mid on tliul tl ti' ilivrc will be A CHANGE OF FIRM To [ H't rcaily foi < tliin cJiaiiyc wen/fa * out' entire stock of CARPETS , CURTAINS , OIL CLOTHS , . MATTINGS , BUGS , WINDOW SHADES , DRAPERIES or .ILI , jj.DNtxi ) ornmt HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT rJUCKS THAT II'ILL SKLL THK3L Citizens nf Council Iltiianil I'trlnlty ii'lll jinil U to tliclr hitcrcfta to catl ami ( .raintnc inti'i < H > tlf > anil prlcm. Tliltt IK the //i-.sf / ou > rM//i/ / < / / ftvrojlcmllii this cltif to obtain tlic above yoodti from /'nil , ft'cult stock , at tlicoi > eniiiof { a Inintiu'ss season , Country niercliantH a > lll flntl inatijt bargain * bi calling cat'ty. MAIL OliDKltX VILLKD J'JtOHII'TLr AXD CAItKF COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET Tiic World's ravoriU' , that took the Ci ( > LI > IES : > AL over nil rori'iptj mill Rnnichllc < > ingcr Ales at the > c\v Orleans K\iio < .ilioii. A most delicrlitful beverage in eitlicr hot or cold wmithor. Hottletl direc at the springs in Wankuslitt , Wis. , and made of the iliiest freshly imported Jamaica ( Jiiiper Root , the .juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian Mineral Spring Water and Loaf Sugar. Eminent medical authority has pronounced it "tlic most perfect example of an aromatic Non-Alcoholic stomach stimulant , while as a beverage it is simply delicious. " The Ideal Arcadian Lemon Fectar , Miulo from tlio puic. ' , ( .pnrkllnq ; Arciullnn \ ; liter , eonibliipcl with I-'rult .lnlcp , I'm It Acids imtl .Sug-iir. Coniplctuin Itsoll. Tor lumlly use. picnici'tu. . Kpirvshlnir iinil highly beuclldul : Kxcollcnt lor the sick loom. Kor silu ; In Council nitilfs by II. T. Palmer , A. M. Itaardsley , Joe Ih'iussbacli , Ed. Diuiiels , II. A. liinl ? : , J. AV. Kleeb , C. Uoe.tkwi , Taylor & Cilef. ; I ) . ( ! . Morgan & Co. . S. T. MeAtec , Louie. > fc Metcr , Tibbits it Wani F.V. . Spetmuii , John Sliort & Son. $2.50 Per Doz. or 25c Per Bottle. WHOLESALE AGENTS : WIRT & DUQUETTEL KIRSCHT & CO , , coinsroiL BLUFFS , H. T. ClnrkcDnigCo. , ftei > -HNbe roeijcl C .8 Jltiajm , iv ! ; ! * atil < s fancy grocers , Oinalia. mxiaptya VV - Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Litllo Giant trucks , liest in the world. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StrectCouml Bluffs. 3BOSTOH TEA COMPANY ttVa f- ' "ft" VAiTI .2. JUtfl lra. " M/ \xfl JliSJL , .CaJ.\i JU /ooooa MOUK CUSTOM/MS. s , G-BAND EXOUBSiON THIS WEEK ! Farniliiff lands In Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , rai from ? 1.52u to 113 nor aero. Sdiool and state laiuls in Minnesota on 153 years tjino o per cent interest. Land buyers tare Tree. Information , etc. , { riven by 1' . ? . Lanstrup , No. 533 Broadway , Council UIulFs , Iowa. Reduction in Prices , IN China tlassware Etc. , , , AtV. . S. Iloinor & Co's , No. 83 Main st. Council lilutl's , . BICE , M. D. , Or ether Tumors ieiiiovb'1 ' wltlio.l , | 10 i-0 , , , | | orilru Over tliirtv yours' iirnutlcnl cxpi No. U roiul.St , . Council Illulli. Coneultutlon fice. & PTJSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL ULUl-'FS , IA. Established 183 _ F. W. SPETMM&BRO NO. 501) A : 511 MAIM ST. Daily receipts of new Cans , Clothing , nnd a full Hue of Dry Goods , nil of thu latest styles. Call and * , yet prices before purchasing else w SPECIAL NOTICES. JiTOTICE. Spoulnl advortlsoinnr'.s , fcuvli us IoM , Foun To f/nan , V'or SnU , To Itontnnts , Honrillnir , etc. , will lioliifoi-tcd In this column ut tbu low ralonlTRNCKNTa VEH UM5 for the flrsi liner tloniiml tlvorontsl'orl.lnulorunuli bubiu'iu''iit in-orlloi. : J.o.ivo uilvfrllsonicnts nt our otllco No , K I'ual street , noir llroulwiiy , Counoll WANTS. ANTlin Kxperlnnced Ji-vvnodt clorl. nt _ No , 1" , I'cnrl fct. , Council illnirs. H7.V1 VfN1'I'H ) Slinntion byn younir nmn vlo VT inilui > tunJs tuu euro cf liori-i'H nn > ! am inllic. Also run run hot nlr or stomn Cuin < u : < 'K. I'nn irlTo yood laroioncua. Address II , Kru j Council lilull . IOHHAI.K -OrTrR'oAtioi-n ! fann. 1 seres undni-iilow O urrca pnMniolO ticrcj liay uiotind , good IIOIIBII nnd Imrn. Will f 'l ' or trade tor meroliiindlso. Ad ifrt I' . U. \ - < iilHI , Council ill utfe , lovvn. OH SAT. E bld iiaiiors. in quNtitille 8 1 o At lloo ofllca No. 12 fotui . ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUNCIL JlLUFFS , IOWA , An ciccllont educational InHltutloii , fnrnlili d with nil the modern linptorcmpntg , con. ucted by thoSlKTHltS OfCIIAHlTV.IJ. V. M lror Urra of tlru moptbs , $75. Tormsbt'eln llrst Monday In Scptrrober anJ Din MundRy In I-'cbrunry , Ko ( viituloirncs nd- i i SlSTint bUI'RItlOlt : l.l'rucl AtaOtujj' , CouncilUlullt , WHOLESALE AND JOBBING EZOTTSES OS- COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEKUE , WELLS & CO. , WUoloinle Alrlcultnral Implements , _ Cm rl gps.Kto _ . jto. : Council IlliiITs. Town. KKYSTONK "MANrFACTt'KINU Col Mnko the Urlaltinf and Ooinpletn Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill < S Press , COHN S1IKI.1.UI18 ANI ) VHRD rrTTlHW , f Nos. IWI.ISW , ICft' ) nml J&J7 ? outh Mixln Street , _ _ _ Council llitilTs low * . DAVID IIUADLKY & CO. , Muniifu n I Job horn ot a0rlcultural Implements , Wagons , Bugles , , nnd nil kin1 * of J irin Mnohlnorr. 1100 to 1119 South Mnln Street , Co u neil Ulurft lown. _ _ _ r.O. ( ii.cmnN. T. H.notjnus , ( iKo.r. WnumT. l'ics..Vrri-n . V.-l'ros .VMnii. SoixACounBtL Council Bluffs Handle Factory , Oiiror | ornt < xU Manufftctnrcrsof Axlo. IMck , SJodjf * and SraMl Ilniiilles , of pTi-ry 4lo ! > of4iM | a. CAltt'KTS. COUNCIL HI.UFFS CAKl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , CurUln Flxturo , tTpholstcry OooJi. Ktc. No. 405 Hron.lwny CoUiieH Illuffs , lo'Vft. CIOAltS , 7'OJUfVYJ. B'/T. l'KKEHY' ( ) - MOORE , Wholofnlo .lolilioi-s In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Noe. SSMnlii nnU CT 1'o.xrl Sis. Council Uluffi , Io\TM. SNYOEK & LEA51AN , WlioU-snln Pruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No Hl'oirl . t , C < iniicit HlulTs. 11AULE , HAAS to CO. . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Rmulrioi. lite. No. 2 Main St , nnd No. 21 IViirl St. , Council Illulla. i urn- . O. W. 1UJTTS , Wholesale California. Fraits a Specialty General Commission. No. 01 ! Council niulM. Wlll'J1 .t UUCiUEl'TE , Whok'sulo" Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 IVail St. , Coum-ll Illiiirs. L. KIKSCI1T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Grocorlos , Also Wholesale l.tiimr | HvalPis. No. < 10 llioml- way , Council lllntT-i HECKMAN , STKOIIUKILN * CO. , Jlnnu'actiircrs of nnd Wholi'-.ilu Do ilorj In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Main St. . Council UluTi , lown. JUTS , CAPS. L'7'C. METCALF UHOTIIEHS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps aad Gloaj. Nos. . ' 113 nml < " IlinnilH'iiv. Council Ill'itfj. KEELINE & FELT , Wholc < ulo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardv/ara / , Anil Wood Stock. Council IlluIN , town. ItlDKS A.JUOl. \ \ . . 1) . H. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sals of Hides , TallowWool , 1'cltP , Rrea < sonn < l I'ura Council IllulfD luu'a. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolcwtlo Donlors In Illuminating & Lubrlcitlaj 01U GanlU ) ESTO. , E3TO. R.Tlicodorc , Aircnt , Council lllulffl. Iowa. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , * iullrld ) o MutciliU SicclallI | , Wholosiiln Luru- bor ot all Kinds. OIHco No. 1IW > Inla Council lllnlfrt. iflKBS AKO MQUOItS. JOHN LINDEH , Wholosulo Imported and Domestic WInas & Liquors. for St. fiotilian > ' 9 Herb llltti'r.i. No. U M.ilnSt. Council lilull-i. KCIIXEIDEIl & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JVo < m .Uill/i St. . Council IKuffi. lixthAnnual -Q1VUN IIV A,185UHIGHTSOFUBOR , „ , , , -AT- MASONIC HALL , WEDNESDAY , SEPT. 15. Tickets lulnilttlnu gcnilorann nirl ladles fl.OO. Star Sale Stables and Mute U , UHOAUU'AY. COUNCIL 1JLUKFS , Opposite Uuuiiiiy I.'orot. ' Horse * aid Miiloj Kept consticitlr en lum-o rnreiilunt reuill or ( nrnrltisUii. Onlurs iirom'dlr I'.lleil by contract on Elicit oot'ctu ' Block sold on coiniules-idii. flHI.U 'J 1 It Ac 1 OJ BV. I'roprlcU ra. ( It 11'.in Nn. IN. i.iu. l > ol 1\IV1. f-Al.r. S'i'AlU.ns , loinor I M' . I'M ) < tll tllCI't. Creston House , The only liotol ( nro-.uicll UiuiTs btnln Esoa/p © lni | > rovcni-jnt S'.y ' Main t. t.110J1N ,